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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 96 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7421505 No.7421505 [Reply] [Original]

Not quite ita but not quite right. Not really ugly but not quite pretty. A bit too fatty but not a ham planet. For fun, as a hobbyist troll or as critiquing therapy for the serious autist poster, blow off steam or vent your passive-aggressive jelly by posting these things here.

For real ita, use the ita thread. But you can squabble about what ita is here and post your picky opinion with a photo. Parody, irony and sarcasm welcome.
Previous thread: >>7414707

>> No.7421596
File: 963 KB, 640x960, nitpick 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll start.
>shoes don't fit aesthetic
>lipstick too dark
>purse doesn't match or go with print
>bow on hat. Why? Pick fucking one and go with it.
She's in my comm and is kinda cute but I hate her because she is much younger than me yet almost has as much brand as I do.

>> No.7421606


She's in the socal comm right? I saw her at a meeting and she had mega bitch face. Her coord was cute, but she seemed like she was glaring all the time, I was too scared to say hi.

>> No.7421608

There is some pink in the print but those shoes have to go. If she has a decent amount of brand, she should have invested in better shoes by one.

Side note: how do people know so much about each other's closets beyond occasionally looking at someone's wardrobe posts or albums? Do you count?

>> No.7421611

Biggest issue is the bag. She could have gotten away with it if not for the bag.

No more arguing over sock terminology, please.

>> No.7421622

I feel bad for hating her because she is actually super nice and sweet but super shy too.

>> No.7421624
File: 53 KB, 600x800, whatevenisthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is great at putting together a nice coord but what the actual flying fuck is that hat thing.

>> No.7421629

But why go to a meetup if you're shy?

>> No.7421631


I'm shy and I go to meetups because the girls are nice and are more willing to make conversation than my colleagues on any given weekday. Thus, I talk more as well. Shy=/=so asocial you become practically mute at the sight of a stranger.

>> No.7421635

to overcome your shyness? to meet other people with the same interest?

>> No.7421639

>No more arguing over sock terminology, please.

F that, sock peeves are my worst. If I see socks I don't like, I'ma call them out. I do, however, know my sock terminology to do so.

>> No.7421641

A witch hat/cornucopia? I love it but then again, I'm also a Meta fan so what do I know...

>> No.7421918

Wasn't that for a witch themed meet?

>> No.7421948

Girls in my comm post their latest purchases to tumblr, facebook and instagram. Some even keep their wardrobes on their facebooks so as soon as they get a new item they update, that way everyone knows about it.

>> No.7421960

Yes, and I look at those too but who keeps track of how many brand dresses vs their own closet ? If I see a friend getting something new, I'm just like 'oh, cool, she'll look nice at the next meet.'
I don't even count my own dresses, brand or not. Post, yes. Count or keep track? Nah.

>> No.7421992

She must have done something right. She won best dressed for an Angelic Pretty tea party anniversary. Personally, I hate it.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/GWqHH4Vlu-k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.7421996

Whoops. I totally failed on embedding that. Just copy and paste the link I guess.

>> No.7422004

if someone has 6 dresses and someone else has like 100 it's pretty obvious, I think. But once people are past like 30 or so, I'm never sure if they have huge closets or average ones. pPeople who buy and sell a lot make me think they have more too.

>> No.7422097

...you know you can't embed things here, right?

>> No.7422137

the hat is great, the SHOES are AWFUL.

its a witch hat, and no it wasn't for a witch/Halloween meet. it was for the AP USA tea party and she won best dressed chosen by Maki and Asuka.

>> No.7422148

Misako also chose a 'creative' coord as well for one of the best dressed at the Australia Tea Party. I think it's a plot to make western Lolitas look more ita. Teehee.

> seriously though, I think they choose creative ones partially because they perceive the creativity aspect as an important western Lolita trait.

>> No.7422155

Well, yes that that would be obvious but this was what made me go..hmmm?

> hate her because she is much younger than me yet almost has as much brand as I do.

>> No.7422163

It depends upon what your comm is like and what sort of personalities you have.
Personally, I don't post mine on fb since I organize mine elsewhere and I also don't keep an obsessive count. People who are aiming for e-fame or enjoy the attention it gets them tend to be more obsessive about it though. Each to their own I suppose. I do get a kick out of being modest about though because it means I can pull out a piece for a meetup that no one knows I own.

Also seconding >>7422004, since making a comparison is much easier if there is a bigger difference between wardrobes.

>> No.7422597

Hehe, I like pulling out a sneaky dress as well, I don't really like to post my new dresses until after I've worn them to a meet or at least out and taken a piccie. It kind of seems anticlimactic if everyone already knows I have something before I even get to wear it.

>> No.7422626

She has a sugar daddy right?

>> No.7422638

i fukken love everything about this minus the shoes

>> No.7422641

It's way too much going on on that hat. But yeah the shoes are probably the worst.

>> No.7422644


Didn't she that in her interview as well? That the western lolita community is often less afraid to try out new things?

Well, at least we're 'special.' Congrats guys, we've achieved that status for better or for worse.

>> No.7422655

I was also not sure why the yellow accents and moon bag, DDC has stars and gold. A gold star bag would be more suitable.

>> No.7422679
File: 115 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this girl on our Facebook community. The gloves are ita as fuck. Wtf is with these shoes? She looks awful. She tried goth lolita, I'd say she's a gothnightmare ita.

>> No.7422686

Except for the hair I say that this was an old-school gothic lolita attempt gone terribly wrong...
I'm not even really sure what's going on with that hair though.

>> No.7422704
File: 66 KB, 800x566, fookin hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we gonna make huge fucking hats a thing? Because I'm down.

