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File: 74 KB, 500x375, yaoi-paddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7330997 No.7330997 [Reply] [Original]

So seagulls, what is the stupidest shit or the biggest waste of money you've seen for sale in the Dealers Room at a con?

Pic fucking related.

>> No.7331011

I don`t get yaoi paddles.
What`s the point of them?

>> No.7331014

How did yaoi paddles come about? They just seem like something that have been around forever. Anybody got any history on these horrific pieces of printed on wood?

>> No.7331022
File: 72 KB, 550x340, 6608-yaoi parasol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7331024

The earliest I remember them was some point around 2003-2005.

>> No.7331028
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>> No.7331030

it's for weebs that go around singing the Junjou romantica theme song while they spontaneously spank the behinds of poor bystanders.

>> No.7331032

JR is pretty cute.
But why spontaneously spank other people's butts?
I just don't understand the connection between a butt-spanking paddle and yaoi.

>> No.7331033

I've felt the wrath of these things. Had a huge bruise left on the back of my thigh and had to sit awkwardly for the next five days.

>> No.7331036

I'm glad these are banned from my local cons.

>> No.7331034

Not gonna front, I would probably buy this just to hang up in my apartment and make visitors uncomfortable.

>> No.7331038

I feel like somehow >>7331033 answers your question.
Also, most people that like Junjou Romantica have a very tenuous grasp and what is socially and morally acceptable.

>> No.7331044

I've been in this situation too about seven years ago. It's a good job I'd taken my meds for my ADHD for their sake, otherwise it probably would have gone to my head and I'd have taken their yaoi paddle and got physical. That was my first convention too. Other than that, it was a good experience.

I think the weirdest thing I saw being sold at a con was kisses. People walking round with signs around their neck with "$3 for a kiss" written on them. I haven't been to many cons though.

>> No.7331043

Can we include the artist alley in this because I am getting so fucking sick of seeing perler bead shit at every table.
If we aren't including it, I'd have to say ravewear. It's so tacky and for what it is really expensive. But there's a market for it so it's going to be in every dealer's room.

>> No.7331046

Aurgh. Perler bead stuff is so easy to make. For the price some people pay for necklaces, you could buy a set that comes with the beads, boards and the ironing paper stuff and make five times as many necklaces.

>> No.7331054
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Do you really need to ask?

>> No.7331055

I love both yaoi and Yuri, but as long as I've been attending cons (2003), I never understood why they existed and why anyone would buy them.

>> No.7331059

Did you get security ? Last time I checked, that's assault

>> No.7331062

People kissing randomers at cons is just so unhygienic. Same with 'free hugs'.

>> No.7331068

Yeah, I did. They were warned and told to put the paddle away but nothing really happened about it. Was at London MCM Expo in 2009.

I feel like dealers halls at cons is like etsy in real life. A lot of the stuff is so overpriced. I'd go on one hell of a shopping spree for cute jewelry if they weren't charging £10 for one ring.

>> No.7331211

I wanted a yaoi paddle so badly when I was in my weeb days, but never bought one. I can't even remember why I never bought it, but I am so thankful I never did.

I had an ex friend that had one so I guess that was good enough for me.

>> No.7331217

Man, these have been banned at the cons I've been attending for the past few years. Feels like a blast from the past.

I wonder if there's going to be a generation of weebs and babby congoers that won't recognize them?

>> No.7331221
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I remember when those paddles were the norm. I feel badly for anyone who had been struck by them.

>> No.7331235
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I remember my first convention I had just gotten rid of seven months of pain from fracturing my coccyx (tip of the spinal column), and people were walking around freely whacking bystanders on the ass with those goddamn paddles. I was petrified I was going to spend another month in agony because of these fuckers.

>> No.7331321

Those fucking yaoi paddles. I used to have a very stupid friend that bought the "Yuri" one and would use it to smack girls on the butt with a cons when they asked but since he's an idiot who's never held a woman, he did it so hard they cried afterward claiming he wasn't at fault. Then the dumbest thing of all is that he'd bring them to multiple cons. He bought it in his home state of Illinois and bought it with him to Anime Expo in California... who the fuck does this!? And of course, he bought two more of them at Anime Expo, one that said "Seme" and it gets even dumber because he thought that meant someone who gives things and he likes to give gifts to random people. He didn't even know what the fuck it implied... The dude also bought a "Hentai" one just to let everyone know he watched it.

He was the biggest embarrassment ever... and kept shipping those things with him to cons across the country.

>> No.7331325

Really, it's nice things that I feel are way overpriced.
I might be a little bit biased because Im a cheap bastard, but some little knitted things shouldn't cost more than 20 bucks at the most.
Or going to the stands that have the 'vintage' video games. Im not going to drop 200 bucks on a system because you dragged it here.

>> No.7331341
File: 92 KB, 570x536, il_570xN.550213988_qkrv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conneticon, I went and everything was so overpriced it hurt.
bodyline at a starting price of $80 a dress,
and my favorite, something like pic related

imagine pic related, except even worse looking, with shitty lace and it hot glued together. and instead of a whip cream dolloped on top, one of those cake erasers. selling for $25 a piece.

oh Connecticon, land of the what the fuck.

sadly the most reasonably priced thing in the goddamn con were the nekomimi when they first came out, they sold for $90 a piece.

they also were selling a day dream carnival skirt in purple for $450

god fucking damn

>> No.7331347

Once upon a time with an ex-friend...

>At a con during weeb days (2008)
>(ex)friend sees yaoi paddle
>Convinces me to buy one for her
>50$ it's k she's a friend
>Says that her parents will get mad
>Asks if I can keep it at my house over summer
>Gives it back in September
>Ugh I forgot about it, keep it I don't want it
>I don't want this shit, let her keep it
>Never paid me back
>Currently 2014

>> No.7331576
File: 16 KB, 630x400, blow man blow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok how was no one brought these up

>2010 AX
>world cup this year
>some asshole is selling vuvuzelas
>chaos ensues
>no one fucking profits

>> No.7331681

Ugh... stories like this are why I never lend friends money.

>> No.7331762

Am I the only one who hates those "I <3 Yaoi" pins?

I can't be the only one who cringes knowing that the people who buy them are mostly 15 year old girls who want to advertise to the world that they masturbate to manga with guys fucking.

>> No.7331779

I bought an I <3 Yuri shirt on a whim in like 2011 or 2012. I only wear it indoors or when having casual hangouts with other friends that like anime/yuri, otherwise I just look at it feeling all sorts of why.

I also don't understand brand vendors at small cons. Do they honestly think the casual ita that comes to those kinds of cons, comes prepared to drop $350 on a dress they don't even know how to appreciate? I'd save it for the large cons in cities with a lot of lolitas, that's the only way I can see it being worth it / able to turn a profit.

>> No.7331803

You know if these places did sell bulk in cheap I reckon they'd make a heap more than just sitting for hours waiting for a poor sucker to think $25 for glitter in a tiny jar necklace is worth their money.

Alas I feel this could only work if we involved cheap chinese labour

>> No.7331807

What hurts my heart is someone actually spending money on whatever you described

Like some tired overworked mother dragged along by her daughter and her not knowing better spending that cash on it or some mentally disabled fuck

>> No.7331810

>Am I the only one who hates those "I <3 Yaoi" pins?
only you
you are the only one who holds this opinion
congratulations on this, for you are the most unique person in the whole world

>> No.7331829

Oh gosh, I'd managed to forget about them. Awful, awful things.

