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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 23 KB, 692x424, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7339267 No.7339267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

On our last episode: >>7325081

>> No.7339791
File: 20 KB, 520x246, vaas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Third post
> fucked up twice
Ok, so basicly, i want to do a vaas cosplay. i have everything sorted out, but i need help with the makeup and scars. i'll include a picture of him. i have everything lined up for the clothes and the hair.

>> No.7340178
File: 306 KB, 1621x1388, Elsapose4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just airbrushed the gradient onto my Elsa dress since the fabric's synthetic and wouldn't dip dye. I used createx airbrush paints in opaque, and it turned out a bit too dark. One of my cats also walked across it so it's got muddy footprints now. I need to wash it but I can't cure the paint with heat yet since I want to fade it a bit, going to do cold water rinse with a shower head, but should I hang dry or lay flat to dry? Afraid paint will run and create marks when drying. Or should I just blow dry?

>> No.7340201

two types of people.

>> No.7340261
File: 15 KB, 267x479, 267px-GARNET02RGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to cosplay Garnet from Steven Universe in a few months, but I'm at a loss as to what I'm supposed to do with the gauntlets. I've figured out how to do the cylindrical parts, but the actual fingers are the main issue.
Also, the shoes. I'm going to get a footed bodysuit as a base and I'm not too sure how to go about with the shoes, do I take a pair of soft flats and sew them into the foot parts, or..?

Pic related

>> No.7340280

Lay flat in your shower when washing carefully and lay flat whilst blow-drying, that way it won't run. If you're worried about creating marks with the blowdrying pushing the paint around, low power as well.

>> No.7340327
File: 220 KB, 730x1095, 1391177411376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay what kind of fur am I looking at buying if I want a cape similar to hers?

And I'm also wondering, is the green scales made from suede cloth? Or is it something else.

Final question, does anyone know what material I could make the horns if I needed them to be detachable?

>> No.7340443

Can anyone share some tuts for lining fabric?

>> No.7340472

I am not sure what the fur is called but its definitely longer faux fur. Maybe you can find some like that through the ebay category search?
To me, the scales look like cut from real leather. There are leathers that are painted/sealed with a shining color like that to make them look metallic and to me it looks like it was cut from one of those - it looks really glorious, if you ask me!
I think for the horns it is less a question of materials but more of what mechanism you use to attach them to the headband. Maybe you could screw them to the headband? It would require the horns not being hollow and made out of a more sturdy material... it sounds a bit tricky to me.

>> No.7340519

Thanks for the advice~ Just tried it and turns out the paint didn't run at all, for future reference if anyone wants to use createx opaque airbrush paints for fabric, after air curing for 24 hours it's pretty much on there for good.

>> No.7340538
File: 23 KB, 471x628, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always figured for Garnet's power gloves you could get a pair of the hulk smash gloves and just customize those. Remove the voice emitter, paint it red and slap some something on it to give it the charm.

Also for my next cosplay I'm going for the look of a Modern Assassin of the AC series. I figured that one would try to have a mobile yet armed appearance so all I have so far are a chest rig (pictured here) and some black fingerless gloves. Next I'm gonna go for knee pads and the hoodie also a red bandana.

I'm wondering though, should I buy one of the older hidden blade models (like AC2's or Black Flag's) or take someone else up online for an offer of a modernized one? It's just I've seen the AC2 and Black Flag ones at a con and they look okay but I could probably take a risk with a modern one right?

>> No.7340544
File: 139 KB, 384x549, refpiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From >>7337463

What type of glue could I use to stick craft foam to some rubber boots? Or if that's not possible, how can I create the straps while keeping the depth (because when people use fabric, it tends to be very flat)?

>> No.7340552
File: 1.62 MB, 1400x970, cheshire cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still making this and I was wondering if anyone who knows anything about corsets could help me? I definitely want to make one for the bodice but I have no idea what shape/style I should go for.

>> No.7340578

Regular super glue will work fine, but that will be completely permanent (you'll tear rubber or foam before you remove glue) and it'll remove shine so be careful when using it. UHU glue will also work but takes longer to dry.

>> No.7340583
File: 113 KB, 640x960, SophieF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying as Sophie and my boyfriend is cosplaying Malik. It's the first time he's ever suggested a couples cosplay (usually he just goes with whatever I want) so I'm very excited. However:

> I am not a huge fan of my own thighs. I'm not a 'big' girl and they don't have cellulite or anything, but I still would rather cover-up, especially because the way the shorts sit on her thighs would make them look bigger than they are. Would it be awful to wear a pair of pink or white tights with the cosplay?

>> No.7340587

Just wear pantyhose or dance tights?

>> No.7340601

Get some nude dance tights! They're pretty slimming. White tights will make your thighs look bigger than just wearing nude ones.

>> No.7340609
File: 713 KB, 962x748, matryoshka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less looking for construction advice and more for advice on a general aesthetic - I'm doing a Matryoshka Gumi cosplay for Sunday at a local con. The problem is that there is no canon 'bottom half' to her outfit. What do people think would look best here? A skirt and tights? Black shorts and thigh highs? The bottom half of a tracksuit? I'm trying to decide what would look good.

>> No.7340615
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, yuki1202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a witch hat that bends at the top a lot sort of like this one but with more bends??

Any ideas? Can't really find a tutorial or pattern for one like this.

>> No.7340626

something like that might help.

>> No.7340630

Oh goodness! Thanks so much!

>> No.7340636

no problem gullfriend.

>> No.7340703

I think if you want to keep your boots untarnished by glue of any kind, it would be the best to go with those translucent bra-straps. They are not only barely visible but should also not slide on the rubber of your boots.

>> No.7340716

I am not so good with aesthetics but I think it depends on the effect you want to get. If you want to keep the focus on the upper part of the body, something black might be good but I think if you rather want to keep to the crazy style of it all, it might be great to add some details. Maybe something that implements the imagery from the top could be cool, like a pair of tights or leggings onto which the buildings are drawn (or large smiling mouths?), combined with shoes of the background yellow? I think going with something unicolor could look like an understatement and maybe adding some of the background images could create a unique effect and make it more recognizeable

>> No.7340724

>leggings with the mouths on them
That's brilliant! Thanks for the inspiration.

>> No.7340736

Thank you! I've never even heard of dance tights. Are they thicker than pantyhose? Because I don't think pantyhose will make me feel anymore comfortable because they are so thin, I'll still feel bare.

>> No.7340747

I tried super glue, but it just tore the foam and generally unstuck when I walked around. I'll look into UHU?

This sounds like an interesting idea!

>> No.7340820
File: 144 KB, 329x569, Shy_Xtan__Sketch__by_Tobori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it taboo to want to a boardchan especially x-tan?
or is it considered slutty?

>> No.7340828

There was a big board-tan group a while back at AN, it was pretty fun though there was sort of a minor shitstorm over it.

