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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7352299 No.7352299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you guys ever wear something like lolita to your wedding?

Just wondering about what kind of response this will get. I was on tumblr and saw this tagged as lolita, so it got me curious.

>> No.7352312

I fully intend on doing so.

But I want a longer, maybe below-knee dress, something more elegant looking rather than an above-knee, sweet looking dress, like in the pic.

>> No.7352313
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>> No.7352317
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This is now a wedding lolita and/or shiro thread

Please keep in mind that there are some shiro coords that wouldn't fit at a wedding and there are some wedding oriented coords that aren't the best lolita coords.
IE Don't anyone say "WOW WHO WOULD WEAR THAT TO A WEDDING, IT'S MUCH TOO CASUAL" because that's likely just a shiro coord
Wedding threads don't get very far if we don't include shiro lolita, and you can get inspired from a coord ("ooh, I like those shoes" "ok now I know that I don't really like puff sleeves in a wedding context") even if it's not supposed to be for a wedding.

I'll start with wedding themes since that's what OP's interested in.

>> No.7352318

Didn't someone commission a floor length replica of a btssb dress for their wedding?

>> No.7352329
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Anyway, onto discussion.

I plan on wearing something even vaguely lolita for my bridal dress. I agree with >>7352312 on the below-the-knee, but I really love sweet. I can see myself doing what Misako is wearing, but with just one more tier of ruffles.

>> No.7352330
File: 941 KB, 500x375, 23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hijacking the OP's thread with your own BS

were you raised in a barn?

>> No.7352336

hey asshole make your own fucking thread

>> No.7352339
File: 328 KB, 500x375, 1385404893119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can still have discussion while dumping images.
Just asking "Would you wear lolita to your wedding?" would only go anywhere if there were people who were adamant about how no one should ever wear lolita as their wedding dress ever.

If we dual this thread as an image thread, it'll last longer, more people will see it, and more people will weigh in on their opinion.

It happens pretty much every "would you wedding lolita" thread.

>> No.7352338

If Milky-Ange or MM had a long white dress, I'd get it for a wedding.

>> No.7352343
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>> No.7352350
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>> No.7352353
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>> No.7352357
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>> No.7352361

It's still not your thread. You can post wedding lolita or dresses you would wear for lolita at your weddin without saying "okay, this is NOW this thread, and we're talking about this and that, you can post this which is not really related but still lol, post it because I said so."

Make your own thread.

>> No.7352363
File: 78 KB, 480x640, 1385393071022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby has made quite a few wedding dresses. Has AP done any?

>> No.7352368

I think you need to leave.

>> No.7352374
File: 112 KB, 333x500, 1385441608589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could ignore me. Posting wedding dresses and dresses that could be used as wedding dresses seems pretty damn relevant to me

I have to go to work anyway so I'll be getting out of your hair. I'm sorry I came across as egocentric.
This'll be my last picture.

>> No.7352376


>> No.7352378
File: 24 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, with a few adjustments to the bodice, is my dream wedding dress. This appeared in the Wedding issue of the Gothic and Lolita bible.

>> No.7352379

Since my boyfriend was a dandy, I was thinking of using lolita at our wedding if be ever got married. If I ever get married to someone who's OK with the style I'd definitely marry in loli, and I'd be very happy if he-she wanted to use loli (or boystyle) gear too.
I think it's a great idea to use loli at a wedding, I dunno, it's cute and fancy and elegant so why not?

>> No.7352389
File: 191 KB, 300x400, mm-crested fall-op-ivr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I did, it would probably be something like pic related. I think this would make a gorgeous wedding dress with that bustled back...

>> No.7352390
File: 65 KB, 450x983, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic isn't me, but I'm planning on wearing Meta's apple print JSK at my wedding next year. Fiance's family owns an orchard so we're having an outdoor wedding.I've always loved the print--missed out on it when it was released but have since hunted down multiple pieces from the series--and it fits the location perfectly.

I'm not sure if I'm going to wear the white jsk or black, though.

>> No.7352401

wear it in black, and wear really simple accessories. Like, dont wear a busy cardigan like that.

The dress is suuuper cute and probably one of my favorite meta dresses ever. But the focus should always be on the bride, so don't go OTT.

>> No.7352403
File: 29 KB, 290x387, vm_fairychiffondoll_op_firn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, that's a really cute non-traditional idea for your theme... Are you going to try to make it a big fancy coord, or a more country, casual coord?

And contributing another dress I think would make a lovely wedding dress. I love looking at the huge princess bride ones with all the detail and layers Baby puts out but personally I'd prefer wearing something more elegant and toned down.

...er, it's her wedding...

>> No.7352405

>I'm planning on wearing Meta's apple print JSK at my wedding next year.
Can you read, anon?
If you are indeed the bride, I'd suggest wearing a nice lace bolero. There are a ton of 'victorian' style stuff for brides that could work nicely with lolita.

>> No.7352409
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1391388959839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....Do you think I could convince my qt brolita bf to wear a wedding dress at our wedding?

>> No.7352412
File: 44 KB, 308x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hhaha, I wish I had the brass to do so, but that traditional wedding stuff was calling my name. Went with a tea length dress though. Didn't want to trip on anything.

>> No.7352413
File: 410 KB, 245x130, k9NOexX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the focus should always be on the bride, so don't go OTT.

>> No.7352415

apparently i can not read. I totally skipped over that!

>> No.7352417
File: 91 KB, 480x640, aatp-gloria maria-jsk-ivy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about prints that would make perfect lolita wedding dresses?

Do you think he'd want to?
(If you both were wearing it that'd be kinda cute though.)

>> No.7352422

I'm not sure yet! I am thinking of wearing my unaltered malco modes petticoat (instead of the one sewn up for a cupcake shape) because the jsk version is very full and looks a little fancier with the unaltered petticoat. I don't want it to be super elaborate, though, our theme is pretty casual

>> No.7352425
File: 18 KB, 280x373, ap-lacy lady-op-ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that dress is gorgeous, anon... I love the lace detailing at the straps.

Another one that I think would be a great wedding dress... I guess this is a bit of a mini 'lolita dresses I could totally see being bridal dresses' dump?

>> No.7352430 [DELETED] 


Do you really think it's fair to subject your husband, and his family, and even your own family to this shit?

Show some respect for tradition.

>> No.7352434
File: 10 KB, 262x350, 1391642161220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think atelier pierrot corset dresses would be an awesome gothic alternative to the big fluffy Baby ones.

>> No.7352443
File: 37 KB, 290x387, vm-lace gilet-jsk-ivry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one last one, since otherwise I'll be really reaching. But I'd love to see some actual wedding lolita coords that aren't just from Baby's fashion shows!

>> No.7352449
File: 157 KB, 426x379, y3857209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if you can get married in Vegas overnight to someone you just met, you can wear a lolita dress to your own damn wedding.

>> No.7352453

I was just thinking today how this one would be perfect for a casual backyard summer wedding(getting married soon myself)

>> No.7352472

If anyone actually wants that one, it's on Yahoo auctions right now: http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/158126020

>> No.7352480

>I was on tumblr and saw this tagged as lolita
It's Misako...

>> No.7352479

Thanks! It's lace overlay all the way :)

I think I need to put this dress on my to knock-off list.

>> No.7352482

Calm down, OP your thread idea sucked, people do this all the time.

