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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 126 KB, 500x750, all hail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7376636 No.7376636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since we blew through an entire thread in one day.

Old thread: >>7374211

Share your photos, request photos of your or others' cosplays, recount good memories of the con, offer your soul to the gazebo.

>> No.7376643

I got stopped and asked if I was Dean Winchester way too often.

Anyway, /r/ing Monster Hunter and Claymore photos.

>> No.7376645

Request for general Lolita pix and pix from the Lolita fashion show, please?

>> No.7376656

I have a request for skullgirls pics, if I can. I was one of them, and I was a little sad there weren't as many as I thought there would be.

Of course Encore did only come out on tuesday...

>> No.7376658
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, samumenco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wearing a flappy bird mask on Saturday night and I got a photo with an entire SnK group with all of us flipping the bird. Anyone have or seen it?

Also, pic related, /r/ing any other Samurai Flamenco cosplays if there were any.

>> No.7376668

>go to /cgl/ meetup
>meet other tripfags
>trip comes to our room plastered
>falls asleep on bed
>suggest drawing a penis
>friend draws penis in makeup
>photo evidence is taken

>> No.7376673

Well then where's the picture faget

>> No.7376676

My friend got called a casual or modern Harry potter. With his love of flannel and being 6'4", I thought he'd get Sam Winchester a lot, but as far as I know he hasn't so far

With all the casual!fem!date night!modern!forever 21!au!throw-a-wig-on-it-and-call-it-a-cosplay "cosplays" it's sorta become a joke within my group that we're always cosplaying, even when we're not

>> No.7376677

Not posting because reasons.

>date night
>forever 21

>> No.7376679

What's the deal with the gazebo?

I know nothing about this con.

>> No.7376680
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>> No.7376683
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>> No.7376688

>Katsu says they're only allow pictures at the gazebo with badge
>No one at gazebo checking badges all weekend.
>2 Gazebo cosplayers
>Katsu is "checking drinks."
>Like 2 drinks were checked.

The worst part of the con was the prereg line.
//2 1/2 Hour wait in line AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7376686
File: 16 KB, 277x491, Katsu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7376687

/r/ing more quality disney cosplay from this con

>> No.7376691
File: 266 KB, 683x1024, DSC_0212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some Dangan Ronpa pictures from Saturday. Should I post them here or DR thread? I'll post non-DR stuff for now

>> No.7376693

That's not the deal with it, the deal was last years incident.

>> No.7376694


Wait.. I didn't know that you tripped on /cgl/ rofl. YOU GUYS ARE DICKS and fuck vee for drawing that LOL

>> No.7376695
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>> No.7376696
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>> No.7376699
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>> No.7376706

What happened last year? This was my first Katsu and I just thought it was a piece of photoshoot real estate people were fighting over.

You're lucky we didn't have any sharpies

>> No.7376707

Wow... you were so gone you forgot we told you lol

Dicks aside, thanks for partying with us, Lancer-bro. Can't wait to hang out with you again.

>> No.7376708
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>> No.7376712
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>> No.7376716
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>> No.7376719


Y'all wouldn't happen to have shirts that have art by a guy named Aaron, would you?

>> No.7376717

please post the dr pics in the dr thread, thread has been dead all weekend

>> No.7376727

What was the deal with the whole 'no professional photographers' thing? How do you even tell who's a professional photographer at these things?

>> No.7376729

Literally, you could have whatever equipment you wanted as long as it wasn't resting on the ground. It was so dumb. My photog friend had another friend following him around all day holding his lighting for him.

>> No.7376731


It was a way to keep people from erecting huge light setups and camping out for hours at a time. which was definitely a problem last year -- photographers got very territorial and claimed top spots all day.

>> No.7376735

Oh yes, almost never I can see cosplays of this. It deserves more love.

>> No.7376737


I would slay you all with my chinese meat dragon if you did

Np you guys were fucking awesome. Let's do fate extra for otakon : D

I cosplayed lancer from fate hollow ataraxia and hung out with some cool peeps

>> No.7376739

It mainly had to do with the folks that showed up with portable photo-booths and set them up in places like hallways and other inconvenient and traffic-impeding spots.

They were everywhere over the last few years, and really gummed up walking paths. So any kinds of tripods, lights with soft-boxes/umbrellas, backgrounds, and anything like that had the kibosh put on it.

Plus, it would allow the staff to remove folks that just showed up to take people's pictures, just to hand out a card to say they will need money to exchange for a print or copy of the file. I'm glad they aren't allowed for these reasons, since these opportunistic photo-leaches piss me off (and made me get stuck waiting for people to move far too often).

>> No.7376745

Ahhh, that's what you mean by lancer... nevermind.

>> No.7376746

Oops misread/phone is being stupid. I don't know who aaron is sorry!

>> No.7376744

I didn't take many photos, and I'm a work atm so of course I have nothing right now... but curious if anyone took some photos of me throughout the weekend...

-Hajime from Gatchaman crowds on Friday ((I had a red bow, notebook and duckbag ))

-Either Suzuko or Michan from AKB0048 on saturday.

Also did anyone catch my dance group at the fountains on friday night?

And I found this hilarious but I wore my Furret Kigu late at night everyday and I kept having people yell out Sentret... lol sooo close!! Also i kept encountering a guy dressed as team rocket that was threatening to catch me if it wasnt for his lack of pokéballs..

Ahh and sorry long post is long..

>> No.7376747

Please tell me someone has photos of both/either the Jem and Riot couple from Friday and the Daphne from Sunday. Why do I always not have my camera when I want it?!

>> No.7376749

So are tripods and monopods completely banned? Or can you have them as long as you don't camp on the same spot all day?

>> No.7376755
File: 178 KB, 500x647, 1390621268853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Megucas please. Especially dat Mami.

>> No.7376761

Completely banned. I sort of get that it's easier to just ban all of them, but it does make life more difficult for the photogs who don't take advantage of that.

>> No.7376762

My friends and I were approached by hotel staff, we were filming a dance cover late thursday night by the Eastern Shore rooms because we had one camera on a small tripod.. but they said it was ok if we had our other camera sitting on the bags as a makeshift tripod..

Then saturday I was talking to a photographer and it was his first time there, he was confronted for having a snoot? I believe he called it on his flash..

Finally Saturday night hotel staff came down to the pool floor and kicked all photographers out saying there was no photography allowed down there anymore..

I still don't understand what they considered professional..

>> No.7376768


probably anything that looks like it cost more than $200.