>> No.7331831

At my first con I was actually dumb enough to buy those Ya-Ya Han cat ears... Still have them...

>> No.7331840

The "lolita" booth that's full of shit that's ACTUALLY worse than milanoo.

I didn't even know that was possible.

>> No.7331972

Yeah, one year at A-Kon a few years back some guy had Bodyline at his booth, going for $90 a dress. Shit was selling, too. Why, people?

>> No.7332097

You seem bitter, anon.

>> No.7332104

At Acen, harajuku hearts had a lot of eternal rose bouquet and other things that were sold out online, as well as having a chantilly skirt + sock set for 150? 140? 125? something like that. A pretty good deal, either way.

>> No.7332124

I actually witnessed a time when someone hit someone so hard that it broke the paddle.

As for a waste of money, bought a girl I was dating several 18+ doujin because it was of her favorite characters but it was in Japanese so all she could do was look at the pictures.

>> No.7332307

Casual itas, thats why.

>> No.7332338

If I'm honest, I have considered buying a few bodyline dresses and reselling them at conventions for twice the price. Bit shady, but hey. Itas will buy them. It's a dog eat dog world.

>> No.7332341

I sold mine thank fuck


anime con kids are poorfags though

>> No.7332345

Yeah, but most the time their parents aren't. It only takes one spoiled ita.

>> No.7332439

I have only seen a yaoi paddle once in the many years of going to cons, and it was in the hands of a very annoying and loud doujinshi seller.

My nomination for worst waste of money would be those moving cat ears. I once participated in cosplay speed-dating to kill time, and one guy was wearing it while trying to meet women. How it didn't dawn on on him that those things that wasn't a good idea, I don't know.

>> No.7332551
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 11402203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related story:
>at a con earlier this year
>friend is trying to bang this girl
>she's really annoying, but I do my best to be nice anyway
>she runs off for a few hours
>run into her later
>she's wearing something almost exactly like pic related
>says she bought it in the dealers' room that day
>she is so proud
>I'm actually a lolita, and this is offensive to my people
>would've scratched her eyes out then and there if it weren't for my friend
>he got to bang her, though, so it wasn't for nothing, I guess

>> No.7332563


>> No.7332567

>Yaoi paddles
>Bootleg plushies/DVDs/CDs/t-shirts selling for 3x the cost of the originals
>Lace monsters for the price of brand
>'Bondage' gear
>Mini top hats (usually sold right next to those cat ears with the ribbons)

>> No.7332568

Poorfags, yes, but a lot of them save up for one big purchase per convention. Or use their food money to buy stupid shit on impulse.

>> No.7332578

hugging isn't unhygienic.

>> No.7332580

This was me my first convention. I went there with literally thirty dollars and left with yaoi pins and a stomach so shrunken I could barely eat a salad.

>> No.7332584

>>Bootleg plushies/DVDs/CDs/t-shirts selling for 3x the cost of the originals
This always makes me a little sad. It furthers the myth that anything from Japan is just too expensive to own. Then again, people should be smarter about this shit.

>> No.7332585
File: 327 KB, 800x600, 148820736[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see these things in piss-yellow at local con
>they're HUGE
>"Who the fuck would wear this"
>next week at school see three people wearing one

>> No.7332589

Physical contact with people who have colds and other air born diseases is definitely unhygienic. I hate going to cons. The atmosphere is fun, but I have a shit immune system and always come back after the three days with the start of a cold.

>> No.7332599

>chop suey font
>so nipponese

>> No.7332603

The tumblr is strong in this one.

>> No.7332602

It is with some fucking congoers who aren't familiar with the common practices known as brushing your teeth or bathing.

>> No.7332619

There wasn't a hint of sjw in there. You're new as fuck and parroting.

>> No.7332626

This. People really don't seem to understand the ways to spot a Tumblrfag... that and people really don't need to point it out if they are. It's pointless.

>> No.7332633

I think they said that because there was a popular post on tumblr that was similar to what you said.
Ironically, that person would only know if they had a tumblr.

>> No.7332636

christ. I wonder if swedish cons are like that.
haven't been to one, but I'm curious.

>> No.7332644

So, I'm a noob, what does seme imply?

>> No.7332768

The dominant one.

>> No.7332779

Yaoi anything

>> No.7332788

In a similar vein, I have a MEGAMILK shirt from a con in 2008. I only wear it inside the house. My bf thinks it's hilarious, but I've only wore it in public twice, once at a small university held con.

>> No.7332797

I have a pair from several years ago, but honestly, I wouldn't say they're bad just because they're from Yaya. (Or in earlier days, when she sold them to other vendors or something like that, before she got big and would sell them herself.)
They're good quality for what it's worth. Only thing I dislike is the feathers, which are cute, but get fluff everywhere. I guess it's only to be expected.

A bit earlier, before said convention, 14 year old me had vowed to get a yaoi paddle. I can't really think of why I wanted one. But this was the year my convention had banned them for the first time, so none were to be found. Looking back, I guess I am grateful.

I don't think I've made any large stupid purchases over the years, though. I've bought some silly things spur of the moment that I convinced myself I'd use/wear/whatever, but never do.

I like looking at tons of things, but before I buy stuff now, I always try to ask myself if I'll wear it/use it. Keeps me from purchasing a ton of things, even if I'd like just to own it.

>> No.7332805
File: 214 KB, 1280x1024, 1031091905a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my first dress this way, $80 on bodyline jfc, pic related (bought like 5-6 years ago)

I had money and I thought it was really nice OTL such a waste

>> No.7332857
File: 58 KB, 793x429, img56162663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I got that dress for $14 on the site

don't worry. my first dress I payed $80 for as well. you aren't alone.

I saved up forever for that con, worked my ass off for chores, and my birthday money went to it, and found pic related for $50 it was gorgeous, but instead, I bought that fucking $80 bodyline dress, because I thought "wow! its priced high! the quality must be great! bodyline must be a brand I've never heard of before! amazing"
asian girl at the booth then tells me about how great a brand bodyline is, and that everything was imported from Japan, and that bodyline is a great brand overhyping it to gullible little weeaboo me.

fuck you, you goddamn scalper. I could of had that fucking clock.

>> No.7332868

I was happy for a period of time, but now I wish I would have bought something less stupid. Ah well.

That clock is great anon ;-;

>> No.7332872

its selling online for $150 now
all my rage.
anyways, here's what happened to it.

it recieved a stupid end, because I was a stupid weeaboo.

its size small and no longer fits me.

>> No.7332874

by it, I mean the dress, and the clock is selling for $150

>> No.7332951

"Bishi Bottoms"

Like five years ago, someone sold those at a con nearby. Really, REALLY badly drawn chibi's drawn in marker on cheap walmart underpants. Done on commission, of course, they had one on display.

They apparently paid for a double table to sell it, too.

>> No.7332963
File: 98 KB, 650x650, 1390882402438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the first line and thought you were referring to those ass mousepads, and then got really really disappointed.

>> No.7332966

I'd go gay for Gil.

