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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7396258 No.7396258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7396272

> We were told it was to keep out the riffraff. In various conversations with the security and the police, this was variously described as gangs, people in vampire costumes, a group that tried to come ride the carousel last week while wearing horsehead masks, and other such riffraff.

It sounds like this mall has a problem with special snowflake assholes, and security assumed it was all the same group.

Also if this nerd says "riffraff" one more fucking time

>> No.7396293

>"we'll, we're kicking you out because there was a vampire group who we had problems with"

maybe they were talking about homestucks.
oh boy, I would be so pissed if someone walked up to me and said "sorry, you're not welcome here in lolita, because we had trouble with the homestucks"

but yeah, going to a mall with 40 people is a bit much...

>> No.7396310

The "vampires" are actually home stucks? Theory makes a lot of sense. Hang out in malls, are annoying...

>> No.7396472

I'm just back at... who the fuck goes to a mall? There's no real photogenic places, there's actually surprisingly few "hangout" places for large groups other than taking over the food court, it's not like you're going shopping (Hot Topic????)

To me it smacks of going to ~*xX FREAK OUT THE NORMALZ Xx*~, etc. To go in a big group and get stared at and giggle and feel special.

Really, go somewhere open, somewhere pretty. There won't be any good shots in a mall. And nothing inside a mall is remotely steampunk?? Maybe a park, a history museum?? Something? I dunno, it's San Diego, figure it out.

Probably. I googled "carlsbad mall" and "homestuck" to see if there was an organized meetup, but no. It's very likely, though. It's so fucking stupid to go to a HS meet in the mall, and I say this as a Homestuck. Grey makeup and retail space do not mix. When my community suggested a mall meetup, I shot them down like a cannon.

I mean, with the steampunks, have none of them worked retail? Anyone who has knows shit's annoying.

>> No.7396494

Fucking GOOD.
>not arranging with mall for a large scale meetup
>being special fucking assholes in a public space
>being a large mass of people in a place designed for comfortable movement of groups of 5-8
>being fucking grown ass adults hanging out at a mall in silly costumes
>being god damn mother fucking steampunks
I've been to a few steampunk events as a vendor and friend of performers and have never seen a more obnoxious fandom, short of bronies (who are 99% of the time also steampunks). They're also the most hypocritical since, even though every one will spew the same thing about steampunk being about celebrating the pre-industrial revolution attitude, all they buy is the same exact mass produced junk (which just means I can go in and buy all the actual antiques and working gizmos for a fucking steal. 1930s motor goggles for $30 yo)

>> No.7396618

Hey SD Fag here and the mall their talking about isn't really that big, compared to the others so forty people dressed up in steampunk would confuse a lot people but not really bother them. I could see 40 people filling up parts of the mall or craming stores. also the vampires they're talking about or the ones I would say are the vampires or I've only seen them once are the ones that dress Louisiana style vampire and don't wear shirts. so I could see why they don't want steampunks.

also im pretty sure they do steampunk as style not as way to get notice. I.E. fashion statement

>> No.7396685

I'm pretty sure Homestucks are banned from the Prudential Mall in Boston because of some meetup gone awry there.
The convention center Anime Boston's in is attached to that mall, though I don't think the ban is enforced when the con rolls around.

>> No.7396694

So, they ARE vampiresand not Homestucks? Wow.

>> No.7396715

I rarely see anyone cosplay at the mall, besides maybe cat ears and tail, but the vampires is one of the few things I've seen the most. but I laugh that off and say that usually happens where ever there is a hot topic.

>> No.7396717

Maybe.... that merry go round they were planning on riding was the main attraction as to why the steampunk group wanted to go there... which is very photogenic.

Next time read the story

>> No.7396730
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>this was variously described as gangs, people in vampire costumes, a group that tried to come ride the carousel last week while wearing horsehead masks
LOL redditors

>> No.7396731

I know a few friends that are into steampunk but they would never do anything ridiculous like this. Whenever they wear their stuff it's usually at an event like a convention.

Personally, I don't really get steampunk. To paraphrase a quote I saw:

"Steampunk is what happens when goths discover the color Brown."

>> No.7396739

Okay, but they couldn't exactly take over a carousel for pictures forever? It still bodes bad planning.

>> No.7396763
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>1930's motor goggles for $30
I am green with fucking envy. Pics?

>> No.7396811

>said she felt “corralled” and given the “ushering effect.”
No shit.
>being a grownup, and the best use of your time is freakin the normals at the mall
>dat fatty fatty boom boom in an uncorseted pseudovictorian mumu

>> No.7396921

As someone who has been to a Homestuck meetup not far from this mall I wouldn't be surprised. There was a group of obnoxious grey weeaboos who left the meetup to walk down to the mall. I'm not sure if they were kicked or not but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

>> No.7397049
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SD local here, have a few of the locals who were there on my fb, etc. Most of them are pretty special snowflakey and haven't stopped crying about persecution. (yes that word has actually been used._ The majority of the group are much older adults as well. I feel like they should have better concerns.

I also love how a lot of their defense is 'well if you let poorly dressed people in, saggy pants, youngters, etc etc.'