>> No.7422725

Mah dream dress!!1!

Well...not really my dream dress but I have had my eye on it. God, why!?

>> No.7422734

Yes you can, but that anon was doing it wrong. In order to embed youtube videos you have to only post the yt-link, and 4chan automatically embeds it for you.

>> No.7422739
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>> No.7422740
File: 651 KB, 788x626, fair lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big hats forever

>> No.7423000

No she either goes alone or her parents drop her off. I think she should be 17 or 18 by now

>> No.7423029

Wtf, she's 17? She looks older than me and I'm 22.

>> No.7423032

I think it's the heavy makeup. I'm not much older than her at 19, but I've seen girls four years younger than me that look like they're in their mid-twenties because they like to pile on the makeup. Dark lipstick+heavy eyes ages you ten years.

>> No.7423035

nope sorry. she is perfect ott witch

>> No.7423268
File: 83 KB, 720x720, 1394569211840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this girl knows how to dress herself

>> No.7423285

Is that a bowl on her head?

>> No.7423294

I think it's supposed to be a vintage hat. It just doesn't work with the outfit. Actually... the whole outfit looks really off to me.

>> No.7423301

Was it tagged lolita? Because it looks suspiciously like one of the retro/vintage lovers who stumbles onto a brand dress and styles it...unfortunately...
Sorry to report, it is indeed a hat. It makes me sad.

>> No.7423310

>cinderella shoes
>alien hat
>strand of pearls
>that skinny belt

Where to start?

>> No.7423311

Saucer hats can look amazing and sophisticated, Dior styles them well...but this is not a very good styling. Especially with the jelly shoes and those socks. I know they are AP socks but I'd use pumps with them here. And not call the styling Lolita at all.

>> No.7423314

Why would retro/vintage lovers even wear lolita? It doesn't look retro or vintage.

>> No.7423366

I almost like this. Or rather, I like the idea that's behind it, just not the execution.

I would love to see a bluexsilver Lolita summer coord with those shoes she has (sans the cinderella clips), but there's too much gold in this dress to pull that off here.

>> No.7423385

It's just my guess from the hat, her tat and the way she styled it.

>> No.7423452

It's it Ellejay? Who's been into lolita for years? She should know better.

>> No.7423481

Someone can be in the fashion for many, many years and still be an ita.

Prime example: hildekitten

>> No.7423494

That's very true, but from memory she normally dresses okay.

>> No.7423506

It's Ellejay. Wasn't she kicked out of the Chicago comm before she moved to SF?

>> No.7423633

Damn, I really feel she could use some tights or something. And some more elegant shoes.

>> No.7423631

She was not kicked out, and is still a mod in the Chicago comm as she plans to move back at some point.

She has been experimenting with the fashion recently - incorporating a lot of different elements. Not every experiment has been a success in my opinion, but I think she has been a bit bored with standard Lolita and wanted to try mixing it up lately.

At the risk of sounding like a whiteknight (this is a nitpick thread, she doesn't do standard coordinates lately and it's within your rights to dislike it of course) vague shit like "wasn't she kicked out" smells like the same vendettachan that keeps trying to start shit about her lately. You don't like her, fine - this is a nitpick thread, keep it to outfits, don't with the passive aggressive "I heard she did xyz" crap.

>> No.7423642
File: 107 KB, 415x750, tumblr_n2a1yr0ekJ1qc7lm5o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit dropped pic.

>> No.7423676

I didn't even know who it was. Was this tagged lolita where it was posted? If not then happily experiment on. If tagged as a Lolita coordinate then Houston, we have a problem.

Though some people will tag lolita If they have one Burando sock or tote bag gimmie in it as well 'because it's a lolita brand' so...?

>> No.7423686

Corselette needs boning or better boning, wig is messy, not enough accessories and more obvious leg wear needed. It could be shaped up nicely though. Not a disaster, it's 2/3 ok.

Why don't people fix their wigs?

>> No.7423733

that corset thing looks like it'd be upside down whichever way you wore it

>> No.7423774

Not a vendetta since I have no connection to this girl but she looks like she should be on Housewives of New Jersey. She looks pretty muscular and mature.

>> No.7424101

I like everything except the shoes, I think something a little more elegant would have been better.

>> No.7424106

It's kind of a fad in the SoCal comm to have a FB album of your wardrobe (I'm guilty of it myself). A ton of people do it, so it's pretty easy to tell what kind of stuff people have.

>> No.7424109

the top of the hat looks like a condom. cannot unsee.

>> No.7424120

Fuck that hat is glorious.

>> No.7424306

It's all about the poofy skirts.

>a retro loving lolita

>> No.7424692

i dont think i like the black with the brown skirt, and the pinks look mismatched idk

>> No.7426733

wig??? i think i know who she is and i'm pretty sure that's her real hair... and it's quite gorgeous and long. the problem with real hair is that you can try to fix it as much as you want but it still might decide to not behave.

and i agree, the outfit is not a disaster but.. not really super nice either.

>> No.7426755

Well ok, hair then. Styling products are her friend. Those kind of curls shouldn't be frizzy at all. If she use heat spray then curl hold products, this kind of messiness can be avoided most times. If she still can't manage the well-formed curls, she could try a different, looser curl style that doesn't require as much smooth detail.

>> No.7426768

I agree, she's too chubby, and her face is weird. It's like.....ethnic. :/
>>Normal high heels with lolita
Pet peeve.

>> No.7426770

This so much, she's got that look to her.
>>tan skin
>>bleached hair
>>trashy tattoo
Can't tell if douche or European.

