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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 245 KB, 720x344, 1395086398561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7435283 No.7435283 [Reply] [Original]

So who all is entering? Its crazy to see how fast they are pushing this out. Not giving much time for people to submit are they?

Think the prizes are worth it? If so which one would you pick?

Excited to see hundreds of Elizabeth and Booker?

You upset about the rules for only one person in the photo? I bet all those twins are bitching as we speak

>>contest can be found on their facebook page
>>also Bioshock general

>> No.7435443
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>> No.7435445
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>> No.7435449
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>> No.7435461
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>> No.7435460

I find it amusing that even though they have kinda closed the studio they are still doing shit like this.

Can't wait to see the baw fest that comes of this. I hope its as hilarious as the Borderlands 2 Lilith search where people kept crying that they should win because they are actual 'fans'. Because a huge triple A title couldnt possibly have a large fan base.

>> No.7435465

Yeah I'm just glad that they are only posting the top 20 for people to vote for. Weeds out the really shitty cosplays and anyone who would win while having a bad cosplay just because of the sheer number of fb friends they have.

I'm planning on entering but I'm waiting for my photographer to send me some more images that I can pick from.

>> No.7435464
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>> No.7435466
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>> No.7435471
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yeah agreed. So happy we wont have to weed through the billion Liz and Booker cosplays. Also glad there wont be voting for all of them. Makes it a little more fair so as you said the one with the most 'friends' wont win.

>> No.7435472

Dear Bioshock cosplayers,
Age and weather your costumes. I know its hard to because you work hard on them but >>7435449 would have looked 100 times better if all the Bid Daddies and Sister look worn.

>> No.7435476
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>> No.7435479
File: 750 KB, 350x197, 1395092280675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. Its so disappointing to see these amazing costumes that clearly you spent a lot of time on but they look shiny and new which is the opposite of the whole concept of this setting

>> No.7435480

Plus the fact that the voting is randomized each time you open the voting app each time is nice too. I mean I'm sure that like 90% of the entries they get will be Bookers and Elizabeths but still I'm sure that the top 20 they pick will have some variety. All in all it should be interesting to see who gets picked. It would be nice though if people could put up descriptions of the outfit and if they made it. I would personally much rather vote for someone who made it themselves than just had their friend make it or if they commissioned it.

>> No.7435481
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>> No.7435487

Eck whenever I see that picture it makes me cringe slightly. The Elizabeth's hair should curve in like an actual bob haircut and the pendant on the choker it way too big and bulky.
(also I always cringe whenever I see bookers and elizabeths that look close in age because I know that 4/5 the two of them are in a relationship and just NOPE)

>> No.7435490
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>> No.7435494
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>> No.7435497
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>> No.7435498
File: 90 KB, 640x482, bookercosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope a sexy Booker ends up in the top 20. I need that drama in my life.

>> No.7435503
File: 36 KB, 398x398, bioherpinfiderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be so hilarious to hear all the butthurt from everyone. I hope this happens as well I need some new drama in my life and this could be gold

>> No.7435504

There's gonna be drama no matter what but that would be hilarious to see.

>wahhh I can't believe they picked THAT Elizabeth!!!!!1! My kona cotton monstrosity with no petticoat or lace is soooooo MUCH BETTERRRRRRR.

>> No.7435506
File: 64 KB, 500x747, 1395092966977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7435510

Booker on the right pants are undone. Girl your just making it too easy.

>> No.7435517

nah it's totally for "mobility"

>> No.7435525


I'll only accept this if we have a sexy Comstock as well.

>> No.7435530

I wish this wasn't through Facebook. Am I the only cosplaying adult who has professional contacts on Facebook and doesn't cross professional and fandom streams?

>> No.7435532

And opening a separate account is out of the question because...?


>> No.7435539

yeah I wish it wasn't as well. I didn't have one before this contest but I really wanted to enter so I bit the bullet and got one for this

>> No.7435604
File: 37 KB, 436x541, 1395095709951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435612

Making a new Facebook account to send a single photo is a hassle. I may do it, but I simply wish they would have taken submissions via email or their website instead of through the least anonymous site on the internet. Many cosplayers prefer to use an alias rather than their legal name.

>> No.7435622

Well, her cleavage certainly puts all others to shame.

>> No.7435780

>. Also glad there wont be voting for all of them. Makes it a little more fair so as you said the one with the most 'friends' wont win.


I'm confused how does this format stop people with the larger fanbases from winning?

>> No.7435814

Yeah and that's about it. Which is really funny considering that Elizabeth is definitely not that well endowed.

