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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 115 KB, 640x620, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7378227 No.7378227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's /cgl/ without an Ita thread?

Don't post pictures of girls who can be barely defined as ita, no "okay" coords, just simple shitty weaboo trash. Try being original and post pics barely seen, I'm tired of seeing the same pics being recycled each thread.

pic related, gem I found on Instagram while browsing the #diy hashtag.

>> No.7378228
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Same girl.

>> No.7378234

gott im himmel, there's no way that pose/expression was intentional, right


>> No.7378246
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Last image of girl.

>> No.7378258
File: 102 KB, 392x750, tumblr_n14antLb2M1r1a7sfo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know where else to post this but I'm getting real sick and tired of seeing girls using old nightgowns as part of their coords. Like who the fuck even started this shit?

>> No.7378268

that left pic is the definition of skinny fat...

>> No.7378270
File: 99 KB, 422x750, tumblr_n149o7wJzE1r1efk7o9_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, this picture only continued to become progressively worse as I scrolled down the page.

>dem thighs

>> No.7378291

Damn cult party kei....I wish they would keep that out of lolita

>> No.7378295

Nothing ita about this, jellyfat vendetta-chan.

>> No.7378305

I like both fashions and still think this too. Not a good mix.

>> No.7378314

Did you even see the print on the dress? It's not THAT ita, but the pinks of the stars on her and her cuffs are I matching. It's not that ita, but it's not classy as lolita.

>> No.7378320

It's not ita therefore doesn't belong in an ita thread.

>> No.7378325
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>> No.7378448
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>> No.7378451
File: 70 KB, 944x542, aliceandtheeyesore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part is that they think they actually are hot shit. The black one in the pink/black striped socks and the bodyline heart gingham dress is dancing (badly) on jewtube but she baleeted her video after she got some concrit and bawwed about it, she's acting ghetto in lolita too. The red thing is thinking she's famous bc zomg 114 likes on muh colored hair pic u guise and looking super cool in her outfit. I don't know whether I should laugh it off or pity them. Don't even get me started about how weeb they are IRL...I saw them a couple times and they're the definition of second hand embarrasment and hypocrite (especially the nigga).

>> No.7378454

>jellyfat vendetta-chan

don't think anyone's jelly of those thighs.

well... except the jelly IN her thighs lol

yeah that outfit is a mess, what's with the random bow stuck in the middle of her bangs and askew? And those terrible colors and bad quality. Looks like something a try hard sells on etsy.

>> No.7378458
File: 140 KB, 1107x878, itathread2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two other pics when you can see them kinda better. I actually tried to explain to them that they were doing it wrong but I only got "UR JEALOUS" and "HOW MEAN". And then they gossiped behind muh back about how much of a cunt I was.
>dat failed brolita too who only got the excuse "but i'm poor anon chan" for his terribad outfit and cheapo wig.

>> No.7378461

not when

>> No.7378465
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that meh girl in some awfuru red scene shit
>that ugly shit tier brolita
>that ugly ita nigger
>all weebs
plz share some stories

>> No.7378466

B-But anon senpai it's edgy tumblr cult party kei desu

>> No.7378467

OH SH-...She's so unfortunate looking...

>> No.7378468

Hm,don't really have any. Never been involved more.

>> No.7378472

>Jew nose
>Can't coordinate
I actually feel sorry for her dude

>> No.7378473


You're sure about that...?

>> No.7378474
File: 93 KB, 960x717, 1392726212808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s0 edgy desu ne

>> No.7378476

oh the horror

>> No.7378485

Where is this dress from? It's...interesting. And by interesting, I mean the print is hideous. More speshul creepy cute, I'm guessing? Why do the fatties lap that shit up so?
Wig needs adjusting.
Blouse wants ironing.
Dat sash.
Of course the hammy thigh upskirt view with petti showing.
Knee socks with a short skirt instead of otk or tights.
The big headbow is either shaped like shit or just very creased.
Stars don't fit into the coordinate overall and wrong color too.
I can't see the shoes to comment but I bet they are another off shade of pink.

>> No.7378487

Niggers are ugly in lolita

>> No.7378489

Oh god Amelie and Seiya. I love you a lot anon-chan

>> No.7378490

The black chick actually isn't that ugly but, is unfortunately ita as fuck. I can't really say the same for the other two, holy fucking shit. What was that girl in red thinking..?

>> No.7378493

That's pretty racist. I've seen some black girls pull off lolita just fine, not ugly at all.

>> No.7378495

Lolita dress + bathrobe or pegnoir or bed jacket =/= CPK

>> No.7378497

Who are Amelie and Seiya anon-senpai? I heard shit about them.
Care to explain?

>> No.7378504
File: 7 KB, 276x183, jabbachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-Jabba the hut is that you?
(She looks so pissed and I'm 100% sure the red hair girl is one of those disgusting hipsters trying to be super edgy)

>> No.7378505

French comm. Amelie is the fat chick, she have a child but usually just let her own mother watch him while she go shopping with the child allowance money. Stupid, can't write to save her life, call other people 'fat' but she is an hamplanet.

Seiya, stupid young girl with ugly tatoos, scammers, apparently stoled something from Btssb paris, a real cunt, can't write either and spend her life lying.

>> No.7378514

That's some drama you got there. I'm from the french comm too ha ha. Amelie seems retarded as fuck oh my frilly god...bitch needs to be slapped in her fat face. That Seiya chick doesn't look any better tho. Woah wait what?! She stole something from BABY PARIS?! WHEN?. If I remember they insulted that Miha Doubt girl yesterday or something?
I'm wondering if they read Behind The Bows. I would loooove to make them rage.

>> No.7378517

>she have a child but usually just let her own mother watch him while she go shopping with the child allowance money
>she have a child
>a child
Who would even want to touch her let alone fuck her?

>> No.7378519

Bow chan looks like she's wearing a sissy set with a turtleneck.

>> No.7378520
File: 220 KB, 350x165, ohthedrama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy,free drama yay

>> No.7378522

I spilled my tea laughing
I was thinking the same about the sissy set...please don't tell me it's a turtleneck

>> No.7378525

Found the red eyesore facebook it's Cindy black piikax

>> No.7378527

Holy shit dood

>> No.7378529

Why is there something written in french ? Please don't tell me they are French, please.

>> No.7378532
File: 936 KB, 160x220, 4958023453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who would even want to touch her

>> No.7378534

I think they do, I know they were at least on or two secrets about Seiya already made.

