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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7380185 No.7380185 [Reply] [Original]

I have a questions for you dear /cgl/. What is your definition of how much effort is 'serious effort' when making a complete Cosplay?

>> No.7380202

attention to detail

>> No.7380223

Others may not agree, but I like it when women actually work out for a period before portraying a character. Especially if the character is known for having a toned or fit body. I dislike when slender girls arbitrarily dress up as scantily clad characters because they think that being slender is good enough. There are plenty of girls who could benefit from improving their flat or cellulite ass.

Basically, if you're going to be Felicia or Cammy or some shit, take a few minutes to bend over in front of your mirror and see if any work needs to be done.

>> No.7380233

>Especially if the character is known for having a toned or fit body

nearly every character can be assumed to have a fit/toned body.

i find more joy in females who put a lot of effort into their costumes, knowing their body isn't perfect.

>> No.7380241

Um, okay? That's nice. I just think it speaks volumes when someone actually works out and goes the extra mile to look really good. It's really gross to see certain asses up close. Especially when they have pimples.

>> No.7380276

Not same anon, but what if it's a cosplay that doesn't show all dat ass with pimples? Fully covered and conservative. Example: Plugsuits, armor, etc. Then you don't necessarily have to be fit, just slender.

>> No.7380318

Then, you pretty much just answered your own question yourself.

>> No.7380363

And here we have a man who has never been near a real ass outside of magazine ads.

>> No.7380478
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I'm a woman, actually. Please don't stoop to assuming that you know what gender I am and trying to correlate it to my opinions, as if it holds any sort of relevancy. It comes off as petty and looks as if you're grasping at straws for a rebuttal.

The thread asked for what you define as 'serious effort' when one makes a cosplay and that was my two cents.

I realize that we deal with snipes from /r9k/, /fit/, and general misogyny from neckbeards with high standards and it makes people edgy, but come on.

>> No.7380486

Let's see your ass then, because if you hold others to such standards, surely you must meet them yourself.

Or is it a normal average ass with cellulite that gets pimples sometimes like every other ass on the planet?

>> No.7380505

I wish I was a Slav.
Their asses must look so fine from all dat squatting.

>> No.7380539

Attention to detail, being in character for photos.

I like how when most people say "attention to detail" they mean the costume specifically. When I say it, that means paying attention to cosplaying your own body type, too. That's what really separates someone from being one of three people
>amazing cosplayer who did it right
>good cosplayer who just did it to be an attention whore
>casual cosplayer who just wanted to be the character

>> No.7380541

>asking for nudes
>getting pissy

You do realize that I could use your logic right back at you at this very moment, right? That you're probably a man looking for fap folder material or you're an angry girl who, for whatever reason, feels slighted by my post.

Why are you so pissed off when my post wasn't even remotely hostile? Am I supposed to now assume that you're insecure about your own derrière?

>> No.7380559

Unless they regularly worked out and was into fittness beforehand(or you know, a professional paid model), a cosplayer isn't going to come out looking like a vogue model.

It would be pretty shitty if this was normal thinking. People like Tom Hiddleston would never get a roll such as Loki simply because their body doesn't match, despite their talents to portray that character.

Even if they did work out, for some people you'd never be able to tell unless they had actual definition in their muscles, which isn't going to happen with your average female. Does that mean someone who is toned put more serious effort into their cosplay simply because it was naturally easier for them to achieve that? No.

>> No.7380560
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Jealous fatty-chan detected
probably the same who got mad in the ass thread huh?

>> No.7380570

Please find in my post where I said they must look like a Vogue model.

Seriously. I love how uptight everyone is getting over this post. Maybe I actually should start hanging out in /fit/ if ya'll are going to be so malicious about someone saying what their opinion of extra effort for a cosplay is.

