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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7422227 No.7422227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Sailor Moon thread?

Do's and Don'ts, Tutorials, wig and makeup tips, references, A+ cosplay, characters you wish you'd see more of, let's do it

>> No.7422249
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>> No.7422252
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>> No.7422257
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>> No.7422255

/r/ starlights

>> No.7422266
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I found this a few days ago, she's so cute!

>> No.7422275
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>> No.7422279

I really don't get all the gush over this costume. The girl's cute, but that dress is a train wreck.

>> No.7422283

Is that actually a guy crossplaying Zoicite? That's perfect

>> No.7422289
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>> No.7422296
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>> No.7422305

Do: wear pantyhose, wear shapeware, match the fabric of the collar, bows, and skirt appropriately, use interface in all your bows and your collar, make sure your hip rolls are riding high enough on the hips and then sinks and tapers low enough into a sharp V, make sure you're not forgetting your chest protector (unless you're doing a version that does not have one, like Eternal Sailor Moon), make sure your brooches are fastened (or your chest bow are made to accommodate) as flat as possible to the chest, use double sided/toupee tape to hold your gloves up and your choker up, style Usagi's wigs properly, don't just trim and part them (look at the wig styling for the musicals) and make sure your odangos are set to the Back of the head, not to the side

don'ts: I guess literally the opposite of everything I listed?

>> No.7422302
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>> No.7422307

oh, and a big one I like to see: add some kind of petti or horsehair band to your skirt. It should poof directly Out from the hips and front, not hang limply down from the hip roll

>> No.7422308
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>> No.7422333
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>> No.7422340
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>> No.7422343
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>> No.7422350
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>> No.7422359
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>> No.7422399

I think tumblr is gushing over her because she's black tbh. White guilt.

>> No.7422403

The bust the the dress is bugging me a lot but I do agree, she's cute. I like the idea of the mini afro buns.

>> No.7422660

I never watched Sailor Moon as a kid, but I'd love to start watching it. Any tips on where to start? There seem to be so many different series that I'm kinda confused.

>> No.7422780
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>> No.7422801

Agreed. The girl has a cute face but the costume itself sucks.

>> No.7422803

Start from the very first season and work your way up.

>> No.7422806

You missed out.

>> No.7422887

I watched it when I was a kid but forgot pretty much everything so I started rewatching from Season 1. If you skip the transformation scenes after the first couple times each powerup, its a lot easier to get through.

>> No.7422890

If I see another fucking Usagi with the buns on the SIDE of her head instead of the TOP of her head I'm going to slice a bitch with my god damn crescent moon wand. They all do it and it's all fucking wrong and everyone can tell. TOP. NOT. SIDE. BITCH. IT'S NOT HARD. WHY ARE THERE ONLY LIKE FIVE PEOPLE WHO HAVE GOTTEN IT RIGHT IN 20 YEARS OF COSPLAY.

I need to go take a walk or something.

>> No.7422908
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Lets just post some more Sailor Scouts k?

>> No.7422910

There's 200 episodes, so start from 1. Season 1 (Sailor Moon) is the typical introduction of things and episodic. Season 2 (SM R) was boring imo so I skipped big chunks of it. Seasons 3, 4, and 5 (SM S, SuperS, and Sailor Stars) were great. A lot of transformation scenes used every episode that you can skip as well.

>> No.7422911
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>> No.7422913
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>> No.7422914
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>> No.7422917

>those shitty wings
>the unfinished edges of the skirt
>faux hip rolls


>> No.7422919

Personally, I'd start with the manga then watch the anime. They're two very different things, but reading the original and then seeing what they did with it is interesting.

>> No.7422922

Has any company actually MADE a good Usagi wig? I ask because I've been hunting for one, and usually the buns kind of droop like that. I attempted making a bun wig at some point in my cosplay career, and it was a complete disaster, so I don't really trust myself to style one.

I've heard some people kind of... construct them using the clips?

>> No.7422924

Five Wits uses clip on Odango, I think they look nice, but it doesn't have the part in the back.
Your best bet is to commission one if you really don't want to make one.

>> No.7422926

Well.. damn. I never noticed the hem.
I never liked her ESM wings but I don't see the problem with the hip rolls? They are supposed to be flat like that.
Still my favorite Sailor Moon hands down.

>> No.7422932

I don't think so.
I wouldn't trust commission either lol.. I haven't seen a single commissioner do this wig right. Even on the wig heads you can tell they look wrong.
I think GSTQ did a decent Cosmos wig as far as odango placement, but I can't remember what it looked like when the girl wore it. And other parts of it were really bad.

>> No.7422943
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You will never have a hotter Sailor moon cosplay than this one.

>> No.7422955

Woah, $40? Is there something I don't know about these wigs, are they shit fiber or? Or did they get them from Taobao and are charging them what they're worth for once?

>> No.7422962
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Shut up, Tyler, you faggot.

They are decent quality. If you are in no rush to cosplay her the attend a lot of cons so you should be able to see it in the dealers room.

>> No.7422973
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>> No.7422976

I think you mixed your quotes up?

I think I actually saw this wig zooming through the Dealer's Room at Katsucon. I wanted to buy my Usagi wig in person, handle it and check the fibers myself, but Katsucon absolutely blew up on me and other than delivering something, I didn't get to the DR at all. Damn.

They look nice! I know price is not the be-all, end-all with wigs sometimes, so for $40 I'd be willing to give it a shot.

>> No.7422995

I'm not Tyler, I just took that picture.
And you mixed the quotes

>> No.7423016
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>> No.7423024
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Whoops, sorry about the quote mix up. I just switched 4chan extensions and it's got me all mixed up.

I really like their wigs. I own the Sailor Moon one and I have to say while it's not perfect it is very easy to wear and the fibers are nice. I am also fond of the color since I would look awful in a yellow wig. Good luck!

Ah, well, I know the guy in the picture, he comes to /cgl/. You might have met him if you went to the meet up at that con.

>> No.7423036

Yep, if you were with him at the time that pic was taken, maybe you were there with me too, I was going to post the other pic of him on the sailor mars costume by himself, but it's on the hotel room so it might look a little weird/gay.

>> No.7423038
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Is that you, Khal Drogo?

>> No.7423044
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And if you are the person that I'm thinking, you also have a nice sailor moon cosplay don't you?

