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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7406235 No.7406235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7406914
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This was way too adorable.

I had to wonder what kind of terrible parent would show their kids Madoka.

>> No.7406929

Why the fuck did they invite nicole marie slut? She doesn't cosplay anime! She doesn't even like anime!

>> No.7406947
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I dunno, but someone should had called child protective services.

Anyway. There was this awesome tony stark guy walking around with his daughter dressed as Pinkie Pie(?) It was so adorable i just had to stop them for a picture <3

It's really awesome to see parents attending cons with their kids, it gives me a lot of hope for the future. I plan to take my kids to anime cons AND cosplay with them while i'm at it when I'm a parent.

>> No.7406953

That is the cutest thing I've ever seen! What a super cool guy. I love when parents are cool like that.

sage for no contribution

>> No.7406968
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>tfw pregnant with first kid at 30 and feel too old to cosplay


>> No.7406991
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Did anyone see all those cops around the convention area on saturday night?

At first it bothered me a little, but then I realized i haven't seen Creepy Kiba being a pedophile, so maybe the cops were a good thing.

On a semi-related note. This finn's nakedness made me really uncomfortable. I bet he's just some attention whore that just wanted to show off his body.

Fucking manslut.

>> No.7406995
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There were some decent costumes, few were AWESOME, others were very decently put together and clearly showed lots of effort.

And then there were some REALLY shitty ones, like this one.

>> No.7406999

How do you know the kid watched it? If a parent likes the show enough, they could easily convince their young daughter to put on a poofy dress.

>> No.7407034
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>> No.7407148

Nothing wrong with that if the dude works out.

I wish he did a Jojo or something but if you've got it, flaunt it.

>> No.7407153

They're gonna wonder why the fuck they were wearing it and what the show's like some day, and they'll get to see it. Maybe not now, or a year or two from now, but down the line that's gotta be the ultimate mindfuck.

>> No.7407166

Why do people even want kids at anime cons?

>> No.7408076
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I dunno bro, but i saw this guy cosplaying Death the kid and i lol'd SO hard.

It was so hard to keep a straight face while i took that guy's picture

>> No.7408120

That guy was bad ass, so was the jake and you didnt even fucking post a picture of him, easily one of the most entertaining

>> No.7408210

cute patti there

>> No.7408304

I wonder how many guys she fucked... little whore!

>> No.7408319

I was there. Pretty decent con. But SOOOOO many Cops, more than I've seen at any other con.

>> No.7409084
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i saw this dark jedi / sith lord walking around, I liked his whole getup.

>> No.7409094

The con WAS pretty close to Montbello, and last I heard it's not exactly the safest place to be, especially if you're a middle class patron with enough money to blow on overpriced merch,

And lets not forget all of the recent gun related events that have transpired in Colorado recently.

>> No.7409150

nice, wish i got a pic of the group

>> No.7409654

fuck you asshole

>> No.7409769

I helped staff the event. I'm really not a fan of C3 at all, but they were able to help breathe some life into the convention after last year's fiasco.

You thought it sucked, OP?
I thought it was easily better than last year. Still things to improve upon, but significantly better than last year.

I'm not a fan of all the guests, though. Many weren't anime related. A waste of space and money.
However I'm also not big on all of the not anime-related costumes. I'm so tired of seeing ponies, homosucks, and Dr.Who/Sherlock shit. But that's not the convention's fault.

Word is that next year they plan on going strictly anime. Fingers crossed.

I had a mom come to ask me for something and she had a young daughter, 4 or 5? Who was dressed as Homura and was very, very excited to tell me all about the show.

People were complaining about the cops, but I was glad to have them. All the ones I spoke to were extremely nice and I never saw any of them harassing any of the attendees. They might have been there for the rave, to double check everything was alright, but I don't know for sure.

>> No.7409772


I honestly mega disliked this guy and his group just based on their "costumes". They seemed nice but I just could not stand it. I'm so glad they were asked to cover up (or I can only assume they were, because early on Friday they were only wearing speedos instead of the cloth covers). It made me really uncomfortable, as well.
I didn't like how they were being promoted to go and have photos taken with them. Considering that a, they're not anime, and b, their costumes were shit. Terrible body paint on the men, and the princess girls they were with had flat out terrible costumes. I was going to report them for being shirtless but apparently we didn't have any rules on that? (Or the rules were ignored?) Apparently they were part of the Beston Entertainment which is why they were able to get away with promoting and (potentially) being shirtless.