>> No.7380589

It was an exaggeration to illustrate my point. nobody is going to know how much you worked out to achieve your current body unless you were already primed fit.

being a opinion doesn't make it immune from discussion

>extra effort for a cosplay is.
because its a terrible way to judge how much effort someone put into their cosplaying

>> No.7381080

>terrible way to judge

You honestly sound incredibly passive aggressive like the other Anon. Like it or not, that's something that I think shows real dedication aside from having a very well put together costume. I don't know why you have this idea that people are incapable of figuring out whether someone doesn't work out, does work out, or is naturally toned. I honestly feel like I'm speaking to sjw from Tumblr, because you're putting out that vibe that someone needs to be super accepting or some rainbow crap. As if it doesn't look really good when men cosplay Spartans and actually, you know, WORK to achieve the body beforehand.

Nobody said that my opinion was immune from discussion, either. I just don't understand, again, why you and someone else are getting so bent out of shape about this. As if I had posted, "Attention, all fat lolis, kill yourselves."

You can think that its terrible all that you want. I'm not the one who implied hyperbole in order to make someone else's post sound more extreme and hateful than it actually was.

>> No.7381098

I'm not seeing pictures of your ass.
I see a fat bitch trying to tell people how to eat.

>> No.7381103

Baawww somebody is telling me how to live a healthy life style and make sure I don't die of heart disease at 48. Baawwww fuck that person.

>> No.7381108

I'm not even fat? You're expecting me to post nudes and get myself banned and I'm not playing into it.

Also, your statement makes no sense. I've seen and followed healthy lifestyle blogs and watched slow, gradual transformations. Had I ever needed to drop 50 pounds or so, I'd think that these people (fat) would be good people for me to ask seeing as they're fat and trying to drop the weight.

So, again, I don't really understand your problem or how you can justify staying up all night waiting for a picture of a stranger's ass. That alone sounds desperate.

>> No.7381893

Because b8

>> No.7381996

That's pretty sad. I'd at least be up for debate if someone didn't backpeddle and cry troll.

>> No.7382014

I'm assuming the anon is passive because they're not trying to be a complete dick about it.
But your opinion is weak. Its your own opinion and I respect that, but being fit is a life style decision, you won't look good because you worked out 2 months before a con. Fit people are going to be fit, and people who aren't won't be.
I'm curious as to how long you think someone should work out to be considered as paying attention to detail for you. Because its not something you can just do just because you want to cosplay a character.

tl:dr you don't get fit to cosplay a character, you get fit to be fit. Its unreasonable to expect people to get in fit condition so they look good in cosplay

>> No.7382055

Nobody said that they needed to work out two months before the con just like nobody said that being fit was expected of the cosplayer.

Anywhere. In any of the posts.

OP asked what people define as 'serious effort'. A very well made costume is great. A wig that is the right color and properly cared for is also great. I've just liked when I see someone who noticeably worked out. People who are sitting here and telling me that you're unable to tell if someone regularly exercises are deluded and honestly? Each reply that I get just sounds more and more like bitterness from those who either don't, won't, or can't. Especially with the way that my posts are being twisted and I'm getting replies addressing points which I never made.

Nobody said that cosplayers MUST work out, but I find it pretty ironic that this sort of attitude is being given towards me in this thread when a good portion of this board enjoys nitpicking at cosplayer's aging skin/bodies, breast implants, and fat cosplayers.

If people don't want to work out, that's their choice. Dubbing my opinion as 'weak' just because you don't agree with it doesn't really make you look any better. It comes off as incredibly petty, because I'm getting the same vibe from you as I have from everyone else who got butthurt.

>> No.7382073

You say I'm putting words in your mouth, by putting the words you think I put in your mouth in mine. I only said how long should it be to be considered paying attention to detail, as the OP asked. I never once said that you said people HAVE to work out, I just said its unreasonable to expect it from a cosplayer.
Maybe its because most people consider attention to detail as part of the actual cosplay, not the work you make on yourself that they're getting grumpy over this. Its nice having someone look exactly like the character, but I find it unreasonable to ask that of any cosplayer, so I would consider that beyond the considered "details" in a costume.
and I have a feeling I'm saying this completely wrong and not getting the point I mean to across. So let me try it in simpler terms.
You can't change your body as easily as you can details on a costume. So it shouldn't be considered a detail, more just a nice bonus.

