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7402820 No.7402820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen one for a while.

Anything new other than she who must not be named?
It seems like Marie from ODiP has gone AWOL again. She popped up briefly at the beginning of February, then hasn't been heard from since.

>> No.7403351

There is nothing new from ROSAIRE because ROSAIRE never scammed anyone. Shipping items out late isn't scamming.

Marie on the other hand is a scammer at current because she took money, promised a product, and never delivered. If she does deliver or issues refunds, then she isn't a scammer, just a shitty business.


>> No.7403707

Or, read all of the other threads. Even in a scam thread that doesn't have to do with Rosaire, she appears, or discussion about her.

Case in point. Schrodinger's Rosaire?
Anyway, I suppose the outrage about ODIP has shut up since she got banned, but it seems like she's still on the run or at least on the lam.

>> No.7403755

Clearly you are retarded because she was mentioned in the OP.

Also, Schadenfreude.

>> No.7403785

Of course Marie is AWOL. She's been banned so she feels she doesn't need to actually do anything any more. People are still out on money and goods but it doesn't help that she is still deleting comments off her facebook site and doesn't respond to messages and emails. It's just an issue that isn't being dealt with.

>> No.7403812

If the sales were conducted off of sales groups then mawwwwwwwwds can't do anything. They can desperately think they rule lolita fashion but they don't. Sad truth. Does Australia have the equivalent of the Better Business Bureau? Report her. Go to the police. Write a negative review on egl/tumblr and get it circulating.

>> No.7403811

How recently did she delete comments?

>> No.7403864


There are some pretty damning ones left on there. Like the poor mother with her little girl who bought a dress with her pocketmoney on layby. If I were picking off comments, I would've dumped that one a long time ago.

>> No.7404324


Woahh what happened here? Can I get a rundown? I used to be part of the Melbourne Loli community and was friends with Marie (actually, I gave the store a $300 pink AP bow blouse for her to sell for me. Wonder where that is now).

>> No.7404337

>I gave the store a $300 pink AP bow blouse for her to sell for me.

Lol, so you're one of the people who gave her items that were horribly overpriced? An AP blouse retails for half that new and has fairly low resale value, jesus.

>> No.7404356

Somewhat scammer related question, am I be able to add a second address to my paypal for someone to ship to instead?
I thought if I buy something from Europe, it would be cheaper if I had them send it to my grandmother in Germany instead of all the way to US, but I know the seller has to send it to the address on the paypal or else they lose standing if a pp case happens. I'm cheap but I don't want to be seen as a scammer.

>> No.7404368

Sorry, anon, you can't set it to an address in another country. Or you have to create a paypal for that country, but since you presumably don't have a german bank account, that wouldn't work.

>> No.7404369

Nutshell version:
Last year there were a few instances where Marie was kind of spectacularly rude/short with customers, which made their way onto reviews on EGL. A very public argument with chokelate about LIEF distribution on Tumblr, and a BABY reservation she slept through and missed for a customer... All of that fun stuff is on getoffegl.

Anyway, there was buzz about banning ODIP for scamming, because of the reservation incident, but then at the beginning of the year she posted a cryptic "hiatus until further notice" message.. and promptly dropped off the face of the earth for a month. Her own distributors were left in the dark and scrambling with preorders. The Adelaide store was shut, and Marie was completely unreachable on all points. Email, FB, nada. This was enough to let EGL ban her. (It's supposedly temporary, but the longer it drags, the less likely the temporary nature holds...)

Beginning of February, she popped up briefly to say she had the flu, her health had been poor in 2013, and she was going to restructure the company, close the physical store permanently. And then... nothing. She's still in possession of commission items, laybys and so on...

I don't doubt she's been ill, and being in hospital would certainly limit how much she could reach her clients, but it does seem incredibly skeevy to vanish without passing the reigns to someone else, at least long enough to return commissions and finish laybys.

>> No.7404371

related question but different anon:
Has anyone studied or worked abroad and dealt with switching/creating a new paypal? I am worried that I won't be able to buy things from the comm sales while I'm abroad, although I'm currently thinking about just having everything sent to my bf's.

>> No.7404373

I just made a new paypal account in the country I moved to and left the old one as-is.

>> No.7404379

I see, that's too bad. I guess I can try asking to pay by gift or deal with the extra shipping

>> No.7404383


As a German I can only give you the advice: Deal with the extra shipping. It will probably be less than what your grandma has to pay for taxes - believe me, they are crazy high here in Germany, especially if your item is over 150€.

>> No.7404429
File: 225 KB, 1061x1600, DSC_0576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is trying to sell damaged and stretched out brand for well above what they're worth: flouncinginfrills.blogspot dot com dot au/2014/03/sales-sales-and-more-sales.html

One dress is even torn because she was too big for it. At least she has worn pictures so we know not to buy them (not that I would, the prices for the AP dresses in particular are bad).

>> No.7404452

She was planning on sending EU items to her grandma in Germany, those wouldn't get taxed at all.

>> No.7404456

Any about Yunni/Mi/Mikarin/Sweet Like Candy? Has she been banned from Angelic Pretty yet?

>> No.7404489

I had two, since I had a bank account there while I lived there.

>> No.7404495

be careful about that, they'll freeze it if you accidentally use the one from the old country in that one. It happened to me
>from USA
>school in Canada
>switching up paypal
>accessed accidentally to transfer funds
>both froze "anon you can't do that"

>> No.7404511
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, 1383887638221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have some questions myself. I responded to a WTB for someone who has no feedback on their feedback page yet, but an semi active livejournal that's been up for over two years. Provided I invoice her, retain proof of shipping, and only ship to the address on her paypal, am I safe from her opening a claim on me later and trying to scam with a chargeback or something? I've sold to new people before, but I'm a little paranoid because I was approached via PM for a $200 purchase(previously to the transaction in question) and the seller had just made a completely empty livejournal account in January and stopped responding after I mentioned her empty LJ and asking for her feedback page.

>> No.7404789

You will want tracking AND signature confirmation on the package as well. Otherwise, that sounds good to me.

>> No.7406150

I made a new one and just put my American credit card on it, since electronic banking (at least when it comes to Paypal) doesn't really exist in the country I'm studying abroad in. So you don't necessarily have to link a bank account to it.

>> No.7406282

I said $300 because I'm pretty sure that's how much I paid for it directly from AP. However I could be wrong about the price, seeing as this was 3 or 4 years ago. I think she was actually selling it for $150 or $200. Also, I sold a few things through her, with each of them, she chose the price. It was expensive because she gave herself a 20-30% commission and worked it into the selling price.


Thanks for the info.. I can't believe she slept through a reservation, how irresponsible can you be.

>> No.7406382

no way you paid 300 bucks for an AP blouse new.

>> No.7406446

The caps are all floating on an egl review. It's pretty ugly. And the big deal is, she never... Really apologized in the conversation and then freaked out and threatened legal action at her. Something about defamation?

But like... Reservations screw up. I feel like if I overslept a reservation I would send a hugely apologetic note and see what I could offer from the shop instead to keep the customer happy. The whole thing seemed very cockeyed.

>> No.7406449

>AP blouse
I call bullshit.

>> No.7406458

I dont know if Marie even got my item or if I'll get my money back if she didnt

>> No.7406494

I don't think there's ever been an AP blouse that cost $300 new, not even Moitie blouses cost that much. They normally cost under $150.

>> No.7406500

There has never been an AP blouse that costs $300 retail or secondhand.

>> No.7406888


It's not even the first time she's missed a reservation. I know a girl whose reservation was missed because Marie was busy serving a customer.

>> No.7406922

First she told the customer that legally she didn't owe them a refund, then she said she would take legal action if they posted a negative review that they deemed to be defamation. More than one person since then came forward and said Marie also threatened them with legal action if they posted a negative review.

>> No.7408212

Holy shit. Would she have any leg to stand on? Maybe she was sued...

>> No.7411425

This is probably a really stupid question, but ODIP only affects Australian lolis, right? It's mentioned on the reserve page for the Sleipnir JSK, so I hope her shutting down doesn't cancel the dresses again.

>> No.7411715

Sadly, no. ODIP manufactures for Ergi right now, so even people ordering directly from the designer are potentially getting screwed, since the money goes to ODIP through Ergi. That means European lolitas, mostly.

The announcement on the ODIP page says that the dresses are halfway finished, but that was from over a month ago. I don't think the dresses will be cancelled, since they're already that far into production, but I feel bad for Ergi because I have a feeling a lot of customers are probably asking for refunds when she probably has already given the money to ODIP for the manufacturing.

>> No.7411787

She also has a small American offshoot, as well, it's not run by her, though.

