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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 300x143, ab14-300x143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7391651 No.7391651 [Reply] [Original]

Less than a month away!!
Cosplays? Meet Ups? Thoughts about no rave :( ?

>> No.7391686

Finishing a PAX costume early because I totally forgot about the formal ball. Crunch time. Any /cgl/ meetups happening?

>> No.7392073

Still pissed about no rave, they're doing baggage checks again this year too. It's fucking bullshit.

I want to do a cosplay, but I can't decide what to do. Whatever I pick I need to start soon.

>> No.7392314

I'll be working a booth in cosplay.

>> No.7392677

can you shut the fuck up
i am for one glad there is no stupid mother fucking rave
finally all the druggies and drunkies can fuck off the con and i can talk to actual people who like cosplay and not junkies like you faggots

>> No.7392714


baggage checks was forced on them by the Hynes apparently

and fuck the rave, less stinky sweaty teenagers wandering around high out of their minds

>> No.7392720

Last year the excuse was because of the Marathon Bombing. And the rave has been gone for a couple years, I don't see any reason for bag checks again/

>> No.7392730

Or rather, I think this will be the second year without it

>> No.7392814


>major attack on downtown area due to lax security where people died
>b-b-b-b-but that was last year!!!

9-11 was 12 years ago and they still make you take your shoes off. the Mass Convention Authority (who owns the hynes) is a quasi-governmental facility. if they say bag checks are here to stay there's not a lot the con can do about it.

>> No.7392824

if they handle it anything like AX they should scrap it. It's half-hearted checking by people who don't give a shit with holes you could drive a truck through. There are no metal detectors, x-rays, or chem sniffers, which means it's entirely ineffective

>> No.7392877

Don't get me started on the TSA. It's not security, it's all peace of mind at the expense of everyone. It's a load of shit.

>> No.7393052

I need to make a kimono, and the fabric's been sitting at the foot of my bed for maybe two months now. I should probably start it soon, huh.

I didn't mind the rave -- but I really, really like the formal ball. So last year was really nice for me (extra-long ball at a nice place). This year's formal is apparently in a smaller room, which worries me a little.

>> No.7393161
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Fuck the rave. It was always awful. Sweaty drunken teens, a desperate guys.

Also who cares about the bag check really, unless you are trying to sneak something ridiculous into the con it shouldn't be a huge issue.

Also waiting on shit to ship for my cosplay, hopefully will finish next week.

>> No.7393194

as a staffer the rave was a shit show and a waste of time/money

>> No.7396239

Is there going to be an actual meetup?

>> No.7396257

I'd like to make a new and easy cosplay in time for AB, but I can't think of anything...

I'm neutral about the rave because I don't attend, and neutral about the bag checks because I'm in cosplay and not carrying bags. The crowd around the entrance is always a struggle though.

>> No.7396262

Can anyone suggest fun panels to go to or try to be a part of? Last year was my first AB and I'm not much of a panel-goer, but I got bored walking around the con a lot. I had trouble making new friends at this con, more than any other I've been to.

>> No.7398193

God you fucking kids are ungrateful. If you had half a fucking clue of what we went though to try and get the rave this year and the last. You know why there's no rave? Some drunken ass hat like you had to start a fight and raised the hotels insurance. Now no one in Boston will touch us. As for the fucking bag checks did you miss the two minor explosions that shut Boston. Man I love being anonymous it gives me a chance to yell at mouth breathers like you that I never could while working at the con.

>> No.7398235



>> No.7398240

What you don't believe me? I can upload proof.

>> No.7398251
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>> No.7398261

oh boy u just fucked up

>> No.7398264 [DELETED] 

That means jack shit. My staff friends lend me their badges all the time. 2/10, I opened the image.

>> No.7398309
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how many single girls will be there

if i see a toho and ask to rub their tummy will they get mad?

what about just a hug then?

does it matter if i accidentally smell like alcohol?

>> No.7398371
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I'll be cosplaying Mitsuki from Kyoukai no Kanata Friday and Diana from Little Witch Academia Saturday. The rest of the time I'll be in classic lolita. Say hi if you see me!

>> No.7398370

To everyone about the baggage checks:
For some reason, EVERYONE lines up at the entrance in the mall portion. If you go in front of the building near the road, the security guards last year were literally BORED out of there minds, we were able to just sit and pet the drug sniffing dog and just shoot the shit. Go to the front. Worst that will happen is someone will see you out of a car window passing.

As for the rave, it really wasnt anything special, at least to me. It was really awkward at times.

I'd love to meet up. If its anything like last year I'll just keep the AB threads open on my phone and see if anyones anywhere. I'll be going as a plague wrecked Skaven

Want top believe this is bait, but I know somewhere theres some guy breathing heavily at his computer thinking about it, deciding to just put on some cat ears with his metallica shirt and spending $60 to ask girls if he can touch there stomachs.

>> No.7398421
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i want to believe this is bates because i would never date a guy that confuses the forms of they're there and their

... pwnd.

>> No.7398442

I'm heartbroken. Truly.

>> No.7398460
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>> No.7399094

Creepyness aside, from experience I can tell you that most staffers don't seem to care if you smell like alcohol. That is, as long as you're not stumbling around and being an asshat.

>> No.7399097 [DELETED] 

it depends on what 2hu you want.

>> No.7399106

aw man I missed it! wud he post wud he post?!

>> No.7399107

yea i wandered in no problem smelling of pot and booze, plus I had flasks in my pockets

>> No.7399226
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what if i'm really small and shy and soft spoken and polite and clean and have trouble with eye contact and look like a girl, would i still be creepy for asking

is nue ok? or kyouko. or maybe tewi, or murusa.

>> No.7400507

Does anyone still need a room at the Sheraton? I don't think I'm going this year, so I would like to give my spot up to some anon since my friends are all set. Shoot me an email and maybe we can work something out.

>> No.7403170

I'm already sharing a room but if it's free I'll take it :v

Due to budget and time constraints I won't be able to do what I wanted. So I'm going to pump out a Spider Splicer or something. There aren't many "low effort" cosplays I could do that wouldn't be completely lame.

>> No.7403177 [DELETED] 
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Oh so you only like little girls then huh? No room for elegant ladies? I see then, I'll take my leave.

