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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.38 MB, 1000x1500, 1392871606196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7421899 No.7421899 [Reply] [Original]


Since it has not been asked in a while... Let's discuss:
> Are you working on any Homestuck cosplays right now?
> Talk about any experiences or stories with Homestuck cosplayers. What are the BNFs like? Any good meets (Barstucks, Drawmeets) to discuss?

>> No.7422043

/r/ some good Trickster cosplays.

>> No.7422069
File: 280 KB, 713x1277, WP_20140309_008 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP of my Calliope/Caliborn. The wig just got shipped in and it looks voluminous as fuck.

Also I have this bizarre headcanon that her Callie horns would be corkscrew-shaped in reference to DNA.

>> No.7422107

Your horns need help and that wig needs styling.

>> No.7422131

Definitely agree on the wig, that was literally right out of the packed pouch.

I'm probably going to redo the horns as it is, but I don't know if I should go with squiggly-lines or corkscrew.

>> No.7422133

I've inadvertently met a few BNFs at cons around the east coast. Met some shit-tier people out west.
Ceriene(spelling?) is really nice and I like her cosplays a lot. We're friends on facebook now after being introduced through mutuals and she seems like a really cool person.
Jordan (gomugomugodhead) is also pretty chill and we've talked once or twice. She complimented my Dave cosplay once so that was cool.
Met Heaven once at a west coast con. She was so full of herself it was cringeworthy. Never again will I interact with her, hopefully.

>> No.7422138

I think either would look good. Maybe make both and do two different shots to show them off?

>> No.7422141

I'll do one of each. Good thing I live near a Daiso for the headband.

I'm a model magic rookie. I wrap string around the finished product with brushed-on glue for texture and then paint it.

>> No.7422144

Oops, one of each and then whichever one looks better I'll finish the other.

>> No.7422206
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>> No.7422211
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>> No.7422223
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>> No.7422234

God, why.
Is this supposed to be some angel/demonstuck shit?
Jake looks like an excuse for bondage belts and shitty wings, tbh.

>> No.7422254
File: 271 KB, 805x1013, 1394511529265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I really want to do this Meulin at some point and am sourcing materials right now but the colors are just so fucking bright and verge. I'm toning them down a little but even so. Could this ever look ok in real life? (I do have darker skin like the pic so I hope that would help it.)

>> No.7422250

pls more durrscurr, my sides are leaving me.

>> No.7422263

I didn't even know that was jake until you pointed it out, I thought it was some dumb bec noir shit or something like that.

>> No.7422276

Are these two from the same angel/demon group that was at AUSA? Their Roxy and Jane looked nice in person but these designs are p tacky.

>> No.7422281

Aren't they both part of MF's group?

>> No.7422344
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>> No.7422384

I don't mind the design but something about the white wig is off-putting...I would prefer it be black but that obviously wouldn't be changing Meulin's hair color much.

>> No.7422425
File: 287 KB, 320x480, Candy_Corn_01_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would something along the lines of this look good at all (with more volume)?

>> No.7422438 [DELETED] 

I'm aware of the Candy Corn wig but I was planning on using a white wig and dying the ends yellow to get a design like the picture. Definitely going to make sure it's voluminous, though.

>> No.7422444

Tricksters don't usually have the character's natural hair color and all...I've seen the Candy Corn wig before but felt like it would be overkill for this cosplay and add even more stripes/colors. I was just going to get a white wig and dye the ends? Heh actually the part I was worried about looking too busy IRL was her skirt and stockings

>> No.7422514

Any recommendations on how to style the Calliope wig? Been thinking of making it wavy/curly, though a lot of Calliope cosplayers go for the simple animu part down the middle.

>trying to base hairstyles off the sprites

>> No.7422521

> Heaven
What has she been up to lately? Is she still into Homestuck? Did she ever pay people back for scamming them to hell and back? Is she still a massive lolcow?

>> No.7422564


thats exactly what it is

its from fanart by...mookie, i want to say? the fanart is kind of cute but it really doesnt look good translated into cosplay i think.

>> No.7422567


same anon

looking again i like dirk but that jake is really not that good, especially that flat wig.

then again i've never seen a jake get their wig remotely close to his actual hair style.

>> No.7422575



it looks more wavy than curly and parted to the right with a little sideswpt bangs to me. she has a little curl sort of like roxy's on the right side too which you may want to include? parted down the middle with blunt bangs would be really wrong so don't do that at least.

even if its not wavy, if you're going by the sprite having layers that flip out could also possibly work.

>> No.7422618

You may have quoted the wrong post, anon. I think you're just one post off.

>> No.7422647


.....i swear i thought quoted myself, sorry about that :( my phone misclicks on 4chan all the time.

point still stands though

>> No.7422663

This is very nice humanstuck, I know most human version cosplays are lazy but something tasteful and moderately effort-requiring like this is preferable over arbitrary gray basic versions any day.

>> No.7422698

I agree for the Karkat but my god that Sollux annoys me so much, she makes the dumbest faces and attentionwhores all over tumblr. I'm fucking sick of seeing her stupid face

>> No.7422707

I have no idea. It was almost two years ago now. I don't care enough to check up on her, frankly.

>> No.7422838

Alright, this is the first time I've ever ventured into a Homestuck thread and I know nothing much about it, but I figured you guys would probably be able to help me out...
I'm looking for relatively inexpensive grey arm-socks for part of another cosplay; they don't have to be particularily good quality, but large enough for the average teen/adult male? Doing a silver full armored arm, and I'd like to have some sort of a grey sleeve-base to wear underneath/possibly connect everything to.
Located in toronto area if that helps.

>> No.7422904

what are BNFs up to? I thought at least a handful of them were making new stuff for Katsucon, but it's been over for a few weeks and I feel like I haven't seen anything significant photosets with new costumes?

>> No.7422909

you probably want something thicker than the armsocks homestuck cosplayers make out of tights. welovecolors has gloves in gray that come up to the upper arm that might work for you.

