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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7351289 No.7351289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any seagulls have any experience with tattoo removal?

I'm tired of being embarrassed by my tattoos when I cosplay and want to get rid of them (one on lower leg, one on forearm, one on upper back).

>> No.7351293

teach you for being a whore

>> No.7351298
File: 36 KB, 700x466, tattoo-cover-up-makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best way is to cover it first with a red powder or paint. Then cover it with a foundation that matches your skin. They also sell special makeup/foundation that is used to cover tattoos

>> No.7351304

Lasers can remove it I think.

Thank fuck I've never been stupid enough to get tattoos.

>> No.7351343

This. Laser treatments can work but will leave red marks. They're also expensive. You shouldn't have been so retarded as to get them in the first place.

>> No.7351366

jeebus, lay off, will you? We all did stupid shit in the past. OP already stated they were embarrassed about them and wanted to do something about them. Flush that sand from your cooch.

OP: as another anon said, laser removal. It will be expensive (and make cosplay funds dry up), but you don't seem happy with them anyway.

>> No.7351372

>Flush that sand from your cooch.
this is the least witty insult ever.

>> No.7351390

who cares how many levels of wit it has, a insult is a fucking insult.

>> No.7351394

What is Dermablend?

>> No.7351397

sandy vagina is a common insult on this forum. It's the local slang.

>> No.7351403

You've gotta be pretty retarded, or have some shitty parents to have them let you get tats at 16-18.

>> No.7351404

(im p sure anyway) the make up that did that; >>7351298

here video of it, happy days;


>> No.7351414

That is pretty cool but why does he constantly look like he shat himself

>> No.7351417

I know what Dermablend is, I was using it in the "why do you feel like you need to get laser removal just for cosplay when there is a much easier and less expensive solution" way

>> No.7351418


It's a pretty dumb thing to do. It's like comparing your voracious eating habits when you were 15 to dating a black guy or something. Tattoos can make you unemployable, can make it hard to find a decent guy and so on.

>> No.7351429

Lol @ the board full of overgrown girls who like to dress up like dolls for validation bringing on such hate for "stupid tattoos". All the "thank God I'm not stupid enough " not followed by "to dress up in an overpriced frilly dress and make up in an attempt to make this polished turd shine" . Thank you, this further validates tattoos for me. Thank you /cgl/ you always make me feel so sanand give me a good laugh

>> No.7351431

>feel so sanand
I don't know this feel

>> No.7351432

serves you right for getting shitty tattoos, op. think before you ink.

>> No.7351434

Sane* dat captcha

>> No.7351435
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>> No.7351436

You do realize not all of us here are lolitas, right?
Like, what do you think the C in CGL stands for?

>> No.7351437

OP could you get something over it or enhanced by a good artist? My sister did that for one of hers and it looks a million times better.

>> No.7351440

sounds like they're just trying to cover it for cosplay

>> No.7351441

How do you feel about a threesome with your sister involved?

>> No.7351444
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>All that butthurt

Enjoy never being able to find a decent boyfriend or husband :)

>> No.7351445

More women in their 20s have tattoos than don't.

You don't want to be an outcast do you?

>> No.7351447

>More women in their 20s have tattoos than don't.

We are truly fucked as a society if this is true.

>> No.7351448

Well a simple google search can solve that.


>> No.7351450

>The answer to this is, sometimes. Probably not the answer you were looking for but allow me to explain. A study performed by Guéguen, 2013 asked several male participants on a beach to rate a woman on how easy they think it would be to have sex with them on the first date. Half of the time the woman had a temporary butterfly tattoo on and the other half of the time they had plain skin. The results were remarkable. The woman was thought to be far easier to approach when she was wearing the tattoo but it didn’t have an effect on how attractive she was rated.

>> No.7351451

sooo much samefag it hurts.

>> No.7351456

>Men Think Women With Tattoos Are More Promiscuous, Study Says


Men think the same about women who cosplay too.

>> No.7351469

Not OP, but I have a tattoo on the bottom of my ribs that normally is hidden, but I need to have my midriff showing for a cosplay. Does shit like Ben Nye work for that, or (since it's solid black) do you think it would show through regardless of how much I paint on?

>> No.7351509



>> No.7351517

Tattoos are a modern signal of a plebeian.

>> No.7351521
File: 82 KB, 700x498, vu-whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get laser removal, but I've heard it isn't perfect. You will most likely still have remnants of the tattoo, especially if you have color. Looking at photos there is also a high chance of scarring in the shape of the tattoo that was there. If you only want to get rid of it for cosplay purposes I'd suggest what >>7351298 said.

