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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 83 KB, 550x944, Fruits Issue 12_Page_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7381383 No.7381383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about old school! Post GLB photos, hair and makeup tutorials, coords you've put together, anything related to old school lolita.

>> No.7381416
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VM from G&LB

>> No.7381447

This only doesn't look terrible because the girl is decently pretty

>> No.7381462

Funny how the thing that's the most strikingly old-school to me is the lack of huge-eye makeup...

>> No.7381463

This is a perfectly nice yet simple outfit, why would you say that ?

>> No.7381474
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Why not post what you do like instead? This post contributes nothing. It's just your opinion with no context.

>> No.7381476

What's wrong with it?

>> No.7381482
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>> No.7381483
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>> No.7381485
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>> No.7381489
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I think the makeup and hairstyle tutorials are a little harder to find but there are some in old G&LB. I have a couple of older issues, I'll check tomorrow when I can pull them out. Love the thread.

>> No.7381496

Same. I really miss the natural makeup and hair, actually. Nowadays I still keep it fairly simple and natural for everyday, but when going to a meet I'll just look super washed out compared to the full faces of makeup, false lashes and circle lenses all the other girls will be wearing. I don't begrudge them their choice in makeup but it does feel bad that I end up looking "half-finished" in comparison.

>> No.7381516

Wear it with me, anon! I wear circle lenses, but keep make-up pretty simple--no falsies, just good mascara. Natural hair typically too.

More comfortable, takes less time to get ready...but I also tend to wear classic or sweet coords leaning more old school than contemporary or OTT.

I really want to wear old school more. Just got RHS in the mail but I have trouble finding non-print dresses second-hand.

>> No.7381525

I've never gone all out with makeup, and I feel so plain compared to some girls. Simple eyeliner, maybe mascara, and some foundation- that's it. I do wear wigs, but they're all natural browns, since my head is shaved. I feel so pretty and made up when I look in the mirror, then I see other girls, and it's like, "Well, shit." Granted, I do wear classic, while the rest of my comm is sweet, but, still.

>> No.7381546

I do feel a lot of the time that much makeup e.t.c can only look good in photos, but can look way overboard in real life.

>> No.7381551

You are awesome! I don't have any GLBs but I'm thinking of starting a collection.

>> No.7381564

>I have trouble finding non-print dresses second-hand
The most classic brands still do old-school-like non-print dresses anyways, special Mary Magdalene.

>> No.7381568


>> No.7381574

There isn't anything wrong with it, it's just very simple without a lot of details or distractions. Some people do feel that only pretty girls look good in simpler or older styles maybe, or that they are harder to pull off without wigs, heavy makeup lenses, lashes and other more currently fashionable accessories to help (or distract from flaws).

>> No.7381592
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I already posted this in lolita general, but maybe you guys have some tips too.

I just recently became interested in old school and I'm thinking about buying this JSK but I have no idea how to coord it (like with what colors)? I feel like I'd be confined to doing only shiro coords. Help?

>> No.7381702

My under bust/rib cage is nearly the bust maximum for brands like MM and VM right now...and even when I was thin my underbust was something like 84cm.

I love their dresses and would buy in a heartbeat, but they're far too small. I wish I could fit them though...that'd be almost my entire wardrobe.

I know AP periodically releases non-print dresses, but they're almost too plain? Like, they lack the construction details that I really love.

I'm hoping to find some mid-2000s meta or ap somewhere.

>> No.7381766
File: 81 KB, 600x569, c600x569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty easy to coordinate with a white JSK with practice. Start slow and make sure the white is used more than the accent colour. With practice, you could even do multiple colour combos like red-white-blue for sailor-esque stuff, or using a variety of whites, creams, and browns for a more classic look.

>> No.7381936

Oh my goddd those coords are so cute. Thank you anon <333 I'm buying it.

