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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7385906 No.7385906 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /cgl/,
I don't really frequent this board, but something recently has been knocking about in my head. Is there a general consensus on the Cosplay/Imitation of Nazis and the use of Swastikas in said cosplay?
I was thinking about trying my hand at a basic SS Guard from Wolf3D and then the Super Soldier from the 2009 game.

Also, if you have any sweet Reichplay you should totally post pics bro.
>pic somewhat related, not me

>> No.7387196

I know this caused a big problem at Anime Vegas 2012. I personally don't mind as long as you're not trying to be hurtful on purpose and is within character but I really don't know either way.

>> No.7387304

I worked for a convention for 5 years, mostly security and operations jobs, around the time that Hellsing Ultimate was big and other various things that had characters who wore swastikas were really popular. After several complaints from hotel employees and con attendees we decided to outlaw the armbands specifically from cosplays at the convention. It started a lot of shit with the people who were -REALLY- into wearing them (which kind of bothered me personally). We just decided that a small cosplay detail wasn't enough of a justification to upset attendees and regular non attendees at the hotel. We only asked them to remove or turn armbands inside out. Personally, I wouldn't think you would even WANT to wear a symbol that became synonymous with such a awful thing, but the younger generation either is uneducated about the horrors of it or they just don't care and that bothers me, personally.

I dunno, that's my opinion, but obviously the con-goers we had to confront really disagreed with us.

>> No.7388809


>> No.7389379

My grandma and her mother lived through that shit, they were Prussian/German and Lithuanian and my great grandmother found out her husband was an SS Nazi and kicked him out and threw all his shit outside and set it on fire when she found out he bombed and killed tons of innocent people, and Jews. She told him if he ever came back she would kill him. Then she remarried and was happy.

Also one of my best friends, whose a jew-- His great grandparents had the holocaust tattoo numbers on their arm from surviving.

It's pretty disgusting people who think it's cool to wear shit like that in a normal attire because they think it's cool, not just for cosplaying-- I understand Hellsing and shit, but they're are pretty stupid as fuck, if I ever saw someone wearing Nazi attire and bragging about hating Jews or some bullshit, I wouldn't hesitate to beat the fuck out of them without hesitation.

>> No.7389498

you'd think so but i've seen nazi paraphernalia sold in the dealers hall and a bunch of people wearing the hats around for the lulz, not to mention a dude in a fur suit wearing a nazi uniform complete with swastika arm band. how is this shit still allowed? why do people think its lol so random/edgy to wear it in the first place?

>> No.7389512

Just use an iron cross instead of a swastika and most people probably won't give a shit.

>> No.7389535

please dont. my grandmother lost everyone in her family but her uncle to gas chambers.

>> No.7389539
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Whilst I do detest the glorification of the Nazis by using the armbands and uniforms in costumes or even fashion wear, I also understand that it would never have taken off if the uniforms didn't look so damn good. The swastika as well is such a striking symbol with the red black and white, and the red flash against the sharp black suit.. well, in my eyes, whoever designed that shit it is to blame.

>> No.7389557

Generally the rule is don't. Some cons won't let you. It upsets some people and others throw shitfits just to stir up trouble. If you are really absolutely in love with the character, drop the actual nazi symbols from it.

>> No.7389561
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This reminded me of a couple who got married in cosplay, and the dude was dressed as a Nazi..


>> No.7389579

While it doesn't really bother me, it may offend other people who may have been affected by the holocaust.
I think maybe if you just didn't incorporate any swastikas or even arm bands that you should be fine?

>> No.7389595

As other people have said, just drop the symbol and there should be no hassle. People will probably then just see you are in some sort of military uniform and things should go just fine.

>> No.7389633

>if I ever saw someone wearing Nazi attire and bragging about hating Jews or some bullshit, I wouldn't hesitate to beat the fuck out of them without hesitation.

So tolerant, wow.
Hypocritical much?

>> No.7389669

It's been over 60 years, I think it's time to stop freaking out about it. Every military uniform throughout history and throughout the world has negative connotations to someone, so why is it only nazi uniforms that get this huge stigma?

>inb4 they killed millions
Yes and Stalin killed even more, and we don't have this much of a hang-up about communist symbols

The reason why so many people think it's 2edgy and glorify it so much is because of the huge taboo. Stop making it such a forbidden thing and people will stop glorifying it so much.

