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7436549 No.7436549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I need to get this story off my cheast. Weeaboo horror story time?

>> No.7436605

>be me in high school, just broke up with abusive ex-girlfriend, sort of a loner, sort of weebish (a couple anime t-shirts and such)
>Walking down the hall when I hear "oh annonette! I love death note too!"
>It's Blue. Now Blue lived with her grandma who was extreamly religious, so that probablly helped contribute to her crazy. She had long braids, with too purple ones in the front. Her face... The only way to describe it was sort of horsey, with big crooked yellow teeth and bulging eyes. You could tell she wanted to dress in her "own unique style!!! XD" but because of her grandma she couldn't do much. She smelled awful, and had the worst laugh i've ever heard.
>But frankly, it was better then being alone, so we hung out.
>She had managed to have one other friend, a girl from the special ed department named Claire, who was actually quite awesome.
>She would also kick both of us super hard in the shin, and laugh thinking it was funny.
>the first time something seemed a little off was when she started acting possesive torwards me.
>she also came out as bisexual. Because I myself was an out lesbian, I told her it was ok.
>She flirted with every single girl in school, even Clara who was outwardly uncomfertable with it. She drew her own manga, detaling herself having a relationship with every single girl in our grade. (along with pictures of her cutting herself and, "becoming evil")
>I thought it was a bit strange but overlooked it.
>once she asked to borrow my corset, and wanting to be nice I said yes. The next day she told me her grandma had cut it up and boiled it to drown "the demons"
>she refused to pay me back for it
>a couple years later Clara said she had seen Blue wearing it around town.

>> No.7436630

>one day she gave me an expensive looking ring and told her I was the only thing keeping her going after her Aunt died, and told me she loved me.
>"sorry Blue, I don't feel the same"
>still insists i take the ring
>find out from Clara its real gold, and her Aunt said in her will she wanted Blue to have it.
>as much as I try and give it back she wont take it
>continues kicking me and Clara every day and flirting with every girl in school
>now another girl, I'll call Envy, was my ex girlfriend. The only real way to describe her was that she was a cunt, and took pleasure out of watching me in pain.
>in return I still loved her, because high schoolers are idiots.
>anyways, at this point she thinks me and Blue are going out and as much as I tell her that we're not she keeps berrating me with insults.
>heavily upset, I decide to skip class and when Blue refuses to leave, I let her stay because I'm not sure I want to be alone right now.
>I am now in a locked bathroom stall with Blue

>> No.7436636

here's a story from when I was a weeaboo
>be 15
>big weeaboo group in highschool
>they saw I had manga and took me in
>we worked on our own monthly manga magazine together, I had 3 stories, my friend had 2, and my other friend had 1
>we scanned our manga and passed it around to the other weebs of the school, shitty art was OK, what really mattered was the story
>the stories were allmost all self insert
>we called it "the straw hat club" and every friday, at school, we would wear cosplay, or shitty bought cosplay clothes together, and straw hats
>for some weird reason, I was given a panel of our manga magazine to write about "things to do and things disrespectful to do in Japan"
>the only disrespectful thing little weeb me found was "swinging on the prayer ropes in a japanese temple like tarzan" (because, Japan is exactly like it is in anime, right? anything goes! XD)
>teachers start discussing our behavior on the side
>they think that all the weebs in the school are actually in a cult, and wearing the straw hats is part of a ritual
>friend had an english gothic and lolita bible
>they thought this was our actual bible, for our cult, and when each of the weebs got called to the principal's office, they discussed it, and didn't believe us when we said it wasn't.
>bringing any form of manga, even drawing it in the school was banned (if they caught you drawing manga, they would take your notebook and paper away)
>they shredded all copies of the straw hat monthly that they could get their hands on
>permanently took, and discarded any and all manga

I wonder, how many others have gotten accused of being in a cult?

>> No.7436658

>at this point, I'm crying so hard I cant think straight
>blue comferts me a bit untill I feel better.
>I have to pee and ask her to leave, and she refuses.
>I really have to go so I beg her to turn around and she agrees.
>My pants arent up when she turns around
>she giggles and says that she wants to see.
>begains to fondle me in the bathroom
>at this point i'm too drained to do anything. I dont even remember it that well to be honest.
>During her gropeing little kids come in the restroom, and she stops gropeing me long enough to fucking yell at them like shes bloody mary.
>bitch thinks its funny
>teacher comes to see what the hell is going on
>mumble some half excuse about going to the bathroom,and just shrug when she asks why we're in the same stall.
>I'm miserable at that point and just want to go home
>Blue starts squealing about how she finally has a kawaii girlfriend and tells me we're going to move to japan together.
>when I break the news that we're not actually dateing her face darkens and she storms off to class

>> No.7436668

I'm reading it anon, keep going!

>> No.7436669

Please keep going

>> No.7436672
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That's actually pretty sad.

>> No.7436677
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>> No.7436678

>next day, Blue won't talk to me
>tells everybody I fucked and left her
>tells the teachers we fucked on school property, and apparently I "seduced her"
>not many people believe her because they know shes a bit crazy, thank god, but they still told my parents and made a whole huge deal out if something I really wanted to forget. Luckily I graduated school soon after.
>have to start taking anti-anxiaty pills a month later, but slowly get my life back together.
>one day, I get a messege on fb. It's Blue, and she seems to want to be friends again, but I aint having that shit.
>the last messege before I blocked her crazy ass?
I'll see you in Japan

>> No.7436696

I'll try and get some screenshots later of our last conversation, but thats all there is of the story. Last I heard Blue was in foster care after trying to run away, so god knows what happened to her.

>> No.7436791

Fuck off pedo.

>> No.7436807

u wot m8

>> No.7436821

Yay, my name is Baka Neko! :3

>posting Rustle lolis
>not a pedo

>> No.7436837

Mistress Mistress, amazing.

There's a chance they're a newfag and don't know who Rustle is and just are using it as a reaction image. I save my reaction pics as shit like pink hair girl all the time.

>> No.7436862
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>Baka Desu Angel of

>> No.7436934

Kawaii Pocky Baka Sushi.
That aside
>be me
>join anime club at HS because would like to meet friends with same interest.
Never join back.

>> No.7436955
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Oh, I didn't know. No need to have your jimmies Rustled.

>> No.7436962


Sailor Desu Desu.
Why not.

>> No.7436965

I got mistress desu desu

>> No.7436970

sugoi desu neko mon..

>> No.7436972

mistress mon sailor mon
>mfw i sound jamaican mon'

>> No.7436981

Poke domo angel of pantsu.
Well okay then.

I never really had a horror weeaboo encounter. Just this somewhat weeby guy in my class three years ago. Talked loudly about hentai in classrooms and shit like that.

He was still pretty chill though.

>> No.7437013

What's with all the people with 4 names?

>> No.7437026

we have more than one middle name or double last names?

>> No.7437040
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I got Pocky Neko Chu. Jesus.

>last year
>first really warm day of Spring
>finally get to wear adorable Liz Lisa summer dress that has been sitting in my closet since winter
>hair and accessories on point
>waiting for a few friends in Barnes and Noble
>browsing around
>pass by the mango section
>hit by a wall of sweat and cat piss
>see three rather large girls wearing those cheap, "sexy kimonos" sold on eBay for $5
>cheap lace umbrellas open indoors
>ratty sandals and converse
>about to turn around
>one of them lifts the hem of my dress
>"oh you're wearing a mini PEETICOOTO"
>lifts up her own dress
>in public
>"watashi mo!! kawaii ne?!"
>the dress is skin tight (on her) so the "petti" looks like a bunched up pillowcase
>catch a glimpse of her underwear
>a new horrible smell intensifies as she lifts and lowers her dress
>the other two are poking around at my handbag and hair
>one gets so close i can feel the heat radiating off her greasy face
>"how did you get your pigtails so fuwa-fuwa, tomodachi-chan?"
>her breath is rancid
>i can feel the bile in my throat
>i have to get out of here
>hear one of them as i'm running down the escalator
>"aww she's so moe, deshou?!"
>washed the dress as soon as i got home

Later that day after we left a restaurant, I saw them doing the Lucky Star dance at a park. I was so glad I already ate. But why do weebs have such a poor grasp on personal space and hygiene? I feel like they pull a PT and think sitting in a bath is all you need to be clean.

>> No.7437140

baka mistress mon mistress.
Can't say no to that double mistress!

>> No.7437152

My last name consists of two words.