Did anyone make it to the cosplay contest? Can anyone post photos of the winners in the different categories?
I heard there was some drama with the judging--not that they were unfair, but that they were extremely harsh and were making competitors cry.

>> No.7410179

Yeah, I bet someone went into her asshole as well.

>> No.7410365
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What's funny is that its the same exact people running it as last year. If you weren't completely clueless you would've seen Andi and Isaiah basically still running around doing shit. I GUESS Greg was running it, but that man is basically a criminal that steals money from tournaments that he rigs. A friend of mine won one of the tournaments and they were told they'll get money in 2 weeks. This is a familiar story and time will tell.

The con was basically Westwood College Con. Some of those panels looked hilarious. I didn't go but I kinda wish I had. Don't get your hopes up on "strictly anime." The con runners are famous for promising much and delivering little.

The homestuck, ponies, and [NOT ANIME] basically comes with the con territory. Pretty much going to live with it and hope it dies a clean and swift death.

I also want to echo the sentiment about the cops. They made me feel safe and they weren't threatening at all. Good cops and I think they prevented catastrophe that I feel this con is more pliable towards.

>> No.7410653
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>I'm not a fan of all the guests, though. Many weren't anime related. A waste of space and money.
>However I'm also not big on all of the not anime-related costumes. I'm so tired of seeing ponies, homosucks, and Dr.Who/Sherlock shit. But that's not the convention's fault.

Do you have any idea how downright retarded you sound right now? I'll tell you what, if you're willing to pay my con admission AND hotel room next year, I will cosplay whatever meets your animu cosplay-nazi standards.

Until then I will cosplay from whatever western cartoon, tv show, or sci-fi series alike as i fucking please! I attend cons to dress up, have good time and nerd out just like everyone else! So fuck you!

Pic related: I'll bet you have one of these somewhere in your house you cosplay-nazi piece of shit.

>> No.7411097

You gonna be okay?

Not a fan of Greg at all. I'm aware of what he's done and therefore not a fan of C3 at all.
I don't want them to be affiliated with the convention, but it seemed a bit more lively this year, that's all.

>Don't get your hopes up on "strictly anime." The con runners are famous for promising much and delivering little.
True, but my fingers are still crossed.

>> No.7411973
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Sharing, that sebastian is SO damn sexy. Anyone got more pics of him?

>> No.7412106

The problem with ALW is that the heads of the con don't really even like anime. Andi, Isaiah, Greg, and their fat ugly DJ Megan Hunter. That is why they are moving into the "pop culture" realm they are also copying Denver Comic Con's format of any autograph costs you even a picture. This is so they can pay their quests less.

Now i personally don't care to fanboy over people no mater who they are but i really didn't like how they brought copslayers as guests when Colorado already has good cosplayers and i am surprised no one has complained about it. We already have enough great cosplayers for these Cosplay 101 panels etc.

Honestly the worst thing they did that people need to complain about is the fact there was no program guide and schedules.

Someone should call out their staff on their themes and lack of anime knowledge. They had what themes in the last few years, Chocobo, adventure time, and pokemon? I didn't go to the Prom aka formal but tell them they need to make it Clamp or Kei themed and they won't fucking know what you are talking about.

It may have ran more smoothly but it still is headed towards a con with little to do with anime that profits the most off the biggest fanbase of conventions in Colorado.

ALSO LOL at the dumb bitch who got married at the con to a guy twice her age and is now getting divorced.

>> No.7412133

this person is probably a homestuck faggot

please? kill yourself

>> No.7412139
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>ALSO LOL at the dumb bitch who got married at the con to a guy twice her age and is now getting divorced.

Hahahaha really? That's so great.

>> No.7412536

You need to be at least 18 years old to use 4chan.

>> No.7412539
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Was being anime-related even a rule for the cosplay contest? Seems like no.

>> No.7412541
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>> No.7412542

Daily reminder to never skip leg day.

>> No.7412544
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>> No.7412558
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>> No.7412809

yeah, I saw them just outside the artist alley doors arresting some dude. No idea what for. Probably safe to assume it was either public drunkenness or harassment.

>> No.7412836

And that costume was meant to piss people off. It was pretty funny actually and they only wore it at night.

>> No.7414494

Did Heroes of Cosplay rig the contest?
I heard they've been going around to smaller cons so they have higher chances of winning. Saw they were a guest at ALW and figured that's what was going to happen.

>> No.7414498

They were a guest? Where did you see that?

I heard the judges totally tore the beginner categories up, though. Made contestants cry.

>> No.7417422
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Yeah he's cute <3