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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 69 KB, 640x480, kogyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7331344 No.7331344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>7297392

>> No.7331353
File: 160 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mzr55sUJMs1simpp1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone her with a darker complexion have any advice for someone wanting to buy a blonde/light brown wig? I'm really scared it'll clash against my skin and I'll look stupid. I want to use it mainly for my gyaru look but I also want to wear it casually too.

>> No.7331350
File: 86 KB, 508x754, T2_o_TXftaXXXXXXXX_!!695691924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this shop is selling lucky packs with gyaru clothing.

150Y per pack or $25 and you get three or four items at random.

>> No.7331379

Find a wig that has light/white undertones instead of yellow.

>> No.7331393

I'm a pale ass gaijin ghost but I want to try out some gyaru. Please post your favorite examples of pale gyarus. I understand most of the basics, I just want to make sure I'm on point with my shit.

>> No.7331391

every time I see this photo on tumblr it urks the hell out of me.
"teehee, silly japanese with their fascination of the word 'egg'!"
no its a fucking magazine

>> No.7331395

People actually say that? How stupid.

>> No.7331410

I saw that post as well. It's annoying but understandable if they don't know it's an actual thing.

>> No.7331412


>> No.7331416
File: 89 KB, 500x664, lugg9dNx9K1qfh1yvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sad she graduated from Ageha...

>> No.7331438
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>> No.7331442
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>> No.7331444
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>> No.7331449
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>> No.7331451

These kinds of dresses make me wish I was a few inches shorter. If I wore something like that it would barely cover my ass.

>> No.7331460
File: 458 KB, 400x534, Golds Infinity Staff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on the bright side, you can show off your pretty long legs!

>> No.7331466

Suppose that's one way to look at it but you'd have to turn every dress into some kind of long blouse. Would you just have to wear safety shorts under it or go for shorts or even jeans? I just don't know how you'd coordinate something like that to look good while adjusting it for your height.

>> No.7331475
File: 39 KB, 370x354, Frilly Shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe wear some cute frilly shorts, so it wouldn't matter that much if you accidentally flash? Or you could also wear opaque tights...

>> No.7331479
File: 481 KB, 313x739, Nice Hair!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also here's a long blouse with shorts, which doesn't look that bad

>> No.7331480

Oh those are super cute!

>> No.7331678

Oh if you go onto ebay and search 'safety shorts' there are something similar!
I used to wear white ruffley ones with a short black dress, but now I feel too embarrassed to.

>> No.7331684

I have a question about this, I have a pair except I'm so tall 5'11" that they just look like undies on me.
what should I get to wear underneath?

>> No.7331689
File: 34 KB, 377x336, lolita-bloomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure there are different lengths of frilly shorts if you search around. You can also look for cute bloomers!

>> No.7331693

I've tried bloomers, but it just looks like I'm wearing a diaper underneath, I dunno. I just want long frilly shorts-thanks for the help!

>> No.7331694

What about those light blue denim shorts with lace at the bottom?

>> No.7331698
File: 104 KB, 700x588, lace-shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I couldn't be of help anon - just to throw other suggestions out there... maybe you can sew on a nice trim on shorts that already fit well?

Not sure how it will work, but you can also experiment with under dresses/skirts

>> No.7333018
File: 656 KB, 245x175, tumblr_mtypjwSot51rosx2mo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please tell me how I can get this hair volume. I see it on gyaru all the time but this is just beautiful.

>> No.7333443
File: 976 KB, 500x255, willamweave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicki is wearing a wig.

Real answer, have you tried using a volumizing mousse in your hair? Apply it while your hair is damp and then blow dry your hair upside down.

Take it another step further, back comb it to hell. Take your hair on the top of your head (the crown) and divide it into smaller horizontal sections. I suggest a rat tail bristle brush for this, rat tail comb will make separating your hair into sections much easier and the coarse bristles will help with the teasing. Get an aerosol hair spray and spritz a little to the section then back comb. Spray again and blow some air from your hair dryer to set it. Move on to the next section and repeat as many times as needed.

Once your hair looks like a rats nest, take the outer sections and smooth them out over that mess. Under any beehive or big poofy hair is a horrible teased mess. It's what's holding everything up and making the hair so huge.

You can always look up tutorials on youtube on how to tease your hair. There should be an abundance of videos of scene kids teasing their hair, you should have no problem finding something.