>> No.7382085

I think the best cosplays are:
Ones where the person picked a character that matches their body type, and ones where the person adds some of their own details to make a cosplay look better or more lifelike so it doesn't look like a costume or direct copy, but basically like the character would look in real life.

>> No.7382094
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>You can't change your body as easily as you can details on a costume.

And, yet, in my VERY first post I said, "..work out for a period.." That means that I'm obviously aware that it takes time to achieve something. And, guess what? For some people, they lose weight quicker than others do. For some people, it actually is pretty easy for them to change their body. And, now I feel like I actually have to say that not everyone has that situation and that I'm not saying that everyone is the same or else you or someone else will cherry pick that, too.

You're bringing up things like looking EXACTLY like a character, when it's an irrelevant comment because it's not something that was anywhere in my posts. Working out wouldn't make someone look like a carbon copy of a fictional being, but as I've reiterated 9001 times now, I think that it's awesome when people do it.

It isn't that you're saying it wrong. It's that you and other posters aren't getting that..

-I never said that everyone must be Adonis or else no cosplay for you.

-I never said that hotness overrides the quality of costume.

-And, most importantly, that I really don't care if you guys don't agree with me. Yet, from how many times I've been quoted and cattily commented back, I feel like everyone else is way too bent out of shape over this. I stated that I knew that others may disagree. What I hadn't expected was this level of a lack in reading comprehension.

>> No.7382129

>Doesn't care what we think
>Keeps fighting back regardless.
Just drop it if it matters that little.
But what I'm saying is that yes, its great if someone can get in shape and look like who they're cosplaying. And I agree being in shape is a great bonus to cosplay. I just don't think it should be considered an effort toward cosplay rather than a bonus for looking good in general.

>> No.7382140

Wow, this thread filled with petty bickering super fast. Oh, /cgl/.

Attention to detail is high priority, but I think my favourite thing is when people really practice poses and expressions to suit the character. If you have a perfect Sailor Moon costume, for example, like flawless, that's great, but if you have a really dour expression or a stiff/awkward stance in photos, it's going to detract, imo. If you're cheerful or goofy or at the very least can pull off a decent fighting pose, that will be a million times better.

>> No.7382150

Do you not understand the point of a debate or even a discussion? It's possible to discuss something with someone, something that you enjoy, and not care what they think. People do this all of the time. You've never had a group of friends where someone just enjoys your company and will talk to you about what they enjoy, even if you personally don't care for it, because that's what friends do? You've never participated in a debate with someone who opposes your view, doesn't give a shit what you think of them or their views, yet debates with you on subject matter because that's the point of the debate?

I don't understand why such a concept is that foreign to you. You've never made conversation with your coworkers just to converse, not caring what they think of you or your views? Jesus.

Great? I already said that I think that it's a nice thing to see, along with a well made costume.

People are reading what they want to read instead of what is actually there.

>> No.7382161

I love how you felt the need to write so much about how much I must suck. This isn't really a good conversation considering how much bullshit you're spouting and how much I'm spouting as well. Don't pretend this is a civil coversation.
The point of the thread was an effort toward cosplaying, and I'm telling you why I think that shouldn't be considered as part of it. Dismissing the reasoning is why you're coming off badly too.

>> No.7382165

It's just the influx of sjw /cgl/ has had as of late. Last night, we had some moron who made two threads about how everyone here is a bully and a nerd. Once their threads were deleted, they proceeded to spam the forum with lame pictures because they were on some anti-bully brigade.

This thread essentially reeks of the same. They just haven't pulled out the bbw and hash tags yet.

>> No.7382167

I'm percieving it as less of a sjw thing and more of people going.
>Whats good in a costume?
its just people being retarded.

