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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 109 KB, 375x500, rocketloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7429299 No.7429299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>7421195

>Frill la Frill
>Shingeki no Summerfags
>My EGL Can't Possibly Be This Summer (seriously, it's March)

>> No.7429316

Why is (most) everyone being so nicey-nice about this influx of summer asshattery? I'm hating it!

>> No.7429324


Could these work in a casual coord? In pink or black.

Also I would like to see someone make a coord with this sweatshirt

>> No.7429335
File: 73 KB, 316x1185, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare you.

>> No.7429339

Sure, if it's a fairy kei co-ord.

>> No.7429342

if only I had a larger disposable income :(

>> No.7429345

It's tipsy shitty titty kitty kei.

>> No.7429346

50 shades of pink

>> No.7429347

Because they're adults.
Stop digging into this, it's getting worse than on /b/.

>> No.7429350

Ikr? It's not speshul enuff if you don't mix your shades u no...the contrasts help it stand out while still staying all kawaii pinku-pinku!

>> No.7429356

Well in the past, I've seen adults politely refer new people with redundant newbie questions to the resources instead of answering the threads.

>> No.7429531 [DELETED] 

Has anyone else noticed the chick from Toronto who puts all her dresses on a dress form that is open really widely?
She makes the dresses look so unappealing, ugh...
Definitely turned me off from some dresses that I thought I might like.

>> No.7429536

Has anyone else noticed the lacemarket chick from Toronto who puts all her dresses on a dress form that is open really widely?
She makes the dresses look so unappealing, ugh...
Definitely turned me off from some dresses that I thought I might like.

>> No.7429539

Yeah, I really like the MM St. Clair op but just can't buy hers because of that godawful proof photo.

>> No.7429547

all that stretched out brand..

>> No.7429552

Yeah I wanted it too, but it's such a wrinkly mess and the proof photo is so shitty... Anyone who's too lazy to make their clothes look nice long enough to take a sales photo is no one I wanna deal with.

>> No.7429597

All 3 she is selling b/c they are too small for her so this is probably her dress form and they are tied or pinned closed at the back. Likely, looking at the wrinkles in the MM.

>> No.7429607


>> No.7429825

You mean the egl mod? lol.

>> No.7429831


>> No.7429836

On the note of lacemarket, I hate to bring Her up and cause a shitstorm again, but... are people aware rosaire is autretemps? I only noticed because they're using the same proof photo to sell a DDC set on tumblr and lacemarket.

Only curious since I remember that account being mentioned here during some other drama/thread and it's a name she hasn't used before/most people don't associate with her.

>> No.7429953

Who cares. You sound like a psychotic stalker now. I bet you have a word document on your desktop with every alias she has ever used. Creeper alert.

>> No.7429956

Eh, I don't think this is the usual troll. Name is spelt right and the post isn't complete bullshit.

Yeah, I think everyone knows, seriously though if you aren't the troll try not to bring her up unless anything new surfaces.

>> No.7429967

Hi rosaire. Stop trying to hide so you can scam people. Ship your packages, cunt.

>> No.7429976

Thank you, I didn't know. I don't ever want to buy from her.

>> No.7429979

Does anyone know all her aliases so the community can be aware to avoid this scamming bitch?

>> No.7429984

Yeah, that came up mostly during the Mikarin/Yunni drama. She's not really made an attempt to hide it, though it's not like she publicizes it either.

>> No.7429988

What do you think would happen if she did? Look at what happens to threads when her name is just brought up. I wouldn't go around advertising it, either.

>> No.7429994

OP here, and this is the only reason I posted to point it out. I think people have the right to know who they're buying from, if the person has a history. That's all.

>> No.7429996
File: 44 KB, 480x594, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I remember awhile back Cadney's friend came to visit her or something and CGL said that they were totally going to bang.

Those two are dating now.

>> No.7430002

>So I remember awhile back Cadney's friend came to visit her or something and CGL said that they were totally going to bang.
I don't remember this at all...? Got an archive or an idea how to search for it?

>> No.7430016

actually it was on secrets a coule weeks back too. I do remember this. She made it up to seem they had been friends since childhood and said a lot of stuff about how they were more like brother and sister and there was never anything romantic or something. Then, well...

>> No.7430038

Thoughts on new I.W pieces up for reserve?

>> No.7430040

for me there's nothing notable, usual IW-esque comfy wardrobe fillers.

>> No.7430043

Agreed. Though I like the cut of the underbust JSK up for reservation. IW's underbusts are really cute and flattering.

>> No.7430048

Yeah, most of IW's cuts are really flattering and comfortable on most people but just they look absolute shit in their stock photos, I wish they'll take better stock photos.

>> No.7430071

I think she posted in the BST thread here as well? It's a shame because I want to buy something from her but I don't want to risk it.

>> No.7430074

Do you think that they might end up in the oddment packs?

>> No.7430216
File: 35 KB, 480x576, 437807125.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here own an AP skirt similar to this Fairy Marine skirt? What are the max measurements like?
It's frustrating because they never say the max. It says 64cm~ as a minimum, but the picture has a boatload of shirring in the back

>> No.7430226

What is she, five years old?

>> No.7430250
File: 105 KB, 707x661, skirt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain what's going on with The Snow Field and their Wolf in Frame release? I thought she was going to be making more sometime this month but I haven't seen any...am I supposed to send her an email or something?

>> No.7430265

I thought the reservation period for it was back in January? Even so, it's been a wile since there was an update on it

>> No.7430268

Link or source?

>> No.7430271

Oh, so it's for the reservation only people?
Darn, it's just usually when indie brands do rereleases they put up a few things for regular sale too. Guess I had my hopes set too high.

>> No.7430285

Can't hurt to check if there's some on the site or send an email anyway.

>> No.7430296

damn, cadney, that angle is not flattering your manchin at all.
these two look like a couple who decided it would be funny to cross-dress for a halloween costume.

>> No.7430293

>fairy marine

>> No.7430313

Hah, totally called it. She broke up with the black dude for Brad.

>> No.7430361

I thought Brad had a girlfriend, I didn't realize they had broken up.
Well, my oh my. Cadney picked a hot one.

>> No.7430409

I know. It seems like most lolitas have butt ugly boyfriends.

>> No.7430496


not that much unfortunately. it's high/mid-high waist cut, and the max is around 70-72 (same as little bird's symphonia)

>> No.7430501 [DELETED] 

>hot one

In what world is he hot? He's not ugly, but look at that thin scene hair and that feminine face.

>> No.7430507

I wanted this so bad.

>> No.7430526

Ugh, why do they make skirts so small? Even Meta, IW, and Baby occasionally pop out a few fully shirred ones...

>> No.7430541

I'm strongly considering the Nakamura set (sans the necklace because I could get that on Etsy for pennies). The little details like the pleated under-layer in the skirt and the lace inserts on the blouse sleeves really appeal to me.

>> No.7430551
File: 252 KB, 500x600, apskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I don't think I can pull of a 70cm waist... maybe with a corset or really really tight spanx top...
I want this... Aaaaaaaand it's gone.

>> No.7430574

Talking about sizes, I'd love to own a BBTSSB bolero, but the size only goes up to 80cm around the bust.
My minimum is 92cm, maybe I can push it to 90. Is that somehow managable, or will I only end up looking stupid?

>> No.7430580

Really? I feel like IW is one of the worst offenders when it comes to boxy cuts. Their JSKs look awkward and unflattering if you have boobs.

>> No.7430586

This. Even the designer has a boobloaf. Their fitted pieces are fantastic, but shirred pieces always look wonky on me.

>> No.7430602

I had bookmarked an Innocent World headdress on Mbok that I was interested in and just found something weird.

It had been relisted at least 5 times at 2500 yen within the past month, maybe longer. It ended up going for 3500 yen with 5 bids. It seems like From Japan, Japonica and some random got into a bidding war on it. Why no one wanted it when it kept getting relisted at 2500 yen beats me.