>> No.7333465

How the hell does any gyaru still have hair left on their head? Never understood that. Frying and backcombing is fucking TERRIBLE for your hair.

>> No.7333468

>nicki minaj

>> No.7333483

anon posted it as an example I guess. don't get mad

>> No.7333508

Lots of backcombing and hairspray. You should also look into something called a hair rat, generally this is a sponge or a mass of synthetic hair. You pin it in and comb your hair over it. There also used to be those things on tv called bumpits, I haven't tried them but it looks like it could work?

>> No.7333608
File: 30 KB, 220x391, t02200391_0480085410349738334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of gyaru have short hair, and torture their extensions instead

>> No.7335661

The majority of gyaru either have extensions or use partial wigs layered on top of their real hair. I have seen anyone backcomb their actual hair in years.

>> No.7335755

Can people post some rocker-style gyaru?

>> No.7336038

I've started counting calories to lose a bit of extra weight for gyaru, and I was wondering if 800-1300kcal a day would be safe for someone 155cm/5'1"?

>> No.7336082
File: 379 KB, 485x488, 1390989177563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they don't show size
>tfw I won't fit in em cus I'm working out my US M/L size

ugh, I remember Bonbon21's lucky pack, You have no idea how much I regret missing out on it and instead tried to grab AP and AATP LPs...

Anyway, are there other gyaru stores in taobao doing their lucky pack

>> No.7336101

1300's a bit much for your height, esp if you're Asian. I'm 5"2 Asian and 1200 maintains my weight of 115lbs, I'd have to eat 900-1000 to create a deficit (this is without exercise, mostly sedentry).

>> No.7336118
File: 383 KB, 950x600, coconuts got weirder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when you thought the Coconuts model couldn't look creepy enough.
What are they doing?!

Also, I really want a OTT gyaru penpal, and the catch it that I'm a lolita.

>> No.7336123


still haven't got an email back from that penpal thread. ugh

>> No.7336126

It will be if you work out. If you don't, you'll still be flabby, just weigh less. Trust me on that. I used to be beyond skinnyfat - emaciatedfat more like, and kept going at it beause "hurr belly flab". Then I started going to hikes when summer hit and gained weight. No belly flab, no jutting ribs.

>> No.7336128


Eh, I'd say even if you're Asian, go find your personal metabolism first. I'm a 160cm, 45 kg Asian and after 1300 calories a day, I started losing an inordinate amount of weight (like 1 kg/week). I was still sedentary at that point - walked at most 20 min a day. I now walk more (no idea because it's mostly running around the workplace), so I need a lot more to just maintain a now 42 kg.

My dad had the same problem though, so I'm not too worried.

>> No.7336131

I'm telling you, she's signed us all up for catalogues and repossed our homes.

>> No.7336135

Rokku taobao shops?

>> No.7336744
File: 153 KB, 500x375, iopiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyaru with pants needs to be appreciated more especially with the cold weather.

>> No.7336751

Those winged boots! I've been looking everywhere for those!

>> No.7336757

Doesn't exist, not to mention that it is just fucking rock fashion anyways.

>> No.7336770

yay pants! I am not tough enough to wear only skirts all year round in nyc.

>> No.7336878

What do you girls use to contour? I've seen people use eyeshadow and some use bronzer. I thought you were supposed to use a matte bronzer to contour, which one is better?

>> No.7337384

Matte bronzer is better if you're doing contouring on the heavy side or want it to look more natural. The shimmery one is only good when doing very subtle contouring or adding some color.

>> No.7337405

With the cold we've been getting here I might just ditch the skirts and dresses.

>> No.7337805
File: 692 KB, 1529x1531, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my nails last Thursday!
>hand painted
>fuck up proof

Post nail pics, ladies!

>> No.7337817

I want to get into Gyaru, but I'm not really sure where to start? I'm a little chubby, and I know gyaru are generally thin, so I'll try to do something about that, but what's the best way to start, clothing/makeup wise?

>> No.7337820

oh my gosh, these are so cute!! What exactly did you do?

>> No.7337824

That's lovely. Is there a top coat? Tell me how well the Shellac lasts.

I have very long nails but I've learnt that painting them sort of weakens them because of the removal and reapplication of varnish, and that even wearing just clear varnish can cause them to go a sort of dirty colour. I hate the way falsies mess up my nails, too.
It's like, have long glamourous unpainted nails or short but impressively painted nails?

