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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 43 KB, 300x400, meta_op_swanlake_color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7424511 No.7424511 [Reply] [Original]

Searched the catalog and couldn't find one, so coord help/inspiration/collage thread?

I'll start, I'm having a serious creativity block with this dress. I want to bring out the pastels, but my blouse and tights selection are mostly blacks and whites, so I'd like to stick with that if at all possible and just play up the pastels in the accessories.

Play nice.

>> No.7424591
File: 32 KB, 385x578, 1394612666039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this JSK (first dress) but I have no idea what to coord it with? I saw someone got help with the lighter blue version but I don't know about the dark blue one.

I've been looking at white blouses but I don't know which ones would look good with it.
suggestions are welcome.

Also anyone know where to get a good bellshape petticoat that isn't too expensive?

>> No.7424613

I kind of hate the fact the noobs are picking up this dress without even knowing where to find a cheap petti. It's like some kind of beginner magnet. And it's a hard dress to pull off for a beginner too.

>> No.7424642

read the faq do the research lurk moar

>bought a dress before buying a petti

christ its not even summer yet

>> No.7424644

If you go to the worn thread there are literally 9000 lost at sea pics

>can't blouse
>can't petti

You basically want someone to dress you, why do lolita if you can't do a basic coord?

>> No.7425011

Hey hey, I said play nice.

>> No.7425020

Where did you find it and how much? I've been wanting this dress for a while.

>> No.7425082

How could you not know if you've been wanting it for awhile? It was just rereleased.

>> No.7425116
File: 649 KB, 672x601, sdgdsfgsdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I use this blouse or something similar with this dress? I love this blouse with my candy sprinkle lp but I just bought this dress and I was wondering if it could work. Also for Misty sky in black? I really need stocking/sock suggestions also please.

>> No.7425131

Where did you get the dress, anon?
I'm dying for the skirt.

>> No.7425134

I just happened to see it for sale on the facebook sales page. I've been wanting this jsk for a while. Skirt is still available from Spreepicky.storenvy in lavender.

>> No.7425136

it's Chess Story but I don't think they make it anymore. check their taobao.

>> No.7425139

Sorry for the lack of help, but where is that blouse from?

>> No.7425141

dolce and gabbana

>> No.7425449

I think it has potential. Just don't use printed tights, it would be too much. I think plain black ones would do.

I don't see it with Misty Sky tho.

>> No.7425465

I'd say plain black tights. I think a crescent moon themed hairpiece would be qt as well.

>> No.7425596
File: 61 KB, 450x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this dress and I really love mint but I'm tired of seeing it paired with brown or pink. I'm thinking maybe gold or peach?

>> No.7425600
File: 473 KB, 1101x901, Cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to come up with an outfit for my Sakizo cat tights. So far, I seem to be having the most trouble with accessories. I have a lot of cat-themed jewellery, but it's almost all silver, while the tights, dress, and shoes all have gold accents/hardware. Ideas?

>> No.7425756


Okay, Thank you.

>> No.7425936
File: 659 KB, 954x830, birdcage coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall if I posted in the last thread, but either way I haven't gotten any help and I'm having a bit of difficulty coordinating my Elegant Velveteen Birdcage OP.

Pic related is what I have so far, but I feel that the socks may or may not look right (the dress irl is more of a rich red like the socks; the AP stock photo is deceptively wine-colored), and I think it still feels a bit boring.

I'm thinking of incorporating some pearls into the hair, but I'm not sure if there's anything else I should add/change.

>> No.7426007
File: 201 KB, 1316x1203, 1394675965784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7426023

oh god is this for real

>> No.7426028

Yikes. Too much.

>> No.7426029

I see BadCoordAnon is still around.

>> No.7426098
File: 91 KB, 814x882, ilovemetacoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


too much is my middle name
I don't know if BadCoordAnon is a special person you guys have around here, but I'm not them. I last posted around Christmas, doing 12 days of Christmas coords etc. I don't want them getting blame for my over the top tacky ass.

Your coord is fine, but I'm curious on what you plan to use for a bag. Or do you not plan to use one?

>> No.7426153
File: 75 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.531461070_di7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>7425936 here. That's one thing I still need to look for, yes. I'm a bit tight budget-wise right now, and don't currently have any bags that would work for this coord, so I'm keeping my eyes open for a deal.

I've been eyeing pic related on Etsy. It's off-white and has the gold accents to match the brooch on the dress, and I kinda like the texture from the faux snakeskin.

I'm definitely thinking of bringing in some more gold with my accessories. I have an antique white opal/gold ring, and some nice bangles (but those would probably be covered by the sleeves anyways...).

>> No.7426171

>It's shit and I know it but oh well I'm going to do it anyway.

Just stop. This 'haters gonna hate' attitude isn't the way to approach this kind of thing, you're setting a pretty bad example for noobs.

>> No.7426230
File: 298 KB, 1632x1965, twokindsoffancycoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bag is a little edgier than I was expecting. I would go with a sleeker hair accessory if you use that bag. Your coord is nice because it can go many ways from where it is right now.

>> No.7426256

Hm. I really do like the bag, but I see what you mean about it clashing with the frilly bow. I could always switch that out for this nice vintage ivory-colored (faux?) fur hat that I love. I think it's either from the 1920s or at least draws on 20s style, so it's pretty sleek in design.

I don't have a picture and don't know what the style of hat is called to google-image one, but I think it would also look nice with this coord.

Thank you for the input!

>> No.7426273

my bad, it's a '30s design, not '20s.

kinda like pic in general design, but it sits differently on the head? Something like that.

>> No.7426277
File: 33 KB, 500x458, 1394682423500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I dropped the picture, of course.

>> No.7426282

Sauce on the socks and boots, please?

>> No.7426407

Socks look like sock dreams to me. Boots are Queen Bee, and pretty much sold out everywhere.

>> No.7427038
File: 59 KB, 448x473, Nofun_robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7427917

I really don't think many of the items in this coord go together well. The tights could work for something fancy in gothic or sweet but the dress and cardi are very toned down classic and the shoes are sort of mature as well. I think you'd need a more elaborate dress to go with those tights.

All krad lanrete dresses seem to be this, my guess is because their prints are all ~different special snowflake~ stuff.

She just left lolita, she was the one with the sales post that consisted of 1 IW skirt, a Mozenrab and a bunch of thrifted garbage. What a surprise.

Diff anon and it has nothing to do with no fun, as the other anon said, the point of these threads is actual useful advice. If your advice is horrible, you're doing more harm than good.

>> No.7427949
File: 53 KB, 250x333, StoryofQueenandAngelsJSK-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help with this? It's just been hanging in my closet.

>> No.7427983
File: 225 KB, 700x1200, l342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help on how to coord this? I wanted to do sorta a country look to it but I don't really know where to start. I was going to pair it just with a plain white shirt and socks, but I don't know where to go from there. What shoes would be appropriate? I thought maybe a straw hat and bag would help too. I was also thinking of working strawberries into it too, maybe on the hat or something. I always fear green with red will look christmassy however. Thank you.

>> No.7427984

Oh I forgot to add I have it in green.

>> No.7428005

Oh ugh. Why does it look like a green skirt that was washed with red clothes that bled onto it? Sorry I can't help you there anon.

>> No.7428012

Yeah, give it to me.

>> No.7428022

I actually hadn't even noticed that before, I guess because it's a soft pink. Now it's kinda bothering me a bit..

>> No.7428058
File: 84 KB, 450x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorta new to lolita, requesting help for a coord for this OP. I've been working on one myself, but I'll admit that I'm kind of stuck/lacking inspiration.
I've seen people use white socks and white shoes with this dress, but would matching the shoes to the dress look better?

>> No.7428066

I personally don't like outfits that matches shoes and socks (white shoes/white socks, black shoes/black tights). Go with pink shoes, optional white blouse (high collar, long sleeve, cotton), pink bag.

>> No.7428070

Personally, I'd use white tights (maybe lace ones) and find shoes to match that red color that the chair cushions are. (or switch those two around if shoes in that color are too hard to find). Then use a red and white headpiece (whatever you so choose) and gold jewelery.

But, I'm more of a classic lolita, so I tend to try to tone down sweet dresses.

>> No.7428073

It's because KL makes really fuckin' pretty dresses.

It was almost my first dress too (as well as the Pantom of the Opera long OP) but I didn't have the cash for it when it released the first time, and since then I've realized I'd never be able to coord it well.

Pretty shit = newbie magnet.

>> No.7428359

Frilly white l/s chiffon blouse, plain white tights, RHS, rectangle black headdress. Old school look with a print. It's a lovely dress.

