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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.7388194

"we make it our goal to respond to your orders in 24 hours!"
>contact them multiple days before the site said they'd be off for chinese new years

>6 days after their holiday is over, they finally get to me

>item is sold out

I love this site's layout, but damn, this is the 3rd time they did this to me, they've done this even without holidays. are there any other shopping services I can go through that are similar and trusted?

>> No.7388203

I've read the spreadsheets and other guides (hellolace, etc.), but I'm about to make my first order and I had a question. I'm interested in reserving a dress - would most SS be okay with holding the dress and shipping it later if I made a later order with them? Anyone have any experience with this? It seems like a waste just to order the one OP and spend $30 on shipping instead of making a larger order and saving on shipping costs.

Has anyone done this with their SS before? Sorry if it's a dumb question.

>> No.7388220

Some SS will hold items in storage.
When I did a reserve with Celestial Delinquent, I told her to keep my items all together in one order. All the items except the reserved item came and she told me they're just gonna sit in the warehouse until the reserve is done.

I'm not sure about your situation though because I made the order of other items WITH the preorder rather than make the dress order and then another order later.

>> No.7388222
File: 1.82 MB, 1000x896, 6289767398013257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just waiting for a few more things to arrive to Pruany before paying for shipping.

>don't laugh, send help

>> No.7388279

Is pruany down for everyone?

>> No.7388291

Future reference:

>> No.7388297
File: 3 KB, 431x77, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7388300

Link to the Usamimi head bands, bow cardigan and navy cardigan? Love your taste!

>> No.7388302

i dont understand OP pic

>> No.7388305

Aw shit that's some fucking exciting order.

>> No.7388315

Any estimate to how much ship this would be?
Just to help me ballpark in the future.

>> No.7388318

It's an old pic from a thread about you in real life and your /cgl/ related version.

I think the drawer was a shopaholic or something. I saved it a long time ago.

>> No.7388323

I'd guess about 8+/- kg.

>> No.7388325

Could you post the link to the pink shoes

>> No.7388328

Thank you! Unfortunately because Pruany's down I can't check my order for links. But as soon as the site's up, I'll post them.

Yo, you have no idea how excited I am for this. I've been building this order since November.

Well, my last order was less than half the size of this one and shipping was a little under $100 but Pruany offers 55% off EMS shipping. I'm bad with estimations like these but I'm preparing myself for about $300.

>> No.7388335

Is that a replica Usakumya??

>> No.7388338

oh lawd
How much money did you take out of your wallet before ship?

>> No.7388344
File: 2.46 MB, 358x272, good4u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link later then.

Ho' man $300 for shipping is crazy. Is there not SAL option? Or are you just impatient and want it sooner? I understand that feeling, too. Haha

>> No.7388351

..NYC friend, is that you?

>> No.7388374
File: 498 KB, 737x460, 7984796788-89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm just using it for this NYCC/Halloween outfit. And I've also wanted one for years but can't justify paying $150+ for a bear backpack.
>but I'm paying $300 shipping lol

Like how much did the order cost? A little over $600.

There is a SAL option but it'd be about the same amount as EMS with the discount. Hell, AIR is more expensive than EMS if you use Pruany. That and I'm very impatient, yes.

It is! You recognize my Taobao struggle.

>> No.7388379

Might I ask where you found it? The usakumya, that is.

>> No.7388420

I'll link it as soon as Pruany's back up.

>> No.7388444

Link to the pink polka-dot skirt in the middle please?

>> No.7388450

hmm last time I paid $300 for shipping, it was a 21kg express order, just fyi

>> No.7388483
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any shops where I can get an accurate Mako seifuku?

>> No.7388495
File: 125 KB, 460x460, 1393131585276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with a term? I've tried every iteration and I just can't figure it out.

I'm trying to find fake flowers for making hair clips (think mary magdelene accessories) but everything is coming up paper, foam, clay, or the type pictured.

>> No.7388548

oh, I think I figured it out! But if anyone has any links they would like to share, I'd be grateful.

>> No.7388587

Just search Kill La Kill cos.

>> No.7388591

Pruany's website is back on.
You can either delete cache or go via Google . /search pruany then click link/

>> No.7388641

Is two diamonds a good rating? Sorry never used taobao before so I am a bit weary.

>> No.7388644

has pretty nice flowers in general

>> No.7388667

Do you still have the link to the shirt 1st row 4th from the left, dress 2nd row 2nd from the left, the red heart-shaped bag, and the pink skirt on the bottom row? Thanks!

>> No.7388696

can I have a link to the YANKEE jacket?

>> No.7388716


Bow Cardigan (Sold out):

Ank Rouge Navy Cardigan (Also comes in grey):

Pink Shoes (Also come in green and black; up to size 43):

Usakumya (Also comes in brown):

Liz Lisa Pink Polka-Dot Skirt (Also available in light green and orange):

Liz Lisa Bow Sleeve Knit (Sold out):

Liz Lisa x My Melody collab dress (Also available in white and light blue):

Liz Lisa Heart Shaped Bag (The listing I bought is sold out but here's another):

Liz Lisa Sheer Suspender Skirt (Also available in blue and white):

One Spo Yankee Set (The listing I bought is sold out but here's another):

Be aware that the Liz Lisa replicas (minus the one's from Vivid) all have replica tags on them and customs doesn't take too kindly to those.

>> No.7388749

Is HMHM still horribly slow?

>> No.7388748

Read the FQ

>> No.7388820

Thanks anon!

>> No.7388823

does anyone have some shops besides cici and red maria for acessories? I'm mainly looking for floral stuff.

>> No.7388837

look guys taobao opened up a section speshully for us <3

>> No.7389170

source on the purple tights?

>> No.7389178

This usakumya replica is blowing my mind; when did they start making these?
Thank you, anon, my niece will appreciate this.

>> No.7389199

Tbh neither pair is actually purple but I could see how the lighting would make it look like it.

Rose Tights (listed as gray)

Starry Sky Tights (listed as light blue, but they do come in lavender)

>> No.7389207

You don't have to but could you post the links to the items you haven't already?

>> No.7389215
File: 143 KB, 292x303, 29009290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna Borgia

It has not so much fabric flower stuff, but a lot of brassy, classic jewelry with flowers and other stuff. Really pretty.