I dunno... she might be bankrupt and unable to pay for the dresses. My heart would break for Ergi. I've been wanting my Viking Dress.

>> No.7411793

I'm worried that that's the situation myself. The physical store front has been confirmed to be emptied out/closed down on their page. From my understanding of that update, there are still people waiting on Nightmare Rising dresses and those chiffon blouses, too. Which extra-blows, since those were all paid for back in November some time.

ODIP has really shafted these indie designers.

>> No.7411833

There's a few she was GOING to work with (like Kawaii Limey, I believe?) that just sort of disappeared.

I'd love to know THAT story...

>> No.7411843

Kawaii Lime, yeah. The carousel print with roses or something?

I'd be highly surprised if any of these designers to continue to work with her. Which kind of sucks, because they probably can't afford to manufacture things themselves. I guess we just have to wait and see if she ever resurfaces.

>> No.7411852

You'd go right back to trusting her? Idiot.

>> No.7411866

Uh. No. I'm saying it sucks that she isn't trustworthy because it screws those designers over.

The resurfacing bit is in reference to people getting their items/money.

>> No.7411909

Why do I feel like this is hardly getting the attention it deserves? This wacko stole thousands, maybe tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.7411917

Because there are no updates. Everyone was paying attention to ODIP before because Marie was constantly throwing fuel on the fire. Now that she's dropped off the map, there's nothing to say and people have lost interest if they don't have a personal claim in it.

>> No.7411978


Make a quick gtfo. Nothing wrong with a small, fleeting one. Half of the recent ones have been that.

>> No.7412010

I'm curious... has anyone actually spoken to Ergi or Rogue Aerie in regards to concerns about this fiasco? I don't have an order with either of them so I don't have much to offer in terms of asking, but what about other anons who have already paid?

>> No.7412420

I agree. This is getting less attention than the dramamonger's shitfits did and this is much more serious scamming with a lot of money and companies involved.

The sad fact is people lose interest if there isn't any new tasty drama to read.

>> No.7412454

From what I understand, Ergi and Rogue Aerie are doing refunds out of their own pockets. It's really sick. Even the girl with the American end of ODIP has no clue what's happening with Marie. She posted a "don't know shit" on her Tumblr. (It's linked on the last GTFO post).

I think we need to do a quick GTFO post. We need to have everyone stay updated. Marie claimed to have contacted people on the 4th, but it seems a lot of people are messed up.

This is a HUGE mess and I feel like it should be everywhere. Maybe enough to kind of give Marie no choice but to move.

I get the feeling Marie's in hospital again- since she's not responding at all. Which would be terrible, as a human being I hope she gets well soon. But if the case is her health, she NEEDS to give reigns of the company to someone else at least until she sorts herself out. Too many people are at stake.

>> No.7413229

So what's this about rosaire running off with people's money too?

>> No.7413575

okay, serious question - where did this even come from? i never saw a post regarding rosaire taking money without sending out orders. eventually. as far as i've seen, all orders have been fulfilled. but i guess i missed something? could someone link me?

>> No.7413613


>> No.7413668

My only question is what would the post say? There is no new information. No updates on the ODIP page, no new comments since the end of February on posts, no new information from people who work with her. Part of me suspects that she only came back long enough to get people off her back so she could run for real, which sucks, because like you said, a lot of people are out quite a bit of money already, and she's got at least four people who work with her who are very likely to either be out more money themselves or have wrecked reputations because of her inability to run a business.

>> No.7413672

well, uh... is there any proof these claims are correct, aside from an anon saying so?

>> No.7413686

No I don't think so, just trolls trying to create drama.

>> No.7413746

Because Marie is popular in the community and other dramamongers aren't.

>> No.7413778


Of course they would get taxed if youre unlucky and your package gets stuck in customs. You cannot import items of a certain value without having to pay taxes, even if you sent it as a gift/buy from a private person.
Believe me, I learned this the hard way.

>> No.7413806

Hideous obese thieves will never be popular either, always hated.

>> No.7413856

If you didn't watch the months-long shitstorm when it went down, we're not going to replay it for you. Archives and getoff exist for a reason.

>> No.7413868

There is no proof that she took money and =never= shipped out orders.

If you have this proof then cough it up or shut the fuck up.

>> No.7413984

I bought a pair of tea parties about a month and a half ago from a jacqueline loli on facebook. She provided a picture of a shipping slip as a proof of shipment but I still have yet to get them in the mail. I chose the cheapest shipping option, but I'm fairly new to buying internationally so I'm unsure how long shipping usually takes from china to the US. Should I be worried?

>> No.7413993

... but there are all of the people bitching about how she took their money and never shipped out their orders.

>> No.7413998

It usually takes somewhere between 2 weeks to up to two months. Depends on how fast the seller actually shipped the item and if they got caught in customs or if they passed through quickly.

>> No.7414002


>> No.7414139

Ok, thanks :D

>> No.7414147

Read the fucking archives you cunt.

>> No.7414158

There is no proof, fuckhead.

>> No.7414202

Maybe you should be the one to shut up and leave since you're too much of a lazy piece of shit to find all the months of discussion that laid out the events multiple times? Stop shitting up the thread to demand proof of drama everyone has known for ages then crying when you're told to find it yourself. No one owes you anything.

>> No.7414282

>anonymous people saying it happened means it really happened


>> No.7414286
File: 31 KB, 444x405, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo has anyone ever used No Country for Tall Men as a shopping service? I have an ongoing order with them (not lolita this time, but still) and I'm getting a little worried because of posts like these on their Facebook.

They seem to be doing what rosaire did, actually, where they aren't setting aside the money received for the items + shipping and using it for those items and shipping exclusively, but pooling it all together and using it for their items, bills, etc., and apparently ending up in the hole.

Not a scam at this point but it's worrying.

>> No.7414343

Yeah, that sounds worrying. If you can, I'd cancel and get out while you can.

>> No.7414344

I've got two SM lip balm orders with him which he has confirmed arrival. I've been watching his page for at least six months and I think he just has to go in waves for all his orders. I'm not too worried. Though not expecting shipment until end of this month. Just a guess.

>> No.7414983

>begging for donations to doing the job that they have already been paid to do

>> No.7415189

But within the EU there's free movement of goods. Or has Germany just said a giant fuck you to the rest of the EU?

>> No.7415200


We haven't, items sent from within the EU will not be taxed. I don't what >>7413778 is talking about. .

>> No.7415204

I would demand a refund immediately and if he refuses contact Paypal or your credit card company on the issue. People like that are irresponsible/fraudulent and waiting around for them to decide on if they want to actually fulfill your order or not is a losing situation.

>> No.7415248

Honestly, I'd have a post essentially calling for information. If anyone has gotten emails/responses from her. Supposedly she sent emails to some people, but not to others. It'd be a good touchpoint.

SOMEONE has to know what's going on with her. If she's popular in the community, she has friends, someone has to know what's happening.

I suspect, yes, she's ill, but I also suspect she's bankrupt? Maybe she wasn't able to get the production of the dresses finished?

I just really hope the people who work for her aren't going to carry blackened reputations because Marie was an idiot. They all seem really nice and mellow. How the hell did they hitch their stars to that padded wagon?

The CONCEPT of ODiP was pretty cool, with production of Indie Designer's work, etc... It's really sad to see it literally bomb like this.

>> No.7415316

I don't know how the hell she'd be bankrupt. She made a 30% profit at least on her already overpriced goods.

>> No.7415487

>If she's popular in the community, she has friends, someone has to know what's happening.
That's just it. She's not popular at all. The only support she's getting appears to be from fans of her page rather than people who actually know her at all. No one in Adelaide is making a peep and a bunch of people I know who have orders with her are still trying to flag her down. People are pissed.

The big problem is that Australian lolitas keep quiet about their drama for the most part, which is how shit like this and the situation with Tokyo Hardcore have been allowed to happen.

She opened that store in Adelaide and is manufacturing large runs of dresses. Neither of these is cheap. I personally think that the fact that she shut the Adelaide store down instead of hiring help to return items or liquidate stock says quite a bit about her financial state. If she weren't struggling for money, she'd have found a way to get people's items back, even if she couldn't do it herself.

>> No.7415490

>which is how shit like this and the situation with Tokyo Hardcore have been allowed to happen.

Can anyone go over this again? I remember reading about it but I don't think it was spoken about much like you said so I've forgotten.

>> No.7415495

Long story short, she ordered a bunch of AP for people. Most never got their orders, nor their money back. I'm not real clear on the details because, like I said, Australian lolitas are tight-lipped.

I think she also took pre-orders for that Reblog abomination that never came to fruition?