>> No.7428365

But they don't look pretty when done as a badly put together beginner coordinate. I can't wait to see some of the petti shapes and accessory/leg wear choices that will turn up.
{popcorn time on btb or the Ita thread}

>> No.7428372

I'd like to see it more plainly coordinated color-wise for sure.
White logo socks or tights, cream shoes, cream and white ruffled bonnet/headdress or canotier (add cream trim to a white one), creamy or white 18" pearl strand to peek out. White or ivory plain bag, square or heart-shaped.
I'd let the print and the frilliness shine.
As detailed as the construction is, then a print to boot, adding anything more distracting with colors seems to be too much.

I think this is a cute and quirky styling but looks very 'Bo Peep' and too costume-like.

>> No.7428448
File: 1.13 MB, 1762x992, catsfancier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. Maybe something more like these then? I just worry about putting detailed tights into super fancy outfits since it can be so loud and tacky.

>> No.7428480

These seem like much better starts. I'm leaning towards the garments you have on the left (but a different bustier in the same shape... no on pvc) but with the accessories on the right.

That said, I think you could use a little more white in the coord to balance out your legs being mostly white. Maybe a white blouse with the red bustier instead could work?

>> No.7428485
File: 39 KB, 250x333, 1394788294949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this blouse, and that black blouse in white as well. Possible?

>> No.7428505
File: 17 KB, 300x400, BPjsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like the time for meta creativity blocks.
I'm always tempted to play on the darker colours but my brain just can't deal right now.

>> No.7428514

sauce on those red shoes?

>> No.7428524

If there were an excuse for fruit salad lolita, this is the skirt I'd wear.

The all-white + rose look looks really good actually, BL coorded decently for once... Maybe you can do an improved version of it anon?

>> No.7428551

Kind of along with this, but does anyone have good ideas/examples of colors to pair with winexgold colorways other than various whites and blacks. I have a bunch of red dresses with gold accents and I feel like I keep making the same coords over and over again.

>> No.7428603
File: 202 KB, 800x1000, baroquecoordhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got my hands on this Baroque OP, but now I don't know what to wear with it. The purple and blue tones are not exactly what I expected them to be and now I have nothing to go with it. I have a few black pieces, but that'd be a pretty boring coord, I think. Maybe somebody here can help me to plan a more elaborate coord?

If they are dark red, maybe other jewel tones like saphire and emerald? Paired with gold you could try to make some royal looking coords?

>> No.7428766

I made a joke coord of this once but tbh this is my 'if I ever dipped into sweet' dream dress so I'd probably wear that coord with it if I ever got it.

White long sleeve chiffon blouse, rose corsage hairpiece in the same berry shade as the print, light blue tights (with a white printed design if possible to find) and white shoes with a heel and bows up them, sort of hime style. A gold collar necklace maybe or a simple pendant with a cinderella shoe, something along those lines.

>> No.7428770
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1394814222871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melissa v Vivienne Westwood but good fucking luck finding them. Extremely popular, long sold out.

Would be interested in this too.

Fruit salad, eh? Pic related

>> No.7428802
File: 31 KB, 711x609, Metadress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also new to lolita and I recently purchased this Meta sailor dress.

I'd planned on making a sailor collar cardigan to go over top but I was wondering what type of blouse to wear underneath.

A friend suggested a Peter Pan style collar blouse. I have a cutsew with that type of collar and it's what I wore when I tried the dress on and it looked a bit awkward.
Maybe I need to try a blouse with a higher neckline but still with that collar type?

I was also worried that the collared blouse with the sailor cardigan would look too layered/messy?

>> No.7428843

I would say look for a sailor collar blouse. If you're worried about being cold, get a heavier blouse, and skip the cardigan.

Then when you wear the dress, just make sure you pull the back of the collar up over the straps of the JSK.

If you're set on wearing the cardigan, get a high-collar blouse, or even just a plain turtleneck would be okay.

>> No.7428844

Boy, there's a ton of meta in this thread.
If you're gonna have a cardigan to go over it, then perhaps you could just wear the dress without a blouse underneath?

>> No.7429048

This dress is lovely. For ease of less bulk, you might want to consider a sleeveless or cap sleeve blouse to go under the cardigan? I really like them for going under square neck OP's and this is basically the same idea.

>> No.7429083

Would anyone mind if I asked for an opinion for a sailor, non-lolita outfit I'm trying to hash out? More retro/pinup mixed with cute general asian/taobao fashion, so it's slightly board related.

>> No.7429097
File: 39 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions on coordinating for spring please? Lavender/wisteria color accessory items especially?

>> No.7429144

Thank you!
We have similar taste because that's pretty much the way I coord it at the moment. I have the necklace from the set, it has a little carriage.

>> No.7429223

Pair on the left, Baby's Victoire Shoes.
Pairs on the right, misc. pumps from TaoBao. The shop I got the T-straps from no longer lists them, but this pair is pretty much identical from what I can tell: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-2579369250.86.JMASYI&id=14352876079
Red wings are Vivienne Westwood x Melissa technically. The pair I have were listed as a "factory second", so I'm pretty sure they're replicas. You can find them on TaoBao: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.qgdzcZ&id=14794506016

>> No.7429247

Woah, how did you find these!? Hundreds of pages of searching and these never came up...

>> No.7429284

Vivienne 翼

I've found other pairs, but that's the only listing that still has red available.

>> No.7429290

And I just checked to be sure, but they're also the first hit for "vivienne melissa" lol

>> No.7429995

Weird, I just searched it and they don't come up for me at all? But thank you for the link!

>> No.7430267

I'm okay with going without the cardigan! I plan on making the blouse myself. I was going to go with a red color to match the red stripes at the bottom of the dress. (I already found fabric that matches perfectly!)
What color do you think the sailor collar on the blouse should be?
I'd wondered about that. The neckline to the cardigan I'd planned on modifying would show the logo on the dress perfectly.
Oh, thank you! I'm not too worried about bulk with the sleeves..I'm more concerned about what the neckline to the blouse should look like under the dress. I've never really worn anything with such a square neckline before!

Thanks for all the suggestions so far!

>> No.7431727

Josuke approves

>> No.7431848
File: 84 KB, 600x800, l061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love some help with bodylines I061, i got it in a big haul and its the one thing i just dont know what to do with. i got it in sax blue.

>> No.7431960

Wine actually looks surprisingly good with pastel pink, also navy or brown.

This is so useless since on my phone, but white lace tights (or lace ankle socks with a lavender bow, depending on how you feel about ankle socks), lavender heels, white lace bolero, lavender hair flower. If your spring isn't that warm, white blouse with peter pan collar and find some matching lavender grosgrain to make a wee neck bow.

>> No.7432216


i have been looking for those melissa replicas for so long, and this link is broken. :(
can you find a different link or link to the search? I've gone through pages of "Vivienne Melissa" but to no avail. I really want those wing replicas.

>> No.7432442
File: 1.22 MB, 814x900, Alice JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have input?

Saving up so I can buy the whole coord at once, but there's a bunch of things I'm still undecided on.

I already have the shoes, but everything else will need to be bought, so if anyone has different ideas, I'm open to any suggestions.

Also babby's first real coord.

>> No.7432444


Anon put the search term right in her post.


>> No.7432471
File: 841 KB, 500x200, lqX60rr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432475

Well, I love it. And honestly I don't care if some people don't like it. I don't like sweet, but I won't shit on someone who wears it just because I personally think that it's ugly.

>> No.7432483

I don't like any of those tights with that dress. Least of all the piss yellow drink me socks. I think you need to dial down the Alice in Wonderland theme just a bit, this looks like a halloween costume frankly. Stick with one motif, maybe the clock one, and avoid adding more stripes or other busy designs. Maybe just opaque white tights?

also lol at
> I don't like sweet
What kind of dress do you think that is?

>> No.7432486

It doesn't really lend itself to any particular style, really. It could be taken to sweet, or more classic, or even guro depending on how you coord it. The shape, at least, reminds me more of classic. The dress falls at nearly mid-calf, which I don't really see in any sweet dresses.

Vierge Vampur has a really weird style that doesn't fit well into any single sub-category.

And, I should have been more specific, I don't like pastel pink sugary sweet. But I guess I can understand why people would be attracted to it.

>> No.7432489


>> No.7432505
File: 252 KB, 248x650, style_classiclolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it is so not-classic?

HelloLace even has THIS coord as classic. The Alice dress is way less sweet than this shit.

(Though honestly I feel like Alice should be its own little substyle because it really doesn't fit well with any one other style.)

>> No.7432548

no. "alice" does not need to be its own substyle.

Anyway anon, I think having a black blouse would be cute because of the smaller black accents (the little bows, the stockings on the underskirt). I feel like having striped stockings would probably look busy because you already have vertical stripes and horizontal stripes on the underskirt, so maybe stick with just plain black stockings to match with the blouse?

personally, I'd love to see you turn this into a guro coord, but I digress...

