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File: 331 KB, 764x1024, pastel ick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7377807 No.7377807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: jfashions you are sick of/dislike.

for me, it's pastel goth. all the tumblrshits seem to like it because its so edgy desu yet so kawaii uguu.

No personal vendetta for the girl in the pic, though, she's pretty cute.

>> No.7377818

Is that

a three wolf moon shirt?

>> No.7378450
File: 85 KB, 500x669, tumblr_n0opmjqfOv1s2u1y4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of "Western" cult party.

Wearing all white with a sheer robe does not make you a unique and special snowflake. Nor does buying a bunch of overpriced taobao shit on storenvy.

This one isn't bad just boring. Western jfashion in general seems to lack originality.

>> No.7378462

Creepy cute but I think that's more a western uggofatso tumblr misinterpretation of edGy JfaShonZ. I despise it.
Pastel goth
Lolita x fandom mashup (weeb or not, both suck)
Sloppy, casual fairy kei. It can be sweetand cute but it's gone downhill and gotten TOO casual.

>> No.7378480

Agree with OP, I'm really sick of Pastel Goth for the same reasons. It's sad because it's actually a pretty cute style but the special snowflakes on Tumblr just killed it. Also that soft grunge shit for the same reasons.

>> No.7378483

When everybody tries to copy that one Minami lady in Shironuri.

Ever since she started getting popular, it's as if the world stopped coming up with ideas.

On a completely unrelated note, I grow tired of creepy cute, yet I love it. Same with fairy kei and cult party. Especially Pastel Bat. I hate her so much. I've been pretty restricted fashion wise ever since I was a kid, and money is tight even now. I wish I had money to spend on my wardrobe like she did.

>> No.7378486

All those Sweet Lolita coords that look the same, I can't see all those twintail wigs with headbows and teaparties anymore.

>> No.7378494


>> No.7378500
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Nu goth
Pic related

>> No.7378502

>I hate her so much
>I wish I had money to spend on my wardrobe like she did
So you don't really hate her then; you're just jealous of her.

I thought this and pastel goth/creepy cute were the same thing? They both involve lighter colors and bats/inverted crosses/eyeballs/spikes and all that basic shit.

>> No.7378506

>I thought this and pastel goth/creepy cute were the same thing? They both involve lighter colors and bats/inverted crosses/eyeballs/spikes and all that basic shit.

Pastel Goth=Goth+Pastel
Nu Goth=90s Goth+Hipster
Creepy Cute=Kawaii+Spooky stuff

>> No.7378512

Except most pastel goth fails to include elements of true goth, or at least just a very cheapened version of it

>> No.7378510

Re: related. I thought so too until I was 'enlightened' by a couple of 'mostly creepy cute but also part time pastel goth' batflakes who think otherwise. It all looks the same flavor of tasteless pastel vomit to me too but like roaches, I was swatting them all just to make sure, haha!

>> No.7378518

That's because the average Tumblr person fails at any kind of fashion anyways.

>> No.7378528

PB really doesn't have that much clothes though, and a lot of what she does have is sponsored

>> No.7378538
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Before being sponsored by Sheinside, she had a pretty nice and sizable wardrobe. Granted she sold a lot of this stuff, though.

>> No.7378566

Damn, that's the only instance of those tights I like. They go really well with the sheer skirt.

>> No.7378592

This! Western Cult Party Kei is so watered down and unlike actual Cult Party Kei that I can't even browse the tumblr tag without sighing. I don't understand how it got interpretated that the only thing you wear is white underwear. Or that a sheer robe over a lolita outfit makes you CPK.

>> No.7378605
File: 6 KB, 194x259, yeha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

included in all these horrid trends, cant forget creepy yeha shit every where. that girls gotta be making big bucks

>> No.7378606

dat kyary outfit

>> No.7378614
File: 118 KB, 590x394, skel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378616

Honestly, I'd love to buy one of her sets, but I just cannot justify dropping two hundred dollars on something that impractical that I know I wouldn't wear often.
I know she's making mad bank, though, because Tumblrtards don't have any sense of impulse control, so they end up buying all her stuff. All that sold out merchandise.

>> No.7378631

As played out as they are, I want a pair of her heart garters really badly. But, like you said, I can't justify $80+ for them when they would just be an accessory I wouldn't use much. I've been thinking about buying the replica ones from The Pink Savior but Yeha lives near me and I'd feel really shitty if she spotted me in them one day.

>> No.7378671

>I've been thinking about buying the replica ones from The Pink Savior but Yeha lives near me and I'd feel really shitty if she spotted me in them one day.

She doesn't even notice the difference between her own work and good replicas anymore. I know from at last one girl, that she added to her 'buyer showcase' Tumblr, that her garter is a replica.

>> No.7378777


>> No.7378791

i really wonder how many ootd on tumblr are just for the picture and if half of them wear those clothes in public.

>> No.7378851

Can't fucking stand any use of the term "grunge" by anybody born after 1990
Like if you dont know to connect the terms "grunge" and "Sub Pop" you should gtfo back to highschool justin beiber shit

>> No.7378861

I always find the hypocrisy going on in these threads hilarious. people get so angry for people dressing a certain way or having a term for it or whatever, or finding it ugly or looking dumb, and you're sitting there involved in a fashion that other people will say the same things about you.

people reaaaaaallly need to get the fuck over themselves. you think someone calling themselves "soft grunge" or "mahou-kei" is being a ~special snowflake~. Dont worry, your parents and most of society looks at you as if you have a special snowflake syndrome too.

>> No.7378889
File: 13 KB, 300x200, 1369853708933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like if you dont know to connect the terms "grunge" and "Sub Pop" you should gtfo back to highschool justin beiber shit

pls leave

>> No.7378953
File: 14 KB, 228x221, rustled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379028

Except you know, there is no hypocrisy. I don't think you realize that these people are choosing to be in the fashion and are wearing it wrong because they're bad at it. You choose fashion and when you wear that fashion or try to you're choosing to draw attention to yourself and to others who like that fashion as well, and if you don't do it right then you're going to get shat on. I don't get why these people care enough about being involved in a specific fashion but not care enough to actually figure out what it actually entails.

>> No.7379047

theres no examples here of "not doing it right" its only other freaks complaining about other freaks if you want to put it in high school terms.

Everyone in this thread is saying things like "I DONT LIKE PASTEL GOTH" theres no examples of "doing it wrong" just weirdos shitting on other weirdos style which is dumb.

>> No.7379054

"Except most pastel goth fails to include elements of true goth, or at least just a very cheapened version of it."
Because 'pastel goth' itself is just fail.
That's why many don't like it, you see.

>> No.7379080

>its only other freaks complaining about other freaks
I really hate this logic of "ohmigod its not normal so it's hypocritical! freaks need to stick together!!!111" Wake up, normalfags talk as much shit if not more about eachother than people in alt fashions. Also, everyone ITT has been saying things like wow, the western j-fashion community is garbage because they misinterpret any and all things.

>> No.7379094

Not that anon, but would people be less angry about it if they just didn't include 'goth' in the name?

I think the style is pretty cute, but if it doesn't hit the mark for goth, then I guess it just isn't goth.

>> No.7379102

Flower crown-kei, which Tumblr will generally try to pass off as mori or CPK or whatever else. It never is.