>> No.7437156

I am sailor poke-chan
~~~~~~desu desu~~~~~~

>> No.7437158

my name is baka baka miss
does this mean i have a harem of tsunderes?

>> No.7437159

>pocky-neko angel of sailor


>> No.7437162

>not descending from a long line of incestuous European aristocracy
look at this pleb

>> No.7437169
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calm down homie

>> No.7437168
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>> No.7437174

Baka nightmare sailor the mangaka narutos wife sushi.
...I'm Swedish.

>> No.7437176

I read that as "Pocky Neko Chu Jesus" and laughed.

>> No.7437200

So, how do you get fuwa fuwa pigtails, anon?

>> No.7437209


Oh dear, thank god you got out of this situation before it got worse. ...

>> No.7437238
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Poke nightmare mistress.

Pic related, I googled it.

Me too, how come you have that many names?

>> No.7437248

Hi, fellow Swede-anon. my name is Pocky-chan Sailor Sailor! It actually kinda sounds like a moe series.

>> No.7437274

Neko Sailor Mistress

>> No.7437282

neko suchi chu? You can have it back I don't want it

>> No.7437284

naruto's wife pocky baka

>> No.7437286

Dark angel of miku the mangaka, jfc.
>kawaii ne?? ^_~

>> No.7437288

Pocky Neko Neko Miku Sailor Neko.

... uh. Ok, I guess I really do like cats.

>> No.7437291

Me too but that's alot of names haha

>> No.7437299

Dark Miss the Mangaka
I sound like a literal weeaboo

>> No.7437319
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>> No.7437329
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>that weird feel that I kinda like it

>> No.7437331

That sucks. My weeaboo name is BakaBakaBaka.

>> No.7437379

>Mistress Miku Dark
Man, I have one of the most normal names in here. I feel disappointed now.

>> No.7437396

Okay so here's my story.

>be me at age 22, two years ago
>work at used bookstore in small rural town
>boss knows I like manga and suggests I run a manga book club for the store
> sounds like a decent way to sell more manga so I agree
>first member to join (i'll call him Taco because lolsorandomxD) is this bisexual autistic 18 y/o who acts like he's 12, identifies as a brony, is a mens rights activist, speaks in memes, is always flirting with his 16 y/o female cousin, and he threw a fit when I (a girl) got my hair cut short.
>the guy fucking ordered me to grow my hair back out because it 'freaked him out'.
>bitch i'll dye my hair hot pink and superglue flowers to my head if I want to you can shut the fuck up
>instantly regret starting this club
>thank god I scared him away with paperwork (a story all its own)
>but the people who stayed aren't all that much better overall, mostly weebs + one full grown adult who's even older than me
>I'm 24 now this May will be the club's 2 year anniversary
>surprised I stayed with it this long
>might shut it down this month because all but two people there drive me batshit insane
>that or they say violent things that actually frighten me
>vows never to start a club again ever ever for forever

>> No.7437407

I guess I should mention that Taco is weeb to the max. Constantly asking "DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A CONTRACT WITH ME lol" and asking if he's "otaku enough yet". Help me

>> No.7437423

I didnt read guess it was just initials

>> No.7437454

miss chu-chu
>k-kawaii desu ne

>> No.7437464

My mum's Belgian French. Thug life and all.

>> No.7437483

neko naruto's wife desu domo. whatever.

>> No.7437485

> pocky mistress miku

>> No.7437491

are you me?

>> No.7437536

Could be worse, part of your name could be doubled.

I got Mistress Mistress Miku

>> No.7437546

Sailor Sushi Chu
I... I kinda like it.

>> No.7437679
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Miku Mistress Chu. Pls no.

>be at college a few years ago
>digital media course
>there's one weeby brony-type dude
>greasy matted mudslick hair, trenchcoat, fedora, Hellsing obsession
>group video project rolls around
>weeb is chosen to "act" in his group's project
>halfway through filming he calls the other guys in his group
>"hey guys we're gonna have a pretty obvious continuity error, I washed my hair last night"

>> No.7437684

I feel like I can exactly picture this guy. Tall and gangly, glasses, longish weeb hair, wears out of style jeans and black buttondown tshirts?

>> No.7437691
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>Pocky Pocky Mistress Poke Sailor

>> No.7437695


Nyah~? =^__^=

>> No.7437698

im scared to be described as these people because im tall, have the typical length guy's long hair, and thin.

i try to be different by showering once or twice a day and dressing well.

but fuck i still feel like those kinds of people are just too similar with how they get described.

>> No.7437705

About 5 foot 7 and kind of fat with super short hair and t-shirts, actually. I can't remember what he wears on his bottom half; I try not to make eye contact anyway and like hell I'll look at him more than what's needed.

He wears glasses, though.

>> No.7437710

I got Narato's Wife Baka Sailor.

>> No.7437720
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Not horror stories but instances that made me laugh:

>autistic kid in school whose handler constantly praised his art so he was super arrogant
>"anon the lines you helped me draw aren't perfectly straight, next time, let me do it" bitch
>only ever drew Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and the like
>You know the kind that's at that functioning level where they think they look cool running like Inuyasha with his arms back in gym class
>Wore a Naruto headband in middle school but abandoned it in highschool for huge Ben10 watch
>did the whole cartoon sound effects, overexaggerated motions, shounen anime sheepish headscratch thing
>be me wearing Hot Topic Fullmetal Alchemist shirt waiting in lunchline
>picture of Ed and All right on the chest
>Autist standing in front of me, oh boy
>he bends so his face is eyelevel with my boobs, staring
>I say nothing, he says nothing for a whole 30 seconds
>turns back around

>be me putting on Yui Hirasawa cosplay
>big weeb girl in hotel room I stupidly shared
>"Omg are you Tohru from Fruits Basket?"

>> No.7437726


disappointed that i didnt know any autistic weebs like that

should i be?

>> No.7437755

I rate it a positive experience but while an autist talking LOUDLY about Ghost Nappa from across the room where everyone can hear is hilarious, it's also cringey cuz everyone knows you like those chinese cartoons too

Bonus if you got one that loved to dance. This guy would get up in front of the whole cafeteria and break down in all his noodle-armed, cargo-pantsed glory.

>> No.7437757

haha, that sounds fantastic. i had autists, and weebs, but not weeb autists.

>> No.7437765

the mangaka baka dark

u wot m8

>> No.7437799

Desu Baka-chan
I know that there has to be at least one story where that was the name chosen for the weeb

>> No.7437801

Kawaii Dark.

Well then.

>> No.7437810
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>Miss Sushi
>tfw i used to make people call me sushi

I don't really have any horror stories but my best friend was weeby/chuuni

>carried around death note, wrote in it
>attempted to learn Japanese through songs
>told people she had scars on her back from where her wings got cut off
one memorable thing was a project we had to do in textiles (based around jap culture)
>"anon, I can draw mawnga!"
>"sweet can I see?"
>deviantart-tier first animu drawing
I offered her help on anatomy and everything but she just wouldnt listen
Last I heard she was a superwholock thing, I miss her a lot though.

>> No.7437832
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Neko the mangaka domo

>> No.7437834

These stories all make me laugh. Too bad I went to a tiny ass high school and hung out with the normalfags.

>> No.7437836

Konnichiwa, Sailor Desu Desu. I am Desu Desu Sailor.

>> No.7437837

Miku Desu Nightmare
sounds about right

>> No.7437851
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>high school
>become buddy with black weaboo
>he's actually fit
>unconditionnaly loves Bleach, watches it in class on his phone
>whenever we have to make an essay with free topic story, he just fucking wrote Bleach's
>knows kendo, has various japanese swords, have casual chats with teachers, hit easily when you talk shit
>occasionnaly cosplays Ezio
>girls all over him, but he only falls in love with ugly fatasses
What a man

>> No.7437855
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> Mon Mon Kawaii

>> No.7437865

>Kawaii Miss Baka Desu

...how flattering.

>> No.7437868
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I've got one that made me laugh, not really horror but it was cringey. Posted about it before, but w/e.

>high school anime club consisted of me and a group of my really close friends, all the same year group
>we were kinda weeby our first two years, but nothing OTT and we kept our power levels to ourselves within the group
>never really had any new members until our third year when douchechild shows up (I've completely forgotten his real name because that's what we always referred to him as)
>he's two years younger than the rest of us, chubby, white, obvious autist
>first thing he does is demand to watch Naruto
>oboy here we go.jpeg
>club supervisor asks us to be nice to him so we can't kick him out
>constantly complains about what we're watching, "Princess Princess is really gay and grooosssss", "Deadman Wonderland is too violent" etc
>just leave.jpeg
>most of time he'd sit in a corner drawing and muttering to himself

And here it comes

>one day I overhear him say "and this is muh Sawnic fan charactuh!"
>mfw the stereotypes are true

>> No.7437885

He sounds like a pretty cool dude, aside from falling for ugly fatasses... why?

>> No.7437906
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We were several guys in high school asking ourselves the same question. Eventually I just assumed it was some Oedipus complex, since his mother was constantly abroad and he was living with his grandmother
Just checked his FB and his profile picture is killing me

>> No.7437920

Just some guys' thing y'know?
Have a friend that's the same way; white dude with blue eyes plus a build that makes girls fall for him. But he'll go with the large ones and has gotten a bit of drama from rejecting what the rest of his friends consider hot.
He just loves them bbw women and we love him since he is the single best fucking wingman we could ever ask for.

>No contribution to thread
Only weaboo horror stories I have are smell-related. All the anime fans I've known during school kept that shit on lockdown unless surrounded by 100% friends or people with common interests.
But you always had that one dude who just didn't believe in showering. Or soap. Or toothpaste.

>> No.7437922
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>> No.7437946

why is it literally always sonic with those kinds of people

>> No.7437991


>> No.7437994

Pocky Mistress Chan. :C I do not know how to feel about how masterfully weeby it is.

>> No.7438014
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Holy fuck - was it some private, or religious school?
Closest that happened to me was that our middle school tried to ban wearing gothic / emo clothes and music, since it was such a "depressing, negative influence," but they never really had a way to enforce it.

>> No.7438023

oh fuck i made that picture. FUCK. HAHAH. i wanted to find out what mine was and
the "naruto's wife" part made me like wait... i remember this. i made this. fuck. glad some of you are all desuing over it.

you are the chosen one, don't you see?

>> No.7438021
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>Kawaii Neko Pantsu.

>> No.7438034

i actually like these ones

>> No.7438051
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Sailor The Mangaka Domo

Well okay.

>> No.7438086
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Sounds like an interesting person, at any rate.
His name Nick, by chance?

>> No.7438128

I hope you are not originally english speaking.

>> No.7438245

top kek

>> No.7438293

Angel of Kawaii, Naruto's wife~
I like it.
Naruto mai husbando :3

>> No.7438487

Not too bad or horrific, but I'll share nonetheless.

> be me, eighth grade
> weeby as hell, but all my friends were too so middle school was three years of cringey bliss
> beginning of the school year, new crop of sixth graders come in
> one of them is this scrawny autistic little kid. Let's call him "mouse"
> mouse would often cry unconsolably during class if his classwork was too difficult
> Was also into anime, but nothing more than generic mainstream ones that were shown on cartoon network and 4kids, like Naruto, Bakugan and the like
> As a result, mouse was absolutely enamored with my friends and I
> he had a particular fixation on me
> would follow me around during school dances, hoping to get a slow dance
> being the stuck-up middle schooler that I was, I avoided him at all costs, either by dancing with some guy friend or just flat out fleeing to the bathroom. Like hell I was letting this little fucking creep get his hands on me
> he even tried to drag me away from somebody that I was already dancing with
> on a number of occasions he would actually follow me to the goddamn bathroom, and I've caught him watching me from the door
> graduate middle school