Sadly I don't have pictures of that one, but maybe you do.

>> No.7423076
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D-do I know you? You from the G+ group?

>> No.7423088
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>> No.7423089

See, this is a good example of what I'm talking about. Super Sailor Moon's costume is gorgeous. It looks great. (pretty sure she bought it from another cosplayer but w/e) but the wig completely ruins it. Needs to be thrown in a trash can and burned
Another example, if you're going to be in a group do a halfway decent Moon. I can't count how many groups I've seen ruined because the Moon is crap, even when every other character looks great. I'm not sure if it's because it's a hard costume, because busted girls who want to be the center of attention recruit everyone else while they play ~the moon princess~, or some combination.

>> No.7423090
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>> No.7423094
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>> No.7423097
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>> No.7423102
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>> No.7423106
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>> No.7423111
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>> No.7423175

Is there any cosplay of the La Reconquista costumes? I can only find cosplay of the regular/old Myu

>> No.7423217
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With the exception of the wig (already fixed), any suggestions on what I could fix up on my Chibiusa cosplay? I'm planning on fixing the bottom hip roll as it looks like I misplaced the top hip roll rather than having a second one underneath

>> No.7423226

That wig is super cute, but you're missing the choker and brooch as well as the sleeve wing thingies for SuperS version. The skirt is fabulous though!

>> No.7423232

Choker, brooch, sleeves, interface your bow, red contacts, style the bangs properly , I'm not a fan if the fabric you picked , for some reason it makes me think of those grody old chibi stuffed toys they released in the 90s. But that's just a personal thing

>> No.7423238

Make the skirt a sharper V, get two of the new brooches that has come out for the bow and waist brooches (I think they are the right size, I don't know I would double check), make the shoulder pads. If you REALLY want to look nice, use some kind of petti to make the skirt flare out, make bootcovers out of pleather instead of stretch fabric, make the glove rolls smaller and less lumpy and the hair accessories look like craft foam? The tiara is also really big. Sorry for the long list, you really look good, if you just fix the missing things you'll be better than 90-95% of Chibimoons, but consider fixing that other stuff too. Oh, and trim those bangs!!

>> No.7423244


Oh jeez, I forgot that I didnt have time to make the choker and brooch! Thanks guys! Also the sleeves are there, they're just really poorly made so they're kinda hard to see. I'll definitely remake those too. If I remake the skirt to be a sharper V, should I consider not pleating it and just doing ruffles like in >>7422908 ??

>> No.7423246

I wouldn't because the anime is clearly supposed to be pleats, and the stripes are wrong if you want to make a more manga-like skirt, which is what a ruffled skirt would be appropriate for.

>> No.7423258

Its going to fix itself when you fix the angle of the hip rolls to ride higher and dip lower, the skirt will follow suit since it should be attached to them.

>> No.7423546

The hem just looks like she overlocked it without turning it or did a sloppy looking lettuce edge.
And agreed, the hip "ribbons" look fine. They are supposed to be flat.
Zan is one of the best Sailor Moons.

>> No.7423732
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>tfw she sold a few of her Myu costumes on ebay for very cheap and I missed out on the auctions

>> No.7423775

I missed out on a Sailor V she sold years ago and I'm still kicking myself over it

>> No.7423784

>pretty sure she bought it from another cosplayer but w/e

Errr...no. I met her and she said she gradient dyed the skirt and collar herself. She made her friend a Sailor Mars costume (not in pic) and it had a similar silhouette.

>> No.7423812

Ok. It looks exactly like another cosplayer's costume but whatever.

>> No.7423813
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Is there any decent PGSM cosplay?

>> No.7423814

It looks like she threw some gold circles over a cut up thrift store wedding dress. Although the Afro buns were a good choice, I really don't tho this is that great a costume. Definitely not deserving 10k+ notes on tumblr
Oh, but I forgot, she's a *~*~PoC~*~* so she's ~perfect desu~

>> No.7423820
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>mediocre costumes are never praised because the person is physically attractive and doing something interesting/cute/different that makes it easier for people to gloss over a meh costume
>it's ONLY because she's *~*~POC~*~*

>> No.7423826

>implying ugly fat black bitches haven't had their dicks sucked for literally just being ~WoC~
You need to go back to tumblr, we don't like shitty costumes of any type here.
Go look up cosplayingwhileblack if you still think I'm wrong.

>> No.7423844
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You sound like you never get laid. Is that where this sense of entitled anger is coming from? You think all black chicks are getting fucked just because they're black, while poor white you is left crying in the gutter because ur opresshed?

>> No.7423845

Look, if she was a white chick with a cute face and a passable costume she would be posted here anyway. Take a look through the thread, it's not like she's the only one. Hell she's one of three that got the hair and look right in this entire thread.

>> No.7423847
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>> No.7423848

>implying the girl in question is fat and ugly
>implying black people only get notes because they're black
>implying bad costumes don't get reblogged for a myriad of reasons
Plain white girls always get mad when a black person has 3 or more notes. Bitching on /cgl/ won't get you notes but doing something different, creative and cute will. Get to work.

>> No.7423849
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>> No.7423850
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>> No.7423854
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>> No.7423856

this guy gets it

>> No.7423857
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mfw artbook cosplay

>> No.7423859
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>> No.7423862
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>> No.7423864
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>> No.7423870
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the cat's expression kills me

>> No.7423868
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>> No.7423872
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>> No.7423875
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>> No.7423876
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>> No.7423879
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>> No.7423880
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>> No.7423881
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>> No.7423887
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Myu Luna

>> No.7423888
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>> No.7423889
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>> No.7423890
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Does anyone else remember the boom in the early to mid 2000s of Sailor Moon musical groups? I remember at least 5 with websites and at least one who performed 'full musicals' at conventions. I can only imagine the trainwrecks.

>> No.7423893

here's a new one


I can't possibly watch it

>> No.7423899

any good kakyuu himes in her normal dress? i'm thinking about doing the myu version at some point in the near future....

>> No.7423901

some vintage Sailor Jamboree


>> No.7423902
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>> No.7423905
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>> No.7423911

There was a great one at katuscon last year, don't remember her name though.

>> No.7423915
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>> No.7423945
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>> No.7423955
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>> No.7423972

well zoisite is a guy, so its not a crossplay?

>> No.7423987

Well, it WAS Zoicite crossdressing as Sailor Moon.