>> No.7415504

>Australian lolitas are tight-lipped.

I don't understand that- if a scam happened, wouldn't you want people to know so there is no possible way to have it happen again? Or perhaps tell people so they can try and help figure out ways to get money/orders. I mean, with the internet and whatnot nowadays there's a possibility of people being tracked down, etc.

>> No.7415508

I don't get it either, but the community really is quite closed. I've always assumed it was because they dealt with their drama internally, but this situation with Marie/ODIP is making it evident that it's less dealing and more ignoring.

Though it could also have to do with her law suit trigger finger as well. Even if a case doesn't make it to court, most of us don't have the resources to counter her supposed plague of cease and desist letters and threats.

>> No.7415532

In terms of "the community really is quite closed" are you talking about states or the country as a whole? Because we don't know about the drama from outside our states for the most part unless it's something really big.

>> No.7415546

Bit of both. There's overlap from one city to the next because people travel for conventions and things, but we're pretty isolated. I always thought the US communities were a bit more coherent, but that might just be because they look bigger.

>> No.7415565

There's no bad selling/buying threads here so I'll post this here.

I recently bought a dress from someone but they never reply to my emails without me having to hassle them. They would always promise to reply with more info while we were sorting things out, but then not reply for days until I would message them again. I just sent them a large sum of money and asked if they could confirm if they got it and it's been almost 2 days and nothing. I know they've been online as I see them posting - the least they can do is to reply after I sent several hundred dollars. I don't want to be a pain, but seriously.

>> No.7415711

File a chargeback?

>> No.7415718

It's too early for that now and she's not a scammer, just terrible at communication. I just feel that I shouldn't have to keep messaging her twice to get the one reply. I hate doing that as I don't want to be that annoying buyer.

>> No.7416310

Wrong. There's a different tax in different countries and often you have to pay the difference (usually 2-8%).
Sincerely, European lolita

>> No.7416475

It looks like the ODIP site has been changed. The category for Baby/AatP is completely gone. Before it was there but there were 0 items, now there is nothing about them on the site at all.

>> No.7416514

Just ignore it. That whole drama has just spiraled so much that I don't even bother listening to any of it anymore. I would stick to other places for info on that issue, not here. Too many random trolls trying to stir the pot.

>> No.7416638

oooooooh, looks like BABY dumped her.

>> No.7416643

Seeing as hey haven't heard from her since last year, it's about damn time.

>> No.7416645

It DOES mean, however, SOMEBODY is editing her site. Someone's around.

>> No.7416648

I have no doubt that she is still around but simply isn't saying or doing anything about the problems she has caused.

>> No.7416651

She wanted to dump distributorship/resale for ages because she doesn't make much money on them compared to taobao and her original design manufacturing.

The reason Australian lolitas aren't spewing about ODIP everywhere is because a) many of us were personal friends with her once, though maybe not now and b) there's literally nothing we can do. She has returned items to some people and shipped some orders, but hasn't replied to anyone since her last brief update, not even her distributors or designers. She's fucking a lot of people over but Aussies are not as sue-happy as our US counterparts and legal fees are expensive.

>> No.7416655

So... remember when Dolly Poddle disappeared at the beginning of last year?

>> No.7416666

No1curr she is nice and pretty and she had a baby god you bitch give her a break!!!!

>> No.7416678

I know right!

I'm actually wondering if maybe she died?

>> No.7416679


Can you not read? I'm European myself, so don't condescend me. I've never had to pay such a tax, even on €300+ parcels. Can you provide prove of this? You've got me curious now.

>> No.7416738

I have purchased things from her a couple of times. She's not very good communication wise but i got my items pretty quickly. If you only paid for sea mail you'll be waiting for quite a while though.

>> No.7416917

On the empty box thing... couldn't the person scamming just ship out a random piece of clothing, old towel, etc?

Someone mentioned the little weight of the box as proof that scammer didn't send anything, but this would easily bypass that.

>> No.7416936

then take a picture of that and demand refund due to item not as described?

>> No.7416947

PayPal doesn't accept pictures

>> No.7417071

Paypal doesn't accept picture proof...

>> No.7417170


People were still going on about 'just give her a chance guys!' months after she disappeared. There's one girl who said she's going to hold out, because she trusts in Dolly and knows she'll return.

Not being funny or anything, but the woman's either dead or done a runner. Either way, you're fucked.

>> No.7417484

Hey seagulls, I need some help.

So I bought a custom head piece on Etsy and received it in the mail a few days ago. It was the wrong colors, so I contact the seller and she says to send it back to her with a tracking number and that she'll refund me the shipping, fix the item, and send it back.

Well, it's been a few days and I'm a little worried because she didn't answer my message with the receipt and tracking number or about the status of the item.

Can I still dispute this? I've never had to deal with PayPal disputes or anything before, so I'm confused.

I didn't want to make the comment every long so I left out a lot of extra info about the seller, but she just hasn't offered good communication at all the past MONTH since I've bought the item. I'm just super disappointed because all the other reviews are glowing about her, but I've only gotten terrible service. Won't go into detail, but could someone answer my question? Thanks.

>> No.7418265

Australian lolitas aren't "tight lipped", we genuinely have no fucking clue what is going on.
Marie's friends are just as much, ifnot more, out of pocket than other customers since we all pooled more money into that store for the convenience of having a local business we could visit and do the hard work for us.

Australian lolitas will let you have it, either by public shaming or quiet exclusion. Marie hasn't been invited to anything since her disappearance and any discussion about her will lead to various girls telling their stories about dresses/commissions/etc not being returned (this isn't just since Jan 2014, but some stories go back more than a year of wrangling to locate shit).

As a whole, nobody knows anything.....coupled with the awkwardness and distance between comms it's impossible to get a full story until Marie or the people she lives with tell us because she's not answered her phone, emails or anything from any of us...

>> No.7418280

And yet, they have to have been quiet about the issues of the past for it to have gotten to the point where no one knows anything now. This is too extreme for there to be no one in the know at some stage. And that's the point being made. She managed to slip past everyone because no one wanted to call her out on her flaws before they got this far.

If people had come forward with their grievances sooner, she wouldn't have been able to run off without a word to anyone or get away with threatening people with lawsuits the way she has done in supposedly multiple cases. People wouldn't have been giving her the benefit of the doubt for so long if people actually had spread the word about her bad service, either. Until about six months ago, the only negatives incidents I knew of were her arguments with Lockshop and Clobba. Even now, the only other incidents I know of are stories that I've been asked "not to repeat" by friends, because they were worried she'd come after them, or anyone repeating them. And that's fucking appalling. I've had a number of people say to me "oh, well, she's always been this way, but we didn't want to say anything..." when I ask why no one was warned.

>> No.7418378

I think part of the issue is some people have recieved items and a lot of girls are still in hope that they do as that's all that they want. I don't know how many recieved items nor how many haven't only that the haven't from my knowledge is a lot more than those who have.

>> No.7418383

I know everyones like yay baby/aatp has dumped odip but how are australians going to get their items without going through shopping services. I feel bad for them because at this moment they have no local business to take their orders or to help them get new released items.

>> No.7418388

Hopefully more experienced lolitas can bond together with other local girls and help them order. Australian lolitas are lovely people so I don't think this would be too out of the quesiton. Or someone with money could start there own store? Or perhaps a group or a whole comm could?

>> No.7418402

By ordering directly from them? That's cheaper anyway.

>> No.7418405

And there's no rick of Marie falling asleep and not ordering your item.

>> No.7418411

Which comm though?
None of them have their shit together to pull it off:
Adelaide is too connected with Marie herself, Tazzie is too small and spread out, Melb has a a fair few crazies, Perth is filled with weeby itas, Sydney is dominated by e-fame whores, and brizzie is meant to be shit house as well.

>> No.7418417

>how are australians going to get their items without going through shopping services

Boo hoo, aussies will have to do what the rest of the world has to do. Deal with it.

>> No.7418420

I thought Brisbane was the one filled with all the efamous people? Which efamous people are from Sydney?

>> No.7418579

I'd be curious if anyone would consider just buying ODIP right out from under Marie and starting it as their own business? Her petticoats are actually quite nice.

It'd be getting around the name on the label that would be a bitch.

>> No.7418614

Where the fuck are you from? I'm in the UK and have never had to pay ANY kind of import tax from within the EU. VAT here is 20% but even stuff from lower VAT areas doesn't get taxed on entry because those taxes apply at the point of sale.

Unless you are in an EU special territory, which Germany is NOT, you're being illegally taxed if you're paying extra for goods moved within the EU.

