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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7416890 No.7416890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post coords, inspiration, items you're lusting after or have bought, and ask questions.

>> No.7416891
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>> No.7416895
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>> No.7416900
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>> No.7416903
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>> No.7416905
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>> No.7416907
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>> No.7416909
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>> No.7416914
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>> No.7416915
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>> No.7416918
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>> No.7416922

Do the petticoat and no-bare-arms rules still apply for otome kei like they do for lolita?

>> No.7416928


>> No.7417590
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>> No.7417597
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>> No.7417601

No, but women in Japan generally cover up their chests, shoulders and upper arm area, so the women who dress in the style still often wear blouses or a cardigan.

>> No.7417604
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>> No.7417612
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>> No.7417616
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>> No.7417623
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>> No.7417628
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>> No.7417633
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>> No.7420653
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Anyone here preorder Crowning Glory by Peppermint Fox?
I'm interested to see what outfits people come up with for it.

>> No.7420655

>wear otome
>taobao lolita dress minus petti, cardigan, mary janes, simple blouse, small hairbow, plain tights
>called out for not being lolita, wasn't even tagged as lolita

>> No.7420657
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>> No.7420661
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>> No.7420663
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>> No.7420666
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>> No.7421007
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>> No.7421030

So what makes otome kei different from let's say classic lolita? Because when I see stuff like >>7421007 or >>7420666 it seems like it's very similar if not just a more everyday loli style.

>> No.7421031
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>> No.7421040
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>> No.7421044

I would say : it's more mature ? Classic lolita is about "ancient times" and "lady-like feeling". Otome can have a cute, gothic or classical feeling : it's more about the way you wore it than what you wear. ETC and Milk are usual brands considered as otome. But I think we must see otome a style itself (by the way, Japanese don't name it otome, they don't even have a word describing this style), though I know I'm myself considering it as a tone-down lolita : more like a casual lolita.

>> No.7421051
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Looks like he's about to fall asleep.

>> No.7421055
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>> No.7421058

I preordered it, which was kind of dumb to be honest as they didn't even have photos of the finished product. But I wanted a nice mint dress, and I don't see ones I like very often. Also, they were really nice with their hidden library stuff I ordered

>> No.7421060

>"ancient times"

>> No.7421063
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>> No.7421066

the mint one kind of makes me want to throw up. which is sad because mint is my favorite color. but it turns the regal print into the ageplay territory

>> No.7421067

Sorry, by Ancient Times I meant "Period style" (as period movies, period films, ...). English isn't my first language.

>> No.7421069
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>> No.7421073
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>> No.7421191

To talk specifically about the two you mentioned:

This dress slopes down from the bodice to the hem in one clean line. Lolita has the bodice, and the skirt angles out from the waist.
This one I would argue isn't as otome-y as others, since the black + chiffon cardigan fancies it up a bit.
Besides that, the high waist and petti slopes down in a slight cupcake, but only very slight.

The biggest difference is that lolita has a set 'look', with a length, poof, shoe type, etc.
Otome is more of a 'feel'. It's a light hearted thing, very feminine. Kind of like the western twee. There aren't really rules in otome.
Some otome might qualify with the rules of lolita almost accidentally. Think of it less of an individual case and more of an otome girl's closet.
She has lots of things in there, all from otome brands. Putting together an outfit, she thinks about femininity in a casual way. She takes a dress she normally wears pettiless and with a cutsew, and wears it over a blouse and decides to poof out today. If you snapped a shot of her, it wouldn't be wrong to label it lolita. But she wasn't intending too and didn't have the rules of lolita in mind. It just ended up that way.

>> No.7421212

i want this dress so fricken badly

>> No.7421815

I need to know the name of these two dresses.
Quick search on lolibrary didn`t give me anything.

>> No.7421829


>>7420661 is http://lolibrary.org/apparel/rabbit-ballerina-print-sleeveless-op

>> No.7421834


>>7421007 is ETC's Antique Jewelry NOP

>> No.7421839
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>> No.7422024

I was a little hesitant as well about not seeing a sample piece but they seem to be a pretty reputable brand and all the Hidden Library stuff looked really nice.

Eh, I wasn't too fussed on the colour but it's a nice change to have a lighter royal print. Normally all you see are wine and navy colours so I'm guessing we might get some different coord ideas come out of it.

>> No.7422175
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Pic related, I got a hold of these two skirts recently. The cruise skirt (navy blue map) from Milk is actually my dream skirt, and the victoria(?) skirt (violin/music notes) from ETC is high up on my list of favorite prints. I'm so stoked.

Yep, so excited for the midnight blue dress I reserved! I've wanted to get something for my wardrobe with crowns and this particular color scheme for a while now, so this was perfect.

>> No.7422181

how is this otome?