>> No.7352504

It's not that it sucked, it's that there wasn't much to really discuss.

I don't get why everyone flipped out. We do "This is now a <broader subject> thread" posts all the time

>> No.7352510

I have this dress! I love it, it's incredibly versatile and works fancied up or down. One of my dream dresses, but you're better off looking for it in CC or auctions. They never get released internationally. :(

>> No.7352513

op confirmed for raging cuntwad?
op confirmed for raging cuntwad.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that was ridiculous.

>> No.7352523

Yeah, I've been thinking about going for it, but I might hold out to find the black/gray one. I don't know if the ivory would suit me as well.

It's such a shame, AP's most gorgeous nonprint stuff never seems to come up...

>> No.7352531

Have any of the classic brands ever released designated wedding dresses? Or is it just Baby and Meta?

>> No.7352556

Or better yet, if she wore ouji/kodona so they could be a cross-dressing couple

>> No.7352568

Love bustles! This is beautiful.

>> No.7352575

Yo OP, sounds like you don't come here much: This is how we do it on /cgl/ and if you don't like it then head back to LJ.

>> No.7352577

Not that same anon but holy shit you have a sandy cunt.

>> No.7352580

Usually when you change the direction of the thread it's because of several posts which are going in that direction, not usually 'NOW IT SHALL BE HOW I WANT IT'. Go back to tumblr, no one wants you in this thread.

>> No.7352583

Would /cgl/ get married in Disneyland?


>> No.7352590

Also, dat carriage at 2:50

>> No.7352598

I'll change into lolita for my reception, but wear a historical/lolita aesthetic inspired wedding dress for the ceremony I suppose (lots of lace/ruffles/a big bow but still full length with a train etc)

>> No.7352614

This thread has sorta inspired me, obviously it would depend on one's individual comm but, would a bridal looking coord be weird if you're NOT getting married? Or even like a meet based around everyone wearing bridal themed coords? Is that too weird?

>tfw not planning on getting married but think the styling would be pretty

We're already wearing weird poofy dresses, would an ivory bridal-looking coord be that much weirder?

>> No.7352620

>AP's most gorgeous nonprint stuff never seems to come up...
Because people buy it and hold on tight.

>> No.7352622

I saw an AP one but it looked sorta shitty imo

>> No.7352633

Fuck yes. If I can afford it.

I have a few Baby dresses picked out as potential dresses for my future wedding reception... But for the actual ceremony, I want a large ball gown styled dress. Lots of layers, gathers, bows, and the like. Not too many bows, though. I'm also not sure about colour, but I know I want a sash. I'm thinking either a dusty-rose pink, sax blue, or pastel pink. Whichever colour it is, though, I'm going to be one of those bitches who says that no one can wear that colour. I would love if maybe the flower girl wore a flower crown the same colour as my sash... I know I'm going to have lots of flowers in my hair.

>> No.7352634

I really want to do a floor length kuro/shiro twin when I get married. And then get a really fancy place for the wedding too, with chandeliers and candles and all that jazz

>> No.7352635

forgot to mention, also the wedding party having a single flower in their hair the same colour as the sash. Just to sort of tie it all together.

>> No.7352674
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>> No.7352690
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>> No.7352698

I'm not the OP, but thanks for trying. It's rude and presumptuous as fuck.

>> No.7352705
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Yes, but I would probably stick to classic

>> No.7352713
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>> No.7352720
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>> No.7352737

>milky ange
Fuck no. All of milky ange dresses are made in that shitty uniform fabric and shitty lace - like maid cafe uniform.

>> No.7352741

I wish JetJ would re-release that multilayer dress I can't remember the name of - I'd totally wear that as my own wedding dress.

>> No.7352745
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>> No.7352751
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>> No.7352748

If you go to their maid section, sure. But their lolita section has pieces in other materials. Some are listed as rayon-poly blends or cotton twills, but they also have matte satins, chiffon, velveteen, and what looks like a shantung or taffeta.

>> No.7352766

couldn't you wear a nice shiro wedding coord, with golden apple motifs?

shouldn't the bride be wearing white?

and then you could wear that dress at your after party!

>> No.7352768

She SHOULD wear what she wants, it's her wedding. Jesus.

>> No.7352769

And I am telling you, they are all the cheap uniform-y versions of the fabric. The lace in particular is heavily photoshopped and is very poor in quality irl.

>> No.7352771

jesus christ, don't get all defensive, I was just putting out my own personal opinion.
on a very opinionated website. I get that she can wear what she wants. remove that stick from up your ass, christ woman.

>> No.7352774

There was a wedding issue? Do you happen to know the issue number?

>> No.7352778
File: 261 KB, 700x1200, l316-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that think this Bodyline dress is really pretty?

>> No.7352783

Sorry, where exactly do you work or attend school that you wear chiffon, velvet, or satin as a part of your uniform? Just curious.

>> No.7352784

Not her, but check yodelf.

>> No.7352785

yeah, is pretty.

>> No.7352786

This picture is so adorable, but I wish she wasn't wearing those socks.
Thanks for posting.

>> No.7352789
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>> No.7352791

>I have my opinion
>"I think that dress would be good for a reception, but I'd personally go for a shiro wedding coord with golden apple motifs"


like holy shit, just putting my opinions out there. I never said

but yet you are treating me with the same hostility as if I had?
no, go fuck yourself. if you don't like anonymous opinions, get off this board and don't return.

>> No.7352792

Would definitely wear something like this for my wedding!
I don't want to wear a white dress, I want pretty colors. No matter the designer and collection, the spring green and pink always gets to me.

But only classic. Would not wear sweet.

>> No.7352805

I'm already married, but the two questions I hated getting the most were:

Are you making your dress? (from cosplayers)
Are you wearing Lolita? (from Lolitas)

Hell No to both of them, and I told everyone if they showed up to my wedding in either cosplay or lolita they weren't getting in. I love cosplay and I love lolita but I wanted a very traditional wedding and I wanted a wedding my family would enjoy attending. A bunch of weebs running around in costumes and weird j-fashion is not my idea of a classic traditional wedding.

I honestly find both cosplay weddings and lolita weddings to be tacky as hell.

>> No.7352810

I honestly agree anon, though I think having a wedding dress that has a touch of lolita inspiration isn't so bad.

>> No.7352812

She COULD wear that, but why would she since she clearly wants to wear something else?

>shouldn't the bride be wearing white?
>thinking a bride should wear white

pls no

>> No.7352814

I agree, you could have a hair piece or accessories inspired by lolita, but doing a full on coord to me is so costume-y

>in b4 lolita isn't a costume

>> No.7352821

How would you even photoshop lace to make it look better quality? You can't shoop raschel lace into tulle lace. I'm browsing their site and all I'm seeing is ordinary embroidered net, cluny, and venise laces. Some of them are identical to laces I've bought on Etsy and Ebay which were very good quality.

>> No.7352818

That's not what you said, though.

You implied that there was something inherently wrong with not wearing a white wedding dress. "COULDN'T you wear..." "SHOULDN'T you be wearing..." is not "Oh gee, I would personally wear this!"

Also, not the same anon you're replying to, but if you're acting so crazy defensive over someone not liking your opinion, maybe *you* should get off the board. People are allowed to call your opinion stupid or ridiculous... don't like it? Leave.