>> No.7403263

Why are there so few cosplay posts? Come on cgl!

>> No.7403356
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the large tohos like yuugi or big mama ran are ideal box steppers but i get intimidated and perspirate

>> No.7403668
File: 436 KB, 500x600, tumblr_mifb4rWnxr1rodqfvo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe cause we're still working on our cosplay? I need to repaint my jacket for Time Skip Law.

>> No.7404394

I'd love to post mine, but its a full get up with alot of peices, so it looks more like a pile of legos right now, once I finish (probably the night before con), it will look like something.

Get so lax when I say "oh, its only Feb. 2nd, I got TONS of time" and then suddenly its march.

>> No.7404493 [DELETED] 

>not choosing superior 2who Chen
the aspergers is strong in this one

>> No.7404499 [DELETED] 
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Oh I see, well, that's too bad then~

>> No.7405197
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chen is not that great when she isn't in heat

sorry erotic roleplayer yuuka san

>> No.7405215

nice, i'd love to see some progress posts! i was thinking of bringing timeskip chopper with me but it's probably still going to be freezing in ma during the con so if anything, i'll be holding that back until otakon. i'm interested to see how the one piece crowd in general turns out this year, though.

>> No.7406131

I'm really hoping my Mami cosplay and boots get here in time for AB.
But confirmed cosplays are Morty and White from Pokemon.

About the rave, I'm kinda indifferent.
I hear they're only good for sex and drugs, anyway.

I have a 15 hour solo road trip for this con, though...

>> No.7406276

Casual reminder that cosplay isn't consent, so if you're a Homestuck and you decide to touch me, enjoy have your disgusting, autistic face beaten in.

>> No.7406565

You are a champ for driving 15 hours.
I luckily live down the street.

>> No.7406696

>no rave
Thank fucking god. Anyway, I wonder if there'll be any other LEGO Movie cosplayers at AB. I'm working on Benny right now.

>> No.7406845
File: 331 KB, 1088x1056, Back1 Comparision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as Bartolomeo (despite how cold it might be). There will probably be a good amount of OP there, at least on Saturday when the OPP event is happening. You should totally bring your Chopper.

>> No.7407391

Speaking of Homestuck, where the fuck did it come from? In 2011 I hadn't heard of it, and in 2012 and '13 it was all over the fucking place and the cosplayers were obnoxious as hell.
I hate them all.

>> No.7407538


If Katsu is any indication at least half of them are SNK now. Thank fuck, now you can all spit on them and their shitty tabao bondage gear and I can do my gray paint in peace.

>> No.7407592


Is Homestuck shit? I always assumed it was based on the fanbase.

>> No.7407599


It's no great work of literature and the fans that try to justify it are tryhards. But there's some funny dialog and I like the characters.

The fanbase is definitely shit. Just like Hetalia was, and Naruto before that. Too many stupid teenagers in their first fandom being idiots.

>> No.7407657

Most of the fanbase is shit yeah, there's a good side but it's hard to find.
I really do want to cosplay one of the characters but I'm gonna wait until it dies down more.

>> No.7407667


So, Uhh, this fight was in the rave, right?

>> No.7408054

plan on bringing somethign you shouldn't into the con? if not then don't worry about it? I could literally walk in and out of the con no problem last year even with baggage check. All of three seconds.
I'm a bit dissapointed there's no rave as I always enjoy Greg's sets and the atmosphere.

>> No.7408132

it was baggage check by boston police

>> No.7408142

something about a girl's bag being stolen having the cops called, and another kid having a medical emergency having an ambulance called.

>> No.7408249
File: 43 KB, 630x634, KILL YOU WITH IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy, sweet. Any Kill La Kill cosplayers going? Finally got my Sanaegeyama done, just waiting on my shinai.
>TFW your gunblade breaks around the handle
Good thing spring break for me is next week.

>> No.7409425

So if there's no officially meetup planned, how do you all feel about meeting up at the sheraton bar like saturday night to shoot the shit?

>> No.7409435

Shooting shit sounds scary.

>> No.7409530

not if you chase it with bourbon

>> No.7411674

Does anybody actually care about the yearly theme?

>> No.7411994


>> No.7412232

I'll be attending as Ryuko. Are you going for the full weekend?

>> No.7412266


it's cute. the changing decorations are kind of fun.

>> No.7414436

Anybody do the blood drive before? How's it run?

>> No.7414747
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Shit two weeks left. Anyone dressing up from JoJo?

>> No.7415193

They are very nice at the blood drive. I always try to go but I am always turned down. I am anemic and I always have low iron, but I still try. Plus free food and drinks.

>> No.7415874

Good to know! I haven't donated in a while.

>> No.7416135

it's alright they seem to at least put more effort into it than most cons

>> No.7416152

>15 hour
Holy crap where are you coming from? I can't imagine anyone making that much effort to go to a New England con.

>> No.7416196

15 hours from Boston sounds like, around North Carolina maybe? Or Indiana

>> No.7416390

My original plan fell through, so now I have to go with my backup plan of a cosplay a day

The Almost People 11th Doctor, Let's Kill Hitler 11th Doctor, and Journey To The Center Of The Tardis 11th Doctor

I liked Doctor Who before tumblr was a thing. I cosplayed 4 last year.

Don't hate me pls ;_;

>> No.7416396

I've made a huge mistake.

>> No.7416805

liking Doctor Who is fine. It's only annoying if somebody is a sperglord about it.

>> No.7416806

>I liked Doctor Who before tumblr was a thing. I cosplayed 4 last year.
ew don't be a nerd hipster and if you love a show don't be ashamed of it.

>> No.7416813

Still can't wait. Finally registered last night. I really hope they don't consider my lightsaber a deadly weapon.

>> No.7416839

A lightsaber is probably fine.
But I've never actually done a cosplay with a weapon yet.

How stingy are they with their weapons policy?

>> No.7416847

Their official stance is very strict, but then I show up with my fake MMA defense gun and see someone else with a full air rifle walking around. I feel like you just get lucky depending on who checks you in.

For the record, my lightsaber is fairly heavy duty, here's hoping they don't give me crap - I'd hate to walk around with a hasbro toy.

>> No.7417149

I luckily live over the bridge too, 15 hours is rough. I actually live next to where PAX is every year, although I've only gone once = line con -_-

>> No.7417255

Saying I liked it before Tumblr did was because I've noticed the people have a tendency to go off Doctor Who cosplayers.

