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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 500x735, Alaska YMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7435040 No.7435040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bad make up thread

>> No.7436572

Minimoon makeup by Pinkie...

>> No.7436593

>the yelling after 6 minutes in
what. the. fuck.

>> No.7436606

I lurked her channel for a moment because I saw she has almost 300 videos uploaded. She is the kind of person who likes her own videos and most of them have less than 50 views.

>> No.7436848
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save me

>> No.7436889


>> No.7437079
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you just wait. one day she is going to be *discovered* and then that viewcount is going to BLOW. UP.

>> No.7437091

I keep forgetting to log off my youtube account to watch these, between this and the weeb vids thread my suggested videos are a bunch of shit makeup tutorials, penus, and shitty year old masquerade skits from cons I've never even been to.

>> No.7437229

She has that in almost every video of hers

>> No.7437831

That bony face.... that bulbous piggy nose... those beady eyes...

>> No.7438020

Its supposed to be Levi.

>> No.7438049

Overkill eyemakeup aside, what is the deal with the really awkward bronzer application + white white highlighting.

>> No.7438074

Can we talk about our own bad makeup? I'm using a pressed powder foundation that makes my skin look dry and flakey no matter what I do. I'm looking for a new foundation now and wondering whether I should go for a liquid or mousse foundation.

>> No.7438125

Thats a question for the people make-up thread,
which is.. >>7429499 (i hope i linked it right) but yeah go ask there, i wish i could help but i don't really use make-up on a daily basis.

>> No.7438322

anon no why
I do enjoy the music, though. Pity.

>> No.7438612

If your skin is dry already, powder is going to make it look drier and will emphasize any flaking in a terrible way. If there are phases where your skin isn't quite so dry, you can moisturize heavily, then try the powder again.

Liquid, cream, mousse, BB cream type foundations will be the way to go. if you don't like the "dewy" look that some of these can leave, look for cream to powder foundation OR get a really light mineral setting powder to cut the dew/shine.

>> No.7438912

holy shit, her makeup is ashley level awful ... how can anyone be this bad?

>> No.7438921

Speaking of sub-par makeup artists getting ~*~discovered~*~ I saw this on tv just now and nearly screamed.

>> No.7439144
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>> No.7439149

I am genuinely proud of her. I know there are make up artists out there better than her, but she presents herself in such a polite and classic manner that I can't help but cheer her on with everything she does.

>> No.7439151


Its fan, that damn cunt. God, she's so speshul snowflakey ANY vietnamese person KNOWS its pronounced fan.

>> No.7439153

She's a serial liar and ran from iQQU the moment things went sour.

>> No.7439576
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Let's talk bad makeup shall we

>> No.7439577
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>> No.7439578

>doing male contouring for a female character
>what is primer
>what is proper foundation
and just everything is so awful. I dont understand how a grown woman can be this terrible at make up.

>> No.7439585

i seriously dont get why literally every asian girl i meet uses twice as much eye make up for a male cosplay versus a female one. It makes so little sense. Even if you use a lot of make up, make it look natural. Levi doesn't have brown, silver and white eyeshadow happening

>> No.7439684

what the fuck is this monstrosity
is there more?

>> No.7439695

Much more, BabyHugsBearGrace on insta

>> No.7439713

it's glorious

>> No.7439716

I know Anon, I know

>> No.7439902


Fucking this. lrn 2 read the guru gossip

>> No.7439910


I dunno, I kinda dig the makeup that people are using for Levi. It gets into that complicated, "graphic" style of makeup that I find really aesthetically pleasing.
That said, if you're not fucking amazing at makeup you have no business doing it.

>> No.7439949

She's way too ugly to dress cute.

Bitch needs to find a new style that fits her man face.

Also would it kill her to brush her fucking hair before she makes a video, or freaking stay in frame if this is supposed to be a tutorial? Like it's not a tutorial if you aren't explaining what you're doing and no one can even fucking see what you're doing.

Really I could rant about how shitty this is for hours but what's the point?

>> No.7439975
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On an artistic level its kinda cool, but other than that it looks disgusting and terrible. It just looks silly compared to other people who are translating the character into what they would look like in real life rather than making yourself into an anime character.

But your opinion is yours, imo it looks stupid, its on the same level as pic-related, i just dont think its fit for cosplay.

>> No.7440000

I agree, I think cosplay makeup should be about taking over the top character designs and attempting to make them look somewhat realistic, not trying to become an anime character. Idk, the person who did the Levi makeup just looked like they were trying way too hard to make him look like a ~pretty bishounen~ when he's really not.

>be an angry short old man
>don't get enough sleep
>clean a lot

There, you have achieved Levi face, no make-up required.

>> No.7440010


Oh I agree that it's totally taken too far. I think I'm just a really big fan of the graphic style eyebrows. The eye makeup can get a little....busy. With all of the fine lines and stuff over the eyelid it looks SUPER cool up close and in headshots but as far as I've seen IRL it just gets muddled from a distance.

>> No.7440229

just curious as someone who has a manface herself, what's the style that you would recommend?

>> No.7441694


>> No.7442007

real helpful.

>> No.7442643

I don't know beyond YouTube ;__; I gathered her products weren't FDA approved but then another story said that was just a hoax. Her makeup line looks fine though.

>> No.7442677

Her makeup line is pretty shitty drugstore quality stuff being sold for much too high a price, even with the price change.