>> No.7389676

Did you ever think that maybe your great grandmother's husband was just doing his job and if he hadn't been following orders he would have been killed? Maybe he had family to support. Maybe he just didn't want to die. Maybe he genuinely thought he was going to make the world a better place. You don't know his motivations.

>> No.7389681

60 years isn't actually that long, and most of us know/knew people who were involved in wwii.

So I wouldn't compare it to like, dressing up as a Roman or anything.

>> No.7389689

Still, what about the communist symbols? The only reason people know, care, and get offended over Nazi symbols is because the US is Israels bitch. We barely learn about horrible shit that anyone else did in WWII at all.

>> No.7389701

I don't know about others but I mean I personally don't know anyone who was killed/even mildly inconvenienced by communists. That's kinda what I was getting at. People can be made to feel personally wronged by the Nazis I guess.

I still agree 100% about the rest I just think this is part of why as well.

>> No.7389707


This is so true. We barely learn about the shit Japan pulled and the US did more fighting against them than the Germans. I don't want to be /pol/ but... c'mon. We're Israel's bitch. We're only allowed to care about what they want us to care about. Hundreds of holocausts throughout history and the only one that gets special attention is the one with the jews.

>> No.7389720

I know several people who's families were killed/tortured by the communists in China. There are lots of people who feel personally wronged by them. Just because you don't know any doesn't mean they don't exist. And this is what I'm trying to say, there are people who feel personally wronged by just about every army in the world.

>> No.7389725

A goodly chunk of my dad's family was sent to Siberia to die (Estonians), grandpa was imprisoned on Goli Otok and killed for being Serbian in the fucking early 90s (moms side of the family, Croatian Serbs). People do make a fuss about it and try and raise awareness but nobody cares because we don't pretend to have false morals and pretend to be offended for the six gorillion every waking moment of the day. And a lot of us were gassed as well.

>> No.7389740

Yeah, I know. you guys make it seem like I said nothing bad has ever happened to anyone else.

you're right, there's no way it could have anything to do with the majority Western European diaspora centering history around themselves.

>> No.7389753

Except for the part where the British like to pretend they didn't invent concentration camps. They center history around themselves where it suits them. And if history is centered around Western Europeans, then why all the pandering to Israel and the jews?

>> No.7389758

I tink it would be illegal in most Yuropean countries.

>> No.7389793
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You don't have to have been affected in any way to know that's it's still just a douchey thing to wear around like you're so fucking edgy. Just put an iron cross on it so you're not intentionally starting shit, and get over your self. /pol/ garbage aside, it's just not worth being an asshole, and none of the self righteous arguments I've heard -for- wearing them has had any real substance.

>> No.7389809

It wouldn't. Just frowned upon and it would attract lots of negative attention.
We don't get offended at that many things and most of us don't worry about being PC, except for Swedes who take it to another level.

>> No.7389814

So tell me, what about the swastika makes it so *especially* bad that wearing it automatically makes you a douche, that isn't shared with any other military or political symbol? Especially since it's also a religious icon that previously had no ties to nationalist socialists.

>> No.7389815

How is wearing specific clothing being an asshole? You know that lots of people are only offended because it's a taboo topic rather than something actually having happened to them. If someone wants to reenact, let them reenact. If someone wants to cosplay, let them cosplay. If they aren't being a disrespectful asshole like some Hetalia turds I don't see a problem.

>> No.7389818

>They center history around themselves where it suits them.

Welcome to world history in any country ever.

Each country will make themselves seem as best as they can in history class.

>> No.7389825

The iron cross should have just as many negative connotations as the swastika, if not more. But it doesn't. Why is that?

>> No.7389834

this guy gets it. stop acting like its a huge deal and people won't act like it's super edgy any more

>> No.7389847

Isn't the iron cross older than the nazis?

>> No.7389849

Because more people know what a swastika represents, even though neither is an exclusively Nazi symbol.

>> No.7389848

they still use the Iron Cross nowadays. They probably figured that it has too many centuries of history to just toss away because of the Nazis.

