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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7404656 No.7404656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When people in public politely ask me when in lolita for a photo I'm delighted. I take a second to sort my jewelry or whateverelse then pose thank the person then leave. This is fine. But when some moronic cunt takes a candid picture of me eating a fucking sandwich or some shit that is not fine. I don't care what I'm wearing trying to sneakily take a photo of ANYONE without their knowledge is creepy.
I've had people follow me around and try and take photos of me before, people opposite on trains just taking photos I CAN SEE YOUR SCREEN CLEARLY IN THE REFLECTION IN THE WINDOW. I also had a woman just video tape me before.

What in the almighty fuck general public?

ITT: lolita related annoyances.

>> No.7404689

It's almost as if people forget all their manners when they encounter a lolita.
Like seriously I need to stick a mirror on my back so people can see how idiotic they look when they whip out their cameras and take a picture of me with their dumb struck faces. It's really annoying.

>> No.7404825
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Really shitty school presentations.
This had potential. It just looks sloppy.

>> No.7404828

I hate, hate, HATE when people just starting out think there are no rules to lolita and they can wear terrible chii cosplay, no petticoat and neko mimi and its still lolita.Then when you try to help you're a big meanie that doesn't know anything.

>> No.7404830

Wow, this is worse than shit I put together in elementary school.
If you're going to give a presentation, especially on some niche shit, do it well.

>> No.7404832

I love how the pictures used are the first ones you'd find if you Googled the fashions.

>> No.7404836

I'm wearing something unusual in public?
How dare someone be surprised!

>> No.7404853

Protip: They might be too shy to ask for a picture or assume you're the type of person that would get offended with that I'M NOT A DISPLAY ACT attitude.

>> No.7404868

Being surprised =/= Taking pictures without permission
I'm not even a lolita and I can sympathize with how annoying this is. I dress himekaji and there have been a handful of times when I can see people taking photos of me. It's rude. I don't really care when people stare for a bit but when they start following me around an area just to gawk at me, which has happened, I consider them to have no common manners whatsoever.

>> No.7404873

Also, when hapless people go
>"I'm doing a report on _any_Asian_popculture_shit_ for school and blah blah blah blah please help."
And expect people to help them get around the whole needing printed references thing. Or the OP is a total noob but decided to write a ten page report on something way over her head.

>> No.7404935

>using those old ass google result pictures


>> No.7404953

THIS, holy shit. Someone was sitting opposite me on a bus and literally stuck their phone camera right out like, at least try to be subtle. If I'm out and about and its really obvious I've gotten into the habit of whipping my phone out and taking a picture back just so they can see how weird what they're doing is - when they have the audacity to call me out on it after taking pictures first it's the funniest shit.
Although I live in a pretty rough area so if trashy teenage asshole guys say something to me I just walk on by since I'd rather avoid having shit thrown at me/getting shanked.

>> No.7404955

No one is talking about people being surprised though? Of course people are going to stare and be surprised. OP is complaining about people taking pictures furtively because it is rude and disrespectful. Afraid the person might refuse or be offended? Well other than being upset they won't do anything to you so just get over it and don't take the goddamn picture. It's common sense jfc.

>> No.7404961

Then too fucking bad, don't take it. No lolita is ever gonna be offended if you act genuinely interested and tell her you love the way she looks anyway, so it's a weak excuse.

>> No.7404962

Going in a completely different direction for lolita annoyances but: when your petticoat gets all bunched between your legs when you sit down. Is there any way to avoid it? I've tried lifting it when I sit and straightening it out but it always happens.

>> No.7404966

They're purposefully putting themselves out there
If I walked around in an obnoxious outfit, let's just say a banana costume for example, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm willingly subjecting myself to people's attention. A lolita in their special snowflake outfit is doing the exact same thing

>> No.7404967

Somewhat related: when you're walking against wind and it makes your petticoat bunch between your legs.

>> No.7404970

But. No one is talking about not being willing to be subjected to people's attention. We're talking about the specific action of taking pictures without permission. Nothing excuses that, it's a shitty thing to do and people not only do it to lolitas anyway, I've seen assholes do it to regular pretty girls on the subway for fuck's sake.

>> No.7404976

Way to twist it. Being surprised by how someone looks doesn't make it any less obnoxiously fucking rude to take a picture of them without asking.

>> No.7404973
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>A lolita in their special snowflake
>special snowflake

>> No.7405492

Wasn't there a Facebook group once for this sort of thing....... where lolitas posted the pictures they took of others taking pictures of them?

>> No.7406202

theres a tumblr out there.. but i dont remember the link

>> No.7406271

Autism thread ?

>> No.7406281

>go out with boyfriend
>talking about the how much I enjoy lolita to him
>3 asian girls on sidewalk pull up their phones and snap photos
>boyfriend shouts back
>they hunch over awkwardly and speedwalk into the nearest store

>> No.7406315

I guess its one now that you're here.