But really, if you wanna do it, go for it. I had fun as /jp/, and I doubt anyone who was there wishes they hadn't done it.

>> No.7341028

I'm feeling like I want to step up my cosplay game. Thought I'd take this on for AN but I'm not sure what's gonna allow me for time.

The detailing on the cloak, would it be bad if I fabric painted it? I'm not sure what other method would be easy to make smooth and symmetrical. Maybe an iron on? idk pls suggest

>> No.7341031
File: 603 KB, 2193x1597, Emm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my img

>> No.7341115
File: 137 KB, 1920x816, 1391215199671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never made a sword that thin before
>I've never made a sheath before.

>> No.7341121
File: 345 KB, 1000x664, 1353435844815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really

>> No.7341197

Yes, they are thicker and are really comfortable. They do keep your legs cozy, though.

>> No.7341206

I'm going to be cosplaying Weiss Schnee from RWBY in April, and my petticoat recently arrived - it's bell shaped, whereas her skirt is a little more a-line, but I see art with both skirt styles so I'm not really minding too much about that.

I don't have much sewing experience, however, and whilst I've found patterns for the top and bolero jacket, I'm not too sure what I should do for the skirt - circle skirt or rectangle skirt? Which sits better on a bell petti and is easier to make?
I'm going to be gradient dyeing it, so I may have to make a second skirt if I cock things up (obviously making a calico skirt and testing dye skills on that first).

>> No.7341212
File: 23 KB, 270x525, 1391218045650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I even make a bodice like this. Preferably without my boobs falling out.

>> No.7341243

that's just a sweet heart neckline bodice with princess seams (?). and really. your boobs falling out? not if you do it right. the one pictured is very modest.

>> No.7341255

Thanks for those terms, English isn't my native language and I had no clue what it was called. I probably type really silly right now as I'm really sleepy.

A friend of mine made something similar for me once. I had to watch out the whole con, as I was afraid they'd floop out. But considering what you're saying, I should be fine.

Thanks Anon.

>> No.7341376

definitely a circle skirt. To make your life easy, hem before you sew it all together.

>> No.7341418
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please make me a simple pattern of this neck?? I've been trying to figure out how it goes exactly for a while. Will post front view.

>> No.7341422
File: 1.17 MB, 2020x2960, Schierke_Infobox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7341508
File: 50 KB, 550x412, bleach-bottles-550x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got cloth that's a bit darker than I want it, and I was hoping to bleach it out a little bit. What's the best way to do that? I'm a bit intimidated by how one would bleach 4 yards of fabric. It's a cotton blend and from testing it will lighten with bleach, but I want it to be uniform.

>> No.7341645

Hey, I just finished a pleated skirt for a cosplay. I used fusible midweight interfacing, but it made the skirt kind of stiff, and it sticks out a bit. Is there anything i can do to fix this without redoing this again?

>> No.7341660

>used interfacing
>surprised it made the fabric stiff

>> No.7341664

My drawing skills are abysmall but it would be easiest to do the collar as a separate piece (since the cloak is basically a 3/4 capulet it would be impossible to get that shape all in one piece). Make it like a standar collar but taper out the edges longer and interface it.

>> No.7341669

I mean that it's TOO stiff. Like so stiff it sticks out. Thanks for the help.

>> No.7341695
File: 14 KB, 558x240, neck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you think a cut like this would work?

>Sorry my drawing skills are pretty bad and I used mouse but I hope you get the idea.

>> No.7342011
File: 567 KB, 860x931, rozalin3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out how to do Rozalin's wig. Because of the huge thickness of the ponytail, I was thinking of getting an Arda Jeannie and stubbing it so that I could make the ponytail a separate attachment (with the hairband to hide the juncture) I'm just confused on how to make the ponytail structure? I know I need lots of wefts, but do I just glue them on a styrofoam half-sphere or something?

>> No.7342056

draw the designs on interfacing, iron the gold fabric on the interfacing, cut out designs, and then satin stitch them on to the cloak (basically just a zigzag stitch but with the length set to almost 0) It's time consuming but looks good. You could also just skip the satin stitch for just top stitching + fraycheck, but you're more likely to get fraying over time

>> No.7342068


maybe this can help you out anon

>> No.7342270



>> No.7342320
File: 164 KB, 849x1200, greninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for a pattern for shorts like this?
Another anon posted this pic in another thread, not cosplaying this, but the shorts are really similar to what I pictured in my head.
I've been googling "puff shorts" but all the results I get are usually really crappy bloomer-like stuff.

>> No.7342347

That's pretty much what they are, I imagine.
Like you'd make shorts that go to your knee with really wide bottoms, gather the bottom, and sew it with elastic.
Bloomers are much shorter and that's probably what's throwing you off.

>> No.7342350

Search "hakama pattern" and shorten that

>> No.7342353

These aren't hakama, they're closer to harem pants.

>> No.7342389
File: 194 KB, 640x490, deldand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a semi human meow cosplay, i have pretty much everything down except how to do the wig, i was planning on getting a short scruffy wig and adding the dot on the front but what about that star looking pattern on the front?

>> No.7342423
File: 76 KB, 600x600, img61051059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I find a pattern for some pants like these? I've tries searching

>gym pants
>yoga pants
>gym knee pants
>yoga knee pants

All with pattern at the end and also male and female but no real results. Help?

>> No.7342493

Capri sweatpants?

>> No.7342502

looks like a modern take on harem pants

>> No.7342509

Have you tried hipster faggot pants?

>> No.7342511
File: 421 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20131204_134217_290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the clearest full body photo of myself I can find. I really like air gear, and would love to cosplay a character from it, but I'm unsure which characters I would be most eligible to do so. I don't mind being a guy from there either though my voice is gonna give it away....my skill in sewing and props is okay, but I dunno if I have any unconventional materials for creative prop work, just a lot of wood/model magic/standard stuff

thank you very much in advance! sorry if I come across as an idiot or a douche.

>> No.7342527

your voice isn't the only thing that would give it away.

You don't really look like any of the female characters from what I can see of your face and body so either go with something else or just pick the one you'd want to cosplay

>> No.7342536
File: 32 KB, 395x444, Simplicity5006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simplicity 5006

>> No.7342539

culottes that are gathered at the knees

>> No.7342544

diff anon but wow I'm snapping that up asap.
We should have a thread for good/versatile patterns

>> No.7342562
File: 16 KB, 351x351, 1359643468846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input guys!
I'm actually cosplaying something really girly and I don't think hakama or harem pants would work (I just wanted it something a bit puffy).
I'll work with culottes and elastic at the knees,

>> No.7342600

i mean back the star pattern on the back

>> No.7342787

First, use the goddamn suggestion thread >>7331967

Second, who gives a fuck about your voice? You are not a fucking actor, and no one will know that your voice was girly in pictures, and people crossplay all the fucking time.