But either way, Kelly is female.

>> No.7423998

Does cgl have any tips on how to do the makeup for Sailor Scouts without looking like a white eyeliner mess?

>> No.7424010

I would just do normal flattering makeup if you know how to do that. If you don't, look up some tutorials. I think eyeshadow in the character's color is a nice touch. And subtle, natural fake eyelashes and blush are always good.

>> No.7424012

Remember, these are supposed to be 14-16 year old girls. Though part of their "transformation" is coming of age and wearing a little makeup they aren't wearing heavy eyeliner or a Yaya Han level of makeup. For the older characters (e.g. villians, Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna) a little more is better. They usually wear lipcolor as well.

>> No.7424018

you don't need to do white eyeliner bs for any anime cosplay, like ever. People understand that anime/manga eyes DON'T EXIST in real life. The best you can do is circle lenses and pull the top eyeliner down just a bit longer than your upper lid and smudge from the end of that line to about the middle of your lower lid, and then add lashes. You'll get a bigger eye and it won't look retarded. I think it's similar to a toned down gal/gyaru look, not as droopy of course.

>> No.7424023

I wouldn't agree with not wearing eyeliner at all. I mean, the lines of their eyes are drawn in black any way, even without 'makeup' in the show or manga, so they already have a defined eyeoutline because of that. So I agree with eyeliner, just nothing insane and blend/smudge it well

>> No.7424027

I agree, a little eyeliner makes eyes really pop and makes circle lenses stand out. I just wouldn't wear a ton of it like I see some girls doing. Lining the top waterline works really well for this too.

>> No.7424030

You can do white eyeliner and make your eyes look bigger without going crazy over it. I think a little is nice, or try getting a light peach eyeliner instead of pure white. Recently, I do a small amount of cream eyeshadow under my eyes, blend it and it really makes my eyes pop and look big without the ridiculous trying to be animu effect.

>> No.7424032

yeah, unless people are going for the very very made up art book, full page spreads (like the wedding scenes, or the senshi in their specific color dress spread) then I wouldn't do like a 'shadowy eye' or anything like that. Some eyeline, some lashes (I wouldn't do bottoms though) circle lenses and then a light full lid base eye shadow with just a hint of their sailor color along the lid itself and that might be it. Maybe something heavier for the older scouts, I could see Pluto wearing some heavier make up for sure, or Neptune, but really i would leave it light!

I mean this isn't Drag Queen Power, Make-up!

hahahaha ok I'm done

>> No.7424034

nahh put white on the lower waterline. That's what it's actually for.

>> No.7424040
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More outer senshi? Preferably super versions that don't suck. I need inspiration.

>> No.7424043

This is fantastic! I wish there were more people who did the Amazoness Quartet, both in their Dead Moon versions and sailor versions.

>> No.7424051

Her gloves are a bit long, but otherwise I love it.

I really like casual versions. Even though the outfits themselves are not necessarily as challenging as a fuku, they're not done very often and can be super adorable.

>> No.7424049

I actually think putting dark on the lower waterline makes the eyes pop better, and then maybe some white at the tear duct or something shimmer/highting there. But I think white on the lower waterline looks really bad.

>> No.7424061
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this is the kind of look I was talking about by the way. I don't agree with lining the waterline with white, but putting something highlighting along that smile wrinkle under the eye I do like and I think it looks good.

>> No.7424064

what the actual fuck.

>> No.7424074
File: 434 KB, 1521x1600, _DSC0796 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, does it look really terrible to people? Maybe I just have bad taste or something? Whenever i see people attempt anything like 'anime eye makeup' it always turns out horrible like this

>> No.7424077
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How long do you think it'll be before we see this fanart series cosplayed?

>> No.7424090


>> No.7424093

is she wearing top lashes on her bottom lash line?!
Jesus what is wrong with people. This is making me angrier and angrier.

Usually I do wear white on my lower waterline for "standard" makeup, then push a gel liner into the actual lash line using an angle brush, not going all the way to the inner corner, of course.

>> No.7424098

Im sure it can be done well, it's just I guess people get this mindset about it being different for 'anime' make up and it turns out like above.... I'm still curious what >>7424064 was talking about, since I get that my opinions about makeup can obvious/ly vary from other people's but that just seem like a good, toned down, but still eye enlargening make up that someone could use for scouts

>> No.7424104

I didn't even notice her fucking mustache shoop at first got fucking damn.

>> No.7424116

I hate that series (bad anatomy, spilling out everywhere and yet no nipples, tacky as shit), but I've already seen one person who typically pulls together big groups say she's going to do it.

I'm just done with lingerie cosplay.

>> No.7424123

uhh that was me. I'm just frightened...it's highlighting to bring out eye puffiness? I guess I understand if you find that particular feature cute and relate it to smiling, but who the hell's idea was this. Maybe it's better with the rest of the makeup done, but I just do not get it.

>> No.7424159
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>> No.7424187

There's a girl on fb trying to get a group for this together, half the girls grabbing at it should not be.

>> No.7424204

oooh the under eye highlighting? I guess I've always liked it, I think it started becoming a bigger thing in Korea and Japan in the past couple of years. Yeah I think it looks cute, but the eyeliner is really the part I wanted to show what I meant.

>> No.7424207
File: 89 KB, 600x600, candycandy_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think KPP made it be really popular since she does it all the time too

this is the more extreme version where you actually use a darker color underneath the highlighter to make it even more standout. I wouldn't recommend doing it this much for a scout make up though

>> No.7424260

dat lack of ironing/puckered seams.....YIKES.

kakyuu's wig isn't THAT hard.....yet >>7423905 and >>7423915 botched it pretty badly.

any others?

>> No.7424349
File: 277 KB, 500x366, fuckingcasuals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about the civilian clothes as cosplays? Like >>7424159.

I've been wanting to do these.

>> No.7424368

I like them when they're done as a group.

>> No.7424383

I think Usagi is okay for stuff like that since she's so iconic with her hair. But any others are just going to look funny/ blend in too much.

>> No.7424384
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>> No.7424388
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>> No.7424390
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>> No.7424391

That is such a gorgeous shot, but it bugs me that their sleeves are all kinds of wrong.

>> No.7424416

what bugs me is the lack of the other two talismans... would have been extremely cool with all of them holding their respective one

>> No.7424469

This >>7424368
A group of at least three should be okay, I think, even without Usagi. Any of the others in threes should make enough sense together.

