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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 194 KB, 700x1057, 1390705549732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7329244 No.7329244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you people get annoyed when you make an awesome cosplay and some girl who bought hers for 50 bucks on e-bay gets much more attention than you?

>> No.7329247

Is the sky blue?

>> No.7329252

Why would you ask this? No one would admit to being jelly of someone who isn't as good as them.

>> No.7329257
File: 155 KB, 1217x1600, jessica-nigri-pikachu-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329266

As long as I'm proud of the way I look I'm happy. A few compliments are nice. Making a new friend from it is great.

>> No.7329271

You can always add on or fix up a costume you made. You can't do much with a piece of crap from eBay. I'd rather have sewing skills. You save more money in the end.

>> No.7329269
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1353189389382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, THIS is her sexy pikachu cosplay?
I haven't seen it before but I honestly thought it would at least be better than this

>> No.7329274

I never understand people who say shit like this. The past 3 years my cosplays have been kinda ehhh because I've been to lazy/cheap to make anything grander and I STILL get a ton of attention. What is wrong with you? Do you just look angry and unapproachable for the entire con? Do you stay in a corner where no one can see you? Do you just have a reputation of being an asshole so no one wants to deal with you? I don't get you.

>> No.7329275

Some people are just ugly.

>> No.7329290

That bitch in OP needs a good smack and for somebody to teach her trigger discipline.
This shit irritates me to no end and I've never held a gun in my life.

>> No.7329294
File: 47 KB, 424x319, 1390454047643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, seconded. She's literally wearing just a bra, for christ's sake. It looks like something a fat girl would wear to the con rave.

>> No.7329295

>Caring this much about it.

>> No.7329293

your hand-made costume was not as good as the storebought one (also she probably looked better in her costume than you do in yours)

no sweat, just do better next time and pick a character that isn't done a million times

>> No.7329302

Damn, bitches on here are gonna hate on this girl, but I bet you all the money I got that they don't look anywhere near as good. If they did, then it'd be *their* picture that other bitches post out of jealously

>> No.7329304

>Thinking it's because of looks.
>Not understanding it's about the effort put towards into costuming.

>> No.7329325

You're right: she puts less effort into it and *still* looks better than you spergs

>> No.7329328

>and *still* looks better than you spergs
(that's why people pay her more attentions, btw)

>> No.7329335

*narrator voice* here is the jnig or jnig fan in his habitat.
going anywhere a pair of tits might lead, to whitenight his beloved, ignoring any actual arguments, and retorting with "jealous" or "fatty"
regardless of the anon's weight, appearance, or gender.

>> No.7329384

No, I don't care about her, I'm just telling you how it is. Call me what names you want, it doesn't change reality.

cya jellybean

>> No.7329656

it's a photo, not a shooting range. shit's probably not even real.

>> No.7329706
File: 35 KB, 460x288, 1390726643427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure I do OP. I've been sewing like 15 yrs and can sew the shit out of some complicated stuff.

But it's no big deal though. It's just nerd dress up. No need to get THAT bent out of shape on it.

Plus good for her she got some attention she sorely wanted.
In the long run though I'd rather have my skills. If it ain't on ebay I'm not shit out of luck. Plus I sew some of my own wardrobe and house stuff. If I want something I make it. I don't have to spend gobs of money trying to get something rare or specific.

>> No.7329713

>cosplaying for attention

>> No.7329714

I love guns, but I love trigger discipline autists more.

Seriously, who gives a shit. 99% of the time the gun is either fake or not loaded. These people will probably never own a real gun in their life, and if they do, they probably will learn trigger discipline.

It's like getting upset that a 3-year-old doesn't know how to properly drive their little tykes car.

>> No.7329731

I never understood the big stink about trigger discipline on guns that are clearly fake.
1. No one would bring a real working gun of any sort to a con, and even if they did, that shit would not be allowed to be openly carried like that.
2. They're always obviously fake. What are you worried, someone's going to click at you?

>> No.7329758

this. it just makes something that would of looked cool otherwise look completely retarded.