>> No.7432551

That outfit is classic. Just because it has strawberries doesn't mean it's sweet lolita.

>> No.7432651

If the search term I listed doesn't work, try "Vivienne zipper" . Dunno why that link turned into leather ugly ones, it was fine the other day. Maybe they were reported.

>> No.7432660

Stick with the black and white, the black shoes, white blouse, and gold toned accessories. I'd lose the bonnet as well in favour of a simple black bow.

>> No.7432705

The link works fine for me? Maybe it's your browser?

>> No.7432723

I'm the one who posted the link originally, it was working fine the other day but now is showing a pair of pleather replicas instead of the ones that were there. Not sure how the fuck that happened. Anyway.


Those should be good.

>> No.7432852

Oh anon, you sound like the worst kind of noobie.

>> No.7432882

Re: IW and lavender. Thank you, I like the lace tights and white lace bolero idea. I'm going to see what mainstream shops can offer in white lacy things since Easter is close. I have a white blouse so I'll match the ribbon with some lavender grosgrain for a neck bow. Super.

>> No.7432893

It's very costume-y. Plain leg wear, plain headbow, white blouse, the clock purse and cat or rabbit ring would still be gracious plenty.

I really can't get over the Jsk though, that will look very costume-like no matter what you pair it with.

As a first Jsk/coordinate piece it's not versatile at all or a very good piece for wardrobe building and coordinating different ways.

>> No.7433051

... and I just realised that's the same link. wtf. Why does it work from TaoBao, but not work from here?

>> No.7433413

I'd like to make it a guro coord, TBH, but I'm not sure how to go about it without looking like... well, typical guro.

But, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Not my first dress, just the first time I'm trying to actually make a nice coord instead of just putting on a dress. The other dresses I have can hold their own with basic jewelery, but I feel like this needs somethin' else.

>> No.7433451
File: 123 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I feel like this needs somethin' else.

This comes to mind...

>> No.7433456

>har har I don't like the dress so I'm going to be an asshole

>> No.7433518

It really is awful, though.

>> No.7433535

Only when weird dress chan keeps going on and on with it when she's gotten advice and opinions already (after posting in two threads no less) and still keeps going 'butbutbut...' because she doesn't like what she's reading.
Enough already.

>> No.7433555

I guess. I didn't really see any of that happening except when girls were shitting on the dress, though.

I mean, it's a weird ass dress. But you could argue that most of lolita is just a weird ass dress to most people who see it. So why bother harassing someone because they like a certain dress that you don't like?

Dunno. She responded well when she was given actual advice. She could have handled the shit better.

>> No.7433557

Except people were being an asshole from the start and she was just trying to get advice other than 'hurrr I don't like it it's ugly burn it'

That isn't coord advice.

>> No.7433566

The 'shit' she got about it was a form of advice too. Many people dislike the dress enough to say something about it and it's not a lurvely and speshul enough dress/coord to keep going on and on about. Offbrand novelty items are going to look even more like costumes than regular Lolita pieces no matter how they are coordinated.

>nice coord
>that dress

Choose one.

>> No.7433581

Well then they/you could have been a little nicer about it?

If you shit all over something someone likes you just add fuel to the fire. Calmly explaining that it wouldn't be a good choice because it looks too much like a costume would likely have worked much better than "LOL THAT DRESS IS UGLY BURN IT YOU FUCKIN NOOB," because now she'll want to buy it to prove that it's a great dress and she can coord it, so you just put another bad dress out there in a likely bad coord.

>> No.7433586

>offbrand novelty items
Ok now you just sound like an idiot.

If you're going to come into one of the few helpful threads on this board and be a useless sack of shit for no reason, then just leave.

>> No.7433615
File: 102 KB, 500x744, T2ItLkXp0aXXXXXXXX_!!54872090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a total noob and I just bought my first dress off Taobao. Someone told me to get an ivory long sleeve blouse but I'm not sure what to do for everything else.

Suggestions for leg wear,foot wear, wigs and accessories?

>> No.7433620

>...though honestly I feel like Alice should be its own little substyle...

Like she doesn't already have an attitude about it?
It's a costume-y dress, nothing put with it is going to make it much less costume-y but she got polite, good advice from several to tone it down. Good right? In the right direction hopefully...?
...But no.

>I'd like to make it a guro coord...
Ugh. So now not just OTT costume-y Alice in Wonderland thing but guro too?
At what nice public meet will it look acceptable to wear an AIW guro coordinate? Thankfully not my tea party!

>but I feel like this needs somethin' else.
Ok, girlie, you go for it, knock yourself out.

>> No.7433643

>Like she doesn't already have an attitude about it?

I didn't read that with any attitude at all. She has a point, Alice DOESN'T fit cleanly with any substyle, and Hello Lace does list it as a separate theme/style. We direct newbies to Hello Lace right in the FAQ and then shit on them when they actually look at it?

>I'd like to make it a guro coord...

She only mentioned it after another anon brought it up, and she specifically said that she didn't know how to do that without looking like typical guro (which I assume is supposed to mean shitty red all over a dress) and she'd like suggestions if that anon had any.

Also, I dunno about you, but I don't wear lolita exclusively to meetups, and there are meets where it would be appropriate. I know my comm likes to go to haunted houses and such once September rolls around, and that would be perfectly acceptable.

>but I feel like this needs somethin' else.
And she realizes that she's not able to come up with anything to make it look nice herself, which is why she posted here in the first place.

Stop shitposting, help or leave.

I think the dress could have potential at least for a coord for the halloween season if nothing else, and it does have a sort of interesting appeal. I personally wouldn't tackle it or try to coord it, but she likes it, she wants to, and she asked for help. She wasn't really rude, just a bit snippy when y'all started shitting all over her, which is understandable.

What the hell is with all these sandy anons lately? Is all of /clg/ ragging at once?

>> No.7433659

I think an oldschool style coord would look lovely with that dress.

I can see it now: white stockings with some black ballet-lace rocking horse shoes.

Please do a review when it comes in. It seems like a lovely dress. How much was it?

>> No.7433660

Lawdy, this so hard.

Maybe red RHS though, to keep up with the colors. Throwing black in might not be the best.

>> No.7433672

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll have a look around for rocking horse shoes.

I got it for 168RMB so 30USD ish
Not sure about the quality but I'll see what its like when I get it!

>> No.7433679

Since the trim is white, I would stick with a white blouse over ivory. If you got a l/s blouse with detachable sleeves, you could wear it 2 ways.

>> No.7433685

You sure red won't be too matchy-matchy? Just wondering, since my thought process was that the black shoes make for some alteration in the color scheme.

>> No.7433686

I agree with >>7433679, I think ivory would look a bit off because the trim is white, so I'd stick to white.

But I agree with an oldschool coord! Goldtone jewelry would be really pretty with it, too. As for ideas for what specifically to accessorize it with, there are all sorts of things you could pair with solids, so maybe pick a motif- trump/cardsuit themes, an animal theme like rabbits or cats, etc, or even just flowers. I think the best way to spice up plain dresses is to create a subtle motif in the accessories.

>> No.7433692

Well, just throwing black in there suddenl for shoes doesn't make any sense.

Old school WAS kind of matchy-matchy. Most red dresses have red shoes with white legwear in terms of old school.

>> No.7433704

wow, that's a great deal. it retails for over 200USD

>> No.7433713

So something similar to the one in the image would be okay?

Thanks for the advice it's really helpful! If you could recommend a wig do you think there would be a particular style/colour?

>> No.7433724
File: 56 KB, 421x638, Rocking-Horse-Ballerina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, well I guess it's all up to Anon, then, haha.
The dress reminded me of this Vivienne Westwood pic.

>> No.7433726 [DELETED] 

some old school coords had black shoes with coords of an entirely different color. black with this coord wouldn't be entirely sudden, as the layer with legs + shoes is white and black.

>> No.7433728
File: 295 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like black shoes with dark red/white in oldschool. The dark red RHS I've seen aren't dark enough for this, I think. (Not crazy about the pictured striped tights much though, haha)

>> No.7434967
File: 345 KB, 726x588, vvalice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's simply too much going on here. The dress already has a very eye-catching design, so I feel like you need to give it some breathing room. I actually had quite a few ideas, here's the most basic. I like the clock bag idea, but something a little truer to the dress would work better. Consider the dress's style; it's a very graphic print with clean lines and stark contrast, almost a little cartooney. This AP bag reflects that style a little better. I really like this IW bow with it; it repeats the stripes in a subtle way while giving a nod to the traditional Alice look. You can't really go wrong with white tights, but if you want something more adventurous I love Baby's Drink Me socks; the blue looks almost perfect.

I had a couple more ideas I'll post as I finish them.

>> No.7434982

I love it, like OTT but tasteful.