>> No.7418624

Furthermore, there is a free trade agreement between the EU and Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. So unless you live in Switzerland or out in some godforsaken ex-soviet state in the east, there's no taxes to pay on moving goods.

>> No.7418627 [DELETED] 


I'm the girl she was replying to and i'm curious about what she means too. I always thought sending items to another EU country was pretty much like sending it within your own country. You don't have to put custom declarations on parcels sent inside the EU, just that person's address. How would customs know what value to tax?

Is she getting confused with business imports or something?

>> No.7418640 [DELETED] 

>>7418627 here



You sure you're in Europe?

>> No.7418646


I'm the girl she was replying to and i'm curious about what she means too. You don't even need custom declarations for inter-EU parcels, so how would customs know what value to tax?



>>7416310, you sure you're in Europe?

>> No.7419032

That's assuming anyone would be willing to buy it from her and not just start their own. Buying into the company means buying into the reputation and anyone with any interest in lolita in Australia knows to steer clear of her by now. She'd have to get someone unrelated to take over, and they sure as hell wouldn't have a clue how to run the game either.

>> No.7419720

Months ago when Marie first disappeared, anons first suggested contacting the Office of Fair Trading. I purchased the IW mook off her, boo hoo, poor me, I lost a couple of dollars. It's nothing compared to what other girls have lost. But still I don't like the bitter taste of Marie having bested me so I thought what harm could it do if I approached the Office of Fair Trading like everyone suggested but nobody appeared to be doing? I'd dropped Marie several messages/emails which were all polite and rather formal and informed her what actions I would be taking (with the back of my mind reminding me that Marie has many times threatened legal actions but I believe strongly that it was all a bluff to scare people).
I finally received a phone call a couple of minutes ago from the Office of Fair Trading in my area and was told that they have tried contacting ODIP multiple times through different channels but she hasn't responded whatsoever. The store/business itself doesn't have a phone number to contact (and I personally don't have Marie's number nor have I approached the lolitas who were friends with her for it because that could easily turn into a shit storm if her phone number were to be given out and spread around - not saying that I would do that but I'm sure it's a good reason why her ex-friends haven't done so). So essentially they told me that I have enough proof to take her to court over it, and whilst it is hardly an item of enough monetary worth to chase up, the legal fees would most likely fall to her to cover as she is very clearly in the wrong. The woman on the phone advised me that because this business didn't even have an available phone number, the business easily could be seen as a dodgy scam. As I live in a different state, it was not as easy to approach the address in person which could be arranged if I approached the SA Fair Trading mob.

>> No.7419727

Oh my goodness. Go on? I wonder if more people can join in. With more of a stake in it?

>> No.7419733

I told the woman that I was not the only person out of pocket and others were more worse off than me. She advised me that the best thing to do was to gather everyone who had a legitimate complaint with proof should band together and approach QCAT or the SA Fair Trading and take it from there.
I'm not really interested in chasing up the couple of bucks further than emailing the Office of Fair Trading, but if people who have lost also to Marie wanted to do something about it (from the sounds of it a lot of designers and distributors are at a huge loss to pay people back but I don't honestly know the real situations) that has what has been suggested to me.

>> No.7419749

OH, also they said that ODIP's details and the situation has been recorded and will be open in the likely event other people will come forward, so at least in QLD she is listed as a scammer/bad business/that's kind of how the woman explained it to me

>> No.7419758

You should post this on EGL, seriously, or send it to the mods. Or give note on the australian communities at least.

>> No.7419792

You should post on the ODIP facebook page a call to arms with all the people who have proof of purchases during the time of her disappearance (and are without any goods to show for it) and do it politely as I believe that's the best way to get the word out to the largest number of her customers she's screwed over. Also yes, post a polite message on EGL as well.

>> No.7419812

Someone's watching the ODIP FB page though. I think they left the last few, but something of that nature might get seen as harassment by FB and get you in trouble with FB.

Now, I think the way around that is having a post on EGL or GTFO, and then link over. That's what someone did before and got away with it. (Marie even responded to that one.)

>> No.7419821

Taking this to court would be a painful thing for people who were once her friend to go through, I would imagine. I'd like to hear what they have to say before I do anything, and like I said, I'm hardly out of pocket (though I'm pissed off I still haven't read the mook but kind of glad because I've decided the tote is ugly anyway) so I don't really want to spearhead anything. I have little understanding of how the legal/consumerism world works. I would rather wait to see what people closer to the Melb comm/Marie's previous inner sanctum say before taking this any further than cgl.

>> No.7419846

Definitely post this to EGL or message the moderators to have it added to the "ATTN/Caution" post on the sticky. The more people who can be gathered up to offer evidence of her business practices, the more likely action will be successful.

>> No.7419908

if you are polite and do not insult ODIP, simply state a message about getting in touch with customers who have not received orders or refunds (and leave out the legal parts) then there is nothing they can claim as defamation.

>> No.7419988

ODIP situation as far as I know it:

1. No one in Adelaide knows anything. Insofar as I know, Marie has not physically returned to Adelaide. I rather suspect she was hiding out in Sydney because her boyfriend was/is in Sydney during the entire time she was missing.

2. Celeste Wong, Marie's part time employee to staff the ODIP store, has access to the storefront and websites, but she has pretty much taken the position of "I am not lifting a finger unless Marie tells/pays me to do so". My understanding is that most Adelaide lolitas don't know to contact Celeste Wong for their consignment items which is all kinds of weird.

>> No.7420073

I've only met a few girls from Adelaide and Melbourne but they seem to have it together pretty well. Sydney often does group orders and although there are efamous people they seem united. Briss comm although no longer contains it's efamous lolita, is lovely imo and I think would be able to do it.

I have not much knowledge of Perth and Tasmania.

>> No.7420099

>My understanding is that most Adelaide lolitas don't know to contact Celeste Wong for their consignment items which is all kinds of weird.

can someone post this on the FB so people can get their items back?

>> No.7420110

Someone -please- make a GTFO with this new information...

>> No.7420230


Marie burnt the last of her bridges in Melbourne with this disappearance bullshit. A few have already contacted their banks to see if they can get their payments reversed.

>> No.7421027

I was gonna say, I thought she kinda took off to Adelaide and slighted a bunch of Melbourne girls on the way.

>> No.7421600

So where is marie now? Doesn't anybody know where she lives so they can confront her in person?

>> No.7421632

No one knows where she is, no. That's the problem. People have theorised that she might be with her boyfriend in Sydney, but his living quarters are temporary and cramped so that's unlikely. It's possible that she decided to hide out with her parents, but it's almost equally possible that she skipped the country because she has dual citizenship and family abroad.

There is no way to confront her because no one can confirm which state she's in, never mind which city.

>> No.7421633

What other country does she have citizenship for?

>> No.7421644

The UK and maybe one more? She lived all over as a kid apparently. Something to do with her dad's job.

>> No.7422426

Her dad is the one who's bailing out her business all the time isn't he? Didn't he get the loan for her, or pay for ODIP to open? Or something like that? I can only imagine the family drama suing marie would spark

>> No.7423340

I'm not sure how much bailing out he's done, but he has invested in the business before from what friends have said.

>> No.7423517

My friend was just refunded from RAD today. She was told the dresses were in China but that they couldn't get them. She doesn't actually keep up with anything so she doesn't realize it's Marie's fault. But I just figured I'd let people know.

>> No.7423973

How many refunds have been granted? It sounds like RAD is paying people back out of pocket and that sucks.

>> No.7424254

How horrible for RAD. They've only just started up and now they're having to reimburse people for something that wasn't their fault at all. Of all people they should hold Marie accountable!!

>> No.7424414

I hope they are. Her and Ergi. And Clockwork Butterfly?

>> No.7424419

>Hello there, anon. I’ll be making a big announcement with regards to Nightmare Rising and all else that has been going on this year on the 20th of March. Please bear with us for just a little bit longer!

From RAD's tumblr. I assume that this is probably related.

>> No.7424503

Awww, snap.

>> No.7424666

I feel extremely sorry for Kate because she is a lovely person who sadly has health issues but makes fantastic dresses and has been caught up in all of this mess :( RAD is probably the best indie designer outside of Japan or China imo and all of this may definetly halt her progress.

>> No.7424690

So Marie is screwing over tons of customers and might have ruined the business of some designers, but none of that matters as much as how bad rosaries farts smell. Way to go vandetta fagets.

>> No.7424777

Gtfo Rosiare drama faggot. Nobody cares anymore, your shit is stale, get over it

>> No.7424784

ok rosarie

>> No.7424850
File: 46 KB, 245x245, 1387481070060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop replying to them. Don't give them the attention they want and trolls eventually go away.