>> No.7442696
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Nice quads.

>> No.7442709

Her makeup line is way overpriced esp for a new brand. She's jut using her name to sell it, which is smart of her. I know people are saying "oh you get so many products so altogether its actually cheap if you calculate x y z!" but thats only if you buy the giant ass pack. And you get shit you won't want in there too, a lot of it being bad(i think only the lip products had a consistent positive review).
As for singular products, they are way overpriced.

>> No.7442729

im fucking screaming right now

>> No.7442860

Someone posted this and it should be added to this thread:

>> No.7443038
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Right? Thought I opened up a terrible amateur porno or some shit

>> No.7443049

I really hate people who try to make Levi a bishonen when he's just tired looking and in his early-mid 30's. You can still wear make up and look right as Levi and not a damn pop star from Uta no Prince.

>> No.7443078

One day I shall see a Levi that doesn't do retarded makeup like that.

>one can only dream.

>> No.7443098

What's bothering me is that she's tagging certain pics as Angelic Pretty.

>born in 2000
I can't just bring myself to criticize her harshly.

>> No.7443116

I don't understand, it looks like makeup to look as old, thin, and tired as possible in anime style and it nailed it. Why is it considered bad?

>> No.7443123

Ok so, I'm pretty mediocre with makeup. Who is a good makeup artist to follow on youtube/blogs?

>> No.7443135

Lisa Elridge is the only actual, professional make up artist I know of online and she is fantastic.

>> No.7443166

I'm a huge fan of GossMakeupArtist on YouTube. The biggest downside of his channel is that he does a lot of reviews of high-end makeup products that I couldn't even afford if I wanted to, but his tutorials haven't steered me wrong so far.

>> No.7443172

I second this, Goss is the only youtube make up artist I swear by, he's very professional and amazing at what he does.

>> No.7443176

>tfw all the female ones have run out of ideas and are doing stupid ass shit like: "how to remove your makeup!" "how to clean your face!" "how to wear foundation!"

Completely mundane stupid shit just for views.

>> No.7443271

QueenofBlending is good if you want to do over the top stuff.
Lisa Elridge is good but keep in mind she's British, so some of the products she talks about won't be available if you're outside the UK.

>> No.7443285
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jfc why that random porn yelling near the end

>> No.7443388
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Okay this isn't utterly terrible or anything but that eyeliner???? Please? No?

>> No.7443408

The eyeliner is the least of that cosplay's problems

>> No.7443412


But that is brilliant. What's your problem with it? How is it bad in any way?

>> No.7443421

Shhhh I needed an excuse to post this

>> No.7443423


Well, what are the other problems?

>> No.7443587

B-But what did she do to her face, you cosplay bitches crazy

>> No.7443589

2 sexy
10/10 would stalk around the con

>> No.7443821
File: 142 KB, 500x667, 1395428874185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this gem.
I don't know what's worse, the eyebrows or the eyeliner.

>> No.7443824

It doesn't look that bad.

>> No.7443835

is this fetus-chan again

>> No.7444881

Fetus-chan? What's her story?

>> No.7444887

It's from that one cup stacking girl's videos. She's featured in some of Skrillshit's songs.

>> No.7444889

Isn't that Michelle Phan? Why the fuck is she doing a youtube advertisement for Dr Pepper?

>> No.7444896

Isn't this that one girl who runs the Levi ask blog on tumblr? That overplays the sassy factor and thinks she's hot shit?

>> No.7444904
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"Fairy kei makeup"

>> No.7444905
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>> No.7444975

It's not just YouTube, that ad runs on national television here in the US.

>> No.7444982

is she?

>> No.7445020

I like the concept, the execution however...

>> No.7445182

wow that is so smug

>> No.7445224
File: 266 KB, 1280x847, 1395491958960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't any, she doesn't do anything wrong, she's not a bitch, but some people here on /cgl/ have vendetta against her ...
No but seriously anon, you posted her in the previous thread too

Also her name is Fetsu-chan, for people who want to google her for themselves

>> No.7445335

Her 24h advertisment spamming of overpriced shit is annoying as fuck tho, not to mention that she thinks that she look like her shoops, deletes your comment if it has anything to do with her editting her photos and being a spoiled brat.

You maybe should lurk more.

>> No.7445347

Levi looks good. It's Auruo the one who looks creepy.

>> No.7445349

>>7439577 What the fuck is on her lips ?

>> No.7445351

lip rings.

>> No.7445353

I knew how to put on makeup at 14..

>> No.7445354

I thought so but it looks like fucking glitter or something. Maybe it's because they're sheer?

>> No.7445355

You can get ones made out of clear plastic/resin with glitter set in them, I'm assuming they're something like that.

>> No.7445688

the just overdid by a lot. plus it looks like the contoured with fucking black

>> No.7445695

the smiley face on the star though

>> No.7445717
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>> No.7446109
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>> No.7446121
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>> No.7446123
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>> No.7446140
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>skim through thread
>no ashley

>> No.7446171
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>> No.7446194
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>> No.7446832

my skin is oily and nasty but also dry and I use a cream foundation (Stila stay all day if you're curious; Stila is expensive as hell but it is the shit; get it on sale if you can), with a very light dusting of powder over the top, just to smooth out the tone further. my powder is a stay matte variety (I dunno which, revlon maybe? i just got it at walmart), which is perfect for oily skin that gets shiny and disgusting after 5 minutes in the sunlight. like mine.