>> No.7352829

Cosplay weddings would be tacky, yes. I've seen fandom-related weddings go off.. interestingly.. but I can't picture a tasteful cosplay one. It's too scattered.

Lolita though, I think can work. Obviously not something like OTT Sweet, or even regular sweet, but the more elegant styles like classic and maybe gothic if you want to go nontraditional.

This suddenly makes me wonder how many cosplayers have made their wedding dresses and had it turn out horribly. That's a topic for another thread, though.

>> No.7352830

This is the biggest lie on the internet. Their cafe uniforms are even made from high quality cotton.

>> No.7352841
File: 83 KB, 533x640, ruffle-wedding-dresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I don't think a lolita coord would be anymore costumey than most wedding dresses.

>> No.7352851

Not to mention, you could get a lolita dress for your wedding that could be rewearable if you're into that.

Personally, I don't like buying dresses for events that do not have a high rewear value for me. Even my wedding dress.

>> No.7352852

I don't think you understand the difference between costume and formal wear.

>> No.7352862
File: 81 KB, 960x640, 1391652239650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate the idea of having any sort of traditional wedding (for many reasons- lack of religion, think it's a waste of money, hate big gatherings, especially family ones...) so if I did have one it'd be super tiny and simple... but would also give me to commission something from 4 'o clock.

>> No.7352860

Wedding dresses are hardly formal wear, they're over the top formal wear that would look pretty much out of place anywhere but for a specific event, which is, the definition you are using for a costume. Lolita is about the same honestly.

>> No.7352866

Then please share--why is lolita too much of a costume for a wedding while an elaborate dress (whether it's with frills and lace or a bustle or a giant train, etc) not?

>> No.7352871

what was said:
>She SHOULD wear what she wants, it's her wedding. Jesus.
>Not her, but check yodelf
what you claim was said:


>> No.7352885

> go back to tumblr
> no one said anything about tumblr
Seriously OP? Damn u bad at this shit.

>> No.7352904

>not recognizing the go back to Tumblr insult

are you new to /cgl/ or...

>> No.7352907
File: 83 KB, 872x576, 4 oclock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, but in black

>> No.7352911

Not that anon, but people don't use it for things they don't like, you're abusing the already shit term. It's not for like "oh you made me angry gtfo to tumblr meanie~~" it's for shit PC SJW retards.

>> No.7352925

Honestly, the OP of this thread has been stupid with most of their comebacks. Or whomever else may have had an inkling of annoyance with the original hi-jack of the thread enough to comment. The replies are so stupid and buttmad; it's ridiculous...

>> No.7352943

I didn't use the term. I pointed out that the person was saying "no one even mentioned Tumblr!!!" when people don't have to mention Tumblr for the expression to be used.

>> No.7352944

This, I don't even get why OP was so mad, it's not like it's an unrelated topic. Can we just go back to posting pictures?

>> No.7352954

I'm just going to throw it out there that white wedding dresses weren't the norm until Queen Victoria popularized them.

>> No.7352981
File: 415 KB, 1824x1204, laceweddingdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I wouldn't. I've always wanted a floor length full ball gown style dress, and with how much it's going to cost, I want to get my full wear out of it.

But maybe for changing into after the wedding when we leave. It'd be something like these already posted

>> No.7352989

Lol I'm the anon that originally called you out, but it's cute you think only one person thinks you were way out of line.

>> No.7352996

This, personally I'd rather have a dress I know I can wear for ages to come- is still special, but rewearable. Not to mention most lolita dresses are WAY less expensive than even a cheap wedding gown.

>> No.7353005

It's how threads have worked here for years.

>> No.7353009

How come wedding dress rental isn't a thing in the US? They do it all the time in Asia, but here brides are willing to plunk down thousands for something they'll only wear for a few hours. I wouldn't mind just getting some nice photos taken in a rented gown, or even a couple different ones depending on the price.
Is it just because people think sharing a dress is too gross?

>> No.7353015


Hey there, OP, posting wedding-appropriate clothing is only helping your thread live. Shut the fuck up about it. It's not off-topic, it's exactly what you asked about.

>> No.7353016

So you can relive the happiest day of your life in the most sadsack way possible by pulling your wedding dress out of your closet and gazing wistfully at it.

>> No.7353019

I'm way out of line for saying my opinion, in a way that wasn't harmful?
alrighty then.

>> No.7353022


Okay. I feel better now. I was having a serious 'everything I've learned in these three years of /cgl/ etiquette has been a lie' moment

I was the anon who wanted an image dump. I'm back from work. Should I post some more inspiration pictures or should I go back to my corner? I'll admit that I was definitely spamming at the beginning there. I only had a couple minutes before I had to go and I wanted this thread to have enough pictures to get attention. I love these threads.
I'd slow down the post speed

>> No.7353031
File: 348 KB, 334x616, 4442000677_fbece97dd7_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream wedding

>> No.7353033

>everyone who disagrees with me is OP

The point is that you hijacked the thread ("WE'RE DOING EXACTLY WHAT I WANT NOW!!") when it hadn't even begun. You don't do that shit unless the thread is dying or has run its course or the thread is clearly going in that direction. That's the cgl etiquette.

>> No.7353029

My mom kept hers in case me and my sister wanted to wear it which I guess was a tradition somewhere?

>mom was tiny notits
>i am larger than tiny and tits
>her dress will never fit
>sorry mom

>> No.7353036


alright, since I thought wearing white was traditional, I was asking. there was a question mark on the end of that.
when I asked
shouldn't you wear white?

instead of responding

it would of been right to respond
"well, its traditonal, but you don't have to."
instead of freaking out that I asked that.

in no way shape or form was my post hostile.

thanks for taking everything as an insult as I tried to ask a question.

>> No.7353041

You're out of line because you're a defensive whiny bitch who obviously can't stand the slightest of negativity in an opinion about your opinion while crying that people should leave the board if they can't stand opinions.

>> No.7353046

>or the thread is clearly going in that direction
Posting lolita wedding dresses is pretty clearly going in the same direction as a lolita wedding dress thread.

>> No.7353047

Ohh, what dress is that on the left?

Please continue posting, anon, I'm getting some great ideas for my own wedding.

Or, shit, post your own thread, it'll become more successful, the janitors will swoop in and wonder why the fuck this thread full of raging cunts is still around, and delete it.

But the thread was about lolita wedding dresses. It wasn't some completely off topic hijacking. This is an IMAGE board. All the anon did was add images to this otherwise text-only discussion.

>> No.7353043

Corner it is then

>> No.7353051
File: 20 KB, 329x439, rQJwlQYZABJG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why aren't people holding my hand on /cgl/ :(

No one responded with HOW DARE YOU or YOU SACK OF SHIT. If you're that sensitive that "She SHOULD wear what she wants, it's her wedding. Jesus" and "Not her, but check yodelf" got you in such a tizzy, maybe you shouldn't be on the internet.

>> No.7353054

Yes, but they didn't just post wedding dresses. That would have been fine.They decided the thread was now a wedding dress and shiro thread (even though shiro =/= wedding) because they felt like it.

It's not that hard to go

"here's my opinion on the question, also dumping some lolita wedding dresses!"

but instead they went


and now they're acting like a blessed martyr

>> No.7353062

You're derailing the thread more than the person you're complaining about, just saying.

