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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7430933 No.7430933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Let's discuss:
> What looks better for Derse dreamer cosplays, royal/deep purple like the picture related, or the closer to canon color magenta?
> What method of greying up do you prefer, personally?

>> No.7431031

> Feferi cosplayer
> Lots of skin
> Armsocks suck to make and wear

I use an airbrush and Ben Nye's MagiColor in grey. For cons I use PAX.

>> No.7431038

I've been wondering this about cosplaying Feferi-- would it be easier to get a greytone bodysuit, and use ben nye/snazaroo/pax for the top of the chest up?
Like, you'd cut the bodysuit to the shape of the neckline so it wouldn't show, and then use makeup for the remaining skin showing.
Is that a good idea, or would it look bad?

>> No.7431044


I actually bought a grey bodysuit thinking the same thing you are!
It didn't match up with my paint at all, and it didn't have the same result armsocks do. The transparency tights have, they lend to a more realistic look compared to the flat colors of a zentai/catsuit.

>> No.7431048
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Magicolor was my first 'troll grey', i asked for ben nye gray for christmas 2011, and recieved 5 bottles of magicolor. Needless to say i fucking wasted it all because i was a make-up newbie and didnt know it was airbrush make up.

Btw, how long does it last? When i had my magicolor it looked very bluish-grey does it look like that when you apply it properly?

>> No.7431053

Ah. Good to know then. I wanted to avoid having to paint myself almost entirely, but oh well.

>> No.7431075

Did you dilute it with water at all?
I have to with the airbrush so mine is pretty true to grey, I can do a swatch test compared next to snazaroo light grey if anybody's interested in a comparison?

>> No.7431081

Please do!

>> No.7431091

I did not dilute it, at the time i was using the tiny little brush it had and was painting it straight onto my face, like the idiot i am.

Also that would be awesome if you could. Also i read somewhere, i think it was from the BNF couple (i forget their names, but its a guy and a girl known for their seadwellers), but i heard that the airbrush make up lasts a super long time, is this true?

>> No.7431107

Do you airbrush your face makeup too?

>> No.7431109
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This is in artificial light, just in my room. The Magicolor is closer to my wrist, and the snazaroo is further down. I didn't really notice that it is a little bit darker. (Both are set with powder)
I suppose it could be mixed with magicolor white if anybody thought it was too dark. Picture in natural light to follow.

>> No.7431115
File: 44 KB, 541x960, natural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally do, it looks a lot more even in my opinion. I'll be the first to admit though getting the hang of the airbrush sucked. Things looked blotchy and strange, and it's hella hard to paint your right side, so my friends wind up helping there.

Anyways here it is in natural light.

>> No.7431125

That looks pretty good. I don't have an airbrush yet but it's something I'm thinking of buying. How much do you normally have to dilute the makeup?

>> No.7431139
File: 28 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play around with it a lot but I'd say 1:1 is a good ratio for it. I bought this airbrush machine as my first one and I recommend it.

>> No.7431143

how long does it last? also how hard is it to take off/ water resistance?

i dont like to ask (i say as i ask anyway), but would you be willing to post your fef?

>> No.7431150

You're probably thinking of yonejiro and takisiski

>> No.7431161

It lasts like normal snazaroo in terms of touch-ups and things it will hold up maybe 1-3 hours with no maintenance. Definitely not waterproof at all. Which is part of the reason why I only use it for my face now. I worry too much about constant touch ups and things like that. If your goal is a photoshoot though, I think this would suit you.
The rest of my body is done in PAX, and that is water proof and VERY resistant. I've worn that with no problems for ~5-6 hours before sections like my palms or fingertips will need touch ups or where my swimsuit for Feferi tends to rub around my shoulders/back.

I'm sorry anon, but on a place like 4chan I'd rather not. CGL brings brutally honest to a whole different level which is what I like about it; but I'd rather not self-post and feel the other end of it.

>> No.7431184

Yeah thats them, i only ever see them on instagram now, which is strange, they used to be super popular on tumblr, but w/e. Maybe like a year ago i read something saying that their airbrushed make up lasted over a day or something like that.. i could be an exaggeration though.
I've been meaning to try the PAX method for a while now, its my dream to have an underwater shoot so to find super water proof make-up is my life goal. (also i would never try an underwater shoot or test in a hotel pool or anything like that, sink and bathtub first then on from that)

I understand where you're coming from, i've wanted to have opinions on wigs etc but its a risk i'm not willing to take.

>> No.7431195
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>> No.7431197

At least regarding that last bit, I also feel the same. I'm sort of willing to post myself for advice on all sorts of things, but... I don't know, I feel like I'd have to be prepared for any answer. Which could mean getting the help and advice I need, or it could just mean needless harsh comments. Does that just make me sound like a wimp?

>> No.7431202

You're definitely not a wimp for not wanting to be torn apart like others that fall victim to /cgl/'s harsh ways. Critique on here can be really good, or really useless insults. Depends who's posting at the time, I guess.

>> No.7431216

This is a digital painting now jfc. though i do like the other ones fins (the ones that aren't the prosthetics, getting really sick of seeing them) they just need to look more natural.

Agreeing with this, but i'd rather have the chance of getting ripped a new one, rather than fake asspats on tumblr.

>> No.7431222

Fair enough, I agree with you there. Critique is better than "omg u look soooo good. flawless" bullshit.

>> No.7431226

Dont forget the classics;
"precious babu!!"

and so on and so forth with generally unhelpful, and semi-retarded remarks.

>> No.7431243


look at the outline of the fingers of the top left hand on the jacket

>amazing photoshop skills

>> No.7431262


PAX master race. Once you try it and enjoy 8, 10, 16 hours of paint without having to worry about it coming off on anything, you don't go back.