>> No.7434989
File: 298 KB, 640x480, 1395077755224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing tasteful about any of that anon

>> No.7435016
File: 393 KB, 748x634, vvoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly, my first thought when I saw this dress wasn't "Alice" but "Wicked Witch of the East." The blue is even the right color for Dorothy. You could do a neat Wizard of Oz-inspired outfit.

>> No.7435030

Dang anon, I like the way you think.

>> No.7435037

Damn anon, those are beautiful.

>> No.7435038

You're still here being a cunt?

>> No.7435080

Source on that blouse?
I love your coords so much.

>> No.7435101

This looks messy and even more costumey

>> No.7435108
File: 80 KB, 600x658, catwindow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking into buying this JSK for my sister. She loves sax blue and it's nice and simple. This is sort of what I was thinking of helping her coord it with.

>> No.7435488

Awwww thank you!

It's from Black Peace Now.

>> No.7435528
File: 22 KB, 250x333, alic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any nice coord fot the Alice Apron?

>> No.7435538
File: 440 KB, 549x401, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about something like this?

>> No.7435544

Just fucking leave if you're going to be a cunt to every single person who mentions something you don't like.

I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but please pull the stick out of your ass. Other people are allowed to like things that you don't, and you're not contributing to the thread at all.

>> No.7435546

Matches girl here.
That wasn't me saying >>7434989 or >>7435101 silly. In case you haven't picked up on it, here are at least 4 of us here who posted about our dislike of that dress. But I let it rest because I decided that having, wearing and re-wearing that dress as the iconic piece in your wardrobe (and yep, it will put the rest of her closet no matter how nice, in the back seat as long as she wears it) would basically be its own punishment and just chuckled to myself.

Even though I don't like the dress, I liked >>7434967 styling best so far (even though it's basically still an AIW costume) but that's what several of us told freaky-dress-chan before. To tone it down, not add more themed things or guro it up since the dress is already a spectacle within itself.

And BTW saying what we think of a dress here (good or bad) in your preshy positive thread is not shitposting even if we don't sugar coat it. It was note resting to read people's reactions to an unusual dress.
My best helpful advice coordinate advice for her is still to reconsider buying this dress as anything except a Halloween costume or creative Alice cosplay. Though I did give her my coordinating advice here: >>7432893. When she said it was her first time trying to make a nice coord, I gave up because the initial collage she posted is clearly a costume or a yooneek statement. At that point I just thought, 'Your poor comm...'

Several took the challenge to coordinate it visually but you can also tell by some of their language that the dress is not exactly considered an ideal purchase.
So how 'bout you just let everyone have their opinion and their say and quit cunt--calling everyone trying to hush everyone who doesn't praise things here.
Not your personal hug box thread.

>> No.7435548

That wasn't me either, I really like this apron.
Matches Girl.

>> No.7435557
File: 64 KB, 518x960, 1395094646974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what socks or tights to wear with this outfit :(
I was thinking of just black vertical striped stockings, or maybe some flowery lacy tights.
This outfit is for a con so it'll be a little bit more over the top, especially with head wear, by the time I'm done. For the shoes I was thinking of attaching some pink roses down the front a la Jesus Diamante. Or should I change the shoes altogether?
Also ignore the apple, I was thinking "evil queen" but it didn't quite come across that way in pictures haha.

Other suggestions about my outfit are welcome as well, of course.

>> No.7435559
File: 49 KB, 497x960, 1395094745088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super xiuxiumeitu pic to show the train

>> No.7435574

I think lacy tights would be pretty but different shoes and a more matching headdress rather than trying to use more roses. They don't really echo any color element in the main dress and are kind of distracting. Since you mentioned evil and it's for a con, fishnets and a spike headband with black roses are also a possibility to harden it up a little. Heart shaped locket or lock and key necklace maybe?

>> No.7435582

well I could remove the pink flower from the headdress and just wear it with all the black bits (I removed the two feathers that come with it).

I ended up just wearing black strappy mary janes in the second pic.
I'm wearing a spiked headband as well but it's a bit hard to see.

I was thinking of making horns to attach somehow, as well as a big blonde wig.

>> No.7435639

I like the second pic shoes a lot better. Black horns alone would be cute and yes, taking off the pink flower would help if you decide to do headpiece instead of horns. I think dark headwear would show up better on a blonde wig too.

>> No.7435655 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 2307x3525, ITAorEURO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to go the Euro route and I have a sinking feeling that this turned out to be ita. Please tell me if I can fix this coord.

Also... sorry about my horrid posture. Scoliosis is a terrible thing, I was actually trying to stand straight.

>> No.7435668

Nix the accessories. All of them. The hat, choker, necklace, wristcuffs, tights, and shoes. Can't tell much from the blouse but if it's off-white (instead of pure white like the details of the dress) I'd nix it too. Honestly, the dress doesn't look like it fits you very well at all either (especially in the bust). Basically, you're gonna have to start fresh...which is the definition of ita. I hate to say it though, you seem really sweet and not like you're trying to be a "special snowflake".

>> No.7435667

Too much of different levels of formality going on here. Jsk is fairly sedate, not much lace. Frilly wrist cuffs and veiled hat are more dressy, cat shoes are kawaii, cross is gothic and spiky collar is more punk-like, leg wear is random. It seems like you don't have a clear direction with the coord and just added some unconnected accessories that do not go with each other. Maybe tell what look you want to achieve besides 'euro' and it will be easier t make suggestions.

>> No.7435677

Might attach some black roses onto the second shoes, then...
I was gonna make off white horns with black tips and put a gloss on them. I'm also going to wear a real bird skull necklace, and was thinking of adding more black feathers to the head piece. And maybe some black small roses in my hair as well?

I thought of putting grouse feet in my headpiece somehow but maybe that's a bit too gross/macabre for a con lol.

>> No.7435683

Thank you both! I will take both posts into consideration and try to edit this outfit accordingly. I deleted the initial post because it was just so embarrassing looking...

>> No.7435682

Shape wear/ binder will rescue the fit and I don't think the blouse is terrible , but yep, accessories aren't cohesive at all. What other shoes do you have, plaid-chan? Black maryjanes of some sort, white tights and black head bow would be a good start. That's a busy dress.

>> No.7435689

Eh, don't be embarrassed, you sensed that things were off and came for help, no shame in that. That's how you improve.

>> No.7435823
File: 227 KB, 500x873, secondtry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm back. This will be my second try at Euro Lolita. Hopefully it looks okay? Otherwise I am at a loss and will admit I have no fricken idea how to coord this thing. It was in my BL LP and it's shaping up to be a real head scratcher.

>> No.7435832

You have a big bust so you`re very top heavy.
In comparison, your petti game is weak and it`s a sharp contrast to your fuller bust.
Get a fluffier petti for sure, to balance it out more.

>> No.7435849

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by euro loli. I'd lose the vest bring back the white shirt and wear white tights rather than black. Yes also to bigger petti as >>7435832
suggests and perhaps a binder or minimizer bra. I like the shoes and head bow with the dress but I'd wear the bow centered and propped up like most head eating bows are worn. Keep at it.

>> No.7435848

"euro lolita" wtf are people just making up substyles now? Also burn those nasty shoes (or better yet the whole outfit)

>> No.7435862

Is it possible to remove the vest (?) on top of the dress? It might also help with the balance. Also. maybe a shirt with longer sleeves could help slim out your arms.

>> No.7435863

Thanks for the input. I'll invest in a larger petticoat.

I didn't 'invent' euro lolita. I've seen in mentioned in passing in threads around /cgl/ before. Thanks for the input though, I agree. The outfit is pretty damn nasty. The dress is honestly just trash. I'm considering just scraping this and trying to put together another outfit with a simple skirt and blouse. Fuck this ugly dress.

I don't own any white tights that don't have a floral pattern and I doubt they would work with this. I'll dig around for my knee high socks tomorrow and try again. Thanks for the continued input.

>> No.7435866

... I'm pretty sure euro lolita around here means "lolitas from europe". As a substyle, it's a first I've ever heard of it.

>> No.7435865


I really don't like this. I'd say ditch the white shoes/black tights combo, as in this case it looks dreadful, and get rid of the weird ass vest thing.

I'd get white OTKs and a white blouse and pair this with either black shoes/black cardigan or red shoes/red cardigan. Also get a better petti.

>> No.7435867

yeah but wtf is Euro lolita supposed to mean? Like what is the theme of the "substyle"

>> No.7435868

also that vest is cool but not with this dress or outfit...

>> No.7435870

I do own a long sleeved white blouse and white knee high socks. I'll try those on tomorrow! Thank you for your help.

>> No.7435872

Do you mean Ero Lolita? Not that this looks like Ero anyway, but...