This place doesn't have a lot, but it has some of these cute snowglobe kind of necklaces like pic.

Lots of hats, many of which have flowers on them. Very cute.

>> No.7389275

No problem!

I know; I've seen them floating around for a few months in that shop. I hope she likes it!

So you want the links to everything else? Do you want me to skip the ones that are sold out or post them anyway in case they restock?

>> No.7389286

>Luna Borgia
Completely in love with this store! Not that anon, but thank you.

>> No.7389299

Yes, including the sold out ones too (unless the link is broken). Thank you!

>> No.7389309

What store has a good cupcake petticoat?

Yup. Super slow. My friend's blouse took 2 months for a custom size.

>> No.7389325

I'm horrible with weight estimations, sorry. I'm just preparing myself for $300 since I always get caught off guard with Taobao shipping.

Not a problem. I'm on my way to a friend's house but I'll link everything as soon as I get home tonight.

>> No.7389383

Any shops with cute baking/kitchen supplies?

>> No.7389392


Source on brown blouse please?

>> No.7389687


It's Chess Story's Unicorn Castle blouse. They're so cute, they used to have it in so many colors, but it ran out really fast. I hope they don't run out of brown by the time my SS orders.


>> No.7389885
File: 1.46 MB, 480x270, 1389469904348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my cart
>1 blouse
>1 pair of lolita shoes
>shimapan+matching bra
>2 wigs
>some accessories
>a petticoat
>5 dresses(possibly only 4)3 jsks, 2 op
$545 in cart
may the shipping gods smile kindly on me

>> No.7389909

Has anyone found any shops selling gold-colored shoes? The only ones I've found are antaina, but they're a bit OTT for me. I'm just looking for simple shoes in a gold color without a ton of bows or other embellishments.

>> No.7390129

So i would really like to try doing gal hair and i have looked up what hair pieces i am going to require. Prisila is obviously my first choice but i was wondering what sort of key word i would look for if i wanted half wigs within a more generic price range? Thanks in advance!

>> No.7390180

Can you buy lucky packs on taobao? I occasionally see them on ebay.

>> No.7390235

Is anyone else having trouble adding items to orders on Pruany?
Every time I try to add an item, instead of updating with the name of the item and price when I paste the link in, nothing happens.

>> No.7390354
File: 26 KB, 258x310, starclips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been telling me that it's impossible to find these and that no one knows where they come from, so I turn to you, in all your infinite wisdom.

Where the fuck on Taobao do you find these? I know that SOMEONE has to have them. And I don't mean the finished product, I just mean the stars used to make the finished product. I know that you have to be able to buy them somewhere because I've seen indie brands carrying them. I feel like I'm about to go insane because I can't find them.

>> No.7390383


I literally just bumped these off of my Taobao order and I have no idea why.

>> No.7390389

Oh, and I had these ones saved as well.

>> No.7390397

What do "拍了定的拍这个" and
"没拍定的拍这个" mean?

>> No.7390406

Was really just looking for the stars but this is close enough. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7390449

looking for a brown wig, long. I have a photoshoot next weekend, so preferably before that? Bangs look like shit on me.

Any ideas seagulls?

>> No.7390450

At Pruany, sorry for shitty quality.
This is part one of the hugest order of my life.

>> No.7390451
File: 779 KB, 743x921, part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture.

>> No.7390455

>dat penguin hat

>> No.7390460

Out of stock, but here.
It's a set btw.

>> No.7390473
File: 1.53 MB, 1056x892, part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I got 1 yuan wig caps.

>> No.7390476

link them panties plz

>> No.7390481

>those 8bit hair clips
Link. Now.

>> No.7390477

thanks anyway, it's really cute

>> No.7390486


>> No.7390492

>next weekend
Abandon all hope

>> No.7390494


Awesome. Thanks, Anon!

>> No.7390493

Cat ears link please!

>> No.7390497

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-1901736191.22.bnvnvQ&id=36114323072 & http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-1901736191.28.bnvnvQ&id=36548088870

>> No.7390501
File: 1.60 MB, 1056x892, part 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of those things in the order aren't mines, but I figured you guys might like them anyways.

>> No.7390518
File: 1.51 MB, 1056x892, part 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

520 isportoo
One more part to go.

>> No.7390540
File: 1.03 MB, 1056x892, part 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed I put the captcha in the comment part.
Last part. I'll post links on requests.

>> No.7390552

OMG link to that hilarious tentacle looking thing...wtf is that?

>> No.7390564

link to the pervert shirt wig dress and jacket plox

>> No.7390567

It's Luka's tentacles (Vocaloid)
5 yuan each.

>> No.7390571

sauce on the cat tights pretty pretty pretty please?

>> No.7390573

Out of stock for dress & jacket
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-4797149747.60.EvT5aV&id=22330795072 & http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-4797149724.30.vI0C6w&id=22300591599
Pervert Shirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.351.bGXfOF&id=18284305551
Wig : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.247.YAhnPO&id=26002984958 It was cheap so what the hell, and the reviews looked okay.

>> No.7390576

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-3629854835.16.HpfWeY&id=27541096195 There's only gross yellow left

>> No.7390579

Link to the shirt, backpack
pencil pens
and cat mask, please?

I just put in my biggest order so far, and with Pruany as well, anon.

>> No.7390599

Shirt and bag




How's that dealing for you, I'm just waiting for it to get weighed, and I just noticed that I had another 20$ to spend on very sad, guess I'll put it towards shipping

>> No.7390615

Could I get a link to that yellow dress? Thank you.

>> No.7390622


>> No.7390629

link to the cat shoes and bowler hat?

>> No.7390636

Hat : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.161.aT5Ysj&id=19043026174
The hat is out of stock, but you can find the style easily just by searching 猫耳朵帽子

>> No.7390659
File: 1.62 MB, 1056x900, old order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last post, I promise!
It's just my older order.

>> No.7390664

Oh, and the Monomi pillow case is smaller than the standard pillow. I was bummed out when I found out it was.

>> No.7390670

Will you review the Usakumya when it arrives?

>> No.7390688

OPs pic describes this all perfectly
i cant imagine anyone wearing half of this shit irl

>> No.7390695

Select this option if you've paid a deposit beforehand
Select this option if you didn't pay any deposit beforehand

Captcha: 65 6299946 Fuck man I'm on my phone

>> No.7390714

All the stuff I ordered thru TBN was in-stock stuff, and its been 2 weeks with no request to pay second shipping.