Not just you but everyone, until there's an update in any Rosaire dramu, stop replying to these assholes and shitting up threads.

>> No.7424890

Every time I read the post of someone who can't even spell 'Rosaire' properly, all I see is "hurrdhurdurrrdurr" anyway. Not sure if trolls are doing it on purpose or if people are really that dumb.

>> No.7424896

This. We all know everything there is to know about her at this point. If someone asks about it, direct them to any of the other numerous threads that were derailed, because this shit has been beaten beyond death.

>> No.7424906

so I asked Ergi about the viking jsks and she said she wanted to contact some of Marie's customers that haven't received their items or their refunds. I wonder what's going on with that.
if you've been fucked over by Marie, maybe go talk to Ergi and tell her what happened? i'm not sure what she's trying to do at this point, but it's worth a shot i guess.

>> No.7425200

Girl who originaly complained about taxes, I did not know you were talking about shipping within the EU (I thought you were from America or anywhere else). Within the EU, there are no taxes, right. Sorry for all the confusion!

>> No.7426445

Mail is bouncing from info@onedayinparadise.com.au now. The server message said that mail was undeliverable because the recipient's inbox was full, so that's confirmation that Marie isn't checking her email.

>> No.7426664


Bets on if she's either flown the coop or is in hospital?

>> No.7426668

She was probably never in the hospital to begin with.

>> No.7426690

I think that if she was in the hospital one of her friends would've said something about it.

It's more than likely that she scammed people and is trying to hide until people forget about it.

>> No.7426707

Or it was a psych stay. The length is right and the only reason to hide why she was sick is if it gives credence to the Crazy Marie name, really.

>> No.7427586

Kind of interesting how she legitimately ran off with everyone's money and no one one /cgl/ really has anything to say about it because

>she is nice and pretty and she had a baby god you bitch give her a break!!!!

>> No.7427668

I think that anon was joking, anon.

>> No.7428181

Yea I know, I was referencing what she was joking about

>> No.7428864

Email is bouncing, but no responses. Is the only other way to at least lodge a complaint on Facebook?

Still really think this should be on GTFO. I'd do it myself, but I don't know if I could organize all the fuckery happening here.

>> No.7429475
File: 64 KB, 554x342, marie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like someone on the ODIP facebook page is trying to get authorities involved. She also commented similar info on the posts of other people who are complaining about the lack of response.

>> No.7429477
File: 86 KB, 551x462, marie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had previously posted this.

>> No.7429869

Good bit of advice, then. Everybody get those registered post letters in the mail.

>> No.7430115

I don't see it on there anymore?

>> No.7430116

I believe
Was posted on the Adelaide Lolita Community page not the ODiP facebook

>> No.7430125

It's on the ODIP page as well

>> No.7431906

Any replies on the Adelaide page? Not in Adelaide so I can't see. How many people got screwed here?

>> No.7431915

A few replies. Someone was drafting a letter of demand for people to use as a template to send to Marie. The post has mostly been buried now though, since another girl went and commented on every single photo in the members album.

>> No.7431943

Yeah we have the ACCC, but the Australian lolitas that I have seen talking about are so fucking in denial they won't do shit about it.
I think I know the woman you're talking about. I PMed her on Facebook and let her know what we knew about Marie, and told her to either go to the police or ACCC to get her money back. She shouldn't have to put up with lolita politics if she and her daughter aren't lolitas, she deserves her money back.

>> No.7431948

Liking their own fb status? Jesus what a cunt.

>> No.7431952

Fucking this.

>> No.7432221

Oh, good...Did the little girl ever get a dress? At one point I saw her profile picture had switched to one of her daughter wearing one. My heart just broke for her.

>> No.7432227

There's also the pretty public incident where she tangled it up with Chokelate about LIEF right on Tumblr, calling her by name and being really vicious. And, of course, in reblogs and things, posts live forever on Tumblr. just deleting the root doesn't get rid of it. And there were caps, of course.

>> No.7433817

This might not belong here, but does anyone know what's going on with Lady Sloth and shipping out her brocade blouse orders? Last I saw she was having family issues but that was almost a month ago with no update. I sent her a PM on fb and also an email and got no response.

>> No.7435640

Oh no... Dammit, I liked her stuff.
Man, what is it with Lolita service providers getting ill?

>> No.7435647

Marie has a history of making a point of calling disgruntled customers by their names online. The Miyu_sakura drama springs to mind along with the Choke incident. I feel like it's a subtle power play, kind of a "I know your IRL information, don't fuck with me bitch" game.

>> No.7435851

It seems like a condescending power move, like using "honey" and "sweetie," etc.

>> No.7436907

She is shipping them out, albeit slowly. She had a status on her page a while ago saying that if you need your blouse by a certain date to let her know. I messaged her, and she said i would receive an email with a tracking number, i never got the email but my blouse arrived about a week ago. I have heard that she is bad with communication, and i'd have to agree, but i wouldn't be too worried for now.

>> No.7437748

Well, that's good. And if she IS hand-making them, it would take some time anyway.

>> No.7439377


Shit just got real.

>> No.7439390

I wonder what will happen to her. Will she end up in jail or something?

>> No.7439400

Oooh I'm curious now.

>Want AusComm to know.
>Don't want to be that girl.

>> No.7439570

I doubt she would end up in jail unless she owes tens of thousands. Most likely she will end up in court and be forced to pay back everything she owes + fees people accrued in the meantime.

>> No.7439667

Wow, wow. Just, damn. I want this to get everywhere.

>> No.7440159

Yup. She's done.

>> No.7440175

At this rate, I doubt we'll ever see her again. Just poof, off the radar. She doesn't have anything to gain from coming back.

>> No.7440177

She really doesn't. But it's possible that people can take legal action against her still. Because if she HAS left the country, and people report her to consumer affairs and the police, she'll be flagged upon re-entry from what I understand.

>> No.7440187

What happens if she hasn't left the country and she tries to make a quick escape or something?

>> No.7440199

Probably the same, I would think. I'm not sure. I still think she's in the country. I just don't think she's in Adelaide or Sydney. I honestly suspect that she really did admit herself to a psych ward in January and that she may be receiving treatment still.

>> No.7440356

Official Statement - 20th March, 2014
20 March 2014 at 10:01
As of the 10th of March, Rouge Aerie Designs is no longer working in collaboration with One Day in Paradise to manufacture lolita garments, bags, or other items.

This decision has been a very hard one to make, and has required a lot of consideration and weighing of options. As many of you are aware, the situation with One Day in Paradise since December 2013 has been very confusing all around, and caused quite a few people quite a bit of distress.

We cannot comment on the status of ODIP as a business, nor their plans for the future.

So what does this mean for Rouge Aerie Designs' future?
We are preparing several Spoonflower releases to get you that RAD fix you've been craving! These releases will be permanent fixtures in the RAD Spoonflower store, for anyone to use as they wish.
We are working on arrangements with a new factory, to continue where ODIP left off with production of previously announced lines. The runs for this factory will be smaller in number than the Nightmare Rising release done with ODIP, as better suits our business model.
We will be producing accessories and jewellery to go with our new designs!
Pre-orders will be our primary focus for releases. During the Nightmare Rising pre-order, we had issues with customers who did not receive their items as planned, even months after the fact, due to the situation with ODIP's hiatus. We are currently working on a model for ordering which will prevent this from happening again.
Of course, we are working on new designs for future release! Kate's sketchbook is near bursting with designs and several are in progress now.
We will be attempting to expand our sizing range a bit more, to better accommodate our customers' needs. Please take the time to fill in this brief questionnaire on sizing if you haven't already: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mxHveI-nQuPkRjDGs6EM9kvat0CfP5MV2zKu2Tc8vhI/viewform

We'd greatly appreciate your feedback.


>> No.7440364

And what does this mean for the Nightmare Rising JSKs?

We were able to contact the factory earlier in March, 2014. The contact we spoke to informed us that the Nightmare Rising dresses are currently finished, and awaiting shipment. However, the shipping costs for the dresses have not yet been paid, so the factory cannot and will not release them.

Until the freight is paid, they will remain in their holding facility. At this point in time, Rouge Aerie Designs can do nothing further to move these dresses, as the manufacturing was paid in full by ODIP and the dresses are therefore owned by ODIP. Legally, we have no rights to these dresses, nor can we facilitate their shipping or sale, as the contract between RAD and ODIP was royalty-based rather than sales-based.

So in accordance with the contract, the Nightmare Rising dresses will continue to be sold by One Day in Paradise, and by other shops who purchase items from her on a wholesale basis. We cannot comment on when these dresses will be available for purchase again. However, we have done our best to ensure that those still missing items from the pre-order have been either refunded, or put in a position to attempt an exchange when the dresses are finally released from the factory.