I don't know what's up with that vest contraption, but I don't think you should wear it. I'm sorry to say, but it emphasizes your bust size in an unflattering way.
Thirding the suggesting to wear a [bigger] petti.
If you want to keep black as a coordinating color, I would suggest a belt to tie the color black into the body of the coord. Belts aren't inherently lolita but I see them increasingly in nice coords.
Also, accessories would help to make your arms look less barren.

Good luck making the dress work for you!

>> No.7435878


I checked the archives and there's been no mention of "euro loli" in the context of a substyle, it only means lolitas from Europe. Are you confusing it with ero or something?

>> No.7435880

My mistake then, I'm sorry. I wasn't try to invent a substyle.

Can't answer that, I don't know. It might explain why I have no direction in this outfit. I was following the directions of a 'style' that didn't exist. My bad.

Yeah, you're right. I was just trying to have black throughout the outfit and it didn't work out in my favor.

>> No.7435883

Plaid Bodyline is a challenge but if you keep everything but the dress and bow simple and one color, I think it can work. Mixing black and white in the second try is still too much and the vest is a definite no.

All white blouse, leg wear and shoes or all black will look better since the dress is very bold. I'm thinking the 'euro' might mean a punk influence since the dress is plaid? I've never hear of 'euro Lolita' before. The dress style is very 'not punk' however (it's more styled sweet but in an unusual color combo for sweet), so it won't easily take any gothic or punk influences well at all.

>> No.7435889

Anon, you're taking this concrit so well, and you seem so nice; it's refreshing to see someone admit when their outfit just isn't working, and not get crazy defensive. I'm rooting for you, if you decide to keep the dress and try to make it work.

>> No.7435890

I'm glad we nipped this in the butt. Haha, I've been with this vague notion that 'ero lolita' was a thing.

And I'll get rid of the vest thing. If I fall back to black I'll try to implement a black belt (or white for the full white coord).

I want to thank you all again for the help!

>> No.7435892

damn anon, you`re so nice.

I wish all newbies are like you.

>> No.7435907

I think that's what the problem was... I saw plaid and instantly thought it was 'punk'. But now that you mention it, this is a pretty sweet dress. Looking at it from that angle I feel like I can tackle it better. Tomorrow I'll post an 'all white' version with accessories and hopefully it wont be atrocious.

I'm just mortified and embarrassed. I have been in this fashion for two years and I'm still making ita mistakes. It's very humbling.

I honestly feel like a newbie. This is the first time out of my comfort zone of pairing a printed skirt with a black or white blouse and calling it a day.

>> No.7435921

You have the right attitude and you'll get it. The white plan sounds good. These dresses are harder to coordinate, that's why they ended up unsold and in the LP. It isn't an ita dress though so it's worth the effort.

Don't delete your tries, anon, it's good to see the visible proof of progress even if you don't post them.

Ero Lolita IS a thing, (short for Erotic) but it I had a suspicion you has mis-read it and more meant punk than anything trying to be Euro Lolita.

>> No.7436007
File: 2.87 MB, 2608x1240, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey very new to all this and having difficulty what to pair up with the dress. I'm not too sure if the bag really works and I'm very unsure if white or wine tights look better with the dress (well, tights/socks.) I'm not done searching for what I want/like but I'd like to get opinions of where it's going so far

>> No.7436024

I really like the red shoes but not the tights. Otherwise, I think it looks pretty stellar.

>> No.7436049

Sauce on dress & wine otks?

Also, I would go with white tights and red shoes to distribute the colours more, instead of having a wine middle and suddenly white shoes.

>> No.7436058


They both look gorgeous anon! I'd be super proud to be in your comm ~

Just an FYI, I don't know if you already have the wig, but I own it and it runs very very small.

>> No.7436084

I'd wear the white tights with the white shoes and the wine with the wine. But it's personal preference because I prefer less contrasting shoes most of the time. They both look good though. The bag and the oxfords may be a bit more casual than the other components but not terribly so. I'd rather see gold bag and gold tea parties or maryjanes with this but again, that's an opinion. What do you have in mind for a hair accessory?

>> No.7436097

Ohh thank you very much! I'll search for better tights!
OTKS: Are innocent world's ribbon emblem over knee
And dress is from Baroque fb page

Thank you so much for the input! I'll definitely look into getting white tights and red shoes!
Thank you very much! And thanks again for telling me! I'll definitely look into a bigger wig.

Thanks so much once again for everyone's input! It's greatly appreciated.

>> No.7436113

Ah thank you! Yea I'm not completely sold on the bag and the shoes I picked out either, but I just threw some things that I thought looked fine to at least get a sense of where I want it to head color wise. I've also considered gold shoes/bag but wasn't too sure if that would be even more contrasting, but I guess it wouldn't be with the white/gold tights. I don't have anything in mind for hair accessories yet, but I'll update with hair accessories when I get a coord I like the most. Thank you very much for your input!

>> No.7436133
File: 8 KB, 188x268, star money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Star Money, but I am just clueless on how to coord it. I have SOME ideas, but I don't know how I feel about them yet. Anyone have any ideas, or some pieces you think just "click" with it?

>> No.7436534
File: 444 KB, 885x706, starmoneyclassic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a couple ideas for this dress a while back.

>> No.7436535
File: 420 KB, 819x627, starmoneysweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaand this one. TheHoneyComb on Etsy has a navy-and-gold hairpiece that would look wonderful with Star Money, incidentally.

>> No.7436556
File: 1.55 MB, 1204x1240, welp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated coord a teeny bit.
OTK ivory socks and I loved the gold shoes but they are also available in red if people think the red looks better... (I also don't know which shoe looks better I think i prefer the shape of the first one but not the bow too much) and for bag, still searching for one I like.

>> No.7436614
File: 11 KB, 236x265, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks very petty up and dressy this way. I think the maryjane shoe looks more dressy but the tea party hero style looks more Lolita. I'm not sure about the sparkle gold bag though, I'd maybe like a regular gold one.

>> No.7436617

* pretty and dressy
* tea party heeled style.
Jeez fingers, speekie de English pls.

>> No.7436639

Strangely enough I was considering that bag! Yea, the sparkle bag is just the bag that the dress came with (which I didn't buy because I wasn't a huge fan of it) And thank you about the shoe suggestions. I will keep those points in mine!

>> No.7436697
File: 395 KB, 614x1102, 2014-03-18 01.11.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize this is mainly for coording dresses but I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out with this.

I bought these tights for $8 and I have no idea how to wear them. I don't do the whole "t shirt and leggings" look so I can only think of a basic black dress.

If anyone has any suggestions on how else to wear these I'd greatly appreciate it.

>> No.7436712

Nothing Lolita or j-fashion in particular comes to mind for me.

>> No.7436727

You could go j-fashion guro with it, like nice short lacy dress and doll vibe anything, something in CPK colour palette.

>> No.7436822
File: 201 KB, 500x274, TITAN APPROACHING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7436859

Yeah all I can imagine is a black dress too.

>> No.7436925


Can I get a source on those shoes? And thank you!

>> No.7437066

That wig looks awful.

Aside from that, I'd do the white tights, red shoes, but I'd find maybe a white bag, because that red looks too bright, the rest of the reds look darker.

>> No.7437067
File: 545 KB, 804x1920, 1393722597144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look into that. Thanks!

Yeah, didn't really plan it out when I bought them. They were cheap so I don't mind.


>> No.7437180
File: 350 KB, 903x533, dreamskylav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were on Yesstyle ages ago, they've long since sold out. :( I think someone tracked down the Taobao store they were originally from, though - anybody know?

Random collage for contribution.

>> No.7437257


>> No.7437471

I feel like I've seen them on either ebay or aliexpress as well? I almost bought them but ended up choosing a different shoe.

>> No.7438237


I tracked them down on Aliexpress, thank you! The shoes were my biggest block so I think coording will go well now, thanks!

>> No.7438251

omg sauce on blous, tights and shoes?
Cute coord as always.

>> No.7438913
File: 322 KB, 736x576, metanavigator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blouse and shoes were both found on Yesstyle, and the tights are by Pamela Mann.

More random collages.

>> No.7438923

Sauce on the bag, please?

>> No.7438924

thank you for making me regret not buying that OP even more than I already did

>> No.7438995

Would this caplet look okay with AP's gelato dobby OP in pink? I was thinking it would be cute seeming they both have pompom trim but would be just be trying too hard? http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showProduct2.asp?id=5696&pageNumber=1&pageStop=stop_4&noSubType=N

>> No.7439123

Does the op have the pompom trim? I thought it was just the jsk...
Either way you'd have to wait on a restock of the cape, only black is there.

>> No.7439161

I want those shoooooess. How much were they? Did they come in black, by any chance?

