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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 29 KB, 1990x901, sgth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7331967 No.7331967 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread in autosage here >>7306507

Not solely for template suggestions, will also offer suggestions on hairstyles, love life, investments, etc.

>> No.7332711
File: 61 KB, 478x720, 1390875569427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno what I could go as. I'm looking for someone/something I look most similar to. That's my goal, to find something I could cosplay in that I'd be able to pull off well.

Something serious though. I already know I could do Geromy from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.

>> No.7332719

Cory in the house.

>> No.7332727

There's a template right there. And you posted in two threads and didn't bother given any suggestions. I get you're new, but if you can't even be bothered to read the rules, then at least look at what everyone else is doing.

>> No.7332729


The Falcon from Marvel?

>> No.7332783

My bad, I thought posting would be easy...

>> No.7332794

It's just using the template makes it easier for others to suggest. It lets us know your height, skills etc. That way (mostly) noob cosplayers won't be getting suggestions for god-mode cosplays.

>> No.7332880
File: 261 KB, 1990x901, ohboyherewiigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about doing Garnet or Gidget first to test the waters to see if I even like actually cosplaying, though I'm sure I will.

Open to more suggestions thanks to the lack of characters with my complexion, I've seen some that look really fun but I couldn't remember the names.

>> No.7332915
File: 37 KB, 656x496, 1390881029209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit you're gorgeous. You'd be great as Garnet, but I'd also suggest Audrey from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

>> No.7332919


Please do >>7332915

You have the perfect face for her. Completely perfect.

>> No.7332945

>deadmau5 shirt
well I suggest you kill yourself

>> No.7332947

/mu/ is that way faggot >>>

>> No.7332952

It's not even a /mu/ opinion, it's an objective one. Deadmau5 is complete shit and buying mau5 apparel is the most fedora-core bullshit anyone can possibly do.

So yeah, still gonna suggest you kill yourself.

>> No.7332976

I bought it years ago, somewhere around 6. I don't even listen to deadmau5 anymore. I'm sure you have one of those shirts that you throw on because you can't be assed to find something else on laundry day.

So no, just because I wear an old shirt doesn't mean I'm a diehard deadmau5 fan, I'll continue living thank you.

Thanks! I didn't even think of her, I guess by extension I could also do the pilot from Avatar, even though I like Audrey better, but muh facepaint. Wait, Audrey does facepaint when they rebel in the movie.

Audrey it is!

>> No.7333369


Holy shit. Normal fag here 6'0 220 lbs recently quit /fit/ coz they were getting on my nerves.

You have no right to call anything fedora core on this kind of board.

I fukin love some of deadmau5, just as much as i love SOME of the music from other "top 10 DJs". DJs are music producers. Undoubtedly you're going to dislike some of their music, as they often produce over a few sub-genres of electronica.

Auto-labelling shit as fedorable is just showing you have a closed mind.

>> No.7333388
File: 283 KB, 623x469, 1387589436964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>getting this mad over someone's taste in music
>getting this mad over the most pettiest of shit

You might want to take your own advice for a change anon.

>> No.7333521

>most pettiest

>> No.7333769

Legion Commander and Audrey seem cool as fuck.

>> No.7334439
File: 855 KB, 1990x901, help me..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no Velma.

I really want to start working on making my costumes.

Definitely Audrey or Garnet.

Audrey would be great.

Also you could do Kida if you're comfortable with that much skin showing.

>> No.7334474

>tfw I'm too afraid to put my height, and weight for fear of looking like a lolcow

>> No.7334510
File: 1.02 MB, 1990x901, fsdafsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, here it goes

>inb4 hivemind

>> No.7334573

jesus anon come on, you could at least pretend you're not totally insecure

go for annie

>> No.7334578

> Not suggesting for anyone.

>> No.7334588

Please lose weight, then cosplay Annue. Don't be a fat Annie.

>> No.7334623

Fat Princess. Bonus points if you put on 20 more lbs.

>> No.7334645

I'm not particularly good at this, and I'm actually not huge into lots of anime anyway. :c Sorry

>> No.7334654

Alright. I'm working to lose weight right now. So i guess I'll wait a couple years.

>> No.7334664
File: 1.17 MB, 1990x898, suggestion sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more anime to watch, so obscure anime suggestions would be fabulous.

>> No.7334675

definitely the L4D witch

>> No.7334679

Kitsurubami all the way for you

>> No.7334681

Your face is flawless. If you lost weight you could really pull of Annie

>> No.7334688

I don't have many suggestions to make, but I would recommend to avoid cosplaying a blond character since your eyebrows are really dark

>> No.7334696

I have to agree that your face is very good for Annie, particularly your nose/lips.

>> No.7334747

Me! Suggestions pretty please, I'm already doing Dandy in the space suit.

Someone suggested Audrey from Atlantis which would be most excellent
>dat hair
>dem glasses
Yuna from Final Fantasy or Annie from SnK or Riku from Love Lab ot Anita from ROD the TV ot Mihu from Girls und Panzer or... so many ideas 0.0
For fucks sake this is probably one of the only places on 4chan where you could at least pretend to be comfortable in your own skin. Go for Annie, fuck the haters. I've seen girls way bigger than you cosplaying characters smaller and more revealing than that, head up anon.
Fuu from Champloo or maybe Yawara (would be as simple as ordering a Judo uniform and tailoring it to fit)
I'd need a list of what you've seen before in order to suggest more. But go watch R.O.D the TV, full of sassy gal characters.

>> No.7334765

aww, thanks guys c:

I can't think of anyone unfortunately. :c You're pretty cute though.

>> No.7334841
File: 515 KB, 3545x1870, woof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awe please post pics once you are done Dandy! You would really suit Sanji from One Piece and he's always in a suit so that covers your body!

It's not really that obscure but you'd be a great Toshinou Kyouko from Yuru Yuri. I think she'd be a character you'd like too.

You're really not that chubby at all though. I think you'd make a really good Riza Hawkeve from Full Metal Alchemist..

Why not Nami from One Piece! I think you'd suit her well and she has a ton of outfits. (Especially before the timeskip)

I agree with Audrey from Atlantis! You're super pretty.

>> No.7334857
File: 839 KB, 1990x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually don't plan on cosplaying too many girls aside from these ladies, so suggestions would be awesome!!

>> No.7334862
File: 12 KB, 629x425, 1383174183564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love how these threads start off extremely popular with tons of the regulars self-posting their templates, only to start dying off around post-100 or so. The thread then wallows around /cgl/ with minimal activity for a month until it either auto-sages or meets page ten.