>> No.7332969

I want one of those just to make people feel uncomfortable, and if someone asked me about it I would pick it up, and be like "its wrist support, feel it, its nice and squishy" while groping the ass the entire time

>> No.7332975

If someone hit me with one of those at a con I'd grab it from them and belt them in the gut with it as hard as I could and take it with me then throw it in the nearest bin.

Are people seriously that autistic to go around hitting strangers?

>> No.7332979
File: 44 KB, 400x400, buttmousepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"see, feel it, its really comfortable, like wresting your hand on a squishy cloud. I bought these for comfort purposes of course"

>> No.7332984

And then you shove it in their face.

Ohhhhhh yeah. Feel that gel. Feel it. Inhale it.

>> No.7332999

If it were that I would have been super fucking excited and bought 20.

>> No.7333005

Aren't they banned from ALL cons nowadays? Can't remember the last time I saw one...

>> No.7333013

I knew a weeb girl back circa 2001 when weebishness was a new thing. The one word people used to describe her was violent. I dunno where it came from, or what she was emulating, but she tried cartoon violence IRL and was always smacking or hitting somebody. Or flying off the handle about YAOI and BISHIES or being otherwise aggressive and pushy. I could totally see her beating strangers with a blunt object. I hope she grew out of it before paddles became a thing.

>> No.7333020

These little bastards. I still have all the ones I bought staring at me from across the room.

I'd keep my little Kuwabara though.But god I wish preteen me didn't waste her money on this shit.

>> No.7333023
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...and of course I drop my pic.

>> No.7333039

My first ever time cosplaying I got randomly hugged by someone out of the blue. A few weeks later, I was infested with head lice. Worst con experience ever tbh

>> No.7333041

I used to watch that shit cause it was on YTV at night.

Jesus, Sesshomaru is the most bland uninteresting character in the entire series why does he have so many fangirls?

Not like Inu Yasha has many deep and interesting characters, but srsly.. hes the worst.

>> No.7333042

Every single fucking con that year. God dammit.

>> No.7333054

I used to feel the same about him but then I really liked his little father-daughter dynamic with Rin. It was cute.

And yeah, Inuyasha is so repetitive and pretty shitty. But I love it so.

>> No.7333060

>inu yasha repetitive
You mean using the windscar/backlash wave -every single time- they got into trouble wasnt repetitive?

>guy who can suck in anything
>bees that will kill him if he sucks them in around constantly
>cant use the stupid vaccum move
>bees never go in to sting anyone

>> No.7333068

I have $1800 worth of manga I bought all throughout junior high and high school that I don't care about anymore and can't for the life of me manage to unload. Not even on craigslist. I wish I could go back to my 13 year old self and yell "IT'S ALL FREE ON THE INTERNET".
I already threw 4 years worth of shonen jumps in a dumpster.

>> No.7333077

I cracked up so much. thanks anon

>> No.7333082

The first convention after I turned 18, I went and bought some porn from Hendanei, who over charges like crazy.
Best part is that I accidentally bought almost all futanari on accident.

>> No.7333087
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>"on accident"

>> No.7333125

I'm so glad that I was relatively cheapass when I first got into anime, and rented/borrowed and dubbed most of my tapes. There were so many back then who bought shows sight unseen and watchd them once, and I got so much shit for not doing that either. The joke's on everybody with a $5000 VHS tape collection.

>> No.7333123

That's how the story goes, hah.

>> No.7333126

I have probably like 200 bucks worth of dvds (not anime) that Im going to throw away because they're actually worthless. I can only imagine VHS being even more worthless with the tape degradation and sheer size of the damn things.

>> No.7333133
File: 171 KB, 850x668, 1372247570990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest waste I've seen: bootleg figures

But it was even worse when I'd work a figure booth and everyone had to make retarded comments about how it's "cheaper at the other booth." But they were always talking about the bootleg booth.

The "it's cheaper online" people always annoyed me because while they were right with some figures they were dead wrong with others. Before that link figma got a re-release I was at a con and let me tell you, at the time that shit was way overpriced online. It was like 70 something plus shipping on amazon, so we set the price at 80. Way, way, way over-priced, but that was the market at the time. Every dumbass said "It's cheaper online," but there was no re-release announced, all the normal fig sites were sold out, and I don't think those same people knew how to scout mandarake. I think it ended up selling at the con anyway.

I'm curious how overpriced the shitgeki nendoroids will be...

>> No.7333145

Let me just say buying doujinshi at conventions is fucking choice because I've found things I've never seen for sale online.

I got a greece x turkey doujin by motherfucking est em. Didn't even know she did that, but sure enough it's hers. I'm not even that into Hetalia, but no one carries Gintama doujinshi because of it's obscurity in the US.

Also shipping doujinshi from Japan can get mad expensive real fast, trust me.

>> No.7333149

Thank you for being reasonable and not selling POP! vinyl figures for $150 each.

>> No.7333151


i just want one for laughs like jfc look at them
where can you get them??

>> No.7333153

>tfw I was one of those suckers and bought a bootleg Shining Hearts figure at a con once
So much buyers regret.

>> No.7333155

I know that feel. I've spent 30~ bucks on fucking 15$ prize figs.

>> No.7333162
File: 51 KB, 350x208, sadhorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I remember discovering free manga too. All my money on animus. I'm sorry for your loss though, anon.

>> No.7333169

Here's the Gil one:


They also come as boobie mousepads.

>> No.7333173

My fucking face when I bought a Link figma at AX for $90. It was my first figma how will I knoooooooow.

>tfw you hear about re-release months later.

>> No.7333176

can you imagine the money people make off of weebs?


my sister and I were going to start making brony plushies after we saw them going for hundreds of dollars on ebay at the height of the brony craze, but it died down and we lost interest.

still. I can't fault people who make these things. they know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.7333180

look up "anime butt mousepad"

>> No.7333191

I try to donate most of my legitimate media. Dubbed audio and video cassettes go straight in the trash when I find them. I need to try to sell a bunch of domestic CDs. What a fucking waste so many of those were, I tried to be "good" during the Napster era and support shitty major label albums that only had two or three good songs on them.

>> No.7333194

I like reading manga IRL, so I still have mine. I only collect ones I've read at least a few chapters of already though.

>> No.7333197

Why the CD hate? I think theyre optimal, when you consider you can store them easily, and it costs the same amount as buying a song through itunes.

Then again, I pay for spotify now so the point is moot until i need to listen to decent music in my car.

>> No.7333202

The only manga I'm not trying to get rid of are Yotsuba&, Sayonara Setsubou Sensei, and Scott Pilgrim. Some I really loved, like Hana-Kimi, but I have 20 volumes of it. That's just a lot of shelf space to dedicate to one series.

>> No.7333206

>Scott Pilgrim

>> No.7333211

I have all of hana kimi as well, shelves are cheap! I use $20 walmart "media" shelves that are perfectly shallow for manga. Unless you legitimately have very little room available, its worth holding onto the manga. :(
If you really want to ditch it, donate it to the library. So the middle schoolers searching stuck there can learn to appreciate manga etc

>> No.7333213

I bought a lot of garbage where they only wrote a good single or two, and the rest was just filler trash. On the flipside, my Dio CDs will be pried from my cold dead hands.