For the face, try looking into alcohol-activated paint? I hear that's waterproof as fuck

>> No.7431271

Hng, that sounds fucking great and also expensive for alchol activated shit, but you pay for what it does and it quality so it should be worth it. This is kinda unrelated but, i was going to try the fabric paint method on my arms but i never did, should i be thankful i didn't?

Also would it be wise to shave your arms for PAX? I shaved my arms for the fabric paint, but i never used it so thats kinda w/e.

also also /r/ing pictures of cosplayers that have used/use pax?

>> No.7431360
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Pretty sure some of the BNFs do but I can't remember which ones.

>> No.7431410
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PAX examples

>> No.7431453

Not related to HS, but I cosplayed Princess Bubblegum and used Ben Nye magicake all over and it did the most amazing job. Wore it all day in 90 degree heat and didn't sweat off. Even had it on my hands and it barely came off. Just something to consider, since it's very cheap and can be applied with some good make up brushes and a sponge to soften.

>> No.7431463 [DELETED] 

i think i have that stuff in the "frakenstein" colour i had no idea it lasts like that, i was just going to use it dry, thanks so much for sharing

>> No.7431473

shaving your arms for PAX is actually a really good idea. it applies more easily and it looks cleaner, plus it's less painful to wash off.

>> No.7431483

Thats good, for some reason i really dont mind having to shave them, it think it looks better shaved with most make up- mostly because to cakes and coats the hairs grossly. So thats good.

>> No.7431537 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7431539
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>> No.7431560

Not a bad Jake, but their wig is making me furious. Why would they sweep it all to one side with no definition in the bangs?? It's so lazy looking.

>> No.7431561

Look up Temptu airbrush paints. Drillbot used it for his Equius and as much as I hate the guy's attitude he's a decent cosplayer. Temptu doesn't come off except for like rubbing alcohol. He said he was doing a pool shoot at some point in it.

>> No.7431565

What's up with Drillbot's attitude? I don't know much about the guy but I thought he was alright

>> No.7431572

it's probably because they pretty much stopped cosplaying homestuck; popularity is hard to gain and maintain in cosplay communities outside of that
i recall them saying they only use airbrushing for their bodies, and that it usually lasted them all the days of the con (assuming 2-3 days), since it didn't come off in the shower easily

>> No.7431583

fabric paint can be good, but you have to get the paint on in as small amount of strokes as possible, otherwise it peels/cracks a lot more easily. also, when it starts peeling, it doesn't stop peeling, and it's really tempting to just yank the peeling parts off. definitely practice with it before using it for a con or whatever

>> No.7431649

Does Temptu's airbrush paints need to be diluted? Have anyone posted a tutorial for them?

>> No.7431784
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>> No.7431787
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why eyeliner facial hair

>> No.7431788
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>> No.7431796
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>> No.7431799
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>> No.7431801
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>> No.7431964

any close ups on the shoes? They look cute

oh look, more troll boys with zero eye make up. how do these idiots look at themselves in the mirror and think yeah I look great like this?

>> No.7432025

>crushed velvet

>> No.7432282

Are there any good cosplays of Aranea in her short black Mindfang dress?
I've been looking for it and found basically nothing, 90% of people do her blue outfit for some reason. I really want to try it but it would be nice to see a good one by someone else in the meantime.

>> No.7432290

Karkat looks like he might have some, but that Eridan yeesh, they have grey on their eyelashes.

>> No.7432295

This makes me really happy. When I first read HS the combination of her name (like Jade from jackie Chan Adventures) and the lidless way her eyes were drawn made me picture her as a little Asian girl, but I almost never see Asian Jade cosplayers.

>> No.7432297

Apparently they didn't even use photoshop.

Fucking christ, if you don't have the tools or knowledge then give it to someone else.

>> No.7432300

It is an incredibly shitty photoshop but the thing you're pointing out is just that person's pinkie nail

>> No.7432303
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This is pretty much the only full-body I've been able to find and it looks half-assed but the picture quality is so bad I can't even tell. Seriously, why is this such a rare Aranea for people to do...?

>> No.7432313
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I think they were talking about the area around the fingers contrasting awfully to the jacket.

Pic related is the only photo I found of their Cronus that wasn't painted over in sai. Can't blame them I guess but ugh...
They should stick to drawing porn.

>> No.7432341

noooo shitty cronus get away from the cute Karkat

>> No.7432345

I'm sort of curious how the karkat did their wig tbh.

>> No.7432351

To be honest it looks like their hair.

You think they're cute? I'm honestly not seeing it, it may be the shitty AU blocking my vision.

>> No.7432352
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Tbh they're a lil cute. In a "if I'd seen them in my emo phase I'd probably cry and wank"-sense.

>> No.7432365
File: 26 KB, 332x500, Desire-1BBurgundy-2(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure it's this one

>> No.7432371

Seconding other anon. I don't see it.

>> No.7432372

well I like Imperial Popstar actually, but that's not why I like the cosplay. I've seen enough pics to see that the whole costume is consistent in quality and they paid nice attention to every little detail. And they have a cute face.

I've seen pics of the cronus before (madcarnival??) and thought they were decent at first but next to that Karkat they look really sloppy

>> No.7432378
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You were obviously never gay, horny and emo.

Yeah, it's madcarnival. Idk I guess they get points for getting the widows peak but they do look sloppy and their stylistic choices are...odd (looking at makeup, boots and wig).

What's imperial popstar anyway?

>> No.7432390



>> No.7432393

I was definitely all three of those things. I just don't think they're cute. I'm not a big fan of most AUs to begin with, but especially not ones that come across at first glance as teh hotness/yaoi fodder.