>> No.7342876

t-thank you~ <3

>> No.7342913


Hey guys. So I just made the base of the hat using the tutorial I was given. What do you think?

>> No.7342919
File: 2.41 MB, 3264x2448, 20140201_202039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.7342950
File: 47 KB, 776x1030, 1391302335431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to cosplay as Onodera Punpunyama, but I really don't know how to make the whole head piece thing work.
Would paper mache be my only option to make this thing?

>> No.7342967

Thank you so, so much! I'll definitely try to get my hands on that. You're the best.

>> No.7343208
File: 2.26 MB, 1226x1080, we cosplay now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoonfeed anon reporting for duty.

My wig came today, I styled it a little bit. I'm trying to get it more "flow-y" and sit more flat instead of poofing. Advice?

>> No.7343224

Could use the hot water method to flatten the fuck out of your wig: pin the wig to a wig head, pour ~200 degreeF water on it, let dry, repeat as necessary until flat.

>> No.7343227

Don't have a wig head nor do I want to possibly ruin the wig by doing that.

>> No.7343230


Then you should probably leave now, anon.

>> No.7343232

Hot water will not ruin a wig.
Also, wear a wig cap. Part of the reason it is sitting weird is because of your hair underneath it. Get a wig cap. Pin your hair to the cap, and then pin the wig to to cap.

>> No.7343240

- Use flat iron on low heat to flatten the fibers

- If no flat iron, use blow dryer on low heat and flatten fibers downward anyway

- Do either of above on your own head and good luck.

Also, depending on your wig fibers, your wig is heat resistant up to a certain degree, Kanekalon fibers are up to 200 degrees while newer wigs can go up to much higher (300+).

>> No.7343244
File: 26 KB, 326x800, supahsonico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a pattern for a vest with hoodie to no avail.

Can anyone help me?

Also, where the hell can I find a damn baby blue raglan shirt?

>> No.7343260


>get hoodie patter
>don't attach sleeves


>> No.7343269

>you want to cosplay Super Sonico
I like you already.

>> No.7343302

looks great! efforts have paid off

>> No.7343334

Oh wicked! I didn't even think of that. I feel pretty silly now.

haha, thanks?

>> No.7343704

Bump for help?

>> No.7343734
File: 20 KB, 551x606, juliawhite2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like an Edwardian underbust corset with bra cups and a halter that goes around the back and sits at the top of the corset. I can't really tell from the picture if it's laced at the front or not, but you can just add that on top of the busk (if you put one in) as decoration.

>> No.7343739

Thank you, kind soul!

>> No.7343804

Quick contacts question that has been answered 100000 times before, but I wanna make sure. My base curve is 8.5 and most contacts come in 8.6, am I okay or is that damaging?

>> No.7343808

Don't wear them

>> No.7344426
File: 135 KB, 1225x726, GarnetGauntlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the super late reply, but if you got some foam insulation and set up a hot wire cutter(rather easy), you could rough out the general shape and then sand and fill to clean it up.

After that, It would depend on the finish that you'd desire. If glossy is what you're shooting for, then you could seal the foam, too protect it from whatever paint you'd choose; if matte, then you could essentially make a large glove that would cover the whole item.

Check out VolpinProps' Daft Punk gloves if you go for glossy.

As far as the tights go, there was a guy on reddit who did a Spiderman suit and split the soles from a pair of loafers and then reattached them with the fabric of the suit sandwiched in between.

Hope this wasn't too late...

>> No.7344478


Great idea. I might try that one day.

As for the head, a lightweight tube of some sort, covered by dark cloth, would work fine.

>> No.7344493

Thank you! I never had a chance to properly thank you ^^;, but better late than never.

>> No.7344945
File: 461 KB, 649x1100, 1325535476060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a really stupid question, but here goes: I'm thinking of making some bits for a partial fursuit (just want to start with legs and footpaws), but I basically have no tools whatsoever.

Is this something that can be reasonably done without a spending a bunch of money on a sewing machine, or would I be better off just throwing some money into a commission?

>> No.7344978

Check out some of the tutorials by Tsebresos on youtube. They do a good job explaining how to do the basics with simple materials.

>> No.7345169

Ooh, thanks for the tip. I'll have to look through her videos.

>> No.7345556

this isn't directly cosplay-related, but does anyone have that image about paypal disputes and claims?

>> No.7345949
File: 1.37 MB, 1366x768, nuiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I am cosplaying Nui and wanted a second opinion from you guys. Her skirt seems to puff out like it has a petticoat, but in the show she doesn't seem to have a petticoat. Should I just make one anyway since her outfit seems likely it would have a petticoat in real life, or should I skip out on one altogether. I can't think of a way to make the skirt flare out like hers does without the petticoat, but if you have an idea I would love to know. Thought maybe wire or very thick interfacing, but it seems like it my look to stiff that way. Idk.

>> No.7345953

I would go with a petticoat, I don't think most people are going to be looking up your dress. Wire could work too, but that could cause the fabric to gather/fall a bit strangely. Your best bet is probably an A-line petticoat.

>> No.7345968
File: 829 KB, 1366x768, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping for an opinion on something. I was going to make a petticoat to go under Nui's dress, but then I realized her dress doesn't have a petticoat. Do you guys think it would look better with the petticoat, or is their a way to make the skirt sturdy enough to puff out like hers without the petticoat, without looking dumb.

>> No.7345969

gurl calm down and click refresh please.

>> No.7345970

Ugh it said I did a duplicate the first time, sorry for double post.

>> No.7345986

maybe buy a hoop skirt or mod a petticoat? unless people are going to be looking under your skirt, you shouldn't be worried.

>> No.7345998

With the shape and stiffness of her "petals" you should probably be building it over really stiff interfacing that can stand out on it's own.

>> No.7346014

I am using interfacing for each of the layers, but even with the interfacing I don't know if it will be able to carry the weight of the three layers without collapsing into itself. Unless I make it rock stiff, which would make sitting true terror. I am probably just gonna make a petticoat.

>> No.7346025

There was a group at Katsucon cosplaying the 7 sins chicks from Umineko with similar skirts and they said they just used that stiff interfacing used for purses. Personally I'm working on something right now where I fused pretty satin onto duck cloth/canvas with a fusible web and it's really smooth and pretty and insanely stiff. A bitch to press seams, but will definitely hold it's shape.

>> No.7346054
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, patrick-s-head-sparks-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know if you fabric dye black/white tights then the white will dye that color but would this work with other dark colors like blue?
I want blue/yellow tights but I can't find anything like that anywhere so should I risk dyeing blue/white tights or would I just end up with yellow and some nasty ass green color? Should I just buy yellow and blue tights and sew them together?

>> No.7346173

Maybe this is what you're looking for?