Anyone have pictures of some OFF Cosplay? I saw like, one or two and I am feeling that no one took any pictures (because I sure as fuck didn't)

>> No.7376780
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>> No.7376788

Why do I get the feeling that she's the type of girl that cosplays characters that show off her cleavage and then get mad at you for staring at her massive tits?

>> No.7376787
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>> No.7376790
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>> No.7376794
File: 461 KB, 768x1024, 20140215_223737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is DMMD but is there something about a bunny suit? IDGI

>> No.7376797

You'd be right.

>> No.7376795
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>> No.7376796
File: 50 KB, 871x491, Katsu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7376802
File: 109 KB, 640x960, soniaralynn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7376803

I think it's an original design the cosplayer made themselves.

>> No.7376808

That Batman would have been so much cooler if he wasn't such a manlet.

>> No.7376810
File: 597 KB, 403x618, GoT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7376823

Sorry, nevermind. Honest mistake.

>> No.7376826

>yfw you entered something in the Katsucon model kit contest, but will never see pictures of it ever...

>> No.7376827

Well they are massive but it's also obvious that gravity has a good hold on them when they aren't braced up. Yuk.
>dat slope

>> No.7376836

Fatman and Fatgirl

>> No.7376844

Aws! This is super cute!

>> No.7376846

Otakon did this too. Conventions seem to not understand that model contest=/=art show.

>> No.7376850

I had been wondering what they were gonna do to block off the gazebo. Then it was just that little, utterly, completely useless little line barrier.

I was so glad I got to bypass the reg line since a friend gave me a spare staff associate badges. So many artists/volunteers/maid cafe people I know had gotten extras due to astounding displays of clerical error.

>> No.7376871

Really? Didn't know that.

They only had one guy to judge it this year (instead of 2 the previous year). And from what I gather, he didn't know shit about Gundam or mobile suits in general, and about 75% of the models were just that.

I know they took official photos in their little light box booth behind the contest's table. It took until about 2 weeks ago for them to post the pictures taken there from LAST YEAR. But I want to see what they took sooner rather than later.

>> No.7376913

Bit of a joke. All I see on Tumblr are these long non-canon alternate versions of costumes.
Probably because it's tumlr and I should really know better than to even go on there.

Was it just me, or did it seem like there was an excessive amount of Disney this year? I love nostalgia cosplays as much as the next person and there's no way I'm part of "team only anime cosplays at anime conventions", but I mean, i think I counted 10 Megaras alone.

>> No.7376922

There was a lot of Disney, but I don't really mind. It's better than Homestuck.

>> No.7376926

I'm not sure what was up with all the Disney cosplayers, that really did shoot me for a loop. I'll gladly take it over Homestuck and ponies any day though.

>> No.7376929
File: 1.78 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was mostly just the influx of frozen cosplays, which is fine because it's recently popular.
Other Disney's were at a normal minimum.

>> No.7376970


Tom Cruise???

>> No.7376992
File: 317 KB, 960x1280, toooootoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7377003

No, there was a girl who was wearing a dress of Totoro, but if she lifted it up a bit, it would show all these detailed little black specs with eyes hanging down (adorable, I can't think of what they're called right now).

Her face was visible and everything. Sorta like a gajinka, but more elegant

>> No.7377012

Because you make assumptions about people based on how big their tits are.

>> No.7377024

not only are you right, but she also participates in gratuitous creeper-shaming on her tumblr

>> No.7377055

Dust bunnies are what they are called or used to be called.
I saw her walking around Saturday.

>> No.7377065

Ah, thank you. I've never seen My Neighbor Totoro (it's on my long list of things to watch) so I couldn't remember the name from a friend of mine.

The dress was amazing, and I know my gf took a picture (I'll get her photos of it asap)

>> No.7377067

the sootballs?

>> No.7377090
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, 20140215_161900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 3 monster hunters

>> No.7377093
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 20140214_195312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. They don't appear sideways on my phone.

>> No.7377097

Is it racist if I saw a black magi cosplayer who was wearing black and yellow and thought he was a gravekeeper from yugioh?

>> No.7377100
File: 45 KB, 422x750, tumblr_n11plfSb251s5r7n8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you mean this?

>> No.7377107

I forgot. The last one's on my actual camera. Nice to see the few I saw.

>> No.7377108

That's the one!

>> No.7377116
File: 15 KB, 258x249, gwen08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that outfit
There were two girls walking around in Kirin, one with a hammer and another with a giant meatstick.
Talked to hammer girl for a while and got her number.

Thanks anon.

>> No.7377146
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>> No.7377154

did anyone see jkid at the seagull meetup?

also hope he's getting better. last i heard he was working at an auto parts store.

>> No.7377160

It's a badly executed original design to be lazy and 'sexy.'

DMMD is slowly heading down homestuck routes recently.

>> No.7377164


Here's my Yu Narukami if anyone cares. I'm not attractive enough to garner people taking pictures of me except for maybe a couple and the persona photoshoot but yeah.

Feedback would be appreciated.

>> No.7377170

Forget the Mami I want to know who the Madoka and Homura are. Madoka was cute and her costume looked pretty well made considering some of the more awful ones I saw at the con.

>> No.7377171

What else did you expect?

>> No.7377175


>> No.7377182


I was at his 7:45 am panel, the guy seems like he has really been through some shit (which he went over for a bit in the panel)

>> No.7377195 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 3.5 hrs in pre-reg line with those guys. They were so [spoiler]quiet and very respectful individuals[/spoilers].

>> No.7377203 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 3.5 hrs in pre-reg line with those guys. They were so quiet and very respectful individuals.

>> No.7377211
File: 1.88 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 3.5 hrs in pre-reg line with those guys, they were very respectful and pleasant individuals.

>> No.7377222
File: 1.18 MB, 640x960, riot_jem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm guessing you mean these two. I haven't found any of the Daphne though, I think I know the one you're talking about and she was cute

>> No.7377229
File: 1.48 MB, 726x1090, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent most of my weekend with 2hu cosplayers, so most of my pics are of the Touhou shoots. I do have quite a few other non-Touhou hall shots though. All of them are on my cosplay FB page magical.machete.cos Feel free to tag you or the people you know.

I'm still trying to into photography, so please excuse the low quality of some of the pics.

>> No.7377233
File: 97 KB, 960x720, 1392683934135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, what was the cause of the major hold-up with the pre-reg system? It didn't seem all that different from past years in terms of the process they used.

But I ended up spending 3+ hours in my line like a peasant. If it's going to be like that, then what's the incentive to pre-register for a few bucks less?

