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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7355189 No.7355189 [Reply] [Original]

old thread

let's keep the bug porn to a minimum this time okay?
anyway in the previous thread a lot of people mentioned approaching photographers at cons. as a photographer, i would love it if a cosplayer asked me to do a shoot. as long as i'm not busy and i think your cosplay looks interesting, then i'm usually down for a photoshoot.

>> No.7355208 [DELETED] 

Pic very related, I hate when photographers do that, although it seems to be more of a press/AP/news media thing than regular photographers

>> No.7355217


Pic very related, I hate when photographers do that, although it seems to be more of a press/AP/news media thing than regular photographers

>> No.7355243


press photographers are a subset of humaniod beings

>> No.7355265



>> No.7355311

...has anyone ever done that to a cosplayer?

What sort of cosplay scandal would make news like that?

"Mrs. Nigiri, is it true that your bosom isn't entirely natural?"

>> No.7355323


>"Mrs. Nigiri, is it true that your bosom isn't entirely natural?"

I want to see this happen!

>> No.7355341

>bug porn

He was just asking for models though. That's what the thread was about.

>> No.7355345

Cosplay as an old fashioned reporter. Big flashbulb camera, fedora with a press pass in it...

>> No.7355347


YES. I need to do this and make it a thing

>> No.7355351 [DELETED] 


Don't bother playing devil's advocate, its a lost cause. Not arguing against you, you have a point, but the trolls will shitpost the thread into oblivion, or at least derail the thread like the first one...

>> No.7355357

>as long as i'm not busy and i think your cosplay looks interesting

To most cosplayers, they will think their cosplay isn't interesting enough and if that doesn't stop them, photographers look busy most of the time.

>> No.7355371

We can make up a list of pressing questions the public wants to know about various /cgl/ celebrities.

"Ms. Fischer, where is the kickstarter rewards we were promised?"
"Ms. Han, is it true you're more plastic then flesh?"

I dunno, the last thread seemed pretty good. We were able to have a long conversation about camera equipment and a long conversation about bug squishing for fun and profit at the same time.

>> No.7355378


Quad core /cgl/ with Hyper-Threading

Captcha: scope honebro

>> No.7355382


if you ever use the word /cgl/ celebrities around me i will bitch slap you.

you dont deserve a pimp slap

>> No.7355386

>photographers look busy most of the time
by busy i meant either i'm in the middle of a shoot with some one else or i'm eating. if i'm just chilling or wandering around, i don't mind being asked and even if i am busy i could give them my card or exchange numbers and we could meet up later.

>> No.7355390

Threatened by a tripfag.

I've finally made it to the big leagues.

>> No.7355395

No, just the paparazzi. Press photogs in general are cool otherwise

>> No.7355415

I always feel like photographers are looking for "famous desu" cosplayers and even if I have an amazing costume, they would just laugh me off because I'm not going to get them a ton of attention on the interwebs because I'm not Jnigs or Yaya.

>> No.7355430


nope good photographer look for good costumes. Most of your legit photogs could care less about a name.

>> No.7355433

This should earn you some sort of paper certificate you can hang on your fridge.

>> No.7355556

I think a lot of people just don't want to bother other people.

>> No.7355568

So, the general consensus is, if you have a good costume, and go up to a person with a camera, they will like it if you ask if they can do a photoshoot with you?
I have a feeling this probably only applies to seagull photogs, and not in general. I'm thinking of some situations I've been put in by people asking things, and I don't want to put someone on the spot like that.... but its ok to put photogs on the spot?

>> No.7355579

Sure, if we didn't like people, we wouldn't be hiding behind a camera instead of wearing attention getting costumes!

>> No.7355684


Most photographers are accustomed to meeting new people and welcome somebody to come up and ask questions.
If they are professional enough, they will either welcome the moment or ask for your information/give you their business card and simply ask that you contact them when they are available.

I would welcome it, personally. If I didn't think I would have time, I would ask if I could take their photo in that moment. Just in case I wasn't able to meetup later.

>> No.7355852
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>> No.7355912

As a person who cosplays good-but-not-really-impressive costumes from media with bad reputation I am VERY hesistant to even approach photographers off con unless they've done work within the fandom before.

>> No.7356135


This - my current fandom is considered con plague and even though I do large and interesting costumes, my assumption is unless a photog's portfolio includes it they won't be interested

>> No.7356218

>good-but-not-really-impressive costumes from media with bad reputation I


>> No.7356224


>> No.7356287


I've gotten requests for shoots from people who sound sooo worried that I won't shoot them because it's Homestuck. like "I'm sorry to ask if this isn't your thing, but do you shoot Homestuck at all? Sorry if you don't, just wondering" shit like that, it's crazy

Just ask, the worst they could say is no. :P

>> No.7356301

Not anon you're replying to, but I think since a portion of the cosplay hobby has gotten skewed toward getting the most likes etc. and competitive in that sense, people are actually nervous about asking or are afraid to even hear "No". That and I personally rarely see photographers not looking like they were intensely working on a private shoot with someone.

>> No.7356334

At least Homestuck cosplayers look cute. I've been tempted to read it just for that reason.

(I like Prequel, which is supposedly in the same format, but I've just never been able to get into Homestuck.)

>> No.7356387

Cute? It's fucking hideous... I would NEVER ever feature it and NEVER work with cosplayer who does homestuck. It's so ugly

>> No.7356394

Each to their own.

>> No.7356409

Bro, have you even been in a thread about peoples con peeves or stuff they dislike seeing? 'Cause there's a large dose of people who want to ban us, completely loathe us and just plain don't get it (it's okay, it's a complicated thing). To me it is completely reasonable that a photographer wouldn't do a homestuck shoot simply because of the connotations to the fandom and possibly bad publicity.
And rejection isn't so bad but it's bad enough everyone has decided we're trying to take over anime cons so you don't want to end up asking someone who like >>7356387 doesn't even find the cosplay attractive. Because chances are they'll run off and say stuff like "oh man homestucks are so awful and entitled as if I'd do a shoot of such a simple and ugly costume". Which doesn't sound bad but we really don't need more people dissing us.