>> No.7333215

I guess they called it manga because its in manga form, instead of typical comic book form

>> No.7333221

I donated most of mine to the library and one of my friend's little brother when he was still a wee one getting into manga. None of it was going to sell, and that big smile on his face when I handed him that huge box of manga was pretty sweet.

>> No.7333222

I never realized donating them to a library was an option. I may do that because they're sitting in 2 sterilite tubs in my closet at the moment and no one's enjoying them in there.

>> No.7333229

Yeah, if you like your local middle/high school, donate them to that library. Otherwise, the public library is always happy for free books. :D

>> No.7333232

If you don't want your manga I'd be more than happy to pay for shipping and then some.
But if yah want to donate it to the children then that's cool too

>> No.7333257
File: 231 KB, 900x600, VUVUZELA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW AX world cup again this year

I admit, I might be tempted to bring one.

>> No.7333262

I bought a bokken at one con and a shinai at another.

Not the worst purchase but not sure why...

>> No.7333276

I don't understand what they are.

Did people just run up to individuals and paddle people without asking?

>> No.7333287

Oh good lord, those. I shoved my Itachi in my closet when I grew out of that phase, and every time I dig around in there I find him staring at me with those dead eyes.

>> No.7333286

Yes. They were gradually banned due to that exact problem.

>> No.7333289

Damn. I missed my chance to fulfill the masochism that I had since I was 8 or so. I was an odd kid.

>> No.7333290

anon, I am so goddamn jelly

>> No.7333301

Oh god... I had an Ulquiorra, Hollow Ichigo and a Sasuke one of these. They're still in my attic...

>> No.7333304

I'm so glad those were never that popular in my country. I'd probably flip my shit if someone even touched me with it
actually, I just can't stand people I dont' know intentionaly touching me without reason...it's also against the law to do that

>> No.7333318
File: 75 KB, 800x600, 1390893629936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you buy yours gulls?

>> No.7333325

2007 for my first anime convention when my friends outvoted me and said we'd cosplay as a Naruto group.

>unspoken pact that we'll never discuss it again

>> No.7333329

>there's pictures somewhere out there on the internet

>> No.7333337

at FYE. I wore it around my neck once every friday with my friends who all had them.
people thought we were a cult or a gang.

I actually kind of miss those carefree weeb days, but its better to not be a weeb because you make life hell for everyone around you

>> No.7333346
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a sand village at hot topic. Then later a leaf and sound village at my local con. whyyyyy

>> No.7333371


I've got you beat, I bought a rain village one online in 2008 - but for a Hidan cosplay (could not for the life of me find a Yugakure one because I was young and inexperienced and had never ordered anything from the big scary internet before). Huge waste of money for an inaccurate accessory I knew was inaccurate. It plagued me so much that I ended up just throwing it away

And to top if off, I'm planning to do a nostalgia cosplay of Konan when Naruto finally finishes, for which I will need another damn rain village headband.

I feel like the biggest idiot for wasting money on one of those things twice.

>> No.7333386

I'd never guess that some cons have a "no bootlegs" policy with just how many bootlegs you can find in the average Dealers Room.

>> No.7333387

I hit on a guy because he had village of the sand wristbands, and we dated for four years.

weeabooism at its finest

>> No.7333395

>4 years of life you'll never get back

>> No.7333396
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>tfw I was the weeaboo of the relationship, and he was actually pretty cool

there goes 4 years of his life
ahahahahahahaha-now I'm sad, god I was such a horrible weeb

>> No.7333399


>4 years of his life he'll never get back

>> No.7333431

the yellow ones I mentioned had fucking comic sans.

>> No.7333435

oh god like every day in middle school for like 2 years, all my friends had them i had sand and sound. i remember i was running and i felt and it left a scar on my collar area its still there.

>> No.7333445

I paid 35€ - almost 50 dollars - for mine back when those things were hard to get outside of japan

I can't even sell it because I dented and scratched it deeply to make it look more "authentic". I hate teenage me.
>tfw when I wore it to school once

>> No.7333456
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I really want one of these now.

>> No.7333459
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>> No.7333460

This is the best thing I've ever seen. And I got an old boobie mouse pad from 2009.

>> No.7333463
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>wore it to school

>> No.7333478

You sound like a perfectionist anon. I don't mean that in a bad way, just that the difference between the Amegakure headband and the Yugakure headband is one line and it's not something I think most people would notice? It's definitely not something most inexperienced cosplayers/weebs would care about, so it sounds like you have a good eye for detail.

>> No.7333476
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>> No.7333481

i can feel my right upper arm twitch from just wanting to touch that, theres no denying

>> No.7333482

Ok, this is more hilarious than actually appealing.
>would prefer Bunny tho

>> No.7333545

I got a Kamina one.
It does admittedly look stupid, but the sole reason I wanted it was because of that.
My sister bought it for me as a gift, so don't berate me for wasting $20 on it.

>> No.7333728

Nah. Even when con people are more touchy than normies we are still, you know,

Also hygiene seems fairly good. Though I usually end up with a stuffed nose for a few days after a con due to lots of people and lack of sleep.

>> No.7333730

I donated a whole bunch of shonen jumps from the year 2003-2008 to the local library, almost threw them out. It's just not worth it lugging it around.

At least I didn't spend too much on manga volumes, I actually collected good series and didn't buy whatever random shit. I actually appreciate the small collection I have.

>> No.7333749

You really should have donated them, if you were just going to throw them away. Some weeby little kid like me would be super happy to have them. My library had a small, donated collection of manga and magazines like shonen jump and shojo beat, and I loved it.
Even now, I'd take a physical book over reading it online.

>> No.7333773
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I remember some freshmen I knew in high school wearing those after school, ducking under the jungle gym in the park claiming they were from The Village Hidden in The Hood. Black kids who love Naruto are always amazing.

>> No.7333814

>Im not going to drop 200 bucks on a system because you dragged it here.

I always have to cringe when I see the video game sellers selling a basic copy of one of the newer Pokémon games for nearly a hundred dollars just because it's ~from Japan. And people buy it not knowing about region locking.

>> No.7333837

God, I miss my Narutard days. I never did get one of those.
I miss when being a narutard was a thing and the worst cosplayers at cons were naruto cosplayers

>> No.7333843

I got a Sound one from some cheap, hole-in-the-wall 'Japanese goods' store. This was maybe 2007 or 2008, and the headband was some cheap, bendable metal, and the Sound logo was basically a sticker.
Twenty fucking dollars, and I wore it to school. I remember being jealous of another weeb friend that had the more accurate Leaf one, where the metal was actually thick, and it didn't look homemade.

>> No.7333845

I've seen people selling used Pokemon gen 1 carts for $50+

I got RBY AND Gold and Silver for under $50 total at a local used games shop.

They were like $7 each. I can't believe how stupid people can be.

>> No.7333847

I've always hated Naruto, so I never wasted my money on that stupid shit.

>> No.7333866

>trashed all of my Sailor Moon Movies on VHS (as well as everything else I had on VHS)
>tfw the dvd version is hard to find without paying out the ass.
Goddamn it. The S movie was my absolute favorite.

>> No.7333939

Black otaku are my reason for living. Watching them flip between ebonics and wapanese is hilarious to me.

>> No.7334198
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My friend gave my his red Sand village one. A few of my friends and I wore them to school once and got in trouble becaues they were seen as "gang related". We thought it was hilarious. I still have it. It's tied around the neck of one of my large stuffed animal dogs.

