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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7410847 No.7410847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So apparently, cosplay is now so mainstream, cosplayers are featured in ads for cellphones with their FB page advertised at the end.


>> No.7410862

whoa bro she's a costume designer

too bad it's windows phone.

>> No.7410864

>sex sells

ayup, nothing new here

>> No.7410868

not sure what this has to do with the video posted

>> No.7410872

she was actually normally clothed for 95% of the ad. you could have thought she was normal til they showed a few seconds of cosplay. it was a pretty boring ad, honestly. there was nothing to really convince you "HEY SWITCH TO WINDOWS PHONE"

>> No.7410880

I remember seeing Michelle Phan in an ad on TV. Can't remember what it was supposed to be, but it was mostly "hurr durr I'm a youtuber who became speshul".

>> No.7410942

Hi Anime angel!

>> No.7411081

it was a dr. Pepper add. One of a kind.

>> No.7411202

fuck off apple faggot

>> No.7411218

in b4 she posts another long-winded, self-righteous essay on Facebook about how hard it is to be Jessie Pridemore because reasons.

>> No.7411230

Fuck, I lol'd.

>> No.7411260

I have this feeling the producers don't know what cosplay is.
Sadly the ad was dull and it only made the phone look unnecessary complicated.
I liked how it started will all the shots of the sewing machine and fabric. Needed more of that.

>> No.7411277

So did she get this through her cosplay agent?

>> No.7411436

nah man, windows phone is the most intuitive of the lot. I love mine and I haven't even had a chance to upgrade to 8.

>> No.7411441

inb4 Yaya Han/JNig/Ger/some hotshot cosplayer or photographer does a commercial for the Samsung Galaxy S5/Note 4

>> No.7411462

Cant tell if formerly a dude or not, pretty sure though. Dat jaw
That ugly butt
That is also why I stopped watching tv

>> No.7411469

They showed her Miku makeup. I guess no one told her how bad it was.

Quick, someone get Martin Wong on the phone so we can all get commercials!

>> No.7411553

You mean having fake endometriosis and cunt cancer?

Also, video was made private although I can't blame them...if those are the types of peopel to use Windows phones, I'll stick with my Droid.

>> No.7411571
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>This video is now private

>> No.7411601

>Typical shitpost response

I'm (albeit irrationally) bitter about the fact that the shit that caused me absolute hell in middle school and has still caused me to be wary of people a decade later is now becoming embraced by almost everyone to the point where it's now featured in reality shows and commercials.

Whether you enjoy it is irrelevant. That Anon was saying that the ad is boring and really poorly represents the product, which I have to agree. I was sort of cringing the whole way through

Damn. Well to summarize:
>Hi I'm a "costume designer"
>Explains phone features in boring, monotone voice
>Shows phone screen littered with pictures of herself
>3 seconds of cosplay at the end
>Commercial over

>> No.7411693

I've seen her surgery scars. Her endo is real. She has my sympathy for physical conditions but needs to stop using her endless sob stories (muh chronic illness, muh childhood, etc.) as a blank check to be an asshole.

It baffles me that she hasn't grown up at all since roughly 2003 when she was a loud-mouthed teen on Coscom.

>> No.7411747

Ssh anon, don't. No one gets sick, ever. It's all fake. Illness doesn't exist, especially if you're e-famous.

>> No.7411753

Hahah she wishes. She wishes soooo bad.

>> No.7411975
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why the fuck would you want to be e famous when, guess what faggots, she is a model that gets real jobs not base on cosplay.

>> No.7412056
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Jesus that Photoshop on the butt is insane.

>> No.7412080
File: 29 KB, 421x388, pridemore_bullsht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> got to do a commercial for product because of cosplay
>> making costume for elves because of cosplay
>> because of cosplay
>> of cosplay
>> cosplay

>> No.7412134

I don't think she understands that cosplay is supposed to be about showing your fandom, not advertising yourself for money or e-fame.

>> No.7412153

>Cosplay is supposed to be about showing your fandom
I mean I guess?
I'm 99% sure most people do it because they can or want to. Regardless of their "fandom."

Also people making money/e-fame off Cosplay/costuming is nothing new.
Star Wars enthusiasts have been doing it for years. They get hired to do events because of their costumes or volunteer to do so.

I keep forgetting I'm on /cgl/ the board where if you're not jealous of someone else, you're wrong.

>> No.7412159

And suddenly the video is private.

>> No.7412260

Yep. She lurks on /cgl/. Stopped tripfagging after people regularly bashed her.

>> No.7412278

Is there another way to see the video?

>> No.7412343

black and white fallacy detected.
What if it's an android?

>> No.7412867

If you remind everyone of her shitty SG pics, she seems to pop up.

>> No.7412900

Pics nao! :)

>> No.7412907

>if you're not jealous of someone else, you're wrong.
HA! That should be the motto.

