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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7436857 No.7436857 [Reply] [Original]

Having a cosplay page is something pretty common these days, whether you're seeking "cosplay fame" or like having your cosplays in it's own place, rather than cluttering your personal profile.

My question is, what makes a page interesting? Is it only the photoshoot pictures? The works in progress? Tutorials? Some sort of videos?
Why do you follow a certain cosplayer? Because they're really great costume makers? Because the cosplayer has potential and it's interesting to see him/her growing and improving?

I'd like to hear different opinions on this!

>> No.7436948

My only problem with it is when people constantly share and tag themselves in the photos onto their regular profiles. And when people who have pages don't even bother to post progress or anything cosplay related on their pages. Why bother making one at all?
I don't have a page, nor do I plan to make one. I've learned that I wouldn't be able to keep up with updating it.

>> No.7436957

I like pages that post good photoshoot, videos (extra points if they're funny), gives reviews, or post about current sales for other cosplayers to see. None of this has to be too personal, but it makes me feel like the cosplayer is active and excited to be doing what they're doing
A few cosplayers I follow just because they're good, a few more I definitely see potential in, and a few others are acquaintances that I want to get to know better and following their page makes it easy to start conversation ("Nice ____ cosplay! I love *insert show* ect ect ect)

>> No.7436985

Just put your cosplays in an album only you and selected people will see... having a separate account is no excuse for that

>> No.7437244

Having a cosplay page is a good way to showcase your work, though. Some people enjoy sharing experiences and trading feedback with others from around the world.

>> No.7437271
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I honestly find no point in making a FB page unless youre extremely famous not even just cosplay famous. For example /cgl/ may hate jnig but she has the fanbase for it that includes plenty of normal fags who know nothing about otaku culture let alone the cosplay community.

Even if I had over 500 fb fans it would just feel weird because it would feel like im forcing my image out there to become famous or it would just look like I have a big head thinking Im super famous and need a fb fan page.

really majority of fb fan pages are full of just friends and family so might as well just keep it on your personal account...unless your a fucking big headed attention whore who thinks they are super popular and "NEED" one

Unless thousands of people are BEGGING to see more of you...you shouldnt have a fb fan page.
If anything make your own blog or keep it on that tumblr shit or make a youtube account with gallery videos....not a fan page...a fan page is basically saying you already know you have a shit ton of "fans"

>> No.7437275

people make pages for their photography or their dog, why can't i have a cosplay page?

>> No.7437277

I have a cosplay page and 10k likes.

Buy I'm not motivated to update it. The way facebook distributes content to likers is stupid. I rarely get ANY feedback on what I post. I'll get 20 something likes. Maybe 100 likes on a photo on a good day.

My other friends seem to make it a point to update their cosplay pages daily to keep the traffic flow high, but I don't have time to do that. So instead I'm just the owner of a dead page, hah.

I personally like seeing progress and photoshoot pictures from a cosplay page. I hate the pages that just repost memes or share shit from other pages constantly. But like I said, that seems to be how people keep their traffic high? I'm really not a fan of how facebook handles pages - it encourages people to post off topic shit just to keep viewers. I'd rather a cosplay page be just about the cosplay.

>> No.7437279

Facebook pages are for stalkers. Why would you want to encourage them?

>> No.7437305
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>Unless thousands of people are BEGGING to see more of "___" you shouldnt have a fb fan page.

are you autistic the answer is in that whole post I made.
or are you just butthurt I called you a big headed attention whore for "needing" one

also if you claim you just "want" one...its the same as saying you "want to be famous"
stay mad

>> No.7437307

oh look, its this argument again.
Some of us don't want random con kids to have access to our personal information, like where we live, our full names, ECT. You can restrict that some with settings, but not completely.

I have around 1k likes on my fb, not big by any means but I certainly dont want to add 1000 random people on my personal account.

>> No.7437310

I made mine for attention. No point in denying it.

>> No.7437316
File: 23 KB, 284x198, conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything make your own blog or keep it on that tumblr shit or make a youtube account with gallery videos....not a fan page...a fan page is basically saying you already know you have a shit ton of "fans"

dont any of you kids even think about this concept?
why is /cgl/ 15 years old suddenly is it spring break already in high school?