I also got a Kamina one and he has six fingers on one hand.

My worst purchase wasn't at a con; it was at a military surplus store: the hat in the pic. Russia was pretty much my first (and a poorly done) cosplay and I wanted a hat to stand out, but the hat was too small to wear while I had my wig on. So I've never worn it. it just sits on my shelf looking interesting.

>> No.7334451

I would srsly die laughing if I saw a chick wearing a megamilk shirt even more so if she had dem big sweater udders

>> No.7334503
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I got whacked with one when I was 14 because I was cosplaying a girl character. My friend who I was with was a guy cosplaying one of the guy characters, and they yelled and me and said I got in the way of the yaoi.

pic related

>> No.7334531

i actually got the S movie on DVD for $5 at a con

>> No.7334546


turns out my husband has the first half of the shonen jump comics and I started collecting where he left off, so we combined them and have this massive ossibly 4 year span of shonen jumps that we have no interest in.

I can ask but I'm pretty sure my local library doesnt want them (too old) and i dont think we can sell them, what should we do?

>> No.7334548

>The village Hidden in the Hood


this, idgaf if it's racist, it's admirable tbh

>> No.7334551

I've had a few lucky finds at cons like that, but most vendors with any Sailor Moon DVD jack it up horrendously too. Some whack was selling used VHS versions of the movies for like $30 a pop.
I wish I had your luck, Anon! Fingers are crossed for a possible rerelease because of the new anime.

>> No.7334553

School libraries are often short in funds and will take whatever they can get. Try a nearby school, especially one that has a reputation for not having much money. They'll really appreciate it.

>> No.7334586

Put them on ebay and supply link, ill buy them

>> No.7334904

email in field, I need to check for sure what we have and they're all at my moms

>honey can you get rid of these please
>god mom in a minute

>> No.7334918

Only been to one con. Dangerously addicted to grab bags. It's never stuff I want and it's too hard and takes too long to sell everything, even though in theory what I got could turn a $70 profit. But it probably won't. I now know to never go to the gambling boats with any older relatives because I will become a monster.

But my worst purchases were in my weeb days of 4th to 6th grade. I managed to waste hundreds of dollars on
>40+ mangas, some with marked up prices at the Scholastic Book Fair
>3 years of Shonen Jump subscriptions
>Hiei wall scroll
>Hiei plush (pretty sure it was a gift though)
>$30 in YYH trading cards
>too many black and white striped things

>> No.7334985

oh god i know this wasting money on weeby merch feel
my worst purchases were probably:

>death note wall scrolls
>naruto figurines
>gaara plushie
>sasuke plushies
>sasuke shirt
>konoha headband (tbf I used it for a Haku cosplay that wasn't bad quality)
>fuckton of english manga books i bought from borders
>so many goddamn weeaboo buttons from conventions (none about yaoi thank god)
>GAIA ONLINE CARDS omg and that was in high school

i was dumb. thankfully i managed to give away a lot of it to one of my coworkers who has a little sister that's like 11 and a total weeb, absolutely loves naruto. my old weeaboo hand-me-downs were the majority of her christmas presents. i hope she likes them.

>> No.7334988

I got a box of fifteen of those fuckers for a dollar at a garage sale once. I don't think I ever actually looked at any of them, other than the Monsters one (SEXY MONSTERS!) and the Action/Fight sequence one.

>> No.7335152

You can probably still sell those for ~$10 each. I think they're OOP now.

>> No.7335180

>tfw you will never be part of the Mega64 compilation that is COSPLAYERZ
It's the spergiest thing I've ever wanted to accomplish.

>> No.7335197

Huh. Go figure. They're sitting on a shelf at my parents' place. I thought about donating them to the library at one point, but maybe I'll put them on ebay or something the next time I'm home.

>> No.7335295

I have one "official" one and a knockoff I need to sell. I will feel embarrassed just to have them posted under my ebay name. But cash is cash.

>> No.7335393

I will be really shocked if anyone gives a fuck but here are the shonen jumps we have with our powers combined

>Issue 0
>all of 2003, x2 sep
>jan 04 x2
>most of 2005 except jan and may
>all of 2006
most of 2007 missing july, oct, nov and dec

>> No.7335494
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I never realized I could donate them anywhere. Until I was 20 I lived in a really small rural town and our library didn't have any comics at all. When I moved and didn't feel like moving these huge stacks of phone books with me. First I tried selling them on ebay but even though I had issue #1, was only missing one volume from the first year, and had every volume after that no one bid anything. I figured no one would want them and tossed them.
Now I feel like an idiot.

>> No.7335511

>tfw the good smile company booths sell the figmas at fair prices

so based, unfortunately they're usually all gone on the first day

>> No.7335563
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Yeah but somehow someone snuck one in or probably wasn't banned at NYCC. I really wonder if she was turned away or not and if anyone became her victims.

>> No.7335571

>still having this paddle in 2013

>> No.7335576

>Having that username in 2013
I am not surprised

>> No.7335593
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(i - i was even weeby enough to collect them)

I spent $170 on Aeria cards and $20 on Gaiaonline.
Aeria was such a bitch. A shirt was like $25 and you have to renew it every so often too.
Too bad I got really addicted. It was the worst.
This was back when I was running on an allowance of $20/week, and I had to buy them secretly without my parents knowing because I knew they`d be totally against how wasteful it is.
I wish I was smarter. ;_;

>> No.7335599

it was the same with my allowance too, it was supposed to be for lunch at school but i didn't eat much so my leftover money went to gaia. wow was i dumb. my accounts are still around and everything too, i was such a wasteful weeb.
let's collectively regret our past mistakes, anon. ;_;

>> No.7335611
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omg same. Except I eat a lot because high metabolism, but at the time I wanted pixel money more so I just went hungry.

At least my Gaia account still have evidence that I invested money into it though. (Although I was good at making gaia money... gaia gold...? So I became filthy rich). My Aeria account is awful. There`s nothing left that shows how much RL money I spent, because the items expire after a certain period and they just disappear unless you renew them.

>> No.7335639

my gaia account is pretty nice too, i have some really old items like an angelic staff, and i forever regret selling my bani clips. damn i was stupid for not investing in that shit early. oh well.
aeria is such a ripoff, wow. that's ridic.

>> No.7335650
File: 33 KB, 500x281, qiqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw when you actually saved 80% of your lunch money because you knew you would need it at some point
>Tfw your friend would just spend it on Gaia or pocky all the time
>Tfw you used up all of those savings on rent and bills because you suck at finding a job, and could never bring yourself to just buy dresses etc
>Tfw friend is still getting money from her parent for pocky and Gaia

I'm just so bitter. Weebs that spend all their money at once seem to have the most fun. The 'smart' thing to do sucked in the end!

I can't believe your items expire, that is the suckiest thing I've ever heard of.

>> No.7335706
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Gaia online fag here. I'm dying to sell my account or items for real money, but don't know how to go about it. I have Kiki and coco kitty and a bunch of other semi rare stuff.

>> No.7335723

same here, but last I checked old items arent worth shit, and inflation was really bad. I might wait longer till it gets better, because It was two years ago since I last logged on.
they remade those naruto headbands that were going for crazy prices.