> still kept hearing horror stories about mouse throughout freshman year, stuff like him looking up hentai on the school computers, creeping on different girls and other bullshit like that
> whatever, at least he was away from me

Really though his weebishness wasn't what made this whole thing so horrifying. It's been years since I've even heard anything about him and it still makes me cringe.

>> No.7438499


>posts on a board dedicated to adult women dressing up as little girls
>accusing others of pedophilia

Top kek

>> No.7438509


>> No.7438711

oh my fucking god

>> No.7438712
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Sailor Desu Desu and Desu Desu Sailor! Well met! I am Sailor Desu Sailor

>> No.7438718

it was a private school yes, in a religious area.
the school I went after that didn't give a fuck whether or not people brought ecchi to class.
and that one WAS a religious school

>> No.7438834

Not too weeaboo but you reminded me of this dude who bought crappy plastic handcuffs at a school outing to an arcade (one of those ticket arcades like ChuckECheese or something) and tried to handcuff us together. Thank god for hoodie sleeves, let me tell you that. Fucking booked it to the putt putt course and avoided him forever.

>> No.7438839

My name is Ulla Inka Hanson Benson Yanson Tallen Hallen Swadon Swanson

>> No.7438845

Sushi Pocky Pocky-mon.
Or Mistress Pocky Moon, depending on which birth certificate you're looking at.

>> No.7438853

sailor miku pantsu here!!! im a kawaii mango grill1!!! i like drawing anime and my dream is to got o GRORIOUS NIPPON DESU!!!11 =^___^=

>> No.7438862

I got Baka Baka Baka. Alright.

>> No.7438865

Sushi Dark!
Konichiwa desu be kawaii! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

>> No.7438894

it's a black guy thing. they love them big girls

>> No.7438906


>> No.7438914

I had a dude in my school's anime club take the chain belt off my damn Tripp pants and clip it to himself as a leash. Tried to get me to lead him around on it. Not the last time something similar happened, apparently I somehow give off dominatrix vibes.
>am actually just overgrown moe shit
>have made myself cry before because I thought about sad cats

>> No.7438935

Baka Sailor Desu...

>Have friend since Middle School.
>Guy rapidly degrades into huge weeb.
>Big dood, into older anime but also plays videya.
>Has a good job at the grocery store and a car that he could fix up for himself.
>proceeds to get into cutsy and horribly mainstream anime produced by 4 kids.
>Self proclaimed narutard
>horrid smells
>spends all his money on anime and videya.
>Family moves and can't take the car.
>All chances of him being independant or branching out are gone.
>I'm constantly called for rides into the next town at late hours.
>To this day there is no change and he's becoming a permanent man child.

>> No.7438942

Was it that commercial with the sad animals... or the one with the kids?
Those get me every time.

On topic:
My best friend once dated a guy who was into the same thing... they were dressed up at college for Halloween and told not to behave that way by administration... It was embarrassing to have to leave with them because I needed the ride.

>> No.7438976
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Good friends with a dude like this in high school. We'd play football sometimes and he'd always unveil a new move he came up with, complete with a shounen-esque battlecry as he unleashed it. It was pretty great.

>> No.7438984

Oh yeah, and he claimed to be possessed by several demons (like in Naruto). He was actually a good student and everything, so the teachers would play along and refer to him as whatever demon was in control at the time. We went to a Catholic school all boys school. God, I miss that guy.

>> No.7439009


>> No.7439014

Uhh... /cgl/? What should my Japanese name be if my middle name has a number in it...?

>> No.7439019

What kind of background are you from where your name has a damn number in it?
Also, what is your middle name?

>> No.7439076

My parents came from El Salvador.
My middle name is 3ri. I honestly wish I was joking.

>> No.7439086


>> No.7439090

How do you pronounce that?

>> No.7439101

No, 3ri, you are the animes.

>> No.7439105

Sailor nightmare sailor sailor....

>> No.7439107


>> No.7439108

Well, people call me threeree but the "3" was originally supposed to symbolize a "b". So I guess I'd be "Bri"

>> No.7439154

I snorted.

>> No.7439155

sailor sushi neko... wow i bet some 12 year old already has that claimed tho

>> No.7439164
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>> No.7439223

Pocky Miku Pantsu
I am pleased with this. I don't have many weeb stories, let alone horror ones, but here's my best one.

> Staffing at local con
> Had one weeb hovering around me for three days already (volunteer training, Day 0, and Day 1)
> Nothing threatening, just awkward
> Day 3 now
> Not feeling well in the morning
> Text con head that I won't be able to run my earliest-scheduled event, but will be there for the next
> Show up when I have nothing to do, chill in the main room
> Hover-creep sits near me and doesn't say anything, just stares
> Another weeb (we called him cape-weeb because he wore a cape) starts hovering behind me
> Cape-weeb starts monologuing to himself
> Text boyfriend to vent, I'm in weeb hell
> Boyfriend is at work, so can't respond
> Get a text from con head to go to the karaoke room
> Other staff member walks up and tells me to come to the front of the main room
> Thought I was in trouble for showing up late
> Meet with con head and other staff member
> "Are you okay, Pocky?"
> What.
> "I got your text."
> Holy shit I texted the con head on accident.
> "Oh I'm fine, it was just a shitty situation."
> "We thought you were in danger, we were ready to beat someone."

> mfw two 6ft+ black guys are ready to whoop some weeb ass for little 5ft tall white girl me
> mfw I have no face

>> No.7439246

Have to say, con friends are some of the most protective people I've ever met.

>> No.7439267

Pocky Desu Sushi.

>Be Sophomore
>Sitting in World History class one morning, someone comes in
>New girl, frizzy hair, poorly applied black lipstick, collar with bell, wearing all black
>Sits next to me as its the only available seat
>For some reason I talk to her during group work
>Won't say much, gives death stare, never talk to her again

Fast forward a few months later
>Turns out she thinks she's some kind of dog
>Wears cat ears and the same annoying bell collar
>Acquires equally weird super senior boyfriend that transferred to my school after failing his senior year
>She growls whenever someone looks at him
>Always see her arms covered in bite marks in class

Not soon after
>Don't see her in school anymore, I wonder why
>Cousin who has multiple classes with her tells me that a female student told her to stop growling and being generally weird
>Dog girl is expelled for biting the other students arm and breaking the skin/drawing blood etc and doing the dog head shakey thing while she clamped down on her

My school is pretty small, somehow we always got weird kids that were interested in being my friend. Had a weeb always give me his anime DVDs and Manga as gifts cause he thought I was super kawaii cause I wore bows in my hair. its been like 6 years and he still just gives people stuff to keep them around.

>> No.7439273
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>> No.7439295

Kawaii Neko Nightmare Poke Desu Miku ^_^

>> No.7439522

Neko Neko Chu reporting in.

This actually reminds me of the only dangerous weeb I've had the displeasure to meet. Let's call him Neko. It's a long story.

>Best friend needed a flatmate and Neko, who was a friend of an acquaintance, was looking for somewhere to live
>Flat is tiny, so much that there's only a very small room, a bathroom, and a kitchen/living room
>Neko says he doesn't mind sleeping in the living room
>I find him creepy and clingy from the very start but friend insists he's an alright guy and she needs the money
>He speaks in a falsely sweet tone, and is the typical lanky guy in dark clothes with long black hair
>Has a crossdressing fetish and says "nyaaa"
>No one understands why he'd settle for living in a living room when he gets a lot of money from his parents but friend wasn't going to complain
>The terror starts
>He is extremely lazy, doesn't do any housework despite always being holed up in the house, and keeps a lot of crap, so the whole house is always messy
>We begin to understand he'd rather not live alone so someone else can clean up after him
>He is very obviously interested in my friend but never actually makes a move aside from vague comments
>Also has a teenage girlfriend (he's in his mid-twenties) who is very emotionally dependent on him because of issues at home and an ED
>Seems fucked up but we never say anything because friend needs him to pay rent
>One day best friend and I go to her flat after hanging out
>Neko and girlfriend had an argument, he's stormed off the flat and left her there crying on the floor
>We sit next to her and try to calm her down
>Girl explains that she's going on a trip with the school but he doesn't want her to go
>Suddenly the bastard opens the door, literally hops over us to go get his wallet and leaves again
>Best friend panics because girl can't breathe

>> No.7439524

>Have nothing to help her get through it and spend a good while telling both that it's okay and even if it's super sucky it will pass
>Girl calms down after a while and we convince her to leave the flat so we don't run into him again
>Find a quiet bar so she can have a drink and talk
>Turns out Neko didn't want her to go on a trip because he was afraid she'd cheat on him (she had never done so and didn't want to either)
>We tell her she should go if she wants to, and it's his problem if he can't trust her
>Looks like she's okay when the fucking bastard starts calling her cellphone and demanding she comes back home or he'll leave her
>We tell her to ignore him because he just wants the attention
>He calls again and says he's going to harm himself if she doesn't go right now
>Girl panics because it's true that he's self-harmed before and runs back to the flat
>Best friend and I finish our drinks quietly because it's obvious this kind of thing has been going on for a long time and nothing we say can change it
>We completely despise him from that day on

There is more to this guy, if you are interested.

>> No.7439541

Oh sure, sounds interesting enough.

>> No.7439567

It's taking some time to type but I'll deliver.

>> No.7439579

I don't think they'd even have to fight him.

he'd ready some naruto weeb fighting a stance then fuck off to the next half a mile because that's all he can run

>> No.7439589


A few months later.

>Best friend has a new boyfriend that spends a lot of time in the flat because his home isn't exactly inviting
>Best friend is working full time 6 days a week and Neko sometimes goes to class, but is mostly at home
>Boyfriend feels guilty for spending so much time in the flat so he basically does all the chores best friend can't and Neko won't do
>Also brings Neko snacks every now and then so he won't complain
>He complains anyway when boyfriend isn't there and starts saying things like "when you two break up..."
>Obvious 100% jelly
>At this point none of us can stand him but put up with him for rent's sake
>One day he says his girlfriend broke up with him for no reason and she's a bitch
>A couple of months later we find out that girlfriend had gone to a psychiatric hospital to treat her depression
>She had told him that she didn't know how much time she would be there so it wasn't fair to make him wait for her and it was best to break up for now
>We want to cut his balls but still can't because rent
>They forced the girl to eat a lot in the hospital because she had been bulimic before, so she came back slightly chubby but still in good shape
>Bastard continuously tells her that she's fat and should lose weight
>Forget his balls, we want to hang him by his dick from the ceiling

>> No.7439593


Fast forward to some months later.

>Friends and I are preparing when he says he wants to cosplays someone from SAO
>Two weeks before con
>Our faces when we have no faces
>One of us recommends him a very fast and cheap seamstress she knows
>He does make a really nice wooden sword, I'll give him that
>Get cosplay from seamstress a week later, it's spot on
>He asks best friend for a wig
>She lends him a crappy one that was her ex's because she's sick of him
>"I know, sorry, Asian wigs are very small so they never fit. But it looks good."
>No it doesn't, but it was a small revenge

At the con.

>He sticks to us all the freaking time because girlfriend hasn't arrived yet
>He keeps complaining about her and saying he doesn't want her to come because he wants to keep looking at the pretty girls
>Insults people who wear the same cosplay as him
>Calls a group of gyarus whores
>Says people who buy their cosplays are scum, even though he had just done that
>Is incredibly obnoxious and trying to get my attention all the time, touching the wig I had spent the afternoon before curling
>I want to kill
>We're watching the cosplay contest and he won't stop distracting me
>"Anon-chan, Anon-chan! Look, even if I poke her she won't do anything, ahaha! Anon-chan, Anon--"
>Regrettably I only hit his hand

Some weeks later.

>Girlfriend actually leaves him for real and moves on to greener pastures