>> No.7426776
File: 266 KB, 672x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her blog is pretty interesting but her coords are lacking. I think this one in particular is just a little too short, and the white tights make her legs look like sausages. As for her other coords, she puts zero effort into her hair and makeup which is a shame. She seems well put together otherwise.

>> No.7426781

I almost like this, but I feel like for this outfit she needs more poof

>> No.7426785

>I agree, she's too chubby


>> No.7426790


>> No.7426799
File: 10 KB, 243x251, 1359550015957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her face is weird. It's like.....ethnic. :/

>> No.7429202

Moar please.

>> No.7429217
File: 23 KB, 307x158, Eugenie-and-Beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that hat

>DDC girls confirmed for brimmed bimbos

>> No.7429221


>> No.7430830
File: 163 KB, 422x750, tumblr_n2grggVFD71romhb8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wig looks so cheap and costumey and she's not even wearing a petti. The dress is way too small for her and the makeup looks like that of a mallgoth. Just no.

>> No.7430831

The wig doesn't even match in colour either.

>> No.7430844

So how come this isn't in the ita thread?

>> No.7430866

I want to know where the fuck she gets her shoes, though

>> No.7430870

They're a Moitie design but they might be a replica

>> No.7430885

You realize she just stuck two ponytail clips to her real hair, right?
The bangs are definitely her real hair.
But really if you just chopped off her head you'd have a tacky looking oldschool coord.

>> No.7430888

I didn't realize that but it doesn't make it any less horrible.


I don't think you know what that word means. Old school Moitie looks very different to this.

>> No.7431999
File: 277 KB, 1200x797, 1394972707603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those shoes with that coord

>> No.7432002

Ughhh. Those shoes are AP but that doesn't mean that they match automatically. I personally think that they're hideous

>> No.7433003

UGH. THIS. people keep matching those and it's like those shoes are bright red and that dress is dark wine.

>> No.7433037

She matched them to bright red hair bows, not the dress I think

>> No.7433049

Owwww. Not with mah dream dressss

>> No.7433055
File: 26 KB, 328x546, kerawonderqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, maybe she took inspiration from this Kera page? It still looks bad and too primary though.

>> No.7433060


>> No.7433064

>shoes don't match rest of coord apart from a tiny bit of dark pink in the tights, makes coord unbalanced
>bright red nails with an otherwise totally pastel coord

Overall a really nice outfit but those shoes are bugging the heck out of me.

>> No.7433158

I hate that whole damn coord and it amazes me that more people didn't call out those god-awful boots.

>> No.7433164

I think what's worse is
>two different shades of red on a busy dress
It's honestly fug, and the bag design makes no sense to me.

>> No.7433171

I'm sure that is what people are doing, but see, AP didn't have any shoes out at the time that matched, so yeah, awkward mismatch in kera.

Yeah, no. The bows don't match, the shoes don't match, it just doesn't work.

>> No.7433365

I hate it when you just copy coord from magazines. Learn to creativity. You are not going to look like that model, ever.

>> No.7433381

oh when I saw the bows they look like the same bright red, you sure they don't match? I don't like the outfit since it doesn't pull that bright red throughout the entire top to bottom but I do think the boots match those tiny hair bows pretty spot on

>> No.7433386

though in that picture above they don't really match, maybe she used different ones in the worn pictures, i don't know

>> No.7433922

Has the girl who runs Lolita Tips on tumblr posted her coords or better yet her wardrobe? I'm not quite sure about some of the advice she dishes out so I want to see her own personal styling skills at work.

>> No.7434108
File: 201 KB, 960x1280, 1395040535423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.7434128

is it bad that I don't see whats wrong with this? The blues are close enough, the wig is fine, I don't see the problem u-u;

>> No.7434131

No. I don't see anything wrong with it either. The wig looks fine. It's not the highest grade of wig, but it doesn't look terrible and cheap either.

>> No.7434189

The makeup is fairly eh and she needs a petti, but otherwise, eh.

>> No.7434194 [DELETED] 

S noHa>7434108
Ok, wtfuckity-fuck.....NO! She has no business dishing out fashion tips! Call the fucking G&LB Police, where's some Bodyline handcuffs, this is just Not Right. How has no one blown this shit out of the water on BTB yet? J...F...C

>> No.7434195

Ok, wtfuckity-fuck.....NO! She has no business dishing out fashion tips! Call the fucking G&LB Police, where's some Bodyline handcuffs, this is just Not Right. How has no one blown this shit out of the water on BTB yet? J...F...C

>> No.7434334

Proving yet again that being a complete ita is a requirement to be a lolita mod.

>> No.7434367

I don't like the coord, but it's not ita.

>> No.7434379

The reds....
The hair bows, the dress, the bag hearts and the shoes ALL seem different shades of red, none matching the other!
I'm assuming the light is off and the dress white IS white and matches the tights and isn't off-white or ivory but that's a big assumption.

Yes, the theme of everything matches and there's so much pattern and busy-ness going on here that once you get a girl with makeup, lashes and a wig in this mix it will be in-your-face OTT detail and you may not notice that reds don't match?

Black boots/shoes would look better, solve much of the reds problem and reinforce the black of the bag. Didn't these shoes come in black?

>> No.7434385


This isn't the ita thread though

>nitpicking the nitpicking thread

>> No.7434424

did you even see the comment I replied to?

>Proving yet again that being a complete ita is a requirement to be a lolita mod.


>> No.7434425

she doesn't wear wigs but she did do buns very reminiscent of that AP spread shown above when she did worn pictures, so I guess she was copying that one model

and it was very.. ehhhhh I didn't care about it

shoes made me double take though

>> No.7434430

Post a worn pix or link? I'd like to think it looks Bette than I imagine from the laid out photo, but I'm doubtful.