Also, if a photographer hasn't shoot with body paint before it can feel really weird and needy to ask them to do those touchups or things you know you won't have to ask for with photogs who've shot it before such as yellow scleras or nails.

Honestly I just feel as a nauseance as is so I have a hard time approaching photographers unless I know they are okay with Homestuck.

>> No.7356430

>Bro, have you even been in a thread about peoples con peeves or stuff they dislike seeing?

I literally do not care about that. I'm not a fan of Homestuck, or pretty much any other big fandom for that matter, but this is my job. Unless someone is super fucking rude to me for some reason I pretty much always shoot them. I set shoots up ahead of time and I charge so I guess my setup naturally deters really shitty cosplayers. I would definitely not feel comfortable shooting someone who didn't even try and doesn't look good *at all* but I haven't encountered anyone like that who, knowing my prices, would approach me for a shoot... yet, I guess.

>> No.7356438


Which is awesome, but that level of maturity is in pretty short supply in the cospalying scene (cosplayers and photogs).

>> No.7356468


>> No.7356479


It's not bait if it's repeating shit said here hundreds of times and the few HS cosplayers on the board keep their heads way down

>> No.7356503

Yeah, but you're one guy and if you've never done Homestuck I have no idea whether you are one of the mature ones or if you view me as scum of the con scene. I would love to just not feel like I'm an annoying piece of shit when I approach photogs about shoots but that's sort of hard to deem. Especially in a con setting and for me who is only an amateur, meaning I have to sort away a lot of photogs who do it for a living for budget reasons. Meaning a bigger risk to encounter someone without a professional attitude. I am not saying it is the best strategy for me, I'm just giving an explanation as to why some cosplayers (namely those from big and obnoxious fandoms) will much more seldom approach photogs.

>> No.7356542

The only reason I wouldn't photograph Homestuck is because I am not familiar with it. Some of the outfits are cool, and I have infact photographed a large amount of them. But then again, there are a large amount of them at every con.
It's expected though. There is always an overabundance of cosplayers from various genres. Naruto, Deathnote, Homestuck, SnK, etc. I remember when there was dozens and dozens of shitty "L" cosplay walking around hunched over..
But still, I admired that some of those cosplayers lurched around in character non-stop. Just like I admire the effort that the Homestuck cosplayers put forth.


This dude has the right idea. Photogs can judge and gauge costumes, but cosplay and photography are symbiotic. You never know how a properly exposed, quality photograph can exemplify even a subpar cosplay. At the least it could brighten the cosplayers day :)

>> No.7356583


everyone's calling me a dude i just want to clarify i'm a lady photographer only because i think it accounts for at least half of the reason a lot of people hire me and feel more comfortable asking if i shoot certain subjects as opposed to some of the super pro photogs who only shoot equally "pro" cosplayers with enormous tits

>At the least it could brighten the cosplayers day :)

also yeah if i'm not in the middle of a paid shoot and i really like a costume whether for quality or series i do the approach and ask if i could get 1-2 cool shots somewhere off to the side. i LOVE seeing people really happy about someone wanting to take their picture

>> No.7356590

Dude, as a photographer I can promise you that most of the time we don't give a shit if you don't act like an annoying prick at a shoot or treat us badly. It'd be like you judging my skills based on my equipment (which is something a lot of people do, to be fair, so I make sure not to do it). If anyone says something about your choice of costume.

>> No.7356593

If anyone says something about your choice of costume they're an unprofessional prick*

Gah, I regret buying a pass

>> No.7356597


I say dude in the gender neutral sense. But I am a male photographer and I can sometimes sense the apprehension among female cosplayers due to that. After talking with me, or checking out my references, they no longer are apprehensive due to my sex.

However, I don't feel that a male versus a female when choosing a photographer matters. It's all about the individuals style. Sometimes a particular vision for a cosplay shoot can benefit strongly by choosing the right photographer.

>> No.7356601


The only thing anybody should say about anybodies costume should be positive things. This community can be fickle and filled with bullshit when the person talking is anonymous.

There is always going to be somebody better than you.

>> No.7356607

>However, I don't feel that a male versus a female when choosing a photographer matters.

i mean i know it doesn't "matter" in terms of photo quality obviously but there are definitely cosplayers i've encountered that specifically said to me they like that i'm a girl in addition to how much they like my work because they wouldn't feel comfortable in a skimpy anime outfit in front of a 30 y/o dude

>> No.7356619


I understand why you could be chosen based on the comfort level of the cosplayer. But just because the photographer is a male and the cosplayer is dressed skimpy, it's not as if the photogapher will just lose control and pop a boner and rip their clothes off or something.

It's gender biased in certain circumstances, imho. I shoot boudoir, implied nude, and nude photography sometimes. But it's the same concept of professionalism.
I actually know some female photographers that struggle when trying to work with more scantily clad clients, or trying to balance the subject with the amount of sexuality the character portrays.

Just sharing my perspective.

>> No.7356631

I'm an amateur photog, going to a con pretty soon. Besides not acting like an autistic, is there anything else I should know, like a primer on photographing seagulls at cons?

>> No.7356634

Well sure, but it is also biased that a lot of male photographers look at a female photographer and mansplain everything to her as if she just bought her first DSLR. I've experienced that a lot, as well as "heehee girls only shoot food and pretty flowers, while I'm a tr00 artist who has horribly-lit pictures of kettles and trash bins in his portfolio". It goes both ways. Of course I'll cash in on the fact that skimpily dressed cosplayers trust me over a man, I get shit slung at me by jealous manbabies all the time. Not even exaggerating.
It's easy to cry "bias" when you don't see that a lot of your colleagues don't take female photogs seriously.

