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7340509 No.7340509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about the Dutch Lolita community. I have this feeling that there are many dutch lolitas who never joined the main community. What do you think? Do you like the Dutch lolita community? What's good, what's bad?

Personally I like the Dutch lolita comm. I do think it's a little bit quiet. There used to be many lovely meets.

>> No.7340557

>Do you like the Dutch lolita community?

No b/c Choke

>What's good

When Choke left Lolita

>what's bad?


>> No.7340594

Choke never attends lolita meets in the Netherlands. I don't get your problem.

>> No.7340613

I live in Zeeland. There are no people there.

Also too shy to join.

>> No.7340721


I can think of a few lolita's in Zeeland. If you're comfortable with cgl there isn't much to be afraid of.

>> No.7340744


>> No.7340752

I'm Dutch and I've been a lolita for a few years, never joined the comm though. I'm terribly shy and I'd feel weird to be friends with people just because we wear the same sort of clothes. I'm not sure if I make sense right now.

I just wanted to tell you, that I think you're gorgeous.

>> No.7340791

The people in the comm are quite diverse! I'm sure there's someone that has other things in common to bond over than just clothing, you should join and see! :) bedankt! <3

I really want to go to more meets, but I live in the middle of nowhere and it takes ages to go anywhere (plus unfortunately usually I'm busy when the meets are happening).

>> No.7340817

I'm too shy to join.

I've been looking at the facebook page but I always end up not joining.

>> No.7340839

Too scared to join because I'm basically crazy and because of that there are a lot of things I can't do. Also I can't go to tea parties/picnics because anorexia.

>> No.7340842


You are so far up your own ass. It's no wonder nothing but shit comes out of your mouth.

>> No.7340843

I like the comm but Leyla is annoying as fuck.

>> No.7340858

Agreed. Would join if she wasn't in it. Unfortunately this is.

>displeasure of meeting her irl once
>only talking about how she went to actual japan and she went to japan and she goes on tv did i mention she goes to japan

>> No.7340882

I tried to get involved years ago, but the main 'clique' that Leyla has formed around herself kind of scared me off. It combines the kind of tight-knit group that's always hard to break into (and by itself there's nothing wrong with that) with an annoying kind of pretentiousness.

I haven't checked in years, though. Is she still all over the place, are there meets or even separate comms where she and her cronies aren't involved?

>> No.7340889

She is obnoxious as hell, uses her store as a closet, and her baby is ugly. There I said it

>> No.7340895

wait what
I am so out of the loop! Although honestly with parents like that, it never stood a chance.

...This is going to turn into a Leyla thread, isn't it? I'm so sorry.

>> No.7340907


I don't Leyla goes to any meet she herself hasn't organized, so it shouldn't be that hard to avoid her. I'm not part of her clique and feel pretty included and involved, you should give it another shot.

>> No.7340926

Where is stuff organized nowadays? I don't have Facebook and could never get into that forum.

>> No.7340927

People shouldn't be so afraid for Leyla. She hates me and I don't mind. I don't like her either. Why should I care about it? It's just one person. The clique doesn't exist anymore. Most of them stopped wearing lolita or had a fight with Leyla. She has more enemies than friends. An the store isn't even hers. It's quite easy to avoid her, she only attends meets which she organize herself.

I just want people to feel free to join the comm. There are so many nice Dutch Lolita who just want to attend awesome meetups without drama. The new 'generation' wants to change things I believe, but it's not simple. For the new lolitas here or lolitas who never joined the comm, please do! It's so much fun to meet other lolitas. Don't believe the gossips! Let's try to make a nice community with lots of fun meets. ^_^

>> No.7340930

It's on facebook. The forum thingy is dead. There is a Dutch Lolita tumblr.. If you ask them about the meets, maybe you can attend one?

>> No.7340933

Chokelate please go to more meets, it would be fun to see you again!

>> No.7340951

It's not only her baby who's ugly.

Wait how isn't the store hers?

>> No.7340958

It's her moms. Her mom is always there. Her mom is a wonderful person by the way. Leyla is only there for the fame and calls it her own shop.

>> No.7340962

That's nice to hear!