>> No.7422243

At what point does the dress just have too many patterns on it? Or is there no such thing, I guess it's okay as long as everything matches, right?

>> No.7422397

She's wearing an ETC dress and cardigan. She looks like the Milk version of otome kei at the moment.

What makes it less otome looking is the ugg boots and the awkward pose.

>> No.7422769

Although people already answered you, keep in mind that while there are a lot of a popular loll-accepted names for ETC items, most ETC prints don't have special names. So if you're searching on mbok or Y!J search for a variety of different terms when looking for them.

>> No.7422777

...those were the official names from ETC.

>> No.7422785

You do realize Emikyu do give their pieces names, right? These 'accepted' names were from the brand. Save for the older pieces that have barely any info and no places to look them up at, it's not difficult to find the original print name. I saw that lolibrary has started to add the older pieces in.

>> No.7423060

I was dying for the blue skirt as I was always so sad Grazia never came as a skirt (and I'm sure that's what they were going for), but it was sold out by the time I saw it... Hoping it either has another release or I can get one secondhand but with such small runs I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.7423105

Really disappointed that the skirts are in fixed sizes with such huge size differences. Between Petite and Small, the former would be squeezing me tight, and the latter falling off of me, and no waist ties even. Why do Aussies size their indie so huge?

>> No.7428030

Anyone here buy a lot of JM? I love their stuff but I can't justify the retail cost and even some of the second hand prices of their stuff.

>> No.7428037

The quality is worth it. It's better to buy retail most of the time because popular JM pieces are very hard to find/cost an arm and a leg when you do see it.

>> No.7428039
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.7428087
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Totally agree abut the quality point, what I do have from them is all really nice and has held up pretty well.
Coming from a lolita background I get that popular stuff will increase in value so I understand snapping them up whilst you can.
I'll happily pay retail for anything that I really love or that I predict will be super popular and more pricey second hand but anything that'll depreciate really quickly (mainly non-print stuff) I'll wait to get.
I'm a student though so that has a lot to do with it. When I get a proper job in the near future I'll be all over JM stuff.

>> No.7428092

I get JM when I can, it's worth the price, and I find I like wearing it more than my lolita. As soon as I'm no longer a poor student and have a full-time job (next year) I'll be buying every release I can from them!

>> No.7428093

The problem with JM is the wait for their pieces (more so for nice but unpopular pieces) are in a different league than lolita. Think of IW difficulty multiplied by five. My average wait for pieces has been about 3 years if I didn't/couldn't snag them when they go up for retail. Always worth the wait.

>> No.7429103

Does anyone have examples of otome coords with a sailor or nautical theme?

>> No.7429264
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bump for more coords

>> No.7430178
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yokoflute spam
I really like her choice of socks. Any ideas where to get more socks like this? Don't tell me sockdreams - it's expensive shipping outside of USA ;_;

>> No.7430179
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>> No.7430180
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>> No.7430182
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>> No.7430183
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Sorry not full coord

>> No.7430625

They're all ETC socks

>> No.7430661
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I got one from a thrift shop lol twas just around $5 with tag and all too. Quality is great!

though I don't know from what line this was in

>> No.7430665

all my jelly. Was it a US thrift shop?

>> No.7430666

Ouch. That sounds like someone's parents getting rid of their clothes without permission. No way anyone would give that to a thrift store knowing what they could sell it online for.

>> No.7430686

Nope, I live in the Philippines so, yeah. This was actually the first and last time I found a burando on a thrift store. Someone on my comm finds a lot of liz lisa though and someone once found an AP (a JSK I think)

I'm actually thinking there might have been a defect on this but upon inspection there was none. Must be a surplus thing? (or that very unfortunate incident. Thanks to the parent though hahaha)

sage for no contribution

>> No.7435489

Where IS a good place to find secondhand JM? It seems so rare. I can find plenty of lolita brands and a ton of Liz Lisa, but JM is so hard to find and when I do, it's actually close to what they retail for or over.

>> No.7437311
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Any suggestions for coordinating this dress a bit more casually for every day wear?

>> No.7437380


No gloves, no big hair, less accessoires in your hair, smaller/less accessoires in general, solid coloured thights, appropriate yet more casual shoes.

The dress itself is not that casual, but I do not think it would be that difficilt to dress it down.

>> No.7437509

JM is made entirely in Japan I believe, and a number of pieces are made by small shops and just a few select artisans. The more limited an item is on reserve, it's usually due to a very limited supply of whatever the material is. Hand woven/knit, embroidery done by only one person, etc.

It's always worth the price, their quality and construction is impeccable.

>> No.7437534

Seagulls, I'd love to start wearing otome, but I feel like I need more research. Could you post your favourite otome blogs etc? Bonus points for Japanese ones.