Not that anon btw.

>> No.7356644

That never stops photographers when the reverse is true. Well, unless they're eating, I don't bug cosplayers trying to eat lunch or dinner, etc. So yeah, if I'm not shoving food in my face and you're cosplayer, feel free to ask for me to take a picture or two! I'd feel appreciated for a change lol.

>> No.7356647


Don't get me wrong, I fully understand and have seen the negativity towards female photographers. I am close friends with a substantially large amount of female photographers and am very confident in all their skills. I would recommend many of them for gigs that I am unable to attend and sometimes second shoot with them, or they second shoot for myself.

In any case, the dickheads who say dumb shit like "heehee girls only shoot food and pretty flowers.. etc" are assholes that you wouldn't want to be associated with anyways, as you surely know.

What do you mean not acting like an autistic?
Just ask to photograph anybody that you feel you want to photograph. Often times it will be an exuberant yes, but sometimes a no. Don't get discouraged. You can only get better by shooting more and more. and then more.

Share your contact information or tell them a way to find your photos you take.

>> No.7356655

I dunno, maybe some photographers are like that, but not me, and not the photographers I've talked with either. I'll take pics of just about any cosplayer. I want to encourage it whenever I can. Maybe that person is new to cosplay, and wants to try it but couldn't afford expensive mats, or doesn't yet have the skill to make a great costume. It takes less than two minutes to make some feel incredibly good about themselves, so why would I ever be a dick about it?

>> No.7356658

As a photog I *have* to be outgoing and willing to interrupt cosplayers so I can get a pic. I would give zero fucks if a cosplayer did the same to me, and as a matter of fact I'd encourage it and be flattered that they'd want me to take their picture.

>> No.7356664

Not either of the anons, but
Once I was going to a camera store to get a new lens with my boyfriend. I was carrying my camera along because I had been helping my friend take photos for her blog, and when we came into the store, even though I was the one who started speaking and was carrying the actual damn camera, the clerk kept speaking to my boyfriend and asking him questions about the equipment instead of me.

>> No.7356665

>it's not as if the photogapher will just lose control and pop a boner and rip their clothes off or something.

One day I want to meet a model who has that fantasy.

I mean, I did once, but I was young and inexperienced and didn't take advantage of it because I wasn't very good at reading signals yet.

>> No.7356668

I totally forgot about homestuck. That's really the only cosplay I *never* photograph. Way overdone, most of the costumes are boring, and the fandom is generally annoying as hell.

>> No.7356671
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>> No.7356679

>It's easy to cry "bias" when you don't see that a lot of your colleagues don't take female photogs seriously.
I'm a guy photographer. Maybe I'm in a unique situation, but I know more female photographers than male, and the images I've seen from the female photographers is always great. One of them is out of control and shoots so many events I have no idea how the fuck she ever keeps up. (Actually I know she doesn't as she keeps releasing some older stuff she's shot months later.)

>> No.7356688

That's great to hear! Most of the male photographers I encountered just tease me about being female. Stuff like "hurr Canon is for girls", "want me to teach you how to ___" (even if I already know), etc etc. When I bite back they just ask why I'm "such a bitch" and why "I have the attitude" and that "I need to get laid".

>> No.7356690


*To each their own.

>> No.7356695


i'm the original lady photog from this thread and that's weird, i don't know *any* other ladies. maybe it's the area i'm in! idk. i wouldn't feel comfortable charging what i do if i didn't guarantee edited photos back from a con within 2-3 weeks depending on how many shoots i get. for example my clients will get katsu photos back by the first week in march. i'm a professional wedding photog first and foremost though so i'm kind of trained to be efficient

>> No.7356694

Fuck, you're right.

>> No.7356698

>"hurr Canon is for girls"

Nikonfags aren't worth dating, anyway.

If they're wrong about their cameras, they're probably wrong about everything else.

>> No.7356700


I've heard stories like this more often than I would have liked to.

I think this sort of leads to the suggestion that people said in the last thread about looking at the equipment and basing your assumptions on that.
I know that a lot of very talented photographers will travel very lightly at certain points during conventions as to not be over encumbered.
I will often take off my battery pack, no flash, and a small low-light lens just because when you carry a large amount of gear for the entirety of the con, it can start to suck and limits the activities you can do.

This has never happened to me, but now thinking about it, I would be okay with a cosplayer asking to see the photos I'd taken on the back of my camera if they were interested in seeing my work on the fly. Would any other photogs have a problem with this?
I think this could be a valid way to judge a photographers skill on the fly.

>> No.7356705

I wouldn't date them either way since I have a boyfriend (that trumps the "need to get laid" theory), but it's just plain annoying. Maybe it's because I'm a landscape photographer, which is, at least here, a rather male-dominated field (most ladies I know shoot fashion, weddings, babies). I don't know, to be frank, they're just immature pricks.

>> No.7356707
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She didn't say anything about dating. The brand of camera doesn't matter, chump.

>> No.7356708

>The brand of camera doesn't matter, chump.

Nikonfag plz leave

don't make us start the holy wars

>> No.7356710

>I think this could be a valid way to judge a photographers skill on the fly.

Yes, it would, because no professional who cares about both their reputation and quality and spends time editing their pictures would do that based on request :-)

There are VERY FEW TIMES when I like a shot so much I show the client during the shoot. Honestly I do try to show at least one really good one just to get them excited for it, but never by request. That's just not how professional photography works. Everything gets edited.

With cosplay photography I'm not saying I go crazy with photoshop, but I don't want waste time if the client doesn't understand what goes into editing a photo and they say "oh can you do this? why is it so dark. can you make this look different?" that's a waste of time during a shoot.

