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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 391 KB, 500x625, 1394230110490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7415577 No.7415577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There hasn't been a drawthread in a while, has there? I'd like to start one if anyone is up for being drawn.

>jfashion prefered but cosplay is okay if you really want to
>if you really have to insult or complain anyone, direct it to the ita thread >>7414800 or nitpick thread >>7414707

>> No.7415599
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x1920, 1394230718157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay a new draw thread! It's been a while since the last.

Does anyone wants to draw me? This is my dream dress, I would be so thankful if someone wants to draw me. ^_^

>> No.7415656
File: 1.26 MB, 2592x1728, IMG_3117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would really, really love a drawing of my coord from Katsucon. it's one of my favorites. thank you!

>> No.7415658

not entirely sure why that shows up as rotated in the thumbnail - when i click on it, the photo seems to be correctly vertical. sorry!

>> No.7415692
File: 153 KB, 500x700, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The print was too much for me. Sorry.

>> No.7415698
File: 55 KB, 720x960, 1394235746985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see one of my newest Gothic co-ord. :)

>> No.7415701

That is one cute coord.
You make me want the royal unicorn op even more. Sauce on the shoes?

>> No.7415703
File: 529 KB, 435x589, c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love a drawing! (I know this co-ord is nothing special but heh)

>> No.7415704
File: 1.57 MB, 864x1296, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that for you.

>> No.7415712

Source on your wig?

>> No.7415713

Lol, this belongs in the nitpicking thread. Black ≠ gothic.

>> No.7415716


Did you make that capelet yourself?

>> No.7415724

thank you so much! they're Mojo Moxy's Celebrity heel in grey, i found them on heels.com. they kinda hurt my feet (in my experience most Mojo Moxy shoes do), so you might need to add insoles. the OP is gorgeous by the way, i wish i could fit it!

thank you!

i bought it secondhand, but the seller had listed it as a GLW pigtail wig. unfortunately, i don't remember which version. i tend to wear it without the tails since the base wig is very thick on its own.

>> No.7415726

Ah no, just randomly bought it off Ebay. There's no label so no idea where it's from.

>> No.7415823
File: 247 KB, 986x980, 1394242003133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like, forever, since I was last in a /cgl/ draw thread, but I hope this addition makes up for it.
How often are these threads anyway?

>> No.7415866
File: 356 KB, 800x1208, CC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to see my chess choco coord ^o^

>> No.7415887 [DELETED] 


No. Stop that.

>> No.7415891

Not in lolita, but I absolutely love your coord.

>> No.7415901 [DELETED] 

People are going to use emoticons, just relax and accept it. Yes, it looks a little childish, but it's not really a big deal, certainly not worth calling out or getting irritated by.

>> No.7415932 [DELETED] 

Not >>7415887 but nah fuck emoticons, I refuse to draw anyone who uses them.

>> No.7415943 [DELETED] 

Well, considering this is an image board, if you have an emotion you want to convey, you could, y'know, use images.

>> No.7415949 [DELETED] 

This same anon goes around every thread complaining about emoticons. Ignore them, no one else really cares.

>> No.7415972
File: 914 KB, 1000x1500, royal .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7415974 [DELETED] 

It's not one singular person. It pisses off a lot of people.

>> No.7415979 [DELETED] 

Oh stop.

>> No.7415989 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, 1392965570264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's fucking annoying, the entirety of 4chan doesn't fucking like emoticons, fucking learn the culture of a website before you start being an inconsiderate asswipe.

>> No.7415996 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry you can't be a speshul snowflaek, anon, my condolences.

>> No.7415998 [DELETED] 

Please feel free to clean out your salty vagina. ^___~

>> No.7415999 [DELETED] 

I forgot you speak for the entirety of 4chan. You act like someone offended you by throwing together some characters to make an emoticon.

>> No.7416000 [DELETED] 

nooooo T____T

>> No.7416003 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking retard.
I am deeply offended by it, seeming it's mostly tumblr faggots using them after hearing about here and posting straight away hopeful they will stop seeming it hurts me so deeply, triggers me and all that shit.

>> No.7416006 [DELETED] 

B-but anon-chan pls don't call me retarded ;____;

>> No.7416013

Damnit, this thread better not get deleted because of all this bullshit.

More beautiful drawings, please!

>> No.7416017 [DELETED] 

/(・ x ・)\

>> No.7416025 [DELETED] 


>> No.7416026 [DELETED] 


>> No.7416028 [DELETED] 

>>7415989 (>>7416003) is really correct you guys... /cgl/ is just about the only board I've been to on 4chan where people will defend their use of emoticons. The only reason I can think of is because of its higher female population, most of whom never go to other boards and thus never pick up on the culture of the website.

It really is kind of annoying. Sage for irrelevance.

>> No.7416029

I don't want anymore draw threads. It just brings in the worst people from tumblr and facebook with some outfits being pretty awful like >>7415703.

>> No.7416030 [DELETED] 



>> No.7416033 [DELETED] 

I'm >>7415887 and this is the first time I've ever posted about it. Normally I just ignore them but seriously, when three of the first five people to post use emoticons, it makes it obvious that the thread is full of noobs just begging for attention.

>> No.7416034 [DELETED] 

Stop stirring up a non-issue in a peaceful thread. :u

I'll be back later to draw a bit if I can finish enough pieces for upcoming cons first.

>> No.7416035 [DELETED] 

All draw threads are full of begging for attention, are you being serious now?

>> No.7416040

You forgot to mention the influx of newfags. Seriously, yesterday we had maybe three threads with every field filled out with questions that should have gone in the help thread. I never thought I'd say this, but I don't think our janitor is being strict enough.

>> No.7416046

There are dozens of boards though, why are you so bothered by one of them being slightly different from the others? It's not as though /cgl/ is invading other boards and demanding that they be more like us. /cgl is different not just because of the female population, but because it involves social hobbies and a lot of board users actually know and meet each other in real life. There's a lot more normal slow-paced discussion and less of the rapid floods of incomprehensible in-jokes that characterize other boards.
I find emotes annoying too but I don't feel a need to come in and shitpost about "gaiafags ruining 4chan" every time some poster uses one.

>> No.7416048

>new people are coming to an anonymous image board that anyone can access and post to!1!

We can't be snowflakes anymore, guys.

>> No.7416049 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you go, anon!
You prove your point on this anonymous board!
We definitely need an emoticon revolution on 4chan, the place just isn't kawaii enough!

I remember when my grandfather fought for his right to use emoticons. It was a long time ago. Sadly, he's long gone now, and was forced to use his words and learn how to speak like a proper person for his entire life instead of getting to rely on static combinations of text that look slightly like faces to convey his emotions. It's just... So horrible... I can't speak of it any longer...

All I can ask of you is that you keep up the fight in honor of my dead weaboo grandfather. You are the type of person that relies on emoticons to speak for you, and if you give up the fight now... you will have lost one of the most important battles in the world.

>> No.7416056 [DELETED] 

hai!!!! for grandpa-sensei ヾ(*д*)ノ

>> No.7416054

>new people are coming to an anonymous image board that anyone can access and post to!1!
I think the problem is that they don't read the damn rules or FAQ, use the catalog, or generally have a sense to scope out what their doing before they do it.