All the BNFs were doing non-homestuck as their main new cosplays at Katsucon. I had thought that CBC+Pyropi would pull out something awesome but it looks like they did Zelda costumes instead.

>> No.7422948

I met CBC at Dragon*Con and chilled with them on the floor before the photoshoot for a while. They were really nice and fun to hang out with, we bitched a good bit about heros of cosplay too. But yeah they were rad, it was great to meet them.

>> No.7422979

saccharinesylph did Fefetasprite, but she only posted two pictures. But I think she got stranded and only had Saturday.

Those Zelda costumes were rad, though. And I think they reprised their regular default costumes one evening. I swore I saw them running around as Karkat and Sollux, with Pyropi too.

There WAS a kind of neat Imperial PopStar group. Not a fan of the AU, but the costumes were on point.

>> No.7423078

I've only seen the IPS!Karkat and they looked pretty good. Which others were there?

>> No.7423113

Isn't she the rat-face John that was posted a while back?

>> No.7423115

Yes, she's the one who did those horrible CQ cover shoots

>> No.7423117

Did she seriously use fake teeth? Or are her real teeth that bad?

>> No.7423120

Aren't those the fake teeth she used for John? Why the fuck would human Sollux have buckteeth though?

>> No.7423147

I think her real teeth are just that bad. She looks like Peter Pettigrew. I can't tell if it's because she's young and needs to grow into her mouth or if she's older and never had proper orthodontia.

>> No.7423159

Oh my fucking god she does loom like Pettigrew!

>cannot unsee

>> No.7423190

For some reason I really like that karkat wig. It looks like shitty quality, but the styling looks pretty natural? Not bad. Wish it was better looking (less shiny) though.

>> No.7423200

I am almost 100% sure that's a Hansel from Arda. If it's shiny, it's probably the lighting, unless the cosplayer gooped bad product into it.

>> No.7423205

Ah lovely, thanks, I never knew they sold gloves too. Mostly, the armor pieces are all going to be strapped to eachother and around the arm, but I just really don't want any skin showing in the little gaps between pieces, you know?

>> No.7423219
File: 254 KB, 1006x600, 1394567639510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure jedistuck was their new homestuck cosplay for katsucon. They had a big group too.

>> No.7423234

Are there any big upcoming cons?

>> No.7423410

I really like Pyropi's smile, she's just too fucking cute

>> No.7423636

Did JJ never get around to styling her Terezi wig or something? She's had the same one for over a year, and it doesn't look like anyone touched it after taking it out of the bag.

>> No.7423645

Saw her at ALA, though didn't associate with her. Still hasn't paid back anyone, but has time to make her cosplays and travel for cons. Nothing new.

>> No.7423839

Did someone say zelda? Is it fair game to request pics if it's not homestuck cosplay? I'm just really curious.

>> No.7423908
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>> No.7424132
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 1394594504911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7424137

holy fuck.
those are fucking awesome 10/10

>> No.7424325

>dat armpit hair
>dat chin

what am I even looking at here

>> No.7424609

/r/ some Sollux cosplays.

>> No.7424886

seconding for actually good/hot Sollux cosplays

>> No.7425044

a male human. they tend to have hair under their arms and a prominate jaw line.

>> No.7425066
File: 85 KB, 1280x853, 1394643526464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me why durrscurr isnt on shit tier yet

>> No.7425070

I'm working on an aradiabot cosplay (will post pics when it looks decent) and figured I'd ask here -- do you think aradiabot's skirt is cloth or metal? (metal along the lines of jade's iron lass outfit) It looks cloth in canon, but it's good to hear other opinions.

>> No.7425071

Well do they have a shitty attitude?

>> No.7425080

because while his cosplay might not be the best, he's also not the worst, and he's a total sweetheart to talk to? At least in my experience?

>> No.7425093

>total sweetheart to talk to
friendfag detected.

>> No.7425164

i think most people make it "metal", but imo i think its a skirt.

>> No.7425165

Shit tier is reserved for shit attitudes. Otherwise it's be full of every awful cosplay that gets posted here.

>> No.7425187

They may be a friendfag, but I've met this guy once or twice at cons and agree that he seems genuinely nice. He can be a little obnoxious but only in that he likes making inside jokes with his friends a lot. Sage for no real contribution.

>> No.7425221

/r/ing great/well made cosplays worn by ugly cosplayers.

I like to think of all the trolls as ugly, so I like when ugly people cosplay them. But only if the cosplay is well made. Is that weird?

>> No.7425332

Good luck finding any. Good cosplays are made by attractive cosplayers. Bad cosplays are made by uglies.

>> No.7425530
File: 84 KB, 509x443, pianorefrainfrommadworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I found this on tumblr. I blurred the name because god, they're probably thirteen, but god.

>> No.7425558
File: 29 KB, 496x683, nooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7425603

that jaw needs contouring and the hair needs shaving. being a guy does not mean you get a get a free pass

>> No.7425609 [DELETED] 

Do you even know what sage means or did you just forget to actually sage?

>> No.7425720
File: 633 KB, 500x732, tumblr_mva388oWJU1qjzt0oo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7425750


your jaw doesnt need contouring when its already prominent enough

>> No.7425757

my sides

>> No.7425758
File: 401 KB, 399x598, tumblr_n2av7ngebB1swwjd7o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a guy doesn't suddenly mean you don't need contouring over your grey. That's like saying that a guy cosplaying Dirk doesn't need makeup.

>> No.7425762

Are you actually suggesting that Suff's paint job looks good as is, or?

>> No.7425769

Are those leggings or their actual legs?

>> No.7425774
File: 183 KB, 598x960, 1394669652632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what do you guys think of this?

>> No.7425789

theres going to be a lot of ass pats and ass kissing, or if the judges/host(?) is actually going to judge their cosplay on craftsmanship and all that then there might be backlash, b/c people might get their feelings hurt.

also i think a lot of kids are going to submit themselves, and their sexy gifs for attention whoring reasons, so theres that.

this is just imo though.

