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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 205 KB, 1024x949, mr yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7338441 No.7338441 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is autosage >>7328760, so here is a new one.

>> No.7338444
File: 1.50 MB, 1400x956, Cat and Rabbit preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, as I said in the last thread, I got a mail from Bodyline about specific things they wanted me to change about the catxrabbit print and things they wanted me to add, so v2 is posted here >>7338428. They didn't say anything about the rabbitxrabbit version.

They told me that I need 5 colorways, and I'm still missing one. Here is the colors that I have made so far (ignore that it is the old version of the print). Any suggestions/preferences for the last color?
I tried white, but that didn't look good.

>> No.7338447

no pink?

>> No.7338448


Have you considered changing the color scheme of the rabbit/cat themselves?

>> No.7338450

The pink and lavender one from the picture you first posted was adorable. Did they not want that one?

>> No.7338455

The pink and lavender one was for the rabbitxrabbit version, but they didn't say anything about that one, they only replied to me about the cat and rabbit print. The pastel colors looked a lot better with the creamy rabbits as opposed to the greyish cat and rabbit.

Well, I already have changed the color of the rabbit to light creamish color, but I'm not sure if I can do the cat. I can try, but not promising anything. That would make the print fit some more pastel colorways.

>> No.7338488

Bodyline is making me change a lot of shit with my print also, and it's kind of a pain.

>> No.7338491
File: 470 KB, 866x594, gray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a mint or forest green colorway? Or gray maybe?

Excuse my crappy photoshop skills btw, just wanted to give you some input.

>> No.7338494

I wonder if Mr Yan ever lurks

>> No.7338496

love that. Would wear.

>> No.7338513

I'm not too fond of the bottom two, they're just too... clashy. >>7338491 looks good though, and I would love to see something in a more earthly colorway (brown/green/etc.).

>> No.7338517

shit I'd buy bodyline for this

>> No.7338525

how about an emerald or forest green? holy fuck if bodyline makes a print of this i will buy the shit out of it

>> No.7338705

Gray, pink or green are my suggestions.

And like an anon said about fiddling with their colors, maybe change the color of their eyes from print to print for a subtle change?

I'm really excited about this print, anon!

>> No.7338723

I ordered from Bodyline for the first time in years and got my package today.

I got a headband and they shipped it inside a shoebox. Like a shoebox 4x as big as the headband.
Bodyline no...

>> No.7338726


This looks gorgeous, I don't want to buy bodyline clothes anymore because they're so dissapointing. But this, I'd actually buy!

>> No.7338739

After reading all these threads I had a nightmare last night of the Yandy man. It was horrifying. Thank you /cgl/.

>> No.7338743

Yeah, I like that too, but that is the bunny print. They didn't pick the bunny, only the one with cat.

>> No.7338761

So use colors from the bunny version on the cat version.

>> No.7339364

They ship a fucking headband in a shoebox, but when my bodyline shoes arrive all battered, the only thing protecting them is a plastic stick inside them and the plastic packaging bag.

>> No.7339369

You probably got them a long time ago, mine were shipped in a shoebox.

>> No.7339378

Adding to the vote to creamify the cat. It sounds like the color of the animals are really holding you back. You made the rabbit white. Was it really difficult or something? There are white cats too.

I like sweet prints and I like cats, please help me

>> No.7339387

Nope. Two weeks ago.

>> No.7339400
File: 49 KB, 1570x203, 1391136133991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on the Bodyline front page. Bodyline is gonna expand sizes on some pieces. Is this new news?

>> No.7339405

Already been over it. Still, it's pretty cool I guess. I wish they'd make smaller sizes too, though.

>> No.7339420

oh yes, I've wanted some of their more classic looking pieces in bigger sizes.

>> No.7339428

You think they would be willing to do Tall Medium/Larges?
PINK. That pink you had in the rabbit print I really need.

>> No.7339452

What are the Bodyline wig qualities like?

>> No.7339461

They're okay for the price, I bought a few for cosplay. The only issue is that sometimes the scalp area is a bit fuzzy so you have to do a fabric softener soak to fix it.

>> No.7339529

Yes, grey. Grey and mint and wine are what I want

>> No.7339530

I would do grey like >>7338491 , then replace the black colorway with pink.

>> No.7339543

would buy one in every color, holy shit.

>> No.7339701

If you change the bunny and cat to white and do pink and/or lavender that would be amazing. For the more classic route, I would love to see a calico cat and orangeish bunny on the bottom right colorway. A black cat and black rabbit would look amazing with a dark wine or deep sapphire.

>> No.7339743

I ordered three pairs of shoes about two weeks ago too, and each arrived in it's own shoe box..

>> No.7339753

Okay guys, we've determined that sometimes they send boxes sometimes they don't. Just because someone had a different experience doesn't mean the others are lying

>> No.7339817
File: 54 KB, 604x271, etenerally suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smaller sizes

I want this so bad. Every time I see something I love it's always M so I have to pass. Size S is so rare.
>find gorgeous coat
>size M
>emails bodyline to include size S, please and thank you
>says they'll email me when they do
>years later, still waiting

>> No.7339903

make the red less orangey and more wine

>> No.7339912
File: 211 KB, 700x1200, w088-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them. I have a twin tailed wig from there and it's nice enough quality IF you look after it well, but it tangles pretty easily if you're not grooming it properly.
Pic related. It's the wig I got.

>> No.7339916

Whoa, this is super cute and natural looking.

>> No.7339935

It's also one of their more pricey ones at $47 without the yen trick.
I also got one of their rhapsody style wigs for about $11 or something crazy. It's not the thickest of wigs near the scalp, but for the price it's definitely a steal. I'd give it a 7/10 if the original from GLW is going to be a 10.