>> No.7351529

Not to mention that it's stupid expensive, and you usually need 6 or more sessions to accomplish it just looking like a severely shitty faded tattoo/scars. I've also heard it is way more painful then getting a tattoo.

>> No.7351535

ah, i hadn't realized what you had meant, very sorry

im p sure it would work, you're using grease paint and not aqua colour, yeah? specifically what are you using?
anyway im pretty sure as long as you do a few layers and set it with powder it should be fine

>> No.7351541

>implying that cosplayers don't always blow off their money on a hobby like lolitas do

>> No.7351767

That's horrible.

>> No.7351799

Wow, it looks like burns

>> No.7351835
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>> No.7351840
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The only ones I've seen that don't are mostly photoshopped. This is why you should think long and hard before you ever get tattooed, because clearly getting it lasered off is even worse.

>> No.7352025

>implying I need a boyfriend or husband
>implying I want a boyfriend or husband
Aw. That's cute.

>> No.7353870

Kind of impractical to go without sex for your entire life.

>> No.7353877

Not that anon, but since when do you need a husband/boyfriend to have sex lol

>> No.7353878

Whores don't I guess.

>> No.7353880


>> No.7353889

Tatoos are scars in a sort of wai tought, so that's normal I guess.
But I don't really get the mentality of 'I don't want to deal with this tatoo anymore'...tatoos are a part of you life, a really sentimental thing engraved on your own body, it's stupid to take it too lightly to begin with.

>> No.7353954

some tattoos are cute surely

>> No.7354138


It depends, my boyfriend likes one of mine because he says he likes the idea that I'm his slut. Seriously.

>> No.7354145

Shhh! Anon! Don't tell them girls actually like sex! Now /r9k/ will figure out our secrets.

>> No.7354148


>> No.7354168


What's the relevance...?

>> No.7354172

As a guy, I'm pretty sure even /r9k/ doesn't have a problem with women liking sex.

We know about the whole "I get off to feeling degraded" thing, it's not really a secret.

>> No.7354177

>Never get tattoos you will regret later
Fixed that for you. Never get anything related to generation (I.e, bands, names, games, movies), as it wont be relevent in time (especially with how fast our lives move with the information age. Remember the 'harlem shake' viral sensation?).

Rules for tattoo's: You have to ask yourself: Will I like this even if no one EVER sees it?

As for my tattoos: If Ifind myself in a situation where I need to cover mine (I have a medium chest peice and a lrge back peice that are totally invisible with a shirt on), You can easily cover it up with make up. Lazer surgery is going to leave light scarification and remnants.

>> No.7354178
File: 406 KB, 960x1136, 1391713869050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some tattoos are cute.

>> No.7354180

I wouldn't say don't get something related to generation if it really resonates with you. Who cares if no one recognizes it after a few years; tattoos should be for yourself, first and foremost. I want a few SMT tattoos, in places no one would easily see on me, and that's because I know those are games I'll still like ten, twenty years from now.
I'd say avoid getting fad tattoos tho. It's like all those people that got RIP Brian the dog tatts- you end up getting a spur of the moment tattoo like that, and look really dumb a week later.

>> No.7354183

is the whole "men think women with tattoos are whores" thing really widespread?

>> No.7354195

Unfortunately. You're going to find it hard finding a guy who doesn't want to treat you like a cum bucket.

>> No.7354199

>even /r9k/ doesn't have a problem with women liking sex

You haven't been to /r9k/

>> No.7354200

I think that's a 4chan thing, honestly; they'll find any excuse to say women are sluts. Dye your hair? Slut. Wear shorts? Slut. Dress like a prude? You're probably walking around with a vibrator in your panties. Ignore it.
It's not like women having tattoos is uncommon in the slightest, anyway.

>> No.7354204

Every guy wants a girl who is a bit of a slut at heart. Tattoos tend to imply that. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative way but in my experience girls with tattoos have been more likely to be sexually adventurous.

>> No.7354207

I would say don't get a tattoo related to a hobby, as you probably won't care any more in time. I always cringe when I see people get Superhero or anime related tattoos.

>> No.7354215

It's that tattoos are an indication she's more likely to be into risk taking behavior.

>> No.7354254


This. When we call you sluts and whores, we're just secretly hoping you'll be into all our messed up fantasies.

