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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7425259 No.7425259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you let this happen /cgl/?

>> No.7425271


>> No.7425268

Fun fact: the biggest misogynists on /cgl/ are other women. Also, laughing at somebody for being fat isn't misogyny. It's laughing at somebody for an unhealthy life style that they choose to have.

>> No.7425272

Because we have no reason not to

>> No.7425276

Because this place isn't tumblr.

>> No.7425278

Hey guys, just to let you know, someone tried this exact same troll thread over in /co/.

>> No.7425281


>> No.7425307

Because this doesn't happen. That comic is an outsider's interpretation of what cons are like based on tumblr's betching.

>> No.7425399

i fear what people will say about me, but it's human nature

if it's something i love, i am going to have to deal with it, not sulk in the corner. I am not a victim, I don't need a circlejerk of girls to feel sympathy for me in the form of likes.

>> No.7425401

I don't think ive EVER seen a man put their arms around a girl in a costume in the way the comic portrays it.

And if that was the case, do you know how many white knight betas would jump in and save the day? At the very least get thrown out by security?

>> No.7425404

is she an artist or a cosplayer?

how bout more time sewing costumes and less time crying bout your fatness?

>> No.7425408

The comic posted by OP is from a tumblr artist.

The artist in question made this comic before comic con '13.
It's unclear whether the artist has actually cosplayed or not.

This comic isn't based on real events.

Make of that what you will.

>> No.7425415

just more dog shit.

the artist is half assed too. I can't name a single original, or even a clever/fresh idea, within that comic. Everything is just a homogenous copy of a trending tumblr art fad.

I totally get that no one has an original thought. But you can still make something your own. It just pisses me off.

>> No.7425419
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>artist dislikes being labeled as a whale
>proceeds to draw a male comic fan as a euphoric neckbeard


>> No.7425427

I met someone who looked EXACTLY and talked EXACTLY like comicbook guy from the simpsons. He had a big gut and a fabulous ponytail. Only his beard was well trimmed. He was the most charismatic fun guy and would talk comics for hours. this goes COMPLETELY against the neckbeard trope that an insecure person would imagine. So what else can they really say?

>> No.7425440

Why isn't she wearing a wig?

>> No.7425442

It certainly does happen, it has happened to me. Just not to a huge extent. Most of the bitching happens when people aren't around to hear it.

>> No.7425444
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>> No.7425445

People need to learn to dress appropriately for their body type. Wear a bad costume, people will make fun of you, just like they make fun of the neckbeards.

The most annoying part of that image is how they pretend girls don't make fun of ugly guys, too.

>> No.7425446
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Disgusting all the cosplayers that supported this crappy comic and never spoke up against it.

Its not DC's fault people insulted you. DC making attractive female characters is not disrespecting females.

I bet most of these tumblrcunts have no problem schlicking to some ThorxLoki yaoi either.

>> No.7425454


that's a whole 'nuther ball game right there. it's best not to start that discussion here.

>> No.7425456

>, just like they make fun of the neckbeards.
>they pretend girls don't make fun of ugly guys, too.
But they don't.
A fat guy with a beard cosplaying as a cute girl or a manly, handsome characters just gets hi-fives and "you're awesome man xD"

>> No.7425457

>Is it even possible to look like that?
Yes is it is you stupid self-pitying fatass.

>> No.7425459

MAYBE it's because they're usually just doing it for the laughs and not seriously? Holy shit how retarded are you.

>> No.7425462

That comic's pretty wrong, fat people don't have feelings

>> No.7425466

>MAYBE it's because they're usually just doing it for the laughs and not seriously?
And no woman ever does it for laughs? Ever?
Call me retarded all you want, but neckbeards don't get made fun of at cons for cosplaying characters that don't suit them. Deal with it.

>> No.7425468

The self-pitying fatass in the comic isn't doing it for the laughs or she'd be leading the crowd by their nose now.

>> No.7425471

Since when does a comic strip character = all fat women ever?

>> No.7425474
File: 45 KB, 468x442, bigdaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore arguments, aquire facts
Top fucking lel you tumblr-reject, if you do something for the laughs people will catch it or you did a bad job at displaying that it was for the laughs. It's just that men generally have a sense of humor about this sort of thing like pic related.