>> No.7432417


The AU is terrible and nothing but OOC wank fodder, but the costume's well constructed.

>> No.7432422

Yeah I'm not reading that right now. The costumes are clean, though.

>> No.7432441

I like the convenience of PAX (minus the scrubbing it takes to remove it) but I'm slightly concerned about the safety of it ... does anyone know more about that?

>> No.7432488

I've seen PAX in person and it just looks crackly and scaley. Does that happen with everyone or did that person apply it wrong?

>> No.7432494

They definitely fucked it up. Maybe they have dry/bad skin, or they didn't prime, but I've never seen PAX look crackly or scaley IRL, unless they soaked their hands in water.

>> No.7432499


I have been using PAX a few times over the past year, and I really recommend it for anything not your hands or face. When applied smoothly it is just really great. It looks good and natural and sits well and all in all it's just great to have the freedom of it not rubbing off. I really recommend it for cons.

>> No.7432507
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They probably used WAY too much paint to prosaide. It flakes off when applied to fingers but I've never seen it chip away on arms unless you've been wearing it for 8+ hours.

>> No.7432513

as much as i love most of their au's i cant stand how they make the amporas (specifically Eridan) out to be.

>> No.7432530

Yeah I'm normally a fan but Imperial Popstar is basically OOC kink fodder.

>> No.7432653


I'm not sure what's worse about that, the tail or the placement of the watermark.

>> No.7432687

jesus christ iron your shit

>> No.7432730
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>> No.7432736


>> No.7432746

Dragonmom/Pyralsprite. I think it looks pretty nice, honestly.

>> No.7432749

Same. The Amporacest just makes me super itchy. I prefer them being a highly dysfunctional family than kink parade.

But the costume design is rad.

>> No.7432782

the outfit looks like something you can buy at kohl's. good construction only counts in a piece that they've made and i'll admit that if they've sewn all that, it looks great, but otherwise, i'm not impressed

>> No.7432963
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I freaking love well-done lusus cosplays.

>> No.7432969
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>> No.7432971

Are there any Moth-mother cosplays?

>> No.7432976
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Still desperately looking for black dress Araneas over here.
I found another one but her horns are a mess and it looks like whatever she used for the lines isn't holding? Also why did neither of them include the jagged shape at the bottom...? No one leaves that off with the blue dress version.

>> No.7432986
File: 265 KB, 534x800, mothmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few, yeah, but I haven't been blown away by any. Want to see one more "moth" looking, they're fairly cool looking animals. Maybe like this fanart but all white: http://fefairi.tumblr.com/post/73894209612/doodled-my-feralstuck-dolorosa-from-an-rp-because

>> No.7432997

That looks really nice, but yeah, it doesn't scream "lusus" to me. Maybe if they'd added in her other legs? It's almost too Renaissance angelic. Would look really cool with a fancy tier Kanaya though.

Has there ever been a well done lusii group at a con, or do most people cosplay them solo?

>> No.7433000

Anyone have thoughts about Wolfe FX hydrocolor? I used it for a few hours at my last con and it stayed alright when I applied it evenly in a thin layer and sealed liberally, but it seemed like it would crack eventually. It was hella easy to get on and off, though.

>> No.7433035

Wolfefx's grey was my first troll grey, i no longer use it because it was too dark, but it feels really nice to the touch and on my skin. I feel for me it went on really well with 1-2 layers.

>> No.7433048

It definitely is too dark -- I mixed one part of the gray and one part of the white (I tried to contour a little with the leftovers but it didn't do a ton, ended up depending on makeup for that).

>> No.7433409

When the fuck did Jake age ten years and gain sixty pounds? This is creepy.

>> No.7433424

I actually feel like, in this one particular instance, it's just creepy enough to work as part of the "innappropriately happy Tricksters" schtick

>> No.7433432

I don't.
Tricksters are supposed to be borderline (if not entirely) insane, hyped up teenagers. Not creepy adults. Ick.

>> No.7433437

There are a shitton of HS cosplayers that aren't the canon age, when's the last time you saw a good John or Dave cosplayer who actually looked 13?
I'm ambivalent to that Jake but it's...not really that bad and it looks like the incredibly creepy expression was on purpose

>> No.7433445

this makes me crazy, they were 13 at the beginning of the series. They've aged up in-series.

>> No.7433448

So? Back before that happened, did cosplayers have to look 13?

>> No.7433489

The closer to teenage an older cosplayer looks, the better. Youthful faces and slimmer body types will pass better as younger teens. While that doesn't mean you HAVE to look 13-16, don't act like an obvious age discrepancy won't work against a cosplayer. Take Man John as an example.

>> No.7433491

who the fuck is Man John

>> No.7433495
File: 168 KB, 1280x984, 1395023456895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that she put a bunch of work into designing and cosplaying a lusus, but until I scrolled back up to check the horns again, I thought she was Glbgloyb'b'ub. The scale and the armour elements look really good, but the crinkly train thing is confusing and not very dragon-y. Also, I appreciate when people style lusus' wigs to look like the kiddie trolls' hair, which would do infinitely more for the look than parting the bangs and holding it up with a pin.

See attached.

>> No.7433496

It sure did help.
Looking like the character's canon age helps tremendously. The Jake posted looks like a fucking adult stuffed into a costume for a teenager. It's creepy. People 25+ shouldn't cosplay anything but guardians where homestuck is concerned unless they have babyface.

>> No.7433501

>well done lusii group
>well done lusii
>well done

>> No.7433507
File: 100 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold. Man John.