>> No.7379142

>my social anxiety is sO BAD RN GUYS heeellpp
>oh look i'm wearing some ridiculous shit to school that will only draw more attention to me

>> No.7379146

Westernized dolly-kei. I saw some pictures on the Facebook group and it is literally just a girl's head poking out the top of a pile of the worst clothes at the thrift store. I love dolly kei, but I feel like if I tried it, it would either look terrible or just like regular vintage fashion. When the Japanese girls are clashy and mismatched it looks so cute and quirky, and when Western girls do it they just look like they can't dress themselves.

>> No.7379147

what is true goth?

>> No.7379197

>When the Japanese girls are clashy and mismatched it looks so cute and quirky, and when Western girls do it they just look like they can't dress themselves.

>every fucking jfashion ever


>> No.7379208


Hey man, I'm agreeing with you. Plus "new" dolly kei is moving more towards CPK (as far as I can tell), and I really enjoyed the older dark fairytale, tapestry-and-furs look.

>> No.7379217

agreed, why can't it just be creepy pastel or something.

True goth is closer to EGA than anything, mixing that with punk and victorian elements. Goth is an offshoot of punk so it also has a lot more to do with music, ideals and literary tastes than just clothing. Not talking about mallgawf which is pretty much just anything you can buy from tripp or hot topic. It's much more of a subculture than a fashion, like traditional punk and because of this people tend to get a bit more offended by others using the term since it's a way of life to them.

>> No.7379218

the only reason for that is because of assholes in threads like this. instead of looking at things and say its a nice style, they want to shit on everything that hasn't been laid out with structures and rules.

this is partly why i fucking hate lolita fashion sometimes. theres general guidelines for lolita that western girls have taken to a level of "IF YOU DONT DO THIS YOU"RE NOT LOLITA". I get the feeling, based on fashion snaps as well as even some advertisements that lolita brands do, is that they don't really give a flying fuck about "rules"

western people who follow jfashion are so fucking afraid of doing something "wrong" that they create some retarded ruleset. Only really to ridicule people and come off as if they are superior in some way.

There's always people who are going to buy cheap satin shit and broken ass dollar store lace, and yeah they look bad. But the girl who isnt wearing a petticoat is still lolita. the girl who swapped out mint for black is still doing goth.

just get the fuck over your dumb rules because your entire culture is shit at creating something that looks decent without following a picture down to the shoelaces.

>> No.7379221

This isn't always necessarily true, I think part of it is that the white girls are just copying the styles they see in magazines directly to try to look 'right' so it doesn't look as organic and ends up more forced. Plus people think they look just as cute if they dress exactly the same that they don't stop to try to dress themselves in a way that works for them.

>> No.7379226

>True goth is closer to EGA than anything, mixing that with punk and victorian elements
Thanks for confirming that you know nothing about goth.

>> No.7379235

Oh, then please, enlighten us.

>> No.7379259
File: 40 KB, 276x604, 32523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hint but oh, it looks so much like EGA and victorian fashion, totally.

>> No.7379267

i love that back in the day they found some shitty black mesh and terribly high shoes and thought "im wearing this shit fuck it" and now people are treating it as if you need to follow this look religiously

>> No.7379268

We have a bazillion type of goth. My boyfriend is into romantic gothic, and it's based on victorian clothing. They are so much substyles in goth, yes this is goth but it's not all about that 'grungy-ish' style

>> No.7379269

did you miss where anon said mixed with punk? apparently not because you quoted them on it. also this is just fucking punk.

>> No.7379273

I'm pretty sure no one ever said that, but like it's been said goth is about the lifestyle more than just the outfit.

>> No.7379274


This is more oldschool deathrock, I would say.

>> No.7379275

But that isn't 'true goth'.

>Not knowing the difference between someone with a mohawk (punk) and a deathhawk (goth)

Gtfo plz.

>> No.7379276

loling so hard at all the "goths" getting mad.

hurry go listen to the cure

>> No.7379279

deathrock wasn't the only 'original do not steal!!' goth fashion.

>> No.7379280

It's the quirky, juxtaposed elements, fabrics and eras mixed in the right balance, I think. It's not easy, but it's beautiful and complex at it's best or light and simple when pared down. I think Dolly Kei is my favorite after Lolita but I can do CPK easier.

>> No.7379281


Don't mind if I do! Careful though, might ignite my hairspray with my clove cigarette.

>> No.7379287
File: 187 KB, 800x328, Lana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flower crown-kei
Lana Del-kei

>> No.7379289

But if you count in all derivations, something like Pastel Goth could be counded as pastel version of Perky Goth as well.

>> No.7379297

I think they would, yes.taking the name out of context and re-assigning it to something that is in many ways the opposite is not very good. The creepy pastel would kind of blend it with creepy cute though which some insist is something very different. Since I don't like either enough to plumb the significant (if any) differences, I just mostly leave it be.

>> No.7379298

I'm talking pre 90s goth, anything else like mallgoff or perky goth is just using the term to try to be edgydesu anyways

>> No.7379302

Now hold on. Saying I don't like something or that I think it's mis-named isn't saying 'gtfo you bitches who like this thing. It's just you know, saying that I personally don't like it...wow, in a thread where the topic is...well you know...

>> No.7379306

But pre 90s goth isn't always true goth as well, special the victorian part which didn't get its name until the 90s anyways.

>> No.7379315

well i'm not the anon who said that, but i do agree with you, goth used to just be basical darker more "brutal" punk. music and styles weren't that different from one another. in any case tho i still vaguely agree that modern goth does have a limit and pastel-goth doesn't really fit into much of any aesthetic and also takes away from the dark aspect, which is pretty important, even if it would be just 'pastel perky goth' what even makes that goth but the dark clothes?

>> No.7379318


>> No.7379320

That is the type that I like too and the one that is trickier to do. But so stunning when done right. Since Grimoire owner does huge buying junkets to the US and W Europe, the vintage and ethnic clothes are more available to me than some jfash items and sizes are more in western ranges too though still a bit smaller than modern western. Starting with a vintage Gunne Sax dress, adding tassel ropes, two tone oxfords or a colored pair of T straps and a vintage fur and beaded gloves with modern patterned tights, filagree jewelry, like that.

>> No.7379328

>what even makes that goth but the dark clothes?
Pastel Goth was originally made from primary black clothes with few pastel accessories, only changed until Tumblr found out that the term exists and took it too serious.

>> No.7379338

that's true but i just wish tumblr didn't change everything to the way want or if they want to do something, make a different style. the main problem i have is that tumblr in general doesn't respect fashion boundaries, not rules, but boundaries. if they see something they like and misinterpret it, it stays that way because people learn the wrong definition. then they get all buttmad and act as if they should be able to use the definition however they please which, fine, but you'll be wrong and people will call you out on it and that's what they can't deal with. fashions may not have rules nesesarily but they do have boundaries and when you cross them you cross into a different fashion. it's not being elitist that's just how definitions work, everyone needs to agree upon them. i think a lot of the problem stems from how people treat language as a whole, if the word literally can change to meaning figuratively it's going to piss people off because words define how we can communicate, and it's hard to communicate well if we keep changing them arbitrarily.