>> No.7437322
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>1k fans
>90% is a web of friends of friends and family

>> No.7437324

You guys are so fucking retarded. I don't have a cosplay page but I want to make one to keep up with my other friends that share similar interests, maybe? And not have my professional contacts see my animu costumes?
I don't trust a "private album" any further than I could throw a facebook server and I don't trust stupid ass friends to not post "OMG are you cosplaying satsuki desu neee" all over my page and random posts that other people will see.
Jumping through all these privacy hoops and make secret albums is stupid when you could just MAKE A DIFFERENT PAGE you goddamn retards. I know facebook pretty well and I've still fucked up and had stuff I didn't want known to everybody and their grandma show up on other friend's pages because Facebook changes some obscure setting or some stupid friend accidentally tags the wrong thing. And when people surf my page, they get "similar friends" that are all weebs wearing schol unfiroms. Don't you think that's going to tip off my real estate broker or are you fucking daft? And again, why do I need to keep up with every nuance of Facebook and every single friend and all that bullshit when I could just, simply, easily, in two seconds, make a separate page? Honestly, it's probably jobless middle schoolers that are so against the cosplay page in the first place. There's no rational argument against it other that "LUUL ATTENION WHORES" anybody with a real job that's had to deal with facebook's bullshit as I've been doing for years gets it.

>> No.7437328

Oh great, I'll just make a tumblr or a youtube that's public that any old joe I work with can find.

Or I'll make them private and then NO ONE can find it! Why WOULDN'T I want to use a relatively limited interface that not everybody uses to connect with people and then make them jump through hoops to get to it? Wow that's fucking brilliant. I would much rather do that then make a separate page, in two seconds, on the one website that everybody on the goddamn planet uses that I can hide from searches and use how I need to post progress pictures, updates, blog entries, videos or basically anything else.

>> No.7437337

are you implying they are less likely to find a fb page of your cosplay?

>> No.7437344

I think it's the word "fan page" that these spring breakers can't get over.
If it were called "hobby page" or something nobody would be complaining and everyone would have one, even though it's essentially the same thing.
I mean, how is it realistically different than having a tumblr for posting your photos? A blog that talks all about you? A twitter for posting costume updates? A website to post your finished pictures?
Nothing. There is no difference, except it's actually easier to use Facebook for all of those and also connect with other people. But because Facebook unwisely calls it a "fan page", less intelligent cosplayers get to circlejerk about how you're horrible for having your own social media site where you post things like cosplayers haven't always done that and it's unreasonable to want to show people stuff you're doing.

>> No.7437346

check out this mad fag

no one is stopping you from making a fb fan page for attention we are just saying you shouldnt act like its for "secrecy"

>> No.7437349

Yes actually. I could be wrong, I don't yet have a FB page but I plan to make one in the future. You can privatize it, but give anyone you want the URL or invite them. FB pages rarely show up on google and a lot of FB isn't indexed in a searchable way like Tumblr and Youtube are. You could privatize Tumblr or Youtube, but it's a smaller percentage of people that have accounts on those sites and/or use them regularly. Everyone is on Facebook every day, so having a private facebook isn't an obstacle - people will still add you on it. Whereas some people don't log into tumblr or youtube every day and they will lose your card, forget about it, not check it regularly etc.

>> No.7437350

Admit it, you have a cosplay page because you're vain. Because this hobby is vain, it's all about being admired by other people, otherwise you wouldn't bother with photoshoots or skits. It's ok, everyone is vain nowadays, it's should be shameful, but it fortunately isn't.

>> No.7437360

i don't need to follow your rules on whether i am or am not allowed a page you sperglord

also, they haven't been "fan" pages in year. it's just a page, no different to having a tumblr

>> No.7437362

It is for secrecy, though. Trust me, I've researched this pretty thoroughly because I can't have people in my career knowing what I do. I just can't. To be honest, I haven't yet made a FB page because I still don't trust their security. My main concern is that if someone viewed my professional page, it would show up on the "similar pages" sidebar. But I could use a picture that obscures my face for that, make the public information on-identifying and make it private. I have weighed the options and when I do make a page for myself, it will likely be on facebook.

>> No.7437366

>it's just a page, no different to having a tumblr
What do you want to bet the people whining forever over facebook fanpages have tumblrs full of their pointless musings and shitty cosplays with attention-grabbing hashtags
>b-but it's different!