>> No.7406326

Nice one legbeard did you think of that all by yourself

>> No.7406328

Don't dress like a twonk in public and you won't have this problem.

>> No.7406340

As a cosplayer Ive had this issue before. Just make a dumb face the entire time or put your hand or item infront of your face and walk off.

>> No.7406344

are you talking about a specific person? because i know someone who has done that.

>> No.7406371


Petticoat vagina and petticoat penis make me sad.

>> No.7406422

A delicate and pristine princess, ethereal within our busy world, juxtaposed with the mundane act of eating. An alternative description, someone so special and out-of-the-ordinary doing something so ordinary and natural. Or capturing someone acting naturally when otherwise they'd be really artificial. You fucks know nothing of artistic photography and such bullshit.

Or maybe other people are plebeians and don't care that they aren't getting the best picture they could, they just want a random picture; it doesn't take much to impress "casuals" and other "normal" folk.

>> No.7406424

thank you for contributing relative posts to the autism thread.

>> No.7406425

>wah wah raped by cameras etc
Go back to Tumblr you snotty cunt.

>> No.7406461
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Relax, friend. Your coords will be good enough for photos someday.

>> No.7406561
File: 138 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mfilbrdxxT1qdse5to1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow a whitenight creepy con photographer discovered the thesaurus function on his computer

its pretty basic social ettiquette to ask before taking peoples photos. i've had creepy asian men with no teeth follow me around, stalking me, and like 99% of the time if i'm out and about in lolita i always say yes for photos

not 2 mention the time i said yes for a photo with two asian tourists (women) and one couldnt speak english and she put her arm around my waist and then SQUEEZED MY FUCKING ASS!!! had to stop that shit right there that is not okay

>> No.7406570


>> No.7406586

It's annoying as hell to have this happen, I was in town just the other day and there were tourists asking for pictures and I was happy to have them taken, but a group of kids i used to go to junior school with were gawking and taking pictures and laughing, pissed me off hardcore when they look just as rediculous in a sense as out of norm fashion,

Dude wat. flat out sexual harassment?... daim..
also can i get a source on that picture please?

>> No.7406594

tbh i dont know the sauce, maybe reverse image search on google or something~

>> No.7406678

I seriously don't understand how hard it is to comprehend that you don't take pictures of people without permission smh stop justifying it. There's a reason why it's illegal for phone cameras to be silent in japan now. It's an invasion of privacy and plain rude

>> No.7408485

It's like the moment you stick out from the norm people don't consider you a person anymore, but public property. It's the same with touching. Everyone agrees that it's really fucking rude and Not Done to touch a stranger without their permission, but the moment someone has a fluffy skirt or really long hair or prominent tattoos common decency flies out the window and adults start acting like children who need to yank on anything they find remotely interesting. Who cares that it's attached to a person, I want to see it!
It doesn't even have to be something like alt fashion or body mods. Just try being a light-skinned, red-haired person in South East Asia and see how long you can go before someone grabs at you. It's something innate to human behaviour and it sucks.

>> No.7411596

Speaking of silent phone cameras, once we were out with my boyfriend, at a bus stop, and a woman came and stood next to us. I wasn't paying to her, but then I heard *that* camera click.
We both looked at her, and she hid her phone and looked down. To make it worse we weren't even talking, so we clearly heard the sound right in the middle of the silence.
It was awkward.

>> No.7411730

>Lolitas are walking about, doing their thing at a public event
>Daughter asks them if she can take a picture with them
>They aww and coo, take little cute pictures with her
>Daughter is just hamming it up the entire time
>Afterwords my wife and them discuss older fashions and etc
>Out of no where this guy walks up with his camera out just snapping fucking pictures of my wife and the lolitas
>I shit you not, he is wearing a Naruto head band and an MLP trilby.
>Bark out a "What the hell are you doing?"
>Everything gets real quiet and everyone turns their head at this guy
>One of the lolitas gasps out "He fucking FOLLOWED us>"
>Narutopone kicks it into plaid and boogies the hell away

He had been stalking one of the smaller lolitas via facebook and saw she was heading down to the event with a group, then hunted them down just so he could take candid pics

>Thought about making Lolita friendly shoulder holsters

>> No.7411735


>Narutopone kicks it into plaid and boogies the hell away
Favorite sentence on here ever, anon.

>Thought about making Lolita friendly shoulder holsters
Please do.

>> No.7411741

Us military folk love the word boogie. Tanks boogie, planes boogie, err'body boogies

>Please do
Im not sure how they would work with the dresses as it would have to rest under the arm near the pit, but many dresses do not allow that.

>> No.7411752
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Good point. I wear coords with flowy chiffon sleeves that could be ok...
...or just military-inspired coords.