>> No.7389855

That was kinda my point, it has a longer military association than the swastika. In other words, more people were killed under that symbol. If that's why people hate the swastika, the iron cross should have more negative connotations, but it doesn't because that's not how military symbols generally work. The swastika is the only one that people get this worked up about.

>> No.7389873

>British invented concentration camps

U wot, m8?

>> No.7389874

The swastika in the nazi context wasn't just a military symbol though.

>> No.7389881


>> No.7389882

In the Boer wars, yes. Look up the scorched earth policy. And funnily enough, not many people ever learn about this, and there isn't a huge taboo about British military uniforms from that era.

>> No.7389896


No one gives a fuck what else the it meant, especially worn on a red armband on a nazi/nazish cosplay. When I've got hotel / convention center employees coming onto my bridge telling me there are little nazis running around, how does that make us look? Us, the convention, the fans, the staff? Forget your comicons and 10,000+ attendee cons, I'm talking our little 2,000 person cons in little cities across the country. The accuracy of your little cosplay just isn't worth it.

Also, Crux Gammata =/= Swastika.

>> No.7389902

So in a nutshell if we don't cosplay what you like you're gonna throw a bitch fit and kick us out? I don't think that's any better for your business than just letting them go on with their "little cosplay". If you don't like it, don't look, but I guess tits and ass bring in visitors so you okay one over the other.

>> No.7389917

This. Nazi cosplays offend people so we'll kick them out, but other offensive cosplays (near nudity, other military uniforms and symbols) are a-ok. Either you have to ban everything, or anything goes, but it's incredibly hypocritical to pick and choose like that.

>> No.7389919

Hugo Boss designed it.
I love the uniform. The NVA had the same design but gray colour, not as good looking as in black.

Her in Grrmany its outlawed so the question doesnt even arise

>> No.7389941
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You're right. I don't like nazis. Guilty as charged.

I do like how much stuff you just decided I've done. You're fucking adorable, I swear I've had this petty argument with at least five minors on my last year of staffing alone. Just to set your shit straight, we never kicked a single person out. We asked them to turn their arm bands inside out. Sorry to make your cosplay feel unimportant, but it's not the only thing that matters at a convention. You were right that I would rather see tits and asses over 16 year olds in nazi kitten and SS Hetalia cosplays though.

>> No.7389945

Would anyone say get offended by a Stroheim cosplay? The uniform is nazi but other than collar tabs and shoulder boards it looks like a lot of other uniforms.

>> No.7389957

You sound like one of those asshole staffers who love throwing their weight around. Also kinda pervy.

>> No.7389960


I don't think so. Honestly if there isn't an armband no one really cares. All the drama comes from the armband alone. It might be stupid but that's how it is.

>> No.7390918

>they're are
the edge has corrupted your grammar

>> No.7391104

I agree with what your stance anon, I can't believe people want to wear anything nazi related.

>but its only cosplay

No, fuck off. And in Germany you would be in trouble with the law.

>> No.7391246

I think I could take you but that's beside the point. This entire statement either never happened, or was wildly exaggerated. I'll tell you a better one, my family fled German during the Weimar period shortly before hitler took power. Specifically my great grandfather left to escape his cousin who was very involved with Hitler to the extent that he was made the leader of the SA. My grandfather fought on the German side during WW1, but his sons served on the US side during WW2. What sickens me more is that I see people bearing the Hammer and Sickle at cons or the communist star and there are no problems.

>> No.7391274

But it\s okay when hipsters wear red tshirts with a sickle and hammer?

>> No.7391290

Not gonna lie but nazi uniforms are incredibly stylish. I honestly wish they didn't have the bad connotations they do, because they are some of the best designed uniforms I've ever seen.

If it's part of a cosplay, don't flip your shit, it's just someone staying accurate to the character. I strongly doubt that person stands for nazi ideology.

>> No.7391304

Is this really your only argument?
Baww Hitler isn't so bad Stalin killed more people

Jesus Christ, I really must need to be red pilled to understand this shit.

You'll grow out of your Nazi phase soon enough, though, anon. Just try not to get your ass beat before it happens.

>> No.7391495

Fucking this.