>> No.7417882

How's your Doctor Who/Homestuck cosplay shaping up? Gonna reuse the same ones from the last couple of years?

>> No.7418025

I've seen people with lightsabers before I dunno why this year would be different

>> No.7418029

Yup yup.

>> No.7419289

It's too damn cold out for fiberglassing, and I can't do it inside. Here's hoping I finish in time.

>> No.7419910

>No one to go with
>No costume
>Don't care about any of the guests
>Haven't been practicing any fighting games

It's literally down the street from me so it seems like it would be a shame not to go but I'm not sold right now

>> No.7419920

Okay, (usually) Press here with an important question.
Did anyone else apply for a badge and get a snarky nasty message from the PR? Basically a "you're not big news and we're a big news con so go fuck yourself." kind of email?

I was gonna report the guy but I wanna make sure I'm not the only one before I start wailing off.

>> No.7419926

>fighting games
play any GG, anon?

>> No.7419927

>we're a big news con
So how come they never have good guests?

>> No.7419967
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>tfw no one to go with

How do I make friends /cgl/?

>> No.7420015

At cons, or in general?

>> No.7420016

I've heard a rumor that Hussie is going to be there, so, one question:

Who's going to go John Hinkley for great justice?

>> No.7420022

No. I used to play Tekken but lost interest in practicing.

>> No.7420026

Cons. It's just none of my friends have the money to go.

>> No.7420039

Talk to people and be chill. If things go cool tell them you two should grab a drink or something. The Sheraton bar is a good place to meet cool people in itself.

>> No.7420071

I used to work press manager for a con a couple years back and it seemed like every weeb with a blog applied for press and they all got turned down. Are you a weeb with a blog?

>> No.7420165

What does it take to be accepted for a badge?

>> No.7420247

Generally I only sought to give badges to those whose readership or audience was in the thousands where possible or very high hundreds if the person presented themselves professionally enough. The whole point of giving people press badges is so they'll cover your event and that coverage will reach as many people as possible. Some dude with a tumblr with 90 followers ain't gonna cut it. That's a wasted badge. That was pretty standard across the board unless it has changed in the last couple years since I left. Small cons you could probably still get a press badge, but cons with over 10-20k people? Good luck.

>> No.7421330


I work on the press-publishing side of a con and we see the same thing. No excuse for rudeness but even smaller cons get dozens of "press" applying so they can write on their tumblrs for free. It gets old, fast.

>> No.7421333

AB is in a little more than a week and they still haven't posted the fucking schedule on their website.

Does anyone have it so I can plan my weekend accordingly? I'm going in a big group and we want to plan what panels to go to, what to watch and I don't want to do it last second. This shit should have been out by now.

>> No.7421345

Is there really drug sniffing dog? I'm on medical marijuana for anxiety, I'll make sure to bring my card with me, but am I going to have an issue if I bring my vaporizer in?

>> No.7421366

Yes. Leave it in your car and go back to it if you need to retake your "medicine". I wouldn't risk it even with a vaporizer, Doesn't matter if it's odorless or whatever.

>> No.7421401

Is there a lolita meet up this year or a fashion show? If so, what day is it going to be?

>> No.7421770

I work for a blog that's pretty established and just got the OK to start doing press work because of the gaming rooms and game related cosplays.

I thought since AB was pretty low key it'd be a good place to start but the guy in charge of the emails is a bit too abrasive with his language. I was looking around and I found a couple girls he rejected because they're "not professional"

I read his response to their application and let me tell you, the dude has no idea what professional is.

>> No.7421791



>> No.7421845

There's a fashion show/101 panel on saturday.

>> No.7421909

I mean, towards the end of my time going through seemingly bazillions of press applications from fuckalls hoping to snag a free badge in the name of press, the snark tends to creep in a little. Not necessarily condoning that behavior, but understand that people have a breaking point after so many applications. I'm sorry you had to see the worse side of it from the sounds of it.

>> No.7421927

Why in gods name would you risk bringing a vaporizer (medicinal or otherwise) into a convention center. You think no one is going to notice you pulling that out of your bag? For effs sake, do that in your hotel room or in your car. MA hasn't even gotten its medical dispensaries up yet and it's been over a year since the ordnance passed. No card is going to save your butt from the Boston popo

>> No.7421944

Off topic, but when the fuck are we getting dispensaries in MA running?

>> No.7422101

As soon as people stop picking properties that get 3/4ths through the approval process before someone realizes they're within 500 yards of a park, a school, a baseball field, a small child, a fjord or whatever else cannot be near a place that sells pot to people with cancer.

>> No.7422874

How about we get back on topic lol, anybody hear of a meet up yet? I know a few good bars in the area :D

>> No.7423010

I don't know Boston very well, but I do know Sportello's has the best bar... does anyone know how far away it is from the con?

>> No.7423027

Far. That's over by Seaport, clear across the city. Probably a 40 minute walk, 25-30 by T

>> No.7423107

Yea Sportellos is near where I live its little bit out of the way, The Pour House is really good prices and its right across from the convention center. Theres also Solas which isnt bad either, Boylston street has a couple other places as well. Some pricey, some cheap.

>> No.7423269
File: 24 KB, 453x453, Minami Kotoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am particularly excited. First costume where I made my helmet. YEEEEEAH.

>> No.7423453

How'd you make it? Pepakura and fiberglass method?

>> No.7423484

S'actually cardboard and drywall. If I did the pepakura method, it would look waaaaay nicer. It'd also be a lot of money for the fiberglass.

>> No.7423753

Cool, I've never heard of using cardboard and drywall. It looks pretty good

>> No.7424136

I'm bussing in at 5 am and I'm so scared about being in Boston at 5 in the morning. Does anyone have any idea of what I should do to go to the convention center, should I take the subway or get a taxi?
I've never used a taxi before, and have never gone on the subway anywhere without another person.
>tfw when from Pennsyltucky

>> No.7424149

Assuming you're arriving at South Station, you can just take the T. Take the Red line to Park St, then the Green line to Copley. The convention center is in Copley plaza so you just have to walk through the mall.