>> No.7382104
File: 36 KB, 240x320, Baby Velour Tiered JSK wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7382870

Even sweet brand like Baby release old school stuff, and it's fairly often, but they more or less don't put it on the international website because they think foreigner wouldn't buy those dresses. You'd better check real store's blogs and look for a good SS, these dresses are not even expensive so you can get it fairly easily. They also pop a lot at closet child, but they don't put them up on the website for the exact same reason.

Most of them must have shirring I guess, espcially jsk. And IW also have old schoolish classic dresses, which often come in different sizes.

>> No.7382945

I long for this. ):

>> No.7382972

Oh dear, the time when "Angelic Pretty" was just named "Pretty"...so many memories...

>> No.7382975

IKR? I feel the same like ugh...
Back in my times (old lady rant) in the early 2000's we didn't need heavy makeup or wigs. We were doing hairstyles all by ourselves for the most of the time (there still was natural looking wigs for sure but they weren't usual) and a little to no makeup was perfect and we were looking like pure porcelain dolls. And photoshop barely even existed at all if I remember well. There was still active communities on forums too...Nowadays it's all heavy makeup,falsies,lenses,wigs,photoshop,brand,...I wish lolita stayed more obscure like before

>> No.7382986

It was being relisted on auction for around $30 for ages...

>> No.7382992
File: 108 KB, 240x320, 1392891444214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this dress in blackxwhite, hands down it's so comfortable and so versatile. You can wear it in a lolita style, otome style, or just a regular modern fashion.
Ironically enough, this dress tends to be what I get the most compliments on out of my whole wardrobe. You just gotta play around with it.

>> No.7382997
File: 49 KB, 232x313, baby_jsk_ribbonscallop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this piece. Going hunting for some old school meta now...

>> No.7382998
File: 22 KB, 300x400, 1392891935633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vintage poodle is maybe not old school, but it's mid-old-school. And delicious.

>> No.7383000
File: 68 KB, 250x333, ap_2004_jsk_triplefrill_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I think of old school angelic pretty. Look at dem ruffles and tucks.

>> No.7383002
File: 19 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_pintucktiered_add13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yeah, zoom in on those delicate little tucks!!

>> No.7383003

you're a babe.

>> No.7383004

How comfy and adorabs would this be for lazing about the house? Whack on yr giant headbow and a pair of striped socks and RHS/boots and you're out the door.

>> No.7383005

I have that dress in lavender, it's so gorgeous

wish I had gotten the re-release too in the chiffon, ughhhh

>> No.7383006
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oops dropped picture.

>> No.7383007
File: 21 KB, 290x387, wedding underdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it too, isn't it beautiful? The fabric is so delicious and thick! I'm going to put it on my mannequin!
I was just drooling over this underdress and workin out how to incorporate it into my wedding ensemb without looking too weeby.

>> No.7383008

Oooooh, it's pretty ! I was thinking about a white overdress that would have a jacket cut on the front but a long train in the back, and maybe a lace underskirt to lenghten it a little.
It depend on weither or not you want a long dress tought, I see more and more 'short' bride dresses these days.

>> No.7383009

I want that now !

>> No.7383023

That girl has good taste in music.

>> No.7383122

How long ago?
I've just recently started giving a shit about buying/selling stuff (went on a long holiday after half a year of crippling depression) so I haven't really paid much attention until now.

>> No.7383130
File: 19 KB, 280x373, convert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just bought this off Fururun as a birthday present to myself and although it's not old-old school, it's still extremely simple and I fell inlove immediately!

I also have an ancient AP fully-shirred (with detacheable sleeves) OP I got off Mbok ages ago. Not the most worn thing I own, but it's a part of history!

>> No.7383253

This OP wouldn't be particularly flattering on me, but it's so cute! Not sure if front shirring is your thing, but it's a great price.

>> No.7383256
File: 46 KB, 360x500, oldschool1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah i really like this

>> No.7383257
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>> No.7383259
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>> No.7383262
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>> No.7383269

hnng old AP is mah shit!

>> No.7384250

>Trouble finding non print dresses second hand
Really? I've actually found quite a few! Keep an eye out, I'm sure you'll find something

>> No.7384261

Oh man I love old school red, but I'm worried it wouldn't look good on me. I'm pretty pale with a few light freckles and brown/blond mixed hair, should I go for it?

