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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7435214 No.7435214 [Reply] [Original]

MTAC is just barely over a month away. What are your cosplay plans? How do you feel about the venue change and fuss over the apparent possibility of reaching venue capacity limit?

>> No.7435271

I have a feeling it will be unorganized and poorly staffed like always, so I won't be shocked if it's overcrowded and people get injured by idiots or people get kicked out.

New venue looks good, although it'll make getting outside food more difficult, but at least it's not in a crappier part of the city.

I'm not sure what cosplay I'll be bringing yet...nothing new, I feel too lazy.

>> No.7435279

If anything, it will be at least 10% better if the people (I don't even think they were volunteers) who started bossing everyone around on the elevators all day aren't there.

>> No.7435324

Last year was my first year at MTAC, first out of state con where I actually have to get a room, after my friends pushed me to go with them. They're kinda weeby and buy from Milano and stuff and they always talked about how amazing it was and how great the dealers room was.

And it sucked and I didn't have fun, really. I don't think I'll go again.

Is it in a new venue this year? Cuz the boring layout is part of the reason I didn't like it.

And no one recognizing my thoroughly-made cosplay while my friend in a subpar Zed from LoL costume is getting tons of pictures every few steps didn't help. Yeah I was jelly, feels bad man

>> No.7435329

fucking elevator police

>be disabled
>room on 4th floor
>waiting for elevator to go downstairs and meet my sister who brought my walker, since I overestimated my ability to get around the con without it
>as soon as doors open, LOUD FRUSTRATED SIGHS
>"fucking seriously... people who live below the 10th floor need to use the fucking stairs..."
>"it's fucking ridiculous enough without people using the elevator when they should use the stairs"
>too embarrassed to say shit

but seriously fuck you elevator police

>> No.7435333

any news on the panels/event schedule? seems like it was out by now last year.

Also I've been trying to email them to find out if my cosplay meets the requirements for the contest or not but the Programming@mtac email doesn't work and I got no response from lossprevention

>> No.7435341

was the 2013 venue at the same place as 2012, because 2012 was the WORST. The hotel itself was fine but the dealer's room set up was awful. Half was the dealer's room, half was panels/special events, partitioned by some short curtains.

They wouldn't let you into the panel side of the room and you had to wait in the dealer's room line (which got ridiculously long) even if all you wanted was to get to a panel. I know multiple people who missed panels which were largely empty because of not being able to just go into the panel room without waiting in the dealer line.

Not to mention they had special vendors on the 'panel' side who literally went up to panel guests, who were difficult to hear anyway, and told them they needed to 'BE QUIET!!!!' because it was disturbing people who were shopping.

2012 was a hot mess in general. i'm still shocked they didn't get a lawsuit for people who got injured at the concerts.

>> No.7435342

What were you dressed as? I don't even remember seeing a Zed

>> No.7435348

I don't remember it being up this early last year? I thought it went up like 1-2 weeks before

>> No.7435354

OP here, I'm so sorry that happened! I split a room with a large number of friends and we were on the 21st floor. We kept getting kicked out, we had to walk 21 flights of stairs, at one point with everyone in the group carrying heavy/fragile luggage.
The wait for elevators on the "pick up floor" was absolutely ridiculous.
I hope it doesn't happen again this year, if not for time sensitive events I'm running, then for any all disabled attendants that will get shit on by their bitching and "elevator rules."

>> No.7435360

your probably right, I guess i'm just impatient.

So does anybody think that the Geekgoddess will be back this year? lol

>> No.7435371

i've heard about the geekgoddess before but for the life of me i can't remember exactly what it was?

>> No.7435380

its a group of ladies that do cosplay/nude modeling they did a couple of panels and a nude photoshoot last year. And apparently hogged the dance floor during the rave. I wasn't there to see that but I saw several people were pissed on MTACs twitter afterwards

>> No.7435386

I was Aya Shameimaru, and Yui Hirasawa. I'm surprised cuz it seems like everyone got a pic of him when we were out. we moved so slowly through crowds...he had like real metal mask and stuff but the rest was like Walmart Halloween costume quality. Guy can't sew at all lol.

