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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7389870 No.7389870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread maxed. Post cosplay, tutorials, con photos, progress pictures, etc.

>> No.7389883

Kill la Voldemort pls.

>> No.7389973

/r/ing ragyo cosplayers, if any other than that one cosplayer exist.

>> No.7390064 [DELETED] 

Might be interesting news to you as well, if you there's anyone here who actually cares about the personality of the character they're cosplaying:

Word of God (Trigger) saying how the girls would be in their love life:

>the type to who will get a divorce rather than suck it up for a "happy life"
>probably would stay single all her life but at least she'd try to understand her guy and give it a chance

>the type to make you cry and cry herself
>possibly into domestic abuse (as in abuse her guy)

>never marries anyone
>literally says men are only good for sex (basically an /r9k/ neckbeard with tits and ass)

>controlling bitch
>... but in a "harmonic" way; it says she will make her man happy if he doesn't fight back against it

>girl who will have multiple guys at once
>a slut, basically, but she'll eventually realize that she fucked up but it's too late then

>similarly, also says that she is a very slutty type, many guys at once
>weirdly enough, unlike Nui she also tends to be violent towards them

>devoted wife and mother
>good person in general

So keep this in mind before you do some unfortunate couple cosplays. Don't take your "own interpretation" over based studio Trigger who got everything covered.

TL;DR - Sukuyo and Ragyo a best; don't do couples with males as Satsuki; Nui and Nonon a sluts.

>> No.7390071
File: 102 KB, 399x617, ragyo_test_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gratuitous self post. I'm in the progress of making a Ragyo cosplay. For the wig, I think I'll sandwich a cuttable EL panel in a half moon shape in between a base purple wig and yellow wefts- and then sharpie dye in the colors? Do you think this could work? Is there a better alternative to the sharpie dye? I'll hide the battery pack in my neck piece.

>> No.7390074
File: 13 KB, 91x81, 1393200708928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Forgot about the censor. It was for Facebook and I forgot to save an unedited version.

>> No.7390072

last time you posted this you got ripped apart. Did you change anything besides hiding your face.

>> No.7390077

I don't have a new picture- I wouldn't really describe it as "ripping apart" either? People gave useful suggestions. I couldn't change the fabric, but I did fix the fit and made the bottom flare out more.

>> No.7390076

Instead of sharpie dying, i would just get extra wefts. It might be costly, but it will probably look better. Just my opinion though; I could understand if the extra costs are too much. Wefts get expensive.

>> No.7390078

/a/ pls fuck off

no one cares about your waifu, she is a 2D character, we can cosplay whoever we want however we want

>> No.7390092
File: 29 KB, 216x210, babby laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading about Mako
>Voldemort is cosplaying her
>it's a perfect fit

Sasuga, Trigger.

>> No.7390096

Okay, I've heard a lot about her, but I don't know what her deal is-- would someone care to explain who "Voldemort" is and why she's consistently mentioned on these types of threads?

>> No.7390108

She's a Canadian; that alone should tell you everything you need to know. If it doesn't, then get out, I ain't spoonfeeding newfags.

>> No.7390123

Voldemort's a tripfag and /cgl/ can't have trips without derailing the entire thread. Can we please not do this shit again.

>> No.7390137

/r/ing good non-transformation ryuko wigs. all ive seen are flat as fuck, the wrong color, or just plain terrible all around due to styling/wig quality.

>> No.7390145

Wow, guys really like that troll girl even though she was there only for one episode. Maybe I should cosplay as her after all. She looks just like me.

>> No.7390149

>one episode
Who the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7390184

The girl with the spectacles and a hand in plaster.

>> No.7390218 [DELETED] 

Can't wait for the rapes to start on Ryuuko senketsu cosplayers.

>> No.7390223

5 edge 7 me

>> No.7390240

Doubt it would happen. Only butterfaces cosplay that, so the rapist would need to have a paperbag at hand.

>> No.7390251

da fuck?

where did they say this actually came from Trigger? My japanese is shit, admittedly, but it doesn't seem to say it's official.

>> No.7390252

Tennis Girl, you should've said so.
People like her because she's like a female Viral.

>> No.7390255 [DELETED] 


I'm not the one who will be having involuntary orgasms as I'm being raped.

Tempt some guys and they'll deal with matter themselves. Got it?

>> No.7390257

yet to see anyone cosplay her though

>> No.7390260

I imagine the skirt is scaring people off.
We've had a few Anons ask for help on her though.

>> No.7390264
File: 38 KB, 142x197, y5475756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7390273

true, but really all thats needed is superglue and a base to attach the tennis balls to. like, they could make the skirt, and make a BOTTOM for the skirt, and then attach the tennis balls to the bottom while leaving legholes. shouldnt be too difficult but oftentimes cosplay is harder to make than to describe so

>> No.7390278

also thats a lot of tennis balls to buy and it could get costly

>> No.7390282

You can get like 6 tennis balls for $2 at walmart.

>> No.7390308

Nooooo, not the Tennis Girl. The one that steals Senketsu.

>> No.7390321 [DELETED] 

>I'm not the one who will be having involuntary orgasms as I'm being raped
That's pretty hot actually

>> No.7390322

plus you could probably get away with cutting a lot of them in half which would reduce the total number of balls needed and the weight

>> No.7390323
File: 97 KB, 300x461, maiko_ogure_54753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you mean Ōgure.

>> No.7390337

She's like the third in the popularity poll, right behind Ryuko and Satsuki. /a/ really has weird taste.

>> No.7390353

I wouldn't use actual tennis balls. Even in half, they're heavy.
I'd try to get a bunch of rubber or plastic balls, paint them like tennis balls, and weave them together along the bottom of a petticoat.

>> No.7390350

are you implying that the people who translated in on /a/ have merely *DECEIVED* us (in a comical way)?


>> No.7390352

>spend all that money on fabric, paint, and prop construction
>can't afford tennis balls

>> No.7390357
File: 17 KB, 167x311, Kak1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying this guy at alcon this year, considering handing out midas banknotes if people take my pic. Thoughts?

>> No.7390355

You can always cosplay the "post defeat" version. If you know what I mean.

>> No.7390359


Is that some new character? I thought I read about them all on the wik--- I mean, I-- haven't seen all the episodes yet!

>> No.7390360

Apparently it's from a Trigger writer.

>> No.7390364

He is one of Sōichirō Mikuni's assets, he appeared in the first episode, one of my friends is going as mikuni

>> No.7390369

Oh I see, that's Ryuuko's dad's name right.