>> No.7433514

hahahahah holy shit

>> No.7433540
File: 467 KB, 1280x960, ausa_lusii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when anon asked for lusii groups earlier I was going to try and find some for them but I forgot haha. The truth is, no, there haven't really been any good big ones. There was this small group going around at AUSA (pic related) with simple outfits but tastefully done. The mothmom I posted earlier (gothichamlet at umm... Otakon last year?) was also part of a small group iirc, which could have been really good but the other two members made...very strange stylistic choices...

>> No.7433545

They barely stand out and seem very lazy in terms of design. 2/10.

>> No.7433546

Actually, now that I look at that pic, they kinda have some problems...some of the clothing is off-white??? And crabdad should've put his cellphone somewhere else. But they looked nice in person maybe I was just happy to see a lusii group that didn't suck idk.

>> No.7433553

I feel she wasted her talent, time and materials on this (imo) it doesn't look like anything that that would be from homestuck, along with the colour she used is not terezis colour at all, and of all things to botch its the colour.

Also this looks like something that would be from WoW rather than HS. (i'm just disappointed with this, to be honest i thought it was a mis post)

>> No.7433561

spiders have 8 legs this is a disgrace. terrible cosplay. horrible unforgivable

>> No.7433563

I understand you're trying to troll here, but at least pick an argument that isn't 100% stupid. She has 8 legs. 2 are under her skirt.

I like the attempt at dragonscale armor but those gems really throw it off.

>> No.7433569

>"i understand youre trying to troll here but at least pick an argument that isnt 100% stupid"
my job here is done

>> No.7433589


There's a reason that the majority of the people who can pull off the kids are crossplaying girls.

>> No.7433611

Isn't this cosplayer like 15? Everything looks really well-done for someone so young.

>> No.7433630

Who is it?

>> No.7433640

Welp, I missed the "well done" part. That's what I get for speed-reading when trying to catch up on two days' worth of MSPAG.

To amend my post, then: NO.

>> No.7433689
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found this in the tag a day or so ago and it got me wondering. are there any good genderbent character cosplays/cosplayers? is genderbending overdone? is it good or bad? i might make a male fef cosplay soon and im curious to know if people would like it or hate it.
this cosplayer also apparently does male terezi (they were posted in a set) but uses the same wig, which seems lazy.
also their shirt paint is bugging me like fuck.

>> No.7433698

Genderbends can be done well, it's just rare. Most people seem to throw on a short black wig along with the rest of their usual cosplay and call it a day, though. I'm assuming that's what this Vriska did, but you're right about the shirt-- it looks chipped and shiny at the same time. Not appealing. Their arm, at least, looks decent from what I can see. Their horns aren't bad either but they seem kind of big?

>> No.7433714
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>> No.7433717

I wish I could see them clearly, but the lighting is blocking a lot of them.

>> No.7433722
File: 123 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mjaysbj9aC1qfu6zso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few. The cosplays who make an effort to design a new outfit are usually the better ones.

>> No.7433738
File: 73 KB, 410x594, 1395030331107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With inherently tomboyish characters like Nepeta, Terezi, and Vriska, it's easy to do a lazy genderbend simply by switching out the normal wig for a generic shaggy-cut animu black wig.

Genderbent Kanaya would be good to see if not done by a girl in skinny red jeans. There was once a male Feferi with board shorts where each leg was painted the colour of Feferi's normal skirt-spikes, and he was a neat take on the design.

For your male Feferi, I'd recommend styling your wig to have Feferi's same curls and hairline. For me, the effort put into a wig will make or break a genderbend's "lazy" look. Maybe try Russell Brand, but toned down.

>> No.7433740
File: 55 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mj5s4tPboS1qkjawso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433745

I kind of regret asking now. He looks creepy as fuck.

>> No.7433746
File: 231 KB, 1531x1909, 1395030501695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For possible inspiration, from a Google Images search for "rule 63 feferi."

>> No.7433747

This isn't that interesting a cosplay overall, but that arm does look nice.

>> No.7433754

Yeah uh, with that face he should really stick to like...Equius (horseface yo), Sollux, or a really derp Eridan. I absolutely cannot picture a male Vriska looking like that.

>> No.7433753

ok, that seems like a good idea-- but do you have any wig suggestions? it seems like a lacefront would be the best to achieve fef's hair's pushed back look, but i have no experience with them.

>> No.7433756

I agree. It's clearly well-done, and the cosplayer has great craftsmanship, but it's not really an appropriate cosplay for the character she attached it to. It's good in the sense that it's very impressive, but not good in the sense that I don't think anyone in the Homestuck fandom would look at that picture and think dragonmom/pyralspite unless there was a caption there to identify it.

>> No.7433807
File: 111 KB, 900x600, 1395032135565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, no experience with lacefronts beyond Google. Anyone else have a suggestion?

>> No.7433876

You just cut the lace to the hairline and put spirit gum or lacefront wig tape underneath to keep it in place against your forehead. If you want to ventilate a lacefront wig, get a lacefront needle or just shove hair down into the lace and glue underneath (this isn't all that recommended though because the glue can get bulky).

>> No.7434096

Okay that is NOT how you ventilate a lace front jesus christ learn your materials before giving people advice which will botcher their newly bought wigs.

Yaexrae posted a tutorial on ventilating the other day. At least TRY.

I haven't actually seen a lot of shrter lace fronts but it sounds like a good idea.

>> No.7434182

>jesus christ learn to read

That's why they said it isn't recommended.

>> No.7434210

>Here's some advice, but it's bullshit and you shouldn't follow it


>> No.7434317
File: 108 KB, 600x900, 1395050021706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I share that interpretation! Consequently, there are quite a few Asian Jades peopling my cosplay folder.