>> No.7379361

>ITT goths prove once again that they're more unstable and pretentious than lolitas have ever been


>> No.7379379

>the girl who swapped out mint for black is still doing goth.
Mate shut the fuck up, goth is about black and black and more black and always will be. This is like goth 101, are you high

>> No.7379385
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>> No.7379389

boohoo! sorry your lolita fashion is only fabric deep

>> No.7379402
File: 26 KB, 301x301, 1366950823390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western people who follow jfashion are so fucking afraid of doing something "wrong"

I'm gonna stop you right there and direct you to the ita thread. Honestly, a huge chunk of the community adopts that tumblr "no rules to muh style" mentality. There are pleeeeenty of Western girls who don't give a fuck if something is widely considered right or wrong. Do they necessarily look good? No. But you seem to assume that most people act like seagulls IRL which they really don't.

>> No.7379426

It just makes me sad because I get lumped in with these girls but I honestly like her stuff because well it's kinky.

>> No.7379430

theres a difference between doing things cheaply and just doing things in a different fashion. you can still have a quality look without being an ita. but because you dont ~follow the rules~ (that aren't real) its the worst thing ever.

i bet you think lifestyle lolita is a real thing too. grow up, you aren't in a movie. you're not tim burtons waifu.

you're a fuckin misguided ~*adult*~ who probably shopped at hot topic once in their life, and probably still lives in their parents house.

>> No.7379442

This so much.
I have social anxiety and tried wearing a pastel goth-y outfit in public last week, just to see if I could. Nearly had a panic attack, couldn't walk in certain areas because I was afraid of people (especially other girls) seeing me, and cried a day later from the entire experience. No one said anything to me directly, but it was still kind of a painful experience.
I honestly don't know how some people can just suck that shit up.

>> No.7379450

While I agree that a lot of lolis (who do it well) do feel very adamant about abiding by the rules, I don't think they're as nearrly compulsive about it about it as you think they are. Why so salt? Did somebody tell you to buy a petticoat or something??

We might just have a different impression/experience with the community.

>> No.7379451

>~follow the rules~ (that aren't real)
I'm going to stop you right there, if fashions didn't have rules or guidelines or boundaries then they wouldn't have specific names, why is that so hard to wrap your tiny head around?

>> No.7379457

>being this buttmad over a troll comment

abloobloobloo, please tell me again how your little ageplay fashun is superior

>> No.7379452

Very few people will say you look like shit/say you're not lolita if you still look good.
No petticoat is the only rule that really grinds most girls' gears, and that's only because the silhouette has become such an integral component of the aesthetic.
Most other "rules" are really common sense things that either make 9/10 girls look better or really are/have been part of the fashion for quite some time, e.g. wearing blouses/tops/boleros with dresses.

>> No.7379504


>> No.7379544

i doubt anyone here is actually goth though. this seems more like how tumblr is with "poc"…

"i'm one quarter goth from my mother and you restrictive views about goth culture are offensive to me ! please stop and think of all the people you're hurting with your assumptions !"

>> No.7379554
File: 143 KB, 500x328, notKawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have feels like this and i dont understanD
i never dress all out in jfashion or anything like that, but the moment i dress slightly edgy or jfashion inspired or something, i walk down the compeltely ambivalent like 'im confident, look at me, oh god no dont look out me, ok look at me WAIT STOP DONT'

>> No.7379563


>> No.7379569

This. Also im sure there are plenty of crappy dressers in japan that like alt styles but you aren't as likely to see their pics.

>> No.7379641

Jealous seems like such a petty word, though.

It doesn't sound right saying "I'm so jealous, I want to strangle her with one of her wigs or creeper shoelaces."

It really does feel more like hatred. Is it possible to be so jealous that you hate someone? If that's the case, then I suppose I'm jealous. Really, truly, insanely jealous.

I hope PastelBat dies, and when she does, I hope her wardrobe finds it's way into my closet.

>> No.7379650
File: 160 KB, 685x537, 1385596995797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, you are fucking psycho.

>> No.7379660

I am.

Once in kindergarten, I smacked another girl because she had a cool shirt then yanked her down onto the ground and dragged her across the floor using her hair.

I then proceeded to have dreams about piloting a robot into her house and killing her before her parents woke up and taking her closet with me.

Don't you fucking mess with me. I will burn all of your burando.

>> No.7379669


Well, I'll steal your burando and then burn you alive.

>> No.7379670

as opposed to what? you were born covered in glorious gleaming frilly entitlement?

>> No.7379685


>> No.7379696

If you are that fixated on her clothing, you've got the jelly. But wow, that's pretty intense. Just remember, you'd be the exact same person under the hood that you are now in your blind insanity if her clothes DID magically materialize in your closet. And fashion don't fix THAT shit.
You'd still be one crazed uber-creepy bitch, just better dressed maybe.

>> No.7379731

>Pastel Goth=Goth+Pastel
Except pastel goth actually has nothing to do with real goth so don't hold them to that standard.

>> No.7379751

>not wanting a crazy yangire for clothing Jfashion girlfriend
She'd bond with you, then slowly grow more and more aware of your wardrobe. One day, she'd finally kill you, rip off your clothes and hug your blood-stained burando to her face. Then, she'd ransack your closet.
She'd find other girls, continue the cycle and rise to become the most popular fashion blogger on the internet (or at least Tumblr).
Go hard or go home.

>> No.7379877


Pet, yes, like a Doberman.
A caged one.
With a shock collar.
GF, no.

I think I'm safe though, my wardrobe in no way resembles Pastel Bat's.

>> No.7380059

So tell me, yangire-chan, what does your own wardrobe look like that you are so feisty to choke the poor girl? What do you wear?

>> No.7380165
File: 77 KB, 249x699, 1371015572259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is cult party kei exactly? How would you define it?

>mfw people who say that all shironuri must look like Minami, otherwise it is not shironuri
>pls 2 the nipponese

>> No.7380229

Again- it's Minori.

And who has ever even said that?
>strawfag arguments

>> No.7380242

so butthurt

>> No.7380282


I think shironuri almost always looks like shit but you could at least get her name right, it's fucking everywhere.

>> No.7380279
File: 118 KB, 467x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google search of images gives good idea of CPK.

Pic related are my fave ShiroNuri artists. Minori is so lovely but these too make me smile.

>> No.7380285

sub pop is the seattle record label that produced many of the grunge era rock bands
just in case you weren't aware

>> No.7380294

That's Johnny Slut from the early Batcave band Specimen.
Nowadays, that style is considered/termed "deathrock" by most goths.

>> No.7380305

"lolita" has become a kind of common identifier, I think.
Instead of "I dress lolita", we say "I am a lolita", so it becomes a title and subsequently a point of pride. It's much more succinct to think or say "She's not a real lolita" than "She is dresses poorly in lolita". So I believe it's an identity thing.
Just a theory.

>> No.7380314

Sorry, poster said that, I have a tendency to assume that I'm the one who got it wrong.
I did phrase that poorly, I haven't ran into people who say that it isn't shironuri if it isn't Minori-styled. But I see lots of people who talk about shironuri and assume that it's the style Minori does and don't really know what it means. Sometimes 'shironuri' is posted alongside people who are aren't even wearing the white face makeup.

>> No.7380337

I really don't like mori and gyaru..
I mean, I can get what they are, but I don't really see how (mori, specifically) is a separate thing. It just seems like earthy colors and really big scarves/jackets.

Gyaru, I sort of deal with, but it's hilarious to me when white girls do it. Doesn't that go against the whole point?

>> No.7380341

Separate from what?

>> No.7380348

>Doesn't that go against the whole point?
You obviously don't get what gyaru is. I bet you think that gyaru is 100% in line with western ideals or something too. Hahaha!