>> No.7339942

Aw. The rhapsody wigs on there are more expensive now (27$) and I've always wanted one but GLWs prices are a bit steep for a wig. Especially after I've heard their quality has gone down the drain.

>> No.7339960

If you can make the cat cream, I'd love a cream or gray color like shown >>7338491 here!

>> No.7340053

Nobody said anyone was lying. Leap of logic there, anon?

Anyway, yeah, it's been pretty much proven that whether or not you get a shoebox is arbitrary, has been for a while. Really bad luck, >7339364, the worst I've seen from a no-box pair of shoes is a slight scrape/dent on the toe. I feel for you.

>> No.7340057 [DELETED] 

Nobody said anyone was lying. Leap of logic there, anon?

Anyway, yeah, it's been pretty much proven that whether or not you get a shoebox is arbitrary, has been for a while. Really bad luck, >>7339364, the worst I've seen from a no-box pair of shoes is a slight scrape/dent on the toe. I feel for you.

>> No.7340061

Nobody said anyone was lying. Leap of logic there, anon?

Anyway, yeah, it's been pretty much proven that whether or not you get a shoebox is arbitrary, has been for a while. Really bad luck, >>7339364, the worst I've seen from a no-box pair of shoes is a slight scrape/dent on the toe. I feel for you.

>> No.7340608

Skullprint designer here. I'm editing my print for spoonflower. Could anyone give me pointers as this is all completely new for me? I know I should have the border print on both borders of the fabric (bottom and then upside down on the top so both borders can be used) but how big should the print be, and how far away from the edge? Should I go with bodyline's instructions?

>> No.7340701
File: 32 KB, 502x502, 1391196144184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guise look

>> No.7340705

I thought they already picked a winner ages ago.

>> No.7340717

Isn't this super old now...? I remember this screencap from ages ago.

>> No.7340720

I think they might be more referring to the obnoxious post about it on FB?

>> No.7340740

But that is old anyways, and she didn't even actually win, she just came to the next stage and then lost.

>> No.7340762

Right, the cap in that picture, the whole thing, is like months old.

>> No.7340765

Green for the background and maybe blue/pink for the ribbons.

>> No.7340857

This was actually a joke. The person that said this has the same name as one of the winners, that's all.

>> No.7341395
File: 78 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n0acqrhjUE1t2c5vko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone else got their LP

>> No.7341403
File: 124 KB, 500x667, 1391225423960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another LP

>> No.7341409

That goddamned white JSK. Every time.

>> No.7341419

I think it's some sort of subliminal message tactic because the more I see it tossed into these packs, the more I want one.

>> No.7341454
File: 442 KB, 1508x1196, l179-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it in yellow..
here are my lucky pack contents. only took a photo of the bag because I'm a lazy bastard and the lighting in my room sucks

>> No.7341466
File: 377 KB, 1280x720, jinrui..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more cosplay lucky packs!
I ordered mine a little more than a week ago and I'm excited. It won't arrive any time soon though, sadly.

>> No.7341473

you want to see cosplay lucky packs?
you're excited?
cosplay lucky packs are so shit, they make the lolita lucky packs look like a godsend

>> No.7341480

I'm not expecting great quality or anything like that, it's more curiousity's sake. Hoping for a seifuku and some accessories.

>> No.7341484

Bows, tartan and random pieces of costumes are on the way.

>> No.7341488

Cool! I can make things from those.

>> No.7341518
File: 447 KB, 700x478, pinku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, please make a pink colorway?

>> No.7341532

but more of a dusty rose pink imo

>> No.7341552

Maybe if she changes the cat and rabbit to this >>7338491 gray color, it will go better with the black.

The brown animals don't go too well with the black in my opinion, but I still really want a black one. Black is my major wardrobe color, and it's more easily made classic, so it would be amazing to have the black...

That or the lavender and pink. I don't even own any sweet stuff, but that colorway would easily make me go for sweet. ; v;

>> No.7341555

O- oh, that's cute...

I feel obligated to this print with whatever colorways come out, even if it's not my preferred color choice. Assuming Bodyline actually made it well, I just want this after seeing it being made, and having input on the process.

Thank you, original print creator anon, for making this. ; v;

>> No.7341566

agreed, ill probably buy whatever colorway comes out that i like, hopefully there will be at least a red, black or pink.

>> No.7341967
File: 270 KB, 700x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the pictures of it being worn? I'm curious how it looks like in real life. I heard it doesn't look that bad at all (especially with the sleeves detached)

>> No.7342785

Top right is my favourite, followed by the black & red.

I like how this one is subtle.

>> No.7342792

Is it weird that I like the bag?

>> No.7342794

I would really like a dark, dark green. I like the left two, and I'd like the right one more if it were more gold instead of orangey on the accents. I think the green would look good with gold accents too.

>> No.7342803
File: 1.03 MB, 1388x478, 76856789789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the peach and lavender/pink colorways are literally flawless. I'd pay more than Bodyline price for this print. Maybe try collabing with an indie brand?

>> No.7342826

Yeah, me too! I bought a Cosplay LP in 4L and a Lolita LP in 4L. I'm curious what they will be filled with. It's not like they can give me the smaller ita stuff. So what will they be forced to give me?

>> No.7342843

its the fruits parlor replica bag. its actually pretty nice and has sparkles. though I'm keeping it in the package because I plan to sell it, along with all of the items on the right. I think I might make a sales post later

>> No.7342846

This is my favorite.

The two on the right are my second favorites.