>> No.7439184

Yeah around the bib bit and just before the bottom ruffles, yeah I know I was just wondering if it would work.

>> No.7439186

I think it would look really cute on the op but a little funny with the big waist bow on jsk, that's why I asked. I like pompom trim!

>> No.7439957

Ok. I need some advice. I'm going to start planning my first coord ever.

Some people have told me, "Choose what you like!"

Other people have told me, "Start very basic and simple."

.... Could I have some advice on what to start with? Thanks!

>> No.7439970

Both of those are gorgeous. You have a great eye for jewelry Anon!
Source on the necklace in >>7436534 and the tights in >>7436535?

>> No.7439977

Yes! I just bought a sailor Meta dress and I didn't even think of going with map/navigation printed tights.
Great idea!

>> No.7439997

You can do both but too many choices are daunting. What is your budget, do you have anything loliable already and what is your favorite color? Are you short or tall, slim or heavy, do you want a wig, do you need to buy makeup to complete the look, etc., etc. if you answer these, people will be able to more easily suggest things to look at.

>> No.7440291

Budget: Around 400 total if possible.
I'm 5'8, 120 pounds.
I'd like to do something gothic lolita, but I've heard that's a bad idea for a first coord.. Aheh.

>> No.7440342

Gothic is fine for a first coord, the problem is when people don't have a good grasp of the Lolita aesthetic so they end up getting something that's not lolita, not really goth, and looks like a hot mess. I would look for a few dresses or skirts you really like, then look at the measurements to make sure they won't be too short, and get some second opinions from here about outfit ideas and the dresses themselves

>> No.7440495
File: 368 KB, 902x483, fancyeggcasual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Meta, I had to crop out the watermark for space.

The necklace is from Victorian Trading Co., and the tights were available on Taobao and Ebay for a while. "star gradient tights" usually brings up good results.

Glad I could help! Good luck!

>> No.7440518
File: 312 KB, 329x447, 106895_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a little help with a more creative coord of the paradox dress! Please and Thank you!

>> No.7440758

This one reminds me of Princess Tutu

>> No.7440793

That is my favorite goddamn anime of all time.

>> No.7440795

Seconding this and suggesting to start with plainer black shoes that are versatile and maybe plainer, like low maryjanes, that way they can go with other outfits later since the black shoes/colored dresses trend seems to be regaining popularity. All black is easier not to mess up than black x white but again, with oldschool nostalgia, as long as you avoid too much or bad lace, it's a basic look. Budget enough for a decent petticoat because unless a very non-poufy dress or more aristocrat styling, deflated black skirt area looks a bit pitiful. If you run into dresses seeming short at your height, consider a longer underskirt, that can make many dresses more suitable. And yes, post pix of things you like and we can make suggestions based on those.

>> No.7440863
File: 225 KB, 617x566, mrccoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another newbie here.
I have a few ideas I am playing with..
Would like some advice.
The first outfit theme I'm planning is "chocolate dipped strawberry"....
Thinking a ivory bow
red blouse, on a note for the blouse, which type of collar would look best?
I am just not sure for leg wear...

>> No.7440868

It was so surprising. I was all prepared for another silly magical girl series and I got stabbed in the feels and ended up crying big snotty tears at the end..lol

>> No.7440873

Red tights/socks (plain or minimally strawberry patterned). Honestly, your idea would work better if the salo was brown/chocolate. I'd go with white top and green (for "stem") hat/hair accessories. Chocolate and not biscuit themed bag. Since your salo is white, your bag should be white for a "white chocolate dipped strawberry".

>> No.7440875

Hmm..I'm not really getting "strawberry" just from that. Maybe if you added some accessories with strawberries? Etsy has some cute strawberry themed nails, headpieces and charm necklaces!

Or a strawberry shaped bag instead of the biscuit one?

>> No.7440904
File: 626 KB, 563x567, nauticaltights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would these tights work with the dress or would they be too much?
I'd planned on wearing white shoes with it and was wondering if the white background on the tights would be too much of a contrast?

>> No.7440937

i would go with black or ask if teja can make them wine colored instead

>> No.7440959

Hmm...I'd planned on wearing a wine colored sailor collar blouse under the dress.

Would wine tights with the black design be too monochromatic/dark?
And oh god, I meant to say I'd planned on wearing black shoes with it..haha. Sorry! I"d posted a direct link to it and had to delete it and messed up my formatting.

>> No.7440978
File: 177 KB, 238x307, 95830594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually need the necklace for a Princess Tutu coord I'm making with pic related. also should I wear pink RHS with these y/n

>> No.7441413
File: 182 KB, 478x928, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got this dress today and since its my first dress I'm quite happy with the it!

Nothing in this image is final except the dress and the tights.

Also wanted to know if my petti is okay or will I need to get another one? Also I wore the bow around my neck but I don't think I should?

>> No.7441450
File: 25 KB, 250x333, 1395320048349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any ideas for Fantastic Dolly?

I have so many ideas swirling in my head.
Not sure to go with sheer polka dot tights or solid colored tights.
I usually wear a bolero/cardi, but I'm not sure if I should wear one with a pattern or go solid colored like with the tights. Then the question is should I go for a cropped top or a longer one.
I don't even know what I want. Oi.

I think I have a lot of options for accessories too (I was going to go with a beret and then the standard necklaces/rings).

>> No.7441550

Thanks for the advice! I think that's exactly what I'll do.

I'll try and get some pics gathered up, and maybe this thread'll still be alive. I do have plain black low maryjanes actually. Thanks!

>> No.7441558

Hm where did you get the dress? Something is off with the bodice, is it possible to tighten shirring on the back?
I think this is very nice and doll-like. I think the neckbow is fine, its not too big or anything. But it's hard to say without seeing the top.

>> No.7441573
File: 120 KB, 426x640, 1395327648051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is non-lolita stuff alright in here?
If so could I please get some help with pic related.

>> No.7441588

Red heels, sheer white tights or white ankle socks, pink or white blouse (think delicate blouse or cute cutsew), pink or red beret or hairbow. Think otome, delicate, nothing too mitchy matchy.

>> No.7441592

sheer polkadot tights look good with almost anything imo. I think solid tights + cardigan would tone down the piece too much.
I think you should do everything in pink. Pink bolero (cropped please), pink shoes, pink beret. Grey could be pretty interesting though.

>> No.7442410
File: 134 KB, 800x720, fantasicdolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like this could work for a more mature look? I don't know if a grey blouse really works with this dress, but I think it might be interesting.
Overall it seems like the colors match quite well with the Cinema Doll items and both have a similar feel to them, so maybe you can look at a few Cinema Doll coords? I love Fantasic Dolly and it's such a versatile dress, you can wear it
in a ladylike or really sweet way and I hope I could give you some ideas!

>> No.7442430
File: 401 KB, 1232x1021, coord2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some help with these two? I'm not really deadset on anything in these photos, they're just as examples. I mainly want help with legwear and headwear, preferably something I can buy at a mainstream store since the event is this weekend. Thanks in advance~

>> No.7442508

I love this type of coordinate - it's very old school. I think a black headbow like the one's Meta have would look good with it. I agree that it would look better if the bodice was tightened a little.

Where did you get the shoes from?

>> No.7442754
File: 647 KB, 781x911, Help_cgl_iloveu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me not look like a hot mess, /cgl/...

>> No.7442759

That blouse looks fine considering what you're already working with, but what are you planning for accessories? That's going to look very plain and boring without at least some jewelry.

>> No.7442776

I totally forgot about the jewelry....
I have some red with white polka-dotted bows I can out in my hair.
I have no idea about everything else though.

>> No.7442819

I suggest that you paint yourself red and dip your head into a fountain of dark chocolate.
This way you shall become a true Chocoberry and rule over the berry-litas.

>> No.7442826

Oh thank you! I couldnt quite tell what was wrong with the bodice. Ill have to look at headbows as well then!

I got them from from an store called Rivers and they aren't lolita shoes but I thought they would suit the dress.

>> No.7442830

If you want that blouse, don't go with the red bows. It'll throw everything off.

>> No.7442844
File: 61 KB, 400x600, 600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this dress in black a while ago and with a con coming up, I figured it's finally time to wear this. I've looked up different coords for it and most are really boring black x white coords. I'm thinking of playing off the gold a little bit more. I want to make it interesting, but seeing as it's my first coord, I really don't want to fall flat on my face with it.
I'd like to use a gold crown and accessories, but I don't know if it would be very good to mix motifs? (The royal motif x sailor motif doesn't really work, so I'm not sure if what I've come up with would work).

>> No.7442864

If I were new and still building up a basic wardrobe of Lolita, I'd likely go with white tights (lace or plain), and white shoes and bag so the shoes and bag could match several other things. Unless I knew I was going to wear a lot of pink, then I'd do pink tights, bag and shoes.