>> No.7356711

Sometimes I only use a nifty-fifty, sometimes I bring a lot more equipment, depends on the weather and location. I'm no pack mule and don't carry around lots of gear so people would think more highly of me, and anyone who makes assumptions based on whether you have this or that lens is an idiot.

>> No.7356715

^5 right back at ya. ;)

>> No.7356716

Unrelated, but have you guys seen that Miggo thing? It's way overpriced IMO, but a great idea. Lord knows I'd use one, don't need to carry all of the crap.

>> No.7356717


if you have time to obsess about who shoots what, you are too busy sucking at photographing. fuck off and go work on your skill.

>> No.7356719

Jelly Pentax fag detected.

Sad you're too poor and shitty to shoot a real camera?

>> No.7356722

Stop trolling pls. We were having a nice discussion.

>> No.7356723


I'm confident enough with my photography that I will happily show anybody their photo after I shoot it. The only time I wont is when I expect to do heavy post processing.

I know some photographers who spend a lot of time editing and make their photos fantastic after the fact, but even at the time you can tell that there is potential.

I would recommend asking any photographer at a con if you can see some of their photos on the back of their camera. No guarantee if they will, but if they wont then they are not confident enough, or they are hiding something (creeper shots)
I don't typically edit beyond normal adjustments if it isn't a private shoot.

>> No.7356724
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>> No.7356726

Wow. Well, maybe that's also because I'm an older married guy, so my maturity level is at LEAST 9th grade as opposed to 3rd grade, lol.

Yeah the ones I know just do it as a hobby. Not sure if any of them get paid or not. Their work is still good even if it's not their day job.

>I would be okay with a cosplayer asking to see the photos I'd taken on the back of my camera if they were interested in seeing my work on the fly. Would any other photogs have a problem with this?
No problem here. I have yet for a cosplayer to actually ask to see the LCD after I take their pics. Kinda strange, now that I think about it.

>Nikonfag plz leave
Seriously? How old are? Next stop: "my dad can beat up your dad!"

Dunno why you'd care. LCD screens on a cam are way too small to make a judgement call one way or the other. As long as there's some DOF and the exposure is halfway decent, non-photogs won't be able to tell if you need to tweak it. I think you're being a bit anal about that, but meh, we're all different people, right?

>Sometimes I only use a nifty-fifty, sometimes I bring a lot more equipment, depends on the weather and location.
Same here. Nifty-fifty and my super wide. That's all I take. I only use the wide for the huge crowd shots, otherwise it stays in the bag and I walk around with the 50.

>> No.7356730

>I would be okay with a cosplayer asking to see the photos I'd taken on the back of my camera if they were interested in seeing my work on the fly. Would any other photogs have a problem with this?
>There are VERY FEW TIMES when I like a shot so much I show the client during the shoot.

Photos look much better unedited on the small camera screen then they do on full size on a computer monitor.
It's like a contact print from a negative, it can look awesome, but once you blow it up the flaws begin to show, and it's time for photoshop.

But I do like showing people shots that I particularly like. Watching people get excited about the pictures I took helps keep me excited.

>I have yet for a cosplayer to actually ask to see the LCD after I take their pics. Kinda strange, now that I think about it.

Now that you mention it, it is really rare. I assume it's because they're getting dozens of photos taken of them all day long, they've lost interest in seeing all of them.

When someone takes a photo of me I always want to see it, but that's because I'm a photographer, and also because people almost never ask me to pose for them.

>> No.7356731

>but if they wont then they are not confident enough
>Dunno why you'd care

I think I'm just more particular about showing raw shots specifically because I'm primarily a wedding/event photog and it's really unprofessional to do in those settings. I'm certainly confident enough in my work; if I wasn't, I wouldn't be doing what I do.

>Nifty-fifty and my super wide

Same here, mine's a 17-40 except I use it for more environmental shots. Don't really care much about the crowd.

>> No.7356732

>Unrelated, but have you guys seen that Miggo thing?
Meh, even though I only have the 50 and a wide, it *is* more than one lens. I also carry a speedlite with a small umbrella to diffuse, and I also have gels to match the flash as best I can to the ambient light. Neat concept though.

>> No.7356735

>Don't really care much about the crowd.
Sorry, what I meant is when they have a fandom event, like the big Adventure Time gatherings, etc. There's usually way too many cosplayers and way too many people with their damn cellphones to step back far enough to get them all in a single frame. Love the wide for that!

>> No.7356736

You could buy a sheet of Neoprene, a coat zipper, some other stuff and make your own, though. Beats me why they'd charge fifty bucks for it.
I'm thinking to make one for my workhorse camera+lens combo and some lens pouches too from the same material.

>> No.7356740


Oh! Gotcha. Sorry :P I mostly just do private shoots the entire duration of the con, not many fandom meetups if any at all. I'm either working or eating.

>> No.7356749

Totally! It certainly doesn't look like it would be a difficult thing to rig up at all.

>Oh! Gotcha. Sorry :P I mostly just do private shoots the entire duration of the con, not many fandom meetups if any at all. I'm either working or eating.
I dunno what the deal is. I've posted on forums before and people have replied that they want to hook up for a shoot during a con, but then nobody ever showed up. I usually just walk around and get pics on my own. I think I just look to scary or some shit, maybe they saw me from a distance and were like "yeah nah, fuck that" lol! Kinda weird though since my wife is almost always with me as well as many other cosplayers.

>> No.7356750


Hmm. I know some people who would like that. I personally would not.

I'm in the same boat sorta. Sometimes I cosplay and carry my camera. Sometimes I cosplay, carry my camera and am drunk. I will still shoot whoever, and often times do impromptu shoots with friends I see. It's all for fun anyways.
I will ask to see how a photo looks if I know the photographer, otherwise it's not that big of a deal to me as I don't really expect to be able to find it afterwards.