>> No.7447012

i'd stay away from anything childish, no peter pan collars or lace everywhere; fairy kei, lolita, and gyaru are pretty much out of the question.

instead go for the androgynous look, rock your mannish-ness, cut your hair short and give it volume with product, wear collared blouses with minimal "feminine" touches, even ties or bowties or just regular menswear could look really great, so long as it fits you well. you can wear brighter colors/more adventurous patterns to look youthful, if you are young... idk dress like a stylish man instead of a woman

as far as makeup goes, i'd keep it minimal and mostly try to do the "nude" look, but if your eyes are small, something to bring them out might help. I wear glasses and it does well for making my eyes look bigger and draw attention to them, so i'm not really well-versed on makeup techniques because i don't want the area around my eyes looking too busy.

sources for all this: my girlfriend is androgynous bordering on masculine and this is how she dresses. she constantly looks fly as hell, and she rocks it and loves her masculine face and dress style.

>> No.7447293
File: 55 KB, 960x640, IMG_430108001474400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...i don't even know what to say

>> No.7447296

You could wear classic or aristocrat. That could really work or ouji/kodona.

>> No.7447813

Regardless of drama or lack of drama, her makeup is terrible. As long as she keeps taking pictures with terrible makeup, she belongs in these threads.

>> No.7447820

>OTT makeup
>no contacts
>no contacts on a character practically defined by his crazy eyes
lol ok

>> No.7448756
File: 730 KB, 555x632, rainicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made another one, this time with lady rainicorn from adventure time...

>> No.7448763

essentially you can only look like a dyke

>> No.7448782

main problem i see:
the fucking hair under the wig
if you cant cover it or make an effort for it not to be seen, fucking shave it off (like, sideburns and such, not your whole head if possible.)

>> No.7448805

is that ashley...?

>> No.7448812

That's bothering me too but it is literally the only thing I can find wrong and the rest is so good I almost want to forgive and think that it happened from wear and tear late in the con. Maybe they didn't pin their cap securely enough.

>> No.7448815
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>> No.7448824
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>> No.7449992

"How To Look Like A Korean Girl"
I don't know how i feel about this.. its not ulzzang, she already did a video for that. It takes me back to her japanese eye tutorial from a century ago..


>> No.7450008

Is it really that bad? I mean, the eyeshadow under the eyes is a bit much for me personally, but everything looks clean and she doesn't have that stupid anime eyes eyeliner thing going on...

>> No.7450011

Looks okay. It's just Venus being Venus, but the makeup doesn't look bad.

>> No.7450030

Don't think so, I heard Ashley actually got better (At least her lolcow status is gone, she even has a job now. She worked at Howl o Scream for a while, and now has a permanent job as a cashier)

>> No.7450684

Looks like i dropped the link, sorry

>> No.7450697

She seems to have misplaced her lips.

>> No.7450725


also chin-tastic

>> No.7450731
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i don't even know

>> No.7450765
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Dat Morrigan

>> No.7450791

I thought it was ashely too, has the same horrid lack of mascara on pigment laden lashes, just disgusting...

>> No.7450790
File: 255 KB, 590x592, wtf eye makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone explain this?? i thought it had a black eye.

>> No.7450800

I think her problem is that she wears really shit-tier makeup.

>> No.7450814

ugh, i can't help but come around to venus' cuteness. she's wearing a TON of makeup in that video but she's... she's so precious...

>> No.7452511
File: 477 KB, 978x666, 1395737661985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She applies makeup like a 5 y/o. The result is actually not as disastrous as you would think it would be seeing her "techniques", but it's bad and in no way tutorial material.
>I don't even get how she could possibly think her eyebrows look good
>The fact that she smears the same eye shadow up to her eyebrows annoys me to no end
>she should learn where to put on brush and how to contour because as of now it does nothing to her face except make it seem more pear-shaped that it already is...
I mean it's fine to have trouble with makeup, everyone does at some point. I looked like a hot mess for a long time before I actually learned anything (I use to put black eyeliner only on my bottom lashline and that was most of my makeup. I am sure it looked crazy as hell, glad facebook wasn't really around at that time). But, it baffles me that those kind of people film themselves and try to teach other people when they clearly have no fucking idea how to use makeup and might as well be banging their head repeatedly on a makeup palette.

>> No.7452530

fairy kei
more like
very gay

>> No.7452536

she's so weird.............

>> No.7452546


>lines lower waterline with white in one shot
>'finished' picture doesn't have lined lower waterline

>> No.7452568

I have a very angular, bony face, and tiny eyes.

How can I be kawaii? All the makeup and shading tutorials I see are for girls with actual fat in their cheeks. I have none.

[spoiler]Secretly, I am Skeletor[/nospoiler]

>> No.7452590

Face-shape twin, it's okay, there is hope. I do pretty generic small-winged eyeliner on top and only line 1/4 to 1/3 of my bottom lashes. I also blend out the eyeliner on the bottom with a dark brown, matte eyeshadow and a small, soft, flat eyeshadow brush. Fake eyelashes are your friend too. I put blush horizontally on my cheeks instead of at an angle, and never too far past the corners of my eyes, try to keep it toward the center of your face, if that makes sense.