>> No.7387901
File: 41 KB, 400x533, 1393110865548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of this dress, human-sized?

>> No.7387930

ALICE and the PIRATES "Marionette in my closet room" afaik

>> No.7387936


>> No.7387944

oh sorry i did more research and those dresses are based off the art on marionette in my closet room

the black one is ginger doll and the white is milktea doll

>> No.7387945

Marionette is a recent print series, isn't it?

>> No.7387947

those dolls were released last year so idk why theyre being posted in an old school thread lol

>> No.7387949

Maybe because it feels a bit oldschool revival?
(Which isn't a bad thing)
I was wondering too.

>> No.7387952

yeah they do feel old school ill give them that

but it looks like the human dresses were released last year too

>> No.7387951

Yeah, threw me for a loop but the full size version in >>7383257 looks old school as fuck, esp next to that pink dress

>> No.7387954

meant to reply to >>7387947

>> No.7388010
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Fuck yes old school thread.

>> No.7388012
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>> No.7388014
File: 662 KB, 819x900, IMGP3973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to figure out an old school outfit and I was wondering if I could get some input on this?

>> No.7388019
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>> No.7388024

Love it! Maybe swap out the hat with a red/white bow but that's just my taste.

>> No.7388026
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>> No.7388027

I'd do plain white socks with lace tops but otherwise love it.

>> No.7388029
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>> No.7388032
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>> No.7388063
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>> No.7391503
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>> No.7391520
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I don't want this thread to die yet.

>> No.7391521
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>> No.7391528
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>> No.7391534
File: 45 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mzt67oEaRW1sjpp8go3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first dress was a knockoff of this one from AP. I still can't get rid of it.

>> No.7391536
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>> No.7391543
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>> No.7391560
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>> No.7391581
File: 1.12 MB, 1199x1920, 1393265995941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7391717

Wish classic was more popular. I'm Classic/Gothic myself.

>> No.7391725

Classic seems to be getting a lot more popular (at least on /cgl/) but I worry that elaborate makeup and wigs are here to stay.

>> No.7391728

Wish rocking horse shoes were still popular

>> No.7391890

I'm so sorry anon. That must have looked like absolute shit if it was a milanoo quality knockoff...

>> No.7393318

Could someone post more solid dresses with patterns of wide lace like >>7391520 and >>7391560?
I'm thinking of making an oldschool-styled dress with this wide white lace I got from my grandmother but don't really trust myself to think of a way to make it look good. Especially since the different laces she gave me don't go together at all (rounded and flowery vs. geometric, etc.) so I can't just use them together and have it look good. What kind of pattern would look nice for one type of lace without being too boring? I can buy some additional stuff for accents but preferably not meters and meters of it.

>> No.7398642
File: 1.37 MB, 3072x1728, DSCF0205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never cos-played before, could I pull of Lolita?

>> No.7398650
File: 137 KB, 640x426, ku-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because it requires actual fashion sense and a shitton of money
however, you can still be kawaii as fuck by getting a sailor fuku

>> No.7398673

Classic is currently the most popular sub style. Elaborate wigs and makeup have been in lolita for 6+ years! who cares (and why the hell would you worry?) if they're "here to stay" or not? If you don't like it, don't don't wear it.

>> No.7398676

A black hat or hair accessory would really bring it together.

>> No.7398681
File: 281 KB, 476x750, 25235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old-school lovers sure will like this:

>> No.7398687

loltia isn't cosplay you fuckin tard.

>> No.7400202

There is quite a rise of old-school gothic at Taobao lately so I don't wonder about that.

>> No.7401074

looks like a possible knockoff of this recent IW release?
Which is itself basically just capitalizing on Westminster Choir's popularity, minus the print. Or just a coincidence based on Westminster Choir as well.

>> No.7401078

The dress by HMHM (sp?) has been around for a couple of years, and it's a very generic design, so it's not a direct copy of a previous nun design dress, just similar.