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7352095 No.7352095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you want to be dressed in lolita, after you buy the proverbial farm? Your favorite coord, or would you put one together especially for the occasion?
Let's see it!
(Morbid topic, I know, feel free to keep it lighthearted if you want.)

>> No.7352101

If I die young, bury me in Baby, lay me down on a bed of AP

>> No.7352103

I want to be cremated because I don't want to contribute to the useless wastefulness that is a cemetery.

>> No.7352121

Yeah... caskets are expensive as fuck. Enjoy wasting space for future generations.

You people are as greedy in death as you were in life.
>Yeah... let me take all of this clothing with me. My corpse is TOTES going to need it

>> No.7352127

I want to be cremated while wearing some ridiculously hard to find, super wanted dress.

Just so that my ghost can taste the rori tears.

>> No.7352132


Wow those would be delicious tears.

Imagine being burned in Iron Gate or Gloria....

>> No.7352138
File: 31 KB, 299x399, JetJ L'etoile du Soir JSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm torn between having a glorious coffin, dressed in my favorite dress, and taking it to the grave, or just donating my body to science. I for sure want to give away my collection to close friends and have someone help sell the rest to go back to my family.

If it were completely hypothetical, it'd be fun to get cremated wearing Iron Gate or something.

>> No.7352148

I just really want one now to use as a bed.

>> No.7352156

You're right! Bury me naked.

In fact, why should I be greedy enough to have a box made especially to bury me in?!
just dump me in the river so my naked ass can be washed out to sea in the spring.

>> No.7352163

I actually was >>7352103 And I've actually thought of that before, it seems like an awesome idea. If I wasn't so against burials I'd want an entire loli mausoleum filled with burando.

>> No.7352165

Make my coffin look like the Moitié coffin bag but with a glass front, upholster, ruche and ruffle trim that bitch in my dress fabric...gathered so you can use it ALL, make me a coverlet of the chocolate prints, put all my jewelry on plus crown/scepter. Stick me in a crypt and hold viewing parties every year on Mana's birthday as I decay. Yep.

>> No.7352176

Yeah, burials are such a waste. You literally just take up space in a giant box and rot. Not to mention the nasty chemicals you can leech into the earth.

Just burn me. Burn me with all of my burando.

Take pics and post them online. Watch the roris cry.

>> No.7352174

I mean, they make biodegradable ones, now...

>> No.7352181

Are you fucking stupid? There ARE such things as ecofriendly burials where they just plop your corpse in the ground with no marker. But lets continue to make more burial sites. That way in the future people wont have space to build homes.

>> No.7352187

Cemeteries are a useless waste of space and could be used to shelter the living. The dead don't need it. Western ideals are stupid as fuck

>> No.7352202

OP here, I meant figuratively 'buried' and didn't specify cremation/whatever else was also an option. I'm not saying you have to be buried.

Carry on.

>> No.7352230

>Just plop your corpse in the ground

Eeeehhh that sounds icky too. I'd rather be turned to a small pile of ash than just tossed in the ground. Having a bunch of rotting corpses in the ground isn' a whole lot better.

>> No.7352238

>Having a bunch of rotting corpses in the ground isn' a whole lot better.
It's much better because people degrade over time and also make the soil nice.

>> No.7352242

But the chemicals in the human body, like the bile in the lower intestines are poisonous to soil.
>what is biology 101

>> No.7352250

You know how in Asian cultures they burn stuff for the dead so that they can have it with them or whatever. What if I just burned my entire collection, haha

>> No.7352257

Not to mention all the shit chemicals that most of us ingest every day with our processed foods.

>> No.7352266


Finally, somebody gets it. I always hear "but I want to be remembered!" as an excuse for not donating your organs and just cremating away. Bitch, you lived at least a fifth of your life doing mindless things that everyone else on Earth does to pass their free time. Nobody will care that you existed past generation three.

>> No.7352903

Similar topic: If you were asked to wear lolita to a funeral, what would you wear?

>> No.7352915

Cremation for me plz.

I'd pass my collection on to my kids. They love my frilly shit anyway.

>> No.7352923

I did wear lolita to a funeral, (sort of?) because my great grandfather absolutely adored it, and my great grandmother said that if he was watching, he'd love it. I wore Rose Melody's Rosa Aroma jsk with a very small petticoat, black stockings with flowers up the side and small black heels. hair up in a bun, minimal makeup. (and i cried that makeup off, anyway.)

>> No.7352945

Probably a simple dress with minimal accessories (pearl necklace, no headbow, etc). Enough to look nice and put-together but not "dressed up". If someone I was close to died, I probably wouldn't be much in the mood for dressing up really elaborately. And kind of like with weddings, I'd want the focus to be on the person who died rather than on my clothes.
But again as with weddings, there are many different types of funerals so I'd always take into account the location, atmosphere, etc. Not all of them are somber affairs in churches.