>> No.7430606

Baby boleros don't have a max bust size of 80 CM, where did you hear that? 92 is probably fine, but you don't want to stretch it out so it loses it's shape. It depends on the cut of it. I have a Moitie bolero that fits my 90 CM bust and it fits me really well. I'm scared that it looks like it doesn't fit me though as the ribbon isn't meant to close all the way and actually can't without warping it out of shape, haha.

>> No.7430609

I think he's kinda weird looking. He looks like a gay Russian fashionista.

>> No.7430612

It says 80cm in the online store, so maybe that's a minimum size. The one I'm eying should be pretty flexible, so if I don't stretch it out forcefully I think I should be fine.
Thanks anon!

>> No.7430614

I hate it when brands do that. Most brand skirts are too small for me (damn all those 64-68 cm skirts) and I bought a Meta one that I really loved from Fairy Angel last year. I was planning on altering it as I thought it wouldn't fit, but it was massive. Probably because Meta used to be a plus size brand though.

>> No.7430621

Most likely, they often normally only list the minimum or ideal measurement. 80 CM max would be really small even for Japanese girls. If it has a ribbon to tie it closed with I think it will almost definitely fit - unless you have linebacker shoulders. Good luck!

>> No.7430630
File: 622 KB, 678x1024, 1394906272149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reservations end soon. I know some seagulls bought fabric but has anyone reserved the jsk/op?

>> No.7430644
File: 73 KB, 312x358, 96443_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am planning on wearing this dress today, however, this is the only acceptable a-line petti I own. I love the look on the dummy, but if you imagine putting a person's hips and legs inside of this do you think it will be just a massive poof and too big? I can attempt to take a picture of me wearing it in a couple hours but I just wanted to know if anyone has used the 'super explosive a-line' from CP before with a dress? I don't see many people talking about that specific petti, usually the med or casual poof ones instead.

link to stock item http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-189500549.49.dmliIc&id=9259665184

>> No.7430652

>the dreaded CP epic poof a-line.

Try it on with the petti and post that, I think it looks awesome, but I love a lot of poof.

>> No.7430657

ok give me a couple of hours to get settled back at my apartment and I'll toss it on and try and get a shot. Warning, it may be a terrible, me standing on the damn toilet to show the skirt, kind of picture

and googling, funnily enough, brings up the thread we talked about this petti last time lol

>> No.7430691

Meta skirts are really effin small I think. IW has skirts that would fit me without a problem, until I get one I have to wear a corset.

>> No.7430695

Really? It depends on when it was made and whether or not it has shirring, I guess. The ones I have are partially shirred. All brand skirts without shirring are on the smaller side though.

Actually, I think there's a few Meta skirts with maximum waists of 24" which is pretty small.

>> No.7430710

I think you're right, I've only recently started looking into their skirts.

>> No.7430712

Oh dear, my shoulders and arms are on the bigger side, though. I'm only 159cm, but I work out a lot. Shoulders would be okay I guess, but I hope the sleeves aren't too tight.

>> No.7430725
File: 50 KB, 388x275, IMG_20140315_143531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that turned out better than I expected. I apologize for the fabreeze. I guess it's fine poof wise. Of course, CP's awesome quality control and all, I forgot it was shipped to me with a huge hole in one of the tiers so I'll need to serg it up before I head out later.

>> No.7430732

Speaking of CP, has anyone been experiencing problems with them?
I'm doing a TB order with my friend and CP hasn't been responding at all, even though it's been a few weeks.
She tried messaging them through the SS, and even used another SS to message them in case CP just hates taobaospree, but no reply.

>> No.7430743

If they're not massive it should be fine, my are on the larger side too. The material will likely stretch so if you're not really ripped and bulky it should be flattering.

>> No.7430761

Nooo, black dude was cool.

>> No.7430763

Well, I can still re-sell it. I'm just nor sure what color yet... Hard descisions... Thanks for your advice!

>> No.7430798

I reserved the jsk on a whim. Sort of regret it.

>> No.7430935

Got my first completely solid colored JSK a couple of days ago, and I'm in love. All the different ways to coord it!

>> No.7431611

I'm an average size for brand (32-24-34) yet I look so fucking fat in every full back shirred JSKs I buy from AP and it's frustrating me. I lack a waist already and it becomes nearly nonexistent when I wear these dresses ugh

>> No.7431635

Maybe something a line or more fitted would work. Perhaps even a corsetted skirt?

>> No.7431655

or even low waist dresses since it allows the waist to be taken in at the waist and flares out closer to the hips

pictures might help

>> No.7431661

Really? I don't find the ones I've had very flattering... they don't have very much structure and hit me at an awkward place mid-to-upperbust. Never felt very underbust to me. I actually prefer their "unflattering" box cuts, because my torso is a box heh

>> No.7432077

Received a broken ring from AP international. Any luck of getting it replaced or should I just glue it? For some reason I kept thinking I had heard of someone who had the same thing happen and they were happy to replace the item... but it would make more sense to stand by the whole 'we are not responsible for damages during shipping' though.

>> No.7432115

I didn't know that was average size for brand. I have almost the same measurements and a lot of brand is too big. You might want to look for smaller pieces, or cuts that emphasize curves like an a-line with princess seams (although that's way more common in classic than sweet).

>> No.7432163

I just got this from Tokyo Alice. I think they're just asking to confirm the order but they already asked me to do that. The money has gone from my bank account now too. Should I just say that I want to confirm the order for the second or third time or just leave it?

It's so much easier when you order through email but I knew the items would sell out if I didn't use the cart.


<NAME> 様

この度、Tokyo Alice 楽天市場店において下記の手続きが完了しましたのでご連絡させていただきます。

ご不明な点がございましたら、ショップ「Tokyo Alice 楽天市場店」までお問い合わせください。

Then it lists the shipping address and items I ordered.t

>> No.7432172

I know the deer lolita trend seems to be a bit played out, but I really love it. So I was wondering what you guys would think about lolita accessories made from real deer parts? My dad is really big on hunting (deer are considered pests here) and sometimes the deer kind of goes to waste because he kills more than we eat. So I was thinking I could try to put the bodies to use by maybe using some of their fur for trims, collars, etc. I also really love the idea of using small antlers for headbands.

>> No.7432175
File: 82 KB, 480x640, B38HA921-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432178

I think this is an automatic email the cart system sends? Seems to be checking that you don't need to make any changed to your order.

>> No.7432182

I noticed this too.
Kind of want someone to rate my boyfriend now, I know you become blind to how attractive someone actually is when you have an emotional connection to them.
I don't even know what grade I am, though. Too scared to get /soc/ to rate me.

>> No.7432190
File: 64 KB, 533x800, alice01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have mixed feelings about this dress... not sure if I want to get it

>> No.7432196

You want it.

I think it would make for a cool guro dress, actually.

>> No.7432204


Pretty sure they'll replace it. Just email them with photos of your broken ring.

>> No.7432232

Oh come on, who cares if other people think your boyfriend's ugly?

>> No.7432239

I find the legs really fucking creepy/weird.

But like >>7432196 said, it'd make an amazing guro dress because of it!

There was a great guro thread going on for a while (with cool ideas other than the whole "white dress spattered red paint" shit).

>> No.7432240

ok I used the 'inquiry' form, but there isn't a place to add pictures but I did say I had a picture. So I hope i get a reply.

>> No.7432244

this is cgl, what'd you expect?

>> No.7432242

it's like they are hiding a gaggle of children under the skirt. Reminds me of some weird/silly play from a long time ago and there's a woman in a huge dress and people keep coming out from under her skirt

>> No.7432246

Dumb question, but I could really use some help on this

How do I calculate shipping from the us to Australia?