>> No.7354272

Or are "damaged' and are easier to get. Same goes with multiple piercings and edgy hair

>> No.7354307

what about lesbians and tattoos?

>> No.7354309

I'm sure they can hide tattoos for their cosplay as well.

>> No.7354328

(Sage for replying in a troll thread)
I've found it to be the opposite way. The girls I know who cam and are more adventerous know that tattoos are identifying features that might come back to haunt you when they show up in screenshots or show up in personal pictures.

They're pretty careful to not do anything that could jeopardize a career or school in the future.

They may like sex a lot, but they're not idiots.

As for the Suicide Girls and other ladies like that, well, they must not want to run for president later in life.

>> No.7354355

I've found the complete opposite, if you go to /soc/ some of the best known camsluts are ones with tats, like qqqq.

>> No.7354366

Man, do you really think that? I've never met anybody like that. I mean, I've met people with damages, but they're not caricatures. A few of them had tattoos, I guess. A lot of fucked up girls I knew dressed and acted really conservatively.

I've only seen girls like that in fucking comic books and TV

>> No.7354379

tbh all the girls I've learned to have damages have either tattoos or wild /multiple piercings. same with a dude friend. its just how they say "I'm in control of what I do with myself now". if they didnt do it either I think they'd go crazy

>> No.7354383

depends on where you are I guess people live it differently

>> No.7354404

that feel when no cosplay gf with tats and a masochistic streak

>> No.7354416


Imagine all the regret those hipster girls with the Disney and owl tattoos on their thighs are gonna have.

>> No.7354445

because it'll sag so much you can't show it off anymore?
if you're old you shouldn't be showing off thighs anyway?
what's it to you?

>> No.7354452


Up the part where it's true. Why else would you want a tattoo unless you are an attention whore?

Unsurprisingly being a regular whore and an attention whore go hand in hand.

>> No.7354525

One good rule I've heard is tape a picture of the tattoo you want on your mirror for I forgot how long. Three months, maybe? If you get sick of looking at it during that time, you know it's not going to work out. It'll also keep you from getting something that might be too trendy and quickly pass.

>> No.7354531

I lol'ed

>> No.7354547

>Acquaintence teling me she's going to tattoo of her boyfriends initials
>Oh lord
>I wouldnt recomm- she doesnt listen to me
>Does it
>8 months later break up
>Cries to me
>Shhh say it's your deceased grandma's name

>> No.7354556

She's trash. Us men would never get your stupid initials tattooed on us.

>> No.7354626

Being this kind of attention whore once deserves a lifetime of punishment.

>> No.7354650

>friend meets guy starts dating
>goes to visit him (he joined the military)
>never comes back
>marries him during that visit
>gets wedding ring tattooed on
>separate less than a year later
>formal divorce finally went through 3 years later

Now it's a shitty half-ring (skin inside the palm sheds faster, so...) from a relationship that we all advised against that lasted less than two years.

I mean, I have tattoos as well, but would never do something so stupid.

>> No.7354655

>I mean, I have tattoos as well

You wouldn't do it because you've probably never been in a relationship for more than a year.

That pussy gets hungry for new monster cock.

>> No.7354660

Hate it break it to you bud but...

>> No.7354676

Ok, everyone cunt saying this is why you shouldn't of done this of that, just shut your mouths already. Everyone makes mistakes or has regrets. I think we all need to lay the fuck off because I'm sure none if you are perfect. Wow. Fucking bitches. A lot of people get tattoos and get them removed or changed later. It's not uncommon and they don't need to hear your shit.

I heard that aside from laser, there are expoliating scrubs called tattoo bomb or wrecking ball that work on really small area tattoos. They're mostly under $100, so you can always try that first.

>> No.7354680

Tattoos were actually a sign of nobility back in the Victorian era. The only reason it became a slut thing is because modern day media. People are idiots really... If you are dating a guy who treats you like shit or thinks you're easy because you have tattoos, you need to check yourself out that relationship

>> No.7354682

The wrecking balm stuff doesn't work unless the person is really lucky. OP is better off with laser removal or using make-up to cover for cosplay.

>> No.7354695

General rule, never get a tattoo that represents a S/O until WAY down the line. My dad's got roughly about 15 or so tattoos over his life time. He started pretty early on back when he was in the Navy and a biker. The most recent one I remember was a pretty decent sized dragon tattoo on his upper arm that he got done to cover up some older ones that had faded out and didn't look very good anymore. My dad's rule was never get a tattoo where you can't cover it up with clothing(which is why he never got face, neck, or hand tattoos) I've also noticed that really, depending on the quality of the artists and where you get it, some tattoos really just end up aging badly. My dad's got some tattoos that still look pretty good after 20+ years.