Do you think its ok for me to contact them asking for an update?

>> No.7390726

Unless they shipped it..

>> No.7390753

Sauce on the sailor gear in the lower right?

>> No.7390758
File: 304 KB, 904x1543, taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I started this order in January thinking I would get everything in time for a convention in march...Then they did not finish the underskirt before CNY but said it would be done mid February.
It is still not done.
I added some more stuff after CNY because I have no self control and now I am also waiting on the bracelet, headdress and the skirt.
God help me if everything is not with them by Wednesday, fucking need to ship this. I will have to re-work all of my coordinates if I don't get the shoes in time.
May the EMS gods shine on me and everything work out

>> No.7390763

I bought XL and my big boobs made it weird. everything fit though.

>> No.7390765

Thanks! I'm pretty... flat chested.

>> No.7390767

I feel you though.
EMS shat on me though, I needed something for a convention, and It was being held, but I think that's fucking Poste Canada's fault.
If you can, and you have the money for it, you should do ask them if they can send them important things first or someshit

>> No.7390771

Anon I love your taste. I was about to ask for a few links but I'm broke as fuck so it wouldn't matter :')

>> No.7390838

Daw thank you anon, ask away, join the ranks of the link hoarders! We welcome you with open arms!

I think I am going to do that Wednesday if everything is not in, I asked them about the status this morning so I should have a more concrete plan of action soon...hopefully they don't get held up in NYC but I'm like 20 min from there so it should be fine I hope.

All I really need is the shoes, I can substitute everything else...I think I may go and order some back up shoes somewhere else so I stop worrying.

>> No.7390848

>tfw every time i come to this thread i have the urge to add more

>> No.7390923

>It's terrible.

>> No.7390930

When your antaina shoes come in, can you take pics? I want to get them but I'm not sure it is the shade I want.

Good luck on getting your order on time.


>> No.7390969

BTSSB Heart Bags (Also in lavender and sax):

Brown 80cm Wig (Also comes in 60cm):

Liz Lisa White Ribbon Pearl Necklace (Also in pink):

Double Ribbon Heels (Sizes 34-43; also in black, cream, aqua, pink):

Amo x Ehyphen Collab Hooded "Doll" Dress (Sizes S and M; also in purple and white):

Liz Lisa Pink Flower Print Skirt (Also in dark blue):

Liz Lisa White Floral Bandeau (Also in pink):

Liz Lisa Off Shoulder Short Sleeve Blouse (Sizes S and M):

Kreepsville 666 Eyeball Bows (Also in purple, blue, black, orange, and rose red):

Ponytail Hair Piece (Also in brown, light brown, and black; curly or straight):

Swimmer Biscuit Bag (Also in dark pink):

Liz Lisa Long Sleeve Rose Print Dress (Also in white and brown):

Liz Lisa Pink Coat (Also in brown):

Liz Lisa Sheer Long Sleeve Blouse (Also in pink):

>> No.7390971

Skeleton Hand Necklace (Sold out):

Candy Stripper Winged Cross Creepers (Sizes 33-47; pink and white):

White Bow Earmuffs:

Liz Lisa Floral Sweater Dress:

Liz Lisa Lace Cardigan:

Bracelet, Ring, Necklace Ribbon Set (Sold out):

Pink Side Headbow (Also in lavender and sax):

Pink Floral Headband:

Blacked Winged Backpack (Also in blue/pink):

Black Spiked OTKs:

Brown Heeled Oxfords (Sizes 34-43; black and beige):

Black Boy London Sweater (Sizes M-XL; lots of prints):

Black Long Sleeve Seifuku (Sizes S-XXL; skirt or whole set):

Liz Lisa Red Floral Print Long Sleeve Dress (Sold out):

My Melody Cell Phone Holder:

Yeah, I always post when my orders arrive. Just know I don't own an authentic one so I won't be able to compare and contrast and there's still a few days until this ships so it will take a while.

>> No.7391050

You are my hero! Thank you!

>> No.7391052

link to the sailor jacket, striped faux-garter tights, and white hoodie at the very bottom please?

>> No.7391053

Looks like Pruany is down again.

>> No.7391059

Source on the navy sailor fuku bottom right please?:)

>> No.7391065

No it's not.
Reset your cache or go via google

>> No.7391066

Faux tights (out of stock
Sailor Jacket (out of stock)
White hoodie? I'm assuming the sweater with the two poms in the front?

>> No.7391068

>my last order was less than half the size of this one and shipping was a little under $100
Would you happen to have a collage of that order?
I got a little carried away with mine, and it's as big as my first two orders combined. I'm dreading the shipping, since they were nearly 8kg together.

>> No.7391070

My friend's shipping was really high and they gave her an extra discount. (It was 250 USD es~ with discount) too bad it got sent back to china and she'll have to pay again.

>> No.7391071

Oops, meant for >>7388328

>> No.7391125

Anyone have suggestions for some 'spiritual' like shops ? Particularly to do with jewelry ? Like crystals, runes, talismans (the ankh, hand of fatima, evil eye etc). I've found a few thing scattered at various stores but nothing really that concentrated. I wasn't sure if browsing mori kei jewelry would help?

>> No.7391132

Anyone ordering on the east coast right now? Theres 2 blouses and 2 necklaces I want to order and I cant warrant starting a whole new order just for these things. Id of course pay my part of the shipping and fees etc. Ive left my email in field.

>> No.7391254


Ya no problem!

BLARG, SS says the skirt should ship early march, the bracelet arrived yesterday and they said the headdress was sent and will arrive in 2-3 days.
Decided to send everything once that comes in, there is always more taobao crap I need I can add to the order latter.

>> No.7391370

why cant tbr just refund to my paypal
fuck them

>> No.7391376

Guys, I read that when there's an item being sold by a huge price, such as 8888.00 it means that it's out of stock. Then, does that mean that I wont be able to buy the item like... never? I'm talking this choker here, it's the cutest one I've ever seen

>> No.7391437

I would assume that they intend to restock later on since they're putting up a placeholder instead of letting the baby leave the shelf, but I've never actually seen something with a placeholder go back on sale before. Could be it's just totally random and I'm not lucky enough to catch one.