>> No.7432249

I got reminded of really creepy jewelry on the old guro thread made of limbs from dolls (like leg/arm bracelets, necklaces featuring a torso)... Almost like the underskirt makes it look like a bunch of legs are dangling from the dress. I'd love to see this in a guro coord.

>> No.7432250


There was a bit of negative reaction when a lolita posted that she wanted to use bits of roadkill to make lolita accessories with. I think the idea of a lolita "princess doll" picking up a dead cat from the highway and then chopping up the dirty, rotting dead body to extract bits of bones to make something to wear with expensive frills kind of ruffled some feathers. To add fuel to fire, when she first posted her question, she sounded like she had no experience with handling dead animals, so people kind of wondered exactly what she was doing, how hygienic her process was, if she was using her kitchen knife on rotting roadkill before cooking dinner, that kind of thing.

Anyhow, lolitas are fickle creatures and easily swayed by pretty pictures. So I say if you want to do it, just go ahead and do it. Then post beautiful, gorgeous photos of the end result. Don't bother asking egl if you should do it, don't bother asking tumblr if you should do it. Just do it, do it well, and then post beautiful results. Girls will be falling all over themselves at how awesome your skills are.
(Needless to say, if it's not beautiful, don't post it. )

If you're actually more worried about PETA-related drama, you could always leave out how you came by the deer, most lolitas would assume paperclay antlers and fake fur unless you actually tell them otherwise, or they have a chance to see and touch you up close.

>> No.7432252

this is kind of hilarious. I can't help but think of Lilith from Eva and the Obluda from Monster. It's a cute dress I guess but oh my god the legs are cracking me up so hard

>> No.7432279

>Reminds me of some weird/silly play from a long time ago and there's a woman in a huge dress and people keep coming out from under her skirt

The King and I....?
I remember the scene with her being introduced to and teaching the Siamese children yet they kept trying to peek underneath her dress because they thought that the petticoat shape was how her real body was shaped too.

>> No.7432280

People are shitty about fur whatever you do. If you're hunting for meat anyway there's no reason not to use the fur. Antlers are cool anyway since they fall off.

I actually kind of want to see an ott co-ord with a full-size antler headpiece. It'd need some serious thought on the construction but could be neat. Or maybe an ouji outfit with antlers and a doe lolita.

>> No.7432284


Say that you foraged the antlers from when deer shed during spring. That's what most people do for their antler carvings and sculptures.

Problem solved, for antlers at least. I'd honestly just lie in some form or another about the rest of the stuff. There's a good chance there'll be a vegan lifestyle lolita in your group so I wouldn't risk it. I'm kind of envious of you though - always wanted to work with real deer antlers.

>> No.7432286

nah, this was like... some play shown briefly in that movie about Mozart... Amadeus is the movie's name. Mozart is in some shitty theater watching this insane play, and since it's a period piece I can only assume the play was real?

>> No.7432287

So if I don't reply then they'll just ship it out? They already asked me manually.

>> No.7432302
File: 128 KB, 470x800, legsdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some photoshop for you anon.

I had some trouble with the dress length, it says 90cm on the website but it doesn't look right. I think 90cm is the dress itself and then I guessed the legs part to be calf-length, more or less).

Hope it helps.

>> No.7432304


uhhh and the model is a random lolita from the internets. I just grabbed a photo where the girl was facing forward and wearing a white blouse.

>> No.7432309

I was thinking that one part in Nutcraker when all those kids come out of her dress and dance

>> No.7432366
File: 9 KB, 259x195, WHOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, does anybody here has Orion op from IW? I have an opportunity to buy it, but with waist ties missing. Are they replaceble? I need some advice.

>> No.7432376

You could make them really, really easily, or just use ribbons.
If you like the dress and the price reflects that they're missing, go for it.

If you're buying it just for resell, don't bother, you're not going to get replacements.

>> No.7432385

I plan on buying it as soon as I can manage to save some money, and I'm not sure exactly how I'll coord it yet, but I was going to go something like Tim Burton's Alice type accessories, since that was insanely creepy. I found a great bronze Jabberwock necklace, but it was like $300 and no.

Probably just use a blonde wig, and I was considering using striped tights and mary-janes to match the legs on the dress.

I really love VV's Wonder Stripe OP but that red is hideous on me.

>> No.7432391

Thank you so much. Well, it misses the neck ribbon too so i possibly could make waist ties and ribbon from the same material. Gotta buy my poor dreamdress.

>> No.7432451

>buy blouse, listed as NWOT
>receive yesterday, pull out, take quick picture with other mail items
>come back to clear off bed, want to put blouse on dummy with dress I bought it for
>two fucking holes, one on each side of the back panel (on the seams) and brown stain near top

So this has never happened to me before. I am safe in terms of Paypal since it wasn't gift and it's only been two weeks since the payment. I've sent a message to the seller already. And I even checked the packaging for holes and there aren't any. But what if the seller tries to say I like... I don't know, something along the lines of 'you must have worn it and ripped it' even though I've only had it for a day? I just don't know how they could have listed it nwot and not seen the holes and stain.... I guess I'll just file a claim if they don't want to resolve it peacefully? I don't want a ripped stained blouse at all. I am more than happy to send it back since there's no way I'm wearing it like this.

>> No.7432493

I'd buy it if it was reasonably priced.

>> No.7432592

I wouldn't agree that's average, maybe average for a Small. Average seems to be closer to 34-26? Which is about a Medium there.

>> No.7432610

I guess you're right, anon.

>> No.7432622

Deer anon, please please please do not lie about where the materials come from. There are some people (like myself) who don't personally agree with the use real fur and try to avoid using/consuming things from dead animals, who aren't PETA-level weirdos about other people doing it. Trying to trick someone into buying something made out of a real animal would be an incredibly shitty thing to do.

>> No.7432658


Ah, whoops, I gave the advice based on her wearing the items, not that she would be selling it, since she said the trend is overdone I didn't think she was going to try and sell them to a market that's already tired of them.

I agree, if it's for sale then the source of the item needs to be as honest as possible.

>> No.7432696

Thank you. I'll try for the ones with corset lacing or low waist dresses.

Ah I feel misinformed then. I made a post on here with my measurements in the past to voice my concern about dresses being too loose on me. A vast majority of anons told me to shut up because my size was of the average Japanese girl / "it fits them just fine, your size is nothing special" or something stupid.

>> No.7432707

I assumed she was talking about selling since she mentioned multiples of items (like headband_s_ and I can't imagine someone needing multiple antler headbands just for their own use). My bad if my assumption was wrong - if she is just wearing them herself, then a white lie on the source is not a big deal.

>> No.7432716

It's about as average as being an 'average small' is in the US (which is around the medium for lolita, so...). Not especially undersized, but not the common "medium". But any smaller than you and I'd say that's especially small.

>> No.7432724

I feel like buying this and cutting off the shitty legs

>> No.7432773
File: 122 KB, 292x282, 1395005268197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432815

Asking again in new thread. Has anyone heard of a lolita or Otome brand called simple? Seller on FB has a dress by the brand.

>> No.7432833

Someone answered you in a previous thread, it's a Polish offbrand. Search the archive.

>> No.7432837



>> No.7432845



>> No.7433398

nice photoshop - it really helps, thanks!

>> No.7433839
File: 103 KB, 1280x718, Happy Graham Cracker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this from, and how do I buy it. I want it.

>mfw people still talking about the guro thread i hijacked into guro inspo

>> No.7433856
File: 173 KB, 470x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433858

It's by vierge vampur: http://vierge-vampur.ocnk.net

>> No.7433875
File: 475 KB, 800x800, T2IuiiXt4aXXXXXXXX_!!20342669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you coord a salopette so that it doesn't look like fairy kei, but more like sweet loli?

I don't want to look too OTT

pic related its the salopette I'm thinking about buying

>> No.7433879

reminds me of this Swimmer bag


>> No.7434468

I had the same problem with them when I did an order with Taobaospree back in December. At the time, Susan said they had been having problems with them lately, so maybe it just got worse? It took them a month just to send two pettis that were in stock.

