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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 668 KB, 1216x1784, nice closet cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7345159 No.7345159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>In my own Ash Ketchum cosplay
>rule 63...sexy ver...
>get so much shit
>"not real cosplayer/fake geek/couldnt have possibly worked hard to make that"
>all hand made from scratch, even black shirt
>my embroidery on a snap back
>even made my own fucking jean shorts
>do you ever see hand made jeans at cons?
>worked really hard to make the jean shorts look nice
>worked hard on learning to sew pants in general as a beginner
>still get shit
>go to local con
>not even entering any contest
>show up to pokemon photoshoot with my canon eos rebel t3i
>get angry up and down looks from high school age looking girls
>mfw all wearing closet tier cosplay and shitty fleece pokemon kigurumi from ebay

fuck that shit logic and fuck high school girl drama
Im going to do what I want and if you dont like it then dont get upset when i dont ask for your photo.
I have never cared/complained about closet cosplay/lazy bikini/raver/yoko cosplay and ebay garbage because I think everyone should be able to wear what they want....even if they didnt make it....
but this is bullshit it has a higher standard for something I worked hard on making, even if it is revealing, then again this is high school girl drama that i shouldnt care about.

>> No.7345166

This actually gives me a new perspective on the 'slutty' whatever costumes. I always used to think they were lazy way out. I would love to be able to make my own jeans. Especially because I'm gothy and the fad is now skinny everything, I find it hard to find the baggy jeans I like.

Don't mind the bitches anon. They're just jelly because their moms won't let them out of the house in anything more revealing than a t shirt.

>> No.7345165

pic related
these are the kind of "sexy cosplay" you should be giving shit to, the ones who put no/little work into it

also dont go in a kigu or closet gijinka and go give sexy cosplays that were hand made shit, focus on yourself

>> No.7345200

>wearing kigu to pokemon photoshoot

this is the laziest fucking thing anyone does, far worse than any hand made "sexy" cosplay, dont get me started on closet cosplay though, especially "sexy" closet cosplay

>> No.7345203

I actually dont mind kigus at a photoshoot as long as they are obviously original and made by you and not chinese ebay seller

>> No.7345209

See at conventions, they tend to not look at quality.

You're in a sexy genderbend of Ash. Why?? Like what made you think that was a good idea? Ash is 10.

That's how they see it (and myself, admittedly)
If you're going to put that much effort into something, do it for something with purpose.

>> No.7345217
File: 6 KB, 250x250, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the girl in the middle from the top row picture has the same shitty tail and ear set as this bitch I know, she does the same fucking pikachu cosplay every con! this is not good dress up its terribly lazy and not good quality at all

>> No.7345218

Girl in the top left is really pretty. I would say she's my type, which I've never really had before where girls are concerned. Th-thanks anon.

Also seconding that new view on skimpier cosplays. Never really had anything against them, but now I have a new appreciation for them if they're handmade. The embroidering your own hat thing and the shorts was really impressive to me. Good work.

>> No.7345226

>In my own Ash Ketchum cosplay
>rule 63...sexy ver...
>get so much shit

I would give you shit too. Not for not making your costume, but why the fuck would you do sexy 63 Ash? Rule 63 costumes are always better when they take the character into consideration and don't use it as an excuse to dress trashy.

>> No.7345227

Name of top left girl?

>> No.7345228
File: 10 KB, 223x225, myaAZgHyP2eTuAC8cMp7j7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that outfit is shit and you can buy it anywhere

>> No.7345233

I don't care about the outfit, I care about the face of a beautiful girl.

>> No.7345235

yoko cosplayers are worse
>still giving a "legitimate" excuse to be slutty

stay mad

>> No.7345242

kill yourself

>> No.7345249

>why the fuck would you do sexy 63 Ash

because it was fun and I wanted to?

why are gijinka allowed and rave ver. of shit but I cant make some clothes inspired by a character I like?

besides, the point is I dont care, ill do what I want, just wondering why kigus and rave outfits are ok though.

>> No.7345252

jelly fatty please go
Let me enjoy my first waifu without your sloppy vagina dumping a truckload of sand on my mood

>> No.7345257
File: 194 KB, 476x720, tumblr_mb79ykhGoy1rgfu95o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have misinterpreted what I said. I will chalk that up to poor reading comprehension skills on your part.
I never said I have a problem with costumes that are meant to be slutty. My problem is when you sluttify a character for no reason other than to show off your tits. When you want to do a genderbend character, realize that just because a character now has boobs, doesn't mean they will dress in the skimpiest possible clothing they have.
Pic related. Taking the character's personality, era, and story into account.

>> No.7345260

>why are gijinka allowed and rave ver. of shit but I cant make some clothes inspired by a character I like?
>inspired by a character I like?
How exactly is it inspired by them? Did Ash at any point ever seem like he would flash his dick or ass at people? No? Then why would female Ash flash her tits?

>> No.7345262

>sexy ver.

did you read
i WANTED to make something sexy

get over it

>> No.7345263

At least Yoko's design actually looks like that. It's old, but accurate to the character.

>> No.7345266

this is a classic misuse of time and expecting pay off. making your own shorts probably took 8000 times more effort, and probably twice as much money, for stuff that probably looked like shit and impressed no one.

your costume was just as shitty as theirs.

>> No.7345268

>i WANTED to make something sexy

And that is why I will give you shit for it. There are many ways to be sexy and many characters that emphasis sexiness. Sluttifying a 10 year old boy is trashy and gross and despite how much fun you're having, people will still think it is fucking stupid.

>> No.7345272
File: 492 KB, 1280x711, 1391395183615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like lolita cords inspired by characters, pokemon, etc
people do this all the time

are you really this naive?

>> No.7345273

Kigus are okay if you recognize that you're being a lazy shit. I've never seen a kigu cosplayer take themselves seriously. Same with rave outfits. They're both stupid "fun" outfits.

You can be a sexy Ash, fine, but don't get mad when people think it's dumb, because it is.

>> No.7345274

>more "legitimate" excuses to be a slut
god you girls can suck my dick if you want to so badly

>> No.7345278
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1391395306205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a chick posting on the Ohayocon group who makes nothing but 'sexy' costumes that generally look like shit.

If only she was wearing shorts.

>> No.7345282


girls are just jealous of other girls boobs anon no big deal

>> No.7345283
File: 504 KB, 410x589, 1384993179439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this buttmad over something you KNOW people are going to give you shit for

You realize you brought this upon yourself?

>> No.7345284

How dumb are you exactly? When did I ever say that I wasn't aware that people did this? I know people do it. And I think it is stupid.
If you want to cosplay a character, then cosplay the characater. Don't make up shitty excuses, AUs and whatever else you can think of as an excuse to dress trashy. If you want to dress like that, there are many characters that you can choose from, and be accurate and respectful to the character. There is no shortage of scantily clad characters for you to choose from.

>> No.7345290

>bought tank top
>cut on bottom with no inseam added
>bought skirt
>hat also looks purchased
>jacket also doesnt fit well, probably purchased
>bought thigh highs

she didnt "make" this

>> No.7345293

And yet, it probably looks about the same as OPs does and will generate the same amount of disdain and disgust.

>> No.7345299

>judges others


>> No.7345305

You sound like a stupid whore. If I saw you irl , I'd laugh at you too

>> No.7345304
File: 50 KB, 388x296, 1391395866058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did I ever say that I wasn't aware that people did this? I know people do it. And I think it is stupid.

this buttmad

>> No.7345326
File: 101 KB, 488x488, ngbbs4f6fbfd9deec7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of /cgl/ and even OP are mad fatties jealous of eachother

>> No.7345327

so your mad because people didnt like what you were wearing, and you think that this warrants a thread being made??

im sorry but this is just fucking stupid, make a blog post about this not a whole thread.

like what did you want people to say? really? put your effort into making cannon outfits, then people wont give you shit for making a 10 year old boy look like a prostitute.

you say that you knew what you were doing with this and yet you get so fucking mad. this thread just needs to be fucking deleted.

>> No.7345329

canon whoopse

>> No.7345330

>like what did you want people to say? really?

and all i was wondering was why is rave outfits and shitty kigus held higher in cosplay then hand made sexy cosplay
if anything they BOTH deserve the same amount of shit

>> No.7345334

Because everyone know they're just being lazy an stupid, but you get dirty looks because you look like an attention whore.

>> No.7345333

just because you made everything from scratch doesn't mean it looked any better than a shitty kigu or rave outfit.

you seem really bothered that other people got more attention than you did, lol

>> No.7345341

They aren't held in higher regard. You just had a shit costume. And honestly, most "sexy" costumes are seen the same as kigus and raver outfits, and not as respected as people who put in the effort to actually respect the source material and make accurate costumes.

>> No.7345343

because those girls were hotter than you and because no one wants to fap to a 10 year old boy, even if he does have tits.

When it comes to non canonical sexy cosplay (rule 63, genderbends, etc) quality doesn't matter. Only fappability.

How have you not figured this out yet?

>> No.7345348

Jessica Nigri did the same thing tho!!!!1!!eleven!one!!!!!!

>> No.7345357

Anyone can wear whatever they want, and anyone can have opinions on what others wear.

Its in bad taste to wear something shitty and ugly, but its also in bad taste to sexify a non-sexy character. I think if you had picked something that was already sexy, you would be fine.

Also in that sort of costume, you should ignore other females and pay more attention to other males attention. Otherwise, why bother? Its obvious the other females will be judging you.

>> No.7345361
File: 37 KB, 638x960, 1391397467604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because those girls were hotter than you and because no one wants to fap to a 10 year old boy, even if he does have tits.

keep telling yourself that

>> No.7345363

>wahh wahh nobody appreciates my awful sexy 10 year old idea
yeah welcome to fucking cosplay. sexy genderbends are awful and you should feel bad for putting any effort into a sexy genderbend cosplay.

>> No.7345367
File: 13 KB, 297x297, seriouscatcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people give so much shit for yoko cosplayers too tho
and at least this >>7345361 covers up more than yoko

>> No.7345370

Yeah. Her Pikachu costume was shit. But she was hot and dressed like a cuddly fuzzy submissive sex toy.
Fame ensued.
Had she been exactly the same body, hair, quality of costume, makeup, etc but dressed as skanky Ash she would be completely unknown today.

>> No.7345373

>Had she been exactly the same body, hair, quality of costume, makeup, etc but dressed as skanky Ash she would be completely unknown today.

keep telling yourself that

>> No.7345375

boobs is boobs is boobs

>> No.7345376

Once again, you are missing the point. It's not about slutty costumes being inherently bad, it's about the character themselves. Dressing in a bikini top for Yoko is fine because that is what she years. Dressing in one for Ash is both out of character, trashy, and attention whoring.

>> No.7345379

I honestly don't see the need for sexy gender bends when there is a metric fuck ton of sexy characters as there is.

>> No.7345381

and notice how this pic doesn't circulate even 1/10 the amount that her pikachu does, even though this has better styling, lighting, good photography, posing, etc.

>> No.7345386

>just keep giving yourself an excuse to be a whore

>> No.7345387

well the raichu here looks pretty slutty here too(if that's you as the ash ketchum) so not why sure they're complaining about how revealing yours might have been

>> No.7345388

psst, that's an entirely different character than ash

>> No.7345393

No one cares about being a whore.
Otherwise even well made canon sexy cosplays would be getting dirty looks.

>> No.7345396

refer to >>7345165

>> No.7345400

why don't you show us a picture of this so marvelously crafted work of art you didn't get props for?

>> No.7345402

none of those are me read >>7345165

>> No.7345404

(anon you replied to)
its because THEY'RE NOT
everyone who aren't them/ their friends think its stupid, just about everyother fucking cosplayer thinks its stupid
also they BOTH get shit

like A LOT OF SHIT because people who spend time and effort and all that good shit into making their cosplay as accurate as can be, get over looked by people who dress as sexy stripper pikachu/ [insert popular character/ flavour of the month character]

so to wrap it up, everyone else thinks its stupid, if you want to be sexy cosplay as sexy character that you like, not some 10 year old child.

>> No.7345407
File: 15 KB, 241x209, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice troll post op
/cgl/ is quite mad now

>> No.7345408

its so overexposed i cant be bothered t it. the posing is also shit.

>> No.7345409

ditto this

>> No.7345410

i know right? why are people taking this seriously lol


i applaud OP for taking it this far