>> No.7391896

It's not about being red pilled, or having a 'nazi phase" jfc. It's about the massive double standard regarding nazi symbols and every other military symbol, ESPECIALLY communist symbols. The point is that if you're going to ban nazi references from cons for being offensive, you need to ban the hammer&sickle, the communist star, Stalin and Mao's images etc as well, because they're just as offensive (I can tell you with certainty, my family suffered far more at the hands of the Russians in WW2 than they ever did at the hands of the Germans, but I still have to see their imagery fucking everywhere) Or you can't ban any of it. But you can't pick and choose.

>> No.7392053

Not that anon, but I see those hipsters fucking autistic too.

>> No.7392487

What about wearing Imperial Japanese uniforms? It should not be allowed to wear Imperial Japanese-inspired articles of clothing because it offends Chinese/Korean people. The Japanese were worse than Germany in WWII, yet nobody seems to care about them.

>> No.7393289
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>he bombed and killed tons of of people and Jews
>people and Jews

>> No.7393313
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>> No.7393314
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Thank yoooou.

>> No.7393319

This. If we're gonna ban military insignia and uniforms from the 20th century based on the fact that "many people died", we're gonna be busy banning quite a bit of things. What's more is that some countries still use the same symbols, like Germany or some of the UK.

/int/ may be a racist circlejerk most of the time but at least they don't get offended over everything and everyone calls everyone a faggot instead of being a pretend-moralfag whose only motive for taking offense at something is that "it's wrong" and "people will be mad at meee :(".
It just looks spineless and pitiful.

>> No.7393329

>tfw not white so can't wear bitchin uniform

>> No.7393330

My grandma was part of it. She said experienced no such things and the showers were actually showers with warm water, but she thought she was going to die cause of the propaganda flying around. But she clearly did not. Its funny, Hitler actually did so much good for the German economy, and thats why people liked him. They weren't communist, he could have been overthrown easily, but he wasn't.

And I wholeheartedly agree with: >>7389676 your family are just a bunch of SJW cunts.

>> No.7393331

>you will never have a racist nazi bf
Life is terrible.

>> No.7393345

You may need to reevaluate your life if you're obsessively hung up on dressing up as a nazi character to where you don't mind getting in trouble and pissing people off

>> No.7393352


you might need to reevaluate your life if those things rustle you.

i'm not a fan of SS shit, but hey, live and let live. People will have nasty opinions and will do things other people don't like whether or not it involves nazis.

>> No.7393353

>this goy

>> No.7393357

What do people even think of non whites wearing SS uniforms? Japanese who wear imperial WW2 uniform thing does not apply.

>> No.7393529

They existed in real life actually. Look into Allgemeine SS and how many different foreign groups were in the SS. Uniforms were a tiny bit different depending on the region, but they were SS.

>> No.7393553

The last survivor of the holocaust died not too long ago. The holocaust was also 70+ years ago. People are making a big stink about a piece of fabric that no longer directly affects them.

When I do my Helsing cosplay, i am going to cover it with a Velcro band and take it off for photos. Honestly people are making a huge deal out of something that doesn't even mean what it used to. People who weren't in the holocaust or direct children of the survivors need to shut the hell up. Not only Jewish people were killed in that time. Almost every ethnicity was. And even homosexuals too.

>> No.7393558

Not last survivor by a long shot, it was the oldest survivor at 110. There are still plenty more survivors, and the memory is still fresh to some as their parents were involved in the holocaust. Don't try to wash away something that happened as 'too old' to convenience your shitty cosplay.

>> No.7393567

This. So much this.

I think the main reason only nazi symbol gets hate is because people are really uneducated and only rely on what was taught in school. For some reason, only Germany in ww2 is shat on and other countries with worse atrocities are left out. There gave been worse genocides in histories. Jewish people just whine the loudest.

>> No.7393571

I'm sure these survivors aren't going to your local anime con, so who cares?

>> No.7393574

Also, lol at being this mad

>> No.7393578
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No one is trying to "wash away" something that happened. Though it did happen almost 100 years ago. If people are still offended by a dead political party symbol when worse still is still happening in the current world, they need their priorities straight.

>> No.7393581
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What if I wore a hammer and sickle? I mean communism has killed 100s of millions of people more than Nationalist Socialism ever has. Would that bother you hundreds of times more?