>> No.7346248
File: 333 KB, 654x927, usui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys im doing usui from dmmd but i dont know how to go about her outfit?
its a gradient from opaque to transparent and im thinking about just sewing like a transparent piece of fabric on and just having the arms cover the seam... but.... im not too sure how i would feel about that

also for the wig should i just do the sharpie dyeing method with the spraying? im getting a white wig and im scared that the color is going to drip down 8\ would it be possible to just apply the color directly with the sharpie?

>> No.7346254

I wouldn't put them into a dye bath. try painting them instead. It can be done well.

>> No.7346283

I'm cosplaying Alessa and have a few questions:
1) The colors of my sweater and skirt don't QUITE match but are incredibly close. Is this okay?
2)What fabric should I make that god forsaken peter pan collar from? I'm a sewing noob.
3)The sweater I'm using is a button up because I couldn't find any other ones with the same sleeves and texture as the character's. Could I just sew it together so that the buttons don't show?
4) what material should I make the drawing block from? I was thinking that really thickly packed cardboard, but where do I buy that?

>> No.7346284
File: 543 KB, 765x2284, AlessaGillespie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7346285


Doing the piece of fabric at the bottom and sewing it to the rest of the outfit is the only way I can see it being plausible. It's either that or you make one dark blue dress and have a transparent light blue one on top that goes down lower.

And yes, you can just sharpie it directly but that'll take a hella long time. I guess you could [1] spray it with it flat on the ground or [2] gradient dye it from a bucket.

>> No.7346292

Since it's sleeveless and short, so you won't completely die of overheating, I would consider making it out of transparent PVC and spraypainting the gradient onto the outside. Krylon Fusion will bond permanently with the material.

>> No.7346560

Are there any tutorials for boots/shoes? I'm doing a thing that has boots that I'm at the very least going to need to make some sort of cover for or something. How do I do this without having it look bad?

>> No.7346568

1. It looks like they're the same color but made of a different material. The sweater would be a knit material, and then skirt looks like something more shiny, though I'm not entriely sure what to be honest.

2. That isn't a peter pan collar. Peter pan collars are rounded. I'd use a medium weight cotton with a mid weight interfacing.

3. That should be okay, but knit fabrics like than can be difficult to sew, and you'd end up with a giant seam running right down your chest. You should probably keep looking around and find one that's just a pullover.

Alternatively, you could try wearing the sweater backwards as long as you don't have giant tits, and it's not super form fitted.

4. ... I'm not actually sure what you mean by drawing block, so... yeah.

>> No.7346576


Take your pick.

>> No.7346585
File: 109 KB, 800x566, Siberian-Husky-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi seagulls!


Does anybody know where to find Genocider Syo's tongue or possibly know of a tutorial or just know how to make this one? My boyfriend and I are going to cosplay these characters and I want it to be very well made since this is the first time he's going to cosplay and my first time to cosplay again after 3 years.

It would mean soo much to us if you can help. Thank you in advance

>> No.7346633
File: 430 KB, 750x764, 1391449373627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know a good way of making it look like my arm got ripped off? I saw someone who just kept the missing arm under their shirt but it looked awfully lumpy so I'm trying to explore other options.

>> No.7346735
File: 108 KB, 480x720, 1391451859558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked through the tutorials posted in the sticky but couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for (if I missed it, I'm sorry). Could someone point me to a tutorial or explain here how one goes about attaching an emblem (like pic related) to stretch materials? Do you just stitch it on and it will all stretch together while worn?

Sorry for bumping that other thread. I just went to the first help thing I saw in the catalog.

>> No.7346755

for those reproduced Phoenix costumes, the emblems are stitched in. the easiest way to go about putting on an emblem is to wear the outfit and have someone carefully whip stitch it onto you. otherwise you have them pin the emblem where it needs to be, stretched and what not, then use a zig zag stitch to stitch it to the outfit so it doesn't come off.

>> No.7346769

I'll give it a try, thanks!

>> No.7346771

no problem. also oops curse you app for dropping half my tripcode!!!

>> No.7346778

I just had to deal with Phoenix's emblem myself. I did use stretchy fabric (same as for her boots and gloves), and since it was synthetic, fray checked with a lighter, and glued it on wig Fabritac. Has worked quite well for me, though I've also heard of people carving out of craft foam, heating so that conforms to the chest, and gluing.

>> No.7346780
File: 18 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mvy8b0cRq31smp2kbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to make Tsumugu's Shoulder thing, collar and the thing on his left wrist?

>> No.7346850
File: 449 KB, 600x900, 1373243472123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a shy and easily embarrassed male get started with lolita fashion?

>> No.7346866
File: 132 KB, 544x800, 1391455477452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got two rather simple questions

1. I'm cosplaying ABA (pic related) and trying to make the giant key in the picture. I already have most of it built, but I'm stuck on the bit end of it. Due to a series of events, the bit is made out of basically styrofoam mounted on to a PVC base. It's very rigid and uneven.

What would be something good to coat the styrofoam with to make it look smooth and sturdy? I was thinking thin plexiglass, but it's a bitch to cut. Perhaps foam core? Any suggestions?

2. Also in regards to the key, I need to make it portable. I saw another guide that simply cut their key into thirds and cut grooves into each piece so they slid firmly into each other. They didn't use PVC.

Would that same idea work for PVC? The pipe itself is 6ft tall. Would just cutting it into thirds (or maybe even a half) and cutting grooves apply to PVC? Any other ideas for how I could make it transportable?

>> No.7346879

Shoulder thing (pauldron?) - A simple method would be expanding foam and then papier-mache it solid and sand it to shape.

For something that small, it'd probably be easier to just use craft foam, and heat-form it to shape. I'm not sure how familiar you are with armor-making, but for something like that Foamies (Sold at most craft stores like Joanns/Michaels) would work really well. I can give more info if you need/are around.

Collar - Not totally sure, but I've never really made/considered collars. Perhaps sewing could be utilized somehow but I have no idea myself.

Wrist thing - You could maybe find a rather large bangle and just paint it. Hell, maybe even just take a full duct tape roll, paint it, and wear it. Perhaps put something over it to make it look smooth (construction paper or something).

If not, getting a strip of high-density (as thick as you need) craft foam could do the trick. Just form it around your wrist, heat-form it, and paint it. Maybe do papier-mache to give a harder look, or something of the like.

>> No.7346880
File: 285 KB, 1092x1092, Medictaunt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy gloves like Medic?

>> No.7346936
File: 7 KB, 320x320, 1174.127712_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collar, I imagine, would be like those puffed sports vests (pic related).
So.. whatever you're making the shirt out of, use a little extra and stuff it with foam. There's little detail bits, but I have no idea how to do those though...
If you bought the shirt, then just try to find fabric similar.

>> No.7346940
File: 179 KB, 450x610, inumuta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty new to sewing, but I need to make this jacket.

Where should I start?

>> No.7346943

Drawing block that Cheryl has at the beginning of the game. I was gonna incorporate it so no one mistakes me for a Little Sister. Thanks for all your help!

