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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 300 KB, 800x600, 1391297214797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7342833 No.7342833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey couldn't find one! (sorry if there is!)
tutorials and image of stall sharing !
I'd like to request tutorials for banners and setting up pvc banner holding poles since I lost my folder

>> No.7345146
File: 36 KB, 442x346, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there are Any artist alley registrations going up soon?
Also did ax reg go up already? I think I might've missed it.

>> No.7345510
File: 89 KB, 606x790, 1356417906850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will people learn that it's not fucking okay to just walk behind a table?
Someone tried to commission me for an art piece, and I accepted, so they pulled up a chair behind my table and started listing off all the things that they wanted. I told them politely that I'd appreciate it if they stayed on the other side, but they kept going saying that they'd be "really quick". The whole conversation lasted about 5 minutes, and passerbys probably thought I was ignoring them to talk to a friend or something. Ugh. Sorry. This is the second time that someone's done this (except the first time, they got the hint after me telling them to get out several times), and it really rustles my jimmies.

We're waiting on Fanime. They've changed the location of the alley, which is nice.

>> No.7345553

You just gotta be more blunt with them, short of being rude that is.

"It'll be real quick!"
"Quick or not I really need you in front of the table and not behind it please."

If they press on, just repeat what you wrote here, that it looks unproffessional and like you're ignoring people and talking to a friend, not a customer.

>> No.7345573

plus at some cons it can get you kicked out of the alley for good so it's just best for everyone if they stay on the other side

>> No.7345651

People do that? Dang, I know I focus on craftier things and no commissions, but I didn't think people actually do that.

>> No.7345662

>art theft: the official merchandise of the artist alley table

>> No.7345760

>does artist alley
>has never done fanart
So am I stealing from myself?

>> No.7345804
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bumping for major interest

>> No.7345838
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>> No.7346387

what's a good place to get the wire baskets from?

>> No.7346442

I got mine from Target.

>> No.7346872

Does anyone have any tips on how to hang banners attractively on a table? We're getting a nice one printed up, but I'm sort of stumped on how to display it without the use of duct tape.

>> No.7346921
File: 185 KB, 463x249, 1391458099261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would you charge for flower crowns like these? They are on elastic bands instead of headbands.

>> No.7347081

how much do you guys sell paper laminated 3" charms for? Or 2" buttons?

>> No.7347102

maybe $15 tops?

4/10 for effort there.

>> No.7347332

15-20 bucks, the people with flower crowns I've seen have done a mix of flowers, but they actually are much smaller and less full, they sell theirs for like 35-40, but I've never seen anyone wearing one of theirs around a con, so try to keep them cheaper for better selling chances

>> No.7347677


AWA begins sometime in March. I'm considering trying for it, but I'm not sure.

>> No.7347880

I sell laminated chibi charms about 1.5" across and 2.5" long for $3 each, if that helps some.

>> No.7347903

also lol that is a pic from etsy not one of mine

>> No.7348870
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How much do you guys usually make at 3 day cons?
What kind of items do you sell?

>> No.7349174
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Depending on where you want to hang it, how big/small it is, I thought up these options that you can try playing around with:
>It'd be easier of the banner had gussets in the corners so you can use some rope/nice wide ribbons to be tied to wire cubes/PVC pipes.
>If it's small and you want it in front of the table, attach wide bulldog clips at the back of the banner and clip them to the table cloth. May seem unsightly but depending on how the clips are used, hidden, or even decorated, it could be fine.
Or if you look at pic related, the artist used weights to hold the corners' ribbons on the table, a very simple method as long as no one picks up the weights. In other examples the same artist hung her banner.

As low as $15 to $30 or even more at craftshows (I've seen a table that had flower crowns and I think the highest was around $50 but they looked really nice and real, good assortment of flowers and colors without going overboard). I think if they look realistic and not something from a dollar store, it's worth the $25+ but beware if you're selling at a con, it's good to have a wide price range.

An average around $400 in 1-day event, up to about $1000 in 3-day event. I sell plushies and a few accessories. Not sure about doing amigurumi or felting because of the time it takes to make them, people may find it not worth the cost of buying.

>> No.7349644

Are you the artist behind dear sweet darlings? I bought 8 plushies from you at anime next sometime back and I love them!

>> No.7350336

Thank you! I'm definitely going to play around with both of these options now. :D

>> No.7350361


3 Days? maybe $800~850-ish? that's after breaking even though.

Even after making any money, remember the money you had to SPEND to MAKE money!

I sell large format prints on foamcore, everyone seem to like the more "professional" feel of it, and I can price it above the cost of a regular piece of paper without losing customers.

>> No.7350541
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Oh no no, I just happen to save pictures that the artist posted, which are all lovely and inspiring.

Good luck!

>> No.7350593
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>> No.7352493
File: 122 KB, 313x500, 1391643896270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a good/affordable place to get sticker sheets printed? I'm planning to sell sticker sheets at a con with my art but haven't found a good local place to get them printed.

Pic related, it's the type of sheet I want.

>> No.7352502

Places usually won't do this style because most shops only do straight cutting, but you can ask around.

>> No.7352621

Zap Creatives

FYI: I've done sticker sheets before. Cute idea, but nobody fucking buys them. Prepare to sit on them.

>> No.7352652
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Was your art good anon? Or of a popular fandom? How well something sells usually relies on those factors.

>> No.7353108

It was MLP, and a sticker sheet of the mane 6 and Derpy with cutie marks. The other things I had with the same artwork on them sell like hotcakes at cons. But when it comes to functional artwork, people like things they can use without permanently affixing them to things. (Though the stickers and vinyl and can be reused). Also for the individual cost (production + shipping), they came to about $1.50-$1.75 or so. I found they were a hard sell at $3. I got them to move at $2 and after sending them with a friend to sell at pony cons. It took me a year to get rid of them.

I mean don't get me wrong, they're awesome. But I find that there are more profitable things to invest money in for sales. I think they might work better if you do a lot of cute characters.

I have a friend that sells individual stickers really well from the same company and does fanart.

>> No.7353325

What dress is that?

>> No.7353418
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It's Emikyu , one of their newer releases. Sadly like most Emikyu it's nameless and hard to find.

I have a question, does Internet prescence/fame impact sales? I make around 1.5k per con as a print artist but I have no e prescence at all (a tiny one In the Lolita community but none for my artwork) Im just wondering if sales would increase if I start posting art on tumblr/try to get my name out there. Anyone here do this?

>> No.7353433

Zap Creatives is okay for their stickers. The printing quality makes it so that lines tend to show up on your images. It's very faint, but if you're like me and scrutinize every detail, then it might be a turn off from repurchasing. Or maybe it was just my batch/files. Also, the paper they print on has a watermark/grid lines. I was kind of hoping it'd just be plain white. Not sure if this is common for other companies' stickers. But Zap is pretty good for their charms and their customer service is always on par.

>> No.7353807

I sell prints, I make around 1k a con. I only attend cons with around a 1k-5k attendance though.

I've debated buying some things from Zap!. Do any of you have any experiences? I'm looking more into the acrylic and wooden charms.

I find that regular stickers, the ones you buy one by one, always sell really well so I can't say I agree with your statement on permanent affixation. But a lot of that just very well has to do with the fact that they're cheap to make, cheap to sell, while still pulling in a profit. These are adorable, but the price per piece just seems like a bit too high to make a decent profit compared to what most people are willing to pay.

>> No.7354657

Zap is great for Acrylic. I've not tried their wooden or metal charms yet though.

>> No.7355094

As a customer, I can say I have instantly jumped on prints from artists who's work I've seen floating around Tumblr.
If I recognize something and recall it as something I really liked/remember, I'm more likely to buy it.

>> No.7355161


>> No.7355910
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>> No.7355911
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>> No.7355920
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And for brainstorming: Please reply to this post with Character/Series you would like to see more art of at upcoming conventions. This info is extremely important for us.