Nothing wrong with new people as wrong as they do it by the rules like everyone else does. No one should be excluded.

>> No.7416059

True, but if they can't be bothered to learn the board culture, they're likely here just for the drawings so they can show them off on tumblr and facebook. I'd much rather draw fellow seagulls and contribute to the community here in return for the advice and discussion I've gotten than some girl who will never be seen here again.

>> No.7416060

It's not about there being new people, it's about these new people bringing down the quality of the board.

>> No.7416065

This thread is bad and we should all feel bad.

>> No.7416066
File: 734 KB, 800x600, 1392609002593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said new people aren't allowed. I was saying that the use of emotes correlates with the influx of new people.

Good! I hope your grandfather died a slow, horrible death. Reaction images master race!

>> No.7416067

Shit meant to say, *as long as*, not as wrong as.

>> No.7416085
File: 184 KB, 695x715, 1392986450575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7416108
File: 137 KB, 397x580, thread1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry got lazy and did a portrait. hope you like it anyways.

>> No.7416110 [DELETED] 


>> No.7416206

thank you both so very much!! i've had a pretty awful week, these cheered me right up. thanks again!

>> No.7416207 [DELETED] 

don't tell me I got banned again

I was being sarcastic

>> No.7416459

Post more art!

>> No.7416554
File: 574 KB, 800x1176, cgldraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bit messy since I don't have my good tablet/desk at the moment

>> No.7416563
File: 1.08 MB, 1174x1174, foranon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried my best D:

>> No.7416574

Thank you very much! :D :D
I really like it!

>> No.7417424
File: 132 KB, 640x448, 1394219578060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>:D :D

Get the fuck out.

>> No.7417437
File: 48 KB, 478x720, 1394327380190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this outfit omggg

attached is super simple pirate outfit from last summer, curious about what you guys will do with it

>> No.7417544


>> No.7417547


I love how you think the drawthread is the last (or first?) bastion of asspattery and newfaggotry. You think us crusty and petty cunts won't notice? Jesus.

>> No.7417555
File: 75 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n1ltmxWh461qiuxrxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drawings are fantastic.
It would be lovely if someone could draw me. Sorry about the lighting the blouse is more purple irl.Thank you.

>> No.7417554
File: 172 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-25-2014 at 9.19 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as always, /r/ing a pic of me wearing nordic blue Lotta

>> No.7417565
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x3000, dream2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.7417607
File: 85 KB, 720x960, IMG_19128390229060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7417605
File: 141 KB, 647x1231, voldie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7417611

i love it. my senpai says i look like an animal crossing

>> No.7417617

where the fuck is your blouse, ita???

>> No.7417622

that's just my ~*style*~ lolita check the converse xDDDD

>> No.7417632
File: 885 KB, 3000x5000, dreawf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Request from last thread. Not sure if she saw it.

>> No.7417649
File: 152 KB, 500x800, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7417671
File: 139 KB, 474x671, lolit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7417709
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1394335445172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's okay to ask this here.

This is a photo I took of my boyfriend at Katsucon (he was cosplaying Jacket from Hotline Miami, so board related I guess) and it's almost his birthday now. I was hoping to get a qt drawing of him so I can put his face on a cake without it looking like ass.

I don't have enough money at the moment to get him a real present, and I think he'd really like it.

I was playing around with my DS after I got it, so.... lens flare.

>> No.7417728
File: 158 KB, 480x640, drawthread1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what color your eyes are, but I made them match the dress. Also, hair color is a bit off because I don't have unlimited copic marker colors...

>> No.7417729

what a baby face.
very much under 20

>> No.7417748
File: 74 KB, 237x750, tumblr_m3rjy1hD8l1rnrg62o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super derp face, but please have fun with it!

>> No.7417765

What is this frumpy shit supposed to be.

>> No.7417769


>> No.7417848

Why I'll likely never have the nerve to post myself here, meh.

>> No.7417857

Looks like she was trying to go for Mori, but her butch got in the way.

>> No.7417864


I think it's closest to mori, but it's still far as fuck away from it. The biggest offender is that fucking unflattering plaid men's shirt.

>> No.7417896

The twist is that is the actual population of cgl.

I'm not sure why anyone on this board tries to kid themselves anymore, as with in actual communities and irl, the majority can't actually dress themselves.

>> No.7417899

I don't even understand what you're trying to say here.

>> No.7417903

I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but your boyfriend likes men.

>> No.7417906

You look like a box, this shit is so unflattering.

>> No.7417910

As long as your outfit isn't completely fugly you should be fine. I'd be embarrassed to post >>7417748

>> No.7417913

What the fuck is this

>> No.7417921

ITT: itas and emoticons

>> No.7417925

I'm surprised people are overreacting so strongly to this. It's not great (needs better layering on the top half, and it'd help if she did more with her hair and makeup too), but damn, I'd prefer this to some of the shit I see passed off as mori elsewhere.

>> No.7417937

She posted it in a draw thread, she thinks it's good. It's shit.

>> No.7417947
File: 840 KB, 960x1280, 2014-03-08-18-28-06_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made this collage, so I thought I'd post! Any of these outfits would be wonderful! Thank you!

>> No.7417964
File: 332 KB, 492x886, frumpychan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to fix it. That shirt in particular is real boxy and plain.

>> No.7417968

Jesus fuck, the OP said that if you wanted to complain do it in the other threads. This happens every time, do you really have to derail a decent thing that cgl does (free art and such) just because you are offended by a mediocre outfit or two?

>> No.7417994

ohhhh YOU'RE who they mean by cloud-chan, now I get it. (assuming this isn't a vendetta post itself)

>> No.7418002
File: 97 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please please, I posted on one of the last thread but I never got a drawing...

>> No.7418015

I'm in love

>> No.7418031

That's cute as fug anaon.

>> No.7418040
File: 462 KB, 655x1239, otome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew you last time anon, very quickly unfortunately!

>> No.7418045
File: 156 KB, 416x640, 2014-01-25_11.57.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could someone draw me? sorry for the bad picture/blurred face, i haven't gotten a chance to take a proper coord picture)

>> No.7418057

this can't be serious

>> No.7418068


>> No.7418066

why? i guess looking at it now it doesn't show much of me i just took the picture to show my boyfriend. even so, you can see the whole coord and anyone who wants to draw has the liberty drawing me however. i don't think it's -that- bad though.

>> No.7418069

its not because you covered your face, your outfit just looks like shit.

>> No.7418080

meh, putumayo looks like shit, but it's comfy as fuck.

>> No.7418125
File: 325 KB, 497x811, 1394350198200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to color more but I also want to go to bed haha. we'll call it a w.i.p.

>> No.7418137

yet you still wore it

>> No.7418145

Next time I'm posting a pic of myself in sweat pants because they're comfortable.

>> No.7418218

Not even that anon, but I think it's alright.its cute for punk and she atleast has the right poof. Not nearly as bad as a replica, and she's not everyones tastes, but not ita.

>> No.7418227

no dude. that skirt is ita as shit. the top half is alright but even brand can fuck up. see wtf burando threads. putumayo's designs are really off-target sometimes.