>> No.7342849

I've never bought from bodyline only two items secondhand, and I'm not a 100% sure if I should support them after all of the issues with replicating, find a waifu search and over all dodge-ness. I wanted to buy shoes (I have quite big feet) but I'm not sure if they'll come up for sale secondhand in the right size.

>> No.7343011

Sooooo lovely

>> No.7343047

This! These colors and try partnering with an indie brand! It would be so cool if you could partner with krad lanrete, their stuff comes out amazing

>> No.7343164

ok, so I measured the sleeves. the sleeves had me constrained, and I couldn't move my arms.
they had a maximum circumference of 10 inches, or 25.5 cm

how venus fit into them is beyond me. I'm underweight and could feel my circulation being cut off

>> No.7343192

by the time you pay for shipping for secondhand shoes of all things, youd be better off buying from bodyline themselves,

Their replicating is as bad as a lot of offbrand things, but at least theyre a cheap alternative for beginners. Their waifu search is also possibly bs.

>> No.7343206

10 inches isn't all /that/ small... You can be underweight but still have large upper arms. My arms are only 8.5 inches, and I'm average weight.

>> No.7343215

my arms are thin, I suppose its just the height factor too. even so, it has no stretch, so it would be uncomfortable regardless, and no flexing like a badass lolita gang member

>> No.7343844

I wish we could get all of the accepted prints to the contest posted somewhere, so we can see who won. Granted, I guess BL is still having artists like bunny and cat-chan doing touch-ups....

>> No.7344695

>I guess BL is still having artists like bunny and cat-chan doing touch-ups....
Nope and it seems like that they only made the contest in order to get free material, mailed them a couple of times after they wrote about the chocolate bunny print as winner and still got no reply since days, it all smells like one big scam so they don't need to hire artists.

>> No.7344726

Noo, say it isn't so. I was really looking forward to the bunny/cat print, but I'd feel dirty giving BL my money if artist-anon gets nothing out of it.

>> No.7344740

I really hope not too, I'd totally buy that print to support the artist (and it's fucking cute)

>> No.7344858

Bunny and cat anon here, they did come back to me about the changes they wanted, and I sent it with back with the changes the 31st so it hasn't been thaat long. They do take a bit time to answer.

The changes they wanted wasn't really that big unlike >>7338488, but if they keep asking me to change it I'm gonna drop it tbh. I don't have time to play around with them just for a free dress... I have only sent them low-res pictures so far anyways, and I'm not sending the big pictures until they confirm that I'm one of the winners. I remember that they stole the design of this jacket some years ago during the first design contest they had:

>> No.7344889

>it seems like that they only made the contest in order to get free material

You don't say.

>> No.7344942

Can anyone who has the L378 OP tell me how short the waist is? I'm a bit tall(5'8) but I'm wanting to buy the white version and thinking of pairing it with a bustier

>> No.7344961

>Sent in submission 30 days ago
>Get no reply email for rejection
>Sempai will never notice me

>> No.7344963


>> No.7346083

I got an answer from them. They told me that they wanted more animals, so I told them that we got the drawings from a friend that wanted us to use it for the contest. They told me that everything has to be drawn by ourselves, which means no cat and bunny print for us :/

I can probably send the 148x148cm file to the people that want to print some fabric if they want.

>> No.7346086

Just lie and let your friend draw shit anyway

>> No.7346092

lieee anon lieeee you have no idea how much I want a grey version of that print

>> No.7346096

Just lie. They are so Engrish, just talk around it. No one cares, rofl.

>> No.7346127
File: 8 KB, 238x212, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bwahahaha i cherish your juicy cherry! Tell them the cat and rabbit are your friends!
But srsly, I totally understand wanting to give up. I sent in a preliminary sketch, cus, fuck off I'm not about to be doing some proper croquis and giving them a full design for diddly squat!

>> No.7346198

Just tell them that you drew the animals TO your friend and after that decided to use them in the print.

But seriously bodyline, are you really asking soemone you entersa nice design for you to use for FREE and then ASK them to draw more stuff on the print. I can accept them wanting different colorways and minor touch ups, but asking you to actually draw more animals. Fuck you bodyline

>> No.7346208

Yeah, they told me that they wanted 3 different cats and 3 different rabbits, plus a banner with the words 'freedom' (which I just ignored in the 2nd version I sent to them).

>> No.7346211

what even

i could understand maybe wanting one extra cat and rabbit for variation but fuck that

are you going to try to get around their reply then??

>> No.7346251


>> No.7346270
File: 145 KB, 700x1200, p261-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this? It's in their punk section, and I'm such a sucker for military, but I'd like other people's opinions.

>> No.7346282

I remember a while ago this was posted and a lot of people said they didn't like the look of the cheap trim.

>> No.7346288

Eh I sense a nice idea behind it but it just looks cheap and cospayish. If there just weren't those random chains und belts everywhere. Also the trim looks kind of cheap.
It's a pity because I really like the design of the cape and I've been looking for a black cape with golden trim forever but I can't imagine the rest of the outfit looking good being worn. There are better options on taobao or even fanplusfriend anyway which are even less expensive and better quality wise than this, so I don't see why you should spend your money on this.

>> No.7346289
File: 187 KB, 531x799, DSC_0196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only person I've ever seen wear that dress. But she's kind of caused me to develop quite a strong sense of loathing for it.

>> No.7346291

True enough, I suppose it could be removed and replaced with something better, though, as well as the buckles on the torso.

>> No.7346309

>freedom gundam print

My bff will love if any lolita store do a gundam print.

>> No.7346405

Ivory with a light rose?

>> No.7346691

Could we get white/silver?
I'm so dissapointed that most of the prints I like from Bodyline are never in white.

>> No.7346737


Where is the anon that drew the initial animals? We need you!!!!