>> No.7393587

The average Ameritard is too stupid to know how fucked up communism is. All they do is see the nazi armband and do "ohhhh those are the bad Germans I learned about in 7th grade"

>> No.7393592

It's moreso how schools have revised history to nyx what made communism evil. Jews have basically controlled the narrative because they control hollywood.

>> No.7393605

Pretty much this
You control what the masses are taught in school, you control a lot of what the average day worker thinks.

>> No.7393606

The Jews literally did this.

>> No.7393612

no because the guy you responding to is probably some crocodile tear crying jew

>> No.7393617

I see /pol/ has decided to pay its weekly visit. Stay classy, douchebags.

>> No.7393627


>> No.7395816

Wow, I'm going to regret posting here, aren't I?

I think it's pointless arguing about which was worse or why this or that should be allowed. To me it's sort of...If I'm at a con and someone complains about someone cosplaying using a swastika? If you get pissy about removing or covering up the symbol then you need to set your priorities in order. I have family from Estonia and I live in Sweden. Basically said family escaped from the Russians rather than the Germans to a country which was looking between it's fingers regarding the German military. We DID help the nazi-ruled Germany. We have our own personal history with the swastika. Now as for the hammer/sickle etc: I think the difference is that nazi Germany is so heavily intertwined with the holocaust. If you talk about nazi Germany you CAN'T avoid talking about the holocaust. Communist Russia though? People don't see the deeds of the Russian military or Stalin as being "part" of the country in the same way. The hammer and sickle is a symbol for a country who happened to be pretty god damn awful rather than being symbols for a mass murder.
Around here most people understand that more died under Stalins regime than in the concentration camps, but there is also a difference between what the Russians did and sitting down, holding a conference and deliberately deciding to exterminate an entire group of people.

If I staffed and someone came to me and said "hey, someone's wearing the communist star and it's making me really uncomfortable because I have family who fled from the Stalin regime", I wouldn't hesitate asking them to cover the star or remove it because it is the right thing to do. Same if it was some Japanese uniform. But that doesn't happen as often as with nazi uniforms, so while those are prohibited by standard it just seems there hasn't been any need to forbid commie symbols or the like yet.

>> No.7395839

my sides

>> No.7395850

>there is also a difference between what the Russians did and sitting down, holding a conference and deliberately deciding to exterminate an entire group of people.

But that's... that's exactly what they did in Stalin's regime. And Mao's. And Pol Pot's. And every other communist regime in history. They sat down and decided which groups of people needed to be eliminated - the bourgeois, the highly educated, certain religious groups, those who spoke out against the regime, etc, and then they systematically went about torturing and exterminating them.

There is literally no difference between their actions. The only difference is the way they have been portrayed in the history books, and which of the groups targeted whined the loudest and the longest about it.

>> No.7395852

please refer to what >>7391896 said.

It's not about which was worse, it's about not enforcing a double standard. You either ban everything, or you ban nothing.

>> No.7395854


"the group that whined the loudest and the longest about it"

That's just it, innit. I know several people whose grandparents fled from communist regimes, and they (the grandparents) never want to talk about it. But associate with anyone of jew descent and they'll bring it up sooner or later. Even if their grandparents were living in america during ww2, they'll act like they were personally survivors of the death camps.

>> No.7395859

My point was the difference in how it is taught. We don't learn about that part of Russia as we do nazi Germany. While communist Russia is portrayed as a shitty place to live, where a lot of people die it is generally presented as the ordinary dictatorship where people who don't agree with the regime are killed. We as students can see some reason in killing those against your regime. Whereas when it comes to nazi Germany it's not portrayed in the same way. Which is why people react stronger to nazi symbols. In the long run I agree that we need to get a better perspective on edcuation but right now more people will react to swastikas than to sickles and hammer and I'm not going to tell these people they're wrong.

I agree that it's not about which was worse, but we need to acknowledge that people react differently regardless. If the next big thing has Stalin-era Russians and people cosplay those I don't think anyone will hesitate to ban those symbols if people complain. I just think it's a matter of the swastika being more present.

>> No.7395863

hammer&sickle aren´t just communist symbols, just for your information. And read some books and take some history lessons, so someday you will know that communist=/=stalinists. I know a lot of communists committed terrible crimes to humanity but others didn´t and tried to make a better living for everyone. But i don´t know any Nazi who tried to make a better life for someone other then himself/the german race.