>> No.7418228

woah girly. you're gonna need a sheath for dat edge. It's not like shes >>7417748
plus it looks like she can coord okay. just looks like a casual coord to me. i think i know who that is and her stuff is pretty cute imho.

>> No.7418232

I've seen wtf burando threads, but this isn't the worst thing. It looks loli, has a good shape and atleast it isn't 12 kinds of TARTAN PLAID + SKULLS + FRAYED BLACKXRED everything. Different strokes~

>> No.7418239

>no hair accessories
>no visible legwear or shoes
>no accessories

I don't care if this girl's other coords look stellar, this one is sloppy and lazy. I expect people to pull out nice photos in a drawthread. If she's got better then she should bring it. otherwise her taste seems really questionable.

a full petticoat does not a lolita make.
and this is not recognizable as punk lolita. It looks like an ebay reject. just because it is from a punk brand does not mean it is a punk coordinate.
tbh I wish this were a clever troll. that would make me feel much more relieved about the whole thing.

>> No.7418244

Considering you can only see half the photo and part of her wig I agree its lazy, but you seem to be getting super worked up over it. And you're trying to make arbitrary rules for the thread especially since most drawfags just draw the outfit and hair with their own poses. It's kind of funny how upset you are. Just calm down. It's not ita and could definitely be much more horrible. And you're bringing zero things to the thread with your nitpicking.

>> No.7418257 [DELETED] 

hahaha omg it is so funny how angry you get, im gonna do more now just to annoy you :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD XD :)

>> No.7418260

if I'm going to put effort into cranking out a drawing for someone, I'd prefer it if they actually put effort into dressing up as well. equivalent exchange and all. my upset levels are at 0%, but I'm really confused as to why you're trying so hard to defend an awful outfit when there's absolutely positive here except, 'well, her petticoat is the right shape!!'

find something better to do than troll folks with ita dressup, man.

>> No.7418360

I agree with this. I try to draw at least one thing in every thread (Takes a while) and I deliberately avoid the people who don't make an effort, hide their faces or have grainy photos.
If they don't make an effort why should I?

>> No.7418380

It's amazing! Thank you very much.
I can't wait to see it when the coloring is finished.

>> No.7418509
File: 22 KB, 357x630, asda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On it, boss.

>> No.7418636
File: 124 KB, 954x1400, shit I forgot the cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I'm not good at faces or coloring.
If you want hires just drop me an email; my internet is too bad for full version atm

>> No.7418659

why did you make her fat?

>> No.7418661


She didn't make her fat. She made her a real woman.

>> No.7418666

defining the boobs on a shapeless shirt makes it look like the body is filling it out for one, legs are obvs chubby but I applaud their attempt and trying a different angle a least

>> No.7418681

Sorry, I'm bad.

>> No.7418702

Ugly lumpy jumpers make anyone look fat not the artists fault

>> No.7418710

she looks skinny in the photo, or is that just me?

You're right. Looks like its mostly the boobs and the short chubby legs.

>> No.7418761 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 1854x3900, 1394390049678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not done yet, but here's a WIP, anon!

>> No.7418770

Holy shit I'm cumming at the speed of light

>> No.7418776
File: 234 KB, 444x936, 1394390526377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not done yet, but here's a WIP, anon!

>> No.7418777

Sorry I reuploaded in a smaller size ;7;

>> No.7418786

You draw just like someone I know. Link to a tumblr or anything? You're incredible, anon.

>> No.7418790

Ahh thank you!! My tumblr is http://bhakri.deviantart.com .

>> No.7418794

*** http://bhakri.tumblr.com oops

>> No.7418812

that's amazing

>> No.7419111

pretty sure i drew you aswell?

>> No.7419124

Anon, please tell me you have tumblr or dA.

>> No.7419128

Ahah. Sort of figured I might get a reaction like that.

He's still got a babyface, but he's slowly growing out of it.

Oh well, I figured it was worth a shot.

>> No.7419135
File: 93 KB, 437x910, vdaycoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Valentine's Day coord. Hopefully it's easy/fun enough to draw?

>> No.7419177 [DELETED] 

>7416554 Thanks a lot this is lovely!
>7416563 LOVE the face details :<~!
>418776 this is awesome in WIP status, I can't imagine the final art D:

>> No.7419180

how new r u

>> No.7419181

Just how new are you?

>> No.7419184

lurk moar

>> No.7419197 [DELETED] 

sop the newfag

>> No.7419200

spot the newfag

>> No.7419201
File: 1000 KB, 1130x1722, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling it a day so I can go watch sailor moon also because >>7418776 has made me insanely jealous and depressed. fucking hell, kid.

>> No.7419204

You are super cute, but that wig is not your friend.

>> No.7419280
File: 65 KB, 587x960, 1394407569250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I have one please? ^^

>> No.7419284

sauce on the dress?

>> No.7419306

This is so amazing anon, holy shit. Please don't be sad, because your art really is incredible. I'm mad jelly of you rn.

>> No.7419308

No, its not vendetta, its just me. I guess I "am" cloud-chan but I prefer to just be anonymous like everyone else, even though my room is recognizable. I'll be painting it soon, anyway.

Awww no, it looks great! You color very beautifully! I will email you.

Not at all!

Oh my gosh, that is just all kinds of adorable. I'm so jealous of your talent! Please post the finished product when you're done!

>> No.7419310
File: 147 KB, 609x217, punpun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7419547
File: 90 KB, 636x960, 1394413749496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I get one please?

>> No.7419603
File: 307 KB, 1936x2592, qt3.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the quick pencil sketch but youre a cutie patootie so I had to

>> No.7419611

haha, it's ok. I was kind of joking about being depressed. (kind of. I'm five years older than our dear bhakri here and it's like...w.o.w. I need to catch up. if I could just hermitmode my way through a year of practice...)
but this is good, I need a kick in the ass to motivate myself to keep working. and these drawthreads definitely help.

>> No.7419889 [DELETED] 
File: 2.62 MB, 2896x1944, DSC_0140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this coord~ i'll appreciate if someone draw me pls <3

>> No.7419918 [DELETED] 
File: 2.62 MB, 2896x1944, DSC_0140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have one please?

>> No.7419923

thank you so much! your coords are always flawless so that means a lot to me.

thank you so so much! and >>7417728, no worries! i love the colors you used.

>> No.7419937

flip your picture holy shit.

>> No.7419950

It looks like she may have uploaded it from mobile, which always ends up flipping the pictures to the side when you look from a computer. Mine does the same thing, but on the phone it looks correct.

>> No.7419958
File: 451 KB, 1374x2048, 1394421602141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have one please?

>> No.7419983

Oh okay fair enough, it just kind of annoys me when people ask for free art then can't even be arsed to rotate a picture.

>> No.7419997

those socks, flats, and capelet need to go.
did you draw her zit
holy shit, you need to be slapped in the face with a lolita guidebook. several times.

>> No.7420134

Different anon, but often times its rotated correctly on mobile, but when it uploads on 4chan it rotates. Its not her fault, its a 4chan bug. Happens to me all the time.

I love it! I love it so much! Thank you!