>> No.7390375

-blank face- hospital girl? its her brother apart from that, dont remember a ryuuko

>> No.7390382

it's just one of the writers speculating about what they would be like in his free time (because he's probably a herbivore with no wife, no life) it's not like they will ever give us a 2nd season of KLK with cute girls doing cute things

>> No.7390384
File: 811 KB, 500x281, takarada.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to see some Takarada cosplay. His character design is really interesting. I want to see how it translates into real life.

>> No.7390392

you're in the wrong thread mate

>> No.7390393

Friendly reminder that Nui wears no panties. It's not slutty if it's accurate!

>> No.7390394

ok 0_o

>> No.7390396

you're on the wrong website mate

>> No.7390402

Has anyone done Mako's two star uniform yet?

I'm thinking of doing it but have no idea where to start with all of the spikes.

>> No.7390410

people have, but none of them were good (but these were from a while ago so idk if theres any new ones)

but im in the same boat you are, i plan on doing two star, and im a bit stuck on the "lasers" (life fibers?) on the inside of her uniform

>> No.7390411

ok T_________T

>> No.7390417
File: 130 KB, 1000x700, Bf87kNCCAAAW5Tx-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make everything. Currently leaning towards Mako, tracksuit Ryuko, or Iori. Maybe Nonon. I would cosplay Satsuki in a heartbeat but I really really can't pull her off. Those feels, man.

Decisions are hard so I'm just gonna wait until it's finished. But whatever else I do, I definitely want to cosplay Sukuyo. I have a friend who's doing Mako anyway and I can make a guts plushie (or borrow someone's pug), but the hard part is finding a husband and son.

>Mako might abuse her guy
>Gamagoori is a masochist

Why are they so perfect?

>> No.7390420

At this point I'm thinking about a light weight paint or ribbon sewn onto the lining of the jacket. I have no idea what material I should use for the jacket itself though. Would pleather be too over the top?? Or should I stick to suiting with a hefty amount of interfacing?

>> No.7390444
File: 927 KB, 1275x717, 1390870361934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on nudist Nonon, only managed to sew one pouch before work. Those things take longer than I anticipated, and I'm sewing 12. This is gonna be a terrible experience.

>> No.7390453

Please be Ryuko. [spoiler]Finally, we'd get a Ryuko that's as cute as she's supposed to be.[/mootplsgivespoiler]

>> No.7390459

What does she look like, the tripfag I mean?

>> No.7390461

The only appropriate couple cosplays are Gama x Mako, and Junketsu x Sanageyama. Even they are both technically only one sided so far. Ryuko x Senketsu is pretty creepy because people tend to forget that he is actually like a dad to her and his face is designed exactly to be like Isshin (just like Junketsu's face is designed to be a combination of Ragyo and Souchiro).

>> No.7390466

Don't worry, even if it turns out to be horrible you will make history / become a legend by becoming the new Tunamelt-chan.

>> No.7390485

But Nonon and Inumuta...

>> No.7390491

i say dont do pleather! i was checking the wiki for more photos and if her two star uniform was a reference to something else; which it is! its to Jotaro Kujo's from Jojo's Bizare Adventure, which his outfit is a japanese boys uniform

so go with suiting instead, i need to rewatch the episode to see if her uniform is super stiff and unmoving (in which case i might figure out something to put in the lining to make it stay in the shape)
not too sure if any of what i said made sense, im a little really out of it

>> No.7390499

What about them? They have a lot of fanart sure, but they're about as canon as Ryuko x Monkey Trouble. All they did was exchange a little banter (about as much as she and Monkey exchanged during the Ryuko battles) and Nonon was visibly disappointed that she did not get to see his penis when he forfeited his battle against Ryuko. That might have been just curiosity, you know, she already saw Gama's inhumanly large member and Monkey's (hopefully flaccid) 11cm wonder, so she wanted to scratch the last one of her list as well.

>> No.7390502

Is that cannon?

>> No.7390506
File: 425 KB, 640x360, kill la kill nui a nopan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes

>> No.7390507
File: 210 KB, 960x1280, IMG425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would customizing a dark blue blazer to look a little like senketsu and wearing some dark blue pants, a white dress shirt, a red tie, and some chucks and carrying around the half scissor sword like a nigger be okay?
I don't want to wear a wig or anything
I have black hair and was maybe thinking of dying a little bit of red on my hair for the fuck of it

But I feel like I'd be half assing the cosplaying but I really just wanted to minimally hint at a cosplay
I dunno, how does one even cosplay as Ryuuko being a guy that isnt a trap?
I dont even

doushio /cgl/

>> No.7390509

you can take a glimpse of it in the progress thread

>> No.7390533
File: 150 KB, 494x740, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bout to dump a few I found on tumblr. Posting for wigs, not cosplay quality. I think a few are wips, too.

>> No.7390535

It would be more accurate to wear a gakuran. Also Senketsu is black. Animators often use blue highlights and navy blue to represent black in a way that pops off screen more.

The entire colour motif on him and Ryouko is black and red

>> No.7390534
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>> No.7390539
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>> No.7390543
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>> No.7390545
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>> No.7390548
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>> No.7390550

Goodness, no, I'm not going to be as uncovered as she was. I've fixed the design a bit so that it covers up more than the actual design.

>> No.7390551

Looks more like the fanart of Ryuuzu lovechild than Ryuuko to me. (a boy btw)

>> No.7390554
File: 19 KB, 250x188, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I got for now.
Unrelated, but there are a lot of shitty makos in the Kill la Kill cosplay tag.

>> No.7390560

link to the design?

>> No.7390572

>mfw /cgl/ probably saw this post and just reported the other one without even reading it and the genius janitor deleted it
r u srs

it was borderline relevant to the topic

>> No.7390581
File: 360 KB, 1280x960, 1393212961404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...misguided fabric choices all around

>> No.7390585
File: 254 KB, 794x656, 1393213040072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way I hope I'm not the only one who thought that [filename] was true

>> No.7390586

What the fuck is Satsuki's outfit made out of? It's horrendous.
Also... did Mako stuff her collar, or something?

>> No.7390589
File: 90 KB, 960x639, tumblr_n1h3mh28D31qcom3po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7390593

I think she just didn't iron it flat like you're supposed to after you turn the collar.

>> No.7390594

Fucking sick of tumblr art, it's always the same.