>> No.7346949

I don't think anyone will mistake you for a little sister. They really don't look anything alike.

>> No.7346963

Is CNY screwing up cosplay sites like CosplayFu? I submitted a commission ticket a little over a week ago and I still haven't gotten a reply or an email that it was received.

>> No.7346969

with a jacket pattern

>> No.7346973

dollar store in the bathroom cleaning aisle.

or you know, googling 'red rubber gloves'

>> No.7346978
File: 111 KB, 625x354, 1391460366915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it China based? then yes.

or you could look at the web site.

>> No.7347103

I need some foam or polystyrene or something like that in blocks to sculpt into large shapes. I'm just having a hard time to find any good sellers in the UK. Can anyone help?

>> No.7347111
File: 45 KB, 606x360, Moyoshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am needing shoes like this for a cosplay and am in need of some help. First if anyone knows the name of this type of shoe that would be super.

But I'm betting something like this doesn't exist, or it won't fit my huge mammoth feet. I am very experienced with leather so I thought I might give a shot at making them myself. Anyone know where to buy shoe bases that could work for this? If I can find a sole to build off, I could make those no problem.

>> No.7347118

Insulation foam from B&Q?

>> No.7347152

It'll be way easier to start with a shoe that's at least close to your end product then to start completely from scratch. Check gojane.com for a cheap sandal that has one major component (i'd say the rounded toe would probably be the hardest thing to make yourself, so try and find that element first) and then just fix the ankle strap.

>> No.7347197

d'orsay or espadrille maybe?

>> No.7347211
File: 69 KB, 661x1000, NeonPinkProfilkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more j-fash related.

I'm only slightly knowledgeable with latex sheeting for costuming and wear, but would one know how to make these? Is there a liquid latex that can harden withstand daily movement that I don't know about?

I cannot see myself dropping 50 bucks for a pair of tights that I could possibly make myself.

>> No.7347213
File: 250 KB, 500x738, 1391291661588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't.

>> No.7347220


>> No.7347230

Keep your hairy face and gross penis out of lolita fashion kthx. It's better that way, you'll have nothing to be ashamed of!

>> No.7347233

I'm planning on making some of these for myself! Plain old liquid latex will work just fine. Just give it a light coating of talc or translucent powder when you make them so they don't stick together and you should be good to go.

If you find it's too thin you can buy thickening agents, but those are meant for making moulds so it might thicken it too much. Try mixing in just a little bit and see how it goes.

>> No.7347237

Oh my god, thank goodness these are pink.
My colorblindness makes me see it as red and all I could think was "anyone who wears this is going to get so many stupid period comments"

>> No.7347277
File: 27 KB, 400x400, puffpuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a pattern for super puffy shorts? preferably mid thigh/knee length. pic related, except i'd like the puffs to be bigger and slightly longer

>> No.7347278

So how does thsi work

>> No.7347300

Hey seagulls, can anyone provide some ideas for making claws for a L4D witch?

Pic related. I need something that I can remove and replace easily so that I can use my hands during the con. I've got pretty much everything else figured out, but those claws are proving to be confusing.

All the tutorials I found just look like shit.

For reference, the claws are supposed to be 12 inches long total, finger length included.

>> No.7347304
File: 723 KB, 600x800, 1391470901409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.7347312

fuuuck, I had a tutorial for this but I lost my thumb drive recently....

>> No.7347427
File: 195 KB, 2058x732, brienne refernece pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls I was hoping someone could help me out and recommend a few fabrics for this dress. I was told a heavy velvet, any other fabrics that might work?

>> No.7347440
File: 453 KB, 3155x2100, 1391476600399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have any fabric stores around here, what would be a good place to find material that looks similar to this?

I've also never made any props before, what would be a good, cheap material to make the crown from?

>> No.7347445

if you're going to make yourself pastey, just get a long white glove to rough up and attach the nails to. Wearing an opera glove in a wedding dress wouldn't be out of the ordinary either
also, wearing a

>> No.7347448

the picture on the right does shout some kind of velvet, velveteen, or sued type of fabric

>> No.7347451

Honestly, your best bet to make a decent crown (in my opinion) would be worbla. That stuff is wonderful and easy to work with.

>> No.7347454

thrifty anon here
I usually find a lot of patterned window curtains and other linens in the home section or thrift stores.

fun foam/craft foam would be a good beginner armor material for something simple like that. Just get a sharp xacto knife to do the details. There are a ton of tutorials online

>> No.7347457

I believe that fabric type is a brocade or a jacquard? It looks thick so maybe a upholstery fabric?

>> No.7347460

go to a thrift store = profit. They always have TONS of different kinds of shoes for cheap

>> No.7347478

well, they do make twist on pvc connectors, so just ask around your hardware store for it.

For the bit you could just cut some foam board/ poster board out and glue it on top, fill in the sides with paper clay or what have you, then coat it

>> No.7347483

besides, chopping your arm off, where else would you put your arm? It has to go in your shirt probably behind your back, so just wear a big jacket or something

>> No.7347548
File: 49 KB, 960x540, 1391479735898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a wig to use for Nonon. Preferably, I'd like that the wig was already made in a ponytail style so I could avoid wefting. I was thinking of buying this from Epic:
Do you guys think the color is similar enough? If not, can you offer me links to more suitable wigs?

>> No.7347571

search gene simmons tongue on ebay or something
modify a pattern for bloomers
yeah that's probably good. Also I believe they are having a valentines sale on pink wigs so check that out

>> No.7347574

You never see Nonon without a hat, so I think it would just be easier to cut a wig to be short in the back and long in the front and then slick the back down with some got2bglued

>> No.7347583

Is it possible to put prescription lenses in prop glasses? I suppose it would depend on the glasses themselves but what would I look for to find out?

>> No.7347589

You can take pretty much any frames to your optometrist and they can custom order frames for you. If you go when you're due for a new pair on your insurance, they should cover it. Otherwise it might be a bit pricey.

>> No.7347600

Expanding foam is too rough. Try some foamboard or insulation foam or sintra or something. Those sand much more smoothly.

It's just a rounded shape. Shouldn't be too hard.

As for the wrist, same. Find some foam, cut out a buck, bam.

>> No.7347602 [DELETED] 


>> No.7347621

Could check out ZenniOptical, they have pretty low prices for prescription glasses in a lot of frame styles.

>> No.7347699
File: 12 KB, 566x465, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augh I shipped to the wrong zipcode on accident, say my zip is 1234 I typed 1233. This is the first time that's happened, and this is what tracking is showing me. How do I get my tights? I'm pretty upset by how stupid I was with this.

>> No.7347724
File: 49 KB, 257x270, 1364789684488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is crushing.... Is it really not ok for guys to be into lolita clothing?

>> No.7347783

pfft I know guys who pull it off. But it's kinda ladies turf, so you need to show respect for the femininity of the style.