Is it fuck-yeah-dutch-lolitas?

>> No.7340970

yes, it's fuck-yeah-dutch-lolitas!

>> No.7341081

Thanks for the encouragement! Hearing all the positive things about the comm in the thread, I might just have to take a look sometime. Maybe take a lolita-interested friend with me to a meet someday.

>> No.7341986

Yeah yeah yeah, we know, you're a big ol' meanie angry anon. Grr and stuff.

I'm going to try to go to the masked meet! It would be great to see everyone again <3

>> No.7341996

I'm glad to hear that. The comm is great and it would be nice to meet you and your friend. It might be a little bit scary to go to your first meet. Don't worry, everyone is nice to lolitas who want to join the comm. These days there are many (new) lolitas who want to join the comm. You are not the only one. I hope to see you soon!

Yay, I also want to go to the masked meet! :)

>> No.7341998

You don't have to go to every meet. No one does. Sometimes lolitas organize shopping meets and museum meets. I also heard something about a DIY meet. Maybe you like to do that?

>> No.7342033

Not that anon, but I'd be interested in a DIY meet.
I'm personally more into the sewing side of lolita but don't always have the time or motivation for it. It also doesn't help that I don't know anyone else at all who sews, so making lolita sewing friends would be awesome. Do you have a link or something I could check out?

>> No.7342115

I love the style but I don't dress lolita.

It would not make any sense to join.

>> No.7342163

There are a lot lolitas who make their own clothes. I'm one of them. ^^ I believe there was a post on the facebook page about a DIY meet two week ago. Unfortunately there is nothing planned yet. I'm going to ask my lolita friends about this. Maybe they can organize a meet, I'm too busy for that. I'd like to go to a DIY meet, so I hope I will be able to go!

>> No.7342466

There is a lolita masquerade in May, what do you think?

>> No.7342525

>I'm going to try to go to the masked meet!

Please don't.

>> No.7342610

You know you want me to

>> No.7342661


Dat arrogance.

>> No.7342678

I joined the Dutch lolita comm when I was in my weeaboo/ita phase at 14 years old. I'm really scared to go back now that I want to seriously get into lolita again. I went to a meet in baby's first bodyline dress with a weeb friend, and although I understand I must have been annoying as hell the comm wasn't really nice either. I was 14 years old and stupid but some fully adult comm members started to spread stupid gossips about me towards Leyla so they didn't want me at meets again and some lady that looked like she's in her 30's that I found quitte ita as well started to childishly draw things like mustaches on my photos and spread them online.
I still feel huge emberassement that I was the group-ita but I think it was really nasty that a almost adult comm acted even more childishly than the 14-year old me at that time.

I have tried lolita again in the past few years but I've never joined any comm again and barely post pictures online because I'm scared that someone will mention what happened in the past. I've grown up now and have a side-job, and I'm trying to get my first AP dress but I'm still way too scared/shy to search for other loli's.

>> No.7342697

I want you to go. You're gorgeous!

>> No.7342922

I've been in the comm for about 5 years now I guess. and I don't remember any of that (or it happend before I joined, than this is not much of a help).
Sorry that you had to go through that.

But I think most girl who were active back then aren't really active in the comm anymore. So there is a big change they won't remember or you won't meet them anyway.
Besides there are so many new members, you could hang out with them if you'r really that scared.
You should try to join the comm again! Having girls who share the same interest in lolita can be really nice to hang out with.

>> No.7343819

I'm sorry to hear this. It probably happened before I joined,so I didn't know.

Like the other anon said, many girls left lolita and there are many new girls. Give it a try to join the comm again. There is no reason to be afraid. The comm members are nice people, if you are nice to everyone they are going to be friendly too.

It feels bad to hear stories like this. Lolita should be fun. Hopefully you are going to join the comm again.

>> No.7346250

I swear I can't find anything if I search for fuck-yeah-dutch-lolitas on facebook.
Can someone give me a link please?

>> No.7346324

Fuck yeah dutch lolitas is the tumblr some girls run.
If it's the facebook page you're looking for you need to search for dutch lolitas

>> No.7346386


Thank you!