>> No.7390597
File: 46 KB, 480x720, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been done, but I don't know who it was

>> No.7390595

God do I hate when cosplayers have that shitty singular thick piece of hair in front of their face. Some people don't know how to cut wigs.

>> No.7390596

>sausage mako
Yep, I knew this would happen. I don't even have to check Tumblr to see people saying that thin people shouldn't even *dare* to cosplay Mako because she's *supposed to be* fat.

>> No.7390603

I reported the post because the poll that was linked alongside it triggered me. It is disgusting how males thing that sexual assault is OK to use as a poll option.

>> No.7390604

The camera angle doesn't show any of the cosplay, I can't even judge whether or not it looks good. Are there any other pics?

>> No.7390607
File: 83 KB, 640x960, 1393213331110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Ten said in the last thread she thinks it sucks too. At least she can admit it.

On another note, why are there so many shitty crossovers?

>> No.7390608

Well, you've got to have some serious balls to cosplay as her...

>> No.7390609

You seem new here.

>> No.7390611

>Shitty cosplay
>Shitty wig
>Shitty crossover
Christ, no, burn it.

>> No.7390614

Why the Yoko wig?

>> No.7390617

Sadly, none that I've seen. I'll try and find some though.

>> No.7390625

This is really bad, mm'kay. You kids should not do this, mm'kay.

>> No.7390644

>interesting anime info gets deleted
>emoticons are tolerated
Sasuga, /cgl/.

>> No.7390651
File: 175 KB, 485x538, 1391709379353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's OBVIOUSLY Yoko in Senketsu, GEEEEEZ anon

>> No.7390658
File: 184 KB, 520x899, mostfloggedryoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/CGL/ sure has changed, hasn't it.
Remember the days when JJ was a thing?
When mostflogged was actually the least flogged? (omg such poor taste due to recent events)
When fatties were criticized for being fatties?

>> No.7390667

that wig and senketsu's eye.... no.......

>> No.7390677

say that to her face and see what happens m8

>> No.7390685

Senkestu is crying.

>> No.7390690
File: 46 KB, 642x365, proper gear for meeting MF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready

>> No.7390689

like anyone here has the balls to say anything critical to any cosplayer, well-known or not, in person. the whole purpose of /cgl/ is to be harsh behind an anonymous post because everyone here is a pussy that wouldnt say shit to people in person.

>> No.7390701

I know there's artwork somewhere with Yoko and Ryuko's outfits swapped, but still...

>> No.7390703

I reported it because it was stupid and another trollish derailing attempt. Go do that stuff on /a/, I want to see cosplays.

>> No.7390705

I wanted to use a nice navy blue blazer I have just sitting in my closet that I never use
I know how to sew just cause my grandma taught me and told me it was gonna come in handy in my future
lol Im only using it to make weeb shit

>> No.7390711
File: 71 KB, 638x960, mffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "say that to her face" joke from anon was regarding the fact that she spits on people and attacks them at cons

MF made the mistake of rushing to be OMGFIRST with ryuko, and the costume was so stupidly inaccurate because of it. She cosplayed it the same week it was released.

>> No.7390715

well yeah shes a bitch regardless but my point still stands

>> No.7390720


What is even the context for that link? Who is the author of it? So much info missing from this drama.

>> No.7390723

I'd actually tell it to them outright, no problem. I'm East European I have no problem, I am pretty much allowed to do it.

Unfortunately, I am East European so I can never afford to actually get there to meet them IRL.

>> No.7390730

if you say youd do it and then follow it up with "but i cant" your argument is invalid, stop
also wtf does Eastern Europe have to do with this everyone can be an asshole not just people of that descent lmao

>> No.7390731

I'm assuming its JJ kou, not exactly sure who else went to japan around that time and was not on good terms with her.

>> No.7390733

Where from exactly? Eastern Europe is a broad term and while Estonians are nice, I wouldn't fuck with any of the guys down south like Croats and Serbs.

>> No.7390737

I'd rather not say who it was, because I know theyre trying to just rid themselves of her and her insanity, but I know a few people on cgl actually saw it happen at Katsu 2013.

MF actually confirmed it a few months back when she was "drunk" tweeting about it, then deleted it all the next day. I cap'd it but I'd have to search through my desktop for it.

>> No.7390740

It's not invalid, I would also tell them face to face over Internet but my computer has no microfone or camera.

It's not like it's tough guy act or anything it's just we are honest people who don't take no shit from nobody, just like blacks (you are calling us white n-word after all).

I am ashamed to say the exact country (that actually narrows it down pretty well if you had a general idea).

>> No.7390741
File: 67 KB, 432x288, 1293032095070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in b4 he doesn't even have a table to put his PC on, or a chair to sit on so he squats in front of his computer

>> No.7390742

so tell them without anon on. not hard, still an invalid point

>> No.7390747

Alright, tell whom

>> No.7390752

Tell Putin to stop persecuting the gays, if you're so tough.

>> No.7390768

also "slav anon" is not giving up anonymity. good try though

>> No.7390774

Is prolly just some creepy neckbeard stalking her, is usually a rule of thumb whenever an Anonymous poster calls a female tripfag "cute" on /cgl/.

She ain't nowhere near as good looking as she thinks, I remember when she tried to seduce moot and it was extremely pathetic. She just thinking she better than the rest of us because she gets to be half-Japanese {aka live the dream} or some shit like that.

>> No.7390786

>convince qt3.14 friends just getting into cosplay to do Kill la Kill for next convention
>Satsuki friend has fucking perfect and beautiful bitchface, everyone who has seen the show always agrees that she'd be perfect
>Two-Star Mako friend is adorable Japanese girl who has Mako-like mannerisms and is kawaii as fuck
>then there's me, forever average

Doing Joann's run soon, progress will hopefully be decent enough to share with y'all KLK fags.

>> No.7390788
File: 161 KB, 730x1095, mako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to avoid looking like this. At all costs.

How do I do spikes that are not shit??

>> No.7390792

>Satsuki / bitchface
:kappaface: (no space)

>> No.7390794

go to joanns or michaels and go to the floral section (with the fake flowers and wire and stuff). they have different kinds of flower stands, and there are cone-shaped ones that come in varying sizes, and they're cheap. paper mache them and paint, and they'll look fine

>> No.7390797

the face

>> No.7390802
File: 748 KB, 1280x725, y389572098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever gone so far as to have fagged that hard?
Pretty bitchface Satsuki is perfect. Better than that manface thing people seem to be doing.