>> No.7380356

Mori isn't even popular in Japan anymore. Only frumpy looking white girls wear it to make themselves feel better.

>> No.7380359

There are at least loose concept definitions and history on most if not all of these fashions, so I really don't get 'not getting them'. Not LIKING some (or even most), yes I get that part, but they are all big on concepts so...?

>> No.7380360

Spoon is still published though, right?

>> No.7380367

You die in the end, either way.
Nah. I think I'll be better once I get a nice wardrobe.

>> No.7380366

A separate fashion from.. anything, really. It just seems like a style, if that makes any sense?

I always understood gyaru as Asian girls trying to look white. Is it something else?

They really make it seem like this deep underground thing and I guess that's what I dislike about it. It's nothing special.

>> No.7380372

Nothing close to her's, but not too bad.

I have a brand dress that looks really nice and is surprisingly versatile. I take care of that the most; the single brand dress I own is like my child. The rest of my clothing is black. Tank tops, hoodies, and long skirts.

Captcha: held umnope
Haha, captcha shares all of your feelings

>> No.7380373

It doesn't, but hey, different strokes. I personally like the soft fabrics and flowing layers. Not that I could ever wear it.

>> No.7380376

Gyaru is more Japanese girls saying fuck it to traditional beauty standards and going out of their way to look different/trashy/cute/whatever. A lot of conspicuous consumption going on and sexualized looks, but it's way different than looking white as apposed to asian.

>> No.7380375

Mori is 'forest girl'
Gyaru is Gal rebellion, which is doing opposite of what looks japanese as more a statement than copying westerners
And underground or Angura culture (especially theater lately though the whole movement began in the 1960's) is what has had a big influence on ShiroNuri.

>> No.7380378

>Poor girl

That's very far from the truth.

>> No.7380379

But...we all die in the end anyway so...?

Re clothes, good luck with that concept, if clothes made the fabulous then why so many itas in brand sometimes!

>> No.7380377

So? Cure and Shoxx are still published and Visual Kei sure as fuck isn't popular anymore.

>> No.7380382

I was just asking about the mag from curiosity, I don't think Mori is very popular anymore either so I wondered.

>> No.7380385

But I don't want to be your dog or your girlfriend.

You sound like you kinda suck. I hope you die sooner than I do.

>> No.7380387

Poor meaning she has you thinking such naughty big black rage-fart bad thoughts of her, not poor in the diminished or monetary sense.

>> No.7380394
File: 83 KB, 500x749, tumblr_n0rwtiLx1n1swofago2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frumpy looking white girls

so true! I found this on the tumblr mori tag, it's like they think calling their style mori is an excuse not to wash their hair.

>> No.7380402

I don't see her as the victim of my hatred, though.

I see her as an example of how the universe has wronged me by not putting me in her creepers.

That's what's wrong with me. I hate her even though she's done nothing wrong to me because she reminds me of the things that I dislike about my life, such as not being e-famous or well-dressed.

I'm by no means badly dressed, but I'd kill for a wardrobe like her's. Not literally, though. Now I'm just kinda hoping that she dies by some freak chance.

>> No.7380400
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1970's time warp, haha! Pic related

>> No.7380408

Do people even wear this stuff outside the bedroom?

I see all these "trendy" outfits on Tumblr (spike bras under sheer dresses, flower crowns, faun shit, cat face stuff, etc) but I never seen anyone wearing that stuff in real life except at conventions. I guess that explains why most of the photos are mirror shots, maybe those people never actually leave their houses.

>> No.7380416

I wear suspender belts and stocking, sheer shirts with pretty bras underneath and I could never imagine wearing anything that lingerie-like outside. As part of an otherwise conservative outfit as a point of difference, yes but with the entire outfit being that sexy, I hope not.

>> No.7380414

I'm not sure why anyone wants to be é-famous, it's such a weird thing and all that really happens is you are judged and gossiped about and nitpicked. It's funny because several e famous and even semi famous for real people that I know try hard to just ignore it. Especially if they have a lot of creeper fans or followers.

And clothes are just after all, clothes.

>> No.7380419

I remember seeing a post somewhere about how these girls would dress like total sluts if people weren't so obsessed about sex and the like because of how fashionable and pretty some lingerie is.

To be honest, I concur.

>> No.7380424

I wear lolita in public just on a weekday, I've worn dolly kei and CPK out about town but I hang out with historical re-enactors a lot too so we sometimes just wear costumes on Tuesday.
I think lots of that seen on tumblr though is just for tumblr sake.

>> No.7380430

I long for e-fame because it opens up opportunities and ups your chances of being picked for things. There's also the added perk of being admired.

"Oh, hey, you're famous wanna model for us?"

Or in the case of people like Venus Angelic: "Oh, hey, you're famous, fuck yeah you can model for us."

"Oh my gosh, you're that famous blogger! I love your outfits, they're so wonderful and well coordinated!"

You know, that kinda thing.

>> No.7380435

Why not just be inspired by her and better yourself?
I guess I'm lazy, hating seems like too much work.

>> No.7380439

What? Her hair looks clean, not greasy at all.

>> No.7380441

I don't have the funds.

I can exercise and get slimmer than she is, though, so that's a start.

Once I do get the funds, she'll be no match for me.

PastelBat better watch the fuck out.

>> No.7380442

Everyone things Venus is a nut job and bloggers work hard for those opportunities and to be known. And unless you look like model chan or chocolate or rinrin or Koti, um, no real brand modeling.

>> No.7380450

I sure as hell would. Lingerie is kawaii as fuck and barely anybody gets to see it. Laaaame!

>> No.7380454

>Or in the case of people like Venus Angelic
> come model for us
> come to our country
> marry our boss
> yes
> yees
> yeeesss

>> No.7380451

That's true. You'll never know unless you try, though, right?

My dream is to be someone like Misako, being asked to wear all dat brand. She's at the top of my "I hope she dies" list. I wonder how she even got that opportunity to model for baby in the first place.

>> No.7380456
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pastel goth
"western" cult party

but mostly
Its like nobody on tumblr knows what fairy kei is. Everyone wears a painfully obvious wig (when wigs are rarely worn), and a pastel seifuku from bodyline. Pic related, some awful western fairy kei. Nothing against the actual girl in the photo.

>> No.7380464

For real, lingerie is just the most fabulous stuff on the planet.

Lace, embroidery, ribbons, sheer fabrics, ruffles

>> No.7380468

Pssshhh Mr. Yan was always like that, we knew it'd happen and it's no surprise that it did.

But see how quickly she was picked? Imagine if that occurred with other companies that weren't as creepy. That'd be awesome.

>> No.7380467

Misako's real job and the one she treasures is her nursing career. Modeling and Lolita is a fun wonderful and profitable hobby job for her. Important, yes but not her main thing.

>> No.7380469

Exactly. Such fame, much creep
Then 'go home miss stinky'

>> No.7380474

It's only going to get worse too with the advent of that weeby magical girl style too...

>> No.7380476

How does one go from nursing to lolita?

Well, I guess the same way anyone else would. How did her success in modeling even come to her, though?

Were there auditions for models? Was she spotted on the street? Did she get lucky and ave to help a friend or family member with something and they thought she was better suited for modeling?

It's a question that I've always had but one that has never been answered.

>> No.7380480


...okay so how can I convince the other men of the planet to shut their mouths so y'all can do this

>> No.7380484

Street snap for kera , iirc.
She still models jeans and stuff.