>> No.7425477

You're all wrong, there are people who call Sailor Bubba, Mansty, or whatever disgusting, say they're fat and pathetic. Most people get the joke but not everyone does.

>> No.7425481
File: 225 KB, 1527x472, 1394657761270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they get snickered at and a nice little pat on the head.

>> No.7425483

Ever hear of a self fulfilling prophecy? The girl in the comic is acting like she's doomed to fail from the start do just looks like a sad mopey fat wonder woman. If she had any confidence or energy people would be way more supportive and you go girl.

>> No.7425485

I wasn't ignoring any argument. Anon said "But neckbeards get made fun of too!!!!", I said they didn't, they said "Well thats cos they're joking you retard" and then I said "Okay but they still don't get made fun of."
How hard is this to grasp?
Specific reasons or justification aside, women get made fun of for looking shitty in cosplay, but men do not. It's that simple, and you're too assmad to just acknowledge it and move on.

>> No.7425487
File: 57 KB, 476x704, sayaka offroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here, if you're a fatfuck you deserve to be laughed out of the room because you have nobody to blame but yourself, gender does not matter. Everyone has an obligation to look as best as they can and with today's possibilities there is no excuse anymore, except those you pull out of thin air to excuse stuffing your face with five more double cheeseburgers with bacon. In short, DYEL? SS + GOMAD for a few months baybe and then start cutting down that fat. The only thing you cannot affect with fitness is tit size, cock size, facial aesthetics and height. Everything else, including DAT ASS, is in your hands. If you don't grasp it you have no one, NO ONE to blame but yourself.

>> No.7425490

Cool, but what does that have to do with this entire discussion?
Go start a FPS on /fit/ if you want to trash talk fatties. At least stay on-topic, seriously.

>> No.7425493

Bullshit, men get made fun of all the time. Joke cosplays might get a pass, but shitty cosplays don't.

>> No.7425494

>women get made fun of for looking shitty in cosplay, but men do not. It's that simple, and you're too assmad to just acknowledge it and move on.
Actually, I'm fine with it because I grasp why it happens. The one who isn't fine with it is you, which is why I see this thread on this board once every week or so. You're the one who should learn to move on, because this is just the rules of nature.

>> No.7425496
File: 55 KB, 652x720, 1394222583892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing. With men, joke cosplays and shitty cosplays might as well be synonymous. They automatically get a gold star for "le ebic joke xP" or even just trying.

>> No.7425497

Call a fat guy fat, and it's bullying.
Call a fat girl fat, and it's misogyny.
Don't call a fat girl anything, and her paranoid, delusional, feminist mind will think people are calling her fat behind her back because she's a woman.

>> No.7425499

>Actually, I'm fine with it
Good, then there's nothing to discuss.
>The one who isn't fine with it is you,
Because I pointed it out in my first ever posts in this sort of thread? Top kek.

>> No.7425501

Of course. Women are naturally held to a higher standard then clueless men.

>> No.7425506

It's because on this unequal fucking planet people have unequal expectations of what to give a fuck about.

Judgement is always handed out by the people around you and the people you care about. Who do men care about? Men, and maybe their gf. Will they give a fuck about some raggedy-ass cosplay? No, because men don't give a fuck about cosplay for the most part. They'll say "Funny stunt bro" (even if he dressed up as fucking Batwoman) and go back to kicking back beers and shooting guns or some shit.

Who do women care about? Women, and maybe their bf. Will they give a fuck about some raggedy-ass cosplay? Yeah, because this is obviously what /cgl/ is fucking made of. Failing at cosplay for a woman is like failing at binge drinking or driving a car or any other manly thing for men; it digs at the essence of what you value. So the gossip mill will be churning forever about how fat Mandy looked in her outfit or how the fabric was oh so very low-quality; all things men will really not give a fuck unless they are all from Milan or the local sewing club.

>> No.7425509

First of all, this doesn't happen.

Most people at cons are unattractive and either over or underweight, and most geeks don't openly ridicule their own. Attractive cosplayers are put on a pedestal and worshipped.

Second, cosplaying is focused around drawing attention to yourself and being seen. If a person is comically overweight, ugly or physically look the exact opposite of the character they're portraying, they are willingly making a fool of themselves and come off as a freakshow. They're either delusional or have given up, and it shouldn't come as a surprise to them that they're made fun of online. They do it to themselves.

It's like trying to sing if you're tone deaf. They'll either be ignored or ridiculed, depending on how bad they are.

>> No.7425516

You talk like all women like cosplay and it's a universally feminine thing.

>> No.7425518

Playing dressup is a very feminine thing. It's not at all a male thing however; there's a reason the standard dress suit of today could be mistaken for one from 1850 for the untrained eye.

>> No.7425523

Right, because 4chan doesn't have endless threads that focus on ridiculing guys. Never heard the term neckbeard? Never seen the thousands of pictures of guys hoverhanding at cons? Never seen the countless bad cosplays of guys posted over and over on /b/? Never noticed the ridicule MLP faggots get? If they were women, it would be called misogyny.

Men are made fun of just as much, if not more than women. But even the most cowardly neckbeard isn't as much of a whiny cunt as the average feminist. And they certainly don't blame it on sexism.

>> No.7425529

They're getting made fun of on anonymous imageboards by other guys having a giggle.
>And they certainly don't blame it on sexism.
>what are MRAs

>> No.7425536

Whats with the arm? It looks weird but not something bad?

In opposite to hoverhand, do girls get offended if you put your arm around their waist when taking a photo? Asuming your an attractive guy.

>> No.7425540

MRAs are extremely rare compared to feminists, and fight for actual equality, such as being allowed custody over their kids, even if they're men.

>They're getting made fun of on anonymous imageboards by other guys having a giggle.

How is that relevant? Female cosplayers aren't openly made fun of. People would get kicked out of cons if they did.
The point here isn't what medium people use to ridicule others, but the attitudes people have. If people make fools of themselves, they'll be laughed at, regardless of their gender. However, women have an enormous support network, while men simply take it on the chin, or ignore it.

>> No.7425545

Because men know how to do something right the first time?

>> No.7425551

fixing societal problems -
>get over it. be strong
>make friends, support others
>if you have a problem with people being mean to each other, don't turn around and spew toxic shit right back at people

I think personal responsibility is really important and somehow it's something that has become popular to throw out the window. I guess that's not such a new thing but combined with the new popular sjw trend of self righteousness.. ugh. How exactly did telling other people how to act and pointing fingers everywhere become the new cool thing to do?

>sorry, disregarding the fact OP is a troll

>> No.7425553
File: 96 KB, 328x282, 1935514769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.7425555

>and fight for actual equality,
Most don't.
>How is that relevant?
Guys making fun of other guys for a made-up ideology of being "beta" or euphoric (rather than just appearances) is different from chicks getting made fun of by everyone for being fat and looking bad in their cosplay.

>> No.7425556
File: 24 KB, 500x372, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7425564

What they're doing is self-contradictory. On one hand, they're oppressed little weak victims who can't lift a spoon off of the table and need speshul rights, on the other they're powerful, seductive goddesses who crush everything under their stiletto heels.
They change it up based on what the issue is and which one of the two it's better to be at the moment.

>> No.7425569

Hey fat chicks can get it too :)

>> No.7425586

/cgl/ for you

>> No.7425613

>and the men that love it love to make us women not love ourselves

o fug, we've been found out guise :DDDD

>> No.7425623
File: 340 KB, 500x535, fyn7AO1qboxwko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat people don't love themselves. They are people full of self-loathing and depression. That's why they are fat. If you loved yourself you would take care of yourself. Stop being weak and blaming others.

>> No.7425682
File: 21 KB, 220x240, jeremy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant force me to be attracted to fat cunts

>> No.7425685

After reading this sort of stuff, and the sort of stuff you read from white women on tumblr, can you really blame white men for preferring asian girls?

>> No.7425688

speak for yourself weeaboo

>> No.7425689

I actually met a person that looked like Comicbook Guy. Had the weight and ponytail but not the facial hair. His comic store also had animu and mango for sale. He was a douchebag though.

>> No.7425693

jjokbari shit, die in fire