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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 201 KB, 456x263, workarea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7352307 No.7352307 [Reply] [Original]

Old progress thread >>7322409

>> No.7352340
File: 98 KB, 512x947, arcalmostdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that remains are the belt buckles, and I am just waiting for the roads to be clear before I can go out and get extra paints and stuff to work on them.

>> No.7352411

I love doctor who! Great work!

>> No.7352543
File: 841 KB, 718x703, Photo on 2-5-2014 at 6.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dyed my Nowi wig today, it came out a lot lighter than I'd intended but I'm too cheap to go out and buy more markers


>> No.7352560

That coat looks very well made and cleanly stitched. Good job anon!

>> No.7352570

>doctor who
Ummm... no? It's Arc's Freelancer outfit from FF3-DS. But thanks!

Thank you!

I hate wig dying. I have never gotten a solid color I was happy with. You did good here though. I don't know the character, but the dye job looks nice.

>> No.7352576

You're a fucking moron

>> No.7352606


Needs more J-Pop in the background. Play this next time.


>> No.7352651
File: 420 KB, 700x750, takanetest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all the jewelry finished, so I did a makeup test and tried everything on. I'm not 100% happy with the fit around my waist or with the ankle ruffle, but I can adjust those if I have some time once I finish my other costumes.

>> No.7352659

That is very pretty!

>> No.7352671

This is cute as fuck. I love the star buckle

>> No.7352702

I loved FF3! Do you have a group going with ya? Or maybe just a Luneth at lest?

>> No.7352729

Takane! Too cute.

>> No.7352759

This is terrible. You should be ashamed.

>> No.7352765

what should i fix about it? (do you mean the wig or the video?)

>> No.7352890


Having had to dye a couple of my wigs strange colours I will never use sharpies again. They are balls compared to FW ink.

So if you ever wanna fix your colour to have something solid and darker, get FW ink. You can buy it at Curry's or order it online for $6-8 per bottle and a bottle goes a LONG way. Same concept as sharpies: mix it with alcohol and dunk/spray/comb in. It just goes on more evenly.

Only downside is that FW ink does not come out nearly as well as sharpie ink so if you make it too dark it's gonna be annoying to lighten. That's easily avoidable though.

>> No.7352921
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, 1391653322637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been pretty unactive, here's an pic I took few days ago. Helmet, chest and fingers are still missing but looking good so far imo

>> No.7353157

Nice. Is that worbla? Are you planning on padding the inside of the bracers? I find doing that helps them fit bitter and is far more comfortable.

>> No.7353203

dawg. i like

Can i just like... pay someone to make a tunic for me? i know what i want it to look like...

>> No.7353209

>come back to /cgl/ after three months or so, having finally ditched it when Tumblr conquest was complete
>see a progress thread on first page
>see this
This is so depressingly bad that I'm instantly leaving again.

To think that we used to have good cosplayers on this board...

>> No.7353218

So cuuuuute! I definitely like these designs better after seeing them on a real person.

>> No.7353221

i legitimately could not tell that was supposed to be a gradient. gurl it needs more dye or better lighting so we can see the gradient better

>> No.7353226

hey. you shouuuuld. make me a tunic fit for fighting in. that is if you made your little rainbow child dress thingy. i dont into cosplay so ive got no idea what that is. but it looks well made.

>> No.7353227

1 shit cosplayer out of 4 seems about average for /cgl/

>> No.7353228


Is it just me, or are progress threads getting more trolls than they used to? Or have I just not been paying enough attention?

>> No.7353230

If you want to commission a cosplay, go to the help thread, or start a thread asking about commissioners. Don't shit up progress threads begging for shit.

>> No.7353234

see it isnt a cosplay thats the thing. and it isnt begging as i got the cash to deal out. anyways its for larp and im kinda new to this whole board. i got sent here like. day ago. so, sorry.

>> No.7353250

Larp outfits and cosplay outfits cross paths a lot. If you want something made though, there are other threads more suited to requesting than the progress thread.

>> No.7353258

fair enough. i just figured since its a "progress" thread people here make their shit so. any yeah i could see that, its just the cosplays ive seen are made of like, foam and shit. which is a no go for larp. and the costumes for cosplays usualy dont look like theyd hold up to fighting in for hours sometimes days at a time. sorry again though. what kind of thread might i look for to ask, rather than making one outright?

>> No.7353592

It's you. People like Volpin used to post their work here.

>> No.7353624


Thats actually something i wanted to inquire on.

How durable are some of these materials, especially worbla and other thermoplastics.

>> No.7353804

you gonna tell me what's wrong with it or just bitch?

>> No.7354226
File: 158 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 05-02-2014 at 22.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worbla babby - any tips on cutting cleaner edges? Or can it be tidied up when heated?

>> No.7354243


Use an xacto instead of scissors.

>> No.7354374

plastics arent going to be durable at all...

>> No.7354380

You're going to want to cut the edges bigger than the piece you're putting it over, and then when you heat them, kind of fold them over and smooth them out.

>> No.7354386

Wtf? No. Stop saying shit cause you are wrong. You have been wrong about every single thing you have said in this thread. Fuck, you shouldn't even be in this thread.

>> No.7354522

What are you planning on doing with them? Most of the stuff people use them for is just for modelling type wear. They won't break in casual contact, and probably not if you drop them. Because they're thermoplastics they can deform if they get too warm (don't leave them in a hot car in summer.) If you're asking because you want to make larp stuff with them, it depends on your larp. They're not going to hold up well in some of the more serious combat larps. The main advantage worbla and other thermoplastics have is that they're easy to work with and light weight to wear. They're not suitable for real armor, just costume and prop work.

>> No.7354534
File: 70 KB, 562x1000, manry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made my manry man-suit, as in, a top with humongous shoulderpads, ahoulderpads over the biceps and a padded side & back to distract from broad hips
(worn under a wide shirt here). Mainly for my Thranduil-Cosplay (If I'm wearing a sparkly dress, I have to do SOMETHING to look manry, right?) but also to be used in other costumes.

>> No.7354649
File: 406 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP hopefully this is somewhat more to cgl's liking

>> No.7354851

i would definitely fix the waist. the picture on the left where you're posing at a 3/4 angle makes you look really wide and it's not flattering at all. you can also see where the fabric wrinkles because i'm assuming there's too much space? and not conforming to your body. i honestly don't know if the structure of the dress itself is part of it but the entire top part just looks too big on you. also i agree that the ankle ruffle is a little limp and losing shape.

other than that i really enjoyed seeing your progress on this dress. i don't know anything about idolmaster but the design was adorably cute. good job!

>> No.7354968


Yeah, it was definitely way too much space and hanging off my body more than it should have. I took it in and added more of a curve to the seams so it would hug my body and curves better.

Also when I took the ankle ruffle off I realized I had it on upside down, haha. I'm going to try it on again and see if it still falls as limp. If so, I think I'm going to try to either starch the fabric some to stiffen it up a little so it'll stay up or make a new one with a stiffer fabric. Or maybe just shorten it so there is less weight pulling it down.

And thank you so much! This is my first time making anything like this without a pattern, so I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it look like anything worth wearing.

>> No.7354972

That's for Nowi? The color looks good.

>> No.7355006

Still doing a wonderful job. The gradient is a lot better on this take than the first.

>> No.7355010
File: 183 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man! Here's the "final" (probably not completely done) product

>> No.7355011

>foam/ plastic armor for fighting. shit wont hold up. we use foam for our swords and the shit breaks so often its not even funny.

>> No.7355014
File: 166 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-6-2014 at 8.32 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that photos shit

thank you so much, i agree with the anons above, my gradient was shit before. but im glad to hear that it's better now!