>> No.7334872

it's great!
i think a lot of people only look at the top posts, so if you miss out on that, you get stuck on the bottom with minimal suggestions

>> No.7334910


oh my god you are unattractive

>> No.7334922

Oh really? I love full metal alchemist! It's actually one of my favorite animes! thanks for the suggestion! I think you should go as rosalina!

Why would you just blatantly insult how she looks? She can't help her facial structure.

I swear, sometimes I think cgl is worse than /b/, or /fit/

>> No.7334919
File: 1.44 MB, 1990x901, gaea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting with update because i'm sort of stuck

i think i'd like to slap on some armor, but i'm not sure it would stray too far from canon.

the same way great lord/grandmaster slap on bits of armor, i'd like to replace the leather chest piece with a steel one and have hints of chainmail under the tunic. i think it would make the big metal shin guards look less out of place.

I really like Gidget, but if you're up to the challenge Legion Commander would be awesome.

the witch will definitely be the easiest, but if you're confident you can make it you should try sakura. i'm trying to make my first cosplay and it's a bit overwhelming, but i'm learning a lot.

i hate to make a naruto suggestion, but with such a nice face and large boobage you could do tsunade really well

afraid i can't think of anything new, but i like nui.

if you want a challenge try claymore for some armor stuff, i can't think of any other anime with armoured female characters right now, only vidya

those are some pretty modest characters if you want to show skin, sunny has the least coverage, i think. resident evil's new sherry reminds me a bit of sunny and is quite a bit more scantily clad

>> No.7334933

You're really cute!

thanks for the suggestion, I'm actually not that big, I think that shirt just kind of makes me look bigger than I am. I'm only a C cup!

But I suppose I have a similar facial structure.

All the ones you picked out look pretty nice to be completely honest. I think you'd look good in any of them, honestly.

>> No.7334962

except i'm actually gorgeous lmao

>> No.7334969

yeah i know, haha. thank you!!

>> No.7334990
File: 58 KB, 489x620, 1385002901243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ, Mackenzie. You don't actually have to put your e-mail in the field.

>> No.7335000

only if you photoshopped that pizza face away

>> No.7335012

I don't know why, but you remind me of Aisling from Secret of Kells, but you seem a bit too mature to be her.

>> No.7335044

thanks for noticing my mistake, i guess
i have little control over what my skin decides to do-- besides, this picture is from the beginning of october. in any case, i'm not going to be too concerned with what a stranger on the internet thinks of my skin problems
oooh she's super cute though!! thank you

>> No.7335079
File: 324 KB, 1990x901, blahh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I am trying to get back into cosplay.
Just there are way more on my list. I guess I could add a Ghibli girl, just not sure who.
but I think in the short time before Sak
these would be a good step back into the hobby...

anyways sorry poor picture, I really dont have that many of myself.
just looking for some direction I guess.

oh yes please Kitsurubami

>> No.7335085

your madoka is so cute! wow.
how did you so the skirt?

also I think Rosalina

>> No.7335097 [DELETED] 
File: 1008 KB, 1990x901, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't play fire emblem, so i can't suggest anything from that, but i think you'd be a rockin' renly baratheon from game of thrones.

my webcam is shit at taking full body pics so the one i have isnt great, but i'm a pretty average/slight build.

>> No.7335138

are you a guy?

>> No.7335157
File: 1008 KB, 1990x901, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea how 2 reply to things yet oops
i dont play fire emblem but you would be a great renly baratheon from game of thrones!!!

i dont have any good full body pix because as u can probably tell my webcam is a piece of shit but i'm a slight build (i was 100 lbs....... once.................)

>> No.7335174

i guess at least you're confident. i mean, an unattractive inflated sense of self worth, your fucking ugly face, it all seems to fit together perfectly.

look into cosplays that cover that ass face of yours.

>> No.7335216

can you all stop being such disgusting catty pieces of shit

>> No.7335224

Oh my, thank you!

I never actually watched all of One piece. I should really get around to it, because I liked the bit that I did see.

I was counting on the witch as a sort of fallback in case I couldn't get anything else right.

But hot damn, you are a rather attractive looking young man, and you should definitely cosplay Handsome Jack, because you have the perfect face and hair for him.

Or, pretty much any other beautiful but also manly character ever.

>> No.7335273
File: 351 KB, 1976x881, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like simple cosplays. Nothing with too many details because I'm too scared I'll mess something up. However I'm familiar with a lot of different series so I'd love some suggestions as I'm in kind of a cosplay idea rut.


You're really attractive. You kind of seem dead set on Gaius, and I think that you'd definitely be able to pull it off.


Shinji or Naoto for sure. I don't see enough good Naotos, and you have the perfect body/face for her.


I think someone suggested Riza from FMA? Do that. Please. I never see enough Rizas and she's awesome. You'll stand out from the hordes of SNK cosplayers at least if you don't cosplay Annie.

>> No.7335277

you would look exactly like annie if you were a little bit lighter

>> No.7335300

young Wayne Brady

Mila Rose from Bleach

the witch would be brety cool, I never see anyone doing that

seconding Tsunade

Peacock, or Chie from Persona

yo your costumes are great. You ever thought of doing Ryoko from Tenchi? I think you could def pull that off

Sunny prob be easiest

Troy Baker's illegitimate child

Tomoko was the first thing I thought of

Justin Bieber

>> No.7335402

still find it amusing that you think i'm invested in anonymous comments on the internet

>> No.7335422

youd be such a cute mirai

Both Aoi and Sasha would be great for you
I also think youd be a super cute Ryuko from Kill la Kill

>> No.7335444

>posts with email

Either way, I still think your attitude is the right one for cosplay. Everything looks like shite if your insecurity glues your glance to the floor

>> No.7335458

are you sam ronson

>> No.7335747

suggest first

>> No.7335923
File: 339 KB, 1990x901, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help Im new, just looking for /fit/ related cosplay, something like grappler baki looking characters.

>> No.7335927

this is no b8 btw, Im legitimately interested in getting into cosplay.

>> No.7335932

So cosplay what you like...?
There isn't much to getting into cosplay aside from learning technique and getting better at sewing/ crafting. Do you like anime or video games? Which ones?

>> No.7335933

>fucking with the contrast to make it seem like you have definition
you'll never into low bf% u fukin fayg.

Also, suggest for others first.