>> No.7435394

aaah that explains why i never saw them. i was way too busy dealing with con drama and photoshoots last year for panels and i didn't even make it to the rave ('8

by the way, does anybody at all know the theme of the ball yet?

>> No.7435426

Sorry had to google both of those not familar with the characters, I guess Yui could easily be mistaken for any japanese school girl costume.
Aya looks really cool, seems like i would remember a costume like that especially if you had the wings (just going by google images if thats the wrong character i'm sorry) I probably don't remember because i don't know the source material so i had no names to put with the characters. I do remember a dozen edward elrics, half dozen deadpools and about 2 dozen Dr.Whos as well as a girl in a rei ayanami plug suit that i'm not sure was old enough to be walking around in a costume like that.

I also one of the actors from the Walking Dead and I'm pretty sure i saw the other one dressed up as his character to try to blend in with the crowd.

kinda excited and disappointed that the horror festival isn't going to be around this year. No floor long lines of people just trying to see linda blair, but no chance to run into some horror movie icons either

>> No.7435776

It had been a while since I'd been to a convention so I overestimated the general midwest con-going crowd and thought Touhou characters would be more recognizable. I did have wings and people thought they were cool, and actually Yui got some pics, but ah well. I was just sick of walking two steps with him and yet another "HEY ZED CAN I GET A PICTURE" erupts from any direction. There was a league group there that was actually really good, didn't talk to them though.

I remember seeing a bunch of deadpools and wreck-it ralphs. I must say I did love the Artist Alley at MTAC. One of the better ones I've been in despite the lack of plain art prints. AND that photography studio on the bottom floor was awesome, I happily gave my money to them. But overall...MTAC just "misses" something. It just wasn't fun for me.

>> No.7435852
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Never been into LOL either so i wouldn't have recognized your friend either.
Hopefully this new venue will workout well, but I bet that next year they will have to find something bigger since they seem to nearly be sold out this year. They may even hit capacity.

I have a feeling if you want to be recognized at MTAC you pretty much need to be from an anime that has run on Adult Swim or a Major Marvel/DC character.

I will admit that I'm planning a Tony Stark/Ironman costume, but as an Engineer I really identify with Stark. I've made the helmet and gloves, designed custom circuits to add repulsor effects and plan to make the face mask move like in the movies I'm even working on adding J.A.R.V.I.S. Next I'm going to add the forearm armor and an Arc Reactor and if time allows I'll make the bottom part of the boots to cover my shoes. I based the whole thing on this picture. I've spent a crap load on electronics. The gloves cost me close to $100 each when i add everything up. But luckily its been spread out over time since last september

>> No.7439749

Just passing through (I enjoy weeb horror stories and other threads on here), but I live in Nashville and am happy to try and answer questions that people who are coming from out of town may have. Not really sure how these things work, but if you have downtime during the con or are looking to stick around for a day before or after Nashville is a great town. I don't know anything about Murfreesboro (where the actual venue is) because it's a disgusting plebeian exurb and I have no reason to ever go there.

>> No.7439852

I'm worried about the j-fashion events, the fashion show was cancelled and no word on the tea party.
Also, pre reg is selling out, so don't expect to be able to pay at the door.
I live in Murfreesboro, and the hotel is def. smaller than 2013 venue.

>> No.7441289
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 1395307914629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were the Aya in pic related I remember you, your cosplay was awesome.

>tfw literally zero 2hus in Middle TN or the southeast in general

Aside from my Flandre all I remember is Aya, Yuyuko, Momiji, some Reimus & Marisas, and a Youmu. Kind of blew my mind when I went to AWA: ZUN edition (first not-MTAC con). We were so depressingly few in numbers that I regret not swapping contact info with the handful I met. Probably gonna try to do that this year, maybe attempt to organize a meetup or something.