>He's at home with best friend and her boyfriend
>"Do you know have any friend that I could go out with?"
>Best friend doesn't hate anyone that much so she says she doesn't
>"And what about Anon-chan?"
>Boyfriend, who was actually in the small room, thinks he's heard wrong and goes back to his business
>Best friend does a double take
>"You know, Anon-chan. I think we could get along pretty well."
>"But you see, she broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago so..."

>> No.7439595
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Pocky Mon Pocky

>> No.7439601


Oh god, what a horrible human being. Glad his girlfriend got out of this toxic relationship!
Keep deliverin Anon-chan

>> No.7439606


My friend got him off my back saying I was more interested in fictional characters than real people, which is pretty much the truth. But I still avoided him like the plague. After this...

>Best friend and boyfriend move to a bigger flat with another couple and Neko tags along too
>My friend had to pack his stuff for him because they need to leave ASAP and he wasn't moving his ass
>In the new flat he's stuck in the small room because he's only one person
>Eventually he gets tired of it, packs up and leaves to Argentina with his mother (we are Europoor so it wasn't exactly a short trip)
>Next we hear of him, he went back with his mother because she had promised him nose surgery

And then, about half a year later...

>And he's escaped from a mental hospital
>Gets in a fight with a cab driver, jumps from a balcony fucking up his leg in the process and disappears
>Reappears at ex-girlfriend's house, we only know he locked himself up with her and threatened to kill her and then himself
>She refuses to talk about anything else that happened
>He suddenly hates best friend's guts
>We are all warned to stay away from him

And recently...

>Claims to be trans and is taking hormones
>Got boobs
>Changed his nickname for something else I can't remember
>Wants to be dicked by a male friend of mine
>But no homo, still only likes girls
>Wants to get dicked by female friend of mine, too
>Has met some of my friends recently and first thing he/she asked if they wanted to grab his/her boobs

THE END. I wish. I'm kind of dreading, kind of wanting to see what he'll do next.

>> No.7439616

We were all glad for her too. She was only 15 or 16 at the time, and she deserved so much better. She had all the common sense he lacked.

>> No.7439621

Well that escalated quickly.

>> No.7439658

I don't want to sound conceited, but I'm kind of a decent looking guy, no problem attracting girls, but goddamn I love me some bbw/chubby girls.

>> No.7439660 [DELETED] 

Didn't happen.

>> No.7439770

>Chu Pantsu Pocky Naruto's Wife
What the fuck

>> No.7439848

I don't care for them for a relationship but yeah other than that sure

>> No.7439873

>baka baka angel (of)
>baka baka desu

Does anyone else thing we should use this to name people for our horror stories?

>> No.7439872

Desu dark baka sailor
>join anime club because friends are and I figured it wouldn't be that bad
>leader-chan is a highschool senior, she's chubby, wears no make up, wire frame glasses, and baggy anime t shirts and jeans
>rori-chan is another senior who wears milanoo skirts and dresses over her regular clothes
>the only anime we watched was 3 episodes of zombie loan because the club leader kept 'forgetting' to download episodes
>everyone speaks in broken Japanese
>drawing my sub par animu one day
>leader-chan comes to see
>do and get weeb praise
>leader-chan keeps trying to get me to draw her RAITO
>don't you mean 'Light?'
>I have no face and so I end up getting out of there with my friends
There was also chubby autist josh and some guy with cat ears, but not much interesting other than Josh getting a crush me and insisting he walk me home which led to us getting lost for 2.5 hours

>> No.7439932


did this person by any chance refer to himself as "Jaxx".

>> No.7439933

Do you mean Jaxx as in Madhominem Jaxx?
I miss him.

>> No.7439981


Why do I feel like weebs are always emotionally abusive? I've got a few stories about a weeb I dated when I was like 14 that was the EXACT same way to me. Will dump if anyone wants.

>> No.7439990


I'm not sure who this is but this particular person used to tell people he was possessed by ghosts

I think he makes props now or something

>> No.7439992

Neko desu mon here!

>be me, senior year of high school
>douchebag ex dumps me and convinces the vast majority of friends to hate me
>End up befriending weeb in the grade below
>No matter how busy I am, weeb always forces me to watch anime with him during lunch
>He's generally immature and obnoxious (speaking in memes, etc.)
>He annoys all the people I dislike enough to make them stay away, so I tolerate him
>One day after school, I'm sitting on the grass stretching because I'm alone and I have nothing better to do
>Weeb comes over, asks what I'm doing
>I stand up, explain I'm a figure skater and I need to stay flexible
>Weeb then grabs my foot and pulls it over my head so that I'm basically standing there doing the splits
>"Wow anon you really are flexible"
>He's staring at my crotch
>It's beyond awkward
>luckily there was a fire alarm because some idiot exploded a microwave, so I managed to get away
>never wear yoga pants to school again and try to avoid weeb from that point on
>later, I'm hanging out with one of the few friends who don't hate me
>She and I haven't talked in a while, so we're trading jokes, generally having a good time
>I tell a joke about me being flat chested
>Out of nowhere someone grabs my boobs from behind
>"Anon you have nice boobs, what are you talking about"
>It's weeb
>Apparently he'd been following me around this whole time and I hadn't noticed.
>I'm too shocked to do anything, but friend grabs me and runs away
>graduate high school shortly afterward, never see weeb again

>> No.7440008

Domo-baka the Pantsu Sailor
Man, I wish I were a young weeb and could refer to myself as that.
The oblivious weebs in these horror stories have so much more fun than I do.
Although I suppose the pay off is when they finally grow older and learn self-reflection and awareness they will cringe and tear up whenever they think of their past.

>> No.7440003


Do it, Anon!

>> No.7440007

Anon who posted that story here.

Best friend has the theory that since many of them can't function properly in society and have trouble relating to other people, they resort to anything to keep their significant others (or friends, or whatever) close.

I've also noticed that many have this weird defense mechanism that makes them think they are morally superior to people with more mainstream interests, so anything they do can't be bad. The abusers are always other people, they simply have ~*special*~ relationships.

Share your story! I'm sorry you had to put up with someone like that.

>> No.7440044

Mon the mangaka Neko

I wish I had like 20 more middle names so mine had been interesting.
I'm also sorry that I have no weeb stories to contribute.

>> No.7440050


you asked for it.

>be 13
>be in the middle of a terrible avril lavigne sk8er phase
>it was awful
>friend is in a ~*~*cool band*~*~ and wants to set you up with someone
>mfw he's huge and kinda greasy and wears kinda mall goth-y clothes (mom won't let him wear real tripp pants so he wears like black cargos and a lot of H.I.M. shirts) but he's really nice and quiet so I kinda think he's cool
>he's also 2 years older so "omg so cool you're a freshman" (only one year older in school for some reason, I was in 8th grade and he was a freshman)
>start going out, things are going well
>starts showing me anime
>of course, hellsing
>I'm impressed, ask to see more
>starts showing me death note and tells me about conventions and stuff
>he starts getting really weird about our relationship, pressuring me to do shit (sexually) and getting really emo when I don't want to
>starts pretending to have multiple personalities, one of which is a "murderous but suave" Alucard type that likes to throw me around, the other is a really weepy, quiet personality that always comes out AFTER he's done something awful
>I tolerate roughly a year of it before I realize shit is fucked
>try to leave, every single time he threatens to commit suicide
>shit gets even more fucked sexually, he starts trying to get me to dominate him (I'm 13 and what is this)
>when I refuse he blackmails me and threatens to hurt himself
>I finally work up the courage to block him on all social media and everything
>surprise! He never killed himself
>he eventually goes away and I swear off of anime forever and ever

>mfw I'm 20 and cosplaying again

basically I'm still emotionally scarred and terrified of him and most people now so

>> No.7440064

That sounds awful. Bad relationships have a lot of impact on people, especially if they're as young as you were. Keep going Anon, I'm sure you'll get over your fears someday.

>> No.7440110
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guy from /v/ here, why do you all have to be stuck up assholes?

>> No.7440117

How excited are you for AA2?

>> No.7440123


oh my god people are being supportive??
that is the best holy shit this just kinda made my day
thank you so much I'm getting there in terms of getting over it, I just kinda decided that 1) giving him the power to run my life through being afraid of him even though he's gone now was stupid and 2) I wasn't gonna let one jackass keep me away from an amazing and fun hobby.
oh man when /cgl/ is nice tho
thanks man

>> No.7440125
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Oh boy.

>Be me, weeaboo mode
>Age 13
>Kind of goth girl drops out of school b/c of bullying
>I'm friends with her, and we have a mutual friend who hangs out with her
>She asks for her manga in her locker, it's near mine so I volunteer
>pic related
>I'm curious about it so I decide to read them before giving them back
>A friend of mine wants to read them too
>I lend them to her, like an idiot
>My mom gets a phone call at like 7 in the morning
>It's my friend's mom, leaving her a voicemail saying she found "disturbing" material she needs to talk to my mom about
>Realize my friend just blurted everything and blamed me for having 2 vol of BL in her room
>I'm freaking out, explain the story right away, my mom is pissed and thinks I "stole" the books
>Also thinks they're porn from my description
>I go to school, and have to go to the guidance office !!! immediately!!!

Imagine what it was like for a 13 year old, socially awkward weeb to explain "yaoi" to a ~40 year old professional WASP. I was also given a speech about stealing. The girl got her books back and asked if I enjoyed them, lol.

Prime embarrassment material.

>> No.7440195

I wore a naruto headband around my leg and my friend wore one on her arm in middle school. They banned them because they thought we were trying to start a gang.

>> No.7440201


Glad you made it out there, Anon! And glad you can enjoy cosplaying again.
It is a fucked up story, but I hope you are doing better right now. I wish you luck and all the best in the world, really!

>> No.7440219

Hahaha, that almost happened to us during a class trip when one of my friends had various BL/yaoi mangas with here that we were all reading.... Thank god our teacher did not find out about it, that would habe been an equally awkward experience.
Here is my story:

>be me, 14 years old, deeply into anime and emo shit
>draw animu into my calendar
>because I am so ~deep~ and ~special~ I mostly draw guro/blood all over everyone, ypu know, those really embarassing awkward pictures
>My art wasnt that bad, just really full of emo blood special snowflake suicide shit
>also terrible song lyrics (Linkin Park, anyone?) and poems in a horrible english everywhere

>one day, have a class project in history
>work with my friend, we use the computer
>mainly google stupid stuff and laugh
>google "sexy knights"
>suddenly, teacher behind us, she gets angry
>teacher yells at us, then asks for my calendar to write a message to my parents
>mfw literally every page of my calemdar was full of bloddy emo animu characters
>mfw she wrote a letter to my parents about googling "sexy" next to a fucking bloody emo suicide drawing
>mfw my parents had to sign it and saw the drawing

Damn, I always tried to hide my power levels, so I was very embarrassed that my class teacher and parents saw my special snowflake guro animu art... At least my class teacher did not comment on it, she must have seen/read all of it. I wonder what she thought going through dozens of pages of bloody cartoon drawings while looking for a free space to write the letter...

>> No.7440221



>> No.7440223

from >>7440125

>teacher yells at us, then asks for my calendar to write a message to my parents
>mfw literally every page of my calemdar was full of bloddy emo animu characters

cracked me up.

>googling "sexy knights" and listening to Linkin Park w/anime powerlevels

we probably would've been friends.

>> No.7440251

I had a bunch of yaoi books I'd gotten, got bored of, and needed to get rid of.
I was one of those sheltered kids who thought yaoi was pretty close to what gay people actually acted like.
I also had a gay friend, so I think you know where this story's going.

But that wasn't too bad in hindsight. Not as bad as when my mother tried to explain what yaoi was to her 60 year old parents and we all had us an awkward laugh. Or when she was telling the owner of the local gamestop that I play a game where you date pigeons and now if I shop there I can hear them cooing in my general direction.