>> No.7335942

I was thinking scorpion or sub-zero but Im basically looking for fit cosplay inspo and yea I feel insecure during bulk so I fuck with contrast th-thanks

>> No.7335949
File: 1.23 MB, 1990x901, Suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to agree with the other anons. Audrey would be great. That also made me think of Spinelli from Recess though.

Hmmm how about Saber from fate/stay night?

I'd say that Charlotte from Princess and the Frog could be good.

Kanami from Log Horizon

Caterina Sforza from Trinity Blood

Henrietta from Log Horizon

I'd say that you are going to be great as Gaius!

Anna from K Project

Hibari Kyoya from KHR

Kagari from Lamento! Though, the outfit's a bit difficult.

>> No.7336239

holy shit thank you for suggesting log horizon i just looked it up and this anime sounds fantastic

>> No.7336246

You Lulu and Akatsuki would be great for you.

>> No.7336329

duke nukem

>> No.7336331

Travis Touchdown from No More Heros

>> No.7336392

Alex Louis Armstrong from FMA

>> No.7336425
File: 1.94 MB, 1990x903, 1373847728811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chun Li Maybe?

Gohans Gym Teacher

Sasha plz

Ezreal, LOL

Mercury plz

Handsome Jack, You handsome!

>> No.7336452

Adam Jensen

>> No.7336458

You need to be Vamp, holy shit, we need more good Vamp cosplayers

>> No.7336573


>> No.7336598

Thanks anons, I think will for sure add Tomoko and Mirai, at least to get started working on something.

Ive never seen K Project, wow she is cute.
Thank you for this suggestion.
I needed something new to watch/read

And also Ren seems like a good fit for you.

Thanks, I think Mercury will happen at some point.

And Prince of 4

>> No.7336607

Yes please, do Vamp!! There is seriously not enough Vamps out there. And even though I cosplay male characters, I think this is actually one character only a guy can pull off well.

Please make Vamp!

>> No.7336790


>> No.7337068


>> No.7337069
File: 494 KB, 1040x472, herewegoawayyeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll repost with a few more ideas I have. (I know the Aoba picture sucks but it's something new, right? Wig isn't styled and contacts aren't here. I'll take suggestions though make up wise! Kinda stuck on what to do.)

Gidget! I think Garnet would be great as that other anon suggested. I suggest Viletta from Code Geass.

Sakura would be cute! I think Rika from Higurashi would look great on you!!

Annie for sure! I think Millerna from Escaflowne would be cool!

Nui would be cute! I think Ami from Toradora would also be great!

Rosalina! I think Saber from Fate Stay Night and Esther from Trinity Blood would look great!

Sunny would be so cute! I think Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai would be nice.

Spike from Cowboy Bebop, and Shigure from Fruits Basket, and Sephiran from Fire Emblem.

Tamako would be so cute! I think you would make a great Tsukimi and a cute Miyuki from Lucky Star.

Naoto! I think you'd make a great Natsuno from Shiki and Levi from Snk.

Asahina for sure! I think Haruhi from TMoHS and Motoko from Ghost in the Shell would look great!

Guts from Berserk, Kagami from Kuroko no basket, and Armstrong from FMA.

Sakura would look great on you!! I suggest Astarotte from Lotte no Omocha.

Prince of Persia! I suggest Asuma from Naruto.

>> No.7337433


>> No.7337569

I don't want to post a photo, but I'm supposed to be going to my first con and I have no idea what to cosplay. I want to be something cute, and wear a petti but I don't know of any characters in things I watch/play that I could do. I'd like it to be somewhat simple as it is my first costume, so I guess that's where I'm getting stuck too. Does anybody have any character suggestions?

>> No.7337574

I'd say something from Madoka? Pretty easy to buy the school uniforms or the magical girl outfits on ebay or something.

>> No.7338979
File: 607 KB, 1990x901, temprate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea

>> No.7338996


>> No.7339007
File: 746 KB, 2008x920, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna do something for Fanime, but I don't know what I can do as a larger Asian dude.
I did Deneb from Kamen Rider Den-O a few years back, but that's the last time I cosplayed. I don't think I have any pics of it anymore, because I took down the cancer that was my deviantart page a few years ago

>> No.7339307

Look at everyone else's posts, now back to yours, now back at everyone else's, now back to yours. Do you see the difference?
Suggest before asking for suggestions, faggots.

>> No.7339312
File: 14 KB, 150x207, 150px-Fea-ricken-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gosh you are sweet! you should do Ricken!

>> No.7339332

I'll definitely consider it, thanks. I'm a big fire emblem fan. Now that I think about it doing Roy or Eliwood would be cool too.
Sorry, I'll get on that.
Captain Falcon, fei long
Gendou Ikari

>> No.7339416

Didn't realize I had to do that. My bad
Grow your hair out a bit, and you could be Hazama Masayoshi from Samurai Flamenco
I dunno why, but I could see you rocking Two-Star ver. Mako from KLK
If you don't mind shaving the mustache, I could see a Jigen from Lupin III, or maybe Gordon Freeman?
Shirogane Naoto from Persona 4?
Guile from Street Fighter
Daitoku Junna from Robotics;Notes?

>> No.7339465


That's sort of what I was thinking. I will probably use that as my fall back, I'd really prefer to make the whole costume myself, or at least most of it though. So I was sort of thinking maybe a power puff girl because the dress is simple enough, and I could just make it flare out. Thank you for the advice.

>> No.7339574
File: 1.27 MB, 1990x901, cgla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a little conscious about my height but why not right?

>> No.7339588


shinji ikari from nge

>> No.7339593

Togami or Leon from DR

>> No.7339597

I....I actually like it?

>> No.7339605

You could pull off tall Armin.

>> No.7339620
File: 1.32 MB, 1990x901, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm awful at finding characters to cosplay, so suggestions would be great!

>> No.7339625

Poniko from Yume Nikki

>> No.7339660

you look like mirai from kyokai no kanata

>> No.7339666

you would make a great mercury! if you want to cosplay a ghibli girl, maybe kiki from kiki's delivery service?

>> No.7339671

definitely olivier armstrong from fma

>> No.7339690
File: 361 KB, 1990x901, sdfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing one of these but here we go.

>> No.7339770

Can't think of anything, but you're gorgeous. Maybe look in the area of comics?
I don't know what 1's from, but it looks cool as shit, you should go for it anon!
I've not seen a good kyo costume in a long time! that'd be so cute!
can't think of anything. :c sorry
Oh my god, I've never seek Katawa shojou cosplay! You should do it! (infact, I'm adding that to my list!)
you'd make an incredibly sexy prince of Persia.