>> No.7420210


>> No.7420214
File: 448 KB, 509x636, Hovershark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouth literally fell open, I'm also looking forward to the finished piece.

I hope someone has a lot of fun with pic related!

>> No.7420240

Oh my god, that bag. Thats so cruel and so hilarious. Where is it from?

>> No.7420248
File: 104 KB, 352x538, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to get a drawn pic because my first lolita BFF has her bday coming up and I'd love a cute pic of us to frame and present to her!<3

>> No.7420259

Find an artist you like and get it commissioned holy shit you are cheap as hell.

>> No.7420260

ugh get out. you're disgusting

>> No.7420268
File: 2.09 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough draft but fuck I'd love to see beautiful morbid pics like this! OMG I love sea life and sharks and what not!!!!! <3

>> No.7420277

Instead of being a dick-hat perhaps you could suggest an artist? Otherwise fuck all these draw threads these loosers should commission art themselves instead of hoping someone might draw them for free instead

>> No.7420281

Who said I'm not?

>> No.7420286

Are you serious? >>7420248 wants some anon to draw her friend's birthday present for FREE. And if it's good enough to be framed, it's good enough to be paid for.

>> No.7420291

Wanting a picture of the couple together to frame dosent = a copy of Vangoughs starry sky to frame in their houner at the louve

>> No.7420293

then why are you here asking for freebies?

>> No.7420296
File: 102 KB, 640x960, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please and thank you!

>> No.7420306

The *honour you mean... Yes...and I don't expect louve exclusive art. I've had tons of art made of me and my friends here, and it's still made lovely. If being cheap and lazy had a part in it, what would there be the point in making a post in the draw thread?

>> No.7420309

Van Gogh*

>> No.7420310

too cheap to commission artist + too lazy to even find one

>> No.7420311

Also it's Starry Night.

>> No.7420316

OP hear of the mmm girls post here, I don't expect the greatest art in the world. Just hoping for all the regular art here...if I expected more I'd have commissioned one of the grade A artists in the com myself. For fucks sake I've had someone do a stick figure of me

>> No.7420341
File: 2.04 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7420346
File: 1.12 MB, 802x1423, DSCF4511_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love one ; ; I just did a fun couple coord with my friend so a drawing of us would be great!

>> No.7420368

you are so cute aaaa those smile eyes

>> No.7420408


>> No.7420429

>How to wear coveted brand and look like a greasy noob

>> No.7420430

i think it's more the framing and gifting thing that's throwing everyone off.
having free art done for fun so you can post it on various social networks is one thing, physically giving it as a gift is another. Usually people commission art for that.

Idk why people are being such sandy cunts about it, though.

>> No.7420434

I-isn't this a draw thread though?

>> No.7420440


Requesting free art so that you can frame and present to someone else is kinda like taking your date to the soup kitchen for free food tough.

>> No.7420447

You just look like one cheapass
>Woo scored some free drawing
>Printer paper and a frame yeah!
>Look what I got you, it took no effort on my behalf then a person on Anonymous board impossible for me to track down her name so I'll just take the credit and me sticking it in a frame but do think I'm really caring :3

Sounds like Mr Krabs as a lolita lol.

>> No.7420467
File: 214 KB, 333x500, IMG_0132-1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please and thank you, Drawnons. <3 I love these threads to bits.

>> No.7420483


Drawfag here. I see nothing wrong with what OP is doing, y'all just jumping on her over nothing. If somebody thinks my quickie doodle on cgl is worth printing and giving to a friend it makes me happy. When OP gives the drawing to her friend they can giggle over it and have fun times together. If somebody wants to pay to commish me for a drawing for a friend it also makes me happy. It's a separate affair altogether. Any other person who made a request here could have printed the fulfilled request to give a friend. Are you going to shit on them all?

>OP's idea of framing
Buy a cheap plain photo frame and stick cute deco on the border, glue a cute ribbon on the corner, use alphabet macaroni to spell friend's name

>/cgl/'s idea of framing
Take it to a fine art framer, selecting the wood for the frame, choosing the fabric for the backdrop. (As if you guys even do that, hah)

>if it's good enough to be framed, it's good enough to be paid for.
I really, really dislike people like you who think this way.

>> No.7420502
File: 325 KB, 477x351, 1359044677520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow @ at that bait I almost bit it

>> No.7420513
File: 550 KB, 245x185, tarzan is not having your shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dislike the idea of artists doing work that they feel is good enough to get paid for?

>> No.7420515


I think you should just go ahead and draw the picture for her anon. Looking forward to seeing what you produce.

>> No.7420521

I wouldn't do it, it's shitty to come in here to ask for free art to give away as a gift.

I am amazed by some of the work that gets posted in here, and I'm amazed that artists would take time to do that for someone for free. A commission could go for anywhere from $5-$15, which is definitely affordable and in budget if you're buying lolita items. I feel it's disrespectful to want to come in here for free art as a gift and not pay.

>> No.7420526


That's the point.

Since >>7420483 claims to be a drawfag who sees nothing wrong with the request, let >>7420483 fill the request.

Rest of us will go back to drawing other people, thread goes on, OP gets her image, >>7420483 gets... idk, satisfaction? And everything will be okay again.

>> No.7420527

Eh, she has already stated what it is, its the artist's choice to do or not to do based on what they've already been told. I'd have been extremely annoyed if she just asked for it, and never mentioned that it was a gift for her friend. Rude or not, she's basically still giving the artist the choice to do it or not.

>> No.7420546

seriously, I just hit up DA, searched 'lolita commission' and found 3 artists I would consider paying to do a commission after looking through their gallery all in less than 5 min, it's not like it's difficult

>> No.7420548


Yeah, but >>7420483 preaching from her high horse while claiming to be a drawfag annoys me. If she sees nothing wrong with the request, she can be the one to draw it.

>> No.7420549

How does one get commissions? I wanted to start doing just cheap one like $10 for something simple but how do you get the word out and all that?

>> No.7420561

>go to conventions and do them there
>start a DA account or a website or something, post past commissions or your art you've done there
>spam your shit everywhere on the internet, blog it
>do some free shit here and there so people can see your work

I know at cons some artists do $5 or less chibi pencil, or black and white quick sketches/one person sketches, $10 or $15 for color or for more people/props/animals, depends on labour it all varies honestly on the time put in or the medium you're working with, and you can charge what you want.

>> No.7420560 [DELETED] 

> >>7420527 saying that something that would make a girl and her friend happy is not a ridiculous thing to ask for
>high horse
I can't draw for shit but if I was at least okay at drawing I would draw for her. Seriously.
What is even wrong with drawing a picture for someone and then them printing out your picture and putting it in an inexpensive $3 Wal Mart frame and giving it to a friend as a gift? I don't get why all of you are freaking the fuck out about this.
Wouldn't it be nice to know that your picture will be a gift for someone and not just saved and hardly ever looked at again? She could have just said it wasn't a gift that will be given for a friend and done it.