>> No.7425793
File: 940 KB, 320x240, tumblr_n23eioEL3R1r826e6o6_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just looked at the judges and mmm this is going to be interesting (aka the judges kinda look like shit and shouldn't really be judging)

pic related from one of the judges cosplay tag

>> No.7425794


>judge craftsmanship
>judges profiles

judge 1:
"i’ve sort of worked endlessly on it ever since and i’m hoping to learn to sew soon!""

judge 2:
"believe that many cosplayers deserve just as much recognition as the popular ones who gets thousands of notes within an hour on this website."

judge 3:
"I can feel comfortable with it, knowing that i didn’t finish some of my cosplays, because i have fun with it and enjoy it"

judge 4:
" I can just have fun with it which is what cosplaying is all about."


>> No.7425800

So it's basically a circle jerk for the bad cosplayers on tumblr. The rules don't define what makes a cosplayer popular, I hope a really well known cosplayer enters and thrashes whatever pitiful competition they face.

>> No.7425823

none of these judges are very good cosplayers at all, they're not respectable in any way, and they're not like simon cowell, where they know what a good cosplay looks like

these judges wouldn't know what a good cosplay looked like if it slapped them in the face

luckily it doesn't look like any one has submitted yet

also i was ticked by this "which we tried choosing them [good long term cosplayers] as judges so they can't participate"
looks like that failed b/c these judges are shit.

>> No.7425829
File: 16 KB, 531x183, Homestuck cosplay contest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture shit

>> No.7425826
File: 101 KB, 500x667, 1394671883790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "what I will do is the 'celebrities' for homestuck will be judged seperately. Which is why I tried choosing them as judges so they cant participate."
>the judges are "homestuck cosplay celebrities"
>pic related is a "homestuck cosplay celebrity"
>laughs and laughs hard
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.7425831

>"what I will do is the “celebrities” for homestuck will be judged seperately. Which is why I tried choosing them as judges so they cant participate."


>> No.7425838

Overall this just sounds like a fucking terrible idea.
But hey, on the good side, it will produce a LOT of bad cosplay to add to these threads to entertain seagulls.

>> No.7425849
File: 62 KB, 1099x253, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to be canon, unless you're not. It's still ok. But you have to be canon.


>> No.7425851

Is it sad that I would actually be interested in watching a legitimate homestuck cosplay contest that isn't just a popularity circlejerk? One judged by actual BNFs who gave real critiques? There's no way any up and coming quality cosplayers are going to be discovered here.

>> No.7425862

unless they are cosplayers from here posting for shits and giggles

but i think people on here are more sensible than that so im not going to get my hopes up

>> No.7425866

Pretty sure seagulls wouldn't subject themselves to that. I guess we'll see, though.
I'm pretty excited, if only to see how many preteens/teens are going to crash and burn in emotional meltdowns because they didn't "win".

>> No.7426066


Real critique isn't welcome in homestuck fandom

>> No.7426069



is what happens when you try to give legitimate critique and assistance

>> No.7426080

I imagine they got a backlash of people complaining about them being ~privileged~ because they said not to be a cheapass, huh? These Tumblr twats seem to forget cosplay isn't a necessity; if you can't spend the extra money to make your cosplay look good, don't complain about people giving good advice because, "wah, we don't all have money to blow on cosplay!"

>> No.7426094

Sakura-Con and AX are quickly approaching, as are Fanime and AB, I think?

It's been styled. She's replied to asks stating that it used to be a wig for Meulin that she cut.

>> No.7426104

I've heard people claim that they "can't save up" for cosplay when I've recommended they buy pieces at a time instead of all at once.
The fuck you mean you can't save up? You can't set aside a few dollars from your allowance or paycheck? You literally cannot spare any money on cosplay?
If that's really the case, don't fucking cosplay, and don't complain about something expensive you can't afford when it's not a necessity.

>> No.7426139


or alternatively, do cosplay, but don't cry about it when someone who did spend the extra time and money gets more attention than you

>> No.7426144

Oh man, I remember Kumashiro's post. They're a fairly decent cosplayer, and their post has some basic stuff but I thought it was good to know and keep a reference to.

But unfortunately, since this is Tumblr, they got so much hate for it. For crying out loud, there's a "disclaimer" in the first fucking slide. These are simply suggestions, good ones at that, but you don't have to follow 'em.

>> No.7426218
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>> No.7426219
File: 147 KB, 720x1280, picture024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup, I'm doing a Dave maid cosplay. 90% of you will hate this idea. That's ok. I know.

I have everything except my wig so far, so excuse the hair.

Anywho, I do want tips on how to look more manly and slouchy while in cosplay. I'm growing out leg hair, eyebrow hair, and I binded before putting on the outfit. It's not as apparent with the apron. I even put like a folded undershirt on my waist to make myself less curvy.

Basically the idea is to be an actual Dave that got shoved into a maid outfit. Not a kawaii maid, but. More like Dave wanted to be "ironic" or some shit and wear it. Or he lost a dare.

The only things I can really think of adding is darkening my leg hair and eyebrows, so they stand out a lot. And my arm hair. Slouch a lot and cross my arms at the con. I have a red backpack I'll be lugging around with my supplies, and almost use it like a prop. I was thinking of even getting men's gym shorts in a matching red or white, and just wearing them under the skirt so they show a bit. I'm not sure though. I also might carry a tray with apple juice on it.


>> No.7426223

*got dared to or lost a bet

>> No.7426236

No matter what you do this will be bad. Please don't.

>> No.7426237

This just won't be a good idea, anon.

Just do one of Dave's actual outfits, or use the dress for something else.

>> No.7426248

Oh, I cannot wait to see how this plays out.

>> No.7426247

I've committed myself to this fate. I actually don't really love the cosplay idea anymore, but it's not a less by any means considering I can use the Dave wig for an existing APH UK cosplay, and I like maid costumes anyways.

I guess this is just kind of a joke cosplay if anything. It's supposed to be pretty stupid.

>> No.7426250

It's supposed to be a joke cosplay and yet you want serious advice for it?

>> No.7426261

kumashiro's kind of an asshole outside of that post so i got a great deal of pleasure seeing all the drama

>> No.7426267

On how to be sillier, hell yeah.