>> No.7424168

is it a dangerous time to be out.
I'm just really neurotic because I was in NYC the other day and got groped and a few other things happened.
I've been travelling all my life and haven't had any issues until then.
But I'm a bit shaken up fuckk

>> No.7424176

No, you'll be fine but I don't think that the T starts running until 6. Just take a seat next to one of the bus gates in South Station or the big food court.

>> No.7424181

thank you so much!

>> No.7424183


Boston is a lot safer than NYC in general. If you want to head over to the convention center as soon as you get in there's cabs waiting outside the bus station, you can just grab the next one in line and tell them the hynes convention (NOT BECC). have cash on hand.

the T starts running at 5:30 and will have trains down at SS by six, so you can also sit in the bus stop and wait for them.

Even early in the morning, Friday morning is going to be a lot of commuters out and about so you'll be fine, anon.

>> No.7424225

Thank you that's very reassuring, I was frightened being the only one out.
I remember in Philly being out at odd hours with my brother and the only people out were homeless or people doing things that are unsavory.
So thankkks!!

>> No.7424305

Don't get off at Copley, try for Prudential. Copley is like 4 blocks down the street, and prudential is within the mall that is attached to the convention center.

>> No.7424315

That's an option, you just have to make sure that you get on the right train. I only recommended Copley because any train from Park St will get you there.

>> No.7425074

So I just take the green line until the prudential stop?

>> No.7425184

Yup. The Prudential Station is inside the mall, right across from the Cheesecake Factory IIRC

>> No.7425416


Also there is usually a lot of people commuting into the con that can tell you where to go, us otaku are easily spotted lol. I live like a 5 min bus ride away in South Boston, and I actually purposely take the green line to help people who dont know where they're going. Unlike NYC and Philadelphia our trains are a hub so it can be wicked confusing, a lot more criss crossy and such. You'll see people to help you especially at Park Street. Actually last year someone posted a sign about getting to AB from park street as well

>> No.7425745

I'm leaving the state for spring break and I'm coming back the 21st, really starting to feel the pressure to finish now.

>> No.7425755

I'll be going. I only live in North Attleboro, so I'll just be driving there. But I am going all three days.

>> No.7426296
File: 640 KB, 689x918, 20140312_233539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have a ways to go, this is the last time I do a last minute cosplay.

>> No.7426717

I'm going to see some of you there and mentally flip out because I don't meet people I read about online too often.

I really hope the people I'm going with don't quit on me after 1 day, although I'll probably just be lurking AA and DR the whole time. No cosplay tho

>> No.7427622

>big news con
>no good guests
>no schedule up a week before the con


>> No.7427641

what material did you use to make that? I'm trying to make a mask myself and plan on using paperclay (and I'm anticipating it to be heavy) as yours looks lightweight.

>> No.7427654

My dad who refuses to see me, and talks to me abut 3x a year lives there! :)
I didn't know he moved up there until very recently and was avoiding somewhere else because i thought he lived there.

>> No.7427657

Thank you! Though I'm going to be out so early so I doubt it. But, I hope everything goes well!

>> No.7427731

I've used the pepakura method. Meaning papercraft + fiberglass resin + fiberglass cloth + autobody filler
The start up cost is highish, and there is a learning curve, but I think it's worth it. I haven't weighed it, but it is very light. I could weigh it later if you like.

>> No.7427944

seriously. why haven't they posted the schedule yet? this is getting ridiculous

>> No.7427996

Nah that's okay. Thanks for telling me your method; I'll consider that method some other time

>> No.7428002
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They always post it later than they should but I don't think it's ever been this late. I really do think AB is getting worse. Sure it's been getting bigger, but imo the quality is going down.
They had Nobuo Uematsu as a guest in 2010, and in 2014 we have, people who aren't really anything. A couple mid tier VA's. The rave is gone (love it or hate it, it was popular and it wasn't really replaced by anything) The panels feel more lame than they used to be. It feels like the bigger it's getting, the more they try to cut costs.
Really I think the only reason I'm going is to go to Dick and Busters Hentai Dubbing, the Dealer's Room, and to go drinking with cool guys and qt's.

>> No.7428034

>JAM Project
pleb detected

>> No.7428124

Oh good, I wasn't the only one feeling that way. I've been going for the past seven or so years, and last year I almost decided not to go because there was nothing I looked forward to in particular (I went in the end, and had more fun than expected, so happy end there, but still). I'm glad I've at least heard of JAM Project, but I probably won't end up going because the friend I always go with (who pays for the hotel room so I can't complain) isn't into that sort of thing.

The novelty has worn off, it's gotten more and more expensive, with really nothing to justify it. I keep whining to my friends that pre-registration used to be $35 for the entire weekend; now it goes up to $60 at the door. Ridiculous.

I'll still end up going, because I live in Boston and have costumes I'd like to debut. But I've considered not returning for a long time now.

>> No.7428163
File: 20 KB, 300x168, 1375667600102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much agree with >>7428002
Although, I don't know what JAM Project is.

>> No.7428178

Are you me? you are me, but I also go for Bad Anime bad, and seeing other lolitas.

This is year 10 for me so I think it is just tradition at this point, even if it is running into the ground. I need my 5 day work free weekend basking in the sanctum that is other nerds.

>> No.7428194
File: 305 KB, 1280x800, 1394770837503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh, I remember the days when it was $35 for the whole weekend. It's gotten really ridiculous now with the cost jump because like >>7428002
said, they barely have any cool guests, musical or otherwise, going anymore. I'll probably always go because it's a fun time and I get to see friends from far away, but if I didn't already live in Boston, it's not a con I'd travel to go to, and that makes me really sad to say. Welp, 7th year, here we go.

Meet up, anyone?

>> No.7428216

I want to say there was a time when it was $30 to pre-register, but that could be wishful thinking. I've literally heard no one else complaining about the price hike so I've begun to doubt my memories haha.

When the pillows came, I had fun because I went with a friend who liked going to concerts. The friend I've been going with since then is not a concert-going type, and I don't want to go by myself, so I probably won't end up even seeing JAM Project. Meh.

>> No.7428219

Ahh, I remember when they had the pillows. It'd be really cool if they could have big name artists like that again. I remember they had Kalafina come one year, right before they got hugely popular and just finished their work with Kuroshitsuji. Probably one of the best concerts I've been to at a con.