>> No.7420563

> >>7420483 saying that something that would make a girl and her friend happy is not a ridiculous thing to ask for
>high horse
I can't draw for shit but if I was at least okay at drawing I would draw for her. Seriously.
What is even wrong with drawing a picture for someone and then them printing out your picture and putting it in an inexpensive $3 Wal Mart frame and giving it to a friend as a gift? I don't get why all of you are freaking the fuck out about this.
Wouldn't it be nice to know that your picture will be a gift for someone and not just saved and hardly ever looked at again? She could have just said it wasn't a gift that will be given for a friend and done it.

>> No.7420568

Conventions aren't really an option for me.
>spam your shit everywhere on the internet, blog it
Oh god i have to be that person.

>> No.7420574
File: 42 KB, 603x315, escalated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna break this down

>I can't draw for shit

You don't even get a say in this then. You don't get to sit there and bash artists for not being 'nice" and showering OP with art.

>What is even wrong with drawing a picture for someone and then them printing out your picture

It's the same concept as seeing art at a con, or taking art of a site and printing it out. it's tacky, cheap as fuck and disrespectful to the artist.

>Wouldn't it be nice to know that your picture will be a gift for someone and not just saved and hardly ever looked at again?

You don't know what the artist is going to do with their posted art. You don't know whether it's going in their portfolio or blog.

>I don't get why all of you are freaking the fuck out about this.

It's rude. plain and simple. It's basically telling the artist "I like the time and effort and end result of your work but you don't deserve to make money of it, you should just give it to me for free. You do it for other people, you should do it for me."

>> No.7420578

>You don't even get a say in this then. You don't get to sit there and bash artists for not being 'nice" and showering OP with art.
I only say I can't draw for shit because my art was made fun of here before. I drew several people in treads and one day people started picking on one of my pictures so I didn't draw here again, I would be "nice" and "shower" her with art if I was good enough not to be made fun of. I do get a say in it because I've tried to be nice and draw people for free here before.

>> No.7420582

it's okay, they aren't for a lot of artists! Tables can be pricey, some artists make their money back off of it, some don't. More importantly it's a great opportunity to get your art out there, meet other artists, and it's a lot of fun if you have friends to help you/keep you company

I'm sure other anons have better techniques/ideas I am definitely not the supreme know it all on this subject

>> No.7420584
File: 24 KB, 287x387, BAWWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need validation for my shitty art or I'm not posting

>> No.7420591

I have a tablet I'm >>7415972 I just don't see myself ever having a table at a convention, I don't really have the confidence for that. Thanks for the advice though anon.

>> No.7420600
File: 592 KB, 1400x720, dsfadsifjds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people frame art pieces for two main reasons, usually a combination of both - firstly, to protect the artpiece, secondly to beautify it for display. you can own a "good" piece without framing it, and i've seen a lot of substandard art being framed - usually by rich people who just want to flaunt their wealth, and don't really...appreciate the art to the full extent. this is within my encounters, outside of what i'm experienced the world may not be the same. OP sounded about art is all about how much people pay for it, which as a drawfag i stauntly disagree with.

If people don't want to pay, this is what I am willing to do for free. If money or material compensation is involved, I will increase the amount of time&effort spent on the art. If *you* don't want to put in a single second for something free, then don't. Nobody is stopping you.

>she can be the one to draw it
i intend to, because it's sweet of her to her friend, but since i'm doing it for free, i'm going to do it when i feel like it, and i don't need to report to you.

>It's the same concept as seeing art at a con, or taking art of a site and printing it out. it's tacky, cheap as fuck and disrespectful to the artist.
When I graduated I had my work displayed in public and I am happy when people take photos of it with their phone, it means they like it and want to keep it to them or show their friends something they like. I would have felt horrible if nobody paid attention to my work. If you're going to keep thinking that every person who wants to look at your art has to pay for it, you better lock it in a safe and charge a fee everytime somebody wants to open this safe.

>> No.7420606

>ITT poop
Remember when draw threads were great cause you could self post without posting in self post threads. Where there would sometimes be constructive crit, but not much attention was paid to the self posters. The emphasis was thr artists. And remember when artists were from all range of skill and weren't harrassed for practicing. When artists weren't scoffed at for willingly drawing in their spare without pay. It was the happy corner of cgl.
Seems like we should ban these threads all together now.
OP, you know what you have to do.

>> No.7420637

>there would sometimes be constructive crit
The only time that happened the drawfag left grumpily.

>> No.7420670


I wasn't involved in the original argument. I think the action is cheap and tacky, but her friend probably already knows she's a cheap and tacky person, it's probably not the first time she cheaped out on birthday gifts, so whatever.

High horse anon, on the other hand. I've never met an artist, a good one, who values their work so little that they would actually post in a thread telling other people they're overreacting to people asking for free art. She even goes so far as to say she hates fellow artists who think they should get paid if their work is actually good. I just want to see her actually post her drawing of the two girls, because I think this is either OP sockpuppeting, or some hobbyist who can't draw and can't charge for their shitty art anyway.


Just saying, if you never post, everyone will just either assume you're shit talking and can't draw for shit.


She's said she's fine with stick figures.

>> No.7420695

>she hates fellow artists who think they should get paid if their work is actually good
go back and read my posts carefully. you are putting words in my mouth. and i've posted my drawings, so you can judge for yourself?

> OP asks for free drawing in draw thread
> But OP you're so cheapskate you should pay for it
> But it's a drawthread on /cgl/
> But OP if you give a present it has to be paid for. Presents must be something bought with money!
> But other people have asked for free drawings and nobody shit on them.
> This not the place for free art
> Artists who want to be paid for their drawings are knocking up the wrong place
> OP you are disgusting we hate you, and people who disagree that drawthreads should stay free are all on high horses.
> Nobody can have fun drawing or getting drawn!

>> No.7420743 [DELETED] 
File: 2.43 MB, 3448x3448, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a portrait for you :) hope you like it.
I am practise drawing so if anyone want me to draw you, please send a pic to my e-mail.

>> No.7420747


All you had to do was point out that this was a free draw thread, and that OP was being really honest, so nobody needs to draw a pic for her if they don't want to.


>If somebody thinks my quickie doodle on cgl is worth printing and giving to a friend it makes me happy

You tack this sentence at the end some paragraph complaining about how other anons are jumping on her, of course we're going to read it as a preachy "Anons shouldn't be complaining, they should actually be happy that their crappy free art makes some other anon happy" message.

>>if it's good enough to be framed, it's good enough to be paid for.
>I really, really dislike people like you who think this way.

This anon just said that if the buyer really likes the artwork, they can show their appreciation by putting food on the artist's table. What exactly do you have against this logic?

>i've posted my drawings
Great, you can draw, or rather, you can take a photo of a pile of papers with no real proof that you drew them. Now you can stop complaining about all the drawings we're not drawing and go draw them yourself.

>> No.7420753
File: 124 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a portrait for you. hope you like it :D
I am practise drawing so if anyone want me to draw you, please feel free to send me a pic to my e-mail.

>> No.7420769

I'm kind of sick of all the 'artists' offering commissions lately.
It's a supply and demand sort of market, so sure, go ahead and offer your services.

But lately there are so many half-talented schoolkids offering commissions for pennies all over tumblr etc that nobody will pay for higher grade commissions elsewhere. I miss when there was a benchmark that nobody really charged below.
But yeah, supply and demand, I just need to swallow my sour grapes.