>> No.7434469

yeah, it says it's an automated message, so maybe it sends every time you send something to them? It does ask you to confirm your information though. Maybe do it again just in case, and if it pops up again, assume its just an automated thing.

>> No.7434472

I tried to order a petti form them a week ago and they said they were out of stock although they usually do custom orders.

>> No.7434486



>> No.7434496

70cm isn't small. Lose weight or buy indie.

>> No.7434505
File: 926 KB, 480x270, oh wait.. aww youu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70cm isn't small
>mfw I'm petite/small as fuck and have a 65cm waist

Okay, anon. You sure you aren't talking inches?

>> No.7434508

Yeeah. I recently bought a Meta skirt without checking the actual measurements and now I think I'm screwed because its two inches too small at what I hear the max is.
I'm mad at myself for not double checking. I really wanted to wear it for my birthday too...

>> No.7434540

Ssh leave the poor mentally ill thing be. She'll soon starve herself to death and we won't have to read her bullshit anymore.

>> No.7434572
File: 99 KB, 1038x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70cm ~ 27.5 inches. Not a 'small' even in amerifat clothing

>> No.7434583

Pretty much this. I'm not super skinny, and I'm about 170cm tall and my waist is at 64. I'm considered normal-sized at least where I live.

>> No.7434590

This. I didn't want to say anything, but 27.5 inches is definitely not a small, even to us Amerifats.

>> No.7434593

I feel 70cm is pretty normal for lolitas actually.

>> No.7434599

Exactly, about average, not super skinny, zomg so small. I'm not sure where that idea is even coming from, any size chart will tell you.

That said, new Lolitas come to a little surprise if they have been wearing stretch clothes like yoga or sweatpants, jeggings or jeans with Lycra and t-shirts a (stretched out) size smaller and find out unshirred brand doesn't stretch and shirred brand has a stretch limit.

Maybe that's partially to blame? I'm not saying over 70 is 'zomg, blimposaur' just that 70 really isn't that small, relatively speaking.

>> No.7434601

That chart for US sizes is so vanity sized. 12 and 14 is usually considered Extra Large. Above a 14 is Plus Size

>> No.7434605

I was trying to err on the generous side for mass market ready to wear and not grab a smaller chart so yep. But people will still fuss, I'm sure...

>> No.7434622

To be fair, that's really unaccurate. I have 29" waist and even size 6 can be so big that it literally falls down.

>> No.7434623

Going by walmart sizing doesn't actually say shit. Vanity sizes only exist for the middle and lower class.

>> No.7434625

Oh, probably! I just think its funny how we try to delude ourselves into thinking our sizes are universal.
Going into lolita means you have to face reality about yourself. A fact I learned all too well!

>> No.7434634

Size charts are just a guideline. I tried to hit a decent middle, not overly small or big. Of course it depends on the maker and the market. But the initial misconception was that 70cm waist is 'small' and it just isn't.

I think we all hit that wall if we don't usually wear fitted clothes often. Vintage Jessica McClintock is the same way though.
I have a Moitie skirt that won't even close on my s/m dress form when cranked all the way closed. Zomg, small. I have a Hello Kitty kids top from Target that's bigger. Sobering.

>> No.7434648

Yup. Its why I'm so mad at myself over the Meta skirt. I've had to face reality and tell myself"Girl, you're fat for burando. Lose weight. "

Its a good motivator at least. I have a month to try & lose the inches so I can wear it on my birthday!

>> No.7434662

Haha, and if only upper class gals tried to buy unshirred or les forgiving brand pieces then there would be a lot less whining because the sizes and fit are closer to designer RTW clothes. Ditto for fussing about prices! But realistically that's not usually the average case now, is it?

>> No.7434669

Good luck, Anon, that's the spirit. If you get close, you can corset the last inch until you've lost it all but keep at it regardless.

>> No.7434682

Thanks! Its definitely helped in the motivation area by having a goal now.
I'm around a size 10-12 in Amerifat sizes.

This is the heaviest I've ever been and its a miserable feeling! I don't know how people can be fine with being really obese.

>> No.7434688
File: 34 KB, 320x400, 1395069969872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could get rid of that huge lace and sew nicer lace on it.

>It's only $57

Talk me out of it, seagulls. I've wanted a dress in this design for fucking ever.

>> No.7434696
File: 37 KB, 320x400, 1395070249149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one has a nicer bodice, but I'm not sure how to feel about those sleeves...

>> No.7434697


> that lack of waist shape

>> No.7434699

Get the real thing, not the knock off, no comparison. It's even on LM right now...

>> No.7434704


> maroon

Dammit. Thanks anyways, anon. I'll just bide my time and wait for black.

>> No.7434709

The real one is much better than these ^, it will be worth it.

>> No.7434718


You're right. I didn't even notice that the second one was a direct replica of the MM dress until I saw the sleeves of the original, and now I feel bad.

>> No.7434719

I definitely saw the black ver on mbok or Y!j just a couple days ago, you could check and see if it's still around?

>> No.7434727



>> No.7434795
File: 491 KB, 1280x1920, 1395073492155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haenuli posted today about how they're opening a second reservation period for their new series because they've had SO many requests.

Is anyone else skeptical? I'm thinking they didn't get many requests at all so they're opening a second reservation period in hopes that more people will bite.

>> No.7434800

Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that sounded a little forced. Maybe if she had just taken the concrit she was given weeks ago...

>> No.7434801

You are the size of an average Japanese girl. Most lolita is designed to be worn quite a bit looser than western girls are used to, and are cut to fit best on a slender frame. The measurements are often misleading when approached from a western clothing mindset. I'm bigger than you are but within "brand range" (34" bust, 26.5" waist) and I have trouble with brands not fitting correctly, and I can't really wear VM, MM, etc, at all.

>> No.7434808

Thiiiis. The design is so forced and unappealing with the lolita mindset. It makes me think of a shit draping job more than anything.

>> No.7434824
File: 64 KB, 752x752, IMG_80713926275261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah definitely, especially with this Royal Label bull. She didn't have enough reservations to make them that's why she won't have any extras to sell after. Now trying to add a special label for extra special clothes.

>> No.7434827

I would love this dress so much if the top wasn't awful. I was really considering buying it just to turn into a skirt.

But yeah, I don't think that many people actually bought it, it's sort of.... terrible as-is.

I guess you could wear a cardigan to cover the top? eeeeeeh

>> No.7434934

It would make a beautiful skirt but yeah, that top is too beauty pageant/prom for me.

>> No.7434948

Don't feel bad, people often don't know. Be glad you caught it and know about the prettier one now. Lots of people don't find out about it until after they buy a knock off then wish they hadn't. It's not like a print replica and I guess they are cute enough if you are on a tight budget or need custom size but eh. Original is better in this case.

>> No.7434957

With the two prints, that's two bolts of fabric she's got to order and make cost effective took not just one bolt. I think this dress was a bad idea.

>> No.7434971

I'm surprised, I actually like Haenuli's new print. It's the kind of thing that would be perfect for fancier events in my normal life. But that just lends more to the argument it's not very lolita, so I can see why people don't like it. It looks like a normal fancy dress you could get off taobao only way more expensive.

>> No.7434978
File: 90 KB, 740x1110, haenuli ball of starlight side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think splitting off into a new label might be a good idea if she wants to make more non-lolita stuff, since Haenuli has established itself as a lolita brand. Heck, might even improve BoS's status a bit. Agreeing that the second reserve is faked though.

I keep thinking the bodice is way too busy and would never work on anyone with boobs but in this photo - idk, seems to be alright. Haenuli does tend to have bodice problems generally though, even without making their bodice by accident.