To keep on topic with OP, I'm more than willing to take pics WITH people and kids and it's actually really cute but I usually say no if someone just wants a picture OF me.

>> No.7411762
File: 108 KB, 472x472, aaahaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chair shakes as we surpass light speed

But this is as close as i can think, just maybe doing something similar to an under-shirt or another garment

>Or just stick the fucking thing in your tits

>> No.7411773

It is legal to take pictures of anything you see in public.

>> No.7411781

Your out in public and look weird slutstick of course people are going to take pictures keep your dress ups for cons

>> No.7411795

they didn't say anything about legality

>> No.7411891

Oh wow you totally got me you are such a great troll RAGE RAGE RAGE

>> No.7411919

>much troll
>such rage

>> No.7411970

I've had a few experiences with this. The first was after a meetup and I was with 3 other lolitas so we kind of stuck out. We were waiting for a bus and it had just arrived and people were filing on when some random guy wrapped his arm around my shoulder and just stood there. I was way too shocked to do anything but then he called for his girlfriend who had walked away to take a picture. He didn't say anything before putting his hands on me while I was obviously trying to get on a bus that was about to leave. Another was at a local convention, unfortunately it's in a really touristy area so if you wear lolita to it, you get asked for 500 pictures in one day. (I was only there for like 2 hours and I got 60-100 pictures taken) but my friend and I got SO many people taking pictures without asking, we probably looked horrible. The one that stood out the most was we were standing outside of the dealers hall waiting for someone, my friend was fixing her petti and I was whistling so my face was insanely beautiful when this random creeper guy comes up with his DSLR and starts taking pictures of us while I'm trying to tell my friend to stop what she's doing and we yell at him "thanks for asking asshole"

>> No.7411997

I find a good way to deal with most of the people trying to take pictures is to just confront them about it. In a nice way, not in a rude way. A lot of the time I find if I ask 'hey do you want a picture? It'll look a lot nicer if you get my full outfit and I'm smiling.' they will get really excited and happy. Granted, this isn't going to work with just creepers or people trying to make fun of you, but I find a lot of people are just too shy to ask, and don't realize it's something that a lot of lolitas have to deal with constantly, so they don't realize how rude it is.

>> No.7412114

If something is legal, it's generally accepted that it's reasonable to do.

>> No.7412156

The three arguments there are for random photos are usually:

>They are nervous and think the lolita will say no
If you think she'll say no, you're basically saying you'll do what you want and don't care what she thinks. If you think she wouldn't want you to, then don't!

>Candid shots look better
Then why aren't any of these professional photographers coming up to the girls afterwards? "Hi, I just took this candid photo of you. I'd like to use it for my portfolio. Here it is. If you're uncomfortable, I'll delete it" And then shows him clicking 'delete' and 'okay'. "If you're alright with it, here's my card. Email me and I'll send you a copy" If he gives her his card, she can go to a quiet spot and think. If he says "Give me your email" She doesn't have a lot of time to make her decision

>It's to be expected, deal with it.
Just because it's commonplace doesn't mean it isn't rude. It's rude to talk at the movies, but nearly every theater I've been to has at least one whisperer. It's still rude.

>> No.7412177

That's not how it works. Etiquette isn't something we put in the lawbooks. There are lots of very rude things you can do that are perfectly legal.
Also, you're talking about the law as if it's an undeniable truth and not to be questioned. That's a dangerous way of thinking. America used to have laws permitting and enforcing slavery and segregation. I'm sure you realize that just because it was legal doesn't mean it was okay.

I don't mean to say that unwanted photo laws should be challenged as fervently as Jim Crow laws. My point is that "It's legal!" is not a well rounded argument for if something is okay.

>> No.7412203


>> No.7412211


>> No.7412222

It's legal to fuck animals in most of Europe.

>> No.7412324

These look like they're mostly from tourists and Japanese events, I even recognize a photographer in there who specifically does that kind of event/cosplay photography.

I was hoping there'd be more actual assholes than just lolitas thinking they're special snowflakes.

>> No.7412327

Most of the people who do this to me I generally either smile and wave or I go up and talk to them. I gemerally make lots of new friends outside the "geek world" this way. Then again I'm not a pessimistic twat that thinks everyone's out to get me.

>> No.7412339

What about the lolitas that don't really like talking to people and have a hard time just making new friends?
I'm fine with telling someone, "Thank you" if they say I'm pretty, and explaining, "I'm wearing this because I like wearing pretty dresses" when they ask why, and responding to the questions about where I got it with an enthusiastic, "Internet!".
But if I approach someone that means I'm trying to have a full conversation with them, which is too much for me.

>> No.7412357
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you'd like this one better then

can't stop raging at this one

>guy takes a photo of lolita without permission
>gets really pissed when she does the same thing back

hmm, it isn't fun, is it fagtron? how about instead of getting pissy you apologize