>> No.7329774


>> No.7329788

its like seeing someone wear a cool shirt, except backwards with the tag sticking out.
or a perfect coord, except the girl who's wearing the burando has her dress on backwards
or an amazing cosplay, but with the wig is the wrong color, or is just horribly, horribly styled.

that's what poor trigger discipline is like. it takes literally only one finger to fix it.

>> No.7329789
File: 473 KB, 500x250, tumblr_mdo4z7GH3N1r8v6ipo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying: Some people buy shit, some people make shit.

Lolita: Some people buy shit, some people make shit.

Everyone has different skills. Everyone has lives outside their hobby. Everyone has the right to do either.

>> No.7329796

You're comparing something that isn't exactly common knowledge, hardly noticeable, and ultimately trivial to things which are blatantly obvious and common sense.

No one walks out of the house with their clothes on backwards unless they're blind, black-out drunk, or mentally handicapped.

It's like someone wearing a cool shirt and the plastic piece from the hang tag is still on the tag which is tucked into the shirt.

Nobody cares but you and other trigger discipline nazis. Nobody notices but you and other trigger discipline nazis.

Calm your OCD.

>> No.7329797

then same with poorly styled cosplay wigs or cosplays the wrong color. no1curr, its not normal knowledge.

>> No.7329800
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, bakuman-3-05-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with this anon. Tbh I couldn't give a fcuk about trigger discipline since I don't live in a country with nonexistent gun control laws. They could hold it upside down inside out and nobody would still care because nobody owns a real gun anyway. What does fluff my skirt though is holding swords (expecially katana) by blade for posing. Eugh.

>> No.7329806

Except that actually has to do with cosplay. Trigger discipline doesn't.

Jesus Christ, stop trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel for an argument and just admit you're being anal about something incredibly petty.

>> No.7329808

if you're posing with a prop, I think an important part of the cosplay is to know how to properly hold that prop. like when people hold violins incorrectly, it irks others. I've never seen someone complain about people complaining about others holding violins incorrectly, but when people complain about trigger discipline, its the end of the world? everyone is equally as a nazi about it though, guns, or violins.

>> No.7329813

True, I've had people flip shit over me for like a photographer taking a picture in the middle of a pose, just like in OP's picture, where I was about to put my finger up but the photographer didn't know any better. Then I get shit on like this for something that's not my fault. That shit pisses me off.

>> No.7329816

I thought girl in OP made the effort as well so I wasn't the one that commented on it. her finger was stiff. what irks me the most are the girls that go
"yeah I know what it is, but LOL not that it matters, I don't think I'm going to use it!"

>> No.7329820

thing is, is that trigger discipline is mainly for safety around REAL guns. These guns are clearly fake and they are pretending to shoot people. When you pretend to shoot someone or get ready to, your finger is on the trigger, especially if the character is not accustomed to guns like OP's character.

>> No.7329825

How do you expect people to know trigger discipline when they've never actually learned the ropes of having a real gun, and when more than half the shows they've watched with guns also don't feature proper trigger discipline?

Refer again to >>7329714
>It's like getting upset that a 3-year-old doesn't know how to properly drive their little tykes car.

People who complain about violins are no different, unless the people they're complaining about are holding violins like guitars.

Do you think most cosplayers actually have the thought to Google exactly how to hold their props before cosplaying? I mean there's some things, like what >>7329800 said about swords, which are just common sense, but we're not talking about cosplayers holding guns by the barrel here, we're talking about a teeny tiny little finger positioning issue. Honestly the girl in OP's pic doesn't even have her finger bent and flush against the trigger so it's not even that terrible.

It's nice to see people who can hold their props correctly, but it's not something worth getting bum-bothered about unless it's a case where they should really, really know better, like holding a sword by the blade.

>> No.7329841

enjoy posing like a a tard.

>> No.7329845

One cannot compete against a cuter cosplayer.