>> No.7428235
File: 20 KB, 270x306, 1386805687318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't know they had the Pillows

>> No.7428237

*patpat* it'll be okay, friend

>> No.7428278

>con is a week away
>no schedule

Really, what the fuck? Has it ever been this bad before?

>> No.7428314

I haven't been SINCE they had the pillows, I think? 09 or so? But I've moved back to the area and I'd been hearing vague comments about it 'not being as good anymore' for a while now. Wanted to go but I, too, miss the days it was $35 for the weekend. The AB I remember was good, but I don't know if it was near-Otakon-prices good...

>> No.7428380
File: 70 KB, 540x720, ABCosplay1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my Friday costume: Series 6 11th Doctor.

Not the worst cosplay I've done, but it's still pretty bad, I think.

>> No.7428458


> It'd be really cool if they could have big name artists like that again.

JAM Project is more popular than The Pillows or Kalafina! You gotta get with the program, man.

>> No.7428484
File: 822 KB, 500x283, VPUQR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so JAM project is a band.
wait no I just took the time to google it.

although this thread is the first time I've heard of them unfortunately.

>> No.7428560

>no fez
Fez's are cool

>> No.7428569

>>7421927 >>7421944

The thing about medical is, you're allowed to grow 5 plants, if you choose not to buy from a dispensery. If you don't think you can grow, you can get what they call a "care giver" and basically, you (and the state) allow this "care giver" to grow your plants for you.

I think if they have their card, they'll be fine, but it will cause an uproar and they will be known as that person who tried to sneak pot into Anime Boston. That would be embarrassing,

>> No.7428649

Not usually, I don't think they print the schedules anymore so I think that they believe that they can get way with pushing off the schedule so late.

>> No.7428652

JAM project is super popular like >>7428458
said, they're just a bit outdated in modern anime.

I'm already annoyed over the idiots gushing over Yuu Asakawa for being Luka's vocal samples. She doesn't even count it as a huge highlight of her career but I have 3 friends who are bringing their shitty Luka fan art to try to get her to sign, yeah because that's happening.

>> No.7428658

If you posted this in /m/ you would probably get banned for a day

>> No.7428726


>Meet Up

Yus. Can we discuss?

>> No.7428778

I'm down for a meetup if we can get one going

>> No.7428839

Well, I live here in Boston. It would depend on where and when you guys want to meet.

>> No.7428991
File: 67 KB, 500x281, a1titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it.
Good thing I'm going then, huh

>> No.7429102

In case people haven't seen or if it hasn't been said elsewhere: tumblr.animeboston.com/post/79499186099

>sometime this weekend

I don't remember it ever being this late before, but at least there's something to look forward to.

>> No.7429108

Alright, so what day and time would be easiest for everyone if we were to set up and meet up? Is there any preference for where you guys would like to go? There are plenty of good places to eat.

>> No.7429136

There's this really great restaurant called Q in Chinatown. They have sushi and if you guys want, we could even share a Mongolian Hot Pot for dinner. Here's their Yelp:


>> No.7429147

im overweight, kind of butch looking and usually am too shy to meet up with people out of social anxiety
which is neurotic because ive met 3 of my friends on this board
but fuck i want mongolian hot pot

>> No.7429191

I don't care what you look like! Any of you! I've been up here for four years and god, nobody around to socialize with who doesn't try to fuck me or drag me to a seedy meetup spot with LSD. What are you afraid of happening..?

>> No.7429203

>Meeting people from 4chan in person
>"What are you afraid of?"

>> No.7429205

Dude, if this were /soc/ or /r9k/, I could understand. But, here..?

>> No.7429215

The last time I met up with seagulls we were pretty much all spaghettios, and I'm also from this area.

>> No.7429218

i do really want some hot pot...
Also like I said the other people i've met on /cgl/ are amazing.
maybe I should just stop being a pissbaby

>> No.7429238

i do really want some hot pot...
Also like I said the other people i've met on /cgl/ are amazing.
maybe I should just stop being a pissbaby

>> No.7429242

Oh my godddddd. Let's get hot pot. I won't drink because I'm a featherweight.

>> No.7429382

I have never had hot pot and I would be a complete spaghettio

>> No.7429411

I Would be down, but I have 3 others going with me and one of them is afraid of new people and the other is a huge faggot who frequents 9gag (hes only there because hes dating one of them), and dont want to subject any of you to that. I'll be keeping the AB threads up so if you guys post when your going out or where in the con to meet, I'll try to sneak away or at least say hello. Scored a room at the con building so I am pretty much good for anytime. Just post a thread.

>> No.7429424

It's sooooo good.

I have no idea if anyone here will come. I'm hoping that we can set up a day and time, because that would be awesome seeing as this con blows.

>> No.7429452

Fez is for tan tweed and mop or purple tweed you fucking lummox. Green coat is Stetson.

>> No.7429492

Whovian pls go

>> No.7429614

I stopped going to AB years ago but this thread is making me want to hang out with seagulls in Boston if I could make it up there. I probably wouldn't be able to though

>> No.7429620

I might be interested. I'm still not decided on going to the con and I don't drink but I'd like to meet some people who live around here.

>> No.7429666


brinnng them it'll be fun later on in the after threads!

>> No.7429672

I'm volunteering all con. But I'm up for hot pot! I'm also spaghetti as fuck. First time in Boston too...

>> No.7429811


Yuu would totally sign those. She's really proud of being Luka, and they did update the voice not too long ago.

(She also has nothing better to do, which is why she can come to so many cons)

>> No.7429877

I'm more /a/ than /cgl/ but I'd love to swing by if you'd have me.

>> No.7430197

The more the merrier!

>> No.7430246

This will be my first con, I'm not cosplaying though.
Do you guys have any tips?

>> No.7430248

When you see the schedule/guide try to plan out what you want to do. Like if there's any special panels or if there are any items you'd want to look for in the dealer's room before they could sell out. You also might want to bring some food (like a granola bar or some other dry snack) and a drink with you because if AB is how I remember it there will be big lines to most of the eateries in the mall/convention area.

>> No.7430262

Cool, thanks anon

>> No.7430273

Seconding bringing food. There's a food court, but it's always crazy. You don't have to bring a water bottle since there are well-stocked cups and coolers around, but I found it helpful. Take breathers in the manga library if you're tired or overwhelmed and you'll have more fun overall. And definitely know when and where everything you want to see is. Panels and events are good ways to meet people.