>> No.7395869

And the Swastika is a Buddhist symbol. Your point being?

>> No.7395874

There hasn't been a single communist regime that has not resulted in the deaths of thousands, if not millions, throughout history. It just doesn't work, accept it and move on hippies.

Also, maybe you should take some non-biased history lessons? Nazis clearly didn't care about their allies, Italy and Japan. Germany-occupied France was obviously an absolutely awful place to live because the Nazis didn't care about the French at all. The Nazis refused to help Spain end their ongoing and bloody civil war, the heartless bastards. They didn't view the British as natural allies against communism. The Allemange division of the SS, which was full of foreigners, never existed. Hitler had zero respect for Muslims and Islam in general. The Nazis didn't genuinely think they were going to make the WORLD, not just Germany, a better place. Can you feel my palpable sarcasm right now.

>> No.7395880

I know a lot of nazis committed terrible crimes to hummanity, but others didn't and tried to make a better living for everyone.

Same argument, same truth, you just don't learn about the good side of national socialism because america needed a bogeyman to pin all blame for the evils of ww2 on.

>> No.7395882

You sure sound like *the* pretentious hipster who would be wearing a shirt with a communist symbol, spouting about Marxism that you don't understand. Pretending to be edgy and smarter than everyone, but you clearly don't know anything about history except what you were spoon-fed in high school.

>> No.7395885
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This anon gets it.

>> No.7395892

well there hasn´t been any regime without deaths and i don´t want to defend those communist regime suckers. But communism has a lot of different currents, some of them are cruel some others aren´t, while Nazism only has one and that one was pretty cruel.

And don´t try to lecture me about Nazis and their allies, just search for quotes how the Germans "liked" their Italian or Croatian allies.

>> No.7395893

What are the good sides of national socialism?
Btw i´m Austrian so i know nearly every side of Nazism.

>> No.7395895

I´m don´t even like a lot of the ideas of communism and i learned about communism and nazism in europ not only in school but from my grandparents and parents how lived through this things.

>> No.7395897

The fact that people react so differently toward them is shocking in itself. Stalin massacred hundreds upon thousands more (of his own people too) than Hitler did, but communism is still seen as an ok school of thought, while the very idea of nationalist socialism is now taboo. It is living proof that history is written by the victors, and there is no doubt that the victors wanted to paint Germany as black as possible. But if you actually take a step back and think about it, where have we drawn a moral line? We are saying that the group with less blood on their hands is far more morally reprehensible than the group whose entire regime was drenched in the blood of their fellow countrymen. The moral line here is backwards.

That is the message you send out when you agree that anything to do with the Nazis is taboo, but Communism gets a free pass. We are going to draw a line to show what is deemed morally acceptable, and we're going to skew the perceptions of a generation to suit our own needs, regardless of which group was actually worse.

>> No.7395902

Economic stability, not to mention an incredible comeback from a floundering economy. The autobahn, Volkswagen and other similar companies. A sense of national pride and belonging, which motivated the population to help their fellow countrymen. Programs to aid youth, education, and the elderly. An emphasis on bettering oneself both mentally and physically, both for the individual good and the good of the community.

Don't pull that "there was nothing good about it" shit with me. My grandfather lived in Germany during that era, I think he knows better than you.

>> No.7395906

Oh and inb4 "it was only good for the Germans"

One of the key focuses was pride in one's nation and community. They had great respect for foreigners who displayed this (aka jessie ownes). They just didn't want those foreigners in their country, hardly a surprising sentiment after Germany was near ruined by said foreigners following WW1.

>> No.7395909
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>> No.7395914

Your /pol/ is showing.
fixing the economic by preparing for war and selling the gold reserves of Austria after the Anschluss because germany was completely broken. Programs to aid the youth, yeah sure my grandmother was in the Bund deutscher Mädl and she told me it was nothing other than a propaganda organisation. Do you know that Hitler wanted to kill every women which is older then 50? But his advisers told him that wouldn´t be accepted at this moment.

>> No.7395922

This thread has been up long enough. >>7389669 and >>7391896 have both won the thread, it's now time to stop arguing about it.