I have unopened thank you letters and they aren't worth shit now.

ugh, I thought I could profit from being a weeb

>> No.7335729

I sold a mabinogi dress i sold to someone else that was my friend in the game for $120 usd. Honestly, unless you know people, its difficult. Are there gaia forums for selling your rare pixels? l0l

>> No.7335752

That's an adorable clock. Where to cop?

>> No.7335765

I love those LGBT tags she has.

Yes, you really represent gay pride well when you hit random strangers in the ass with a paddle made for the worst kind of weeaboos.

I'd love to see the SJWs today who know about these things justify their existence.

>> No.7335769

no, selling for real money or personal gain is banable. That's why its super hard.

they remade naruto headbands? I have periodically logging in and out the last few years and I didn't see exact copies, maybe something similar in the last few years.
I know when checking the marketplace, the headbands are still in the 30-40 mil range.
I also head they trade to control the inflation problem awhile back. I know booty grab was a huge gold winner for me, I could easily grab close to 1 to 2k off a single good tank, now its cut in half for some people, but thats how I made 500k once in a weekend to buy a ancient katana.

>> No.7335777

I have an OMG Hat... in real life. As well as the omnomnom hat. I had the kiki and grunny plushes until last year.
I wasted so much money on Gaia's physical shop.

>> No.7335779

I still wear my grunny slippers. they're so comfortable.

>> No.7335786
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Damn it, I just want to sell my Gaia items and build an empire like Satsuki. I'm tired of them sitting there. I logged in about 8 months ago and that site is shit but I don't want my weeby efforts to go to waste.

>> No.7335791

high school
I wore mine to school a few times. I tied it around my waist like rock lee.
I stopped one day when I leaned forward and scratched the headband on a desk.
so embarassing...

>> No.7335795

I have an ORLY hat. I loved that thing.
it smells like old dog, and I don't know what happened to it.

>> No.7335797

>tfw invested all my money into online game site, too
>not even gaia though
>invested into fucking tinierme
>so fucking rich on that site
>so much money/time spent
>lie down

>> No.7335813

I always wanted the OMG/AFK/Catscratch hats, angel/demon wing clips and Grunny/Kiki/Coco plush so bad, but had zero funds as a teen. Then I got hit by an intense blast of nostalgia last year and found they took all that stuff offline and I can't get it anywhere, not even ebay. I don't understand why I still want this shit and why I'm still suffering after all these years.

>> No.7335816

the hiei plush licensed by Funimation is worth a lot and hard to find. you can always try to sell it on ebay and get a good profit.

I have one but I will never sell it though, it was also a gift.

I think my worst waste of money was shonen jump, I did get a subscription and my mom paid for it sometimes, it counted as a birthday/christmas present.

Overall I didn't waste a lot on anime/manga when I was younger, or it wasn't a lot that I regret. I probably spent more at Hot Topic on shitty clothes that I regret more.

I have turned some profit on things though in the recent years. I did sell a Izaya and Shizuo plush for a lot more then I bought them for on auction on ebay. I think a parent bought them for their daughter because I remember them messaging me they were excited to get this just in time for christmas.

>> No.7335822

Are you me?
I got addicted to tinierme with my gf
>finds adorable as fuck site randomly
>spends $100 on her
>so many cute items. Rare items. We're living it up.
>this site will close down in two months
>wait, what...

Best two years of my life though. Better than imvu.

>> No.7335824

most libraries are doing horribly these days, thats where I dropped off all my shonen jumps. I knew they would take the because they occasionally had back issues in their magazine section.

Even if they don't put it out there, they might try to sell the off themselves real cheap in their little book bazaar section if they have one. And you can always write it off as a tax donation on taxes.

>> No.7335825

eh, $40 per year isnt that big of a waste anon ._.;

>> No.7335836

I have a Gaia online skirt from a "prom event " I attended in 2007/2008. I got it handed to me personally by DJ Helsing.
I kind of want to sell it, but not sure how much.., I don't know.

>> No.7335838

The community was pretty small, so everyone was pretty friendly. I liked how people would comment on diaries even if they didn't even know you.
>tfw spent upwards of $300 on that site
>used to price check for "traders"
>still remember more than half of the item names

>> No.7335847
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I just washed it recently. It's actually a dark navy irl.

>> No.7335849

Yeah, I always commented on diaries for fun. It was a small tight knit community and I really miss TM a lot.?

>> No.7335855

similar feels
>be 11/12
>buy "premium membership" (i cant remember the name) every month for stardoll with phone credit
>fuck things up and get b& from the internet
>stardoll closes accounts if unactive for 3 months

still angry, i'd probably spent about £100 throughout my time there

>> No.7335853

Same, don't have any connections to do so though.
I have semi-rares like Oisin and Angelic Pendent and Pale Marionette.
Total account worth is somewhere like 100mil. ;_;
If only I could find some nerd to sell it to ahhhh

>> No.7335887

Same here, but I've heard stories of people doing paypal reversal and stuff on buying gaia items because you can't do shit.
God I just want money.

Those demon/angel clips are probably the best weeby thing I ever bought, since they're still wearable and cute. The hats looked stupid though, don't cry over them.

>> No.7335889

Dammit you guys.
All this Gaia talk made me check up on my account.
I kind of want to play dress up again, but shits so expensive.

>> No.7335897

I wanted the demon clips do bad when I was 18. I should of bought it!!

>> No.7335894

Ahh me too! I have an AFK hat, angelic pendant, angelic staff, HEAPS of old items like that. I wish there was a forum or something to sell it.

>> No.7335901

Holy shit I have the omnomnom hat too!

>> No.7335904
File: 73 KB, 378x592, gaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All dem letters.

>> No.7335910

tektek.org, lets drag that shit into the dressup thread

>> No.7335914
File: 163 KB, 900x606, 1390982169651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the wing clips! they were $12 online and I wear them with pic related, or take the detachable wings off and wear them with other outfits

>> No.7335921

nnngh am i the only one who notices a trend here
all the nice items are expensive as butt

>> No.7335925
File: 7 KB, 120x150, this is sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are probably so many people who would willingly sell them on if they haven't binned them already. Maybe try the anime merch sales places on fb?

Hit up the minishops if you can draw, the prices of art have increased too!

I am okay with this.

>> No.7335929

Gaia had shirts?

>> No.7335944

It used to be 30 when I was subscribing. y mom flipped shit when it went to 35 though. it was right before I moved out and cancelled the subscription anyways because I joined the military and getting changing the address constantly and hoping I all my issues seemed like a pain to deal with.

>> No.7335953

I dont think they're banned at Anime Central... You can sell them, but they're not allowed on the floor at all, so you have to bring them straight to your room
or something

>> No.7335955

That figures

>> No.7335960

Yep. I've got a couple older shirts. A simple navy blue babydoll cut with a simple gaia logo on it. The other I like quiet a bit, It's a shirt with aliens and a cow on the front. If it wasn't for the gaia logo on the back, you wouldn't know it was a gaia shirt.

>> No.7335979
File: 39 KB, 320x256, hjdhgjdghjdghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaara was a gift from my boyfriend
Axel was a birthday gift from my best friend
.hack guy was from a grab bag at a con
I dont even watch that show

I actually kinda like them, they're small and cute and i keep them on my shelf
>highschool senior
maybe thatll change in a few years when im an adult

>> No.7336019

My best friend I go to local con to local con selling people commissioned artwork of whatever people want for a dollar.