Depending upon the con and my plans, I can bring my camera bag with lenses and speedlights or sometimes I will bring a couple strobes, beauty dish, battery pack. It just depends what I feel like doing at the con and if I am expecting any top notch cosplay that I want to shoot and wont have the opportunity to do so again.
Otherwise I will just do a cosplay shoot outside of the convention.

>> No.7356759


I hate the big gatherings of people from the same shoot. There is no way the photos can come be interesting unless you take charge and direct everybody.. Which ultimately pisses off either the anti-social cosplayers, the loud obnoxious cosplayer who took the task into their own hands and thinks it's their show, or other photographers who are too spooked to get up in the fray.

I don't mind taking charge and directing, but it's never worth the time. I've yet to see a quality shot of the meetup groups that was not of just the select, top quality cosplayers who came together as an individual group of their own.

>> No.7356758

>Sometimes I cosplay, carry my camera and am drunk.

That's always an issue. You want to be carefree while drunk, but you have a $1000 piece of equipment around your neck...

And carrying my point and shoot isn't much better, it's small enough that I could theoretically lose it if I was too drunk and careless, and more easily damaged too.

>> No.7356761

How do you convince people to pay for your services at an event crawling with photographers willing to work for free?

>> No.7356764


If it comes to choosing to carry my camera or not, I often do bring it. I just kick myself when I don't have it and I see something I wish I could have photographed. But in that rare instance, when I decide to not worry about it, I will just use my phone to take some pictures if it's necessary.
Not for a shoot, but an on the fly funny situation or selfies with friends or something.

>> No.7356767

>I just kick myself when I don't have it and I see something I wish I could have photographed.

That happens way too often in real life.

Even worse when you realize you left your phone at home, too.

>> No.7356769


A lot of people will work for free, but it doesn't mean it's quality work. If a cosplayer sees the value in their work and wants to exemplify it with a photographer that can do so, then they are willing to pay for the photographers time.
It's not about convincing, really. For myself it is easy to overbook and leave no time for fun, but I only book enough paid shoots to cover my costs of the con, usually.

Doing wedding photography, cosplay shoots, portraiture, etc, you can always find someone that can do it for free nowadays. But the same concept, if you want it done right, then you are not only paying for the time and skills, but the creativity as well.

It doesn't hurt my feelings if someone doesn't like my work or decides to use another photographer. I know what I could provide and I am clear about that. However, I am always grateful when somebody likes my work enough to choose me.

>> No.7356771

>I've posted on forums before and people have replied that they want to hook up for a shoot during a con, but then nobody ever showed up.
>How do you convince people to pay for your services at an event crawling with photographers willing to work for free?

Oh I don't fuck around. First of all my prices are reasonable for what I provide but also just too high for people with "eh" costumes who are looking to bullshit around. So that deters people from messing with me in the first place

Secondly, I send out two confirmation emails to make sure I'm not booking people who won't show up. I sent the Katsucon location confirmation (do you want to shoot inside or outside) two weeks ago and I recently sent a final confirmation of time, price and meetup spot to trade phone numbers to meet up at the beginning of the week.

As for convincing people to pay for my services, I just advertise. Tumblr, cosplay.com, Facebook. I post examples of my work with clear prices and stuff. I've read here that apparently doing this is more of an east coast thing, so idk, but I make a good bit of money. I will be working all weekend at Katsucon.

>> No.7356783

Damn, now I wanna know who you are and watch you shoot, but then we'd both be giving up our anonymity.

>> No.7356784


Meh. "Tomayto tomahto" LOL.

>> No.7356788


I just have my soon to be clients pay beforehand to guarantee their time-slot. Before the con I confirm times and make sure they have my contact info to text or message me if needed.
One thing about serious cosplayers is they are usually on time frames. Be it that they have other shoots planned, cosplay meetups, cosplay competitions, cosplay malfunctions, etc.

WestCoast cons feel less rigid I guess. SakuraCon is my next convention and there are a large amount of talented cosplayers and photographers that attend.

cpatch: seven ofsocks

>> No.7356792



>> No.7356798

One impression I'm getting from these threads is that there's a lot less competition on the West Coast.

>> No.7356802


Nah, there are a lot of passive aggressive people. Wont say shit to your face but will fully be cruel and rude otherwise.

I don't get it, we love the same shit. Let's be homies and colaborate! But it's not usually like that.. Maybe it seems less competitive due to all the weed.

>> No.7356812


I have the opposite problem, how can I find someone to shoot me when I'm willing to pay them? It seems like everyone is either booked up six months+ ahead of time or is only doing shoots for their friends and previous models.

Meanwhile, I can usually find a good handful of newbies on baby's first kit lens who are up for it, but I'd like to know I'm getting at least a few guaranteed decent shots.

>> No.7356816

I wouldn't accept pay from a shit cosplayer, if her costume is good and looks GOOD on her I'll do it for free

>> No.7356820


If you're really interested in learning more I wouldn't mind meeting up with you at Katsucon!! i'm actually just about to go to a wedding but I'll be here later

>> No.7356822


I would photograph anybody who is willing to pay for my time. At that point it's not about judging what I think about their costume, it's about taking the best photos I can for this person who is entrusting me enough to pay for my time.

>> No.7356828


My costumes are middle of the road, average quality, which is why I wouldn't expect high quality photography for free

>> No.7356827


Good luck at your shoot :)

>> No.7356832

>There is no way the photos can come be interesting unless you take charge and direct everybody..
I'll usually just go along for the ride. I don't think I've been to a meetup yet where there wasn't someone orchestrating the poses, and asking all the *insert character here* to come up, etc. I've obtained some cool images here and there.

>That happens way too often in real life.
>Even worse when you realize you left your phone at home, too.
Totally agree. I go to my day job really early in the morning, and have lost count of the spectacular sunrises I missed out on capturing because I don't lug my DSLR around everywhere I go. :(

>SakuraCon is my next convention
"Scary"photog here: I have others I'll be at before Sakura, but I go to that too. :)

Please don't samefag. You're being really obvious, princess.

I must be oblivious to it. I know there's silly shit that happens between cosplayers, but all the photographers I've spoken with on the fly have been cool with me.

>> No.7356836

That must be it. People in the North East aren't afraid to get into your face if need be.

As for weed, I love it, but I can't take good photos on it. If I go to smoke up with a few buds, I put the camera away first and stick to the point and shoot or my phone.

On the other hand, I can be quite drunk and still take great shots.

>> No.7356837

You must be OP, and that's why you started the last thread!

>> No.7356838

>I would photograph anybody who is willing to pay for my time. At that point it's not about judging what I think about their costume, it's about taking the best photos I can for this person who is entrusting me enough to pay for my time.
That and maybe if they see their cosplays in the best way possible they'll learn where they can improve. Next con they might have a fantastic cosplay. Photographers should be part of the solution, not part of the problem in my opinion. ;)

>My costumes are middle of the road, average quality, which is why I wouldn't expect high quality photography for free
I have no problem taking pics of any cosplays. If you're wanting a half hour of time and want me to setup multi-light scenes then I'd ask for pay, but I would never turn down an on-the-spot shoot with some poses a cosplayer wants to run through.

>> No.7356839


I'm not one to shit talk, but things have happened on occasion. It's just silly.

Why are you a "scary" photog? What other cons will you be attending?

>> No.7356842

>and I don't want to put someone on the spot like that

Rather than just asking for a photoshoot then and there, you could ask if they do photoshoots because you are looking for a photog to shoot with. Take their business card or contact information and ask if they have any availability for the weekend.

Even if they can't do it during the con, you just networked and can probably reconnect for a shoot in the future.

>> No.7356843


hey thanks! i put my skype is in the email field, feel free to add me and we can talk about katsu!

>> No.7356852


Usually I am in a haze most entirety of conventions. Luckily I it doesn't affect my photography.. Unless I forget some equipment in the room.. That's the worst that's happened haha

I've been shooting at cons for a long while and I stick to my theory of cosplay and photography being in a symbiotic relationship. For someone to pour blood, sweat and tears into their craft like cosplayers do, they want their hard work to be shown in the best manner possible.

I for one have been able to use cosplayers as models and experimentation in photography. I am forever grateful for my many subjects that have posed for me.

>> No.7356858

I would love to meet up with other /cgl/ photographers, but that would mean not being anonymous, and having to take responsibility for all the stupid shit I sometimes say on here.

Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if we all at least casually knew each other anyways.

>> No.7356862


This is the best advice to connect with a photographer. Sometimes the time that spaces the shoot, even if it's a day or a few months or more can motivate the cosplayer to finalize things or work more diligently on their costume seeing as they will be paying for a shoot towards it.

>> No.7356863

>Usually I am in a haze most entirety of conventions.
Ok, YOU I want to meet up with. :P

>> No.7356867


I'm sure that's the case. I probably already know you if you have been to cons I have. The anonymity isn't a concern to me, I have just been not using my trip as to keep the conversation flowing and give my unbiased opinions.
When children start trying to troll it get's things off track a bit. I've liked this thread thus far. Hopefully people can use the great advice that's been shared by all.

>> No.7356873


aw no! I don't know any cosplay photographers casually I don't have friends lmao

>Unless I forget some equipment in the room

oh god this one time I was freaking out pretty bad about a con I had to travel to that I blatantly forgot my flash. I feel so bad. The photos turned out fine, I prefer working with natural light anyway and I doubt the night shoot clients even cared because we utilized some cool on site light anyway but I just felt so dumb

>> No.7356874

I've been tempted to make a throwaway skype account to talk with the bug squash videos dude from the last thread. Now I have two reasons.

>> No.7356875
File: 309 KB, 469x460, tumblr_mtuiif3vif1qawseuo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anytime. I'm WestCoast though
Sometimes my friends buy me drinks in lieu of payment for shoots - Fine with me!

>> No.7356880

I've paid models with drugs before.

Of course, they usually want something more along the lines of opiates then pot or booze.

>> No.7356889

So what's your trip? Can we see some of your photos?

I'm not really on /cgl/ much, I just pop in every month or so.

>> No.7356902

Where did everybody go? This thread was bustling a half hour ago.

>don't know any cosplay photographers casually I don't have friends lmao

How can you be a photographer and not have any friends? The great thing about being good with a camera is that it makes it so much easier to start conversations with people.

>one time I was freaking out pretty bad about a con I had to travel to that I blatantly forgot my flash.

I had a non-cosplay, political job where I forgot my flash. I had to use the onboard flash and do the best I could. Had to do a lot more post-processing, and the shoot was not fun at all.

Had another where the batteries ran out right away, and the spares just didn't work for some reason. I had to leave, find an open bodega, and then pay Manhattan prices for 4 AA batteries.

>> No.7356906
File: 517 KB, 664x1000, 1391809388034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure I'll show a couple I guess. I already posted with my trip earlier in the thread, so no biggy.

>> No.7356910
File: 1.36 MB, 1928x1280, 1391809467715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just a couple

>> No.7356917


But you said you were a gurl!!

>> No.7356919


Maybe most of the questions have been answered?
I'm editing photos currently and keep coming back to the thread to see if anything is happening.

>> No.7356924


It's hard to tell who is who when everyone is anonymous. I think you thought I was the other anon?

Sorry to disappoint you haha

>> No.7356925

Also, that one is fucking awesome. How much of that is in camera, and how much of that is post-production?

This thread has been great entertainment for me while doing photoshop, too. It's my least favorite part of shooting, and BSing with anons makes it far less annoying.

>> No.7356930

My hopes and dreams have been crushed. Back to the basement for me :(

>> No.7356948


I'm the girl photog anon! I was the one that posted with my skype in the email field. I'm on my way to shoot a wedding rn but I'll post some of my stuff when I get back

>> No.7356950


It was mostly on camera, I did some touch-up to it though. Glad you like it :)

Why are they crushed, she said she had a boyfriend lol.

>> No.7356961

Cosplayer here with a question

What is your dream shoot? Like if you could have anyone in any costume at any spot what would you like to do?

What's more fun to shoot, Cosplayers who are pros at shoots or your average "just for fun" cosplayer?

>> No.7356969

>It was mostly on camera, I did some touch-up to it though. Glad you like it :)
That's pretty f-in impressive then. How did you do it?

Especially bits like keeping the makeup intact in water, the coloration, the shutter speed you used to catch the raindrops, how you found such a perfect location...

>> No.7356979

This, I'd love to see the EXIF info on this picture.

>> No.7356981


Currently I would love to do an Attack on Titans shoot with composites and lots of post production with awesome cosplayers.
I have some strong visuals in mind.

I always like shooting people who are comfortable or open in front of the camera who don't have to be awkward for a while. Typically people I have photographed more than once are more pleasurable to shoot. But at that point I would consider them friends though.

Most people I shoot I would consider a friend afterwards

>> No.7356996
File: 615 KB, 600x903, 1391811457803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was the final portion of a shoot I did at the Ape Caves in Washington. The US's largest lavatubes or something. I had gone there on a hike previously, and being familiar with Orochimaru, I knew that he needed a cave environment that would suffice as his hideout. The cosplayer is very talented and used a style of makeup that holds up very well.

As you can tell, it began to rain and we had to hurry as my camera was getting drenched as well as her wig.

She took her pants off and got in the water as I directed her to slowly submerge.. But my angle on land was not what I liked.. So quickly I took my pants off as well and jumped in the water with camera in hand and got the shots.

She was a trooper and the shot is great. You should be able to search the exif data on the image. I think it's still intact.

I'll show one from the cave so you can see. Her name is MissSinister Cosplay. She has some great costumes.

>> No.7356999

According to others I look a bit intimidating. I'll be at Emerald City Comicon too. I thought there was a few more besides ECC before Sakuracon, but apparently not.

>> No.7357006

Yay theres still hope!!

>Why are they crushed, she said she had a boyfriend lol.

curses foiled again!

>> No.7357029

That's a very nice shot.
Like this one, too.

>Cosplayer here with a question
>What is your dream shoot? Like if you could have anyone in any costume at any spot what would you like to do?
I never really thought of any dream shoot. If they have a great costume and the setting is either interesting or appropriate for the cosplay, and they are patient enough to wait for the golden hour, you cannot go wrong, really. (Well you can, but that environment is probably the best one could hope for in my opinion.) I would have more fun doing shoots for animes/cartoons/games that I really like a lot though.

>What's more fun to shoot, Cosplayers who are pros at shoots or your average "just for fun" cosplayer?
I don't think I've ever shot any pros. There have been some who know a number of poses for their character, and that is very VERY helpful. People who don't know any poses can be extremely difficult to get good shots of.

>> No.7357076

>She took her pants off and got in the water as I directed her to slowly submerge.. But my angle on land was not what I liked.. So quickly I took my pants off as well and jumped in the water with camera in hand and got the shots.

I admire your dedication. I've had to get near nude for some nude photoshoots in the past, but never go jump in cold water in the rain with my camera.

>> No.7357108

>What is your dream shoot? Like if you could have anyone in any costume at any spot what would you like to do?
Doing some of my favorite characters from my favorite anime in very fitting locations.

>What's more fun to shoot, Cosplayers who are pros at shoots or your average "just for fun" cosplayer?
They both have their pros/cons. It really depends on the person. Some people are very serious, some are more relaxed, some are goofy/derpy.

>> No.7357342


Thank you. It was totally worth it!

But that leads me to a question: What would you do as a cosplayer with one of your cosplay if you had the option to go to a location nearby that fits a cosplay of yours? Think of a full day trip distance away would be your limit of distance.

I like to incorporate environments from the Pacific Northwest for PNW Cosplayers and have shoots planned already for various cosplayers incorporating environments.

>> No.7357362

>worried about getting your camera wet
>lol let's jump in the water and try not to wreck my D90
Jesus christ you're crazy, fantastic shot for the risk.

>> No.7357389

All the photographers at the beginning of this thread encourage (good) cosplayers to approach them and ask for a photo/shoot.
However, this reminds me a lot of people with bad costumes complementing yours, and then asking for a complement in return. "Why didn't you tell me mine looks cool, too?"

If I were a photographer, I'd feel extremely awkward being asked by someone with an ugly costume to take their photo. Does this ever happen to the photographers in this thread?

>> No.7357390


Waterproof housing?

Captcha: Ioucha Editors

>> No.7357411

Nah, I smile, take the best photo I can, and appreciate that someone wanted my talents.

>> No.7357421

>I'd feel extremely awkward being asked by someone with an ugly costume to take their photo. Does this ever happen to the photographers in this thread?

I've never had a cosplayer ask if I could take their picture. I wouldn't care if their cosplay was garbage, I'd still take a few shots.

>> No.7357448

Maybe. I just assumed he didn't.

>> No.7357968


No waterproof housing. The rain was coming down and I had a piece of plastic wrapped around my camera, but it was getting soaked. Time was of the essence and I didn't have time to fiddle with things. It was cold and raining. The weather changed quickly and this was fairly impromptu haha

>> No.7357972


I will happily take a photo in the best manner I can. Sometimes people ask me to take a photo and don't care to see it or to even get it later. ..they just wanted their photo taken for some reason.

>> No.7357981

can we see some hallway photos that the photogs have taken? I heard a lot about EBK lately and want to see how his stuff differs from the seagulls

>> No.7358232


EBK made a name for his hall work back in the day. Let me see if i have anything to show. Kinda need to prep for a shoot today anyway

>> No.7358426

He travels to a lot of conventions.
He is mostly well know due to him being head of the photography on Cosplay.com years back. His stuff would be featured on the front page of photos while other photographers photos were months behind on getting approved.

>> No.7358503

Yeah, those sites are always nice and full of it

>> No.7358582


I have a couple styles of hallway photography I've done. I'll post both in a little bit.

I remember EBK from a long while back. I heard that he was fairly non discriminatory and photographed a lot of cosplay. Other than that I don't know much about him. He seems nice

>> No.7358629

His shit is shit compared to the shit on curecos

>> No.7358633
File: 403 KB, 598x900, JDP+SakuraCon_2013_CR-140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I do a closer shot and a full body shot. If there are particular details that are interesting, I will photograph those as well.

>> No.7358636
File: 475 KB, 664x1000, 1391887855698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since these characters are supposed to be small, I backed up and made them seem smaller. They had a little lightbulb staff, but I dorected them to stand in a spot where my strobe would act as though the staff was providing the light. I kept the shutter fairly closed so what was not being hit by the strobe would not be as eye catching and distracting from the subject I want you to see.

>> No.7358661

You obviously know how to use a camera but your editing skills are bottom line basic -watch fashion photographers and and professional portrait photographers to bring your photography to the next level - dont say natural bullshit because i hear this shit all the time from my fagtog friends until I teach them the wonders of photoshop

>> No.7358663

And also, stop changing your shitty watermark for every photo, its stupid and and inconsistent, looks like you stole a photo from another jason

-Fashion photog

>> No.7358673


Thanks for the constructive criticism. Like I said, I only did basic editing on the hallway photos.
I have 2 watermarks that I use, at the time the Pyro image was taken, the following logo was not created. Since I am only uploading for the sake of showing the cosplay hallway photography, I didn't take the time to do anything beyond uploading what I had already.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of your work posted, anon

>> No.7358687

Meh, whatever, the fashion guy is being a fucking movie critic tier douche. Your photos look great, and I bet any average joe would love to see their cosplays captured in this manner.

>> No.7358702
File: 158 KB, 426x640, 8611378655_77b82123a5_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to hate myself for doing this, but at the expense of trolls here's a couple of 100% spontaneous photos where I just stopped cosplayers and asked if I could snap one or two pics. I am not saying the costumes are or are not great, or that the photography is excellent, etc., these are pretty much random ones I've selected and have almost no edits done to them. (I take way too many pics to edit them all, they mostly get white balanced, maybe cropped, and light touchup here and there.)

>> No.7358703
File: 189 KB, 426x640, 8612491428_ebdaa9fe69_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd and last image because I don't feel like picking any more.

>> No.7358707


Skirtz! She's awesome.
I think that if cosplayers you photographed found shots like this, they would totally dig them. This is better than a majority of hallway shots.

Only criticism I have about this shot is I wish it were cropped a little better so that she was centered and not on the upper left so much.

Good job on biting the bullet and posting

>> No.7358710


Rad. I like your shots. :)

Same criticism on both photos, but otherwise these are great imho

>> No.7358742

Thank you! Sometimes hall shots turn out great, and sometimes they turn out god-awful. I seem to be lucky and get shots that look OK more often than not. I think that's due to experience at this point because when I first started a lot were pretty bad.

>> No.7358750


Just keep shooting! You only get better with practice. It also helps to ask fellow photographers for critiques. Any feedback can be interpreted as constructive if you just consider what is said

>> No.7358764

Oh yeah, I have no intention of stopping hehe. I had posted earlier that I'll be at Emerald City Comicon and Sakuracon, and other cons later on this year too. I know a few photographers also and we chat now and again so I'm always in the loop with technique and new technology, etc.

>> No.7360752

Photographers who take pictures of girl's panties.

I rest my case

>> No.7360859

Who are you pleading your case to.
What case you are pleading.

>> No.7361155



>> No.7361452
File: 791 KB, 900x1355, Alice_MissSinister_JDP-CR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, just thought I'd share a photo I just finished. This is anon con cosplay shoot.


>> No.7361663

>dat noise
otherwise nice shot composition and lighting wise

>> No.7361836

I like it. The lighting makes it moody.

>> No.7362005

Nice. I thought it would be over photoshopped, but when I enlarged it I found it to be properly moody.

>> No.7363331

Raise the exposure up a bit. Why the fuck is the face so grainy... is she a man?

>> No.7363338

I like the lighting in this a whole lot. Her expression is fantastic and as other anons have commented, this is a fairly dramatic picture, especially for something static.

What I really dislike is the pose. Without being able to see shorts or pants, it looks like she is squatting to take a pee, not to stealth or be ready for some action. A slightly more raised squat, with the hips at or above the knees, would look more action-ready to me.

The pose is the only thing killing it, otherwise I really like this. Great work.

>> No.7365663
File: 397 KB, 598x900, Alice_MissSinister_JDP-CR-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the critiques and compliments. I'm glad you all dig it. As for the noise, it was purposeful. I wanted it to have a movie poster feel to it. I am considering doing a weekly before/after thing on one of the various social networking sites I show my work.

Here's an alternate image from the same shoot.

>> No.7366047

I like the pose and angle on this one better.
Poop squat poses are rarely a good idea.

>> No.7366057

Better than before, however I would slim the jacket because it looks like the jacket is too huge for her...

>> No.7366640

>I am considering doing a weekly before/after thing on one of the various social networking sites I show my work.

Might as well do it here, too.

>> No.7372105