They spend their life litteraly harrassing everyone, they must be some kind of chav/rednecks because they also are racist shits.

>> No.7378533

They're belgian...

>> No.7378537

Oh great, we already have enought itas over here.

>> No.7378554
File: 461 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2014-02-16-21-33-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a pretty good cosplayer but then he posted this. Even tagged it as sweet lolita.

>> No.7378558

It's actually not that bad, he pass well and is cute

>> No.7378560

eh, could be worse.
if i were a couple months in i'd think it was lolita too.

>> No.7378565

That /is/ lolita, just not sweet lolita. It falls under 'okay coord'.

>> No.7378569

That feel when a guy is prettier than you will ever be as a girl
feels bad man

>> No.7378570

You can't possibly be that ugly..

>> No.7378575
File: 77 KB, 686x686, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have mutual friends with this girl on Facebook...

>> No.7378580

I hope you're joking.

>> No.7378581

Her top looks like soggy construction paper.

>> No.7378582

But hes not.

>> No.7378583

>le baphomet face

>> No.7378589

He's kinda shooped gurl
capatcha: shoop ghralek

>> No.7378602

I met this girl at the fashion show and she said it was a last-minute modeling favor for a dress her friend had made. I'm assuming she used whatever accessories she had on-hand?

Still not ita though. She had better coords.

>> No.7378609

He looks okay. He's not super model pretty, c'mon on anon, stop being a little bitch.

>> No.7378610

"Muh name is Raven Fallen Tenshi and I like dark things"

>> No.7378611

Look , get over the fact you looked a hot ita mess and move on

>> No.7378615
File: 129 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always shitting up the #lolita #kawaii #fairykei tags on IG. Has yet to present an actual coord, only has an AP knock off bag, and thinks Liz Lisa is lolita.

>> No.7378621
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>> No.7378623
File: 535 KB, 518x386, 0987654587638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an ita thread without hildekitten. Found this under the classic lolita tag and cult part kei tag.

>> No.7378625
File: 521 KB, 978x480, nicebrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that obvious Liz Lisa replica
She also thinks Chocomint is AP.

>> No.7378627

She's been to Japan until she was kicked out. I expect someone who was there to fucking know better.

>> No.7378637

her blog is -wannablaze on tumblr

just.. wow.

>> No.7378635
File: 98 KB, 720x960, bitshort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing like the mentoring groups

>> No.7378639

I remember that. She was an exchange student, right? And she missed a shitload of classes and her professor told her it'd be better if she dropped out since there would be no possible way for her to get a passing grade. She then proceeded to rant on Tumblr about how "omg unfaiiiir" they were.

It's sad. She's a cute girl and worked hard to lose weight. If she didn't have such a nasty, childish attitude and didn't use obnoxious tags, I'd like her.

>> No.7378640

wait, she was kicked out of japan? what?

>> No.7378641
File: 162 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected something like KAWAIISUGOINEDESUDESU

>> No.7378645

Yeah, she was thrown out of her college's program because she was not showing up for classes and coming home to her apartment drunk and loud. She swears she didn't, but her IG is constantly filled with pictures of alcohol and immature bullshit. Plus, professors aren't going to just lie about shit like that.

>> No.7378648

right. she missed classes, didnt even try to talk to profs or explain it beforehand. so by the end of the term, they're like 'you fail gtfo my nippons'
and she cried 'SO UNFAIR WAA UGU~~ but at least i get to see my sexy bf so we can have so much sexy time nau yey"

>> No.7378646

I...just don't know about this girl. Seriously.

>> No.7378649

Please tell me this is not a mentor or even someone who has been mentored by them already.

>> No.7378650

proof that thigh gap is not about weight or being super thin
look at that chunk

>> No.7378653

This would look so much better if they did a white dress and a shorter nightgown thing.

>> No.7378655
File: 15 KB, 733x217, feedingtrolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378657

1/10 somebody replied

>> No.7378656

It's sad, because I do agree with you. She seems like she worked hard to lose weight and could be a cute lolita. I would have thought that someone who had actually gone to Japan would know better, but I guess not. She doesn't seem like she cares about lolita. Just being as much of a Weeaboo as possible and that's disappointing.

Protip: Don't try correcting her Japanese or telling her what isn't lolita or fairy kei. I got flipped on and blocked.

>> No.7378660
File: 64 KB, 498x1175, 5738924572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her long as rant about it. Honestly, when professors tell you there's not point in you staying, it's for your own good. They're basically telling you to stop wasting time here. A shitty professor wouldn't say a thing and just watch you fail. If she wanted to party in Japan why didn't she just go on vacation or something? I guess her parents would only let her go if she agreed to go for school or maybe she wouldn't have to pay as much if she went for education reasons. Either way now everyone knows she has more interest in being a ~*~kawaii japanese party girl~*~ than actually being intelligent. .

>> No.7378658

.. Seriously, Kiresten.. Wtf.

>> No.7378667

She's cute, I wish she would smarten up and wear actual lolita

>> No.7378668

What I don't get is why her friends from Japan aren't telling her she's wrong. Like, isn't it embarrassing to be friends with a gaijin who doesn't know anything about something that has relevance where you're from?

>> No.7378670

No, they don't. They think that she's an innocent angel and that her room mates and professors were lying and out to get her.

>> No.7378673

>any publicity is good publicity, right? right?!

>> No.7378676

>"yo, don't publish this, its just a warning"
>publishes it


>> No.7378678

Pretty sure she only published it so her army would attack that girl.

>> No.7378683

I like crossdressers so much.

Not into trans people though.
But I do like naturally pretty androgyneous men who indulge into wearing frilly stuff from time to time.

>> No.7378684

Oh hey, this is me. I didn't actually tag this as CPK and I only threw the peignoir on because it was out for when I was going to take a picture of an actual CPK coord. It's not like I went out in it and I did post a picture of the actual lolita coord without the peignoir.

>> No.7378691

hey look its me
yeah, I got attacked by a single person who had no knowledge on the fashion whatsoever.

I basically told her to have actual knowledge of things before attacking me on it, and the next time her friend's face comes up, I wont give a damn word of support. I also told her to sue people for actually expecting to see things related to lolita in the lolita tag.

she backed off pretty quick.

>> No.7378694

It's disgusting. That was a helpful post and it wasn't even passive aggressive or nasty.

Jfc, why is it so bad to have someone try to help you.

>> No.7378699

Neko Maids &_&

>> No.7378703

They're probably embarrassed enough to be associated with someone loud and obnoxious like her. I think her roommates were the ones who complained about her loudness. I would do the same shit if I had to share a living space with that thing.