>> No.7440254
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>be me, first week of university studying psycology
>teacher asks us to work in groups and asigns me random students who I don't know to work with
>are told to search for articles about a certain topic, I pull out my laptop and open it
>mfw neckbeard classmate who I don't even know hovers his head over my shoulder. lets call him "P"
>say yes, greasy neckbeard takes seat besides me and tries to start multiple conversations about animu whilst I'm trying to work
>i give out some replies not wanting to seem rude but don't really engage in the conversation either, i just want to finish the assignment and go home.
>next day P sits down besides me in class and starts talking to me about an anime he started watching (deadman wonderland if i recall correctly), sort of shocked that I didn't know it and wasn't planning on watching it.
>this repeats itself for some weeks. Comes to class, occupies seat besides me and talks to me about weeb/geek/gamer stuff
>i stay to have lunch at the university's canteen since shit's fucking cheap and I really dont have the time (or skills) to cook.
>P asks his mother to make him sandwiches (lol) so he can eat at uni with me instead of going home for lunch, says I seem "lonely"
>i only have like 15 minutes to half an hour to eat so i really would prefer to be alone instead of having to entertain somebody who would delay me, but k w/e
>P starts to follow me arround uni everyday, doesnt seem to have any other friends there and I kinda pity him. i suppose we've become "friends" or something, even though I don't meet him outside university
>arround a month later i start to notice there's something scarily off about this guy


>> No.7440276

>lonely freshman weeb sees lonely freshman weeb
>tries making friends with him
>persists, with his limited social skills, against all odds
You are so cold, anon.
I would humour someone if they wanted to talk anime in class with me. Especially in my first year.

I hope the story makes him out to be a real weirdo to have deserved that, though.

>> No.7440304

Already put a pick, the name's Greg

>> No.7440305


I should add said said teacher got very angry about the fact that I was constantly drawing in class. One day she got so mad she took the picture I was currently drawing on a work sheet, yelled at me in front of the class for drawing during her lesson, and sent the drawing to my parents along with a letter about how much of a bad child I was. Thank god that the drawing was just some random made up Pokemon (oh yeah, did I mention my friends and I made up Pokemon and drew entire comics around them? At least I was smart enough not to draw Yaoi in class, I guess.)
My mother was pretty angry that she had to go to school and talk to my class teacher because she found the whole incident(s) pretty ridiculous...

>we probably would've been friends

Oh yeah, that would have been cool!
We could have listened to Linkin Park, write crappy fanfic, watch animu while stuffing Pockys in our faces (I always hated them and I ate them anyway 'cause "Pockys!!, amiright?) and laugh every time someone say the word "Penis" irl. All the original characters we could invent and than draw all over again with vlood and emo song lyrics next to them... Oh god.
(Thank god I was too shy to wear anything else than normal fag clothing and was too shy to cosplay, or else I am sure I would habe some other horror stories/pictures with me...)

>> No.7440334
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cont. also, sorry about my engrish

>as i said, as P becomes to feel more comfortable arround me and starts to show off his "true colors", and there's something very off about this guy
>not only does he think he's a special snowflake for liking animu, comics, mlp, pokemon, game of thrones and thinking he's cool, badass and edgy because he brings up porn / gore / nonconsent sex / CP/ racist shit in normal conversations irrelevantly, but also thinks that normal!fags are inferior beings and openly insults other classmates for not being like him
>this guy has like 0% empathy for others, blurts out shit from his mouth, talks about the most twisted and sick crap ever and then gets offended if we dont find it funny
>also has no social skills, some weirdass mix of asperger and autism who has a clear Oedipus complex
>starting to feel like his baby-sitter, constantly keeping an eye on who he interacts with so I can apologize for him and try to correct his total lack of manners so this idiot doesn't get beaten up
>timeskip another month or so
>i get really sick, catch some strain of flu and miss 2 weeks of university
>im not totally recovered from the flu yet but cant afford losing any more classes. friends welcome me, tell me they missed me and ask me how i'm feeling
>mfw P not only doesnt give a shit about the crappy state i have been in for the last weeks, but also is mad at me and accuses me "leaving him alone"
>i decide to ignore the little shit, he realizes about it and tries to start conversations once again making unfunny jokes about "edgy"/badass/gore shit.
>P does his best to try to act as socially "normal" as he can to talk to my friends as a way of continuing to hang arround me
>i eventually forgive him and start talking to him again


>> No.7440404
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sorry i'm replying so slow, my browser decided to F5 and I lost the post so i had to retype

>timeskip, Christmas holidays
>"anon, i wont see you until uni starts again! I will miss you too much! we should totally meet during the holidays"
>i was planning on staying at home to totally recover from the flu, but end up agreeing
>say to go to cinema to watch sherlock holmes, because I'm a fantard + i can sit down and avoid getting dizzy
>P arrives half an hour late, we miss the movie. being the asshole he is, he doesnt even apologize
>walk arround mall, inevitably get dizzy af and tell him i need to sit down on a bench
>close my eyes and breath in as deep as possible, i feel like i'm on the verge of passing out + feel really ashamed of being in such a state in public
>mfw i feel a hand on my knee, moves up to my thigh
>mfw i open my eyes and P is this blurry thing a fucking inch away from my face
>tell him to stop that shit, he doesnt move his hand but doesnt pull away either
>he's heaving like a fucking boar ready to lunge against something
>tell him I need to pee, get up
>go to bathroom and lock myself in a stall, call one of my parents telling them i'm feeling like shit and asking if they can pick me up.
>remain seated on toilet and wait until they call to tell me they've arrived.
>awkward bye. dont talk to him until uni starts again


>> No.7440477
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but wait, there's more!

>uni starts, see him in class and avoid bringing up what happened that day
>seems normal at first, soon notice P acts weird arround both me and my male friends
>he's suddenly all whitenight / gentlementlemen / fedora / "ma'am"
>dude i've known you for half a year now, i know what you're like u shitface beta
>P starts trying to get into the conversation everytime I'm talking to one of my male friends, does it in a competitive way. "i know more animu stuff than u" and "i am edgier than u" + quote gore/porn shit he saw on the internetz to act cool and try to exert dominance
>P tell me that my male friends are only acting nice because they want to fuck me and are all animu/geek posers who just say they like that stuff to try to impress me
>P tells me to meet again outside university
>lol nope, he gets butthurt as expected but yet again tries to act as if nothing happened when i start ignoring him
>he starts trying to find excuses to be alone with me whilst I'm at uni. Follows me fucking EVERYWHERE. Even walks me to bus stop after class even though his mom comes to pick him up. Makes his mom wait in the car so he can stay there until I get onto bus.
>tries to kiss me a couple of times, i turn away and tell him I'm not interested. He gets obvious butthurt.
>he still fucking follows me arround everywhere and acts like an asshole to any male that comes close to me.
>one random day at bus stop "anon chan, i couldnt help notice how you're falling for me..."
>wait what what what???
>"i know that you like me, anon. u get really nervous when you're on your own with me"
>was actually nervous af because of the exact opposite; i feel uncomfortable and threatened by what he may do
>tries to kiss me yet again, so unexpected. This time he earns a slap.
>Turns to look at his mom who is sitting in the car, parked near the but stop. new lever of awkward
>gotta get the fuck out of here, walk home, screw bus


>> No.7440526


I never thought posting my crazy story someplace would help me feel better but it really did
holy shit good job /cgl/ you guys are the best

>> No.7440543
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>i start avoiding him as much as possible, develope a couple strategies.
>since i cant tell him to sit somewhere else because the seats are not my property, i arrive at class later than him on purpose so he's already seated and I can sit besides somebody else
>convince flatmate to cook me meals in exchange of doing her laundry so I can bring them to the campus and eat in class
>walk some streets down from uni to a different bus stop that does the same route
>he sticks arround but doesnt dare to talk to me nor participate in conversations that I'm in
>some months later, recieve a message from him on fb
>"hey anon i overheard you talking with a friend saying you'll be making a cosplay for the local con. You should totally cosplay Nami from One Piece! She's my fav character ever."
>ignore his message.
>encounter P at Con whilst cosplaying Shion from No.6. He's wearing a fedora, what a cliché
>after Con P goes arround telling my friends how I'm a huge man-hating lesbian who dresses up as boys because i yearn to have a cock of my own.
>ignore ignore ignore. You're not getting any attention from me, lil bitch.
>P one day raises his voice in class whilst he says he's started watching No.6 and what a awesome anime it was.
>the irony of telling me how my male friends were posers. Have a nice time finding out the anime is BL, lol
>continue to avoid him till today

It's a bit awkward because he still desperately clings to my group of friends and I can't just kick him out, but I'm not going to leave the group either just because his neckbeard ass is arround.

>> No.7440547

I was just about to say this

>> No.7440580
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My name is Desu Mon Desu Naruto's wife...
Fuck my real Name and my last name, from now on i'm Desu Mon Desu!

>> No.7440583


>> No.7440587

Boys love

>> No.7440592

yaoi, gays, mansex

>> No.7440594

I know what yaoi is, and I've heard it called boys love before but the letters just didn't click when I read them I guess.

>> No.7440599

No. 6 isn't yaoi/mansex. They just kiss.

>> No.7440605
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>your weeaboo name!
>pocky pocky pocky
well that was interesting

>> No.7440607

You shouldn't had avoided him, anon. Backing away is letting him win.

>> No.7440609


BL usually refers to the non-lemon stuff.

>> No.7440649

......pics or didn't happen.

>> No.7440653
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But yo, what the FUCK was his mom thinking, like why wouldn't she have reacted to that...? It makes me think she is enabling his behavior.

>> No.7440678
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He is mai husbando e____e not yours >___< I am the mangaka pocky naruto's wife naruto's wife!! /(Ò3Ó)/

>> No.7440705
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>In grade seven some fat aspie dude followed me around during recess and would constantly jab me in the stomach claiming that he was 'poking' me.
>At the time I was sort of a weeb and he watched anime sometimes so he would just flaunt his knowledge of shit like Naruto in order to impress me.
>After a while I got annoyed at him and tried to avoid him, but every time I turned around I would see him hiding behind a corner looking at me and turning away when I caught him.
>Eventually he confessed to me and I rejected him.
>Now he's a Kpop wannabe who thinks he looks good and tries to get all the ladies by bringing a guitar to school everyday and playing it in the cafeteria.

>When I was a freshman, some fat guy from my old school (the one with that kpop dude) would constantly try to talk to me in our mutual classes.
>Stresses that I'm his only friend in class and tries to get my attention.
>He's a really annoying tryhard (really socially awkward because of that) so I ignore him most of the time.
>Uses the XD face all the time.
>The times we do talk, he always asks me if I've watched *insert really typical harem/mainstream anime here* and would whine that I should watch it if I tell him I didn't.
>Especially obsessed with this one manga, I forgot the name, and would ask me if I read the latest chapter and tell me every single detail despite the fact that I obviously showed zero interest
>He eventually takes the hint and now barely talks to me.
They weren't exactly that terrible compared to other stories in this thread, but I keep wondering, why do I attract all the aspies?

>> No.7440714