>> No.7430323

I'm so worried about the lolita themed touhou cosplay of mine. I'm using bodyline pieces and my AP parasol, but I don't want any lolitas to confuse me with an ita, especially because I wear lolita myself.

If anyone sees a 'lolita' in red plaid bodyline L084 with a green wig and a white parasol, I'm a cosplayer so don't take offense.

>> No.7430362


The Q isnt bad (besides being pricey) but Copley to Chinatown is a little bit of a walk, why wouldnt we just go to one of the pubs near the Con like Pour House or Solas ?? I dont mind the walk from Copley to Chinatown its just for ppl whos never been to Boston its kinda out of the way

>> No.7430415

Don't go to the Q, I used to work there and they treat both their staff like garbage and their customers like dollar signs. Out of all the places I've worked the owner was the greediest jerk, instructing waitstaff to ask people to leave if they were there too long. Plus it's gotten my friend food poisoning 2 of 3 times they went, probably due to the lax sanitation in their kitchen.. Not to mention they have a deal with the Chinese mafia.

Shabu-zen is much nicer and better for big groups in my opinion since they don't try to kick you out.

>> No.7430435

Have eaten there multiple times, dude. No problems. But, hey leave it to /cgl/ to take up issue with every little thing in every single thread.

>> No.7430452


Really, dude?

I had assumed that we'd all meet up and walk there together, but alright. The reason why I didn't suggest a bar is because they're shitty, cheap, and well.. it's a bar. Bars are disgusting. I thought that people would want to eat someplace nice, I don't know. I mean, when I think of a bar outing I think of a bunch of bros and loud, seedy bitches. Ulch.

>> No.7430611

dumbass friend in college right down the street didn't get me a guest pass for spring break. i'm a photographer and i already have shoots booked. i'm not poor so i'm not totally fucked but if anyone has floor space i can obviously pay and even give you a free photoshoot

sage bc i feel bad for having to post this, but lemme know if this pertains to anyone i can give you my skype/email. thanks :( sorry

>> No.7430709

Well even if the place hasn't been figured out yet, how about the day?

>> No.7430766

they want to meet up at bars so they can get laid. they don't care about actually socializing.

>> No.7430774

Or, you know, there are other things to do besides hotpot, plus it's a bit weird to want to do hotpot with strangers...

>> No.7430779

right because someone suggesting sharing a giant ass pot of soup is weird. where the fuck do you live? you sluts just want to get ripped.

>> No.7430781

Calm the fuck down. Don't be pissy just because no one wants to spend $40 to cook their own food and would rather just eat someplace close by. Are you a fucking straightedge or something? Bars have more selection and not everyone likes fucking hotpot.

>> No.7430794
File: 27 KB, 295x300, 1382909888545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think that going to some Asian place was going to be this much of an issue.. I've never had a problem with Q out of all of the times I've eaten there and there are other options on their menu, but if it's this distressing then we don't have to go. Someone else can do the meet up if they'd like. I don't very much care for bars, their atmosphere, or the lack of things that I can eat there.

Maybe next year or something.

>> No.7430803

>complaining about one anon using 'ppl'
>white knighting a restaurant
>bitching when people think your idea is bad
How about you go and take your shit attitude with you.

Also, yeah, other options, they sell soup and sushi, fuck off.

>> No.7430826
File: 48 KB, 250x250, 35085632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's white knighting to say that I've never had an issue someplace, when someone else mysteriously shows up with every reason under the sun as to why something is bad? Look, I'm sorry if you're that anon who was a former employee, but you rattling off like a typical seagull doesn't make your anecdote anymore credible. I've been in so many threads where it seems like, when someone enjoys something and other anons agree, one person comes in and has a laundry list of why it's the most awful, Satan-spawned thing to have ever existed and you are bad for going there. That gets old and it's annoying, especially when a lot of you never let people try things out for themselves and formulate their own opinion.

And, only two people in this thread seemed to have had an issue with it. They could just not come or suggest a second meetup for another night. We didn't even know what the attendance would be like judging by everyone's posts.

>How about you go and take your shit attitude with you.

Actually, I think that you should take your own advice, dear.

>> No.7430837

To add: One of the two who had taken issue only did so because of the walk to Chinatown, not the place itself. You need to go back and read.

>> No.7430838

I have a friend who has a room up for grabs, it's got 4 people in it so you'd make 5 $50 per night if you're interested, gimme your email.

>> No.7430852


in the email field!! thanks so much.

>> No.7430865

Nothing wrong with wanting to get laid anon

>> No.7430889

I'm still up for some hot pot! I'm not a pussy like some of the babies in here.

>> No.7430890

hang yourself, in the long run you'll be doing everyone a favor including your family

>> No.7430908

Top lel

>> No.7430921

So am I. I don't know why people got angry. Don't come if you don't want any. It isn't hard.

>> No.7430924
File: 638 KB, 1280x960, 1305310363783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys, lets knock it off. Cons in 5 days and suddenly everyone fighting over bars and food. I'm ok with where ever, but why not both: Go to hotpot first for us anons who dont drink, and then if people want to drink they can go to a bar after.

This is assuming I'm even going to be able to get away from room mates.

>> No.7430932

Bring the roommates!

>> No.7430957

It was only one person being a shit. It's /cgl/; I never expect anything to be easy.

>> No.7430964

Hussie confirmed for being there.

I will, I swear on my life, give $50 to anyone who goes up and hits him hard in the center of his window-licking face.

>> No.7430965

>It was only one person being a shit.
How do you know though?

>> No.7431236

One more vote for a restaurant. A bar is just going to be shoulder-to-shoulder and loud as fuck.

>> No.7431242

Why don't we go to Steves Greek Restaurant. I go there almost every year at some point with my friends, it's cheap good food and it's a 2 minute walk if that.

>> No.7431366

as long as it's not a bar im good.
>dont like the loud people outlouding each other thing

>> No.7431400
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Ok enough bickering, here's an actual suggestion. Your thoughts?

>> No.7431409

My vote's on Hot Pot. It's probably a good way to combat spaghetti too.

I believe it's $25 per person, but I can't remember exactly.