>> No.7390815

Nope, manface is 100% accurate.

>> No.7390821
File: 389 KB, 739x603, y8975430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, I mean, bitchface wouldn't work for Satsuki, nahhhhh
Or is the pretty part throwing you off? What's wrong with a beautiful elegant woman running the school?

>> No.7390825

>/cgl/ justifying why it's shit instead of good

>> No.7390826
File: 438 KB, 1280x960, IMG080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont even

>> No.7390831

Yes, why not post some cosplays from completely different TV shows. At least you're not oppressing me by talking about the characters.

>> No.7390845
File: 376 KB, 1280x960, IMG083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should really change /cgl/ to /ocd/ or at least /aut/

All it is is weeaboos with a bad case of perfectionism and playing dress up

>> No.7390871

this doesnt belong in this thread, go to the bad cosplay thread

>> No.7390875
File: 222 KB, 720x960, 1393221579873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im starting her uniform and for the life fibers i just sewed straight lines of red on the burgundy lining, but in the end it just doesnt show up at much from a distance. im thinking of getting long strands of floss and covering it with bright red paint and just put it on.

also for the spikes, i got some styrofoam ones from michaels, they have it in different sizes but its just a bit pricey. the top is flattened though, so youll probably have to add the spikey part.

>> No.7391069

What about using metallic red thread? Or the kind that is highly reflective? I'd bet it'd look fine sewing over what you've already sewn on, maybe it'll look thicker and more apparent.
Heck, even leds if you're feeling fancy.

>> No.7391088

Warriors of justice, unite! Some misogynerds are trashtalking us and our cosplays.
Let's raid them and show them the power of Tumblr militia! Who's with me?!

>> No.7391092

so scary pls don't hurt us grills

>> No.7391094

>Let's raid them and show them the power of Tumblr militia!
>in the name of tumblr raid /a/
If you do this... It proves that /cgl/ became absolute shit now. Meaning this place is beyond infected with tumblr and just became hugbox 2.0

>> No.7391096

my sides

go away please

>> No.7391098

I'm with you sister. I'm sick and tired of those misogynerds coming here and talking to us.

>> No.7391099

It's true though, I will always struggle with the fact that my cosplays will never look 100% kawaii because I am 3DPD and there's nothing I can do about it
I'll just fawn over my folders full of the 2D and imagine what could be

If they do, it'll be sarcastic. Some people will interpret it as serious, though.

>> No.7391144

could be a thong/g string

>> No.7391248
File: 72 KB, 440x659, 1393250977688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7391249
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>> No.7391259

Uhm...yeah, don't think that explanation has ever worked. Pure cute petite girls like this always don't wear their pantsu.

Plus, it makes sense when she said "a girl's forgets about her history the moment she changes her panties!" to Sanageyama. She doesn't wear any, so she always remembers (just like she couldn't let go of her vendetta against Isshin).

>> No.7391314

So, I read yesterday in the /cgl/ raid that there's supposedly some girl called Voldemort in here whose Mako will make our kokoros go doki doki.

Pics pls.

>> No.7391340
File: 327 KB, 1000x562, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks cute and she tried so hard, but that material actually looks like trashbags.

Does anyone have a Senketsu kamui that isn't shiny?
My friend linked me this a while ago and, even if the construction is crap, at least it doesn't shimmer like a thousand suns.

>> No.7391344

No, fuck off. We love Voldie, she is our girl, we will never post pictures of her for you.

>> No.7391373

You sure are mad someone critted your cosplay!

>> No.7391427

>implying im mostflogged

>> No.7391428

Is that made entirely out of felt? Jesus Christ.

>> No.7391439
File: 19 KB, 248x580, PRE3749_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuse it is ven shiny at the official figurines.

>> No.7391445


I think the senketsu looks way better shiny, as I imagine it to be some kind of plastic/leathery material. It also makes it stand out from the less-extreme school uniform style. Fabric ones like that look a bit.. DIY. That cosplayer's one doesn't look great because it's a little ill-fitting and wrinkly, particularly on the legs.

>> No.7391507

Link to /cgl/ raid?

>> No.7391525

But not the kind of shitty PVC shiny that everyone makes it.

It's sort of a satiny kind of shiny. There was one that I've seen that isn't awful, it was in the last thread. It's more like... matte but reflectiveish? I don't really know how to describe it, but it was spot on.

>> No.7391529

oops. Meant to link to

>> No.7391544

Yeah a little shine isn't bad, but a lot of these look so awful because it's too much. We're not making plugsuits here.

>> No.7391552

But isn't senketsu supposed to be a version of a school uniform? It would make more sense if it's made out of whatever they usually use for uniforms, unless he's able to suddenly switch materials.

>> No.7391565

>she is our girl

10/10 my sides went into space

>> No.7391569

Considering he's able to completely change his form, I don't think a different material would be out of the question. In the second (?) episode Ryuko points out that he can turn to steel, so I don't think leather would be a challenge.

>> No.7391586

whatever, I just wanted to see a picture...for...scientific purposes!

>> No.7391637

This must be ultimate junk IRL considering how bad it looks on the photo.

>> No.7391710

He's made out of ALIENS for fucks sake. In untransformed mode sure he'd resemble the fabric used in school uniforms. Transformed he could be Fucking anything

>> No.7391825

I would pay to see this

>> No.7391833

is the lining red??
I thought it was a dark grey

>> No.7391908
File: 830 KB, 1137x966, Untitled-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self post sorry
Almost done with Satsuki but I'm really having trouble with her hand cuffs - I can't decide how to construct them so that they will maintain that shape.
I'm using a 2 way stretch white PVC because like
>>7391445 said I like the idea that the Kamui uniforms are slightly shiny/non knit fabric but I didn't want them to heavily reflect if someone used a strong flash.

Also making everything glow has been an uphill battle

>> No.7391917

Looks good so far! I like the structure/shape of the chest piece; is that fabric over Worbla? Don't forget the toe/heel caps on the boots!

>> No.7391926

The lining is black with red life fibers across it.

>> No.7391928

If you are the one that posted on the progress thread, I actually think you have a cute face and you could easily pull it off if you lost some weight. Work hard on that and you will feel much better when wearing that outfit,

>> No.7391955
File: 935 KB, 1224x1632, image (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The round parts are worbla yup! the rest is a very thick cardstock/carboard material - the kind you get to mount drawings
Fun fact I learned - worbla scraps do wonders for holding the pvc in place - I'm using it instead of hot glue on the backs of all the pieces. I think the plastic in the worbla adheres to the plastic in the fabric. Once it's bonded there is no separating the two.