With crayolas. Poorly.

Someone asked us at the latest con to draw the "Mane Six" from MLP and we proceeded to draw them as dicks...we also walked away with upwards of 300 dollars profit from that weekend. That's shitty enough for this thread right?

>> No.7336027
File: 48 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things has been all the rage at Swedish cons as of late. The bigger one can cost upwards to 80 bucks for the bigger ones.

I mean sure, they're cute and come in a shitton of variety but they're SO expensive.

>> No.7336031

Uh, this is an 18+ site

>> No.7336044

I dunno. Shitty as it is, but I think it's bloody brilliant when people can rip people off and get away with it, and make money out of it $300 for drawing shitty pictures is impressive.

>> No.7336053

Every damn con I see these things at, but I can't justify the price. I heard they're super cheap in Japan.

>> No.7336061

What, they were $40 for two for a good sized one at the recent con i went to

>> No.7336065

It's not that they're cheap in japan, it's just you can win them in UFO catcher machines. So you could technically get one for 50yen or whatever the price is for one go on those things.

>> No.7336069

Most seniors are 18...

>> No.7336070

Ugh yeah. I mean it's not really something you have use for at all and I bet a lot of people come home and after a week ask themself why they spent so much money on something like that.

I've never had this issue though, I've always been economic and the only real thing I regret is some overpriced Totoro merch. But I mean I still use that catbus shirt around the house.

More importantly, thank god for visitors vendor, I could never be assed to put stuff up on ebay and the chance that someone buys my old japanese textbooks at a con is WAY higher than if I were to sell them anywhere else.

I mean they even had the first chapter of the workbook filled in. Also thank god for the auction. Always fun to watch people get excited and pay way too much for stuff.

>> No.7336073

That too. Seems to be pretty uneven pricing. Like they went up from Närcon to Confusion, and then they were back down a bit at MY it seems.

>> No.7336076

Holy shit seriously? What dress is worth that much? I have a couple of rare dresses and old outfits that I barely touch.

>> No.7336077

why did they close down tinierme anyway?

>> No.7336079

I guess they went bankrupt?

>> No.7336081

actually, just looked it up, its because the gacha game mechanics were illigal


they could of just removed them...

>> No.7336088

God, I still have the slashed iwagakure one I bought around 2008-2009.

I never actually wore it (because it was too stiff) and kept it hidden in a drawer of my room...

>> No.7336149

Still have mine. LOVE THAT THING!

>> No.7336166

It's because he's so ~dark~ and ~misunderstood~

>> No.7336182

I remember making 'giveaway threads' advertising that I'd give away thank you letters from 2002, just for laughs. So many people would come flooding in, so many PMs begging for items that didn't exist. Oh man, good memories.

>> No.7336196

It was because they took away the Complete Sheet prizes for the gachas when they became illegal in Japan (the complete sheets were made illegal, not the dachas themselves, and they were only banned in Japan. Since Tinierme was the English offshoot of @games, though, they just took them all away at the same time). Since people didn't have as much of a reason to play the gachas, the site revenue went down and Tinierme eventually went bankrupt. You could really tell how they were struggling for money with the way they started increasing the gachas to 2-3 times the price they were before, in a last ditch attempt to either increase the amount spent overall or just milk the last drops of cash. Either way, it just made people spend less and the English site to go bankrupt faster.

>> No.7336232

Oh my god this. The whole Alpacasso craze. I have a friend who is one of those tumblr type girls and she decided she needed one like her life depended on it because everybody else had them and would post cute pics of/with them online. She spent $50 on one at a con. She didn't even know they were called "Alpacasso". She just kept calling them llamas. I get that they are pretty damn adorable, but it seems like people want them because it's "in".

>> No.7336277

I feel the same. Those clips were soo cute. I get stuck between wishing I had and being glad I didn't though.

>> No.7336294

I feel like I'm the only person who seriously doesn't like these and would probably never buy one, and no less for $40+

>> No.7336324

Everyone is talking about being addicted to Gaia and spending money there...

I was addicted to Neopets. During high-school and first years of university. All that time I could have spent smoking weed...

>> No.7336330

The problem is, even if you have an honest seller who isn't just mass buying them off auctions for 10 bucks and jacking the price up 70, they really do cost 30-40 bucks to win out of machines (the big ones at least).

>> No.7336357

A Luxurious Evening Dress, there were only 3-4 in game until people started duping them ._.

>> No.7336450

I miss TM too. I made some close friends through the roleplaying forums.

>> No.7336468



I was so fucking addicted to that. I still get really sad sometimes, when I think about how much fun it was.

If you don't mind me asking, what were your names? Maybe we knew each other!

I was i K u r o. At the end I just... posted my login info and let the masses have their way with my account.

I don't know how they fucking went bankrupt though. I know of sites with around the same amount of users run by two to three people, which run solely off donations. I think they just weren't making as much as they wanted to be, so they shut down.

I wish @games was easier to navigate, because I would play that if I could.

>> No.7336523

all this gaia talk makes me think about when i had one in 2007... i haven't logged in since.. does anyone know if gaiaonline takes all your items if you don't log in for a certain amount of time or something? i want to see mine for nostalgia sake..

>> No.7336528

i don't think so. they just kinda accumulate value

>> No.7336530

Oh yea, I remember you.

>> No.7336531

Yeah.. I was a Gaiafag from like 2006 to 2010. I remember bothering my mom for money orders so I could buy the monthly items.
I was rich as shit, though. My account at the time was worth about 3 million. Now it's probably 3 times as much, I heard the economy is grossly inflated.
Pretty sure they don't take your stuff though.

>> No.7336557

this is so much better than the official Awakening merch

>> No.7336565

Hey, I'm pretty sure I had you on my friend list, or at least I recognize your name from trading groups or something like that! I was Zekiamuto

I held into my account until the bitter end, though; I even joined some of those fan forums/sites people were making for it after, but ended up never getting into them because of the lack of avatars...

>> No.7336566

They actually seem really uncomfortable and impractical to use.

>> No.7336571

Oh, did you hang around the art forums? I recognize your name.

>> No.7336581

Yea, I did sometimes. I was more of a trader, but I was relatively active in some if the larger art group/forum things

>> No.7336600

I played wizard101 the whole damn summer in middle school. I had the subscription but I wouldn't pay for the crowns though.

>> No.7336609

>My account at the time was worth about 3mil
>Now probably 3 times as much

Mine is worth 200mil. ;_;
Was too addicted.

>> No.7336608

Same thing in Finland. I bought a small one for 25€ and it turned out to be a cheap taobao replica. What a waste of money.

>> No.7336611
File: 49 KB, 282x394, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shit man.
I was pretty poor/average for majority of the time. Around my last year, this girl randomly gave me Horns of the Demon, and it made my value skyrocket.

>> No.7336667

I never did because it was 2009 and I'm from Belgium and I live in a super small countryside town and I didn't know what online shopping was

And looking back, I'm damned glad because I'm sure I would've worn it to school and actually just all the time

>> No.7336669

Oh my god, those are worth like nothing now. Well i doubt anything will ever be worth that much again

>> No.7336716


Gaia is basically a pay to play now.
That is if you want decent looking items.
They just keep pumping out cash only items and re-releasing old MC.