>> No.7431730

If the /cgl/ group is too big it'll be hard to coordinate going off too far. We might want to just meet in the mall…actually, I hate to suggest it, but there's a Cheesecake Factory there, right?

And it'll probably be too cold to hang out outside. That's worrying me since I have a photoshoot or two to do. Can't take them outside too long or everyone's skin will turn blue.

>> No.7431861

Friday's supposed to be about 12 C, which, in Colonist, transfers to 53-ish F

>> No.7431865

Nevermind, Saturday's supposed to be about that temp.

>> No.7431873

Ugh, their tumblr got my hopes up with their "sneak peek" wording - it's literally just a Facebook post about the JAM Project concert(s). I just want the schedule, is that too much to ask?

>> No.7431901

>less than a week from the con
>no schedule
Wonder where that staffer whiteknight from earlier in the thread ran off to?

>> No.7432036

I'm torn about AB because on one hand I'd like to see JAM Project but on the other I don't want to pay for three day's worth of the convention when I can only make it up there for Saturday. Plus the way their giving out tickets seems like it could take a long time to get one. I can't find any concert times on their website, either.

>> No.7432044


>> No.7432075

>5 days till con
>no fucking schedule
what the hell

>> No.7432085

AB seemed like they were on autopilot till they realized the con was next week rather than April.

My panel was waitlisted, I found out last week and I just got confirmation that it didn't make it in. They asked if I wanted to be on call for cancellation, fuck no I don't have time to put something together in this much of a pinch.

>> No.7432118

Schedule's up.
> animeboston.com/coninfo/schedule/2014

What were they thinking when they put the SNK dub premiere right before the Masquerade? This is going to be chaos.

>> No.7432211

i really want hot pot.
But the cheescake factory idea might be for the best tbh...

>> No.7432263

oh fucking god
are they doing room clears?

>> No.7432310

There's a lot of panels I'm looking forward to this year; it's great.
Anyone else going to Hentai dubbing? One of my favorites.

>> No.7432348
File: 196 KB, 360x360, LWAmybodyisready.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm incredibly pumped for AB. My birthday is the Sunday of the con so I'm excited about that and I'm stoked for Jam Project. I'll miss the group concert because of the AMV contest, but I hope to see the solo performances on Saturday. I want Masaaki Endoh to sing the soundtrack to my life.

Cosplay-wise, I'm finishing up pic related to wear with >>7398371

What day and time are people thinking for the meetup? My vote is Saturday either around lunch time or after/during the Masq. (if that's not too late) I'm down for whatever kind of food, although I'd prefer closer if it's cold out. And I'm also for a restaurant over a bar for comfort and noise-level (and I won't be 21 until Sunday, brunch and mimosas anyone? I'm mostly kidding).

>> No.7432356

I'm just really excited for the formal ball. Hope it's still good despite the location change... Also trying to convince my friend to go to the JAM Project concert that evening. We'll see I guess.

>> No.7432357

Anyone else cosplaying Fire Emblem? We're having a meetup/photoshoot on Friday at 3 in the courtyard, meeting up near room 313 if it's rainy, and also probably a briefer one before the FE panel on Saturday night at 8.

>> No.7432406

>these panels
Actually seem... better than I expected? I was kind of pessimistic about this year's AB but it looks pretty good.

>> No.7432547

Exactly the situation I'm in, anon. I'm probably going to say fuck it at this point, I'm really sad about it...

>> No.7432556

change of plans, we're just meeting outside 313!

>> No.7433088

Just saw the schedule. The autographing this year is gonna be insane.

There looks like there's a lot of good panels, too. I'm especially looking forward to that One Piece Theories panel on Sunday.

>> No.7433148

>look at the schedule
>scan for things related to Evangelion and nothing else

Am I officially an old man now?

>> No.7433153

Because if you actually fucking scroll back and read, only one person started swearing about "not everybody likes fucking hot pot". Yet, everyone else still wants to go. Reading is hard though, huh.

>> No.7433431


>Gender Identity In Anime

>> No.7433434

This is the stupidist thing ever.

>> No.7433439

I'm actually not going to go back to AB if this is the kind of garbage they allow.

>> No.7433458


Welp, Operation: TRIGGER WARNING is a-go

>> No.7433508

I saw that one of the panels was called "Sexism in Anime." I don't even know what to say to that.

>> No.7433549

Prepare to hear testimonials about the strong, independent womyn at the con being oppressed by men on the T because their legs were open at .2 degrees.

>> No.7433572

So is it safe to say that AB's theme this year is TW: CisHet Men?

>> No.7433667
File: 65 KB, 1130x900, Carl Hibiki 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dabble in a few, mostly on AE. but i'm a scrublord.
I main Dan, but i pretend i can play Abel.

>> No.7433677
File: 50 KB, 474x367, 1378954046416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7433682

who are all you people living in my town?

-your friendly neighborhood DQ employee

>> No.7433690

Yeah, my tl is blowing up and I don't even play capcom lol

In b4 Cammy cosplayers toss on a mask for instant new costume

>> No.7433703

going to stop yourself from having fun at a con because one person is doing a panel you don't like? Shit my friends would have had the worst tiem alst year if they did that. Just this one guy doing Zelda, castlevania, and some other panel and giving his awkward hipster opinion on why he thinks (insert what is considered worst game in the series) is the actually the best game, but you had to play it japanese on an emulator.
or he could not have been a totaly bitch and got himself a damn famicom.

>> No.7433708

Didn't have my trip on before on that Dan post
I just watch the Final Round stream and man am I impressed. I've been so underhyped since they didn't anounce the character months ago so I'm just glad it's over and done with. That being said, Decapre is super awesome.

>> No.7433844
File: 666 KB, 400x400, 1387466186703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jojo panel
>Kaiju Panel
>G Gundam Panel
>Cosplay Family Feud
>Con Horror Stories
Fuck. Yeah.

>> No.7433903
File: 79 KB, 1008x358, 1319765123066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>G Gundam Panel

Well shit, I guess I'll have to bring my Domon Kasshu costume now.

>> No.7433905
File: 446 KB, 237x185, 1313972275687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this list
Fuck I kind of wanna go now.