>that shop
Damnit, anon. And here I thought I was satisfied with my order.
It looks like the necklace version is still available. I'm considering throwing that in my order if I can decide on silver or gold. Hmm.

>> No.7391453

All my loving goes to that store :3

>> No.7391459

They usually don't restock. It just serves as a display of what they have done.

>> No.7391462

But it seems that they never sold a piece of that specific choker before

>> No.7391471

Perhaps it sold out faster.
Since it's handmade and the shopowner has to personally get these materials (which are limited), pretty sure she can't make them anymore because the components are missing.

>> No.7391473
File: 156 KB, 824x561, 1393262722989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find cute tops such as these?

>> No.7391497

It might be an item that was custom made for a customer, and they're just showing it as a custom piece example. Rococo Soul does that sometimes.

>> No.7391498

Or if you can't remember all that, isup.me

>> No.7391530

what the fucking shit taobaoring gave me pictures of stupid shit i didnt even order??? get your shit together tbr

>> No.7391540

Would also be very interested in this. Any spooky jewellery anons?

>> No.7391577
File: 1.72 MB, 1367x621, 59688396735673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, anon. It was 5.20kg and EMS shipping was $90.75. I always get carried away with Taobao orders so don't feel too bad.

>> No.7392669
File: 856 KB, 1176x1968, 1393296810758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shipped today! Just realized that I honestly have nothing purple to go with a dress I got, so last minute accessory shopping mostly. I should mention that the blue floral ring is actually shipping in purple. It was an option but there were no pictures of it in purple.

>> No.7392846

>that tiny ass order

Wow man.

>> No.7392854

It's probably all the shoes in the order.

>> No.7392857

Purple roses link please!

>> No.7392867

O9h that makes more sense

>> No.7392878

Wow, how heavy would you say the shoes are? Had to be like 1kg a pair or something.

>> No.7392887

OP can you link to the shoes? I've only ever found them on ebay when I do reverse image searches.

>> No.7392908

Link to the nail stuff?
I was going to ask for that bag too but I noticed it's in the picture.

>> No.7392927

Not that anon, but I have a pair of shoes that are similar to foam RHS coming in the mail that are 1.3 kg, so your guess is probably about right.

>> No.7392959

Yeah, I was a bit surprised, too. They're not very heavy but they do have a bit of weight on them. The coat was a bit heavy and the red JSK is pretty thick as well so it add up, I guess.

The link's over here: >>7390969

>> No.7393241
File: 53 KB, 665x800, jfbibeau llama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing so much goddamn sleep over my taobao order like damn

I've given you the money TBS please god let me get this stuff before it sells out. Do you want a blood sacrifice to prove how much I'm begging. I will go and make a firstborn right now to appease the orange taobao god

>> No.7393274
File: 32 KB, 350x378, 1393220193590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got shops with a range of thigh highs they want to share?

>> No.7393281

sauce on the heart bags please!

>> No.7393288
File: 2.83 MB, 370x208, 1391867153628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG IS THIS SHOP PLAYING THE FRUITS BASKET ED? http://tokyohot.taobao.com/ holy shit.

>> No.7393294

legit demon llama

>> No.7393316
File: 344 KB, 1230x1032, TaoBao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Taobao order! Used ChinaBuy thanks to hearing about it on here, plus they bargain, speak really good english and are based in my home city (which no one is ever from >_>).
Seller 1 is DearLi which is pretty popular on the tumblr mori girl blogs, have only found 2 or 3 reviews on them so excited to see what it's all like.

>> No.7393326

these are basically lingerie, anon

>> No.7393348

I bought that kitty beanie from eBay for about $6.
Is it just mine or is yours from Taobao weird too? Like, the ears are placed really awkwardly (too much to the sides) so they don't even really resemble cat ears.

>> No.7393356

Seconding, any that can cater to larger thighs/list maximum thigh circumference would be amazing.

>> No.7393359
File: 873 KB, 1045x469, taobao order feb 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting my hands on this coat has been a journey. A long, painful journey.

I'm so fucking happy right now aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.7393410

Purple : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14393617959

The purple ones are actually water transfer nails and are annoying as shit to use. You have to soak them in water until they peel off, then hope they stick to your nail long enough to put a top coat on. But too much top coat will cause it to separate and dissolve. So if you've never used them before I highly suggest getting a couple extra because it's tricky to get it right.

>> No.7393439

Would you review the coat? I can't decide between long or short... How tall are you?

>> No.7393506

how long did you LD skirt take? mine is going on 50 days

>> No.7393566
File: 73 KB, 323x330, rape u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7393585

Ah, sorry for making it sound like I already had it! I was just so happy that my SS got the coat at last.

50 days? Dang. But I was going to pre-order Krad's Flora skirt so I was ready for a wait anyway. Gonna be a fun couple of months now

>> No.7393603

Would you please post the link to those red suede-looking heels with the bows and the low heels. Second row from the bottom, middle. I looked all over for those and couldn't find them!

Also has anyone noticed TBS being slow?

>> No.7393615

Nvm, I found the link to them. Though I still am sad that TBS is being slower than usual. Doris is pregnant, too, so I'm gonna get someone new.

>> No.7393735

I'm insanely upset about missing the Krad phantom blouse reserve, anyone know if they're going to have extras, or another round of reservations?

>> No.7393742

same here. My SS was too slow.
They should have leftover stock.

>> No.7393744
File: 258 KB, 912x720, jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer will be here before you know it. I'm going to look through a bunch of swim shops for cute swim suits! If anyone has some I would love to see them! If not should I post a list after I find some? Anyone interested?

>> No.7393749

whats the songs on this its so pretty omg

>> No.7393769

That's a cover of the opening of Fruits Basket. I'm legitimately confused as to why they're using it on their site though.

>> No.7393849

Got my weight.
252 for Shipping to Canada.
But will be more since PP fees and CAD to USD.. Will probably take the 212$ option.

>> No.7393856

Hell yeah. I was just about to start looking for some. If you find any shops with cute one pieces with skirts, that'll be great!

>> No.7393882
File: 555 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2014-02-25-14-05-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat came out like this.