>> No.7380485

Misako started out as just getting street snapped for magazines like KERA, then was hired as a "reader model", then began progressing to doing more brand work and marketing herself with events and such.
She's probably Baby's ideal image, a sweet but bland and a bit prudish girl with long hair, and that's why she's one of their main models. I guess you could say that she's a good lolita "Mary Sue", a lot of fairly boring and plain girls can imagine themselves in Misako's place.

>> No.7380490

Honestly? Just tell them to shut the fuck up and punch them in the face if they go too far. Once I lose some weight, I'm going to be sporting my cute ass harnesses and lacy dresses.

>> No.7380491

I want to go back in time and be Misako.

>> No.7380492

I'd only do it with other girls, behind closed doors at fabu and glorious girl parties, haha! No stinky men.

>> No.7380500

Nobody likes tease.

If I'm not getting into those panties, then I don't need to see any of that stupid shit.

Fuck you.

>> No.7380498


Livin' the dream~

>> No.7380501

That's really good to know. Thanks for taking the time to type all of that out for us. It was very informative and I certainly appreciated it.

>> No.7380504

I already wear beautiful lingerie under my clothes most of the time unless at the gym maintaining the bod. Dita's new line, La Perla, some vintage, etc. oh yes!

>> No.7380507
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>Baw I don't get to fuck whoever I want.

>> No.7380510

That's just one me, I'm sure others will like you fine.

>> No.7380511


For who? The hypothetical situation is one of a world where sex doesn't drive people insane.

>> No.7380516

AFAIK Rinrin is the only foreigner that has ever broken into modeling for Kera (and still only occasionally), although she started out modeling with brands like Takuya Angel and AP by making friends with them/via connections/asking them to model

>> No.7380515

I think he missed that part. The important part that would y'know, let it actually occur.

>> No.7380518
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>> No.7380528

Thanks m8

Think any other foreigners would have a chance at modeling over there? I've heard the Japanese have a soft spot for average looking white girls. This is good stuff to know.

>> No.7380526

Rinrin had a foaf, an event organizer, helping her to get seen and promoted, I read.

Model Chan from IW. Where was she from? The blue eyed blonde.

>> No.7380530

He's dumb. He will never see women walk in the street in lingerie casually. You know why? Because he's dumb.

>> No.7380533

IKR, shhh, we were not really 'noticing' that part, just tee-hee-ing. Thanks miss obvious. You are blowing our cover. We wanted to hear more about the grand plans to rule us all in glory.

>> No.7380536

He is a man.
/case closed

>> No.7380540

I was having fun myself, venting my oh-so-intense feelings of hatred and whatnot, and then this faggot came along.

>> No.7380545

For an atl mag like Kera, probably not. There are a million generic looking, thin, tall, very young girls from Eastern Europe that have the market pretty flooded for most jobs that would want a white girl. There are agencies that will take anyone, but you probably won't get much work if any.

The original Model-san is living with her family (German?) in Japan and was with some agency near where the IW head office is. Once she got too old, IW hired the younger sister

>> No.7380546

A dumb man.

/now the case is closed.

>> No.7380548

Not average.
If you cannot discern the shared qualities of these named girls as well as see the enormous amount of work (not luck) to drive the capitalist machine then there is not much anyone can tell you otherwise but none are 'average', they are hand-picked to further the marketing concept.

>> No.7380550

Man, fuck Japan.

They're a tease. They make you like the country then make it nearly impossible for you to do anything cool there.

>> No.7380552

The latest AP mook model is a Russian newcomer, newly working in Japan too, I like her looks for the museum mook a lot.

>> No.7380553

Rinrin originally met AP through an event in the US where she modeled because she was friends with the organizer

>> No.7380557

You aren't even there, though, right?
To them this is all just shop talk and everyday business not hopes and dweems.

>> No.7380562
File: 1.50 MB, 1320x542, audrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of average looking white girls
all you need is blonde hair or blue eyes and youll probably nail something

>> No.7380566

They really don't have any soft spot for average whit chicks, they are deeply xenophobic and hire through established modeling agencies or through their business network or their own staff who take street snaps as far as I can tell. It's a pretty closed loop.

>> No.7380582

Oh Hell yes! Much more fun!

>> No.7380594

We know females can look pretty in laces and barely any clothing.

We don't need it shoved in our faces when trying to buy fucking groceries. These same females will get upset if they see you staring at their butt or breasts.

And if that's your response, then don't bother replying.

I can't believe I'm arguing with sluts.

>> No.7380654

Me shopping for MY groceries wearing what I please is actually none of your business. Nor is it 'shoving it in your face'
I do not mind if anyone looks at me on the street as long as they know their place, which is safely outside my own bubble even if I'm just wearing a bow and a smile.
It's likely moot point with me anyway as I am slim and small busted with slight curves. I'm not the type that usually gets crap.

>> No.7380660

looks fine to me anon, have you never seen wavy hair before or something...?

and that's probably a Rhapsody style wig anyway

That's somewhat the point (or at least one of the influences), 70's prairie revival, a continuation off the sort of stuff Pretty and natural kei came from

>> No.7380669

I think the revival look is sweet and nostalgic, it's just a bit funny too. Laura Ingalls redone with modern Japanese spin then given back. Kind of a full circle thing.

>> No.7380670

It's bait, dude, I'm sure.
No normal woman has self-esteem that low, not even if they try.

>> No.7380691

Truthfully, most of us don't really care how it affects you and think of those kinds of stares kind of like we think of the little puppy who can't stop standing by the treat cupboard even if he's not due for a snack. It's only when YOU do something intrusive that it even becomes an issue. Last I checked, looks are free. There are bitches who will call you out for looking, sure, but if you don't want them to, why let them catch you doing it? You think we don't ogle men? We do. But not in an obvious way. It's a secret.

>> No.7380698

>none of your business

It becomes my business when it enters my line of sight, or if I had children, THEIR line of sight.

If you want to dress half naked, save it for your fucking husband in the bedroom. No other man needs to see your privates.

>I do not mind if anyone looks at me on the street as long as they know their place
Well that's good, but most females would be quick to call a male creepy or threatening if they were to be caught glancing.

Females on /cgl/ apparently do, hence arguing with sluts. I really don't like using the term slut, but they're making it hard not to.

>> No.7380703

>wearing lingerie means you must absolutely show genitalia
>hard not to call someone a slur

Aaanyways, it really isn't. We're not breaking any laws by showing skin, and I really hope people like you never have kids. They shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies or other people's.

>> No.7380706

You still look like a slag by wearing lingerie in public, though. Not even that anon.

>> No.7380709

>shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies or other people's.

It has nothing to do with shame.
It's about class and respect for other people around you.

Of course someone with no values wouldn't know this foreign concept.

>> No.7380711

>It becomes my business when it enters my line of sight, or if I had children, THEIR line of sight.
>If you want to dress half naked, save it for your fucking husband in the bedroom. No other man needs to see your privates.

Just a random dude stopping by to say its only sexual because our society makes it sexual. Rules and regulations making women and men not allowed to dress "sexy" and making revealing clothing taboo is what makes it sexual, not our privates. Take japan, for example. They have a bunch of odd sexual fantasies and ecchi is very popular because of the societal norms that they have regarding revealing clothing. More revealing clothing doesn't make it sexual, holding it back is what makes it sexual.