>> No.7420782 [DELETED] 

I forgot to tell I do it for free because I am still practising :)

>> No.7420789

I forgot to tell in my post that I draw for free :D

>> No.7420794

What makes me maybe not peeved as much as sad is that because of that influx people can no longer tell quality in art. They grow accustomed to overly stylized and broken anatomy, ill thought out colors, flat details and overused themes. It goes for artists too, they see bad art getting praised and feel like they need to level to that instead of improving and reaching above. It's a vicious circle.
And $10 for 5 hours of work commissions are the result. Because if you can't compete in quality it's gotta be price, right?

>> No.7420803

that looks like itaqueen on the right.

didn't know she's in a relationship with another woman now

>> No.7421009

Thank you. I'm so happy that you made this drawing for me. This totally made my day!

>> No.7421020


artists who undercharge devalue the market for EVERYBODY and it screws everyone over when you charge 10 dollars for what might have took you 3-4 hours of work

>> No.7421205

How did you even get that from my post?
I'm not drawing here because people of low skill levels can't without being made fun of. I don't need validation from you salty cunts.

>> No.7421282

Iron Gate couple OP again

JFC I can't believe the shit Fest that's gone on here. I was hoping to get a cute doodle so I can do a cute decod frame to match to hold her over until I can find the piece that's her real present (it's being really elusive on the comm sales).

I do buy art and I do pay for commissions. Mainly local, but I do have a few things from people I've found through egl. But god forbid I request a drawing in a draw thread

>> No.7421291

unfortunately at cons the majority of the idiots throwing money are 14 and dont understand time + labor going into commissions and art and will howl "that's too much!!! I'm not buying that!"

like an artist can charge whatever for their art but ultimately the table churning out $10 color prints for the thing of the now/pairing of the now is whats gonna sell, which is ridiculous

>> No.7421337
File: 553 KB, 245x185, tumblr_magbk9EA6n1qbpryfo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes we are 100% gay lesbians.

>> No.7421341


Out of curiosity, can you craft? Is she a good friend of yours? I think she'd appreciate handmade things, unless she's one of the few people who says outright they don't want handmade things as gifts. Even something stupidly cheesy like drawn on mugs would be a cute holdover that would make me smile (my boyfriend did that for me as part of a farewell gift, just a stupid cup with the words SOON! with cheesy emoticon permanent markered on it and that really made my day). Cheesy, but effective as a holdover for the real gift.

I'm really sorry this blew up in your face though. The sandiness is sort of out of proportion in this thread. I think you were just the victim of too many people getting irritated with this thread overall.

>> No.7421382

Well she's really into pictures and things to Hang on her wall. I was gonna get black lace and cross pendants and other "gothy" things and hot glue them to a cheap frame. I made ornaments for her and everyone in my city and passed them out on ILD. I can craft some things but lately I've been so busy

>> No.7421402
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 1394488084095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd appreciate a drawing :)

>> No.7421408
File: 33 KB, 480x640, 1394488317786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true, my partner just cleans up very femininely

>> No.7422088
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, cute cute cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry it doesn't do you justice

>> No.7422330
File: 40 KB, 480x640, 342245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP, but not sure if I'll ever finish it since I broke my tablet and using a mouse is hard as fuck.

>> No.7422341

a print is different from a commission. charging more than ten dollars for a mass-produced 8x10 printout is guaranteed to scare off customers at a convention, no matter how many hours you spent on the damn thing. your art ain't that special and you're in a hallway full of competition. plus most people probably prefer spending their money on official licensed shit in the dealer's room rather than shitty fanart, unless it's porn.

>> No.7422839

because is funny and free

>> No.7422974

>if it's good enough to be framed, it's good enough to be paid for.
framing something has nothing to do with how good or bad art is, i have already talked about this, can you guys not read?!

>take a photo of a pile of papers with no real proof
lol you just ran out of things to say

i nearly worked for this fancy boutique that tried to sell fancy art pieces, like pixelated figure drawings (done by a fine artist on an iPad) blown up to A0 size...with mistake streaks not removed, for usd4,000. if it were on tumblr/dA it'll be worth $10-$20 and it wouldn't be blown up to A0.

when is her birthday? i wonder if i can make the drawing in time. busy these few days.

>> No.7423141

>But yeah, supply and demand, I just need to swallow my sour grapes.
Yes, you do. Welcome to business.

Weeby teens are not the only market you can target if your work is actually good.

Ugh, I wish more people understood this about prints, the same I wish they understood the difference in pricing between traditional and digital goods...

>> No.7423143

If you could that would rock. It's not till April so it's not like a last minuet thing.

>> No.7423145

Ummm but isn't this a draw thread?

>> No.7423153

nothing wrong with an artist getting paid for their art, but this thread is for free art so idk why everyone's bitching

>> No.7423221


I didn't say anything about how good or bad the art is either. I just said if the buyer appreciates it, even for personal reasons, she could show that appreciation monetarily.

What explanation? Your two longest paragraphs were about how rich people frame sub standard art, and that everybody in this thread needs to be happy someone wants to frame their freebie art. Even if rich people frame sub standard art, at least they paid for it, so what exactly is your argument?


Not the person you're replying to, if you read back some of the comments, it's not so much the begging for freebie that gets people, requesting a picture to be done by a third party for free seems to imply that the gifter is too lazy to do anything herself or values the friendship as much as the price of the gift (ie- zero), so it looks tacky. Some of the comments don't seem to come from the artists, but seem to be seeing it from the recipient's side.

>> No.7423247

I love this, will definitely use it as an icon!

>> No.7423272

>bluh bluh you're not allowed to frame art unless you paid for it
>requesting a picture to be done by a third party for free seems to imply that the gifter is too lazy to do anything herself or values the friendship as much as the price of the gift (ie- zero), so it looks tacky.
She didn't say that was the only thing she was getting for her friend, also one of my friends has given my friend a drawing of both of them together before for one of their birthdays and it was free, they just asked for someone to draw it in the freebie art section on Gaia. The friend was really happy about the drawing even though it was free and thought it was really thoughtful.
If I got a drawing from a friend of me and her and she said she asked online to get it drawn I'd think it was really nice of her to get a drawing of us both together too. Weather it was paid for or not wouldn't make a difference to me and I'd be happy as long as it wasn't my only gift.
I don't know why this is such a huge deal to all of you that she's not paying for it and is asking in a draw thread, I think her friend would be happy that she thought of getting them both drawn together for part of her gift.

>> No.7423919

I'd absolutely love a drawing, I understand if it isn't possible though. Thank you.

>> No.7423953


Better pov than what you're advocating:

>Sub par work gets paid for by rich people with no taste, therefore your artwork should be free
>I worked for a boutique, I know it all
>If it makes me happy then you should be happy with it too


>thinking my other reply is based on OP's actual actions

I'm actually pointing out that the negative comments aren't based solely on asking for a drawing in a drawthread, they reflect some other issues that some other anons have with OP's post. It's not about OP, it's about why other anons may be reacting negatively towards her.

Why do you even keep telling us your life story? God forbid someone in this thread has a different reaction towards anything than you do.

