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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 244 KB, 472x750, tumblr_mnvgm3SLev1ry1uy0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7426727 No.7426727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with fat people who try to wear lolita? Aren't you ashamed? If I were fat, I would starve myself. You must have no self respect if you're fat. By wearing lolita, all you are doing is making us all look bad. There is a reason brand is "too small :(". They don't want lardasses like you to damage the reputation of their company. Nothing pisses me off more then a fatty in my dream dress. Poor AP. Poor Baby. Poor IW. All they ask is that you don't belittle their designs with your lard, and you can't even do that. Brand is not for you. Not everything is for you, you self-entitled whores.

>> No.7426735

Your impotent rage can be extended to any and everything about fat people. At least you can't smell them through a photo.

Continue about your normal level of derision. There is no reason to work yourself up.

>> No.7426736

The western lolita community is very fat-enabling. They tell people who are overweight that you can be kawaii so long as you wear the proper coords and then give them compliments so they don't feel bad.

Also, fat girls like lolita because they feel that if they indulge in a fashion that doesn't conform to the typical status quo they can feel pretty. Which is ironic because lolita fashion generall makes overweight people look larger and even more terrible.

>> No.7426739

>stop being ugly

>> No.7426747

Fatties like loli because of all the candy, cupcake, and food prints/jewelry. Eating is the only thing they're good at, they're like pretentious nerds who wear startreck shirts to show off their fandom.

>> No.7426750

Is that 2 Bodyline skirts sewn together?

>> No.7426752

I am so pinning a my little pony pin onto my cosplay.

>> No.7426760

there's a difference between chubbies and whales. most "fatty-chans" we see are just chubby, maybe 5-10cm too big for burando. "chubby" or "plus size" doesnt always equal op pic.

>> No.7426763
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"Chubbies" are still fucking fat and gross. Fat ass genocide, best day of my life.

>> No.7426767

dont be mean anon :(((((

>> No.7426771

I am lifting weights every day (300 lbs dead weight) and eat 500 cal every other day. I am stuck at 180lbs, 42,35,43in... I don't know what else to do. I don't have a fucked thyroid, and as far as I can tell I am normal. I was working with my doctor, I don't know what to do anymore. I want to die. I have been working for five years, I have only gained weight and I am just done with living.

what should I do?

>> No.7426772

You know that it's not easy for a fat kid who has been raised into a fatso by careless parents to pick up right eating habits.

Plus once you're obese it'll take you years to lose all the weight and its not sure your skin is going to accomodate. And your boobs are forever ruined, so it can be really depressing. It isn't that easy.

However if you got fat during adulthood on your own. Why weren't you more careful !!

>> No.7426774

Cardio you yard.

>> No.7426773
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>> No.7426777

If you knew a thing about lifting, you would know I have to do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day to get my heart rate up for heavy lifting. Never mind that cardio does shit all for weight loss.
Go fuck your self.

>> No.7426780

Somehow you still manage to eat too much. It's the only explanation. You can't not lose weight when eating at a deficit. Exercise isn't that important for weight loss.

>> No.7426782

Dude for people overweight, 90% of the weight loss is due

Do you really eat 500 kcal a day ?
I doubt it. Lot of people cheat with their calorie count. (Ohhhhh this little biscuit won't count, right ?)
Besides you shouldn't go under 1000kcal, assuming you have a normal heigth.

Or you're just a genetic freak.
But the vast majority of fat people aren't.

>> No.7426784

is due to eating less.

>> No.7426786

Keep lifting. Read the /fit/ sticky, up your calorie intake of non-junk foods only and cardio as much as you can take. Your metabolism is likely unbalanced from too much calorie deficit for too long.

>> No.7426787

If you're only eating 500 calories, be careful. Your body can go into starvation mode and actually work to preserve fat. It can also make you eat more and actually gain more weight.

about your workout, maybe change it up? like start running or some sort of cardio?

>> No.7426788

Can you stop shitting up every thread with this? People have already given you sound advice in other threads, stop ignoring it.

>> No.7426789

Herp just read your replies. sounds like you already do cardio. Maybe change the type of cardio or start doing calisthenics?

>> No.7426792

Have you ever considered the fact you're gaining muscle and your calorie intake doesn't match to your physical activity?
Go to a nutritionist.

>> No.7426791


I hate it when people say shit like "unbalanced metabolism" or "starvation mode". Such bullshit. Sure, your metabolism can affect your weight loss, but not too much. Your brain alone will consume at least 200 calories per day, you body has to stay warm, your heart has to pump thousands of liters of blood each day, your dead cells have to replaced. It's just physics.

>> No.7426794

>Which is ironic because lolita fashion generall makes overweight people look larger and even more terrible.
This is something I've always tried to tell people but some are dead set into believing it'll hide your rolls.

>> No.7426798

Rid the community of 1 ton killers then.

>> No.7426797
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OP did you get rejected by somebody?
Did someone tell you that you're ugly today?
Was it some fat girl?

There are particular things I really don't like about the way people look, but nothing in particular really compels me to obsess about them in the manner in which you speak. This is actually very, very pathetic and you sound like pathetic little girls.

>> No.7426802
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I don't just feel pretty. I am pretty.
>inb4 you throw a tantrum and tell me how the dozens of people that you don't know must all be liars and fat enablers

>> No.7426801

Eat 1200 calories a day, at least. Eating too little can make it harder to lose weight.