>However, I am glad to show you the new design, frankly I didn't used to make this design.
>This design was made with accident, cause the bodice print came so huge, so I was going to give up. But when I pin this fabirc to bodice it comes to lovely dress to me :)


I still kind of like it as a prom dress type deal in blue. The black bodice is just way too fug and why would you even make it in red

And there's very little to justify just getting the skirt version. It's way too dressy without a bodice or something, and the separate-purchase underskirt deal is lame.

>> No.7434981
File: 53 KB, 550x825, 1395077562211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a skirt version

>> No.7435096


Which isn't far off the JSK cost rise, and doesn't even include the chiffon underskirt.

>> No.7435111

never said it was a good skirt version

In fact I'm going to go ahead and say that the skirt alone looks pretty terrible somehow, never mind the rest of the deal with it. Probably something to do with the high waist/skirt length proportions

>> No.7435153

So how big is your waist now and what do you want to slim down to?

>> No.7435181
File: 103 KB, 960x960, 1395083128214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what socks or tights to wear with this outfit :(
I was thinking of just black vertical striped stockings, or maybe some flowery lacy tights.
This outfit is for a con so it'll be a little bit more over the top, especially with head wear, by the time I'm done. For the shoes I was thinking of attaching some pink roses down the front a la Jesus Diamante. Or should I change the shoes altogether?
Also ignore the apple, I was thinking "evil queen" but it didn't quite come across that way in pictures haha.

Other suggestions about my outfit are welcome as well, of course.

>> No.7435184

Which flowers? The flowers I was going to put on the shoes or the flower on my headdress?

>> No.7435183

Ditch the flowers and shoes, they don't flow with the dress at all.

>> No.7435193

Head flowers, they look just tacked-on. Unless you add more flower accessories, beyond shoe-clips, the flowers will just look too obvious and won't really belong.

>> No.7435203
File: 38 KB, 240x320, 2retu1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize now it looks a bit unclear, but I put one pink flower onto pic related and removed all the feathers. what do you suggest instead?

>> No.7435439

I don't know, the dress got pretty tumblr-popular. But then tumblr popularity by no means translates into actual sales.

>> No.7435549 [DELETED] 

deleting this post because I'm an idiot and forgot we had a coord help thread haha

>> No.7435597

because threads get derailed otherwise, because people just end up getting into arguments. Its easier and better to be mature and helpful.

>> No.7435605

>Kind of want someone to rate my boyfriend now,
Same. But at the same time I wont believe anyone who says hes not an 8-10. Love my hottie.

>> No.7435618

I don't advocate being mean or unhelpful, just that usually there is much more referral to material already written when noob topics are brought up . I think the comm getting derailed with general beginner help threads is also not a good idea.
I'd hate to see EGL comm just become yet another basic noob advice outpost. Seems a waste.

>> No.7435621

Wow, link to that?

And I'd say wear things that lean more towards the elegant side. Fairy kei would wear pastel OTKs (maybe mismatched or multiple pairs) lots of plastic accessories, and more hair accessories.

sweet lolita can be achieved with gold accessories and a more cohesive theme. You can wear sheer tights and cute girly low heels or teaparties with wristcuffs on your ankles (this looks better than it sounds, but of course, I understand that some people wont like it because its "wrong") and look sweet but nowhere near fairy kei. A modest hair accessory that is still sweet and not "normal". A baret would make it too otome, so a cute headband with nice styled hair would be better.

Your salopette in pic related doesnt suit fairy kei, anyway. Play on the offhwite and gold more, using the blue or pink as accents.

>> No.7435638

It's already mostly there though. Look at how many "Help me make my first coord" posts we've had lately.

EGL in general has dropped in quality since most of the girls from the old days have migrated to other platforms or left lolita entirely.

>> No.7435653

Those kinds of posts used to not be answered as much and posters were told by more experienced Lolitas to research more, to study up and then (not unkindly) pointed to resources, not answered by other noobs or taken vey seriously.

I guess I just hate to see a non-summer noob invasion taking hold and think EGL might just stay this way. There is no other real active non-beginner group or gathering place anymore. I thought some were hiding in Lacebook but apparently that's pretty dead too. It never has opened to the general community.

>> No.7435876

Thank you so much!

Do you think I could get away with white OTKs if i don't go overboard with the hair accessories


>> No.7435938

It's always a bad thing for designers to throw open the suggestion box but not take any suggestion. I had a feeling this was headed south then. Problem is, few small indie designers can afford many flops so I'm hoping for something much more conventional (at lest in shape) for her next release. I hope this dress isn't a sign of unique snowflake syndrome. The fashion won't stand for it as a whole. I think we may like some edgy prints sometimes but most of us like our traditional dress shapes too well to deviate this much.

>> No.7435959

Anyone in the US familiar with getting a damage report from the post office? AP international told me to claim insurance/refund for the broken ring they sent me I need to get a damage report from my local post office. Just curious if anyone else has had to do this before and how easy/hard it was.

Bad week for me, sheesh. Busted blouse sold to me NWOT and a broken ring.

>> No.7435990

Er, what? I have your measurements and own several VM dresses, they fit me great-to-slightly loose. Do you have a large cup size?

>> No.7436275
File: 161 KB, 860x607, teasetring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who here likes the tea set ring that I got at Springfest NY over the weekend?

>> No.7436312

your cuticles need to be cleaned up and id feel like i'd break the shit out of that thing since it would get caught on clothing/purse straps/etc

>> No.7436331

I think it's too busy and cluttered. The set looks like a hobby lobby dollhouse tea set I saw for $1 at the last clear-out sale. What are you wearing it with, I'm curious...

Ditto on 'get a mani' if you are going to show or wear jewelry, jeez. Kind of defeats the purpose if you have scraggly unkempt nails. Ugh.

>> No.7436375

Hey ladies, I'm looking for a short natural looking lolita wig (straight preferred, a bit of curl is fine). What sites would you reccomend? I thought I lurked enough to check sites but I only know mintymix and lockshop.

>> No.7436562

I'm pretty sure I have that exact same miniature tea set packed away somewhere. It looks way too busy all as one piece, but I should make myself some little rings out of the individual pieces

>> No.7436578
File: 192 KB, 500x753, 1395122751534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I get it or not get it? $285 for a plain dress by an indie brand makes me groan and I don't know when the Pegasus AP print is going to come out either. Advice?

>> No.7436589

get the one that will be harder to find in the future?

>> No.7436591

I'm not much a fan. It looks like someone decided a plain blouse could be a dress, but not hold it's own enough to not warrant a random belt. The belt just looks weird since it randomly cuts off the ruffles. It looks like a lot of Baby dresses I've seen, but in a solid color rather than different fabric choices in different areas, so it really looks weird.

>> No.7436592

Not unless you really really love that particular design. For $285 you could get a similar VM or IW dress brand new, or even two secondhand.

>> No.7436604

I tried that approach but ended up with "AP will be more expensive but easier to find but the DM dress will probably be more difficult to find". If no one buys the DM dress, there won't be one that I'd be able to find secondhand.

I see what you're saying.

I thought the same about IW and VM too. I like the design a lot but like you mentioned, the price.

I'm leaning towards not buying it now unless I impulse buy it last minute. Thanks anons for your thoughts.

>> No.7436624

I think it's too much for what it is, especially from an indie brand.

>> No.7436629

I think the lavender is interesting because we don't usually see a classic lolita dress cut in that color but if you're going for navy, I'd say skip it unless you really want it. I'd say it's a sign not to get it if you are asking about it.

>> No.7436664

I wonder how much money indie brands make and what their production is like. Which indie brand makes a lot of money? I think Vierge Vampur and Lief would make the most money out of the indie brands I know. They seem quite popular. I wonder how many of each items they make.

>> No.7436940

I'm at 29 now..would like to be 27 for now (and less later).

>> No.7436943


Can somebody who understands japanese please tell me what is wrong with this dress and why the price is so low? I tried google translate and I get that it's stained, but I don't understand if the stains can be fixed by dry cleaning it or not? Maybe the seller said something about it but translate missed it?

Thank you very much!


>> No.7436952

I don't think they make a lot of money. Production and materials cost a lot in a small scale and they can't take big risks. Already one or two unpopular series could possibly destroy them financially. I have a feeling indie brand owners do other jobs as well.

>> No.7436958

26-27 is a good goal, but whether anything smaller is feasible depends on your frame. Don't beat yourself up over numbers, okay?

>> No.7436959
File: 40 KB, 500x336, shrugawhosit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you call it out anyway the newfags get butt-thumped. They'll just report your post over and over again until yours are deleted and the jan-jan bans you a day later.

Like other anons are saying: Ignore it. It's pretty obvious to tell a newfag fuck from someone who's lurked here for more than a month anyway.

>> No.7436961
File: 582 KB, 1573x2302, Glass-of-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon was talking about the 64cm skirt and that is p small? . . .

>> No.7436969


I feel like such a terrible person, I've been reading these comments and thinking "Yeah! I'll get a Meta skirt too and use it to inspire myself to get into shape!".
But then I realised I was eating cheesecake as I thought this.

>> No.7436974

I've been thinking about making a lolita forum for a while, maybe with sub forums for each style, new releases and different brands. Should I go for it? I have a rough idea of what platform to use, I just need people to use it once it's made.

>> No.7436978

Some of the seams are ripped, and have come undone a bit, but the seller doesn't know how to sew and is too afraid to fix it and the lace is yellowing and she tried cleaning it but it didn't go away with a normal wash.

>> No.7436982

Why not, but it was already done a few months ago and it died a quiet, unused death.
Lacebook has forums, but nobody uses them.

If you made it and it was instantly easy and inviting, perhaps.
But Livejournal is dead, so maybe look into why before you try to make another forum hub for lolita.

>> No.7437014

Yeah, I'm not unrealistic. Healthy weight loss takes time too! Thanks for the support Anon!

>> No.7437018

I feel bad that I laughed but I've totally done the same thing.

>> No.7437022

>Why not, but it was already done a few months ago and it died a quiet, unused death.
If it's the one I think you're talking about it's because the dumb bitches who ran it were preoccupied with keeping it a ~*~special~*~ club and made it invite only. They didn't account for the fact that there are some really great lolitas who don't have a lot of connections to get invite codes, and a lot of really shitty itas who do.

>> No.7437044

Question: Is it really easy for payment plans to sour? How does a seller go about setting up the parameters?

I'm have a lot of trouble selling a slightly damaged OP, I've dropped the price like two times. One girl came forward with me about a payment plan, but I've never done one before and I kind of need the money. Not immediately, but I'd prefer not stretching it out for months.

>> No.7437054
File: 236 KB, 550x733, 2613607a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noob question, but could this possibly hold a petticoat for lolita?

>> No.7437056
File: 191 KB, 670x400, 1395153798486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JetJ does it again..

>> No.7437057
File: 112 KB, 670x400, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7437062

>dresses for fatties are the most hideous
I see nothing unusual. Even western brands pull this bullshit.

>> No.7437072

I don't see how this would be flattering on anyone, even skinny persons. It looks like a cheap replica of Pina Sweet Collection's solid OP's tbh.

>> No.7437075

That would be really pretty if the top wasn't shirred to fuck, and the bottom wasn't so... like that/

>> No.7437077

Ask her what she could pay, how often, and if it doesn't work out for you, just tell her that.

Like, if she can pay half now and half in two week, no problem, right? But if she wants to give you $30 every two weeks, well, just tell her that's too long.

>> No.7437083

Can you even read?
There was a forum that died an unused death and originated from here, and there's Lacebook, which has unused forums.

Lacebook started out as something for their comm and friends only, the whole world wanted in on it. You an't blame them for not wanting to shell out on all that hosting for something that was only meant to be for their friends.
Their invite model meant that eventually everyone would have gotten on if the hyped interest for it had continued, but it didn't.

>> No.7437116

>Can you even read?
Maybe, or maybe you didn't articulate yourself very well :^) Thanks for clarifying.
>Lacebook started out as something for their comm and friends only
Sorry, but you're in denial if you don't think they didn't try their viral advertising on here. If it was only in their circle, then how did people from here know? Someone came here.

>> No.7437117
File: 101 KB, 328x345, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it had potential but they fucket it up.
Sorry for the terribly shoop you just gave me inspiration to change the design a little.

>> No.7437123

>Their invite model meant that eventually everyone would have gotten on if the hyped interest for it had continued, but it didn't.

You're blaming people for being frustrated that they couldn't get invite codes? You're not making sense and you sound like a lacebook shill. If it was meant for their comm only then they should've kept it that way.

>> No.7437126

Thank you so much

>> No.7437149

I'm not blaming anyone for anything, I'm just saying that it got over hyped.
People could and still can get into Lacebook but nobody cares anymore, everyone wanted in because of the hype, but now the hype is over nobody is trying anymore.

>If it was meant for their comm only then they should've kept it that way
Oh please, if they'd policed it to keep people they didn't know out you'd be complaining about that, too.
People are never happy.

>> No.7437178

>nobody cares anymore
Nobody cares because they're assholes and wasted a lot of peoples' time. I wouldn't want to join now either.
>if they'd policed it to keep people they didn't know out you'd be complaining about that
No? Groups like this exist all over the place on LJ and FB, nobody has an issue.

>> No.7437181

>>Lacebook admin detected

>> No.7437188

Alright then?
No, just someone that wanted to stick up for them after that anon's sudden explosion.

>> No.7437201

>stick up for them
That's the problem, since there's not much logic behind defending them.
>well it was meant to be for only them
Then why advertise here or make it known to anyone outside their circle at all? There is no reason.
>well anons got mad too easily
They banned people for using duplicate invite codes which was completely unnecessary. They also didn't understand that not everyone on the internet was friends with everyone else so "happening upon an invite code from a friend" simply wasn't going to happen for some people even if they were good lolitas.

I admit I lost interest in the later drama, so maybe I missed a few details, but they're not innocent in the least and people have the right to voice their complaints.

>> No.7437517

I really like it, looks like IW. But you're right, the price is too much for an indie brand dress that's not really unique.

Does anyone have recommendations for similar belted dresses from IW/VM/etc? The more I look at it the more I'd like to find something similar.

>> No.7437520

What PERSONAL shopping services do you trust most with your money?

I'm tired of seeing dresses on closet child only to miss it by a few hours/days because someone else grabbed it before me. I'm wanting to just send a shopping service a butt load of money so they can just buy the dress when they pass by it before I do (online and in store)

>> No.7437529

I'm looking for a pair of off white tights with some texture or pattern. I've tried looking for white lace tights, but I can only find cheap looking pairs

>> No.7437533

I buy it myself and send it to a forwarding address.

>> No.7437598

Filtering on Lolibrary for "removable belt" in the OP category gave me a few options:


>> No.7437683

tokyopirates offers this as a service specifically, she takes your wishlist and you can choose to have her buy items on sight or come back and tell you/ask if you want to buy. It's expensive to do buy on sight since she buys it first out of her own pocket I think, but it sounds like you're willing to pay at this point.

>> No.7437860

Forever21 sometimes has nice ones, usually in black but I've found off-white before, too. I have a pair and really like them.

>> No.7437874

I seriously found a nice rose patterned lace pair at Walmart. dr Scholl's brand, by their orthopedic/diabeetus socks.

>> No.7437877

Ivory colored by the way.

>> No.7437886

seconding this. tokyopirates is amazing.

>> No.7437882

Hehe, I'm about the same. I got myself a "Blue Belt", it's a belt you wear around your waist for a few hours a day. I work out 4 times a week, but losing belly fat is really hard, it's usually the very last spot to lose far. This belt really helps a lot, at least for me. It improves blood circulation and helps losing the fat, but only if you diet/excercise, of course.
Also this
I have a friend who is pretty tiny, she's 5'6 and weighs about 110lb, she's really fit and when I touch her belly, it's all abs and skin, and she also has a 29" waist.
So much for the anon who was like "lose weight".

>> No.7437940

I've got my measurements down to 37-33-40. I know it's not great, but considering my bust used to be 44, I'm pretty fucking happy. Down about 30 pounds and I've lost 15% of my total body fat.

But I'm still not happy with where I am, and I think I'm stuck. I eat 1400 calories a day, weight lift twice a week, and cardio three times. I change my weights when I get too used to them, and regularly swap out the cardio I'm doing.

I don't know what's wrong, or why I'm still so big. It's really frustrating. I just want to be kawaii.

>> No.7437953

You should lift, building muscles will automatically raise how many calories you burn by just existing.
Also, you have to eat more than 1400 calories, at least once a week.
Seems like your body has gone into starving mode, 1400 calories isn't nearly enough if you're a grown woman.
Going into starving mode is bad, you'll not only stuck, you're gonna re-gain pretty much everything when you start eating normally, so you have to balance this out with exercise.
Eat lots of proteins and cut the carbs, so your entire carb intake will come from fruit and vegetables. No pasta, no bread.

>> No.7437961

>You should lift,

Did you not read >>7437940 post? She clearly stated she lifts twice a week.

sage because do people even read anymore

>> No.7437962

>starving mode

How tall are you, anon? What do you mean swap out?

>> No.7437969

Oops, sorry.

>starving mode
Please to explain.

>> No.7437966


I'll change up jogging/running with the elliptical and swimming every so often, when one of them is getting stagnant and boring. I also make it a point to do lunges and exercise at work, since I haul a lot of our inventory around and run around the store frequently.

And I'm 5'4".

>> No.7437974

Have you tried cardio cycles?

>> No.7437979

I think you should eat a little less calories, maybe 1200.
Watch out for milk and peanut butter, those are common bulk foods. You should actually find out if you are bulking.

Are you increasing the level/time of your cardio? There comes a point where you'll have to or it won't do much for you.

>> No.7437984

>I think you should eat a little less calories, maybe 1200.
I think that's not good at all.
You can eat 1200 one day, 600 the other day, 2000 the next. Similar to exercise, you should change it up to keep your metabolism going.
Also, caffeine.

>> No.7437987

The first thing that happens when you don't eat enough calories is you lose muscle, then fat. So OP should actually be thinner because of muscle loss. But she's not-- she's been at the weight for a while because she's exercising.

"Starvation mode is a myth that was popularized due to the Minnesota Starvation Experiment in which subjects were given 50% of their daily calorie intake for months. The result? Well, they lost weight until they had almost no weight left to lose and their bodies simply could not get the calories ANYWHERE. Concisely put: starvation mode happens when you are, quite literally, wasting away. Not when you have a simple caloric deficit. Your body will make up for it with fat stores. That's what they're for. Do not worry about starvation mode."

>> No.7437992

Huh, maybe I think I mixed it up with slowing your metabolism, then.
How do you explain the weight gain when you stop a strict diet, then?

>> No.7437995

All calorie sites I've visited say to decrease it steadily. For ex., 1400 one day, 1200 the next, 1000 etc.

I don't. I eat 1200 everyday (I should be doing 1000 since I'm short but I can't keep my hands off sweets) and I'm doing fine on my journey even after hitting my seeming "plateau". She can do 1200 everyday.

Switching it up everyday just seems like it'll mess up how many calories/muscle she loses/gains every time she exercises.

>> No.7437996


I have, yeah. I'll do different intensities on the elliptical or add time I exercise across the day.

I don't eat peanut butter either. Rarely touch milk

>> No.7437997

>How do you explain the weight gain when you stop a strict diet, then?

What do you mean? Isn't it because you're not on the 'strict diet' anymore?

>> No.7438005

Maybe it's just you've slowed down on how much weight you lose now. And it seems like you're doing well! Maybe add some different exercises (squats?) could help?

>> No.7438018

I mix it up all the time, because like this I still gain muscle and lose fat, slowly but steadily.
Also, I think it's super annoying to count calories all the time.
The quality of the food is, at least to me, much more important than the calories.

>What do you mean? Isn't it because you're not on the 'strict diet' anymore?
Sure, but you can't go on with 1200 calories a day for the rest of your life.
I mean, you can, but shouldn't your goal be to just eat like a normal person, without having to watch your calorie intake every day?
That's why I'd say eat plenty, but healthy.

>> No.7438043
File: 1023 KB, 1096x1090, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like that's what it may be, honestly? Attached is the mad progress jump I've made

>> No.7438065

>Do you think I could get away with white OTKs

OTKs, yes. White? No. The salo is beige/off white so toy shouldnt wear white with it.

>> No.7438084

so how do i pick a loli username without sounding like a special snowflake

>> No.7438091

How fucking stupid are you? Nutrition is important but for weight loss or body building calories is everything, as long as you're creating a deficit you will lose weight full stop. The reason you gain when you stop counting calories is because you're eating too many so your body puts it into storage. I'm 5"2 and 52kg and I eat 1200kcal easy, even when I was 10kg heavier I still had no problem filling up at under 1200 a lot. You talk about eating 'quality' foods but if you're going over your calorie count to get full you're obviously eating high calorie foods. Veg, like celery, spinach, carrots have tons of fiber and vitamins and very little calories. Konnyaku or Shirataki noodles are calorie free and all fiber, a boiled egg is 80 calories and lots of protein and fat, raspberries and blueberries are only about 1 calorie each. I eat like a 'normal person', but you just seem to be spouting shit without actually knowing much about nutrition.

>> No.7438099

>but if you're going over your calorie count to get full you're obviously eating high calorie foods
Wow, full retard statement.
Or maybe they're just eating too much of their quality foods and need better portion control?
I'm not even that anon you're quoting and I can see this is bullshit.

I wish you guys would stop implying every fat ass that posts must be porking their face with burgers and fries. It's easy to overeat on something that is healthy and gain weight.

>> No.7438101

>Watch out for milk and peanut butter, those are common bulk foods.

Dammit, I just bought some peanut butter. Although I was thinner when I ate it regularly so it can't be that bad.

>> No.7438102

I forgot something
>inb4 'hurr you could eat a mountain of vegetables doe cuz dose dun have no calories xD'
Yeah, and we all know how realistic that sort of diet is.

>> No.7438106

Holy shit. Just don't go over the portion recommendation and you'll be fine.

>> No.7438137

great job anon

i think strength training could help. i was at a plateau until I did that. I also think switching up your exercises can help, instead of doing the elliptical every day, try to mix up your cardio. Get a phone workout app, go for a jog, or try an exercise video with HIIT.

>> No.7438149

>lolita general turning into /fit/

Don't we have a thread for this shit right now? Can you not use that thread?

>> No.7438189

>How fucking stupid are you?
Whoa, full bitch mode.
I'm just working out for over 10 years and bodybuilding for about 2 years.
Creating a calorie deficit doesn't always result in losing FAT. Weight IS NOT always fat. Losing weight shouldn't be the goal, the goal is losing fat.
>The reason you gain when you stop counting calories is because you're eating too many so your body puts it into storage.
Sorry, that would imply that every skinny person would count calories, which isn't true.
It's about what your body needs and what you've done wrong, nutrition wise, to have gained weight.
Also, you're contradicting yourself saying that you were full at 1200 when you were 10kg heavier, so you pretty much changed nothing and lost 10kg? Or you just went on eating after you were full? Why would you do that?
Also pretty much this:
Overall, it might be true saying more calories lead to weight gain while less lead to weight loss, but it isn't that simple when you take a closer look.
It's also about blood sugar levels, which can be a problem for many overweight people.