>> No.7355935

Agreed, I've been putting some serious thought about Animal Crossing items but dang there are so many icons/characters to think about. /acg/ has been helpful at least.

>> No.7355938

"buttons $150" what

>> No.7355940

I think the decimal point is really faint.

>> No.7356495
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>> No.7356498
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>> No.7357647
File: 244 KB, 1033x665, 2014-02-06_19-53-24_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many packs of these is good, would 1 6 pack be enough for a table or should we get 2 sets?
We plan on selling small plush, hair bows and bands, and jewelry. Here are some of the prototype digimon plush I did yesterday

>> No.7357803

Not that person you're referring to, but I'll help give you some ideas. You can do fine with either number of sets, keep in mind of the weight of two 6-pack sets you'll tow to cons.

I manage fine with one set by splitting the cubes into two towers. But, if you get yourself two sets, it gives you more optional setups to play with, such as building a "bridge" over top to hold up more items.

I'll just post some pictures of table set ups using those cubes, to give you an idea of what you can do.

By the way, cool prototypes. Are those details embroidered on? The smiles can be a little higher up, I think. Reminds me I should get back into doing prototypes myself.

>> No.7357805
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Where did my picture go...

>> No.7357809
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>> No.7357811
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>> No.7357817
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Also, think of ways to display your hair bows and bands, and jewelry. Using some wig head or few helps people recognize what the item is and how it's worn.

>> No.7357818

I love how neat the buttons are, but those Hetalia mochi plushes always make me cringe..

>> No.7357826
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When it comes to buttons, I don't care much about the single icon ones, seems kind of copy and trace sort of thing, unoriginal. Yet if there are enamel pins, those would be nice to have. Anyway, I have seen tables that make buttons on the spot, which is nice if you want to commission someone and have a button made from it.

>> No.7357835
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>> No.7358642

How was your first alley?

Did you go to a small con? A large one? Was it anime, or something else?

How do you get over the feeling that nobody will even pay your display any attention, let alone buy anything from you?

>> No.7358665

If you're doing animal crossing, look up citizen trading forums. The ones that go for the most are the most sought after and would probably sell the best.
Just a thought that might help, ftr, dont know if itll actually work that way.

>> No.7358667

who is this person and can i buy online?

>> No.7358820

thanks, and the faces on these ones are just painted on. My embroidery skills are awful so I was debating between fabric sewn on eyes and the paints. I kinda want to keep them on the cheap side for people, if I were to hand embroider all of them I'd have to ask for double what I'd want just because of time on them.
I was thinking of like $12 bucks each since they're small. I've got some teddy bear eyes for some regular animal plushies too.

We're gonna have 2 wig heads to show off headbands and a mirror so people can try them on. The bows I plan to attach to ribbon and have them hang on some of the boxes/next to them.

>> No.7358856

Not to be dismissive, but you can find those octupi in every convention and tons on etsy. Just do a search and you can narrow the ones you like down to quality or cost.

>> No.7358882

I've been tabling in artist allys for almost 10 years and never heard of this before.
Why would you ever let them behind the table?
What cons are you tabling at that are so empty a fan can just hop behind the table real quick?
The second they made a move for it I'd say no, and if they tried to persist I'd say it's a deal breaker and they can't come behind because I and other artists keep their money behind the table.

>> No.7358899

Larger cons here in Florida have about 6ft of walking space behind tables to allow for bigger signage. I've had the misfortune of being on an end table once and my mutual friends used to congregate behind my table (a huge -no-no from security), but I didn't have the heart to tell them they couldn't use the space as a rest area. Nowadays I just make sure to get tables on the inner parts of the row. Otherwise get a sign that reads "No customers behind table"

>> No.7358991

How much did you guys invest in your first go with an AA table? Did you split one first with a friend?

What would you have done differently?

>> No.7359020
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I suggest using organza ribbon instead of normal stain or grossgain as smaller bows tends to slide on those and prong clips have no grip. You can stab into the organza when needed.

>> No.7359101

Where exactly is a good place to get perler beads like those? I mean they sell kits at Hobby Lobby and Micheal's, but those kits only have so many colors and you can't go into much detail.

>> No.7359107

These are all hideous.

>> No.7359133

making perler pieces right now actually, and I've only had the kits from Michaels at my disposal.
Michaels sells packs of single colors but they are all basically the same colors you would get in the kits...very limited in colors/shades

>> No.7359160
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1391910959519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently IKEA even sells them in tubs.


Regardless of how much I invested my first time, most of the money was put towards equipment so I could be self-sustaining in making my own prints/buttons. The equipment is still being used 3 years later for my setup and production.

What I would have done differently from my first time? Not buying enough table space. I bought a crammed 4ft table space and had to build a wire grid upwards, ugh. Also, don't leave spaces in your grid for people to see-through. It's not attractive and people will only look past your display.

>> No.7359171

Joann's sells them in single color bags

>> No.7359178

Surely you can buy them in bulk online, if you plan on investing? Try Ali Express for bulk stuff.

>> No.7359205

You can order them by color on the perler site

>> No.7359220

if you guys don't know where to even buy them you should just stop now.

>> No.7359236


I'm with this anon 100%. If I recognize the print I'm much more likely to buy it. Part of being a successful artist is marketing.

>> No.7359260

I know different places to buy them, I just know that most of the places that sell them are in bulk, so they're always mixed up instead of neatly separated by color. I just like to know the exact colors I'm getting instead of guessing. Sorting them out is a pain in the ass too, but I can handle it. Besides, everybody starts somewhere.

>> No.7359458
File: 17 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys how much would you pay for a hat like this with the word 'mahou' in pink sparkly letters??
i m making some for sakuracon but idk what to price em at
the hat is pretty low quality too.

>> No.7359464

Try to get some publicity on Tumblr and they could potentially sell pretty well.

>> No.7359466

I would go over $15

>> No.7359496


>> No.7359564

Get snapbacks and I'd pay $20.

>> No.7361363

For prints, do you guys leave a small watermark somewhere or a signature? Or do you completely omit anything related to your name/handle?

>> No.7361711

Don't know where you're getting ur hats from, but ebay has those for about 5$ each counting shipping.

>> No.7361876

ebay, i got em at like 3.50 a piece

>> No.7361882

What do you use for keyword search?

>> No.7361900

Do you people actually make money selling your "meh" art and "eeehhh" crafts? And as awful as that sounds, that what I usally see at cons, unless they are huuuge cons like Comic Con or Expo, everyone has pretty MEH art. I look at some of it and I'm just like "yup must be insane to think anyone will buy that shit for real money"

>> No.7361995


>> No.7362001


Low stock on that link, free shipping on this one makes up for the price difference of that one.

>> No.7362727

I really think people are willing to spend more money at cons because of the atmosphere. Lots of overpriced or "meh" stuff, but there will always be someone who's going to impulse buy.

>> No.7362868


Very rarely do I buy art, but it happens. I usually buy a sketch from the person rather than a print.

>> No.7362945

Most of the art I see at cons is pretty impressive but if a meh artist is selling something from an unpopular series that I like I might get it.

>> No.7363225

I don't think most people are there to make a living as much as for funsies. The people who are making a living their stuff is usually legit. A lot of people are profiting on impulse buys as cons do create this mentality of "I should buy SOMETHING." I've only ever bought art once and that was for some super legit LoL posters.

>> No.7363234

This. I see kids shelling out money impulsively for things that are "ehhhh" at best.

>> No.7363654

It helps to have a mix of super popular stuff and some kind of obscure stuff. The super popular stuff gets teh OMG I NEED TO BUY ALL THE ATTACK ON TITAN THINGS. And the more niche stuff gets the OMG PRINCESS JELLY FISH CLARA NECKLACE?! I NEVER SEE PRINCESS JELLYFISH STUFF I NEED IT.