>> No.7337825

How cute! I love those designs. Great color too.

> tfw compulsive nail biter and knows nothing about fake nails

>> No.7337833

If you're 5'11" you may want to go for the ones that look exactly like the safety shorts you see on eBay but in American shops. Urban Outfitters had some with crochet detail that were exactly like the eBay shorts I'm getting (same quality too) but marked up and a longer length (bonus for these is if you find them on their sites they'll list the model's height). Also saw some in Forever21 and Strawberry for super cheap.

>> No.7337840

Hair and makeup, everything else comes after.
Your first step is getting lenses and learning to apply lashes (cheap drugstore lashes are fine to begin with, although they can be harder to put on) and learning to work the gyaru eye makeup to suit you.
After this, learn to do something cute with your hair!

From there onward it's all about clothing and tans etc and making the hair/makeup bigger.
Good luck on your weight loss, exercise is the key!

>> No.7337860
File: 27 KB, 320x426, 1391061685559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here anon, I'm very slim so I get cold easily. There is no way in hell I'm setting foot in cold weather with a skirt or dress on, no matter how cute it makes me look.

>> No.7337866
File: 696 KB, 2000x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shellac 101
>dries under a UV light between color application
>same application process as normal polish
>is a gel+polish formula
>acts as a thin layer of fake nail without damage of fake nails
>takes 15-30 minutes to apply
>doesn't chip
>dries right away so you don't have to wait

There's a gel polish [aka shellac] top coat on it.

I have 2 handy brushes to clean up lines and make detail lines.

I did my friends nails too! Pic rela....

>> No.7337869

I would say start by focusing on your makeup and hair. You'll probably need to buy some false lashes bottom and top. Watch lots of tutorials and get in the habit of reading magazine scans for inspiration. Start watching videos on how to contour too.

>> No.7337870

And I'm anti fake nails
Oh the damage and fungus is can produce!

>> No.7337874

Thank you both!

>> No.7337875

Before you start makeup, clear your skin first!... if you have acne

>> No.7337876

Ew you can get fungus from fake nails?

>> No.7337884

Nails chip and lift
If water gets in those areas, bacteria can flourish and bacteria thrives on water

>> No.7337886

Thanks anon, I think I'll have to try it sometime. It all sounds good to me, especially from another who understands how damaging fake nails are.
Your nail art is really cute and clean, too.

>> No.7337914

Your welcome, love. ^_^

Post pics, babbies!

>> No.7338059
File: 397 KB, 940x439, A023236_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I will ever get to see Sakurina's PV in full...


>> No.7338068

I've had gel nails for over 3 years with no problems

>> No.7338141
File: 353 KB, 450x600, nairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are my nails that I just finished...! I'm new to nail art/deco, so most of the time when I try to do my nails I have no idea what I'm doing. I like looking at pictures of nails from gyaru magazines and I'd like to get a nice collection of nail equipment so I could start doing my own nails, but I just feel it would be a waste of money... ;__;

>> No.7338178

Nicki Minaj is pretty much the living incarnation of /cgl/, though.
She's even bought from and taken photos with 6% Doki Doki.

>> No.7338203

Uh, fuck no. If i were ever that fake irl, i'd kill myself. She's a sad product and there is nothing real or genuine about her.

>> No.7338212

>if I were that fake, I'd kill myself
then I don't think gyaru is for you.
nicki minaj has an amazing style and personality, but jesus that music

>> No.7338225

An amazing style that is pieced together for her by her record label and other people making her up to be the plastic doll she is.

>> No.7338315

Get a nail tech to do it
Bring your own jewels if you need to
Bring a sketch/idea of what you want too

You'll get frustrated if you're not getting paid for it. So get a pro to do it! :p

>> No.7338317

I like you. Be my friend.

>> No.7338343

Atleast in gyaru we choose to be fake and not some studio hack barbie doll freak show. I don't think you get how celebrities work. Before she got popular she wasn't so strange, but the studio she works for was riding the weird celebrity train lady gaga started.

>> No.7338345

>Bring a sketch/idea of what you want too
Or a uh, photo?
>You'll get frustrated if you're not getting paid for it.
They're frustrated because they don't know how to do it, not because they're not getting paid, that's the worst logic ever.
knock it off.

>> No.7338363
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 1390693529894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being so sandy.
>but emoticons r lyk so lame!!!

>> No.7338385

Not them but emoticons are frowned upon everywhere on 4chan. Also the :p emote is completely horrible.

>> No.7338418

This. I don't know why so many people have been using it/getting away with it recently without getting called out on it.

>> No.7339489

You make girls look like hateful bitches. Please, kill yourself.

This is funny because I'm telling you to off yourself for being a cunt HA

>> No.7339493

Implying it's against the law. Get away from the internet, little one.

>> No.7339564

Would anyone be interested in a gyaru wardrobe showoff?

>> No.7339577

I have this issue so bad. I'm a lazy piece of shit, and it's hard to want to go exercise 'cause no matter what I look thin...with clothes on. Gotta get back into swimming.

>> No.7339603

I like that idea

>> No.7340278

uugh YES. I always want to see what is in other people's closets.
And it'd give us something to do while the gyaru_secrets comm is down. I'm not big on facebook so I only know what's going on through secrets.

>> No.7340290

I lold at the hemorrhoid ad in the comments.

>> No.7340300

trigger warning much

>> No.7340304

How the hell are you using gyaru secrets to stay in the loop? It's all the same shit and that site was dying out years ago

>> No.7340511
File: 8 KB, 150x225, 14931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose we could do this on livejournal maybe on daily_gyaru????

>> No.7340972
File: 231 KB, 700x1200, l374-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone stop me. I want one.

>> No.7341210
File: 961 KB, 260x240, 1370100564901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you fucking dare anon. Especially in pink. Don't you do it.

>> No.7341226

I like the red plaid and plain black. Damn

Tumblrtard much?

>> No.7341252

Secrets are good for keeping up on Lisa's weird shit o' the week.

Too bad we didn't have any this week.

>> No.7341350
File: 219 KB, 700x1200, l453-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...it was the pink one I liked. Is purple some what redeemable?

I blame Bodyline's cheap non-lolita stuff for making me look at everything. I just want cute gyaru stuff.

>> No.7341356

Do these look horrible in person? I love them.

>> No.7341373

OP here, I've googled the item number and I can't find any pictures of it worn.

Item page for anyone that wants it.

>> No.7341494

the FB comms are even more hilarious with the useless drama that happens there.

>> No.7341557

Purple one is not as bad but you would hve to put together a great out fit to make it look nice.

>> No.7342488

Any other bodyline gyaru-able stuff?

>> No.7342936


>> No.7342958

newb here, how do i join a gyaru comm ?
is there any links anyone can share ?

>> No.7343032

Don't do it.

>> No.7343076

Just do a google search, or you can search on facebook, there are a lot of them there. I will warn you though that the facebook community can be drama filled at times. As with any group where you have a lot of females gathered in one space.

>> No.7343092

There is a new gyaru secrets.

>> No.7343169

>>7343092 Do tell.
I agree, I've been in one for a while and it's been nothing but coddling,posting private convos that are irrelevant and being generally horrid despite claiming that they're not like that and gyaru secrets is horrible

>> No.7343191

I have to agree with this anon. Everyone there openly hates on gyaru secrets and anyone who admits to reading it. They'll all scream about how they hate drama etc. but won't hesitate to gladly encourage stupid drama in comments. And god forbid you tell them to chill out because they'll all gang up on you.

They don't even seem to care about critiquing anymore it's starting to become a big circle jerk lately.


>> No.7343233

Thank you for the link, I look forward to the new secrets!
I feel like the group is mostly just the drama people joining together and dragging people down with them to be honest. They're all pretty weeby as well haha

>> No.7346032
File: 177 KB, 500x333, 498700051_769917a890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are your favourite gyaru clothing brands or styles (amekaji, hime, rokku, etc)?

>> No.7346659

Right now I've really gotten into hime and rokku. For brands, probably Cocolulu and D.I.A. and LizLisa.

>> No.7349392


>> No.7349549
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 1391549438907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually use these types of bottom lashes from ebay? They look awkward and clumpy. . .

>> No.7349566

I mainly do himekaji. My closet is 95% Liz Lisa but I have some Ank Rouge, One Spo, and DreamV mixed in there.

>> No.7350092

I bought some.
It's really hard to make them sit right, normally they just fall flat against your skin.
You get what you pay for, if you're paying £1 with free shipping.

>> No.7350469

Cut them into 3rd's and use them in chunks. Unless you're taking extreme closeups for a makeup shoot, it's not going to be noticable enough to look off if you apply them well enough. But the real deal is always better of course, since these are Dolly Wink dupes from the look of it.

>> No.7350485


I bought some, and they're weird and gross.

>> No.7350496

I see a lot of popular gals using these. I think they are horrid and God awful looking. I bought them on and they look just horrible. I think natural bottom lashes are the best look personally.

>> No.7350503

Liz Lisa is my favourite, it's the majority of my closet. I have a few MAR*S items but although I like them, it's really not my thing. I like La Parfait as well but it's too babyish for me to consider wearing and most gals that wear it look like vomit to me.

>> No.7351581


Idk anon, I bought them and they don't fall flat on my skin and look actually p nice. It's just my opinion though, I can understand why some people don't like them.

>> No.7351868

So what would you anons recommened for bottom lashes. I need some that are pretty thin for Onee style.
How do you put them on? Do you cut them down like I've seen some people do.

>> No.7353646
File: 577 KB, 600x800, my_wardrobe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the idea!

Here's a peek inside my wardrobe (without the shorts, skirts, salopettes, etc), which currently consists of Liz Lisa, Ank Rouge, Ingni, Miel crishunant, Lodispotto, Ma*rs, Glad News, Maison Gilfy and Golds Infinity. I like styles such as himekaji, otona, agejo and rokku the most.

>> No.7353665

yes pls - someone start a new thread?

>> No.7353754

I haven't cut them or anything, just glue them on close to my lower waterline.

>> No.7357301
File: 39 KB, 250x333, hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I could get this Liz Lisa hoodie (or at least, some specific search terms)? I've reverse image searched and Googled to no avail.

>> No.7359704

secrets are up

>> No.7359760

They're wearing Kogal right?

Is there a fashion style where its school uniform based but they're not doing any gyaru hair and makeup? Or is it still Kogal?

>> No.7359761

That doesn't help at all.
White is not a tone, warm or cool tone is. Do you mean cool tone?

>> No.7360509

Just the uniform sounds like a regular school girl.

>> No.7360603

? where?

>> No.7360607


>> No.7363035

Why does it seem like most gals heavily focus on their makeup that they forget about actually putting together a decent outfit? I've so many pictures of gals with decent makeup but their coords or ootd's look horrid and shitty.

>> No.7363153

I had to cut mine shorter, and you just apply them like upper lashes.
I guess it depends on your eyeshape as to how well they work? I have small eyes and I'm terrible with normal lashes, anyway.

>> No.7363156

Well, given that we always tell newbies that the makeup and hair comes most importantly, that's probably a good thing.

I think it's better to have good make and hair than clothes for gyaru.

>> No.7366343

Except most don't even style their hair. Or if they style their hair , they half ass the makeup.

>> No.7368310

What if I don't really like gyaru make-up and hair? I just like the clothes, would it still be gyaru then?

>> No.7368327


>> No.7368332

If you're only doing the clothes, it's not gyaru. You'll just look fashionable.

>> No.7368337

Or like a hooker.

>> No.7368404

A fashionable hooker.

>> No.7368768

Sorry but hair and makeup are very important to the gyaru look. Just because you're wearing brand (which to me is boring and usually everyone ends up making the same types of coords -looking at liz lisa-) will definitely not make you gal.

>> No.7368793
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1386464736723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out

>> No.7368859

Not the anon you quoted but I thought they meant it as a joke?
Like 'lolol this is so distubring it needs a trigger warning'

>> No.7369317

link to site?
that's insane looking

>> No.7369551
File: 197 KB, 600x800, 1212-018-wh-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for hime gyaru clothes and stumbled across this. The dress is cute, but I can't stand the model's face.

>> No.7373469

Does anyone know where I can buy brands like Emoda and such? I tried a sales comm but the only thing I could find there was fucking Liz Lisa and D.I.A

>> No.7373472

Fuck you, man. Try having real triggers.

>> No.7373478


>> No.7376907
File: 421 KB, 370x246, frands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you gals active members of a circle, gaijin or Japanese?

>> No.7376949

I'am though we're still pretty new the admin has been doing a great job at creating little events and discussions. So far I'm really loving being in a circle.

>> No.7377062

What do you call whatever style Liz Lisa or Ank Rouge is? I've heard 'himekaji' and 'romagyaru.' Is there a difference? And is it really considered gyaru? It looks so toned down compared to the other styles.

>> No.7377078

>not knowing trigger is an actual, valid psychological term used in the context of PTSD sufferers
>attributing everything you don't like to Tumblr
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7377079


>> No.7377176

From what I can tell hime is all about being over the top with the princess theme and being very elaborate, while roma is more about general girly type dress and is very toned down compared to even himekaji.

>> No.7377188

romagyaru is just romantic gyaru, which has almost the same themes as himekaji but a bit more toned down and more versatile. himekaji is generally like a more basic version of himegyaru proper only casual, hence the name, where as romagyaru is an offshoot focusing on a more innocent look rather than a princessy look. You can use items from both brands for either style, it just depends on how you style your outfit.

>> No.7377199

I know what triggers are and I'm also well aware that people misuse the term far too often.

>> No.7377246
File: 95 KB, 480x480, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the term really is misused... like if you feel the need to complain about every blog you visit because of non-tw-tagged posts, then really just get off the internet if you are in that fragile of a metnal state.
i'm sorry but its true.
i've seen some bloggers even tw something like 'i feel ill today' which is completely harmless but could somehow, in someones twisted mind, be misconstrued.
sorry but no one should have to tread this lightly on their OWN personal blog because a reader is too sensitive or sensible to gtfo the internet

>> No.7377250

You can wear the clothes without being gal, just don't tag it as such, etc.

It's kinda like wearing a lolita dress without a petti in a regular outfit. You're wearing a lolita brand, yes, but the outfit isn't lolita.

>> No.7377253

pretty much this, normal people in every day life can't tell someone to stop doing X because it's 'triggering' them, they'd get laughed at or even make people angry. the world isn't your own personal safety zone.

>> No.7377256

The applicator part of my roll-on sock glue is stuck.
I cleaned the visible part of the ball, but I'm assuming that some of it around the edge dried.
How do I save it? Can I just heat it up a little?

>> No.7377267

try just using a blowdryer on it, what kind of sock glue is it if i may ask?

>> No.7377277


It takes all of three seconds to tag something and you can save someone out there some distress.

I really don't understand why you people take such issue with basic compassion.

>> No.7377584

Because chances are if someone is complaining about people being really sensitive to want to post TW everywhere, they usually want it on something typically harmless, like mentioning seeing a doctor, or a picture of a baby ect. TW should be used for things like cutting, rape, metal illness, abuse, things like that. If it isn't something like that you need to seek help in dealing with any triggering, because the internet is a vast place and you WILL run into something that triggers you (like a bulimic seeing cake and needing to purge after). The internet caters to nobody, so it'd be best for that person to get some help in dealing with whatever it is that is triggering you.

>> No.7377908

Does anyone have any shop suggestions for mode gyaru? I see EMODA and MURUA, but that can't be it?

>> No.7380072

I want a gyaru friend who is as bitchy as I am

>> No.7380226
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>> No.7380228
File: 38 KB, 300x400, hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> compassion
> internet
pick one

furthermore lets not forget we are in a fashion demanding impeccable self-maintenance. there is no compassion here

>> No.7380252
File: 717 KB, 500x191, tumblr_n0f7hj6vX31qaib74o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The internet caters to nobody
The internet? What about real life? I'd hate to see these people go anywhere outside ever, they'd go fucking mental. Pic related, a bulimic passing a cake shop.

>> No.7380295


>> No.7380368

She had a baby?! Someone fill me in please!

>> No.7380395

Being a drug addict prostitute was beginning to be a precarious visa situation, so she got some low-level thug to knock her up so they'd have to get married

>> No.7380405

Who is she?

>> No.7380445

Ashley, was quite infamous 2 years back.

I still have a folder full of her shenanigans.
Claimed to be a quarter Japanese and kept switching the other ethnicity whenever asked, said her brother was bullied for looking Asian and spread vicious rumors among other things.
Caught her posting here one time.

>> No.7380482
File: 87 KB, 473x720, ashleyshiena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arguably one of the better gaijin gyarus
had some interesting hijinks going on in japan

this girl in the middle though... ugh

>> No.7380488

who is the middle girl? and what of Rikku and other older gals?

>> No.7380493

Maybe... if you're into that sort of old style

>> No.7380522

Can you post?
or at least link some sort of article.

>> No.7383792
File: 190 KB, 900x752, historia-de-super-gals-75161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to reread/watch Super Gals! again because of all this.