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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 960x960, 1391713615460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7354174 No.7354174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bad coord thread~

I'm not gonna say ita thread because of the inevitable debate about how bad something has to be to be called ita.

starting off with this
>dat plain blouse
>dat unrelating flower hair accessory
>dat no legwear

>> No.7354184

This isn't even a BAD coord. It's just plain. And I'm sure she didnt leave the house without shoes or socks on. Try again

>> No.7354193

I didn't realize trying on a dress when you first get it makes a bad outfit.

>> No.7354241

Oh my god, can everybody just stop being whiny, hugboxy bitches and just post bad coords?

>> No.7354249

How about 'bad but salbageable lolita coords, concrit are welcome' ?

Op's blouse is too lightweight for the thick dress, and roses have nothing to do here

>> No.7354253

Calm down, OP.

>> No.7354257
File: 308 KB, 640x708, BTSSB-Fawn-Lolita-Coordinate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THANK YOU why is everyone so allergic to giving criticism anymore?

That wasn't me.

>fawn fur why

>> No.7354264

Quite cute and simple. Just needs some tights and shoes and it'd be a good otome outfit.

>> No.7354268
File: 88 KB, 720x960, 1391717232008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would actually be okay if not for the weird wrap cardigan thing.

>> No.7354271
File: 378 KB, 1150x2048, 1391717324600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mismatching pinks
>snood just plain doesn't go
>ugly bag
>black tights (which to be fair she mentioned she would change)

>> No.7354277

It's not that, it's that you opened with what an anon pointed out was a fresh out the box "here's my new dress" picture and >>7354241 immediately started whining about hugboxing. Get to work on a lot of constructive criticism or this thread is going downhill fast

>> No.7354274

>mfw can't wait for my coord to be posted and get some solid concrit

Or I could post myself as well. Might do that if I summon enough balls.

>> No.7354279

Those are bodyline shoes right? Huh. On the site they looked like they'd be a little unflattering on the leg (like making it look wider/shorter) and a little orthopedic but they look okay.

>> No.7354280

Just because someone doesn't agree with you= hug box? I swear to god, throwing out the word hugbox is the newest excuse to be a raging bitch. Grow up.

>> No.7354282
File: 286 KB, 970x1632, 1391717677949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would look so much better without that bird's nest on top of her head.

>> No.7354285

Agreed, not a huge fan of the giant neck bow either

>> No.7354287

I personally love it!! I want to know where she got it (or how she styled it if its just a revamped twin tail). it just matches nothing of the rest of her coord

>> No.7354289

It looks like her neck and up was made to go with a Little Bears Cafe coord

>> No.7354293

I guess it might look okay in another context, but that dress and the rest of the coord is kinda elegant and it just looks out of place.

I totally agree.

>> No.7354298

It doesn't, but she posted in in a fb group for lolita coords, not one where you show off your new purchases.

>> No.7354299

Yeah this coord is really bad but it makes me want to try a scarf with lolita.

Does anyone have any examples of good coords with scarves?

>> No.7354302


I'm not OP. I'm just bored of how whenever there's an ita/bad coord thread, it gets detailed by people bitching about how things aren't that bad/not ita/further complaints. Just post ugly outfits, it's not hard.

>> No.7354304

someone who knows her should recommend her to try the wig again with LBC - Id have it as a fav coord on my hard drive any day then.

>> No.7354311

I think the head is too busy.
The red flowers should match another red element or not worn.
Pick two:fluffy buns, double bows, star clip
Smaller more delicate glasses frames.
The bow and stole are too much together at the neck
I would choose a different nail color
I would match the shoes to the tights, either ivory or brown, brown preference.

>> No.7354318

Seconded. Constructively critique, stfu about everything else or gtfo.

>> No.7354324

Trying to get that girl to wear more fitting glasses is an exercise in futility.

>> No.7354326

>Just post ugly outfits, it's not hard.
This isn't the ita thread. This is specifically about outfits that aren't that bad and about fixing them. Your reading comprehension is either terrible or you're just not contributing. Either way, you need to get to work or go.

>> No.7354335

>>fawn fur why
I thought everyone was in love with it in like 2012/2013.

>> No.7354337

It annoys me to death that she thinks those glasses look good. It's like her face is melting.

>> No.7354336

This thread was for bad/ita outfits I just avoided calling it the ita thread to avoid shitstorms about what defines ita

which clearly did nothing

>> No.7354343

>infinity scarf
I hate that trend.

>> No.7354344

It's lovely don't get me wrong but it has no place in that outfit.

I'm pretty sure it annoys everyone to death, I'm starting to agree with conspiracy anon that she wears them on purpose to distract critics from other bad elements of her outfits.

>> No.7354340

I think the blouse weight is fine, it's the colour that's very clearly not okay. That salmon peach colour doesn't appear anywhere in LBC and the pink that is in LBC is a cool tone. Agree with the flowers, she's matched neither colours nor theme overall and that frustrates me. I don't care if it's a trying on a dress shot, she's done her make up for it ffs.