>> No.7397053

>other such riffraff
Holy shit i fucking hate steampunks

>> No.7397133

I somehow think there might have been more to it than the group is saying unless large groups just aren't allowed in the mall without prior arrangement. They may have been acting up a little or talking loudly like people sometimes do in costume.

>> No.7397149

SD Fag here as well. looks like a lot of the group also crosses over with the conjecture/condor convention crowd. Which is pretty dramatastic in itself. So I wouldn't be surprised.Basically mostly 'oo shiny toy gun' steampunks.

>> No.7397159

Someone should talk to mall security and find out what really happened, haha! I would, if I were local.

>> No.7397183

Louisiana style vampires? No shirts? What?? I'm from Louisiana and I have never heard of this

>> No.7397184

There's a big and active "San Diego Stuck" group, but their meets are largely in Balboa Park or downtown area. Carlsbad is way north for them.

I'm an SD native and my parents still live up near this mall, but id feel like a right twat chasing after security guards to ask.

>> No.7397374

>I mean, with the steampunks, have none of them worked retail? Anyone who has knows shit's annoying.
I think that's what they're missing. A mall is a place to do business. The stores don't want a flash mob crowding out customers. They really don't want any distractions or commotion, because thieves will use those to steal as much shit as they can.

>> No.7397389

WHY are they ALL fat?!? I demand answers

>> No.7397395

Malls are for shopping, not hanging out. If you're not there to spend money- they dont really want you hanging around at all.

>> No.7397408
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Not to sound "special", but I used to work at a mall that didn't even allow us to pass out coupons to the public without running it through security. So things like this sounds like its a no brainer.

They made a bad move and didn't inform the mall of their presence. Just because one place accepted it, doesn't mean that another will. This goes for any and all costume gatherings. Otherwise, it makes them feel threatened. If they say no, well then guess what? You saved yourself a trip and issues with security and situations like in the article are avoided. Come on, you're adults now. SOMEONE should've thought about that. Not to say that their security guards didn't sound like utter dickbutts but if they say you can't come in- what can you do? Nothing.

Personally, I think there was no need to try to contact the management. "You're not dressed like everyone else, you're not here for an event that gets us money or related to anything that may get people to come here and shop, and we don't like it. go 'way. "

>> No.7397457
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Only steam pug knows.

>> No.7397477

probably not the best description but this how they're picture on monsters and mysteries in America, but here is a better description black top hats, black trench coats, black everything. goth practically with fangs.

security is rarely out unless it foot patrol, also this is my hypothesis they didn't want them there for the reason it will affect mall profit and they need profits for they're new expansion they're doing. also this mall doesn't get a lot of traffic. unless its a holiday or Saturday.

I understand that, but those are flashrobs not flashmobs. also this mall has numerious security cameras, about 4 main entrances, 3 direct entrances through main stores, and the emergency exits but security room is connected to emergency exit halls which pretty much circles the entire complex. the only thing I would be worried about is the lack of security I know or at lease seen between 3-5 different security guards. so forty plus people in matching style clothing could be quite intimidating for this mall.

this pretty much sums it up everything

>> No.7397475

>calling for permission to assemble in a public space
yeah, no
you're fucking dumb

>> No.7397582

Unfortunately I don't have them on me, they got left behind with my kid brother for his 50s broke-garage-monkey impression at the museum we help out at. They looked like hell though when I picked them up, coated in goo that from the smell I assume was motor oil.

Actually by the policy of most malls (which are private property open to the public, not public property), groups of over 15 people must seek permission or at least inform the management that they will be holding a meet up. A group of 40 suddenly showing up and milling around en masse is a pretty big security issue.

>> No.7397595

Interview with the Vampire I think they mean, it takes place in New Orleans. Goths dressed like Lestat and shit.

>> No.7397609

Oh ok, thank you. I haven't seen either of those so I didn't know

>> No.7397631

Why are steam punks and goths the worst for this shit? Wasnt there some uk 'goffs' who got kicked off a bus for leading each other around on dog leads or something a while back?
Lol, freak out da normaLz.

>> No.7397653

Also, their 'espousal of Victorian manners' reminds me of fedora-tipping and neckbeards calling me m'lady.

>> No.7397672

>I also love how a lot of their defense is 'well if you let poorly dressed people in, saggy pants, youngters, etc etc.'
It's hilarious that they have this mental image of their group being so well dressed.

>> No.7397716

Holy fuck this. I really hate it when alternative fashion adherents claim to be sooooooo much better dressed than normal people: lol no, you are just differently dressed.

>> No.7397835

I call 'em steamporks.

>public space

Surprise, it's NOT! Malls are privately owned, a company owns the building and leases/rents the store spaces to other people. The public is *invited* to come in and freely shop, but they can kick you out/deny for whatever reason they want.

I hate people who have this idea that clothes are like fucking RPG items. "I wore something classy. I have class now!" No you look like an out-of-place hot mess

>> No.7397849

>Surprise, it's NOT! Malls are privately owned, a company owns the building and leases/rents the store spaces to other people. The public is *invited* to come in and freely shop, but they can kick you out/deny for whatever reason they want.