Has she been to college before or was this her first semester? Professors don't baby you like in high school and remind you about how many days you're missing. She spouts all this "'I'M 20 YEARS OLD I'M AN ADULT" but she acts like a kid; calling teachers liars and thinking they're out to get her. Grow up. You can tell she was focused more on being in glorious Nippon than actually studying by the way she worded her rant.

>"you flunked out of our classes....and need to be out of your apartment by monday"
>why are you sending me home with two fucking weeks left in Japan
>"you missed so many days of school, you're not getting a grade...no point in you to stay here"
>i've been sick all week
>not once did they...give me a warning about how much school I missed
>no email
>no concern for my grades
>teacher started talking about the only Campus Mates field trip
>I figure...I was going on the field trip
>I didn't see my name on the board and I asked why
>I was asked to leave the class
>once I was out the teacher told me
>"Since you're not officially in the program anymore, you aren't going on the Mates field trip."
>are you fucking serious
>I have three days to fucking sit around and wait to leave
>...not even let me go on the last field trip to spend my last day with people I'll never see again
>that's fucked up

So much abloobloo.

She didn't even care about her grades; she cared about shopping and hanging out. She's lucky they told her all this in private and tried not to embarrass her further in front of her classmates.

>> No.7378712

>She's lucky they told her all this in private and tried not to embarrass her further in front of her classmates.
This. From what I've been told, teachers in Asian countries are all about calling you out in front of the entire class. Maybe they should have; she might have learned a lesson to avoid that type of embarrassment again.
She obviously wasn't there for schooling, and just wanted the bragging rights and to spend her time fucking around in grorious Japan. I don't think she once mentioned how being kicked out of the program was going to fuck up her schooling, just QQ'd about not being able to hang out with her friends.

>> No.7378716

yeah, I tried my best.
I've gotten my fair share of harassment, and if people were nice to me in my ita stages I wouldn't of shut the criticism out.
you catch more flies with honey.

so I did my best. making the effort to be nice and helpful instead of calling them a weeaboo ita shit right off the bat makes a world of difference.

but hey, if she's going to shut even that out, maybe a slap in the face of reality is what she needs.
the publishing it publicly after I specifically told her not to just to have her followers attack me was just.. no.

>> No.7378722

>they're probably embarrassed to be her friend

I thought so until I saw her recent posts of the one friend from Japan visiting. I think she's staying at her house or something.

Ugh, I know. I read the entire thing. She had a bunch of raging posts on IG before coming home, but it looks like she's deleted them. Everyone was coddling her and defending her while she threw a giant tantrum about how she's the legal age to drink in Japan if she wants to and that people are "backstabbing bitches". I thought that she was just some harmless Weeb until I saw her rant. Sadly, I don't have any hope for this girl. Her Tumblr post about how America's government is fucked and our food is shit was to die for, though. She clearly wasn't in Japan long enough.

>> No.7378750
File: 14 KB, 258x196, 654290568940568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture of thigh gap

>> No.7378782

>3 hour bullet train to the airport
LOL ok

>> No.7378784
File: 137 KB, 640x660, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378790

>tries on something intended for someone else
>gets pissy when people ask where she got the thing because "omg copying mii -_-"
What the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.7378792

Japanese people will never tell you what they don't like about you. They expect you to feel you're already doing something bad and just stop on your own.

Unless of course you ask I guess

>> No.7378796

She's a brat with ego issues. It doesn't help that her followers call her 'princess' and encourage her shitty behavior. I found this girl over a year and a half ago because she tagged one of her crappy phone cases as lolita. Lo and behold, I come across her again and its when she's posted in here. I would have thought that she changed by now, but I suppose that's asking for too much.

>> No.7378795

top kek
It shouldn't even take that long lol

>> No.7378798

NOOOOOO, thank god I've never met them.
Thank you language barrier <3

>> No.7378800

3 hours on a shinkansen is about Tokyo to Osaka distance. I assume she means the NEX to Narita which is not a shinkansen and more like 60-90 minutes. What a fucking dumbass baby to lie about travel times to try and get sympathy for being too fucking lazy and occupied with partying to even go to class once in a while.

>> No.7378804

Yes! Tokyo-Osaka's distance is waaay further than Tokyo-Chiba so lol It should really just take about 30 minutes if she did take the shinkansen lol

I'm so fucking mad at this girl lol I've been trying to exchange programs for a year now and this bitch just throws it out the fucking window sigh

sage for lack of contribution

>> No.7378805


>> No.7378807

I know this girl. She dresses well and this was pretty much last minute so I would agree that she used whatever was on hand. Also the dress was custom made by her friend so it fits a bit oddly on her because it's not made to her measurements as she was only borrowing it

>> No.7378808

Damnit. Her tumblr music is Lana Del Rey.

>can't stop listening
>loves lana too much
>but this girl really is terrible
>so conflicted

>> No.7378811

>go on account
>think "not completely hopeless"
>see this shit
>close tab

Seriously, though. And, that hoodie she could have just as easily ordered online yet she acted like she HAD to go to grorious nippon in order to buy it.

>> No.7378810

On one hand, I don't want her to find this thread in case everything turns to complete shit.
On the other hand, it'd be funny as fuck if she did and started whiteknighting herself and getting booty-bothered.

>> No.7378813
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (129).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped pic

>> No.7378817
File: 898 KB, 1189x763, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk this bothers me more than her outfits do

>> No.7378818

I find the internet ass-lickers more agravating...

>> No.7378826

Lmao what a tryhard.
She probably has an army of greasy weebs because she's not a hambeast and appears to shower semi-frequently.

>> No.7378828

I know, anon. I'm torn, too.


>> No.7378832

>would strapon/10

>> No.7378831

Someone asked her to make a video of her speaking Japanese and she never did lol

>> No.7378840
File: 955 KB, 1268x757, hoodieisloliwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is a college sweatshirt fucking lolita or fairy kei.. even if you bought that shit IN Japan that doesn't mean it's lolita.

>10/10 would beat with bricks

>> No.7378841
File: 771 KB, 1117x591, much thinspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn how to use angles and makeup
>OMG I'VE IMPROVED SO MUCH GUISE #fitblr #thinspiration <3
I wonder how fat the people praising her must be.

>> No.7378845

Person on the left is hot as fuck, tho, not gonna lie.

>> No.7378848

Would never let her anywhere near children.