I've been sort of wanting to do Rei in her pink overalls. I wonder if any of the girls I'm doing the full Sailor group with would be interested in being casual with me when out of uniform.

>> No.7424497
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>> No.7424500
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>> No.7425321

Why can none of them dance?

>> No.7425451
File: 104 KB, 700x467, 1394656822255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Sailor Jamboree

>> No.7427167
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>> No.7427207

That Mars though.

>> No.7427226

Mars you're a faggot.

>> No.7427242

>Durrr hurr ugly guys are cosplaying sailor moon that's SO fucking funny, they're not supposed to do that, har har har

Can guys just fucking stop with this shit?

>> No.7427244

why are all the neo queen/princess serenitys so shitty?
Ugly dresses
Ugly wigs

>> No.7427250

Um, just because she's black doesn't mean you have to like it.

That dress is such garbage, that ugly lacy shit, those gold rings, those grandma pearls, no. She's cute but don't act like cosplay isn't crap.

>> No.7427290

who are they suppose to be? sorry new to moonverse

>> No.7427302

Kakyuu and the Starlights. They appear in the last season of Sailor Moon.

>> No.7427338

lel its a man, so funneh! hilarious teribad cosplay hahaha

>> No.7427630

>I don't like it so no one else can like it


>> No.7427631

Quality is not a subjective thing.

Her cosplay looks really shittily made, the end.

>> No.7427670

no one said 'THIS IS THE BEST QUALITY COSPLAY EVER.' All they said was "She's so cute!" And let's be honest, many of the cosplays posted in this thread were not posted because they were made from high quality materials or have great construction--they're because the cosplayer is cute and nice to look at. Yet you felt the need to interject with "you only like her because she's black!!! you don't have to pretend!!!!" when... once again... all that was said was: "She's so cute!"

>> No.7427685

Usually people get called out in shitty cosplays on cgl. It's what happens, black or not. This is probably the shittiest cosplay in this thread. The other cosplays are pretty and have decent or even higher quality costumes.
So back to tumblr with you, pleb.

>> No.7427712
File: 40 KB, 293x547, neoprincessjupiterbannernew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who remembers..... shit I can't remember her name

You know, pic related

that one 'seamstress' who made mediocre cosplays and used to make money selling bootlegs

>> No.7427715
File: 220 KB, 1024x1538, serenity_i_by_kyoplay-d78tif2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The other cosplays are pretty and have decent or even higher quality costumes.
>implying this girl isn't pretty

Do the world a favor and go back to /pol/ with your bullshit.

>> No.7427716
File: 73 KB, 401x800, myumoonbanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, found it

Setsuna Kou


the website still looks like it did when I found it in 2002 oh wow. I will say her costumes have improved a bit.

>> No.7427725

No one's saying she isn't pretty. They're saying her costume is absolute shit.
The other pretty girls in this thread at least have costumes that don't look like they hot glued some gold circles to their mom's maternity wedding dress.
Black or not, it's an awful costume. You're just proving the whole tumblr point by implying "but who cares about an awful costume? She's a pretty ~woc~ so her costume doesn't matter"

>> No.7428103
File: 364 KB, 640x2399, 1394767883233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all over Tumblr and Facebook right now. The server for the announcement countdown suffered a file leak and this got out early.

>> No.7428112

Oh God, they're playing up that in the first arc no one knew the identity of the actually the Moon Princess.

Is there anyone left on this planet that doesn't realize that Usagi is the moon princess? Hell who didn't know within a few chapters or episodes the first time around? My sides, they are gone.

>> No.7428113

oh god

>> No.7428117

...because that's the story?

>> No.7428120

To me, it's just funny that they're playing up the mystery in the promotion. As if the mystery will draw in viewers.

>> No.7428122
File: 169 KB, 454x309, 322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anyone left on this planet that doesn't realize that Usagi is the moon princess?


>> No.7428125

well when I read the manga, after seeing bits and pieces of the fox aired show, I actually thought they were pulling one over on me when Venus showed up and was introduced as the Princess.

>> No.7428134

well aren't there plenty of shows that have a huge fanbase but then when you show it to someone else you kind of try and keep the mystery for them to find out? I mean, I have several older people I'm friends with who have kids that love Sailor Moon, like 6-7 years olds, and I'm sure they would enjoy the show and wouldn't have anything spoiled yet for them.

>> No.7428170
File: 76 KB, 400x300, Clint Eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Usagi is the moon princess

Next you'll say something outrageous, like El Generico is Sami Zayn. Or that Clint Eastwood is a chicken.

>> No.7428199

that's like complaining that a popular, well known classic novel doesn't describe the entire plot on the slip and acts like most people don't know the basics of the story.

>> No.7428250
File: 613 KB, 1152x1734, Sailor_Senshi_in_Color_Borders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning Mercury at some point
preferably the manga ver.

I've seen cosplayers do that sort of ruffle for the manga ver and pleats for the anime.
But I am not sure when comparing refs.
Should I do one or the other?

>> No.7428251


>> No.7428256
File: 288 KB, 309x549, usagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this type of wig is acceptable? I got it before I started working on my SM cosplay but after wearing it once and seeing pictures, I;m not sure how to feel about it. Also, does anyone have any good Usagi buns tutorials?

>> No.7428261

ffff casual bssm cosplays are my favorite, especially in groups. Plus, those outfits are adorable! I wish I had Usagi's whole wardrobe...
I don't know about that; their outfits really suit their personalities without relying only on color schemes (i.e. Ami isn't always in blue, Rei isn't always in red, etc...)

>> No.7428263

this is Ok, the buns need to be rounder on top and a bit closer together and towards the back and center. and the bangs need to be styled, look at the musical wigs to know what usagi's wig bangs should actually look like. They curl UP from the hairlin then back around in a semi circle to touch the edges to the forehead.

Personally I would do pleats. You can try doing it with a swishy kind of fabric and a horshhair hem plus a petti. But I would stick with pleats since most of the 'ruffle' of the skirt in the manga does not come from a gather, but from the fabric not being a cotton, but more of a satin. Though it is extremely hard to find a nice, not extremely shiny satin to use. Maybe look into a cotton sateen instead.

>> No.7428265

Okay, thank you!!