>> No.7442870

Gold ribbons for your hair instead? Still in the sailor spirit. Crown with that dress will look off IMO.

>> No.7442872

A beret with a gold crown pin, maybe? It's an interesting dress in itself with lots of detail, I'd keep the accessorizing simple.

>> No.7442909
File: 256 KB, 800x600, odette-maison-coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on odette maison from a couple threads ago.
Couldn't find some stuff that was suggested so I scrapped some ideas.
Suggestions on bag and footwear, please?
I'm probably going to wear some black lace-up boots but other ideas would be great!
Also, I need help finding a brooch to wear at my collar. Have been having no luck finding a qt brooch.

>> No.7442924

I don't understand your logic with wearing black lace up boots with an elegant dress like this.

Low heeled shoes in wine or pearl would look great. Or ankle booties in similar colors. And diff. tights that are cream.

>> No.7442927

Wine crown bag or square one would be good. White color way will also work. Look through etsy for brooches. There should be plenty cheap cameo ones. What kind of motif are you looking for?

>> No.7442938

Ah, sorry anon. I guess that gave the wrong image.
The boots are only slightly above my ankle and have a heel. It's not punk-ish or goth.
Also, I'm going to use my natural hair for this in black, so I figured I should incorporate black elsewhere to balance the colours.

I'm not really sure, but I'll try to look for some bags like that and maybe find other ideas.

>> No.7442966

I love those tights, do you have a source?

>> No.7442971

Link to dat umbrella?

>> No.7442988

I bought these: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/301099361401?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
It's not the exact ones though, sorry anon.

>> No.7443007

Thanks anon. Ankle socks sound cute btw and I already have a red polka dot bag so I'll try to work with the reds like you suggested.

Something about this piece has always thrown me but I think that might just be the yellow since it's a really unusual color for me to wear.

>> No.7443494

Where can I find those "drink me" goldenxwhite otks? They are lovely

>> No.7443520

They are from Angelic Pretty...

>> No.7443727

drink piss socks

>> No.7444683
File: 399 KB, 824x637, blackwhitewinesailor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from a while ago, maybe it'll help?

>> No.7445093

holy shit that OP is gorgeous, anon <3 I can't wait to see what people come up with for this! I think it's a bit difficult to bring that purple jewel tone into a coord, but the dark red could be fun to play with. Bring it in with shoes and bag, maybe?

>> No.7445101

There's nothing star related in the dress, so scrap the star clips.

>> No.7445103

Shit son, if that's replica Black Milk I would definitely be worried about the quality.

>> No.7446418

Ah, thank you for the help! I'm still building up my wardrobe, so I'm aiming to get some versatile socks and shoes and accessories, though since pinks my favorite color, I have a feeling that I'll probably be wearing a lot of it.
I'll be sure to post any of my coord ideas so that I can get some second opinions though.

>> No.7447037
File: 602 KB, 587x1092, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still fairly eh at lolita, but I was just wondering if this looked okay for a Fantasy Theater coord?
I own the bolero. Socks and dress are in the mail, but I'm in need of some new shoes and accessories, which I don't mind buying.
Is this a good direction to take this dress in?

>> No.7447081

This looks super cute anon, especially the bag!

>> No.7447134
File: 147 KB, 500x650, coord 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first coord, and my first lolita purchase. Any con crit would be appreciated.

>> No.7447144

This is ok but its super plain and boring in my opinion, especially the legwear. Everything is really monotone. It would be cuter with different tights and a cute up-do though. I do like the shoes though, where are they from?

>> No.7447148

I think I was too scared about being ita on my first try, so I played it too safe, even though I am a fan of more of a subdued look compared to OTT. I got the shoes off Amazon though.

>> No.7447203

I'm gonna be honest, I love everything but the bolero feels like too much red. Because red and blue are such contrasting colors, I think picking one or the other to dominate a coord is better than lots of both, or it looks a little cartoony or jarring (at least to me). Since the dress has lots of little pops of red in it I like the red accents a lot, though. Super cute shoes and socks.

>> No.7447217

That's a great attempt for your first coord and everything works, I think if you found black x gold tights, or black otks with gold lace/gold print it would tie it in just a little bit better.

I also think a hat could work well too.

>> No.7447427
File: 487 KB, 520x1032, coord retake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the crit, I'm actually a lot happier with the coord now that it has more of a theme.
I took the nautical idea that I had at first, with the anchor bracelet and expanded on it.
I'm a little worried about the handbag, which is why I put the clutch there instead. I think the hat is more the centerpiece and the bag takes away from that?

>> No.7447469

Maybe one of these pale pink flower headdresses? Something that matches color wise, but isn't just more bows everywhere

>> No.7447472

http:/ /www.etsy.com/shop/EnchantedBlooms

dropped my link

>> No.7448108

I think this would feel more balanced with blue shoes, but I agree with >>7447203 too much of both colors is making it come off cartoony. I do love all the matching star accents though.

>> No.7448139
File: 9 KB, 225x188, mLFHPqnjbUVl0hCb2bFajuA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better anon! >>7447144 here. As a huge fan of pirate loli this is super gorgeous to me. Keep the original anchor bracelet from the first one though! The leg wear is far better and the hat adds interest! Not a fan of either of the bags though personally, the chest is nice but there's no brown elsewhere, nor do I think brown and black should mix, and the clutch looks out of place.

>> No.7448159


Stop self-promoting, it's not subtle.

>> No.7448184

hey, totally different anon here, but what would you suggest in terms of shapewear or binders? I'm just about 10 cm too big to fit into brand measurements comfortably, and I think a binder might be the way to go. No idea where to start looking though, or what shapes or styles or attributes I should be looking for. I have an hourglass figure, with my waist measurement almost always 10in smaller than my bust/hip measurements, so I don't know if that idk, restricts me in any way...haha I am just clueless, any advice would be great, really.

>> No.7448194

I have an Underworks tri-top binder and it cuts my bust measurement by 4cm. Doesn't sound like much, but it really helps with fitting into lolita better. And it eliminates all boobloaf!

If you have a bit of a tummy, though, I recommend getting a full torso binder from them instead. My tri-top rolls up a bit when I sit and it's annoying as hell.

>> No.7448256

Hey awesome! Those are really affordable, too. I know what you mean, I feel like even 4-5 cm and I'd fit into things much better...I've just got that touch of boobloaf and idk I can't go out of the house like that you know?? haha.

Oh and thanks for the tip! I'd want a full torso one just to make sure I had smooth lines/clean sillouette anyway, I'll look around a bit. Appreciate it, anon!

>> No.7448512

I'm planning a bat coord but I am a bit stuck for headwear. I don't have the time to order the bat headdress from Antique Beasts but any suggestion would be great. I have the option to purchase the matching headbow to the skirt (Merry Making In The Ghost Town). Also shoe recommendations would be very appreciated.

>> No.7448711

Fantasic Dolly looks amazing with fishnets. I think it's the graphic, retro look of the print that makes it work so well. A pink biker jacket (AP and Meta have made them) would also be a badass way to coordinate that dress.

As far as shoes, you could almost get away with anything, as long as it is black. Tea parties, rocking horse shoes, mary janes, pumps, short boots, tall boots, cowboy boots.

If you can't tell I am in love with that dress, and sometimes have questionable tastes.

>> No.7450562
File: 41 KB, 480x640, aatp posion de lamour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debating what kind of accessory theme I want to do with this dress, easy peasy rose theme or romeo & juliette theme...

>> No.7450868
File: 888 KB, 1022x548, 1395700449175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst, 'gulls. This coord is a WIP (forgive the messy hair and stuff) and I was wondering which shoes you think work better? Personally I like the sandals because they feel more springy, plus those teaparties are the only lolita shoes I own, so I tend to wear them a lot. But I need a third person perspective because idk how they look.

>> No.7450875

The white shoes.

"If it shows the toe then just say no!"

>> No.7450873

Stick to the tea parties.

>> No.7450881

The sandals are cute, but not nearly lolita enough. Go with the white ones instead.

>> No.7450883

Wow. No to the sandals. White shoes.

>> No.7450887

Open toe shoes in lolita is fucking cute. Why would AP, Baby, IW, etc release open toed shoes if they weren't supposed to be worn with lolita?

The only reason the beige sandals don't work is because her coord doesn't have any other beige in it, not the open toes.

>> No.7450914

Thanks for weighing in, ya'll! Yeah I can see how the biege doesn't look optimal and is imbalanced. I'll probably opt for the white because they work better and photograph wayyy better (I thought the sandals looked wayyy better IRL than on the screen).

If I opted to buy a completely new pair of shoes, what would you guys recommend? I love my white teaparties, they're a total staple, but I've worn them to every event I've been to and I don't want to be the girl who wears the same shit all the time.