>> No.7426274

you're accepting a challenge that every other seagull wouldn't even think of touching, and i respect you for that.

i like the shorts idea. i think it'll add a lot. maybe consider buying actual boxers instead though.

it looks pretty well done from what i can see. if at all possible, try to modify the sleeves so that they rest lower on your arms. it'll look a lot less feminine.

as for posing, always keep your weight equal on both legs (don't jut out your hip), keep a square stance, and subtly flex. clenching your jaw helps too. it bulges out your jowls and accentuates your jawline.

i actually really hope you do a good job on this, anon. it'll be a difficult task, but i don't think it's impossible

>> No.7426280

Details, anon. What did Kumashiro do?

>> No.7426281

also, if this is something you have a lot of time to prepare for, building up some muscle will look really good. invest in protein shakes and hit up the gym

>> No.7426300

Wow, thank you. I wasn't expecting anyone to actually give me a serious response, heh.

The boxers idea is actually a lot better, so I think I will definitely do that. Thank you, man.

>> No.7426335

no problem. i have a lot of faith in you, young padawan

>> No.7426349

If I got a plain white long-sleeve shirt to wear under the dress, do you think that would help? It emulates his normal shirt too that way.

>> No.7426350

meant to reply to >>7426335

>> No.7426351

Horns are backwards

>> No.7426775

You need to do something about the waistline of the dress. There are subtle ways to change the silhouette and make you look more manly without changing the fact that it's a dress.

The bust ruffless need to compliment your binding better. A more boxy shape/anything not hear shaped would work better, I'd recommend a normal apron. At least get rid of the bit that narrows down to your waist.

Drop the waist line/belt. This is the most important thing. Change the fit of the dress so that the ties of the apron sit low on your hips. This will make your torso look straighter and together with that type of neckline and a more box shaped apron, make your shoulders look wider.

Don't get all the underskirts/tulle to sit at the same level, get a more bell shaped underskirt. You don't want to skirt to be poofy. An A-line shape will hide your hips and make your shoulders look wider.

>> No.7426894

i really like this equius

also i eagerly await the first victims of the 'cosplay' contest, apparently there's a jake, john, mayor, aranea and kanaya that entered so far, but no pictures? i have a feeling that this contest is going to crash and burn its so unorganized and the judges are idiots.

>> No.7426897
File: 13 KB, 561x143, Homestuck cosplay contest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like theres going to be a bit of a wait to see our victims.

i think they said may instead of march? or maybe that wasn't a typo? who the fuck knows.

>> No.7426899

fucking dont do this holy shit youre going to look even worse than you already do lmfao why do people think this is funny or ironic
look up the definition of ironic you fucking stuckaboo jfc

>> No.7426901

Well you're right, it's going to be pretty fucking stupid. People like you are the reason the fandom has gone to shit.

>> No.7426906

Nobody else would touch it because it's a terrible, embarrassing idea.
No matter what you do, even if it's a "joke" (lets face it, you're doing it to be funny but it's really far from it) it's going to look terrible. There's no avoiding that.
Maidstuck/Lolitastuck is the dumbest shit to come out of this fandom, and if you're only encouraging it.
In short, you look stupid now and you'll look stupider later on. Don't do it.

>> No.7426915

please dont do this, its been done to death, seriously dave has a fuck ton of other outfits. besides thats not irony, not at all, and dave or any strider (or anyone else for that matter) wouldn't fucking do this.

so please for the love of god stop before you embarrass yourself by leaving the house looking like that
do one of daves suits, make a ribbitar but PLEASE dont do this, please.

>> No.7426969
File: 95 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The caption of this was "makeup test".
The fuck is the point of a makeup test if we can't see your damn eyes?
There is no makeup on that face that I can see.
Tag dumping in a minute.

>> No.7426973
File: 87 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"finished my godtier john cosplay"
>dat terrible hemming
>dem piercings
>dat fat

>> No.7426979
File: 99 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words needed.

>> No.7426981
File: 59 KB, 500x342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone intends to wear these in public.

>> No.7426983
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>y tho

>> No.7426984
File: 115 KB, 411x327, 1303511933687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, anon, we get it; you think it's a bad idea. Your samfagging is really obvious.

>> No.7426992
File: 41 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7427016

she looks so disappointed

>> No.7427146

>multiple people expressing the same opinion
Because anons can never agree unless they're the same person.

>> No.7427160

One after another, hours after everyone has stopped responding to the post? Yeah, okay.

>> No.7427262


>> No.7427435

lmfao yeah dude the rest of us are either slightly hesitant or completely indifferent towards the idea while you are obviously busting like seventy-two nuts over it

slow down

have some celestial seasonings' tension tamer

>> No.7427453
File: 97 KB, 500x500, m6102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know about what everyone else feels towards this, but the more i read, the more i realized 'why would you even do this?'
i mean the seem like a sensible person (besides the fact they want to do maidstuck) and idk i think they would make a good dave, and if they were to do stupid ass maidstuck it would just kind of ruin them.
but this is just my opinion (thats going to be discarded anyway but w/e).

also i can see where people are coming from, calling out samefagottry, i does look suspicious, but thats just the way things are going to be.

also, on an unrelated note, what is peoples view on mehrons clown white? i've only tried ben nyes. its a cream right?

>> No.7427499

I'm not even one of the posters accused of samefagging. In fact, I didn't comment on anon's maid idea at all. Nice try.

>> No.7427505

Their point is valid, regardless of whether or not you're the perpetrator. That sequence of posts reeks of samefaggotry.

>> No.7427527

By that logic, you might as well accuse the post train upthread railing on the contest's idea of a "homestuck cosplay celebrity" as all samefag too, because content-wise they're nearly identical and were posted one after another in the same timeframe. I wouldn't be surprised if two of the posts were samefagged, but I doubt all four were. When a thread is quiet and someone revisits an earlier topic, it can spark sudden activity when lurkers decide to contribute based on what's been brought up again. That doesn't mean the activity was all generated by one poster alone.