>> No.7434437

i saw it on tumblr i think it's under the wonder queen tag but i'm on my phone so tumblr is shit for loading and searching tags

>> No.7434609

>is it bad that I don't see whats wrong with this?

Yes. If you can't see it then you need to lurk more.

>> No.7434626

The pony falls are messy, cheap and don't match her hair or the blues in the lace (compare bangs, falls and head bow lace), the dress is wrinkled and she has boobloaf because it's pulled too tight. Sock ribbons are uneven. Lack of appropraate accessories for the formality of the dress, it's styled too casually and costume-like overall. Not bad enough to be posted in ita thread but enough to get commented on here. That's my nitpick of it.

>> No.7434630

Colour aside, the wig is also too cutesy looking for the outfit.

>> No.7434638

Yep, that too. Aesthetic of gothic, especially EGL needs a more refined style. Ratted big or in drill curls, yes, loose and slightly casual/messy like this, no.

>> No.7434712
File: 253 KB, 960x1280, 1395070876742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down.

>> No.7434723

Still nope and I looked through it all. No wonder she gets so many baby noob and Bodyline questions though. That's about the level she's qualified to answer and she still muddles some of the facts at that. Pitiful.

>> No.7434737

Her advice has always been sound to me. It's mostly common sense more than anything, though.

I'm guessing based on her photos that she may also have a limited wardrobe. I've been there; it sucks.

>> No.7434744

Calm your ass.

>> No.7434756

I'm not faulting her on her wardrobe status, we've all been there. The difference is, we didn't usually set ourselves up in positions to attempt to give advice from that admittedly very limited point of view and lack of practical experience.

If all she can realistically compare is the limited off brand pieces that she owns and hearsay and what she reads and sees from the internet though, I won't be following or recommending her tips any time soon. She comes across as having much more experience and authority than her own coordinate pictures and wardrobe warrant. That's my opinion.

Anyone can open up a tips or advice tumblr though and readers just need to be careful where they get their advice from so whatevs, I guess. I really don't think she is doing the community at large any actual service though.

>> No.7434802

My friend went to a con in lolita and she didn't really have much makeup on, just poorly applied lashes and eyeliner. I'm not sure she even had a petti but what I hated the most was that she didn't remove he lip piercing.

I want to help her since she's such a noob. But I don't know her well and from what I can tell she's over emotional.

>> No.7435033

I would have picked on the hideous make-up before I picked on any of those things.

>> No.7435035

The petti's a bigger problem than the lip piercing, especially if she was in gothic. A lip piercing in sweet would be disgusting though.

>> No.7435048

I think her advice is fairly solid, it's mostly sensible/obvious stuff. I just assumed she was poor IRL so her coords didn't reflect her knowledge. You can know a lot about something without having done it yourself; I had to take a kid I babysat to horseriding and watch their lessons for years, so even though I've never ridden I could probably give people pointers, especially if 99% of their questions were DO I REALLY NEED A SADDLE I CAN'T AFFORD ONE AND I SAW ANOTHER HORSERIDER RIDE WITHOUT ONE SO CAN I DO WITHOUT ONE TO START WITH. ALSO IS IT OKAY IF I JUST RIDE DONKEYS BECAUSE BUYING A THOROUGHBRED CHAMPION RACEHORSE WOULD BE MILLIONS sort of tier. Whether I would actually do that, though, is another matter. Yeah, she gives advice, but she mainly deals with a string of noobs who no-one else would deal with. She doesn't really get questions from anyone advanced enough that she couldn't answer.

>> No.7435059

Yeah I agree with pretty much everything in this post.

>> No.7435062

When I see photos of these two I always think of Cinderella's ugly stepsisters.

>> No.7436065

she is just so ita she makes AP look like bodyline

>> No.7436685
File: 20 KB, 271x400, obm-glamour7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supa down, lets do this.

>> No.7436700

Eh, that's preference and it's not wildly out of spec with the coord though I don't particularly like it personally.

>> No.7436705

Plenty of Lolitas, including sweet, have facial piercings. I don't think that's an issue, much like tattoos. The no petti thing though, that's an issue.

>> No.7436707

National Hat Day, I assume for the US and there isn't an international one that I could find...is every January 15th. Now where can I find a nice little model ship between now and next January..,

>> No.7436729

So much lard.

>> No.7436735

Yep. Would you listen to her give Lolita fashion tips? Nopenopenope.

>> No.7436942

As a European I was about to bristle at this, but then I realized that yeah, she looks like a nouveau riche Eastern European trophy wife.

>> No.7437761
File: 113 KB, 278x400, 1392182477135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god!! thats what the girl who runs lolita tips looks like?! i am never asking a question again! i looked through that whole tag and every coord looked plain terrible! who knew such a ita whale ran that blog! im in an insane amount of shock! shes just so ugly! i know im taking this a bit off the high end but i really trusted that blog! i think she said shes been a lolita for what, 7 years? 7 years and i only saw 3 or 4 wigs?!

>> No.7437770

Are you seriously thinking that wig is required in lolita ? We have a bunch of e-famous lolitas such as Siriusc who never wear wigs and just lay around with their georgeous hair. You sound really new.

>> No.7437791

Yeah your shock about her lack of a huge wig collection is weird.

>> No.7437794

The only Europeans you know are Europeans are the douchebag kind who make such a point of letting you know they are European. And yep, many of them look like that.