>> No.7382173
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You're the one who dubbed an opinion as weak because you were unable to refute it or make me change my mind, dude. I honestly wouldn't be projecting at this point if I were you.

And, again, nobody said, "You suck, Anon." You say that you aren't putting words into mouths, yet there it is again.

Don't quote someone and carry on unless you're going to actually discuss something. You were the one who quoted. You were fine a few minutes ago and didn't get defensive until I told you that I didn't care and that you weren't changing my views.

Sorry, but no.

>> No.7382179

Basically paying attention to detail, having clean, well fitting outfits and nice props, accessories and armour if needed, trying to look as close as they can to the character to the best of their abilities.

>> No.7382181

There's a difference between quoting and paraphrasing. You should learn the difference. In essence you wrote a paragraph about how I must not have anyone to discuss things with.
I said weak because I couldn't think of a better term. I suppose I could have just said I think your opinion is wrong. Just because someone mentions someone of what you said doesn't mean they're quoting you.

>> No.7382188

Telling other cosplayers or lolitas to stop being fat or ugly isn't even a new thing, though. This board has always had that. We have threads dedicated to doing exactly that. And, whenever Yaya or JNig or PT make new cosplays, this board is the first to have a thread pointing out and nitpicking every single thing that is wrong with them physically. Suddenly, in this thread, saying that it would be awesome if someone exercised a bit for a role would be rad is wrong.

That totally feels like some sjw and hypocrisy.

>> No.7382192

I wrote a paragraph asking how something is alien to you, because I had to explain something to you. You are, again, reading what you want to read instead of what is actually posted.

That's fine if you think that it's wrong, though.

>> No.7382193

Its always been both ways as far as I've seen. People defend people when it suits them, then complain when someone else does it. Its nothing new to /cgl/

>> No.7382198

>You are, again, reading what you want to read.
This applies to you as well.
If you're going to act superior, don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.7382203

Why are you grasping, dude? We have different opinions, so what? You knew this from the moment you read my post and quoted me. You think I'm wrong, so be it. I don't know why you're trying to have the last word.

>> No.7382206
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>People defend when it suits them

I really, really, really did not want to take the road that the misogynist assholes take when they come into here and dub everyone who doesn't like something a jealous fatty.

However, are you hinting that this thread may be that case..?

>> No.7382218

You stopped talking about the topic as well so I stopped as well as it seemed to be going nowhere. But considering how often you used that phrase. It ticked me off and I wanted to call you out on it at least once. I'll stop responding to you after this post so feel free to get the last word in.

>> No.7382222

I'm not saying everyone is. I'm saying things like that are nothing new to /cgl/. There's no denying what I said is true. People will be jealous of things. And others defend it. It's been like that for a long time now.

>> No.7382226
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Well, for what it's worth it was nice talking with you about this even if we don't see eye to eye. This board is slow and I only frequent certain types of threads.

>> No.7382339

> I just don't think it should be considered an effort toward cosplay rather than a bonus for looking good in general.

I honestly think it depends. A lot of people in this board have gone on diets to fit into lolita or to fit a certain character's body type. While I do agree in some cases it can be considered an extra bonus, some others do feel like getting fit would open the doors to cosplaying a lot of characters because they know they'll look good. Craftsmanship is important, and obviously it is more important than your body type, but I feel like it makes you appreciate the effort if the person is physically appealing, especially if the character they're portraying is fit to begin with.

I also disagree "getting fit for being fit" part. There are many reasons as to why someone's getting fit.

>> No.7382926

I actually was thinking of working out a little for some future cosplays that show my belly or legs. I already have a pretty slim body, but I'm too perfectionist and I really don't wanna have flaccid muscles and fat showing when I'm supposed to look like a tough woman. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that working out is a good way to boost how a cosplay can look

>> No.7382937

>What is your definition of how much effort is 'serious effort'

Nice tailoring.
I see so many ill fitting things that just need some tailoring and boom it's way better looking now.