Everything else (eyebrows and some light contouring) I do pretty much the same as any generic tutorial, except lighter on the contouring because I don't need to bring out my cheekbones so much, they're out enough on their own. I don't think we can ever be as kawaii as the animus but we can make our faces less harsh at least.

>> No.7452594

I love when you can see the hair warp around jaws like gravity don't real

>> No.7452597

She looks like she's realized she made a horrible mistake.

>> No.7452599

I like it just her selfie is a lil awkward lol

>> No.7452600

I looked up the tutorial that taught me to do blush, because it's a godsend. I use the third technique he talks about. The second might work too, but I found that it made me face look almost bloated. This video is good for all face shapes, by the way.

>> No.7452606

I'm a bony unkawaii face and this exactly what I do
And when I'm doing more fuller makeup I contour my jaw diagonally to enhance the jaw closer to a heart shape face only so slightly. If you want me to make a diagram I can but its so slight and so wonderful.

Best wishes anon

>> No.7452609

*but yeah if I'm contouring that's the only thing I contour, I don't even touch my cheeks for that kardashian look

>MFW the biggest man face girl you know does her makeup the same as her beloved kardashian
>but she means well

>> No.7452630
File: 49 KB, 954x808, bloodytearsxoxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pictures of hot chicks whose cosplays are so bad that it makes them look ugly bring joy to my jealous, fatty-chan heart.
god fucking bless

also, contributing. ive never seen a jane do those red grids under her eyes and not look like a fuckin mess.

>> No.7452663

>If you want me to make a diagram I can but its so slight and so wonderful.
>Best wishes anon

Yes, please!

Also, does anyone know what I can do to get big ol' uguu eyes when I have really heavy hooded Caucasian lids? Every tutorial I look up for hooded lids are for Asians, or aging housewives trying to look sexy again.

I've figured out how to make them look less sleepy by basically gluing them open with eyelid glue, but, the makeup...

>> No.7452665

As long as I mute the sound it actually isn't that bad. I thought she was kind of cute this time around.

>> No.7452678

omg same
when my eyes are open you can see only a little bit of my lid, then it's all browbone :c i can barely wear any eyeliner at all because that's all you'd see! it leaves imprints/lines on my browbone when i close my eyes again, too. i've never found really good advice on it either, and i was looking around quite a bit earlier this year

>> No.7452690


UGH YES! Me too. I wish there was a way to get eyelid surgery to make mine look more Asian, idgaf if it's weeby, I want cute makeup options that don't disappear every time I open my eyes, and I'm so sick and tired of hearing "Are you okay? You look exhausted!" FFS.

>> No.7453249
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Horrible brows and that uneven eye-liner.

>> No.7453280
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>> No.7453307
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I have a few saved from the gyaru tags from some months ago.

>> No.7453320

Can someone tell me what the hell does she say in the beginning of her videos? It sounds like "Arimaseen jay-moon pinkie medal"

>> No.7453324

Kapu improved so much holy shit

>> No.7453334
File: 45 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n2ufv3cOiG1soglwmo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously the gyaru tags just scare me sometimes. I also never understood the appeal of girls shaving off their eyebrows. For me it's better to just get them arched a little and maintain it that way.

>> No.7453503
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>succeeded unichet

>> No.7453518
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>> No.7453530

I could have sworn the point of shaving them off was to draw them back on........

Not that...

>> No.7453552
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1342693667362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love each and every one of her videos

But my favourite one is probably the chola one.

>> No.7454674

wow i was expecting it to be terrible but it was hilarious. I'm watching the emo one

>I steal all my makeup from hot topic
>my slave name is Ema

>> No.7455674
File: 28 KB, 360x480, blogger-image-545679905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything this girl posts is terrible, her blog is a goldmine.

>> No.7455686
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>> No.7455689

"What she could look like" doesn't look that much better, to be honest.

>> No.7455690

can this please be a new copy pasta

>> No.7455782

Wow, that's tranny level bad.

>> No.7455787

OTT makeup quality pretty much ranges from tranny to drag queen, with one being the worst and the other being fucking amazing.

>> No.7455939

hello finnish seagull

>> No.7456024

I love watching Drag Race and seeing those bitches blend the fuck out of all their makeup. It's inspiring and I wish I too could possess those skills.

>> No.7456053

This really isn't that bad. I think the lighting probably makes it look more uneven than it actually is. Vendetta?

>> No.7456241 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7456244
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>> No.7456255

Does no one find it odd how she literally went a few shades lighter this past year?

>> No.7456267

It's the winter, everyone gets a little lighter. She could have made large lifestyle changes that made her be indoors more often? idk

>> No.7456446
File: 1003 KB, 1083x968, minimoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's Korean for basically "Hello this is Pinkie!" Which is literally the name she goes by.
yeah, shes the type that's really bad but thinks shes good, pic related

>> No.7456468

Wow she really thinks she's the shitz.. died a little looking at her fb pictures haha

>> No.7457889

You must be blind.

>> No.7457891

Yeah, so it is a vendetta then...

>> No.7457911

the part at the end with the screaming from that cup stacking video and her turning her head in slow motion is so fucking surreal

>> No.7457933

It's a collage of different pictures a blogger used to talk about uzzlang makeup (why she didn't use anything better as an example is beyond me), so I think it isn't actually the same person
When you have to justify that you're "very good" at something, maybe it is time to move on...