Also please nix the freedom thing. Tell them it would be silly and seem very "engrish"

>> No.7346747

They've been doing this shit to me too, I better get my damn dress.

>> No.7346937

Nice idea but way too cheap/cosplayish. Reminds me of the older brother's uniform from AoEx.

>> No.7346979

>freedom gundam
It'd just be gundam

>> No.7346985

I would love it if a satire design that flew over the judges' heads made it as the winner.

>> No.7347001
File: 36 KB, 450x410, 1391461438629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus a banner with the words 'freedom'

Can't have a lolita print without random English words, right?

>> No.7347012
File: 28 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ljqmoct22c1qblaw6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elegant Gothic Lolita Aristocrat Vampire Romance

>> No.7347018
File: 134 KB, 683x758, 07-12-2012 17-20-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Bampire Romance.

>> No.7347028

Mana is so pretty.

>> No.7347040

Yanpire freedom.

>> No.7347072

At my original firsts posts were more then aenaugh animals at the scans but Mr. Yan's tacky ita taste ruins everything anyways.

>> No.7347436
File: 236 KB, 1059x792, finiBODYLINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've been checking the former design contests, and apperantly, in 2009, this girl won, spent a day modifying the design to bodyline's standards
and we never saw it.

>> No.7347443

I agree but please get it made

In light gray plox

>> No.7347512

This is too cute for Bodyline's shit construction anyway.

>> No.7347530

someone please make a wannabee moitte print with something like "Kawaii Sugoi Animu Yanpire Princess Chan" on the bottom

idc if the contest is over. please.

>> No.7347542

Ahhhh this is perfect

>> No.7347555

question: how often to bodyline stuff NOT get delivered (if that sentence makes any sense at all)

at the end of december i ordered a navy seifuku and its been in tokyo since the 19th (and that was the last update)

>> No.7347591

Won't happen, Mr. Yan wants a clusterfuck of billion animals at the print after all.

>> No.7348562

I ordered a seifuku at the end of december too! I got mine the other day though. Sit tight, it'll come eventually.

>> No.7348864

I just got my unlucky pack today, I filed a dispute though asking for a refund, saying it was not as described, didn't get all the items I was supposed to get. I ended up getting a blouse that's perfect for my latest cosplay plans, but other than that, same old shit. Where do I sell this shit anyways?

>> No.7348876

There were no items that you were "supposed" to get. And, fuck, if you got a blouse you can use that's one more useable item than the rest of us.

>> No.7348886

You ordered a bodyline lucky pack - knowing you'd get shit - and filed a dispute? Seriously?
In the future, don't buy shit and you won't receive shit.

>> No.7348890
File: 68 KB, 911x543, 1390866778413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I filed a dispute because I want to profit off of this. And I'm one who ordered thinking that the contents under the LP would be in my pack.

I knew I was getting shit and I planned on it, but bad on Yanny man for not knowing how to use his own website and posting tons of contents for the packs. Paypal has my side and I'll get atleast $30 for each dress. I win.

>> No.7348900

You sound like a huge cunt and I hope I never have to deal with you on the sales comm.

>> No.7348899


Trollllllllllll post.

>> No.7348907

>Yes I'm taking the bait
Even if paypal do side with you, you'll just get your initial cost back, not "$30 for each dress".

If Bodyline have any smarts they'll black list you, I just hope they don't black list us all.

>> No.7348915

Eh, due to the numerous complaints (ie sleeves and bows) they probably wont do them a scale like this again

or will still say "just ur luck !!!"

>> No.7348944

>"$30 for each dress".
I'm selling the dresses for that much though.

>> No.7348946

Don't doubt it.

>> No.7349839

I feel super ripped off by bl, I was expecting more stuff for my money :( I ordered the day they were released mostly becouse I thought it would be full of stuff but I only got the same 3 dresses as everyone else, a broken blouse,replica tote and the worlds crappiest petticoat. No socks, no op , nothing :( let me know what happens anon !

>> No.7349855

You are fucking stupid.

>> No.7349932

ugh, this is my only gripe with this print. they just threw random words at the bottom. it's like the titles for products on easy or ebay.

>> No.7349938


>> No.7350474
File: 531 KB, 518x589, l534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with L534? I prefer the style of this JSK to either of Infanta's that use the same fabric, but I can't find any reviews of it. I think I read somewhere that the print fades but I can't remember where.

I like both the navy and green but I'm leaning towards not looking like a casino table.

>> No.7350586

It's funny because I was saying to a friend recently how much I like the green colorway because it looks like a real casino table. To each their own!

>> No.7350908

>if they keep asking me to change it I'm gonna drop it tbh
I hope this works out! This print looks amazing. I'd be disappointed if it doesn't go through, but I definitely get that there's a point where all this unpaid charity work is just asking for too much. Good luck, and don't feel too bad if you ditch them!

If you did, maybe you could post your print on spoonflower? Unlike Yan, I am perfectly okay with just two variation. Heck, I'd still love it even if it was the same cat or rabbit all the way around.
You'd definitely inspire me to take my first crack at a dress or skirt.

>> No.7350924

Hahaha is this cutsew real? That's hilarious.

>> No.7350948

It's called the El Dorado cutsew. From 2008

>> No.7351062

>Flying fuck

It got me so bad <3 haha

>> No.7351571

Same here. Loli card shark.

This cut is so cute... Too bad about that front lacing.

>> No.7351603

I dont know if anyone remembers me from the other threads talking about the designs and having a direct line to the guy that you guys are all talking to about designs too.

I emailed him last night just asking him whats going on and he did mention there being a lot of people sending in designs and the designers getting upset because they are asking for changes. He also said it was exciting that so many people seem to be interested.