But it's universal and an equal opportunity trashy look...
Plenty of Southern US and SoCali (or wanna be SoCali) and Texas sorority women look like this too! And the a Texans will make sure you know they are Texans too.

>> No.7437803

Who would even go around saying that they're European? Most people I know would just tell which country they are from. But I guess if you're up to americans who dosen't have any knowledge of geography, except for their own states, it's not so suprising that people take such measures.

>> No.7437813

Either this is sarcasm or it is indeed a noob. If the latter... Noob, wigs aren't necessary but taste is so you got the ita part right for supposedly being in the fashion 8 years and no more experienced than she is. She won't have any useful advice for anyone wanting or wearing brand or buying even moderately and building a decent closet because even after 8 years, she doesn't have experience with any of this. Many of her noob tips regarding measuring, sizes and coordinating are not very accurate or good either. But then noobs should be considering their sources too and they have no one to blame but themselves if they follow someone like this instead of doing their research. Reading an hour at fyeahlolita blog and using her resources would get them off to a much better start.

>> No.7437817

Her advice really is spot-on, though. She can always pick out what looks weird in a coord or what accessories would look good with what.

It's a shame about her own coords, though... I've only been wearing Lolita for like 11 months and my coords actually look better than hers...

>> No.7437819

c-can I help her... not do this... ever again... I will bring her to stores around SF. pls... no more jelly shoes.

>> No.7437823

*pat pat
it will be ok. You should make you own tips tumblr!

>> No.7437829

I think her taste in and recommendations for accessories are really terrible so that is subjective. Too much lolifying with off brand junk that isn't even department store quality adds a very cheap and hodge-podge effect. But to each their own.
8 years Lolita she claims and still looks like that. Just no.
Plus she's ripped off an Imai Kira photo to use as her icon.
If I was a troll-type, I'd donate ita shit to her to use in her plugged giveaways.

>> No.7437854

>Plus she's ripped off an Imai Kira photo to use as her icon.
Why is it a bad thing to use artwork as an icon?

>> No.7437864

I remember a year or two she said she was "average size for lolita" I only remember because I was surprised when I finally saw a photo of her
I guess it's a case of being able to dress others but not herself

>> No.7437867

She does have wigs, doesn't she? They just look like badly done natural hair.
And I saw 2 coords that weren't GREAT, but pretty okay.

>> No.7437869

Because the artist has specifically requested people NOT do this. It's on her blog.

>> No.7437892

Two 'pretty ok' coords over an 8 year span of potential pictures 'as a Lolita' when you run a tips blog is a pretty poor showing. I don't think she's very old though, is she? So I'm guessing most of her '8 years in Lolita' were just reading and watching, not wearing. Her photos do not go back very far even if she left out several years.
She's bigger than average sizes all her photos.
I'm not sure about the wigs, every photo just looks like 'meh' hairstyle.

Overall, I don't think she's hideous or a complete ita, I just question her abilities and experience to give tips to others when she looks like that in her photos. I think if you are going to give tips, you should have a degree if competence but technically anyone can open up a tumblr on any subject so...

>> No.7437900

>I just question her abilities and experience to give tips to others when she looks like that in her photos

I question her ability to give tips to others based on the fact that she has said stupid shit repeatedly in response to asks.

Examples off the top of my head:
>Suggesting Japanese shopping services to buy from TaoBao
>Recommending suspected Milanoo fronts for budget purchases

>> No.7437910

Yep, a LOT of her info is just plain wrong. Those are two good examples. Plus so much Bodyline talk.
When I first noticed her tips tumblr, I clicked to her personal one, looked at some pix and just noped right on out of there.

>> No.7437917

When has this happened? She always suggest TaobaoNow, doesn't she? And she always turns people away from sketchy shops.

>> No.7437919

suggests* god damn it spellcheck

>> No.7437930

Her tips are heavily biased to her own tastes though, what she likes. Which means her advice will likely leave you styled much like she is. Which isn't very good.

>> No.7437943

I guess looking fab is hard when you have her bodyshape.
There's lots of stuff that wouldn't fit her or look very unflatterin on her.

>> No.7437977

She got ripped apart in asks for the mistake. It was a few months back.

>> No.7437986
File: 376 KB, 666x1000, 1395184344736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can do so much better. She's kinda fat for an asian girl, idk. Thick legs are thick legs.

>> No.7438036

No she shouldn't, she's obviously a noob herself.

>> No.7438060

She's not a stylist either, so she just suggests based on her own experience, I guess?
Which judging by her wardrobe, is really very limited and not much, if any brand or really unique pieces.

Anyone can polyvore coordinate with pix off the web, that doesn't mean it's good practical advice to wear.

She gives petticoat advice for instance, but which ones does she actually own and know? Maybe one cheapie tulle? So advise about poof, wear, movement, performance, etc is just her parroting reviews by others that she's read on the net? I don't really consider this 'advice'. Multiply this by a small closet and not owning brand. Nope.

I just think she tries to come off with much more experience than she actually has and I also think she really doesn't have very good Lolita coordinating sensibilities to be advising anyone. Her time would be better spent working to improve her own coordinates and advise by example.

>> No.7438107

Lol, they're not thick. Show us your legs anon.

>> No.7438111

I've been into lolita for 8 years and I only have about 5 outfits to show for it because my stupid ex boyfriend deleted most of them and I didn't have a copy. That and my old computer melted.

>> No.7438115

Welp, I didn't know that. I guess I'll delete my Imai Kira icon now.

>> No.7438141

Offtopic but artists that complain about random people an ocean away using a 100x100 crop of their art as a random social media icon are jokes, especially when they're a fairly well known and commercial artist. It's worst when it's animu fanartists complaining, but at least imai kira does original work...