>> No.7435817
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>> No.7435828
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>> No.7435829
File: 263 KB, 1619x2200, 1395102501041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one enters as a SS2 character
>gonna go join the biomass.jpg

>> No.7435888

there are 3 winners 2 chosen by staff and one by voting.

>> No.7435896

nice tits but that costume is one of the worst I have seen. inaccurate wig, corset, jacket, no necklace. Only thing good is the prop and she just bought the replica. I hope people like this don't even bother entering

>> No.7435974

It's inaccurate, but at least she's wearing a real corset. Elizabeth costumes with flimsy plastic boned lingerie corsets or wonky homemade tube tops with corset lacing look so off.

Irrational has always been pro-cosplayer so I doubt they mind getting a bunch of submissions that aren't pro quality.

>> No.7435998

Eh I guess that's true, I have seen a lot of Elizabeth "corsets" made out of twill and bias tape.

It's just that there are so many other details that she is missing too like the grey top stitching and the lace at the top instead of that black pleated satin trim. Sadly there are many Elizabeths that have one good aspect to them but fall short in other parts.

>> No.7436056

Yeah, I'm not sure why she used black pleated trim when it isn't any easier than using white ruffled lace. Trimming the wig would be easy, too, and just doing those two things would really improve the overall effect and help compensate for the fact that the jacket is off. Making it in velvet really helps the look, too, though it's not an easy fabric to work with as a beginner.

>> No.7436069

It really would have helped a lot. It's hard picking velvet for cosplay especially blue. I find that most velvets photograph strangely. One of my friends used a blue microsuede instead so that it would photograph well and have the same sort of look as velvet.

>> No.7439692

what's the update on this? who won?

>> No.7439696

This thread was posted two days ago. Submissions don't even close until today.

>> No.7439732

what's with the tiny ass image size? Is this a fucking thumbnail?

>> No.7439741

Every time I see that monstrosity of a wig I want to punch her in the face. As if that $8 ebay corset wasn't fucking bad enough.

>> No.7439751

Who knows. Maybe they uploaded it from their phone or something. But I don't see why that would affect the image size.

>> No.7439768
File: 139 KB, 624x388, plasticshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a real corset. It is plastic boned shit from Ebay. I know, I have the same one. I would never use it for my Elizabeth cosplay, though.


>> No.7439782

Oh! This is some YouTuber. I forget her name but she doesn't do 'cosplay'-cosplay. It's just a for fun thing for her.

>> No.7439805

>as if that has stopped cgl from picking on shitty cosplay before.

>> No.7439828

Why can't fem Booker's have short hair?

>> No.7439830

Anon. If I was anywhere near that level I would.

>> No.7443560

>mummy what is bioshock
>lol shut the fuk up u lil bitch

>> No.7443582

That describes how a majority of cosplayers approach cosplay.

>> No.7444194

So now that the voting is open which one do you like the best? There's a few that I look at and go "Really? How the hell did that get into the top 20?" I guess that means that a lot of the entries were really shitty then.

>> No.7444214

that inaccurate bandage color. uggh

>> No.7444215

why do ugly whores think showing mid-riff is 'sexy ___ cosplay' ? no, it' looks lazy and tackey.

>> No.7444220

because people think feminine and short hair dont go together, but they're wrong. Also same people who genderbend a character by just adding 'long hair + skirt desu"

>> No.7444222
File: 51 KB, 480x720, 1395442000707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to break it to you anon, this was in the top 20 and they still got the wrong color.

>> No.7444223

Have they even played the game?

>> No.7444224
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1280, Non-%22sexy%22 fembooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got half of our wish, there was a fembooker but unfortunately it wasn't ~sexy~ fembooker.

>> No.7444226
File: 195 KB, 290x380, 314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking a bit much there, anon

>> No.7444228

Did I black out during the mission where there was snow?

>> No.7444290

I'm surprised a couple of the finalists, both in terms of quality as far as you can tell from a photo, and from the photos themselves. I expected more staged and edited shots since those are pretty popular with Bioshock cosplayers. Maybe they just didn't get that many entires. If you don't follow Irrational of FB there's probably a decent chance you didn't hear about this. I like a few of the entires (the Little Sister's makeup is too understated, but the outfit is good and nicely weathered, which you don't always see done well) but I'll end up voting for one of the Big Daddies. A good Big Daddy is more impressive than a good Elizabeth any day.

>> No.7444412

Why is it only for only 3 countries? It does not make sense.

>> No.7444419

They said there are rules and regulations for contests/prizes in the other countries that make it difficult to do the contest last minute without any delays.

>> No.7444435

Agreed. Most big daddy cosplayers are massively impressive too

>> No.7444446

show me a single one that isn't impressive.