No no not the commercial. Like I literally was thinking about something, it somehow turned into sad homeless kittens (I think it was raining or something) and I started fucking bawling in the car.

>> No.7440722

This girl sounds a lot like one of my high school friends. She had the added benefit of being a submissive dragon demon wolf with gender issues.

>> No.7440723

Holy shit, you should've actually just kicked him in the dick.

>> No.7440749

I assume because you are a grill who is into the weab shit they like yet is not a hambeast.
They probably don't happen upon that very often.

>> No.7440780

The weirdest thing was that I didn't like any of teh animus and mangos they liked. They would've had better luck with my friend, who pretty much reads everything.

>> No.7440818

"do you vant to hear my last name?"

>> No.7440854

I read all of the weeaboo creepy guy stories while picturing my ex. if only i had read weeaboo horror stories and my time with him could have been avoided

>> No.7440855

don't worry friend, I'm pocky pocky pocky.
we should definitely get out own anime.

>> No.7440869
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>neko baka neko

>> No.7441214

Reading this thread reminded me of why I never browse this board.

It's all females and every single one of them has a holier than thou victim complex.
It's a bit like /lgbt/ on steroids.

>> No.7441219

Bawww, cry harder, beta virgin faggot.

>hurr durr look at me I am a boy
Lol shit up, no one cares; this is like screaming "Oh I am a gril btw!!!" on /v/.
Dick or gtfo.

>> No.7441223

I'm Desu Desu. Let's all make anime

>> No.7441224
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I think it's been a while since I've seen a post loaded with THIS many assumptions and projections about me, which is amazing, considering I didn't even mention my gender.

>> No.7441244

I guess it was because the word "female" is rarely used by actual "females".
Also, dont like this board? Well, then leave, b8 m8?

>> No.7441249

Oh come on, he practically told you that >>7441214 was bait. Don't get fooled so easily.

>> No.7441251

Why can't you kick him out though?
It seems to me that he's more of a nuisance to your group of friends and you'd be better off without him, unless they genuinely like him.

>> No.7441252

protip: you're not the center of their universe
If you're the only only one who hates X, but everyone else in the group has no problems with X, then you're the one who should leave.

Don't like it? Leave.

>> No.7441256

>unless they genuinely like him.

>> No.7441259

>genuinely like him
Wishful thinking will get you nowhere.
You would have to create a situation where X would effectively commit social suicide with the rest of the group before you could get them to kick him out.
Of course, it's not hard to catch on to what you're doing, and you will most likely be caught.

>> No.7441280

baka pantsu miss. i do a lot of crossplay so i agree.

>> No.7441334
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>mfw this is actually a decent thread instead of spoiled brats complaining about how others don't wear the same overpriced dresses they do

>> No.7441361

Something very, very similar to this happened to someone that I care about, it sounds scary as hell and just awful in general.

Sorry that you had to go through that, anon.

>> No.7441402

>weeaboo name
>poke mon

>> No.7441406

This really isn't any different from the usual weaboo horror stories threads.

>> No.7441448
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Are you the chosen one.

>Miku Pocky Sailor Pantsu

I want to be a real Sailor Pantsu

>> No.7441461
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>sailor naruto's wife

in the name of the moon, get your hands off my husbando

>> No.7441500
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You seem to be new here or not browse other boards.
I've seen countless times males on other boards (mostly /b/ and /fit/) whining about how an alpha kicked their fat ass, how a nast grill made them spill their spaghetti, how society is bad because somebody told him to stop acting like a fucking autist in public, how all girls are evil because one of them friendzoned him and how he has a very tragic life because his parents got divorced :´(
It's not that all the girls on this board whine, it's that most of 4chan users are sad whinning attention whores and most of cosplayers and/or lolitas are females, subsequently making the majority of whiners that browse this board females.

>> No.7441503

miss misstress domo

..... what

>> No.7441555

>be me
>be 14
>be a self weeaboo horror story
>befriend 19 yo guy who's into j-rock
>actually dressed in full lolita (oldschool brand stuf, but surprisingly not ita)
>guide dude around in a leash while he's on full visual-kei-like outfits

>I can't justify my actions.

>> No.7441576

Most here won't admit it, but 14 yo you was living our dream.

>> No.7441587

... I know I should feel bad, but truth is I really don't.

>> No.7441613

I want to be secondhand embarrased but honestly I'm just a bit jealous

>> No.7441636
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My current life right now is somewhat similar, only less weeb
>be me
>have amazing boyfriend
>skinny, long wellkept hair, loves my gothic lolita and EGA
>he's interested in EGA
>take measurements
>mfw he fits into Japanese brands perfectly even girl sizes
>buying EGA for eachother off Closet Child
>bitch looks sexy
>elegant gothic aristocrat BAMFpire romance

>> No.7441645

I just realized I'm livin' the dream
>wear loli all the time
>hang out with equally cute rori friends doing stereotypical stuff
>azn boyfriend, loves me & my rori
>cosplay together
>cons regularly
The only way this would fulfill my inner 14 year old weeb any more is if we were living in Japan and I owned a dollfie

>> No.7441646

At least you were classier than we were. We did a lot of guro and totally lived for Zombie Walks. And we also rp'd a bit. He was a werewolf and I was the sweet stereotypical kawaii moe loli-chan. Though thankfully, we showered and spoke no broken japanese.

>> No.7441656

>how society is bad because somebody told him to stop acting like a fucking autist in public, how all girls are evil because one of them friendzoned him and how he has a very tragic life because his parents got divorced

Have you fucking been there? They tell you to nut up in these cases, and berate you for thinking them.

>> No.7441657


That's somewhat similar to a story I have, starring sixth grade me!
>be 12 and in catholic school
>be a super edgy hawt tawpic mall goth
>couldn't afford much HT because I was 12, so black t-shirt and jeans level mall goth
>made up for it in pure edge personality. hated "preps" and would threaten to eat people's souls n shit
>liked to draw (was shit at drawing at 12, internally thought I was a god though)
>drew a lot, on all school assignments (still do this now that I'm in college tbh)
>edge transferred to paper many a time
>one time I drew a girl bleeding out after stabbing herself
>thought it as awesome, so edge, perfect
>go about my day
>next day at school, get called to the principal's office
>??? I was always quiet in school to teachers so never got in trouble, was very confused
>get to office, told to go to the counselor's
>??? ok
>counselor sits me down
>tells me she's "worried about me" and shows me the stabby drawing
>FUCK I must have dropped it in one of my classes
>has to sit through a 30 min questioning from counselor to make sure I'm not suicidal
>she also brings up another piece of edgy artwork I had done for a school contest where a chick sets her hair on fire or something (end up winning but that's an unrelated story)
>just want this to be overrrr
>my mother is also called, when I get home she just laughs at me
>counselor for some reason made every effort to ignore me for the remaining two years of my school life there...

It's a funny memory now but was horribly embarrassing then. Actually, a few months later one of my closest friends and someone even more goffik than me drew a similar picture and was caught, but with a gun instead of a knife. She just got a demerit. Idek.

>> No.7441682


Glorious pic

>> No.7441739

cool story bro

Now keep the bullshit to yourself

>> No.7441760

Alrighty, i have a lot on this girl so im gonna try one story or so at a time.

>be middleschool aged
>landwhale steriotype girl
>we all had weeby nicknames, im gonna just use what hers was here, Nami
>Friend and i were sadly close to Nami. friend is a very nice sweet girl but a little sensitive (emotionally and physically)
>nami gets over attached to her, this girl was insane, she would make a new DA account for every time she felt a new "personality" to this day we can't track them all down.
>we spent the night at her house, her mom leaves for the weekend leaving us alone.
>we stayed up most of the night watching movies,etc.
>friend wakes up late (3-4 in the morning) to find her making bacon, nami tells her to go back to sleep.
>she comes back and tells me this before going to bed because she found it really odd.
>think nothing of it, wake up a about an hour later to go to the bathroom.
>walk through the kitchen, on the counter about 2 plates of bacon (towered high!) sitting there, grunt and put them in the fridge as her house is gross with bugs.
>in the frigde, 3 more plates, again towered high.
>wake up the next morning, at least there was plenty of food?
>Nami is acting oddly possesive of friend that day, (trying to feed her by hand,calling her weird nicknames,etc.)
>she gets uncomfortable and goes home, i catch a ride with her
>later Nami posts a journal on DA about how she "jumped off her roof and its our faults!" (i might be able to find it if i can remember one of the 50 accounts she had.
>friend calls me up around 10 at night, crying because she said nami was threating to come over and "get her" (she does this again later when i told her to fuck off from our group but thats another story)

We tried to ignore her stupidity and weirdness here and she apologized (we listened which was stupid of us) i have WAY more stories on this girl like when she pulled a knife,etc. if CGL wants them.

>> No.7441785

>went through a weeb phase in middle school
>discover fanfiction and smut
>was on the computer on day reading a Inuyasha fanfiction with a lemon scene
>leave room forget to close out
>comeback mom is furious at the computer.
>bans me from watching anime and all that.
>now everything i do on the computer is Inuyasha
>on Tumblr: Why you on that inuyasha shit
>writing this out :All this inuyasha shit is giving the computer a virus.

i havent watch Inuyasha in three years and the last anime i watched was 11 months ago. And im in college now.

>> No.7441814

Do tell!

>> No.7441831

I got collars with chain leashes banned at my middle school.
I'm never fucking living that down, my epitaph will be "I'm ashamed and sorry"

>> No.7441842

okay here we go then, i'll start with the story that pushed me to get her out of our lives.

>early highschool, we're hanging at a local park across the street from the middleschool not far from the highschool
>we're having a good time hanging out,etc.
>a small group of "8th grade thugs" comes over to mess with us for being nerdy
>i tell ask them nicely to leave us alone they don't so i suggest we just move, we do they follow
>it gets to a point where a few of the younger girls in our group are starting to get scared.
>OF COURSE nami has the brilliant idea to threaten them, using offensive slurs.
>the "leader" gets mad at her language (raccist,etc.) he jumps up gunning for her
>being the idiot i am i jump infront of her getting into a fight with him, its one of those fights where both people just kinda stop nobody really won
>durring the fight friend from last story cries and hides (this kinda thing was too much for her to handle and the idea of me possibly getting hurt scared her she said)
>Nami has the BRILLIANT IDEA to pull a knife i'd say it was slightly bigger then the average pocket knife, she tries to cut one of their bike tires. they leave.
>a witness went to the middleschool to get help
>i get rid of the knife as i don't want any trouble and she's a fucking idiot
>we talk to the school who called the police for some reason, i try to make it so nobody got in trouble as our group was now at fault too and i want this to be over with.

at the end the police just told us to avoid fighting and blah blah we stopped going to that park for awhile, after this incident and a few others (one i might not be willing to talk about here as it was overall too much) we were going to tell her to leave us alone for awhile after that but she took like almost two weeks straight off of school for some reason (her mom and grandma didn't do the best job raising her.)

>> No.7441865

Something really similar happened to me, anon.
>be 14
>be really into visual kei, mana, dir en grey
>hanging out with my friends, a bit weeby, one girl wears cat girls a couple times a week, and a guy who is best described as a "neckbeard" but fedoraless, wears a lot of those collared dbz shirts but is pretty chill. we're discussing the usual weeb shit (hey, have you read Chobits?)
>we happened to be sitting outside the basketball court one day after school
>group of "8th grade thugs" come up to us
>start insulting us, etc
"what the fuck is wrong with you freaks" "japan freaks" "catgirl you wanna lick my dick?" etc.
>they move in a little too close