>> No.7438146

But you aren't on tumblr trying to advise people based on your experience either. Different story. Unless you sold your clothes, you could also recreate outfits or post enough new ones to represent time in the fashion too, I'm betting...

>> No.7438147

I like her shoes but what the fuck is with that veil? I just looked at her blog and she has an amazing closet but her outfits are really messy and uncoordinated.

>> No.7438159

I love how she obviously doesn't own a book purse or likely *any* appropriate purse, so she's carrying just some random book to make the coord look more put together. What the fuck.

>> No.7438163

Think as you like, if an artist doesn't want you ripping off their licensed work and using it for whatevs, then I respect that. It's not really relevant to me personally because I buy her prints on dresses and goods, collect her books and postcards and my friends draw chibis of me or I use a portrait snap whenever I need a personal pic.

But I'm not the only one who thinks it's disrespectful and don't think much people who use it.

>> No.7438171

That veil is so ridiculous. NO ONE would go out like that. You would just get one million "congratulations!" and "have fun on your honeymoon" type comments. Why would you. Why? That's not even my opinion, it's objectively a stupid ass thing to wear around for no reason.
And if she actually was getting married or something her coord is ghetto as fuck for that. And it's not even good. The tights and shoes are nice but everything else looks like shit. If it wasn't all white this would be far more obvious.

>> No.7438180

Was their a caption or tags on this to decipher what exactly she is going for here? A hint? A clue? Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense.

>> No.7438185

It was a themed meet up. All of the outfits were costumey. The theme was an Alice in Wonderland one and this girl's coord was patterned after the White Queen. For reference, she also wore the veil to the JetJ tea party and it looked awesome there as well.
Oh yeah, and she is also totally not fat and obviously has a hater in here who insults every coord she posts.
And before you post it... No. I am not her but yes I am in her comm and consider her a friend.

>> No.7438190

>ripping off
>having a tiny ass internet icon for personal use
Yet no one ever complains about all the Sakizou/Imai/other lolita artist art dump threads.

>> No.7438198

>Her time would be better spent working to improve her own coordinates and advise by example.

>> No.7438212

Many of her asks never quite make it to light, especially anything critical unless it is a blatant mistake she's getting called out on. Seems she ignores quite a bit of concrit or suggestions that are sent her way. I'm not surprised to find this out.

>> No.7438218

The request Imai Kira specifically makes is that you do not repost her art for your own use on other sites.
Regardless of size.
Regardless of who else posts what else where.
Regardless of who else dickishly defends art theft with other dick examples of art theft.

>> No.7438221

>dat handmade dress
>not even good

you must be really hard to please, anon

>> No.7438233

The dress is nice but the coord could use some work. Particularly that tacky as fuck necklace and the veil, but I'm also on the fence about the gloves.

>> No.7438267

It's called a nitpicking thread for a reason. If it was for a costume party it makes a lot more sense but it's still giving off a wedding vibe. In my opinion her accessories make or break her coords for sure. Like brown boots with this dress?

>> No.7438273

Brown boots? How are gold shoes brown boots?
It is one thing to nitpick. Another to not even see what you are nitpicking.

>> No.7438290

I think it looks very like a first communion outfit. White, veil (mantilla especially) gloves, the length if the dress all say first communion to me rather than bridal.

>> No.7438305

Then potatoes shouldn't write tips blogs about shit they can't wear...trying to tell other people how to wear it, hmm?

>> No.7438326

Never said it was a good idea, unless she managed to finds stuff she looks good in and shares advice with fellow potatoes.

>> No.7438333
File: 95 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up about veils, guize, I have this totes Kuh-why Gothic Lolita veil for sale in my Store Envy shop right this minute...so Rori!

>> No.7438343
File: 439 KB, 1000x1502, 1395193221547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My image didn't go through, my fault.

>> No.7438347

Which she could. That would be a worthwhile thing. Potato Rori Rescue, lol.

>> No.7438355

Someone said she has a blog and a big wardrobe but her coords are subpar? Blog link? And yes, these boots with dress, not good.

>> No.7438361

>Potato Rori Rescue
Totally awesome!

>> No.7438370

Actually if someone did nit picks and critiques this way, posting a picture and challenging the commenters to 'fix it' and it was done with humor, it would be fun.

>> No.7438508

that angle is making her face:head ratio look really bizarre

>> No.7438968

Oops, I meant to say 5 different photos of different outfits. I could recreate at least 30 new outfits with my current wardrobe, true. I just wish I had more old photos.

But yes, I agree that when you run and advice blog you should have pictures of at least a few decent outfits. She doesn't seem to know much about what she's talking about.

>> No.7438975

What do you think of people who has brand prints as their icons? Or random pop culture pictures?

>> No.7438979

Actually, people have been doing a lot fewer dumps of sakizo's stuff since she put that notice up on her page asking people not to scan her books. And even when people WERE doing that, it was with books that had long since sold out everywhere except for scalping second hand shops on y!ja.

>> No.7438980

I can understand why she might not want people to do so, but how exactly is this art theft? It's not like you're saying it's your picture or making any profit from it. It's just reposting it essentially. I had an LJ icon with a cropped picture of her's with credit to her on it, but I guess I'll delete it now. But still, I bet some of your icons have used copyrighted pictures/pictures that you didn't own. I don't see how that's dickish when it's just a LJ icon unless they've asked you not to do so.

>> No.7438981

Honestly? I think they are dumb, unoriginal and not very creative. Your icon is your identity, anon or not, and an opportunity to be original.