If youre concerned for children, be a good parent and teach them a woman isn't a piece of meat. Just because her body is exposed doesnt mean she should be sexualized. Theres a time and place for sexual things.

Many people overlook a shirtless man. Does that mean women don't find a man's chest attractive? No. Theres a time and place for it to be sexualized.

Today, women reveal their legs and wear shorts that stop above their knee or their mid-thigh. In days when women only wore long skirts, it would be HIGHLY sexual. Now, girls wearing shorts just above the knee might be considered a little conservative.

Now, the other way around. Many tribal societies wear very little clothing, and the sexualization is not an issue, man or woman.

Sorry for the long comment. This isnt a sexism thing, its a society-and-its-norms thing. Its a big social problem when people (men and women) are dehumanized and viewed as sexual objects; it just tends to happen to women more because of the limits placed on what a woman should be wearing.

>> No.7380719

>class and respect for other people
You are perfect anon. Please keep being perfect.

>> No.7380717

Oh and of course, if youre about to say "But its lingerie, and thats sexual", yes, thats a very valid point. But what the girls itt are trying to prove is that lingerie-like clothing is actually very delicate and detailed, and should be appreciated for that way.

Lingerie is only sexy because of the way we view it and because of our social norms, not because of what it is.

>> No.7380724

>It's about class and respect for other people around you.
>Of course someone with no values wouldn't know this foreign concept.

different anon, but i'd like to say, if you want to sound mature (because your point about respect and class is a mature and valid point, dont follow it up with a passive aggressive insult, it just makes you look dumb.

>> No.7380727

>It becomes my business when it enters my line of sight, or if I had children, THEIR line of sight.

As long as my clothing is within local legal decency limits, IE string bikini or more in most places, I can wear it down main street leading a marching band on Easter Sunday. And it's still none of your business.

Problem? If so it's your problem, not mine.

>> No.7380730

That isn't passive aggression though.

>> No.7380735

>derailing a thread to argue with r9k trolls

you dumbasses just don't learn, do you

>> No.7380737

Makes me wonder if they're the dumb white person if wavy hair=unclean to them.

>> No.7380742

Honestly, this entire thread was shit anyways

>> No.7380741

what does r9k have to do with any of this
sounds like someone is paranoid

>> No.7380745

I feel like you don't understand that what you wear can influence children. It's like this- kids want be like the prettiest, cutest, thin-est thing they've seen and if they see a girl walking down the street in lingerie-like clothing, in a society where sexy is revered and things like Miley Cyrus and twerking are the norm, then they're going to want to dress like you- which is fine if they're older and have the (I don't want to say mind, but I guess mind is sort of the word I'm looking for) free will and ability to process things on their own.

All in all, you have to remember that what you are wearing can easily influence children in a world where we already consider twerking as a normal thing.

>> No.7380753

It's not their job to teach other people's shitty children that how adults dress is not for a child.

>> No.7380757

It's what buttmad empowered wimmin say when someone has a different opinion from theirs

>> No.7380758

I guess, but I could do with more on-topic arguing about fashion origins and influences, and less taking WOMEN SHUD DO WHAT I WANT bait for the three thousandth time this week

>> No.7380761

teach your child, dont let society teach them.

you'll have an independent and bright young lady/man to be proud of, not a sex clone with the values of the media's Mooks and Midriffs.

Stop worrying so much about children. Worry about being a good parent. They WILL see those sexualized things, its on fucking TV. And as >>7380711 said, its the limits people (like you?) put on sex that makes sex as sexual as it is.

Think about it. Please. Not even for the sake of the argument, but for the sake of independent thinkers.

>> No.7380762

Well that's where you come in then isn't it mommy or daddy...and school your child on how to act appropriately for their age by your appropriate actions as their parent. Not try to school me to accommodate your little family unit when I am not doing anything inappropriate.
Don't like it? Leave my presence.
Don't like that? Call the manager and tell him the bad lady with the lacy drawers and frilly top in the produce section is making you uncomfortable. I'm sure it will be a big hit.
"Well sir, what is she doing, exactly? "
"She's being a bad influence on my baby boopsie with her harlot stockings. "
As I smile and continue choosing a good avocado, staring at you.

Yes, I can see it. He'll politely tell you to get stuffed and let me do my shopping.

>> No.7380760

But it\s not about that at all. It's about having the common decency to dress in normal ass clothes so you don't end up on people of walmart, no shirt no service goes for men too.
No one is telling you to go back to the kitchen, just to wear normal fucking clothes.

>> No.7380767

who is she?

>> No.7380769

> normal ass clothes.

Ha. Who died and made you Karl Lagerfeld. You have no clout on what free adult people can or can't wear. I wear what I like. Don't like to see it? Go away. Because you not liking what I wear is not relevant.
Doth it offend thee? Pray avert thine eyes, good sirrah.
And get stuffed.

>> No.7380773

I'm curious: do you also go to work in those clothes (since they're soooo empowering and help you express your personality)? I wonder what your boss would say? A supermarket isn't the runway, hate to disappoint.

>> No.7380777

Not any of these people, but why are you so bent on wanting to dress half-naked? Are you really that thirsty for male attention? Why can't you just be satisfied with having your boyfriend enjoy your goodies instead of random people going about their day.

I doubt you want a bunch of guys trying to hit on you constantly,.. so what's up

>> No.7380779

Someone said it earlier, low self-esteem. Daddy issues. Proving to other workin' girls that she owns the block.

>> No.7380787

So many trolls in this thread. Stop responding

>> No.7380792

>dress codes
those are a thing, anon. how we choose to dress in our free time doesn't change the fact that certain expectations need to be met in a professional situation.

>> No.7380790

Ah, the trollception. A troll trolling by calling troll.
I like it, it's new.

>> No.7380795
File: 74 KB, 382x681, magazine (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I saw less cyber goth fashion and more examples of a goth gal style.

>> No.7380797

I feel like goth and gal's aesthetics wouldn't work well together.

>> No.7380801

My work has a dress code. I happily abide by it.
If you must know, one of our clients designed me a sheer, lacy blouse as a gift after a project. I opened it in front of one of my male bosses. He liked the silk too. It wasn't an issue.

Most municipalities have public decency laws, I happily comply with them. It can easily accommodate frilly drawers, visible stocking tops and a lacy peek-a-boo midriff top with no hardship, staying safely well within this law. Co-eds running about town in their sports bras and short shorts show more, are you going to go tsk tsk them too? I do not see a problem here other than the bee in your butt about my own business.
If I'm within the law, I'm also within my rights not to be harassed by your moral prissiness.

>> No.7380809

> I opened it in front of one of my male bosses. He liked the silk too.
I'm sure he did, it must have contrasted the casting couch very nicely.

>> No.7380814

No, silly, he actually ordered a similar one for his lovely wife. Wrong kind of 'like', sorry.

>> No.7380818

What is this style called? Was it rock or metal gyaru or something like that? I forget the name but I like that sort of gyaru best as well. It seems like it's popular but I barely see pictures of it here.

>> No.7380823
File: 86 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rokku is like this.

>> No.7380827

Oh, so you're into threesomes. Kinky.

>> No.7380880
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Why do you say that? Nonoka Iwata was a goth gal.