>> No.7378850
File: 194 KB, 636x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's shopped to hell here and is still not that pretty. Also that lace. It's pretty ita, even tho I like the design of the dress. He's also not part of the local loli comm, just a cosplayer.

>> No.7378858

I feel like that story doesnt even add up. I went to a law school in Japan for a year. A guy in my Japanese class never came to his japanese class which was his only class and he automatically failed halfway through.. and yet they let him stay the next semester..

Ive only heard of people ever getting sent home early from Japanese schools when they start working in hostest clubs in the red light districts...

>> No.7378864

She was also getting drunk and being loud and gaijin, if I recall even if they can't prove accusations like that they usually just go with it since there's reason to believe they did it anyways. "Oh this slutty gaijin girl's not going to class so she must be drinking and staying out late like someone said."

>> No.7378867

I'm not really sure what to say to that. His situation was probably very different from hers. I mean, there were multiple parties complaining about this girl's behavior. It's one thing to just not show up to class, but I guess that she proved too much of a danger (possibly liability?) for them to keep on because she was doing shit like coming home drunk and screaming and showing up to her classes drunk (when she bothered to show up, that is).

Maybe they thought, "Dude, you're clearly not even fucking trying so just go home. You're wasting everyone's time."

>> No.7378872

That jacket is in like all Don quiotes and probably multiple places in harajuku. haha

>> No.7378874

Failure due to attendance is still ok. Your classmate is still entitled to enrollment 'cause he's a regular student. Exchange students don't have the luxury of exhausting that since they're only set to attend certain classes. Since she was sent on a 10-week program and she's clearly not even bothering to attend the program whoever sent her has the right to send her home

and I backtracked her instagram account it seems like she went to Okinawa for a while instead of going to class lol wth

>> No.7378873

How long ago was this? Maybe the rules have changed this then. Also, there were multiple complaints about her being loud and drunk in her apartment. I'm guessing the building was for the exchange students in the same program and she was obviously disrupting people who were trying to study. Maybe that paired with her shitty attendance showed that she was wasting their time/money/dorm room and they asked her to leave early. There are tons of people who want to study in Japan for legitimate reasons. Her professors probably saw that she obviously wasn't one of those people and sent her home. Good move on their part.

>> No.7378876

We were exchange students. but the school probably didnt know he was out partying. we had our own dorms but they only monitored if we had oposite sex in our rooms

>> No.7378879

Just wondering, would you happen to know what sort of consequences doing what she did holds for a person, like education or college wise? Not that I plan on carrying on like her, but I'm just wondering if this is something that will follow her throughout life.

>ditched class for okinawa

What the fuck. And, she had the audacity to get so pissed off when she was called out on her shit?

>> No.7378888

Wth but I guess he didn't get kicked out because he kept his partying to himself?

Education wise I think it'll reflect badly if she wants to apply for another program or something like that. Also for employment I guess since they'll check with the institutions to know if you actually did well during the exchange program (I'm not saying all companies do this, but in the case that it'll happen)

>> No.7378899

She was attending Kogakuin University. I fucking died. It's an engineering school. So fucking obv she wasn't there for the right reasons.

>> No.7378903

Oh my god I follow you, seriously good on you for saying something. I was considering making an audio post on this chick but this shit is too cray.

>> No.7378906
File: 906 KB, 1282x763, dapowaofchrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378907

What the fuck why the hell did they even allow her to go considering her degree is like fashion or something wth

>> No.7378914

Does she not fucking know that's st Peter's cross?!

>> No.7378913

That's not even a devil hoodie. It's just a hoodie with a "normal" crsos and a St. Peter's cross.

>> No.7378917


>> No.7378915

Is she a fashion major? I didn't see that anywhere. I don't know why they let her go. Maybe she lied and said that she was switching majors or some shit. I can't help but get this wah poor rich white girl vibe from this chick. I feel like she begged her parents to let her go or some shit, but after going through Kogakuin's website it's so fucking clear that she wasn't there to learn. This isn't the behavior of someone going for fucking technology or engineering.

She's a drunk stoner yoloswag weeaboo brat. Hopefully, one day, someone slaps the shit out of her instead of praising her obnoxious behavior.

>> No.7378923
File: 1.78 MB, 1068x1112, 4390853575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378926
File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, 1392747172110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378925

Sh-shut up Baka! Can't you see it's muh juu kawaii sugi goffic cutsew 5Satan?

>> No.7378932

I wish she saw this along with the irony of her words.

>> No.7378938
File: 9 KB, 486x130, faq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, from her faq page. She's minoring in Japanese I guess?
I think she and her boyriend are pretty rich? I saw on one of their posts that they used up like 5 million yen on their trip (I don't know how accurate this is)

>> No.7378940
File: 929 KB, 1326x787, notkei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yes s-sumimasenn kawaii modoka chan u so kawaii

>> No.7378945

I know this is incredibly ita, but I still think she looks cute.

>> No.7378949

>they used up to 5 million yen on their trip

You mean, money that their parents gave them lol

This basic bitch buys cheap replicas despite having been to Japan

>> No.7378956

Are tit swags a thing now?
No, no they aren't...

>> No.7378957

Are you blind anon?

>> No.7378962

Go home anorexia-chan

>> No.7378959 [DELETED] 

Found her FB:
lawl. Kiersten Reitan

>sees sandy hook conspiracy post
>just sits here

Why does this keep getting crazier and crazier. It's as if the deeper that I dig, the more unpleasant shit I find.

>> No.7378963

Not sure if jelly sandy vagina or actually true.
Meh,let's pick the second choice.

>> No.7378969
File: 345 KB, 283x557, fuckinjeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378968
File: 663 KB, 1920x761, LMFAOWHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets kicked out of program
>i-i graduated g-guys!1!!! ^.^ <333

>> No.7378970
File: 325 KB, 263x489, mam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lold

this looks like someones mom came to a meet

>> No.7378971

Almost everyone can do that when they sit like that.. cant they?

>> No.7378976

I want to punch her fat face caked in makeup so much

>> No.7378978
File: 66 KB, 435x650, nonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378979

oh my god i had no idea this wannablaze chic was so shitty, i only like her because her phone cases are cute.
i'd buy one but now i'd feel bad

>> No.7378983

Hi anorexic anon. Don't you have anything more important to do like putting your fingers down your throat to vomit the disgusting 80calories you just swallowed?

>> No.7378981
File: 123 KB, 500x750, 1387922007238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378988


>> No.7378986
File: 447 KB, 366x474, kawaiidesune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea its unfortunate that her face is still fat. did you see the before pic?