We thank you for being patient with us while we work out these problems. It has not been easy for anyone, and we really do appreciate our fans' and customers' support.

If you have any questions not answered in this post, please do not hesitate to ask!


>> No.7440393

From Ergi's Facebook:
>We'll post some important information here March 20 at 18:30 CET. We'll also send out a newsletter so make sure to sign up if you haven't already.

My guess is it'll say something similar to RAD's statement above, but for Sleipnir.

>> No.7440403

I notice that the picture of ODIP's storefront had this address on the letterhead of the plaza's lease termination and demand for payment of rent.
unit 1 60 augustine street
mawson lakes sa 5095
I googled it and seems to just appear on an empty lot with houses in construction around it? Is google street view just outdated in that area, have I gotten the address wrong or has Marie faked an address to have her mail sent to? What's the go, gulls? Surely someone knows where her family lives at least and can speak to them?

>> No.7440405

Her family lives in Victoria, her partner lives in Sydney.

>> No.7440414

I believe that address is her home address, actually. I doubt that she's still there. It's also far more likely that she's hiding out with her parents in Victoria than her partner in Sydney. My understanding is that he's currently sharing a small flat while doing contract work, and if the rumours of her dad bailing her out are true, Marie's more likely to run home.

>> No.7440416

Hey anon, i will help you when i get home. On mobile rn. No matter what anyone else says DO NOT open a case quite yet.

>> No.7440425

My first thought would be that she would run to her father seeing as he's the money behind the business, however if that were the case I don't think he would have let the lease on the shop get to such a point of all things. Also with all the letters, emails and phonecalls that have been sent by the Office of Fair Trading and similar, I would think he would've stepped in before this incompetence followed Marie for the rest of her life. She wouldn't be able to open another business or store with this kind of record. Which sort of brings *some* credibility to the Marie's in a mental hospital theory, because she has done a full retard and should be in there anyway, but at the same time, I doubt it as it doesn't entirely fit either. Somebody, her boyfriend (I'd have dumped her ass over this) or her father surely would have managed her affairs if she was in a hospital. But then again...they're probably just all as fucked up as she is.

>> No.7440436

Or she's hidden it from them as well. From my understanding, her partner has been living in another city for months on that contract. She only finally broke down in December. It's very possible that they don't know the extent of the damage she has done to her business.

>> No.7440463

I would think at this stage her partner would have said something to someone, or at least given an indication he is not responsible for Marie or her decisions, wouldn't you get sick of people asking? I agree with you, very probable they have no idea to the extent the damage she has done. In all likelyhood, she's told her father she's closed the business, everybody has their items returned, there are no loose ends daddy, would I lie to you? I think somebody needs to be brave and post publically on her facebook wall for her family and non-lolita friends to see (because if she's not socialising with lolitas, she surely must be spending time with people who are completely out of the loop) and just let them know that she has disapointed everybody and should be made responsible for this mess she's created. If I were her friend on Facebook I would strongly consider it, but I'm not and the lolitas I know who are her friends would rather lay low and do nothing which is fair enough, I can't blame them.

>> No.7440473

I'm not sure that many people have been in contact with him. Honestly, I think that Christine has probably copped more messages from people because she and Marie used to be so close.

>> No.7440474

What's the go with this Alison Wonderland chick? Looks like she's trying to sort this shit out but I don't think she even knows what she's doing I've had a friend tell me she contacted her but never got a reply even though the message has been seen. Will these registered letters even work??

>> No.7440481

I was under the impression everybody believed they were close, but it was more of a case of Marie taking advantage of Christine's social status/efame and Christine tolerating Marie for the business and promoting herself. I'm sure her constant presence with ODIP has boosted her numbers on her blog somewhat over time. Not to slander Christine at all though, she's a lovely down-to-earth person afik

>> No.7440484

I spoke to a solicitor about this situation and he gave me the same advice. Send a letter of demand via registered post. If it doesn't come back, or a reply that you don't like comes back, you advance with legal action, inform consumer affairs, and file suit.

>> No.7440502

The American rep bailed, too.


Looks like they synchronized their dive off the sinking ship.

>> No.7440525

Ergi's is pending too. The post from RAD says as of the 10th. It's very likely that they gave Marie some kind of deadline to respond and she didn't meet it from the way this is reading.

>> No.7440528

I have Marie on facebook and I'm pretty sure shes blocked people from posting directly on her timeline. I actually tried doing something similar to what you said but it would show up as an option so I made do with making a bitchy comment on her profile pic instead. I only got responses from other lolitas so I doubt any of of her family members or other close acquaintances have seen it. If they are in contact with her I don't think it's through facebook.

>> No.7440573

Thank you for trying anyway. I wonder why she's blocked people from commenting on her timeline rather than just deleting her whole account, something I'm surprised she hasn't done already.

>> No.7440614

wait you did her a boner she never paid for?

>> No.7440621

what the hell I'm high on drugs. did she buy a bonnet and never pay?

>> No.7440642

She payed for some of it but not all of it. Copying and pasting from when I told the story previously:
I sold it to her, the agreement was that she would only pay for part of it as she was meant order a collar for me from the baby site. Over a month later I got an email from her saying that the collar was mysteriously sold out (gee I wonder if its because she took over a month to get around to ordering it) so I asked her to send me the rest of the money for the bonnet as there was nothing else I wanted to order, she agreed. It's been about six months and I still haven't received the money.
And this isn't even mentioning the cutsew of mine she refused to return to me and the other bit of money she owes me.

>> No.7440668

That's such a shame, it's a stunning bonnet. Do you have a shop? Storenvy?

>> No.7440687

Isn't it a Triple Fortune bonnet?

>> No.7440732

Yeah it's Triple Fortune

>> No.7440757

Ugh, dumb, sorry. Either way, it was lovely. Sorry.

>> No.7440801

Shivering just waded into the getoffegl thread about ODIP and I'm about ready to crack the shits with her. I can't exactly quantify why, but her post made me exceedingly angry. I feel like she's trying to dissuade people rooms me taking action against Marie, in a passive aggressive way.

>> No.7440807

*from, not rooms me. My auto correct keeps taking perfectly spelt words and swapping them out for random shit.

>> No.7440838

It's Shiverling, what do you expect? Her uneducated opinion must be known on everything.

>> No.7440860

>I don't know why but she makes me angry and she makes me believe I shouldn't go through with making Marie pay for the hurt she caused me
>Uneducated opinion
Keep gagging on those dirty salty cocks of yours, girls, because I see nothing but educated and reasonable reasons why taking action against Marie will come to no benefit.
>but shiverling!!
Yes I'm whiteknighting because Shiverling hasn't done shit to either of you salty cunts so get the fuck over yourselves

>> No.7440876

Yes, telling girls to listen to some random, nosy asshole over the advice of authorities to just drop it and allow their money and items to be lost is surely more reasonable!

Hi shiverling, we know you post here, you're not remotely subtle.

>> No.7440878

I'm pretty sure shiverling and marie had a massive falling out last year. I doubt she'd be discouraging people from taking action against marie

>> No.7440884

>By all means send your letter of demand, it is important to have proof of written communication whether you choose...

How is "send your letter just don't get your hopes up" = "just drop it and allow your money and items to be lost"?

>> No.7440906

Wow, it's one of those idiots that think "If anon agrees with what x says, then it must be x posting!" Open your fucking eyes moron and read what the fuck she wrote and realise that people are capable of agreeing with what she wrote. Because she didn't say "hey guys, it's a stupid idea", she wrote "You should do x because of y, but I wouldn't recommend it because of xy" which makes complete sense.
Also, why the fuck would shiverling try to discourage people from attacking marie? She has nothing to gain by trying to protect/defend her.
tl;dr you're a dumb cunt

>> No.7440923

>implying shiverling isn't a right racist cunt who constantly has to cut in with ridiculous advice because she has a high opinion of her ita self


>> No.7440930

Pls explain
Pls provide example where shiverling hasn't declared herself ita and made out to be best dressed fashion icon?

>> No.7440933

Fuck, this shit escalated quickly.

>> No.7440952

Yes, can we keep this shit on ODiP, please? If Marie doesn't surface, does Christine have a right to keep it? Would solicitors eventually get it? What about all that stuff in America?