>> No.7347791

There are a handful of modest, well-dressed brolitas, but for every one of those there are several gross fetishist creeps. Most people don't like male lolitas for that reason.

>> No.7347799

The thing is I submitted it over a week ago. Did it start then?

>> No.7347810

I promise to be completely modest... no exposed skin, no short/provocative outfits of any sort. Ill have complete and total respect for the femininity of the style, youll never be able to tell I was ever a guy besides my height. I will be as noncreepy and unintrusive as possible.

Take me under your wings anons... I have the frame, the time, the budget and the drive. I just need to know how to start....

>> No.7347824
File: 1.22 MB, 400x225, 1391485674638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best idea on how to move forward with the feather butt tail? Would a pound of white turkey marabou layered over a lightweight similar shape work, or should I go another route?

>> No.7347828
File: 30 KB, 848x480, 1391485826712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just trollin' because pic related. But seriously, what are you looking to do? Wear frilly dresses or pass off as a girl? To do the first, just check your measurements and buy frills.

>> No.7347835


there is a parallel lolita style for men called dandy, you guys

>> No.7347841

aww you actually sound lovely! I wish my brother were more like this.

>> No.7347842

somehow I don't think that's what he's talking about?

>> No.7347844

should work. I can see a bunch of marabou boas fluffed up at the top with some tulle then the tips tied together at the bottom

>> No.7347846

Alright. Check the sticky, along with hellolace and lolibrary. That should give you a good introduction to the fashion. Specific questions can probably go in lolita general threads, and coord questions can go in coord threads. Check /mtfg/ on /lgbt/ for makeup advice. Never buy from Milanoo. Good luck anon!

>> No.7347905

Sweet, thanks. Nice to get some reassurance before I place an order, was checking up on other methods people have used but I'm just seeing a lot of cloth butt flaps.

>> No.7347998

Alright, thanks a bunch guys. I'll look into these methods.

>> No.7348026
File: 74 KB, 308x477, carriemirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommended fabrics for capes? (specifically a half-circle Robin cape)

Would using a thicker ponte end in disaster?

>> No.7348174

Should I just go to the post office in the city that its in? If I bring an ID will it be there?

>> No.7348225

Where do i start on sewing?

>> No.7348339
File: 18 KB, 411x411, FC20562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to order some "medium weight cotton jersey" from mood.

What are the chances that this is see through? Would medium mean that it wouldn't be? or is that unrelated?

>> No.7348499
File: 131 KB, 335x411, Fea_b11_warai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea of how I could go about making medals like in pic related?

>> No.7348518

Does anyone know where to buy a long seifuku skirt?

>> No.7348528

Take a sewing class.


order a swatch first to be sure it's what you want.


Call where ever it got delivered to.

>> No.7349074

Anyone have any tips for making few large bustles? Preferably cheaper and easier than making a bunch of butt pillows

>> No.7349092
File: 60 KB, 454x835, nMPWbDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello seagulls, the only real issue I have with pic related is finding a good sheer body suit or zentai. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
thanks in advance.

>> No.7349098

Look around for shear dance unitards. They are often worn under darker leotards.

>> No.7349103
File: 279 KB, 1379x682, 1391538653305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On discount dance store there are some full body stockings with sleeves but they are nude. Amazon has some - see picture - but I'm finding a lot that are crotchless which isn't too bad to work with but it definitely says what they're marketed for.

>> No.7349126
File: 181 KB, 365x490, mytharjabodystocking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasy Lingerie has a nice one but like >>7349103 find, it's crotchless. Totally recommend it though since it's one that's actually sheer for Tharja.

>> No.7349250
File: 173 KB, 937x701, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this wooden purse/box/thing in my attic. How can I make it more loliable? I can't really take the pictures off (they are thickly laquired onto the box), so how can I go about adding a frame around them without bulking it up more?

>> No.7349262

Looks like it would be good for classic already, imo

>> No.7349268

I agree here. If anything add a nice string of fake pearls to the bottom of the handle.

>> No.7349269

All right. Any idea on how I could mask the major chipping?

>> No.7349275

Anyone have experience with wearing Lace Front wigs? my impression is that I trim the netting and glue it to my forehead with spirit gum and cover it with concealer and powder?

>> No.7349284

google 'how to wear a lace front wig'

>> No.7349452
File: 159 KB, 327x495, purple wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the exact color that i need on a wig; i would like it if i could find another that didn't have the braid on the side. what color wording should i enter for this color? 'light purple' isn't working out too well.
or, how hard will it be to get the fibers that make up the braid to be straightened out?

>> No.7349458

>unbraid it
>run a low-heated hair straigtener over it a few times

>> No.7349465

aight, thanks

>> No.7349516
File: 188 KB, 480x610, Uzu_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of fabric would this blazer be made from? And would I get the collar to stick up like that?

First sewing project, pls don't judge.

>> No.7349552

maybe try lilac?

>> No.7349562

any tips on sewing poly lining so it doesn't pucker?

>> No.7349593

I would find something that's not too heavy so it can billow and stuff.

>> No.7349598

You're in for a tough ride if this is your first project. You're going to need some thick interfacing to get the collar that stiff.

>> No.7349613

They're called "body stockings" on ebay

>> No.7349616 [DELETED] 

it looks like it's a laquer paint, which you can find in model hobby stores in a small spray can.

>> No.7349621
File: 23 KB, 450x475, V8725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm making pic related and it includes a full lining, what do I make the lining out of? I know for jackets and skirt suits you use that acetate/polyester silky lining, but for a summer dress you wouldn't use that, right? I've never seen a summer dress that that inside it before anyway. Is there another type of lining to use, or do I just buy a cheap cotton or something? I'm probably going to use a cotton sateen for the dress itself if that helps.

>> No.7349625

cotton batiste

>> No.7349629

it looks like a simple project if you have a pattern. Use a twill fabric. It should feel like suiting/ uniform fabric and it has good body. Half line the top part so you can use a heavy interfacing in the collar. ( you can look up tutorials)

>> No.7349662

Thank you! I haven't seen that before, but google makes it seem like a very thin cotton? Hopefully I can find something similar.

>> No.7349672

Ask an employee at wherever you shop for fabric where they keep it. I've noticed it often gets shelved differently depending on the store.

>> No.7349734
File: 51 KB, 492x740, haruhiSkirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay scrub/newb here.

I'm trying to make a Haruhi Suzumiya skirt that doesn't suck. I've done three full skirts and several mock-ups and I don't know where I'm going wrong...

I really like the skirt in the middle (the only decent part of the cosplay, tbh). I'm having two problems getting there:

1. Keeping the pleats from popping out as I walk
2. Maintaining the a-line shape of the skirt after pleating, it sort of turns into a rectangle tube.

I'm using Kona cotton, which may be the problem for number 1. Should I use a heavier weight fabric?

As for problem number 2, I am totally lost.

>> No.7349740

You need to starch the pleats for one, but also you're not cutting the fabric correctly.