>> No.7438990

Most artists have a 'don't use without permission' notice of some kind and nope, not since I was maybe too young to even know better because the last non-original icon pix I dimly remember using was a picture of a blue haired troll doll. I've gotten permission to use quite a few cool things and also like to make my own icons from my own photos of things.

>> No.7439001

Saving images without permission is illegal, you know. It's theft in the exact same way as downloading a movie or a song is because all of the same laws apply. It doesn't matter whether you're making money from it yourself or not, the point is that you need the person's permission to use it in any capacity.

>> No.7439012

Here is the copyright and usage statement from her site, repasted here for clarification:
Reproduction or appropriation of HTML, images and photographs from within this site is prohibited.

So yep, the site is in Japanese but this bit is in English too. So yep, pretty clear.

>> No.7439033

Not that anon, but I'd like to see proof for that. If that were true, you'd think browsers wouldn't have the ability to right click/save things and there'd be some sort of whole contact process to send an image to someone with given permission, a regulation system, or you end up having to take a crummy picture of your screen, using some sort of illegal image saving program/plug in, or just not being able to download the image at all, like it's intended. Pirated videos get taken down all the time, but I've never seen anything legalities about saving images.

>> No.7439034

Not everyone wants to use a picture of themselves as an icon, you know. Especially on sites like LJ.

>> No.7439036

No one said you did. I often use altered photos of flowers, pretty things I photograph, graphic doodles I do.

>> No.7439041

Just because you can reach out and snatch something doesn't mean it's legal to.
By your logic, grabbing anything in a store or off a street artist' stable should be ok too because hey, it's in reach, right?

It's enough for me that artists that I'm a fan of make a statement. I support the visual artists I I've by buying their books, cards and goods, musicians by buying their CDs etc.

>> No.7439044

I know right?
Universal law against art thievery should be something like you MUST credit the original artist if using because that gives them more advertising. They'd profit less if they never post anywhere else. I'd never know who imai Kira was if it weren't for seeing her art posted somewhere. Guess what - I'm planning to order a poster from her once her store restocks them.

>> No.7439045

And not everyone is artistic and some would rather not post their pictures. Doubting that you've never posted a picture you don't own anywhere ever.

>> No.7439091

You're absurd and pretentious, just so you know.

>> No.7439095
File: 8 KB, 220x165, 73210492_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb, unoriginal and not very creative.
>"I often use altered photos of flowers"

oooh, yes, you are so original and very creative. I'm sure no one else has that as their icon.

>> No.7439097

i use a picture of a cat making a dumb face

>> No.7439104

I'm sure they do, lots of people photograph flowers and use them.

Original as in my own flower composition, my own photo not original as in oh I'm so yooneek, I haZ a flower pic.

Anyway, it's not my fight, and people ripping off the artwork are always going to fuss when called on it, that's predictable too.

Nope, I don't, not into the whole tumblr or we heart it collecting and reporting a bunch of other people's stuff.

Fuck off, that's my opinion in a nitpick thread. Post yours instead of critiquing mine, I was answering a question.

>> No.7439137

Using an icon and crediting it on LJ is very different to We Heart It. So you've never used a picture from the internet on 4chan, or in a school project, or as a reference for something, or on Facebook/Myspace (back in the day)? Not buying it. You sound super pretentious. Have fun with your black and white edgy and original flower icons.

>> No.7439218

ofthreadandmind @ tumblr

>> No.7439221

Waitwaitwait...fashion design major?!?
Omg, that's funny....

>> No.7439255

I think I'm completely sober now so it's finally time for a heartfelt response before bed. I'm not being sarcastic, I learned quite a bit and I'd actually like to thank the anons for posting me, otherwise I'd never know. I have rhino skin so being on /cgl/ would never make me cry or feel bad. I love my clothes and I wear them often and a 100% perfect is not what I aim for, nor do I give a damn. I'm not gonna ruin the fun of feeling pretty for myself and I won't ruin an ita's either.

Thank you! I actually 100% agree with my hair and makeup lacking. There's still a huge learning curve for me, because I have awful, hooded eyes and makeup can disappear like in that photo. I've been trying to go more fully with eyelashes, but my skin is a little bitch and I find it irritable to wear for more than a day. No excuses for my hair, though. I've given up on side bangs, they look incredibly lazy on me.

Don't worry, I'm on a slow path to health. Can't promise getting any thinner, though.

It was for an event, calm down. I don't whip out that veil unless it's an event that drama is appropriate. Most of my coords are pretty boring and stale.

Also, I think weddingwear is beautiful so it doesn't bother me so much. Do you get mad at OTT lolitas?

Don't worry! I'm a tough bitch, this is a good chance for me to improve. It's lovely knowing I have such a good friend, though.

I am the only person who likes these boots, huh?

There are lots of things as a fashion design major I can do, anon! I don't necessarily have to be a burando design monster, as my own aesthetics are not in vogue at the moment. I specialize in pattern drafting and that's always a job in demand. It'll give me a good paycheck and a steady supply of work when I'm done with school.

>> No.7439259

At least improving makeup isn't too hard. I think you should invest in a nice wig that will suit your skin color and classic lolita style, it would make your coords look so much better. Or maybe do a wavy/curly bob? False lashes don't work that well with glasses but they will make you look so much more feminine. As for the boots, they're fine looking boots. Just not at all with that dress.

>> No.7439265
File: 140 KB, 960x1280, 1395226375151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a lot choppier than I thought it was.