>> No.7440958

Just letting you know that Christine isn't even involved, she's mostly likely as much in the dark as a lot of people. She doesn't have anybody's stuff as far as I know. Solicitors wouldn't get anything, refer to shiverling's post about liquidating stock. All the stuff in america is open to letting whatever chips may fall. Ergi or whoever runs the american ODIP may choose to sell everything, hold on to everything, do whatever she likes. I'm afraid no legal body in Australia would be too interested in whatever stock has been sent overseas. It's up to her to return whatever may belong to anyone in Australia, otherwise, I'd believe it's fair game. but I'm not too educated on the legal side of all of it.

>> No.7440996

Lilly, who runs the US branch, has said that she will continue to ship items if people buy them, but that's it. She wants to get rid of the stock because it's literally just taking up space in her house now that Marie has fucked off and ruined the ODIP name.

>> No.7441019

>ruined the ODIP name
I don't think she's really ruined it...when I first heard about One Day In Paradise, my first thought was that it sounded like a brothel. Just saying...

>> No.7441020

Well, figuratively, anon. Ruined the brand. Destroyed her own reputation. You know what I mean. She always was a bit sketchy, but no one is going to touch her shop with a hazmat suit from here on in.

>> No.7441043

...anon. Anon, come on now, you can't possibly have interpreted "ruined the name" as literally having ruined the NAME. Are you making a shitty joke or just ESOL or what

>> No.7441049

I believe its Celeste who has the stock. The same 'CW' that posted the initial hiatus on the odip page.

>> No.7441059

nooooo not sleipnir
god damnit i reserved this the first week it came out, if i can't get my goddam viking dress i'm going to be so pissed
fuck marie, she's the most selfish, inconsiderate cunt i've ever had the pleasure of dealing with, and fuck her for making my viking dress unattainable.

>> No.7441174

Shiverling works as a paralegal. I think she knows what she's talking about. Also, Marie owes HER a shittonne of money, so I don't think she would try to dissuade anyone from pursuing action. Just that it is unlikely to amount to anything.

>> No.7441248

sorry to burst your bubble but you do not need any legal qualifications to become one

>> No.7441262

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I highly doubt any girl and her sandy vagina can become one.
This anon is correct, Shiverling knows her shit in this case and has also lost a substantial amount of money. I don't see her blasting Marie though when I would think she of all people would be? Wow. Did I actually just imply that maybe she isn't a massive mega cunt 100% of the time? You must be shocked, anon.

>> No.7441279

That dress is goddamn cursed

>> No.7441308

Original poster who brought up Shiverling here. I don't doubt that she knows her shit. It was this line that made me mad: "3. It is costly and pointless to initiate court proceedings". And I think the reason I got sandy was cause my brain latched onto the "pointless" part. Because in the grand scheme of things, going to the authorities about this is NOT pointless. And needs to be done.

>> No.7441314

Considering there's a landlord out a bunch of rent money, there'll be legal proceedings against her anyway. Hell, I reckon the amount she owes people for dresses etc is more than that $1500 for rent.

>> No.7441322
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So you brought up Shiverling and made bitchy comments about her because she said something that is basically correct anyway?

Also, imo no, nothing needs to be done. What's done is done and taking this further isn't going to get you anything but financial problems. You lost against Marie, deal with it.

>mfw you seem to think that it's excusable to go full retard because "hey, it's shiverling"

>> No.7441323

Inside source can confirm that Marie owes an amount $5000+ overall

>> No.7441360

You know that authorities != civil court proceedings, right?

>> No.7441366

That's not counting what she apparently owes the factory, too.

>> No.7441372

Agreed. I have no information to what the factory is owed, but I believe for NR the factory requires shipping to be paid which seems to be an amount they can afford but cannot pay because it isn't Marie herself paying for it.

>> No.7441376


Hell, she owes me over $1000 for items sold on commission, and I'm just one person. I'm sure that the total she owes people is well in excess of $5000.

>> No.7441385

The shipping for that amount of freight would be insane. Maybe they can't afford it? These are little companies, a charge like that could ruin them.

>> No.7441391

Most likely, though their statement didn't indicate that they didn't have the finances to pay, only that legally they couldn't take responsibility to pay. I wonder how much the shipping is, and how big the order is.

>> No.7441408

what dress was torn?
I see she is selling stuff because some of it doesn't fit....

I smell vendetta.

>> No.7441410

I traded with her and got the dress in perfect condition (Rose candle).

>> No.7441416

I don't think it would be. How many dresses can there be? It'd only be like a couple of large taobao orders at most.

>> No.7441425

She hasn't. I contacted her and gave her a Melty Chocolate replica I'd been thinking of selling but I'd probably only get about $80 for the set so I let her have it. Easier to offload and feels good to have at least something god come of it. This girl wants to come to a meetup one day but was too shy to think of it before. She's only 13 or so...so I don't want her first Lolita experience to be a bad one.

>> No.7441430

Sweet gesture, anon.

>inb4 replicafags

>> No.7441441


That was really nice of you anon.

>> No.7441444

Can someone make a google doc where everyone writes down how much is owed by Marie (either consignment items and how much they're worth, or actual money for reserves that never went through etc)? I'm interested to see how much she actually owes people.

>> No.7441446

Thank you, anon.

>> No.7441449

Aww thanks guys :) I didn't do it to get thanked but since that girl seems to be bought up all the time in these odip threads now I thought I'd let y'all know she at least had a dress to wear for the party she arranged the layby for!

>> No.7441462

You did good, just like a Lolita Fairy Godmother.

>> No.7441481

Well, if anyone's got the outfit to play fairy godmother, it's a lolita!

>> No.7441482

The American girl had said 800, so maybe twice that?

>> No.7441483

shit a brick

>> No.7441492

Yeah no, I'm sure RAD could have paid a couple hundred for shipping no problem. So the fact that she says she couldn't pay the freight means it's probably easily over a grand or two.

>> No.7441498

>Legally, we have no rights to these dresses, nor can we facilitate their shipping or sale
Legally, we have no rights to these dresses, nor can we facilitate their shipping or sale

Pretty sure it's more the legal issue than financial based on that. ODIP owns the dresses, so paying for their shipment would do nothing to benefit RAD since they have no right to the profits of the dresses sold.

>> No.7441505

Alright I re read it and I agree it sounds like they cannot even offer to pay shipping. But, I am betting they wouldn't be able to if the numbers are right from the American girl and considering how many people they already had to refund.

>> No.7441511

Is there a count on the refunds yet?

>> No.7441515

800 what? Nightmare Rising dresses? Total NR, Sleipnir and Clockwork butterfly blouses? (Was there anything else ODIP was overseeing production of?)

>> No.7441534
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>As for the petticoats, it’s not a tag replacement, BUT. The company that manufactures for ODIP and Classical Puppets is the same. They are quite different! I’ve got a CP one, and my ODIP one. CP has really beautiful lace. ODIP’s petti doesn’t have lace, but it’s nearly twice as huge. Similar, not the same.

>> No.7441540

I don't know if you are still here but how long has it been since you bought the item? Within 45 days? How much time do you have left until the 45 day mark?

>> No.7441548

Well I think we know where Marie is now. Floating to Glorious Nippon on a barge made out of 800 dresses.

>> No.7441569

I'm a little curious, but as far as Marie's residence is concerned, isn't there a single Lolita that has contact with any of her direct family members? Siblings, parents, maybe a close cousin who they know has contact to those?

It's probably the easiest way to become directly aware of her current location, without making any implication towards wanting to do her any physical harm or something of the sorts.

>> No.7441583

As far as I know, Marie is not on good terms with her family members.
Well there is the motor inn her father runs, I guess? Anyone who's had one of those nasty emails from him would know. And I guess the people who have been sued by her (assuming her threats of litigation are true) would know her lawyer.

>> No.7441647

I think NR? She was worried about the boxes all coming to her house.

>> No.7441653

Bless you. Every time I saw the mom posting, my heart broke for the little girl. She didn't have anything to do with this whole mess. I'm glad she had something to wear to her party!

>> No.7441691

>I think she knows what she's talking about.
>tfw shiverling said that legally someone consents to any sexual act with someone if they consent to one act (ie. if you consent to give a guy a blow job, you also consent to intercourse, and it's not legally rape if you say no or don't want to have full-on sex)
>tfw this is bullshit even in Australia

And that's not touching any of the other crap she's pulled about non-legal matters.

>> No.7441754

Except she never actually said that, fuckwit.

>> No.7441878

Ergi's Statement, from http://ergi.se/nymapp/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=158

Regarding Ergi's collaboration with ODIP
Thursday, 20 March 2014 00:00

Dear followers and customers,

As you might know, Australian company One Day in Paradise were to produce the Ergi by Piratessan "Sleipnir" design under license this year. We've also held a couple of pre orders for them where we are still waiting to receive the goods due for delivery in 2013. During 2014 we've unfortunately heard very little from One Day in Paradise. As stated on their Facebook page, ODIP was on hiatus in January. We heard from them briefly in February but have since been unable to reach them. Rouge Aerie designs made an announcement about the situation here. Lilly, One Day in Paradise's representative in the USA, has also made a statement on her Tumblr.

