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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7422391 No.7422391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets try this again....

>> No.7422394
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>> No.7422398
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>> No.7422405
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>> No.7422415

she also refers to catcher in the rye and lolita as "white books"
girl has a massive chip on her shoulder to match her massive gut

>> No.7422416

Friend reblogged this one and I'm embarrassed for her.

>> No.7422418

I mean it's kind of...true though? In that lolita weirds people out because it's little-girl clothing and it's bright and takes up lots of space.

>> No.7422429
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>> No.7422430

So do other alternative fashions that aren't feminine. It's not because you're "taking up space", it's because you're going against the grain.

>> No.7422432
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>> No.7422431

What is with people and this stupid "space" thing concerning feminism.
Literally no one cares about that.

Lolita is considered weird because it takes after Victorian fashion, which is horribly out of date.
Wearing sweet lolita with a bonnet freaks people out because it looks like a baby doll and that's not normal for teenage+ girls to wear these days.

It's the same as wearing a petticoats or corsets: it's not common so people think it's weird to see someone wear it (outside of dress-up events, like festivals and conventions).

One thing I hate about Tumblr is how they over-think everything.

>> No.7422434
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>>this bitch

>> No.7422433

I'm pretty sure most normal fags don't look at a girl in a frilly dress and say 'Wow, that's so feminine and in my face and that makes me uncomfortable!' they are just thinking to themselves 'what a freak'

>> No.7422437

top kek

>> No.7422439
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>> No.7422442

While it's feminine, you look like an oversized child to them.

>> No.7422449
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>> No.7422454

This is satire, right?

>> No.7422457 [DELETED] 

You know, sometimes I try and understand the hyper-feminists on tumblr, but its like... I just dont get it. I'm a dude and I just don't see all the discrimination. Perhaps they're joked about on TV as bad drivers or whatever, but take a joke. Men are poked fun at all the time on TV or where ever as being bumbling idiots / incapable of doing laundry, but its just a joke. All the shit on sexuality too... I'm gay, sexuality isn't something to be proud of, it's a personal thing. Keep that shit to yourself/whoever you're tryina get with.

Sage for kind of off topic.

>> No.7422458

This is the creepiest thing I've read in a while.

>> No.7422469
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>> No.7422471 [DELETED] 

Well, I'm concerned with issues that really aren't legally just, such as abortion, rape, glass ceiling, yada yada. That shit is pretty important, but things that are complained about on Tumblr aren't really on the same level.

>> No.7422474 [DELETED] 

yeah ok, there are stereotyping issues for both genders. But there are also points like: after rape girls are asked what they were wearing. As if our coverings were advertising that we wanted to get naked with a random stranger. I don't get that. I feel its irrelevant and dumb because less is worn on the beach and in pools and it's socially acceptable. Also the boobs being a sex organ thing... it's like no one's ever read an anatomy book. Even loser virgins know you can't get a girl pregnant if you cum on her tits.

sage... but probably still somehow tumblr related argument. I'm sure they're arguing the same thing.

>> No.7422472 [DELETED] 

No one really cares that you're a gay guy and that you don't like feminism. This thread is bashing social justice warriors, so I don't even know who you're talking to. Maybe go to tumblr and complain to them? What's your goal here?

>> No.7422479 [DELETED] 

> I'm a dude and I just don't see all the discrimination.
> I'm a dude


why did you even bother writing that post of yours? no one wants to read misogynistic drivel

>> No.7422485 [DELETED] 

>glass ceiling
:^)pls die

>> No.7422487
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>> No.7422494 [DELETED] 


that's not what the phrase means but gg

now cut this shit out and go back to making fun of tumblr idiots

>> No.7422497 [DELETED] 

Just because you're gay doesn't mean you get a free pass to say this kind of shit, just so you know.
While I despise sjw mentality on tumblr, what you're saying, basically, is what these people are against of.