>> No.7412929
File: 35 KB, 400x266, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: a bunch of salty bitches, mad because they weren't in a commercial, though they feel they deserve it much more

While I am pretty neutral on Pridemore as an individual, I am happy that a company such as Microsoft would consider cosplay, whether as a hobby or profession, something worthy of including in their advertisement.

Just, in the event no one got it, the Windows Phone ads are about "personalization" and "individuality", something a hobby such as cosplaying is relevant to. The fact that they chose Pridemore shouldn't invalidate the fact that cosplay is becoming something more "acceptable."
Thanks for turning this into a dramu thread about Pridemore, stay classy, ladies.

TL;DR glad cosplay is getting more exposure, stop being a bunch of jelly hussies about it bc it wasn't you

>> No.7413452

but, but!
Its my hobby, its my special snowflake hobby and I don't like that it's changing. BACK IN MY DAY it was about fun. Lets forget about the fact that cosplay becoming more accessible means we have easier access to a wider range of products and more events to attend. Lets forget about the face the hobby has always been riddled with drama.

>> No.7413467 [DELETED] 
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Damn, she tries really hard to hide that chin...

>> No.7413485

Here's one thing I want to point out, while the commercial was boring, would you folks prefer to have her portrayed as a super strange individual or really over emphasize her love of costumes.

The commercial treated as a regular person that just likes to make costumes. I'm really happy that then went this route vs the alternative

>> No.7413495

Why was this deleted?

I'm pretty sure they picked her name out of a hat.

>> No.7414510

how is it fake

spoilers: it's not

>> No.7414728

did she...
did she photoshop her ass?

>> No.7414742 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 675x450, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go fags

>> No.7414744

she's wearing flesh toned dance tights

>> No.7414755

No, her ass is overly shooped. Don't be an idiot, dance tights don't turn your legs into gaussian blur...

>> No.7414798

If anything it's most likely her photographer that shooped her ass to the moon and back.

>> No.7415166

well, the whole picture is probably photoshopped as is the way when making a good picture. They're not just tights though, they're dance tights which are extremely thick and help to smooth out most everything. Even so, just looking at her face, they did do a pretty extreme job at softening her skin (even though they totally neglected her midsection)

>> No.7415194
File: 76 KB, 324x345, 34543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so concerned with how cosplayers are seen or how much "exposure" cosplay gets? Cosplay is supposed to be something that fans of anime, manga, etc do to show their fandom to other fans. There are no benefits to making it mainstream other than getting even more normalfags to join in thinking it will make them e-famous.

It is already annoying going to Comic-Con and seeing a bunch of porn stars and wunnabe models dressing up in Star Wars or Dr. Who costumes thinking it will enhance their publicity. This is not what cosplay is supposed to be about.

>> No.7415283

>you aren't cosplaying for the reasons I'm cosplaying, therefore you shouldn't be cosplaying

God this is so stupid. Everyone loves playing dress up, why do you think we have an entire hobby dedicated to it? Just because someone doesn't live in their mom's basement and have 20 waifus they're a "normalfag"? Plenty of cosplayers lead normal lives outside of cosplay, you know with jobs, school, homes, kids...

>> No.7415289

Does she even watch anime?

>> No.7415472

I'm not a big fan of Jessie Pridemore. Personally I think she's got a snobby attitude, but yeah, I've seen this girl shop for mangas and animus. She's been cosplaying for quite some time. Seriously, she's pulled some cosplays before that weren't mainstream popular in the present and rocked them. Still a snob though.

>> No.7415507

Hmm idk if she's a real anime fan she's ok in my book. "Attitude" can sometimes be misinterpreted. Maybe she comes off that way and doesn't mean to? Or... maybe she's just a bitch. Idk lol. But she's pretty hot, so maybe Ill come on down to ur animu convention and decide for myself ;)

>> No.7415524

I fell like a lot of the snobbery comes from when people have a ton of followers and feel like they have to explain themselves every time they're misunderstood or criticized.

However, I also think this tends to breed a habit in popular cosplayers of them making mountains out of anthills. I have a few friends like this that they never publish what exactly their responding to, which leads me to believe they just want to rant but feel like they have to be the victim to justify it.

>> No.7415719

what the fuck is that a guy?

>captcha: graduated fetlad

>> No.7415899

Sorry, but no. Cosplay became a hobby to show fandom of a particular title or character. Not because of just wanting to play dress up.

Obviously you're one of these normalfags in question since you see the otaku fandom as being people who "live in their basement and have 20 waifus" and have a sensitivity to being called out.

Cosplay is not a Halloween party where you just "play dress up" to get attention or to advertise yourself as an aspiring model or porn star. Nor should it be encouraged to be as such.