>> No.7363660

A friend wants to do a group registration for Fanime, but I haven't done group reg in year. Do any of your guys get a group reg and apply to AA without any problems? Normally I wouldn't think there would be but AA and panelist s usually have a separate reg line.

>> No.7364331

Fiiiiiiire Embleeeemmmmmmm Awakeninggggggg
ALso not that it really needs it but Pokemon X/Y
Also Breaking Bad. I don't care for most TV shows fanart, but I'll make an exception for BrBa

A learning experience. It was a small, local con and tables were like $20. I just had some bookmarks and tried doing a "build a bishie" gimmick to rake in commissions because I was dumb and tacky though I did learn that people really dig original art. My display sucked because I didn't have an overhead and I only had small postcards and stuff.

I went in with the mentality of learning and getting a feel for tabling so I wasn't too bummed out that my sales were low. I probably made like $50 over the whole con (1-day) but I covered my costs and learned a little bit. Kept on trucking.

It's important not to take it personally or too seriously until you're ready to actually take it seriously. It's super important to have conviction in your ability or your ideas, otherwise what are you there for? Just to sell? Sure, but so is everyone else. You have to believe you're bringing good products to the alley in some way, otherwise I feel like you just won't be that successful, especially if you bank too hard on bargains, gimmicks, novelties, etc. Learn from these threads, make the display and the art you want to make and go from there.

>> No.7364474

I love Baccano, and there is seldom anything available for this show. There is almost no official merchandise available so I wish more artists would include it in the artist alley. The problem is that while it is a strong fandom it is very small, so I do understand that including it is a risk that may not pay off, and that is why it only appears seldomly.

I, however, know I am more likely to purchase something from this my favorite show/series/books, if I ever come across any, simply because interest is so rare.

Also, 999 and VLR stuff would be amazing!

>> No.7364480


This this this this. I fucking dump my money on an artist whenever I find someone who actually has Bacanno! stuff in AA.

>> No.7364495


>> No.7364502

huh, that would explain why that commissioner was so excited to receive some Baccano art.

>> No.7364506

I'd buy out a stall selling 999 and VLR merch.

>> No.7366003

Anyone know a good place to get screen printed t-shirts? I've gone through Custom Ink before, but they were a little pricey and I was wondering if there were any cheaper options without having to sacrifice quality.

>> No.7367502

Should be fine! Everyone gets individual registration IDs anyway, so signing up for AA isn't an issue. As long as everyone (minimum 5 people) registered in the group pays for their badge. Also, make sure the person picking up the badges for everyone, most likely the token AA person, is RELIABLE.

>> No.7368412

anyone got a list of their favorite sites to get prints from?

>> No.7369645

For those that purchase from them (or have been wanting to) 8Seasons doesn't require a minimum order of $30 anymore!

>> No.7370342
File: 28 KB, 489x652, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made them :0
what do you think?

>> No.7370368

Haha that's cute and simple, I feel like it'd be an easy sale, though I wonder if leaving out "shoujo" would make it a bit harder to recognize.

>> No.7370390
File: 333 KB, 525x700, 1392325759049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit doesn't sell, some indie brand tried this already and failed because nobody wears caps.

>> No.7370397

I was going to say this, plus that hat looks like fucking shit.

>> No.7370402

I'm going to have to agree, it looks like one of those hats marketed to normalfag women for their baseball fan boyfriends to buy for them. Only it would say SEXY or BASEBALL BABE or something.

>> No.7370405

automatic honey but out one that looked pretty cool but I can't find it on their website so no pics

>> No.7370548

I actually loved this idea and discussed it with my boyfriend. Maybe making them more cutesy with a little more details (depending on the word you choose) or even adding small ears would be cute, I'd buy one for like $10

>> No.7370567
File: 850 KB, 1040x748, a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been making these bows/brooches/hair clips with the intent to open a storenvy shop soon. I think if I get enough stock I want to get a table at a local con to see if they would sell better in that sort of setting. What price range do you guys think to sell them at?

I've discussed it with family members and friends, but they keep giving me ridiculously high prices, which i think is just the "Omg they're so good! sell them for a lot! good job!" pandering bullshit friends and family will say to you

the size for the circular ones are about 4.5" across and about 10" long with the tails of the ribbons.

The one with the roses are smaller about 4" across and 5" long with the ribbon tails. The smaller one is 2 way so it has a pin backing and a hair clip backing.

And the bows in the black and white set are just standard barrette sized

>> No.7370570

wow, those look great!
how much time does it take you to make each one, and what are your material costs?

also, would you ever consider doing custom ones?

>> No.7370571

I would easily drop 7$ on them without a second thought, and 15$ if they were set up nicely and we talked for a little bit.

How long does it take you to make them?

>> No.7370583

each one takes about 1-1.5 hrs to plan and finish.

I use middle grade ribbon so its about $4-5 per spool of ribbon. I can maybe make 2-3 bows out of each spool depending on how much of each ribbon i use in one bow.

The charms/chain/pendants are usually about $3-5.

the black and white set are custom for a friend of mine! so i would have no problem doing custom sets if people were interested. I was thinking of adding a "customized!" listing that you can buy at the shop (sort of how some taobao brands do)

My sister was saying to test out $20 for the large ones to see if people would buy them for that price and if not I could always have sales to see if that gains more interest.

>> No.7370594

As someone going to Sakuracon, I'll definitely pick one up if its 15$. I wouldn't go much higher to be honest, but it's simple enough to fulfill my weeb desires and still be wearable in public.

>> No.7370635

id buy one that said the full "mahou shoujo" because mahou looks like some sort of surf brand and surf brands are all over where i live

do you think you could do 2 colour gradients with your method? i love how clean your work looks

>> No.7370639

Id drop 7 bucks on one I liked, $10-15 on one I absolutely needed.
If you can make some to compliment popular prints then I reckon thatd help?

>> No.7370649

I'd spend $15 on one easily, $20 if it's more ornate and well displayed. IDK, I just buy shit I like and support artists when I can, especially if they have something I really like.

>> No.7370657

I could. I was trying to stick with basic themes and colors so that they can go with any coord.

I didn't want to do what people usually do with lolita stuff and cover them in macarons and cupcakes but I suppose I could if it meant more sales

>> No.7370691

I find stuff like this sells much better at cons then online. I make most of my year's sale at cons.

>> No.7371006

I would make some plain, some print-matchy. Personally I'm sick of the whole maracons and frosting over every homemade accessory.

Do you happen to have a way I could buy one of those hats from you? I'm just really itching to get one now... If you'd like, I'll just leave my email here.

>> No.7371066
File: 109 KB, 960x720, progresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire Emblem heard! Added to the list.

I have actually not seen Baccano. If it's under 24 eps I will take a quick stab at it.

Needs more.. of something. It doesn't feel.. 'bling' enough? I would be tempted to buy it just to beadazzle the shit out of it.

Progress pic.

>> No.7371089

Baccano is only 16 eps long, so it doesn't take much time at all.

>> No.7371470
File: 362 KB, 523x784, 1392367138020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of laser cutting "city-scape" headbands for Matryoshka cosplay. Not sure they'd do well at con but maybe better as made to order from my etsy store.

>> No.7371642

Very clean and cute, but I hate those hats with mesh in the back. I would buy one if it was in a solid color. Maybe change the font type if you can.

>> No.7372009

Those look nice! I'd pay $12 to $20 for one depending on how ornate it was. I feel like at a convention they'd sell pretty well.

>> No.7372358


Thanks for the feedback everyone. I think I'm going to price them for 10-20 depending on size for the online shop.

>> No.7372394

Honestly a year or two ago this would have been brilliant and sold really well, but the matryoshka trend has kind of died out

>> No.7372452

I have no idea what that cosplay is but the laser cut head band idea might be really cute for those OTT lolitas. A little woodland scene or a haunted house type scene etc

>> No.7373961
File: 126 KB, 419x702, d2xf8sy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7374225


Where can you buy these interchangeable grid wall panels? I'm in the UK, and I can only find pre-made and un-adaptable grids

>> No.7374425

I surprisingly found the bulk of mine from thrift stores but I know you can get it from large retailer that sell home storage and the like

>> No.7374455

I'm considering investing in a button making machine. What would you guys say is the best size for this [at least for selling at cons]? Currently looking at either a 1" or 1.5".