>> No.7349771
File: 163 KB, 521x460, louisehighfive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, thanks- I'll do that!

Cutting the fabric in the incorrect shape or cutting incorrectly along the grain?

>> No.7349778

The shape is probably a bit off, you have to account for the pleats since they only go about halfway up and make it bigger than you think it needs to be.

>> No.7349798

check. I think the size is definitely part of the problem.

It's such an odd skirt and the reference images seem to change how it's constructed depending on the artist.

>> No.7349816

How much do you usually spend on patterns?

>> No.7349857

I usually get them on sale when they're < $5.

>> No.7349881

Wait for the 5 for $5 sales at Joanns and make a list of ones you might need for upcoming costumes. If you need one sooner than later most common Simplicity and McCalls patterns are cheap on eBay if you know the number.

>> No.7349959

does anyone have any pattern suggestions for otome-kei jsks or salopettes? or any mori patterns (for w/e)?

>> No.7349974

I'm a newbie sewist, what types of projects should I start on til I can get to stuff that is complicated/that I actually want to sew?

>> No.7349980

Do you even bother with vintage patterns? I live in Toronto and we have no JoAnn stores in the area. No sure what the equivalent is.

>> No.7349989

Fabricland often has cheap patterns. Even cheaper if you have a membership card.

>> No.7349995

Pajamas. They are perfect for starting out as they are often loose fitting and they will be flannel or something similar which is often cheaper than most other fabrics. Plus, even if they look bad, the only people who will ever see them will be people you live with, and even badly hemmed pjs can be comfy.

>> No.7349999

Ah- thanks so much!

>> No.7350027
File: 349 KB, 1148x1200, sonicomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: What do you recommend for scissors for cutting wigs and thinning scissors? also what hair wax is the best?

2: how stupid would it be if I cosplayed the Madoka ver. of Super Sonico?

>> No.7350032

You're going to constantly deal with people thinking you're an inaccurate Madoka.

>> No.7350050
File: 368 KB, 1920x1200, 1391563436580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7350064

Very stupid. Please don't do it. Madoka should never have cleavage.

>> No.7350074

>yfw the designer of Sonico designer Madoka.

>> No.7350078
File: 376 KB, 955x1580, Lucius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working towards cosplaying Lucius from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (pic related). I've never been keen at finding wigs, but I need to find one off of Amazon.

Does anyone know of any good vendors for long, straight, blonde wigs? I was thinking of the ones below and straightening them, as I'm kind of lost on where to buy them. Money isn't really an object (though cheaper = preferred), fair quality is needed, and less work = better

I had two wigs linked but I just can't seem to break the spambot. I'll put more work into it if people wanted to see my suggestions first

>> No.7350081

But Madoka isn't the mascot of an eroge company, even if the designer is the same.

>> No.7350088
File: 149 KB, 1112x562, Wigmathbecause4am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows my cosplay math looking? I'm not 100% on Arda colors (I've only gotten yellow blond before) and their color rings are out of stock.

>> No.7350099

No, go for the titanium blonde in a wig that's doesn't have as much layers. It'll be a bitch to braid without layers sticking out everwhere, and that doesn't look very long at all.


>> No.7350102


Thanks :)

>> No.7350110

Lucius is from Fire Emblem 7 not Sacred Stones but whatever

>> No.7350112

that's what the wefts are for, I'd get 3, add them in at the back, (probably 1 or 2 wefts up) and then use a little bit of hair glue or caulk (like in the one super popular Rapunzel wig tutorial) to smooth down the ends on each section before I started braiding.

as far as the titanium idea, thanks so much! That does look better :)

>> No.7350117

That wig is much too silver and short, you're going to want a more platinum blonde type color and probably a more lavender purple if you really need purple in there.

>> No.7350121

Well shit, got that mixed up. I tend to clump those two games together character-wise

On another side note, where could I find a robe similar to his? The blue one, I mean. It seems there are a lot of monk/wizard robes online, but none white. Any suggestions, along with the wig?

>> No.7350133

the purple is NOT what i'm buying! It's just the only color arda has up.

THE WEFTS AND WIG WILL MATCH. Sorry that wasn't clear!

>> No.7350150

None blue*

Man, messing up on many levels tonight

>> No.7350232
File: 518 KB, 700x800, 1341293390987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please..what brand scissors/hair wax is the best?

>> No.7350263

Without knowing where you are and what is available to you, it's hard to suggest anything specific. That said, any basic hairstyling scissors at CVS or Walgreens should do fine. As for waxes, that is something you'll have to test for yourself. I prefer nair, but waxes and creams can cause reactions with different people. Best to try for yourself and see how it goes.

>> No.7350264

Can anyone point me in the direction of a sewing pattern for kung-fu pants or whatever the proper name for them would be? Normal pants patterns don't have the proper "poof" i'm looking for, bloomers aren't the right shape, and i'm way to inexperienced with sewing to even dare to modify a pattern.

>> No.7350271

Post a pic of what it is you're looking for. Right now, I am assuming hakama, but you may be thinking of something else.

>> No.7350272

What's it called when buttons are attached by string?

>> No.7350273


>> No.7350293
File: 1.35 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pic; where you have a top and two buttons, one on either side of the top's opening, and one of them has a bit of string/cord permanently attached

at the end of the string/cord is a loop (occasionally elastic), that goes around the other button, securing the top closed

also psa I do not advise image searching "buttons with cord attached" without appropriate mental preparation

>> No.7350298

Like a button clasp for a coat?

>> No.7350300
File: 234 KB, 1146x302, chests2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying a character and want to look exactly like her but her boobs seem a couple/few sizes bigger than mine. Should I wear a padded bra so I could be her chest size or would that be frowned upon?
It's not a revealing outfit in any way and cleavage wouldn't be visible but mine and her breast sizes are a couple sizes different.
Pic related, her chest and about what my chest size is.

>> No.7350301

You mean a fucking frog closure? Double breasted? Provide an actual example not this fucking 6 year old's drawing.

>> No.7350304

it's not frowned upon, stuff away

>> No.7350302


>> No.7350309

Showing us the cosplay will be more helpful. It depends on that, even if it's fully covered the type of clothing would affect how real or fake the boobs would look.

>> No.7350331
File: 224 KB, 937x1258, majolica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how to pad pretty well but thank you!
Okay great!
The pictures I used in the "Her chest size" part are actual pictures of her, it's Majolica le Fay from Okami San and her Seven Companions.
Her recular outfit doesn't usually flatter them very much, but in the swimming episode they are pretty big and in one of the book covers it has an upwards shot and they're big there too. Pic related.
My breasts are B-cups so I would virtually have no chest in her outfit, so I was just making sure that stuffing was fine to do.

>> No.7350337

Alright, with something like this you'll probably want to use some cutlets to give them a little bit more natural bounce. In something like this, the boobs would look unnaturally stiff with just padding, so adding a little something extra will help.