>> No.7378989
File: 177 KB, 600x800, 1392748503446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense, but it wasn't like she even hid how shitty she was. She's actually proud of how she acts.

>> No.7378990

I was gonna buy one of her pink 360 controllers since they're adorable but I can justify giving money to such a shitty brat nor do I want to.

>> No.7378991

She got so much makeup on her bloated face...it would make my kawaii hands dirty

>> No.7378992
File: 351 KB, 500x334, tubbytan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378993

Yep, unless seriously chub. Gap chasers would have the lulzys over this huuuuge gap.

>> No.7378994

I think that it's the worst part (or the best? top kek). She's acting like an immature weaboo cunt.

>> No.7378995

Dude, stop flooding this thread with the same person. It's super vendetta-ish. It's an its thread, not a "I hate this weeaboo chick" thread. Yeah she's done some ita stuff, but it's not so bad that it warrants a thread about her.

>> No.7378996

She actually dressed like that and went out in public?
The girl next to her looks silly, too, but that's just full stereotypical weeb-gear.

>> No.7378997

you could always buy a 360 controller and just get a pink case though.

>> No.7378998
File: 73 KB, 412x552, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol she doesn't even make them. Her boyfriend made a pink one for her for Christmas and then she made him make more for her shitty little deco shop. All she's capable of is hot gluing fake M&Ms to phone cases she probably buys from those mall kiosks.

>> No.7379001

Not the anon you replied too, but if you seriously think her thighs are fat…you gotta get yer eyes checked. Her thighs are average, no visible cottage cheese.

>> No.7379003

im pretty mad about the little figurines she sticks into the cases. They're...not supposed to be like that...

>> No.7379004

Hi, I think you're missing the OP where it says trashy weeaboo shit. The OP picture is someone found on IG. It's Ita to shit up tags like this girl does and it's Ita to claim you're lolita when you quite obviously aren't.

So, you're either this girl or one of her friends. Get over yourself. You don't get to police what gets posted just because it's not some Naruto lolita shit.

>> No.7379006

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you teme? I’ll have you know I graduated at the top of my class in moe moe kyun, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret chuufests, and I have over 9000 confirmed fans. I am trained in kyun and I’m the top moe meido in the entire 2chuu fandom. You are nothing to me but just another failed seppuku. I will wipe you the fuck out with anime the likes of which is way too deep for this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that kuso to me over the Internet? Think again, piggu. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mangaka across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, gaijin. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your jinsei. You’re fucking shi, kanojo. I post anywhere, anytime, and I can kill your reputation in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my meru meru. Not only am I extensively trained in Hare Hare Yukai, but I have access to the entire kawaii burando stores and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of tumblr you ana. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn dobe. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, baka.

>> No.7379013

>super vendettaish

How fucking new are you? Ita threads are always giant vendetta threads. You don't know if someone who drops a pic knows the person or if they just popped up on their dash. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7379011

Thinking the same here dood. anorexia chan is being stupid.

>> No.7379012

Very much this
From what ive heard (and correct me if im weebing) but people in japan are notorious for trying to keep peace inside and out. Meaning they generally don't disrupt events or cause disputes over trivial things like being loud. I watched a podcast from a girl living in a home with another family, and instead of asking you to do something they leave subtle hints because they feel like you should realize what youre doing since thats part of their culture.

>> No.7379020
File: 182 KB, 720x960, 1392749273929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379017

I'm pissed that the same goddamn person is being flooded in the thread instead of pictures of different people in ita disasters. When anons start dumping Facebook screenshots of what some weeaboo said and non-lolita related coords, what's the point of it being an ita thread?

>> No.7379030

Sweetie, you're just pissed off that it's not living up to your standards and that's retarded. You wouldn't be cunting on if infamous Ita's FB's were posted. You can't cry vendetta when these threads are dedicated to being as bitchy as possible towards those who don't know any better or refuse to do so, bitching behind their backs on an anon image board.

Again, shut the fuck up, because you're a hypocrite. It's Ita. Deal with it.

>> No.7379044
File: 103 KB, 385x550, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gais stahp talking shit bout sum1 idk!1!1!!1
>so fuxing vendetta chan!1!1
>give me other dramas!1!!1! tho!1!

>> No.7379052
File: 230 KB, 720x960, 1392749921956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379057

Ah, miku and unibrow-chan

>> No.7379059

Oh look, an Itacorn!

>> No.7379061
File: 270 KB, 727x1099, 1392750088610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people ruin these kinds of threads, i swear. you're probably the same person who is complaining in the horror stories thread that people's posts aren't weeb enough.

>> No.7379062
File: 502 KB, 972x720, 1377699218315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's like a loli Precious.
I wonder what it's like being that unkawaii and knowing at least to some extent that you don't look good and STILL trying?

>> No.7379065

This so much.

>> No.7379066
File: 206 KB, 768x1040, 1392750232564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tagged under lolita

>> No.7379070

i dont see any bones either so...

>> No.7379072

This pic looks like VenusAngelic's mother.
Quit griping and post a new ita then, maybe?

>> No.7379077
File: 129 KB, 800x627, 1392750407296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379079
File: 293 KB, 800x600, 139128082596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby's first ita thread

>> No.7379083
File: 93 KB, 612x612, notloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, cunt. Nobody is obligated to cater to your needs.

>> No.7379088
File: 126 KB, 728x1096, 1392750663605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposed to be MLP Rarity as a lolita.
>breathing intensifies

>> No.7379090

>one of these things is not like the others
>ps. not the brolita since he's actually half decently dressed

>> No.7379091
File: 476 KB, 446x417, clash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379096
File: 451 KB, 1200x1600, ohuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379099

Girl on the left is cute as fuck but jfc that clashing

>> No.7379101
File: 240 KB, 729x1095, lolita_v_by_ladyvera90-d749vnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379105
File: 154 KB, 772x1034, 1392750984619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379106

Hahaha, you have been waiting a while to use that one, huh?
Nice cgl version of that /b/ copypasta.

>> No.7379108

>that file name
Also, isn't that a maid costume?

>> No.7379110
File: 392 KB, 542x302, nightmarefuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that pastas been around a bit on cgl already silly

>> No.7379111

It came up tagged as lolita. Idfk.

>> No.7379113

I actually like the girl on the left. The girl the right needs a petti, get rid of those wrist cuffs, wear tights, and wear some fucking make up.

>> No.7379122

Some dont leave hints. I know someone who got outcasted one day.. and to this day and for the rest of her 8 months in japan she had no idea what she did wrong.