Its pretty fucking disgusting actually.
I dont know why I keep logging on.

>> No.7336729
File: 203 KB, 500x375, 4566769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That... sounds awful. I'm glad I got out when I did.

>> No.7336731

Just logged on to Gaia.
>mfw monkey brains which was a 10gp item back in the day is worth a shit ton now
Jfc. If just that made me semi-rich, think of how much my Fallen Stars, Biancamella, Pixie and other items made me.

I miss '07 Gaia.

>> No.7336742

it's okay to log on, but the last time i checked, everything is just CASH ITEMS now. I dont get that. I just want to sell my account. I joined back in 03 and i want that memory gone.

>> No.7336788

Gaia was always about grabbing real money, though.

Back in the days I was there, there was tons of pressure to be with the "in" crowd and buy the MCs.

>> No.7336794

don't forget that you can use tektek to calculate the net worth of your account.
It cracks me up that it will give you the worth in gaia gold and American dollars.

>> No.7336806

Ohman I was not expecting the topic to turn into this.
But yeah Gaia a shit now.
I log back in every now and then just to see if the site has crashed and burned yet.

>> No.7336857

I will laughing and rubbing my hands together when it does. What actually keeps it afloat anyway?

>> No.7336955

Kids in their young teens with parent's credit card information and ads. It's like Maple Story now.
I quit Maple before my little sister did and by time she quit every single one of her friends had been banned because their parents filed chargebacks when they used mommy or daddy's credit card for cash shop money.

>> No.7336957

I didn't understand Maple Story.
I tried to play it once, then got confused and uninstalled it.
This was in.. 2009/2010, I think.

>> No.7336976

People like me who have no restraint when it comes to buying cute items.
All the bundle sales make me sick tbh, theres just too many.
But when its a bundle of items I've been wanting I pick it up. I may as well use the cash I invested into it now, before it sinks. I can feel it going down too, I mean, they've been pumping out massive cash item sales so I know they're super desperate.

>> No.7336988

I DIY made mine with a cheap headband and some silver cloth and sharpie. Didn't pay a cent except for all the shame of a life time.

>> No.7336996

I think I had a stack of shonen jump higher than me by the end of my weeb days and I burned it all in a pit right before I entered grade 9.

>> No.7337003

hardcore weeaboos.

>> No.7337019

I did this a few months ago when a friend invited me to that stupid towns thingie. First time in years. Now I check up every month or so and change my outfit a bit. The community is still bullshit though.
Captcha: WasterI activities

>> No.7337025

I always wanted an ORLY hat and those angel clips. Man, I haven''t been on Gaia in the longest time, is it still all about Gaia Cash and MCs?

>> No.7337034

Do you remember that they used to sell panties on that store.

>> No.7337043

I just looked back at my old Gaia profile
>"My shoes cost me 2 dollars and they have rainbows on them.
I could really care less about brands and stuff. "
So much has changed...

>> No.7337065


>when im an adult

>> No.7337138

Yeah, I was actually really shocked they had it and at how cheap it was. Have you tried Amazon marketplace?

>> No.7337171

We probably traded at some point, maybe more than once.

I would log on and just sit on the trade groups and hop rooms for hours. There was always something else I needed.

>> No.7337181

>"The 'it's cheaper online' people are wrong most of the time!!"
>proceeds to cite Amazon prices
Of course everything on Amazon and eBay is going to be way fucking overpriced. You are a fucking tool, but at least you know how to buy used off of Mandarake. Y!J is also pretty reasonable, and even with shipping from Japan you'll come out ahead of Amazon/eBay prices.

When we say "it's cheaper online," we generally mean "it's cheaper if you preorder or buy when the fig comes out at list price, versus waiting until later when the price skyrockets."

Figs are usually made in limited quantities unless there's a rerelease, which is pretty rare. 3-4 years after release it's near fucking impossible to find most figs for sale.

>> No.7337558

Man, I was constantly refreshing on trade groups, and browsing that site where everyone made lists of the items they had for trade...Tinierme Trading, I think?
I swear, having to deal with and try to get good trades on that site was how I learned to sweet talk people.

>> No.7337588

I loved nothing more than parading around in my Blushing Maiden and making people jealous. I didn't even really care for the item, either.

>> No.7337606

yeah, i'd quit and knew mabi liked to rerelease and give out dresses to people who say they lost theirs, so it was a matter of time until the value plummeted. fuck dupers. what server were/are you?

>> No.7337687
File: 1.04 MB, 1654x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends all told me this was the biggest waste of $20 theyd sever seen. I however knew that it was to be one of the greatest purchases of my life. And it hangs gallantly above my bed to this day. Good luck getting me now scary monsters in the closet.

>> No.7337717

I played for a while, got hacked and ragequit. My friend played for much longer, and actually met her boyfriend through a MapleStory forum. He was a hardcore player, and quite famous, then he was hacked too and ragequit, and forbade her from playing too

>> No.7337730

I just realized I joined Gaia in 2004.... It's been ten fucking years.
I would have imagined back then, that 10 years in the future I'd be doing something better with my life than this. Oh well, time for dress up.

>> No.7337773

shit, same... I loved to wear my Prim Nervous + whatever hair was super popular at the time (like Royal Perm Long or something) with Warm Knit Scarf... if you stood out in town for long enough, people would add you just because of the items you had on

>> No.7337778

Im not sure if thats the most depressing or inspiring comment ive read all night, but its definitely one of the two.

>> No.7337818

The R and SuperS movie are decently priced, but the S movie is $30+. A legit set of all three is about $90, but I think that's new.
I'll keep my eye out on it, though!

>> No.7337877

Aw shit, just checked and it's at a decent price, but the R movie shot up.

>> No.7337981

>faux fancy frame print
>held up with thumb tacks

>> No.7338661

I was able to get rid of a lot of my unwanted manga on the garagesalejapan LJ.

Think of it this way: you supported the average joes working for Viz and Tokyo Pop. Some normals put food on the table for their families thanks to you.

>> No.7338752
File: 187 KB, 598x640, drawing bishie boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not. If only they were. This book was peppered with asinine weeaboo phrases like you see on the cover, too.

On the subject of regrettable weeaboo purchases, as for myself:

--Four weeby anime-related t-shirts made with iron-on transfers for Fushigi Yuugi, Fruits Basket, Final Fantasy VIII
--Many many anime posters and prints
--Overpriced Fruits Basket plushies
--Bootleg anime DVDs because I thought $30 for 3-4 episodes was an insult and the companies were trying to rip me off. Turns out I was wrong and they were trying to break even on the licensing fees.
--So. Many. Doujinshi. That I bought to scan and never got around to. Thankfully I was able to give most of them away. I wish I could have sold them for the $5-$27 I paid for them but at least I didn't have to throw them away.

I'm not ashamed of buying manga or official DVDs though. Even though I eventually got rid of a lot of them and spent a lot of money on them, I feel better buying books and supporting the artists and licensing companies.

Except Stu Levy. He's a faggot.

>> No.7339016

The word "bishie" is such awful weeb baby talk.

>> No.7341823

THIS. If anyone wants to really make some cash I would be so down to actually buy original patterns or something other than the same old graphs someone pulled up on google