I'm going to say to you people who are actually in contact with them and ACTUALLY drawing these things with your own hands. Being in contact with this guy is a good opportunity to actually get a job. When I won the contest forever ago, i emailed them back randomly and simply asked if I could be hired for art. I got paid.

If you're interested in actually getting your art out there on dresses with bodyline, ask them at least. Some of you talented artist will make a few extra bucks for something that isnt that labor intensive (at least it wasnt for me. Working with reduced colors was pretty easy and only took me maybe a day of work.)


The CONTEST was for free material. Of course. It's not exactly hidden that they are expecting you to come up with a design that they get to use for free.

It wasn't a secret.

You have the option to say "Sorry I can't change it" and see what happens. You can ask them if they will hire you. You can tell them to eat a dick and produce it on spoonflower. You also could try to collaborate and maybe try to work with what they are asking.

For me, when i entered the contest, it was really just a dream of mine. I use to just sit at home and draw prints for the hell of it. There was some little indie brand that offered me a job and nothing ever got produced. So to even win that contest was pretty awesome. I never even actually got the dress (I didn't wear lolita much then but I was a huge admirer).

Sorry for the long post.

>> No.7351948

it's because of the backlog after Christmas. It got scanned as departed but was probably still waiting for a plane. It'll turn up soon (mine was stuck at that for a couple of weeks but then suddenly appeared in my country, although it hasn't updated since then)

>> No.7352079

Actually, it's not really a free material contest. The winner is supposed to be "paid" with a dress. If they don't give you the dress, then they don't have the rights to the print, because they haven't "bought" it from you.

>> No.7352114

Yeah, nah. You're really naive if you think you have any rights in this contest. Especially when we're talking about Bodyline.

>> No.7352383

If you're not an official winner. And you're just sending in designs to them just because you want that design made, they probably don't even owe you a dress.

If I were anyone doing that, I would double check they would even send you a dress. Otherwise yes, you are doing this for free, and yes they can use the designs if they feel like it.

>> No.7353308
File: 150 KB, 700x1200, p245-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.. actually want one of these.

>> No.7353335

just out of curiousity, how much did they pay you?
I'm assuming that you were the anon who talked about designing the cherry print that got made out of one of the previous contests?

>> No.7353403

So...buy it?

>> No.7353428

The problem is what would I even do with it and would it look ita as shit for anything I attempted.

>> No.7353452

Wear it as something not lolita...? Do you not know how to dress yourself otherwise?

>> No.7353469

I actually really want to buy an L.P. and use the clothes in there as goal dresses or tights. I'm losing weight so I can wear proper Lolita and i feel if i can fit into regular body line I'm good to go. and that way it's just cheap Lolita so nothing lost if i don't love it. I'm on my phone, what is the price/guidelines. I dunno, does it sound like a stupid idea?

>> No.7353495

Yes, it does sound like a stupid idea. Why waste money on dress you may not even like? If you're going to have a goal dress, just buy something nicer second hand, fururun has dresses for 4000 yen and less quite regularly.

>> No.7353518

Well, I'm not sure it would work many ways for Lolita but it's cute to wear otherwise.
If you are building a Lolita wardrobe though I'm not sure it would be a wise piece. I just thought it was a cute quirky piece for regular punk or goth street wear.

>> No.7353799

Have fun looking like shit.

>> No.7353834

I got about $80 for simple designs on a tee shirt and about $200 for prints. They were quick to say yes so I probably could have pushed for more. But I set those prices and I was more interested in getting my ideas made.

Like I said previously, I used to sit and draw designs and prints out if boredom. Handing them to bodyline for not a whole lot didn't bother me.

Though I think now if I got back into it 8 would ask for a bit more since my art has improved and is worth more.

>> No.7353912


Where to fuck do people find all this cheap brand? Like, I check fairly regularly. I am just a poor anon who wants my first dress. I barely find bodyline for $40!

>> No.7354122

They listed T sizes as possibilities. I've requested a few. Deff need more of these in their already listed sizes. I think it's likely if enough request them. It's certainly (usually) easier to add length than redraft the entire pattern bigger for the super XL sizes they list. Pity they don't lengthen the bodices in proportion in the T sizes though, all they do is add skirt length.

>> No.7354421

Fururun updates Monday and Tuesday 11pmish Japan time and usually those are their bargain days. Stuff sells within half an hour of going up though

>> No.7354426

4000 yen is like $45 and they're excluding shipping fees. Its also typically decent brand, but not dresses you'd really want or have on your wish list. Just generic stuff or not really nice looking stuff.

>> No.7354990
File: 228 KB, 700x1200, L479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is this actually kind of nice? I wish they'd do more classic pieces.

>> No.7355126

I've seen it in person. It's really nice.

>> No.7357022

Ordered some shoes. My tracking number says it departed on Jan 19th, My package was sent on the 12th. Package why aren't you here. I know it says 7-30 days (for Air), but I ordered another pair of shoes in December and they got here in a week.

>> No.7357157

I've been wanting this dress for a while. I'll probably get it once I get off my lazy ass and make a PP.

>> No.7357160

dat engrish

>> No.7357673
File: 891 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20140207_223037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to share my lucky pack that i finally received. Not a lick of plaid in the whole thing. I'm super happy with it.

>> No.7357674

Not awful. Looks like the blouse and skirt are salvageable.

>> No.7357678

this spelling doesn't even fucking make sense unless their first language is Gaelic..

>> No.7357854

I wanna see if anyone got punk lucky packs so bad man.

>> No.7358895

The skirt is a hideous mess.

>> No.7358965

I have the OP that uses the same fabric in the black colorway, and the fabric is very nice imo! It's fairly thick and the pattern is nice and clean, but then again I haven't put it through any vigorous use or washing (just light steaming)

>> No.7359290

bodyline pettis are good for casual wear right?

I just want a sort of mild poof to normal skirts and stuff instead of having it just go straight down.

Or do you guys think its still too poofy?

>> No.7359294

Your design deserves so much better than bodyline, seriously.

>> No.7359304

General BL question:
What do you think is the very best quality in Bodyline's categories:



>> No.7359303

Yeah, if you buy the most expensive one on the site. If you buy that, you might as well buy a decent casual petti for half the price elsewhere.

>> No.7359306

I asked this question and was told not to bother with Bodyline petticoats at all. It isn't a matter of being too poofy, it's that they give miserable poof, apparently.

>> No.7359314

Entirely a matter of my own personal taste, but...


JSK: Unsure, haven't ordered any of their JSKs.
OP: L310 or L479
Skirt: L353

>> No.7359321

I think they are all nice.

>> No.7360927
File: 445 KB, 1240x1713, 2nd modification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what they want me to do on the last part? I don't understand.

>> No.7360952

The colors ooorrrr?

>> No.7360973

I don't understand the color part, I can only use 9 different colors? Or what?

>> No.7360982

Fairly certain they mean that they can only use 9 colors in printing so you need to simplify the colors.

>> No.7360989

They want less stripes
They don't like the ring of lace
They want something other than a bow
They want fewer colours

I agree on the stripes, you don't want it too busy

>plz make grey colourway

>> No.7361026

It means the design can only have 9 different colors in it max.

>> No.7361035

This person is right. Lots of brands work with few colors to save on cost of printing. This is why you see a lot of clip art looking out vectored images

You can try using vector magic and seeing what it looks like if you arent able to vector by hand

>> No.7361156

But does the white count as a color? They are saying something about that.

>> No.7361171

If the material isn't white, then I'm going to guess "yes", because they still need to add the white detailing.

>> No.7361887

they said the material color is off white. so 9 colors to print, so the white won't count as one of the 9.

>> No.7362056

Based on personal experience, so only referring things I own...

JSK: L417, and also L510 since they seem to be the exact same design.
OP: L479
Skirt: L353

>> No.7362074

go to bed emily

>> No.7362152

that bunny looks like a creepy hybrid version of the cat.

>> No.7363528

They are finally saying the contest is finally over and all designs done.

>> No.7363853

So did any seagulls win the design contest?

>> No.7368340

Yanuary's well past over, where are the results at?

>know it'll take time, don't really care, just wanted to say Yanuary

>> No.7368367

Knowing Mr. Yan's 'soon' they probably will never be shown online till produced, just like how the photos of their new model were announced to be online 'soon' which was in december.

>> No.7369882

Does anyone have a review of the new sailor moon uniforms? There's a big group doing the scouts for a con and they're looking to get those ones but I don't wanna fork out $70 if it's going to be god awfull and scratchy or a shitty knit T-shirt cotton.

>> No.7370172
File: 316 KB, 434x560, 511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I got this item in my bodyline luckypack, does anyone know if this is a actual costume design from an anime? If so, what anime is it? It's COSTUME511

>> No.7370177

Shuffle it's a generically stupid harem anime about a guy who has to marry an angel or a demon to become ruler of heaven or hell. Same boring guy who for some reason is super attractive to ever girl ever.
>disgusting elf ears everywhere

>> No.7370189

Urgh... lucky me.

>> No.7370190

That's a shame. It's a cute uniform.

>> No.7370198

You could wear it as a regular school uniform. I doubt anyone would care.

>> No.7370207
File: 242 KB, 1600x1067, 1392318754847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370208

Yeah, I'm tempted.

>> No.7370209

How much are you thinking about selling it for? I really dig the bag but its not on bodylines page.

>> No.7370222

It would be cheaper to make your own if you're doing a large group.

>> No.7370229

I know, I really love it myself but that anime is just mindnumbingly bad.

>> No.7370233

not that anon but I was going to sell mine for $12.

>> No.7370253

I dunno. I might just keep it for the bedroom. I would hate to go to a convention where people would know the connotations of the anime. Plus, if I just wear it just as a 'cute uniform' I run the possibility of weebs running up to me asking me if I'm cosplaying from that awful show. I'd be embrassed to say I'm just wearing it because I didn't know the show and thought the uniform 'looked cute'.

>> No.7370383
File: 14 KB, 316x145, 1392325569288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how often does bodyline restock? i really wanted a kawaii maid outfit in pink but all the good ones are sold out ;_;

>> No.7370387

Never. Try going on cosmates.

>> No.7370779

Rarely if ever. Try using the Japanese site and a shopping service or Cosmates (even though they sometimes jack up the prices).

>> No.7371056
File: 271 KB, 700x1200, L417_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> L417 and L510
You mean this one?
Do you have any worn pictures or know of girls who have coordinated with it? It looks so, so bad here

>> No.7371103
File: 498 KB, 737x460, 7984796788-89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting as well. I want to put this together for NYCC and probably recycle it for Halloween. But if it's not restocked by summer I'll just give up.

>> No.7371105

Source of the wrist cuffs, please?

>> No.7371109

Angelic Pretty Lyrical Bunny wristcuffs. You might have to dig through the comm sales or auctions sites for them.

>> No.7371116

Does anyone have pictures of what that maid dress looks like without the apron?

>> No.7371207

I really want to order from them, but they're always out ;_;
Please help ;_;

>> No.7371214

There's nothing we can do, Anon. You've just got to wait and hope.