>> No.7379124

Ahh, silly me. I must have skimmed past it in other threads, still good though.

>> No.7379126

Yeah, I figured but I'm just confused as to why she tagged it as lolita.

>> No.7379127

the one in the middle...she looks like the girl whos tumblr was something nyan.. i only remember her name is like hina and she also runs "hardcorenyan".
Is that her?

>> No.7379130

I just gurgles my tea of laughter. Oh Jesus, it's like a cross between a drunk KISS member and a raccoon that got stuck in an old umbrella.

>> No.7379138

How exactly was she alienated?

These are ALL vendetta threads. Even the bad cosplay ones. And, they only barely walk the line of hate threads and legitimate discussion because someone can easily post something and claim to not know someone. People have discussed the behaviors of Itas and shitty cosplayers in the past in such threads and still do to this day. You're acting like this is a recent thing when it's a common occurrence within these threads. Sorry, but just because you create a thread doesn't mean that you can tell others what is and isn't "good enough" by your standards to post in it. If you want that, go join a regular forum.

Ita doesn't just end with "my coord is shitty and I looka hot mess". It's also how one carries themselves and what their personality is like when it comes to lolita fashion. Again, with other Ita threads, the same people get posted and spoken of over and over because they fail to learn and stir shitstorms if someone so much as tries to help them improve. Wannablaze was posted because she does exactly that; She shits up the lolita, fairy kei, and overall J-Fashion tags on both IG and Tumblr with her irrelevant and narcissistic posts and when anyone has approached her in order to give her some friendly advice, she goes batshit, blocks them, and then calls an army down upon them like she's Yaya or something.

That's very much Ita, Weeaboo, and overall disgusting and is exactly what encompasses an Ita. They're a vat of ignorance and obnoxiousness.

>> No.7379143

girl on the left really should have emphasized the white because as it is now, those polka dots are just painful to look at.

>> No.7379148

if this was based on an illustration by Tim Burton I'd be like 100% about this cause she legitimately looks like a creepy cartoon character

>> No.7379150
File: 131 KB, 574x600, 1361330929096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder what it's like being that unkawaii and knowing at least to some extent that you don't look good and STILL trying?
You just described my life.

>> No.7379166

>buys replicas and calls them legit
>thinks Chocomint is AP
>thinks Liz Lisa is lolita
>arbitrarily tags anything cute or that she bought online/from Japan #lolita #fairykei
>thinks a seifuku is lolita
>thinks any lace skirt is lolita
>flower headbands are lolita

I could go on, but that's all pretty fucking ita.

>> No.7379171

As that sentence describes mine as well. Let's try our best!

>> No.7379175
File: 156 KB, 600x366, 1361295408844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, anon.

>No matter how fit you get, no matter how cute you dress, no matter what prints you own, you will never be considered anything but a butterface ruining people's dream dresses

>> No.7379178

Just stop please, ita has to do with looks, it means ouch, it doesn't mean anything about their personality. Being a nice person doesn't justify looking like shit and it never will.

>> No.7379183

You are new as fuck. itas have shitty personalities 98% of the fucking time. And, their actions and how they are are discussed in these threads and others in here. I really don't understand why you're trying to pretend that everyone only focuses on the outfit and hasn't dropped pictures of people that they hate or that people don't care about someone who is both willfully ignorant AND acts like a piece of shit.

I've seen people be more forgiving when an ita is actually a kind person and can admit that they looked like crap. More so than I've seen people brush off or be forgiving towards an ita who wears some dark alice and shows up to the fancy tea room meet with her cousin who wants a lolita girlfriend and they're both bitches the entire time.

>> No.7379185

Sure, totally cunty and wildly unreasonable to suggest the thread y'know, continue on topic. Right. Gotcha.

>> No.7379195

Dude, stop stealing my fire. I was the one who made the post about it being too vendetta-ish

>> No.7379212


>stretching Toy Parade

This is why lolita actually isn't for everyone.

>> No.7379215


Ita DOES has a certain personality. Snowflakey and resistant to the kindest concrit. Always a headache to deal with because they think they're above everyone's ~unoriginal~ tastes.

>> No.7379220

>My people
Makeup can only do so much when you have such an uneven face that looks like you've had a stroke. Thank god for photoshop. Still uggo irl, though.

>> No.7379222

>Actually thinks that's Toy Parade

>> No.7379227

Not to mention defensive and reactionary.

>> No.7379228

You're the most special snowflaky person in this thread, just so you know. Ita has very little if anything to do with how someone acts because unless you know the person you can't tell for shit. You seem like the kind of person who would say 'oh well this girl looks sweet and she's just having fun~' but that doesn't change that she looks like shit, and it's even worse that she isn't concerned because that means she thinks she looks fine.

>> No.7379229


Replica or not, its still a disgrace to the print itself.

>> No.7379270
File: 33 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, then called me a cunt when I suggested the thread move along and return to on topic discussion. Doesn't really make much sense does it? Of course your squawking is no more on topic than the vendetta posts. So here is an ita example to actually contribute to the thread.

>> No.7379364
File: 456 KB, 231x175, tumblr_lyugamyq231qd3w9m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 years old
>call me kitty/kitten
>i love the entire asian couture
>i would love most to be an adorable maid in a cafe somewhere !

>> No.7379367
File: 127 KB, 960x720, 1392757584318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polish cons are just full of shit like that

>> No.7379373
File: 1010 KB, 500x292, 189203594301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.7379370
File: 82 KB, 540x720, 1392757649849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379383

These look like some sort of cosplay/jfashion/anime club members. Are they actually even really trying to be a Lolita comm?

>> No.7379392

I think the red head looks good, but I like alt. fashion.

>> No.7379398

I guess they randomly just took picture with cosplayers.
Purple lace monster has tons of pictures with lolitas on her personal facebook.

>> No.7379403

>the girl trying to be Chii
did she cut those bangs with safety scissors

>> No.7379408

I think anon was more annoyed at the nightgown/sheer house coat trend in general than your coord.

>> No.7379410

>alt. fashion.
>hipstershit trash

>> No.7379423

Says the person shitting up things because they aren't getting their way. Take your Tumblr bullshit and shove it far up your cunt until you slam your cervix.

>> No.7379427
File: 13 KB, 225x224, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super fucking close up of face

are the people commenting fucking retarded?

>> No.7379436


Jeezy calm your yayas, I'm just talking about the personality associated with it. Not every ita has to have it. But it's pretty fair game to post the lulzy reactions of various itas.