>> No.7423961

>Why do you even keep telling us your life story?
Oh I wasn't who you were initially talking to, I was a different anon.

>> No.7423974


Same deal though.

>> No.7424138
File: 79 KB, 320x431, port19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my monitor and now this widescreen is throwing off my tablet ratio from what I'm used to. Don't mind...

>> No.7424165

>i wouldn't mind if it was a stick figure

then draw it yourself, cunt.

>> No.7424182
File: 87 KB, 621x877, spikeheadbandoutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the girls still here? I just managed to scan mine in.

I'll probably post them to my DA/tumblr so if the girls leave their info I'll add a link to them.


>> No.7424191
File: 72 KB, 621x877, catwindowgirloutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7424195
File: 50 KB, 621x877, checkeddressgirloutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7424199
File: 72 KB, 621x877, comfyputumayooutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Accessories? ok, I added some. I have no idea what cutsew is behind your arms but I figure if aatp can have a flying fuck cutsew, putumayo can have one too.

>> No.7424202
File: 67 KB, 621x877, strawberrygirloutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh, well, the giant strawberry is a derp, but the rest is cute...?

>> No.7424206
File: 52 KB, 621x877, alpacaoutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought this would be a cute idea, then I realised I don't know how salopettes work on alpacas. It's just a drawing for fun, hope you still find it cute anon.

>> No.7424211
File: 64 KB, 877x621, sharkgirloutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7424216
File: 50 KB, 621x877, wolfframeoutline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry the print is missing, I found it faster going if I stopped drawing in the prints.

>> No.7424220


ok, that's all I've got, I'm not sure that I have time to colour any of them in.

>> No.7424221
File: 204 KB, 586x641, port20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go! Again, I'd like to remind people this is not a cord crit thread and photos do not have to be strictly lolita.

>> No.7424224

This so adorable.

>> No.7424227

/r/ fairy kei / mori kei girls to draw
heres a sample of a current wip

>> No.7424231
File: 308 KB, 705x1305, hfghfgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic dfgdfg

>> No.7424266
File: 83 KB, 311x585, port21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay Putumayo!

>> No.7424267

So cute! Thanks anon. I like how we are all hoverlolis.

>> No.7424277


>> No.7424279
File: 233 KB, 403x543, 1394598431653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daaaamn look @ that pussy

>> No.7424320


These are extra darling!

Artists - any requests for styles/poses, etc?

>> No.7424326
File: 86 KB, 600x570, trollita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last time I drew something for you sandy vaginas and posted it to my tumblr it got popular and I got like a hundred lolita followers and that was weird but also they asked for more alcohol and seemed to like the crabby cantankerous lolita schtick so well here we are.

I don't know if I'd print this out tbh. I guess it depends on what kind of humor you and your friend like.

>> No.7424355

Omg anon it's so cute! All of them are! <3

>> No.7424372

OMG it's perfect actually! <3 I'd love to know your DA/tumblr/whatevs to follow you! <3

Creepily accurate I adore it! <3

>> No.7424374

>I feel it's disrespectful to want to come in here for free art as a gift and not pay.
I think this is up to the artist's criteria, after all is a freebie thread and artists are free to draw something [or not].

What I always find kind of stupid is when people come in here, feeling entitled to get art of a certain level, and then bitching about it when it doesn't meet their standards, or when people don't offer constructive criticism about someone's art and instead shit on it.

>> No.7424387
File: 110 KB, 396x592, drawthread2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7424392

I love you so much.

>> No.7424402

Tim I fucking love you never stop

>> No.7424403

I like that the chess knights look like derpy llamas. Teehee.

>> No.7424420

She didn't even care about the quality of the picture that she would have potentially gotten, so with that, why couldn't she just draw it herself instead of getting some ransom ass stranger to do it?

And the artist that drew it just wanted to get her 15 mins of fame.

>> No.7424425

Thank you so very much kind artistic anons they are both so beautiful and I love them. I really appreciate the effort you put into it and the drawings are fantastic.

>> No.7424426


who are you and why the fuck do you care so much?

does it even matter? what is the point of arguing against a girl in a "draw request" thread for asking for a request? does that even make sense? what point are you trying to make?

I'm genuinely curious

>> No.7424427
File: 276 KB, 500x600, derp copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys fuckin forgot I swear to god

>> No.7424430

How could anyone forget?! I even have a derpy chan skirt made from a print cgl designed years ago!

>> No.7424435
File: 54 KB, 298x418, drawthread3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know what was going on in the black parts, so I guessed.

>> No.7424445
File: 39 KB, 251x175, marry me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just draw that.

>> No.7424512

Not her but that's adorable!! The hands are a bit small but I like the way you colored it and it's super cute. What program did you draw this on?

>> No.7424534

JFC how new are you

>> No.7424539

Thank you! I agree that the hands are small. When drawing digitally, I tend to resize them because I always draw them so tiny. I drew this with Copic markers and multiliners and edited it with Photoshop.

>> No.7424543

MyFebronia started tripping over a year ago so they're not new, and I've been here 2 and a half years but I don't know what that hose is. Maybe I missed it somehow before.

>> No.7424673
File: 507 KB, 2048x1337, derpy chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the saga of Derpy-Chan. I didn't realize it's been almost 3 years.

>> No.7425173

IG friend(giftee), here. I really tried to stick to the shadows on this one, mostly because I didn't want my friend to know I knew what she was doing(even though you know I lurk here, you silly). Oh Tim, I don't know you, but I need to. This is fantastic and will be on my wall in a size I won't admit to you or /cgl/.

P.S. Thanks for nixxing that lipstick, idk what I was thinking.
P.S.S. Lolitas will realize in recent months that Chess Chocolate JSKS are getting rarer and rarer....

>> No.7425194

pics please! which print did you use?

>> No.7425211

God damn this is marvelous.

>> No.7425463

I had the derpy carnival print as a basic skirt. I want to get one of the other prints for a JSK, even though I'm not much into sweet lolita anymore

>> No.7425662
File: 90 KB, 625x455, no1curr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your 15 mins of fame are up, dearies. The adventures of Greasetrap and Manjaw are at an end, on /cgl/. You can fuck off back to your desert wasteland now~

>> No.7425705

I'm very aware of the derphorse, I've just never seen THAT pic and figured since Tim was a fellow drawfag that he whipped it up just now for the thread. It's fantastic whoever made it.

>> No.7425844

Christ on a cracker is there a vendetta-chan here? So much damn hostility towards these girls and it seems to be over fucking nothing

>> No.7426286

So they're a shit talking pussy if they don't post the drawing, and a fame grubbing whore if they do?
All this talk of the 15 minutes of fame does bring something to mind though, this girl is only of interest because you made her that way with your bitching.

>> No.7426452

Think you need some reading comprehension. Maybe you should re-read it with two people in mind, not one.

>> No.7426456

who are you and why the fuck do you care so much?

does it even matter? what is the point of asking an explanation in a "draw request" thread for a drawing? does that even make sense? what point are you trying to make?

I'm genuinely curious

>> No.7426483

XCoriix Chanx...?

>> No.7426492

These threads have the most drama.
And I don't fucking get it.
It's free drawings... how can so much bitching and drama come of this?