>> No.7329893

The only time the cries of trigger discipline really annoy me are when the cosplayer is clearly posed either shooting or preparing to shoot, because yes they should have their finger on the trigger then. Otherwise, yeah maybe you'd benefit from learning to hold your prop right, but nobody at a con really thinks you're going to shoot things up with it, so either way.

Back on topic, a lot of people getting all the attention with their bought cosplays are typically cosplaying from flavor of the month and often my stuff is from less popular things, so it's to be expected and doesn't bother me.

>> No.7330019

I think buying is fine as long as you don't claim you made it and don't try and sell prints or be a "pro" cosplayer with something you bought.
If you can't sew it's just nice to buy a costume and look like the character and meet some other fans of whatever character you're dressed as is from.

>> No.7330031

>I ran out of arguments so y-you're just a retard, hmph

Thanks for all the unintentional comedy, i guess.

>> No.7330615

The world is like that OP. Just be happy you're alive and can be involved in a hobby such as cosplay.

>> No.7330617

I like you. You just posted something very nice and uplifting. Thank you for that.

>> No.7330637

if you know how to properly pose, and yet choose not to, yes, yes you are kind of retarded.

>> No.7330691

I think you've run yourself into a corner. What is proper for real guns is not exactly proper for fake guns where you're pretending to BE a character. What you're specifying as proper is only really for real guns that shoot things. Geeze are you some kind of autist, or maybe you have aspergers. I'm sorry for your condition.

>> No.7330832

and you're defending it into the ground, aren't you?
I'm sorry for your condition, you have to be a very special kind of snowflake to see people's advice and throw it completely out the window.
enjoy your shit cosplay hun, I'll and other anons will look forward to laughing at it.

>> No.7331133

I'm just saying your advice is totally irrelevant to COSPLAY because it depends on the characters holding the gun to decide what's proper, so of course I'm calling bullshit on your superficial preferences hidden behind what you think "advice" means. I also don't think you know how to use the term special snowflake. Go back to /k/ why don't you?

>> No.7331178
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 2013-07-07 13.55.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be at comic con
>Wearing Black Cat costume I made
>Walks past 3 girls with a crowd taking their photos
>2 of them obviously store-bought (Babydoll from Sucker Punch and Juliet from Lollipop Chainsaw)
>3rd one was Batgirl which looked like it was made from trash bags
>Guy asks me to take photo of him with the girls like I'm wearing normalfag clothes

Yeah I'm butthurt. I'm a novice seamstress and worked really hard to get the catsuit to fit nicely (no corset and stripper heels too, thank you very much) but it seems like popular mainstream characters will ALWAYS get more attention regardless of quality of costume. I'm not saying my work was perfect, but there were people who were surprised when I said that I made everything from scratch.

On another note, yes, I know that Black Cat has a reputation for being an attention-whore cosplay but it was surprising how little known the character was to the crowd at a comic convention. I was actually mistaken for Storm from X-men a few times and the rest just called me 'Catwoman'.

>> No.7331190
File: 4 KB, 124x120, 1390795975841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Yuno cares about trigger discipline

do you even fucking know of this character?

Its like people who get upset over trigger discipline for joker and harley quinn cosplay

>> No.7331195

What comic con were you at? Pics of costume. This wouldn't happen really at NYCC or Sdcc

>> No.7331196

This, so so much

>> No.7331200
File: 179 KB, 421x423, 1380264483615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like something a fat girl would wear to the con rave.

Yet NO ONE complains about those girls at cons
yet one thin chick does and all hell rises

Im only pointing this out, in the end I hate rave "cosplay" its so fucking lazy and people use an anime con as an excuse to wear this lazy normal fag shit you can see at any local club

>> No.7331204

I think rave cosplay is okay as long as you keep it strictly at night for raving purposes where no one can see you

>> No.7331205

I feel like no one complains because it crosses over the line from annoying to sad.
It's like..
What can you do to these people that god hasn't already?

>> No.7331209
File: 68 KB, 640x960, 1390796525055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an Ausfag, so Oz Comic Con in Melbourne. I'm still new to the scene but the quality of comic book cosplay isn't as good as what I've seen coming out of the US of A though. I was mucking around and play-flirting with all the Spideys I saw at the con, and quite a few were confused.