I made the toe/heel things out of worbla too - still experimenting with cleaning it up with wood glue and getting the paints to match

>> No.7391970

Thank you. However, I already feel fine wearing it, as I like my body how it is.

>> No.7391977

Of course! Cosplay whoever you like.

>> No.7391972

Can I cosplay Ryuko as a guy?

>> No.7391979

Just please do it well.

>> No.7391980
File: 18 KB, 373x344, 1393279324132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow thanks

>> No.7391982

Only if you're willing to risk getting beat up with my bamboo sword.

>> No.7391995

If you do her regular school uniform, sure.
Kamui-form, nope. There's too much underboob there, plus I don't think a man could have that sort of figure. Unless you did it as a joke.

>> No.7392001

Ehh, I can alter the size in life fiber sync to fit on my flat chest, but i'll probably sew in a part in the front so nobody has to stare at my junk all day.

>> No.7392003

Wow, you look great!

>> No.7392022

Despite it's good amount of male characters, is Kill la Kill destined to be a series dominated by female cosplayers and males just ignored?

>> No.7392037

Take this shit to /a/, this is a cosplay thread.

>> No.7392044
File: 276 KB, 500x670, Sanageyama and Inumuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a pretty even number of both, girls just tend to jump on cosplays more.

Males won't be ignored, as long as they're not shitty, but that applies to anything.
Don't bait for pity.

>> No.7392116
File: 297 KB, 689x460, Houka Inumuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick dump.

>> No.7392120
File: 585 KB, 680x1020, Houka Inumuta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7392121
File: 440 KB, 545x884, Houka Inumuta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7392127
File: 451 KB, 590x832, Houka Inumuta4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7392128
File: 275 KB, 397x599, Nonon Jakuzure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7392130
File: 517 KB, 635x775, Nonon Jakuzure3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7392135
File: 1.29 MB, 1108x1249, Ryuko and Senketsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cropped from the last thread.

>> No.7392142
File: 227 KB, 397x599, Ryuko Matoi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7392145
File: 396 KB, 689x1033, Satsuki Kiryuin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.

>> No.7392184

Even after seeing all the Ryuuko cosplay pics in the last two threads on /cgl/ and on the /cgl/ raid on /a/, I have to say that none of them were quite as good as Goro's girl. I'm sure you know what I mean by that. Can't exactly post her pictures here.

>> No.7392198

I'd say it has something to do with the fact that all the males are muscular hunks so if you cosplay them when you're not a muscular hunk it looks like shit. Contrary to popular belief, rule63 cosplays are never good (even if they're well made, it's just a self-serving narcissistic and ultimately stupid idea) /or/ if he just wants to do a female Matoi as a male... then no, that's just outright shit. I know that Tumblr is going to hate me now but that's just how it is, real talk. Guys should not cosplay as female characters unless they're Justin Bieber-tier androgynous. Some people say it's "funny" but it isn't really.

Technically, there's Dog (he's also relatively toned, actually, as revealed by his nudisto-bitch outfit) but nobody likes Dog, plus he's the go to for ugly nerds. Finally, there's Iori, that not even the nerds want to cosplay, because he's effeminate and evokes homosexual desires in other men.

I suppose that's why you get stupid shit like this then >>7391972 .

>> No.7392230
File: 145 KB, 383x369, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've seen caps from that. They picked a good Ryuko. Her cosplay was even good, but the wig could've used restyling.

>> No.7392257

i feel like it's a really dark red, darker than the one pictured. I don't think it's black, since the outside of the jacket is black, and the lining seems to be a different shade

>> No.7392263

Maybe it is black, but the fibers glow, so it appears lighter?

I think black or dark burgundy would look fine either way though.

>> No.7392267

>Guys should not cosplay as female characters unless they're Justin Bieber-tier androgynous.

You saying its ok for girls to cosplay guys?

>> No.7392283

I'm not that Anon, but I think it is if the male-character is effeminate or the girl has manface.
Nothing wrong with crossplay if you can actually pull it off and not look like "a girl with her chest bound" or "a guy in shitty makeup"

>> No.7392288

agreed. crossplay is fine when its done well.

>> No.7392360
File: 37 KB, 540x960, MAKO_PUNCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is planning Bancho Three-Star Fight Club President Mako I'm gonna have a bunch of these painted and up in my Etsy store by the end of the week.

>> No.7392367

LInk to store?

>> No.7392387


>> No.7392403
File: 91 KB, 500x667, dabloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go nuts.

>> No.7392406

ohhh those are nice. I'm not planning on cosplaying her and I kind of want to get one anyway.

>> No.7392412

Oh nice! Thanks for sharing. I definitely want to get one in case I ever get around to cosplaying this version. I'm going to work on Satsuki first, but this will be nice to have!

>> No.7392422

Yes, girls can pull off a lot of male anime characters. Of course, they shouldn't cosplay stuff like Wolverine and so on (and "le sexy version:)" / genderbent Wolverine is also shit).

>> No.7392426

go nuts about what?

jaw too wide/10

I didn't even know that Japanese men could have such wide jaw

>> No.7392435

so what are people doing for the little collar stars on the 3-star uniforms?

>> No.7392452
File: 80 KB, 737x492, 1393291692966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making some of those too with this stuff and regular silver mirror. Problem is there's a lot of variation in sizes.

>> No.7392480

That looks pretty cool, what kind of laser cutter do you have?

Also is that cut from one piece? or did you make the top and attach the knuckle part to it?

>> No.7392484

How much are you planing on selling them for?

>> No.7392489
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, 704807-mako_s_goku_uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Its definitely not as light as the fabric she's using. Maybe actually using EL wire would look nice?

>> No.7392494

woah, will you ship internationally? I'd love to get one to wear daily, even

>> No.7392511
File: 296 KB, 1280x960, 1393292902655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7392513


you have the means to accurately cut that stuff?

>> No.7392549

I wish I owned it. I use a makerspace where I can rent out a 60wtt Epilog laser cutter. It's three parts. First the knuckles with extensions that slot into holes in the base and then individual letters that cover the holes.

Yep it's just more. Need to figure out packing before I know the cost

Probably between $12-15 until I find out how much paint/primer they need

>> No.7392557

forgive me if it's been posted a lot already, but i love iitttttt

>> No.7392570

Bretty Good.

>> No.7392598

I have no idea what you're getting at.

>> No.7392607


You gonna sell stars?

>> No.7392615

>selling out the S.T.A.R.S
that backstabbing bitch!

>> No.7392619
File: 3 KB, 107x125, 1377294358657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, good point

>> No.7392622

There was a live action Kill la Kill porno, starring this girl: >>7392230.

>> No.7392634
File: 213 KB, 512x384, 1393296071694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a pretty solid so far, good job!

>> No.7392635

I never understood that line until now. I just wrote it off as something lost in translation. Thanks!

>> No.7392651

Nice costume but the photo looks like something lewd is about to happen

>> No.7392654

I'd volunteer to photograph you if I had any idea you were remotely near California

>> No.7392656

Can I get enough details to google this?

>> No.7392693
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x720, 1393114148090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7392705

It's from a porno, Anon. Read the thread.

All I could find was the preview and a few gifs of the action.

>> No.7392722

Can I get a title?

>> No.7392719
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1391727640585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn nice shoulder pylons. You have the perfect face for Satsuki too.

>> No.7392728

I can't find the title, but the girl is Mizuna Rei.

>> No.7392731

The figurine that anon posted makes me think that faux stretch leather would be a good choice. It has a sheen to it, but it's not too shiny and doesn't really wrinkle.

>> No.7392734

Oh god she looks so bony

>> No.7392739

Satsuki is pretty severe though, I think bony works for her.

>> No.7392752

I'll be at Fanime and I'll most likely be bringing this and whatever other satsuki outfits I'll have done by then~

>> No.7392778

fatty please

>> No.7392788

This is amazing! If you do end up making it to Fanime, I might have to steal you for our KLK group. We dont have a Kamui Junketsu Satsuki yet.

Do you have any other progress photos or anything? I'm super impressed by your craftsmenship.

>> No.7392806

If I see you there, I'll do a shoot with you.

>> No.7392812
File: 284 KB, 1089x1024, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think that I'd make a good ryuko? :3

>> No.7392817

Yeah. That assumes your costume is good.

>> No.7392822
File: 106 KB, 493x740, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this one looks pretty good!

>> No.7392825

go back to /soc/
this isnt the bored to be looking for compliments

>> No.7392827

loving the matte fabric on this one.

>> No.7392829

now all she needs to be perfect is taste like strawberry-bubblegum and cotton candy

fuck /a/, I love 3D again!

>> No.7392855

You're cuter than me so I'm just gonna go ahead and call you an underage b& to make me feel better and get me some chocolate ice cream..

>> No.7392862

I.. have never seen a stream of sand so thick and endless.

In actual reply to >>7392812:
Technically you could, but your face seems much more suited to bubbly characters, like Mako or Nonon, maybe even Nui.
Ryuko is pretty angry most of the time, she only really smiles around Mako and I don't know if you'd have a Mako following you around at a con.

>> No.7392875
File: 1.10 MB, 969x1264, Untitled-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few progress compilations on how I did stuff if you want those but thats about it right now - still working on getting my goal body before I wear the costume haha

And yeah sure! I'm gathering my own group right now (I'll probably be making some of their costumes) so we shall see how the cards play out~

>> No.7392907

cosplays when? takes a wig and an ugly blanket nothing more

>> No.7392915

is that worbla over cardboard? i cant tell

>> No.7392923 [DELETED] 

I used to enjoy this show and wanted to cosplay as Satski because I interpreted it as the anime that brings feminism to Japan and because it had strong empowered female characters who were better than all the guys.

But then the males just had to go and ruin it for everyone by sexualizing the female characters and enjoying the show themselves in their typical "male" way (waifuing, objectifying, etc.). The final straw was when the studio suddenly decided to take a sharp turn towards actually having been supporting patriarchy the entire time, with Satski's mom serving the male supremacy system and abusing Satski in a disgusting and fetishistic way that was almost unbearable to watch.

Dressing up as Satski is not strength, it is accepting oppression. Especially since the Kamui is a symbol of patriarchy made by her horrible father.

Polite sage for voicing my opinion.

>> No.7392926

Go back to tumblr fag

>> No.7392931
File: 255 KB, 436x716, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still gotta fix up the boob-patch and finish some details.

>> No.7392936 [DELETED] 

well-said. see also: "fighting fucktoy" trope.

>> No.7392934 [DELETED] 

>with Satski's mom serving the male supremacy system
>male supremacy
>literally every powerful character in the series is female

>> No.7392941
File: 2.91 MB, 480x270, 1383816468091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go home tumblr.

>> No.7392943 [DELETED] 

>Then the males had to go and ruin it for everyone by sexualizing the female characters
do you fucking realize that trigger is pulling together literally every over the top, cliche anime trope they can and that's what kill la kill is about? it's not about patriarchy or matriarchy, its not about female empowerment, its literally about girls dressing scantily and fighting because its a cliche, and then having them and the supporting characters acknowledge the fact that their outfits are ridiculous. grow the fuck up and dont watch it if youre so analytical and shitbrained. keep this social justice/feminism shit to tumblr where it belongs.

>> No.7392946

its a fucking cartoon get over it instead of shitting your diapers

>> No.7392951 [DELETED] 

dont know if this was part of your point, but the gif is worth mentioning.
its not just girls stripping down. an entire fucking society of (mostly) men (i didnt see any girls aside from kinue involved until ryuko/mako/nonon showed) who dont wear clothes and willingly strip is a huge part of the show. ignoring one aspect of something and criticizing another is so typical of tumblrfags its unreal.

>> No.7392950 [DELETED] 

>That feel when someone actually agrees with you for once.
Thank you. /cgl/ is pretty heavy on internalized misogyny so I did not expect such support.

>> No.7392956 [DELETED] 

do you even watch the goddamn show every single strong lead is a female (isshin id important but isnt considered a lead)

>> No.7392967

Did you even read her first post? She thought so as well but then...

>> No.7392966

I'm hoping the image was flipped.
Senketsu looks a little small, and the boob patch is definitely not in the right spot, but it looks pretty good otherwise!

>> No.7392968 [DELETED] 

but the male sexuality is forced on the female characters and makes them really uncomfortable. I dont know about you, anon, but I was sexually harassed by a teacher in high school and all the scenes with the teacher stripping in front of Ryuuko remind me exactly of that, and make me cringe. the male sexuality portrayed in the show is empowering and liberating for the men, while the female nudity is highly sexualized and seen as embarrassing and serve as false consent for other characters to harass Ryuuko and Satsuki, calling them exhibitionists and making fun of them.

also fucking Mako's father and brother peeping on Ryuuko while she bathes is creepy as fuck. don't start with that "b-b-but the men are sexualized too so it's fair!" it's not fair.

>> No.7392970 [DELETED] 

but then what? all the female leads disappeared? i dont see where you're going with this, and i certainly don't see any "patriarchy" in the anime.

>> No.7392972 [DELETED] 

it's ridiculous how many people refuse to learn anything about gender portrayals in media and yell "tumblrfag" when they've probably never taken a university level course on gender studies in their lives. this is a thing people study in the real world, /cgl/, not just dumb tumblr fodder. christ.

>> No.7392973

Yeah, mirror shot.

Thanks! Can't do much about the size at this point but certainly working on getting the patch right.

>> No.7392975 [DELETED] 


having female leads does not negate misogyny in the piece of media itself. plenty of female-oriented media have female leads and reinforce patriarchy.
go educate yourself on female tropes.

>> No.7392979

Please delete all Kill la Kill threads on /cgl/, mods.

It brings nothing but shitposting.

>> No.7392976 [DELETED] 
File: 825 KB, 500x281, my body is leady.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care that much because the guys get pretty naked too. I don't care if there's fanservice as long as there's fanservice for everybody. And the show certainly isn't trying to hide the fact that it contains in your face pandering, but at least it knows what it is. It's not like some harem show where the main guy has girls accidentally falling on top of him boobs first all the time just because. Notice when the girls transform they aren't saying shit like "Oh no! I can't let Sempai-kun see me like this!"

Meanwhile Mikisugi embodies more raw male fanservice than the entirety of Free!

>> No.7392981 [DELETED] 

You're missing the entire part of "this anime is a clusterfuck of cliche'd tropes".
Yes, I'm aware that the men are not nearly as sexualized as the women.
Yes, I'm aware that Aikuro's advances are uncomfortable for a lot of people (myself included, he's a creep).
Yes, I'm aware that Mako's family members are creeps.
And yes, believe it or not, I am quite aware that Ragyo's advances on Satsuki are nasty. She's gross. That situation is gross.
I'm not excusing that, I'm trying to get you to see that the entire anime is over the top and offensive simply because that's the way Trigger wants it to be.
They're tropes. They're cliches. They're meant to be ridiculous because that's the whole show.
Sorry to hear about your sob story, but like I said, go back to tumblr where people give a shit about that stuff, because /cgl/ isn't sympathetic.

>> No.7392982

B-but I didn't even get to see a picture of that (supposed) cutie pie who posted earlier ITT.

>> No.7392983
File: 689 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n0uv4kbV2p1sfyp69o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7392985

We had such a good thing going until Tumblr crashed it.
This isn't even the board for anime discussion.

>> No.7392984

Lol no more than any other cgl thread.

>> No.7392986

Tumblrfags ruin everything, this isn't new.

>> No.7392988

It is kind of unjust that we have three boards (if not more) dedicated for males to whine about women but not a single one for females to talk about misogyny. Plus, they're pushing all girls here anyway, by shaming any that dares to mention her gender on any board other than /cgl/.

>> No.7392990

You are gorgeous ! It looks great so far.

>> No.7392992

Go to a different fucking board then, this is about cosplay, not issues in society. Get back to the hugbox that is tumblr.

>> No.7392997

Any good senketsu Gijinkas? or would they all end up looking like rule 63 ryuukos?

>> No.7393000

I will definitely buy a Mako knuckle buster off you. That looks sweet

>> No.7393002
File: 43 KB, 550x412, 0000213704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are making KLK sound like Kekko Kamen.

Which reminds me. Gamagoori was in Kekko Kamen.

>> No.7393010

at least they deleted the stupid shit in this one.

>> No.7393011 [DELETED] 

I'm flag someone gets it. I enjoyed this series to a certain point.
Satsuki getting felt up and her ass slapped while nude by her own mother is really disgusting. There's no female empowerment here. It's just another shitty overly objectifying anime trying to to use main female characters as an excuse to say "we don't hate women . We respect them" when you know it's a complete lie.

>> No.7393012

nevermind they missed one

>> No.7393013 [DELETED] 

Maybe it had nothing to do with feminism
Wow, what a concept
Maybe it was just to show what a psycho bitch Ragyo is

Has that ever occurred to you?
Not everything is about female empowerment/oppression.

>> No.7393015

>calls it a hugbox
>uses it anyway
Sausage, anon.

>> No.7393043


>> No.7393376
File: 420 KB, 1400x900, n663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... kinda want to see pic related done...

Plus it's a chance to do a Yoko cosplay without having everything hanging out.

Personally I'm still torn between which character I want to do. It's a tossup between wolverine mode Senketsu Ryuuko, Hakodate, or Satsuki's outfit from ep1. I kind of want to wait and see if Satsuki gets Junketsu back and has a new transformation.

The fact that she used a fabric that isn't pvc or lame is great, because it lacks that stupid garbage bag shine. The wig is excellent. The only thing that bothers me is the shoes. They just feel lazy against how awesome the rest of this is.

I'm still waiting to see an EL tape Sen/Junke-

>making everything glow
You are my hero. Everything you have so far looks stunning. Your body and face from what I can see even fit Satsuki amazingly well. I can't wait to see this finished.

I'd say yes in terms of looks, but no due to the fact that the facial expressions you're giving are the complete opposite of what Ryuuko would do. If you can't pull off a stoic, tough character, I wouldn't recommend doing Ryuuko.

>> No.7393384

>eye on the wrong side
seriously now

>> No.7393450
File: 112 KB, 500x667, apparently satsuki makeup test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mirror shot
Good job bub.

>> No.7393493

ahahahha, no...

I don't think there's anyone ugly enough in TTGL to be her equivalent

>> No.7393496 [DELETED] 


>> No.7393508

Dear /cgl/,

please stop raiding us. I swear we will never come here to talk about anime with you again.


>> No.7393517

From the pics, go for Nui, as you look adorable smiling.

>> No.7393524

>Chubby characters

Nonon seems to be really fucking tiny and petite. Nonon is definitely chubby, but not Nonon.

Honestly, even just here, you can tell she's itty bitty. The track jacket, which seems to fit well even on the presumably rather thin Inumuta, looks baggy as fuck on Nonon.