>> No.7427543

Oh, I just don't care, I'm just pointing out that if you're going to try to cast doubt on a decent claim, don't say "lol, wasn't me so you're wrong."

>> No.7427560

mehron's clown white is fantastic. it goes on smoothly, is very durable, and it doesn't have a greasy feeling whatsoever.

and yeah, it's a cream

>> No.7427566
File: 88 KB, 500x719, tumblr_n2aq7ouKi01rhs9reo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that wasn't my point at all. I was only responding to that other anon because they addressed me as if I were responsible for the posts in question. My point is that multiple posts in agreement made in the same timeframe CAN be samefag, but aren't always samefag. As I already said, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a samefag in there, but I doubt someone samefagged their way through four posts exclusively.

>> No.7427573

Good, then say that next time instead of "That wasn't even me, so nice try" which does nothing to affirm or dismiss the person's actual claim.

>> No.7427571

that literally sounds like heaven, compared to ben nyes, not that ben nye is bad, it just takes a lifetime to apply.

>> No.7427582

you know Trolls probably have body hair. shaving his pits would take away from his cosplay.

>> No.7427585

>"then say that next time"
>original post says exactly that
Reading comprehension. At this point, you're bickering with me just to bicker.

>> No.7427588

Why all the effort to defend a shitty cosplay? If you're going to go for a hairy look, add facial/arm hair. Being silky smooth everywhere but your pits just looks lazy and gross. Being a guy is no excuse.

>> No.7427598

I don't care about OP, I was just trying to point out that >>7427499 said literally nothing

>> No.7427600

I am OP. I am the OP. This whole conversation has been with me. You cannot possibly be this stupid.

>> No.7427603

have smuppets sticking out of your apron pockets. scratch your crotch and pits periodically. Drag your feet. keep a bottle sof AJ hidden somewhere on your person. earbuds in your ears. all i can think of.

>> No.7427618

For someone who is brave enough to criticize reading comprehension, you really have a hard time understanding people's points. I'll try to spell it out as clearly as possible.

Your identity doesn't matter, I don't care who posted what.

>>7427499 does nothing to further or halt the discussion of whether or not the people were samefagging.

I don't care whether or not people samefag, it just grinds my gears when people make irrelevant points in order to make arguments, which is all that I'm interested in discussing.

Read more into what people say beyond whether or not they agree with you before you try to refute what they say.

This whole discussion is retarded.

>> No.7427644
File: 90 KB, 720x960, 1394751681074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new favorite AU: convictstuck

>> No.7427648

who the fuck is this supposed to be

>> No.7427652
File: 186 KB, 1280x853, 1394751949976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jake according to the nametag, but who the fuck knows

>> No.7427655

those all look pretty good but why the actual fuck would they center the picture around a shitty prop

>> No.7427736
File: 8 KB, 271x267, 108976543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that one of the judges for the contest thing? Also how in the fuck would Jake be a convict? I just don't get it.

>> No.7427741

wow guys sorry that my post ended up with shitting in the thread about samefagging like damn no need to get worked up over my stupid joke cosplay that i'm trying to make more stupid and jokey my condolences

Thanks man. I'll have to fiddle with the dress and apron a bit if I can.

I can't even remember why I decided to do this. I think I just kind of went "wtf why not" and just bought the maid outfit because I'm an idiot. I've dug myself in too deep.

Oh my god, the smuppets thing. I need that. And thanks dude.

>> No.7427750

You are an idiot, yes. Your post didn't end with shitting up the thread, you did that the moment you posted it because you were well aware the shitstorm it would bring about.
It's not ironic, it's not funny, you're going to look fucking stupid and end up on every bad cosplay blog imaginable if you decide to post any pictures of it. We're really just trying to save you the embarrassment.

>> No.7427773

calm yourself, nigga. This was really out of his hands.

>> No.7427793

laughs @ anons who constantly blow everything way out of proportion

>> No.7427809

laughs @ people who think maidstuck/lolitastuck is even remotely acceptable

>> No.7427813

omfg wow

>> No.7427821
File: 193 KB, 1277x1920, 1394758692266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just all agree that maidstuck is stupid as hell and move on.

>> No.7427824

see >>7427793

>> No.7427827
File: 29 KB, 250x375, 1394758756831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7427829
File: 89 KB, 500x334, tumblr_n28ybuwLfG1r5gygno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7427837

Let's get some images going, then...

/r/ any good God Tier Dirk cosplays?

>> No.7427847
File: 543 KB, 500x700, tumblr_n0p2ahDy8G1qkvomuo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7427913

davesprite your fly is open

>> No.7427945

The gun looks like an eyesore.
Jesus christ they could've at least tried to get it within proportions

>> No.7428167
File: 92 KB, 500x289, tumblr_n2ej72styh1qhju1eo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea who this is? Photographer didn't want to name and shame.

>> No.7428175

>I can't pay you
>but i have followers and youll get exposure
>get yourself to delaware
>on 4/13
>take photos in the morning and upload them late afternoon
Wow, what an enormous asshole. I don't know who this would be, because 1000 notes on tumblr isn't a whole lot if you're well-known.

>> No.7428179


You forgot

>Eridan Ampora cosplay

So many egotistical batshit Eridan cosplayers.

>> No.7428185

you both forgot
>no paint so photoshop me grey
u fuckin jokin

>> No.7428191
File: 128 KB, 160x128, bahahahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh christ that is hilarious
>I can't pay you but you'll have ~*~*exposure~*~*~*
>Also I live in Delaware so you will have to get yourself here

Not entirely surprised that they are in high school

>> No.7428205

Oh waitwaitwait, my absolute favorite part is
>The shoot will need to be done in the morning and then photoshoped, touched-up and posted by the same afternoon otherwise it's a waste of MY time

Holy shit this is gold. Did the photog post this on their page or something?

>> No.7428206

Yup, the photographer who received the email is adiostoreadumb.

>> No.7428225
File: 73 KB, 960x717, 1394772009950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be a joke. Asking a photog to travel across state lines to photograph someone with no makeup?

