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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7396392 No.7396392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>watch boku no pico yesterday with buddies to ironically make fun of it
>go home and can't stop thinking about pico

C-can we have a trap cosplay thread? L-like feminine guys cosplaying as grills or trap characters?

n-no homo

>> No.7396398

You are better off in /soc/ for the more sexual kind of stuff.

>> No.7396412

OP pic gets my boner going. Source?

>> No.7396457
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>> No.7396576

Traps are the new "vanilla."
Vagina-only people are the deviants.

>> No.7396853

Is it weird that I love traps, but don't like futas?

>> No.7396858

No. Completely different sexual appeals.

>> No.7396859

>tfw people are constantly thinking you're a trap, especially when wearing feminine outfits

>> No.7396863

no. futas are gross
traps are adorable

>> No.7396871

Not at all. They're not the same thing. I like traps but not futas either (because balloon tits are gross anyway.)

>> No.7396877

what's the difference?
genuinely curious.

>> No.7396879

I love balloon tits and exaggerrated curves in hentai, but dislike futa yet like traps. I guess it's a matter of personal preference

trap has one hole and is a guy. futa has two and is a girl

>> No.7396900
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My favorite traps are the feminine looking guys that don't take hormones or plan on going through with the surgery. Never really been attracted to post op transsexuals in a sexual way, because I feel like they're 'cheating the system' and making it too easy to be attractive. Like a really cute, feminine guy without hormones is super rare. A trap is like when you give a photographer an iPhone and he just takes some amazing photos with great angles and really nice composition. A transsexual is if you give a photographer a DSLR and they give you back mediocre to good photos. It's not as impressive because they have so much more shit to work with.

Pic related. Guy on the left is easily 14/10 like hory shit how can something that cute even exist. After his surgery he ended up looking like an average 8/10 chick. Truly heartbreaking.

>> No.7396904

Real traps don't exist. It's all just the camera angle.

>> No.7398201

Ugh don't remind me

>> No.7398208
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Boku x CoCo x Pico

that is all

>> No.7398223


here you go anon

>> No.7398360

Those are twinks not traps

>> No.7398705

Does anyone know how Jlist shimapan/panties fit? I'm thinking of getting some of their panties, but I don't know if I should get M or the trap variants. I have a 26-ish inch waist, and I don't want to have it end up being too small.

>> No.7398725

>tfw no cute trap bf :c

>> No.7398749

>Jlist panties
Instead of buying cheaply made shit that will probably look like granny panties just buy a pair of real ones.

>> No.7398761

Don't buy J-lists panties they're disgusting and fake.

>> No.7398770

The 'original' japanese ones are all like this as well though.

>> No.7398773

>buy a pair of real ones
I hope you know those ARE the 'real' ones that are sold in every cosplay store in Japan, right?

>> No.7398778

Women are finished. What guy wouldn't love to have some qt3.14 trap waiting for him when he comes home to cook dinner and love him unconditionally. He'll you'd even have a good chance of finding a virgin trap than you would a female nowadays.

You have someone that could be your bro and play video games with and share interests with while being intimate and traditional. Finding that in a woman is about 1 in 1,000,000.

So why haven't you started looking for a trap yet?

>> No.7398780

We don't give a shit, /r9k/.

>> No.7398788
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>> No.7398793
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>> No.7398797

>finding a virgin
Everybody who still wants a virgin these days only does so the person can't complain about the bad sex.

>> No.7398798

Those nails fucking turned me off so fast...

>> No.7398801

That reminds me of this video I saw a while back
A boi was wearing one of those swimsuits and fucked himself in the ass with a dildo and had a hands free cum multiple times
Never wanted to ravage a trap more than seeing that

>> No.7398799
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This must be the new used up feminist argument...

>> No.7398807

Shipman are literally just striped panties, why would you buy them from a cosplay store and pay way too much for them when you could just buy actual striped panties?

>> No.7398805

nah, it's mostly insecure people who don't feel comfortable without a virgin because they're scared of being judged for being bad at sex. not feminist, just beta.

>> No.7398806

Or, its what one expects from someone from /r9k/.

Please go back to your shit board.

>> No.7398811

Only a virgin would want a virgin. I think most people want a partners as experimanted as they are.

>> No.7398816

Those swimsuits are hideous. Who fetishize that shit ?

>> No.7398819

They are not like western panties due to their shrinking when not being worn but besides that, they are indeed just normal panties.

>> No.7398824

The same people who fetishize school uniforms, they are school swimsuits after all.

>> No.7398851
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in b4 girls saying the ones on the right apply to them

>> No.7398853

>referring to a trap as "she"
da fuq. they aren't transgender

>> No.7398864
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>> No.7399005

I'm mainly just wondering if they will fit. I didn't want to buy M if it is too small for me. The trap versions look really big, and I didn't want it to be too big either. Shimapan is also not the only thing I was buying though. I was thinking of getting some Tamatoys panties, and some spats if possible. They all seem to have the same sizes, so I was wondering if anyone had experience with the M sizes to know. I'm sorry if this sounds weird or anything, as I don't really come to this board that often. I just needed to know before I bought M or 3L/5L.

>> No.7399014

>cook him dinner and love him unconditionally
>be your bro
Traps are way more high-maintenance than women.

>> No.7399023

Oh man... if you ever find the link to that, I'd love to see it.

>> No.7399096

if someone plans to have surgery or hormones theyre trans not a trap?
why are people still getting this mixed up a trap is a guy who dresses as a girl but is a GUY its a trap because they trick you etc this is why trap livers get confused with trans obhectifiers now

>> No.7399099

You're disgusting.

>> No.7399102


>> No.7399109

Get outta here, Tumblr

>> No.7399130

What does a trap and your post have in common?
>no periods

I think he was just saying how traps aren't those guys who want to be girls for real, with like hormones and shit. Traps are still guys wanting to be guys underneath clothes that make them pass for a chick.

>> No.7399148

Its called being a tranny in the states.

Also op you are a fag if you like to watch GUYS jack off and you are a guy. It doesn't matter that they are dressed like a woman(which they never get right and look like shit 10/10 times)
Also you gay if you like to watch/read it.
Nothing wrong with being gay but own up to it you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.7399151

get some standers, clean your self stop being a faggot,and maybe stay off of /d/ and you might have a chance with a girl.
And the fact that you use "grill" to describe girls is fucking lame.

nvm just kill your self

>> No.7399167

Someones gettin mad.

A lot of them are whores. Be careful.

>> No.7399178

>pure and virginal

Traps are sluttier than real women like 99% of the time.

>> No.7399185
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>he thinks liking traps is gay

>> No.7399200

>posting a pic of a tranny instead.

she might have been a trap at first, but then it really got to his head. I've seen her fuck Sarina Valentina, though.

>> No.7399750

r9k here. Non-virgin women are scum. Fucking used whore cumdumpsters. Stop trying to act lke 2d. You will never be cute and innocent like 2d lying fake 3dpd.

>> No.7399785

wow, your harpies get so mad when someone steals your pray

>> No.7399796
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>> No.7399828

Those fake tits are gross

>> No.7400293

>muh anecdote

>> No.7400313

Why do you want a virgin then? According to you, after the first sex with you she becomes scum anyways.

>> No.7400323

But why can't the trap ever give you the dick

>> No.7400328

As a used-up whore you would never understand.

>> No.7400332


They somehow turn me on

>> No.7400355

Guy on the left got surgery? I've seen this pic before, always thought they were just faggots. Sauce on him as a grill?

>> No.7400373

did she get another pair? they look even huger than i remember

i guess that porn moneys gotta go somewhere

>> No.7400386

Says the virgin that speaks like a whore.

>> No.7400453
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>not even trying

>> No.7400459
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>> No.7401085

>shit board
>says cglandwahles

>> No.7401092
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