>> No.7428266

I think the problem a lot of people run into is, they don't think about making the odango bottoms (the part that is attached to the body of the wig) to mold to the head. So it's not just two big circles. It's a kind of curved bottom to sit flush against the wig head/body and then a very round top. It's hard to pull off, obviously since you see it done incorrectly so much.

>> No.7428282

Momoiro Clover Z. I have heard their cover of Moonlight Densetsu and immediately had to pour bleach in my ears. Way to ruin an awesome song guys.

>> No.7428342

Ahahahaaa... oh god, Setsuna Kou. Her costumes still look beginner level to mediocre but they look a teeny bit better. Her wigs HOWEVER... now those are a train wreck. I don't get why she and her sister are always using those ugly ass Party City wigs and trying to charge a shitton for them. Their dolls are really good though.

>> No.7428350

Just... wow, that wig. I'm guessing they used one of those super tiny Innocent? wigs for the base.

>> No.7428362

The only thing is, I doubt I'd have a group. I've never actually done a cosplay group, even though I've been cosplaying for years. Just pairs, sometimes, so I don't walk around alone.

I still kinda want to do it because it'd be fun, but I'd hate to seem lazy?

>> No.7428384

WTF is wrong with her elbows???

>> No.7428453

I normally don't make fun of cosplayers for their weight but... that Saturn is about the size of the planet itself.

>> No.7428651

I facepalmed too anon. It's not just because it's the story, but they ARE playing it up, like it's a major draw to the series. Who is the Moon Princess? Is Darth Vader REALLY Luke's father?!?!!
Actually I think this wig is pretty good JUST because the buns are relatively accurate. That's downright RARE and imo trumps all its other flaws. But the color is kind of gross and the bangs need to be curled. Buns could be a bit smaller, but not too much/

>> No.7428653

Wow, I always thought that was the cosplayer's hair. But you're right. It's a pretty old photo, wig selection wasn't all that great when she made it, I think.
I don't think it's an Innocent since the bangs are different and really funky. I'm trying to make CereCere with one right now. They end really short and it's impossible to poof them up that much. But it's possible the girl I got it from cut the bangs and didn't mention it.

>> No.7428818
File: 51 KB, 526x960, black lady americannia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no one cosplay black lady?

>> No.7428819
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>> No.7428883

Ew, whale.

>> No.7428887
File: 1.14 MB, 2304x3456, traci hines sailor venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7428890

how to make all the wrong fabric choices ever...

is... is her skirt some kind of velvet???

>> No.7428905
File: 233 KB, 1198x1800, 1394821791049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize how bad this was from the thumbnail

>> No.7428908
File: 439 KB, 720x960, 1394821888112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that someone did the manga art where they all have wings in their eternal costumes at least?

>> No.7428909

but dat ass

>> No.7428914
File: 181 KB, 966x1288, 1394822081089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the shoulder petal stiffness on this one but that's really it

>> No.7428915
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>> No.7428921
File: 39 KB, 292x441, SailorSaturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to cosplay sailor saturn, do not let someone convince you she has dark purple hair. She has BLACK hair, and it reflects the purple of her outfit in some spread, but it is black.

>> No.7428924

oh man those boots are amaaazing

>> No.7429118
File: 620 KB, 1024x768, 8094957937_37211919ab_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to have color suggestions for a Venus wig? I'm thinking Arda's Platinum Blonde might be a happy medium between a cartoonish yellow and a more natural color.

Pic related. It's a little yellower with indoor lighting but not obnoxiously so. Thoughts?

>> No.7429248

Why do people never seem able to get the shoulder and hip rolls right?! Drives me nuts.

>> No.7429254

I think that color looks perfect, anon.

>> No.7429338

So when are we going to get the "me first" on the new pendant/brooch design?

>> No.7429344

>new design

>> No.7429364

It's because all the tutorials online that are pupolar tell people to make a completely round tube for the hip roll instead of making it flat on the side that faces the body itself. So you get this deformed circle that only has a very small surface area to hold onto the skirt or the suit if they attach it directly. It should look like a half circle with a flat side to sit flush to the body and give it that perfect roll shape. As for shoulder rolls kind of the same thing. They are making perfect circular tubes instead of flattening the side that needs to attach to the next roll or to the arm hole itself. Not enough surface area to give structure to the entire shape.

Now that Uranus is just bad and flat on both counts

Also going to point out that most people do not have the hip rolls high enough on the hip which means the angle down is too shallow. I've only seen one good one recently on here which was a Neptune wip last year and it looked great. I mean the point of the V of the hip roll might be sitting just a couple inches above your vagina front which may be throwing people off because they aren't used to wearing something that low, but that's how damn low its going to come on an actual person to get the depth correct from the top of the roll down to the V

Also not tapering down to the V and not defining the V with a simple long stitch pulling the fabric into a dent to define the point of the V is also a common mistake

>> No.7429368

The "new brooch" is just the manga brooch in animated form, friend. People have already done it.

>> No.7429372

Granted you don't see a lot of first gen manga sailor moon cosplay with the choker, hair pieces, mask and brooch

>> No.7429375

True. But I don't think there'll be a scramble for people to scream "I did it first!" in this case. It's not distinguishable from the original design. So.

>> No.7429376

Oh yeah it's not even a revamp it's just a straight pull from the manga. I can get why people might think it's new if they haven't read the manga and since it's not cosplayed often is what I meant.

>> No.7429380

I hope someone does this, just so I can laugh. Preferably if they go on about how they are a "longtime fan" and "love Usagi!"

>> No.7429381

You know, I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been more cosplay from the manga given the recent reprints and the new, edited versions that are being released. I know a bunch of people who are buying/have bought both, so it's not like people aren't reading the manga again.

>> No.7429385

Well, when you put it that way ....

Yes. There probably will be someone who does it. And they'll probably be 16. And a Tumblr addict.

>> No.7429757

wow all of my adorable
She looks just right in the looks dept too

>> No.7431914

Anyone know what fabric to use best for the anime-style pleated skirts? I hate that everyone uses satin, it's always too shiny

>> No.7432261

Cotton sateen is what I used. It's not super shiny, and has a nice drape and holds pleats well.