My mom waited until she was in her 40's before she got her first tattoo. All of them have been on her legs around her ankles. They've been married almost 40 years. I remember my parents encouraging me to go with them to their favorite tattoo parlor and get a tattoo done(My mom was telling me how she saw the "cutest kitty design" that she thought I should get) I never went though. I'd rather not get some random design somebody THOUGH might look cute on me. A hair cute, clothing, etc.... Sure, fine. At least hair grows out and clothing I can take off. Tattoos, not so much. I'll think I'll wait until I'm much older for my first tattoo.

>> No.7354716


>btw i'm a boy

>> No.7354723

Is your dad a convict?

>> No.7354726 [DELETED] 

There's nothing decent about a guy who doesn't accept you as you are. And the unemployment thing, well, that has to change as well. Discrimination is discrimination, doesn't matter if you willfully changed yourself or were born in a way.

>> No.7354727

Did you have a bad day?

>> No.7354740

You know you love it.

>> No.7354741

My boyfriend thinks tattoos are hot, but also a sign the girl's damaged and not girlfriend material. Same for odd piercings.

>> No.7354742
File: 37 KB, 625x396, cEHUwDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing decent about a guy who doesn't accept you as you are. And the unemployment thing, well, that has to change as well. Discrimination is discrimination, doesn't matter if you willfully changed yourself or were born in a way. Not to mention any of this judging ain't related to OP's question. Real helpful yo.

Threads like this make me want to quit 4chan all together. /cgl/ is probably one of the girliest boards and yet about half of the posters are real cunts whenever given the chance to judge. You guys best be trolling, I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.7354752

It's like that for everything, not just tattoos. People judge you by your clothes, they can't help it. At the very least those dermablend things should be cheaper and more widely available so you can apply them before an interview.

>> No.7354757



i said tats were slutty, i didn't say that was necessarily a bad thing.



that's more or less how i feel.

>> No.7354759

Actually nope. He's not. He's not a biker in the sense that he joined a gang. More like a bike enthusiast, he actually rode a Harley for years, used to hang out with other bikers, did charity runs, etc.... I forget when he retired but he's got pictures of me somewhere as baby on the back of his Harley(thankfully he wasn't dumb enough to have me riding on his bike with him)

My dad always laughs when he sees somebody riding a Motorcycle on the freeway and they're wearing stuff like shorts. Really good way to tear your skin off if you fall off your bike(not to mention other drivers aren't exactly being careful about motorcyclists.) There's a reason the term "road rash" exists.

>> No.7354763

I know, this whole thread is painful. It's like a bunch if 13 year olds who sit around watching shitty tv programs all day talking crap about something they know nothing about.

>> No.7354770

Answers to questions that nobody asked.
>but I have such a coooool dad

>> No.7354779
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>> No.7354783

but most 13 year olds these days want tattoos

dont brutalize yourselves

>> No.7354787
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>> No.7354797
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>> No.7354802

>2014 and people still discriminating and stereotyping people with tattoos
Okay, can we please just turn this into best ways to cover a tattoo with make up or other products thread?
I know there is a cover up tutorial somewhere, but I only saw it for color. What about small black/gray area tattoos? How do I cover those?

>> No.7354811

>be 17 and really want several tattoos, especially one of favorite band
>turn 18, get distracted by life
>favorite band goes in the shitter big time
>realize how stupid all the other tats would be as well
>crisis avoided

>> No.7354831

Just admit it was Lost Prophets. I pity all the fools that got that band logo tattooed on them...

>> No.7354877

This, I recently did a shoot where my torso was on display and had to have the phtographer shoop out the tattoo. It doesn't matter that I got something that represented the 24 years up until now put on there, it could have just as well been a fucking fire breathing shark riding a motorbike for all anyone cares. I just want more tattoo cover up for cosplay techniques.

>> No.7355062

Initials are sort of stupid I guess. I have a tattoo representing an ex and even though we broke up years ago and I have moved on I don't mind, he wasn't "the one" but he was a good guy (but yeah probably wouldn't say this if the tattoo wasn't cute).

>> No.7355092

No offense, but how stupid are you? There's no fucking way you don't regret that thing.

You sound so trashy.