>> No.7444452
File: 45 KB, 468x442, bigdaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7444461

I ended up voting for the Delta. I don't see how anyone could vote for something so plain as Elizabeth when there is a big daddy or big sister in the mix

but who else is reeeeally underwhelmed with these basic costumes...I though I would see more complicated ones in the top

>> No.7444464

the only snowy mission was inside the lighthouse with the glitching out Washington-headed insane asylum dudes and Boys of Silence...

>> No.7444537


>> No.7444541

Missed that sarcasm, huh? It's no big deal.

>> No.7444597
File: 32 KB, 717x536, 1395454699932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had pizza on the mind

>> No.7444613
File: 1.89 MB, 2000x3050, 1395455488779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah really there were so many Elizabeths and none of them were even well done. This one has a nice face but when you look at the actual costume I don't see how it made it into the top 20. The material is completely wrong (you can even see that she used the wrong side of a shitty satin because of the shiny hemmed side), the cuffs just look all bunched up and awkward, and there is no flow to that skirt at all, it just falls completely flat.

Very few Elizabeths that cosplay that variation of her even think to wear a bridal petticoat and it is just so sad.

>> No.7444655

I think that's satin bias binding anon. Not 'shitty satin' and 'bad hemming'

>> No.7444659

Diff anon but I'm kind of laughing that she did the basting details but didn't bother with the correct collar. And I've never used bias tape and left the whole side just free, you can see where it's just blowing in the breeze

>> No.7444672

I have seen Big Daddies that were legitimate efforts and not very good, I just didn't want to be a dick about it. A google search will turn up a few. Generally though it is so daunting that I think it scares off most people who don't have a fair bit of build experience. I've seen more impressive Big Daddies than sad ones.

>> No.7444679

Ah yes I see what you mean now. I hadn't zoomed in, I just saw the shine and assumed that was the case. Thanks for drawing my attention to this.

>> No.7444681

>friend gets into top 20
>I don't know why
I gave her a vote anyway

I don't cosplay so it's not jealousy

>> No.7444709
File: 45 KB, 600x337, 1395459700318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the costume with a light petticoat, but most bridal petticoats are too full. Her skirt is a flared cut but in the game it's rendered in way that falls fairly straight, so she's not wearing a full petticoat.

>> No.7444753

there are a few people that are there and many don't know why so dont worry

>> No.7444783

Am I doing something wrong or is there no way to see the top 20 after you cast a vote?

>> No.7444847

Wow, this is so sad from Irrational. I mean, the cosplays are CRAP (except for the Songbird and the Big Daddy). I remember that i read 'details will be the most important thing'. Well, no.

>> No.7444876

Holy photoshop batman! Who is she trying to kid? You can see the brush marks by her waist.

>> No.7445265

>date] [Auto] 10 new posts
>Delete Post [File Only] Password
And by her chest- the lace is completely cut off on the one side.

>> No.7445326
File: 58 KB, 1096x1090, shittyshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very sloppy job with the patch tool. Most noticeable in this area.

>> No.7445332
File: 261 KB, 496x737, bookercrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I can make some selfies, I still have my booker costume right here.

>> No.7445334
File: 36 KB, 640x480, anger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All entrants must be a resident of the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada (except Quebec). Also must be 17 years of age or older due to ESRB guidelines.

>> No.7445350

Is cosplay even fun anymore when we know everybody shoops?

>> No.7445403

Tilt my monitor back AAAAAND SHOOP MARKS. It's like a magic trick.

>> No.7445412

>Tilt my monitor back

i'd call you a disgusting tn panel user, but in this case it actually helps.

>> No.7445643

>Saying bandage color is in accurate.

It's accurate to the box art. They're not cosplaying in game Booker but promo image Booker.

It's no different from cosplayers going as early concept drawings of characters from art books.

>> No.7445729

Eh. I was on my laptop and shifted it.

>> No.7450168

So who else is disappointed in the choice of winners because I know that I am.

>> No.7450178
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Anna Ormeli choice

>> No.7450180
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Staff choice

>> No.7450184
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And most votes
Sorry if these don't show up properly, I'm doing this from my phone

>> No.7450191

Someone has a lot of friends.

>> No.7450232


I'm sorry not trying to say these are bad because they are decent cosplays...but how the fuck did these win? One is just a damn headshot not even showing a costume.

not to mention it's all from infinite they might as well of not even bothered including the other games

>> No.7450267

Yes, they're certainly not bad, but I'm boggled that these were considered the BEST submissions.

>> No.7450588
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 1374080193-44830200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Big Sister didn't win?