>> No.7428245

Holy shit, now this is low, and also hilarious.

>> No.7428247

if you guys don't figure out who this kid is I will be very disappointed in all of you

>> No.7428257
File: 286 KB, 400x474, tumblr_mzdg8eRrBY1qf8pvmo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from a reddit thread (which links to a tumblr of course) begging for those sweet sweet internet points

>> "Knee up shot ヽ(´o`;I'm sorry I'm gross"

>>Marshmallow girl

Cute face but that's about it maybe.

>> No.7428270

She does have a really cute face. I think she could be a pretty good aranea, honestly.
Her fat isn't even the gross kind, really, because she's smooth? If that makes sense. There aren't rolls showing, though maybe that's the dress.

>> No.7428320

14 year olds thinking they're clever and ironic. The bane of my very existence.

>> No.7428354
File: 23 KB, 500x375, Awful Laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide what's better
>Any later for the photos to go up would be stupid and a waste of my time
>well known cosplayer
>doesn't even paint themselves grey
Eridan's still one of my favorite characters. Why are his fans so terrible?

>> No.7428357

Not allowed to have piercings in jail at all lmao, it makes even less sense when combined with an AU

>> No.7428361

This is fake as fuck and the people of tumblr (plus some idiots in this thread) are convinced it's real. Come on you goddamn morons.

>> No.7428364


I dont see why it'd be fake.

>> No.7428370

Yeah, this doesn't sound too far off the mark from how a self-important teenage homestuck with 1000 followers and an asspatted ego would behave.

>> No.7428397

Because attention whores send themselves hate mail and pretend to get weird "fans" for attention all the time.

>> No.7428408

So you're suggesting the photographer sent this email to themselves and then put it on tumblr for attention? If they were a shitty photographer, maybe I'd buy that, but not if they're any good. File name says the pic is from tumblr, do we have a post link?

>> No.7428417

Here's the post
It's just so fucking stupid it better be a grab for attention or I have no hope left in humanity.

>> No.7428420 [DELETED] 



here you go. Yeah, it's legit.
Stella's a decent photographer and a pretty nice kid. Too bad she has to deal with idiots like this.

>> No.7428419

I seriously doubt it's a plug for attention. They're a quality photographer, the stuff on their photo blog looks really nice and they've worked with at least one BNF (I only skimmed their page but cancerously's name caught my eye). If they wanted to promo themselves, they didn't need to stir up drama to do it. I'm willing to bet this is just a genuine idiot who contacted them and wants to get free shit because they think they deserve it.

>> No.7428552

Agreed. Besides, wasn't there a Mindfang cosplayer or whoever (I can't remember their username) brought up here before known for pulling this shit too?

>> No.7428555

Rikala? The chick who cosplayed as Spider-Man!Vriska, I think. I hear she's also got a bit of an ego.

>> No.7428559

Different anon here but I agree: a lot of parts don't make any sense even for a selfloving teenager:

>"famous" cosplayer who doesn't own any grey. Even the shiitiest cosplayers usually have halloween quality makeup
>highschooler who wants photos taken on 3/14. That's a weekday. Why not just shoot a day earlier?
>can't travel across state lines but is cosplayfamous and lives in delaware. There are zero conventions in that state
>everything in the email smacks of stupid, rude shit you see in "how to treat your photographer" guides

Even if the photographer didn't selfsend it as a joke or an attempt for notes, it's fake. Maybe someone who doesn't like the photog mailed it. Without know the tumblr name nobody will ever know.

>> No.7428561

Who are they?

>> No.7428595

Nevermind I'm trash, 4/13 is a Sunday. It's still too hamfisted to be real. The fact that its picked up thousands of notes in a few hours is also worth mentioning.

>> No.7428598

It really did seem off. How are you a lolfamous Eridan cosplayer without owning any grey paint?

>> No.7428607

Agree. It sounds like maybe she was being annoying when she posted it and that's what anon didn't like but tbh there is nothing wrong with her cosplay + appearance, she's looking unusually classy for a fat Homestuck.

>> No.7428619

you're a poc

>> No.7428626

Basically the reason why wreckitronnie got any recognition

>> No.7428670

Wait what

>> No.7428755

Maybe you're a ~*~*~smexy humanstuck~*~*~ who only makes gifs and overestimates what it means to be famous.

Accurate. So, so accurate.

>> No.7428771

Totally valid point but then why would the ermgerdfamous cosplayer suddenly need to be grey? Someone like wreckitronnie would want to keep scooping up poc points.

>> No.7428850

That's really fucking accurate. There's someone in two cosplay coms im in that gets ass pats for being poc all the time, despite his cosplays being absolute shit, but still gets called the perfect Equius/John/General Zahhak etc

>> No.7428983

The email didn't say they couldn't travel across state lines, did it? Just that they wanted the photographer to come to them.

>> No.7429065
File: 50 KB, 211x895, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7429071

If that gets recognition, I'll riot

>> No.7429072

A few months back he posted a ton of shit of his equius/darkleer. He only ever uses makeup on his face, his glasses are terrible, and he never bothers with a wig. Pisses me off a lot because everyone praises him because he's black and no other reason.

>> No.7429074


>> No.7429076

He's friends with a friend of mine and I absolutely cannot fathom why people give him asspats. He recently DID get a wig, and I'd like to at least say he's improving, but the wig is party-city quality and I feel I'd be lying if I said it was an improvement.

>> No.7429080

I know him pretty well too but man holy shit it looks like his real hair and his John wig is a giant fuckin afro. Makes it worse that he's still in a very lol XD so random phase despite being 23

>> No.7429082

>lol XD so random at 23
I guess that explains a lot then.

>> No.7429093

Maybe they want to enter that competition and know they'll need to be grey in photos?