>> No.7354347

My only problem is the brown/white/ivory mix. Pick two, please.

>> No.7354389
File: 235 KB, 992x2080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...here is an outfit. Some critique on it please?

>> No.7354396

This is pretty good, why do you post it here ?

>> No.7354400

Too much tulle. Reds dont match and theyre next to each other (if it was a red dress and red shoes and they were this off it wouldnt be a big deal but yeahhh)

>> No.7354398

Post one. I'm honestly trying to give useful but tactful critique and suggestions. It's good practice.

>> No.7354408
File: 145 KB, 960x720, 1391720978803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of more tryhard noobs than I thought possible in one area of the internet. Shit. Do you guys even lolita? There isn't a single legit bad coord in this entire thread.

>> No.7354407

>Re: styling. It just looks like twin tails lightly teased and pinned into loosely twisted buns.

>> No.7354411

To see how people critique.

>> No.7354418

So you are saying most are ok or good? Hm...

>> No.7354419

If you don't know how, then don't offer advice. That generally is pretty damn good indicator that you don't know what the fuck you're doing.

>> No.7354420

I would say either switch out the socks for black tights, or change the skirt to a black one. I like it though, but like the other anon said there's too much red together.

>> No.7354424

I do know how, I'm critiquing what others post. I was just interested to see how others approached this coordinate in particular.

>> No.7354422

that mint under the chocolate rosette print looks tacky and ugly
try harder

>> No.7354425
File: 949 KB, 1920x1080, 1384125957517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said that they were amazing. I just said that they're not BAD. There's an enormous difference. The title is "Badd Lolita Coords'. Not one to be seen. Just a bunch of girls talking out of their asses about how a plain coordinate or a OTT is ita. You guys are the cancer of the lolita community.

>> No.7354428

LOL... I think you should step away from the keyboard. You might be the ita in your group of lolita friends.

Anyways, the outfits are of course not terrible but it's very obvious that something's off. If you can't tell that now, hopefully you'll improve later.

>> No.7354439

OP here, next time I make this thread I'll entitle it 'not ita but not bad but something is off' coord thread.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.7354438

Well maybe just a 'constructively critique this coordinate' thread might be better without the labeling at all.

>> No.7354433

well its hard to find a difference


so I feel like if its too bad and it gets put here, it may as well go onto the ita board.

>> No.7354450

There's nothing off, they could just stand to improve. Nice try at going for the ad hominem attack, but, I'm relatively well known for having been around a long time and knowing how to dress myself among my group. The newer generation of twats like you are just irritating with the sheer amount of ignorance that they spread. Maybe next time you should label the thread as a critique, since, that's what this is. Instead of making yourself look like an idiot by posting a bunch of relatively acceptable coordinates as ita or "bad coords". Which, you know, indicates that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.7354457

Parasol and plaid seem summery, everything else feels more suited to colder season

>> No.7354461
File: 55 KB, 392x411, 1385345704888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please read before you bitch.

>> No.7354464

No, it's not really hard to find a difference. If you've been around for a long time, it's pretty much second nature to figure out where people stand, being that the general guide is:


You're making something overly complicated when it really doesn't have to be.The whole god tier BS is all about personal preference. A bunch of noobs on here like to take their own personal preference as somehow making a coordinate bad, sorry to say, that's not how it works. A girls doesn't become ita because she's wearing something decent but not amazing.

>> No.7354467

salvageable, not to be THAT jerk anon, but it was bothering me, and now you know

>> No.7354473

Oh so I guess to be able to fly under your all-seeing all-knowing "ive been into the fashion for years" oldfag radar, we should have labled the thread "Critiques on outfits that are not quite ita but that are on the lower end of acceptable because there is no suitable english word to describe the unsightly mess that is still ok that some people wear sometimes"

>> No.7354470

She has a point even if grumpy. The labeling is mostly the problem. A critique thread would shut most of the complaining that's been posted ITT.

>> No.7354471

Yeah, you're not the only one. Pretty telling about the average IQ that we're dealing with here.

>> No.7354482

Not the one you were talking to but...
No, how about just Lolita critique thread.
Post outfits, give/do concrit.

>> No.7354479

Yes sorry, I really need to proof read before submitting

>> No.7354485

No, it's called a fucking critique thread. Here, I'll do if for you:

"Critique thread!"

"How can we improve these outfits!"

God. That was so difficult.

>> No.7354489

>someone making a typo
>omg u so stupid anon >:(


>> No.7354493
File: 36 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the Angelic Pretty mook.
Pic related

>> No.7354496

* the red/black

>> No.7354497
File: 95 KB, 1600x1200, sand-dunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7354501

Sorry but what does this picture mean?

>> No.7354502

as the person who posted the original typo I would like to note that I think the person made a small typo and I do not agree with this bitch here

>> No.7354508

ITT: 67 posts, 10 images. Erm...

>> No.7354510
File: 29 KB, 360x480, 315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it looked like a magazine. Brands make mistakes sometimes.

How about some meta "coord ideas"
So great right?