Anyway I'm sorry you had a shitty experience, anon. Your efforts werent totally unnoticed. If you actually do ever end up giving mtac a second chance you should def. touhou it up again. The more the merrier.

Yeah, I'm really glad it's at least in the newer part of Mboro with nice buildings and open space and whatnot. Even though it's close to my dorm now I wish they could've stayed in based Nashville where it's just ten minutes away from home. Or at least, I dunno, Williamson county.

>> No.7441355

I went last year, my first big con outside my home state, and to be fair I would've rather stayed home and saved money. Between Hamsteaks, elevator lines, no hot water, elevator "police", rude volunteer staff, and the lack of room parties it only went downhill. Plus the rave was like 16+ or some shit, it was downright horrid due to a crap indie band. Hell, had I known about the horror/tat convention nearby I would've gone to it to meet the guys from the boondock Saints.

>> No.7441855

hoping the smaller venue will help them work out their ptoblems

>> No.7444539

someone left an ear of corn outside my door in the middle of the night. anyone else encounter something weird like that?

>> No.7444550

that's ridiculous. I'm really sorry you had to experience that rudeness, anon.

>> No.7444553

It's their sign of love for you, anon. Don't pick it up or you'll have to get married.

>> No.7444823
File: 94 KB, 720x960, 1395464342799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup that's totally me lol. Thank you for your words. I recall seeing only one Flandre. Is this you? Zed guy isn't into 2hu and after MTAC and two other conventions he asked me why the cosplayers so often have guns and it made me laugh.

I remember that tiny Youmu and Momiji, didn't see the others. Oh man...I reeeaaaally wanted to go to AWA this year. I was in the scroll project that was given to ZUN and did some of the Tenshi art around. From what I heard he is a real awesome guy and loved the convention. He looks so chill in all the pictures I saw of him.

If I have a more stable income next year and can get a room away from the previous people, and can expect a better dealer's room (seriously...is MTAC dealer room usually that barren?), I may go again since it's so close to me. Next 2hu I wanna do is Chen or Koumajou Densetsu Marisa so yeah.

>> No.7445904


>> No.7447121
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Haha yeah that was me, wore that to AWA as well.
The Marisa idea would be really cool, there definitely aren't enough touhouvania cosplays in the west.

ZUN was absolutely chill and very friendly. Definitely one of the best con guests I've met, up there with Asakawa Yuu. Shame you missed out on awa. Even though cons aren't usually his thing I really hope he comes to one in the states sometime again (or at least that Reitaisai thing way up in Montreal, lol). That's incredibly awesome that you got to be in the scroll project though, his reaction to it was such a great thing to see!

On a somewhat related note, anon, I'm in a little touhou skype group I met at AWA with folks from various states. Chill chitchat aside we organize rooming & transportation for cons and for the most part are devoid of weeb, spaghetti, etc. Went to my first Katsucon with them and it was awesome. No pressure, but if you're interested I put my skype in the email field. Lol, wouldn't surprise me if one of them sees this since some of em are seagulls.

But yeah I think MTAC's dealer room seemed lacking because between 2011 and 2013 the con doubled in size, growing way faster than it could handle. Before moving to downtown the dealer room and con itself were still pretty small. Seeing a doujin vendor there for the first time last year was a nice surprise for me personally.
It's basically as if MTAC is going through puberty. Once it can better adapt to the attendance growth spurts it had it can be a much higher quality con overall. This year's new venue will be a good chance for the people in charge to stabilize everything so it can keep growing at a reasonably steady pace.

>> No.7447123
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Whoops, forgot to put it there didn't I.
Now it's there.

>> No.7451608

I really hope it doesn't fucking rain. There's so much usable outside space at this year's location. Floodcon was bad enough, we don't need to be walking through deep sidewalk puddles in this massive basin of a city.

>> No.7451995

Just checked out the space today, nice hotel, but it's small as fuck.
The hall ways are super tiny, and I'm very afraid.

>> No.7452038

Someone walked up and gave me one. Didn't say a word.

>> No.7452134
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Yeah, I know they didn't really have much of a choice, but it scares me. I hope this blacklisting or whatever doesn't last forever so we can be at the Music City Center or someplace where a 10k convention actually belongs.

Even the old convention center was a squeeze. Though I blame its shit layout for that.

Oh well. As long as the weather's nice, the whole crowd won't be stuck indoors.
You know...I wonder if they'd be against stuff like folding chairs in the open fields around the building. I mean, shit, I'd totally set up a tent and portable grill for con tailgating. Free weeaburgers for everyone.

>> No.7453583

I thought they didn't go to the new convention center in nashville because they had very strict rules about lights out at 10pm or something? Since the panels and rave run much later they had to go to the current location.

>> No.7453607

Can anybody.posts the schedules of past years? I know they wont put out the new one till like a week ahead, of the con so I'm trying to get a rough idea for planning. I know the rave is on.Saturday and tea party on Sunday, but what else?

>> No.7453870

It's my first time going this year. I got peer-pressured into buying a pre-reg ticket but I'm making the best of it. I mean, i want to go and it's a fairly large con so i know it's going to be fun. I'm not interested in any of the special guests they got though, they're good choices, just not my taste and that's fine.

Anything I should know? I'm expecting it to be crowded as shit so I'm only bringing my costumes that are easy to walk around in.

>> No.7453972

I'll be going for the first time. I wasn't planning to go but my bf has a friend who wanted to get the group rate and since he got some panels accepted, we got a further reduced price including the price of our rooms. I will just be there for the jfashion events and to see (and try my hand at photographing) cosplays

>> No.7454441
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Huh, no idea, first time I've heard of that. My friend is on the staff and iirc she said the bad apples that were breaking shit and making messes last year damaged the con's reputation. Maybe I'm wrong.

If the thread is still up this weekend I could try to post them. Those are the definite ones to know though. Cosplay contest on Saturday too I guess, and dealer room hours are like most other cons. Everything else could change with this new layout for all I know.

You're smart to prepare for crowds since the Embassy Suites is a downscale. I'd be prepared to hang out outside when you're not doing anything in particular. It'll probably get pretty stuffy in there over time, hence why I'm not entirely joking when I say "con tailgate". Other than that just treat it like any other average con, you know, don't over-involve yourself with the staff, socialize with actual cool people instead of spergs and tasteless plebs, etc. I've been going since 2008 and haven't really had a bad experience besides nearly collapsing two years ago, and that was my own fault for not dropping out of the cosplay contest after getting sick.

>> No.7454711

Have they said anything about setting things up outside?

>> No.7454746

I just looked into that. Embassy Suites probably won't allow it since most of what they actually own is parking space (which will be packed to the brim), and all that area around it is private property. Bummer. Maybe there'll be a way around it, if not a handful of areas just outside the building to congregate at. I think there'll be an official outdoor tent as well.

>> No.7455612

Yeah that's what I was thinking, that it was private property. Hopefully somebody will address it BEFORE the con and people are removed from being over there
also, constaff last year said that they had to steamclean 40 rooms on the mtac block, broke escalator twice, revolving glass door, and the corn?
Which is why they couldn't be booked anywhere good this year.

>> No.7456361

The list of events is up. Didn't find a schedule yet. But at least now we can start planning.

Btw you should check out the description on the "Hentai Olympics" ROTFLOL

>> No.7456401

The fashion show getting canceled was really disappointing. I applied back when it was still a go and got accepted to be a model, only to receive an email a few weeks later saying they had to shut it down. Hopefully the tea party is still happening though, I plan on moving to Nashville next winter or so and I'd love to meet the locals.

>> No.7456420

I saw a tea party on the events list. And some iron Lolita thing. Not into Lolita so I didn't pay attention.

>> No.7457094

This. O well hopefully the panels are interesting enough to hold my attention. Otherwise going to lurk around the con in ouji.

Tea should be good.

>> No.7458140

The line up looks fun, just hope they put out a schedule next week.