>> No.7353070

No, they asked if they should continue posting, and when someone ripped them a new asshole for it, they said they'd stop.

Stop bitching and actually discuss something, or stop whining. There is no real room for actual discussion unless we include, "Well what kind of dress would you wear then?" which is what the anon did.

I agree that she shouldn't have just jumped in and also included shiro, but she didn't post some completely out of line derailing comment. She was trying to further the thread and keep it interesting, while also giving us more to discuss.

>> No.7353074

>She was trying to further the thread and keep it interesting, while also giving us more to discuss.

By declaring what the thread was "now" even though the thread had just started.

>> No.7353082

Well now it's about sandy vaginas, so good going.

>> No.7353079

Oh man, I wish I could afford to spend that kind of money on something like that as opposed to like... a house.

>> No.7353084
File: 125 KB, 567x850, 1391656719200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, she didn't just shut down the thread, clearly. people kept posting AND adding pictures. So I don't get what your problem is. I'm going to continue posting photos of wedding-able dresses, because it's relevant to the thread.

She could have gone about it better, yes. But you don't need to have such a fit about it either.

To stay on topic, I think KL's Phantom of the Opera long OP is absolutely gorgeous. If I have my way, I may just be married in it.

>> No.7353099
File: 258 KB, 400x225, squee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG those dresses

Unrelated but anyone else hate the modern trend of sleeveless wedding dresses, especially in the West? 90% of the time it just highlights how fat the girl's arms are..

>> No.7353105

I'm skinny as fuck and I still hate them. They always just make it look like you have linebacker shoulders, and no matter what size your tits are, they will always slide around out of place.

I like half sleeve dresses a lot, I wish there were more of them.

>> No.7353115

there ya go

>> No.7353117

>the dog on that bodice


>> No.7353124

>tfw I am that person who loves long lace sleeves on wedding dresses

>> No.7353125

You can me both, anon.

>> No.7353141

i feel u

I love long lace sleeves, and I hate things without sleeves. It makes the dress look like a tube on women. I've also always had dysphoria about my shoulders and back because bacne, ew.

>> No.7353142

this thread is going at the top of my list the next time one of those 'ridiculous shit that happens on /cgl/' discussions comes around.
take that, janitor! you can take our drama threads away, but you can't take the drama out of our threads!
or the sand from our vaginas.

>> No.7353140


>> No.7353144


are we really going to use that word to start describing you disliking your shoulders????

fucking tumblr

>> No.7353143
File: 69 KB, 800x800, 1391658640359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain to me how a wedding dress made specifically for weddings isn't inappropriate for a wedding.

Are you fucking kidding? People expect you to wear a wedding dress, no one is prepared or understands your obscure J-fashion and if you think all wedding dresses are huge ball gowns or A-lines with 20 feet trains then you don't know enough about wedding fashion to even be posting in this thread.

I can't imagine trying to explain to people why I'm in a "little bo peep" dress at my fucking wedding. Remember that it's not just you, your fiance's family and friends will be there too.

>> No.7353147


dysphoria (dJsˈfɔːrJə)
1. (Psychiatry) a feeling of being ill at ease

>> No.7353146

>People expect
Bitch please, this is my wedding, I do what. I. want.

>> No.7353148

It's not just a term for trans use if that's why you pointed it out...

>> No.7353150

no, but it is used in psychology for INTENSE feelings, highly related to depression and anxiety, not just 'wow i dont really like my shoulders'

>> No.7353149

Yep, OP has a super sandy vag. Seriously, they asked about lolita weddings and people wanted pics of lolita wedding dresses: OP got their answer and other people got pics of pretty dresses. Really can't see the reason for this bullshit.

>> No.7353155
File: 15 KB, 262x228, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also your fiance's wedding.

>> No.7353156

I'm sure your wedding will be as special as you are snowflake, but I was just explaining why a wedding dress is appropriate to wear to a wedding. It is expected and it is a garment specifically made for the occasion. Lolita is neither of those things.

Also keep in mind it is not YOUR wedding, it is your fiance's as well.

>> No.7353158

I was the anon that pointed out that using "Go back to tumblr" was stupid when there had been no mention of tumblr, >>7352911 said it best when they pointed out that the statement is used when someone is doing something that involves attitudes commonly associated with tumblr. The fact that the OP used it shows that they don't know its usage.

>> No.7353163

My prom dress was princess styled ball gown and it was so beautiful. I think that large puffy gowns look a lot better than slim ones on me. I'm too stick like to wear a loose one, I have no curves.

>> No.7353165

I don't think it's exclusively used for psychiatry and extreme-levels of discomfort, but whatever. Let's not add the to the bickering in this thread. We can bug OP for that, heuheueuha.

>> No.7353168

I wouldn't wear lolita myself, but I wish I could dress up my brides maids in something like gathered chiffon.

>> No.7353174

Not them but your fiance should be glad seeing you wear whatever dress makes you happy at your wedding. My dress isn't going to be lolita and is going to be a pretty unusual design and my boyfriend likes it even though it's kind of strange.
If your husband doesn't like something that makes you happy and is a big part of how you dress and is embarrassed by you or your clothing choices, you shouldn't be marrying him.

>> No.7353180

If your fiance is marrying you, I'm pretty sure he knows (and is okay with) what lolita is. As anon said, it's your wedding, if your guests don't like it, your guests don't like it.

>> No.7353195
File: 2.88 MB, 1194x1872, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, now I just want to make a wedding coord.

Can't figure out what kind of tights I'll wear, but I'll get to that eventually. Shoes, too.

I may or may not wear a wig, but it would be in my hair color, because my natural hair won't style at all. I don't want to get around to my vows and have my hair falling flat.

>TFW my entire wedding coord still costs less than many peoples' dress alone

Lolita may be an expensive fashion, but damn is it cheap wedding attire.

This. My wedding is probably going to seem really bizarre to others, but if I'm happy with it, that's all that matters.

I've already rehearsed what I'm going to say if the drama mongers in my family try to start shit, which I do not put past them at all.

It may also be the fiance's wedding, but if you're thinking about wearing lolita to a wedding, the fiance is usually okay with it in the first place.

My boyfriend specifically asked me if I /would/ wear lolita for our wedding, because he loves how I look in it so much. I even showed him a few dresses, and he says that he thinks it's a great idea.

>> No.7353235

Yeah my mom did this too, but even at her smallest anything she'd have is way too huge for me. I did have her shoes for a while though, and if we can find it I'd like to receive her hat eventually. It was a lovely big victorian hat with a veil.

>> No.7353252

and if you are so self centered that you wouldn't even consider his opinions on the matter before saying you'll do whatever you want because it's YOUR wedding then maybe you shouldn't be getting married.

I'm sure you are young so you just don't understand this yet, but your wedding unfortunately can't be all about you. You have your family and his family to appease, and as much as you think you can do whatever you want and fuck everyone else you will be getting an earful at some point.

>> No.7353265

No, fuck that.

If the fiance has issues with it, that's a thing to compromise over. But if, at my wedding, somebody starts shit and decides thy don't like something and need to be vocal about it, I will make them fucking leave. I don't care if it's my own mother. You will not ruin my day because you feel the need to be a cunt over small details of a wedding.