>> No.7457964


>> No.7457969
File: 44 KB, 720x960, 1395933599874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this girl and her make up? She claims she is Hatsune Miku...

>> No.7457971
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1395933669564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7457972

it looks like she cut a pair of socks into arm warmers
and also sweet fray check on your cheap ribbon

>> No.7457973
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 1395933732856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7457975

> Looks at image.
> Legitimately looks like a pair of socks she cut into arm warmer.
> MFW.

>> No.7458097
File: 14 KB, 267x189, 1393497178462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7458120
File: 140 KB, 550x400, bagelface-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7461152
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 1396048441764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this trend die? Everyone looks so sad and droopy.

>> No.7461160
File: 145 KB, 720x1280, ergaerf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7461183

It probably never will, back when it died together with ganguro nobody would have thought that it ever would come back.

>> No.7461199

...I'm just revoking make up privileges from titans cosplayers.

>> No.7461248

uhhh i'm not seeing the bad makeup

>> No.7461255

Uhhh did you even see what they were replying to?

>> No.7461581
File: 89 KB, 843x843, 1396063757449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7461718
File: 46 KB, 569x571, 1264733129555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Broken Japanese everywhere
>Photos sharped to death
>Horrible "doll" make up
>Works at Sephora

>"My fashion and makeup choices have always attracted attention in my town and is originally how I got approached for modeling jobs."

>> No.7461725 [DELETED] 

>Those eyebrows
>Shitty Hairline
>Splotchy lipstick

>> No.7461727

>Those eyebrows
>That Hairline
>Splotchy lipstick
>Animu white eyeliner

>> No.7461744

How the fuck does she manage to get a job at Sephora yet the actual professional makeup artists I know trying to boost their income are trying every trick possible to land a part time spot there?

>> No.7461833


'And to take great cosplay photos, get progressively closer to the camera. Then, once you're in tight, give em the RAPE EYE.'

>> No.7461891

Makeup is arting up your face, and in art you don't shade a colour drawing with black unless you want it to look muddy looking. It's gotta be the same with contouring, man.

>> No.7461908

That is going to wrinkle your forehead.

>> No.7461917

Isn't this chick a member on PULL?

>> No.7461975

I wholeheartedly agree with you, honestly. There's no denying she's really cute, and I think her personality and sense of humour is pretty fun behind her ~*super kawaii girl*~ internet persona.

...Her mom's pretty weird though.

>> No.7461978

i think those grids are the worst of her problems
look at that massive pimple on her chin

captcha: 420 3466569

>> No.7461984

theres no hope for her dwarf nose tho

>> No.7461986
File: 51 KB, 1024x455, levimakeuphowaboutew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever I'm at a con me and my friends just take shots whenever we see bad levi makeup

>> No.7462002

you guys must be drunk off your asses by 1 PM then.

>> No.7462004

Looks fine if not for the eyebowns

>> No.7462008

What's the point of the silver eyeliner in certain spots that some people do? I actually have some silver eyeliner and it'd be cool if I could get some use out of it, but I don't really know what it's for, really.

>> No.7462011

>make your eyes look brighter!!

>> No.7462012

Can't into words right now, sorry. I should sleep.

>> No.7462039

Oh my god I never thought I'd see a candid picture of the badly contoured Reiner. That's some of the worst brow concealing I've ever seen (but also one of the least shitty wigs, go figure.)

>> No.7462117

Her eye makeup looks fucking ridiculous but I can't help but like her eyebrows.

>> No.7462136

the screaming at the end is sampled from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPg_j2M3B_Y it's kind of a meme

>> No.7462137

Infact that screaming sample as a meme featured in a skrillex song lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSeNSzJ2-Jw

>> No.7462140

girl from my town wants to be a professional MUA and she's hopelessly bad.

This is the only /CGL/ related one I could find but there are tons more cringey horrible videos on her page


>> No.7462241
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1396101228761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you think that this looks good... good enough to proudly post online too.

>> No.7462273

Is that Peachie?

>> No.7462296 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 640x480, photo (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I shown you all the time I went as a ganguro cat girl to a con.

>> No.7462301 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 640x480, photo (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I shown you all the time I went to a con as a ganguro cat girl?

>> No.7462303

peachie who?

>> No.7462308
File: 239 KB, 480x640, photo (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I shown you all the time I went to a con as a ganguro cat girl?
Princess Peachie I'm assuming.

>> No.7462313

Nope a weeb on insta

>> No.7462345

Nope, it's the same girl as >>7461152

>> No.7462880

what the actual fuck was that.

>> No.7463313

Oh look, another channel where a person uploads a shit load of videos that no one watches.

>> No.7463324
File: 154 KB, 996x654, plzstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....Sweet.... Lolita?

>> No.7463834

wats going on in this pic?

>> No.7463836


>> No.7464779

>dem teef

>> No.7464792

>"The bagel head procedure was brought to Japan in 2007 by Keroppy Maeda, after he first saw it done in Canada by pioneer Jerome Abramovitch.[1][3] Since that time, he performs it approximately 10 times a year at special occasions such as underground fetish parties>
>underground fetish parties
Oh, I understand what that would be for

>> No.7464809

Are those circle lenses cus they are weirding me out.

>> No.7465049


literally yelled "THANK GOD"

I'm so happy that this link was who I prayed it was

>> No.7465245

Holy shit, it was the jews...