>> No.7432269

agreeing with a cotton sateen. And not everyone uses satin, just the most shitty looking ones do. I can kind of get behind a really really nice bridal low sheen satin for maybe a manga type swish in the skirt, but it would have to be really top of the line stuff to not make me cringe. And you'd have to do it gathered at the waist with a horsehair band to give it any kind of bounce/shape since a crinoline would look really weird under that kind of fabric.

I always just stick with sateen for both anime and manga.

>> No.7432482
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>> No.7433570
File: 415 KB, 1009x1500, Princess.Serenity.full.822953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever seen a Princess Serenity cosplay who did the sleeves right? How would one go about making them?

>> No.7433646

Does anyone know if JoAnn's or places like Hancock Fabrics carry a decent selection of cotton sateen? Their websites don't have much.

>> No.7433671
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 65543454563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the original inspiration for the dress is from a Dior piece called the Paladio dress. In the manga, the arm things are the clasps for a cloak that the princess wears like, literally for one panel and then you never see it again. So they should be hard/stiff material imo. Or, I've seen some people who kind of do a swirl/spiral of tulle/organza and that seems to look pretty neat, but it's not accurate.

So you could do something like... take a styrofoam ball and cut out a space for your arm, carve/paint/add gold details in the swirl, and then spirit gum it to your arm. That may be the best way... I do like kind of doing something similar to that and then just a very sheer layer of netting or tulle I guess, over it to give it a bit of a fabric look.

>> No.7433730

that is a beautiful dress but i...i can't not see it as an ionic column costume...

>> No.7433755

yeah pretty sure where the inspiration for that actual dress came from or at least I always see it compared to old style columns haha

>> No.7433854

Love the afro buns, think she's super duper cute, but this cosplay is fairly sloppy otherwise. Tumblr fetishizing their precious pocs + being hugbox general.

>> No.7433859

If you're cosplaying Jupiter, WEAR A FUCKING WIG. I feel like this is my number one cosplay pet peeve for a certain particular character because hardly any Jupiters bother with wigs and think they can get away with their limp ass natural hair. I guarantee you'll already stand out from most Jupes if you just wear a fucking wig.

>> No.7433870

I feel like a mix of clipons can work. I've seen convincing Jupiter updos that combine clipon ponytails and clipon bangs with real hair, as long as the color matches.

>> No.7433883

I'd agree with you but the Jupiter wigs I've seen have mostly been horrible too, especially that limp arda ponytail wig. I agree with >>7433870 a mix of clipons is good, if somewhat inaccurate.

>> No.7433891

Even if a dude were to try seriously, he would most likely still look like shit, right?

>> No.7433892

I think that would probably look great, but I guess I've never seen it. Mostly just girls with dull/greasy natural hair pulled back into a sad ponytail. I can see how wigs can probably also look crappy, but again, just haven't noticed too many in comparison to the waves of girls who don't even bother.

>> No.7433953
File: 249 KB, 1024x764, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Jupiters, I hate when their shoes are a completely different color from the rest of the green on their cosplay

>> No.7433995

I don't care how good you think your legs look. Wear fucking pantyhose if you're going to cosplay a scout. Jesus.

>> No.7434020


Dance tights are king, but even just regular pantyhose is better than bare legs. I have fabulous legs and would STILL never go without tights.

>> No.7434044

yes, dance tights ARE the best. But anythign is better than fucking bare legs for these cosplays.

>> No.7434084

ooh, any recommendations on brands?

>> No.7434088

Depends on the guy

>> No.7434091

I often see minor details not done correctly, or forgotten entirely, though my biggest peeve are forgotten straps for Venus', Neptune's and Uranus' shoes.

I think people miss the very minor detail of the sailor collar white line placement, amount, and thickness for the inner senshi first three season fukus. They match their school uniforms collar stripes. SuperS to Stars the inner and outer senshi (minus Moon and Chibimoon) are the same.

Maybe it's because the fukus are nearly identical, but seeing missing or messed up elements and details that make them individual to the respective senshi makes me a little sad.

>> No.7434093

i've never cosplayed a scout, nor do i intend to, but out of curiosity, why would you need legwear? what makes pantyhose or tights make your legs look so much better than if they were bare?

>> No.7434095

I really dislike the look of dance tights, the opaque color looks super fake and noticeable 80% of the time, especially if you have a difficult skintone like being super fair, somewhat tan or olive toned. I prefer sheer, matte nude tights.

Evens out skintone (shaving bumps, bruises, flushed skin and bloodvessals, etc).

>> No.7434323

Sailor Moon needs to step aside and let Neptune take the lead. I see so many "dance troupes" with a girl who HAS to be Sailor Moon despite being fucking terrible at dancing.

Hint: you can't just learn the moves, you need to perform them with some finesse too.

>> No.7434341

autists don't get that

>> No.7434349
File: 73 KB, 299x587, 1395051693135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any decent cosplays of this dress?

>> No.7434362

it's mostly about skin tone and just, all around smoothness. You're going to be walking around, moving from different temps in and out of buildings, your legs are going to get blotchy and bumpy and if you don't already have nice looking legs, pantyhose will smooth them out really nicely.

>> No.7434986

So tell us, wise anon, how to make the inside of these flat when you are stuffing them with poly fill?

>> No.7435063

You can't do it flat on one side the way you're describing... I think the bigger issue is that people either don't stuff the rolls enough, or use the wrong shape. The sleeve should be more of a half-moon shape, and the hip roll should have tapered ends. I actually think spsrkle-pipsi's tutorial does a decent job on the rolls (though I'm not the biggest fan of her skirt design).

>> No.7435147
File: 51 KB, 400x601, 1315791826692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing good sailor senshi uniform tutorials. Esp. for hip rolls and bows

>> No.7435158
File: 223 KB, 693x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just gonna ask that! I've been wanting to do that one. I love that it's based off a Mucha painting. I'd be tempted to do the front as an embroidered and beaded piece.

>> No.7435258


Yup, there 3 good ones.
One of them is that russian chick, Usagi Selenit on dA.

The others I don't remember their names, but they are just as good.

>> No.7435286

Usagi-krv and Usagi Kou did it too

>> No.7435288

don't make it with polyfill, problem solved

>> No.7435301

You use quilt batting in the sleeve rolls to get the puff but not the over stuffed look. For the hip roll... don't over stuff the hip roll you don't want a sausage around your hips.