I'm hearing a lot of sub-par outfits complaints but not enough pointing me in a better direction. There's a lot of distaste for X/Y/Z so give me actual suggestions for replacements? If there's no happier solution then I'll be glad to call it an evening and we can simply go our separate ways. :>

Wigs are a difficult thing for me, I don't find them reasonable to wear daily, but it would definitely do me better to find that right hairstyle. Once money isn't so tight it'll be back to experimenting with what I was given. Cuter glasses is next on my list of needless necessities.

Let's add to the conundrum by posting my earliest foray into lolita, almost two years ago. Hopefully it'll make the current me looks loads better.

>> No.7439461

I could be wrong but
She strikes me as someone who suddenly started buying up every piece she could get her hands on, but rather than start out trying to wear the fashion appropriately she started by making her own "unique" and "creative" coords because she has the "experience" and "eye"
So basically a more advanced version of every single lolita noob ever.

>> No.7439472

if what I said is at all accurate, and you do want to improve as a lolita I would suggest trying to do more coords that fit into the guidelines before venturing off into your own thing. It looks like you never really got the eye or experience of truly wearing lolita. Too many offbrand that don't really go. Nothing wrong with offbrand, but too much of it that doesn't fit the aesthetic is bad news.
But if you're really happy with your style, it doesn't matter too much what I or anyone else thinks. I don't think you are really "ita" in that you're bad or painful to look at. It's just not lolita. If you didn't tag it probably no one would care other than jelly bitches mad you don't coord precious burando well or whatever. I can't even fault you for tagging it though, I do the same thing.

>> No.7439754

I just meant that with that major, I expected your fashion sense to be much better. I agree with "Learn good basic Lolita coordinating before getting 'creative' with it". You are using some pretty incongruous things and no matter your reason for it, it's not looking cohesive or fitting the aesthetic nearly as well as it should.
Pointing you in a better directing: do research on "what is basic lolita", and if you have, do it again and take notes because in each photo, things are just off. I know some of it is you trying to be more individual and creative but it's not looking too good. Seconding attention to hair and makeup as well. If you love 'weddingwear' ie Bridal Couture, then learn the supporting styling accompaniments to make it look appropriate. Subpar makeup and hair shown in a mirror selfie are horrid. Learn to tripod and camera timer.
Adding shoe clips =/= 'altered shoes'.

Also, pushing clip art around on your pretend brand tags and vectorizing/resizing =/= "creating and drawing designs in illustrator'...babby's first design project is evident so just call it that.

You need far more than funding to be anywhere near ready to 'start a Lolita brand'.

>> No.7439767

I just wanted to add that there's no shame in looking up basics even if you think you know everything
My lolita history is spotty, but I've been interested in it for about 8 years and wearing it for half that so I thought I knew everything and didn't need basic advice because I knew it all from years of research. Plus I'm pretty good at fashion and style in general, I get complimented on my style a lot, I wear nice stuff every day and fashion is a lifelong interest etc
The point is I thought I knew everything but in the last few months I thought my coords were lacking compared to where I wanted to be so I started going through lolita 101 advice and basic tutorials. It helped my coords IMMENSELY. Everyone around me has noticed it too but they don't know why. It does help. I wouldn't expect even a professional stylist or veteran fashion designer to get lolita right without going through all the basics until they were comfortable before branching out.

>> No.7439780

Yep, that's what I meant and I do the same. Especially with the resurgence of oldschool, which I really love. Stripping it back down to the bones and rebuilding occasionally gives fresh perspective and I think it's sound advice for everyone. That's why I suggested it rather than nitpicking her individual coords.

>> No.7440349


I'm still not seeing what the hype in this coord is. The hat is hideous, the shoes don't fit at all, the staff just looks like a random blob. I recall other pictures, and her makeup was also meh.

I do however think this is something that would look cute in an illustration. I dunno, it just doesn't translate to real life for me.

>> No.7440457

/cgl/ is easily distracted by over-the-top accessories.

>> No.7441514

Holy shit, I think you're a real qt and I like your coords a lot. You're cute already. I suppose this is the nitpicking thread though, not the ita thread, so it's okay.

>> No.7442036

OT but deets on this dress? I'm assuming it's Moitié but I'm no expert on that brand and Hellolace's MmM section is completely empty for some reason.

>> No.7442040

I don't mention my country when it's not relevant, i.e. when we're talking about Europe as a whole rather than individual countries. Also I'm form one of the smaller countries so I often feel like giving out that information hints too much at my identity. Paranoia I guess.

>> No.7442041

The hype is the confusion that she won best coord at the AP tea party

>> No.7442056

Anon I was with you at the meet and your coord was really cute, if anything it was really plain for the meet. Im glad you said you have rhino skin but really you shouldnt let them get to you. The dress was really pretty and you have an awesome complexion.

>> No.7442070

This wasn't her best coord by far, but sew-sweet is usually pretty well dressed and coordinated. One bad outfit doth not an ita make. I might see your point with certain other mods, but not her.

>> No.7445773
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Interesting, unique and special isn't a term I would of chosen. I'm just working with a budget.

Also calm down anon 2, I'm not stupid. I don't post every page of my work and it was recommended I do not. Conceptualization is a lovely thing to present to employers.

And check them shoes. I wouldn't label them altered if they weren't. Nice gold shoes are hella hard to find.

I'd actually love to return to the old-school elegance, I'm a huge fan of old IW stuff. I've recently stagnated so when I feel financially comfortable my wardrobe will probably change again. Fashion changes with the person, after all.

Being a qt is new, haha. I was an ugly child growing up so the idea of becoming pretty is a shock. I really respect my friends who can harness that pretty, if it makes sense.

I bet it was lovely meeting you too.

And this will probably be my last response, I don't think there's any more reason to post. Lurking away I go.