>> No.7352951

This, it actually takes quite some time for your body (or the body of any large animal) to get to the point where we become fertiliser. Not to mention the fact that if you live in a wet climate a non weighted body can actually be floated out of a grave, or animal interference... really if you want to be ecologically friendly cremation is a better way to go.

>> No.7352955

I know you're trying to be sarcastic, but imo that's better.

Shiro coord. I actually got asked by some teens in a store once if I was going to a funeral in a quipping tone. I just smiled and said no, and when I saw them again later while in the store, they were like, "Are you sure..??"

>> No.7352964

>or just donating my body to science
I'd love if med students ran a train on my dead body and filled me with their sperm.

>> No.7352970

But...you'd be dead...

>> No.7352973

The idea turns me on.

>> No.7352975

Not to mention that quite a few cemeteries require there to be an outer burial container for the casket that could be made out of concrete, plastic, or fucking steel.

I'll take cremation, thanks. Plus they'd just cut up whatever dress I chose to be able to put it on my gross corpse anyway.

>> No.7352976

Oh god, no

>> No.7352977

Did it last year when my grandmother passed. black Aline jsk with minimal lace and a high collar black blouse, Black opaque stockings and quiet black heels with a black leather handbag from forever new. I have a long bob hairstyle and wore minimal makeup as no one looks good with mascara down their face. My nana loved loli and since she had expressed that she really liked that dress when i bought it it seemed right to show that i cared what she thought.

>> No.7352978

I actually heard that's quite normal. Many young girls who die virgins aren't burried virgins if you know what I mean.

>> No.7352980
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Anon, I know you're joking, but I'm only just coming to terms with my necrophilia kink, and this is really upsetting.

>> No.7352985

Very true! Its pretty hard to find cemeteries that are willing to allow you to just do whatever and its not like you can just get interred just anywhere as that shit can get your loved ones arrested.

>> No.7352988

You need to seriously shut the fuck up already

>> No.7352994
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I want my body to be destroyed by several huge thick penises, why leave it to the worms?

>> No.7353000

I would rather my body be donated to science, and the leftovers burnt. I'd give all my loli to my loli friend(s), and they could do whatever with it.

I don't understand people's concerns with what happens to their body after they die. The only reason I would want to bother with an urn or headstone or anything is if someone still living really wanted one for me. That shit isn't for the deceased; it's for the grieving to get through their mourning process.

If I got my whole body buried, I would hope for a grave robber / body snatcher to salvage some parts in the very least... It's so wasteful. I could be good for something, at least, and have my organs used for transplants or have anatomy students learn through my body. I wouldn't even care about what happened to my body unless it was a waste of resources.

>> No.7353003

I can't tell if this is bait or if you're actually just that stupid? you somehow got it in your mind that dead people are taking the glorious coffin shelter from the living?

>> No.7353010

No, the dead are taking up hundreds of thousands of miles of perfectly livable land where hundreds of thousands of houses could have been built.

But, fuck people who need houses, there are dead, rotted corpses here!

>> No.7353055

>zydrate for graverobbers and geneco for organs

Anyway, I plan on donating my body to science as well. I'm going to be dead, so it's not like one way of disposing of a body over another will affect me at all. Cremation is pretty bad for the environment, so I definitely plan on avoiding that route. I do have romantic dreams of being buried in a victorian-esque cemetery with ancient gravestones and artful disrepair, but ya know

>overcrowding in cemeteries

>> No.7353063

I want my casket to be lined with my brand.

>> No.7353072


i'll be supplying paris hilton with drugs for her surgeries pffaha

>> No.7353126

Now you sound like a moron.

>> No.7353130

Um, did you read your own post? Do you know how much space for housing cemeteries take up?

>> No.7353145


>huurrr but I could be living on the cemetery

>> No.7353151

If I remember didn't a lolita who passed away last year was buried wearing her favorite lolita dress?

>> No.7353171

The girl who created lolibrary.

And if I died, I'd want to be cremated wearing Haenuli's Little Prince. So I may have sweet dreams... for eternity.

>> No.7353176

Buried with simple IW BlackxIvory, solid Ivory tights, 2-strap pumps. Simple bob that lushes out the sides when laying down. Silk lining must be a _matte_ pearl, I don't want my brand touching something that looks like it could be replica fabric even if it is silk.
Statuette on top of tomb standing feet together looking upward, with full coord including bonnet, holding lillies and daisies. MarbleXObsidian. Sealed in personal walk in, can't describe mausoleum or it would get horribly more detailed.
Young. Beautiful. Dead.

>> No.7353178

>the only good way to make use of dead bodies

>> No.7353186

I think that's beautiful, honestly.

I'm not religious, and I actually like cremation more, but no matter how your remains are handled, I think it's beautiful for you to pass with your favorite dress. In a fashion like this where a dress can mean so much to a girl, getting to take that dress into death is a really wonderful thing.

If I bought a dress from a dead girl's family or something, I don't think I'd ever be able to wear it. I know it was HER dress, that she loved so dearly.

>> No.7353187
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Good luck with that dream.

>> No.7353189
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So unrelated to the debate of actual death and burial, but, I love images like pic related. It kind of reminds me of the Victorian Memento Mori tradition? Mini-dump...

>> No.7353194
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>> No.7353196

A man can dream. This is the "If I die like in those songs young and rich" scenario. No way my old man ass will be buried in ruffles.

>> No.7353199
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>> No.7353200

I guess she's being cremated viking style. I see kindle.

>> No.7353205

Oooh. I'd like to do something creepy in that case.

> http://myfox8.com/2014/02/02/man-buried-upright-on-harley-davidson-motorcycle/

I will be done up good like a taxidermied animal, and I will be standing while wearing lolita.

>> No.7353212

There's an episode of My Name is Earl you'd want to see. It's weirdly /cgl/ related.

>> No.7353233
File: 280 KB, 500x600, 37989687_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you donate your body to a necromutilomaniac, anon?

If so...

>> No.7353237

i know the one you mean- the one with john waters as a creepy funeral director?

>> No.7353268

That one. I can only imagine someone preserved in full brand lying on their stomach on a fluffy bed with a laptop and a Wayback Machine screenshot of /cgl/ 2007. There would be a machine that uncrossed and crossed your legs every few minutes. John Waters would say "I thought I was a flaming faggot..."

>> No.7353276

i want to be cremated along with my entire wardrobe, with my ashes spread in harajuku

>> No.7353294

not to mention the conditions of some graveyards. my people are stacked up on top of each other in a cramped little corner because catholics fucking blow

>> No.7353301

i'd love to be burned on a funeral boat with all my rori inside with me, to serve me in valhalla

>> No.7353336

I'm pretty sure the rules of how "fine you should be being stacked on top of each other and how people think of you being stacked with other people" change one you're dead.
We do have the best looking graveyards though.

I would love to see other religious burial sites, er..., represented I guess, in prints though. Like a very somber Jewish cemetery in grayXgrayer.

>> No.7353344

with little gray stars of david faded on

i wonder how jewish my baba could make a dress if i asked her

>> No.7353354

i just dont think my angry jewish family would be okay with me being buried on top of them in lolita. even if it was brand

>> No.7353359

I don't think their opinion matters. They're dead.

>> No.7353365

Are you really that naive to see how few space is left in most cemeteries? I would love to uproot all of them to make room for shit that actually matters.

>> No.7353373

are you really that naive to think i wasn't joking?
besides, are you really going to get into a fight with a jew talking about mass graves?

>> No.7353601

sink me in the Moitie at dawn
send me away with the words of mana-sama

Yan make me a model
I'll shine down on my comm girls
They'll know I'm safe with you
when they stand under my frills

A grand for my dresses, oh, no, I'll sell 'em for 5000 dollars
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner

>> No.7353618

The anthropologist in me is sad about all this pro-cremation talk. Crypts for everybody!

>> No.7353667

Cryonic suspension in full burando.
These dresses will be worth so much more in the future.

>> No.7353690

Enjoy flooding the world with useless corpses

>> No.7353763

>be chinese
>want to be cremated and have ashes scattered in sea after death
>grandma goes NO YOU CANT
>your dead soul will feel cold and lost
>you'll bring upon your descendants generations of bad luck
>if we cremate you we'll store your ashes in a temple forever and ever
>so your lil grandkids can visit your tablet once a year

But I think I want to be dressed head to toe in old school, mana style goth during my funeral. The part before I'm cremated

>> No.7353774

>before /cgl/
"I'd love my brand to go to all of my friends and internet friends! ^_^"
>after /cgl/
burn it all.

>> No.7353798

Your grandma will be long dead before you die. Don't sorry about her idiotic superstitions.

>> No.7353800

I'd probably let my family/friends decide if they want to bury me or not. I'll definitely want to wear my favourite clothes, but considering my family they'd do that anyway. So lolita clothes it is.

>> No.7353819

that i know, she raised me till i was 12 though so i love her very much. just hate the idea of ~muh soul~ trapped in some grey stone tablet in a temple next to a whole bunch of fellow un-alive strangers.

>> No.7353826

Cremate me in Puppet Circus and bury my ashes with a sapling Willow.

>> No.7354636

I want to be buried in my Echelle du Sphinx OP, (chances are though I'll end up being cremated and have the ashes buried).