>> No.7393896

this is silly
you think $10 clothes and other cheap cute things, made in china no less, are worth hundreds of dollars of shipping and customs fees?
to be honest, like really honest, save up and go to the damn place. you'll get to buy all the cheap shit you want and not feel as bad that it all breaks and rips

>> No.7393930

What place? Most clothes I get on Taobao aren't even available where I live. And like hell am I buying from storenvy.

>> No.7393992

You must be terrible at shopping Taobao if all your shit rips and breaks. The only people that are paying hundreds of dollars for shipping are the people buying heavy clothing and shoes.

>> No.7393998

I've been buying off of Taobao for 3 years, and the stuff I bought 3 years ago is still going strong and looking new. Just because Wal-mart pays shady as shit factories to cut all the corners and make everything cheaply doesn't mean all the factories are like that.

>> No.7394044

Doesn't anyone else hate it when someone buys a shirt off Taobao for like 2 dollars and they complain for the smallest shit (smell or something) and gives the fucking item 2/5

>> No.7394066

Can't stand it. Everything has a smell, just air it out or give it a wash or something.

>> No.7394164

or 2 tiny threads on it you can just brush/clip off


>> No.7394196

What are you talking about? I don't buy things I can buy here. Most people don't. They'll throw in an accessory or a light item, but they don't really affect the shipping. I usually pay about $12-15 per item on a $300 order. My newest order is $550 ish but it's a bunch of Lolita stuff and a pair of shoes I couldn't get here or usually in my size so I'm OK if each item rounds to about $65 after shipping, or $110 for each dress. They'll be twice as much soon enough

>> No.7394203

Shit, and it all looks like stuff that isn't very heavy. How much did it weigh?

Getting worried about my own shipping. Heaviest stuff are probably a pair of shoes, a petticoat, 2 kigus, a backpack and a 40cm plush. But I've got like 20 or so articles of clothing, nothing thick but I know it'll add up.

>> No.7394218

I think it's totally worth it. Being short, I like the Asian sizes a lot more than 'Murrican sizes. And like other people have said, stuff that I've ordered from Taobao have lasted longer than stuff I've bought from Forever 21 and at least they fit me much better.

>> No.7394227

Super keen on seeing some swim suits anon!!!

>> No.7394232

>$600 for a bunch of ripoff liz lisa cheaply made clothes

>> No.7394236

paying the shipping yourself is still better than buying from chain stores which, surprise, get their shit from china too. this way, you also have a larger variety to choose from instead of whatever is in the stores at the time.

>> No.7394241


I've never paid more than $90 in shipping for taobao, and so far I have had the good fortune of never getting hit with customs. Your point is invalid for me.

>> No.7394289
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1500, Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where my order currently stands. Most of the wigs have been bought. Need to wait on the jacket, the Kuroneko wig, and the Haine jacket.

>> No.7394312
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 563467463637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The link's in here: >>7388716
Sorry, I don't want to stretch this thread out with links anymore than I already have.

The other day I saw this sweater (which we all know has been all over Tumblr for way over a year now) in Forever 21. It was priced at $40. If I bought this from Taobao, fees and shipping included, it'd be less than F21's price. You say "made in China no less" implying that the clothes are probably going to be cheaply made, which you are right to an extent, but don't you know that the vast majority of clothing in retail stores are in fact made in China? A lot of my friends shop at F21 a lot and they tell me the store's quality is like a grab bag. Some items are good quality and some shrink and rip after the first wash. I'd much rather buy from the source and be able to check the item's quality and store ratings for myself than buy from a retail store who purposely bought the cheapest version of a clothing item to sell it for more.

Also, I made my first Taobao order two years ago and I still wear the items I bought as they are still in good condition. Maybe you buy from really shitty shops or you don't take good care of your clothes, anon.

>> No.7394368

hi there, ive never used taobao before and i wanted to give it a try, i saw they had this for sale and i really like the look of it: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-5353533013.13.7bzPQR&id=36895421564

does anyone know if the seller is reputable or a high quality maker?

also how do i make a transaction, the sight is very confusing to me and i dont wanna screw something up. (is there a English version of the website i could go over?)

>> No.7394370


>> No.7394382


>> No.7394405

My order so far. I'm at $119, so not bad.

But; I was thinking about buying the HMHM coat to wear over the Sakura cosplay, since I get cold a lot and I only really go to winter cons. Are they worth it? The coat's 500 yuan, but I've heard some bad things about them.

>> No.7394418
File: 2.52 MB, 2040x1185, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaand I forgot my pic.

>> No.7394422

Anyone else think this is the same person?

>> No.7394439

Honestly not surprised. I WAS expecting waaaaaaaay more. This is my hugest order yet. I have more things I didn't post because they were small things so yeah.

>> No.7394441

That coat is so cute but that price is so bad, especially because HMHM is hit or miss.

>> No.7394443

I hear HMHM is nice quality but slow as fuck.

>> No.7394444


I was really hoping to be able to get the coat to just wear too, but if HMHM is no good, I'll just skip it.

>> No.7394453

Did anyone ever pay their SS using anything else but PP? If so how did that go? Will you use it again?

>> No.7394502
File: 199 KB, 310x310, taoswim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any stores with cute summer clothes and swimsuits like pic related?

>> No.7394512

I was just searching through some swim shops
These have some cute ones



>> No.7394582


I used frugirls.com for my ss and used Alipay to "recharge" my account. Essentially works like PP but with a flat fee of 3.6%. So far no problems at all.

use the email in the field to get a discount if you want when they ask if you got recommended.

>> No.7394587

Hmm. What currency is it? Because a lot of my money is going to currency exchange and 500 PayPal fees. (One for currency rate the other for 3.9%)

>> No.7394622
File: 316 KB, 548x765, tumblr_static_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I really need to buy a swimsuit that isn't ugly. Are there such thing as cute one-pieces?

>> No.7394628

Not that anon, but thanks just the same! I found quite a few at the first shop, but are there any without the padding and a little more support? I wish I could order a larger top and smaller bottoms. Might have to just buy two pairs.

>> No.7394639
File: 710 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20140225_123530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought stuff.
It got here.

>> No.7394655


>> No.7394657

>doctor bag
did you see the little feet yet? did ya?

>> No.7394666

Link/review of the chest bag, please!

>> No.7394675

Link to the accordion bag(?) please?