>> No.7355018

Not everyone is fucking LARPing you useless fucktwit. He never asked how it would hold up in fucking combat, he just wanted to know if it was durable. Stop being here! You contribute nothing at all to this thread.
The Fuck.

>> No.7355020

they're asking about con durability not LARP durability...

>> No.7355067

That looks 10,000 times better voldie

>> No.7355109

Dat leona blade in the background. Also, do you plan on making the little crown-thing Nowi wears?

>> No.7355113

But isn't that kinda the point? Yeah, Volpin used to post here and so did a lot of other talented people, and the little shit trolls who do nothing but shit on others ushered them out.

>> No.7355152

yeah, i've already got a really shitty one made out of worbla but im thinking about redoing it

>> No.7355176

I've seen some neat stuff made with Worbla, do you mean it's shitty in that you made it quick or the material isn't working for you?

>> No.7355195

You're saying that like Voldiefart is actually talented or something. There's no loss in her being gone. Unfortunately, Toronto cancer is forever.

>> No.7355205

Nice! Did you follow a tutorial or go it from scratch? I was really confused why you were posting the pic before I read the description because I thought you were just a dude in a tshirt and jeans.

>> No.7355252

don't be a little dickie butthurt faggot. i understand your into all that fucking lolly shit but it doesnt give you a reason to shit stuff up. if anything your the one shitting stuff by complaining about everything. urrr dont be here, urr i dont larp, urrr, u cant post that in progress thread rrr hur dur. you could have said something simple like Voldie here.. >>7355020
But instead you chose to be a self centered cunt. way to go little shit.

>> No.7355296

Learn to type, faggot.

>> No.7355328
File: 307 KB, 500x379, tumblr_lqope7cAMW1qc640no1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you just get out and stop being a little shit? Much appreciated.

>> No.7355399

Once you lose those belly rolls, fattass.

>> No.7355416

Mmmm the salt is strong in this one

>> No.7355502

i didn't even say that. i don't even know half you people. YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO PICKY AND EASILY OFFENDED. i don't get it. i mean i understand the the whole cosplay thing isnt such a popular hobby among people, but to be honest alot of you guys seem either really shy and distant or just beta? i guess is the best word for it. i just want to fuckin ask questions and shit without you guys getting mad i posted in a "Super specific super thread."

>> No.7355510

Dude I wasn't even responding to you. Can you read?

>> No.7355517

I think the anger towards you comes from the fact that you keep making the same mistake over and over again. You were told this is not the thread for advice and help, and not only do you keep asking for advice, you also are giving shit advice to others.
This is not just a /cgl/ thing either. Every board has the basic rule of staying on topic.

>> No.7355544
File: 1.70 MB, 1208x1198, 1391750299053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude!! dude. that's awesome. what did you use for the padding?

this looks really nice!

this is super super cute and the horsehair looks great-- can't wait to see more progress of this!

here, have tenshi blazer progress in its early shitty unlined stage. this pattern has been a massive pain. apparently late 80s kwik sew suit jacket patterns are enormous.

>> No.7355552

Dat padding. Mmf

>> No.7355554
File: 46 KB, 480x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tutorial for padding?? This seriously looks great!!

>> No.7355634


Holy fuck and i wondered why does this dude have such hips.

Its not a dude at all. Man i cant wait to see your finished cosplay.

>> No.7355651
File: 590 KB, 1000x1200, 1391753224905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a male and I have these exact same proportions

I'm not sure what to feel.

>> No.7355688


>This dude walks into your cossplay convention and slaps your waifus ass

>> No.7355732

You sound like a qt

>> No.7355831
File: 1.72 MB, 2472x3296, DSCF1549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biker Scout is nearly done. Need the fabric loops to hide the armor gap at the shoulders, and some foam for the pouches and to pad the inside of the knee armor. Also going to look into putting a fan inside the helmet tomorrow, but that's quality of life.

>> No.7355845


You forgot you also need a speeder bike.

>> No.7355908

a broom will be fine

>> No.7355923

I think the problem here is, that your smartassing of other people is simply uncalled for and you apply standards to them that are not appropriate in the cos playing world in very rude words. When being called out for it, you start projecting heavily by using terms like "self-centered" and "angry/butthurt".

Tl;dr: Daro, Kotyaer!

>> No.7355931
File: 2.46 MB, 870x1577, 2014-02-07 10.23.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't follow a tutorial, it was more a friend jokingly telling me better not to look like a thin girly girl and I looked how I could fix this. This is the main idea behind it, from my sketchbook. (Tbc?

>> No.7355932


Just wanna say im jealous of your talents :3

>> No.7355936

This is what the pads looked like on my dressform- actually it's all shoulder pads of various sizes and thickness' (I spied a bit on my gf who made way better paddings for her Thor-cosplay but since Thranduil only has the coat hanger shoulders and not muscles from hell, I figured I would be fine with the small shoulderpads). What gives it a natural look is mostly that the pads do not sit on the sides completely but are a bit more moved towards the back like natural muscles would be. I simply put a badly sewn shirt out of stretchy jersey over it and stitched the pads to it with many long stitches allover, so they won't slip. Since I have a very muscular B-cup, it was easy to arrange those glorious orbs of womanhood in a way that made them look pec-tacular under the binder. And that's basically it!

You almost make me want to troll /fit/...

Yeah man what you gonna do?? I'm basically strong, fit, fabulous and an elfking- better hand over your waifu if you value your petty mortal life! (Also if you hit me, I'm padded. I'm practically invincible)

>> No.7355937
File: 575 KB, 610x1045, 2014-02-07 10.26.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops dwarves stole my picture

>> No.7355952

You are ace, and I really can't wait to see your finished cosplay.

>> No.7356533
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly trucking along (つД`)ノ i'll be finished one day

>> No.7356561
File: 347 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_0152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Starting to slowly take shape :3

Here a little something i started on, holy shit the little parts take a lot of time because of me beeing autistic about making this. I wonder if i can resin it later on.

Not 100% cosplay but i wanted to post something at least i got the pattern in a progress thread.

>> No.7356861
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started coloring some gems for my Queen Esther costume. The base of the crown is underneath. I think I may go over the gem one more time before I seal it.

>> No.7356915

i dont know ow you did that but it looks time consuming and cool.

>> No.7357064

Hey dude I poster the pattern

Awesome work a tip when scoring if you dont do it score both sides of the line and bend them both because it just works better i have found.

And if the pen scoring isnt working out for you try the back of the xacto blade thats what I do it tears the paper up more but it just folds so smoothly

I'll be watching your progress dude just post here when you want or need the rest of the armour!

>> No.7357070


Also any complaints about the unfolding if you got any Im all ears

>> No.7357095
File: 92 KB, 640x640, 1391814534627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Anna skirt is almost finished! I just need to sew in a zipper and then it's done.

Some flowers look wobbly on the picture, but that is because it isn't laying flat due to all the fabric beneath it, it looks neat worn though

>> No.7357173
File: 2.07 MB, 3648x2736, DSCF5364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished with the bunnysuit pattern I started Wednesday. It's gonna be for the bunny girl from the DAICON IV opening because I love that animation so, so much. I know it's lame progress but damn if it doesn't take forever.

Still need to add the seam allowance to the traced version (I've got them all traced out and labelled half to hell now, only had one traced in the picture) but I cut my finger very badly at work today so minimal movement. Typing without using middle finger currently. haha. Another day...

I think I haven't made the leg holes' high point high enough but I'm waiting to make a mock up and test it out before editing it higher.

Usually I make my own patterns from scratch but this time I had to consult someone else's tutorial. Regretting not taking my grandma's hip curves and such when she offered them. Dang. There's always next time.

>> No.7357199


I thought it looked good until I clicked.

No the whole thing looks wobbly and jank as fuck

>> No.7357211

>Some flowers look wobbly on the picture, but that is because it isn't laying flat due to all the fabric beneath it, it looks neat worn though

do you do this thing called "reading" or are you just stupid

>> No.7357217

Not that anon but it looks really wobbly in areas where the skirt is more flat as well, it just looks bad.

>> No.7357224
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140208_012300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, it's really hard to make my skirt lay flat because of the way it is sewn so all the extra fanric bulk it up.

Here is a close up on one of the flowers when I have flatten out the skirt on that area (sorry for bad lighting)

>> No.7357234
File: 341 KB, 716x642, wipmami-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO CLOSE to be done!! Did a makeup test too.

I'm just a little stuck on how to do her wrist/bracelet thing. I tried the scrunchie-like route but it didn't work too well ...

Any pointers for makeup will be great as well!

>> No.7357278

Shit you cute. I'd make your Mamis creamy, that's for sure.

>> No.7357283

did you hoop and use a good stabilizer?

>> No.7357295

Yes I used an hoop, but the fabric is fleece (couldn't find wool in the right blue) no it's stretchy. I've bought stabilizer that I'm going to put on the backside of each flower so that they won't wobble

>> No.7357463


ohhhhhhhh fuck nigga das fuckin kawaii oh fuck son you don't even know how kawaii you is jeeeesus chriiiiiiiist yeah

>> No.7357467


Goodness, Gracious. Great balls of Kawaii.

>> No.7357490
File: 328 KB, 1500x844, il_fullxfull.561530840_b6qf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished a utility belt for my scifi expo tomorrow. I think i'll come back in and clean it up later.

I'm also thinking of selling the pouches. I've gotten decent at leather (gauntlet fag if anyone remembers) And it seems people will pay money for decent stuff.

>> No.7357496

Thought i'd mention, that one in the middle, (Left middle one)

Is the first one I made, so it's really awful. after the expo tomorrow, I plan to redo it, along with adding another one of the biggest ones

>> No.7357548

Beautiful work.

>> No.7357554

Aww! Thanks!

>> No.7357589
File: 81 KB, 372x375, blushyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.7357597

your dress is really poorly sewn. by that i mean the gathering you did where the top meets the collar is really messy. also i think there's too much fabric in the top part of the dress which is why it wrinkles and folds the way it does. i don't know what convention this is for but if you have some time, i would redo the top part of your dress. i would tell you to just fix the gathering at the neck but i think because of all the excess fabric it'll still gather poorly. maybe you can add a couple darts or at least cut away some excess fabric so it fits better to your body. unless the character has a big chest and you plan on filling out the extra space.

otherwise the design of the dress is really cute and definitely fits your image.

>> No.7357604

How much are you charging? These look pretty cool.

>> No.7357606

FFF Thanks for the advice. And I have a little bit of time. It's next week. I did the dress when I was still sick so sewing while being a doozy wasn't the greatest of ideas. I'll see if I can fix the gathering by cutting a little more. TY

>> No.7357608


Is this your first embroidery project? because it looks like it. You put on the stabilizer BEFORE you embroider.

>> No.7357624

can i ask who you're cosplaying? rather than cutting away at the gathering, i would cut away from the sides. if i knew who you were cosplaying, i think i'd be able to give you better advice on where your problem areas are. but that's only if you'd like advice.

and your welcome! yeah sewing while being sick is never a good idea.

>> No.7357629

Well, considering they take a lot of work to make, the small ones for 33, medium for 43, and large for 55. I think I'll use higher quality swing hooks If I manage to get any buyers. these look too cheap to me.


My etsy where I listed them.

>> No.7357632

I may make them a little cheaper, I feel I might be asking too much?

>> No.7357639
File: 263 KB, 627x482, mamimspink-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah here.
I just remember I wanted to cover more of my chest area but it just ended up a little weird... Probably cause I tried to scrunch it up in a halter top way...

>> No.7357660

I think making a skirt of tuule might help to fluff up the skirt a little bit, and make it look more full.

But I'm not a sewfag, it just seems much more flat

>> No.7357702
File: 655 KB, 1600x1200, 2014-02-07 23.22.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how annoying tape patterning is. and i still have to do another head hahahah... fuck.

>> No.7357731
File: 107 KB, 960x716, 1391834212878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting shoes for the XY Fem Pokemon Trainer/Serena

Still need to add some more coats and sharpen the edges, probably with marker of some sort.

>> No.7357834


Take in the time it takes you to make it + the costs

If it takes an hour to make one how much do you think your time is worth $10? $20?

Its a niche item and you dont want to waste your time. If it takes you an hour id be charging a minimum of 20 but thats me

>> No.7357847

you have no idea what you're talking about.

I have no idea who I was replying to. :)

I like the actual progress that was posted recently. :]

>> No.7357871

They take at least two to three hours, with cutting it out, to finishing it. the bigger ones will probably be made a little bit nicer, with more detail

>> No.7357915

oh okay i see now. i would definitely take it in at the sides to get rid of some of the excess fabric and make it more flattering to your upper body. i think two side darts might help give it shape too. the gather at the neck should be not too loose but not too tight? it's hard to describe with words. otherwise a really nice job, now that i see the reference.

i also agree with the other anon in wearing something underneath, like a petticoat, or putting in horsehair braid to give a skirt a little more structure.

>> No.7357929
File: 5 KB, 250x252, 1341819719445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about buying a mannequin like this...or are there better ones out there?

What brand is this one?

>> No.7357951

I was trying to figure out how to do the halter with some scrunch that covers most of my chest without making it too thick but that didn't work out too well obviously. I'm going to taking another look at it tomorrow to see if there is something else I can do

And thanks :)

>> No.7358080

Yes I've only done crosstitching on fabric made for it. I thought you only used stabilizers on machine embroidery, and now it's too late to redo it (it took me two weeks to embroider everything on the skirt)

Though I've already said here that it doesn't look that wobbly when worn because then the fabric weights it down and I will put on stabilizer on the back to try flatten out it more, Yes I know now it's not the correct way to actually do it but now it's this way, but after I ironed it it really don't pucker much at all

>> No.7358110

Well in that case I reckon your prices are reasonable but it will put off a lot of people. People like getting their cheap chinese stuff

But Id lower the price when you get better at it or streamline a production cycle like get a plastic cutout that you can plop on the leather and just trace cut it out to speed it up. Instead of having to measure it out individually all the time.

Just my 2cents

>> No.7358119


Ah yea, im scoring using the pen, wich is obvious because of the blue lines since someone probably threw out the empty pen i was using for scoring.

And for the bending with such small parts i used tweezers after scoring to bend it, wich sucks because i missplaced them when doing the last horn.

The unfolding for now seems pretty good. Ill try scoring both sides with the next parts to see how it compares.

>> No.7358140
File: 49 KB, 541x960, Boots 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So happy with how this boot cover came out! I just have to finish the top and then... make another one!

And they're comfy!

>> No.7358151

nowi's hair is still green tinted in the front though

>> No.7358153


>> No.7358206

Dude, that looks awesome! What's it for?

>> No.7358231

I need help in making Toushiro Hitsugaya's Bankai release. What materials are suggested to use in it? Needs to be a durable and light. Thanks.

>> No.7358283

This is a progress thread, not a help thread.
The help thread is >>7354045
And also, post a picture of what it is you are trying to make as no everyone will happen to know what it is you're trying to make.

>> No.7358284

It's basically the same thing.

>> No.7358299

>It's basically the same thing.

Not in the least. One is a thread for people showing what they have made and the other is people asking for help on how to make things. They are entirely different concepts.
If you cannot grasp that, then you're basically an idiot.

>> No.7358302


Its not really.

>> No.7358509

Don't forget the crotch patch and butt flap!

>> No.7358534
File: 232 KB, 480x640, 1356994867333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying an Ulgamoth Gijinka~

>> No.7358690
File: 723 KB, 2592x1936, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One week left to finish these, going to try using resin to fill the letters instead of acrylic.

>> No.7358692
File: 683 KB, 2592x1936, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a finished one for reference

>> No.7358695

Those. Are. GORGEOUS. Well done job!

>> No.7358872 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 297x383, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7358936
File: 370 KB, 752x667, Uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with my current project!!! excited to wear this
Amazing detailing
Good stuff is this worbla?

>> No.7359076

First off, I pray for you for whatever con you have to go to if you'll be spending the whole day in heels. That can't be fun at all. Second, do you have pointy ears? The costume itself looks pretty nice, but pointy ears are a simple detail that can pull together the wig and makeup(assuming you'll be wearing makeup).
I haven't commented on the progress of these but holy crap watching you make a small militia's worth of Invokers was a beautiful process. The final product is awesome, spot on job.
GauntletBro! Glad to see you continuing your leatherwork, practice will only make you better. On the note of selling them, put variety behind the more expensive pouches to make sure they sell and like >>7358110 had said, figure out a way to streamline your work so it's more cost effective for you. The price seems fair for the quality but there's always going to be some people trying to jew you out of a good product.

>> No.7359403

Yes I do ^_^ I didnt wear them for the pic, i forgot completely, thanks for reminding me
Yeahhh I was up on heels for 14 hours straight at a con, after a while your legs get numb so you don't feel the pain but afterwards ...
Thank you again

>> No.7359441
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 0007535322321_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get clear adhesive drawer liner and cut your pattern out of that, then stick it on the shoe to use as a stencil. You can paint like a slob over the whole thing and not worry about colouring outside the lines.

You know, in future.

>> No.7359449

Thanks guys!

>> No.7359483
File: 1.73 MB, 2472x3296, Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're on there. Finished up tonight, aside from small tweaks for a better fit and helmet fan for comfort. Sent pics in for 501st approval!

>> No.7360664
File: 129 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-7-14 at 4.48 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the legs and feet for a Jabberwock cosplay for an Alice in Wonderland group I'm a part of

I'm still attempting to figure out what to do about the damn wings though, as attaching them has proved to be a much bigger challenge than anticipated

>> No.7360690

>using fur

I'm sorry, but the Jabberwock is a reptilian creature. It looks like big dragon or something. Why did you use fur.

>> No.7360709

Because finding scaled fabric that would work over the digi leg padding and that wouldn't look like shit when it was all sewn together was next to impossible

And when I made the head for this thing, it wasn't intended to be used for a Jabberwock, just a demon to test a few, then I got asked to use it to join the group. So kinda had to work from there

>> No.7360880

Use a layer of batting to smooth foam out under thinner fabrics.

>> No.7361262
File: 400 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Nowi progress. Gotta add interfacing so the collar isn't so limp

>> No.7361767
File: 80 KB, 500x667, photo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brother wanted to cosplay with me at AX, and our group is doing an Umineko group that day, so I made him a sakutaro cosplay! The wig is currently in the mail, haha. It was really simple, but he really loves it and has been practicing his "uryuu"'s. Sorry for the poor quality!

>> No.7361775

This is amazing anon. Does he have a Maria?

>> No.7361788

dem garters

>> No.7361864
File: 55 KB, 540x720, 1392003401047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my leather armor for Daenerys, as well as one of the medallion belts, though I don't have a picture of the belt yet. Man, metalwork really kills my hands.

>> No.7361867

I really like this character in FEA, but this just looks kind if cheaply made. I don't know... The top looks inaccurate and those garters

>> No.7361868

shiiiit that's kawaii as fuck

>> No.7361922
File: 143 KB, 960x720, 1392005072899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also belt and jewellery whee

>> No.7361935
File: 614 KB, 1600x1200, 2014-02-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dye job: Successful. Assembling the head pieces now.

>> No.7361952

The thing is that you're not going to look like a jabberwock. You're going to look like a demon... wolf.... animal thing. A jabberwock is a reptile, using fur will make you just that guy in the mascot costume hanging out with the Alice group. You'll be entirely unrecognisable.

>> No.7362245


Hope there are gonna be some pink hotpants over the garters. At least i think it would look best that way.

>> No.7362522
File: 272 KB, 1290x1935, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I haven't posted in a progress thread in ages! This is a pretty simple way to ease back in to making stuff but I'm very proud of the little apron. I still want to move the straps up a bit higher. I have a looooot to do before Sakura con and I'm doomed if I don't start making more progress.

>> No.7362550

This looks great, how did you make it? :3

>> No.7362626

i feel the same way. the top looks weird, and the wig is too blond. pls don't fuck up nowi, you're already fat.

>> No.7362657

The medallions are sheet bronze that I embossed and applied an aging patina, the jewellery pieces are a combination of cast resin and wire.

>> No.7362687

Aaah thank you! Sounds and looks really great!

>> No.7363259

A... are you cosplaying who I think you are?

>> No.7363278
File: 254 KB, 918x475, nkIaXiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfinished draven axe, gotta paint and trim down the base as the foam is hanging over the edge a little.

Hopefully this wont completely fail as the foam feels too thin

>> No.7363384
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO CLOSE YET SO FAR. Just gotfa add my top, more roses to the corset, bolero, and do all the accessory details. Four more days til Katsu bluh.

>> No.7363525
File: 48 KB, 506x506, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Riven's sword. Just need to ship it out. The only thing I have left to do for Katsucon is to try to add some more curl to my Junko wig and finish packing. I can't believe I'm not having to pull an all-nighter to get everything finished in time, but having an extra week off work due to snow sure did help.

>> No.7363578

Not to nit-pick, but shouldn't the handle for this sword be wider/flatter?

>> No.7363716 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 555x717, 1392071108086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see it being too thin, because it's something I considered when I was buying the wooden dowel for it, but any larger than this and it wouldn't fit a carved out hole at the base of the foam. As for flat, not sure what you mean? I'm doing her Chinese artwork version, not the US or in game model, which is different and does have a flatter hilt.

>> No.7363719
File: 55 KB, 555x717, 1392071193969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see it being too thin, because it's something I considered when I was buying the wooden dowel for it, but any larger than this and it wouldn't fit a carved out hole at the base of the foam. As for flat, not sure what you mean? I'm doing her Chinese artwork version, not the US or in game model, which is different and does have a flatter hilt.

>> No.7363992
File: 417 KB, 1296x968, Bodice Boning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never done boning before, and I'm still messing around with it. Now I'm sure I'm going about it all wrong and blah blah, but in the fitting it looked ok. Now I just have to stabilize the center panel, and then sew the front to the lining and top stitch this fucker!

>> No.7364043
File: 209 KB, 1451x700, katsudsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is redankulous. I cant wait to see it in person!!!

I'm almost done with it. Everything needs a little touch ups, but I'm happy with the way it's coming along.

>> No.7364071
File: 163 KB, 413x583, men in cravats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Ema
mah nigga

>> No.7364296

Yup! My friend's cosplaying Maria!

>> No.7364311
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, picture257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started working on the base for my Ryuko glove.

Actual glove is a stand in until I can find something that will match the texture of the circular part better.

This is version 1 I suppose, It's not as rounded as I'd like, so I'll probably give it another go before I'm satisfied.

>> No.7364429
File: 828 KB, 1600x1200, 2014-02-10 22.25.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think it's from Log Horizon, you think right.

Meanwhile: Pangoro feet! Head and hands remain on that. But stitching up Nyanta's head now. I keep alternating between pieces of the two... Finishing the head is the last thing I got on Nyanta.

>> No.7364439

You are a qt 3.14!

>> No.7364443

Thats awesome! Are you going to Megacon or DragonCon?? If so, I'll be sorely tempted to cosplay Serara and make moony eyes all weekend lol

>> No.7364479

What is the RTPD made of? Worbla too?

>> No.7364653

I'm 800% positive Nowi has a ponytail.

>> No.7364662
File: 221 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first step towards completing Emmeryn! This is an awkward angle, but I'm really happy with how the drills turned out. They're not hairsprayed at all yet and they're a lot less ratty in real life, but I think it's getting somewhere!

>> No.7364673

Wow, that looks really great! Good work anon. I don't think I've seen any Ems, but the color is spot on and the curl looks good without being too gluey looking. Might wanna clean up frizz, but I hope to see this floating around on the web, I looove FE:A.

>> No.7364677

This costume looks mediocre at best. It's just not doing it for me. Which is sad, because I would of liked to seen a good Nowi.

>> No.7364687

Dude, that looks great

>> No.7364689

Holy fuuck, this looks so good! Do I just look up sees gun pattern online?

>> No.7364804
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this twill starts wrinkling when you look at it funny. Anyway, some more progress on Tenshi's blazer now that the dark purple sateen finally came in. The cuffs are pinned in place for now, but they'll button shut. Finally tackling the lapels/collar tomorrow...

>> No.7364809

you know this is called a "progress" thread for a reason, right

>> No.7364831

Did you buy 100% cotton twill? Because you don't want to do that generally. And you can fix that by starching the hell out of it.

>> No.7364841

Yeah, yikes, I figured that one out. Definitely gonna break out the heavy duty starch on this thing. Thanks!

>> No.7364872
File: 573 KB, 1200x1600, 2014-02-11 01.52.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In dire need of a shave, plus a little more detailing. But I'm a lot more confident in the overall shape than I was with just the head form, heh.

Nah, I'm mostly northeast, Katsu and Otakon (ACP LH event) are where I'm planning on wearing him. I'd love to have a Serara along, I'm probably going to be the lone LH cosplayer this weekend, eheh

>> No.7364882

I am in love with those drills! How did you do them?
I had drills in a wig using a bastardization of the wire and tape method and I didn't really like it so I took them out and washed the wig. Are you using a tutorial at all or winging it?

>> No.7364885

This looks incredible. Sad I can't make it to katsu because of my sudden influx of bills, but get lots of pics!

>> No.7364965


Ih man that looks pretty darn nice.

>> No.7365015

from the thumbnail I thought you had a dead kitten head.

Oh man am I glad I was being crazy.

>> No.7365020
File: 268 KB, 288x216, 651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7365031

It's a fucking pokemon cosplay. Doesn't mean he's a fucking furry.

>> No.7365079
File: 153 KB, 1103x549, Bodicemultipic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the color shows up best in the flash pic in the middle because my apartment has HORRIBLE lighting, but I've finished the base of Elsa's bodice! I need to alter it a bit, and put in a different zipper, but it's basically done.

I'd never done a garment like this before, and this was my first time putting boning in, and using fusible interfacing for stabilizing, so I'm glad it worked out ok!

I'm working on which sequins I'm getting for the bodice, and I'm going to start beading soon! It's not the best thing ever, but it's damn sturdy, and I think it will fit well once I do a couple of alterations!

>> No.7365309

I was really just winging it honestly. I'd seen a wig boiling tutorial (to get curls) so I did that and separated each sections of curl into 4 different pillars of curls (?) and then twisted them inwards. I knew curls can be manipulated to create one huge one, but I just did it and it kinda worked out! One thing I'd recommend is to not use the boiling technique because its really difficult to make look right and it sucks to work with wet limp curls. If there's another way to curl that you know is sound, then definitely use that, then go on with manipulating them!

Thank you!
I'm going to work on taming the frizz! As I said, the boiling method is really crap and it make things look really shitty really quickly.

>> No.7365597
File: 216 KB, 1000x667, oh lawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, i got to admit it, this is way more of a timesink i would have imagined.

At this point i probably sunk way more hours into it than i should have (around 20 now), but at least im almost finished.

And i managed to watch a few movies while i was cutting and assembling.

>> No.7365605

Top lel
It's from Log Horizon

>> No.7365674
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1936, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resin + black food colouring = fucking perfect lettering

>> No.7365682


Looks awesome.

What are you gonna do next time about the grain tough?

>> No.7365750

Love the shape at the top, but Elsa's seems to go down further. Are you changing up the style or just compensating for Elsa's impossible figure?

>> No.7365776
File: 1.14 MB, 2592x1936, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the spray paint because I was spraying too close, going to fix that next time by distancing myself.

And my other project is coming along smoothly too...

>> No.7365795

Elsa's stops right at the skinniest part of her waist. I have a very long torso and high waist and very large hips, and I'd rather it hit me a the skinniest part of my waist rather than be longer and end up making me look even boxier. Thankfully it's not fit right and I'll look a lot more curvy once it's tailored and I have the under-dress on.

So I guess yeah! I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible, while still being flattering on my figure. Making my legs look longer is a bonus too!

>> No.7365826
File: 151 KB, 1080x720, 1392150160535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tearing my hair out over these god damn gloves. i ended up making two different styles idk which one to go with

>> No.7365831

The one on the left look a lot better.

>> No.7365837

thanks (also damn those ones are way more annoying to make)

>> No.7365840

The style on the right only really works with a stretch material. I'd say go with the one on the right, but making it a little tighter, either by making it out of a thicker cloth or lining it so it will wrinkle less!

>> No.7365841

The one on the left (your right hand) looks better, though I am not sure why you are using red thread.

>> No.7365846


>> No.7365847

Gloves are the one thing I hate making more than anything else. I have made several, and I know exactly what to do every step of the way, but I still hate making the damn things.

>> No.7365852

thanks for the feedback guys. i sorta knew id have to go with the left design since the fabric isnt nearly stretchy enough. i actually ran out of purple thread halfway through so i had to use red and black. and man tell me about it, im going through my cosplans now and deleting every character that has gloves cause fuck gloves

>> No.7365920
File: 300 KB, 677x1345, Glovepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, making gloves with stretch is AMAZING, and even if it doesn't look like a stretch material, use a thicker 2-way stretch cloth for the gloves, and they'll turn out pretty ok!

This was my first try making a glove from 2-way stretch suedecloth, and it turned out pretty alright! Just make super tiny seam allowances, and use fray check and bind off the edges before sewing!

>> No.7365939
File: 161 KB, 570x1013, il_570xN.562442584_arfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look so awesome! I'm looking to make some of a silky material. Any ideas?

..I hate you.. that's fucking incredible mang

Fucking gorgeous wig. I'm not a wigfag, don't have any ect ect, but have always envied well styled ones.

That looks really well sewn!

I just finished a splicer mask I've been working on for a billion years. I think I'm going to resin it, and try to make molds to sell. Ugh.

Symmetry fucking sucks.

>> No.7365966
File: 357 KB, 500x2000, Stretch Glove Tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are using a non-stretch material but want it to have a bit of stretch, you could cut them on a bias. I have to warn you though. it will fray like a bitch, so use Fray check liberally. Instead of making a tiny seam allowance, notch, fray check, and press seams outwards, yes, even the tiny ones.

Also go with a more complex design with gussets, so you get a good snug fit. You're going to have to make at LEAST 1 tester, because you're going to have to do a lot of alterations to get them to fit well.

OR: what I would do is find a silky 4 way stretch (like how they do opera gloves) and then use this simple stretch tut to make them. Stretch fabric is a godsend when it comes to gloves!

>> No.7365997

Archived! thanks so much!

>> No.7366039

I can't wait to see the finished project, I haven't seen any Log Horizon cosplays yet and your progress has been looking great so far.

>> No.7366206
File: 667 KB, 756x555, Photo on 2-11-2014 at 5.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annnnnd my even shittier progress on the boots. im thinking of just scrapping this all together it's turning out so badly

>> No.7366321

Don't scrap it! that would be a shame! Instead use it as a pattern and get a different material. From what I can tell, the material is too thin, too wrinkly and maybe too flimsy? For what you're using it for, you might want to try something with 2-way stretch, and a bit thicker. Lots of starching, pressing and top stitching can help too! :)

>> No.7366350

Thanks for sharing! I never would have thought it could have so few steps, haha. I did some over the top styling for my Misha Mikado wig last month and the cartoonish-ness of it wasn't flattering in the least.
aaa now I'm excited to try what you did - except using my InStyler since my wig's already proven that it can take its lowest setting. Also, totally know where you're coming from with the wet curls thing. Wet curly wigs are hell on earth

Also good luck with the rest of your cosplay!

>> No.7366370
File: 957 KB, 2183x2656, balder armor progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally bought some leather straps and belts so I could put this together. The cuirass is pretty big on me, and my hips are rather small for the faulds. I also need some more straps for the shoulders, but it's coming along. Thoughts?

>> No.7366958

It doesn't fit. You might be able to salvage it by only re-making the breastplate. *shrug* Take a full-length photo from a proper 10' distance and compare to the images you can google.

>> No.7366970

Godspeed voldie, in my little experience with sewing gloves are the one thing I can make and they were a bitch to learn. As for the main outfit, May I suggest scaling the hip bow down a little and making the top bow...Thicker? I dunno something seems too flimsy about it, like it needs to have more volume or something.

Not even joking, the best drills i've seen on a cosplay wig. I don't know how well they'll keep up but if you can do it once, by god do I want to see it again.

>> No.7367418


How did it end up so darn big?

>> No.7367433
File: 918 KB, 650x1222, 1392192526408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of this twill and its wrinkly nonsense. Tomorrow I'm handsewing the lining to the sleeves/hem as well as all the buttons, then attacking this damn thing with starch at every angle.

>> No.7367475

It's coming along. Spend half a day with the iron and the starch on it. It may still pull a bit around the pockets simply because of the layers (make sure you've clipped/notched everything, and maybe understitched). And next time get the cotton/poly blend for your sanity.

>> No.7367511
File: 160 KB, 680x680, 1354911988176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opened toed

>> No.7367515


Hey, at least thats the least of the issues, its not hard to close up the toes i would guess.

Tfw i want to learn sewing and working with textiles. And this thread is making me horrified thanks to all the problems people are having with it.

>> No.7367523

It's not really that hard. Just lots of people using the wrong materials for the job they're doing. So I guess they're learning too (at least we hope they are)

>> No.7367529


Suuure its not hard. The same way my grandma assures me its totally easy to sew things, not like she was doing that for as long as she breathes and produces perfection.

I cant even nab her singer for practicing because it weighs as much as a small car and buying a new sewing machine is kinda expensive.

>> No.7367547

Well voldie's using the wrong material for what she's doing, and gloves are some of the hardest things to sew. The person doing embroidery didn't use the stabilizer before sewing, but now they know better. The twill blazer wrinkling is because it's 100% cotton and that shit wrinkles. I don't know what you're planning, but sewing isn't really that hard and you'll be fine if you don't pick something too complicated that you can buy a pattern for. If you don't have a machine, try making a kimono or yukata to start: they're mostly straight lines and hang better if you sew them by hand. You sound like you don't really want to try and you're letting other people's mistakes stop you from learning.

>> No.7367550


I did a little sewing, but mostly a doll or something really simple that could be hand sewn.

Not sure if i would go with a kimono or yukata, because it wouldnt be much of use to me, or i would have some explaining to do when people find it at my place.

Are kigurumis hard to make for a starter tough because i might give that a shot.

>> No.7367552

Just take a fucking sewing class. You seem to want nothing more than to find excuses to not try learn. It's not something you can just start doing. You practice, you fuck up, you learn, you get better.
If you want to learn, then learn. if not, then shut up and stop bitching about it.

>> No.7367645
File: 452 KB, 1200x1600, 2014-02-12 06.15.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, I'm working on Pangoro simultaneously.

>> No.7367650
File: 566 KB, 1200x1600, 2014-02-12 06.17.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly amazing what a bit of shaving does...

>> No.7367713
File: 346 KB, 419x580, 1390658664150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7367725

Kigus are one of the easiest things to make. If you can't make that, you really need sewing help

>> No.7367727
File: 125 KB, 841x992, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorgeous work. Are there sites to help make mascot suits? I want to try my hand at Teddie from p4 and I'm motivated. It would be my furst mascot suit though.

>> No.7367732


Point taken. I guess i will, was thinking about taking classes but always was a bit intimidated that beeing the only guy there would make me akward.

>> No.7367759

This is pretty insightful, and should be the kind of techniques you'll use for that kinda character: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8E8dttLuvI
Beyond that... Well, furries. The fursuit livejournal has a pretty deep archive of help and tutorial posts.

>> No.7367998

Yeah, using a significantly thicker fabric (sateen) for the details is also making the pockets pull -- definitely lessons learned all round. This is my first blazer, though, so I didn't really have high expectations for myself, haha. (I'm shocked I only had to sew the notched lapel once.) Thanks for the guidance!

But anon, the problems and troubleshooting are half the fun? Tackling these kinds of issues as you go makes the final product that much more rewarding. If you want an easy hobby, sewing isn't it -- you have to be unbelievably patient and willing to undo/scrap work if you want it to look good. But in the end, the results are totally worth it.

>> No.7368651
File: 90 KB, 640x640, 1392248352604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my progress of Maleficent designer doll. I'm so happy how it's turned out. Broke two needles in the pleather and gouged a piece out of my metal plate in my sewing machine. It was worth it.

>> No.7368662

That looks spectacular so far!

>> No.7368669

This is absolutely gorgeous!

>> No.7368693
File: 19 KB, 340x453, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the wig. Pardon the mess in the backgroung, I haven't had a chance to take a nice picture of the wig. At least the dress out shines this hot mess. The chibi style and wefts were fighting me tooth and nail. At least I have a wig. This is going to be remade at some point in time.

Thank you! Hopefully I won't get stuck in the snow on the way to Katsu. I want to wear it so badly.

>> No.7368740

please post moar pics

>> No.7368784

i like the butt..thingy (sorry i have no idea what to call that)

>> No.7368806

I think it's mostly the width rather than the height that needs to be fixed. I don't think it's too bad, but yeah, it doesn't fit.

Probably because I sized it based on the model, which is much wider than I am. If I could have used my hollow model (which is the skinniest body type you can make) I would have used that.

>> No.7368816

anon can i just say that i LOVE the villain designer doll collection and you are AMAZING for for cosplaying maleficent.

i myself have dreams to do cruella because they made her look like one classy ass lady.

>> No.7368925

I've been calling it hip armour, but butt thingy is good, too.

Thank you. I was so scared trying to tackle this.

I agree about Cruella, she was so crazy in the movies. I almost wish the way she has been redesigned was in the movies. If you're going to be making fur coats out of puppies you need to be some high class bitch.

>> No.7368975
File: 640 KB, 1600x1200, 2014-02-12 15.38.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Nyanta and Pangoro's heads in time, without cutting corners, feels like a fucking first before a con.

>> No.7368987

I feel like you should store them on plaques on the wall like hunting trophies.

>> No.7369163

Awwww yisssss

>> No.7369368

I don't mean to nitpick cause both of them look wonderful, but the cat looks a bit cross-eyed..

>> No.7369614


You just have to do what >>7368987 said. Make some plaques and mount them on your wall when not wearing them.

You will have a nice way to store them while beeing an akward conversation starter.

>> No.7371577
File: 29 KB, 646x624, basic_trooper.c4d *-1 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pepakura patterns. First time modeling for foam.

Looks disjointed as hell right now, mostly still laying down points.

>> No.7371585
File: 95 KB, 1094x648, basic_trooper.c4d *-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos mode engage! Time to tweak edges and magnet around stuff for days!

>> No.7371595

what on earth is going on with that topology

>> No.7373962
File: 121 KB, 399x617, ragyo_test_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently finished the sewing and armor making portions of my Ragyo Kiryuin cosplay- I'm not wearing the neck piece here, as I couldn't find it. This is my first time making a dress patterned like this, in addition to my first time making armor, so I'm pretty proud of it! Because it's my first time, I'm also looking for a bit of concrit maybe. (and yes I forgot to iron the skirt before taking the picture and I also have modified the design a bit for a bit more coverage on the sides)

But wow everyone in this thread is looking really nice.

Ahh this is really well constructed- where'd you get the trim?
You're so adorable
Wow those drills look amazing
This is beautiful and I'm so glad you're cosplaying her

>> No.7373973

I think you should have gone with a flowier material. Also I feel the waist band is a itty bit low and thick for you.

>> No.7374005

Agreed on the material it looks too stiff. I feel that the waist band could actually use to be lowered about an inch and used as a waist cincher. It also looks like the material bunches up strangely at the sides by your boobs/under the arms.

I wanna make a Ragyou costume /so much/ but I don't want to throw down the money necessary to do it right.

>> No.7374020

I have no idea what this is supposed to look like but shorten those titstraps and go nuts with the tape so you don't end up on the verge of popping out.

>> No.7374072
File: 75 KB, 680x639, helghast_capturetrooper.c4d *.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what you mean

more stuff getting done-r

>> No.7374087
File: 179 KB, 720x1280, 1392548327106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of people are planning on cosplaying her but I've been working on a Jinx cosplay and I got my wig in a few days ago. It came in really loose and thin but I think I managed to tame it and make it a bit thicker with tricky hair placement. I tightened the braids and figured out a way to (somewhat) make her ridiculous gravity defying bangs look kind of decent. They're being held up by a clip so I feel like I'm massively cheating but until I can figure out a way to permanently keep them in that one spot, I don't know what else to do.

Wow that looks absolutely stunning!

Congratulations for getting them done on time, they look really great. You should definitely find a nice place to display them when not using them.

>> No.7374095
File: 118 KB, 960x720, 1392550420887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda old picture but i've recently felt like working on this cosplay again. here's some progress shots of a medigun that my dad was helping me put together. still pretty far from the finished product but w/e

>> No.7374179

What do you use to paint them?

>> No.7374180

>FF3 cosplay
my nigga
I'll be doing archer Ingus sometime soon! Glad to know there's at least some interest in it still.

>> No.7374265


Hey you really suit jinx and that wig is awesome gj!

Here is the ripped model file of jinx for you (and her weapons) for more references if you need them


To view them install pepakura designer and then go into 3Dmodelwindow and un-click the view edges option and you'll get a nice clean view of her and her stuff

>> No.7374267

ooooh unrelated but where did you find the model file? I'm looking for Lux.

>> No.7374443
File: 100 KB, 480x590, body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you've picked the wrong costume to do for a beginner. Your boobs also look really awkward here.

As you can see, the bottom of the dress is way more flared out. Even if you go for a more cartoon style and not say go a feather route, you still need huge flare to this outfit. I feel like you could also benefit from looking at reference more, as you can see the armour and top half of the dress directly connect and leave no fabric in the middle section. There is also the bit that hangs down from the crotch. You have made them into black splotches when I am pretty sure they are long beads with another bead section to connect.

You also mention you are done with sewing but what are you doing to make the giant feather/fabric cape thing?

>> No.7374451


I think he means the crazy ass topography of the model beneath the armor.

>> No.7374925

I ripped the models myself using tools I found on the net

Here is lux for you


>> No.7374965
File: 153 KB, 800x600, 12355084425_239c06ed9e_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the compliment and the files but all of the weapons are already 2/3rds of the way in production! Pic related. Fishbones jaw even moves! We're (We being me and my friend who is working on a majority of the weapon work) are just trying to figure out how to put the LEDs inside nicely without fudging up the lever system that opens the jaws, but neither of us are really experienced in LED or lighting so we're probably gonna do some research on that.

I'm gonna start working on virtually everything tonight and tomorrow and this week, since I just got all of the materials for her, so I guess I'll post progress shots here when things get done.

>> No.7375604
File: 66 KB, 640x640, buckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently pregnant and the con I'm attending is two weeks before I'm due to give birth. So my plan is a pregnant Padme. Here is the sculpting of the buckle from some clay.

>> No.7375611
File: 98 KB, 960x960, buckle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the painted buckle and brooch. It's not 100% accurate, but I was pretty pleased since it was my first time carving something so intricate with clay. I prefer sticking with the sewing machine.

>> No.7375613

oh man thats lovely, I hope your cosplay turns out just as nice!

>> No.7375620

Thank you! I hope so as well, and I hope the baby holds out for the con. I don't want to give birth there.

>> No.7375631

That WOULD make for an amazing con horror story though....

>> No.7375651

Oh god no.

I don't need one of those.

All the weebs crowding to watch me give birth.

>> No.7375939
File: 124 KB, 760x409, Makeup Test 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I have super sharp features, but I really want to cosplay Elsa. I've done a makeup test, and it was pretty crappy, so I'm looking for some Constructive Crit. Things I already know:

1) It was my first time doing fake lashes, so they may not be great
2) My eyebrows have not been groomed in FOREVER so they're rampant and scary, and are usually much more groomed.
3) I didn't have my full color pallet of eyeshadows, so the colors are eh.
4) the wig is a cheap, old, party-city level wig that I did 30 seconds of fingerstyling on for fun, I don't have any wig that's the right color even.
5) I have a fucking huge nose. I know. I can't really make it smaller, and it just looks silly to contour if it's anything but a straight-on picture from 10 feet away.

It is also 2 am after a night of partying, so eye bags, sunken cheeks, and general shitty complexion are to be expected. You can totally crit me on all those things, so I remember to be better next time though!

>> No.7375942

The light is shit. That's maybe a compliment though, your skin would probably look better in natural light.

>> No.7375948

Why would you bother posting looking for concrit if you know that there are all these absolutely terrible things to consider? How can I critic any makeup if this isn't even the correct palette you're using? It looks ok but only if you're going to a party in a hurry - also get better lighting next time

>> No.7375950
File: 37 KB, 497x416, adine ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With no current sewing thread to go off of, I'll post here. I'm looking for an underbust corset pattern and I can't seem to find a decent one anywhere for the life of me that comes with some kind of instruction (I've never made a corset before so instructions are appreciated.)

Do you have any recommendation? Long or short doesn't so much matter as long as it's a true underbust and not a waist cincher.

(Pic related.)

>> No.7375954

Like I said, feel free to concrit anything, I just was trying to let people know that I am aware of some of my issues. I'm looking for things like maybe I didn't do the shadow the right shape, I should use more/less liner here/there, I should do more/less blush, ____ or _____ can help with the harsh lines of my face etc.

I'm not saying "DON'T TALK ABOUT THE BAD THINGS QQ" I'm saying, "Hey, some of this is shitty, what do?". Sorry I came off the other way.

>> No.7375965

Eh, I think it would of been better to wait until you could actually present your best (or better) for us to criticize. This is sloppy at best, what exactly are we gonna tell you?

>> No.7375966

Well, this is what I know how to do. Right now I'm a total noob at character makeup (I can wear everyday makeup for my own face, but when it comes to looking like someone I'm lost.)

I don't really HAVE a better yet, so I was gonna just throw my try out there, see what I get, and integrate that into my next try until I get something nice. I have watched several video tutorials on it, but this is about as much as I got from it. This probably isn't the best place to ask, but I've gleaned some pretty good info of /cgl/ when other people present a first try, so I thought it might be worth it.

>> No.7375969

The 2 other posts are being a bit harsh. I think these photos don't tell us anything, good or bad. Next weekend you should spend some time mid-day doing your face. Take some indoor and outdoor shots with natural light, and some indoor with artificial and natural. Try side and front on, and if you have someone with a real camera (doesn't have to be great, just not a phone) have them take the pics to get a more real feel of how it will look at con. I know how frustrating it is to wait when you wanna do your makeup and get feedback now, but it isnt worth it if the feedback is totally irrelevant to the day of!
As for your nose, its not terrible! Get a light bronzer and apply it to the sides under your powder, but beware too much! Poorly done makeup brings attention to the flaws rather than hiding them!

>> No.7375970

Btw I totally knew what you were going for from the thumbnail, so you didn't totally bomb!

>> No.7377446
File: 43 KB, 480x361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got around to starting to make Emm's neck piece! It's my first time using worbla and its really fun, but so hard to smooth out and get perfect without burning myself, haha. And many thanks to those who like my wig!
I'd love to see this technique used on a Misha cosplay, oh my gosh. It would be so perfect!

>> No.7377966
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x2448, 20140218_025630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

material and sizing test on my queen elsa's crown. I'll get the right stone tomorrow and make a more angular crown. Also figuring out how to keep it on and be able to take it off fast witouth ruining my wig

>> No.7378027

Magnets dude! Sew a small magnet into the underside of your wig, and another one on the crown! I think it could work. Your crown looks amazing btw! How did you do it?

>> No.7378071

Wow what a great idea! I would never think of it!

I drew the pattern on paper and cut it twice on a golden fabric-like plastic (you can see it in the back, it is golden in one side and aluminium on the other)
We don't have worbla or any elaborate matterial in my country, so this plastic is used a lot on armour and accessories

>> No.7380076

Volpin is that you

>> No.7380135

Anon, would you by any chance mind ripping Justicar Syndra?

>> No.7380227

And nami ? pleeease?

>> No.7380290

God those boots are impressive.

>> No.7380588
File: 204 KB, 720x1280, IMG956032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh jeez, I'm not Volpin but thanks for the compliment holy crap.

Also here's a shot of her top that I said I'd post whenever I got progress done on it, and the necklace too I guess. Everythings coming out really nicely so far, at least i think so.

>> No.7380614
File: 564 KB, 587x589, 1392791517302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the very basic parts of Ryukos tracksuit. Im doing it without a pattern, not sure how I feel about it. I'm not crazy about the stripes on the sleeve.

>> No.7380624


Not crazy about stripes on tracksuits?

What? You hate slav fashion? Just google adidas tracksuits.

>> No.7380634

I meant not too crazy about how thick they ended up, since the stripes on Ryukos are pretty thin.

>> No.7380632



>> No.7380674

Looks good but I'm not a fan of the shiny material you used for the pink and purple bits. Especially if you're going to be making the shorts out of the same stuff.

>> No.7380845

That material for the red looks so shitty and not like track suit material at all. Just scrap this pile of crap and start over.

>> No.7380871
File: 484 KB, 200x149, tumblr_m0uzwl5uWC1qbt900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtered photo
>said it was the very bare bones of it
>still pinned, not even sewn

this is why i still come here

>> No.7381220 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1296x917, hoop skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically the weirdest thing I have ever made. It has also taught me to plan shit before I just dive head-first in to it.

The basic idea was that I definitely wanted a hoopskirt because her skirt seems to magically float- but in real life all that fabric is just gonna hang down. Unfortunately the skirt is obviously much longer in the back than the front, so apparently I thought a bigass hoopskirt made with wire was the answer.

Conclusions: It's too long in the front, but for decency's sake I may keep it that way. I'm pushing it back in the pic because it swings forward, but I have a plan for that. It has weirdass bumps where the hoops are the wrong size/shape, but I don't think it's anything that a petti wont fix. Overall, it's ugly as sin, but it is an undergarment and I do think I've actually achieved what I was aiming for. Now I just need to make it look decent.

>> No.7381505
File: 1.32 MB, 2051x970, finnaly finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, finnaly finished assembly if the kind anon is still here.

The unwrapping was really good. Almost no problems, except there were 4 annoying thin strips, but i could deal with just 4 of them.

It even fits on my head!

>> No.7381578
File: 652 KB, 2448x3264, Poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little bit of progress of my Poison Ivy
Made a bunnysuit (underneath) to make it look smoother and pulled some stretchfabric over it
Now the boots and gloves !

Holy Shit o.O

Damn that looks amazing, I really like your hair btw

>> No.7381902

dem thighs

>> No.7382084
File: 1.28 MB, 2456x1736, IMG_3278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm trying to glue glitter to the fabric I got for elsa's cape and still get a good view of the details.
Does anyone knows of someone who did her cape like this before? How does it look like in a large scale? ( I'm pretty much ok with the small scale test)
Test piece is 12x9 cm

>> No.7382236


Thank you!!

>> No.7382354

That looks really good man! Solid pep work probably better than my stuff

What do you want to do now; Do you want another helmet to pep for practice or do you want the full dragon scale (I think) armour

Just remember making the armour out of the cardstock is just phase 1 of the process

Phase two is resining
Phase 3 is fibreglassing
and phase 4 is body filler and sanding
and finally phase 5 is painting and sealing

So if you do want to go the pepakura route there is a lot of work involved BUT you can get great results for a moderate price

>> No.7382609

Damn girl, them hips and dem thighs. Not only do they look good, body type really works well with Ivy. That out of the way, the bunnysuit piece seems nicely constructed but I'd hope you plan on using it only as a base. If you use it too much as a crutch it'll come out looking like some sort of Halloween costume, and you wouldn't want your effort degraded to that.

>> No.7382735

Thanks!! I'm really proud of these!!! I can't wait to finish it all!~

>> No.7382799


The whole armor will be too much work probably. Yea, i already have resin and fiberglass at home ready for projects like that (made some masks), right now a friend asked me if i could make him a witch king helm, so ill probably go for that. Maybe even make some of the armor parts for the witch king.

>> No.7383017

haha, thanks

Thank you ! It was the first time I worked with boning and actually made a bunny suit and yes it's only for a base so that the stretch fabric over it would look as smooth as possible.

>> No.7383329
File: 46 KB, 610x412, dat-ass-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to see it finished

>> No.7383502
File: 250 KB, 2048x1536, skyrim_insanekidonfbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is 75%+ of pepakura people. Too pleb to forge ahead and take it to closing, or distracted, or busy, something.


>> No.7383515


Oooooh did you do that? Im stealing the idea of glueing the flaps above the parts instead of under them. I removed all flaps in my build and used tape to stick the parts together for a seamless look, but flaps above might be pretty cool as well. Certainly less work.

But yea, the helm was meant to be just a test build because i never tried something bit more complex in pepakura that would have to fit me.

>> No.7384153

Goddamn, Oshi, these looks so freaking good.

If you were west coast, I'd totally Log Horizon it up with you.

>> No.7385648
File: 875 KB, 1840x3264, IMAG0460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much finished my Thunder Hammer!

>> No.7385650
File: 305 KB, 2048x1312, 1393012969910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And an action shot I guess!

>> No.7386089


Pretty damn sweet man. What did you use for the shaft of the hammer? Pvc pipe?

>> No.7386189


Thanks! And yeah, I also gave myself a crash course in braiding leather strips onto it, haha.

However the shaft seems to bend slightly sometimes, so I think I'm going to slide a lightweight metal tube into the shaft, maybe like a curtain railing. That should probably work.