>> No.7437367
File: 16 KB, 250x250, react12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a blog

I like the blog because there isnt a number on the top of the site saying how popular I am
Only I can see that stuff

Becoming popular usually stems from normal fags seeing the amount of fb likes/fans you have or subscribers/views on youtube or followers on anything else

I only also have an instagram but I really wish it didnt show the individual followers, its retarded

>> No.7437370

right? everyone and their mother had a dA with essentially the same setup, i don't get why everyone's shitting their pants now

>> No.7437372

Is your blog private? How does that blog help you connect with people?
Because I know that if I'm interested in following someone, and maybe working with them later, if they just give me a blog (a private blog no less) I am not going to check it regularly. Unless they are REALLY fucking amazing, like Angela, and even then, I check hers maybe once a month. You probably aren't amazing and you are probably missing out on connecting with people and getting useful feedback, all because you are just as worried about numbers as the people who avidly watch theirs.

>> No.7437374
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>they haven't been "fan" pages in year. it's just a page

now this is straight up fucking bull shit
stay fucking mad

>> No.7437378

If they weren't called fan pages this wouldn't even be an argument. You might as well cry over people having their own Tumblrs, blogs, dAs, and websites.

>> No.7437388
File: 24 KB, 396x360, 1373807211647 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is your blog private? How does that blog help you connect with people?

I fucking tell my friends about it
Anyone who cares enough to look up words on google will find my pictures on google images and visit the site

It works really well much more than a fb page where you have to already fucking know about the page to maybe be able to find it if you type in the exact page name

You see..I only care about my site visitors because I know they went out of their way to look up "___/(characters name here)" cosplay and found my site....
not me forcing it on other peoples pages and having shitty self promotion on a normal fag site like fb

also its private enough to filter out normal fags
my boss or co worker isnt going to look up "madoka cosplay" and find my picture...and if they do they are fucking dorks too.

>> No.7437393
File: 7 KB, 528x53, Screenshot 2014-03-18 18.24.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. i 'like' all the cosplay pages i'm interested in from my own page and i get it all in one feed. i'm not going to type in fifty different urls for people who are too proud for the most convenient fucking platform

lol who's mad
find me one instance where fb uses the word fan, they got rid of that when they changed "become a fan" to "like". maybe if you paid attention instead of regurgitating what you hear in all these threads

>> No.7437398

oh, so that's the problem
too speshul for a mainstream website

>> No.7437402
File: 34 KB, 477x173, theyre called fan pages .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find me one instance where fb uses the word fan

are you even trying?

>> No.7437406
File: 27 KB, 394x480, 1362044459058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be retarded
better than pretending to be right

>> No.7437411

See that's why I only promote my cosplays through an underground, self-published zine. It's much better than what all you greedy attention whores do.

>> No.7437412

ITT: Autists so mad about Nigri they don't even know what they're complaining about

>> No.7437420

Wow, seriously, underground zines?
>Implying you take actual PICTURES of your costumes
Could you be more of a greedy attention whore? You might as well be flashing your tits and vag all over the internet. I sew all my costumes with stolen fabric so they can't be traced, and immediately stash them in the back of my closet sight unseen. I don't even go to conventions, much less wear my costumes there. I can't believe the nasty sluts in this hobby anymore, taking pictures and going out in public. It's completely ruining the whole hobby. I hope you're proud.

>> No.7437429

I thought they weren't even called "fan pages" anymore, just pages.

>> No.7437449

Her page has "Fan Page" in the title. That's not what the anon you're replying to meant and you know it.
They are just called "Pages."

>> No.7437512

The only reason I would like/follow a facebook cosplay page is if it's full of dramu, a friends, or the cosplayers is extremely talentled (Like sewing, makeup, wig wise.) I liked Amy Borghard's cosplay page cause she's a drama queen. She hasn't been as bad lately since she said "4chan changed me", but she still has her moments.

>> No.7437540

burn in hell you fat ugly cunt

>> No.7437573


Is she hot?

>> No.7437652

she's fat as fuck and has a moustache lol

>> No.7437660

are you honestly trying to get banned or large amount of hate?
are you honestly a faggot in middle school?

>> No.7437672
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Woah, calm down there friend.

>> No.7437908


We're under heavy fire here. We should definitely team up

>> No.7437931

kill yourself bitch

>> No.7437933

>fan page

It hasn't been called a fan page for like 4 years. They are just called pages now.

I have a blog, and a tumblr. I also have a twitter, da, cosplay.com, acp, cospix, cure, and world cosplay account. The issue is that the community shifts how it shares. 6 years ago you used cosplay.com, then it migrated to deviant art. Now Facebook is the popular tool. I'm sorry for keeping up with the joneses. I enjoy sharing my work and if sharing it in multiple places gets me more feedback then that's what I'm going to do. Enjoy your sandy vag.