>> No.7434319
File: 71 KB, 500x750, 1395050083573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7434321
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>> No.7434322
File: 336 KB, 848x1280, 1395050208577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could do with an ironing.

>> No.7434324
File: 257 KB, 858x570, 1395050313478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7434328
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>> No.7434330
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x947, 1395050574575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7434396

>Presents shitty advice
>Aware that it is shitty
>Doesn't present advice which actually makes sense

What the hell are you trying to achieve?

>> No.7434530


First of all that's adorable, second of all do you have any other shots of her? She looks pretty good.

>> No.7434701
File: 56 KB, 960x639, 1395070512763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing somg good ancestors?

>> No.7434842
File: 679 KB, 1135x1920, pearlgirl710 jadesprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her cosplay Tumblr is seclusionsalad!

Do you have any full shots of her outfit?

>> No.7434850

Linking the Yaexrae tutorial. She made a GIF to explain the process, which I think explains it pretty well.


>> No.7434860
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x1707, 1395075261789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not related to picture, but
>Dave in the tag posting cringe-worthy boxer flash.
>Check age on profile to be sure the pictures are legal before reposting them.

I know that an age legal in one place doesn't carry over the legalness to the US, but does Israel have a lower legal age?

>> No.7434871
File: 103 KB, 1000x667, 1395075362384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7434875
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>> No.7434893
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>> No.7434898

There weren't a lot of full body shots, so here's a better half body shot for detail

>> No.7434901
File: 61 KB, 960x640, 1395075979673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell

>> No.7434950

Without that awful lace on the shoulders and if she'd done the rest of the lines on the midsection, she may have been off to a good start. I like her expressions and that she made the sword (with a semi-opaque blade, which I really like).

>> No.7434954
File: 420 KB, 1280x949, 1395076979928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7434965

that jake is terrifying. roxy is a little weird looking too but i assume its the swirl placement on her cheeks. jane and (from what i can see of) dirk look pretty decent though.
dirks shoes are bugging me though

>> No.7435004

Roxy looks super young, Dirk and Jane look like teenagers, and Jake looks like their goddamn DAD. It sucks when one person seems to throw off a group. If they got a new Jake that actually looked his age I think it'd make their group seem a lot better, honestly.

>> No.7435083
File: 548 KB, 960x1280, 1395080256630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tanks dude. Goddamn this girl is a qt and seems to cosplay to her strengths.

>> No.7435113

I really like what she's done with her horns. I don't think alot of people can make textured horns look good.

>> No.7435186
File: 11 KB, 218x225, mFIf3nEoqmmy4NGswuVCOGw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, i really like her and i think she was trying to do something like with pic related, shoulder boards i think they're called

>> No.7435421
File: 996 KB, 1000x1500, 1395090151234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435633


both of the girls are good, but Dirk doesn't look male enough and Jake looks like he's 30.

>> No.7435642
File: 485 KB, 1280x1918, 1395096689180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7435646

the more you post the more i think the mindfang is you. definitely one of the better mindfangs regardless, though. i like her material choices, especially the hat.

>> No.7435659

They're fucking epaulettes you basic bitch.

>> No.7435666
File: 46 KB, 250x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because Dirk is a fat girl who doesn't know how to bind. Pic related.

>> No.7435690
File: 259 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mfxis4PvES1qfu6zso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since we had an ancestor dump.

>> No.7435693
File: 630 KB, 800x1253, 1395098300100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435697
File: 1.02 MB, 932x1400, 1395098464953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435708
File: 651 KB, 600x800, 1395098665723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435710
File: 64 KB, 640x960, 1395098741954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435711

If you could post someone other than mindfang that would be great. otherwise just call it a mindfang dump.

>> No.7435716

The topic was Mindfang so that's what I started with. I'll stop now though. Wouldn't want to irritate your sandyvag any further.

>> No.7435718

Do you have any Hanmaids (good or bad)?

>> No.7435739

i wasnt trying to be rude i was just pointing out that its not ancestors its all mindfang... calm yourself friend

>> No.7435751

Have there been any non-con meets at all? Will there still be any for 4/13?

>> No.7435809

that is a poor wording choice and i had to read it twice...

Depending on the comm, yes.

Coming from the Torontostuck comm, I know there's usually one every couple months. Masqueradestuck is this weekend, though its taking place a good deal northwest of the city, and there's a 4/13 event being planned for somewhere more local.

>> No.7435845

On the subject of meetups, anyone know of any in the Southern California area?

>> No.7435854
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>> No.7435858
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>> No.7435859
File: 67 KB, 639x960, 1395103326870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435861

ah yes, the best one of all
the end all of all end all
the hnamaid

>> No.7435887
File: 238 KB, 800x1224, 1395104326246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently the tenth was an international meetup day or something, too? so there were probably a few meetups then.

>> No.7435961
File: 273 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mdgxmlE1T11qblkfko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local community isn't as active but they're planning one for 4/13.

>> No.7435999

God what a lady. But then no goddamn red boots. So close. I feel like this is shooped though?

>> No.7436108
File: 27 KB, 650x650, DARKLEER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to contest the red boots statement but then found the one panel where Mindfang's leg is shown.

>> No.7436117

I wonder why no one ever does Mindfang with her robo arm...?

>> No.7436169
File: 431 KB, 500x664, tumblr_n2jxnbIbba1qemks9o8_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got a lot of praise and has at least seven thousand notes... I wonder why.

>> No.7436193
File: 475 KB, 1280x853, 1395112740671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery! I can't figure it out at all!