Chubby cosplay ideas anyone? As you can see from my picture, I'm really not that thin, I'm working on it, but in the mean time, I still want to cosplay, and not look like a landwhale doing it

>> No.7339775 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1990x901, fdsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my image. poop


Oops! I didn't notice you'd given me advice. Sorry!

I think you'd be really cute as flowers from scott pilgrim!

>> No.7339777
File: 1.63 MB, 1990x901, fffffffffffffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my image. I'm posting again guys, because I need CHUBBY characters.
Anyone got any ideas?
I'm not against wigs, I just don't own any, and that's a big expense


Oops! I didn't notice you'd given me advice. Sorry!

I think you'd be really cute as flowers from scott pilgrim!

>> No.7339975
File: 140 KB, 1280x580, 1366513973144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do >>7332915

I never see witches anymore! Go for it!

Yes, please annie and hawkeye
not sure about tsunade, or if youd feel comfortable dressed as her

I think youd be a cute Moyo from Wizard barristers. Its freshly subbed on crunchy

The brunetts at the bottom would suit you well!

You're adorable in glasses, do tsukimi

u-uhh onigiri from Air Gear?

>> No.7340365
File: 13 KB, 427x474, 12314123213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freshly subbed on Crunchy

>> No.7340390

oh my god, you're adorable! You have to be Annie, I would love to but I'd need to pack on about 30 pounds to not look like weak baby Annie...

>> No.7340399
File: 1.43 MB, 1990x901, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine. First time doing this. Fire away, seagulls!

As a lot of people said, Audrey, but damn, you'll make a fine Legion Commander! I want to see that!

Hm, might I suggest Yamada from Danganronpa? Even if he is bigger than you and you don't mind being a semi-creepy otaku, haha =)

I see Green Arrow

>> No.7340413
File: 1.11 MB, 1990x938, fasga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love one piece but id like to try other things after I do Rayleigh.

>> No.7340414

Be anna plox

>> No.7340517
File: 412 KB, 1990x900, Cosplaysuggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping my pic again just because I need to start working on more costumes, and because i want to suggest more for others.
If you are not Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones I'll cry.
Do the girl from AC4, ooks cool as fuck. Also Annie from Attack on Titan.
Ginny weasley, from Harry Potter. Also Cerebella from Skullgirls
Agitha from Twilight Princess, Eunice from Rune Factory Frontier.
The girl from K-on with long dark hair. I forget her name.
Ayla from Crono Trigger and Paine from FF
Fiddlesticks from League of Legends
The cooking guy from SDR2
Roxas from Kingdom Hearts
Ulfric Stormcloak from Skyrim, Ezio auditore, my husbando
Alf from Arc Rise Fantasia

>> No.7340521

Khal Drogo? huh I never thought of that. ill look into it!

you gotta do velvet! it has to happen

>> No.7340523

I feel you'd make a good Yoko Littner (TTGL) or Link (Zelda)

>> No.7340638




That gay kid from Glee.


One of the lanky titans from Shingeki no Kyojin.


Big Red from Tumblr.


Connie Souphanousinphone from King of the Hill.


Fat Mac from Sunny in Philadelphia.

Give suggestions before you ask for suggestions, faggots. You're not gorgeous swans that seagulls will flock to.

>> No.7340663

>that gay kid from Glee
fuck you nigga that show is horrendous

>> No.7340885

blackbeard from AC4, or charles Vane.

>> No.7341199

The tumblr is strong with this one.

>> No.7341213

Don't do Elsa, at least your other ideas are slightly original

>> No.7341227

Scout from TF2

>> No.7341254

Anne it is! I think you'd look cute as kairi from kingdom hearts. Wig and circle lenses obviously, but you have the face aesthetic.

Aww, thanks! I'm trying to fit it up before! ahaha. I have five months, so that's plenty of time to lose weight, and tone!

>> No.7341289
File: 1.26 MB, 1990x901, mytemplate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd look great as Asahina

But can you manscape for Seneca Crane?

For some reason I can see you as Jinx from LOL

Sorry I don't have a good body pic but I'm about average build...

>> No.7341294

You should try Rogue from X-men

>> No.7341295

I don't mean to say you're unattractive, but I wouldn't say you have the "cute" factor those characters have. It'd take me a bit to think of something, but I think you should try for a more mature look

>> No.7341312

You're right, I just didn't know what to put... horse-face problems
White forelocks? Really?

>> No.7341321
File: 1001 KB, 1275x585, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> inb4 Velma
Please no Velma.

Echoing Khal Drogo

I think Rhona would work quite well.

I want to say be Sabrina but it's pretty hard to dress up as a real person who dresses normally. You'd have to carry Salem around.

I'd say you nailed it with Gogo Yubari. Stocking would work too, though.

You look like the love child of Nick Pitera and Paint.
You could probably pull off the Kill La Kill character.

Definitely do Tsukimi.

I can't see your face and the color is fucked so I can't really tell skin tone/ethnicity, either. Look at fighting game characters, see what works.

Ellie Langford from Dead Space 2/3 pls.

>> No.7341329

Yukari from Girls Und Panzer

>> No.7341368

Your face kinda has the maturity needed for Rogue, hence my suggestion

>> No.7341398
File: 765 KB, 1990x901, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to suggest Velma so badly...but in the meantime, I'll get back to you.

Definitely agree with the Rogue from X-men suggestion.

I don't know why but I think you'd make an amazing Peter Pan!

Daizaemon Kaze from Gantz. Go!

Anna. Please please!

>> No.7341399

I want to see you as Legion Commander.

>> No.7341587

jade from homestuck

>> No.7342043

There's only 3 episodes, so i didn't feel like digging around for them because i wasn't sure if it would even be good.

Thank you! I never thought to try Ginny, and making Cerebella's hat would be awesome!
You'd look great as velvet, and doing Sothe would be cool (and easy to crossplay because of his clothing as long as the vest is a hard enough fabric)

That would be fun, but i don't feel i have the body for her? I try not doing characters I know i cant really do justice to. I see what you mean about her face, but i'm not sure... Thanks for the response though!

Hmm I never really watched that show, cartoon or live-action, So id feel uncomfortable cosplaying her. Thanks for the feedback!
And, If you want to do something before you lose weight, I think youd be an adorable Kurumi from Hachi Koi!