At this point, here at Ergi we're no longer comfortable with keeping our customers waiting and we'll start to sort out everyone's orders today the best we can. All of the decisions below have been very hard to make and we're sorry to part with One Day in Paradise under these circumstances.

We'd like to send a big thank you to all of you who've supported us in this situation. Your patience and care for us really means a lot and we appreciate it more than we can express.

>> No.7441880

Sleipnir Reservations
As a result of recent events, One Day in Paradise's license to produce the Sleipnir designs has been terminated. From now on, we'll try to work directly with the factory to get dresses for everyone who reserved. No dresses have been sewn yet as One Day in Paradise failed to pay the factory. We've made some initial contact with the factory and they seem willing to help us resolve the situation.

We'll send everyone a personal email as soon as we have more things confirmed. Most likely we'll need to dispatch all orders from Sweden, so if you selected the ODIP shipping option when placing your reservation, shipping cost might increase slightly. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Reservations for the JSKs and headbows will be kept open for the time being. The Sleipnir Special Sets are unfortunately no longer available as we won't get the chiffon blouses included in the set. We're currently looking at possible options for those of you who've already ordered a Special Set.

We fully understand that you might be uncomfortable waiting under the circumstances. If you have any concerns or if you'd like a refund/store credit/another item instead, please e-mail us.

>> No.7441882

Chiffon Blouses and Nightmare Rising JSKs in black size 8/36
If you've reserved any of these items through us, you'll be offered to choose between a refund or a store credit. We'll contact all of you as soon as we can.

As you've waited for a very long time, we would like to offer you a little bit extra if you select a store credit instead of a refund. Store credit value will be 110% of your original order value and you'll also get free shipping on your new order. (For example if your reservation order amount was SEK 400, you'll get a store credit of SEK 440) Please contact us for more information.

In Stock Items (Some Nightmare Rising JSKs, petticoats)
ODIP items with availability staus "In Stock" in our shop are safely in stock here in Sweden and will be dispatched within 24 hours of order placement.

If you've reserved an item directly through One Day in Paradise, there's unfortunately nothing we can do as our businesses are completely separate.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Ergi by Piratessan

>> No.7441883

Except she did, sorry to say. The remnants of that idiocy are still on getoffegl, although the original post (which was the "some guy came onto a egl fashion chat and started jerking it" post) was deleted when someone purged their account. It was during her desperate attempt to grasp any upper hand in the post after she got called out for being an idiot

a fun paraphrase for you to enjoy

>well what would they EXPECT when they name a chatroom 'lolita'
>it wasn't named lolita
>well, well, what would they EXPECT when they name a chat room 'getoffegl,' that's begging for a guy to jerk off in it!
>it wasn't named getoffegl, either
>blurghblughh well if they watched for even a second and didn't click off, they gave him consent to do that because legally, you know, if you consent to one thing you consent to everything else!

Sometimes I think shiverling is autistic.

>> No.7441889

Yeah I'm familiar with the quote that's why I called you out on it. Post EXACTLY what she said and I'll tell you where you are wrong.
She says a lot of stupid things to incite arguments but that wasn't one of them, nor was her latest statement.

>> No.7441944
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Yo, so this thread is pretty close to autosage. I don't know if I'll be around to make a new one but here's a pastebin with the ODiP situation's current info:


>> No.7441964

Does anybody have any information on "Loli Loli Paradise"?
I had a few IRL friends vouch for them back in December and I placed a pre-order for a dress in January.

She said the dress and second payment would be out in February.

It's March. She hasn't responded to my messages.

I'm shit out of luck now but this was my first time using a shopping service and I just lost what's now my dream dress.

>> No.7441966

Ah dang, I feel so bad for Ergi. She really got shafted by this. She seems to be pulling it together though. But the amount of money that Marie was supposed to pay for Sleipnir to be produced can't have been insignificant - that's coming out of her pocket.

>> No.7441977

The facebook is still updating so it looks like she's hasn't gone awol.

What was the dress, out of interest?

>> No.7441985

Thanks, I was hoping this was archived!

>> No.7441986
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"écailles De Lune - Forest Of Pipe Organ JSK - Dark Box"

>> No.7442011

I feel some of your pain anon, I was going to order that in blue but then had to miss it due to other expenses that came up. Seems unlikely that it'll come round again or secondhand much, but I live in hope.

>> No.7442091


I ordered this dress through a shopping service (NOT loli loli paradise) and just made second payment last week (they asked for payment for S size first in the beginning of March, I got L size). So the second payment was not due in February since I had to wait until March to make it.

If their facebook is really still updating I suggest you make a post directly on whatever photo/promo they put up next, write something like "hey you didn't respond to my messages" if you don't want to put your personal info on her public posts. That should get her attention because her potential customers will see it, so she'll respond.

>> No.7442129

I'll do that later tonight once I get back from my Dad's birthday party.

Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.7442218

Fuck one day in paradise

>> No.7442243
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>> No.7442271

She is usually slow to respond.
I sent a message to her last month about the same dress as I ordered through her previously without any problems, and she told me they would be made mid March.
I sent another this week and she hasn't even seen the message yet, nothing unusual though.
She posted a tracking info dump on Facebook, but my information wasn't on the list, did you check to see if yours was?

>> No.7442293

New Thread

>> No.7442383

Every order I've used her for has been fine except for one, I had to wait 6 months for a dress I pre-ordered, she kept me updated though and it was pretty clear it was a fuck up on the manufacturer's end.

>> No.7442438

>Anyone who's had one of those nasty emails from him would know.

Details on this?

>> No.7442567

I hate to repeat something that I can't quickly find proof to, but I distinctly recall the "lawyer" just being her boyfriend or male friend sending off emails. Marie has never sued anyone, but has always threatened to - she has always given off the impression she is seeking legal advice or has been advised by her solicitor...when in actual fact there is no such person.

>> No.7442572

It happened on 2 chats, one of which was the getoffegl chat.

>> No.7442600

Yeah, no. Get some reading comprehension. If anybody but Shiverling had said it, your nose wouldn't be out of joint.
At this point, it's just like you're inventing reasons why everyone should hate her. Unless she's actually done something to you personally, shut the fuck up and focus on the real issues here. This is about Marie fucking many people over for thousands of dollars, not about Shiverling saying something months ago that you've misinterpreted or taken the wrong way.

>> No.7442646

>If anybody but Shiverling had said it, your nose wouldn't be out of joint.

Yes, it would. I know you've got a lady boner for her terribly dressed flat ass, but come on now. When someone says idiotic shit, people remember, and yeah, they get called out for it. Especially when "but she's a paralegal!! she knows her stuff!" is said, because frankly, she's a complete dumbass.

>taken the wrong way

protip: when everyone but other assholes (hey, btw, lady_enchanter) think you've said something that's ridiculous, dumb or assholish, look to yourself--not other people "taking it the worng way."

>> No.7442672

>b-but I would complain about what somebody said ages and ages ago because it clearly reflects their perfectly reasonable and logical argument provided today!! Not just because it's Shiverling, Attila the Hun of the lolita world!!
No, you're just a sook vendetta chan. Once again, unless she's done something to you personally, nobody is interested in you trying to cause drama about this shit when there's bigger fish like Marie to fry.

>> No.7442697

I called up Consumer Affairs in my state this morning, and if like me Marie owes you money on items sold on consignment and has not returned your unsold items, unfortunately they cannot help us. The information officer I spoke to said that because I didn't buy anything from Marie, and because the items sold on my behalf were 'transformed' I wasn't covered under the Australian Consumer Law in this case.

She said that my options are to get independent legal advice on whether my issue can be considered a consumer complaint, and if so, I can come back and initiate the complaint process with consumer affairs, or inquire directly to a civil claims tribunal about initiating a case, either in my state or in SA. The most consumer affairs can do is conciliation, which is a voluntary process, so I don't think that would be effective anyway (considering Marie's total lack of communication thus far), so I'll call up the tribunals on Monday and see if the fees involved are prohibitive or not.

>> No.7444349

I hate to burst your bubble, because it would be great if she weren't lawyered up, but Marie has been involved in at least civil disputes involving actual solicitors in the past two years. So far as I know, only one actually went to court, but it's not just her dad/boyfriend/friend writing cease and desists letters. She has a solicitor.

>> No.7444355

at least three civil disputes, rather