>> No.7426806

>tfw broad back and larger than B cup

>inb4 shirring!!!!111
That shit does not fly when the front still isn't right.

Boobloaf forever.

>> No.7426810
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>> No.7426812

I feel so fat at 5'4" and 135 pounds. I feel like I carry my weight pretty well (most is in my bum and boobs) but with a 36" bust and a 29" waist I feel so gross. I am cursed with very little waist definition and even at 95 pounds my waist only got down to 26". My ribcage isn't that big, it's just my ugly boyish waist. Does anyone have tips on how to make your waist look smaller/how to actually make it smaller? Do I need to be worried about my weight/size? I am sick of feeling like a fat fuck and plan to lose 5-10 pounds.

>> No.7426814

i gained 60lbs in about 3 months because of medication (went from 5'5'' 120 to about 180)
ive tried for about 2 years to get it to come off, but i literally can't because im constantly dealing with inflammation and stomach problems, even if i push through the pain.

in conclusion, fuck you and you cant stop me from trying to be kawaii while i continue to try to lose weight.

>> No.7426816
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>ribcage isn't that big, it's just my ugly boyish waist. Does anyone have tips on how to make your waist look smaller/how to actually make it smaller?

land whale= lose weight.

>> No.7426817

What I consider chubby would still be able to fit into AP comfortable. Brand sizes are generous.

>> No.7426819

Same height/weight/size as you at the moment and on this horrible weight loss journey - depending on the day, I can even get up to 6lb more and it's really not making me feel like I am getting anywhere.

Huzzah, enter underbust corset! No one _needs_ to know..

>> No.7426818

You're average size but if you're that concerned about your waist maybe try a corset or some other shapewear.

>> No.7426821

Sure cuz added volume of poof and ruffles has such a slimming effect...heh.

>> No.7426820

I'm tired of you whores ruining my fashion. It's hard to find one decent post on daily lolita, because it's all fucking lard. Leave my fashion, sweats are what suits you.

>> No.7426822

I know I need to lose weight,(and if you read my post you will know that I am in the process of doing so) but I am hardly a landwhale. If you read it you would also see that my waist is even big when I am underweight. If you think I was a landwhale at 90 pounds, you need help.

>> No.7426826

jealous fatty detected

>> No.7426828

I recently bought some shapewear but sadly it didn't really make much of a difference, next time I should probably buy it in person rather than online. I used to wear corsets but they can look a little odd on me as I have scoliosis and they excentuate the uneveness of my hips. But I guess that in lolita that's not really visible. I should definitely look into getting a decent one though.

Aw, I know how you feel. Sometimes I can lose several pounds in a week and then I go and put it back on again. Good luck, anon! We can both do it.

>> No.7426827

What a load of attention whoring bullshit. Are you really being serious right now? Is this thread real? Jesus Fucking Christ...

>> No.7426831

Well, if you are slightly chubby (like, 10 to 20 pounds), Lolita will be a very forgibing fashion if you know how to dress yourself, since it will emphasize your waist, hide most of your chubby legs and arms (also no armpit fat visible) and your tummy. So it can be flattering in that case (I repeat, if you know what suits you and you know how to dress).

If you are as fat as OPs picture, well, let me clear: I do not give one single fuck about their weight, their health, their size ot whatever. I truly do not care. If you want to be fat, your decision. I am also not screaming at smomers about ruining their health and probably costing the public health care a large sum because of lung cancer or whatever. I do not care about all that.

What makes me angry, really truly angry though if I see fat people who are badly dressed. You know, maximum stretched out shirring, unflattering, ita, whatever. Why?! There are plenty of options to be fat and stil be dressed nice. Sure, not everyones gonna like it, but hell, at least TRY. If you look bad, you make every other Lolita who is fat/chubby look bad too.
I also hate it when fattys complain that the world. especially Lolita, does not cater to their special needs. Why should japanese brands produce clothings for heavily overweight people? Lolita is already a niche market, and Japan is surely not too wild about fat people either. Not to mention there are dozens of options to get nice, custom made garnments in plus sizes, even for cheap (Bodyline, Lady Sloth does not even charge more for plus size, etc.)

TL;DR: I dont care if you are fat, but if you are in a fashion like Lolita where it is all about nice clothes and being well-dressed, try your best, dont play the SJW-card of "Omfg fat-shaming!!" I dont care. Just dress nice. There will still be people mocking you, ignore them. But please, at least try and give your best.

>> No.7426833
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>>7426822 >>7426822
>135 pounds.

>> No.7426834

Well said.

>> No.7426836

They are. Fat people are not pretty, nothing you wear will make you attractive.

>> No.7426837

Dress and style yourself neatly and for your figure (just like everyone else should)
Don't derail the meet with SJW:plus size woes/ Muh Curves topics regarding Lolita. (Should go without saying but it's common and very tiresome to listen to).

If anyone hates beyond that, it's on them, not you.

>> No.7426840

It's actually almost worse if they do have a few great features. Sure, people will compliment them but there's always that 'but it's such a shame she's big' implication with it. Always.

>> No.7426843
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If a person is fat, then it is automatically ita. It looks like shit=ITA.

>> No.7426848

Fat people are pretty.
There are plenty of things people can wear that will flatter them and enhance their attractiveness.
You're a bitter cunt the same as >>7426840.

I'd rather be a fatty than be a bitter, aids-ridden meatflap for a sandy vagina that you ascribe yourselves to. How shameful for you both.

>> No.7426858

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7426860
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~So ita~

Do you know what that word means?

>> No.7426861

Moitie ita isn't fat, she's just really unfortunate looking with a huge rack.

>> No.7426864

>I'd rather be a fatty than be a bitter, aids-ridden meatflap for a sandy vagina that you ascribe yourselves to.
This sentence makes no sense. I know you're mad, but come on.

>> No.7426866

>cupcake fandom
My sides have left orbit

>> No.7426867
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>> No.7426871
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>mfw I never noticed the pastry thing

>> No.7426873

I'd like to save that word for times when fatties are actually affecting us, like in healthcare arguments. The way OP uses it is tumblrette baiting.

>If I were fat, I would starve myself.
Already known as ineffective, bait is transparent.

This is hella bait. I'm pretty sure it's some fatty-chan trying to rally the /cgl/ frilly whiteknights. Not going to work this time, this is weak shit. If you actually wanted to cause some shit, just tell the truth about how you really want /cgl/ to be some magical lolita hugbox, where anyone can get improvement tips without unwarranted criticsm.

>> No.7426887

135 is a healthy weight for someone who is 5'4' and your measurements are fine. 5-10lbs will only get you about 1-2" off your measurements at the absolute most. Try lifting, cutting out sugars and starchy carbs at least in large portions. Some people are just not physically capable of attaining tiny measurements. It may also be the case if you're short waisted. Combine that with a wide ribcage and you're fucked (that's my situation). Also, if you don't have a tiny frame, you're just not going to get tiny measurements. Your options are diet, fitness, and corsetry. Stop comparing your personal body to bodies that differ greatly. Do some research on what is healthy for you and change your goals to ones that are realistic for you.

>> No.7426889
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>This sentence makes no sense.
You're a retard if you seriously don't get what that anon was trying to say. Allow me to assist you: She's saying she'd rather be fat than be a nasty judgmental cunt.

>> No.7426890
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> mfw this whole thread

>> No.7426893
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>am fat
>read OP
>feel personally slighted for five seconds
>remember that I'm a well-dressed, attractive fatso that probably gets more positive attention than OP
>none of this applies to me actually
>and not a single apologetic fuck will be given today
I love being me.

>> No.7426902



Pick one.

>> No.7426905
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>> No.7426911
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> mfw OP's angry over a dress someone else owns

>> No.7426916

No thanks, I'll take em both.
They're both me.

>> No.7426918

Seriously, why do people get so pissed over fat people "ruining" their fashion. When people think of the lolita fashion, nobody other than places like /v/ that see all 3D women as landwhales see lolitas as fatties, if anything they associate them with cunt-y behavior.
Sure, they'll look like shit most of the time, but who cares? as long as they don't think they're the queen of all shits, what does it matter to you if some fat girl wants to dress in lolita?

>> No.7426921

Because entitlement.

>> No.7426923


That's for society to decide. You don't get to call yourself that and not have other people judge otherwise. If people can nitpick on some celebs nose, then we can lardshovel over your weight. What, you think you're Nigella Lawson or some shit?

>> No.7426925

I love the skinny broads that have nothing going for them other than their small waist line. Let me take a moment to laugh heartily at your expense and ponder what sort of pigugly faced person wrote this post.

>Is constantly getting the side eye from skinny girls when they see my well dressed kodona bf who fits into a Japanese size small while I am typically a 2L in BL standards
>Their jealousy fuels my pleasure when I fuck my bf after every meetup
>10/10 life right here~
Bitches be jelly. Just because you are a size 2 and bitter about your ugly mug it doesn't somehow make you more worthwhile than a size 14 woman who has a pretty face and has something to offer a man personality/intelligence wise.

>> No.7426927

But I'm also entitled to unstretched out dresses and dresses not touched by "fat smelly people." (as if thin people don't have bad hygiene) All the poor dresses that I didn't buy! ablublu

You that worried? Just go support the brands and buy directly, that way you know it's never been worn by anyone but you. Problem solved.

>> No.7426928
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> B-b-but fatties in my BWAAAAAND! Those mean old fatties should just give me fwee dwesses!

>> No.7426929
File: 76 KB, 468x298, woman-obesity-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a reason brand is "too small :("
Brand isn't even small though. Like I get if someone is 6 feet tall or has large breasts or something because the dresses are cut for Japanese girls who tend to be short and don't usually have a very large bust/waist difference. But if you're average height and your waist doesn't fit into AP, BtSSB, Meta or even newer Moitié then you're definitely overweight and unhealthy. Please focus on getting fit, eating better and getting any medical issues treated before you buy expensive Japanese clothing.

>> No.7426934


Society prefers well-dressed, clean fatties over slobby, ungroomed fatties. If you clean yourself up, you'll be way more acceptable.

I'd rather see a fatass in a good coord with neat hair and makeup than a fatass in a sleeveless tank with her multiple boobs falling out and an unwashed face.

>> No.7426936


Work out. Tone that ass.
Fuck, I love women who do sports.

>> No.7426937

>implying anyone in this thread wants to carter specifically to your boner
Bitch, please.

>> No.7426938


>> No.7426942

>Society prefers well-dressed, clean X over slobby, ungroomed X. If you clean yourself up, you'll be way more acceptable.

>Society prefers well-dressed, clean fit people over well-dressed, clean fatties. If you keep in shape, you'll be way more acceptable.

>> No.7426943


You're feisty, I'll let you cater to my boner.
>you're tsundere and you know it

>> No.7426944

Well obviously
>well-groomed fat people > gross fat people
just as
>well-groomed fit people > gross fit people
but still
>well-groomed fit people > well-groomed fat people

Dressing well does not exempt you from the need to be healthy.

>> No.7426945

Beyond that, lose weight and get fit to try to appease other people, "She's still ugly!", "She looked so much cuter when she was fat!" You'll get opinions from all sides. Fuck it. There is no point trying to appease society and other people. If you are happy in your body, great. If you want to change your body or appearance, great. But do it for yourself. Fuck all else.

>> No.7426946


>Society prefers well-dressed, clean fit people over well-dressed, clean fatties. If you keep in shape, you'll be way more acceptable.

I never said they didn't. Stay mad.

>> No.7426948

hivemind (societymind)

>> No.7426949

I think that a bit of chub can be cute! Just as long as you aren't huge. And chub can look bad if you try to squeeze into stuff that's way too small for you.

>> No.7426951

>already has a man she is loyal to
>would never consider some shallow idiot who considers bickering with women online an acceptable pastime.
Go fucking mow the lawn. Thats all you men are good for.

>> No.7426956
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> all these niggers getting mad over fat people wearing clothing

>> No.7426960

Well, no shit. Why would I be mad, anyway? From the bullying I got in school, I learned you're supposed to laugh at fatties. So I'm laughing.

>> No.7426961



>> No.7426965

Is it possible to have a heavier bones? Because I am 5'8 and weight 160lbs and everytime I work out I just slim down (clothes get looser) but never go down on the number. I even measured my body fat in a physical exam and I just have 20% of body fat according to my doctor. It just feels weird to be this heavy even if I dont look fat

>> No.7426964

I pity skinny bitches. They get SO JEALOUS if a fat woman gets any sort of positive praise because they refuse to take their unfortunate faces into account. They think they are at some higher level just because they are smaller and get soooo defensive when they see a fat woman treated better than they believe they deserve. It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.7426966
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> I was bullied as a kid!
> Now I'm an adult...still acting like a kid!

Ya need a shrink, m8.

>> No.7426971
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> from the bullying I got in school

>> No.7426977

>not learning from lessons of youth

I'm the kid?

>> No.7426985

what the fuck is with stupid people on the internet who have nothing better to do with their time then post pictures of strangers on the internet? Why do you care how she looks? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7426995

Plus you gotta understand that people in OP's picture in that size were a rarity in the west up until the past 25 years or so. (And I'm not talking overweight, I'm saying obese like OP's picture)
If you are fat, there is a very good chance you are eating too much for your body's needs.
I say good chance, cause I doubt 1/3 Americans have a "genetic condition" making them obese.

Overweight is one thing, but obese is just out of control. You have to be taking in massive amounts of calories fit for multiple people to sustain a body of that size. (Even if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.)

>inb4 i mad. I am just simply confused by how people eat so much.

>> No.7426999

I was wondering this too. I'm 140lbs and I eat healthy and work out, and I don't look THAT fat, but I never lose weight.

>> No.7427004

>"stupid people on the internet who have noting better to do with their time than post pictures of strangers on the internet"
>4chan is an imageboard
>cgl rips into people all the time
>how fucking new are you

>> No.7427005

You're not nice.

>> No.7427002

Don't use weight as in indicator. Get bf calipers and learn how to use them. Bodyfat percentage is a much better indicator. Hell, even waist size measurements are better than weighing.

>> No.7427009
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>> No.7427013

What about skinny girls with pretty faces and fat girls with shitty faces? I'm pretty sure there are more fat girls whose faces would look better if they lost weight than there are shinny girls whose faces would look better filled in.

>> No.7427017

Lolita runs in small sizes and high prices. I wish all the poor girls would leave the fashion. Their cheapness is as much of an embarrassment as a landwhale.

>> No.7427024
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> mfw OP turned out to be a bitter cunt

>> No.7427028

I see what you did there.

I'd rather say "poor bitches that whine about not being able to afford brand should leave the fashion", but then who would I flash the burando and cash to? The other poor girls just use it as doshpo and work their ass off to get brand, and that's no fun. Oh wait...

>> No.7427040

Exactly! It's embarrassing to work so much to afford silly dresses.

Also, I feel a bit disgusted when people tell me their clothes are second hand. It's... been worn before. Ew?

>> No.7427047

To be legit legit, I don't like buying second hand brand. As a brolita, I don't wanna be wearing some dress another guy mighta jizzed on. That's pretty gay.

>> No.7427048


It's been worn before, then washed. Do you not believe in washing?
>inb4 this anon cannot re-wear any of her panties because she wore them before

>> No.7427049

I have nothing against fat people I too still respect them since I have also fat friends.

It's just that I find it unsettling about their weight, I just want them to lose weight and be more fit and healthy. And when I say healthy, it means by not being a fat greasy shit.

>> No.7427050

[citation needed]

>> No.7427054

I don't know if it's a guy thing, but my friends and I always make fun of how fat each of us is, and we realize to be immune from that we might as well lose weight. When excuses come up, we bash them harder. Some of us are going /fit/, and one of us is planning on the gastric band shit. And, yes, he's the one with a million excuses and no self control.

>> No.7427059

>And, yes, he's the one with a million excuses and no self control.
He's probably the food addict and it's good that he's getting a cap on his damn stomach.
>thinking he'll have the same freedoms to eat when they put fills in the band
>he's gonna be in so much pain if he tries it
Be happy for him, he'll learn.

>> No.7427062

Probably more like 3 or 4.

>> No.7427064

By any chance, did he experience binge eating? If does then how did he deals it?

>> No.7427066

I don't feel comfortable wearing other people's clothes. Also, what >>7427047 said. The other day there was a thread here about a girl who sold a dress in which her boyfriend had jizzed over, and sent it without washing.

Personally, I throw my dresses away if they're old or taking too much space in my closet, but I don't resell them. I wouldn't be comfortable looking at people wearing my clothes either.

>> No.7427078

No, not that kind. He's more used to a regular diet of 4000Cal meals. Of shit. Microwavable shit.

Because he knows someone that has gotten it before, that restriction is the only thing that is keeping from actually going through with it right now.

Just pawn it off on a friend who is fine with your sexual history. Wedding dresses get passed down, right? It's funny because every time some girl talks about using her mothers wedding dress my mind travels between "Awwwww, that's so special" and "She removed the whole thing on the wedding night, right? Cuz your dad might have added pearls at some point."

>> No.7427077
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>I throw my dresses away if they're old or taking too much space in my closet, but I don't resell them. I wouldn't be comfortable looking at people wearing my clothes either.

>> No.7427088
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Speaking of fat shit, I have a chubby female friend who wishes to reduce weight. What bothers me is that her huge man-like arms which is larger than mine(I'm a guy btw) is really offsetting.

You think she can fix that shit?

>> No.7427091
File: 1.86 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-09-28 21.14.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are me, I'm almost the same measurements & our ht/wt are the same.

We can do this...!!!

>> No.7427101

Usually upper arm fat is really hard to get rid off. Is as hard to get rid of as stomach and upper thigh fat. Even really skinny people tend to have flabby/fat arms

>> No.7427102
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Samefag Go away you are a land whale no one gives a shit about you go die.

>> No.7427114

>starving yourself
Read the fucking sticky >>>/fit/17018018

Fat people are mostly disgusting and always unaesthetic

>> No.7427158

Chubby girls are the best thing ever, I guess as long as they aren't huge?

>> No.7427166

Anons I have really wide shoulders (hips to match),back and rib cage (I'm not close to being underweight by my ribs are visible. I was just wondering if my 27-28inch waist has any chance of getting smaller even if I lost weight? I'm 5'8 and 140 pounds (from memory).

>> No.7427174

>I don't just feel pretty. I am pretty.
Post a picture of yourself, miss pretty. We'll be the judge of how hot you are.

And don't make excuses why you cant. You're proud, confident and beautiful, remember?

>> No.7427176

ita = hurts to look at

This includes fat people.

>> No.7427177

I know this is a troll thread, but seriously, you just can't look good in lolita if you're fat to the point you no longer have a defined waist. There are plenty of chubby girls who rock the style, but the girl in OP's pic... not so much.

>> No.7427180

Ah, whenever I need inspiration to work out I come here.
Landwhale, out!

>> No.7427186
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>Hungry for lunch
>see this thread
I was about to make mac and cheese but now I know I shouldn't. But there's barely any food in this house that is healthy and I don't know what to eat guys.

>> No.7427192

Well... what you got? You have a googler and you can read labels. Make the first step today!

>> No.7427194
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I wish I could be nicer but I really feel sad when I see morbidly obese people. I'm not talking chubby, I'm talking girls like the one in OP's pic and fatter. I visited Idaho once (I'm not American) and every second/third person was morbidly obese, it was scary. I really don't think that all of those people have genetic/thyroid/what-have-you issues. It just makes me sad that there's so much fat acceptance when for a large majority of people it's just not healthy. I guess I just don't see how it's ok to let yourself get like that -if- you can avoid it.

>> No.7427195

Swallow your spit.

>> No.7427199

Body shaming is out of style. Truly.

>> No.7427201

Can attest to this. 5'6", 110, visible ribs but flabby upper arms. Good luck to her.

>> No.7427200

buy fresh fruit and veggies

>> No.7427203
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What kind of retard comes to America and visits Idaho.

You deserve to be sandwiched by fatties.

>> No.7427204
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>> No.7427206

Because it was close to where I live right near the border and I went for the shopping when it was a lot cheaper than Canadia. I admit it's probably not a good representation but holy shit. I had never seen that many obese people in my entire life.

>> No.7427209
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This. When I was larger I got "Oh anon, you look so nice BUT you could lose some extra flab." Now that I'm smaller "Anon! You're skin and bones! Here, eat this entire cake, you need some meat on your bones!" The things you really need to worry about are being healthy and being happy with yourself.

>> No.7427211

Dumb excuses. Nobody is going to chastise you for not being fat enough.

>> No.7427212

I fucking hate when they say "Eat this, you need meat on your bones". I want to say "Then I should lift the cake instead, and then put it back down. And then lift it again. And then put it back down. And lift it again..."

>> No.7427222

Laughing because I wrote the jizz thing as a joke and people are believing it

>> No.7427225

>I know this is a troll
>replying anyway

>> No.7427227

Fuck you, I've been in the lower 1-2 percentile for weight my entire life, people will fucking chastise you.

"Oh anon, are you okay? You're so thin."
"Anon, are you eating enough?"
"Ew, look at anon's nasty holocaust legs."
"Gross. EDs are nasty."
"You look like a skeleton, TF is wrong with you?"
"Lol eat a cake, chicken legs."

Fuck everyone, I eat, I don't gain weight, not my fault.

At least when you're fat, you can usually lose weight if you try hard enough. There are always those who have legitimate medical problems that make it very difficult, but the number of people like that is about the same as the number of people who can't /gain/ weight, like me. Very small.

"Oh, but anon, all you have to do is eat x number of calories a day and work out! You'll put on weight in no time!"

>> No.7427229

paillettes is a great example of this. she makes her own stuff and is always incredibly well-dressed.

>> No.7427233

>Be underweight
>Eat junk food all day because healthy food is icky
>Never exercise because hikki
>Still underweight
Not even sure if it's genetics but I love this.

>> No.7427235

My money says you're not eating enough. You probably don't know what "x calories" looks like. And if you want to retain that weight properly, I suggest reading the /fit/ sticky and listening to Rich Piana. C'MON!

>> No.7427238

Do you even work out? If not, quit whining.

>> No.7427236

I know that feel. I'm not so skinny that everyone thinks I have an ED, but I just can't gain weight. I fucking hate it. I just want to have my brand not be so baggy.

>> No.7427239
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What would be considered too big to wear lolita? I mean like the minimum. Does having a large bust, small waist and large hips count as being out of the lolita body type? what is considered chubby?

>> No.7427240

You might be joking, but I doubt not it was true.

Now, seriously. Obese people look awful in everything. Chubby girls with chubby faces look kinda cute when they're young though. I think suits lolita. Older chubby girls... should just start dieting.

>> No.7427245

Does your bust fit in brand without stretching the shirring? If they do, ok. If they don't, even if you have a small waist, you'll still look terrible. Large chests don't work in lolita in the majority of cases.

>> No.7427248

>fatty genocide hnnng I'm still kawaii though
ugh feelin pretty edge today?

This thread kinda sucks. Not because im into fat lolita's but because it's a thread full of people going on and on about how horrible and un kawhy fat chicks are for ruining the lolita lifestyle ... while doing so you all look like whiney bitches and in turn are
>not kawaii
>not elegant or sweet
>ruining the lolita image

I was hoping this was a troll thread but damn ... all these spiteful bitches who can't just ignore fat people like an adult... you shouldn't be worried about fat chicks ruining lolita for you.

>> No.7427251

flattening bras/tops aren't just for crossplayers.
If you're worrying about having too big an hourglass then just buy a compression top. easy peasy

>> No.7427252

Actually, fat people are so shitty, I swear. They push themselves onto you and have really fucking massive egos despite their ugliness, they are even bigger bitches than anyone here, I can assure you that. Fuck fat people.

>> No.7427255

And this is making you a better person how?
If anything you are just stooping down to their bitchy level.
Be a fucking adult and just get the fuck over it.
There are fat people that like the same things you do, oh jeeze panic and rage. just ignore them.

>> No.7427257
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I'm on the Internet and I will bitch about fat people all I like. I do ignore them irl because they are really annoying though.

>> No.7427270

I truly hope all you fat-haters have fat bosses or fat parents, and go into these fits of anger every time you see them. Is it hard, thinking a fat person may be happier than you? Does it upset you that badly?

>> No.7427274

at my height to get a waist and bust line down to fit into all brand I would be considered underweight.

I'm not even overweight but I'm still 15-20 cm too big in the bust and waist because I'm. 5' 10" and have D cups.

In b4 tall girls can't wear Lolita

>> No.7427276

>a fat person may be happier than you

>Nobody likes them
>Made fun of constantly
>In danger of having a heart attack
>Bad smell
>Can't even move properly
>Really low self-esteem because they are self-aware
I want this happiness too.

>> No.7427278


Make sure there are good things in the house to eat.
I just shopped for groceries, came back and made myself some dinner. Wanna know what I had? Two slices of whole-grain bread with salmon, a kiwi and a paprika as sides. Water to wash it all down.
Nutrition is all about building good habits. I'm going to Taekwondo later on, so I had to eat now.
First step towards controlling your weight is controlling yourself.

>> No.7427282


Do you need a hug, anon? I'm here if you do.

>> No.7427284

I eat 3500-4000 calories per day. I keep track, because I don't /want/ to worry about eating enough.

But, even when I was eating less than that (a lot less) my weight stayed completely stable. I've been 98 lbs and 5'5" for three years. When I was in high school, I hardly ate, because if I eat too soon after waking up, I get sick, the school food was nasty as hell, and I was too lazy to pack a lunch. So I'd eat dinner. And I maintained my weight.

I do, actually, and it doesn't really help. I'm under the care of a physical therapist right now, I can only do light exercises (in terms of weight training and the like) because of hypermobility, but I do work out the ways I can. I've recently put on some muscle in my back and shoulders. I still weigh the same.

I've been put on special diets by doctors (I even was put up to 5000 calories a day at one point) and nothing helps. I tried only eating the kind of junk that would make most people gain weight just thinking about, I've tried going full-on health food, organic, etc. Nothing helps.

>> No.7427285

Are you fat? If you are no thank you.

>> No.7427288


No, I'm not. But I just want to help you be less angry.

The fat people really don't affect you, you know? You can be happy too. Go ride a bike, or go for a walk. Listen to some music you love.

You can be happy, too

>> No.7427294


It is neither good to be too fat nor too thin. I met a girl when I went to Israel last summer who had the kind of "holocaust legs" this one anon was talking about. She had a pretty face, was nerdy and all, but too thin by half for me.
And guess what? She went hiking with a bunch of friends of mine and within DAYS got some tone and muscle to her just through walking, which made her look a lot better. Skinnyfags are also just lazy. Are you attracted to super skinny boys who look like they couldnt even carry your shopping bags for you? No? Then you may understand what I'm talking about.

>> No.7427297

That's way too fucking much. You should be eating anywhere from 1400-1800 calories a day.

>> No.7427303

>being this much of a cunt

>> No.7427308

Oh please, fat people are also cunts. I just don't give a shit anymore.

>> No.7427305


My God, dude. Just...my God.

Calm down.

>> No.7427307
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Pear types have it good since they fit into the dresses and hopefully have a nice looking face. I'd definitely say you're too fat when you can't fit into any forgiving brand at all. That means what, like over 100cm waist on Metamorphose fully shirred skirts? At that point, lose weight and only get cute accessories until you get into that size range (you're probably obese anyways so use lolita as a motivator to be healthy). Your face as a fatty is your saving grace. Try to look perfect there if you are horrible elsewhere.

> probably like 10 well dressed chubby lolitas around the world
> look kawaii instead of gross

>> No.7427309


In the summer, I ride my bike and hike, go for 2-3 mile+ long walks, swim a LOT, all kinds of shit like that. I danced and did gymnastics for more than 10 years.

I'm still pathetic and weak, and I don't know why.

I can't do much with my arms because of the aforementioned hypermobility, I run the risk of dislocating my shoulders.

But, with what I eat, I should be a god damned cow. My metabolism just works too fast for me to be able to absorb any of it.

I can eat myself sick and be starving again 1.5 hours later.

>> No.7427316

Nah I'm not obese but like slightly (trying to avoid the word chubby like the plague after seeing the examples of chubbies ITT) soft at the belly, thighs and hips but I don't want to dress in lolita if I can't pull it off.

>> No.7427318
File: 22 KB, 500x276, 1393586874550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you need some therapy
maybe your hatred of fat people is because you were abused by fat people as a child?
see a shrink and stop shitposting.

>> No.7427323


Come on, anon. What are your favorite songs or favorite prints? I bet you have nice taste.

Let's stop being angry, and make ourselves happier!

>> No.7427325

>Hugging fat people
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.7427329


Were you picked on as a kid, anon? It's not your fault!

>> No.7427333

>it's not your fault

>> No.7427334

I see a lot of these "chubby" girls and just think they look "average."

Are they just good at dressing themselves, or has living in America made me insensitive to somewhat fat people?

>> No.7427343

Have you ever considered mass building supplements + weed?

From what you're saying, you're in that tiny percentage of people whose bodies process that food into shit rather than energy, and not some troll who's defending the fatass notion of physics breaking "logic" of "well some people can eat x and still not gain/lose weight". I hope.
You must shit shitloads. I still stand by Rich Piana, though. "If it doesn't work, eat more." Don't eat junk, though. If you want to eat something close to junk, just get a bucket of mass builder. And maybe this
Ask your doc if it's okay for you.

>> No.7427352

Does she have hairy legs?!

>> No.7427371

The latter.

>> No.7427391

No, I'm not defending them. I do understand that it's a real problem for some people, but I also know that it's a very small amount of people who have this legitimate problem.

If it was more common, there'd be a lot more people with bodies like mine too.

Honestly, I don't think I shit that much? 1-2 times a day, fairly regular. I did have a lot of digestion problems in high school, but those seem to have calmed down.

And I mean, it's literally always been like this. In 6th grade, I only weighed 40 lbs.

Honestly I'd like to get up to ~110, get a little meat on my legs and arms. My elbows and knees really bother me.

But, as for that link, it's not a matter of my appetite. I eat so much it's ridiculous. And I bored eat. And I sad eat.

I'll definitely look into those mass building supplements, but they won't like... give me man legs or something, will they?

>> No.7427393

The body cage thing to fix scoliosis gives you the same result as corsets.

>> No.7427402

mass-building supplements help build mass all over. you'll be fine as long as you maintain a healthy way of gaining, with proper nutrition and exercise to build up a little muscle.

>> No.7427406

I never noticed until now that those are ribbons tied around her socks and not a pattern

>> No.7427423

yeah, actually, i think society prefers people who can fit on one seat on the bus or plane without their rolls spilling over onto my side.

>> No.7427425

There are personal training programs out there designed for those with weak joints out there. You can find some on youtube. One of the things I hear all the time is that if you have weak joints, you're better off building the muscles and ligaments to support them. This is especially true for the knees. Start light. Squat with just the bar. You probably wont progress as fast as most people, but that's okay. As long as you're still using the muscle, it's being worked out.
And make sure you have perfect form when lifting. Shit, you might need to find some /fit/bros in your area to help you for that. Form is really the key, it's the difference between Gainsville and Snap City. PT's in the gym should be happy to help you there, also.

And no, mass builders are just that. They pack on the calories with enough protein that your body needs to build muscle. It can't direct where it goes, you do. Also, you gotta have a consistent sleep schedule. Your body needs rest for that shit to grow. Goku fuckin loved sleeping.

>> No.7427434
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Speaking as an overweight person myself, I'm pretty much disgusted at fat people and that I've let myself become overweight.

I got lazy and depressed and now I'm paying for it. Most of my really nice (and expensive) clothes won't fit and I get depressed and angry whenever I look at them.

Its fucking hard as hell to lose weight, takes a lot of time and really takes it's toll on your self-esteem.

But at least I'm doing it and not making excuses for being fat like "It's genetic" or "I'm big-boned".

Fuck that. I got lazy and fat. Now I have to work my ass off.

The worst thing about being overweight is that only fat girls hit on me thinking they have a chance.


>> No.7427436

have fun with
>having your body fuck you over, especially when you get older
>gaining all that weight back by ten folds because genetics like that dont last passed a certain age

>struggling to learn healthy eating habits because you arent used to them

>> No.7427438

i lol'd hard

>> No.7427440


Most can't even wipe their own asses properly.

>> No.7427444

America is trying really hard to do fat acceptance, and it's sad and gross. They shouldn't be shamed, but they shouldn't be accepted either. They're unhealthy and a lot of health care payers are suffering because it cost more to employ an obese person than a normal sized one.

>> No.7427449


But there's a difference between "chubby", "fat" and "obese".

What's being done in the name of fat acceptance is also obscuring the difference between the those three and lumping them all in the same category.

>> No.7427451

>tfw hypoglycemia combined with fast metabolism
>tfw can eat anything I want whenever I want because 0 weight gain
>tfw boyfriend just as skinny if not skinnier than me because of high metabolism
>tfw we both still eat healthy because eating shit is bad for everyone

i hate fatties and the idea of fat acceptance. it's not something that should be praised at all. out of all the obese people i know, only 1 of them has a thyroid issue, but see, she doesn't stuff her face like the rest of them do, so she's not so bad. those pigs scarfing down mcdonalds don't deserve the light of day.

>> No.7427455


I'll agree with this. I do think it's actually quite healthy to be in the overweight category (unless you have my genetics) but let's face it - obese people have loads of health problems. There's no way around arguing that someone with a BMI of 35 or more will not have tons of health problems caused or made worse by holding that much fat.

>> No.7427459

>look at how lucky i am to have a good metabolism and a biological advantage in staying skinny
>other people are just lazy fatties and it has nothing to do with their metabolisms at all, unlike me

wow, hypocrite much, anon?

>> No.7427463

>But there's a difference between "chubby", "fat" and "obese".

no, no there isn't.

go see you doctor. get an accurate bmi. if you're over the weight you should be for your height, it's called being "overweight" get it?

anything over what you're SUPPOSED to be as a healthy and able-bodied person is overweight.

using slang like "chubby, fat, obese" is just covering up that fact that some people eat too much and don't exert any energy. ergo, fat lazy fucks that don't contribute as much to the greater good of a community as they could be IF they were fit and able-bodied.

>> No.7427465

>be fat and ugly
>use it as an excuse as to why I'm afraid of people
>lose weight
>okay looking with tiny body of an asian
>still terrified of people

well fuck

anyway, to stay on topic, I don't mind fatties in lolita when they do it right but what infuriates me to no end is the "showy" fatty who gets a bunch of tattoos, dyes her hair a weird color to distract from her fat and poor self esteem.
So ashamed thinking back when I was younger, "If I wear the same hat every day people will remember me for that rather than for being a huge fatty!"

>> No.7427468

>being fat makes you a lazy piece of shit who can't contribute as much as a healthy person
wow, you sound like someone who's into eugenics. did you get lost from your time machine back to WWII?

>> No.7427470
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How's it feel to be wrong?

>> No.7427473

We all know that, medically speaking, overweight is overweight. In the real world, there is a difference. Hell, you can be medically at a healthy weight, but still be a chubster, depending on how you carry your weight. Those are just words that better describe 'stages' of being overweight. Of course they hold no medical ground, but they're pretty damn good at giving you a mental picture.

>> No.7427474

stopped reading there

>> No.7427476


The USA had a eugenics program up till the early 1980's.

Mostly just retarded children were sent to those hospitals, but we still had an active program.

>> No.7427483

I'm on the low end of "normal", still chubby as fuck.
I pretty much only gain weight on my stomach and a little on my thighs.

>> No.7427486

BMI is only really good for addressing the general health of populations. to determine a healthy weight for yourself specifically, you should see a doctor.

>> No.7427489
File: 24 KB, 350x293, 1394736476845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yup. Fat around the waist is now the way to go. BMI has generally been ditched as an accurate marker ages ago.

>> No.7427490

This. I'm overweight and I dress myself well, look skinnyfat at most. It's about how you carry your weight.

>> No.7427491

>retarded children

Is it weird that all the "off" kids that I knew early on from pre-school and gradeschool grew up to be fat fucks? I know correlation doesn't imply causation, but still, It just seems relevant.

>> No.7427492


Not really. Food is generally something that makes us feel good when we eat so giving unruly children food is an easy way to control them and keep them occupied.

Hence a lot of retarded children become overweight to varying degrees.