>> No.7394680


Just the charge rate of 3.6%. I looked at the statement on my account and didn't get charged more than 3.6% of the amount I put it. They didn't charge me exchange currency rates. I used USD.

>> No.7394992
File: 23 KB, 490x412, tbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBS is not taking any new orders.

This is also why they are slow as of late.

>> No.7395000

>they all got pregnant at once

>> No.7395015

I worked at a place briefly because two (out of three) of their employees got pregnant at the same time. When girls get pregnant, their friends decide that's a great time to get pregnant so their kids can play together.

>> No.7395019

this is clearly a conspiracy to take down the company

>> No.7395028
File: 548 KB, 750x4960, 宝贝详情2_重名5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sporty Looking Bikini (looks like the one posted in the ebay thread. They said it was nice!
Sweet Petal Bikini in lots of colors:
That really common Ruffle bikini often seen in anime:
Sporty Tankini:
Hillbilly Bride Bikini:
Cute balcony bikini with skirt bottom:
Ruffles Bikini with cover up (Lots of colors):
Slimming One Piece:
School Girl uniform swim suit?
I’m not a Gal but this looks like a Gal suit:

Swim Accessories:
Water Proof Iphone case for beach, pool or bath:

>> No.7395042

While updating the SS spreadsheet...

Is TBR still hit or miss in terms of quick responses? I noticed I still had that as a note but I haven't used them in quite a while.

>> No.7395050


They have become pricey and in my experience has taken 2 days minimum to order. Make of that what you will.

>> No.7395063

Speaking of SS, stupid question, but does anyone have a preferred SS they use to reserve dresses? I'm nervous that my order is going to get somehow screwed up because of the two payments involved (reservation price and second payment after the reservation).

>> No.7395069

Hijacking this to ask how is TBT these days. I've been hearing good things(?).

>> No.7395071

Ty based anon

>> No.7395184

Okay thanks anon.

I used CD once to reserve a dress. It went well. I paid for the full amount instead of doing two payments. I don't remember if you can pay for half and then do the second payment later.

I put my review on the SS sheet recently (the wordpress one). I'd recommend.
I forgot to ask if they used SAL so I ended up using a different shipping method.

>> No.7395219

I've used both CD and TBS successfully for reserves. However, CD has been kind of backed up as of late and is trying to have a more relaxing schedule. Her customer service is still great, she's just somewhat slower than she used to be. So keep that in mind if the reserve has a short deadline.

>> No.7395277

I've used them twice and both times were great. They emailed me to double check and make sure I'd selected the right colors / sizes before ordering, ordered the day after they received payment, and their shipping isn't too bad.

Plus their english is pretty alright, they can communicate better than a fair amount of ebay sellers I've tried to contact. Super helpful with custom ordering sizes too.

Also a pretty low SS fee. I don't know what the actual percent is, but I always put my order into a few separate sites to see which is cheapest, and they've always been the best.

>> No.7395287

Wow anon, these are great. Thank you!

Do you happen to know of any with shorts for bottoms, or a one piece with bottoms like shorts?

>> No.7395289

It sounds like both CD and TBS are backed up, then. I'll try my luck with CD - thanks, guys!

>> No.7395311

Hey guys. Anyone know of shops that'd have stuff for my boyfriend?

I'm going to be putting in an order soon, and he wants me to find him some nicer looking clothes he can wear with me when I go out in lolita.

He's like 5'10", average weight, but not toned very much.

I have no idea how to dress a guy.

/fa/ just looks like faggots.

>> No.7395325

Has anyone used Frugirls for reserves before? I've used them for regular orders and they always buy my items within 24 hours, but I'm not sure how I'd do reserves.

>> No.7395334
File: 2.66 MB, 2786x1468, 1393392284733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will gladly post a little review! My phone died so I was only able to get pics of two bags, but they were the ones people wanted so yay! (I took pics with a measuring tape btw so you can know roughly the dimensions)

I used Taobaonow: Ordered on the 6th of February and they responded within two hours, they had the wrong price on an item but fixed it within a few minutes and I payed that same night. They ordered my items the next day (7th) after my payment cleared.
The bags and shoes arrived at their office within the week, the wig took 11 days.
I payed for EMS shipping on the 18th, they sent out my items that same day.
Then the package arrived today, the 25th. Everything was packed nicely in a sturdy box, the wigs were placed in the bags to save space and help keep the bags intact.

So, ordered on the 6th, items in my hands 19 days later on the 25th. They worked really fast imo.

Chest Bag:

The bag came in perfect condition feels sturdy and the pleather feels pretty thick and pliable, doesn't seem like it will easily break, but only time will tell. The hardware is nice, doesn't feel cheep and the bag is a little heavy because of it. I really like that the bag zips at the top as well as having a twisty clasp thing as it will make it harder for someone to pick pocket me. Along with the handle there is a long strap that I can attach to the side so that the bag can hang across my chest. The bag is huge, it can fit a million things! It doesn't look that big in the picture, and I used a coffee mug to try and illustrate, but it could fit at LEAST six coffee mugs. It also has your normal side pockets and a handy middle pocket that snaps in so if you wanted to you could take it out. This is a great bag IMO!

>> No.7395351

What should I search for to find those sheer jacket type things that you wear on the beach over your swimsuit?

Maybe I'm just retarded, but I can't find any.

>> No.7395367
File: 2.87 MB, 2786x1615, 1393392860279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accordion Bag:

I bought this bag because I love Weird Al, not because I can play the accordion or even have a soft spot in my heart for accordion music that isn't parody polkas, but even so this bag is beautiful. it is made by the same people as the chest bag and uses much of the same materials (the red pleather is exactly the same). It feels sturdy, though I the black keys could have been attached more firmly imo. There are small inner pockets and it could fit your wallet, keys, phone, and a camera or small makeup bag with ease. The straps are firmly attached and like the chest bag it comes with an attachable cross strap. The only thing I am sad about, but I knew this when I ordered it, Is when you think accordion you think a huge instrament, but this bag is fairly small, as you can see by the coffee mug.

Red Bow Bag
This is a replica of something, I don't know what, but it IS a replica. However, it is pretty well made, the pleather isn't thin or anything, and the stitching is solid, but the lace feels a bit fragile. I don't think it would hold up to daily wear, but it shouldn't break any time soon and it looks nice! I have no idea what the original looked like to compare it to though, so keep that in mind.