>> No.7415903

Someone has sand in their vagina.
I'm sorry, are you trying to say that I shouldn't be proud that I am a functioning normal adult? I like anime, I don't live and breath it.

I'm sorry you have your panties in a twist because "aspiring models or porn stars" are getting more attention than you now.

>> No.7415910

>I like anime, I don't live and breath it.

Then don't cosplay from it, you poser. That's what cosplay is: an expression of fandom. Go lead your super cool normal life and stop pretending to be something you're not in the hopes of getting e-fame. Doing this, ironically, makes you more pathetic than any anime fan you're trying to condescend.

>> No.7415946

Eh, I think it's fine to cosplay for fun. It's still expressing your love for it. It's only a problem if you claim to be doing it seriously while having the "dressing up for fun"-tier cosplay.
>1/10 for getting me to reply

>> No.7415958
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>> No.7415982

Oh anon, you almost had me going

>> No.7416366


I liked Pridemore until recently. Her SJW cunt crusade is getting old with her long winded FB posts and generally being an insufferable bitch when someone doesn't agree with her in the comments.

Her narcism is pretty obvious when she makes all these "feel sorry for me" sob stories and needs affirmation from her white knight brown nosers.

>> No.7416380

coming from a non-cosplayer, a cosplayer is essentially just someone who does movie/game costumes for fun, right? So that more or less spells out "artist", which would get plenty of recognition and fame in America.

>> No.7416385

>That's what cosplay is: an expression of fandom.

Except it isn't. It's short for costume roleplaying, and hardly anyone roleplays, so cosplay is more or less just putting on a costume. You're objectively wrong about this.

>> No.7416411

LOL, you are fucking retarded! Cosplayers do not have to cosplay 24/7. They can dress like normal ppeople to go to work and shop at the market, or shit in the toilet. Most cosplayers aren't even cosplaying, just playing dress up. You may look like the fucking character, but you aren't acting in character as them, which is part of the "play" part of "cosplay"

The only posers are the ones who have to constantly announce how "hardcore" of a fan they are to every passerby. True fans don't have to announce shit, so long as they're a fan at heart.

>> No.7416462

Link to her SJW crusade post?

>> No.7416674

she's not a social justice warrior. She's more like a militant liberal.

>> No.7416854

> You may look like the fucking character, but you aren't acting in character as them

But they do act in charactrer for photos. I believe that replicating your character's signature pose and expressions count as acting. If you're thinking about actual acting as in thinking up character voices and dialogue that's way overkill and people like that end up being super obnoxious during cons

>> No.7417073

"my definition of cosplay doesn't fit their definition of cosplay WAH"

this thread

>> No.7417081

>you aren't acting in character as them, which is part of the "play" part of "cosplay"

Cosplay is costume play. Not costume roleplay. It never had anything to do with RP.

But of course, it stands to reason that you wouldn't know what cosplay is, since you're a normalfag and one of those women who use cosplay as a means to just get attention.

>> No.7417091

Same old fist fuck fagging in this thread. Boo hoo someone making is money in this hobby I love. Nobody cares about your life!

>> No.7417294

Hi Jessie.

>> No.7417493


Isn't that the same thing?

Either or, she's still an asshole.

>> No.7417650

No, its not. A SJW calls people out on non existent issues like not asking someone's preferred pronouns or always pointing out privilage or believing in bullshit like ageism or that using the word idiot is ablist.

She bitches about how stupid pro-life supporters are and that all christians are terrible and that if you don't support Obama or free health care you are scum while claiming to be open to listening to everyone's opinions.

>> No.7417692

>that if you don't support Obama or free health care you are scum while claiming to be open to listening to everyone's opinions.

So, liberal?
Seriously, I can't tell you the number of "discussions" that end where liberal feelings begin. I'm pretty fucking left, but when you bring up valid criticisms, convos are deleted, or you get the "WHATEVER, I DON'T HAVE TIME 4 DIS NOW".

>> No.7417701

>free health care

>> No.7417708

hoo hoo you're ripping me off

>> No.7417780


Found link on Windows Phone's youtube page- that was easy enough.

This commercial is fantastic. It makes cosplay seem creative and cool as opposed to weird and "quirky." Bravo, Windows. And Bravo to Jessie for not being awkward, hyperactive or painful to watch, which is how I feel when I see most cosplayers on video.

I wish Heroes of Cosplay could capture the hobby with this level of respect. SyFy should take note.

>> No.7417800

>implying you'd understand what "free health care" means

>> No.7417802

What's with the pink backdrop?

>> No.7417893

In theory a liberal is just someone who would vote for and support liberal ideals. A militant liberal is someone who wants to force everyone to vote and support liberal ideals. In your defense I've never met a liberal that isn't militant.

>> No.7417938

Seems pretty good. I don't care about her as a person, but she isn't painful to watch. No fakey Apollo Smile shit or Mere Doyle disastering.