>> No.7465258

uughh. This reminds me of my freshman year of highschool, holy shit. Hopefully she's a noob to makeup and realizes how bad this looks.

>> No.7465268

I want to see someone use bagelhead injection to oosplay a Klingon...

>> No.7465908
File: 59 KB, 640x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should stop people at the store from buying foundation this far off their actual skin tone

>> No.7465909

I think it's just weird light.

>> No.7465911

Light doesn't explain the armpit area/ear being a mocha colour and face/chest being ashy

>> No.7465919

too distracted by how shitty the construction looks on the dress

>> No.7465928
File: 70 KB, 480x720, 1396262127794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, she does it often. I honestly think she's really pretty, but jeez, she should tone down on the makeup and shooping and stop trying to look so white. She just looks really sickly and unnatural.

>> No.7466134

oh god, she's that Ashy Anna from Frozen cosplayer, isn't she?

>> No.7466139

>They should stop people at the store from buying foundation this far off their actual skin tone
Not everyone does this on purpose. It's literally sometimes the only thing some people can settle for because the majority of companies don't give a damn about covering a wide range of skin tones. Seriously, try searching for properly matched foundation if you're as pale as a ghost or blacker than satan's shit.

On that note: I've literally gone to Sephora before, made them check my skin tone, and they still got my color wrong and I had to return over $100 worth of product the next day when I checked the color in natural light.

>> No.7466173

There's a huge difference between not having a perfect match and trying to be several shades whiter and eliminate golden undertones.

>> No.7466185

Agreed on all counts. Very pretty girl, needs to stop trying to be white.

>> No.7466197

I'm so sick of shitty girls who can't make up to save their life. This girl is 28 and look at this crap. If anyone is familiar with Takarazuka, you know how shitty attempt this was at their make up style.

>> No.7466200
File: 103 KB, 720x960, IMG_29138744446233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic. This was from Katsucon this year

>> No.7466203

>several shades whiter
I think you're exaggerating. She's maybe a shade or two off, and it looks more like a setting powder problem causing the excessive whiteness to me.

>> No.7466213

Off topic but I love her wig. Yoko's hair is hard to translate to real life, some people go too over the top and others don't even do ponytails in their wigs. A lot of people royally fuck the color as well. I really like hers both in terms of color and styling. The costume construction could use a bit of oomph but she's very cute.

>> No.7466220

Not the same poster but her Yoko pic makes it look like it's not much of an exaggeration...I think her problem is more than just powder.

>> No.7466219
File: 104 KB, 538x960, IMG_85597473445670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is self entitled bitch url who swears she's hot shit. Look at her beautiful contouring. They are both in their 20s too, and that ugly Levi on the swing is a cosplay deviant.

>> No.7466222

Thos droopy eyes.

>> No.7466229

>Yoko pic makes it look like it's not much of an exaggeration
It's barely noticeable in her Yoko picture because the socks and every other crazy thing in that picture that has color (collar, hair, white errywhere) balance out the shade on her face.
And even then I still say it's excessively white setting powder that's to blame.
And I say that because >>7465908
has the same white contour lines that are going down her neck and arms. I highly doubt she used foundation for contouring.

I have a foundation that sets in the perfect shade on my face. However when I go to use a certain pressed powder at my setting it can easily make the shade more warm/pink.

>> No.7466230

Is that supposed to be Meg from Hercules??

>> No.7466233

Every fucking foundation at the local supermarket is always too dark. I'm not even that pale.
I don't even see that much orange people around me, except for those 30 something over-tanned mummy like women.

>> No.7466236
File: 86 KB, 960x538, IMG_85603246169003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7466242

I actually thought she looked pretty cute before the eyeliner.

Also, how the fuck does she get such nice wings with a pencil?

>> No.7466247

You're probably like me and you're the kind of pale that's more yellow/cool than orange/warm.

I agree though, the selections are awful. I think they always expect white people to have a bit of 'tan' to them.

>> No.7466248

Yellow is warm, anon. Pink is cool.

>> No.7466255

Caught me anon, well good for you.

>> No.7466256

To be fair, most people are still believing that tan is beautiful. But that's not a reason to sell crap that doesn't fit people skin tone.

I have no idea what my undertone is...
But I still managed to find something that fits. I think.

>> No.7466260

Don't sweat it, I was just wondering if that was why you were having difficulty finding the right shade. I think Max Factor also had this skin color IQ thing but I've never tried it myself. Or was it maybelline, I mix them up all the time.

>> No.7466263

I still notice it in the Yoko pic but I agree it's not as bad. The reason I think it's more than powder is because the golden undertones I see in the not-makeup skin seems to be totally gone from her face. I guess it's possible that her powder is very opaque as I totally see what you're saying re:contour lines on her neck and arms. The flatness of her colour is what had me thinking it was also a foundation problem.

>> No.7466329
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 1396285762789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, she's really damn dark. When you see her makeup in person it's like whiteface

>> No.7466353

Actually, it does. Have you ever heard of shadows?

>> No.7466362

Besides the man hands I see no egregious foundation flaws here....as I said she's maybe a couple shades off but that's normal for the majority of people who wear full face foundations. I wouldn't have noticed until you called my attention to it.

>> No.7466367

her neck is a completely different color than her face

get it together, anon, come on

>> No.7466374

Nope, clearly you're the first person to call this to my attention anon. Look at the picture again.

>> No.7466382

It's not as bad as you think, seriously.
But maybe I'm biased because this is like, every woman at makeup booths ever when I visit malls. I just know when people are wearing makeup so it makes no difference to me whether or not it's actually passable after awhile.

>> No.7466404

no i mean
you can see the line on her neck where the foundation stops
if you're saying that's just ~normal~ then what are even doing in this thread, all of this is ~normal~. bad make up is bad make up no matter how many soccer moms you see like this at the mall ok?

>> No.7466460

If you can, go outside and look at the foundation under natural light. It's super hard to get a good match in flourescent store lighting. I also always recommend people take a flash photo of their makeup before going out into the con just to see what happens (especially anyone using a white finishing powder).

>> No.7466465

>you can see the line on her neck where the foundation stops
Yeah, that happens.
If I look hard enough I can even see mine and nobody has ever said my makeup sucks. In pictures you literally can't see the difference because of how it's blended.

The only reason this girl is being posted here is because someone thought it was ~bad makeup~ when actually, this is normalfag shit on a daily basis.
And tbh, besides the eyeshadow choice and the questionable cat eyes I see nothing horribad about >>7466329 either. She could've come home from a costume party.

Her main problem is her foundation tone, and that's a nitpick not a horrible flaw.

>> No.7466477

>In pictures you literally can't see the difference because of how it's blended.

and that is not the case here, obviously...?
and idk to me if someone has
>a badly wrong foundation color
>poor eyeshadow choice
>questionable cat eyes (they definitely do not match at all)
that sounds like bad makeup to me.

>> No.7466500

>that sounds like bad makeup to me.
Except overall anon, it really doesn't look as bad as you think it does.
Especially this one >>7465928.

>> No.7466780
File: 154 KB, 720x960, 1396297558327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I don't think this girl is terrible I just wish she'd stop abusing the white eyeliner. I'd tell her but I don't know her well enough.

>> No.7466812

That's a really good shop, not good make up. If you check out her cosplay fb page you'll notice almost all her pictures have some sort of shop to them. In person she really is dark and it's some hideous pale make up.

>> No.7466814

The ashy whiteface looks 100% worse in person, it is beyond normalfag not knowing how to blend and straight into wtf is wrong with you bad makeup.

>> No.7466821

This I don't see a problem with, sorry anon. Just looks like stage makeup to me which isn't really bad so much as exaggerated.

>> No.7466972


>> No.7467689
File: 146 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That eyeliner...

>> No.7468081
File: 1.47 MB, 765x668, whiteface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but if your natural skin color is this dark and you constantly try to make yourself look white, I'd say it's a flaw.
Maybe that's normal wherever you're from, but even my non-cosplay friends think it's disgusting when girls go that many shades off. By the first application you should realize how shit it looks and you need to go a shade darker.

>> No.7468173

Wow this really shows that she is going many shades whiter! She's pitching a fit on her Facebook page right now because someone told her they don't like her makeup and all her fucking weebs are in some circle-jerk of "no you're perfect."

Perfect except can't accept that she's a bit nignog lol

>> No.7468187


>> No.7468217

Ew, that's fucking creepy. I would like to see her fit.

Both also creepy. What is with people obsessing over this look?

>> No.7468223

Possibly. PULL is full of hypocrites.

>> No.7468226

I'm looking at a picture and I'm seeing it very clearly, so I'm not sure what your point is.
Also people are usually too polite to go up to someone and tell them their makeup sucks. That doesn't mean nobody has ever noticed your mismatched foundation.

>> No.7468295

Foundation problems are not a nitpick, it's literally the foundation of your fucking look.

If you can see a foundation line when you're done your makeup then you don't have the right colour foundation and your makeup is also terrible. Just because people say nothing to your face doesn't mean they're not laughing behind your back.

>> No.7468426

Kinda looks like tranny whiteface, why the fuck are it's hands so vein-y?

>> No.7468490

Tranny whiteface has to be the best thing I've heard all goddamn morning

>> No.7468507

>Also people are usually too polite to go up to someone and tell them their makeup sucks.
Lol, no they're not.
It's considered polite where I live to let someone know they're having a makeup malfunction. If mistakes were are obvious tons of people would comment.
Would you ever let someone walk around with a false eyelash hanging off their eye or with unblended blush on their face?

I smell vendetta.

>> No.7468532

That eye beauty tape is quite interesting. I've never seen it before.

>> No.7468548

Vendetta against... you? Ok.
I know it's really hard to get the right shade of foundation (I'm too pale for anything sold in stores where I live) but mismatched foundation looks so bad and is quite obvious despite what you seem to think. Maybe try mixing different shades to get the correct one? Or at least blend it down into the rest of your neck and wear a high-necked top or something. Shade differences between your face and your hands are normal, but not between one part of your neck and the part directly above it. People DO notice.

>> No.7468557

just hopped into the thread. its really not that bad.
we do have nitpicking threads
however, there are so many things wrong with her outfit.

I'm a darker person myself, and without makeup, my face is naturally many shades lighter. its pretty common. stop QQing about how bad her makeup is and move it to the nitpick thread.

>> No.7468567

>Vendetta against... you?
No, against that girl that you keep posting.
You keep saying you've seen her "in person" so I'm assuming you know what she looks like irl, or that you know her even.
All I'm saying is that compared to others in this thread, her makeup isn't really that bad. At all. Maybe you're right and it's an atrocity when you see it in reality, but as far as pictures go I just don't see it.