>> No.7395924

ITT: people how don't know shit about Commis and Nazis.

>> No.7395927

ITT: unnecessary bumping. Sage.

>> No.7395957

If you do it, I think you have to prepare yourself to how others will react and where you wear it.
remember the hetalia incident? They almost got their asses handed because of what they where wearing and where they wore it.
Also, incident at Jewcon.
You might be asked to change. Be okay with what you bring and how badly others will respond.

>> No.7397191
File: 56 KB, 480x648, attention-whore_o_154167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If you're gonna be retarded and intentionally do shit that's gonna start problems, whatever. Continue being assburgers so you can look back on yourself in 10 years and be embarrassed. Justify your offensive cosplay (don't even bring up nudity being just as/more offensive, because you're just wrong) to yourself in whichever way helps you sleep at night, but be ready to get shit for it. Don't cry and start some big 'my cosplays being repressed! Waa get over the holocaust! I'm never coming back to (insert some con here) again!' drama when someone asks you to change. And if you go to a photoshoot in the wrong cosplay at the wrong place and you get your ass beat, well you made your decision.

>> No.7397217


Relevant. Read it.

>> No.7397245


Damn, I remember that. Their actions were inexcusable as fuck, and then there were some replies that made me side eye the fuck out of them as well.

Let's just say I lost respect for a "BNF" during that incident. And hetalia fandom in general.

>> No.7398014

Wasn't there also some incident where a Prussia and Germany took a picture of them pointing their guns at a synagogue?

>> No.7398021

Hetalian here. Just a few hours ago on the idiot homestuck facebook 'gigapause', I saw a Russia roleplayer call out a Germany roleplayer for being a nazi-sympathing fuck who wanted Germany to 'take over the world'. Guess not much has changed.

Hetalia fandom's not all bad, thank god. LJ post won't actually load for me, but I'm guessing it's the anime boston salute incident. I'm pretty sure they were chased out of the fandom after that.

Yes, there is. I have no idea who they are, but the picture is disgusting.

Basically the rule with Nazi-style characters is don't wear the symbol, just wear a red armband if you absolutely must. It means people won't get offended. Same way that my local Hetalia comm bans communist and nazi symbols.

>> No.7398062

The only good justification of wearing derogatory symbols is for the sake of historical reenactment.

If you chose to wear it, and you're old enough to know about the Nazis, then you're old enough to know about the repercussions of going around with the armband.

It is equally tacky to wear symbols like the Hammer/Sickle/Mao/Stalin/ect. You may not get the immediate outrage but eventually someone will pick a fight with you.

Is that a good enough answer for everyone?

>> No.7398063

>It is equally tacky to wear symbols like the Hammer/Sickle/Mao/Stalin/ect. You may not get the immediate outrage but eventually someone will pick a fight with you.
>eventually someone will pick a fight with you.

How about a no, SJW shit?

>> No.7398077

>common sense is now SJW

What exactly are you defending that's so goddamn important? I'm pointing out someone's gonna start with you at one point if you wear stupid shit around all the time.

I'm moving history along by not overreacting. I've seen all the above, it doesn't get more than a raised eyebrows from me. But the history is still relatively fresh in our lifetimes, in another few generations it won't have such a stigma.

I'm sorry you were born to early. :'(

>> No.7398078


in all fairness that girl is notoriously crazy and in no way reflects the fandom as a whole

most if what i know is via rp anon places and stories told to me by other people but no she's actually crazy and has pulled more ridiculous inappropriate stuff since

she goes by alphie now i believe? she was into homestuck for a while and is into snk now if i remember right

>> No.7398081

What the fuck are you doing on the gigapause facebook anyway, hmm?

And I thought we'd decided to stop bumping this idiotic thread, so why the fuck is it still on the front page? Sage.

>> No.7398085

I'm a horrible person, but that photo always makes me laugh. They're trying so hard to be edgy and it's pathetic, but it's actually working because everyone was so horrified by it.

>> No.7398104

You're not going to get shit for wearing mao/stalin shit. You will for wearing a swastika. Get out sometime, hey?

>> No.7398114

You don't know many Chinese people, do you?

>> No.7398439


you could.

but if they have common sense,just like me,they wouldnt talk about it much.
especially to someone you dont know alot.