>> No.7353277

I never said all that, jesus what's wrong with you.
I would consider his opinions and he should like and accept what I like. I wasn't the original anon you were arguing with. I don't even care about most of the details of my wedding and it won't really be all about me, I don't even want the wedding to be very expensive or fancy unless he would want it to be. I just want a nice honeymoon.

>> No.7353288

and any other post confusing that this person as OP, here to confirm that they're not.

This should have shed some light but it went unnoticed. oh well.

I was the original person who found the image and posted it. I didn't think that this thread would have gotten popular so quickly. I don't commonly browse cgl so I never saw a wedding lolita themed thread before and wanted to start one.

Sorry for coming back 6 or so hours later and letting shit go wild. The anon that "hijacked" this thread? thanks, I appreciate what you were doing and you didn't deserve the shit that was given to you. Please contribute more and come out of the corner.

>> No.7353287
File: 46 KB, 515x589, 1310567657364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you.
a wedding is a celebration of a relationship, not a rigid traditionalist affair that has to be completely agreeable to the attendees. if they're not happy to be there for you and your fiance, they can fuck right off.

>> No.7353309

Thanks for coming back, OP. Sorry for wrongly accusing you of being a sandy cunt.

>> No.7353315

She made it for herself, actually

>> No.7353317
File: 109 KB, 500x333, 1385419700096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes ma'am. Anything to help.

>> No.7353319

Wow, are there any photos? I'd love to see.

>> No.7353326
File: 303 KB, 326x449, BTSSB Marie de Carol JSK long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this dress could work really well if you spruced it up a bit.

>> No.7353327
File: 96 KB, 480x640, o0480064012551812103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt this is what anon was talking about, but I'm assuming this is Baby since Misako's in it

>> No.7353337
File: 89 KB, 346x750, 1385405055357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that lace overlay!

This one I'm posting is pretty casual with its ankle socks, but I really like the flowy vertical ruffles. It looks fairy-like, but the structure and poof of the dress keep it from looking boho.

>> No.7353339

Oh god, please tell me you know what dress/overdress that is. I love it.

With some tights, and a different headpiece, this could look a lot more formal.

>> No.7353341
File: 128 KB, 239x318, 1391665328139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353342

IW has done some and showed at their fashion show. Was either fashion-show only or special order

>> No.7353348

My mistake, she had a friend make it. But she does make a lot of historical costumes!
Post on EGL about her dress/wedding lolita

>> No.7353349
File: 25 KB, 250x333, ap_op_lacyballerina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I didn't expect any apologies but that was nice.

really glad that you're still here, these photos are so cute it's killing me.

If I decided to do lolita for my wedding, I'd probably do it white with gold accessories. I love seeing white with a touch of the shininess from gold.

>> No.7353350
File: 147 KB, 244x333, AP Princess Victoria JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it AP's Princess Victoria JSK with some kind of overdress? The bottom looks a lot like it.

>> No.7353355
File: 243 KB, 600x940, 1391665695869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, sorry! I don't even know who the girl is.

Here's another nice lace overlay. I don't really like the blue whites + ivories, though.

>> No.7353357

Oh wow, that's beautiful. I wish I had friends who could sew like that.

>> No.7353371
File: 81 KB, 480x640, 1385404256499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, I don't think it's Princess Victoria under there since the dress you posted has a double tier right in front, but the girl with the overdress has double ruffles going all the way around.
Also does anyone know about her shoes? They're so great.

Here's some more Baby being ridiculous. Why do they have so many wedding dresses?

>> No.7353372
File: 113 KB, 213x290, AP Silky Princess JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353376
File: 72 KB, 480x640, 1385394920381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the fabric on this one, especially the drape of that big bow

>> No.7353379
File: 122 KB, 500x667, 1385404952122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see much of this with the brightness, but I really like her shoes. And I think she's got nice chiffon.... side draping? The panels DDC has on the hips? What do you call those jeez

>> No.7353380

She made a gorgeous shortened robe a la Francaise in white

>> No.7353384
File: 56 KB, 240x320, AatP Strawberry Princess OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Req'ing some more longer dresses with short or half sleeves? Or JSKs. I like the longer dresses.


Holy shit, that's so pretty. I want to know her. I would pay her to make me a wedding dress.

>> No.7353386
File: 120 KB, 236x323, AP Princess Party JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353387

Wow! Wow. These are amazing! I love how the first is based of one of her favorite from her wardrobe. That adds a cute personal feel to it.

>> No.7353389
File: 364 KB, 336x459, AatP Apple Princess OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353392
File: 128 KB, 224x298, AP Silky Princess OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353398
File: 13 KB, 250x333, 1391666810249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353401
File: 160 KB, 249x337, AP Princess Tiara JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I post anything that's already been posted, I'm just searching through lolibrary right now.

>> No.7353407
File: 133 KB, 289x381, Eternal Party JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7353412
File: 103 KB, 573x835, 1385405890974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7353409

well, my opinion is right. because its my opinion.
I could put in my negative opinions, and it wouldn't make them any less right.
but, if you think I'm a bitch, all go full bitch for you honey
that dress is tacky as shit, its casual as fuck in every way, even for lolita.
you going to wear it on your big day that happens once a lifetime? good for you, that dress is something that I'd rather whipe my ass on than wear.
now, its her wedding, she can look like a tacky applejack if she wants to. but I'll be facepalming and laughing if I ever see those photos.

now, enjoy your tacky as fuck weddings with meta, peace out Itas

>> No.7353414
File: 112 KB, 260x344, oironaoshi jsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7353421
File: 63 KB, 240x320, BTSSB Snow of Tear Princess OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also comes in white, but there were no full photos of that version.

>> No.7353422

I don't think you understand what the meaning of "opinion" is.

>> No.7353423
File: 65 KB, 280x373, AP Secret Rose Princess OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353429

Anyone thinking about not getting married in white? Since it's nontraditionalist anyway to get married in lolita, I don't think people need to limit themselves to shiro lolita. For sweet lolitas, there are super classy dresses that AP has made in pink, and there's Mary Magdalene dresses that would work for a wedding in other colours as well (Marie Antoinette would be gorgeous is any colour).

>> No.7353434
File: 296 KB, 338x463, 1391667538994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in a beautiful light blue and a light pink color.

I'm considering it, but I also really love ivory dresses, but am too messy to wear them on a regular basis.

>> No.7353438
File: 76 KB, 480x640, 1391667649919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353441
File: 95 KB, 480x640, EBDJSK1-antique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like pic related would be both lovely and sort of humorous in choice of wedding gown. (Elisabeth, Bride of Death)

>being this anally rended

>> No.7353465

well, what is it?
educate me all holy and mighty ita

>> No.7353471

I thought you were leaving

And, opinions can be wrong. I can have an opinion that the moon is made of cheese and am allowed to have that opinion but it doesn't make it right.

>> No.7353487
File: 72 KB, 600x800, 1391669106348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on your shitty example, now educate me, on how my opinion of how tacky that dress is is "wrong"
and how my opinion of how I'd rather not wear a dress like that, is also "wrong"

if you can convince me, I'll wear pic related to my wedding.
on ONE condition. you convince everyone else who disagrees with my choice as wrong, and by thinking I shouldn't wear this to my wedding, their opinions are wrong as well.

>> No.7353503

What? No one cares about what you wear at your own damn wedding.

>> No.7353513

ur opinion is wrong

>> No.7353584

That is GORGEOUS!!

>> No.7353590

Not her, but I would consider that to be more of a belief than opinion.

But yeah, I agree with you on how that chick is whiny as fuck.

>> No.7353633

0/10 trying too hard

>> No.7353639

>being this asspained and sensitive about people pointing out that your opinion was dumb

>my opinion of how I'd rather not wear a dress like that, is also "wrong"

Your opinion wasn't "Iiiiiiii wouldn't wear it," your opinion was "couldn't you wear (what I want you to wear) instead?" and "shouldn't brides wear white?"

Brides wear colors other than white all the time. Brides typically didn't wear white for centuries, in fact. And the "couldn't you wear..." is just stupid because, it's someone else's wedding. Why would they wear something they don't want to wear just because you don't like it?

>> No.7353652
File: 47 KB, 290x387, tumblr_ma2oyi8K6w1qe9j6eo4_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeeeesus, what the hell happened in here? How about we ignore the sandy cunt anons and actually, y'know, talk wedding stuff.

I just got my Infanta Rose Cathedral OP in Navy in the post, I think I'll wear it to my cousin's wedding in September as it looks like beautiful formalwear as opposed to.. well, OTT sweet.

Are there any dresses that anons would wear to weddings/formal events as guests?

>> No.7353654

I don't go to weddings, but it's considered bad to wear black, right?

>> No.7353663

I don't think anyone cares anymore as long as it looks nice. at my family's weddings wearing black is totally fine.

>> No.7353664

I would wear the shit out of this to get married in

>> No.7353668

It depends on the wedding. There are some families who are very very traditional and would view a person wearing black as morbid and rude and there are some who wouldn't even give it a thought. When in doubt, ask the bride.

>> No.7353670

>Brides wear colors other than white all the time.
well, instead of going
you could of just said that.
just saying.
but, in MY OPINION
that dress looks like shit

>> No.7353674

Nobody said HOW DARE YOU. You've acted hypersensitive since the beginning. No one insulted you until you started throwing hysterics around because someone said "She SHOULD wear what she wants, it's her wedding. Jesus." and "She COULD wear that, but why would she since she clearly wants to wear something else?"

In MY OPINION, you're a whiny cunt who needs to grow a thicker skin because those two comments sending you into a dizzy tizzy speak volumes about your ability to handle commentary on your opinions.

>> No.7353678

I totally understand why people would want to wear lolita at their wedding, especially non traditional ones. But to those of you who are planning on wearing it, do you not feel a bit like you're missing out on the dress shopping experience? Going to bridal boutiques with family or friends, getting a big fuss made of you etc?

As exciting as buying something lovely online and waiting for it to arrive is. I know the wedding dress shopping was one of the things I most looked forward to in planning my wedding.

>> No.7353687

Except its not the family's fucking opinion on what the bride and her husband or wife are doing on their wedding day? If anyone had issues with what I was wearing, they wouldn't be invited in the first place. Wow

>> No.7353688

Not everyone wants to make a big fuss...

>> No.7353689
File: 2 KB, 125x48, hUA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the same anon as the one from earlier


i think u are

>> No.7353703
File: 44 KB, 290x387, tumblr_ma2om8oJqN1qe9j6eo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is it distasteful to wear lolita to a wedding between an Australian and a Chinese?
I do not want to offend by wearing Japanese fashion if it might offend the groom.

>> No.7353704

What about wearing lolita to someone else's wedding? I'm not talking sweet or anything OTT, I was thinking navy classic JSK (maaaybe AATP print?) with solid black blouse and tights? Plus single flower in hair and a simple necklace.

My friends are getting married in september and while I know they'll be okay with me wearing whatever (since every time we meet I'm wearing lolita and more flashy than what I described above at that) I'm kinda worried about backlash from their relatives and such. Or should I just not give a fuck as long as the bride and groom are cool with it? Seems ridiculous to buy a full normalfag outfit I won't even like or feel good in just to wear it once...

>> No.7353708

I think the greatest part is, I'm not just came in to say "why not white dress?"

>> No.7353707

If they don't know about the fashion they're probably just going to think you're dressed in a very formal, elegant dress. Unless they're the sorts to get pissed off just for the sake of it, surely they'll not even bat an eyelid.

>> No.7353709

yes but mainly because it'll draw attention away from the bride. At least ask first

>> No.7353712
File: 48 KB, 340x450, 1391681450731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disney princess wedding dresses
>no mention of Alfred Angelo's Disney Collection

>> No.7353715

I think it's fine, as long as you don't look better than the bride. That's always been my stance with weddings.
If you tone it down with accessories, you should be alright. At the worst, people will think, "Well that's an interesting dress she's wearing."

>> No.7353719

It is acceptable but only if you wear a dress from taobao with corks hanging off the hem

>> No.7353729

Did you know different people enjoy different things??

>> No.7353733

I do, I'm not judging people who want to do things differently from myself, I'm just genuinely curious to know about it. If I'd of wanted to wear lolita for my wedding dress I know I would have felt a bit sad I wouldn't get that experience, so I wondered if other people did too? The whole thing about the dress is so bigged up and made into something so major, I can see that in itself would put some people off. But as it's been made into this big 'right of passage' thing, do some people not feel a little like they could be missing out? Whether they are or not is of course down to each individual.

>> No.7353737

Jesus, not everyone wants to spend that much on a dress you only wear once. I'm not missing out, I can wear what I want to my wedding, cunt.

>> No.7353742

And I'm sure your wedding will be perfect and you'll look amazing in whatever you choose to wear. I do agree about wedding dress prices, I only did sample sales for the same reason.

>> No.7353747

I absolutely hated shopping for my prom dress. The designs were either too plain or too flashy, the only fabric available was gaudy stiff taffeta, nothing fit or flattered me and they always used shitty quality lace. I ended up commisioning a seamstress and even then didn't get exactly what I wanted, while still having to pay over $200. It was cheaper than a ready made dress + tailoring.

I can't imagine shopping for a wedding dress being any better, except the minimal cost for a simplest design is like $400. It's all just media's propaganda to make you shell out as many bucks as you can.

>> No.7353748

I'm beginning to think we shouldn't discuss weddings here, everyone's such a sandy cunt when replying even if the post they're replying to was polite and non-offensive.

That, and I'd rather just look through a thread of pictures of pretty dresses

>> No.7353752


>> No.7353758

let's invite mr yan to the gold coast and marry a perfect aussie hanayome chan...

>> No.7353759

It's like someone shooped her left leg out of the picture..

>> No.7353764

she's only halfway there, nearly mastering the hovering art of the ancients

>> No.7353765
File: 99 KB, 300x380, 1391685881007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! first time to this board here! my friend linked me to the thread :)
I'm getting married in november, and really want this dress, but I know its from a scam site?

ever since I saw clamp's drawing of this, I thought it was super elegant! I don't really have that much money for lolita (or a huge wedding) so I thought I could wear this lolita dress at my wedding-maybe with black booted heels and fishnets, and a long black veil.
if anyone could tell me wear to get the real thing, I'd be super happy! XD
can anyone direct me to where to get the real thing?

I've been sewing wristcuffs for my bridesmaids allready-I want them t

>> No.7353767

I pressed enter too soon.
I want my bridesmaids to wear lolita too, but I'm not sure what yet. I've been making wristcuffs for them

>> No.7353768

do not know what to say

either your friend is laughing hysterically behind your back right now, you're a troll, or I guess you're just really that much of a noob

>> No.7353769


>> No.7353770

my friend isnt lolita, she just told me to come here and you would help me.

why would she be laughing?

>> No.7353777

If getting married is the happiest day of your life, you have a boring life

>> No.7353781

Let people wear what they want on their weddings, bitch. You're not being directly affected by it

>> No.7353782

This. I'm not sure who's spending more than a grand on a dress they wear once. The engangment Rings are even worse. There's so much bullshit behind it all

>> No.7353787

well, if you think this way, I doubt you really are in love with your husband, and would rather be sucking 5 dragon dildos than him

>> No.7353792
File: 17 KB, 226x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh sure. Actually, I'm already married to my wife and we're having lots of happy days together because we didn't have a small wedding because why spend thousands of dollars for one day? I'd rather enjoy my life with her than be in debt to show off to people. So not sure why you're so bitter.

>> No.7353796

Except getting married doesn't change anything. You don't become a magically butterfly the next day. You don't gain a million dollars or a high position of power. You're still you, just married to the person you hopefully love and lobes you back. Heck, most people get married for a green card or something else.

Marriage isn't magical, and I hate this fairy tale bs most people put behind it.

>> No.7353797

What are you even talking about? The anon is not the bride, she is one of the guest, so yeah, the family's and the brides opinion does matter.

>> No.7353802

Only the two people getting married, their opinions matter.

>> No.7353806

1. The dress is ita as hell
2. You want to wear fishnets with it, which is also ita as hell
3. The black boots are probably ita as well, considering the choices you have made so far
4. The picture is from Milanoo, the nr. 1 enemy of every lolita

Honestly, if you would do what you have planned so far, you better make sure none of the pictures can be found on the internet, because it would for sure be ridiculed and posted to every ita site.

Please do some research before doing lolita.

>> No.7353813

Ah geeze guys. Just post lolita. If you want to debate real wedding shit and stir up that type of drama go to the knot. There's no right or wrong for stuff, only if you want to get legaled. Then there's paperwork and shit.

>> No.7353814

Yeah, but the point is that the anon said that if people had problem with what they was wearing, they wouldn't be invited. That's not how it works if you're just a guest. Also, usually if a close family member, like your mother, thinks it's bad luck to wear black (not that it really matters since the first anon is wearing navy, not black) the couple would usually take their opinion a bit more serious than some random guest that just want to wear black.

>> No.7353840

No, I don't think anyone else's opinion should really matter except the two people getting married. Also, superstitions? Yeah, save that crap.
Your mothers opinion doesn't matter at YOUR wedding

>> No.7353848

If you keep it classic and tasteful I don't think anyone will care, they'll just think it's a formal dress.

>> No.7353871
File: 202 KB, 1920x2560, apple weddingdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A white dress with golden apple motif sounded cute so I tried to draw it.
It's just an idea that I got when I read the comment.

>> No.7353873

ah! its cute!

I'm not even mad or in a trolling mood anymore.
I'm content.
with the BTSSB apple ring and necklace (or was it AATP?)
it would just look gorgeous.

I think anon would look cute at her wedding regardless of what she wears though, but if I was marrying someone with an apple themed wedding, I'd wear that, and wear the meta dress to the after party. its just the cutest idea.
to each their own though.

not gonna lie, I was in a pissy mood. my cat got hit with a car yesterday, and after raging on ./cgl/, I felt bad about it after a while.

>> No.7353886
File: 252 KB, 298x500, pinku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i almost want a pink dress
something just the faintest pink
tfw why CANT i be a princess on my wedding day

>> No.7353888
File: 103 KB, 600x900, 1391696739593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a super fancy dress that is NOT white.

This dress is my dream wedding dress, it's just so gorgeous!

>> No.7353909

If you insist on trying to wear it ask the bride first.
If it was my wedding and you showed up in lolita you wouldn't be attending

>> No.7353910

Not all wedding dresses are white white.

But keep in mind, we dressmakers have a very strict code, so I need to know. Do you deserve to wear virginial white? Because if you don't, you'll have to wear an off white, what we call a "hussy white".

>> No.7353913

>I would consider his opinions
> he should like and accept what I like

so which is it? What if his opinion was he does not want you wearing lolita to your wedding? You going to call it off?

Haha, at the wedding? Try every decision up until the wedding. Have you people seriously never spoken to anyone planning one, or at least watched one of those bridal reality TV shows? If you un-invite everyone that offers their opinion you will have no guests left.

>> No.7353915

no one will know you are the bride...

>> No.7353918

What a cute little troll~

>> No.7353917

This is what everyone who attends a Lolita wedding is going to see, you can think you are elegant and beautiful but to the rest of the world you look like a strung our weeb.

>> No.7353923


>who the fuck is that chick walking down the aisle and standing next to the groom?

>no idea m8, she's not wearing white

>> No.7353929
File: 55 KB, 232x313, 10888694953_0e95f2e9b1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily I'm not friends with people who'd throw a shit fit for showing up to their wedding in pretty dress they'd seen me wear (and complemented) numerous times. Which you would know, if you'd possesed the magic of reading comprehension.

Just look at it, sooo scandalous, gaudy and attention grabbing!

>> No.7353927

I doubt it.

But please try.

>> No.7354058

I'd seen plenty of my guests in Lolita, I had complemented them, I still would have told them to change. I don't find Lolita appropriate at all since it is so drastically different than the norm you will garner a lot of attention which I feel is very rude. Its one day, wear a normal dress and get over yourself.

>> No.7354099
File: 92 KB, 1440x810, satisfied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible how uppity people are about rules and traditions when it comes to weddings. I never knew.

I'm getting married around 2016 ~ 2017 and it's going to be a very laissez-faire, relaxed event. I'm going to emphasize comfort over strict formality for outfits (ladies are welcome to come in cute sundresses and guys won't have to wear ties with their button-downs), the bridesmaids will be allowed to pick from a range of colors for their dresses, and I myself will either wear classic lolita or ouji. My groom and I are going to help each other decide the details of our outfits, and we're going to arrive at the same time and walk down the aisle together. We're likely going to have a mix of classical music and emotional anime OST music playing, that we'll pick out together. It will also be an outdoor (maybe by the ocean), non-religious ceremony. Just talking about it, I'm very excited for it ~

>> No.7354214

Aaaand that's why I literally said

>When in doubt, ask the bride

So why are you ass pained?

>> No.7354216

I'm sorry but that looks ita as fuck. It looks like a rehash of a bad renaissance "gypsy" costume.

>> No.7354232


lol It takes so little to set seagulls off.

>> No.7354247

I wonder how old everyone ITT is.

>> No.7354278

19 lel
What's it matter?

>> No.7354283

I don't have a family who'd make a fuss over dress shopping let alone anything of a fancy wedding, which Id like. My 3 best friends all happen to be gay people and I can already see the awks coming from people who can't get married themselves.

Dress shopping alone it will be

>> No.7354284

That is seriously such an ugly outfit. Hopefully you can wear it better than that. Good luck on your wedding anon!

>> No.7354286

I'd love to have a lolita wedding but the idea seems a bit too cheesy to me.

>> No.7354294

Yeah same. And why eewr a style of dress you'd wear normally anyway?
I'd get a gown that had lolita motifs perhaps, but definitely be full length and not knee. A wedding for me should have a dress you wouldn't get the opportunity to wear much.

>> No.7354297

>That bodice
They literally put like nearly every bride in that at least once on Say Yes To The Dress.

Also yeah, completely agree. Do what you want with your wedding dress, it's already a costume-y affair and Lolita doesn't really step out of the traditional look too much.

>> No.7354310

>most people get married for a green card or something else
Yeaaaah riight, I'm sure it's the majority.

>> No.7354314
File: 24 KB, 220x330, 220px-Melania_Trump_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You don't gain a million dollars or a high position of power

Lmao you must be trolling or living under a rock. Pic related.

>> No.7354319

I think it would be great to avoid the "group experience" of trying on and getting the dress. I don't have a big social group and I cant' wrap my head around having bridesmaids but I imagine even close friends and relatives are going to have a ton of different opinions on what the hell's going on your body if you give them the chance and it just seems like a clusterfuck.

>> No.7354358

I'd be up for it?
You'd get weird questions from onlookers but still, I'd love it, and aspiring models do wedding style shoots all the time. I never want to get married but I just love the dresses.

>> No.7354417
File: 56 KB, 736x490, 1391721155657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita but I need this Hime Gyaru's dress, I want it and I need it, perhaps in white. I will settle for nothing less.

>> No.7354429

Love this so much.

And I love this thread, I read through every single post.
Y'all are sandy but your pictures are pretty. I doubt I'll ever marry but I'd love a 'engagement party' where I could wear something similar.

>> No.7354431

Is there some sort of lifestyle group of girls (Like lolita) that just go out wearing ballroom gowns and whatnot?
I think it would be neat to look into something like that. I'd love to see more gowns than what you find in bridal stores, as well. They all feel the same.

>> No.7354478

Woah that is SO beautiful. Do you know the designer? I would love to see what else they'd make.

I want to get married with very pale greens and soft pinks, a soft English rose motif.

>> No.7354527

...the designer's name is on that picture. Stella de Libero.

>> No.7354543

It's pretty bad quality fyi. It would be like getting married in a polyester nightgown.

>> No.7354602
File: 36 KB, 290x387, 1391724651346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sooo going on a crash diet to fit into VM nicely as soon as gay marriage is legal in my shithole country. My dream is at least 3 layers of classic in bone and cream, knee length with more pintucks and ruffles and an overlay of silk organza.

>> No.7354696

>crash diet
>complaining about gay marriage not being legal instead of just fucking having a ceremony

God I hate this bullshit. Why do you need the government's approval to commit yourself to your partner? OH wait, because you don't give a shit about the actual meaning behind the wedding and just want tax benefits.

Crash dieting is stupid as fuck too, you'll just gain it all back and get fat and then your woman will leave you.

>> No.7354710
File: 82 KB, 500x471, tumblr_mdglp9hjAE1qk4s2co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, tax wise we would be a lot worse off, so it's douchey of you to assume that. Plus, my partner loves me no matter what my size, I would only be crash dieting for the sake of wedding photos, which is super shallow, and my choice.

Our relationship, however, is not shallow, and I have as much of a right to want to marry or not marry my partner as someone who is in an opposite sex relationship.

I would like to legitimise my lifetime commitment to this woman, whom I love more than I can express and regardless of your attitude towards marriage, it doubtless means different things to you and to me, which is fine, but please don't transfer your beliefs onto me.

Don't hate, maybe it's time to turn off the computer and go outside, or have this curly kitten?

>> No.7354714

only bitter/dateless/spinsters/neckbeards say that shit

>> No.7354730

yeah, only bitter dateless spinsters say fuck the government and get gay married without it if you truly love someone that much and want to commit yourself to them.

A wedding ceremony is a commitment between you and your partner in front of your family and friends. It is so you will have accountability to always remain faithful to your partner. Exactly why does the government need to make it legal for you to do that, other than you get a cute little certificate and some tax benefits?

In b4 insurance and hospital rights, you can get all of that through an attorney.

>> No.7354735
File: 473 KB, 2015x1511, angry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused, I told you to marry her? I said the reason you were blaming not doing it yet on the gov. was because all you wanted was tax benefits.

>> No.7354767


Having a legal marriage does more than just give you tax benefits. It generally makes it easier for you to adopt your spouse's children (whether the mom adopted them or gave birth to them), ensures hospital rights (visitation, making decisions regarding end of life, etc) for you to see your partner AND for your children, and ensures your claim to whatever you have been left in a will.

Without a legally recognized marriage, in many countries you have no claim to any of that as you're not legally recognized as a spouse.

Beyond all the legal reasons to have a legally recognized marriage, there's the general sentiment that your relationship is fully legitimized in the eyes of the law. If having a legal marriage wasn't so important, and if all that mattered was love, then why would straight couples still get married? I highly doubt people jump into marriage simply for tax benefits.

>> No.7354840

Troll? Because gay people want to get married like everyone else you stupid fuck. Remember that not many decades ago, interracial marriage was highly illegal. It's still stupid, as long as two human beings over the age of 18 are getting married, who the hell cares! Wow

>> No.7355047

I'm sorry about your cat, anon.

>> No.7355050

Who's wedding is this? Oh my god, I have no idea who even invited me here. What am I doing here? Who am I?

>> No.7355058

Well, hime gyaru involves looking like a princess all the time. The dresses are shortened for casual wear, but it's a lot more glitzy than lolita

>> No.7355081

hnnngggg these are gorgeous I need three weddings so I can wear all of them

>> No.7355090
File: 390 KB, 354x667, tumblr_lp9uq6Lkls1r0xaeho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes it easier for you to adopt your spouse's children (whether the mom adopted them or gave birth to them), ensures hospital rights (visitation, making decisions regarding end of life, etc) for you to see your partner AND for your children, and ensures your claim to whatever you have been left in a will.

Can I put an extra emphasis on
>ensures hospital rights

If your non-legally married spouse was dying in the hospital, YOU COULD NOT SEE THEM. You'd be considered a general guest and could only visit them when general guests were allowed. If they were in a coma, mentally unsound, or otherwise unable to make their own decisions, you would not be allowed to put in any word as to what kind of treatment they had. If they died there, you could not make any decisions regarding what happens next, because in the eyes of the law you have as much power as a friend.

>> No.7355271

You do realize you can get hospital visitation rights with a lawyer right? All a marriage does in the eye of the law is sign a series of contracts, which you can do outside of getting married, just individually.

> If having a legal marriage wasn't so important, and if all that mattered was love, then why would straight couples still get married?

The same reason gay people should be getting married, because they want to make a life long commitment to their partner.

> I highly doubt people jump into marriage simply for tax benefits

You're adorable, of course they do. They also jump into marriage for green cards, money and estate.

>> No.7355359
File: 114 KB, 380x750, 1385405039690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty dresses

>> No.7355392
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>> No.7355398
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>> No.7355404
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>> No.7355429
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>> No.7355526

By the time you get a lawyer and get permission, your loved one could be dead. Are you dense?

>> No.7356190

how about the ones here?

they all look cool, a change from the usual white

>> No.7358743

Are you? You get it before either of you are I'll. Do people only get married after they're in the hospital on their deathbeds?