>> No.7380883
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>> No.7380896


>> No.7380919 [DELETED] 


stay incel, loser

>> No.7380925

one does not choose the incel life, the incel life chooses you (unless you consider having an insane mindset and horrible stench a choice)

>> No.7380931

Okay, but what's wrong with that? If you're going to let what other people do and say influence your children instead of teach them yourself, it shows you care little about the content they consume.
So, why draw the line at cute clothing that *you* sexualize when we're surrounded by horror movies, gore and political propaganda?
There are worse things to worry about than the human body.

>> No.7380932

Nope, I've been into the goth movement since the 80's because I'm ancient.

I'm also laughing at all of you trying to define goth.

>> No.7380937

What the hell is a 50 year old person doing on cgl? I hope you figure out how to get rid of your Gold Bond powder smell before you attempt to cosplay.

>> No.7381150

Oh here we go. The children thing.

Why are so many parents so fucking stupid? The world does not owe it to your child to censor itself.

Bad parenting at its worst.

>> No.7381153

Absolutely correct and wonderfully worded. Kudos to you anon.

>> No.7381155

What's wrong with them being influenced? We all were and are. That's just the way it is. It's the overprotective parents and opinions like yours trying to CONTROL EVERYTHING that create the controversy, hate, and, often, ridiculous standards.

>> No.7381162

I do vaguely agree with you, however, I find the human body disgusting and would much rather not see people I'm not attracted to showing off their whole bodies pretty much because unattractive people make me physically ill. It has nothing to do with morals for me personally, just my personal feelings.

>> No.7381164

It's pathetic how so many men always think it's "for male attention." I always laugh when I hear this, it's so goddamn funny.

We already know how stupid you are because, well, you're dumb males. Trying to scream it from the hilltops to convince us that we need you for everything we do and decision we make about ourselves doesn't convince us of anything. But please, keep having that hilarious opinion so we can all laugh at you and you will never understand why.

>> No.7381169

It's pathetic how you think all women do it for the same reason. Some people do want male attention, some people want female attention(jealousy) some people dress up for fun but not everyone does it for one set reason. And, no, it's not helping anyone just to say fuck you to men and grouping everyone in with you. I don't want to be grouped in with a man hating cunt.

>> No.7381172

I never said there is only one reason. Where did I say that? Of course there are many reasons, including a girl doing it for male attention. But if you read my comment again, I said:
>It's pathetic how so many men always think it's "for male attention."

I do not hate all men, I find the ones who say this to be incredibly stupid. And they are.

Reading comprehension. Please.

>> No.7381178

I absolutely love these two! What's the name of the chubby one again? Her outfits are so perfect.

>> No.7381179

I read your comment, and you;re an ignorant man hater trying to prove them wrong. You never said there was a possibility for any reason other than 'haha stupid men we don't do shit for you!' you were just trying to be a contrive angry cunt. Like I said, it's not helping anyone saying shit like this like it means something, it doesn't and it just makes you look like a sour apple bitter bitch.

>> No.7381180

You're the only one looking like a sour apple bitch right now, and I'm not even the girl above.

>> No.7381181

I'm with you there. I was really glad when San Francisco finally banned public nudity. The only people who wanted to show off their bodies were gross old men with an exhibitionism fetish, and I would really rather not have to see that.

>> No.7381183

Let's just all walk around naked.

Problem solved.

>> No.7381190

I did not say there wasn't a possibility either, though. You are the one reading between the lines when there is nothing there.

Also, even women who dress for male attention don't do it for the man's sake. They do it for the attention they get from the man, not to make him happy or validate him.

It's funny how you also throw around bitch and cunt as insults to me, which are sexist insults and portray being female as the negative thing to be. All I said was "dumb males." If you could argue with me in a less misogynistic way I may just take you seriously.

>> No.7381193

Well, technically we are all naked, under our clothes.

>> No.7381203

Don't mess my gothic with desu-kawaii-uuguu stuff
I had enough with the skulls with pink bows and such

>> No.7381211

God, shut up, you fucking whiner. Learn some god damn self control. Not everything is done for your benefit, or done just to annoy you, specifically. Whenever dudes whine like this it just makes them seem like sex crazed animals that have no willpower. It's not our fault if, by wearing some revealing clothes, you drive yourself into a tizzy because you can't "have" us, or because you're offended we dare to show more skin than you'd personally like.

>> No.7381218

Are you a man?

>> No.7381240

>this reading comprehension
You do realize we're saying that it'd just be nice to wear because lingerie is really pretty and detailed and it's not ever seen so it seems like a waste, it's only sexy because society says it's sexy. Do you think anyone in a swimsuit is thirsty for male attention too? If so, man girls in swimsuits sure are desperate to have everyone look at them. What whores. All covered in just as much area as underwear so they're obviously just trying to show off to everyone. Those skanks.

>> No.7381253
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, Please seek medical attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you pretend to be a woman on 4chan, anon? Is something wrong?

>> No.7381261
File: 281 KB, 864x1028, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious what you think of Rouge Aerie prints like this?
Not pastel but...

>> No.7381267

So everyone who doesn't agree with you is a man? Sorry I don't hate men, have fun setting back feminism 50 years.

>> No.7381266

Tsunoshi or fat magician. I love her looks

>> No.7381270

i think at that point body modification will take on whole new meaning

>> No.7381274
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I was really tired last night and let myself get sucked into the derailment but I really enjoyed the jfashion styles discussion beforehand so I'm just picking that back up today and ignoring the rest. I think it's the best way.
Pic:Dolly kei

>> No.7381283

No, you're just so obviously male (or at least so ridiculously sandy for a female that this just HAS to be personal) it hurts.
>inb4 you claim to be a female MRA next

>> No.7381296
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Here is one, it's a little unusual that it's so short and poufy, I think.
I do not like the long peignoirs just slapped over a petticoated Lolita dress (regardless of how they are tagged)
But I love me some pouf

>> No.7381306
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We've seen this or similar before but in a brighter form, Perky Goth.
It wasn't any good then either.

>> No.7381314

Haha...Ancient please do stay, it's beyond amusing to see younger jimmies rustled just by your presence. I was reading your posts and spotted you up there earlier in the thread.
Tickled me to...well, death!

>> No.7381444

The word you're looking for is envy, not jealousy. Jealousy is something completely different but envy is considered a cardinal sin for a reason.

So many people get those two mixed up and it drives me nuts.
>inb4 "u jelly"

>> No.7383661

it is so weird seeing an efagz member being posted. she's really nice

>> No.7383684
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>> No.7383694
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I think you're me. I planned out a cute outfit for today but I just got up in the morning, took one look at it and "Nope."

>> No.7383766


>> No.7383776
File: 88 KB, 480x640, tpSTYLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7383785

she has 100+ pages of photos tagged 'me'

>> No.7383806

thank you. YES. A peignoir does not equal CPK

>> No.7383813

I'm torn, I haven't seen it coordinated really well, maybe. But I like carousel prints. It's dark in subject but without pink or cute yukkyness. I was curious what others thought of odd prints like this. The Krad Jellyfish is another print of that 'no style' kind that looks dark and oddly creepy to me in a maybe good way. Idk.

>> No.7383822
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I like the soft pastels so much but agree, throwing a ratty sheer long thing over other elements is overused. It also can make shorter girls look dumpy or like playing dress up. I like this instead.

>> No.7383823

>What do you call this fashion style?

>> No.7383825

Do not like. What is she calling this?

>> No.7383845

Oh lord, my sides.

>> No.7383861

ngl I like her hair.