They are much blonder than the product pic. I am kinda mad. Soft and easy to untangle though.

... they are white wellies soooo whateves. Pretty good. Came smelling like weed mixed with a dead skunk, but they aired out in an hour

>> No.7395372

These are the shops that might work? It's not super dressy but some basics that might be buildable

I dont have the keywords but there are some coverups http://shop72634601.taobao.com/category-647546667.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4010-5125129499.30.KQytu8&search=y&parentCatId=634758445&parentCatName=%D0%C2%BF%EE%C1%AC%CC%E5%B7%D6%CC%E5%D3%BE%D7%B0&catName=%B7%C0%86%F0%D2%C2%2B%C9%B3%CC%B2%C8%B9#bd

>> No.7395382

Thanks, anon! Those are perfect.

I just couldn't figure out what to call it, since in English I'd call it something like a shrug or something like that, and googlefu tells me they only have the verb to shrug in chinese.

>> No.7395547

Some of the knock offs hold better than the real thing.

>> No.7395562

I've been using them for a while, but in the last thread an non got an email saying some taobaotrends was trying to log into her alternate email or something? A little shady. They also sometimes charge you for more shipping weight. They're also increasing their exchange rate too, just last year it was around 0.168, and now its 0.172.

Overall they're good, good english, communication, the cart is nice. They're just a little shady sometimes.

>> No.7395685

What would the search term for polarized sunglasses be? I want to be sure I'm searching for the right thing.

>> No.7395721 [DELETED] 

cute, where are top right dresses from?

>> No.7395722

read the fucking watermark

>> No.7395742

Shop with nice wrist cuffs? Every single one I try to order ends up out of stock by the time my SS gets to buying.

>> No.7395763

I got in just in time. The little orange taobao god has been smiling on my order.

>> No.7395809

>dat ib sweater
I need that in my life.

>> No.7395814


>> No.7395820

Thank you!

>> No.7395823

>>That feel when I read the FAQ over and over looking for the best SS (wich I though it would be taobaoring) but now I am, once again, in doubt if it is the better option since I'm going to purchase a lot of different stuff

>> No.7396036

whos singing this

>> No.7396065
File: 31 KB, 411x416, 1393428303077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooo! I got an automated message from Susan telling me that if I don't get a response in two days then I can send them an email and they'll respond. Should I bother or just go with somebody else, then?

>> No.7396082

The link for 8bit clips just takes me to the striped garter panties and is the same shop . What's the shop number?

>> No.7396090

please report back with the loris/red bow bag after a few uses!

>> No.7396195 [DELETED] 

Im switching SS, any personal reviews with yoybuy and prunay

>> No.7396196

Im switching SS, any personal reviews with yoybuy and prunay? as opposed to TBR

>> No.7396247

I'm in the middle of my third order with Pruany. They're a very mediocre SS. I say use them for more laid back orders. They're pretty slow so I wouldn't use them to reserve a dress from a popular store. Their English is okay but they don't take direction very well. My last order, I had a few Liz Lisa replicas and I asked them to remove all tags and they replied "Ok". When my package came, they all had their tags on them. I was lucky nothing was missing, though. I mainly use them for their 55% off EMS shipping and their service fee is pretty low compared to other SS's. You basically get what you pay for.

>> No.7396417

I used Pruany.
They are pretty fast IMO and will refund you on the dot if an item is out of stock or if something's wrong. They're nice and I really enjoy talking to Zui. They're English is not so great, but It's good enough. They also send pictures on requests.

>> No.7396495

I'm having the same issue with Pruany. Has anyone been able to get around that?

>> No.7396556

I've only used TBR and yoybuy once, and I say yoybuy wins hands down. They are fast and they let your items hang around their warehouse for up to 90 days. Their ordering system is really easy and convenient and refunds are pretty much immediate. Communication is quick, too. I don,t think they refund you money for cancelled/out of stock items, but instead they give you credit which you can later apply towards shipping.

I just placed a pretty big order last night around 3AM and by 11AM they had purchased everything, refunded an item, and messaged me about options for two other items.

>> No.7396729
File: 729 KB, 1000x939, YEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are things I have already paid for.

>> No.7396755

Please respond

>> No.7396970

>tfw a thread full of great order collages again at last
>tfw your crappy paint doodle is the header of it
This might be one of the proudest moments in my life.

Yes,I guess I was one of those.I'm still writing on a review of the 400+ items I bought last year.

>> No.7396975
File: 88 KB, 862x486, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this the second time I posted this
>no responses, despite being at the top of the thread

>> No.7396979

>TFW no ss takes CAD
Forever doomed in extra fees

>> No.7396995

I know right!
I really hate that.

>> No.7397008
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1393460499355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Links to shops with cute gyaru-ish shoes?
I found pic related and fell in love but they've been out of stock in every shop I could find them in.
Just looking for similar shoes, but if someone could find these actual shoes I'd be forever indebted to you.

>> No.7397017

It's working fine for me.
http://chibamew.taobao.com/ is the store for 8bit.

>> No.7397021

Thank you! 4chan links are a littler weird for me sometimes

>> No.7397048

not /cgl/ ik but any shops with scene/emo clothes? i tried non-mainstream but the only scene stuff it found was for guys...

>> No.7397075


>> No.7397094

My reaction too.
Why don't you try searching punk or something.

>> No.7397168

Oh god, that Charlotte plush is so cute! I know the image has a watermark, but I have difficulty making out the link on it. Do you still have the link?

>> No.7397292

Sure thing anon

>> No.7397345

try checking the FAQ's.

>> No.7397366

If you did any research whatsoever you would know to stay the fuck away from buychina

>> No.7397378

ah, it updated
last time I checked (a long while ago)
people were saying it was good.
but at least I got a response.
the SS spreadsheet is horrible to navigate so can someone just tell me why?
don't really care as the items aren't for me anyways, my roomate asked me to order through them for her.

bit of an autistic bitch, wouldn't try any other sites (like the ones I reccomended) but I'd like to know why.

>> No.7397382

those seem more lolita than gyaru to me...

>> No.7397409



>> No.7397459

I'm a Frenchy, sorry for the errors.

>> No.7397478

Well. What kind of stuff are you ordering? We can attempt to help.

When did you email them? The date for that message was just recently. I would imagine they cut it off after they put the news and if you emailed them before that was posted, they would get to your order.

I've used it a couple times when I made the threads (I'm not always the one obviously). I like it.

>the SS spreadsheet is horrible to navigate
Why is that? The first sheet is about all the SS summarized. The bottom tabs for each sheet refer to each SS in alphabetical order. The individual sheet for each SS has pros/cons along with reviews I link to with posted dates.

The other sheets are for crap like "which SS do I pick" for certain situations and the other sheet was for EMS discounts (which I'm kind of lazy to update).

I'm up for constructive criticism in changing the format if you tell me what I can improve on. I've been contemplating making it a word doc similar to the FAQ in style...but then it'd be really long to scroll down and I dunno if that's a good idea.

The SS spreadsheet says why /cgl/ doesn't like buychina and has links about that. Other people have used buychina just fine but I list the reasons (from these threads and the past) why, in general, anons would not recommend buychina.

>> No.7397598
File: 7 KB, 225x300, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone help me find this? It's an H&M skirt from divided, I've had no luck. They had it in store, but the size was too big. I liked it because the dots were a nice size and the material gave it a nice shape

>> No.7397625

ah, well I couldn't exactly find the links of where it says why buychina is horrible, I did look, but maybe I'm just overlooking some things.

the update made things a lot easier though!

>> No.7397648



>> No.7397696

whats wrong with that?!

>> No.7397980

I don't get antaina's shoe sizing, do they have a chart some where and I just can't find it?

>> No.7397996

Ahh. Well google drive (and excel...and probably other spreadsheet programs) usually have different sheets on the bottom of the page.

This screenshot with the red arrow shows what I was talking about in terms of each SS having their own page. If you click that, you can see the various threads/posts/whatever about buy china and why /cgl/ taobao threads, in general, doesn't like it.

Are the different sheets on the SS spreadsheet not apparent? How should I indicate it?

>> No.7397999
File: 397 KB, 1366x768, buy china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quick reply dropped my pic.

>> No.7398091

You can send them your footh length and width and they can either recommend a size or custom make it for you.

>> No.7398096

Oh god all the Digimon plushes in this store too...

>> No.7398132

Seriously I have to send my feet measurements in? that's so weird, will shipping services contact them for me?

>> No.7398137 [DELETED] 

Looking at their listings again, it's just all in standard Chinese sizing like other stores. Not sure what you don't get about it?

So no, you don't have to necessarily go through the difficult (???) task of measuring your feet. But you can get their recommendations.

You can email them about sizing yourself, they speak English and their email address is on their main page. You don't even need an SS (though some people prefer to go through one).

>> No.7398140

Looking at their listings again, it's just all in standard Chinese sizing like other stores. Not sure what you don't get about it?

So no, you don't have to necessarily go through the weird (???) task of measuring your feet.

But you can still get recommendations and/or custom sizing by emailing them yourself, they speak English and their email address is on their main page. You don't even need an SS (though some people prefer to go through one).

>> No.7398146
File: 1.57 MB, 1080x1080, 1385084540379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay so it's just standard chinese sizes, I find that usually shops have a chart somewhere. I didn't think measuring my feet was weird I found that you had to send in your measurements to get what size to buy. Thanks for all the information.

>> No.7398180

wow that skirt

>> No.7398222


Link to skirt please?

>> No.7398296

Only clothes, a small amount of hair accessories and a few chokers/garters. The clothes shouldn't have much weight alone (can't buy coats and thick clothes because it's too hot in here).

Also, I'm not sure if I want all the stuff sended in the same package because I'll probably have to pay a huge tax when it arrives to my country.

>> No.7398315

Also requesting this! Especially crystal jewerly

>> No.7398406

only 2 left

>> No.7398486
File: 19 KB, 480x640, starstights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone try finding any tights similar like this? With snow flakes? I've tried several things but nothing comes out.

>> No.7398499

You probably want to use a SS with SAL shipping then.

And pick a SS that will mark down your package's value

>> No.7398581
File: 782 KB, 670x764, stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was lacking in ruffles.

I love those stupid goddamn jumpers. They're so terrible that they're good.

>> No.7398596

Orange and black for some reason, other searches show that there is also pink and blue in this pattern.

Try taobao?

>> No.7398600

You're in a taobao thread moron.

>> No.7398613

you need more ruffles

>> No.7398619

Can I have the link to the blouse, second row?

>> No.7398645

ah! thank you! I didn't see it because my bar was hiding it.
I'm sad about buychina though. their layout is so awesome..

>> No.7398648
File: 12 KB, 169x225, mboq0WoMFczHy86vwbx28fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find this bag?

>> No.7398679

You can indeed!


>> No.7398688


>> No.7398742
File: 175 KB, 498x1395, 1393533251884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was looking at the page and just

>> No.7398746

I just submitted my order to Pruany. There were items I submitted that were on sale, but the cart system just put in the original price for everything. Do I wait for someone to contact me before I pay for things to apply the sale prices?

>> No.7398817

You contact the guy, or you pay for the items and they will refund you when it's over. I much rather contact the dude tho.

>> No.7398945
File: 378 KB, 960x1800, 1297465850369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it when I put items in my cart in Bhiner, the sale items come up as regular price? It doesn't say VIp. Just Promotion price but it's regular in the cart

>> No.7398959

How much does the chest bag weigh? I'm trying to figure out if I can do a small order under 2 KG for cheap shipping, but I've been considering getting this bag for one and a half year now and I still want it.

>> No.7398968

Is the item actually on sale or only VIP get the sale? There's that distinction.

Also, if I remember correctly the last time I used them, they fix those prices after everything is sent.

>> No.7398974
File: 37 KB, 484x129, tbscreencap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't say VIP

it's happened before with other items before

>> No.7399024

It was suppose to be anyway and mine, I guess?

>> No.7399035

Then Bhiner should have changed it after you sent it in.

If it doesn't change, email/contact them about it to change.

If they don't...then they suck.

>> No.7399237
File: 223 KB, 400x299, 1335148547712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you're an idiot

>> No.7399241

dem chineses so sirry

>> No.7399425

Could I have the link to the blouse on the bottom right? Thanks!

>> No.7399548

new thread: >>>7399546