Fucking this. It's not some state run strip mall with fucking lawyers in hiding. If you run a mall, you make the rules. You don't even have to post them, because businesses(fuck it, people) assume you know what's socially acceptable. And if you don't post them, you can pretty much make them up on the fly. Don't want the local cosplayers meet up there? Go ahead. It's your property. If doing so hurts your business, well, who's fault is that? Don't like black people wearing full pink on sundays? Kick'em out. Nude asian Thursdays? It's your property. Lolita mondays? Tell Claire's you want a 10% cut.

>> No.7397915
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local here again, photo from somebody at the event
They also apparently made it on a local news channel but can't find a copy of the report.

>> No.7398327

Ew nice fingernails.

>> No.7398352

Malls are private property
The owner and whoever the owner gives authority to can kick people out for any reason they want.
I can let people in my house with an open door. But if I tell you to leave because I don't like the shirt you're wearing. You gotta leave

>> No.7398363

Well mall security doesn't actually have the authority to kick people out for they way they're dressed, and it can be viewed as discrimination and is in many cases.

>> No.7398391

>White, fat, middle-aged group
u wot m8

Also yes malls can do it based on your dress, hotels too. Ever seen a "No shoes no shirt no service" sign? It's someone's property, it's a business. If they don't want you on their property and deem you as hurting their business they can kick you out. Go to a public park or your own private land ffs.

>> No.7398394

The owner can give mall security the authority to kick people out
It doesn't matter if it's discrimination. It's private property.
Just because you're allowed to go in without 'permission' doesn't mean it's a public area

>> No.7398398

"many cases" is pretty clearly defined by law.

Religion? Race? Protected.

Stupid outfit? And more so the fact that you're all hanging out NOT buying anything? Scram.

>> No.7400070

Hah, I wondered when this would get posted here. Steampunks are the old-people equivalent of cosplay/lolita meets to be honest. A bunch of socially inept special snowflakes thirsty for attention with added midlife crisis. Color me shocked they wouldn't have the mental facilities to realize this wouldn't be a good idea.

Because they're old.

>thinking malls are public property
yeah, no
you're fucking dumb

As it should because their numbers heavily include this crowd.

>> No.7400101

SD person here, In the malls defense over the past couple of years, they've kicked out SEVERAL cosplay groups for disturbances. So yes they did judge this group a little quickly.
the last group they kicked out was a bunch of weebos.

>> No.7400953

And somebody went and made a song about it...

>> No.7401873

Steampunks make my reenactor heart rage. If you're going to do something based on historical clothing, you have to know what the fuck the clothes actually look like before you alter it. I tried out steampunk, went to a few events with friends, and ended up literally biting my tongue to not correct every third person I saw.
>spagetti strap tops
>20s/30s/40s hairstyles mixed with attempt at Victorian clothing
>$5 cotton skirts from Walmart safety pinned into bustles
>80s prom dresses with top hats
>modern shirt collars and tuxedos and fedoras just why
>rockabilly everywhere
>"Victorian Marie Antoinette" being used as a description
>someone selling legitimate antique clothing mislabeled and with a dressing room to try it on
>original War of 1812 era uniform
>most beautiful condition I've ever seen one in
>purchased and immediately worn by a teenager with two pairs of goggles on

>> No.7402170

Kind of off topic but d'aaaw that dapper little boy.

>> No.7402183

He looks like the italian kid asking for protection money from the jewish kids to keep the irish kids away.

>> No.7402205

I'm actually part of the local steampunk comm here, and I'm getting about fed up with it.

When I started, I honestly just put gears on things, but as time went on, I purchased some actually decent things (period boleros, bustles, petticoats ect) and got a full victorian dress together.

Then, I added a character to it, and gave it an identity.

Almost all of the people in my comm tend to think that steampunk is just "LOL THIS OUTFIT WITH GEARS" It's getting really frustrating, and I find that the more I go to comms, the more I'm ostracized for actually trying to do things right.

Maybe I should switch over to loli, I can't stand this shit.

>inb4 special snowflake.
I may well be acting like one, but from someone on the inside, it's highly frustrating.

As to the subject at hand, Personally, I don't think the mall staff should have been dicks, but fully grown adults showing up in such numbers, should have known this isn't a good idea. A mall is full of superficial people, and Is not the environment where this will be taken well. It's common sense to go somewhere more weird-oriented. (so like a themepark, or something)

>> No.7402213
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thought I"d post a picture. I covered her face so not to seem vendetta. This chick is considered a god for some reason, despite the fact that her outfit literally looks like a prison uniform.

>> No.7402222
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>> No.7402640

do you mind showing us your steampunk stuff?

could censor your face

>purchased and immediately worn by a teenager with two pairs of goggles on

god why

>> No.7402747

I actually have a photoshoot tomorrow, and can get my stuff together for that. I'm still kind of in a process. I"ve created a character, but I'm trying to phase out of mix matched accessories, that honestly don't do anything for the character.

(an example would be goggles on the fucking head. It's an oil rigging character, not a wielder.)

But I should have pictures in a couple days if the thread's still around.

>> No.7402750

What a bunch of babies.