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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 87 KB, 580x773, 14010803_41-580x773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7431251 No.7431251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/ what do you think about Ushijima Iiniku?

>> No.7431256

Not sure if its due to lighting, but I always saw the top and bottom as being the same color. The top part here seems to be a few shades lighter than the skirt.

>> No.7431260

shes good at what she does

though i'd much prefer her to use wigs more often.

>> No.7431263
File: 14 KB, 360x367, 1394931417332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photoshopped old lady

>> No.7431266


Looks cute to me.

>> No.7431268
File: 245 KB, 1146x819, 14010803_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is still hot.

>> No.7431274
File: 254 KB, 671x547, 1394931867999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a photoshopped picture to prove why

Yeah you show them!!!

>> No.7431276
File: 254 KB, 960x1280, 1387890235841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care in the least. Maybe I have yellow fever, w/e.
I find the whole exhibitionism thing she has going on absurdly hot, though.
>tfw you will never run into a qt Asian girl in Akiba, hiking up her skirt and telling everybody to look her her panties

>> No.7431277
File: 887 KB, 1440x1552, 1394931989733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her webshop (I assume it's hers, anyway) has some pretty cute stockings though they probably wouldn't fit on my fat American calves

>> No.7431280
File: 152 KB, 666x1000, 1394932110272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never reach puberty after seeing a qt girl wearing next to nothing having a photoshoot on your school's athletic field

>> No.7431285

Those look like shitty dA weeb chibis.

>> No.7431290

Those look disgusting.

>> No.7431298
File: 156 KB, 665x1000, 1394932813135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never gangbang a 3DPD exhibitionist cosplay qt with a half-dozen of your closest buddies

>> No.7431328


>> No.7431335

I can just see an annoyed dude standing there change in his hand waiting for them to leave but too polite to say anything

>> No.7431612

Porn aside, that is the most amazing GANTZ girl I've ever seen. Months of /fit/ will help me achieve this someday.

>> No.7431621

I wish I was as thin as her.

>> No.7431837
File: 143 KB, 500x375, 1394953301790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

55 1/2 cm! Some old lady eh?

If you look at pictures of her apartment you'll see an "ab-roller" she never puts away.

>> No.7431855

The people in the background of this photoset always crack me up

>> No.7431884

in Japan it's basically SHAME ON YOU but they won't do anything about it directly
you are supposed to have self-shame and self-censor yourself. clearly she gives zero fucks.

>> No.7431886

>self censor yourself
Sorry anon, I giggled

>> No.7431991

She's a whore but she's a fucking sexy whore

>> No.7432001

ab rollers dont make your waist thinner.

>> No.7432041

It's weird that in Japan, cosplaying is an actual profession that only male models and female porn actresses do. I'm sure they think that we gaijin are weird that we tolerate our teenagers and children dressing up the way they do.

>> No.7432047

It's totally not. That's just the part that makes its way over to the English-speaking internet.

>> No.7432052

Can you link these? *-*

>> No.7432057

> Googling lincle chan socks is so hard, guys.

>> No.7432064

So you're saying that casual cosplayers exist in Japan but you don't have proof.

>> No.7432087

Nope. I scoured the internet but couldn't find one picture of Japanese cosplayers. I don't think they exist.

>> No.7432102


You're stupid.

>> No.7432125

>in Japan, cosplaying is an actual profession that only male models and female porn actresses do
Please stop presenting your weeby internet-induced assumptions as fact.

>> No.7432329

Have you ever looked at the scans from CosMode? There are plenty of shit-tier casual Japanese cosplayers.

>> No.7432358

I've seen actual gifs of her and she looks how she does in >>7431276 and >>7431280 in them.
Maybe in your post in the before she just looked like shit that day.

>> No.7432362

Anyone know where to dl her videos without getting 3264645 viruses? I usually only like jgv but her videos I could definitely fap to.

>> No.7432446

What are her legs doing? How is that possible?

>> No.7432543
File: 72 KB, 873x581, Asuka-Plugsuit_Iiniku_ushijima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's only looked good in those latex EVA plugsuits.

You know, a major reason to not look at her face.

>> No.7432571

The font for "TEST" looks like comic sans and that bothers me to no end.

>> No.7432831

I have a similar view. The wig thing is about branding, though. It's about pulling in money by being a recognizable brand rather than accurately portraying each character. Her hair is kind of her signature thing.

I like her a lot because she's got an amazing body and her costumes are usually really good. She's just kind of a step above the other cosplay models who wear halfassed shiny satin costumes just to take them off. I think she said somewhere she does it to afford cosplay and other anime hobby stuff, so there's a little more care than with most.

>> No.7432902

Basically confirms what I said. Look at how professional the cosplayers, even casual ones, are in Glorious Nippon compared to the amateurish trash that is Americans. Sugoi~

>> No.7432927

it probably is
remember, this is the same country that keeps fucking up R and L on official merchandise and spellings

if they don't have spellcheck they sure as hell don't have someone to tell them that Comic Sans is bad

>> No.7434338

I think she is a deluded whore. Broken beyond repair.

>> No.7434350

>ive seen gifs
>doesnt post


>> No.7434363
File: 16 KB, 337x228, HEHEHE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7434483
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x2250, ushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7436241

>all this pornography
Men are fuckign scum.

>> No.7436267
File: 9 KB, 242x242, 1285362266965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7436292
File: 53 KB, 500x668, 581rchp8uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7436296

What's that weird line on her hip?

>> No.7436298

They're single scum though. They won't breed.

>> No.7436306
File: 145 KB, 499x750, hz66XsZ1ryj609o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, misandrist.

>> No.7436309

They're called hip bones, most humans have them.

>> No.7436318

So she only has one.

>> No.7436329

Jesus I don't know if you're just plain stupid or if I'm the stupid one for replying

>> No.7436338

Pick whichever you want, there is still a dark line on her hip.

>> No.7436345

low bf % + muscle = defined hip bone "lines" that you're seeing

>> No.7436347

Looks like shes going to drop a deuce. Thats not a toilet girl.

>> No.7436352

why can't I see her butthole

>> No.7436357

I think shes wearing tights.

>> No.7436365

damn, we don't have tights where I live that will separate the cheeks like that. They just kind of sit on top of the butt crack instead of dipping into it

>> No.7436372

I don't think so.
If she was wearing tights, we wouldn't see the darkened 'bends' on the back of her knees so clearly. Think it might have just been edited.

>> No.7436385

99.9% of her pictures are photoshopped. That's why you can't see shit here either. >>7434483

She still has a great body for her age even though her face really does look like the one on the right here: >>7431274

>> No.7436390

.....she looks like my aunty no joke.

>> No.7436400

That looks scary.

Does anyone's ass cheeks /actually/ pull apart like that? Like... woah.

>> No.7436402


yea its called being really thin with no ass

>> No.7436408

She's old enough to be everyone's aunty.

>> No.7436409

that's what happens when you stick out your ass

>> No.7436429


Panties too tight; left indention.

>> No.7436432
File: 2.77 MB, 336x252, bishop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That only makes her hotter!

>> No.7436466

M...mine do... I thought that was normal? But I guess my body is really similar to hers so...

>> No.7436477

>ab rollers dont make your waist thinner.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that while stuffing Mc Donnald's Royals in your face.....

Fatties gonna hate.....

>> No.7436548

It's impossible to spot reduce fat. All an ab roller does is strengthen your ab muscles for people too lazy to do crunches.

>> No.7436552

Can't tell if that's some weird scrunchie garter on her left thigh or a misplaced pair of undies or...??

>> No.7436558

shh, it's probably just a troll. Just go deadlift your worries away.

>> No.7436612


(that's what you wanted to hear, isn't it, you bitch)

>> No.7436634

Lmao, all the jappo nerds ignoring her. Videya games come first.

>> No.7436654

Doesn't almost any petite girl's but do that though? Mine lifts in the same way and to my knowledge it's common if your butt is petite but not flat.

>> No.7436667

Is this fucking bait? Each and every one of those guys would kill anybody to throw a quick fuck into her. It's obvious as fuck that it's staged.

>> No.7436682

what is an abroller?

>> No.7436691 [DELETED] 

Unless she's left handed (saying this because the computer in the back), the eye on Senkestsu is on the wrong side and it bugs me. Why do people keep doing this?

>> No.7436719

It's called ballet

>> No.7436749


dat pussy doe

brb fapping

>> No.7436773

You guys realize that she admits to photoshopping her pictures, right? Everyone knows that her day job is photoshopping the girls on AV covers, so it's kind of obvious that she'd do the same to her own photos. She's even posted tutorials on her blog before.

>> No.7436775

Still though, shows that old bitches be hot, nigga.

>> No.7436776

She told me she bought 50 dildoes off ebay and sucked them all.

Why don't you source instead of spouting loads of shit?

>> No.7436782

She has a weird little body and her face is fuggo, but people seem to like it and hey, she's making $$$ so why not? More power to her.

>> No.7436824

How old is she then? Since you are all talking about how old she is.

>> No.7436825

You can find a lot of her vids on YouTube if you still think she's only attractive cuz Photoshop. Unless she shops every frame of her videos, I think she's just legit hot.

>> No.7436826

It is called having no ass

>> No.7436851

She ought to have abs if they were doing any tho if this were the case

>> No.7436855

Hip bones don't go like that, that area is the pelvis and literally a cavity.
This shit looks like part and Adonis belt. OP had zero reason to be confused.

>> No.7436869

I don't think you know how abs work.

>> No.7436892

Yes I do.
She has low bf% and flat as fuck for anyone to suggest she uses an ab roller a lot.

>> No.7436950


It's not like you can read Japanese anyways.

>> No.7439470
File: 767 KB, 900x1200, 1395238839368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is an abroller?
See red circle...

This high-impact exercise strengthens your abdominals.

>> No.7439485
File: 40 KB, 480x640, 20120104-3m-3-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She ought to have abs

Fan-pic not shopped!

>> No.7439551

She looks like a /fit/ Nevada-tan.

>> No.7439555

Holy shit.

>> No.7443203


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.7443244

Then you should fucking know that EVERYONE has abs. Doing ab exercises isn't going to make them bigger or make you "get" abs. It's entirely dependent on BF%.

>> No.7443268

I am a girl and have 14% body fat percentage and you can't see my abs. Back when I used to exercise them 2 years ago you could though.
And you really don't think muscles don't get bigger when you exercise them? Arms get bigger if you lift, legs get bigger if you run, and abs are no different. They get bigger and more defined if you exercise just like any other muscle.

>> No.7443270

I would fuck her.

No homo.

>> No.7443274

That's what I implied. Of course everyone has abs. For someone supposedly using one a lot they should have more visible abdominals standing. Calm it.

>> No.7443636

lame as always

>> No.7444287
File: 42 KB, 702x394, 1395443754544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know if she went to south korea and got jawbone surgery, she would look just like her photoshopped pics.