>> No.7355118

Can we get back to discussing how to cover up tattoos with make up please? Why can't cgl have one thread without this shit

>> No.7355122

Chill out

>> No.7355125

>did a shoot

Hah, is that what he told you? That he was going to make you a model and a star?

>> No.7355388

It was for a cosplay.

>> No.7355516

I think it all depends on what color Ben Nye you use. In my experience with Ben Nye, it covered up a lot of my heavily visible blemishes with no problem. But then again, I was using a darker color.

I think Ben Nye in general has good coverage, and it's pretty thick. A couple of layers, and you'd be good to go imo.

>> No.7355546

This is some SJW shit.
Not everyone is going to accept you.
You cannot desire acceptance from someone with romantic interest, then call them out when they do not show desire due to you LITERALLY not being someone they desire due to your personality.

What is circular logic?

>> No.7355557

Judging people by how they look is called discriminating . This accounts for stereotyping, racism and sexism . It's common sense 101

>> No.7355558

I heard the Ben Nye tattoo wheel works, but I have yet to find it irl. I've seen it online on various places though.

>> No.7355566

Judging people by how they look is human nature. Please, tell me how the entirety of nature is wrong about judging things by how they look.

>> No.7355574

Thanks, I'll try it! I know they have thick foundation.

>> No.7355596

It is human nature, but there's a different between judging someone you don't know and then stereotyping everyone because that have one or two things in common
>all black guys are dead beat dads
>all Hispanics are lazy
>all tattooed women are whores
Yes, SOME may fit that shitty description, but it's usually a minority. Or these are the ones you see "represented " by the media. It's just really not cool. Being a kind person and giving someone a fair shot unless they prove otherwise isnt being a tumblr sjw, it's being human too. Every single person in this forum has been unfairly judged or discriminated against at some point in their life.

>> No.7355601

stereotype = based in fact

>> No.7355617

Still based on the minority

>> No.7355897
File: 74 KB, 526x567, P5KpeA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. A thousand times. How can this be misunderstood?

Yes, but at a certain degree it's called being a dick. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to people by your own criteria of beauty, but going as far as to decide about their personalities or lifestyles based on that without actually getting to know them is shallow as fuck. Come on, you're more evolved than that.
Peace, love and acceptance, people.

>> No.7355906
File: 46 KB, 200x240, RowenJIlbert200_4833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhh, to be young and dumb (and that other part too i guess)

>> No.7355926

To be frank, I can tell you have little to no experience with other races.

But please, go on and tell me about your life experiences to appear like you do.

>> No.7355939

different anon but, where the fuck do you live?

>> No.7356049

I wouldn't say the tattoo stereotype is as based on "the minority" as some here claim.

Maybe my experience is different but I just don't see how you could mutilate the body your parents gave you like that. I also can see how it would hurt your parents, and I don't see why you'd want to do that unless you had daddy issues.

>> No.7356055

Everyone on earth has suffered discrimination in some form, that doesn't mean discrimination is bad.

Do you want to be forced to sleep with CWC? No? Then accept discrimination is good.

>> No.7356136

why would you remove that?
I'm not a tatoo person, but it looked so much better before

>> No.7356148

someone needs to prototype

but i wonder too, coz its just a dragon not your ex ex gf...

>> No.7356505
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>lesbians don't exist

>> No.7356523

>Tee-hee~ I like girls, not boys~

Sure they do.

>> No.7356524

>implying all lesbians are the ~*~*~ bisexual ~*~*~ girls from middle school
you don't get out much do you

>> No.7356526

How do you know they haven't met the right man?

>> No.7356527

Nobody is interested in your penis issues sorry

>> No.7356528

>being this autistic
you're just upset that a woman might not be interested in your tiny pathetic penis and sad sensitive manchild ego
your /r9k/ is showing

>> No.7356530

>tiny penis

i thought size didn't matter?

>> No.7356534

You could be attracted to llamas
How do you know you haven't met the right llama?

>> No.7356536


Why do you have to be so fucking obnoxious?

>> No.7356539
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>seriously believing that

>> No.7356540

the only way lesbians can pleasure each other is by pretending to have dicks though....

>> No.7356545

so if a guy has a ten inch dick or something you're going to prefer him to a guy with a seven inch one?

that's depressing.

>> No.7356546

>what are fingers
>what are vibrators

you really need to watch some real lesbian porn, not dumb strapon bullshit.
i sincerely hope you're just from a really conservative country and are ignorant instead of actually, willfully being this stupid.