It's not only on the media that you see these "jokes". It's everywhere. Subjects like rape, abortion and sexuality are considered taboo when it comes to women. Women face discrimination on a daily basis for their fashion choices, their sexuality, their decisions regarding marriage and children.

It isn't the tv jokes what people are against of, but the position in which society holds women and the value they gave to them based on their life decisions, as well as their credibility when it comes to abuse and rape.

>> No.7422503

>hooded figures
>red hood
Even if it's not the right robin I found it funny.

>> No.7422500 [DELETED] 

This. If you're a dude, then it's obvious why you don't see the discrimination. Because you don't experience it, you retard. You're just bitching about women jokes and shit. I also don't get what you being a faggot has to do with anything. "Women are oversexualized in the media? Well, I'm gay, so it doesn't matter".
Does being gay make you retarded?

>> No.7422501 [DELETED] 

and here's the SJWs invading the thread

>> No.7422522

>obvious vendetta
The Nia drama is tired and old. Give ti a rest.

>> No.7422523 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 1557x585, cgl sjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some SJW material straight from /cgl/!

>> No.7422527

I went to the Night Vale show in Seattle when it as in the area, white butch lesbians (and lordy did they like to mention their tumblr urls) seemed to be the main components. I think it made them uncomfortable seeing the voice actor for Cecil being a skinny white guy, made all their sexy native american head cannons get in a fuss.

>> No.7422536
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nightvale has one of the worst fanbases, unfortunately

>> No.7422538

>#don't worry that's just make up

>> No.7422543

I don't see how that's social justice?

>> No.7422546

This is what actually made me 180 from even feigning an interest in Nightvale.

I remember the girl who kind of popularized an eye on Cecil's brow got absolutely lambasted because she drew him relatively olive-skinned, and claimed cultural appropriation because of the eye on his forehead. The artist was raised Jewish and it was a nod to the mythology of invoking the Golem. She noped her way the hell out of there.

I get itchy whenever people say "this character can ONLY be drawn as ____", in any direction, especially when it's ambiguous.

>> No.7422550

What exactly is nightvale about? Should I try it? I never dislike things based on the fandom, there's lots of good thing with shitty fandoms.

>> No.7422557

It's like H P Lovecraft public radio. It's interesting, and events and people brought up reoccur and give it a sense of story and time progression. If you listen to an episode you'll know if it's up your ally. If you end up enjoying it just ignore any of the fanbase that identifies as gender queer and you'll be solid.

>> No.7422558

It's a podcast about a fictional city called Nightvale narrated by a radio host named Cecil. He puts a spin on various things and inserts dry humor here and there. I enjoyed it in the time I decided to carry my iPod around. Stayed away from the fandom though cause it seems insane

>> No.7422562
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>> No.7422569

interesting... i always thought it was just one more un-creative thing someone popularized simply by pulling shit directly from the voice actor himself, since Cecil Baldwin has a third eye tattoo in the middle of his chest.

>> No.7422574

But this is funny.

>> No.7422578

They probably filter out all the Lovecraftian white supremacy, so as to appeal to Tumblr niggers.

>> No.7422580

I am insulted that you're comparing that trash written and drawn by little girls to Lovecraft.

>> No.7422581

seems really try hard and 3edgy5me

>> No.7422583

well to be fair the show is written by a pudgy middle aged gay man

and it purposely does not have canon art of the characters, so yes, all the art is fan made

>> No.7422590

What the fuck demi-sexual mean ?
And now people feel bad about not being comfortable with fucking strangers they have no emotional investment in. What a sad world we live in...

>> No.7422592
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Good one.

>> No.7422594


the podcast itself is very clever and well done. i'm no lovecraft buff but i can see why it'd appeal to fans. the stories and ongoing plot are very engaging and interesting.

the fanbase zeroes in on the one occasionally mentioned gay relationship and the fact a character is named "carlos" and therefore a poc (because there totally aren't europeans with spanish names or anything right?) when those aspects are honestly not all that important. there's one episode about a date and some strange town events, and carlos is mentioned in a lot of episodes due to his job as a scientist investigating all the weird things but that's honestly it.

basically, what you see on tumblr isn't even remotely close to what its actually about. i adore nightvale but that fandom is too embarrassing for me to touch and i cosplay homestuck.