>> No.7383866

A lot of goths wear other colors, like deathrockers with gray and white

>> No.7383900

whoah other non-colors. so edgy

>> No.7383907

Hon, neutral =/= noncolors
Secondly, I've seen goths wear colors. It really depends on what kind. Some like neons, other like deep, saturated colors and others like neutrals.

>> No.7383942

Romantic Goths wear jeweltones. And if color restricted by choice as a goth, omg the textures, so good usually.
Stylish either way, aw yeah.

>> No.7383945

IKR? I was dying. She needs to come back and post more of her dark hearted and envious angsty soul puke.

>> No.7383987

I second this, I've talked to her on skype a couple times and she's super nice.

>> No.7384013

once saw a girl at a cafe who -literally- seemed like tumblr had a bukkake fest all over her.

>> No.7384035
File: 45 KB, 400x320, 2863735292_7d9ef19657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear deep reds, greys, purples, and blues with my black. I want more greens but I'm picky. I'll also wear bright red and white at times. But I mostly stick to a darker spectrum of colors.
goth=/=all black all the time
((Pic kinda related))

>> No.7384041


>teach your child, dont let society teach them.
>It's not their job to teach other people's shitty children that how adults dress is not for a child.

I didn't want to comment on this thread but I hate this line of thinking. Do you remember being a kid? Do you remember your parents telling you not to do something (drink underage, watch a violent movie) but then deciding to do it anyway because it was marketed as the cool thing to do? According to your logic, the parents in this situation failed because it was their job to teach the child and clearly that didn't work out.

Wrong. The child is exposed to more than just the parent, and so it is more than just the parent influencing the child. So you wearing sexy lingerie on the street is indeed your choice, but you have to at least accept the fact that you will be leaving a solid impression on a lot of kids and teenagers that may or may not be for the best. Do your thing, wear your lingerie, but at least accept some responsibility for the impact you're having on people.

Society is becoming increasingly self-centered in this journey towards individual expression and I'm afraid of how disastrous the end result could be.

>> No.7384045

Off topic, and just necroing an argument. Please contribute to the original topic or start your own.

>> No.7384048

Oh jeez, I haven't seen any but my town is pretty small and conservative, I'm kind of a spectacle in subdued gothic lolita. Don't suppose you have a pix. I'm going to start taking sneaky pix when I see something...interesting...and maybe follow some odd trends as they creep out in cons and the street. Someone needs to start a wtfits blog for tumblrtard fash escaping into the streets.

>> No.7384231

There's more to teaching a child not to do something. You have to tell them why they shouldn't do it. Let's take drinking underage, for example. Just telling your kids 'you can't do that' is just going to tell them it's off limits therefore they should want it more. I'm sure if you tell them 'you can't do that yet because it's risky to your health and you could do something wrong,' you're going to make them think on it a little more than outright saying no.

>> No.7384255
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Haha, love your pic, and yep, still very goth!
I know stripey otk are done to death, hurrhurr...but I won't give them up!
What do people think of Shiro Goth?

Off topic.

>> No.7384252

Parents do teach their kids why they shouldn't do drugs (especially smoking cigarettes) but guess what? Kids are influenced to use them anyway.

>> No.7384284

I didn't realize she had the same chubby faceshape as me.

I like floral crowns it's just that a lot of people throw them on randomly or use one that is toolarge compared to everything else

>> No.7384291

It's still western styled fashion for the most, but I agree. It's no more "Trying to look white" than it is for someone dressing in jfashion "Trying to look Asian"

Though B-gal is kind of another story

>> No.7384304

She looks really cute to me, Japan likes cute/pretty girls not high end models for the most part. Especially for the kind of brand(Liz Lisa? hard to tell) she's modeling for there.

She's above average but below beauty Queens and (some)fashion models
if 5 is comepletely average meaning nothing special, not really ugly but also great and could improve things she's around a 7.

>> No.7387934

The only galaxy-patterned thing I really like from the galaxy print craze are the leggings. But I'm not sure what exactly I should wear them with.

>> No.7388022
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Actually social anxiety is the reason I got into goth, and later lolita and more jfashion inspired victorian looks. I feel safer when I wear my weird clothing. Part of it is how modest the victorian style stuff can be- I can throw on a shawl or wear three layers of skirt. And I think part of it is being able to wear things that make me feel outside of the normal world things that scare me.

This. I think this is why mori and dolly aren't becoming big in the west like lolita did- People seem kind of afraid that they're doing it wrong and keep asking for advice because they want to copy the styles they see in magazines, whereas the people doing those styles in Japan are making them theirs.

Like if you want to do an outfit inspired by this mori coord you saw, go ahead but if you want to also have it be inspired by Misty Day's outfits in American Horror Story, go ahead. If you look good, no one should care but everyone's trying to pull some kind of weeb street cred by doing it "right."

"True Goth" encompasses so many substyles it's not even funny. I idolized goths in high school, and there were people in rubber kimonos with corsets and people with lace falls and people with net skirts and facinators and people with tight pants and riding shirts and people wearing deconstructed shit with band shirts from thrift stores.

But I agree that goth has a subculture and lifestyle attached to it- If you're goth there's more to it than wearing all black. I kind of miss the way some people were trying to build a subculture around lolita back in the Novala/oldschool days.

Some of it looks goth, some of it doesn't. But a lot of people wear goth derivative fashions these days. A lot of it is about how you wear it, how often, and the other things you do. A lot of people just wear whatever they think will give them the most tumblr likes at the moment. Those people are not goth, they are social media whores.

>> No.7388034

> I kind of miss the way some people were trying to build a subculture around lolita back in the Novala/oldschool days.

I do too. I wonder what he's up to these days...

>> No.7388036

I love you.

>> No.7388045

>implying that she isn't adorable other than the slightly too tight scarf making her look a tiny bit floating head.

Calm down.

>> No.7388052

If I were Mr. Yan's type physically I would totally marry him and have one pair of every bodyline shoe made and have creepy ageplay sex with him.

He really needs to make himself a fetlife profile. Someone would probably be his "muse."

>> No.7388079

More of this, less arguing with the troll

>> No.7388090

>Visual kei
>Not popular

>> No.7388106

His website appears to not have been updated in a long time.

Anyone remember that lolita who was super incredibly princess lifestyle from back then? She was like awesome but kind of scary.

>> No.7388109

I heard that Rinrin litteraly BEGGED the burando to be model,yeah,she begged them.Once again dunno if gossip or truth

>> No.7388126

I don't remember her but now I'm curious. What was her name?
I miss lifestyle stuff even if it was just little bits. Not for everyone, I know that, but it just seemed there was more of a 'let's improve' vibe in the ones that liked it...kind of like the one I admire in gyaru.

>> No.7388131

Stories are stories.

The story I heard was that Maki and Asuka liked her look at one of the PMX tea parties they did and asked her if she'd be interested in modelling for them.

>> No.7388140
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He could have a Bodyline harem or cafe...Lolitas by day, lingerie bunnies by night, cheongsam cuties on Tuesdays, Wa on Friday for hot date party nighto. He'd better hurry on dem plus-plus sizes...

>> No.7388141

Princess Skye.
Here's her really old ED page, but she shut down her site a long time ago.


My favorite part was all the music, book, and movie recommendations I got out of lifestylers.

>> No.7388147

Well oldschool is gathering a bit of interest, it may be revival time for lifestyle things too, I'm thinking...several could get together to do a blog about old lolita and lifestyle things.

>> No.7388161

Nothing is ever lost on the intertubes.