>> No.7435448

I think quilt batting ends up too thin, actually. But you so have to be careful not to over-stuff, or it ends up lumpy. I did mine with regular poly, but it took a couple of tries to get it just right.

>> No.7435968
File: 68 KB, 605x900, 1395107769042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I really like how PikminLink did the bangs on Jupiter.

>> No.7435976
File: 10 KB, 450x360, djtanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to go for trying some 90's Mall Bangs a la DJ Tanner on my wig, but do hers look closer to the anime's?

>> No.7435993

I actually wouldn't recommend doing a filled shape at all. I would recommend making the shape a solid piece out of something flexible but that will hold the shape (with the flat side and what not) well. Like some kind of upholstery foam. And then cover it with a stretch fabric to match your suit.

>> No.7436139
File: 53 KB, 640x960, sscp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. Ask if you have any question.

>> No.7436141

Heeeey I met that Saturn at AX! She was super awesome, and one of the better that I saw all con.

>> No.7436160

a lot of hit and miss on these. The hip rolls are, once again, not high enough, so the dip down is too shallow. The shape of them is actually not bad however, but they do need to be rounder on top. The Saturn's petal sleeves i really like the regidity of them! however they are too big so they make her shoulders look huge. And the crystals on the choker and chest bow should be 3D, not flat. I think if you guys redid the chest bows and just kind of touched up a couple of things these would be nice! Also, pantyhose. The skirt shapes seem off, they should left up over the hips, not be the same length all the way around, but that will be helped when you pull the hip rolls up. And it looks like the Saturn may be using a purple wig? I can't really tell, but it should be black with some better styling/more natural cut since it's very straight cut/choppy right now. But I do like the materials you guys picked, nothing shiny. good. The colors on the skirts and collars look a bit dark, but maybe it's the lighting. I think overall these are good attempts and with a little tweaking can be great.

>> No.7436200

Well anon remember that new generations are gonna watch the series, not just us.
This is a little over 20 years after all.

>> No.7436206


I tried though...

>> No.7436317

hey, we all fucking get that you did a Sailor Mars cosplay. You can stop beating a dead male horse that is crossplaying as Sailor Mars.

>> No.7436537

It occurred to me the other day there's a whole generation of anime con attendees who have never watched or read Sailor Moon, and didn't grow up with it. It's wild.

So the whole "plot twist" with Venus might actually work.

>> No.7436557

You don't understand. This is going to be a whole new story. Naoko is going to write it.

>> No.7436569

what? are you joking? No... or else she would have... you know... re-written the mangas that they re-released for this whole thing.

Unless you're being sarcastic or something, then you got me.

>> No.7436575

I laughed when they tried to offer "custom" bjds, and tried to obfuscate the fact that the base dolls were shit tier Chinese dolls.

>> No.7436623

No it isn't, they've specifically stated a few times that they are following the manga again, but it will be a whole new retelling, not a rehash of the original anime.

>> No.7436661

So, how high should the hip rolls start on the hips? Like, the tops of the hip bones? Higher?

>> No.7436715

Nope. It's been stated officially, more than once, that this is a retelling of the first arc of the manga.

>> No.7436734
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I'd say to get the right angle you need to start them at the top of the hips, so a couple inches lower than your natural waist. This also will make your waist look smaller since you're adding emphasis to the hips.

>> No.7437666

What is cgl's opinion on mixing versions based on personal preference? For example, manga-only details but anime style hair and skirt style, PGSM style fabric, etc.

>> No.7437676

like the fact that she did the costume to suit her instead of using a blonde wig, hair was good choice but feel it could be cleaned up a bit. Don't care for the dress.

>> No.7438386

I think it would be creative but it would kind of fall into an 'OC' category for me instead of an accurate cosplay.

>> No.7438435

A lot has been going on in life lately, so I feel as if I won't be able to complete the fuku's for my girlfriend and myself before our next convention (I don't want to rush it for the sake of having it done, you know?) However, we are thinking about incorporating the subcultures we are apart of into the cosplay itself. Seeing as we are keeping this convention casual, I was intended on being a Cult Party Kei adorned Neptune, while she would be more of a Punk Uranus. Are there any pictures of subculture Sailor Moon cosplays?

>> No.7438510

you're welcome to do it but I think it's a terrible idea. Neptune would never do cult party kei so basically you're just doing cult party kei with a random neptune wig for no reason. which will look like total shit. There are a couple of examples of punk, steampunk or lolita sailor moons, with maybe one decent one out of thirty. that should give you an idea of how well this plan will work.

If you want to just do a lazy sailor moon cosplay, look into the casual outfits. There are a lot that can be essentially thrown together with mall and thrift store pieces.

>> No.7438533

I don't mind it at all, probably because I like and dislike certain things about various versions so strongly myself. I think mainly /cgl/ is going to be the ones to care about that in critique, but otherwise, probably no one is going to notice/care.

>> No.7438536

You sound bitter for absolutely no reason. There's nothing wrong with the legs in that picture. Nothing. You are literally being a cunt for no reason with other ugly legged cunts rallying around you as if your word is law.

>> No.7438542

So, essentially, wear pantyhose even if you're not someone who gets blotchy or bumpy legs.

What kind of fucked up skin condition do any of you people have that walking gives you bumps on your skin and blotches.

>> No.7438562

speaking of bitter

>> No.7438563

I agree with >>7438510 that cult party kei isn't really something I consider appropriate for Neptune and that casual clothes are probably a better way to do a lazy SM cosplay, buuut if it's something important to you and that you would have fun in together, go for it. Just don't post it here expecting a nice reaction, most likely.

>> No.7438567

pantyhose make everyone's legs look better, even if you have really great legs. I'm not sure what the big deal is here.

I personally have never seen an un shooped pair of legs that were completely, 100% even in skin tone. You're dressing up as a cartoon character with perfect legs, why would you pass up on making your legs just one step closer to that with pantyhose?

>> No.7438576

>There's nothing wrong with the legs in that picture. Nothing
I never said that they didn't have great legs, in fact, I kind of implied (implying though) that they did have great legs. But if you can't see the splotchy-ness on the Mars's thighs or the fact that wearing some hose on the Jupiter would make her legs more shapely above the knee... well I'm not sure what to tell you. Hose makes legs look great.

Just check out the blotches on the Mar's legs, that's the kind of uneven skin tone that hose will help a lot with!