>> No.7437935

Im not interested in reading about people's social lives, I just want to fap to your cosplay

So cosplay pages are a good thing

>> No.7437950

not a single person in my family likes my page, they dont want to see me prance around like a weirdo...which is part of the reason I made it in the first place.

And generally friends of friends of friends liking pages is how any page builds ots audience, dunno why I should feel bad about it, it only helps support my initial point that I dont want 1000 people I dont know on my personal account.

>> No.7438550
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>> No.7439319

Instead of a page/fan page or whatever it is called, what do you guys think about just making another account for your cosplay needs? I know some of you might consider it impractical, but I'm not comfortable with having a page. The "likes" thing makes me think that is a fucking popularity contest.

>> No.7439329

Facebook removed a lot of cosplay facebook accounts sometime ago because those pages violate their ToS.

>> No.7439411

this, there was a mass deleting spree where they closed anyone with an account that had cosplay in it. Facebook specifically instructed people with deleted accounts to start pages. They even allowed some people to convert the deleted accounts to pages.

But pages are bad! Its not like that is what you are supposed to do according to TOS! People who look down on pages are either old fags who won't shut up about changes and sad little bitches who know the couldn't get 10 followers

>> No.7439421

This, also what's the difference besides now I have to go through and accept all these people rather than letting them like and unlike at will? Just so some randoms on the internet don't brand me an attention whore? Oh no
Jesus christ no one gives a shit about like count as much as people who claim to detest them

>> No.7441496

Yeah, only 1/10th or 1/20th even get your stuff in their feed unless they subscribe to you. If you want more than a tenth of your fanbase to see you then you have to either pay for promotion or have the fanbase that does see you be very active with liking, sharing etc, which not everybody does (some people don't like sharing a ton of cosplay stuff on their regular Facebook because it'll clog all their normalfag friends' feeds with stuff they don't care about).

Personally, I favor tumblr. It depends what fandom you're in if it's a good option, but if you cosplay anything that's tumblr-popular, even just occasionally, it's a good platform. And more private than Facebook IMHO, because it's even less tied to your real identity (you can't whine about privacy and then share all your cosplay page photos on your personal page...) And because I can reblog other stuff related to the series I like, or have it linked as "oh, here's my cosplay blog" in the sidebar of my personal blog, it doesn't look as weird as when people have Cosplay facebooks which only get updated once every few months.

>> No.7441501

Fucking seconded.

>> No.7441504

You're missing the point. The point is why use Facebook at all? Why not other social media platforms that don't make you jump through hoops just to have your fans actually see the stuff you post? Even if you must use Facebook, it's better to make separate Facebook accounts to friend people on for cosplay, that they can also message people on and stuff, but separate pages for people to like is pretty pointless as most of them won't see half your content anyway.

>> No.7441506

Don't make a fanpage, make a separate account. You can have your privacy settings a lot tighter then, and just friend your cosplay contacts.

>> No.7441510

I was under the impression that fb fan pages were just the modern equivalent of creating like a deviantart account for cosplay, since people don't use da as much anymore but always use fb... I still haven't actually made a fb page though

>> No.7441513


did you miss the part where having multiple accounts is against TOS and they will delete them?

It is, but for whatever reason people seem to think it's the collapse of cosplay

in a few years there will be a new place everyone goes to share their photos and you can finally stop bitching.

>> No.7441521

I could be wrong but I think you can get around the 10% of followers seeing the page if they also click "follow" and not just "like"?
This may be old information.
Yes it's against TOS and you can get deleted. iirc some cosplayers used to do this and have now moved to pages so they don't risk deletion.

>> No.7441536

They have to click "subscribe", but then they get actual notifications every time the page posts, which is annoying if you follow a lot of pages.

Is it really against the TOS if you just use it like a personal account? Or is it only against the TOS if it's blatantly a fanpage-by-another-name? I know a lot of people in lolita that have separate accounts for it and none of them have ever had to make fanpages.

>> No.7441735

its against tos to have multiple accounts and to have accounts with names other than your legal name.

>> No.7443278

>The point is why use Facebook at all?
Well...why not? Because baww, I'm not popular so no one can be?

>> No.7445720


>> No.7445772

I fucking lol'd

>> No.7447265

im in a small cosplay community and way too many people here have pages, most with less than 200 likes and 99% of the likes are their friends. if you are just posting the same content for your friends, are you are not marketing yourself as a product to 'like', why do you need a page?

>> No.7447292

this has already been answered, every time this thread comes up

>you do not want people to find cosplay photos on your normal profile
>you want to separate cosplay from your account
>its against tos to make multiple profiles