You look great, anon, way to go!
From what I can see here I'd say lift more, it could help.
Peanut butter isn't that bad, just don't mix it with jam or white bread.

>> No.7438210
File: 65 KB, 333x252, ap_skirt_puppetcircus_color3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puppet Circus is up on lacemarket. May the bloodbath begin. Predictions on how it'll go?

>> No.7438410

Can anyone tell me what the hell this says? Something about shipping stipulations, but google translate isn't really helping me.



まとめ買い時の扱い 1配送先につき、送料別の商品を複数ご注文いただいた場合、 送料は上記料金表1個分の送料になります。
送料込商品の扱い 1配送先につき、送料込の商品と送料別の商品を同時にご注文の場合、 送料は上記料金表とまとめ買い時の扱いから計算される送料になります。
送料分消費税 この料金には消費税が含まれています。
離島他の扱い 離島・一部地域は追加送料がかかる場合があります。

>> No.7438518

Someone will cave and do the BIN. Then put it in their closet and cry b/c it's oldschool small and they are fat from eating cheap ramen so they could afford it.

>> No.7438566

Poster I replied to claimed calorie counting doesn't allow her to eat 'like a normal person' which isn't true, and claimed calorie deficit put the body into 'starvation mode' which means they wouldn't lose weight and was why they gained when they stopped the diet. I countered that of course a person would gain if they stopped counting and reverted to their fat-mode eating habits, this does not apply for skinny people who obviously don't eat beyond their calorie count or have a special circumstance. Context is everything. I lost 10kg BY eating only 1200kcal a day, sometimes 800 when I don't go out. I started 10kg ago with 1200 and maintained for almost a year, I don't obsessively count and calculate everything anymore because I have a better grasp of my intake now. I have no idea where you extrapolated that I eat more after I'm full.

>> No.7438581

I doubt the skit will go for much. But agreeing with the old school sizing heh, those skirts are pretty damn tiny.

>> No.7438592

Where did you see this?

>> No.7438598

I thought Lacebook would be good but it never opened and I don't know anyone connected for an invite. I like the screening and posting wardrobe in private place ideas but guess the rest of us will never get invited?

>> No.7438603

Put it in the buy-sell thread here on cgl, with the markdown. I bet someone will grab it, no payment plan needed.

>> No.7438607

Lots of people lost interest because they did not get an invite code or get option to apply somehow, etc. I get wanting to screen new members and that's good...but to the point of not having any? Not so good.

>> No.7439021

leaving this here


>> No.7439024

Lots of the people on it lost interest too, there is a better return (like interaction or whatever) on putting your stuff out there on tumblr/youtube/personal blog/etc. than putting anything on lacebook.

>> No.7439032

This is true but a lot of people were also looking forward to a private creeper-free place to interact with just other Lolitas. Many don't blog or post publicly so return or views or hits or likes aren't what they were after. A sense of private community is. Or was...

>> No.7439054

Maybe a small one but regardless that'd be awkward to wear, Pettis are made to sit at the waist and that looks like it drops past the hips.

>> No.7439061

You could buy or make a drop-waist petti to give this dress some poof but even then, I don't think it's a very good skirt for Lolita. Side shirring, that lace AND the unusual shape would be my 'three strikes you're out' criteria for a loliable thing.

>> No.7439066

Yes but that's what OP is complaining about, the 'nicey nice'

>> No.7439068

I dig.

>> No.7439077

No, that's me and I meant being nicey nice and answering the questions. Sorry if I was unclear. I never advocate being rude to noobs but there have been so many questions that used to just get a 'oh, check the memories' or 'look on hello lace' kind of answers or told to google dress name + coordinate or look in Daily Lolita under the brand tag when they asked the same question 1,683 noobs asked before them. Now people are answering them and it's very boring.

>> No.7439082

First part is talking about how if you want your item faster, you should choose Yamato Mail. Unless you're in Japan, it doesn't really apply to you.

Second part says that shipping to anywhere in Japan is 160 yen. The rest just talks about how to go about combining orders. It seems like both just apply to Japan. If you're using an SS, it should be fine.

>> No.7439084

How do you get a forwarding address?

>> No.7439085


>> No.7439087

>'oh, check the memories'
In all fairness, the memories are now next to useless, and they were never very good in the first place. Newbies should really be directed elsewhere.

>> No.7439096

Then its probably just recently graduated noobs with the energy to show their knowledge

>> No.7439109

I agree that there needs to be a better resource list to link noobs too but in all fairness, if it's an information based answer that could be found on the first couple of pages of a google search, I hate to see a big long thread about it in EGL comm with noobs advising other noobs. Or another 'how do I coord mah doressu' post. Eh.

>> No.7439110

Only one piece of apron order number of sheets is available. (Only one apron left? or only can order one at a time)

Alot of it is refering to shipping in Japan...You cant choose date and time of delivery so if you want to chose use a yamatos delivery service (Japan only i believe) If you do do it by yamatos its not guanateed agains defects and such caused by the post, delays due to weather. If you dont agree choose another shipping method...

Its a universal 160 yen fee.. Shippings not included unless stated (or something thats very repetive) The shipping price listed is for one item. bulk shipping will be calculated together if you order more then one thing... tax is included in shipping and if you live on an island in japan shipping can possibly be more expensive

>> No.7439112

Is forwarding service cheaper than using a SS if you can navigate the sites and buy ok, just using the service for the international shipping? I've wondered about that.

>> No.7439157

Tenso only does EMS shipping so i wait until they do shipping discounts to order. You can mark down packages and combine packages so with a shipping discount it works out cheaper than ordering directly and it's much quicker than waiting for a SS. There's another couple of forwarding services that you can do cheaper shipping services with but I'm yet to try them out.

>> No.7439168

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I don't know why I do this to myself. But everything I want is from this one shop that has NOTHING labeled in English. I'm struggling. Luckily, after I placed the order, I got a response back in completely competent English. What the hell?

>> No.7439623

Drop me an email.

>> No.7439851
File: 51 KB, 460x556, a5djXVE_460s_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I got the cake skirt today and I can fit in it as long as I don't breathe..haha.
I kid. Its actually not as bad as I thought. It's definitely an attainable goal weight loss wise!
Its super cute so I definitely want to be able to comfortably fit in it!

>> No.7440168

Is it a clever idea to wear chest binders for lolita? I have big breasts that take up the whole bodice of a dress, and makes me look like a gigantic fatty. I'm wondering if a chest binder will solve that problem or will make me so flat that it'll be the opposite.

>> No.7440242

So, I was watching an old episode of America's Next Top Model and I came across an episode where their challenge was to make a lolita outfit to inspire Milk.


In case you want to watch, it features Closet Child, Meta, and ignorant 'murricans.

>> No.7440271
File: 55 KB, 393x296, 1388114020935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiiiit, my friends and I were still watching this show during this season.
Dat nostalgia

>> No.7440289

Plenty of girls do, so yeah

>> No.7441044

I face palmed.

>> No.7442649

When do you think the IW oddment packs come out?

>> No.7443214

I can understand helping newbies to a degree, but some of them want their hands held for absolutely everything. For a lot of the recent EGL posts, it doesn't feel like they even bothered to do their own research. I know the EGL memories is out of date, but it's painfully obvious that some of them haven't heard of Google.

Makes you wonder how the oldies coped in the dark days of the early 00's.

>> No.7443220

This always makes me cringe and I feel so sorry for all of kawaii tv involved, poor Misako. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz6TZLA1xYs

>> No.7443341

Thank you so much.
I've never seen this one.

>> No.7443600

Is anyone else having trouble with jetj's accessories section on their website? When I click on the link that should take me to the second page, it instead takes me to dresses. And then I can't even advance through the dresses, it just keeps taking me to the same damn page. This has been going on for about a week and it's driving me nuts.