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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 59 KB, 541x960, loki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7373605 No.7373605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The first 'geddon of the year is in three weeks - what's up?

>> No.7373654

I was just thinking about what costumes to do where and which of the armageddons to go to and suddenly there's a thread.
The construction on that Lokiman suit is really shoddy.

>> No.7373752

It's actually not that bad, but the paint job just ruins the whole thing.

>> No.7373755

and sanding

>> No.7373777

the fuck are proportions

>> No.7373790

God I hate Kyle, he's such a piece of shit douchenozzle

>> No.7373803

don't insult our king!

>> No.7373822

Well, yes. I supposed it was painfully rushed at the end or something. It could have been not as terrible.

>> No.7373830

It looks like it was made for someone much larger

>> No.7373979

it looks like he's wearing a car

>> No.7374030

Tranformers x Avengers original character do not steal.

>> No.7374041
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>> No.7374042
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>> No.7374044
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>> No.7374045
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>> No.7374047
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>> No.7374048
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>> No.7374049
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>> No.7374050
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>> No.7374052
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>> No.7374053
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>> No.7374055
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>> No.7374056
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>> No.7374057
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>> No.7374059
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>> No.7374060
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>> No.7374061
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>> No.7374062
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>> No.7374063
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>> No.7374065
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>> No.7375023

What are people entering in the Dunny and Chch comps?
>implying people enter south island competitions

>> No.7375699


>> No.7375716

I was being sarcastic, he gives me second hand embarrassement.

>> No.7375726

> not knowing about the King

>> No.7375751

He's our king in the same way PT is /cgl/'s queen.

>> No.7375752

He taught Micheala everything she knows

>> No.7375809

I heard the real reason Yaya didn't come to Auckgeddon was because she heard he was going to be there and got intimidated.

>> No.7375982

Thank god

Hope this is sarc too

>> No.7375989
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Anyone know who the Travis Touchdown cosplayer is?

>> No.7376131
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>> No.7376520

If by sarc you meant to say sacrilegious then yes. Using gods name in such a formal sense is heresy.

>> No.7377150

I can't wait to see more Daenerys stuff from Cathryn. She's so pretty and cares about her a lot.

>> No.7379638

Anyone got more ACP pics?

>> No.7380351
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Nothing more than what's in the cnz tag.

>> No.7380388
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Wtf cutie

>> No.7384374

What are you cosplaying for the first couple of 'geddons?

>> No.7384582

They're only like 1-2 weeks away now and I still have no idea, ahaha. I've been too busy planning for Hamilton/Wellington/Auckland and forgot they were even happening, so I'll probably just grab something out of the wardrobe and rewear things.

>> No.7384701

Those of you who are going to Auckland Armageddon this year, who/what are you cosplaying as?

>> No.7384918

wow. those are my two favorite pokemon. Somewhere...they really exist..

>> No.7386920

I've heard so much shit about Kyle I start to wonder if it's true after seeing the hate in these threads. Someone to stay away from I guess.

>> No.7386987

As someone who knows him before/outside the internet, he is very douchey.

>> No.7387002

He wasn't that much of a douche, in my opinion, back when I knew him before he became who he is now. It's a it sad to see how he's changed.

>> No.7390520

Who the fuck thought boxloki was a good choice to represent NZ? That dickhead trashtalks the comp every chance he gets, I hope he gets his junk caught in a sander.

>> No.7390580

Judging from the first pic, I think he is safe from sanders

>> No.7390684
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>> No.7390692
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So who's gonna buy this? I'm getting one for Rowan's ridiculous face.

>> No.7390722

meeeee for sure

>> No.7390806

who's in the book?

>> No.7390915

New Zealand cosplayers. Duh?

>> No.7390922

I think they mean "which" New Zealand cosplayers. Duh.

>> No.7390948

You seriously only gonna buy it because of who's in it? It's a book of photos of kiwi cosplayers, you want to know who's in it, ask the author. That's me, by the way.

>> No.7390954

And I'd say "please".

>> No.7390998

Sorry if I sounded rude, I was just wondering.

>> No.7391003

you were the least rude person in that convo

>> No.7391049

So how does everybody feel about the facebook page?

>> No.7391081

I haven't been paying attention to it much recently, but fortunately I think the number of googlable questions being asked there has declined, and some nice NZ-related plugging is going on. Also a lot of fishing for groups, but I guess with the forums less active it's one of the only places to ask.

>> No.7391086

I think it has been better lately, a good variety of posts.
Glen answers all

>> No.7391102

I wish he wouldn't. He has some really funny ideas about how valuable his opinion is.

>> No.7391116

He knows things
how to dress like he is hiking
how to grow a tiny pony tail
a girl who makes hats

>> No.7391557

I laughed way too fuckin hard about this. Thanks nonny.
But yeah, I agree with >>7391102 because shit, the number of times he's chimed in with really stupid things...

>> No.7391817

I went to School with that guy and whilst he's a pretty reasonable costume maker, he IS a douche.

>> No.7391823

>>7391817 see >>7376131

>> No.7391990

i saw it, it wasn't very funny.

>> No.7392054

Who are you, ex OATs student.

>> No.7392110

>implying i'll let you know who i am

>> No.7392144

How about a hint then. What year did you graduate?

>> No.7392160

there are a lot of people from that school that I would much rather wash my hands of.

>> No.7392179

I probably know you to some degree if that was meant to be '10 or '11. I feel the same way to be honest, I've dropped contact with almost everyone I knew in school. I understand not wanting to give too many hints as to who you are in case I happen to be one of the people you don't want to have anything to do with.
Hell you might even think I'm Kyle trying to find out who doesn't like him.

>> No.7392187

I couldn't give a flying lolita in a paedophile recovery room what anyone thinks about me. I've moved on with my life and am perfectly comfortable with myself.

>> No.7392266
File: 2.96 MB, 440x247, Tumb wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on you, this probably sounds sarcastic but it's not, I'm being genuine.

>> No.7392268

is /anyone/ entering the south island comps?

>> No.7392276

I know a friend of mine is entering Dunedin, but who is entering Christchurch? Anyone?

>> No.7392364

What is there to go for in dunedin if i'm not cosplaying?

>> No.7392402

Nothing unless you have friends going.

>> No.7392561

Yes, but not many. I'm skipping everything this year except Aucks and Welly, and it seems a lot of others are doing the same. I think Hamilton might pull a lot of Aucklanders down though, it's a pretty nice con. GREAT venue.

Edit: IS IT JUST ME or is captcha getting really fuckin' twitchy lately?

>> No.7392930

Auckland and Hamilton are the only cons with non embarrassing venues, Wellington stadium and Christchurch Raceways are dreary as fuck.

>> No.7392942

"Hi international guest, you can sit across from the horse urinals"

>> No.7395130

I know there are a few out of towners going to chchgeddon this year but not sure who is actually entering. Who even cosplays in Christchurch???

>> No.7396802

I'm going down to Chch but not planning to enter. I was too lazy to start a cosplay after ACP and then I bruised my ribs so couldn't even try for one in these last few weeks coming up to chch, whoops.

>> No.7397877
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T... Tanlines

>> No.7401261

DUNEDIN SHOW TODAY WOO looking forward to some photos soon!

>> No.7401294

It's today? It still feels like we just entered February. I'm excited for photos as well.

>> No.7401326
File: 242 KB, 500x353, tumblr_mgpqx31l6G1qj8u1do1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats so bad about tanlines?
>scroll up