>> No.7379441
File: 640 KB, 636x1492, Why_5dc05c_343403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379446

Holy shit, Pear Chan. That shit is old.

>> No.7379462
File: 70 KB, 1000x320, 1392758942960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379475


>> No.7379477

maybe they wanted, but they didn't have a chance as she didn't attend lessons.

>> No.7379479

no, that's beck.

>> No.7379490

no, that's beck.
and maybe a self-post?
either way she looks pretty much ~the lolliest~

>> No.7379494

>far left
Coord's not bad, face is awful
Not ita. Headbow doesn't match. Cute face.
>Innocent World bag
Bad socks and fat. Otherwise would be fine
>far right
Overall, only one real ita.

>> No.7379497

so is this girl fluent in the language?

>> No.7379502

She claims to be and was asked to post a video of her speaking it, but never did. I only ever see broken Japanese and hiragana everywhere.

>> No.7379505

Okay, I'm TRYING to get into lolita, but I'm so confused about what is considered "ita" and what isn't. It seems like everyone just calls out itas for being unattractive. Is it just a matter of not matching or something?

>> No.7379506

i mean otherwise id have to assume the teachers spoke English

>> No.7379516

She was attending a program with a bunch of other exchange students and two supervising teachers who also taught some of her classes. So, I assume she only really knows English since she's yet to prove otherwise.

>> No.7379526

Join livejournal EGL comm and lurk. Read the links in the sidebar. All of them.

>> No.7379530

The two teachers she had were American and spoke English.

>> No.7379551

Um? Neither. Appropriately posting an ita in an ita thread and further commenting on said ita's appearance as it related to other anons' comments.

>> No.7379557

But iwannablaze does have chunk. She's like a perfect example of skinny fat.

>> No.7379574
File: 889 KB, 592x807, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the differences between these two girls and then you'll understand what an ita is.

On the left we have:
plain, unstyled hair
plain makeup
cat ears
cheap parasol
bare shoulders
stupid dog collar
cheaply made dress with cheap lace to boot
hot topic lace gloves
no petticoat
fur leg warmers

None of this is lolita. Whereas on the right we have:

clean, styled hair
makeup that gives a doll like complexion
a choker that matches the theme
quality constructed dress with quality lace
black nails to match the outfit
socks and shoes that match

>> No.7379600

Honestly, I don't think anyone can pull off old school without looking frumpy. Even if someone DID do it "right", the dress would still look crappy and ita and people would bitch.

>> No.7379601

while i agree with you, chill out on the autism.

>> No.7379634

I don't see any autism. I think It's just a clarification meant for >>7379505

>> No.7379646
File: 113 KB, 540x720, ohlawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379652

holy shit this is like.. what..

>> No.7379651
File: 68 KB, 720x540, therideneverends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379661

why do her legs look like they're made of rubber
Like, I know I do the leg cross over pose a lot,too but when she does it it just looks so....wrong....like it looks like she can't control her legs or something......

>> No.7379659
File: 42 KB, 478x720, itkeepsgettingbetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379678

>trying to use the google definition of what ita is.

>> No.7379683

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7379690

are you a complete moron? ita in this sense means ouch that's painful to look at, not be around. there is no way to tell who has a shitty personality just by looks, otherwise everyone would have to post a picture and say, this girl has a shit personality she love japan and hates concrit! but do we do that? no. thats why we still have whitenights saying that it's wrong to post people who look like they're having fun, having fun or not they look like shit

>> No.7379691

>yfw my thighs are 24 inches around and still gap.

>> No.7379693

Nobody said that there was a way to tell a shitty personality by looks. Proof was posted as to how WB had a shitty personality time and again. I'm sorry that your head is that far up your ass.

>> No.7379694

Ita - from the japanese word itai, meaning "painful, sore"

It means, "Ouch, that hurts to look at."

An outfit so bad it could cause physical pain to those who have to view it.

>> No.7379697

So if someone wears something that would normally be considered ita, but doesn't actually claim it's lolita, is it still ita? I've seen some itas that actually looked pretty good, even if they weren't adhering to the lolita style.

Also, is a wig/long hair necessary for lolita?

>> No.7379704


I have never seen whiteknights trying to argue that. It's always

>oh but the striped socks sortaaaaa match
>the shoes sort of match the print
>her hair isn't thaaaat bad
>omg it doesn't stab my eyes enough

That's 99.98% of the whiteknight.

Just because you get asspained at being reminded of your own embarrassing personality doesn't mean it's irrelevant to thread.

>> No.7379701

are you even paying attention to who I was responding to? i don't think so. no one was ever talking about wb, they were saying that ita is defined by being a badly dressed weeb and you could only be ita if you're a weeb.

>> No.7379711

Like I said, the person I was originally responding to said that ita had to include a shit personality and trying to make up their own arbitrary definition on it
>Ita doesn't just end with "my coord is shitty and I looka hot mess". It's also how one carries themselves and what their personality is like when it comes to lolita fashion.
>That's very much Ita, Weeaboo, and overall disgusting and is exactly what encompasses an Ita. They're a vat of ignorance and obnoxiousness.

>> No.7379715

would accept powder blue sweater. I think its just off brand and bad coord...

>> No.7379721

I hate those gowns!

>> No.7379718

Ok, fair enough, she may be. Post a proof pix documenting her alleged chub please, so we may properly review the evidence together. A pot belly, a muffin top, some skinnyfat pudge she may have.

>> No.7379725

They guy is really pretty! <3

>> No.7379728

Frumpy isn't ita. Oldschool was frumpy when it was new, that was part of the nostalgic charm. But even then in most cases, quality, lace and styling could be clearly separated from ita.

>> No.7379737

Um. Dude. All of her stuff was posted earlier in the thread, along with what her Instagram would be.

>> No.7379735

again with the autism.

>> No.7379740

These questions...the answers have been written out in guides, posts, forums, communities, use your powers of google and seek, this is not the lolita gerber baby spoonfeeding thread of teh lerns. GTFO please with these basic questions you are too lazy to even look up.

>> No.7379741

No, sorry, different poster. You haven't called me autistic till now. The other post that fluffled your ruffles was someone else.

>> No.7379747

I saw what's been posted, dudette. And I didn't see chub yet. Just average. That's why I asked. We don't see it. Get it? That's been posted several times too. But by all means, if you've got a speshul detector, then pray enlighten us all.

>> No.7379758

You need to take your nostalgia goggles off and realize it just looks like horrible ita shit to everyone else, because that's what it is.