Plus, just comparing Nonon's legs with Ryuko's or Mako's, they're thinner. It's a subtle difference, but they're thinner.

>> No.7393526

>Nonon is definitely chubby, but not Nonon.


I meant

>Mako is definitely chubby, but not Nonon.

>> No.7393532
File: 18 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n11ujc6zCQ1rkacbao6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is apparently supposed to be a Satsuki ''makeup test.''
I don't even know where to start. Ew.

>> No.7393535


>> No.7393536

good riddance

and here we go again....

she's "chubby" but still has normal BMI
not the American interpretation of "chubby" (=overweight to outright obese)

>> No.7393537

She said "bubbly", anon.

>> No.7393541

Never said she was obese as fuck. Just a little chubby.

Ahh, I'm sorry. I misread. My bad.

>> No.7393539
File: 40 KB, 1024x576, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the actual fuck?

>> No.7393552

She isn't obese nor overweight. Just "chubby" as slightly fatter but still normal healthy acceptable BMI range (not the "overweight" BMI range which is between normal and obese).

>> No.7393554

In comparison with the other characters, her face is rounder and she seems to have the biggest tits of anyone. Plus, in normal animation scenes, her legs are just a tad wider then others', and her torso seems to have a little more substance. She eats shit food constantly, so it makes sense.

Yeah... that's what I said.

>> No.7393573

>/cgl/ is just a bunch of high school girls seeking attention while judging one another and calling each other ugly

>> No.7393582

Round face =/= being chubby

>> No.7393583

Um, No...

>> No.7393599

Mako isn't chubby you lard asses, stop justifying fat people cosplaying thing characters by projecting your own body image onto a fictional character.

>> No.7393618

Lol i hate fat people cosplaying skinny characters.

I'm just saying that as far as the show goes, Mako is the chubbiest of them all.

And again, it's not the general idea of chubby, it's the asian idea of chubby, which just means having a little meat on your bones as opposed to being a stick.

I'm unfortunate enough to look like an ana-chan despite the copious amounts of food I eat, so I don't really cosplay revealing things either, because nobody should have to look at my holocaust ribs.

>> No.7393624

Do you have a followable account somewhere? I'm really digging your Satsuki and would love to see more of your cosplays.

>> No.7393834

Um, YES.

She has a perfect figure in the cartoon. If someone says on tumblr a thousand times that she's fat it doesn't change the fact that she's not. I'd say this is a standard problem of curvy vs "curvy" (aka Tumblr codeword for being a landwhale).

>> No.7393848

>using klk art standards to describe irl body types
Ooookay . Are you perhaps a land whale?

>> No.7393902
File: 42 KB, 540x720, voldemako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys must be seriously retarded to think mako's chubby

>> No.7393913

No, you are, since you're arguing that she's fat because it feels right for you.

>voldefart selfposting without trip on

>> No.7393928

Wow, she didn't even fix her shit.

>> No.7393938

>no you are
>you you you
>mooooom, anons on 4chan don't agree with me
Top kek

>> No.7393978

They're all so stumpy looking...
>What is a fitting cosplay.jpg

>> No.7394007

All of them are so horrible that Nonon is the best.

>> No.7394008

damn son.
I have to ask, how well did the worbla take to the insulation foam? I'm guessing from your picture you carved down the insulation foam and just painted directly onto it as well? I've never worked with the stuff, so I'm curious.

>> No.7394057

Man, these threads get filled fast.

>> No.7394185

Thank you! I'm getting giddy with anticipation for this costume - all I have left now is the lights!

yeah Veronica Luna Cosplay on fb
but I need to start posting more I'm really bad at keeping constant updates/uploading shoots and pictures.

The worbla took to the insulation foam great! My only problem was when I put one of the ppieces on, it dried too fast and when I tried to heat it up it melted some of the inner foam which was very frustrating to fix

>> No.7394634

Were you in the artist alley thread a couple of weeks ago?

>> No.7394721
File: 545 KB, 1440x2392, 20140221_225201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Ryuko. Any advice/concrit so far?
Also, does anyone know if the pieces on her belt are meant to have some sort of function? They look like some sort of pouch to me but most cosplays I've seen so far just have them as a flat piece.

>> No.7394833
File: 154 KB, 660x507, 1391000586640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I and everyone else doesn't and as long as you're not going to walk with a mirror in front of you then you won't be the one having to look at you. So stop being spoiled and disrespectful and get working on losing that fat.

>> No.7394925

wooooow back off she looks fine???

>> No.7395402

My advice so far is to lose like 10lbs before you wear that in public

>> No.7395416

my advice, as long as T and A are covered up fucking wear it and ignore >>7395402 you look good!

>> No.7395751

>all the males are muscular hunks
What about Inumata, Mataro, the scientist guy, Mako's dad, several of the club leaders or other minor characters, etc?

>> No.7395758

Nah, she needs more T&A. Satsuki's body is literally 10/10 perfection.
She should've cosplayed Ryuko instead. She's got the expression down pat, though.

>> No.7395845

Really? I think she looks hot. She's not that bony.

>> No.7396546

You could always cosplay sewing club guy.

Or Mako's dad, if you're a fat guy.

>> No.7396552

Not a fatty. Just a dude.

A really scrawny dude.

>> No.7397151

How do you about wearing a outfit like this to a con? Like will the con staff not say anything about your butt hanging out in the open?

>> No.7397172

I weigh 113 and I'm 5'8. I have the unfortunate body type that my bust/waist/hip ratio is relatively even.

>> No.7397562

I honestly have no idea - never worn anything this skimpy before so we will have to see
My wig pretty much covers everything to my thighs though and I make a bodysuit out of some dance tights to cover everything but my belly so hopefully I'll get away with it.

If not I'll wait til night and do a night shoot - which will utilize my light system anyways so all will work out fine

>> No.7397602

The one girl who cosplayed her at Katsucon managed it with her wig covering pretty much all of her ass. I think she got a little grief from con staff but I don't think anyone made her go change.

>> No.7399959

So cons finally became fascist and ask people with skimpy cosplay to dress up? Hang in there girls, face the man.
Also that Satsuki looks amazing. I am happy most of you girls are watching the show and liking it. Feel free to join /a/ threads to discuss the show someday. In today's episode the two main heroines changed places and godrobes so if you have a friend doing the other girl you can exchange the godrobes and do Satsuki-Senketsu or Ryuko-Junketsu for some other con.