>> No.7354516

I just can't take you seriously when you talk like that. I'm I suppose to take your word that you know how to dress yourself? You could be blissfully unaware.

I didn't create the thread and I'm not new to lolita. I have no reason to attack you, I'm trying to be honest with you.

Also if there's room to improve that means that something must be off from the coord, right?

>> No.7354518
File: 45 KB, 360x480, 310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like they just have so many great ideas on how to wear this stuff!!!

>tfw i didnt buy bubble bath because of how shitty that looked


>> No.7354519

No shit, sherlock, there's been communities surrounding uggo brand since basically forever.

>> No.7354520

so much sand from sandy vaginas

>> No.7354535

i love the hostility, its totally kawaii

>> No.7354537

t-the point is criticism
I'm a little tired of all the bitches in this thread bitching about the thread itself like
If you dont like its existance then piss off

>> No.7354550

I know you're new to lolita. That's why it was really, blindingly obvious that you don't know what you're talking about. If there's room for improvement, there isn't necessarily something "wrong" with an outfit. It just means that they have a solid lolita coordinate, but that if they wanted to make it more decorative they could have added more things to the outfit.

>> No.7354575

Oh geez, you win... It's ridiculous because how the heck could you be so sure if I'm new or not? Do you want me to confirm that I've been in lolita for 5 years and recite brand name dresses?

It's obvious that I hurt your feelings, maybe because you're insecure of your own skills? idk

So sorry to everyone else for contributing to the shit posting.

>> No.7354679

It's not shit posting if someone learned the difference between a bad coordinate and an average coordinate. Because there seems to be a plethora of people on here who can't differentiate.

>> No.7354697
File: 77 KB, 658x632, 1366647161282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like we're starting to spiral into political correctness more than we should, and it's scaring me.

>> No.7354739


I'm calling either

> got posted here


> had a friend posted here

>> No.7354789
File: 42 KB, 500x332, 2790076834_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither, actually. I'm generally the person who posts people here. I just think that if you're going to get posted, it should be for the right reasons. I have no problems with critique threads, or ita threads, or otherwise. As long as people know what the hell they're talking about

>> No.7354799

That manicure
That lace

>> No.7354803

You know, there was a time not so long ago when ita threads were pretty civil affairs that rarely devolved into Internet catfights, vendettas were called out and if people didn't necessarily agree that an outfit was ita, they generally just scrolled on past. What happened?

>> No.7354807

Pulled it off of google-pics for shits and giggles, it's from some site in singapore, I think. Got a kick out of it, faux gangster-ishness and all.

>> No.7354816

A few new waves of people got into the fashion, and with the influx of people the whole thing went to shit.

>> No.7354832

tumblr is here, they need to leave, they won't, all is lost.

>> No.7354835

People complaining that noob are ruining the fashion
>since forever

>> No.7354837

I think that tumblr noobs specifically are ruining the fashion what with they're need to be a PC SJW hugbox. They're taking the fashion out of fashion.

>> No.7354842

No but really, these threads actually used to be decent most of the time, I don't just have my nostalgia-tinted glasses on here, it was less than a year ago. There has to be some reason.

>> No.7354841
File: 344 KB, 443x660, hur1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these could use work, thats all im saying

>> No.7354852

I think the problem is that the internet is very accessible, and we have a small community where most people who get posted are in a local comm with a facebook page etc. Its a lot easier to find your own picture on an ita thread, or for someone to use google to backsearch your image.

>> No.7354854

>There has to be some reason.
T-U-M-B-L-(missing E)-R
The influx of "omg vandetta" and "omg her outfit is totes not super bad or itaaaa" and "omg she's JUST trying it on" and "omg does this count at all, did she even tag this as lolita?" has gotten worse within even the past few months, and it all ends with people saying that we're big meanies for bullying people's clothes. No matter how much they try to make excuses for the person's outfit it always ends in them just trying to say how horrible we are for judging fashion or some shit.

>> No.7354856


Im fine with whats going on here, since this looks like a casual meetup.

That neck decoration on the left though, pink ribbons. Dont know whats going on with that.

Is this a temperate or a tropical climate theyre in?

>> No.7354859

or the glasses. those hipster glasses

>> No.7354866

It seems like the lolita division of seagulls are especially bitchy lately. Not enough drama to placate them, maybe?

>> No.7354927
File: 31 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m976naStdG1r7nuilo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less of getting on people for being judgey, as much as people posting stuff for the wrongs reasons, as before mentioned. When someone is saying that this >>7354282 is ita, it becomes a problem. I don't particularly like OTT, and I also think that it looks fucktarded to wear all that crap on your head. But it's certainly not ita. That's where the disconnect is for me.

Make a self post thread critique thread. Everyone needs critique, if they want to improve. Balls are unnecessary; huge mammories, yes. Mostly to ward off the comments about your weight/face, which are pretty universal in my opinion.

>> No.7354931

>has that MM flocky JSK
>No petti


>> No.7355123

who are you trying to post and don't have the nerve to do it?