>> No.7331218

not even a /k/omando, and this shit irks me.

so its becoming more and more common knowledge. in case you haven't noticed, there is more than one person complaining about TD in this thread, like I said, yuno is fine.

it is relevant to cosplay, but like you said it depends on the character.
learning how to properly hold a prop is always, always relavant. whether you are really using it, Larping, or posing for photos.

>> No.7331228

>people who were surprised when I said that I made everything from scratch.

I recently also had people surprised at making things.

>dressed as water tribe
>headed to the bathroom
>door guard to another area says Excuse me, where did you get that?
>smile and say I made it a couple years ago
>She says What really?
>Yeah, it's just a tunic with lots of fur and careful applique

It was then I started understanding the atmosphere of what cosplay is now.
Because I started a long time ago I have the auto mindset that everyone makes their stuff. Whereas now I have to remind myself that a good portion of what I am seeing now was store bought or commissioned.

>> No.7331247

I think it depends on your individual philosophy and approach to cosplay. As mentioned before, I'm a novice when it comes to both sewing and the convention scene and I went in with the mindset that I'm going to make all my own stuff because:

1) I like sewing and want to improve and learn more about construction
2) I like the overwhelming sense of achievement which comes with making your own stuff

I'm not saying that I'm a bigger 'fan' because I make my own stuff compared to others who buy or commission their costumes, but my own philosophy is to make my own stuff within my own budget and skill limits. Each to their own, I guess

>> No.7331578

If you don't care about trigger discipline then that's on the same level as a cosplayer having a poor stance doing fighting poses, holding instruments wrong or doing dance poses incorrectly., All of this is tiny shit that "doesn't matter" when it actually HELPS the photo.

While the guns are fake the characters holding those fake guns never treat them as such. In photos you should emulate the character's poses. If your character is a firearms excerpt then they would be practicing trigger discipline erogo you should too. How would you feel if you saw someone cosplaying a martial artist and they have a really bad stance or their throwing a punch that looks really sloppy? Those mistakes take you put of the picture and you see the person in the photo as just another cosplayer than an accurate representation of the character

>> No.7331592

Taking trigger discipline this damn seriously. Let's see some visual examples of anime characters practicing the art of trigger discipline. Postscreencaps of this mighty technique.

There is literally no anime that emphasizes or even portrays such a minute detail. It's just your own stupid pet peeve. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.

>> No.7331604
File: 196 KB, 800x559, Upotte!!.full.1122044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't me this time. just another anon agreeing that it looks awful.

>.5 seconds in google image search

>> No.7331609

Purple haired girl is sure doing it right. You tried

>> No.7331610
File: 36 KB, 851x252, 562_998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow, look another one

>There is literally no anime that emphasizes or even portrays such a minute detail

>> No.7331617
File: 41 KB, 383x538, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anime. No trigger discipline. Let me clarify. It's not consistent at all meaning animators don't give a shit. Means it's not emphasized.

>> No.7331616

all I had to look up is "anime characters with guns" literally that easy
check your eyes hunny boo, they all are.

>> No.7331618
File: 20 KB, 399x299, 1390816042860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, another one?
>There is literally no anime that emphasizes or even portrays such a minute detail
>literally no anime that emphasizes or even portrays such a minute detail
>literally no anime
seems like plenty to me, hm,

>> No.7331621

you enjoy posing like shit in your costume then. and keep fighting everyone that disagrees with you
or you know, you could move a single fucking finger and not look like shit.

>> No.7331624

Posing like shit = moving finger. Lol. You so mad because no1curr about the finger as much as you not even the animes

>> No.7331628

I'm not mad anymore really, I feel sorry for you

"LOL U MAD, NO1curr"

there are multiple people in the thread, and multiple animes that prove you wrong.

but ya know, enjoy your shit cosplay. with that attitude I wouldn't be suprised if you were dumb enough to buy milanoo or hot glue your shit together.