>> No.7374486

Are you print screening your own lanyards!? How!??

>> No.7374620

Personally, I really wish more places sold bigger buttons.

>> No.7374939

Nah those are just paper mockups, but I have a few overseas sources ready to print them once I get off my ass and finish the other designs.

I've noticed some people are getting custom printed ribbons (they look like a grosgrain texture) and just sewing them up themselves.

>> No.7375215

>I have a few overseas sources ready to print them
Do share please.

>> No.7375244
File: 48 KB, 480x640, il_570xN.478022769_d09g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will have to ask them for a quote based on how many quantity you need and how many different designs you have, most have a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of 50.

Pic related but not mine.

>> No.7375860
File: 359 KB, 663x884, 20140217_032610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump 3/4 done

>> No.7375866

Rei is not complete without his megane.

>> No.7375889

Damn. I was hesitant to add it because he wouldn't swim with it. So it's best to put them on?

>> No.7375893

Yeah, even if he doesn't swim with it, official art work with the boys in swimming trunks and the like still draw them. I just think they're iconic for him haha.

>> No.7375895

Yes, megane are a must. The Free! guys aren't particularly complex so their gimmicks sum them up. Perhaps have him "pushing them up" or holding them on with a chibi stump hand.

>> No.7375925
File: 58 KB, 313x330, fixd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You win.

>> No.7379354
File: 139 KB, 800x600, 1373398534034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for more series recommendations

Too cool!

>> No.7380728
File: 97 KB, 900x675, sdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of/would pay for, badges kinda like these (not necessarily ponies) that would come with a little pouch + simple black lanyard?? they cost me about .75 to make each

>> No.7380877

Never really saw the appeal of these badges, but if the art was really appealing, I'd buy one for $3 tops (if it included all that you said). Would be a hard sell for me, but I'm picky/stingy with my purchases.

>> No.7380887

Oof.. .75 each to make them? You need to look into cheaper suppliers for the laminate.

>> No.7381066

Its a very impulse-buy item.

I'd do something like, "buy two prints, get a free badge" or something similar.

people always fall for the word "free".

Individually though, I might be willing to dish out $5 for a Fluttershy badge if I got into "BUY BUY BUY" mode.

>> No.7381088

2-3 dollars maybe for the badge alone. It would also depend on how thick the badge actually is. I'm not really big on very thin badges. If it looked durable, I would pay 5 dollars max.

>> No.7381988

Just an idea that seemed pretty successful with me, thought I'd throw it out there. I started having a "bargain bin" at the front of my table with prints that were damaged, misprinted, etc for a certain percentage off, and it worked out pretty well. It moved a large part of my inventory that I thought I could never get rid of, and made a good amount of money in the process while also attracting people to the table (a lot of people noticed the bin before the display, then while looking through managed to take their time and buy an actual print from me). I don't know if this is a common thing, but I've never seen it at the small conventions that I attend. Sorry in advance if that is the case.

>> No.7382046

I get the same affect with "Free candy". Some how people can manage to ignore your whole booth yet still see a tiny little bowl with the word free on it from the other side of the hall. But when they take the candy they feel a little guilty and they start to look around out of manners, but then they realize they like the stuff on the table

>> No.7385034
File: 2.72 MB, 3264x2448, 20131110_132221_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys seen "prism bookmarks"? I was going through the artist alley tag on tumblr and saw them. Looks cool, but I've only seen one person offering this type of printing service, and the minimum quantity required is like 200 per design. Just wondering if there's any other way to recreate this effect or what I should search for. I've tried holographic, hologram, etc. but nope.

>video of the bookmarks in action: instagram .com / p / gWhvUdSgmx/

>> No.7385270

Try "foil"

>> No.7386138
File: 525 KB, 1500x1125, il_fullxfull.459770536_soss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another example. I may be getting closer to finding the source for you.

>> No.7386146
File: 2.99 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20131212_121311_180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sight ward anon back. Someone asked to have one of these as a keychain so I want to make it more secure, but is there a good way to feed the wire back into the top bead while keeping the top loop pretty and round? It's all fed onto a long head pin.

>> No.7386169
File: 62 KB, 640x576, 1358961073042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those huge-ass, red tumblr noses


>> No.7386173


dem noses

>> No.7386177

this art style is just very unfitting for Madoka. Just no...

>> No.7386178

Big ass man nose. It looks really awful on these characters. I don't see the appeal of this art style at all.

>> No.7386176

Why are their faces so fucking manly.
It's a show about kawaii twats.

>> No.7386180

Not to mention the man hands on Madoka.

>> No.7386181

>noses rustle you the most
>not ogre hands on godoka
>so inclusive u guys

>> No.7386183

Probably so rectangle nosed bitches feel loved. I wouldn't be surprised if the artist draws characters in her own image.

>> No.7386201

Probably. I'm sure she has a tumblr too

>> No.7386260

I don't know if this kind of printing is readily available in America. The company that's doing it is outsourcing to Korea, where that kind of service is way cheaper/more common. I know they have them in China and probably Japan too so most likely the only way to get it is through outsourcing. Ali Express has some options, though they don't look exactly the same.

If you have your own laminator, maybe you could find laminator film that has the sparkles in them and laminate like that?

>> No.7386334


I know, it was fuckign painful to find these. I was hesitant to upload them because they're just so... ugly. Yet they managed to find the source of the printer anon above wanted. I feel useless, I can't find any info on them at all. :(

>> No.7386406

To be fair, this artist used to draw mainly for Sengoku Basara back in the day, and also likes Jojo's

Works well for those series, but no so much for Madoka

>> No.7386417

I looked up prism bookmarks and it turns out they were doing a large group order. The company they were using was named as jo-ah. idk how you'd go about ordering yourself but maybe this information will help your research. I'd be interested in a GO but it's 200 copies per design.

>> No.7386446

How much per piece? I wouldn't mind joining a group order if the base price wasn't bad and warrented a decent profit. I'd probably just make one thing that's really popular tho. :/

>> No.7386456

I don't have the direct price, only what the GO runner was charging. They wanted $40 for every 200 bookmarks. That included international shipping and a little fee for themselves. I have no idea who to talk to about this. She was living in korea and talking to them irl I believe.

>> No.7386508

Aww damn, $40 wouldn't be bad at all for 200 pieces. That sucks.

>> No.7386816


Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it. But yeah, the only people doing it right now always have a cap on how many orders they take at a time. I just want a small batch for now to give it a test run. I think the few people who sell it at conventions sell each bookmark for $2, so that's a pretty good markup ($40/200). I'll look into all your suggestions though, thank you again!

>> No.7388646

Quick question. Is there any site or tutorial about making making key chains/cell phone charms? This is for future reference.

>> No.7388713
File: 850 KB, 437x1119, meido-seeker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love more stuff to do with robot/mecha oriented series like Transformers, Brave Police, Gundam... Buuut, I'm a huge botfag, so. I still usually buy up any of that sort of merchandise on the rare occasion I see it.

>> No.7388725
File: 382 KB, 785x671, 1393140184347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a bunch of unique product ideas that I'm sure would sell but no artistic talent

God dammit.

>> No.7388729

You should look into pursuing marketing. Ideas are valuable too.

>> No.7388734
File: 1.77 MB, 450x253, w0epw61.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I'm actually pursuing a degree in marketing.

>> No.7388740
File: 49 KB, 960x720, 1393141025317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, who knows! You may end up finding yourself working with an artist one day. It's very rare to have talent and constant ideas, anyways.

>Hence this thread ;w;

>> No.7388849
File: 36 KB, 215x234, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What helps you keep motivated during crunch time?
Normally I can just power through it but this year I'm having a hard time bringing myself to draw anything new for my table.

>> No.7388874

I have a friend like you. He's great with ideas and I always go to him for opinions on products I plan on selling. He only gives his thoughts about a product if I directly ask him -- I appreciate non-pushy people like that. People like you are the ones whose feedback I value. I thought I would have more help from my friends who are fellow artists, but when it comes to selling stuff, they only encourage me to do similar things as them and they tend to downplay ideas I have (since they've been around longer). A lot of the stuff they told me wouldn't do so well in AA actually did.

Anyway, it's great to hear you'll be utilizing your own set of talents with your degree and all. Polite sage for slight digression and venting.

>> No.7388876
File: 182 KB, 1684x960, stripper ones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? If so,

>tfw using 'stripper ones' from table money outside of cons. Those judging target employee eyes.

>> No.7389187

Hello! I would like to make a few questions about prints if you guys don't mind!

I'm from Brazil, and prints are kinda unusual around here. At what size/paper do people usually print them? Do they use photographic gloss paper or the usual couché? And what price do you guys usually charge per print?

>> No.7389674
File: 61 KB, 816x459, 1393189312857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm, is it okay I ask for tips on starting up an etsy here? I'm really wanting to start there before I do anything in an AA, and I need tips on like....everything. where to buy, what could sell, I can make most any small thing if I have instructions or can figure it out. I love cutesy things and that sorta pagan witchy looking stuff but that's sorta where my personal eye for what looks good stops. if that typical glued on cabochon onto ring bases sells I'll do it. I just think everyone's tired of that stuff by now. I've got enough art skill to make stickers, I think. I'm on my phone, this is the only pic I can find of my art, but I can easily do digital stuff.

>> No.7389966

Best way to get advice is to link a gallery and we can list your strongest pieces and weakest ones- AA wise. Etsy is more geared towards popular keywords being high sellers. Again though, you'll need to link examples of what you can do.

11x17 / 13x19 for posters. I have no idea where you would get supplies down there. Gloss looks better compared to matte. $10-20 a poster, it varies here. Small 5x7 prints are good sellers too (just never make a print in both 11x17 and 5x7 or they will just buy the cheaper size of the image)

>> No.7390004

IF someone did vector artwork, would that be accepteable or no?

>> No.7390002

>just never make a print in both 11x17 and 5x7 or they will just buy the cheaper size of the image
Can I address this for a second? I base my table around the fact that I have all of my prints in 5x7, 8.5x11, AND 11x17, (Due to the size, I'll have variations for each so nothings cropped out etc), and I don't think I've ever really had sales indicate that they'll just buy the cheaper size. 5x7s sell about equally as well as 11x17s, with 8.5x11s selling the least well. Generally the smaller ones don't start selling until people start dwindling down on money; it tends to be more of a "this is the last of what I have" purchase more than anything. From my experience, a lot of people, given the funds and truly liking the artwork, will buy it in the largest size possible.

>> No.7390010

If you mean self-created artwork that was constructed through the process of vectoring, of course. But since you're asking, I'm guessing you mean if it's acceptable to sell anime artwork recreated in vectors. The answer to the latter is no. It's essentially the same as tracing, and you're profiting of the artistic talent of someone else.

>> No.7390022
File: 164 KB, 400x500, 1393199255915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an online gallery, sadly, but I can post a few images I've done, I'll try not to imagespam.
here's some sparkly animu

>> No.7390026

though technically artist alley is mostly copyright infringement

>> No.7390024
File: 184 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more animu, and yeah it was a gaia commission....

>> No.7390031
File: 25 KB, 300x300, final.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some goofy gif i made for my bf and i

>> No.7390039
File: 300 KB, 600x600, 4dajay final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something my friend wanted me to draw. i got paid 5 bucks for it, but to be honest it's not really my taste.

Is this enough? I assume just my digital work is what matters here.

>> No.7390053

You should look into AA's but I also see no reason why you won't do well on Etsy.

Ahh that's too many sizes. I used to have my posters available in 5x7's the very first AA I did and the small prints sold stupidly fast. But not only posters, I sell books too that most will opt for the smaller sizes due to price (Yet when the small/mediums are sold out they have no problem buying the large at twice the price of a small).

>> No.7390055

forgot to say i can embroider small things, but is that profitable at all?


>> No.7390061

Alright, thanks! Is there any good shops for good sticker paper I can print on?

>> No.7390065


I just bought a tub of 22,000 at walmart for $15.

If you need extra specific colors you can just buy smaller individually colored packs online to supplement what you've already got.

Worst part is trying to separate the colors then, I've been working on it for a few hours a day and I've barely put a dent in it. There's something like 30 different colors in the tub I bought.

Ebay has individual packs of strange colors if you just search for "perler beads," and they also have interlinkable pegboards so you can make pretty big things.

I'd also suggest using photoshop's grid to your advantage. Draw out whatever you're going to make, scale it up, and then set it to view the grid so each square of the grid = 1 bead. Print, put under a clear pegboard, don't kill yourself trying to fix it when you inevitably misplace beads.

>> No.7390088

Well yes, but there's a difference between "copyright infringement that will actually get you in trouble/thrown out of the artist alley" and "copyright infringement that won't".

I honestly don't think they are, but that's simply because I've made a lot more money off providing them in multiple sizes than in only one. In almost every instance, it's about what they could afford, and opted for the largest size they could get. At least this way, I'm grabbing them at every level of wallet (except broke) if something interests them.

>> No.7390091

Embroidery is something I've never actually seen at a con! I'm not sure about whether it'd be profitable for the time you put into it: how much you'd be able to sell it for, but it'd definitely be an eyegrabber if it did.

>> No.7390107
File: 340 KB, 960x1200, product235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks on the buttons, they're actually a vinyl banner with a grid setup so I can make them on spot.

Also I can understand the mochi a bit. When I first started making them I didn't just want to make a straight replica from the comic. The rest ended up in the same style as it was somewhat fast to appliqué. At least my patterning skills have gotten better since these pictures were taken.

That would be me, I sell them on etsy under StudioKitsu and there are a bunch up there now, or I can do color commissions. They're $30 which I sized the plush based on what I thought would be appropriate for $30. So they're pretty big and I cast the eyes so they have little stars an glitter in them.

For anyone asking about grid cubes, I need roughly 1 and a half boxes or so for my usual setup. But you can also use the grid pieces for shelves on the backside.

>> No.7390164

I'm thinking of setting up my own table at a local anime con, but am stuck on a name for myself/my table/my studio. I make mostly small plushies like rice balls, sushi, cats and stuff. Any ideas on a name?

>> No.7390266
File: 5 KB, 213x276, OL196WX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah that's a common question, but it all depends on your printer. Inkjet printing-- printing on most any paper, will smear when the surface gets wet.

Laser printing onto sticker paper however will set the colors deep into the paper and prevent smearing. (But this is the kind of printer you'd find at a kinkos or print shop)

That being said, you will need to decide inkjet or laser, and then from there you will have to buy samples of different sticker sheets to determine which take the ink best.

(Personally I use http://www.onlinelabels.com/ because they have a massive selection and hold ink well)

>> No.7390781

I see! Thanks man! I personally think a glossy finish would really help look professional and appealing. I have an inkjet printer, but I certainly see why laser could be a better choice. I think it all comes down to my overall budget.

>> No.7391349

I'm going to be trying to register for an artist alley that accepts applicants after a portfolio of recent work.

Has anyone ever done this before and would they be willing to link to a source they shared from? I honestly have no idea what to submit.

>> No.7392136

A tumblr, a deviantart, an etsy store, a photobucket anything that's a gallery really

>> No.7393236

Do you guys who cosplay at your table manage to make time for gatherings? It's my first time running a table this year and I'm getting kind of anxious about fitting them in. That, plus finding a reliable helper to cover me during that time.

>> No.7393246
File: 1.23 MB, 1020x498, JSO9485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking into setting up my first AA table, but I'm having difficult finding resources that would keep my prices low. Basic colored fabric is $25/yd at my local store. So no dice there.
So /r/ing any stores for affordable plain / pre-printed fabrics, printing custom fabric (aside from Spoonflower), screenprinted shirts, laser cutting (saw the links above and will check them out, but the more the merrier), custom stickers, letter paper, and envelopes, custom packaging (paper or cardboard), or clothing labels. Or even better, if there are tutorials out there on how to make your own setup to make these things yourself, I'd love to see those too.

To make up for my myriad of annoying requests, here's pics of some of AP's past booths.

>> No.7393420

If you're doing lolita, you'll want to consider which convention you're doing this at. It's really difficult to sell more expensive clothing pieces at smaller cons. I'd suggest making a few pieces that are easy and worth the cost of time/labor and seeing how they sell (some simple full shirred skirts like Meta's miniskirts and headbows) before going all out into the realm of jsks, etc. Accessories always sell better rather than expensive pieces. Don't put all your effort into $200 items, because most of your sales are going to be the $1-$20 items.

advdigitaltextiles.com -> higher quality custom printed fabrics.

You can get a cheap clothing rack at Target or similar department stores, better to look around back to school time.

>> No.7393636

Since you can get bandanas at craft stores for like 99 cents, does anyone suppose making bandanas with leftover cotton prints would be worth the time?

>> No.7394846

>crunch time
>try doing stuff
>give up, get mad, get crunk
>draw whatever the fuck i want including bad ideas, pandering memefag bullshit
>fuck I have nothing new to print
>print bad ideas, pandering memefag bullshit
woah i'm sitting in a pile of money what happened

>> No.7394858

Maybe try a good friend who you may be rooming with? I've got 3 different people from my group of friends willing to help work the table during the con

>> No.7394888

Thank you!
Yes, I've been thinking of just focusing on basics (simple white blouses, solid color skirts with minimal details, affordable layerable petticoats with medium poof, headbows in basic colors, with a few unique small accessories thrown into the mix).
My first AA table will be at a small local convention, where a lot of people are interested in Jfash but don't have the means / knowhow to dress in it. I'm planning on using the fashion show and my table to advertise my online store, which will offer more expensive pieces beyond the simple white blouse/pink skirt combo.
I'll probably put up a sign saying something along the lines of, "Like what you see, but can't find it in your size or favorite color? Visit us online a XXX and see our full selection!" Or if somebody requests, I can bring in something from my inventory the next day and reserve it for them so they can just pick it up from my table.

>> No.7394903

Do Yu Yu Hakusho and I'd buy five.

>> No.7395097

This artwork makes me want to vomit

>> No.7395226

Kind of pissed. An item I sent got damaged in the mail. I sent a response the next morning that I would send a replacement for no charge, but this 1-star review still appeared in my store.

>I received the item damaged. I contacted the shop, even included a picture, and still have not heard back. I am willing to edit this rating to 5 stars if I can receive a response and replacement in a reasonable time frame.

I think there's a lag in the Etsy system and they might have sent this before I responded, but damn. I kind of don't want to do shit for them now.

>> No.7395225

Yea it's really awkward. They totally missed Mucha's style on it. But unfortunately it was the only related image I could find of that prism paper style.

>> No.7395261

I know this feel. At least what they want is what you can give them. Kiss and make up was removed, but they can still edit the star rating and response within 60 days ***so long as you have not responded to the review on the review page***. I would ask them to revise the rating to 5 stars before you send the replacement out, and they can revise their comment afterwards. That way they can't forget and leave you with a crap mark.

>> No.7395282

I just started making some perler shit to sell on the side of y BF's alley table. He'll be selling prints, and we're working together to make some easy smaller items to hopefully profit on.

Is there any way to fuse the beads together to make 3-d objects? I'd really like to try layering them up, but I'm not sure if I'd have to just find some kind of plastic glue or what.

>> No.7395435


Since the beads melt together, I'd imagine applying heat is one way to go about it. Though I'm not too sure how well that would work with the way the head would need to be distributed.

You could always try using industrial strength adhesive like Gorilla Glue or Loc Tite

>> No.7395445

Yeah, the BF suggested a heat gun, but I thought that could easily go bad and just melt the beads into a sad puddle.

>> No.7395527


I'd try it at least once. Apply it in small doses and see what happens.

>> No.7395525
File: 46 KB, 570x380, 3dperler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a few different 3D perler figures and etc. and they are usually made by making the beads interlock, some say they used some glue on theirs but they don't say what kind of glue was used. The majority of the 3D perler bead art I’ve seen is held together without glue though and sellers say that the 3D works they make hold up really well without it.
Also if you did use heat like you said in >>7395445 , I feel like it might melt together what you make strangely or mess it up if you made a small mistake!
Maybe try making something small by interlocking the pieces and see if it holds up well like other 3D perler art makers say and if not try making something with a couple different kinds of glue.
Pic related is a good example of how the beads are interlocked in a lot of projects!
Also good luck with making your 3D things anon!

>> No.7395613

I'm pretty new to this but does /cgl/ know good cons to go to that are worth the distance? I don't want to purchase a table and not be able to break even because I spend an extra 250 on a plane ticket.

Also there should be a compile list of popular cons and their AA registration dates. Or the general time they open the AA registration.

>> No.7395621

Are plushes something most people are interested in buying from cons? I see booths that sell handmade plushes from time to time, and I know a few friends who have bought well-made plushes before. As someone who doesn't particularly like her art style, I was considering going an alternate route for AA.

>> No.7395641

Where do you live anon?

>> No.7395647

friggin' utah

>> No.7395694

Obviously bigger cons are usually going to be better bets, but the ones I've heard/experienced that have been worth the flight have been:
SakuraCon in Washington
Anime Boston in Boston
Otakon in Baltimore
A-Kon in Texas
AX in Los Angeles

Those are generally the biggest and more profitable. High tier, if you will. I've spent 300-500 on plane tickets to these cons (aside from AB and A-Kon, which I heard from friends are really good) and I've broken even+profited every time. I think the most was Otakon, where I spent about 1.3k in base costs. Made it back+ 3k in profit.

Fanime is also pretty good, but that's always local for me. Still a fair amount of distance travelers for that con though.

>> No.7395702

Oh wow.. I'm sorry.

Here's an interactive map of cons around you:

Alternatively, you can look up art sales in cities around you (though it may only be likely in large cities) https://www.etsy.com/local

I myself don't travel further than a 3 hour trip for cons by car, so I can't really give advice on the best cons outside of my state :c

>> No.7396266

Weren't you the one that said that AX isn't necessarily profitable for people coming from further away, unless they had a huge presence/incredibly popular?

>> No.7396300
File: 2.62 MB, 3264x2448, 20140225_162746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the ratio of original to fan art you guys would suggest for a table? I tend to sell more fan work like pokemon plush than my original works, but I don't want my table to be nothing but other people's characters, you know?

>> No.7396308

Unless the convention has a requirement (some will ask for at least 50% original work), just do whatever you're comfortable with. I myself prefer making fanart pieces, some people prefer making original pieces.

>> No.7397756


Pretty much what >>7396308 said. If the convention has no limit to fanart, then feel free to have as much or as little as you want. An artist I see at a local convention each year Would have 100% pokemon stuff if the Alley allowed it.

>> No.7397770

A hat that had a flat bill would sell more than a curved bill, i think.

>> No.7397784

>those features and body types on small japanese girls


>> No.7397806
File: 71 KB, 570x427, il_570xN.475739606_p25u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell. I went back to their etsy and found this. I have no words.

>> No.7397834

Everytime I see art like this at an AA, I pick up a business card and sure enough, the only website they have linked is a tumblr.