>> No.7436196

She says it's humanstuck nepeta, and then goes on to say "but the horns were an aesthetic choice."
Bitch, horns mean it's not humanstuck. U dum.

>> No.7436198

All of the poorly done paint and horns in this photo pain me greatly.

>> No.7436266



>> No.7436284

>Vriska with yellow nails
Come on, guys.

>> No.7436386
File: 744 KB, 1280x1912, 1395116875504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7436392

It was a rhetorical question. I think everyone knows that she got notes because she's black.

>> No.7436415

She's also really cute, though.

>> No.7436422

>really cute
i'm worried about you, anon

>> No.7436424

Fair enough, but again.
The real reason is pretty apparent, and it's not because she's got an outstanding cosplay.

>> No.7436459

I was also thinking that she's already pretty well known because of her art, so it'd make sense that a lot of people would see her cosplays too.

>> No.7436474

Her cosplay still doesn't warrant the overblown attention it got. She is a good artist, but the cosplay is nothing but lazy.

>> No.7436508

So does Jnig, but she has over a million likes on facebook and is a professional cosplayer. Calm your tits, this girl is hardly worth getting your panties in a bunch over.

>> No.7436528

Yeah, and Jnig is a lazy cosplayer. That defense isn't doing anything for you. Lazy cosplayers shouldn't be rewarded for laziness, no matter who they are. Same thing with the idiots who clog up the tag with gross gifs and shopped selfies and get thousands of notes for it and asspat after asspat. Sorry you're a fan of this chick, but her cosplay is not good. The only reason she was noticed for it is because she's black and this fandom is full of white guilt.

>> No.7436538

...It's tumblr notes, that's hardly a reward. People just like her cosplay. I didn't even know who this girl was before this thread. We get that you're jelly because some artist got more notes on her cosplay than you, but you really do need to calm down.

>> No.7436544

Is this discussion really happening.

How many times have people discussed unwarranted notes here, seriously? I'm pretty sure it can be a conversation topic without having a basis in jelly, jam, or fucking marmalade. Certain cosplayers are going to get asspats for really stupid reasons, and race/attractiveness/thinness/facial piercings/androgynous physical traits will always be factors, especially as far as tumblr is concerned.

It speaks to the poor taste of the fandom, and that's about it. I'm surprised I even have to say this shit.

>> No.7436546

>people just like her cosplay!!
And they shouldn't. You're either new or you're a friendfag, resorting to the jelly 4 notes shtick and thinking this whole discussion was started and sustained by one ~*~*~needlessly miffed and butthurt~*~*~ anon. This is not the first cosplay, humanstuck or otherwise, to suck but get loads of attention because the cosplayer is a poc, and HSG has talked about this numerous times. See: that Meenah from two Katsus ago or w/e, everything wreckitronnie does. You reek of Tumblr.

>> No.7436551

on that note tho
whats the deal with wreckitronnie
i mean i saw them last colossalcon and they were obnoxious and unimpressive as fuck (dave with a snapback. u for real) but have they done anything dramu wise? i only heard of them when i first looked at mspa threads here a few weeks ago but i dont really care enough to look at their blog.

>> No.7436566

>facial piercings
Kill me now. One of my biggest pet peeves in cosplay. I don't know how the fandom collectively decided that Striders have snake bites/ multiple ear piercings/ septum rings, but it drives me up the wall.

Yeah, I remember you asking about this. Same answer applies. Massive ego, terrible attitude. They haven't slapped anyone at a con or barfed at a drawmeet, but their behavior still makes them a shitty presence.

>> No.7436573

do they just feel entitled to notes and attention because theyre black or because they feel theyre genuinely a good cosplayer
(praying its not the second option because theyre far from good)

>> No.7436585

Definitely the second.

>> No.7436642

Is that blush photoshopped or??

>> No.7436641
File: 210 KB, 1008x756, 1395124876220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know, they have an ego disproportionate to the quality/effort of their "cosplays" and a very self-aggrandising personality. I haven't followed drama recently, though, so that's a pretty vague summary that's applicable to all the shit-tier users.

>> No.7436644

You really need to calm down. It's not that big of a deal. And I don't really use tumblr at all, but if it helps your rage, sure.

>> No.7436653

Yeah if you fullsize and zoom a little the purple goes over her glasses rims.

>> No.7436666
File: 108 KB, 622x620, 1375034100217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7436718

The placement of the horns and the part of the wig is bothering me, not to mention that she couldn't even match her colors.

>> No.7436772


i dont understand why the shirt and jacket are pink but the wig and horns are purple

>> No.7436785
File: 384 KB, 400x600, tumblr_mlh686CIqV1r49qi7o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this Kanaya shows up for SakuraCon again. She was pretty qt.

>> No.7436805

...are those stripes on the pants painted on?

>> No.7436827
File: 7 KB, 169x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reference commonly gets interpreted to be purple hair and pink clothing, especially by people trying to liven up the usual white-plus-highlight-colour sprite ensemble.

>> No.7436921

it's because she's shit at styling wigs and making horns, and she bought her outfit pre-made from taobao

>> No.7436932
File: 343 KB, 1280x960, 1395147575129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7436973

is that benedict cumberbatch

>> No.7436992


>> No.7436998

Does the person on the left have any cosplays other than "awkward Captor"?

>> No.7436996

Still no good black dress Araneas, huh?

>> No.7437006

Yeah, she's... not good. Especially not mindfang. I don't know what it is about her face but it just doesn't work, and her costume is pretty shoddily constructed. It doesn't look like she ironed anything. Ever.