>cat ears girl stands up
"we're not doing anything to hurt you, why don't you just leave us alone?"
>walks right up to thug
"You're not half as tough as you think you are!"
>thug pushes her
>she stumbles backwards, surprised
>one of the thugs reaches into his pocket instinctively
>a knife?!
>I leap up and push the guy that pushed catgirl back
>thugs all surround me, one has his hands still in his pocket
>naruto fighting pose, hold arm out in front of catgirl
>I have no idea what I'm doing ohgod
>thankfully teacher runs over and breaks it up
>thugs suspended for ten days, no news on the knife
>teacher calls my mom
>mom decides to transfer me out of school
>I want to stay, be with my friends, mom I'm not really scared, what about my friends?
>huge argument
>she wins
>pack my bags
>cab pulls up outside
>license plate says "FRESH"
>I see some dice in the mirror
>If anything I could say that this cab was rare
>But I thought "Nah, forget it. Yo homes to Bel Air!"

>> No.7441873
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> That ending.

>> No.7441941

> be 15 year old me
>had a crush on my older friend's younger brother (who was still older than me) but got over it
>years later find out he also liked me too despite him acting really oblivious/generally making me feel awkward whenever I tried to start a conversation
>go on one date because why the hell not. I'm single.
>"so you're my girlfriend now."
>okay sure whatever. I'm 16 so not the most experienced when it comes to boys.
>but now in that same circle when the girls joke around and hug or do general weeby boob grabs he gets mad at them
>says I'm 'his'
>also generally getting pressured to have sex but I'm a virgin so I don't wanna rush it.
>finally at a party with all of us and I joke around, grabbed my friend's boob. He hits HER on the arm. When she's very thin and quite frail looking. She bitches him out and he cries the rest of the night while I comfort him
>that's the last straw. I dumped him over text when he left me alone at a Halloween party and some other guy was clearly showing interest.
>lost all my friends because of break up but was worth it to get away from him.

>> No.7441946

*>17 not 16

>> No.7441955
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Pocky pocky pocky....shit.

I'all share one from this week
>be at college, walk into former illustration prof.'s classroom to talk to her about portfolio shit
>portfolio ends up being passed around by students
>prior met weeb (briefly talked to him about Pokemon game a class before) gets a hold of it.
>"OMG ANON, YOU ARE SO GOOD! you put me to shame!! My major was biochemistry but I switched to art so I can draw manga for a living!"
>Look down, see generically draw male anime desu
>"You are so good, I am going to draw you as an anime character and make you my OC's number 18th crush. Yeah, he has a lot of crushes! Ehehehehe!!!"

>> No.7442004

>lost all my friends because of break up but was worth it to get away from him.

What did they see in that fucker?

>> No.7442042

He was one of my friend's brother? I guess that makes it completely okay

>mfw one or two of them still stay in touch and tell me they're sick of his shit so they left too.

>> No.7442062

>then you're the one who should leave.
>if you like 10 people but dislike one of them you should leave the group and become a social outcast
I have the feeling you're not too strong with relationships

>> No.7442074

That sounds exactly like one of my exes. We were in the same group of friends and he was insufferably clingy, pressured me a lot, got jealous of people I hadn't seen in years and when I dumped him the ones who got along best with him stopped talking to me.

Now they've seen his true colours and are running for the hills too.

>> No.7442076

Exactly. Socially attuned people like you and I understand that you're supposed to draw lots, and whoever gets the short straw is ceremonially stoned to death by the rest of the group.
>mfw cgl full of autists who don't get this

>> No.7442085

You sound american

>> No.7442088

>non asians in 2014 who still think they can draw manga for a living.

>> No.7442092

I had a 25 year old classmate in Japanese that wanted to become an idol. She is in a para-para dance group and covers anime songs in small cons.

>> No.7442094

Am I a bad person for not really putting 100% stock in my friend's "side of the story" of a breakup? I can help them deal with a breakup, but I sure as hell can't believe everything they say, especially if I don't really know the other person. I don't think it's in the Bro Code, is all.

>stoned to death
>not swedish

>> No.7442096

Possibly a bad person, but also really smart. I would be your friend anon

>> No.7442102

If they were American they would advocate sending a lynch mob after whoever was in the wrong. I mean this is just basic history guys.

>> No.7442115

You aren't bad, you are thinking logically. All of us try to look better when we explain our side of things, but we all fuck up stuff in relationships. Even if there are extreme cases like abusive relationships, usually nobody is without fault in a breakup.

>> No.7442130

I admit that I tend to lean towards apathy in cases like this, but I've learned the phrase "So, you want a beer?". I can only do distractions, there has to be another friend to do the head-on-dealing-with-it style helping. I don't have the mental social tools to insert myself in situations, let alone problems.

>> No.7442132

>private school, be 14
>friend gives me $15 to draw a hentai comic
hell yeah, $15
>make a shitty comic about a gamer who is an unnatractive nerd by day, whore by night, and she sleeps with people for videogames that aren't released yet
>she used her knowledge of games to be a popular gamer blogger

>parents search my backpack before school
>find my folder
>see the comic
>don't go to school, parents take me directly to my therapist because they actually think I'm interested in doing that

I wasn't a gamer, nor did I have access to the internet. I just needed a plot.
porn and reality are two different things, I had to convince my family and the therapist that I had no interest for fucking people for videogames.

even to this day, I wish I would of just ate the comic or something, crumpled it up and stuffed it in my mouth when caught

>> No.7442150

that's so lame. 14 is the age when most teens are becoming sexually aware. I wrote a lot of fanfiction at the age. No regrets. Your parents sound like ridiculous prudes.

>> No.7442176

Nah, I think they sound like parents. Taking anon to a therapist was extreme, but their worries are pretty normal. I'd have made fun of anon for that, and bring it up every time I needed to embarrass or annoy. I'd be the type to sing bad karaoke in the cafeteria at lunch if I needed to punish my kids. Busta Rhymes, with all the "niggas" replaced with "bleepa's".

>> No.7442182

If you had phrased the plot a tad bit differently, you would have succesfully predicted the rise of twitch camwhores

>> No.7442186

I fucking hate parents like you and I'm not even close to being a teen. Please don't have kids. You're not fucking funny or edgy, you're a shit parent who gets a rise out of making their kids feel like shit.

>> No.7442192

That's the anger I'm going for. It's so much better than the feeling of utter despair and frustration my parents gave me with beatings and the like.

>> No.7442196

Oh so you retaliate on your kids by being a shitty parent, just in a different way. Right, that's exactly what we need more of in the world. All the more reason for you NOT to have kids, cycle of abuse, etc.

>> No.7442207

Pfft. You're implying I'm doing that all the time, and not just as punishment. What are you, the "time-out" enforcer?

>> No.7442212

Moon Mon, meh
Anyway, I used to have a friend who'd say stuff like ''NYAA~'' ''KAWAII~'' '' SUGOII~'' in public REALLY loud, thankfully that's the worst it gets for me

>> No.7442213

jfc just dont reproduce.

>> No.7442216

No, it doesn't. Are you the type who thinks someone cant have sex until they're married as well? Mostly all teens by 14 are sexually aware or at least curious as to what sex is. Drawing a shitty, but harmless comic is better than actually having sex. And yes, fuck talking to your kids, just drag them to therapy to make them feel like crap and then give them immense internalized problems later on in life. Okay then.

>> No.7442226

>I'd have made fun of anon for that, and bring it up every time I needed to embarrass or annoy
they did that too.
I'm 20 years old and they still tease me about it.
along with other things.
don't reproduce.

>> No.7442231

Oh so you only use public humiliation as a punishment for the crime of (gasp) having private thoughts written in a private journal.
I sincerely hope you're infertile.
Incase you think I'm just ranting, I had parents that thought much like you, raised by parents probably a lot like yours. In case you wondered why I got so mad. I had to get psychiatric help for what I was planning to do. So no it's not fucking funny or a joke. Purposely making your kids angry because it's "better" than what your parents do is excusing the cycle of abuse and paving the way for your grandkids to get beaten by parents with anger issues. It's why I'm not having kids. You don't seem self-aware enough to chose such a thing, hence why I simply hope you're infertile.

>> No.7442234

I meant to say 'better than actually having sex at 14'


>> No.7442236

This. it's fucking horrible, it gets under your skin. that's why I'm so mad. That and anon thinks it's some hilarious joke. I can seriously see them pulling that and thinking it's some awesome parenting, right until their kids shoot up a school or something.

>> No.7442241

These are literally the type of the parents who don't understand 'what went wrong' when their kids become sociopaths. I dont understand this world.

>> No.7442242

>fuck talking to your kids, just drag them to therapy
Don't worry anon isn't planning to do either, those might actually be helpful. It's much better to just make them feel like shit at a vulnerable time in their life to get a laugh.

>> No.7442244


I would have talked to them if they did draw porn. I wouldn't have put them in therapy. And I would bring it up IF they pulled some shit that shows they didn't learn the first time.
And I shouldn't have said "angry" when it comes to the effect I'm looking for in punishment(and I wouldn't punish them for the drawn porn thing), but "make them feel really shit about it" instead. That's the point of punishment.

Stay fuckin mad, and I'll have my balanced kids.

>> No.7442253

anon seems like the type to get a therapist THEY personally agreed with if they got any, not one their kid needed.

>tfw my therapy sessions were my family and/or therapist teasing me about things like this

how can you have a balance kids if you're clearly not balanced yourself?
teasing/bullying your kids as punishment is horrible and immature.

>> No.7442258

That's pretty much the reason why I never open up to my parents and keep most of my shit private. Making fun of your child or sending them to therapy as a form of punishment only makes them grow resentment towards you.

You're basically exchanging physical abuse for emotional abuse and that's equally fucked up.

>> No.7442260

You are so uninformed.
Not just uninformed, but willfully ignorant.
If you actually give two shits about your kids, do some research. I'm guessing you probably won't though, because you obviously have all the answers from your stellar childhood and all the reading you've clearly not done. I wish we could dominate people for the Darwin awards.

>> No.7442263


>> No.7442264
File: 54 KB, 250x250, tumblr_m7507wn4iO1roili5o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell your guys: How I fucked up my love life.

>teen me, weeby animu/mango fangirl who shows power levels when in company of others alike
>get to the age of watching animes and falling in love with characters
>get really obsessed over animu husbando. >write self-insert fanfics, imagine myself as a character in the anime who ends up being his love interest, draw myself with him in shitty fanarts i upload to dA, lay in bed imagining sexual encounters and life in general with husbando
>not hawt, but only female in weeby group of friends who isn't a landwhale
>males in group are all socially awkward / lowest shit in school's popularity hierarchy so they can't aspire to date normal!fag girls
>3 of them ask me to go out with them over the years
>decline because they are nothing like my wonderful husbando and not interested in 3d men

Foward a couple of years

>all friends start getting partners, feels so ronery
>grown out of animu husbandos, yet still have fictional characters portrayed by actors as husbandos
>because ronery af I start dating male friend. He's a very kind guy yet I dont feel attracted to him that way, but w/e you gonna die ronery and surrounded by cats so lets do this
>because of years of idealizing and fantasizing about my love life, relationship feels unfullfilling as fuck. Nothing is how i imagined it would be, partner doesn't act as i predicted and end up dumping him short after
>mfw i aspire to be in a perfect relationship with a man who has such specific traits that i'll never find anything that matches the description
>mfw i realize that i'm a socially awkward weeb that only attracts fugly fedora neckbeards that feel that they cant aspire to date anything better than shits like me

>> No.7442265

Yeah I've never trusted my parents for reasons like this. The one or two times I confided in my mom she mocked me for it later
>what are trust issues

>> No.7442267

Why is there a tomato slice on her cheek.

>> No.7442284

Shit, sorry anon. Not even fedoras like me, all boyfriends i had were those i hit on myself and they went just "sure, whatever":( i dont look too bad but ive never had a guy like me before

>> No.7442288

>bring up an embarrassing moment as punishment
Please take your tumblr bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.7442297

As a behavioral psychologist who often works with children, the last posts ITT are making me lol over 9000.
I hope you guys never have kids, seriously.

>> No.7442302

which posts?

>> No.7442309

Shit, what answers do you have? I'm only saying that their concerns were justified, not the actions they took. And fuck therapy for this case. I'd tell them off for bringing porn(even if it's shit) to school, not because they were they were actually drawing dicks and pussies. I'd ask them why they did so, and laugh my ass off because it was 15 bucks. I'd say they were clever in making the blogger connection though.
>Kid, at least it wasn't stupid "Let's Plays" videos on youtube. I taught you better than that.

You all seem to have the idea I'm going to be putting perpetual emotional pressure on my kids, which is exactly the type of thing my parents did. They used fear to keep me down. Despite that I'm pretty confident in myself to make an environment where my kids wouldn't have to hide all sorts of things from me. Open dialogue, all that shit. If my kid streaks shit on the wall, I'm going to punish him for streaking shit, then give him a fucking canvas and fingerpaint. And I'll bring it up when he doesn't clean his room as a teen(but you know artists).
Is your answer to do nothing when they fuck up?


Yeah, which ones. Enlighten us. You can't just drop cred like that and say nothing.

>> No.7442315

it was an example.
teasing, is one thing.
bullying, is another.
what I mentioned, was teasing.
just threw bullying in there because my parents did that also, not playful teasing.

>> No.7442324

I would at least read books on how to appropriately punish kids

>> No.7442330

>implying all psychologists know what they're doing and never fuck people up more
Lol, no. And I'm not having kids.

>> No.7442360

Posts saying that punishing a kid is good.
My engrish is bad as fuck, but I'll try to explain myself as well as I can.
When you decide to punish a child for something they've done, they'll most likely keep on carrying out this behavior just that next time they'll make sure you don't find out about it.
Also, they'll associate it with "mom/dad doesn't like this, so I'll use it to threaten them to get what I want".
Instead of just punishing your child for something, first at least sit down and tell them why what they've done is wrong and what are it's negative consecuences.
If it's something that has turned into a habit, to change their behavior, instead of PUNISHING them for doing it give them a positive reinforcement for not doing it.
i.e. kid doesn't want to do their bed. Instead of telling that you wont allow them to do *insert shit kid enjoys here plz*, tell them that if they make their bed on their own you'll give them a prize.
Repeat everyday until the action of making their bed is associated with something possitive.
Punishing kids as a way to stop them doing something most likely will just make them rebel and/or figure out a way to do it without recieving the punishment.

>> No.7442366

>You all seem to have the idea I'm going to be putting perpetual emotional pressure on my kids

Not so long ago you said:
>but "make them feel really shit about it" instead

You've been toning down the way you word shit, because two posts ago you were all about how you wanted to make fun of them as a form of punishment.

Bringing up shit that your child might find embarrassing as "playful" teasing can be detrimental to your relationship with them.

When my mom "playfully" teased me, my siblings would join and they would gang up on me, thinking that making fun of some of my hobbies wasn't gonna hurt me. When you repeat that shit a lot of times, you eventually start to believe your hobbies are indeed shit, and that it's better if you don't show your family what you like or what you do out of fear of being mocked for it.

You can be all about "hey remember that time you..." sometimes, but what you would do with your child is a double edged sword.

It sounds dramatic, but it really does put a string on things when you decide it's your preferred method of punishment.

>> No.7442405


>Sailor Mistress Mistress

Sounds like a Sailor Moon dub villain.

>> No.7442419

Just curious: Do the actors becoem your husbandos, or just their characters?

>> No.7442493

How old are you, anon? It's quite likely you'll actually grow out of this. That was pretty much me until my 20th birthday, but getting more envolved with lolita and j-fashion has helped me become much more confident in myself and in growing up I also settled my expectations to something more realistic. Things turn out alright for weeby girls, anon. You'll see.

(guys, on the other hand... well.)

>> No.7442499

Sometimes the actors, other times the characters.

>> No.7442505

>Instead of just punishing your child for something, first at least sit down and tell them why what they've done is wrong and what are it's negative consecuences.
>implying I wouldn't do that
And I'd connect their bad behaviour with immediate consequences like hard labour(and teasing) as much as I'd connect good behaviour with prizes(a tactic I've heard debunked, I'd rather give freedom to do something they'd not normally be allowed to do instead). Does that not teach them that they deserve a prize for doing something that really should just be done without it?

>Punishing kids as a way to stop them doing something most likely will just make them rebel and/or figure out a way to do it without recieving the punishment.
Something I did myself and got really good at. Still, I've seen no changes in behaviour of kids that have gone out of hand where they did not enforce some kind of immediate consequence. Immediate emotional consequences included. They should feel bad about what they did. If my child hurts someone at school, should they not see first hand the type of pain they caused the other person? Is that not called punishment? Is having to fix a hole in the wall he made not punishment?

You sound as if I'm just going to be bringing it up casually at dinner. Maybe smugly for the few days after whatever screw-up, but after that only for times when related screw-ups happen.

I think you connected me singing busta rhymes as punishment for bringing porn to school, and if it did sound like that, I'm sorry, but I meant it to be an example of what I'd do in much more extreme cases.

>> No.7442569

>be lolita stylist (one day I shall own my own princess salon
>husbando is azn "retired" famous dollfie artist
>together we own about 40 dollfies
>his dollfies wear BTSSB and AATP
>he's more of a brand whore than I am

>> No.7442746

If I ever have a kid I am going to try to be like Mr. Koiwai.
That is all.

>> No.7442773
File: 296 KB, 500x500, 1394249093399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, that reminds me of my first day of my art fundamentals class for animation portfolio building.

>Professor was introducing our course layout and all of a sudden this kid just screams out "SIR SIR, LOOK I DREW YOU"
>holds up sketchbook
>its a shitty, badly proportioned, babbys first animu drawing of a generic male
>Prof is like "Yeah... that's great, but we're not gonna be drawing that stuff."
>my sides

>This is a recurring thing, him blurting out about weeb shit.
>Everything is always traced looking bs.
>His first painting assignment he draws a shitty pokemon gijinka and some megaman oc recolours and presents them infront of the class, >wasn't even painted, just pencil lines.

>> No.7443400

former autist weeb detected

>> No.7443410

>referring to BJDs as dollfies

Anyway Pullips are not dollfies pls leave

>> No.7443982


>> No.7444147
File: 26 KB, 540x500, 1393705467473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have crush on neighbor's older brother
>top loser in school, even the geeks and nerds looked down on me because I was so shy
>become hot through reading fashion magazines like they were my bible, find out what worked for me, did a few modeling jobs too.
>go over old neighbor's house while my family was doing things in the area (I live more than 12 hours away)
>fuck it, gonna confess that I always liked him, nothing to lose, right?
>knock on her brother's door, and enter
>he quickly closes his computer
>see his shelf, we collect the same things
>see him
>try to start up convo
>he just wants me to leave, seems irritated
>mfw he was probably masturbating
>never speak again

>> No.7444277

>tfw was in therapy ages 7-17
>tfw mom loudly announced this at my school whenever she came and got me
>tfw made fun of constantly
>tfw can't open up to or show any emotion around her

>> No.7444523

Pantsu neko mon

>> No.7444837

>implying I don't know what the fuck a Volks Dollfie Dream is
>not knowing Volks did a line of BTSSB and AATP collabs
>bitches don't know about my vinyl

>> No.7445836

I never grew out of it, real men are just annoying to me. Now I got a cat.

>> No.7446029

Real men are just kind to you because they want to fuck you.

>> No.7446580

tfw 13 year old me would've called you a poser slut or something cause i couldnt be rori or lead around any of my sugoi internet boyfriends

even then though i had domme tendencies and the idea of a nerdy little weaboo domme is pretty cute

they're adorable when they're not being ~*~SEME~*~ and trying to collar other gross little girls. poor babies

>> No.7446724

nah you sound awesome. that's how i do it too, cause i've been on the wrong end of that before and lost entire social circles because of one or two people i didn't get along with, who everyone else inexplicably liked... even though they'd do nasty abusive things to me all the time, and people who were supposed to be my friends turned a blind eye to it. if someone in your group is bullying/abusive you need to stand by whoever the real victim is because otherwise you're enabling the abuser's behavior, teaching them you'll still be their friend despite their shittiness

anyway i prefer mediating to choosing sides with potentially shitty people; i think the world would be better if people were less biased and willing to be honest about calling each other out on being nasty, even if they're friends. like if you're really someone's friend, wouldn't you tell them when they were being a piece of shit? if you criticize someone and they blow it out of proportion or get angry and defensive at you, it's a pretty good sign that they're terrible anyway, so you dodged a bullet.

sorry for long and only vaguely related to weebs in that they happen to be abusive/manipulative a lot of the time. maybe someone will get something out of the advice

>> No.7446767

Solidarity, anon. My parents did the same things, and when I brought up to them how much it hurt me (one time I was trying to watch one of my animus when I was like 11, I asked my dad if I could borrow the tv for it and he was pissed off for some reason? I don't think it was me but either way he was calling my hobbies "shitty/crappy cartoons" or something and kicking up a damn fuss instead of just letting me watch the new episode for half an hour), their response was "we're not obligated to like everything you like, toughen up, that doesn't mean anything."

At this point I was in tears because they'd been doing this since I was 8-9 and started watching my own shows and making my own choices and telling them how it felt (which I was directed to do by my therapist) was really hard.

Also when I'd have panic attacks my mom would just tell me to calm down and that I was overreacting and making a mountain out of a molehill, etc. She'd ask why I was crying and then make fun of me for the reason.

And then they fucking wondered why I didn't tell them I got Baker Acted because I was suicidal and having panic attacks and depressive breakdowns every day.

>> No.7446787

wait, so you'd allow your kids to break the rules you set as rewards instead of giving them prizes, which is much more analogous to how real life works (ex. you do well in work, you'll get praise from your boss and potentially a raise/more power)

jfc you are hopeless

>If my child hurts someone at school, should they not see first hand the type of pain they caused the other person?

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7446804

same, men are annoying and awful, cats forever

i'm a lesbian btw

>> No.7447046

>not showing the kid the consequence of their actions

>wait, so you'd allow your kids to break the rules you set as rewards instead of giving them prizes

>> No.7447061

I'm 24 and not getting over it anytime soon. But I make an effort to separate reality from 2D world, and so far it works. I still have my mango husbandos and I'm going out with someone who doesn't care about my weeb tendencies. He's a pretty amazing guy though, I've found most men aren't worth the effort. Better alone than in bad company, Anon.

>> No.7447300

I'm not a lesbian, but still, fuck relationships, too much work.