>> No.7429098
File: 26 KB, 415x343, Fig1SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a slight idea of who it might be, but i cant find their blof or any pictures of them for the life of me.
if anyone has their url there the one eridan who is a girl (or non gender conforming binary transmission fluid) they have a sure feminine eridan (black lipstick, freckles fuck ton of blush) and their fins remind of of a lionfish (pic related)

but this is just a guess, and its probably fake in some way or another

>> No.7429100

I dont think so, because the deadline is later this month- like 28th i think

>> No.7429107

is that the same eridan who headcanons herself as eridan? if not it could be her too. if that isnt fake i mean

>> No.7429116

yes! thats who i think it is at least i followed her for something (drama potential or a giveaway) and they usually post alot, but they seem to have fallen of the face of the fucking earth

>> No.7429119

Maybe they slunk off in self-shame?

>> No.7429120

havent heard this before. Details?

>> No.7429134

if only..
they made a head cannons list of cosplayers who are their head cannons for each troll (i think) and they listed themselves under eridan, and they also just have a super pretentious feeling about them. so if anyone would be doing shit like that to phogs, it very well could be them.

>> No.7429137

>post about who it could be
>dont actually say who it could be
thanks for nothing, i want to know who this asshole is.

>> No.7429140

Same. Everyone should contact the photographer and tell them to name and shame. They're just going to do this to other photographers until someone falls for it.

>> No.7429149


wait do you mean this list?


they look like they have grey. I wonder if they're from delaware?

>> No.7429150 [DELETED] 

already said can't find their blog or pictures, if i could i would

>> No.7429152

hahaha the eridan is terrible compared to the others tho
if thats them i feel embarrassed for them

>> No.7429153 [DELETED] 

oh shit, thats not who i was thinking about

(looks like im an idiot)

i still dont know how i cant find the blog or any fucking pictures of the girl im thinking of, like they have dash clogging amounts of selfies and shit

>> No.7429167
File: 101 KB, 480x640, tumblr_myixjn8CGq1qhekjco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking found them finally, erisolsies

please for the love of christ be a joke

>> No.7429169

Jesus Christ. This is painful to look at.

>> No.7429173

their url leads to "nyeh.co.vu" i dont want to live anymore

>> No.7429178
File: 53 KB, 400x534, tumblr_mw0r4v0dvl1qhekjco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks becayuse i want to like their fucking fins, but their really shittily constructed, and they just fit meenah so much better

but eridan is yaoi fuel, and they're such a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.7429182

isnt this supposed to be a fem eridan? it looks like it...

>> No.7429199

Nope, just regular 'ol eridan.

Besides, if it was fem eridan it wouldn't be "hawt yaois" anymore.

>> No.7429206


but remember its only hawt yaois when its two girls crossplaying it, because real men are gross rapists unlike their perfect effeminate anime boys

bonus points if they say they're a guy but never want to transition

>> No.7429241

Erisolsies is bostonstuck and owns grey. No match detected.

>> No.7429259

How unfortunate.

>> No.7429275

>bonus points if they say they're a guy but never want to transition
this makes me so furious. im trans myself and have gone through several steps to transition so far, and teenagers who just label themselves male/trans because they dont want to be cis is disgusting.
sage because its rather irrelevant

>> No.7429278

I really wished I didn't see that.

>> No.7429289

have any of you read their about jesus fuck
>I don’t care what you do or what you’re into. As long as no one is getting hurt in the process of you havin’ the time of your life then I’m not gonna stop you.
>I’m really selfish.
>Don’t fall in love with me because I can’t reciprocate romantic feelings and I’ll break your heart, I’m not even kidding.

i would not be surprised at all if this was the person who sent the email

>> No.7429293

>Don't fall in love with me
no worries there

>> No.7429305

I can just smell the snob and bitchyness off of her a mile away.

Oops, my bad, I mean 'ray'.

>> No.7429301

in their "things people have said about me" it's literally just 3 quotes from their friends, 2 of which are from the same person
>"youre eridan"

>> No.7429311

I mean considering her about is titled Fuck Off and starts with "It seems you have stumbled upon my blog! Lucky you! This is me:"
That's not surprising

>> No.7429314

so unfortunate that they're like that, while i was looking for erisolsies i saw their eridan and thought it was pretty good..
it always sucks when its shit like that..

anyways, /r/ing terezis, i need some inspiration for myself.

>> No.7429319

But their FAQ is a gold mine
>no i will not cosplay meenah
>i am aware that i am attractive i have other qualities jsyk
>no i dont want to date anyone leave me alone
>yes i am full of myself thank you for noticing
this one is great though
>i killed bostonstuck for this url
as if their url is fantastic

>> No.7429321

they didn't make their fins

>> No.7429328

>i saw their eridan and thought it was pretty good..
>eridan and thought it was pretty good..
>pretty good..

>> No.7429327 [DELETED] 

are you fucking kidding me????
if someone really did send that thing to a photog, they're on the fucking tippy top of the list, and i honestly believe the photographer would make this up

i seriously cant belive what a hUGE bitch this person is, the more i think about it, the angrier i get jfc

>> No.7429336

oh my god, this chick is the literal definition of tumblr scum. put down your fucking flower crowns and self-important, fictional pronouns and go outside

>> No.7429349

it makes me so mad because I'm one of those people who will call a friend pretty much anything they ask me to, and this asshole is basically mocking you for that.

>> No.7429352
File: 196 KB, 1080x720, 1394841473904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just my opinion though, they're a total attention whore, really ugly out of cosplay and they have text book beady eyes, but their eridan isnt bad or anything? its just them

in other news the eridan cosplay tag is fucking trash, pic related's fucking cape looks like a torn up prom dress

>> No.7429354

>their eridan cosplay isnt bad or anything
have you seen it lmfao

>> No.7429358

only their face, im guessing everything else is literal trash?

>> No.7429361

I literally cannot focus on anything besides those goddamn eyebrows.

>> No.7429362

Their entire cosplay looks like garbage, yes. The wig and fins look atrocious, which is why I asked if you'd even glanced at the picture.
They have 0 makeup skills and even less wig styling capability.