>> No.7450916

Any help anyone? I'd love some opinions and really appreciate it.

>> No.7450920

In my wardrobe I have lolita-style boots, some classic mary janes, two pairs of tea parties, some oxfords, RHS, and a pair of lolita-esque heels. I like to think I have a good variety, so maybe consider getting a pair or two of any of these styles?

>> No.7450926

Posting photos or a description of what you have already would help (no sarcasm/rudeness intended; it's hard to help without an idea of what you're starting with. You didn't even list the skirt colourway).

>> No.7450932

Oh sorry. My skirt is not currently here but I have the Navy skirt. I couldn't find the black bat BPN jacket online but I will add a photo later today.

>> No.7450941

I have the opportunity to have the Navy headbow aswell as the socks. I may also be getting the black x gold coffin bag if not I was planning on using a bat bag. I'm unsure about jewellery and shoes.

>> No.7450953

http://cutelou.com/shop/4579535182 <- lots of cute bat-themed items in general

http://www.omniaoddities.com/ <- have lots of bat themed jewellery; resin braclettes, but also metal rings that can be customised in silver/gold/etc. Pricey for metal, however

http://www.necrosarium-official.com/ <- currently on hiatus due to moving, but sells lots of jewellery appropriate for gothic lolita or more visual coordinates

You could also do a search on Etsy for handmade pieces. Most of the bat stuff is kind of cruddy, but you can find a few gems here and there.

For shoes, maybe look for something in the line of Fluevogs? They have several styles that would probably work nicely with that print design and colourway.

Also, if you want a capelet, Ichigo15 on TaoBao has one with batwing scallops that is a quasi-replica of the Antique Beast capelet.

>> No.7450973

Thank you so very much anon. I won't have time to get the capelet here this time but I'll definitely look into it. What colour bat jewellery would you recommend? The bats on the skirt are a shade of purple and my jacket is black. I'd love Fluevogs but can't afford/wouldn't get here in time. I have platform Mary Janes, knee high boots, and the nice velvet taobao shoe (will add picture later) but I was considering getting winkle pickers or maybe the Bordello pleaser Whimsey for shoes. What do you think will be the most batty?

>> No.7450995

Winkle pickers could really be nice! Something with an open front or pointed toe to get the witchy feel would definitely be good. Maybe something like these?


As for the jewellery colour, I'd personally go for gold to match your coffin bag. Plus, I think gold + blue is really rich looking.

>> No.7451009

Thank you very much anon you've been really helpful! Fingers crossed I get the coffin bag (a friend was checking closet child if it was still instock today) . If I don't what colour would you recommend. If it isn't too much to ask my I ask your opinion about makeup. I have bat lashes and normally wear a red lip but I was wondering if there were other colours you'd suggest or recommend?

>> No.7451014

I'd still go with gold if you have a choice, but that's just my opinion on how gold and blue look together. For make-up, how over the top do you want to be? Like, is this for a regular meet-up? A fancy big meet? Convention? Maybe avoid the red lip if you go with crazy lashes, though.

>> No.7451101
File: 902 KB, 698x776, helpplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've got so far. I have GLW in wavy classic chocolate that I'll wear.
I also have flat gold teaparties.

I'm stuck on tights and head accessories, etc. I want to try for hime here. Never done that before...the catch with tights is that I have chunky legs.

Any ideas?

>> No.7451130

I really don't like those whoes with it, I'm also not sure about the blouse... I'd take either a white one or one that matches one of the colors in the dress, not bring another color into it.

>> No.7451143

That blouse won't look good imo. There are already gold buttons on the bodice and I don't think that the gold buttons on the blouse will look good with them. Also not sure I like those necklines together. I think the shoes could be nice depending on what style you're leaning towards with the coord. I would wear a highnecked blouse with a big neckbow.

>> No.7451149
File: 270 KB, 304x396, demshoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blouse is white though it looks ivory in the photos.

Pic related are the other gold shoes I have~

>> No.7451157

I like those shoes better, and yeah, a white blouse is good. But still >>7451143

>> No.7451161
File: 122 KB, 500x751, moarblouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this neckline as well.

I haven't been able to find a high neck blouse that fits my bust yet, unfortunately.

(Many thanks for the input by the way!)

>> No.7451229

I like this one better, not too much going on around the neck and cute sleeves.

>> No.7452022

I understand anon. It's for a con and I'm happy to go way ott. I really like Illamasqua's makeup. I'm not sure about colour scheme though.

>> No.7452157
File: 132 KB, 330x495, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gifted this completely out of the blue. I'm not a loli and a friend of mine who is really into 18th century clothing purchased it for me as a gift. Wasn't sure what to do because it's not really traditional loli, but I've seen someone else on here wear it well.

>> No.7452845
File: 55 KB, 250x333, 2545-480-2014-01-23423883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to get help on making a coord for this dress. Possibly something for spring/summer

>> No.7452860

>Fantasic Dolly looks amazing with fishnets.


>> No.7452861

Those shoes ruin the whole coordinate. I don't know why so many people like them, they look cheap as fuck and super costumey.

>> No.7452862

These are a little bit better but not much. That poor dress.

>> No.7452886

Guilty pleasure, I guess.

Ok so suggest something, then? Like, this is literally the reason I'm in this thread.

I've basically only seen it coorded with pink teaparties, which I don't yet have. (They're in the mail.) I'm not sure they're even the right pink, to be entirely honest.

>> No.7452907

Anon you sound like me when I first got into lolita.

Just because something has fruits or pink doesn't always mean it's sweet. And sweet isn't always OTT Sugary Chocolate Planet sweet.

>> No.7453201

Not that anon, I don't know, I wasn't a fan of the gold at first, but it could work.

>> No.7454208
File: 122 KB, 558x618, bbycoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing it myself, but it still comes out lacking colour. Anyone of stocking/sock suggestions that would help this coord? Maybe some accessory ideas?

>> No.7454244
File: 81 KB, 478x636, babysocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that blouse white or ivory?
If ivory, then I think pic related would look cute.
Not beige shoes, though.
Some flowery head accessory.
I don't think it's a problem that it's "lacking color", you could try to incorporate some of the purple/bordeaux that's in the print, but it could be hard to match.

>> No.7454265

There's two options "Generation" and then "Off-White" which is more of a cleaner white. The one in my picture is the Generation, which is probably more of an ivory.

Exactly what I wanted, but the dress is rather hard to coord for with purples, I think. I like those stockings. I'll see what I can fish out of the Internet.

>> No.7454332

I think the purpleish color in the print is the only option, besides maybe brown, to bring any color into the coord.
But I don't think you even need to.

>> No.7456986
File: 50 KB, 232x616, coordrevised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look so far?

>> No.7457917
File: 504 KB, 867x503, SweetCream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some opinions on some coords?
I need to pick 1 or 2 out of the 3.

Pic related is coord number 1.
The bolero also has polka dots like the tights and parts of the dress.

>> No.7457923
File: 366 KB, 493x541, CR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coord 2

>> No.7457928
File: 445 KB, 684x564, TM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coord 3

I wanted to wear this with more wine colors but my wine shoes are too small and my wine blouse still hasn't arrived.

>> No.7458617
File: 46 KB, 250x333, PietroAngelOP-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what color I should bring out in the accessories. I was thinking of accenting it with gold, but I'm not sure. Tights and shoes are hard, I already have a hat that matches the color of the pattern

The dress is sort of a teal color, with a beige and offwhite pattern

>> No.7459200

The resolution is pretty poor, sorry anon, I'm not sure.
But from what I can see the shoes are too dark and is there gold on the socks?

>> No.7459223


Grimoire socks and I think the colour in the socks is a mustard colour.

>> No.7459250
File: 1.33 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a photo of the jacket and skirt. I'd really appreciate some shoe and makeup suggestions. I'll be wearing the matching otks,headbow, bat jewellery, bat bag and bat lashes.

>> No.7459351

Now that I saw them upclose, not a fan. The pattern doesn't fit the dress and the colors could be horribly off.

>> No.7459370

Okay, that's good to know!

>> No.7459466
File: 285 KB, 1228x1128, retry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better or worse? I'm blaming the fact that I'm really, really bad at this due to the fact this is my first lolita coord.

>> No.7459469
File: 374 KB, 760x944, boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried finding various shades of brown/burgundy that could suit the dress, possibly. What colours would be awful?

>> No.7459605

Don't get a brand petti. It's really not worth it, and that one is not nearly enough poof, nor the right shape for that dress. Try a bellshaped petti from Classical Puppets and/or a pinned up Malco Modes.

Stick to a cooler brown like 1 if you can find more like it. I think 3 and maybe 5 might work to play off that yellow-green in the print, but it's hard to tell without seeing the dress colors in person.