>> No.7377236
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>> No.7377247
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>> No.7377254
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>> No.7377258
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>> No.7377259
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I think it was because of the weather, many of the volunteers working didn't come, so they were understaffed.
Not a lot of fun though.

>> No.7377275

Anybody get shots of cifera's godoka? It looked like she put a lot of work into it but she hasn't posted any nonblurry full body pics yet

>> No.7377292

They're called Soot Sprites, or Soot Gremlins. They're called both in the english version of the movie, but most people call them Soot Sprites, because they show up again in Spirited Away, called Soot Sprites.

Not dust bunnies.

>> No.7377294
File: 758 KB, 1000x1500, DSC06190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7377299




>> No.7377296

Madoka is GebGeb Cosplay on Facebook and Homura is Deltaree, also on Facebook.

>> No.7377316


proper lighting and a good costume also knowing how to shoot helps

>> No.7377318
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x3264, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is is the better EVA 01

I dropped my roll of film off today to get developed, I should have it back in a couple days when I get time to go out to Princeton to pick it up. Then i should have some good photos, including a better one of that EVA 01, the only thing that would have been better would if it was EVA 02 but beggars can't be choosers. It was still amazing either way.

I wish I had taken a picture of the girl that hugged me because I was shooting film, that is the only important one shot I missed. I think she was cosplaying Black Butler.

Pic is what my drunk doofus friend was walking around as, don't ask why because I don't even know. I think he said "I'm a goblin."

>> No.7377324


>> No.7377326
File: 133 KB, 404x432, Old_Gregg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

casual!shorthair!genderbent(?)!Old Gregg

>> No.7377325

There is a flash placed under the dress, and the light fabric diffuses and highlights it making for an interesting effect.

>> No.7377329

Ah, sorry.
Thanks for explaining.
10/10, I get it now, that's awesome.

Does anyone have anything on >>7375301? I think she was one of my favorites, it was just something in the way she moved....

>> No.7377330


I derped a little.

>> No.7377334


Oh god no. the visions you just put into my head are horrifying.

>> No.7377335

Yes that's them! I really love Jem's dress. They were both really nice.

>> No.7377342



>> No.7377343

Nice. Good effort to use the classic stuff, I applaud your willingness to go the extra mile.

>> No.7377346

>Signs posted up near gazebo saying no professional photography allowed
>Photogs still rocking tripods, light stands and soft boxes

>> No.7377354

Really cute, who is she?

>> No.7377365


Looks like Valerie the fairy gym leader from Pokemon XY

>> No.7377363

I always shoot film, I don't own a digital camera (my cell phone doesn't count as a real camera). I had a Leica M4-2 at the con this past weekend, and was looking today at the cameras at home and am thinking about bringing an Olympus Pen-F to the next one.

>> No.7377371
File: 2.23 MB, 3872x2592, AJK_0096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought this Marisa was a kid...

She was pretty short and cute though.

>> No.7377377
File: 2.93 MB, 4320x3240, P1010454watz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic my friend took with my cam of some girl from wreck it ralph.
I thought she was a kid, but turns out not.
Pretty good, though.

>> No.7377385

>Attack on bunnysuits
AoK has definitely reached homestuck levels.

>> No.7377389

replying to a post from the last thread:

haha hey man, that's me! i just was surprised that you two wanted a shot that way. first time anyone's asked for a photo of me texting, haha. but i'm happy you enjoyed the shot so much, and thank you for the compliments!

>> No.7377387

Pretty good if you have no idea what Vanellope's costume looks like.

>> No.7377390

Personally, I'm a fan of my Nikon F3 (it's a family heirloom at this point), but I've never been good at portraiture except for a few rare occasions where something magically looks good.

If I were good at it, and I wasn't actively cosplaying, I would definitely bring it to conventions.

>> No.7377391

Correct, believe she was with the team flare group on Saturday

>> No.7377405

See >>7376716
She used something weird for the white dress. Too bad, the rest looks good.

>> No.7377406
File: 42 KB, 500x375, attack on fatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would help if I posted the picture derp

>> No.7377407

Pics? I love seeing people do the grunts

>> No.7377402

Ohyeah I saw them! I didnt get a picture of them though. It was... weird..

>> No.7377411


and they're both fat.

>> No.7377413

>actively cosplaying
>Nikon camera
...you wouldn't be the person who hugged me in the Katsucon dealers hall, would you?

I'm not that great at portraits either, my dad on the other hand is very good. I'm more of a landscape and still life photographer and a pretty good one (I think so anyway). But like you I have had portrait photos that have come out great. I may cosplay next year but if I do I'll still have a camera around my next, I have a costume for Conrart Weller hanging in my closet that I need to finish. And it helps that my one friend who has been cosplaying Black Star for the past couple years has been trying to get more of us to cosplay.

>> No.7377419

Hanji looks... alright

>> No.7377424
File: 120 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n14hxqvuG41r2lug3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already found this on tumblr

>> No.7377430

They were being swarmed by photogs with crazy equipment, so I couldn't squeeze in to get a pic...

>> No.7377432

>bring foamboard Hetzer
>fail to run into the one other GuP cosplayer at the con

I feel like I failed for some reason.

Biggest surprise was finding Tenzou from Horizon. I thought that anime was kinda unknown here.

>> No.7377438


I think took a picture of you at Otakon. I didn't see you at Katsu.

Gimme a sec to find that pic.

>> No.7377449
File: 1.84 MB, 3872x2592, AJK_0421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, here it is.

That you?

>> No.7377455

I saw that this past weekend, didn't get it until just now. I have yet to see Girls und Panzer.

>> No.7377457

That's fucking awesome, man.
I'm gonna build myself one.
>Hetzers gon' hetz

>> No.7377467

Yea. I added a roof-mounted Raising Heart and a Nanoha plush to man it.

I'm going to try to make a Pz IV D for this year's Otakon, but I think it's going to be harder since it has a more complex shape than the Hetzer.

>> No.7377471
File: 36 KB, 458x537, 1371876889883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7377477

No, I haven't been big on hugging folks at Katsu since the Bush administration (to give you an idea of how old I am.

If you spotted me, I was in the following outfits on different days:
Friday: Gen 1 Team Rocket (with the [ ! ] sign & Porygon)
Saturday: Girl Genius inspired soldier in a green uniform with a big brass ray-gun
Sunday (lazy day): Finn, with long hair & the sword from the 3D CGI episode of AT (pictured: >>7377233 )

Normally, I prefer doing stuff involving plants, architecture, rust, nature reclaiming human things, and super long exposures at night. I have a really hard time adjusting my exposures quickly, and I end up wasting film/card space when I don't take my sweet time to get it just right.

>> No.7377480

I was Miho on Sunday but not for very long. I didn't make the top very well and wasn't very comfortable in it. Sadly I saw you after I changed.

>> No.7377484

This guy right here was awesome.

>> No.7377485
File: 2.12 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed she was short and cute.

>> No.7377521

wcs review since some asked in the last thread:

Kirayume- Chobits: Won a wildcard place. Costumes were pretty and really nicely done though I never saw them up close. Skit was a little melodramatic but it had some nice effects and it was darker than your average chobits skit. I enjoyed it though nothing crazy.

??? - Umineko- Probably the most fun to watch. a Lively dance skit, lots of action, I think their choreo was probably one of the better, if not the best of the bunch. Unfortunately the costumes were not so great. Not bad at all, but compared to some of the others (and compared to other Beatos) it wasn't really what it needed to be, messy satin stitching, Battler's costume didn't really fit him, etc.

The next skit (Soul caliber) kept getting broken on the way on stage. So Mario Bueno ended up dancing. I thought they were supposed to have been DQ'd for that, but hey.

After that was what youtube tells me is Murder Princess. I have no fucking clue. I don't even know who was talking when. There was a puppet on stage and I don't know if he or the other guy way talking. Costumes weren't noteworthy. This might've made a decent masq skit?

Last Minute Cosplay- FF13. This was a pretty neat concept with my favorite set pieces, but they were randomly wandering the stage for a bit and had a "Hey, we should fight? Let's fight" moment that was, honestly, a little dumb. Ending was fantastic, though. Costumes looked really pretty and moved well. I'm not sure what was going on with the rc car, if it broke or if they meant to only make it go back and forth for 4 seconds.

Scarlet Mafia- Fate/Hollow- danced for 90% of the skit. Costume change that was uninspiring... Yep.

>> No.7377529

? - LOZ Majora's Mask- I'm biased because I saw the little Skull Kid girl wandering around and holy fucking balls it was incredible. Sucks that her partner looked shitty. The skit was neat concept-wise, but they probably could've done better with less. Whatever they tried to do with the light didn't work. Still probably my favorite, audience liked it, too.

? Balls?- Soul Caliber: Won 1st place and I have no fucking clue why. Costumes were whatever (Nightmare actually looked pretty bad and their Soul Edge was a block of foam with an eye on it), choreography was very well rehearsed but they got off-sync with the audio and it was just embarrassing to watch. And the skit was just them fighting. So original. Not to mention really cheesy dialogue. Seriously, what the fuck how did this win, do they sleep with the judges or what? I thought the other two winners, the Zelda, FF13, and the Umineko groups were all way better than this one. This actually pissed me off, someone please explain this to me.

Finally was the other SC group that got delayed. They won the other wildcard slot, iirc. They also had a cool set with breakable walls (that kept breaking prematurely) and some cool costume pieces (their nightmare arm was actually really cool). The skit was admittedly pretty run of the mill "Oh no Soul Edge! I can't" "Oh no! You're being possessed!" "Oh no we're fighting!" -fight- but at least it looked cooler than the other one. I honestly thought this would probably win if it didn't get DQ'd for time.

Nothing was incredibly amazing, my personal picks would've been the last Soul caliber skit, the Umineko skit with the contingency that they fix up their costumes for finals, and the Zelda skit if they fixed the light and Link's armor. But even with those problems I think they were better than the ones that did win.
I'm okay with the SC and Chobits winning, but seriously what the fuck was up with the 1st place entry. There's gotta be something I'm not seeing.

>> No.7377532


>> No.7377546

Wow you're such a diick, if I find out your name i'll be sure to ignore u form now on bitch.

>> No.7377554

>Katsu since the Bush administration

This Katsucon marked 10 years of my group going to cons, not 10 years for me though, my first Katsu was 15 in 2009, the last one at the Hyatt Regency. There are 2 people from my group that were at Katsucon 9 though but it was just those 2 that were there.

Unfortunately none of those cosplays ring a bell at this time. That's the thing that gets me, I was trying to find that Black Butler that hugged me and for all I know I could have passed her on the other days and she was wearing a different costume and I wouldn't have noticed. If I do Conrart it's just going to be a 1 costume weekend for me.

And as for the exposure thing, that's why I made sure I had a working light meter on the top of my camera before I left and a fast lens on the camera, I was rather happy I had the F1.4 lens.

>> No.7377567

I was only there for Saturday. What's the Sunday crowd like? Like around what hour do people stop cosplaying and start packing up to go home?

>> No.7377568

Patrick McNally always uses Aperture priority
You can always adjust exposure in post
Fucking with a light meter may miss u THE shot

>> No.7377576

>Katsucon 15 in 2009, the last one at the Hyatt Regency.
That was a one-time thing and I didn't go that year. For quite a while before that, it was held at the Omni-Shoreham. I've attended katsu's 12-14 16-20, so I've gone to 8 of 'em now.

>I was rather happy I had the F1.4 lens
It never hurts to have a good lens. And it's not a problem with the light meter or hardware, it's a human-response time problem. I realize folks are impatient, and I don't do usually get it right when I'm trying to adjust to new lighting conditions quickly... and don't get me started on how bad I fuck up with flash units.

Long story short, I will probably stick to cosplaying for now.

>> No.7377581

>You can always adjust exposure in post
With RAW yes, with film as mentioned by >>7377554 then not so much.

>Aperture priority
Most film cameras I have seen do not have that capability. When shooting digital and the light is ample, then yes that would work fine I guess.

>> No.7377585
File: 25 KB, 400x267, Leica M4-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Leica light meters are very quick and easy to use and adjust the settings on the camera, maybe like 3 seconds at most. Remember I was using an M4-2 rangefinder, not an SLR. I also was instantly checking the meter and adjusting the settings as soon as I walked into the atrium or convention parts of the building. My setup looked something like this but with a different lens.

>> No.7377602

noooooo, my anonymity is now gone.


>> No.7377615

> I've attended katsu's 12-14 16-20

I think there's one person in our group that has attended Katsu's 10-20, everybody else that was at 10 has missed at least 1 for some reason. And I will say by far Katsucon is my most favorite con. The cosplays are always the best, I enjoy the smaller venue and crowds, and the fact that it never stops is nice. Also most of my groups epic con stories end up coming from Katsucon for some reason.

>> No.7377638
File: 1.74 MB, 723x1400, Katsu2014Raygun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up on AUSA after 3 Saturday-only trips that left me kinda disappointed. Then again the folks that went with me were kinda downers about the whole con. But it's the first place I properly cosplayed way back in '06 as Ed Elric. Maybe I'll go again some day.

btw, this was my Saturday outfit. My crowning achievement was being praised by Phil & Kaja Foglio down in the artist alley, and being deemed worthy of defending Mechanicsburg which really made my the whole outfit worth it.

>> No.7377658

People are generally cracked out and hungover by Sunday. A decent number of people still cosplay, though. It starts to clear out pretty quickly around three.

>> No.7377669
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, looks good.

We generally hit 2 cons per year Katsu and Otakon. It's nice because they're generally half a year apart. Occasionally we'll do AnimeNext and that's because it's like 30 min from where everybody lives: wake up, get in car, drive to con, spend day doing con stuff, get back in car, drive home, go to sleep in own bed, repeat for 2 more days

>> No.7377682

don't forget to add tired as balls to that list, 5 hours of sleep per night average for me

>> No.7377691
File: 221 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found one more for you anon

>> No.7377692

I always hate this kind of interpretation.

Characters who spend most of their days fighting off or preparing to fight man-eating monsters. The elite of the elite have seen carnage beyond belief ad countless comrades fall just so that humanity might live on another day.


>> No.7377694

Yeah, I got a whopping 9.5 hours of sleep for the whole con. I think I've slept a total of fifteen hours from Sunday night to today.

>> No.7377697
File: 237 KB, 768x1024, katsucon14ericfull225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

This is the first picture I found that wasn't by somebody I know and it isn't very good (not that the one my friends took is much better, with the super-bright background).

I'm typically pretty drained from bad sleep patterns, less-than-ideal food, and unsupportive costume shoes.

>> No.7377703
File: 82 KB, 636x960, 1392696885981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what version of Asuka this is supposed to be? Or at least the cosplayers name/page?

>> No.7377710

face looks...perfect like anime-like texture

>> No.7377733

Anyone get a pic of Daft Punk?

>> No.7377739


I don't think it was supposed to be any specific version of Asuka, just Asuka in armor would be my guess. Keep in mind she was wearing high heeled boots in that.

>> No.7377750

haha what? Pretty sure that's just a rebuild plugsuit attempt?

>> No.7377754

I read somewhere that is was mass effect style, asuka themed armor and I can kind of see it? But i'm not 100% sure.

Her facebook page name is "Tamar Wolfe/Lightpriestess Cosplay" - I'm a huge fan of her stuff, I really like everything she does.

>> No.7377776

Katsucon Model Contest operator here: We were totally allowing photos at the model contest, even if the art show was not. There are pictures of several of last year's model contest entrants on the Katsucon website right now, but the latest ones we took were not posted yet. Sadly, this photo-posting process is not managed by us, but by someone else.

>> No.7377779
File: 452 KB, 662x999, IMGP5513-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really short and cute Marisa

>> No.7377797

Yeah, I saw the ones from last year... they were posted about 2 weeks ago, and not in very high-resolution.

Y'all took the time to set up the evenly light mini-studio on the table (which I commend you for), so I would hate to know that nobody got to see the images.

Any idea who would be best to ask about this year's photos? I would really enjoy being able to see my work and my friends work up close.

>> No.7377796

Is Katsucon the only con in the DC area that you don't have to pay money to get into? I'm not really interested in going to panels or anything, just hanging around the hallway and meeting other cosplayers or whatever. I heard Otakon won't even let you in the convention center without a badge. Not sure about AUSA.

>> No.7377810

You can hang around AUSA and not pay money. Basically, any con held in a hotel is fair game, because people not involved in the con are always going to be there.

>> No.7377816

Pictures of all entrants were taken in hi-res and passed along to top men. TOP. MEN. Email the Katsucon web administrator, politely. I'm keen to see them myself.

>> No.7377817

Thanks. Good to know I have another con I can go to.

>> No.7377825

Surprise, surprise. After the AshB vs black cosplayers fiasco, she liked a lot of black cosplayers' pages and asked to shoot them. One of my friends were contacted but during the entire con, AshB never replied to her back

>> No.7377844


Is it just me or does she have the look that says "I dun seen some shit" like she's having a PTSD flashback when she looks at the camera.

>> No.7377850

I have no idea who AshB is, but apparently she was crying outside the room of some party I went to.
If that makes you feel any better.

>> No.7377855

Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto.

I will do just that, and maybe if I'm lucky, they will take a look in their massive government-style warehouse to see about sending some photos my way.

>> No.7377874
File: 637 KB, 878x1024, 1392700595199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7377890

My god... I saw this Bowser on the 18th floor of the hotel walking down the halls. The halls were just wide enough to fit his entire costume. And I swear the lights started flicking on and off and it looked like he was patrolling the halls for intruders.

Closest thing I've ever been in a real life videogame situation.

>> No.7377901

This is me! It's an original design I made that combined commander Shepards armor with Asukas plugsuit because I'm a big fan of both Eva and Mass Effect (and honestly, I'm much more versed in armor making than sewing, so I had a better chance of pulling this off than a straight plugsuit)

>> No.7377915

Story time pls?

>> No.7377925
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x853, 1392702005679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a picture of you too.

>> No.7377933
File: 52 KB, 197x212, 1392702152087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7377939

Oh god why didn't I notice that before. Well here's one without the derpy face in the background.

>> No.7377941
File: 74 KB, 960x640, 1392702436670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7377944

more worried about the ass leaking out of the cosplay in the back.

>> No.7377952

Pick your poison I guess.

>> No.7378076

I have a really huge erection from this

>> No.7378139
File: 2.30 MB, 2304x3456, IMG_9324.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Yukari and her PanzerIII/IV half spawn running around

>> No.7378144
File: 2.16 MB, 2304x3456, IMG_9644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same Miho with the Panzer cake?
Love the culinary ingenuity

>> No.7378192

this looks super cool, what are they supposed to be?

>> No.7378209

OoT Poe sisters

>> No.7378421

Last year there was a jewfest at the same time.
Apparently some jew kid got punched in the face at the gazebo.

>> No.7378442
File: 324 KB, 2048x1536, hetttzziieee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good mate

>> No.7378546

The best part was that they actually made a joke about this during this year's cosplay burlesque. It was brilliant. Made up for the horrifically bad AoT act.

>> No.7378721

Yeah. I made that cake at like 2am out of Twinkies. Just looking at this pic makes me cringe though. I'm going to remake that uniform and fix that wig.

>> No.7378751

OMG I am in love with this dress it is all over tumblr

>> No.7378760
File: 208 KB, 2048x1537, 1392740502642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better pic of the cake

>> No.7378846

I'm pretty sure the thing you are not seeing is the soul cal team that won are bffs with 2/3 of the judges.

>> No.7378878

Wow, I love this.

>> No.7378922

I thought the winning SC skit was a strange choice. It was nothing but fighting and dialog that was hard to hear.

>> No.7378985

The guy who I was staying with made this katsucon video.

It features so many more cosplayers than the videos which other famous people make.
I really like the song too.


>> No.7378999

I am almost positive one of these ladies is JJ. Good to see her back.

>> No.7379005

She never went anywhere though?

>> No.7379015


- Variety of cosplayers of both genders
- Stayed away from slow motion

- Repetitive shots and the same camera angels used time and time again
- Music did not compliment the footage and just played over it.
- Shakiness can be seen during the pans

5/10 Average at best and rather dull. However I want to see the person get better give how they're avoiding the usual video formula.

>> No.7379046

Naw anon is right. She disappeared for a while but came back about a year ago.

>> No.7379092

Thank you! These two made my night. They were both very nice.

>> No.7379100

apparently something went down behind the scenes, and all the old judges dropped out. And now all the new judges pick their best friends instead, this doesn't sound fishy or sketchy at all!

>> No.7379167

WCS wanted us to sign NDAs and Code of Conduct contracts that were worded very strangely and we said no, and now we are not allowed to participate in any WCS-related events as judges/staff as we didn't sign these documents. So that's why a bunch of people dropped out.

Ah, the perks of not having signed an NDA, it's pretty great!

>> No.7379179

NDAs for what? If you aren't judging at the real event in japan Im not sure why they would need that kind of shit at a regular con.

>> No.7379181

Yep that's her and her new cosplay group.

>> No.7379189

Well, that question was brought up and never really addressed as to why. And because that wasn't really addressed in a way that actually made sense, I didn't sign it.

If I had signed it, I wouldn't be allowed to talk about it. If people remember from my year, 2008, the whole purpose of how we wanted to do things was to see if the same issues were happening that affected the 2005 or 2006 team (can't remember which) and we came back with information and shared it with everyone.

>> No.7379262

Can you give us any glimpses into the kind of bogus reasoning were they providing?

>> No.7379286
File: 670 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379292
File: 413 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379294
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I could have gone all 3 days, the hotel was so nice.
Definitely coming back next year.

>> No.7379303

I wish I could remember, but alas I got kicked out of the private group. But there were statements made about how if we didn't sign it, we wouldn't be protected against legal action. Or whatever that even means? If I get a supeona to appear in court because I'm getting sued for talking about WCS, I'll let you guys know.

>> No.7379304

are we supposed to be surprised s0ni can't keep her fat mouth shut?

>> No.7379310

Surprised or not, what on earth is going on where she would be asked to sign an NDA?

>sign it, because we don't want you to give away that this thing is rigged

>> No.7379312

Guts cosplayer??? My heart

>> No.7379327

I think it's because the organization (Japan) is being run like a business now and the US wants to cover their ass.

>> No.7379329
File: 29 KB, 480x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.7379330
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x960, finnfinn&fionna2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379335

I almost wonder if people who do this even read/watched the source material.

>> No.7379344

I'm pretty damn sick of seeing adventure time anything cosplay

>> No.7379351


Again, with the non-anime bullshit

>> No.7379366

I never know why people are so proud of their average-tier adventure time cosplays.

>> No.7379380

WCS qualifier fishing expedition 2014- S0ni edition.
No. One. Cares.

>> No.7379382

What is that from? It's gorgeous!!

>> No.7379387

just terrible

>> No.7379391

Did anyone get pictures of Zeon soldiers and officers from Gundam? I didn't spot anyone

>> No.7379394
File: 665 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magi I think?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.7379407

It got really negative in here really fast.

>> No.7379411
File: 894 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_9537..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ here, here's some of the pics I took

>> No.7379412
File: 204 KB, 1024x768, +.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then let's fix that.
Post more.

>> No.7379415
File: 836 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_9564..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379421

That's actually pretty neat. What were you cosplaying as? Were you that pikachu guy with that rifle?

>> No.7379422
File: 1.89 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_9570..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optics a 4x magnifier. Lacks a crosshair for family friendly photos

>> No.7379429
File: 1.53 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_9578..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might've been.....

>> No.7379438
File: 979 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_9550..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7379444

You were pretty cool, tacticool pikachu. You even helped point me in the right direction at some point on Friday. Thanks!

Did any of the con staff stop and talk with you since you were carrying a nerf gun (which violates "weapons" policy)?

I ain't trying to be a dick or nothing, I'm just curious.

>> No.7379447
File: 1.03 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_9652..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beats getting swamped by the crowd of photographers

>> No.7379454
File: 62 KB, 960x720, chuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the only one I saw doing that. Too bad you didn't have a legit mount for centering.

Even though it's against policy, I would have been shooting little velcro nerfs at people.

>> No.7379464

whats this from?

>> No.7379489

I saw you walking around. I'm going to start doing this, actually.

>> No.7379488
File: 837 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_9567..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could help

The only time security stopped me is when they were curious on what kind of gun I was carrying. Once they found out it's a Nerf Gun, he allowed it and was pretty bro-tier.

Velcro darts can stick and ruin wigs. I have my own batch of indoor darts with less power and range for such an occasion

>> No.7379493

Regardless, that's an awesome idea.

Those are some nice shooting muffs as well.

>> No.7379514
File: 852 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_9549..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely a plus when taking pictures of people on the balconies

Go for it, though I highly recommend using an optic with no crosshairs. Definitely save you from a lot of flak

>> No.7379539 [DELETED] 

awesome con guys

legitimate regret I couldn't make it to the saturday meetup, I was held up in other things. The games room was really amazing this year, hella fun, anyone go without a badge at all?

pics soon :3 should be some good ones, but not lots

>> No.7379543

awesome con guys

legitimate regret I couldn't make it to the saturday meetup, I was held up in other things. The games room was really amazing this year, hella fun,

anyone go the weekend without a badge at all?

pics soon :3 should be some good ones, but not lots

>> No.7379580

Speaking of badges, gotta say "Well played, Katsucon. Well played."

In previous years they had badge checkpoints before you could enter certain hallways. This year it seemed like they only checked at the doors of events/panels/rooms/etc.
I thought they were stepping up badge checkpoints, but nope!

>> No.7379628

The large numbers of badge checkpoints in random places last year were for keeping de juden out of our con areas, since they were being so militant about theirs.

No BBYO? Then less checkpoints... plus Katsu didn't exactly have alot of staff to spare for stuff like that.

>> No.7379645

That's true, but I was also referring to 2010-2012. Like I walked through the entire building without going into actual rooms and no one asked me to show my badge this year. In previous years I definitely had to show my badge to get to the hall costume contest etc. hallways etc.

>> No.7379657
File: 94 KB, 640x960, IMG_70049112869048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on here...

>> No.7379662

This cake should have been mine. Also put some pant on, you look like a harlot.

You and me are buddies now.

>> No.7379666

I think it's cute, personally. It isn't as if the source material takes itself seriously either. There are fucking pictures of titans eating giant pizza.

Each to their own, I guess.

>> No.7379688

Anyone have any more of this?

>> No.7379689

I agree. I've seen a few cosplays of Idol Mikasa in her little pink outfit which also shows the lighter side of the source. There is a lot of less srsbzns artwork and fanart out there so maybe there is a Hef and his Bunnies fanart?

Pretty sure I've seen the girl on the right before in the actual uniform too so maybe it's just their for-fun version? She could've dropped a few pounds and toned up to look much better but I don't really think it's that offensive or horrible. We've seen far worse before.

>> No.7379744
File: 1.41 MB, 2048x1366, datlipstick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday night I was in the middle chilling on a black railing above the mini creek, and was just watching this old dude and wife watching the whole deal from their balcony.
Dude had a beer out with kicked up feet, was just having a ball. Funniest shit ever.

I hope you don't mind if you inspired me to start cosplaying with cam setup, I'll probably go Resident Evil.
I didn't know there was a Saturday meetup at all, nor there was CGL, mind my ignorance.
I'm a spaghetti/o/, and never really browsed the nicer part of 4chinz.
I saw a shitton of traps.
This guy made me turn gay a little on the inside. Goddayum.

>> No.7379760
File: 920 KB, 1023x1024, 1392765865692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one from the set on Tumblr that's going around. I saw their group from a distance but didn't get close enough to get a photo myself.

>> No.7379774
File: 1.87 MB, 3984x2240, DSC00084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much in terms of photos, anons, but I do have a video. I sincerely hope it is to your liking:


>> No.7379780

Out of curiosity, where does she host her cosplay nowadays? Her DeviantArt seems deserted, and I can't even find her ACP.

>> No.7379781

Get out of here, BL2W

>> No.7379782

These designs are from a Japanese artist called Sakizo.

>> No.7379808

Anyone here saw a Tomoko Kuroki cosplayer walking around? She seemed to be really in character and refused to talk, just sorta slightly nodded her head and stuff. It was too adorable.

>> No.7379810


I recommend taking a look at this post:

>> No.7379825

Oh God that's her. She gave me such a raging boner I don't even know why.

>> No.7379846

So besides here, Cosplay.com, & Tumblr where would be a good place to look for bulk posts of pictures from Katsu this year?

>> No.7379893
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, katsucon14ericfull47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facebook, look up katsu, see what everyone posted. I'm still trying to find more pics of second to right Sailor Jupiter. She must've reminded me of someone, cause I really like her.

I understand, man. Can't explain it, but I get it.
Somewhat tsundere? I dunno. But that's hawt.

>> No.7379905

I'll keep an eye out and repost her here if I find her
Don't have one of those, I'll ask a friend who does to let me sift through some photos soon.

>> No.7379942

I don't blame you for not having one.
I'm not sure if you need an account to see.
Try this: type after facebook dot com. /pages/Katsucon/91338614397

See what other people posted, there have been many many many pics.

Did you also check here? It's cosplay... but....
cosplay com /showthread . php? t=337568&page=2

I've gone through about 2k pics. A lot of them are when pr0 ph0t0gr@ph3r5 take 30 pics of the same person at different angles.

Thing is, that gal kept looking at me in the at-door reg line, she was maybe 20 people behind me, but when I was talking to my friend, I constantly saw her looking at me and smiling. Too bad I didn't get any pics or talk to her, but she definitely reminds me of somebody....

>> No.7379960

Yeah, I been refreshing that thread from cosplay.com looking for new posts since yesterday

Plus, I'm checking tumblr and flickr regularly. Overall, I've gone through hundreds of pictures by now, if not thousands.

And like you, most of what I'm finding is from "pros" who took 15+ pix of somebody that I never saw on any day of the con

>> No.7379972
File: 462 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379979

This is an unfortunate shot for the Pink Ranger.

>> No.7380004

Anyone have any pics of female Loki? There were probably many but one of them was perfect. Saw her on the last day but didn't take any pics cuz I was busy shooting a friend

>> No.7379999
File: 67 KB, 244x310, ocarina-of-time-poe-sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know what they are! It looks like the 4 Poe ghost sisters from the Forest Temple in Zelda:OoT. Obscure and well done!

>> No.7380017
File: 418 KB, 1000x664, cglkatsu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been going through my photos, all of my shoots went really well :3 even some where I thought I was losing light~

It's not obscure but I can't complain with your quads

>> No.7380030


You can check Flickr as well.

>> No.7380056
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always surprised/delighted to see rockman.exe,
I always think I was the only one to play through all 6 games + watch the anime.

>> No.7380065

I did not went to either of the seagull meetups. I heard the friday one was a bust.

Sadly things has gotten worse, and this is my last convention until I get a job. So no, I don't have a job at a auto parts store. (Would love to though, but they would not hire me anyway because of my Government and Politics degree.)

That's true. Still unemployed, still putting up with cyberyobs. I'm basically on survival mode unless some miracle happens. I mean I have skills in linux system administration and I hear that people on linked in get offers left and right, what do they got what I'm missing.

Seriously I'm done until I can get a decent job and a place of my own. I'm soooo done.

At least the 4chan archives has a home.

>> No.7380069

Yeah; it's Princess Kogyoku's Full Djinn Equip.

>> No.7380113
File: 508 KB, 1000x664, cglkats2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else go to kamui's panels? the unscheduled yaya-kamui business panel was actually pretty good

>> No.7380126

Yaya looks like shit now. Her best years are behind her.

>> No.7380137

they both look ragged in that photo

at least kamui's tummy looks ok

>> No.7380154


Why didn't you kill Yaya :P

>> No.7380193
File: 1.51 MB, 2592x1728, IMG_9381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I died when I saw those Rockman cosplays

>> No.7380210
File: 1.87 MB, 350x251, Zimmermanlol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's looked like shit for a while.

>> No.7380211

that lan is really fucking cute

she can be my waifu

>> No.7380218


have you tried Craigslist? that is where I got my web dev job.

>> No.7380224


>dat tall ass female


>> No.7380327

Dat protoman is a fuucking G

>> No.7380352


>Cosplay of mai waifu Roll

I need more of this.

>> No.7380380
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's nice to see stuff like this in the sea of shingeki, madomagi, and homestuck.

>> No.7380437

This makes me so damn happy, she looks wonderful. Magi is so under appreciated

>> No.7380446

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. Princess Kougyoku, Djinn equip version

>> No.7380470
File: 1.03 MB, 2592x1728, IMG_9563..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7380481



>> No.7380483
File: 1.81 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_9571..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally a profile shot

>> No.7380499

Is there somewhere in particular that you uploaded most of your pix, operator pi/k/achu?

>> No.7380523
File: 968 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_9541..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of my Katsu-pics are in my Facebook albulm.
These optic pics however aren't posted anywhere but here, mainly due to the public scrutiny it could cause.

>> No.7380547

And how would I find your facebook album?

>> No.7380586

Anybody else showing symptoms of the con-flu? I started to get a nice cough today, I'm happy it didn't show up while I was there though.

>> No.7380627

thankfully not I..

I did loose about 7lbs through the weekend due to my anxiety not allowing me to eat a full meal from Wednesday until Sunday. Any time food touched my tongue I got insta-nauseous... The only thing I could manage is water which I drank about 5-6 bottles a day and my multivitamins.

So on another note I thought this was funny and want to share it with you all, so Saturday night my room made mac n cheese on our portable stove top and we forgot plates/bowls. So I called "in room dining" and they told me that they would charge $10 to send up two EMPTY bowls to my room.. I told them they were crazy and hung up.

>> No.7380647
File: 1.95 MB, 420x230, 1387753137297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my anxiety made it hard to eat the food I packed with me. I brought tins of stuff I cooked beforehand, as well as ring-pull cans of preserved fish (smoked trout ftw). Shit was good, but I waited until I was in the hotel room to eat it.

I even made my tins full of food blend in well with my cosplay, which was a bonus.

But holy fuck, 10 dollars for 2 empty bowls?

>> No.7380648

Dots of people I know from nyc have the flu currently including myself. Started with a sore throat on Saturday and a full fever Sunday morning.

>> No.7380655
File: 866 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_7421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the one on Sunday, but I accidentally fell asleep for the last half hour of it

I haven't really processed the photos yet, but I couldn't get any good ones in the room

>> No.7380778
File: 164 KB, 768x1024, katsucon14ericfull124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I missed swimsuit Asuka...
>muh boner

>> No.7380882
File: 80 KB, 496x440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mookie design
No one was surprised her bandwagon jumping would shit up another fandom.

>> No.7380911

Crud i was thinking of doing something kinda like this (bunny boy aoba) would that be okay? or would CGL be like ugh why? or would it just depend on how its done?

>> No.7380914

Cgl gets upset about everything. Live your dreams. Just don't be annoying about them.

>> No.7380949
File: 55 KB, 720x478, 1392808495799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting more of these two if anyone has any.
I fucking LOVE Slayers cosplay.

>> No.7380958

those legs ... someone feed that girl

>> No.7380959

O! no age

>> No.7381002

Craigslist where I live (DC area) is full of scams and resume farmers. I get at least one solicitation of a completely unrelated job or some stupid work at home scheme. Worse I had call back, but it's from a company that specializes in door-to-door sales.

The job market is "booming" in DC but you can't get your foot in the door. Yet people will insist on telling me to keep plugging them resumes even though they go straight into the trash or no one is actually hiring.

I actually saw you with the pikachu tail on Friday/Saturday...

>> No.7381025


Mad Fatty Body Policers ™ approved this post.

>> No.7381030

this is why you get your flu vaccine, kids!

>> No.7381033

We called in room dining for 2 forks and were also told it would cost $10. Hahahahaha No.

>> No.7381149

Do folks have enough photos/discussion for another thread or should we let this one go?

>> No.7381239

I know that feel. Even entry level positions seem to want you to have experience... which defeats the point of entry level positions. It's more about who you know by now.

I got mine, and stayed healthy.

Btw, did y'all see all those women in the audience of the masquerade who got pissed off when the tech crew played "blurred lines"? Hell, even one of the judges stood up and she looked mad as hell.

>> No.7381312

Even if you have the experience they will try to find some excuse to scream "overqualifed".

> It's more about who you know by now.

My family is mostly useless and my mom who is finally employed basically being hot shit by telling me that despite employers don't want to do anything to resumes I'm not trying hard enough. My friends are mostly out of state and I tried using twitter and facebook and I get mostly fuck-all.

And I got burned by who I know (read:a connection) when on the first Monday of January the job wasn't actually ready because the person went to do another (Business) trip after being out of town and then negelectly forgot to tell me that the office prepared for me will not be ready until "who knows when" in Feburary.

The Job market is so bad that even who you know can't help you.

>> No.7381350

Oddly, no. I just feel really exhausted. After AUSA and Ota I felt like I was dying.

Dude, I know how you feel. I've been job searching since November. I slightly regret pouring money into this con rather than saving up for transportation costs for Ota.

P.S., I saw you at Charles Dunbar's otaku panel. Did you really feel the need to call people who don't understand congoers brickheads? I mean you're right in that they should be more open but I just know that if it weren't a public place you would've said something much more damning. That in itself seems a bit un-inclusive...

>> No.7381378

I invented the term "brickheads" to people who you try to argue with logic and reason but they "brick" their heads with illogical reasons and excuses to get you to shut up. I use the term broadly for anyone who tends to have that behavior for any hot topic or situation.

The main reason why I came is the scarf I've been waiting for months...I finally got it.

>> No.7381421

I showed this to my boyfriend and all he had to say was "the ears are wrong."
What the fuck?

>> No.7381597
File: 375 KB, 1000x664, chg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else see this tomoko? she was so shy, it was the best

>> No.7381613

She looks 13.

>> No.7381662


I think she is 15/16 she is a friend of a friend of mine..

>> No.7381680

please more pictures

>> No.7381691

new thread >>7381688