>> No.7429363

The face is way to feminine for Eridan and their freckles are atrocious and they have a bad wig and just do bad makeup in general

>> No.7429365 [DELETED] 

jfc i didnt even notice them and now i cant stop looking fuck

>> No.7429367

turning away from the eridan and onto the sollux for the moment what the fuck is on the boxers
is that a fucking bulge on the side
please dont tell me that's supposed to be genetic material i dont think my heart could take it

>> No.7429374
File: 56 KB, 400x534, tumblr_n0zxkzOQxd1rbz6mbo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but maybe im just a complete idiot, but i'm talking about hopesploder and not erisolsies, erisolsies looks like garbage, this person looks pretty okay

>> No.7429379
File: 63 KB, 392x600, tumblr_n0zvkhAK6W1rbz6mbo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop self-posting your cosplay. You have a terrible attitude and are not nearly as talented as you think you are.

>> No.7429386

Those horns are horribly angled and dat shiny cape fabric

>> No.7429392

Shiny fabric makes me so upset. Those horns are ok, but seem too big.

>> No.7429396

you did it, you caught me, you trapped me in a corner, it was my plan all along to talk shit about erisolsies, and weasel my way in to give myself asspats because im just that sad of a person. but you caught me and my plan failed. poor me.

but i'll just stop talking about it all together, it didn't mean to shit up the thread.

i think they're supposed to be tentacles, but there does look seem to be a suspicious stain on the front. i dont think tentacles fit eridan at all, pirates or wizards, but tentacles not at all.

>> No.7429400


it's genetic material.

>> No.7429402

god is dead and we killed him

>> No.7429435

Most of the people on the list are from the midwest, and the Eridan is one of them.

>> No.7429497

youre all a bunch of cunts

>> No.7429498


>> No.7429517
File: 491 KB, 500x282, gg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7429522
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 1394850583031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am aware that i am attractive

>> No.7429548

How many cons does this guy to?

I feel like he comes up in every other homestuck thread.

Having made that comment I agree from my experience the guy is nice/bro-tier

I haven't personally talked to the guy since Otakon 2012 or 11 I get them all mixed up before his homestuck phase

>> No.7429602

that's a relief

>> No.7429604

somebody save that poor karkat. look at that sad droopy hand. trying to avoid as much skin-to-skin contact as possible. tragic

>> No.7429617
File: 703 KB, 1280x1912, 1394853664207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your cosplay looks like this for years it doesn't really matter how nice you are.

>> No.7429636
File: 440 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n2gjkmDBV01rfkc7to1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just in from the cronus ampora tag

>> No.7429690

what is that.
what. is that.

>> No.7429693

what the fuck am i looking at right now

>> No.7429700
File: 437 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n2gkgigkBG1rfkc7to1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wait there's more

>> No.7429702

why tho.

>> No.7429718

She looks... dirty

>> No.7429728

the average homestuck fan.

>> No.7429730
File: 43 KB, 250x335, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7429758

/r/ing good and bad genderbends

>> No.7429770
File: 376 KB, 1024x1536, 1394858046842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7429773
File: 352 KB, 309x747, tumblr_mlhc0tfVm31rjjhnpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7429775

I honestly have no idea. Is this even homestuck?

Fucking christ. Let's not even go there.

>> No.7429781

is that a classroom. no. no. nonononononoonnono PLEASE no

>> No.7429783

trickster dave?

>> No.7429784

probably a cosplay club

>> No.7429883

i'm gonna guess it's a lolita version of jizzzybro's genderbent trickster dave

>> No.7430189

Me 2. Lets hide away and hoard all the 'mones until it all blows over. Sage for OT.

>> No.7430256
File: 381 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n2f1hbxK401qe4fcso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7430291
File: 62 KB, 338x600, tumblr_m2y6014UCE1qfdtseo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ their blog just keeps getting bitchier and bitcher someone asked how they do their eridan wig
>step one: put wig on
>step two:
she's going to animeboston next week too

>> No.7430406

Wow, you both actually got it right.

>those actual strawberries in hair

>> No.7430417

Oh wait no, lemme clarify

" fairy!lolita!triCHkster!Dave"

Fucking hell.

>> No.7430428
File: 75 KB, 900x458, 1394900669502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7430503

looks like chocolate milk mmmmmm delicious

>> No.7430519

As someone who has had the misfortune of meeting them IRL, I can assure you all that they're just as awful in person as they present themselves to be online.

>> No.7430599

Is that Elijah Wood cosplaying Eridan?

>> No.7430819

Does she know that her email was leaked and everyone thinks she's a massive lolcow? Or is she playing it smart and not saying anything?

>> No.7430842 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 960x1280, 1394912134831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean >>7428167 email? Wrong location/paint/whatever. She's dramatastic enough on her own anyway.

>> No.7430848
File: 269 KB, 960x1280, 1394912316413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean >>7428167 email? Wrong location/paint/whatever. She's dramatastic enough on her own anyway.

>> No.7430862



>> No.7430863

literally who the hell is that supposed to be a cosplay of im so fucking sick of this cosplayer

>> No.7430868 [DELETED] 

As much as I totally wish it was her, I know she doesn't live anywhere near Delaware, so I really don't think she's the emailer.

>> No.7430873


>> No.7430878

humanstuck mituna

>> No.7430882

she probably only has like 100 followers

>> No.7430884

oh wait no she said her follower count
4000 lmao
yeah she's so famous and tragic wow everyone feel sorry for her

>> No.7430892

Is it just me, or is she not even that pretty? She's acting like she's gorgeous when really she's average...and that's me being nice.

>> No.7430915

Holy shit can you get any more vain? You're not famous, you're not cute, you're not funny, you're fucking nothing. Calm your shit and holy fucking hell.

>> No.7430920
File: 30 KB, 400x534, tumblr_m5f6n2gsXF1qhekjco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah dude. she looks pretty downs. would not be surprised if retarded.

>> No.7430930
File: 121 KB, 960x720, 1394917833938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7430934

New thread:

>> No.7431000

how ridiculously self centered can you be hahahaha
this chick seems retarded though so i wouldnt be too hard on her. the way she talks seems really fucking autistic.

>> No.7435396

Drawn on facial hair urks me. Using your own pubes would be better.