>> No.7433947
File: 53 KB, 547x511, 1392704612526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Umineko panel
>Ace Attorney panel
>Lolita panels
>Why your fandom sucks panel
>Horror stories

>> No.7434570

Yes, I don't want to be part of an organization that thinks someones' social agenda is relevant to a convention.

>> No.7434640
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jojo panel
>Swap room
>Panel on anime music
>JAM Project autograph session
>Panel on how to make a good panel
>Rose of Versailles in the anime room
...And I just found a $50 bill in my bedroom. Fuck.

Does anyone know off the top of their head how long the T trains run until at night?

>> No.7434642

usually last train leaves around 1 am

>> No.7434658

I was going to mention the late-night service that's supposed to come into effect, but it's not starting until the 28th, so >>7434642 is correct.

Sage for no new info.

>> No.7434673

That's good, I wasn't sure if it had been changed to an earlier time because of the bombing last year.

I'm getting kind of tempted to go on the weekend now because I could drive up, take the T into Boston and then hang out until whenever I feel like leaving. I'll have to think about it a little more.

>> No.7434733
File: 74 KB, 720x960, tranmask2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well im excited but didn't have time to make anything this year just simple mask/costume. goin with friends from school. still should be fun!!!!

>> No.7434763

I saw the when they cry panel too! But it's not listed anymore... I was really looking forward to that

>> No.7434940

>So I just take the green line until the prudential stop?

Yes, but take the "E" trolley of the green line. The green line branches out after Copley and it's the "E" line that gets you to Prudential.

This will help:


>> No.7435198

>Jojo panel
>It's at 11 at night

Fuck! I was planning on leaving after Bad Anime, Bad. Now I'll have to stay I guess. Hopefully I can catch the last trains out on the T.

>> No.7435200
File: 1.58 MB, 540x306, despair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw fuck no! Man, I really wanted to go, you never see When They Cry anymore.

>> No.7435795

Doing my first couple cosplay on Sunday, hopefully: Eleven and (titcow) Clara. Should be fun. Or awful. Whichever.

>> No.7435813

I pulled the trigger on registering for the con and got those nights off. Are we agreed on some kind of meetup?

>> No.7435947

Just don't wear it on Saturday when it's the Lolita Meet/fashion show

>> No.7435966

no that just means you have shit taste.

>> No.7435980

Is there even a fashion show? I don't see it on the schedule.

>> No.7436009

I don't think we ever conclusively agreed on anything due to all the bickering.

>> No.7436039

Cheesecake Factory seems pretty easy...

>> No.7436095

Why didn't people want to do the hotpot again? That sounded fun.

>> No.7436319

Again, I'm down with hotpot, but if everyone wants somewhere else I'm all for it too.

And god damn. The weight of that "its so close to done" of cosplay this close to con has got my up after midnight after a 12 hour work day. First time doing this genre and hope it comes out right.

>> No.7436369


>> No.7436442

I'm fine with either.

>> No.7436461

Alright, let's just do it this way. Up to a vote - I'll put the link in the new thread if one is made soon, as this one is approaching autosage.


>> No.7436545


Let's eat at Typhoon (Asian bistro) or B. Good (local burger joint).

>> No.7436561

Good suggestions. I'll leave the poll running until early Thursday evening to allow everyone who's interested a chance to vote. Everyone cool with that?

>> No.7436665
File: 980 KB, 250x274, 1393100937700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swim, swim, swim
So, who wants to go swimming Friday or Saturday night? I'll probably have my Speedo with me at any given point and will be down to go to the Sheraton or Marriott pool. I also have Twister if that's more appealing.

>the reaction I expect to this post

>> No.7436670
File: 891 KB, 480x270, tumblr_mq46ztj5tz1r2d4flo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be down for that~!

I can't actually swim

>> No.7436683
File: 103 KB, 375x500, gant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my friend stole my swimsuit and I don't have one anymore
>tfw no swimming

On that note, anyone know of hotel parties or anything else that's going down? I know there's that one club hosting an anime-themed night, but...

>> No.7436709

>jojo panel
>already was planning to be wearing caesar

>> No.7436728

BTW, if you're around on Sunday I recommend my bro Mike Toole's panel on Marvel anime.

You'll get to see the anime version of Marvel's Dracula comic, in which Dracula lives in modern-day Boston and fights a guy in a wheelchair in Copley Garden!

>> No.7436933

Going as Speedwagon and Josuke, and I know theres gonna be a few other people from Jojo as well.

>> No.7437011

Isn't that the plot of "Being Human"?

>> No.7437097

good news! it's now friday at 10am.
is there going to be a jojo meet-up by any chance?

>> No.7437099

Thank you, wise anon.

I voted for cheesecake because it seems easy, but I'm totally down for either of >>7436545 's suggestions

What are people thinking for day, time, and meeting place? Will we meet at the restaurant/bar or meet at the convention and walk together?

>> No.7437221

Weird, it says I already voted, but I say hot pot. If no one wants to its cool. We have a day in mind yet?

>> No.7437249

so wait, is everybody going to meet up somewhere before hand? like to eat or a hotel thing?

>> No.7437270


>> No.7437630 [DELETED] 

Since we can't decide where to eat, let's use democracy!


>> No.7437647

Thanks, this one works for me. other poll here kept saying I already voted when I hadnt.

>> No.7437654

There's already a strawpoll like 10 posts up. This shit is just getting more confusing. How about a completely new poll in the new thread, so people don't get confused and vote in both polls?

>> No.7437688

Friday at 7 PM, right by the mall entrance to AB, near the Dunkin Donuts. We meet up there and wait until 7:15pm, then we walk as a group to B. Good. It's close, cheap, clean, and tasty with a perfect lounge to hang out upstairs.

>> No.7437712

can anyone come??

>> No.7437746

Im down with meeting up at that time, but I know myself and my friend were really set on hot pot (she lived in china for a while and loved hotpot buffets, so she wants me to go and see). Dont want to split the party but I will definitely come say hello.

>> No.7437766

This thread is five posts from bump limit. I'll make a new thread, and two new polls - one for location and one for when we want to meet. Everyone cool with this? It sounds like some people couldn't vote on the last poll. The options will include all the shit suggested ITT. Everyone who voted in the previous polls should vote again so we can get a clear picture.

>> No.7437767

sounds good. link to new thread when its up.

>> No.7437790

New thread is here: