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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 52 KB, 493x500, haruko_umichu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7368638 No.7368638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Weaboo OC thread maker go!!! (I am french so I am sorry for my terrible english,even if I spoke in weeby engrish on purpose below)
Make your worst (best) weeb-iest OC possible and don't forget to write a little about it.

Konnichiwa minna san! my OC is called Haruko Umichu XD It's a japanese name cuzz she's a secret japanese princess you know!!! she's also a half immortal vampire and half a neko (she doesn't drink blood but she needs pocky and ramen to survive) and wears lolita ^ _ ^ She got magical powers from her MYSTERIOUS eyepatched eye and her MYSTERIOUS tragical past but I can't tell or else it won't be mysterious anymore tee hee (that's how you laugh in japanese). Haruko's best friend is her teddybear named Ichigo-Kun :3 Ichigo means strawberry in japanese and he's all red tee hee. I know it means strawberry cuz i can speak japanese, my dream is also to be mangaka one day. Aaaand Haruko also got the power to transform into a kawaii uke (for the yaoi you see XD) with her magical pinku (it means pink in japanese) necklace he's also a neko and a vampire and has magical powers that can do anything he's sugoi ^w^. Oyasuminasai!!! (it means good bye for the night in japanese!!)

>> No.7373683
File: 36 KB, 230x434, 1392522237785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fefrizee has dual blood colors lime and purple, doesn't speak but he has smexy heterochromia and is very mischievous! he is also openly gay and his weapon of choice is anything involving chains ^_~! <3333

>> No.7373770
File: 130 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diz mah chibi fursona! Tikila the turquose wolf cat lemur sloth with leopard spots.lol idk y she got ipod at a rave shes so randumb XDDDD!! shes so hardcore shes got face tatus and they give her the power 2 feel other ppls emotions so like her mate gets sad, SHES SAD TOO ITS SO MEANINGFUL

>> No.7373814

Name: Clive
Demon Fire Dragon

Likes: Blood, Death, Torture, Pain

Dislikes: Happiness, Light, Pink, That Bitch Alexa From Algebra (i hope you DIE!!!)

Interests: Torture, Bathing in Blood

His father died when he was very young, and his mother was a bitch to him. She always loved his little sister more than him and favored her. She would lock him in a dungeon for months without food and chain him up, and his little sister would come and breathe fire at him. He never hated her though. The only thing he ever loved was his little sister. He has no friends and if you try to talk to him he will burn you with his fire powers. He hates people and is a loner by nature. His only friends are animals who he rescues from abusive homes just like his, he keeps them in the woods and tells them to hide until it's safe and takes care of them. If anyone tries to stop him he burns them and tortures them because they are his now and he will never hurt them like they would. He tortures the owners that hurt them and make them watch their old pets be happy and lets the pets get their revenge too. When he gets angry he bursts into flame and no one will go near him. If anyone makes fun of him he flies at them and attacks them and makes them die in their own blood. He only drinks alcohol and doesn't need to eat. He enjoys flying at night and long walks on the beach.

>> No.7373818
File: 131 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also can't see him. He's invisible when you first meet him but the second time you can kind of see him and he looks like this.

i didn't drop my pic

>> No.7373836

OMG XD It's so sugoi let's hugg

>> No.7374390

O-Ohayo, Minna... Watashi Wa Ryuki Satoshini... E-eto... when I was 14 my mom died.... in a explosion!! she died protecing me ... this is why i have this scar. I-I'm no sure how dis happened.... i just got this scar and now i haev the power to transform xddddd (this totally sucks because ic an't even confess to snpai1!!!!) i'm also a lolita (can u see my outfit nya~) e-eto.. I'M TOTALLY NO TUNDERE!!! it-it's just my nature.. that's all... itaaaaaaaaaiiii, don't touch my scar.

>> No.7374392
File: 145 KB, 250x500, onegaipapamama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture. i'm so baka! gomen XDD!!!

>> No.7374402
File: 123 KB, 250x500, senpaiitwasyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-senpai!! my mama died because of you... i-i'm sorry ~sniffles~ b-but i'm gonna have to murder, for mama. URYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH (that's the anime scream incase you didn't know XDDD)
y-you're so good, but.. I've got one more trick up my sleeve. TAMAGO EGGU SANADA KAMA, HENSHI! (Henshin means transforms in case u didn't know either XD Don't worry i'll translate 4 u)

>> No.7374429
File: 151 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had fun dressing up.

>> No.7374438

The Alice Game.

>> No.7374453
File: 165 KB, 250x500, Kawaiinekoghostgeishagirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eto... Konnichiwa Minna San :3 Watashi Wa Ai (That Means Love In Japanese) Desu And I Am A Kawaii Neko Ghost Geisha ^w^. My Mother Was Really Jealous Of Me When I Was A Baby Because I Was Supa Kawaii And Beautiful And She Was Really Ugly. I Was Born With My Tail And Ears, Don't You Dare Say Otherwise! I Will Find You And Kill You! I Was Also Born With My White Skin (Get Ur Hands Off My Face, No That Really Isn't Make Up On Ur Hand U Ba-Baka. My Mom Was So Jealous That She Killed Me, She's Really Mean Ne? But I Didn't Die Ofc! I Can't Die, I Am Immortal :D
I Went Wandering In The Streets Of Kyoto When I Stumbled Into One Of The Hanamachi (Those Are The Districts Geisha Live In U Filty Gaijin). A Really Kind Geisha Girl Found Me And Brought Me Back To The Okiya (That's A Geisha House U Dumb Gaijin). They Wanted Me To Become A Geisha Ofc Because I Am So Kawaii And Beautiful Tee Hee. I Didn't Need Any Train Because I Was Really Good, All The Teahouses Wanted To Book Me And The Most Popular Geisha In The Hanamachi Became Very Jealous Of Me. She Too Tried To Kill But I Was Already Dead, Ha Ha Ha Ha. When She Saw That I Was A Ghost She Didn't Dare To Do Anything And She Left. Now I am The Most Popular And Kawaii Neko Ghost Geisha In All Of Nippon ^__^ (That's Japan In Japanese U Dumb Fuck)

>> No.7374481

Watashi wa 夜! In gaijin riting thats yoru witch meens night ^^
Watashi wa from tokyo in nipon desu. watashi wa a vampire! wen i wuz born, my parentswere scared cuz im a vampire!ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ
they put me by mount fuji, wich is right by tokyo desu! a spirit like in that hetalia episode wear iggy visits japan-kuns house found me there and took me in! they raised my until i was ten desu and then they died and i was so sad desu! (╯︵╰,) i went back to tokyo and my parents saw me, and they TRIED TO KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But since ii am a vampire i ate thear blood and flied away~~~ Then i met a boyfriend who iz a kawaii yaoi! I was a tsundere so me and his smexy seme seduced him and then had a threesome! he wuz crying and it was kawaii desu ~w- maybe i can tell you all about it sumday! as u can see, im a loli! if u dont kno wut dat is, its a costume frum nippon with lots of kawaii lace and smexy dresses! lolicon is da best! i see lots of poser lolicons in nippon but they have long dresses and not enuff lace! so baka desu! I killed them cuz there dumb gaijins.
since i live in nippon i am very nipponese! i eet ramen and pocky every day!!!!! i also kiss under the sakura every day ~w- will u b my frend!?!

>> No.7374482
File: 137 KB, 250x500, ChibiMakerick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is Chibi High demon Priestess DokiDoki Mononoke-chan. She doesn't know where she was born, she just knows that as a child she fell from the sky, into an orphanage with abusive parents.

she dras really well and guys wanna fuck her all the time but shes underage (16 lolz) AND shes a lesbian. (if you don't like yuri just unfollow and stop reading Dx ) she has mysterious aura about her so soon she left her abuisve orhanage to join the circus where she was raised by wolves. She has the spirit of darkness inhabiting her heart and when she was falling from the sky she was carrying her death note. Turns out she is priestess shinigami and can burn u with her amaratseru fire cause she has a sharingan eye. She is in love with rose tyler from dr who only here rose has a wolf tail lol.

shes a lolita but she hates preps and frilly stuff.

>> No.7374484
File: 131 KB, 250x500, yoru desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe i dropped my picturu desu! watashi wa baka!

>> No.7374487

oh also the rose is magic desu and if it dies i die Dx

>> No.7374514
File: 145 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm like you... Just had fun dressing up

>> No.7374582
File: 38 KB, 264x451, tyforthenewoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the new OC

>> No.7374587

Whoa whoa whoa hold the fuck up
Why was I not informed of this

>> No.7374591
File: 49 KB, 280x458, KAWAIIOC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


zomg gomenesai 4 talking in caps yelling isn't nice AND IM NOT A NICE PERSON MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:D

alice is a devil summoner and she is the strongest out of almost all the other summonerz becuz as a kid her parents dead and she want to evenge them because its just so sad T_T. everione she like is dead noaw which is reali bad and she want evil becuz of it. she luvs darkness and blud and all tha othr stuff (but if theres any guyts she doesnt lik it because zomg this one time ive seen someone di on this really really bad webcite caled baest gore and there were guyts and it wasnt like in the annie-mays and UGH I CRYED T_T) so do ani of u wanna rolepla our kawaii baka neko chans? NYyyYYaaaaannnn :3!~

also im realli random irl and im dating a girl becauz im bisexual (DONT U JUSDE ME!) and invater zim is my fav show XDDD. SO BWEARRE OR ILL PUT A CURSE ON U XDD

aniways u shud add me on Meez, n imvu my username is Cyberneonglowstickraver69

>> No.7374619
File: 138 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uguuu creepy-chan

don't steal desu

>> No.7374631

this thread is pure lel gold 10/10

>> No.7374632

That is really weeby but heterochromia is pretty sexy

>> No.7374635

I want moar shitty wannabe uke guise

>> No.7374649
File: 113 KB, 250x500, let me tell you about touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the ultimate weeb 8700 edition so I just made myself.

Don't run away senpai-tachi I want to show you my glass turtles and Japanese pottery collection
Everyone sit down for some green tea I sweetened it with konpeito pls we can work this out where are you going

and then we can watch some deep anime like Evangelion

And then tonight you can sleep with my hug pillows, but not the Natsume one, that's mine

or how about Tamako Market

>> No.7374661
File: 132 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

† follow for more soft grunge †

>> No.7374704

(I-I actually kinda like the concept of being invisible at first...it reminds me of Whisp in Animal Crossing Gamecube from my childhood)

>> No.7374735
File: 112 KB, 497x500, ukechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for you seagullkun~

crossdressing pink shota lolita uke chaaaaaaaaan~

>> No.7374739

>make a shitty, edgy weeaboo OC with a shittier, edgier backstory
>actually start to like it
Heaven help me.

>> No.7374741

Oh shit I laughed so hard

Actually pretty cute

>> No.7374753

Same here.
Let's all be secret weebs it's gonna be our himitsu, ne?

>> No.7374758
File: 142 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is sakura!! shes just an ordinary schoolgirl in tokyo, japan but one day she wakes up in a magical world!!! she has all the kawaii of a bunny nd she can fly too XD i love her amazing lolita fashion

>> No.7374759
File: 150 KB, 250x500, madeleine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai, Anon-chan~

>> No.7374794
File: 89 KB, 282x453, 1392591301869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually tried to make a nice one.
idk why...

>> No.7374809
File: 142 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is asuka sama a girl who gets sent back in time to 15th century japan and becomes a ninja and has to save the world!! she may look tough but she doesn't bite (unless you want her to!) XDDDDDDD

>> No.7374812
File: 144 KB, 250x500, itried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I tried to make a mori girl but I should've known better, looking at the available colors.

>> No.7374824

L-Let's be tomodachi desu ne?

>> No.7374891
File: 140 KB, 250x500, ChibiMaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to join my kawaii biker gang?

>> No.7374905

M-minna guys !
Calm doown... when I get angry.. I transform.

>> No.7374907


>> No.7374953
File: 128 KB, 250x500, 1392596089377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would totes join.
Kawaii biker without a cause

>> No.7374954
File: 112 KB, 250x500, muh heritage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You trolls better stop mocking my culture or I'll get my Japanese dad to kick all your kawaii asses.

>> No.7374955

I wanted another weapon but there wasn't the one I wanted soooo...
It would be so badass to have a kawaii gang.

>> No.7374957

Demo cone-chan...you're not even azn

>> No.7374967

I am too 1/4 asian and I have a wind chime in my backyard that proves it.

My Japanese dad left it there to warn me about the trolls who are clearly just jealous that I'm a long lost average sized Ainu princess.

>> No.7374990
File: 386 KB, 567x504, 1384491541283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haaaa, I have a wind chime in my backyard, too; my Asian grandma put it up there to ward away demons.

>> No.7376137


>> No.7376216
File: 136 KB, 250x500, Akifumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuyaaaa, arigatou gozaimasuu~ u///u watashi wa akifumi-saaaaan, i am a seventeen year old boy who is colour blind and can only see the colours teal and hot pink, uguuu ~~~ i am very jumpy and nervous and i just suddenly appeared out of nowhere one day, i never had any parents, only this octopus who i named sushi-chan!!!! ayaaaaa, my sensei is so hot *////* i dream about him all the time, blush blush ^////^ hehehe

>> No.7376224
File: 94 KB, 250x500, kowaiprincessuchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konbanwa~ <3
This is my OC Jinko Haru Haru Motteke. :3 She's a 23 (but she looks fifteen!) year old that is in loooooove with Jin Kisaragi from Blazblue!
Jinko: Back off fangirls! He's mine!
Ehehehe, sorry about that. ^^; she gets really excited about Jin.
Jinko: He's going to be my husband~
She's a sugoi princessu (that means great princess in Nihongo (that's Japanese in Japanese)) that Jin is in love with!
Jin saw her walking with alone in the city one day (she doesn't need body guards because she's got super strong powers and she can kill anyone with one touch), and she looked so much like his brother that he just had to kidnap her!
She has different eyes because when she gets angry, she turns into evil Jinko (Junko), and tries to kill everyone! >w< Kawaii! (That means scary), and her hair is white because she got really scared when Jin kidnapped her!
At first she was really scared! @w@ but then she saw Jin was actually really kowai (that means cute), and so much better than Ragna, so she decided to stay with him!
She hasn't told him she's the princessu yet, because she's afraid he will leave her! o>w<o
Junko: No one will ever separate us! I'll kill everyone that tries!
Junko no! Aaaaaahhhhhh!

>> No.7376429
File: 136 KB, 250x500, tenshi-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai hai haiiiiiiiii konnichiwa minna-san~!!! Kore wa sugoi hime tenshi Mirakuru deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesu~!! Her name means Miracle in Japanese teehee ^_^ She's a hime tenshi (princess angel for any baka gaijins out there) who was sent to Nippon by her Otou-san, Kami-sama to protect everyone on earth from her akuma Onii-chan in Jigoku!! Even though she is very, very shy and moe she is the strongest tenshi in Tengoku!! But she has to protect her identity so she goes to school in Tokyo!! The only person who knows that she's a tenshi is her smexy sempai!! He gave her the cross collar as a sign of his ai for her!! KYAAAAAAA CHOU ROMANTIKU NEEEE?!