>> No.7371728

Anyone know if bodylines shoes are generally the same size in all shoe times. i own shoes251 in 255 and im unsure if their other shoes will fit because i dont really fit other japanese shoes that are 255. Im assuming bodyline doesnt let you try on shoes in store

>> No.7371735

They are all the same sizes usually but of course a shoe of the same size in a different shape may fit differently.

>> No.7372577

Has anyone ordered one of the bodyline Sailor Moon seifuku? The detailing looks nice but the sizing is really weird. I'm pretty shapeless but those measurements are ridiculous even for me.

>> No.7372602

yeah i have one in blue. i'll take a picture of it when i return home on monday but

its literally just a basic dress with a long zipper in the back. the thing that makes it cute is the heart shaped apron that you tie over it

>> No.7372760

Doing the bustle up kind of ruins it for me, and you know Bodyline's stock photos...they're always worse than it really is. The little ribbon bows aren't the greatest, but they'd be easy to remove.

>> No.7372780

Are you serious? This question was literally asked not even 30 posts ago. Why come to a thread if you have no intent on actually reading it?

God I hate people who can't even bother to look for shit themselves. Bet you didn't even bother with google did you? This thread + Ctrl + f = your friend. Try again.

>> No.7372940
File: 453 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really simple and the zipper is in the back.

>> No.7373134

Does anyone have pictures of anything in beige from BL, specifically looking for L329

I would prefer it in Black but the only options left are Beige, Off White and Sax and I'm trying to transition from sweet to more classic.

Also, does anyone have any photos of coords with L257 in brown? Could that work into a classic wardrobe or is the design still too sweet?

In fact, any advice on pieces to look at for switching to classic would be helpful. I am plus size, 101cm bust, 90cm waist and I'm tall so nothing really short.

>> No.7373202

I appreciate the offers, you two! I was curious about what the construction of the bodice looks like. I was worried that since, as you said, they made it with the intention of covering with an apron, that the bodice would look bad. It looks simple, but not terrible! I kind of like the square neckline. Maybe with some edits; like lace along the darts and up to the neckline or down the middle, or tiny ruffles around the neckline, or a bow, a sash around the waist, ruffles around the hem; it could look pretty nice!
The lace on the sleeves look pretty bad though. Raschel? Does it look pretty easy to rip stitch out?

Where does it hit you guys at your heights? Does it hold a short petticoat okay?

>> No.7373212
File: 5 KB, 219x230, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only tiny pic I found of it in beige.

>> No.7373230

Any word on more winners of the print contest yet?

>> No.7373385
File: 350 KB, 800x1200, L304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys own the L304 dress? I love the print, but the top half doesn't really look so good.

>> No.7373393

If your bust is large, the shirring looks weird. I personally really like the dress. It's my favorite BL piece I own. I have pics if you want.

>> No.7373396

I don't own it, but I've rarely seen it worn well...
And he full shirring looks sorta weird.

>> No.7373420

If you don't like the top part of the OP you should probably get the skirt. It's L305.

>> No.7373421

Anything bigger than a M/medium bust and pretty narrow shoulders is going to look off, stretched and odd...search the worn pix and you'll see...I'm surprised they brought it back in the dress style though I think the skirt can be cute.

>> No.7373453


I saw a loli take out the shirring and recut the top so it looked proper.

I wish I had the pic.

>> No.7374233
File: 449 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lace is okay actually, it's not scratchy for me at all.

>> No.7374237
File: 365 KB, 968x1296, photo (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to answer your other questions, I think you could rip the lace out okay, this is how it connected to the inside of the sleeve.
And this dress is really, really short on me. I'm about 5'3" and it hits my upper thigh so if I raise my arms my panties show.

>> No.7374749

The top part is pretty ugly, but it's such a comfy dress. Just get a cute thick belt.

>> No.7374773

> I'm about 5'3" and it hits my upper thigh so if I raise my arms my panties show.
Yikes! If I get it, I'll be sure to plan on sewing a long ruffle along the hem or wearing an underskirt.

>> No.7374779

>I have pics if you want.
Yes, please

>> No.7374885
File: 399 KB, 563x800, antiqueclock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go! For reference my bust was about 36 in. (91 cm) and this is a BL M. Cropped because I was wearing some ugly leg wear for this outfit test.

>> No.7375073
File: 215 KB, 700x1200, l460-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How warm is this? Is it worth the money? (L460)

>> No.7378723
File: 87 KB, 700x1200, l540-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys noticed they put some pictures up of the new model girl? I never knew Yan would accept someone so chubby.

>> No.7378726
File: 186 KB, 700x1200, l534-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378728


>> No.7378730
File: 116 KB, 700x1200, l546-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378732

I wouldn't say shes chubby, just a healthy weight. The angle of the camera doesn't help, either. I've noticed that whenever I take a pic at waist or thigh level, that my legs look huge.

>> No.7378734
File: 87 KB, 700x1200, l539-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378735
File: 90 KB, 700x1200, l536-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely on the heavier side of healthy. I was just noting that she's got a larger build than most girls that Yan picks, I have nothing against her weight.

>> No.7378736
File: 130 KB, 700x1000, l556-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378737

her face kind of reminds me of a guinea pig, not sure if that's good or bad?

>> No.7378738
File: 93 KB, 700x1000, costume647-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378743

She's not heavy, anon. Agreed that Mr. Yan usually picks skinny girls but she's average.

>> No.7378747
File: 113 KB, 600x900, a01-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this gem while hunting for more of the new girl.

>> No.7378754

The photos look like if they were made with a potato. They want to improve but the quality always getsworse.

>> No.7378756

>a potato

My sides

>> No.7378763
File: 110 KB, 700x1200, l547-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378765

She's normal, not chubby.
But she's not thin, like most model, that for sure.
She's also pear shaped, so she doesn't have gracious twig legs.

>> No.7378766

I find it very interesting that her thighs aren't photoshopped or edited or anything. They're just there in all their veiny naturalness.

>> No.7378767

I'm just happy they removed the background at least. It's a small improvement. For being so rich, Yan sure is stingy on getting a nice camera.

>> No.7378768

Oh hey, her thighs look pretty ok here!

>> No.7378770

looks like my ex boyfriend

>> No.7378772

>foot blocking what might have been a panty shot

>> No.7378780

Her skin is super transparent.
The number two downpoint of having a fair skin.

>> No.7378781
File: 152 KB, 691x632, cosmetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used to do way better photos few years ago, so...

Pic related.

>> No.7378894

Are her measurements and height up yet?

>> No.7378898

Fair skin + cold = this. It sucks

>> No.7378909
File: 108 KB, 700x1200, l548-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, this time they only use the photos as addition to the mannequin photos, not as replacement.

>> No.7378911

I...kind of love that wig. Which wig is it? Are bodyline wigs quality?

>> No.7378912
File: 91 KB, 700x1200, l550-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7378918

It is W117 and Bodyline's wigs are nice for the price, better than halloween wigs but not perfect.

>> No.7378920

>dat animu foot tattoo
>those fucking teeth
>dat facial expression

Will yan ever pick a girl who's actually pretty?

>> No.7378942
File: 158 KB, 640x960, 1392747517452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will yan ever pick a girl who's actually pretty?
Even the most pretty girl on earth would look shitty at the BL photos, not to mention that she shoops herself to hell and back at all her 'normal' photos and I am sure she sent Bodyline those.

Pic related.

>> No.7378948

Wow this actually looks cute as a simple going out coord. Well done BL.

>> No.7378951

Omfg. You're right.
Guinea pigs are cute though so I'm biased.

>> No.7378958

Oh wtf its $67?!

>> No.7378966

idk you guys, I think she's really cute.

>> No.7378973

Doesn't make the photo quality better and the fact that she dresses as Naruto character 24h irl.

>> No.7378980
File: 233 KB, 700x1200, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wanna get one of their plaid blouses
Whats the consensus on these?
I guess solid coloured dresses are the way to go?

>> No.7378982

And then maybe convert the jabot into a hairbow

>> No.7379008
File: 22 KB, 128x128, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep seeing miranda cosgrove

>> No.7379007

Caution about the arm holes.. the non stretchy ones can be kind of tight for average arm size

>> No.7379022 [DELETED] 

I really like L066 in red but i dont like the whole punk lolita.... any ideas of coording not look ita.. or is this a fail.. im also planning on more so using it as a christmas type dress

>> No.7379027

I really like L066 as a christmas dress but was there any way to make a non punk lolita coord or is it useless?

>> No.7379037

So much plaid went out in the LP there is that unfortunate association. But if you must then yes, solid JSK and very restrained patterns of any other kind. These are busy, busy.

>> No.7379042

It doesn't look punk at all, if anything it's a bit oldschool though it's kind of meh. replace some of the lace and probably the buttons and it will look good.

>> No.7379063
File: 38 KB, 300x300, l0714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know about L071? Worn pics even?

>> No.7379068

I would kindly take it off their hands.
Would prefer red and wear it with black dresses. Like plaid peeking out sort of thing.

>> No.7379117
File: 81 KB, 600x800, l071-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't find worn pics, always consider looking at BL's Rakuten.

>> No.7379537

How can she even stand like this.

>> No.7379545

Just noticed that you can see her panties through the petti at the blue part.

>> No.7379549

I really like them too so I'm torn.

>> No.7379571

Oh wow, you really can.

>> No.7379787

What's the general consensus on Bodyline shoes' quality versus price?

>> No.7379790

Yep, with the black lace on the red plaid one and a plain black JSK, it should be kawaii.

>> No.7379800

I like mine, I have 3 different pairs. RHS sizes run small and narrow, usually, there may be other fit issues with other styles so I google reviews and double check any fit issues using the stock number of each style.

>> No.7379874

I just got Bodyline-shoes194 in size 250! I usually wear size 24.5 or 8.5 (US W) and have wide, flat feet. The shoes fit me just fine with wiggle room for my toes.

>> No.7379885

This is good info to have since I have wide, flat feet too, thanks a lot.
Have you bought any other shoes from BL?

>> No.7380398

I think in their recent post BL said they made a point of not touching up their pictures too much so that you know what you're actually getting. Like they didn't shop out the wrinkles in the coat here >>7378912 so that means you can get a better idea of what kind of fabric it's made out of and how it drapes.

>> No.7380404

Those pettiskirts are super duper see-through. I have the one with little bows on it. It's ridiculous. I primarily use it as a bonus petticoat to my normal petti when I want to get max poof

>> No.7380452

I ordered some shoes and they came in the shoebox! I heard that that doesn't happen all the time, so I was pleased

>> No.7380952

I've only ever gotten shoeboxes with my bodyline orders, they don't always send them!?

New model is cute, I like her more w/o the photoshop

>> No.7380965

Well, in this case their pictures are so blurry that it doesn't even matter anymore if touched up or not, all the flaws are gone due to blur if there were some.

>> No.7380975

I think she's just a bit heavy on the thighs. Some girls are like that. Doesn't mean they're unhealthy.

>> No.7380979

It depends which ones you buy. I've bought BL wigs that have been thin, very plastic looking and overall shitty construction. Yet I've bought some that are GLW quality.

>> No.7380980

Her legs look so unshaven...

>> No.7381607

Mind sharing which were which?

>> No.7381715