>> No.7468857

Um did you see the side by side comparison of her? Makes the atrocity pretty damn clear even for those of us who don't know her... Sounds to me like either you're her or you so your makeup like her. Either way it looks shitty.

>> No.7468861

I get what you mean but her application is nice, she did it really smooth and clean lines not like that smeared on shaky " guise I'm ullzang" look that a lot of amateurs do.

>> No.7468875

I'm not the one who posted her in the first place, I just replied to your posts about how foundation lines on the neck are no big deal. There is at least one other person here who agrees with me.

>> No.7468919

>Um did you see the side by side comparison of her?

....This is getting ridiculous.
>I think it's bad
Entitled to your opinion.
>I don't think it's as bad as the other pictures itt
That's mine, k?

>> No.7468967
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7469010

yeah, i was the anon who first brought up her foundation lines, and i just looked at this thread again just now. looking at that comparison makes it even worse. the aurora one really is getting towards whiteface, lol. did she photoshop her arms to match but not her neck? wth

tbqh it seems like there's only one person defending her rather than one person "attacking" which i use loosely since we're just saying her foundation is shit.

>> No.7469071

It wouldn't be so bad if she was just an idiot who didn't know how to use make up. She purposely does this (and obvious photoshop) so she doesn't look black.

>> No.7469134

Pretty clear that most people are aware that she looks like shit. I assume it's her or a friend of hers defending the makeup because I can't imagine someone truly thinking it looks anything other than complete shit. Even worse like anon said she chooses to look like that!

>> No.7469173

Except one other person ITT agrees it doesn't look so bad.....
>"What? You don't think it's shit tier awful? HAH you must be her, a friend, or someone who does their makeup shitty too neener neener!"
Gag me with a spoon. I hope this thread goes soon.

>> No.7469205

How is this different from accusing people who DO think it's that bad of having a vendetta?

>> No.7469209
File: 86 KB, 500x600, nope, done, sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I smell vendetta
>because it's so strange to say that after two posters here admitted to seeing her irl
Soooo accusatory. Don't even bump this anymore, lol. It's stupid.

>> No.7469213
File: 182 KB, 500x358, tumblr_lznsblFkJ21qa5t8no1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she could learn to blend a little better and maybe go just a shade darker, but over all, there is worse makeup than this one persons.
Found this on tumblr.

>> No.7469222

>ignores question, spouts more bs

Good whiteface, go home.

This is almost impressive. Granted going out in public is a big no but to even consider something so hideous deserves recognition

>> No.7469229

God you are a cunt. Jesus. Lmao, April Fools I hope....

>> No.7469237

If you can't take it anon then stop replying, it's pretty fucking simple. Then again you don't know how to blend foundation so I guess it may be a challenge for you.

>> No.7469239

You need to calm yourself, really. There's no reason to get this angry, especially over this.

>> No.7469243
File: 45 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n1txn1tlZ71qdjrzeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might not be bad but the eye thing is stupid and I hate clowns.

>> No.7469248

You've been shitting up this thread.
Look, it's been pretty 50/50 sweetie.
Some people (you) think her makeup is terribad, and at least two others besides that anon have agreed that it's not the worst makeup already.

Do we need motherfucking guidelines like in the ita thread?
>>7469213 THAT is bad makeup.
>>7467689 THAT is bad makeup.
This thread definitely has some vendetta in it.

>> No.7469249

I'm not angry, just amused. Certainly not the one calling people cunts.

The clown.. Yeah they give me the creeps too. The eyes are pretty busy, could do with a bit less going on for sure.

>> No.7469251

I'm not that anon but please shut up. Who cares if it's not ~that bad~ someone doesn't agree with you, okay, good for you, move on with your life.

>> No.7469252

>calls someone whiteface
>surprised when someone shoots back an insult
The epitome of 4chan maturity.

>> No.7469255

>I'm not that anon but please shut up.
I don't have to.
>>"If you can't take it anon then stop replying, it's pretty fucking simple."

Man up or shut up :^)

>> No.7469261

This isn't bad makeup.

If you want to have a "Stupid" makeup thread then make one and post in that. But bad? No, clearly they had a creative purpose to do their makeup like that.
There's a theme to each, and both show that they know technique.

>> No.7469264

No you don't have to, but no one has to agree with your opinion either. You're just arguing to argue at this point.

>> No.7469268
File: 215 KB, 720x1280, 1396386357987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here some more gold. Apparently.... they went out of their house with this on.

>> No.7469271
File: 142 KB, 720x1280, 1396386437480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7469282

Two people have agreed.
Now sit down.

>> No.7469287

>Amon Amarth band tee
>skelly phone case
>ironically wearing anime makeup
She's awesome.

>> No.7469300

More than two people actually, on both sides. People disagree, it happens, stop prolonging it by constantly trying to get the last word.
I think this falls into the category of stupid, not bad. It actually looks pretty skillfully done.

>> No.7469326
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 1396387803620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not really anime or cosplay related, but I have a "friend" who things she's a professional MUA. Not to mention she is mental and a fatty.

>> No.7470047
File: 731 KB, 615x828, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me giggle

>> No.7470052
File: 405 KB, 355x600, umm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im scared