>> No.7437007

ohhh lol it's vagina-hat Mindfang from Katsu

>> No.7437025

doesnt this chick hang out with "durrscurr"
it wouldnt surprise me really

>> No.7437029
File: 665 KB, 2100x1575, o6xKeO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7437036 [DELETED] 

The unhemmed Aranea dress is driving me crazy (why don't people hem it) but they all look decent, imo.

>> No.7437092

The outfit's from Taobao.

>> No.7437135

Awkward John?

>> No.7437144

Oh, right. Awkward cosplayer in general, really.

>> No.7437281

She doesn't even make her own costumes,yet she still thinks she's the hottest shit ever.

>> No.7437294

she just looks like some random swag fag, im guessing her inflated ego is from an ass ton of tumblr notes?

>> No.7437326

She's got a few photos that are popular (like the Spiderman Vriska cosplay that she also didn't make) but most of her stuff isn't that well known. I have no idea where her ego comes from. I've seen her at photoshoots and she has that kind of attitude irl too.

>> No.7437348

I think >>7437294 was asking about rat john and not the mindfang cosplayer. Unless they're the same person?

>> No.7437383
File: 694 KB, 1280x1714, 1395167198058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i was talking about rat john/swag fag captor

sorry no, none that are mind-blowing anyway, but here's a dump of some black dress araneas of varying (aka not good) quality.

>> No.7437386
File: 129 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mjty03zlLT1qh9kaio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7437389
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>> No.7437392
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>> No.7437395
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>> No.7437397
File: 104 KB, 500x333, tumblr_my84znRKqc1qbnplso5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7437400
File: 137 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mymip7fvTg1r3uugvo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay this is the last one

>> No.7437486

Even though their costumes aren't perfect, they all have the perfect faces for each character, I think.

>> No.7437503

I can't see most of Damara's face because of the pose, but Aranea and Rufioh definitely have good faces for the characters. I actually think the Rufioh cosplayer looks a little like Dante Basco.

>> No.7437572

Why is it that people almost never pick the characters that suit them when they put together a complete group cosplay (all of the kids, ancestors, dancestors, trolls, whatever)? Is it really that hard to go through and pick which characters you think you might be able to pull off? It especially peeves me when groups that are obviously trying to look good and be serious do this. If your cosplayers do not suit the characters, there isn't even a point to doing the group.

>> No.7437593

Imo there's always that ONE person in the group that insists that they cosplay their fave character, instead of the character that suits them, and then that throws off the rest of the group.

>> No.7437608

Requesting some Decent-Good GHB cosplays.
Doing a cosplay of him in a few month and All I've got are horns carved.

>> No.7437644

deets? I keep seeing people bringing her her up but have never read about any personal encounters. She sounds hilarious.

>> No.7437655

On this topic, could i request some of peoples favourite cosplays on characters? Like headcanon body type/face, i guess.

Also what would you suggest based on this (preferrably no humans): rather rectangular in body shape (far from skinny or buff, but i dont look fat either), average length, sort of weak jawline (sort of rhombus), "pretty" lips and nose.

I was thinking Tavros but im afraid im not upper-body buff enough.

>> No.7437664

Are you male or female? Also are you open to crossplaying or do you only want to cosplay characters of one gender? I'd love to help but those two details are pretty important.

>> No.7437680
File: 165 KB, 1280x960, 1395175078219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry anon but there doesn't really seem to be any, but maybe a quick dump of shitty/mediocre/below average ones will encourage you?

>> No.7437685
File: 108 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mj7ycoyAzd1rmxgdco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7437689
File: 654 KB, 808x540, 1395175304492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7437694
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>> No.7437696
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>> No.7437701
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>> No.7437704
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>> No.7437708
File: 389 KB, 1280x853, 1395175755449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK i'm all out.

>> No.7437716

Ah, im comfortable with either and pass as both when wearing facepaint and makeup and whatnot. I guess i cant really do any super y-shaped bodies but i could use a corset or similar to get a more hourglass shape. Ive passed as both female and male characters before but i guess im naturally rather androgyne in appearance.

>> No.7437715


wow, I don't think any ancestor is so poor on the average as ghbs. Maybe sufferer

>> No.7437721

Wow that sounds super stupid sorry im running on like three hours of sleep.

Either way i can do both male and female character just no dolph lundgre-level male, im a bit more flexible with female characters but like i probably cant do porrim or aranea.

>> No.7437725

Pretty decent.
But I understand. I am enlightened not by the good things they've done. But by the shit they've made.
I must break the cycle.
First thing is I have a decent over all build for him. 6ft, Broad shoulders, forearms the size of fuckin Houston. And a mess of hair growing.

>> No.7437735

Helmsman looks like Danny DevVito

>> No.7437739

My advice; Dont. Rush.

I've been holding off on doing a bunch of cosplays because i want to do the characters justice (and also i dont want to rush wig work to get it done for a con).

So yeah, seriously take as long as you need to make this look awesome.

>> No.7437740

You should just go take a look at her tumblr. She has something along the lines of "If you want me at your local con, consider contacting the staff to have me as a cosplay guest" in her description.

>> No.7437743

I'm curious as well. She's been nothing but sweet to me? So I'd like to hear some actual stories of in-person bitch behaviour.

>> No.7437752

Well the convention is in August and I'll have someone helping me out. She's much better at sewing and im more a detail and prop guy

>> No.7437841
File: 504 KB, 500x694, tumblr_mnflheVJEX1s793lao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only met her in passing at Otakon when me and some friends ran into her ancestor group. The rest of her group was very friendly (Durscurr too) but she didn't say a word to us. She just stood there and stared until we left.

>> No.7437856

Why are GHB cosplays always so shitty?

I don't know if I've ever seen a GHB cosplay that's better than barely-good quality.