Youd be a good Suki, the kyoshi warrior from Avatar the last airbender or Chun-li if you ever want a bit of a challenge.
Easy mode would be Faith from Mirror's Edge

Look up Ryuuichirou from Doujin Work or Sammy from Time of Eve

So much Drogo is needed

Luna all the way!

>> No.7342097
File: 1.70 MB, 1988x902, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time posting one of these. I went a little crazy in the ideas box, but the reality is that most of them wouldnt be fun for me unless they were done in a group and well... not likely to happen.
I just sort of need help picking what I should do for the con I'm going to in June, but I'd still like suggestions. Especially if they have a canon swimsuit..

The Lulu in your list would be adorable on you!
Please do Misha I love to see people do Mishas
But, personal bias aside, your face shape is so good for glasses, gotta agree with others on Tsukimi
Firo or Jacuzzi Splot from Baccano please
Maybe a young Bulma? Or Asami from LoK
I don't know many elf characters but you should definitely do an elf or someone known for being mischievous.
Oh god bangs look great on you. Tomie, Yukari from Paradise Kiss, Sailor Saturn

>> No.7342119

Plz do kaiman

>> No.7342202
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rachel pls do mai waifu sill thx

>> No.7342208
File: 912 KB, 1990x901, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little apprehensive to post because this is my first time doing this, but i'm curious to see what people think i should cosplay and i'd like new ideas

You'd make a really good miria, i think you have the right face shape for it.
Definitely Tsukimi, you're so cute too ahhh
Maybe Lili from tekken 5?
I agree with the anon that said rogue, or maybe someone else from marvel.
You really suit harley quinn, so maybe the arkham asylum outfit?
Nekomaru Nidai from SDR2

>> No.7342595

Your 3 and 6 would look good on you. As for suggestions, Angel or Dorothy from Big O! Or one of the Totally Spies girls.

Uuuuuuugh I'm almost tempted because I love pink hair so much (main reason Yuno's on my list). B-but if it's not all that recognizable I'll just look like a terrible weeb. Same reason I took Fuu off my ideas right away.

Also *Rachael
It's the less common weird spelling I know

>> No.7343531

I have no clue what this Dangan Ronpa is, but this dude looks cool. How would I get my hair like that though? Would a wig be the best option?
...I never woulda thought of Wario...

>> No.7343986


you have such a nice skin colour! id totally recommend doing princess tiana if youre into disney :)

>> No.7343995
File: 680 KB, 1990x901, 1390845714021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id totally recommend doing princess tiana if youre into disney :)

kiki from kiki's delivery service if you want ghibli!

I would love to see you do winter wonder lulu since im working on her too ahh so cute!!

malz ya big poopy

>> No.7344154

(Same anon) Yeah you would need a wig for that kind of hair. There's usually a Dangan Ronpa thread on /cgl that you can ask questions in too.

>> No.7345312
File: 410 KB, 1990x901, mmmnnnoooppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time doing something like this.. I'm really hoping for suggestions. For the most part, my mind is blank when it comes to dark skinned characters I can accurately cosplay. So suggestions are more than welcomed.

Winter Wonder Lulu would look sweet on you.
Annie, AOT!
Please be Tomie, Junji Ito

>> No.7345477

Oh my god you're so lovely. <3

That Blackrose may be awesome. May I also recommend Korra, you seem to have the right skin tone for it.

>> No.7345527

You'd make a pretty Korra, or Michiko Malandro from Michiko to Hatchin.

>> No.7345599

nidalee from league of legends

>> No.7345614

Spot on with Michiko!

>> No.7345618

Shizuku from Hunter x Hunter! <3

>> No.7345650
File: 1.02 MB, 1984x895, SuggestionsPlease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for suggestions and hoping mine can be of help (Please don't feel restricted, I'm fine with cosplaying someone who's not brown!).

I can picture you as Karina Lyle/Blue Rose form Tigar & Bunny!

You'd make a lovely Clover! Since you like that series I'd recommend giving the Ace Attorney series a go if you haven't already. From AA I can imagine you suiting Emma, Kay and perhaps Apollo!

I think your face is perfect for Miria! Miwako would be nice too. For Keiko is there perhaps a prop/plush of anything you could carry for more recognition? The blue outfit seems most outstanding to me.

Chi-Chi! And you'd make an adorable Madotsuki from Yume Nikki, or Namine from Kingdom Hearts

Yeah you'd look great as Annie. You'd also pull off either Franziska or Adrian from Ace Attorney really well!

Ooh, Mai from Yugioh!

Sweet, I'm planning to do a Tactics Viera cosplay too! There's a few darker characters in Yugioh if you're a fan? I've done Marik before, really fun!
Pfft watch us get the same suggestions haha!

>> No.7345704

if you lifted you would be 10/10 male specimen

>> No.7345706

You're cute. <3

Also, even if you ask, people tend to prefer authenticity over personal freedom, so they'll recommend stuff they feel you're most suited for (rather than ask you to take risks with characters you don't look like).

That said, you'd do an awesome Michiko, or if you wanna branch out the way you want, I'd say give a couple of AoT characters a try (like Sasha, or Hanji if you can test what you look like with glasses).

>> No.7345737

Fran from Final Fantasy XII

>> No.7345776

Oh thank you! I'm very glad you've suggested Hanji, I've actually been considering her~
And yeah I know most people will steer towards suggesting just anyone with darker skin. As long as it ain't this chick from Firefly then I don't mind!

>> No.7345798 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 1990x1280, Ideas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly wanting new ideas, putting on more size right now, and need to tan, but otherwise, not bad.

Deff interesting in characters who are in shape, and preferably red-haired. Really want to use my hair (just don't want to fucks with wigs).

Sheva from RE5

Yuno, and do it convincingly.

To give you another fighter idea, and maybe an easier one, in contrast to here >>7342043, Sakura.

Cassandra/Sophitia/their daughter from Soul Calibur franchise.

Easymode is Satsuki from KLK.

E. Honda.
You get to not wear clothes, paint your face, and it's super easy.

>> No.7345808
File: 426 KB, 1990x1280, Ideas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly wanting new ideas, putting on more size right now, and need to tan, but otherwise, not bad.

Deff interesting in characters who are in shape, and preferably red-haired. Really want to use my hair (just don't want to fucks with wigs).

Sheva from RE5

Yuno, and do it convincingly.

To give you another fighter idea, and maybe an easier one, in contrast to here >>7342043, Sakura.

Cassandra/Sophitia/their daughter from Soul Calibur franchise.

Easymode is Satsuki from KLK.

E. Honda.
You get to not wear clothes, paint your face, and it's super easy.

>> No.7345837

Oh, and I'm also game for anything that requires a tight bodysuit (like superhero suits, etc)

>> No.7345844


>> No.7345846

>not akihiko
literally why
i'm saying you like dudes

>> No.7345849

Actually, those were all ones suggested.
I'd really like to try doing one like Khamsin from MGR:R, but have NO idea how I'd do his suit.

>> No.7345889

Ah, thank you! :) Korra would be nice. My hair is kind short- so I'd probably need a wig
Had to google Michiko hah. I may end up watching the anime now. Thank you for the suggestion
Thank you for the suggestion!
Thanks for the Yugioh rec! Ahh, if you could some how get your hair all blonde, you could do a pretty cute Mihoshi, Tenchi cosplay
Stopped playing FF after X. The characters managed to lose more clothes as the franchise grew. Amazing suggestion though, I probably wouldn't be able to make the outfit, but thank you.
Thank you for the rec. Hwoarang from Tekken, is my suggestion for you but your YuYu Hakusho idea is best.

>> No.7345901

It's too bad you're not experienced with makeup... with your shape you could be any classic triangle villain.

for the love of god say you'll agree to a Marilyn kanji from the cross dressing episode. All I've seen are beer belly dudes who do that one.

>> No.7345908

Hmm, I'll add Hwoarang to the list.

Triangle villian?

Upon research, I think I may be inclined to do such a thing.
I am in need of Spanx.

>> No.7345937
File: 1.65 MB, 2018x918, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aikuro from Kill la Kill

You would make an adorable Korra

Mami from Madoka

Yuno plz <3

Yūko Ichihara

Ada Wong

>> No.7345957


>> No.7345960

>google this
>my favorite kind of women are mixed black girls

>> No.7345965


Kurumi Kasugaoka
Would be adorable <3

>> No.7346110

You'd be a great Kiki.
Annie from SNK
Omg please do Asuka.
Feferi Peixes from HS
Yata Misaki from Project K
Legion Commander or Garnet

>> No.7346112
File: 352 KB, 1990x901, 34341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot this.

>> No.7346220

Raiden from MGS2

>> No.7346274

Your happy face just made my day and I just woke up. Thank you for existing. ;_; <3

>> No.7346279

Two big problems here:
1. No picture means we can't tell shit about what you look like and so cannot advise you on the best cosplays to suit you.
2. $60 budget? You will not have a decent costume for that. A decent wig will take at least half that. Even more if you want to do Usagi.

>> No.7346280
File: 172 KB, 1024x600, cosplay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fire emblem awakening - cordella
princess peach
yuno - mirai nikki

>> No.7346379

No please. I don't think she would know who she is cosplaying. And that impossible bun.
Don't ruin my waifu please.

>> No.7346392

I think we all have a consensus here, audrey for sure.
Wow at all of your past cosplays, they are really amazing! You'd make a great rosalina.
ahh sasha would be perfect!
merida from brave.
Yes to GoGo, could not agree more.
You know what to do: Khal drogo.
You're a cute little Asian girl, you could probably cosplay 90% of all anime characters...though your suggestions are both good.
Definitely yuno. Rock that pink hair!
I think you'd make a really pretty Jane from tarzan.
take everyone's suggestions and do all of them. Seriously. You'd be perfect for each and every one.
Kazumi asakura from negima.

>> No.7346428

Now only to convince my SO to be Isaac haha. For Keiko I think the most obvious plush would be Puu, Yusuke's spirit beast, which Keiko carries around for most of the Dark Tournament. I never would have actually thought of that until you asked -- thanks!

Aaah all this Yuno.. I think I might confirm that I want her for the group cosplay. Thank you for the push!

Do not fret, I already said a sorta-no. But I know what SR is (although only recently). Just because my only cosplay is from babby's first VN Katawa Shoujo doesn't mean I haven't tried/downloaded other H games.
Literally the only way I would do it is if I played it through, liked it, and were going to Gen Con, which is unlikely so you may be at peace, anon.

>> No.7346546
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Nigga, Rachel plays eroge like Koreans play Starcraft; she can do my waifu any day of the week.

>> No.7346573
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You'd be a super cute Ada

>> No.7346706
File: 240 KB, 1990x901, Suggestionsheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this already in a dud thread so I'm going to try here instead.

You have a good frame for CLAMP characters, like Doumeki maybe. Also some of the Personas from Persona 4 would look good!

You can do whoever man, your face is good for everything. You'd be a good Sai from Fragile Dreams though.

Kanji was actually going to be my suggestion when I saw this first haha. You could jump very easily on the Free! bandwagon. There's also Takamatsu from Angel Beats if you want to be funny.

Please do Fran, FF12. Your bodyshape is amazing do every armoured badass lady ever.

Ymir from SNK maybe.

Somehow you remind me of Dita Von Tesse! I think you'd be a brilliant Aurora from the Disney Princess warrior versions. Sadyna on Devart has done a full armour Aurora and it's pretty cool. http://sadyna.deviantart.com/art/Sleepless-Guardian-383950975

Princess Dorothea from Avalon Code.

>> No.7346770
File: 1.11 MB, 1990x1065, cosplay ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually look pretty good in blonde wigs despite my natural hair color being so dark

>> No.7346854

Pearl from Steven's Universe

Kraehe from Princess Tutu

Yuna from FFX

Also seconding the Ymir from Snk suggestion. But please do Black Rose holy shit

Seconding the Fran suggestion. You'd also make a cute Garnet. Also Daisy Fitzroy from Bioshock.

Makoto from Free or Kristoff from Frozen

please do Homucifer omg

>> No.7346893

That is so lovely! Aww, I'm glad my face (???) could bring you happiness :}

You're welcome, good luck with your cosplays!

Thank you very much! Fran's cool but I plan to do a class of Viera from the Tactics series. If you're into Castlevania you'd look brill as Shanoa from OoE! Also Aqua from BBS

Llyud, Balthier - FFXII / Revenant Wings

Aw cheers! Sailor Stocking would look real cute, I'll also suggest Celty from Durarara!! and Emi from High School Rumble

Woo Izaya and Tai, they look great! Sho from TWEWY came to mind, and Barnaby from Tiger & Bunny

Thank you!

>> No.7346897
File: 359 KB, 500x742, joob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure where else to post this, but I'll give it a shot. I'm trying to think of a character to cosplay that's a dude, but either feminine-looking or who's costume is JoJo's level of fabulous/colorful. I'd do someone from JJBA, but I'm not /fit/ enough (though rather /fit/), nor can I sew.

I'm male, ~6'0" and skinny. Down for anything, I'm just having issues thinking of feminine guys. I'd prefer a costume that's more than just a school uniform (Ouran/Baka to Test, say). Preferably something with armor/props.

>> No.7346900

Thanks anon. Shanoa looks awesome so I might just play Castlevania for the chance to cosplay her.

>> No.7346915
File: 2.02 MB, 858x1246, Jo2uke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny you linked Joseph, though; I think he would be a great project for somebody with minimal/no sewing skills because his pants/shirt are relatively easy to come up with on your own (the most you would probably have to do if you absolutely want the least amount of sewing is probably hem the shirt into a crop top but you can totally buy the base shirt and the pants) and you could always get the scarf commissioned for cheap if you weren't able to make your own. As far as the build, I know most if not every Jojo is pretty ripped, but I've seen some skinny/fit "ish" guys pull him off really nicely. It's all about the attitude and posing imo. And highlighting on your fabulousness.

ALTHOUGH now that I really think about it, I know some of the later Jojo protagonists are lean... ish? As opposed to REALLY beefy, anyway. Josuke comes to mind.

Best of luck! And if you do end up going with Joseph, definitely post here again. He's my husbando and I'd love to see.

>> No.7346920

Oop, forgot about his gloves - you could get those commissioned for a decent price, as well, but you could probably also just buy some fingerless and alter them yourself. Wouldn't be too hard as long as you're patient.

>> No.7346922
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here! I'll suggest some more while im waiting to go to an appt.

Kyo!! I think Oz from Pandora Hearts would look great!

Hifumi from DR!

Number 3! I think Yuushin from Hiyokoi and Natsu from Fairy Tale would look great!

Sailor Neptune! I suggest Yuki Nagato from TMoHS.

Sanka and Stocking would be so cute! I suggest Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke!

Fire Princess! I think Kaede from Shuffle! would be great!

I'll do more when I get back!!

>> No.7346971
File: 864 KB, 1990x896, copslay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph's my husbando too, nobody comes close. I'm really considering Joseph, but I don't want to be just another skinny Joseph. And I can pull the fabulous off well, even ran one of those JoJoPOSE panels before.

I was thinking someone from like Part 5 (Diavolo/Giorno come to mind) or Rohan, but those outfits are beyond me in terms of complexity.

Made a general suggestion pic, I'll slowly get to everyone else's.

>> No.7347224

no one cares about your chest faggot

>> No.7347227

That is kind of a shit picture, what little definition there is doesn't really show up. Oh well

Mind being on-topic and posting suggestions?

>> No.7347232

already did

>> No.7347236

we need to see your face not your chest you faggot

>> No.7347252

see this person knows whats up

>> No.7347266

Then you're trying to get with her, right? I see, I'll leave you two as Sill and... maybe doing Rance? Because a Sill that goes alone will most probably be surrounded by Rance players thinking "that things" of her. And would be a little bit off without a Rance, really.
Good luck with her. And let her play it first as she says. All of it, not only one route.

>> No.7347280

space dandy

>> No.7347285

>nothing too overdone
>lists Junko
you would make a good junko though

>> No.7347320
File: 35 KB, 310x310, 1391471352310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara from Jirni!

>> No.7347400
File: 1.04 MB, 1990x901, suggestsfeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>7346915 here
>those muscles

I doki'd. But anyway, yeah, I understand the hesitation, especially since he's a character you really care about, but presently you're looking good. If you work hard and maybe even look into putting on some muscle/working out you'll be even better, and that could very well make it all more rewarding! But seriously, I wouldn't sweat the muscles too much - most if not every Jojo fan I've ever met has been very very nice and welcoming as a community. But if you were looking into others than Joseph, definitely consider those later characters. Like I said, commissioning is awesome and there are really talented seamstresses out there that would love to make an outfit like that. Could get pretty expensive all things considered but if you're putting it towards a nice garment that you're gonna use a couple times and really enjoy, why not spend the extra money? That tends to be the name of the game in cosplay anyway.

I figure I should post mine too because I'm a little stuck on what to work on after Katsucon... I'm missing some info but I don't have time to measure unfortunately. Here are a couple suggestions before I head out! Sorry guys, will come back with more later.

Mami would look adorable on you.

Satsuki or Pluto DEFINITELY. You could probably also do a nice Uranus from SM too.

I'd like to see you as Homura!

Kanji would be awesome, or even a buff like Zoro from One Piece.

Please do Clover. VLR needs more love.

>> No.7347416

Abs on a skinny guy are like tits on a fat chick. No one cares.

>> No.7347745

I can't into lifting, it'd make me feel like too much of a >>7345844

I might end up doing Kirito or Hei now, but I'm about half way through finishing Gaius.

>> No.7347786

please keep us updated with photos?

>> No.7347907

Seconding! I love Fire Emblem and you're really really attractive/will probably make a great Gaius. Be sure to post in the progress threads!

>> No.7348005
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might as well go for it

>> No.7348097
File: 372 KB, 1691x766, aedfeadh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some cosplay advice. I have some sewing skill and stable income.

>> No.7348099

Chuck from Pushing Daisies.

>> No.7348118

Blah blah, make suggestions first, blah blah...

You're cute and have decent measurements, you could really pull off most female characters, and I have no idea what you're interested in. Zelda/Shiek is a starting point.

>> No.7348138
File: 170 KB, 512x512, 1391493854043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not making suggestions first, I didn't really know where to start since so many people have posted in the thread.
Honestly I really want to cosplay as Nagisa Momoe from Rebellion Story but I think I'm way too old and unkawaii to pull it off lol.
I like >>7348099's suggestion but I don't know how I could make her character recognizable since I've never seen the show. Zelda is a possibility, though! I love pretty much all of her designs.
Honestly I wouldn't even mind doing some kind of mascot character or a masked character either, to be completely honest Yoshimitsu's alternate costume from Soul Calibur 3 is probably my biggest dream cosplay that I've wanted to do since forever. I think I need a lot more crafting experience first though.

>> No.7348244
File: 990 KB, 1990x901, cosplaything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of armor lying around from my larp so I figure that's kind of easy mode. Looking for characters that I actually resemble. I can sew, build actual armor and have a lot of time to spare.
You could cosplay as Jacuzzi from Baccano. He's pretty much a badass.

Lavie from Last Exile

How about Rob Stark?

Bee from Bee and Puppycat

You'd be a perfect Miria! Do it!!

Casca from Berserk

>> No.7348637

Try Shep from Mass effect!

>> No.7348778
File: 2.58 MB, 1990x901, suggestionsandstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to your last suggestions I added Tsukimi and started watching Kill la Kill!
Moar! I am open for about everything.

I think you would make a lovely Elizabeth in her first outfit

kid Loki from the Journey into Mystery comics

Kristoff from Frozen


that pinky pie cosplay is totally adorable, but I think you'd be a great Rarity too!
Also Ryuko from Kill la Kill

>> No.7348828

Go with Chii and you can cosplay as mai waifu

>> No.7348833

Suggesting for fun.

You'd make a great Satsuki!

I don't mean this to be rude, but you remind me of that really cute LSP cosplayer that gets posted every so often. Maybe try her?

Singed is a good idea for someone with your stats. Jack Skellington?

You have a great face for Hajime!

You'd make a good Erwin Smith if you like SnK at all. If not, go with Solaire.

I'd say go with Liz, you have similar facial structure. You'd also fit the skyrim OC really well if you're okay with nobody knowing who you are.

>> No.7348849
File: 1.27 MB, 1990x960, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look a lot like the "mother" in How I Met Your Mother - but I have no idea how you would cosplay that - maybe a yellow umbrella and a ukelele?

Something Studio Ghibli - like the boy from Spirited Away or Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke

Captain Hammer!

Nanami from Revolutionary Girl Utena!!!

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you'd make a really cute "Fat Princess" from the PS3 game. You look really cute and chibi and I think the big poofy dress would look adorbz.

Lydia from Beetlejuice!

Are you crossplaying the guy from Heavy Rain in that one picture? If so, Please do that and yell "JAAAAAA-SOOOOONNN!" in the crowd. Also, you'd make a great Elizabeth.

>> No.7349162

wondering, how are u planning on making the bottom portion for Rose Quartz? Since the bottom of her dress hasn't been shown

>> No.7349301

Thanks! If I cosplay Mami I want to really do her justice, great wig and everything.

I've been told that before actually since I wear a lot of lavender in my local lolita comm. C2E2 is coming up and I was considering cosplaying LSP! :) Thanks for the rec!

Never heard of Fat Princess so I looked it up and I love it, it looks hilarious. Thank you for the recommendation and the laugh!

>> No.7349571
File: 940 KB, 1990x901, Suggestions2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think Sunny is the best out of those three. Go for it!


Aaaaa you're gorgeous. All of them are good options but number one is my favourite.


Yes please, you'll make a great Gaius. Your expressions will look totally in-character in photos. (I just hope you'll be using a wig?) I don't know if you've read Magi but I think you would make a great Kouen.


To my mind Mirai is the best option. You'd look very cute.


Misha, Morgiana and Asuka.


I think you'd look great as Inumuta. The shape of your face is suitable for him.


I think you'd make a cute Rose! That hair would suit you.


To my mind, Ryuko is the best out of these.


Wow, please make Elizabeth! Seriously, your face and make-up skills are perfect for her.


Both are good options. If you are in the mood for video game costumes, why not check Fire Emblem: Awakening? There are plenty of awesome costumes in it.

As for me, I've posted in a thread like this once before but my plans have changed a bit so I'll try again.

>> No.7349676
File: 578 KB, 1990x1000, 1390845714021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go with Gwendolyn between the two!

Definitely Elizabeth. Your facial structure is perfect.

I'm liking Miriel the best.

I really wanted to try my hand at Panne, but the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to change my mind. Any other suggestions?

>> No.7349757

hahahaha this is the most interesting suggestion.
Ive actually never seen How I Met Your Mother.
maybe I need to watch it now.

but anyways thank you!

hrmm I dont play many games.. but you reminded me of
Jessica from Dragon Quest

>> No.7349773

I am assuming you mean Elizabeth from bio, just I was just like who the heck. hahaha.
Thank you for the suggestion!
Her first outfit is very lovely.

Satsuki! would be my suggestion.

>> No.7350376

Alicia from rf2

>> No.7350514
File: 622 KB, 1990x1145, Cosplay sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigma from VLR, maybe? Possibly with a little hair dye
Definitely Mako - KLK
Yukari - Persona 3

>> No.7350547
File: 1.78 MB, 1990x901, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how to reply to posts/give advice... new to this, sorry.
Also, I apologize for the lack of pictures as most of my cosplays were worn at cons and there is a lack of decent pictures so I may update when I get some.
Make-up tests are for Satsuki and generic male makeup.

>> No.7350551
File: 74 KB, 256x192, Lotus 999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking along the lines of Satsuki, Lotus seems like a fair suggestion.

Out of interest, do you have any fake eyebrows for the Satsuki cosplay?

>> No.7350566
File: 686 KB, 1280x720, i9vxppPY01ZmL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7350592

Nope, just makeup. I need to make them darker next time, they don't show up too well there.
One thing I forgot to mention- I'm flat as a board and I don't even know how I'm going to do Satsuki properly.

>> No.7350597
File: 218 KB, 620x470, Mei Misaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you have any objection to the anime 'Another', but Mei's a possibility.

>> No.7352161

You definitely have Satsukis eyes and face.

>> No.7352273
File: 725 KB, 1338x605, grej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So im doing my first cosplay ever, and it would be awesome if i could have some feedback on this!

>> No.7352406
File: 68 KB, 900x1600, 1391641552053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya Seagulls,

A friend and I are going to AX this year and we are looking for good male duo to do, like Kamina and Simon, X and Zero etc etc. I have lots of experience sewing crafting etc so level of skill required is not really an issue.

>> No.7352799

Muron and Toto both have a similar face shape to you, so I think you could pull them off well.

I think you could pull off Panne. Maybe Inara from Firefly?

Junpei works. Basically any white guy protag?

You'd make a great Satsuki! If you're flat just do her untransformed Junketsu and pad your bra?

Please do Butch from Fallout 3. I'm not too familiar with Hellsing but you need a wig if you aren't already wearing one.

I'm biased so I suggest Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney. A ton of shows have a male protag and male antagonist though, so...