>> No.7379763

It's not even sheer. She dun goofed.

>> No.7379761

>And I didn't see chub yet. Just average.
>this chick
Are you an Amerifat by any chance?

>> No.7379766

>she's acting ghetto in lolita too
>misusing ghetto
>lolitas must be lovelies!

>> No.7379777
File: 25 KB, 1323x165, loliseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case anyone wanted it. i did.

>> No.7379776
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 4242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably are. Sadly, people like WB are seen as normal and healthy in America nowadays and anyone thinner is automatically assumed to be bulimic.

If the average woman's body is supposed to be straight up and down like a board with no hourglass, no hips, stumpy legs, a fat face, and a tire tummy.. then lol

>> No.7379783

What gets me is she really thinks she's come so far, but all she's done is take some shitty diet pills and let puberty kick in.
She may not be a total fatty-chan, but she certainly isn't the #thinspo she thinks she is.

>> No.7379788

andt bh she seems like the type that wont care about dangerous effects of long term diet pill use

>> No.7379795

Well, she is just taking Advocare products. She doesn't bike or swim or even jog. She claims to have done yoga, but I doubt that it's even a regular thing or that she does it anymore. I mean, sorry, but that's not the body of someone who works out regularly. Especially when she posts about going to sub sandwich places and In N Out at midnight, coupled with her drinking problem and usage of weed. Weed causes weight gain in some people and alcohol sure as shit does.

>> No.7379798

She;s busting out of that bodyline cosplay jfc

>> No.7379802

Nothing has really changed. She's just learned to not wear frumpy clothes, use make up properly, and use IG filters on her pictures.

>> No.7379816

Nope, I'm middling brand size, neither skinny nor chub. I don't have weight issues.

>> No.7379817

Oh, this isn't that bad. Just looks like someone who doesn't own any lolita.

>> No.7379827

Well, let's see...I'm sitting here with one of my old dresses...a BTSSB dress from 2005.
Nice Velveteen, heavy woven cotton under sleeves and underskirt, it's a hime style dress with cotton lace and trim of 4 coordinating types, well constructed, beautifully lined and finished.
I just don't think that adds up to your so-called ita shit, anon.

>> No.7379837

Ok, I scrolled back, I thought she just had a really young and round face but I missed the bra pix. I see the pudge there and in the Kyary cosplay. Point taken. I'm sorry I gave you a bad time over it, you were right.

>> No.7379850
File: 100 KB, 640x640, nomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't good enough, anon.
You must be punished.

>> No.7379859

Bahaha! Ok OK! Have mercy on my doubting soul. Also...dat messy room. <cringe>

>goodbye lovely supper! I was going to enjoy you so...

>> No.7379861
File: 89 KB, 500x400, hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally no difference. She took the one picture at an angle with shitty lighting and bottoms that cover more, probably to hide the fact that she looks the exact same.

>weh exercising doesnt work!1!1! ganna use kawaii diet pills!1!!

You are a fucking disgrace to every hambeast who got their ass in shape the old fashioned way.

>> No.7379908

look at her deformed belly button
only the truly skinny have a flattened belly button
if anything she just got skinny fat

>> No.7379917

Tell me more of this flattened belly button. I am intrigued, as I did not know of such a thing.

>> No.7379934
File: 236 KB, 561x305, flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not surprising, this is cgl after all

>> No.7379937

I've met itas who were nice, I've met itas who had shitty personalities. It's true that a lot of itas just so happen to be weeaboos. I guess we can try and agree that a basic definition of an ita are girls who to not correctly adhere to the correct and main aesthetics of lolita. If they just so happen to be weeaboos or have crappy personalities, so be it.

>> No.7379939
File: 37 KB, 269x188, nopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, this is my stomach. I just hadn't known what one was. Sorry?

>> No.7380070

You do realize that you're not supposed to see your femur because there's supposed to be muscle and other tissues? Are you just that retarded and never looked at an anatomy book?

>> No.7380081

... that dress is so cute tho... not lolita but cute

>> No.7380127

I have about 76 followers because I don't really advertise myself, haha, so, cool for following my blog.

>> No.7380208
File: 138 KB, 753x1323, katsu ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on the last day of Katsucon.

>> No.7380217

are these bitches even wearing petis? ugh, fuckin gross wannabes

>> No.7380353

No more Lolitas or pix from the fashion show? One speshul weebflake was supposed to be in it...

>> No.7380661

Do people actually think the heart lipstick looks good it's tacky as fuck

>> No.7380697

Not matching is part of it. Also...
>Poorly constructed materials (Shiny satin, cheapo lace etc)
>Too short
>Too much shoulder/boob
>Tacky prints or colors
>No poof
>Speshul snowflake
>Saying something that isn't lolita is lolita (kawaii shit =/= #lolita)
>Old kids fairy costumes are not lolita dresses
>Shit makeup, hair, wigs
>most wa-lolita
>cat ears
check out the lols-ita tumblr its great

>> No.7380702

Haha, did you take the photo? What a stinkeye look she is giving!

>> No.7380713

Likely because she's being photographed wearing a replica. Dat lace...

>> No.7380815

What's going on with her socks? did she sew them herself of something..

>> No.7380879

Post it, then. If it's not "ita" we'll all be able to see.
Talking about the ~*craftmanship*~ won't magically make it not ugly.

>> No.7380917

It's btssb queen of candylandin pink. You can look it up if you'd like to see. I've not been rude to you and I'd appreciate same, please. We may just have different ideas and opinions and that's fine to just disagree too. Likely if you just don't like oldschool things you aren't ever going to think any of it isn't ita and some will agree. Some will not.

>> No.7381747

>headbow doesn't match
>it's the matching headbow to that dress
>wtf am I reading

>> No.7381758

That yellow/blue/pink wig has never, and will never look good on anyone or with any outfit.

>> No.7381967

Yeah, I was trying to be sneaky with my phone and look like I was just checking stuff, but I guess she spotted me, haha. I didn't' even notice until after....

>> No.7382137
File: 103 KB, 500x669, tumblr_n19lviLPJI1s9dj6xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gurl that aint cute

>> No.7382288
File: 962 KB, 1282x758, granny sweater is lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7383948

nobody linked her to 4chan yet?

>> No.7383956

Why did you want to take her pix, just for the ita thread? She's a mess.

>> No.7383961

Why, you just want to see her blow up from the shit, hm? You're a nasty one. Leave her an anon ask if you are so hot for drama...

>> No.7385253

gettin' her sex face on.