>> No.7426497

>waah why is there drama!!!!
>makes a post focusing on it and drawing more attention to it

Oh you're so ironic.

>> No.7426503

I believe it's an older AP dress. Go look it up on Hell Lace. I won't spoonfeed you any further than that.

>> No.7426507
File: 4 KB, 269x188, hell lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell Lace

>> No.7426508

Typically, you're supposed to draw attention to issues that need to be addressed.

>> No.7426509

Hahaha, didn't notice that typo. I would correct it, but it made me laugh, so I'll keep it there. Thank you for pointing that out, anon.

>> No.7426511

Yeah, feed the trolls was always a good saying in my time.

>> No.7426516

Fire won't go away if you ignore it. Instead, it will burn everything in it's path that it can.

I think addressing the issue and taking steps to solve it would be much more effective.

>> No.7426517 [DELETED] 

Queen Playing Cards JSK by Angelic Pretty.

>> No.7426522

No no, don't give up the name to them, they won't attach value to the information then.
Of course, not everyone should have to go through blood sweat and tears to find the name of a pretty dress, but learning to look for it on your own is seen as a right of passage in this fashion sub-culture. Let them do it on their own.

>> No.7426528

You were bitching at one girl for asking for a drawing. What's there to comprehend? The other girl happened to be in the picture, or is she only being shit on for being at the receiving end of a lame gift?

>> No.7426536

Are you stupid? I said feeding the trolls is a good idea, go learn to read, dumbfuck.

>> No.7426541


No I stated fact she herself said, saying she didn't care if she got stick drawings or not. So, again, why, if you don't care if you would get low ass quality shit drawings, would you yourself not spend time drawing something for your supposed good friend, that is more personal, than asking some random people?
>b-buh mah freedoms

And the drawfag is a famewhore, yeah. You know those haters gonna hate kind of people? There you go, thats the artist.

>inb4 u take everything seriously and comprehend it as bitching once again

>> No.7426555

>She didn't even care about the quality of the picture that she would have potentially gotten, so with that, why couldn't she just draw it herself instead of getting some ransom ass stranger to do it?

Because it's a freebie thread where people with certain level of skill can probably do something better than her.

>And the artist that drew it just wanted to get her 15 mins of fame.

And? It was the artist's decision to draw the picture for whatever reasons they had, under their own criteria, which doesn't affect you or anybody at all.

We can think the girl who requested the drawing is a cheap asshole, and that she could've drawn that herself or actually commission someone; At the end of the day it's entirely upon the artist to agree to draw something or not.

>> No.7426554

Why are you so angry?

>> No.7426578

>Because it's a freebie thread where people with certain level of skill can probably do something better than her.
Thats answers absolutely nothing and you just ignored what was said completely.

>posts about hot popurar she got
>o-oh i-its not like it m-matters
Yeah, sure thing.

>> No.7426589

I think she was just sharing that she was surprised and glad people liked the drawings so much

>> No.7426597

>Last time I drew something for you sandy vaginas and posted it to my tumblr it got popular and I got like a hundred lolita followers and that was weird but also they asked for more alcohol and seemed to like the crabby cantankerous lolita schtick so well here we are.

>so glad and happy! :3

>> No.7426616

>Thats answers absolutely nothing and you just ignored what was said completely.
Oh my God you're dense.
I didn't ignore what was said, because what you along with other people like you have been saying is basically digging deeper into the hole without contributing absolutely nothing to the thread.

>weh why can't she just draw it herself if she doesn't mind stick figures
>weh why does she have to be a cheap bitch weeehhh
>weh weh the artist who went ahead and did it is just asking for attention like this doesn't happen in every single drawfag thread.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.7426622

It seems pretty glad to me, it definitely seems like she was saying all that in a joking way.

>> No.7426623

>still doesn't explain anything

Wow, you sure had a point!

>> No.7426630

You have reading problems.

>That is seriously just so good anon.
>That is seriously just so good anon!
Wow, I can't believe theres a difference!

>> No.7426631

What the fuck do you need to get explained?
You've been told by different people the reasons but you refuse to acknowledge it and instead you act like a passive-aggressive dipshit because we don't agree with you.
Because your autistic ass didn't get it last time,

>because it's a fucking freebie thread where artists have absolute freedom to draw whatever they want.
>because it's a fucking FREEBIE THREAD
>the attention is an AGGREGATE

you dense piece of shit.

>> No.7426661

>i dont care if i get even stick men
>oh maybe these people can do better
>but i dont care anyway

Gud logic.
Nice ad homs, btw, bawww :3

>> No.7427010

Oh! Thank you so much! I love it, I can't believe I just saw it, thank you!!

>> No.7428292

>always flawless
lol hell no
i love it! thank youu

>> No.7428401
File: 1.31 MB, 1557x2047, foryou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like it.

>> No.7428600

Thank you, I love it!

>> No.7429426
File: 239 KB, 1379x961, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love a drawing, if it's not too late! (Not sure if casual loli or otome but I guess it counts since it's still jfash)

>> No.7429737

Thank you!! That's so cute, I love it!

>> No.7429779
File: 131 KB, 790x662, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a bit lazy with it, but here you go anon!

>> No.7429970
File: 185 KB, 720x1280, picture065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi!!! I did a punk coord, and I was hoping someone might draw me. I would be very happy if someone did the honors. ; v;

>> No.7429971
File: 182 KB, 720x1280, picture066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in case that angle is too awkward, here's another!!!

>> No.7429998

You're a cutie pie, but those angles REEEEEAAALLY do not work for you. Stop it.

But you are very cute. Please don't feel bad.

>> No.7430001

Adding on:
I think that what I'm trying to say is that you don't look comfortable doing those poses. They look forced.

>> No.7430009
File: 70 KB, 500x425, tumblr_lzdaxhuPsf1qhy6c9o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you be my girlfriend please
you are so fucking cute aldhkfksg

>> No.7430015

I have no idea how to pose at all, but, dear lord, was I trying.


>> No.7430028
File: 433 KB, 427x240, 1392424883398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can literally smell the irritating tumblr on you.

>> No.7430036

please try getting a better fitting blouse

>> No.7430352

thanks! I appreciate it!

>> No.7430854

because i think she looks adorable...?
Shit posting about whether or not someone goes on tumblr is more annoying than one tumblr-esque post. Plus it just makes you look like a stuck up bitch who thinks 4ch is some exclusive club.

>> No.7430938


>> No.7433178
File: 76 KB, 500x600, lolitas dont read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when lolis would post in these threads and people would draw them??


>> No.7435071

Haha, yepp.

>> No.7435073

This reminds me of the "can you photoshop this pretty" threads. Anon, I need to know who you are.

>> No.7435089

Why would you paint over that? It's so damn cute! Just take your photos in some other part of the house.

>> No.7435094

Cute, but your parasol doesn't match the aesthetic of the rest of the outfit.

>> No.7435116

Man, these are nice even if uncoloured! I feel the urge to print these out and colour them in.

>> No.7435118

Never stop drawing.

>> No.7435120

Why so cute? Seriously adorable. I think this one would be better not as a hoverloli though

>> No.7435129

The headdress is brilliant.