>> No.7438608

>Hose makes legs look great.

same reason i recommend shapeware to anyone, skinny or big

youre cosplaying as a made up cartoon with a perfect body so everything that helps should be used imo

>> No.7438620

I admit, it's been quite a long time since I've sat down and really analyzed the manga and anime. I simply remember that Neptune was a sophisticated, feminine type with an interest in the arts while maintaining power and calmness. I could easily be very wrong, of course. I suppose the aesthetic I'm thinking of wouldn't necessarily be "cult party kei", now that I think of it. May I ask why a sea foam green peignoir, various other flowing, vintage boudoir-style layers, and perhaps ocean motifs would be unfitting to her character?

>> No.7438634

Show me a cult party kei outfit that fits that description and suits Neptune and I'll change my opinion. But I'll bet there's not one. Are you really asking why I didn't assume you meant "ocean motifs" and "vintage boudoir layers" in sea foam colors? Maybe because I've never seen such things in cult party kei? If you don't know the source material very well then that's another reason why you shouldn't do this. You have a good idea of Neptune's personality but translating that into current j-fashion or fashion in general, you are waaaaay off. Even what you described is not something I think that she would wear. In fact, there was a cosplayer at senshi matsuri who tried something like that and failed epically, even though the costume was technically well-made, because it just didn't remotely look like anything the character would wear.

>> No.7438649

Oh no, that's not what I meant at all. I even said that I think "cult party kei" was a poor choice of description. I completely understand your point on this one, I just wish I could better articulate my concept. If I were to go a more casual route, in that case, what would you suggest? (I apologize if I'm being a pain.)

>> No.7438689

i think you should harken back to the 90s and wear some crazy lady business suit in her colors lol, would look great with your punk Uranus. Though I've always have a fondness for the super femme Uranus too

>> No.7438728
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There are a lot of casual outfits so I'll just give you the sources instead. If I had something good in mind I would tell you but I don't really, these sources are the best.
First of all, go to mangastyle.net and look through artbooks III-V. This will give you all full color images of their manga casual outfits. You *could* choose another manga-only outfit by going through the manga they're in, but I think the artbooks are more recognizable and will give you the color scheme.
Secondly go to sailormoonfans dot com slash gallery slash Sailor_Moon and make an account. Trust me it's worth it. They actually have galleries filtered by casual outfits, etc.
If you're looking for trendy modern fashion inspiration for Neptune I'm afraid I don't have much. If you could find a simple, elegant seafoam or deep turquoise dress and pair it with strappy sandals or wedges, that would be nice. I think I remember her wearing a denim jacket or vest of some kind, so that could be possibly paired if the dress itself isn't too fancy. But that's just what I would do, they actually wear a lot of stuff outside of their color schemes and motifs.
I kind of get the feeling Michiru is the most inspired by 90s Vogue out of all of them but I don't have any proof lol.

>> No.7438743
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It's an interesting idea but I can't see Neptune wearing this either
Far left is the senshi matsuri cosplayer I mentioned, her costume was nice but it's ridiculous she thought it would be remotely appropriate for neptune

>> No.7438755

This is perfect, thank you so much! I'm going to play around with a few different options and get to investigating. Really going to channel my inner Michiru 90's vibe.

>> No.7438759

ahh I was actually thinking of her school uniform and some weird mix of a three piece that Uranus wears. You're right, she has like... an 80's sexy mom vibe in most of her casual outfits.

>> No.7438765

Oh my goodness, this isn't even remotely close to her color scheme or personal style? Like, it has no connection to Neptune as a character, not even incorporating loosely related themes? I get why you are a bit fearful of my concept, but I assure you, it's nothing like that at all. I wish I was decent at drawing so that I could detail it a bit more!

But really, what was she thinking?

>> No.7439458

The worst is that she was running the panel on how to make good Sailor Moon costumes. I honestly think she made it for something else, and wore it to show off her technical abilities. Or possibly is just unfamiliar with the series? Like maybe she heard "Neptune is glamorous" and that's what she came up with.
What you described doesn't sound nearly as bad anon, so don't worry. I just thought it was a good example of how a costume not suiting the character can ruin the cosplay.

>> No.7439590

Considering how consistently Naoko's artwork is inconsistent (sometimes Saturn has black hair, sometimes it's purple, sometimes it's even lilac), I kind of think you can get away with dark purple.

>> No.7439609

>sometimes it's even lilac
source? And don't confuse artistic license with inconsistency. There are pics of all senshi with brown or blonde hair, doesn't mean it's a good cosplay choice.

>> No.7439647

Yeah if it's lilac it was probably a really stylized and pastel drawing. She looks much better with black hair, would just look tacky with dark purple.

>> No.7439807

It is very consistently black and I am pretty sure Naoko has some kind of little stat drawing for her where it actually says it's black.

>> No.7439849
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This? I don't see it on either of her materials collection pages.
Interesting though, that it says her eyes are black and the collar is indigo blue.
The materials collection isn't always accurate though. And even if it says one thing, but everyone thinks it's supposed to be something else, you still look "wrong" to everyone even if it's technically accurate
I agree with black hair but think a purple sheen to it is a really nice touch.

>> No.7439859

I just noticed this and can't stop laughing. it's a great example of Naoko's inconsistency. She literally drew an arrow saying "2 of these"... and drew three of them.
wtf naoko

>> No.7439863
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dropped pic

>> No.7439868
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>> No.7440313

The purple sheen is from reflections off her uniform. And no, that is not what I was talking about. I think it's obvious she is meant to have black and not purple hair, especially considering how Naoko does Rei's hair in most of her spreads.

Actually rei and ami's hair change color more consistently in these big colored pictures than hotaru's does.

>> No.7441443
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The Ganbare! Tuxedo Kamen gashapon boxes are up for regular order on hlj. Grab them fast because you know people are going to buy them just to resell to morons who'll pay 1000% markup.

>> No.7441499

Should post this on the other sm thread about the new merchandise.

>> No.7442632

Buuuump in the name of the moon.

>> No.7442886

On a Tuxedo Mask note, has any one seen a good one?
I never have.

I've seen a couple decent ones on DA but nothing truly accurate or spectacular.

>> No.7444441

Not in person, but I've seen some good pictures. Didn't save them, though, sadly...

>> No.7444593
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This is one of the best I've seen but his costume, hat especially, is meh.