>> No.7397836


Really really popular among weebs. They also make their own versions for various anime characters, and I've seen MLP ones. I'm glad it's slowing down.

>> No.7397878
File: 153 KB, 570x427, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fixed it. They are now somewhat children. Still going to have nightmares.

>> No.7397887

They look waaaaay too old but they've definitely improved from their madoka piece, I'll give them that.

I don't know why tumblr tries so hard to distance themselves from drawing anime while drawing anime. It's okay to be a little kawaii uguu sometimes.

>> No.7397909

I'd like some fucking Jojo. My local con is small compared to something like AWA so nobody ever fucking has Jojo merch ANYWHERE.

Nevermind that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Startdust Crusaders anime (most popular arc, with Jotaro) is coming out in April too. There may yet be hype.

>> No.7397916

Go search around for local Mom n' Pop stores, see how much they charge per shirt. I mean, some local places where I live will do runs of 20-30 shirts (like for local highschool teams) and for not that much.

>> No.7397926

Would buy if mahou were that cheesy airbrush style you can get at mall kiosks and county fairs. So...needs a louder typeface.

>> No.7397932
File: 39 KB, 292x400, 1393487472073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why tumblr tries so hard to distance themselves from drawing anime while drawing anime
I feel as if tumblr as a whole doesn't watch much anime outside of things that females would possibly like (or can ship together)

>> No.7397939

I know this sounds a bit MacGuyver, but have you thought about layering rainbow film (like pictured) on some art and running it through the laminator? It'd be self-foiling, but maybe it could work.

I remember this kind of foil being popular in the 1990s for weddings and stuff, as tissue paper or garlands. Try looking at a craft store or a events store (like Party City) for this shiny clear plastic and maybe give it a shot? If you buy a pack of tissue paper it might not be that expensive. Search Google by using the keywords "Rainbow Film" and "Transparent Rainbow Foil."

>> No.7397941
File: 158 KB, 360x240, Rainbow_Film.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would help if I included a picture of said rainbow film. Ugh.

>> No.7397957

Even though they may not be obsessing over it now you can bet a lot of fanartists had a weeaboo phase when they started drawing, which is probably why they reject it so much now, really. Too bad they have no sense of decent aesthetics to make up for it so they ruin everything by adding hugeass noses.

>> No.7397973

I really, really hate these terrible western pseudo-realism injected anime styles. I would rather see mediocre noseless anime drawings than this shit where the artist added a ton of details and shading in all the wrong places.

>> No.7397978

At least they don't have red tumblr-nose :v

>> No.7397991

aka tumblr has only watched Attack on Titan, Free, Madoka, Dangan Ronpa, and the Evangelion Rebuild (you would be surprised at how many "fans" have yet to see the original series).

I really miss the times when anime fans were more diverse in what they watch and weren't so influenced by what everyone's talking about on tumblr. At the last AA I was at, majority of artists stuck to those series and a handful of games like LoL, DMMD and Pokemon because they knew it was the only thing that sold and was worth printing.

>> No.7397995

tumblr has never watched an anime that isn't weird blobbular moe shit so they try to make it look more defined by making it "realistic" with realism they half-learned from a powerpoint and BAM you get this fucked up gross product.

>> No.7398008

This. These people need to get off tumblr and practice the basics before adding in a personal style rather than copying and twisting what they see by other tumblr artists.
Naked yaoi drawings of your OTP are not proper references for anatomy and facial features, if you want a realistic style go look at a real person.

>> No.7398017

I know chances are slim, but does anyone here need a tablemate for Anime North? I didn't manage to get lucky in the lottery so I'm asking around just in case.

>> No.7398023
File: 357 KB, 700x990, 1320127306941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the last AA I was at, majority of artists stuck to those series and a handful of games like LoL, DMMD and Pokemon because they knew it was the only thing that sold and was worth printing

You're joking right? I mean I like Madoka since the beginning (yay Kamen Rider magical girls), but I love going to the AA and seeing all sorts of stuff that people are into that they draw. But if that's all that I'm going to see the next time I go to an AA I think I'll genuinely cry.

>Watching Rebuild without seeing the original
Weird...Like why, why would you do that?

>> No.7398024

Unfortunately, a lot of people have done that. They skip EoE too. It makes me livid.

>> No.7398031


Thanks anon! Yes, I've considered this method too -- just trying to find a good film that's transparent (so that the design still shows through) but has nice flecks scattered about. Haven't found a good sheet yet. But yeah, I also remember stickers that had this style that were so popular back then. I also wish I could make scratch and sniff products... imagine scratching a Mami sticker and smelling banana or vanilla.

>> No.7398045

When I tell fellow fans that my favorite character is Misato, they just question it because "she's just a minor character in the movies." Bitch please, there is way more to the series than your KawoShin ship.

It's like those people who claim to be FF7 fans when they've never played the game. Having watched Advent Children doesn't make you one.

>> No.7398066

Still waiting on Fanime AA... anyone planning to go this year? It'd be nice to meet fellow sellers from here! I'm excited/anxious to see how AA is set up this time around.

>> No.7398335

I would have, but I already got accepted to Phoenix Comicon. I really would prefer to go to fanime, but I can't afford to make plans so close to the actual date, especially if I have verified plans otherwise.

>> No.7398435

Still waiting and hoping too. I hear we actually get a ballroom in the new area this time, no more tent-but-not-really-a-tent schenanigans

>> No.7398448

What. Even in the movies she didn't seem very minor to me? Although I think watching the movies after seeing everything else makes you biased towards paying attention to her.

I love Ritsuko but my friend who only watched the movies doesn't even know who she is. it's such a shame.

>> No.7398821

Anon, I`ve been searching for ages somebody who is doing this hologram thing. I have this, I don`t know if it will help you but! If you find something please share it here!


>> No.7398856

How do you go about advertising your commission prices? I've seen some people just have a commissions open sign and that works well enough for them. I've always made a price sheet and hung it closer to me but still up with the prints. I've always thought it looked a little tacky though and would like to make something a little cuter.

>> No.7398874

found this

>> No.7399215

What do you use to price items? Like tags? Signs? I've heard it's good to re-price things during the con to get them to sell better or whatever, but what is easily swap-able that isn't an obvious sign? I want people to see the item then the price, not the price then the item.

>> No.7401707
File: 66 KB, 460x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a total of 3k at a con and it's more than I've ever dreamed of Making so I have to ask, what's the most you guys have ever made at a con? The least?

>> No.7401847

Ive seen this a million times and just now noticed the brolita striking a pose behind him

>> No.7402313

Just curious, I don't AA, what were you selling?

>> No.7402329
File: 305 KB, 810x580, anime-news-nina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this idea is any different but you can try having a neatly printed price sheet with pictured examples on the sides/above/under. Nothing really strikes to me of a "cuter" way to display prices other than possibly adding ribbons and laces around some frame, or drawing in a framing detail on the price sheet...

>price tags
Ugh I swear I always leave that last on my things to do, and it's bad since they look all that great. I fold cardstock into tents and write some detail and price, and attach flat cards on vertical displays. I carry extra cards so I can add/change my signs, even jazzy colored sticky notes to express any deals/discounts.

I wouldn't worry too much about people noticing the price before the item, so often I get people asking what is the price even though it's clearly priced. What you can do is find a balance in text size by writing/printing it out, and stand away from it and try reading it. You don't want something too big that would be distracting and take up space, and you don't want it to be too small or else it can get lost.

>> No.7403040
File: 90 KB, 426x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prints,tshirts,tights and skirts made out of fabric I drew.

>> No.7403979
File: 64 KB, 600x375, 6b303_etsy-logo-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting new feature for Etsy sellers, you can now browse/create events to add your shop to where it will display you as going to it on your main shop page. Useful for convention appearance tracking and it can be shared as a link.



>> No.7404005
File: 204 KB, 1369x916, stuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do artist alley, but I don't have the budget, or demand to justify doing it yet. Started up an etsy shop.

I do laser cutting and custom jewelry.
cultofturtlescrafts if senpai cares to notice

>> No.7404009

*budget or stock :I
I need more time to design more stuffs.

>> No.7404077 [DELETED] 

Those are really sweet, but I can't seem to etsy keyword search any of those nor your shop under the given name. Are your listings edited with the right keywords?

>> No.7404081

Found your store. Your prices are surprisingly low. But you really ought to up your shipping prices to cover $1.96(?) First class up to 3oz tracked package rate. Nothing is more infuriating than lost mail, and they DO lose untracked items much more then tracked ones because USPS is shit.

>> No.7404105

Be very careful with those delicate items. Like, grab a few of your inperfect ones and just see how easy they are to break with your hands. When I opened my store I just had some 1/4 wide rings on top of my wood pieces and they loved to snap off in the mail. I eventually settled on thicker designs and birch plywood for a lot of my stuff.

>> No.7404462

Most of the cost is really incorporated into the item. Honestly they're super cheap to make, but I may bump it up, and toss some free shipping discounts around every once in a while.

Thanks, I didn't think too much as to how they'll hold up when shipping. I was expecting to just bubble wrap and go. A lot of them are surprisingly sturdy though. If that's ever the case though, I might as well just start cutting everything out of acrylic to be safe then.

>> No.7404684
File: 833 KB, 1920x1080, Simba-3-(The_Lion_King).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally figured out why the guy on the right pisses me off so much. He has Lion King eyes.

>> No.7406706
File: 1.99 MB, 550x400, 1381630190368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin' to buy a 1.5" button maker, preferably something that'll outlive me. Any suggestions?

>> No.7406708

Get a Tecre brand machine. I

>> No.7407042
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 5f41_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should avoid the 'rotary cutter', they are slow to use and hard to align the image right. The listing above comes with the tabletop cutter (best type for the size you want). Furthermore, the shop that sells that machine above also has the cheapest price for replacement button parts.

>> No.7407345
File: 327 KB, 250x140, GH2VAge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you kindly

>> No.7407570

can someone tell me why button making machines cost so much?
I mean it's not that much metal and it's not electric, so why do they cost so freaking much?

>> No.7407573

I'm going to assume it's because they're high in demand and they rarely RARELY ever break due to great construction.

>> No.7407820

So, I make bath bombs that are themed after shows/movies/fandoms etc. I have an artist alley booth at Sakura-Con, and plan on selling each bath bomb (they're about 3 inches in diameter and 8 oz each) for $5, or sets of 6 for $25. I was thinking of having a tiered set up of the bath bombs, one of each style, on the table as display and keep the rest under the table since they can get heavy and take up a lot of space pretty quickly. I'll also have solid perfumes out of each scent so that people can smell what I've got before they buy. Does this sound like a solid plan? Is there anything I should know? Does the price sound good? Thanks!

>> No.7407839

Have some coffee beans around for people as well, it will help cleanse the nose of the constant smells and helps you smell accurately again. (your customers might actually need to be told what it's there for though).

Also, don't take offense when someone cant hold your items due to allergy.

>> No.7407885

Ah, definitely something I didn't think about. I knew about the coffee but didn't think to have some at the table, thank you! I also didn't consider allergies, that makes sense and I try to be pretty understanding anyway.

>> No.7407890

I was thinking of doing something similar with my clothing stand -- have some on display on dress forms, then one of each on the rack for trying on, and then keep the rest under my table, pre-packaged and labeled for when somebody wants to buy something.
Has anybody tried this before and has it worked well for them? Or is it best to just put everything out on the racks?
>tfw you're so worried about homestucks running around and getting body paint all over your hard work

>> No.7408104


Tecre claims a lifetime warranty on all of their products. Does this apply to wholesale purchases (buying new from a dealer that isn't the manufacturer)?

>> No.7408114

Yea pretty sure. They all come with paperwork where you have to register your product serial with them. Just make sure the resellers have the paperwork included in the boxes.

>> No.7408322

Yeah, that's what I've heard/experienced. Still technically the biggest and people still come back for it every year, so I think there's something there aside from just the profit that make it worth it for people. For what it's worth, I think things are getting better with AX since their tables are selling out a bit faster now than they were a couple years ago.

>> No.7408750

(weeks later) Alright, thanks for the answers!! I'm doing a 5x7 set for now, if they sell well I'll start planning some poster-sized prints.

>> No.7409107

do your perlers sell well?

>> No.7409472
File: 62 KB, 480x640, piranhaplantperler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics aren't necessarily of the poster's booths, they are just examples. If perlers have a unique function to them (headbands, magnets or pic related), then yes they sell well.

>> No.7410414
File: 19 KB, 500x418, werewrwerweresdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about art mouse pads ??? or tcg play mats?? mouse pads would be like $10, playmats prolly like $20-$30

>> No.7411142

it would have to be really cute art on the mouse pads, cause depending on sellers I can get a boob rest one for 20 and those are so nice on the wrist. I saw a AA table have those though and they were cute, just not characters I liked

>> No.7413471

Does anyone make a pure living out of selling at conventions? I was thinking about it and figured that if you can successfully pull in a good $2,000-$3,000 profit per convention, and you attend 10 good ones each year, that's enough for a modest yearly income. Just wondering if anyone is actually doing this and if they can give their input.

>> No.7414150
File: 115 KB, 612x612, 1337799443017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7414334

I know tcg playmats are fairly popular. I remember a dude at AX I think a couple years ago who was commissioning artists like $5~$10 ea to do small ink busts of I think Yotsuba on a big playmat. It was pretty cool! Premade ones might be kind of expensive though, and you have to really know your demographic.

There are definitely a few regulars in the con circuit who make a decent living off of it. I know one guy who basically goes to a con every weekend and does everything from anime conventions to fuckin I dunno weird obscure special-interest conventions. I think he makes enough and he's been doing it for years.

There's also Ramy/Shinydesu, of course. I think at this point he's probably doing it semi-professionally. He also has connections with like Tee Turtle I think so it seems like he's taken up products/licensing as a gig as well.

>> No.7414585


It's possible, but it can be hard to lug around your stuff if you sell anything much bigger than charms or prints. I don't know how plush makers do anything other than local conventions. Sure those things compress well, but they still take up a lot of space.

>> No.7414630

As a customer, can I make a comment?

I like prints but I don't like smaller sizes. I wish more people would sell larger, poster-sized prints. Most often that is what keeps me from purchasing something is that I think it's too small and don't want to bother with it.

Also I'll dive into anything Touhou and I know I'm not alone.
If anyone was at AWA with me, I'm sure you noticed all the tons and tons of Touhou fans that crawled up out of the woodworks for ZUN.

So. If you draw it, they will come.

>> No.7414644
File: 98 KB, 720x540, 1317779932563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I'd like to because it seems to be very exciting to go across the countries and visit a lot of different cities, it can be difficult for me as I mainly make and sell plushies so it takes me months to make up enough inventory for a 3-day con.

Unless I outsource to plushie companies like Gann Memorials to mass produce them, and/or expand my variety to 2D items (prints, buttons, etc, which I'm strongly considering these days), I'd come across challenges to make a decent living out of it without getting stressed out as I wouldn't want to sell out by the last day.

Pic related, the plushies were produced through Gann Memorials.

>> No.7415676
File: 182 KB, 1000x750, sweet jesus lord almighty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting a week for them to arrive is going to kill me.

>> No.7415680
File: 150 KB, 750x1000, colorrssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you ask, yes, they are a special short-order from aliexpress.

>> No.7416109

That's way too cool, are there any color limitations when printing them or does it depend on who you ask on aliexpress for printing??

>> No.7416138
File: 153 KB, 750x1000, IMG_0951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends if it is "screen printed" (meaning limited colors or pay per color) or if it is "dye sublimation" (full color range and water/stretch/cracking proof).