>> No.7422619
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Is fresh nia drama what you want, anon?

>> No.7422621

Woah, story?

>> No.7422627

She's camming now. Probably unbeknownst to the neckbeard she's living with nowadays. This is all I know.

>> No.7422632

That's just sad.

>> No.7422635

Who is Nia ?

>> No.7422643

6 foot tall weeaboo who came to /cgl/ from /soc/. Used to run a shitty "lolita" blog for POC people on tumblr. She only owned salopettes and was ita. She made up stories about how dirty itas made her look bad and trash talked her comm on /cgl/. She dated some faggot, milked brand out of him, then dumped him for a neckbeard and moved out of state to be with the neckbeard. That faggot then went on a tirade on /cgl/ for like three months because he was such a sad lonely piece of shit. He deleted her blog also. Now she posts in every cgl feels thread about how she's the victim of her old comm and now the victim of her new comm because word got around what a bitch she was and now no one wants anything to do with her.
Did I miss anything?

>> No.7422645

/soc/ opened a tumblr called shutin-cuties (now password protected) she posted herself to that (i want friends, i never leave the house wah wah), i think she even said she wouldn't do nudes so seeing her camming is a small surprise.

>> No.7422648
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>> No.7422650

What is going on with their hair and did they color their vest with a waterproof sharpie?

>> No.7422651 [DELETED] 

>I meant waterproof marker not sharpie. I don't believe there is such a thing as a waterproof sharpie.

Either way, it looks like shit.

>> No.7422677

I darn diddly hope so.

>> No.7422701

You forgot to call her the N-word, you misogynerd.

>> No.7422702

You have a very big penis in that picture.

>> No.7422737

This is shit, and the person who commented on it knows it's shit.

>> No.7422745

Is it because most of these OTT SWJ Tumblrtard feminists are really fat? So they're constantly obsessed with how much space they take up... and then the rest of us don't understand it because we're not hambeasts.

>> No.7422747

Your body type should be eliminated from cosplay. If you're 300+ lbs like half the posters on TiTP, your body type should be eliminated from the human race.

>> No.7422750

I used to think Titty-pee was a troll blog. I still hope for that a little.

>> No.7422751

Considering the creators claim to hate Lovecraft because of the white supremacy stuff, but continually exploit his creations, yeah fuck them. Night Vale is actually terrible once you get past the initial "ooh shiny new medium".

>> No.7422753
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>> No.7422754

I wonder how many people who say Lovecraft this and Lovecraft that have actually seen what horrors lie in the dark corners of Earth.

>> No.7422760

This. Joseph Fink is actually a terrible storyteller. Once you start to see past the gimmick, there's nothing of substance to it. It relies almost entirely on Invader Zim-esque LOLSORANDUM XD humor, except unlike Invader Zim it's not actually funny.

And glad to know I'm not the only one who's mad about them using Lovecraft's work like this while shit talking about him.

>> No.7422762
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>> No.7422763

I love Lovecraft stuff, and his hatred of everything non wasp is a bit unsettling (especially since I'm not a WASP). But you have to accept that sometimes great artists/authors can be douchebag and even (more shocking!) can have different political views than yours.

If we were only to apreciate the sutff from people we 100% agree with, that wouldn't let much to read/watch.

It's necessary to make the distinction between then man and his creations.

>> No.7422767

I don't blame him, WASP was a great band.

>> No.7422768

Not just that, you have to take the author's background and the surrounding historical context into account. His views were pretty common for his time, you can;t judge him by modern standards. But tumblrtards gonna tard.

>> No.7422770

you hit the nail on the head there. it tries so hard and it's just not funny

>> No.7422772

Oh I have seen what horrors lie in the dark corners of Earth. I've seen Pixyteri's nudes.