This is coming from an A cup who cosplayed someone known for big bouncy titties.

>> No.7350343

Oh okay! Thank you I'll try that.

>> No.7350355
File: 6 KB, 180x70, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>provide an example of a thing I don't know the name of
>let alone am incapable of depicting in cave painting

yeah, I think so. found this while searching for button clasp, apparently it's called a "toggle button clasp?"

>> No.7350379
File: 2.83 MB, 519x475, 1391557690197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the ruffle/trims called on Mako's PJs? Thanks.

>> No.7350381
File: 284 KB, 200x200, 1391572325887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair remover

I mean wig wax to help style wigs....

got a good laugh from that though, i should have been more specific.

>> No.7350382
File: 51 KB, 570x692, il_570xN.441521200_trhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose something like pic related, just not as retardedly baggy.

>> No.7350383
File: 57 KB, 500x310, saaaaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with the crazy pattern sizing? I've got one that has a nearly ten inch difference between the wait and hip measurements.

/inb4 fatty-chan- I'm not moderu; just an average lady person

>> No.7350386

nice gif pulled from /a/

>> No.7350388


>> No.7350391
File: 22 KB, 300x300, UNI-4105-A1-2.jpg-1375311340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this?

These are dobak pants, used in hapkido/various arts

>> No.7350395 [DELETED] 


agggggalsdk;fjas;ldkfj typing is hard

>> No.7350401

Bad day?

>> No.7350399

Those look like they'd hang better than the shit I found, one way or the other a pattern is what I need for one.

>> No.7350403


agggggalsdk;fjas;ldsadfasdfkfj typing is hard

>> No.7350407

yes ._.

>> No.7350413


Yes, it was a gif I found on a 4chan board. I just wanted to know what they are called.

>> No.7350416
File: 32 KB, 300x225, T49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're probably just cotton trim since it's anime the design would be omitted but it would probably look like pic related IRL.

>> No.7350421


Thank you

>> No.7350444
File: 267 KB, 500x670, gotstehbootie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this isn't actually cosplay or lolita related, but I figured you guys would probably have some advice for me. I have this hole in my boot, and I don't exactly know how it got there, but the store won't do anything to fix it. Can I just coat it in resin or something? It's just an issue of it being waterproof.

>> No.7350449

>the store
what store? did you try taking it to a cobbler? those guys are amazing!

>> No.7350454

The store I bought it from, sorry. I didn't even have them a month before this happened. I would prefer a cheaper at home solution, but if I have to take it to a cobbler, then I guess that's what I have to do.

>> No.7350464

in my experience the cobbler was really cheap, they fixed a broken sole and leak in my boot for only $11 and shined them up really nicely too. if you want it waterproof i suggest doing something professionally otherwise you'll get subpar results.

>> No.7350471

Put a piece of black electrical tape over it, but super glue it down.

Problem solved.

>> No.7350488

Oh wow that's pretty reasonable. Somehow I thought it would cost at least 50 bucks. Thank you for the help I'll definitely seek out a professional.
Thanks anyway!

>> No.7350508
File: 17 KB, 500x500, 1391575184192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example are these cheaper sets the same quality or much different than the ones that seem over priced at my local hair style shop?

im talking $10 versus $50+

>> No.7350839

How much liquid body pain would I need to cover face, knees to mid calf and forearm?

>> No.7350849
File: 683 KB, 1000x563, 4758-569086294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a pretty hard time figuring out what the color of this skirt is. Is it grey, khaki or brown I have no idea

>> No.7350892
File: 138 KB, 480x400, brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, I suck at naming colors... Warm gray? Muted brown? Here's a color picker for your reference just in case.

>> No.7350982

>liquid body pain

>> No.7350984
File: 116 KB, 303x346, 1388234005328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my. That was not what I meant.

>> No.7351020
File: 212 KB, 422x600, gren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some ideas. How would you guys recommend the scarf for this be done? I feel like having it completely flopping might look lame, but walking around with it locked up in some static position might look weird too.

>> No.7351044
File: 135 KB, 700x700, Large_UQ-546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I got my faux fur fabric, and there's a lot of fur coming off from it. Is there a way to clean it, so every part of my cosplay isn't full of fur?

>> No.7351070

Lint roller

>> No.7351075

See what the finished size is supposed to be? How much ease there is? Does the hip size matter?

>> No.7351082
File: 186 KB, 642x480, Ryokoref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing Ryoko soon and I'd like to have her sword.

I was thinking of a plastic tube and filling it with something red to have the blade, the ball and the handle. Rather than mounting shapes onto a wire or rod core.

It would be nice if it glowed but I've never worked with LEDs so I have no idea how you'd work those in or where to buy them from in the UK.

Any thoughts?

>> No.7351083

When sewing the two sides of the scarf together, or even if you're only using one side of fabric. If you make tunnels in the side seams (if two sides) or using the hem (if one side) and leave those open or accessable at the bottom of the scarf you can thread wire in and out for different looks or photo opportunities.

>> No.7351087

Start with a longer wig and weft into it. If the wefts are longer than the wig this will help give a thick braid at the top and petering out to a smaller braid.

>> No.7351088

Sometimes I've seen 'khaki' fabrics come in a similar colour.

To me khaki signifies army green but apparently for fabric sellers it can cover muted brown/grey colours too.

>> No.7351120

Khaki, even though actually a type of fabric, is associated with the color tan in bottom weights.

>> No.7351127

LEDs are really easy, you can even use a ready made light and ghetto rig it. I probably won't translate well if it doesn't glow. You might as well just paint the whole thing red

>> No.7351152

Thank you all so much for the help!

>> No.7351395

i commissioned someone back in december. paid half first, forgot about stuff, then remembered to pay the rest of the half mid-january. i've been checking but they havent uploaded any progress pics anywhere and my dead line is the beginning of next month. should i be worried at all? i see her uploading progress pics of other people's commissions. is it cause mine is pretty simple (it's a long sleeve seifuku thing) and she's gonna get to it later this month cause she could put it together quickly or? should i just calm my tits and be patient? also sorry, i wasnt sure where else to put this question and wasn't sure if it warranted its own thread...

>> No.7351506
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, Space Dandy - 05 - Large 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a tutorial on how to do the bun on this wig?

>> No.7351652

Message and ask for a progress pic

>> No.7351770


>> No.7352887
File: 67 KB, 500x500, Shako_Cord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /cgl/, just passing through.

I was wondering if any of you could possibly tell me what kind of knot is being used on the left-hand side of this image.

I'm making a shako cord, for a Napoleonic style shako for a cosplay, and I am having NO luck in finding out what kind this is.

>> No.7354039

Does anyone who's used to buying feathers know if it's possible to buy Peregrine Falcon feathers?

>> No.7355627

http://www (dot) ginifab.com/feeds/pms/
Convert to closest pantone for naming
Warm grey.