>> No.7437866

Because people who are not ready for that level of cosplay attempt it and it looks like shit, or its rushed.

Though i must say your question could be used for any character, you know?

>> No.7437879

hottie kanaya, god damn.

>> No.7437890
File: 207 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mreqjyBoY51qmxbigo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is probably the only noteworthy Highblood I've ever seen. That sad small wig though.

>> No.7437898

How about the ghb who used to pair with mohawkdandy?

>> No.7437915
File: 451 KB, 582x900, 1395181749456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan.

>> No.7437924

Isnt that the GHB from the ancestor shoot at otakon 2012?

In my opinion they would be really good if they go a better wig,a better prop (they one they had was pretty damn awful if i remember correctly) better shoes/ different pant bottoms (the straight legged pant looks really weird, its more fitting to have a flare at the bottoms).

>> No.7438001

At least there's a handful of quality sufferers to balance out the rest. GHBs are always mediocre at best.

Speaking of, /r/ing any sufferers.

>> No.7438012

>if they redo everything but the horns and top, they'll be good
They're just so bland. There's nothing going on in this photo. If you're going to cosplay a character like GHB, you have to know how to pose for him. Dave can get away with boring poses. GHB is a huge insane clown monster. A shy smile is not going to cut it.

>> No.7438013

I kinda have to wonder what the photographer was thinking to be honest. GHB is huge and menacing - so why not take a lower-angle shot? It would be way more dynamic and interesting.

>> No.7438027

It's not the photographer's fault though. You can maybe blame them for not having a better sense of field dynamics, but it's the cosplayer who's standing there like a limp noodle not doing anything with their body. Even a frightening facial expression and some arm movement would make this ten times more engaging.

>> No.7438038

True, but I think a more interesting angle would have helped a lot as well. Also, sometimes it's difficult to tell what your pose looks like on camera. What you might think is a tense and predatory facial expression actually just looks mildly uncomfortable. I know I always like a photographer who helps pose me.

>> No.7438109
File: 129 KB, 800x533, 1395188844484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the eject button.

>> No.7438120

That's why you practice your posing beforehand. We have different approaches, I guess. I always pin posing initiative on a cosplayer. If a photographer wants to help give them positions, that's fine, but it's not the photographer's responsibility to come up with poses for them. They have their own specs to worry about.

>> No.7438169
File: 119 KB, 870x646, 1395188844484 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7438220

I can see where you're coming from, though. Thanks for being a bro about this.

>> No.7438227

Am I the only one that wouldn't say no to this?

>> No.7438457


...got a source?

>> No.7438496

omg is that miwafwakes

>> No.7438530

none of those really look like her at all, so i'm gonna go with no

>> No.7438532


>> No.7438553

you're telling me you don't see her face at all in the condesce
am i going insane

>> No.7438564

Clowns are terrible in general. Ipso facto... What drives me insane is that even semi-decent GHBs like that one at Ota was carrying around what looked like a fucking soda bottle with cardboard shit all over it. Is it too much to ask for a proper club? Just one goddamn decent prop?

>> No.7438579

eh, I don't really see the resemblance, to be honest... maybe the nose a bit? but I feel like that's typical flat nose

>> No.7438636

Yeah, no big. I'm not gonna tell you how to take pictures. As long as you and your photographer work well together, do whatever is right for the both of you. I just get defensive about photographers sometimes because too many people are rude to them and take them for granted, and it isn't their job to carry the cosplayer's weight along with their own. It's a team effort. Polite sage for no contribution.

>> No.7438700

As a photographer who likes to watch this thread, thank you.
There needs to be more like you.
I need like, 20 more of you.

>> No.7438762


Agreed that it isn't the photographers responsibility to save your pictures. If a cosplayer can't pose or act, it comes out in shitty hall photos too. Photos should know composition and lighting, but emoting and character are all on the cosplayer

Ideally both know what they're doing and everybody wins

>> No.7439929

Source on the Kanaya?

>> No.7439939
File: 593 KB, 500x747, tumblr_miphfgx0xz1qbliizo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alyssaties (alytyedye is her cosplay Tumblr, I believe).

>> No.7439984

I feel the same way about her face. She has this bitchy teenager look to her, which just doesn't suit Mindfang. At all.

>> No.7440179

it looks like shit, or it might just be your application.

>> No.7440208

I wanna do that male Terezi, can I make it look good or is it shit in general?

>> No.7440228

So long as you make a good shirt, have a good wig/horns, good glasses, and aren't obnoxious, it can work.

>> No.7440259

Terezi's design is kinda bland in general, i would suggest trying to find, or come up with a male flarp terezi design. (i might actually play around with that to be honest..).

Good luck in what ever you choose to do.

>> No.7440281

Thank you anon! Those are all various degrees of disappointing, but at least I've seen some now. I really want to do one at some point.

>> No.7440299

Thx for the azn jade dump anon, wow, I wasn't expecting that! They're all pretty good! >>7434328 in particular is impeccably cute.

>> No.7440309
File: 367 KB, 371x553, 1395269137188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome, i was afraid that scared potential black dress aranea's away with how horrible some of them were.

ngl i want to attempt both aranea's outfits (or i guess sprite/ non-flash) outfits, they're both very interesting and no one seems to have done any of them justice, yet.

also here is disco-stuck aranea.

>> No.7440346

not digging the lace or strange teal hat, but i love her construction. The collar, the shaped sleeves, and how sucessfully tailored to her body shape it is. Also everyone draws Mindfang with the boob window, but almost no-one cosplays her with it, so props for that.

>> No.7440351

Fugly, fugly wig, which is a pity because I can't see anything else wrong!

>> No.7440361

New thread: