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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 161 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7416869 No.7416869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage.
As always, discuss:
>Good wigs
>Good transformation ryukos (or good fabric to use for this)
>Cosplays for the 4 devas
And, of course,
>Keep /a/ shit to /a/.

>> No.7417205

So, anyone got source on this qt 3.14? >>7411196

She is literally the best Ryuko I have ever seen. You girls might as well stop trying to cosplay her because you will never be as good as her. And I'm actually serious here.

>> No.7417267


pretty face =/= good cosplay

Heck, she isn't wearing a costume in the picture. Did you even try?

>> No.7417277

You'd probably have to ask the original poster, but I don't know if they lurk or even come here often at all, so good luck. They did say they found the pics on tumblr/google though if that's any help at all. Sage for no real contribution.

>> No.7417293
File: 27 KB, 250x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you ask, she just posted in the tumblr tag again, pic related (I don't creep, I track "matoi ryuko"). url is causticmarionette.
Also, upon further inspection, it's apparently a dude. Don't know how much I believe that though. Probably "ftm" or whatever.

>> No.7417299

that selfpost samefag smell

>> No.7417318

I literally went on tumblr and went into the tag "matoi ryuko". She was the first thing that popped up. Not hard to find, I was trying to find a source for the first anon and lo-and-behold, there she was.

>> No.7417331

agreed. i hate it when people post stupid "wig and makeup tests" instead of actual cosplay progress.
unless your wig needs major styling, what's the point of posting a picture of you wearing it

>> No.7417335

well that's apart of the progress, i would rather see what a wig looks like on the cosplayer rather than a styrofoam wig head.

same goes for make up, if the make up doesn't work, or you cant get it to work then its kinda like the cosplay is incomplete. (hope it all makes sense)

>> No.7417338

that's fair but if it's a wig as simple as ryuko or makos, or a completely flat wig with minimal bangs trimming like satsuki, it seems like an irrelevant post.

>> No.7417344
File: 39 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously having a conversation with yourself?

>> No.7417354

still its showing what it looks like on them, and potentially shows what looks good on people with similar facial features like them.

but i can understand getting pissed at someone who is clogging up the tag with selfie wips.

>> No.7417358

are you seriously accusing someone of fucking talking to themselves, really?

similar typing styles =/= same person

also to help you out im

>> No.7417366

That's exactly what you would say if you were samefagging, and now I'm even more certain it's all you.

>> No.7417370

one or maybe two selfie wips are okay, but ive seen cosplayers post at least four or five times in a tag and it's all the same shit. annoying as hell.
getting particularly tired of the hundreds of satsuki "wips" that are people drawing ridiculous eyebrows on themselves.

>> No.7417371

Yeah, I can't believe how obvious they're being about it.

>> No.7417375
File: 78 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is that one Satsuki with the ridiculous amount of shoop from the other thread.
Looks like it's consistent in all her pictures.
Why would you even cosplay if you're going to edit yourself to hell and back?

>> No.7417390

Why are his nipples glowing?

>> No.7417396

what is that pose

>> No.7417399

It's because of his powerful ki. He's a member of the Saiyan race. Jesus fuck, did you even watch One Piece?

>> No.7417403
File: 31 KB, 250x333, tumblr_n23ejuT4bi1qmroqyo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if these have been posted yet but havent seen this mako done before i dunno

>> No.7417404
File: 30 KB, 643x525, 1394326334571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid and sensual Aikurou

>> No.7417405
File: 32 KB, 250x334, tumblr_n23ejuT4bi1qmroqyo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7417406

I get that she's trying to be cute or... something, but what the fuck are her lips doing.
Does she have any pictures that aren't selfies like this one? The costume itself seems nicely constructed but I can't tell to much.

>> No.7417410

not bad but ive yet to see anyone get the hat right

>> No.7417414

6/10. Lazily styled wig (if any styling was done at all) and from what I can tell, no eye makeup. Also fake sparkles look kinda dumb.
He's not bad looking though, just wish he made a better effort.

>> No.7417474

Not this again...
>wah, wah, why don't men find attractive what I want them to find attractive!
Tumblr please...

>> No.7417479

Saying "stop cosplaying because this person is attractive" is pretty stupid. Don't understand why people do it. There are still going to be other good cosplays of the character.

>> No.7417540

I don't think it's lazily styled at all.
He's the best Aikuro I've seen for now. Plus why does he need eye makeup...? It looks weird on occidental guys.

>> No.7417542
File: 382 KB, 640x960, aikurodefinitivaesvien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7417550

Agree, wanted to say it's shit as well.

>> No.7417561
File: 15 KB, 183x275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because eyeliner on guys makes their eyes pop. Aikuro has pretty striking eyes, so to go without makeup just seems lazy. Get a friend to do it for you if you have to, itll look better.
And the wig isn't like his hair at all, in terms of style.

>> No.7417568

Proof that men are the superior gender.

>> No.7417572
File: 106 KB, 642x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best aikuro youve seen

>> No.7417573

I'm feeling so lazy this year. I don't even want to make my own Nudist Beach cosplay.

Just want to be that guy who buys everything.

That said, I do already have a little materials list made. Just gotta...you know...buy it and make it. Not going to take long, I don't think. It's two tiny things.

>> No.7417575






>> No.7417579
File: 39 KB, 740x483, Aikuro Mikisugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are weak.

>> No.7417580

DANNNNNNNNNNG 10/10 would fuck

>> No.7417581

Dude, okageo is so ugly, he has the body but what about his face?

>> No.7417582

That's KING, and she's a girl.

>> No.7417583

He may not be the most attractive but he's got the makeup and wig right, and he's got the body definitely. His face could look better but what're you gonna do, y'know?

>> No.7417585

So it's shoop?
That is not a feminine chest whatsoever.

>> No.7417589

They're an ftm, I think. Still has a pussy, so I think you're good.

>> No.7417586
File: 695 KB, 688x459, Sanegayama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than the Mikisugis in the thread.

>> No.7417587

So the first guy's wig was a shit but this one is fine? It isn't even the color.
It seems all you have to do to be a good cosplayer is to be born in Asia.

>> No.7417588

Yep, there's no helping it. You gotta kill yourself now m8.

>> No.7417592

Lol, seriously?

The moment I opened the picture I was like, "shopped chest". Course it still could've been a dyel chink but I guess girl makes more sense.

>> No.7417593
File: 297 KB, 689x460, Houka Inumuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, to be a good cosplayer you have to wear makeup.
Asians at least realize that majority of the time.

>> No.7417595

>he's got the makeup and wig right
>he's got the makeup right
I can't believe you're serious, aren't you supposed to try and look like the character in cosplay? That Aikuro has a fucking ridiculous amount of shitty eyeliner.
I definitely prefer more natural eyes like >>7417542 has.

>> No.7417596

Yes, just google KingxMon and you'll see.

>> No.7417599

Also I do. I can't find handsome a guy who looks like a drag.

>> No.7417603

>implying a FTM like that exists
Cute girls don't become men. Cute girls have an easy life, why would they drop easy mode (being a woman)?

Just like good looking men never become dickgirls either. It's all about the easy mode.

>> No.7417614

and what about twinfools?

>> No.7417620

Attention whoring. She wasn't good enough for a girl, but she'd get a lot of attention as a boy.

>> No.7417621

Anybody ever use http://www.cosplay1.com/ ?

I broke my hand at work a week ago and haven't even started on my Sanageyama cosplay outside of plans. Wondering if they do good work. I've heard they charge a fair bit, but that's not a huge issue if the quality's there.

>> No.7417618

To be a male character you should wear subtle makeup, not a bunch of mascara and eyeliner. Maybe a guy could wear concealer and contour his features for his cosplay, but makeup like >>7417579 and >>7417572 is terrible to cosplay a male character. It's not convincingly male looking at all.

>> No.7417629

Finally someone who uses his head to think.

>> No.7417638

Do you have any... evidence... to back this up?

>> No.7417640

>implying twinfools was ever cute

>> No.7417642

oh god yes now just take off that shitty eyeliner
best so far IMO. Natural face/not so much makeup. But that shoop...

>> No.7417643

Probably not the kind you're hoping for. I just looked at their page and it says they're male, but I figured they were way too feminine to be anything other than a girly ftm.
(Which is kind of an oxymoron if you ask me.)

>> No.7417647
File: 64 KB, 814x687, Aikurouprofile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikisugi's eyes are incredibly piercing, and he has these little things in the corners that you can guess are eyelashes.
He doesn't need a smoky eye, but foundation alone won't cut it.
>>7417572 is awful though, I'll agree with you there.

>> No.7418016

I'm pretty sure the little things in the corner are supposed to be wrinkles or something.

>> No.7418021

Crow's feet.

>> No.7418041
File: 188 KB, 480x610, Uzu_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild monkey is back. Jacket is 80% done, but one question remains.

>> No.7418050


>> No.7418051

jesus how old is he meant to be then

>> No.7418061

He's old enough to be a teacher in Japan.

I'm surprised he's not grey.

That said, I'm 21 and have crow's feet. Comes from being awake mostly during night and staring at a computer screen all day, then squinting a lot whenever I go outside.

>> No.7418077

Aikuro is still the most aesthetically pleasing male characters on the show, regardless of his age.
Tsumugu is a close second. Baras are great.
he's ridiculously bara. too bara. comically bara.

>> No.7418084

>comically bara
does that explain how he changes size so much?
hes sometimes normal sized but most others hes a literal Giant.

>> No.7418089
File: 22 KB, 400x273, CC0F_506B8AAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat lense flare

>> No.7418087

Oh cool if you don't mind me asking what pattern did you use for the jacket / what did you do for it?

Sorry no tips on collar

>> No.7418088

His canon size seems to always be four sizes bigger than the biggest person in the room.

>> No.7418099


just go through their 'my face' tags and crap. You can see boobs and talking about becoming more masculine/ preferring to be called male. It's definitely some confused girl.

>> No.7418106

Duster pattern, with a modified/high collar.
This one's a good start.

>> No.7418133
File: 228 KB, 500x743, 1382753966788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shh no. Gamagoori's perfect bara. I want to ride on his shoulders.

>> No.7418136

Tsumugu is hot as hell.
And yeah Gamagoori in one episode was literally a giant, but a couple episodes earlier he was in a normal sized car driving Mako and Ryuko around. He changes size all the time.

>> No.7418150

Here is a Nui Harime wig tutorial.

>> No.7418172

Dude 7 years ago I would've thought Aikuro is the hottest like the bishiefag I was. There'd be a transitional phase of Uzu and now at the ripe age of 20 it's definitely Tsumugu. Please hot Tsumugu cosplayers, exist someday soon.

>> No.7418203
File: 17 KB, 403x226, 1394353668738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I went to the help thread and figured the L-shaped pieces over her boobs are gun holsters for small guns such as snubnose, however does anyone recall what nudist beach custom style weapon it may be?

>> No.7418207

I really hope there are some hot Tsumugu cosplayers soon, a completely accurate cosplay of him would be amazing.

>> No.7418243
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, gamagoori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be making Gamagoori soon.I want to put an invisible zipper down the front... Does anyone know a good mens pattern I can use?

>> No.7418423

Omg this so much

>> No.7418552
File: 120 KB, 422x750, tumblr_n267smMr661sqob8mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cute Mako from the tumblr tag.

>> No.7418626

i hope this person never finds out about this thread because youre all being pretty downright horrible about it
sage for off topic comment

>> No.7418651

>pretending to care what /cgl/ says about a trans person
>calling them "it" right after

>> No.7418663

This guy looks terrible with that amount of makeup, really takes away from the hot bod which is unfortunate.

>> No.7418664

she is really pale i can see the veins on her legs

>> No.7418672

Cover the bottom portion of his face with your finger and he literally looks like a woman

>> No.7418677

/cgl/ and 4chan in general have always been terrible to trans people. get over it.

>> No.7418694

Has anyone attempted Sanageyama's headband thing yet?

>> No.7418712

I don't think they were saying 'it' in terms of the actual person being discussed but whatever, moving on

>> No.7418809

He's around the same age as Ryuko's father and Ragyo, right?

>> No.7418901
File: 221 KB, 430x590, 1394395369735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have good suggestions for the gold design thingies on the body of Satsuki's dress? I was thinking maybe tissue lame, but that would probably look terrible as it has a tendency to run and wrinkle like crazy. Maybe taffeta would be a better idea?

>> No.7418918
File: 1.31 MB, 1273x718, ryuuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every wig I've seen seem to forget that not only the streak is red? There's red underneath the black as well, just like Ragyou's.

>> No.7418919

that's only for the transformed version.

>> No.7418922

Isn't that only when it's transformed, though? I haven't seen any screencaps of normal Ryuko with any more red than that one streak, and I've seen a few transformation wigs with more red than that too.

>> No.7419065

Don't cosplay my husbando, you uggo fatty. Seriously, why do uggos think they're good enough for him? Not only do they not lift, they also uggo.

>> No.7419290

cute but the wig is off and the collar is awful.

curious about this too.

>> No.7419315

It isn't bad; it's probably the best we've seen so far but I really look forward to seeing Jinglebooboo's.

>> No.7419332

Because, as mentioned, this only happens during transformation. It became blue when she wore Junketsu.

>> No.7419347

Curious to see how the rest of her costume will come out. The wig is good and so is the makeup, but if she fucks up Senketsu and the shoes (I absolutely hate when people get lazy about the shoes) then it'll be disappointing.

>> No.7419478
File: 48 KB, 600x600, $_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm have no knowledge about pleats. Can anyone with a good eye tell me if the pleats in this cosplay are fake? I feel like they don't have as much volume as real pleats would.


>> No.7419528

Doesn't matter, looks like shit either way. Do not buy that. Please.

>> No.7419690

Buy it, support the PLA, stupid Westerner.

>> No.7419722

Any advice on making Senketsu seifuku version? I'm not the greatest with fabrics and I've never sewn a seifuku before (though pleating is always fun and easy)

>> No.7419737

If you can applique, my advice would be crepe-backed satin attached with a double sided iron-on fusible (heat n' bond, steam-a-seam, etc).
Crepe-backed satin is much nicer than costume satin, and generally has a metallic shine on one side and a duller version of that one the other. Whichever side you use is what is design-appropriate or your personal preference.

If you're careful and neat when you cut and sew it, it won't really fray since the fusible web will hold it all down. Then, use a short lenth zig-zag stitch that's as wide as you'd like appearance-wise. (I have a Singer 160 and for applique my standard numbers are 0.4 for length and 2.5-3.0 for length) The outer edge of the seam (which should start to look like a solid, thick line if done correctly) should hit the very edge of the gold, which will seal it off. If you match your thread well (I'd advise a thread with a slight shine against the satin), it will look pretty clean and is not really noticeable from any distance. Also it saves you from the worry of edges bunching/fraying (from straight stitching) or peeling up (from iron-ons or gluing).

>> No.7419752

Oh god, please don't buy that. Even if the pleats are real, the cosplay itself looks horrible. It is really easy to make a pleated skirt yourself.

>> No.7420003 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 500x559, 500px-Nonon_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good patterns for Nonon's skirt dress? Specifically the skirt?

>> No.7420041
File: 146 KB, 500x559, 500px-Nonon_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any patterns for Nonon's dress? Or just general advice on making inverted box pleats? I'm having a little trouble with the skirt.

>> No.7420046
File: 36 KB, 560x315, 2c3506bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more dosh.

>> No.7420219
File: 65 KB, 427x961, Boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to sew boot covers for Satsuki's boots, and since they're thigh-high, I'm thinking that a stretch fabric would be needed for bending my knees. Any good fabric recommendations?

>> No.7420236
File: 47 KB, 600x900, 1394431411402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of how pic related did her boots. On her facebook, it said she used Vinyl for the white section, and cotton stretch for the blue

>> No.7420253

What the fuck are those gold pieces doing? They look enormous and not even sewn on right.

>> No.7420255


They're so inaccurate though.

>> No.7420342

tfw no qt 3.14 monkey cosplayer to couple cosplay with your ryuuko

>> No.7420354

Sorry dude idk what to do about dat collar but if you dont mind me asking what are you using for the bars on his wrists, collar and jacket ends? im literally stumped on wtf to use for it

>> No.7420358
File: 639 KB, 980x650, Jakuzure.Nonon.full.1626412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding for Nonon, I'm at a complete loss for her boots. It's that little cut-out pattern on the tops that's throwing off my ideas.

>> No.7420361

I think Worbla could work? You might want to layer the collar with thick interfacing to make it stand up.

>> No.7420464 [DELETED] 

Let me cum on your face and I dress up however you want me to.

>> No.7420547
File: 1.86 MB, 1080x1315, 1394332093796[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some credit anon ;_;

>> No.7420556

...Theres such thing as "fake" pleats?

>> No.7420599

No, go back to >>>/r9k/ or >>>/a/ or cosplay Barazo.

I'm giving you three choices here, you should be glad.

>> No.7420608

You got it champ.

>> No.7420620
File: 1.28 MB, 3664x2748, 100_8602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it.

>> No.7420641

No such thing as 'fake' pleats, they are very shallow though and I do not recommend buying that one. There won't be enough material when you get it to alter it either.

>> No.7420793
File: 150 KB, 342x344, 1394464785679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seagulls think pic related would work for Ryuko?

>> No.7420815
File: 200 KB, 429x740, Nonon Jakuzure4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sole seems too thick, but if you can't find anything better, it'll work.

>> No.7420820

I promise I am not intentionally trying to be a bitch, but if you're struggling with how to do those boots that dress-thingy will give you hell I think, that dress is hard to do without putting a horizontal seam in there and that looks bad.

I am almost wondering if those areas are like the bones on her top in that they are on top of the base, as opposed to being cut out. I'd have to go back and watch that episode, you've maybe already confirmed that they're cut outs though.

The way I see it you have two options:
1) You could use a stretchy but thick fabric. If they're cut outs you can make the covers, figure out how big you want the cut outs to be, cut them out, and then carefully fold the edge over and glue it down with fabric glue. I think that's how I'd do it since the artwork has no visible zipper in it.
2) You could make them like those Satsuki boots that were posted, but that's harder to do since you'd have to put a zipper in. In that case you could use a stiffer fabric which would wrinkle less in pictures and look better overall I think. You'd do the same thing for the cut out areas on this.

>> No.7420822

Exchange rate for me atm is crazy so it seems the safest option.

>> No.7420827

Are there any similar options out there for gulls with bigger feet? I tried looking that up because I was curious but the largest it runs is size 8, and I'm a 10.

(I also ask because the earlier comment about fucking up her shoes makes me wonder why I haven't seen a lot of talking about those, but I'm coming into these threads late so I may have missed it, whatever)

>> No.7420851

>too bara
no such thing.

>> No.7420972

They don't look right at all. Take another look at her shoes, jfc. They're hightops with a ridiculous tongue (front flap part) and cuff around the back. You're not going to find any online that look like that so you'd have to buy a pair and alter them.
Or go with those and look like shit, your choice.

>> No.7420981

They're hard to find, anon-chan

>> No.7420985

They're /impossible/ to find. That's what I'm saying. Those shoes could work as a base, but alone they won't cut it. Ryuko has weird shoes.

>> No.7420998

That's what I'm asking.
>Jacket ends
I used a hula hoop. Hue hue hue
But after reading the other post, I might try worbla for all 3.

>> No.7421046
File: 74 KB, 960x720, 1394475597637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any patterns for Nonon's dress? Or just general advice on making inverted box pleats? I'm having a little trouble with the skirt.

If you go to my facebook page and check out the timeline photos I posted a lot of progress pictures on my nonon costume. fb/com/sushimonstuhcosplay

For the skirt I sewed a ton of white and blue rectangles together then pleated it with an iron. You're going to have to do math and calculate the measurements though if you want the sizing to be as accurate as possible. Her white inverted pleats are visibly much smaller so I chose to do 8 white smaller ones vs. the blue pleats and just measured it according to my waist. Hard to explain but I'll post another photo to show you what I mean.

I have an entire how to tutorial on in my fb albums on my page for the boots. I used the exact same materials as my dress which is a thick stretch bottomweight twill.

>> No.7421053
File: 73 KB, 960x720, 1394475750218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pleated skirt before I ironed and sewed it together.

As for the dress it is pretty hard to do it with zero horizontal seamlines but honestly I think it's perfectly ok to have one connecting the skirt to the dress. It will just be more of a salopette look.

>> No.7421092

Facings are your friend. You'll either have to interface the shit out of your fabric or sew the boot covers to tights, though.

>> No.7421136


If you want it accurate though, without the line separating skirt and bodice, you make an A-line dress then cut slits into the skirt portion and then add in the pleats. The pleat you're inserting is a rectangle, you sew the sides of the rectangle to the slit sides. Fold the pleat into place, iron, and tack the top point down. It CAN be done I've seen it, but most Nonon cosplayers take the easy way out, or are too busty to fit her outfit correctly without seams.

>> No.7421348 [DELETED] 

Nope, Sanageyama >> Sensei > Tsumugi > Inumuta > Takarada > Gamagori.

You can feel free to disagree, but this is ordered in a way of how much success they would have with women if they existed IRL. Gama would be basically Dennis the autistic lifter, because all women would see him only as a "one night stand" material due to his aggressive musculature and black ancestry, whilst he only desires a tiny Japanese girl to be his girlfriend, so that he can tear her vagina apart with his massive penis.

>> No.7421358 [DELETED] 

According to an interview Warren Cromartie, a black MLB player who played in the Japanese league for 7 seasons, plenty of Japanese women want the black D.

>> No.7421361 [DELETED] 

>because all women would see him only as a "one night stand"

>> No.7421368 [DELETED] 

Most of the guys on this show are wayyyy too young and ~bishonen~ looking for most adult women. And how do you even define "success"

>> No.7421376 [DELETED] 

So you think that Sanageyama is the best long term relationship material in that list? If that's your standard then Inumuta is the only one who has a chance in the real world.

>> No.7421379 [DELETED] 

No, Sanageyama is the most attractive male in the universe. He can get bot ONSs and LTRs.

>> No.7421396 [DELETED] 

But but Inumuta totally works the glasses work and he's probably the most intelligent and likely to get a good career in the future. I can see him being a romantic and obviously a virgin who's saving himself for the right girl. He's easily teased but his sarcastic side is so attractive.

>> No.7421420 [DELETED] 
File: 897 KB, 460x378, megane_fuck_yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that body. Even though Nonon called him a showoff he's still significantly more reserved that every other supporting male character.

>> No.7421421 [DELETED] 

Inumuta's only good points is being ottermode and not being completely ugly. Glasses may be a bonus for some.

He's still a misogynerd who puts computers above women, so.. unattractive personality.

>romantic and obviously a virgin who's saving himself for the right girl.
>male virgin
>saving himself
I lold hard. It's obvious that he's a virgin because he's basically the kind of poster who goes to /r9k/ and /a/ and who complains why all the hot women aren't all over him with that horrible attitude of his.

>> No.7421429 [DELETED] 

no one cares pls go back to /a/, all of you

>> No.7421431 [DELETED] 

I'd put computers over Mako any day. He probably gets to nani Nonon's sore though. But who wouldn't?

>> No.7421434

This whole thread is already bullshit though. Stupid questions and nitpicking. Look at how many people are so retarded they can't even figure out the patterns to Sanegayama's uniform top, for example. Might as well derail it with husbando wars.

>> No.7421512 [DELETED] 

>who wouldn't
Well, according to the canon back-stories, everyone does.

>> No.7421522

I just thought about doing a DTR cosplay with a stupid mannequin coming out the back and using my real legs as the walkers legs.

Then I laughed.

>> No.7421523

Well, this is the best option for ugly men to cosplay as.

>> No.7421771
File: 77 KB, 925x499, shimapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work for Ryuko shimapan? Actually searching for "shimapan" on ebay doesn't bring too many hits, and "striped underwear" is too vague


>> No.7421786
File: 52 KB, 250x126, 137603039992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are pretty cute

>> No.7421797

JList and cosmates have actual shimapan, but shipping time depends on how quickly you need these by

>> No.7421814

Actualy shimapan are overrated, little stretch and you won't fit unless you have a size XXS asian butt.

>> No.7421817

Was checking it out, but it seems like JList only has one size

Good thing I don't have a butt

>> No.7421821

I ordered canon underwear for Ryuko from cosmates. Came in looking exactly like the picture and fits nicely, but order a size up. I'm working on losing weight (not fat, just not as flat a stomach as id like) and the panties will fit me better once I do, but they're fine as is. Haven't tried the bra on yet.
Here's the link to the panties, though they're out of stock currently:
Or these, which have thicker stripes:

Can't find the bra though.

>> No.7421824

so youre a fatty then. its not like they only come in one size, lmao.

>> No.7421847

Just jumping in to say from what I can find, Shimapan are only sold in M (which is more like a US XS/S) and 5X, which is either nobutt/10 or landwhale. Ive never been able to find them in any other size.

>> No.7421859
File: 897 KB, 460x378, 1394488765674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the purge there mods, though I did have enough time to save this gif

That shit needs to stay off of /cgl/ and stay on /a/

>> No.7422058

Just say it's a reference for Inumuta and Iori's Nudist Beach outfits.

>> No.7422075

Why are you doing Ryuko when you'd suit Satsuki alot more?

>> No.7422184
File: 50 KB, 720x720, 1394510201037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarah Fong.

>> No.7422189

Cute! Does she have the full cosplay done or just a wig shot?

>> No.7422191

That wig looks horrible.

>> No.7422202

More like you're butthurt because she's cute. I don't see anything wrong with the wig?? Explain.

>> No.7422221

Ryuko's Sneakers are Puma Jespers.

>> No.7422262

Oooh, that they are! Nice catch, anon.

>> No.7422270

diff anon, but are you blind? it's cut so badly and is choppy like hell.

>> No.7422294

Alright, I'm working on Tsumugu, but I've never really made anything before so I'd like some tips on forming that shoulder pad he has, and what to make it out of. Please and thank you.

Everything else seems pretty straightforward.

>> No.7422295

She looks like Mako. The wig isn't choppy enough that it looks bad. Mako's bangs are straight across, and so is this chick's wig.

>> No.7422309

mako's bangs are clearly rounded, not flat

>> No.7422324

she has maybe an extra 2mm of bangs in the part above her eyes then?
I agree that the wig is fine and it's a really good wig+makeup test.

>> No.7422325

Thank you based anon

>> No.7422326

Guy here. I never notice the kind of shit you cunts always bitch about ("a thread is hanging out if you zoom in 100x", "that wig is not 'styled' - whatever the fuck that means", etc.) and just look at the face and fap to it if it's good enough. But this time, even I can tell that the wig is really shit. Like she had a fucking helmet on.

>> No.7422334 [DELETED] 

This. I cry and die a bit inside every time those misogynerds come here and rape us with their words through the Internet.

>> No.7422355

>It was a discussion of husbandos

To be fair the reason I like Kill La Kill is the equal opportunity fanservice. If people are going to have shitty waifu discussions that don't get modded we should have the same for husbandos.

>> No.7422362

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish.

>> No.7422363

>that wig is shit, its like she has a helmet on
>mako has a bowl cut

>> No.7422395

See my issue with this wig is that weird lump on the left side (her right side).
Her head is almost spherical, and then it just looks weird right there.

Her face is slightly too old, but aside from that I don't see too much of a problem.

>> No.7422400

The round thing?
It's called a pauldron. That should help you find some tutorials on it.
That's all I know though. Good luck, Anon!!

>> No.7422544

Can anyone help with making the spikes on Mako's Two-Star uniform? I would like for them to be smooth and lightweight but im not sure what would be good to use.

>> No.7422545

Party hats. Fill em with something, cut em to size, gesso that shit.

Party hats.

>> No.7422611

No, it is choppy enough that it looks bad. mako's bangs aren't straight across, either, did you even look at the ref? they're rounded and kind of frame her face

no, she needs them longer at the sides and shorter in the middle, not just above her eyes. obviously not the worst overall we've had (coughs) since she's cute, but that wig isn't good

>> No.7422615

michaels has styrofoam cones. cover in paperclay/spackle or whatever you think would make them smooth, sand it

>> No.7423284
File: 92 KB, 640x272, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7423292

Is that completeloy accurate or official? If it is, Nonon is literally a midget. She is 4'2" without her hat.

>> No.7423305

they probably goofed on that but she's 5'1" without hat

>> No.7423313

I might this idea for a Bowser cosplay. You're awesome

>> No.7423315

Yeah, that's way too short.

>> No.7423318
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1394570593922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think Nonon is that tiny
Compare her to Inumuta here

>> No.7423319

Don't even paint them just be a party edition bowser

>> No.7423328
File: 27 KB, 522x399, 1282786204310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Inumuta is the same height as me
>MFW I was already working on an Inumuta cosplay

>> No.7423342

is nonon being a midget really that much less realistic than a high schooler being 8'10"

>> No.7423495

>yfw you are an undateable dwarf

Sanageyama is a manlet. Everyone below that is better off dead.

>> No.7423575
File: 93 KB, 640x1440, 1371068980685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7423580
File: 298 KB, 960x1280, 1394578066078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7423584

Oh god, please don't tell me this is the chick the homestucks call 'drunkroxy'
>that makeup though

>> No.7423585
File: 166 KB, 492x740, Houka Inumuta6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanageyama is actually about average height, for the US, UK, Canada, maybe Aus.
In Japan, he's well over average. Hell I think Inumuta is over the Japanese average as well.

>> No.7423594

you're super awesome. thanks for that info, anon

>> No.7423595

look at this guy, thinking his opinion matters.

>> No.7423597

Mario Party: Party edition Bowser. haha

>> No.7423600

that is most definitely her. nutorious for being an underage drinker who cant hold their drink or know when to stop.

still props for her for using, what im guessing to be, EL wire for the life fibers (although it looks more pink than red)

>> No.7423604

Inumuta is so sexy, but that bastard would definitely ignore me for his tech toys and then make snide comments behind my back. I love seeing well done cosplays of him though.

>> No.7423608

Insert computer mouse in vagina

>> No.7423612
File: 440 KB, 545x884, Houka Inumuta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it weird how there's so many good cosplays of him and only a handful for everyone else.
Is he just easier to do, or does hiding the mouth make you look better, or what?

>> No.7423656

Hiding mouth probably helps. Like my husband is a good looking guy, but he overshoots trying to make a character's expressions to the point it just looks silly. I was very happy to zip him up in Inumuta's blue tracksuit last con. Also not a lot of disproportionately huge spikes or accessories or hair that people can baw about it not fitting the drawing style of said character exactly.

>> No.7423682

her boobs are too small for mako though

>> No.7423692

Keep deluding yourself all you want, shorty.

Even girls below 5 ft would almost never go for a guy who's below 6 ft. At least the attractive ones, that is. This one >>7423604 is definitely unattractive or fat.

>> No.7423697

It's just Inumuta is more of a generic body type cosplayers stick to, skinnyfat. For those lazy or just unknowing of EL and LEDs, I can't see Inumuta being "easy" unless you like producing crap. In contrast, I'd think Sanegayama was the easiest.

>> No.7423714

hell no, I would never go for a guy that's six feet and up. I'd like my neck to stay cramp free when I'm talking to him, thanks.

>> No.7423727

Why are monkeyfags the worst people? Seriously, just shut the fuck up and stop derailing the htread with your husbando bullshit. I bet you can't even even sew anyways.

>> No.7423777

>implying all women have to know how to sew, cook and do the laundry
Sure is /a9k/ here.

>> No.7423787

It's like you're a retard. We're on a cosplay and lolita board. You're expected to at least be able to sew a straight line here. Go back to tumblr and moan about misogyny.

>> No.7423805
File: 119 KB, 400x400, 1394468664623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only seen one good Sanageyama, and even then, it's not completely perfect.
I feel like the spikes in his hair would throw people off, if anyone does that version.
I'm not overly fond of Monkey with his hair down and eyes showing..

>> No.7423861

>a fashion where we mostly wear brand and offbrand, not handmade
No, bitch, we're not expected to know how to sew.

>> No.7423977
File: 250 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this in the tag
i think he's cute, he looks natural

>> No.7423979

Does he even lift?

>> No.7423989

Selfpost detected (I hope, I don't want to believe there's girls with such low standards).

He looks horrible, his face looks nothing like the character, he isn't bish or even handsome in any other way, and his body is about as pathetic as the typical skeleton nerd who posts on 4chan.

Not to mention that the "costume" of his is utter fucking garbage, closet cosplays are leagues above this trash.

Where did our standards go, /cgl/?

>> No.7423992

They left with Voldie and Maguma.

>> No.7423993

I mean, come the fuck on. The more I look at it the more I want to puke. Probably the worst cosplay I've seen this month.

>> No.7423997


not only are they still here, they're exactly the kind of people who hate standards, effort, skill and accuracy put into one's cosplay the most

>> No.7424013

That was the joke.

>> No.7424048

The only thing that tells me that's supposed to be Mikisugi is the glowing nipples and I guess the open shirt.
Kid needs a wig, some lifting, and a shave.

Speaking of lifting, are there any good Tsumugu cosplayers? I know there was one at Katsucon that was pretty good.

>> No.7424192

Same anon as before; as I said, panties are fine, but the bra came in several sizes too small. Good lord, I can't even fucking breathe. Asians are actually completely devoid of tits, apparently.
Guess I'll be using a plain white bra then that will actually fit me.

>> No.7424219

> are there any good Tsumugu cosplayers? I know there was one at Katsucon that was pretty good.
Holy shit really? Pics? I have yet to see a good Tsumugu cosplayer.

>> No.7424232
File: 499 KB, 500x213, Blah..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that boy a workout routine and a wig and maybe he'll be passable.

>> No.7424371

Why doesn't a /fit/zen cosplay Tsumugu?

>> No.7424381

Because he doesn't get any girls.

Sanageyama is the best for /fit/izens, because he will win da Ryuukob owl.

And /fit/ loves Ryuuko the most, by far.

/fit/ - Ryuuko
/v/ - Satuski

So have that in mind when you choose to cosplay the fugly one.

>> No.7424405

What are good search-words to use for Ryukos shoes? Skytop and Supra only come up with expensive options. Is there a more generic name?

>> No.7424423


>> No.7424432 [DELETED] 

I actually don't ship Tsumugu with any character, I just want to see a hot Tsumugu cosplayer and I'm sure an accurate cosplayer of him could pick up girls pretty well. It should be obvious that Tsumugu is the hottest to girls too, he even has more hentai than the other male characters.
Oh well, maybe I'll come across a hot Tsumugu at one of the cons I'm going to.

>> No.7424439
File: 185 KB, 960x960, 1394605146673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a true gem

>> No.7424440

I actually don't ship Tsumugu with any character, I just want to see a hot Tsumugu cosplayer and I'm sure an accurate cosplayer of him could pick up girls pretty well. It should be obvious that Tsumugu is really hot to girls too, he even has more hentai than the other male characters.
Oh well, maybe I'll come across a hot Tsumugu at one of the cons I'm going to.

>> No.7424447


>> No.7424450

tsumugu is like the shit in the bara scene right now

>> No.7424451



>> No.7424459

>self promo


>> No.7424544
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1389134848297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/fit/izen here, ill be cosplaying tsumugu my 2d counterpart (i might actually look like him) in a few months... i actually like him best after gamagoori.

I hope being able to do a pretty accurate cosplay considering i have the same skin tone, eyebrows (lol?), always had a mohawk and i got a good amount of muscle
>tfw didnt leave humanity behind yet

>> No.7424549

Oh cool! Good luck and I hope it turns out well, what con are you going to as him?

>> No.7424558

didn't you know, that's what self-proclaimed-famous-cosplayers do

>> No.7424559

You kidding? I don't think I even seen a heterosexual hentai pic of Tsumugu.

He is nowhere near as popular, either among women or when it comes to porn as Sanageyama or Sensei.

>> No.7424560


going to otakuthon in montreal, i got lots of time to prepare so i want to get it right. ill post update pics once i come up with stuff!

>> No.7424570

Yeah me neither, I thought girls got off to gay stuff though? I prefer pics of a guy jacking off or doing something with another guy so I thought it was common is all.
Also almost all the porn of Sanageyama is gay (there are 11 straight pictures and 36 gay ones) and Aikurou is the only one with a lot of straight pictures, but even then half of his pictures are yaoi too.
>He is nowhere near as popular, either among women or when it comes to porn as Sanageyama or Sensei.
Tsumugu actually has more porn than both of them.

>> No.7424620
File: 181 KB, 1366x768, 715235-bscap0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they got her height wrong lol

>> No.7424636

To be fair, they change their positioning, thus changing how tall they look to one another, all the time. It's really hard to tell. If I didn't have work tomorrow, I would go through ever single episode and screenshot all the pictures of the standing close together

>> No.7424638

Popularity with disgusting women (fujoshi) =!= matters. Imagine three cosplayers who do perfect cosplays of Sanageyama, Sensei and Tsumugu. The first two would get much, much more pussy than Tsumugu. Uzu would get the most. Tsumugu might get even less than Gamagori.

>> No.7424715

I'm not the master of who does and doesn't get pussy at cons so really I don't know who would get more and less, but if that's all true what about guys who are tan and more buff than Aikurou and Sanageyama? Do they just cosplay those 2 anyways? And less than Gamagori? Wow.
Also why would popularity with disgusting women matter? If you want to get attention from girls wouldn't you want attractive ones to pay attention to you instead?
And I don't think a Tsumugu would get "much much" less than those 2, maybe slightly less but I think he would still get a decent amount.

>> No.7424724

>Also why would popularity with disgusting women matter?
=!= means "not equal" hence, "does not matter"

The point is, if you had four guys dressed and looking perfectly as humanly possible as them, in terms of how much female attention they would get, the ranking would undeniably be: Uzu >> Miksugi >> Inumuta ? Tsumugu > Gamagori. This is based on common sense alone. That's why all guys want to cosplay Uzu first and foremost - not just /fit/ ones, but also ugly & fat ones like the one who posted earlier ITT. Miksugi cosplayers are men desperate for attention who don't watch the anime (because if they did, they'd know that Uzu is superior).

>> No.7424838

Yeah, I figure Nonon is 5'1" without the hat.

>> No.7424848

I figure Nonon is the best girl with a body made for sex. Hnnngh.

>> No.7424860

/fit/ pls

>> No.7424863

she gets taller coz of the heels or does senketsu changer her height like her hair

>> No.7424865

It seems like a combination of the heels and standing up straighter.

>> No.7424866
File: 22 KB, 307x438, thats-a-man-baby-austin-powers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7424868

(Oh dicks not again)

>> No.7424871

I'm laughing at how they included the hat

>> No.7424924

So many lolita tutorials for accessories and even full garments. Could you please be an idiot somewhere else? Oh, and scrape the sand out your vag while you're at it.

>> No.7424934

not all lolitas come to CGL for cosplay, they come here to talk about lolita
not every lolita is interested in sewing accessories and garments, even for lolita. what dont you get?

>> No.7424980
File: 447 KB, 250x188, tumblr_n212gtb8oV1t1nxtzo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this cosplayer this weekend.
Turned around and walked away,

>> No.7425038
File: 142 KB, 480x610, 1394642532962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for anyone with some sewing experience. How would i go about making Uzu's raid trip track jacket trench coat?

Looking at it my thought was that everything but the sleeves seems to be double the normal proportions, so it seems getting two track jackets and cutting them up and sewing them together is the way to go. Is it possible to do so without it being obvious they were once 2 seperate pieces? Or should i start from scratch with one long piece of cloth?

>> No.7425039
File: 148 KB, 675x900, 1394642605140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this cosplayer on FB who's going as Tsumugu...honestly I can't wait to see this one finished

>> No.7425043

Oh what does his face look like? If he has Tsumugu's manly jaw it could turn out pretty good.

>> No.7425042

If you don't know how to sew, cook, or do laundry, I sure hope you have somebody else to do it for you, because it's going to suck living on your own.

>> No.7425045

Not even saying that all girls should do it. I'm saying EVERYONE should, even guys.

I bet you the pope knows how to sew. Why can't you be more like him, you piece of shit?

>> No.7425052


>> No.7425053

>implying sewing is a necessary skill
I know how to sew somewhat well but I know it's not something you absolutely need to know, why would someone in your house have to know how to sew?
Also if you suck at cooking you could just find things to microwave. I can cook if I feel like it but I don't think it's worth it and I usually eat microwavable food or salad. As long as you're active you won't get fat by mostly eating microwaved and canned stuff too. I do eat a hell of a lot of salad though because I love lettuce. But basically I only actually cook food like 2 times a month.

>> No.7425055

Are you 12?

>> No.7425059 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 1394643362697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find any normal face pics not in cosplay but here's one

>> No.7425060

They were basically saying girls get off to guy on guy stuff so the fact that Tsumugu's porn is all gay doesn't mean that only guys fap to it.

>> No.7425064
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 1394643516084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find any normal face pics not in cosplay but here's one shows off his natural face

>> No.7425065

Go back2/y/

>> No.7425067

Unsure. Could be good?

>> No.7425084

This is getting off topic.

He doesn't seem half bad. Might need some mighty eyebrows though.

>> No.7425089

Ohwow, I'm pretty excited to see this. He could look very Tsumugu without the beard.

>> No.7425166
File: 16 KB, 300x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her actual model, as an earlier anon mentioned, is the Puma Jesper. Unfortunately they're not made anymore, so good luck finding a pair. I bet some sellers online have them for a ridiculous amount of cash though. Pic related.

>> No.7425171

I thought he was doing Gamagoori

>> No.7425190

Yeah, I've searched up and down everywhere and can't find anything similar either in my country.

>> No.7425193

I actually found one UK seller, but they sell the other colors-- white is sold out. They have blue red and green, but off-white is gone. Really fucking sucks.

>> No.7425209

I think you could just get white high tops and and sew the "cuff" with some stuffed thin vinyl.

>> No.7425213

Life is cruel. I found some online but they're like 106 dorrar which is bit out of my price range for fairly ugly shoes that I'm p much only going to wear for this cosplay

That could work, thanks anon

>> No.7425215

I initially tried that but it ended up looking like shit because the shoe's parts clearly didn't match. It just looked bad, but I'd be interested in seeing if others did this well.

>> No.7425223

Do you have a photo of the result?

>> No.7425242
File: 193 KB, 863x209, 1394650358864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit I didn't realize that, whelp I'm even more excited to see a bara sized gamagori cosplayer lol

>> No.7425252

I threw them out. They really werent worthy of a picture imo.
That's not to say the method couldn't work, but I'm not great with altering shoes either way.

>> No.7425290

Maybe got over both pieces with the same shoe polish or angelus leather paint?

>> No.7425464
File: 117 KB, 960x960, 1394657174825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older picture I found on his facebook page

>> No.7425472
File: 401 KB, 900x500, 1394657399099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if someone did a Aikuro Mikisugi cosplay and managed to cover their nethers and nips in bright LEDs for the same effect as seen in the show?

>> No.7425486

watch him turn out to be a manlet.

>> No.7425532
File: 29 KB, 720x540, 1394659784671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this is a few days late but this is what I did on my first coat. I sewed on vinyl and then i fed thick string through it. at the ends i inserted some folded cardstock to give it the sharp look. and to help it bend i fed wire doubled over through it.
I'm going to be remaking the coat for the next con because I had to rush to finish it and it just looked awful in the end.

>> No.7425534
File: 23 KB, 526x394, 1394659874894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is it pretty much finished.

>> No.7425543
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 1394067208157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually doesn't look too bad. Good job, Monkey!Anon.

>> No.7425561 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 1280x851, le voldemort face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I used Volde's Mako for shitposting on /a/
>someone actually confused her with Mako's Japanese VA
>so everyone thought it was great cosplay and that she looked cute

>> No.7425566

Seriously, if you genuinely believe that "anyone below 6 feet is undatable" is a lie, then you must be either virgins or deluded or both.

There's even a Cracked article about how 99% of women are heightists. And Cracked is a liberal feminazi propaganda site, so you know the issue must be extremely serious when it paints women in a bad light.

The only women who willingly date manlets and below that are ones with mental issues (which includes yellow fever).

>> No.7425567
File: 196 KB, 300x450, y83572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting cosplay on an anime board, for one.
Are you the one that keeps shitting up /a/ with that stuff?

>> No.7425578

I cannot even describe to you how excited I am for this man

he's like 6'4" actually

draven cosplay check him out he's flawless

>> No.7425580 [DELETED] 

Don't be dense, it's fatty-gap self-posting her mug again.

>> No.7425579

drefan* sorry goddamn commie phone

>> No.7425584

the fuck would you post her for anyway lmao

>> No.7425587

i stand corrected, thank you

for whatever reason im hellbent on finding things i dont like about him, but i want to like him, i dont know how to describe it.

for some reason i really dont like his nose, i feel like thats super nit-picky but idk its kinda really potato-y to me.

>> No.7425592
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 1394661828760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a bit of wig help!
I'm planning on cosplaying Nui but I'm stuck on what colour I should do her wig. As it seems to range from peach to golden blonde. I'd quite like to go for the more peachy blonde and maybe get this as a base to then build on? What do you think? My only issue then is getting long enough wefts in the right colour/s to then do the drills.

Any help would be much appreciated!

>> No.7425599

Uh, no. Get a pale or golden blonde. Peach is not anywhere near her hair color.
My recommendation would be something from arda (click on blonde/yellow on the color options) and browse with a reference picture on hand. That way you can get a base wig and long wefts that will match it instead of trying to chance it with an ebay wig.

>> No.7425605

ugh dat makeup tho
somebody fix him

>> No.7425621
File: 282 KB, 582x287, colour match.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, uploaded the wrong picture.

As much as I want to buy from Arda, international shipping is expensive, and seeing as I've already looked through and can't decide which colour would be best, I'd have to get swatches. Which means more cost and more time waiting for things to arrive which I don't have sadly.
Thanks for the suggestion though.

>> No.7425625

No, I just did it once. Figured it doesn't matter anymore since it's been posted there so many times already, like holy shit, you wouldn't believe it.

Some guy said he wanted to see a 3DPD female.

>> No.7425632

Ahhh still. That wig is too dark. Nui's a pale/platinum blonde.

>> No.7425722

Lol her seifuku has three stripes, did she buy it off body line or some shit?

>> No.7425730

Stop bullying Voldie, she is our girl.

>> No.7425733

>pale/platinum blonde

Uhhh. No.

I agree that wig is the wrong color. It's almost orange. But Nui's hair is NOT pale or platinum blonde at all.

>> No.7425813
File: 190 KB, 420x570, body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7425825

Well too bad her cosplay sucks

>> No.7425835

are you fucking kidding me, the fucking shine on her dumb stupid pigtails are fucking hearts

>> No.7425841

Have mercy, I think they're colorblind.

>> No.7425870
File: 61 KB, 552x552, this shit is getting old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking serious? You're telling me you haven't met one girl without mental issues dating someone below 6 feet? You honestly believe that? Fucking seriously. Guys under 6 feet get girls all the time.
I am so tired of hearing /fit/'s stupid shit about this and if you really believe girls won't date anyone under 6 feet unless they have mental issues, you must truly never leave your basement or in this case, your home gym.
Also, she must have mental issues if she won't date a guy under 6 feet tall because the average height is under 6 feet anyways and also a lot of girls are just happy with guys 5’8” and up and a lot would just be happy with a guy who is taller than they are.
Those of you who are actually serious about this height stuff are delusional as hell and are so retarded that they can’t go out and see any guys under 6 feet with girls even though there are so many.

>> No.7425875

so youre under 6 feet then

>> No.7425879

anon do you even know what the fuck pale/platinum blonde is

that's like implying Nui's hair is almost white.

>> No.7425884

the colour of nui's hair reminds me of an orange creamsicle, if that makes any sense.

>> No.7425890

I'm a girl, I just hear so much of this stupid /fit/ shit that it's ridiculous, I'm tired of hearing it and can't believe that so many of you believe it.

>> No.7425891

are you fucking retarded

>> No.7425912

If shipping is the issue, here's my suggestion:
Buy two of one of the wig styles linked. You should have enough wefts to rip for each of her pigtails, and a base wig too. Style the base wig, and use this tutorial to make your wig.



Happy nui-ing.

>> No.7426030


The Uzu/Ryuuko tag on pixiv has over 200 works right now, and tweeter artists post at least one drawing per day

Nigga what the fuck are you talking about? Only Sensei and Gamagori come close to Sanageyama's level of popularity among Jap fan-artists

>> No.7426138
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, Kill-la-Kill-05-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing a lot of nitpicking on how most people have done Senketsu's eyeball.

What would be the ideal way to do it?

>> No.7426196

Cheese and rice that looks glorious.

>> No.7426412
File: 108 KB, 600x900, platinum-blonde-hair-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Nui's hair is the most vanilla blonde color on the planet. Pic related is pale / platinum blonde.

Elsa from Frozen has platinum blonde hair. Nui does not.

>> No.7428356

Well. That's enough to jumpstart my nightmares again.

>> No.7429638

A fucked up attempt at the starting pose for Satsuki's Life Fiber Override sequence. It's supposed to look like she just flicked down all the needle switches on her armband.