>> No.7356548

you probably got dumped by a girl because your dick was too small for her because you're seriously projecting

too small matters, once it gets into "big enough" territory like 6-7+ it could even be too big.

i just couldn't fathom being with a guy with a really short or really narrow dick unless he was really great in other respects. too small would be too difficult to work with.

>> No.7356551

this is seriously scaring me. stop it.

my dick is 7 inches, that should be enough, do you realize how insecure you women make men feel sometimes about this kind of nonsense? Stop it.

>> No.7356554

>m-m-muh male insecurity
no wonder you have no qt 3.14 gf
7 inches is fine, retard

>> No.7356555

I wouldn't admit it to any girl irl, but look at porn, it's constantly impressed on us that girls need 10 inch plus dicks and that they make them feel amazing, much better than smaller dicks and so on.

It's not a good feel.

>> No.7356557

>once it gets into "big enough" territory like 6-7+ it could even be too big.
>could even be too big

Can you not read, anon?

Seriously, my boyfriend is 7.5 inches, and he's accidentally hurt me before.

>> No.7356558

The idea that you're hurting her with your dick is a turn on though.

>> No.7356559
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Oh man, this is hilarious.

>> No.7356560
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>obviously has no idea what the clitoris is

>> No.7356563

Penetration feels better for most girls.

>> No.7356564

>equating porn fantasy to women's real desires
pornstars don't actually feel that good from porn, 10" dicks can actually hurt if your partner has a smaller vagina.

it's not women who "impress" that on men, it's dumb patriarchal society setting standards like that that are constantly reinforced in porn and erotic art. but it's false.
women don't necessarily want a 10" dick. women are not some large-dick-craving monolith. women are all different and want different things from their partners. if you're an average size you will find it easier to please a partner than if you're smaller, but you can work with smaller and some people prefer that.
jesus christ, you sound like you really need therapy or something because your insecurity is astounding. confident guys with ok dick sizes are better than self-conscious douchebags who are super insecure. work on your confidence.

>> No.7356566
File: 984 KB, 280x164, 1343514294634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you measure him before or after?

>> No.7356567

Are you kidding me? I can't orgasm at all without some kind of clit stimulation. Most women can't orgasm from penetration alone at all because you're ignoring their primary sexual organ.

>> No.7356568

>women don't necessarily want a 10" dick. women are not some large-dick-craving monolith.

But the idea they are is a turn on because in my better moments I actually realize my dick is pretty big.

I just fear that my ex was faking it.

>> No.7356570

not when their dick is ramming your cervix and your partner has to stop. shit's painful enough to interrupt coitus if you're not careful.

>> No.7356573

see? your insecurity is from thinking your ex is faking it? all you need to do is ask her how to help her orgasm better, and pay attention to her needs. if she needs extra stimulation get a vibrating cock ring or buy her a vibrator, offer to eat her out, whatever. it is just incredibly difficult to make women orgasm from penetration alone, and once you get that out in the open it's not a source of shame to get your girlfriend off in other ways.

>> No.7356579

This is kinda like,.., kinda like sex ed - a /cgl's version of sex ed.. Shit be hilarious.

>> No.7356592

Why do we lie to men and tell them we're ok with small dicks?

>> No.7356600

you're not a girl are you

>> No.7356604

Because some of us genuinely are and don\t give a shit?

>> No.7356608

Why do betas from /r9k/ shit up our board pretending to be us? Mysteries of the ages.

>> No.7356620

This jfc. Guys need to imagine it as someone trying to get them off without touching their dick at all because that's basically what it equates to.

>> No.7356652

They want to be little girls obviously.

>> No.7356674

I'm only lurking, but hearing about girls being size queens is hot.

>> No.7356818

Except the exact opposite has been said regarding the size.
You need to stop filtering everything you read through the beta /r9k cuckolding fantasy filter.

>> No.7356829

It's not cuckolding. I have a pretty big dick which is why I like it.

>> No.7357165

Don't we all on the Internet.

>> No.7360436

Has anyone got any tips for what to do with lower back tattoos?

>> No.7362851


completely agree.

>> No.7362854

Tattos are made for dumbs. Period.

A reminiscence of the old tribes, but hey boys! We're on XXI century!

>> No.7362858
File: 15 KB, 618x407, facepalm_227785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you gain from this?

>> No.7363115

Why do I sound trashy? I'm not crying and deleting every photo of us together just because we decided we weren't soulmates. I'm glad we met and he was important to me at the time, so why the fuck would I regret a something like a tattoo?